W1' Discovery Orlglnar.j LnBt summer I went to the Benshono with a party of young people, my Inti mate friends. Among thoin was Vlt glna McGrcgon, for whom 1 had long had n fnncy. I did not consider my self good enough for Virginia, and nioro was n fellow about her all the whllo with whom she seemed espe cially pleased. At least whenever I saw them together she looked at him with her big eyes In a way she never looked at any other man, certainly not at me. One morning at the bathing houso we all went down to the bench for a bath. Virginia had on a pretty simile of brown mohair that suited exactly the tint of her Titian hair. She cer tainly looked entrancing, and I couldn't keep my eyes off her. She didn't np pear to notice my admiration, and 1 fancied that, being absorbed In thought with the other fellow, she was not likely to notice any ndmlrutiou but his. There was one thing about her that at tracted my especial attention. About her neck was a gold chain to which hung a tiny brass key. I wished to know what the treasure was that It locked, lHit I don't consider curious questions well bred. Virginia was a good swimmer, 1 a fair ono. She stepped lightly into the surf, jumped over the first two waves and took a header under the third. When she came up she swam like a mermaid straight out beyond the roped luclosuro. I was talking to ono of the girls of the party at the time and as soon as I could get away went In nrter Virginia. The wind was blowing up the coast from the south, crossing the waves rolling In from the cast, a condition productive of sea pousse. From the top of a wave I saw that Virginia had been caught In ono of these whirl pools and was being carried out. At the same time she gave n shriek. The bathing master heard It and plunged In, whllo two men standing on the beach, seeing her danger, pulled the lifeboat to tho surf, launched It and hastened to tho rescue. Meanwhile I swum for Virginia and by a vigorous effort succeeded In reach ing her. She had become paralyzed by fright and could do nothing whatever for herself. While trying to get my hand on something by which to sup port her my Augers got caught in tho gold chain about her neck. I grasped It and held her up by It till a moment before the simultaneous arrival of the lifeboat and the bathing master, when It broke. I held on to It whllo wo were both being pulled Into the boat Virginia was too exhausted and ex cited to notice her loss then, and 1 said nothing about it. As soon as we were safe ashoro she thanked me for my ef fort, but there was no warmth in her gratitude. She then left the beach, and I saw no more of her till tho even ing. I should havo given her the broken chain and tho key still attached, but I did not I thought I would wait awhllo. She did not mention them, and finally I asked her if she had them on. She said regretfully that she had lost .them in the ocean. I sympathized with her in her loss, remarking that she seemed to prize them. Tho only reply I received was a blush. I kept the articles, thinking every day that I would return them, but somehow I couldn't make up my mind to do so. Tho truth Is I coveted Vir ginia, though I scarcely realized it. When a fellow covets a girl ho is apt to hold on to anything of hers ho can got his hands on. I have known a lover to carry a shoestring next his heart. I couldn't give up the chain that had clasped Virginia's neck nor the key which I fancied might lock some man's lovo letters. That winter I was made much of by the McGregor family, they considering that they owed me Virginia's life. One evening, being at their house at a so cial gathering, tho premises being thrown open, I concluded to reconnol ter with a view to getting a sight of the mysterious inclosurc that contained I was curious to know what. Passing a bedroom tho door of which was open, I saw a curious bos of brass and mo saic on a dresser. I listened, and not hearing any one on the floor stepped in and, taking my key from my vest pocket, put It to the keyhole of the box. It slipped in as though it had been made for tho lock. I hesitated, blushed at tho dishonorable act I was tempted to perform, remembered that all's fair in love and war and turned the key. A tiny click and I raised tho lid. There was a faded