I MMJSiyMiltMyMylMMyvilvlMVtyMlMJMMJMM I llOOMSTOHKNT. Bprlng St. K. M. Dorln, No. 1327 WAYNE PAKM AOKNCV.-If yon have any farm property or realty of any Kind, you can register with us free of cost, and property will be advertised throughthe united States. Bend for circular. . . WAVNK FAHM AflENCY. Honesdale. l'a. atf APPLES WANTED. Second crade apples will be loaded for ten days, comniciichiK Thursday. Sept. iMtta. at-1, switch. KlSTI.EK HHOS. ' i.UKe Ariel siaiion Zlll WANTED. A solicitor In every towiislilp. GixkI pay for the right party. ZEN OFFICE. impure ij- atf MISS HAltDENllEIMlIt. of Scrnnton. tcucjicrot piano, theory and slcbt-readliii.'. Private and class lessons. Fridays and Sat urdays In Honesdale. local News. The 143d N. Y. Volunteers will hold their annual re-union at Ellenville, N. Y., on Tuesday, Oct. 13th. Wayne coun ty had over twenty men in this regiment, najnly from Buckingham and Manches ter townships. . Joseph King's New York company in a grand revival of "East Lynne" will appear at the Lyric Theatre, Tuesday, Oct. 13th. Peter, Ortt, has sold his. Jarm near White Mills, to Carl Hiijer, of Hrooklyn N. Y. Foasesain'n'givcn at once. Con sideration, $2,000. Crm.KN subscribers living beyond (ho limits of the territory covered by the carriers will find their papers at the port office on Wednesdays and "Fridays. The annual election for ollicers of (he Honesdale Golf Club will be held in the club house, on Saturday evening, Oct. 10, 1008, atTo'clock. Supporserved at 5 o'clock. Capt. James Ham Circle, Ladies of the G. A. R., will hold their autumnal flupper Oct. 13th, instead of Oct. tith, as the latter date will be occupied by Freedom Lodge. The Forestry Commissioifers esti mate that 100,000 acres of timber land were burned oyer by '(he recent forest fires in Pennsylvania, including 15,000 acres of State lands. ' The Erie Co. is now making coal Bhipments"from the Lackawanna Valley to Buffalo and other points West, via Hawley and Lackawaxen, where the cars are iranaierreu u Mitruium one. Thomas P. FoVleyvas last week elected President of the" Ontario and Western Railway Co., for s the twenty- second tune. He is the oldest railroad president in the east, in point of scr vice"'. . John Nliprpateen, iwlio purchased the Wintbn' property, 'on" west Park 8,tcefit,.8.orAR jnontha ago,,.s. ILvving-the. dellg, fittetl up .infliocrn ,fltyle, M timbers tmianffDaen louna to De in,a re (narkafcfe sfateiof preservation. He an- ticipatea-occupying -the building on oi- about 'Jon. 1, 1908. ' While chopping in the woo"ds on Fri day afternoon last, John A.'Reining, of Beach Lake, cut his leg. badly,- the ax striking near the anklo-and severing the anterior tibial nrteryj pr. H. B. Ely, of Honesdale. was called '-and cave the in- 7 . . K jured limb the necessary surgical treat ment. State Highway Department purvey or John li.. Westbrook arid his corps of (jaenj who are making a survey of Pike ioun"ty for the ' purpose ( of making a county map, are now located 'at Row lands, that county. The men come home dvery oiher week; Mr. Westbrebk says the work is progressing satisfactor ily. ; .". ' ' Incidental to the new mode of de livery of The Citizen to Honesdale subscribers, owing to its change from a weekly to a semi-weekly, which necessi tates the employment-of carriers, there will doubtless be some annoying mis takes made, but we beg the indulgence of our patrons until the office has be come familiarized with the new system, after which there will ' be no reason for complaint. According to the report of tho Com missioner of Pensions, for-the year end ing June 30, 1908, theje arc two pension ers of the revolutionary war on the rolls, both women. The last surviving veteran of that war was Daniel F. Bakeman, who died at" Freedom, N. Y., April 5, 1869, aged 109 years, 6 months and 8' days. Of the war of 1812 only 471 pensioners remain, eighty-seven having died during fhe year. From the Indian wars there are left 4,853 pensioners and from the Mexican War 9,840, of whom 2,932 are veterans. The Spanish War produced to date about 25,000 pensioners, while the pension rolls contain a total from all sources, including the Civil War and the regular army, of 951,687. Tho num ber of survivors of tho Civil War on the pension rolls June 30, 1908, was 620,985, a decrease during the year of 23,353. This is the net decrease. The number dropped on account of death was 34,333. During the year just closed the total ex pense was $155,894,049 63. The total paid out since the civil war is $3,767,515,- 842 82. A report made in 1883 showed 0 pensioners of the war of 1812 slilf liv ing in Wayne county, as follows : John Hoffman,- Hines Corners; Eldad Atwat- er, Pleasant Mt. j and tho following wid ows: Matilda Watrous, Hollisterville Julia Ann Andrews, Preston j Jane An drews, Promptorr; Elizabeth Garlow, Preston, and Susan Beemer, Susan Sal mon and Elizabeth Bennett, Honesdale. Nothing has ns yet been done on the asylum for the criminal insane at Farview. The Bite of the buildings have not even been staked out. The nnnual state convention of tho Firemen's Relief Association is now be ing held at Shaniokin, ra. Jonn i. Lyons is inattendanco asadologato from the Honcsdiile lire department, and William Penwarden, of Willow Avenue, as an onlooker. The three biggest gold or silver mines in the united states are tne Hotneslakc