roso falling to pieces. In deed, it was but scattered stem and petals. There was a bit of folded pa per. I' opened it. To soy I was astonished expresses nothing. First I recognized my own handwriting. Next I saw that it was a message I had passed to Virginia long before when a lot of us boys and girls were amusing ourselves together with bits of nonsense. Tho only other thing in tho box was a photograph facodown. I turned It, and, behold, it was my own honest face when I was half a dozen years younger. I had Just time to put tho articles back In tho box, lock It and get out when I heard Virginia's volco at tho foot of tho stairway. I met her halfway down. I didn't proposo to Virginia right off. Oh, no. I played with her ns a cat wopld tease a mouse. Why should tho girts have all tho fun? I made lovo to her confidently, knowlug her secret occasionally pressing her to tell mo wtiat the key locked. Dut not till aft er our marriage did I confess that I knew as well as she. NOBMAN P. WHITE). A WliNDMENT TO THK CONHT1TU- I TION I'ROPOSHD TO T1I10 CITI- 1 KENS OP THIS COMMONWEALTH KOIt THEIR APPROVAL. OR- REJECTION BY THE QENERAI, ASSEMllLV OK THE COMMONWEALTH OK PENN SYLVANIA, PUBLISHED UY ORDER OP THE SECRETARY OK THE COM MONWEALTH, IN PURSUANCE OP ARTICLE XVIII OP THE CONSTITU TION. NUimEn onij. A JOINT RESOLUTION Proposing nnietidinentH to (ho Constitu tion of thu Commonwealth of Pennsyl vania so qh to consolidate tho courts of common pleim oC Philadelphia mid Alle gheny couiitlOH, nnd to give tho (Icnernl Assembly power to t'Strihllsli ti separate court In Philadelphia county, with crim inal nnd miscellaneous Jinlsillrtloti. Section 1. lie It resolved by the Senate end House of Representatives In Oenor.il Assembly met, That thu following amend- , meats to the Constitution of lVuiirtyl va nla be, nnd tho same are hereby, pro posed In accordance with the eighteenth article thereof: Thnt section sis of nrtlclo flvo be amend ed by striking out the said wcllon and , Inserting In place, thereof the following: Section C. In the counties of Philadel phia and Allegheny all the Jiirltwllclioii and powers now vested In the several lumbered courts cf common pleas, shall bo vested In ono court of common pleas In each of said counties, composed of all the Judges In commission in said courts. Such Jurisdiction and powers shall ex tend to nil proceedings at law and In equity which shall have been Instituted In the several numbered courts, and shall bo subject to such changes as may be made by law, and subject to change of venue ns provided by law. The president Judge of each of the said courts shall be selected ns provided by law. The number of Judges In each of said courts may be, by law, increased from time to time. This amendment shall take effect on the llrst Monday of January sueeo'.tHpsr Its adop tion. Section 2. Thnt article f.v, ruction eight, bo amended by nuultirr fr. nddlllon thereto so that tho same shall read as follows: Section 8. The said courts 111 tho coun ties of Philadelphia and Allegheny re spectively shall, from time to time. In turn, detnll ono or more or their Judges to hold the courts of oyer and terminer nnd tho courts of quarter sessions of the peace of said counties, In such manner as may bo directed by law: Provided, That In tho county of Philadelphia the Oonoral Assembly shall have power to establish n separate court, consisting of not more than four Judges, which shall have ex- 1 elusive Jurisdiction In criminal eases and In such other matters us may bo provid ed by law. A truu copy of Joint Resolution No, 1. ROBERT McAFEE, Secrctnry of the Commonwealth. AMENDMENT TO THE CONSTITU TION PROPOSED TO THE CITI ZENS OP THIS COMMONWEALTH POIl THEIR APPROVAL OR REJECTION BY THE OEN'ERAL ASSEMBLY OK THE COMMONWEALTH OF PENN SYLVANIA. PUBLISHED BY ORDER Or THE SECRETARY OK THE COM MONWEALTH, IN PURSUANCE OP ARTICLE XVIII OP THE CONSTITU TION. Nusinnri two. A JOINT RESOLUTION Proposing nn amendment to tho Consti tution of tho Commonwealth, allowing counties, cities, boroughs, townships, , school districts, or other municipal or Incorporated districts, to Increase their Indebtedness. Bo it resolved by tho Sennte and House of Representatives of tho Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in General Assembly met, That section eight, article nine, of tho Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, read ing as follows: "Section 8. Tho debt of any county, city, borough, township, school district, or other municipality or incorporated dis trict, excopt as herein provided, shall nov or exceed seven per centum upon the as sessed valuo of tho taxnbto Tirnnertv therein; nor shnll nny such municipality I or district Incur any now debt or Increase Its Indebtedness to nn amount exceeding two per centum upon such assessed valu ation of property, without tho assent of thu electors thereof at u public election, In such manner as shnll ho provided by law: but any city, tho debt of which now veneris snv.n rwtr centum nf Miipli n- 1 sessed valuation, may bo authorized by law to Increase tho same three per cen tum, In the aggregate, at nny ono time, upon such valuation," bo amended, In ac cordance with tho provisions of thu eight eenth article of said Constitution, so that said section, when amended, shall read as follows: Section 8. Tho debt of any county, city, borough, township, school district, or other municipality or Incorporated dis trict, except as herein provided, shall nev er exceed ten per centum upon tho as sessed valuo pf tho taxable property therein; nor snail nny such municipality or district Incur nny now debt or In crease Its Indebtedness to nn nmount ex ceeding two per centum upon such as sessed valuation of property without the assent of tho .electors thereof at n public election, In such manner ns shnll bo pro vided by law. A true copy of Joint Resolution No. 2. ROBERT MCAFEE. Becretary of tho Commonwealth. AMENDMENT TO THE CONSTITU TION PROPOSED TO THE CITI ZENS OP THIS COMMONWEALTH I FOR VHEIR APPROVAL OR REJECTION BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE COMMONWEALTH OP PENN SYLVANIA, PUBLISHED BY ORDER OP THE SECRETARY OP THE COM MONWEALTH, IN PURSUANCE OF ARTICLE XVIII OP THE CONSTITU TION. NUMBER TimEI. A JOINT RESOLUTION Proposing nmondmonts to sections eight and twonty-ono of article four, sections eleven nnd twolvo of nrtlclo live, sec tions two, three, and fourteen of nrtlclo oftjnt, section ono of nrtlclo twelve, and soctlons two and seven of nrtlclo four teen, of tho Constitution of Pennsylva nia, nnd providing a schedule for carry ing the amendments Into effect. Section 1. Bo It resolved by tho Sennte and Houso of Representutlves of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania In Gen eral Assembly met. That the following aro proposed as amendments to tho Con stitution of the Commonwealth of Penn sylvania, in nccordnnco with tho provi sions of tho eighteenth nrtlclo thereof: Amendment Ono To Article Four, Sec tion Eight. Section 2. Amend section eight of arti cle four of tho C .itltutlon of Pennsyl vania, which reads as follows: I "He shall nomlnato and, by and with tho advice nnd consent of two-thirds of all tho members of the Senate, appoint n I Secretary of tho Commonwealth nnd nn Attorney General during pleasure, a Su perintendent of Public Instruction for four years, and such othfcr olllcers of tho Cnm- monwcalth as ho Is or may bo authorized ! by tho Constitution or by law to appoint: he shall have power to All all vacancies that may hnppon, In offices to which he may appoint, during tho recess of the Senate, by granting commissions which shall expire at tho end of their next ses sion; ho shall havo power to fill any va cancy that may happen, during th recess of the Senate, In tho office of Auditor General, State Treasurer, Stcrotnry of In ternal Affairs or Superintendent of Pub lic Instruction, In n Judicial nfllce, or In any other elective ofllco which ho Is or may bo authorized to 1111; 'If tho vacancy shall happen during tho session of tho H'naU. ths Governor shall nominate to too oenaie, neiura tneir nnai aajourn ment, a proper person to lilt said vacancyi but In nny such caso of vacancy, In an ulcctlva olllco, n person shall be chosen to said olllco nt tho next general oloctlon, unless thu vncuncy shall happen within three calendar months immediately pro ceding such ulectlon, In which caso the oloctlon for enld ofllco' Bhnll bo held ut the second succeeding general election. In acting on oxccutlvo nominations tho Son ato shall sit with open doors, and, In con tinuing or rejecting the nominations of the Governor, tho vote shall bo taken by yeas and nays, and shall bo entered on the Journal," so ns to read as follows: He shall nominate nnd, by and with the advice and consent of two-thirds of nil the members of thu Senate, appoint a IVcretary of the Commonwealth and an Attorney General during pleasure, u Su perintendent of Publlo Instruction for four years, und such other officers of tho t'omnionwealtli us ho Is or may be au thorized by tho Constitution or by law to appoint; he shall have power to 1111 nil vacancies that may happen, In offices to which he may appoint, during the recess of the Senate, by granting commissions which shall expire at the end of their nest session; he shall have pSwcr to fill nny vnenncy that may happen, during the recess of the Senate, In the offico of Audi tor General, State Treasurer, Secretary of Internal Affairs or Superintendent of Public Instruction, In n Judlclnl ofllco, or In any other elective office which ho Is or may be authorized to fill; If tho vacancy shall happen during thu session of the Senate, the Governor shall nominate to the Senate, before their final adjourn ment, a proper person to fill said vn enncy; but In any such case of vacancy. In an elective office, n person shall be eh(i:!en to Kiild office on the next election day appropriate to such office, according (o the provisions of this Constitution, un; less the vacancy shall happen within two calendar months Immediately preceding queh t lection day, In which caso the elec tion for said office shall be held on the second succeeding election day appro priate lo such office. In netlng on ex ecutive nominations the Senate shall sit with open doors, nnd, In confirming or rejecting the nominations of the Gov ernor, the vole shall bo tnken by yeas and nays, and shall bo entered on tho Journal. Amendment "Tiro To Article Pour, Sec tion Twenty-one. Portion n. Amend section twenty-ono of article four, which reads ns follows: "The term of the Secrctnry of Internal Affairs shall be four years; of tho Audi tor General three years; and of tho State Treasurer two years. Thcso officers shall be chosen by the cpialllled electors of the State at general elections. No person elected to the office of Auditor General or State Treasurer shall be capabln of holding the same olllee for two consecu tive terms," so ns to read: Tho terms of tho Secretary of Internal Affairs, the Auditor General, and the State Treasurer shall each bo four years; anil they shall bo chosen by the qualified electors of the State nt general elections; but a State Treasurer, elected In tho year one thousand nine hundred nnd nine, shall serve for three years, nnd Ml suc cessors shall be elected at the general election In the year one thousand nine hundriil and twelve, nnd In every fourth year thereafter. No person elected to tho office of Auditor General or State Treas urer shall be capable of holding the same office for two consecutive terms. Amendment Three To Article Five, Sec tion Eleven. Section 4. Amend section eleven of ar ticle five, which reads ns follows: "Except ns otherwise provided In this Constitution, Justices of tho pence or nldermen shnll be elected in tho several wards, districts, boroughs and townships nt the time of the election of constables, by tho qualified electors thereof, In such manner as shnll be directed by law, nnd shall bo commissioned by the Governor for n term of five yenrs. No township, ward, district or borough shall elect more than two Justices of the poaco or nlder men without tho consent of a majority of tho qualified electors within such township, ward or borough; no person shall bo elected to such ofllco unless ho shall have resided within tho township, borough, ward or district for one year next preceding his election. In cities con taining over fifty thousand Inhabitants, not more than one nlderman shall bo elected In each ward or district," so ns to rend: Except ns otherwise provided In this Constitution, Justices of the pence or al dermen shall bo elected In tho several wards, districts, boroughs or townships, by the quallllcd electors thcroof, nt tho municipal election, In such manner as shall bo directed by law, nnd shull bo commissioned by tho Governor for a term of six years. No township, ward, dis trict or borough shall elect moro than two Justices of the peace or aldermen without tho consent of a mnjorlty of the quallllcd electors within such township, ward or borough; no person shall be elected to such olllco unless ho shall have resided within the township, borough, ward or district for ono year next pre ceding his election,. In cities containing over llfty thousand Inhabitants, not more than ono alderman shall bo elected In each ward or district. Amendment Four To Artlclo Five, Sec tion Twolve. Section 5. Amend section twelvo of ar ticle flvo of tho Constitution, which reads ns follows: "In Philadelphia thero shall bo estab lished, for each thirty thousand Inhabit ants, one court, not of record, of police and civil causes, with Jurisdiction not ex ceeding ono hundred dollars; such courts shall bo held by magistrates whoso term of offlco shall bo flvo years, and they shall bo elected on general ticket by tho quallllcd voters at largo; and In tho elec tion of tho said magistrates no voter shall voto for moro than two-thirds of the number of persons to bo elected when moro than ono aro to bo chosen; they shall bo compensated only by fixed sain rles, to bo paid by said county; and shall oxerclso such Jurisdiction, civil and crlml nnl, oxcept ns herein provided, as la now exerclspd by nldermen, subject to such changes, not Involving nn Increaso of civil Jurisdiction or conferring political duties, ns may bo made by law. In I Philadelphia the office of alderman Is i abolished." so ns to read as follows: In Philadelphia thero shall bo estab 1 llshed, for each thirty thousand Inhab itants, one court, not of record, of police i nnd civil causes, with Jurisdiction not ox cei dlHg one hundred dollars; such courts shall be held by magistrates whoso term f.of olllea shall be six years, and thay shall ' be elected on general ticket nt the munic ipal election, by tho qualified voters nt j larf-e: and In the election of tho said magistrates no voter shall vote for more than two-thirds of tho number of persons I to be elected when moro than ono aro to ' bo chosen; they shall bo compensated only by fixed salaries, to bo paid by said eiiunty: and shall exerclso such turlsdlc tlon, civil nnd criminal, except ns herein provided, as la now exercised by alder men, subject to such chnnges, not InvolV' lug an Increase of civil Jurisdiction or conferring political duties, ns may bo made by law. In Philadelphia tho ofllco of alderman is abolished. Amendment Five To Article Eight, Sec tion Two. Section 0. Amend section two of article eight, which reads as follows: "Tho general election shall bo held an nually on tho Tuesday next following the first Mummy of November, hut the Gen oral Assembly may b) law fix n different day, two-thirds of all thu members of cacl Houso consenting thereto," so ay to read: The general election shall bo held blen nlally on tho Tuesday next following thu I urst Monday of Nnvnmtaor In aach oven- numoerea year, out tno ueneral Assembly may by law fix a different day, two thtrda of all tho members of each House consenting thereto: Provided, That suoh election shall always bo held In an evon numbcred year. Amendment Six To Artlclo Eight, Sec tion Three Section T. Amend section three of artl clo eight, which reads as follows: "All elections for city, ward, borough and township officers, for regular terms of Bervlce, shall bo held on the third Tuesday of Fobruary," so as to roads All Judges eleotod by Uio electors of the Btnto at largo may bo elected at either a general or municipal election, as circum stances may require. All elections for ludges of the courts for tho BOveral Judi cal districts, nnd for county, city, ward, borough, and township officers, for regu lar terms of servlco, shall bo held on the municipal election day; namely, the Tues day next following tho first Monday of November In each odd-numberod year, but tho General Assembly may by law fix a different day, two-thirds of all tho members of each Houso consenting there to: Provided, That such election shall al ways bo hold In an odd-numbered year. .Amendment Seven To Article Eight, Boc tlon Fourteen. Section 8, Amend section fourteen of ar ticle eight, which reads as follows: 'District election boards shall consist 3f a Judge and two Inspectors, who shall Je chosen annuully by tho citizens. Each elector shall have tho right to vote for tho Judge and ono Inspector, and each In spector shall appoint one clerk. The first election board for any new district shall bo selected, and vacancies In election boards filled, as shall be provided by law. Election officers shall bo privileged from nrrcst upon days of election, and while engaged In making up and transmitting leturus, except upon warrant of a court of record or Judge thereof, for an elec tion fraud, for felony, or for wanton breach of tho peace. In cities thoy may claim exemption from Jury duty during their terms of service," so ns to read: District election boards shall consist of n Judge and two Inspoctors, who shall be chosen biennially, by tho cltlions at tho municipal uloctlon; but tho Uoneral As sembly may require said boards to bo ap pointed In such manner as It may by law provldo. Laws regulating the appoint ment of said boards may be enacted to apply to cities only: Provided, That such laws bo uniform for cities of tho samo class. Each elector shall have the right to vote for tho Judgo nnd ono Inspector, md ench inspector shall appoint one clerk. Tho first election board for any new district shall bo selected, and vacan cies In election boards filled, as shall be provided by law. Election offlocrs shall be privileged from arrcsftupon days of election, nnd whllo engaged In making up and transmitting returns, excopt upon wnrrnnt of a court of record, or Judge thereof, for an election fraud, for felony, or for wanton breach of the ponce. In cities they may claim exemption from Jury duty during their terms or servlco. Amendment Eight To Article Twolve, Section Ono. Section I. Amend section ono. article twelve, which reads as follows All officers, whoso selection la not nro- vlded for In this Constitution, shall bo elected or appointed as may be directed by law," so as to reads- All olllcers, whoso selection la not pro vided for In this Constitution, shall bo elected or appointed as may bo directed by law: Provided, That elections of State olllcers shall be held on a general election day, and elections of local officers shall un held on a municipal oloctlon day, ex cept when. In either case, special elec tions may bo required to flu unexpired terms. Amendment Nine To Article Fourteen, Section Two. Section 10. Amend section two of artiols fourteen, which reads as follows: County officers shull be elected at the general elections and shall hold their offices for the term of three years, begin' nlnjr on tho first Monday of January next after their election, and until their successors shall be duly Qualified; all vacancies not otherwise provided for, shall be filled In such manner as may be provided by law," so as to roads- County officers shall bo elected at the municipal elections and shall hold their offices for tho term of four years, begin ning on tho first Monday of January next after their election, and until their successors shall bo duly qualified; all vacancies not otherwise provided for, shall bo filled In such manner as may bo provided by law. Amendment Ten To Artlclo Fourteen, Section Seven. Section 11. Amend section seven, art! clo fourteen, which reads as follows: 'Three county commissioners and three county auditors shall bo elected In each county whoro such officers aro chosen, in tho year ono thousand eight hundred and seventy-flvo and every third yoar thereafter; and In the election of sold officers each qualified elector shall vote for no moro than two persons, and Uio throe persons having the highest number of votes shall bo elected; any casual vft' cancv In the offlco of county oommla sloncr or county auditor shall be filled, by the court of common pleas of the county In which such vacancy snail oo cur, by the appointment of an elector of tho proper county who shall have voted for tho commissioner or auditor whose placo Is to be filled." so as to read: Threo county commissioners and three county auditors shall be elected In each county whero such officers aro chosen, in the year orVo thousand nlno hundred and elevon and every fourth year thereafter; and In the election of said officers each qualified elector shall voto for no more than two persons, and the three persons having tho hlghost number of votes shall be elected; any casual vacancy in tho office of county commissioner or county auditor shall be filled, by the court of common pleas of tho county In which such vacancy shall occur, by the ap polntment ot an elector of the proper county who shall have voted for tho commissioner or auditor whose placo Is to bo filled. Schedule for tho AmeftSments. Section 12. That no Inconvenience may arise from tho changos In tho Constitu tion of tho Commonwoaltlj, and In order to carry tho samo Into oompleto opera tion. It Is hereby declared, that In the case of officers elected by the people, all terms of offlco fixed by act ot Assembly at an odd. number of years shall each bo lengthened one year, but tho Legislature may change tho length of the term, provided tho terms for which such officers aro elected shall always bo for an oven numbor of yenrs. Tho above extension of official terms shnll not affect officers elected at the gon. ciai election or one thousand nine nun died and eight; nor any city, ward, bor ouch, township, or election division offi cers, whoso terms of office, under exist ing law, end In the year one thousand nlno hundred and ten. In the year one thousand nine hundred nnd ten the municipal elc6tlon shall bo held on the third Tuesday of February, as hcrototoro; but all officers chosen at that election to an office the regular torm of which Is two years, and also all oloc tlon officers and assessors ohosen at that election, shall servo until the first Mon day of December In the year ono thou sand nine hundred and eleven. All offi cers chosen at that election to offices the term ot which Is now four years, or la mado four years by the operation of these nmendments or this schedulu. shall serve until tho first Monday of December In tho year ono thousand nine hundred and thirteen, All Justices of the peace, mag istrates, and aldermen, chosen at that election, shall serve until the first Mon day of December In tho year one thou and rvl hundred d lift pan AifaUT tils year nineteen hundred and ten, and until tho Legislature shall otherwise provide, all torms of city, ward, borough, town ship, and election division officers shall begin on the first Monday of Dcoembor In nn odd-numbered year. All city, ward, borough, and township officers holding ofllco at the da to of tho approval ot theso nmendmonts, whoso terms of office may end in tho year ono thousand nlno hundred and eleven, shall contlnuo to hold their offices until tho first Monday of Decombcr of thnt year. All Judges of tho courts for tho several Judicial districts, and also nil county offi cers, holding offlco nt tho dato of the ap proval of those amendments, whoso terms of offlco may end In tho year ono thou sand nlno hundred nnd eleven, shall con tlnuo to hold their offices until the first Monday of January, ono thousand nine hundred and twelve. A true copy of Joint Resolution No. 8. ROBERT MeAFEE. Secretary of tho Commonwoalth. Mean of Them. Eva Sho never hud n beau In all trer life. Kathcrlno And yet she has the nerve to declare that her face Is her fortune. Eva Gracious! It must bo one of those "unclaimed fortunes" we heat bo much about Chicago News. On Living In the Present. Tne preachers of simple philosophy say. uroam not or tho future, live wholly to day." But I find It exceedingly pleasant With Winnie for comrado In fancy to roam To tho time when her pa will present us a home. For thon wo shall llvo In the presentl Llpplncott's Magazine. The Solitaire. Toss Brooklelgh proposed to her, didn't he? Jess Yes, but she sized him up for a counterfeit. "How was that? Jess Why, ho didn't havo tho proper ring about him. Catholic Standard and Times. Tho Breath of Fall. Oh, da pumpkin's glttln' blggch by do mossy gahden wall. Whllo do watchmolon's todln' en eta vine am cuhlln' small. Do polntch dog am restless kaso ho hcah n pahtrldgo call. Goodby, ol' summch, Ah ken feel do brof ob fall. HONESDALK SCHOOL niSTHICT OFFERS $(!0,000 four per cent, coupon School Bonds for sale. These bonds are free of tax and is sued in denominations of $."(X) each, pay able in series of two, three, four and live bonds annunlly, until all are paid. Interest payable October 1st and April 1st. Nos. 1 to 8 payable two each year from UHK) to 11112. Nos. i) to 'J.'l, tint o each year from 11)12 to 1917. Nos. 24 to f.ri four each year, from 1917 to 1925. Nos. 50 to 120, llvo each year, 1925 to 1938. The Bonds and semi-annual interest coupons are payable at the Wayne County Savings Bank. The assessed valuation'of Honesdale is over $2,000,000, and this issue consti tutes the bonded indebtedness of Hones dale School District. Bidders who bid for less than all the bonds should specify the series intended or date of bonds thev bid for. SEALED BIDS for all or any part of these bonds with accrued interest from October 1, 1008, will bo received by A. M. Leine, Secretary, on or before Oc tober 1(1, 190S. The board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. A. M. LEINE, A. T. Seari.e, Secretary. President. WHEN THE ENGINE COMES is no time to be regretting your neglect to get insured. A little care beforehand is worth more than any amount of re gret. KRAFT & CONGER, General Insurance Agents HONESDALE, P. Martin Caufield ARTISTIC MONUMENTAL WORK HONESDALE, PA. 1036 Main St. PROFESSIONAL. CARDS. Attorneys-at-Low. T M. SALMON, XI. ATTOltNKY A COI.'.N MILCH-AT-I.AW. V I llltnH XT... . .1 ... .H ... ..... I ...It.... I.'.., ,.. O, occupied oy w. ii, 1'iuiiiiu'K. niiiicpu.iie rn. WM. H. LKK, ATTOKNEY A COONSKl.UU-AT-LAW. Officii over pi9t olllco. All leunl business promptly attended to. llonesdale, Pa. ME. SIMONS, . AVIOUNKV Jl OOtINSP.I,On-AT-I.AW. Oilice in 1' lister building rooms 9 and 10, Ilonosilnlc, l'n. E ri C. MUAIKOK1), ATTOltNKY A l-OIINSF.I,OIi-AT-I.AW. Office Liberty Hull liiiIlilliiL-. uiinostte I lie Post Office. Honesdalc, Pa. R HUMAN HAKMKS, ATTOltNKY & COUN8EI.OK-AT-LAW. Patents und pensions secured. Olllee. In the Court House, Ilonesdulc, Pa. 'UIAKLKS A. McCAHTV, J ATTOKNEY A COUNSELOR-AT-LAW. Special .nnl j.rompt attention given to the collection nt claims. Office over Kelts new store, llonesdale. Pa. F:TKU 11. lLUr'r, ATTOKNEY A COl'NSELOK-AT-LAW. Olllrc-Socoml floor old Savings Hank building, ilonesilule, l'u. IT! 1'. Kl.MULK, JD . ATTOKNEY A COUNrtEl.OR-AT-I.AW. Olllee over the post olllee, llonesdale, Pa. T. SKAIM.1C, . ATTORNEY A OOIINHEI.OR-AT-LAW. Olllee near Court House, llonesdale, Pa. OL. KuU LAND, ATTORNEY A COUNSELOR-AT-LAW. Office over Post Olllee, llonesdale, Pa. HOME It UKEENE, ATTORNEY A COUNSELOR-. T-LAW. Office over Kelt's store. Honesdale, Pa. H WILSON, . ATTORNEY A C011N8EL0R-AT-LAW. Office. Masonic building, second floor. Hiuicsdale, 1'a. Dentists. DK. E. T. BltOWN, DENTIST. Office First lloor, old Savings Bank build ing, llonesdale, l'a. Physicians. Dlt. 11. 15. SEARLES, 1IONKSI1AI.K, PA. OIUrenml residence 1110 Church street, ft-lunlKinc. Olllee Houis 2:1X1 to 4:00 und 7:U0to8:lXI. p.m. Liveries. GH. WHITNEY, . I.IVERY AND OMNI11US LINE. Hear of Allen House, llonesdale. Pa. ielei hones. All $27.50 All-Quaarterod alt Side Board $21.40 I Only $21.40 1 For this handsome Side Board In Golden QUARTERED OAK. Richly carved top and base. Base 25x18 with two fancy shaped top drawers, swell front lines drawer and two carved cabinet doors. Bevel plate mirror 80x18, Cast I! rasa trimmings. Carved boll feet. TbisSldo Board or Its equal In quality and stjlo always retails for t27.60 and above. Care fully packed and shipped freight charge prepaid for JM0. Send TO-DAY for our factory arice catalogue of Furniture. J tailed Free. BINCHAVITO'!, . Y. Kennedy's Laxative Cough Syrup Relieves Colds by working them out of tho system through a copious aoi healthy action of the bowels. Relieves coughs by cleansing the mucous membranes of the throat, chut and bronchial tubes. "As deuast to t&e tag as Ma$!e Sagar Children Like It For BACKACHE WEAK K1DIEYS Try Ba Wilt's Kldaej tod BUMw PlUa-San tad Sift Wo have tho sort of tooth brushes that are made to thorouehly cleanse and save the teeth. They ore tho kind that clomi teeth without leiivliiL' your mouth full of bristles. We recommend thoso rostlntr 25 cents or more, hh we can eiiurantoe them and will re place, free, any that show defects of manu facture within three months. O. T. CHAHBERS, PHARHACIST. Opp. O. & H. Station, HONBSDALC, PA, i llll I II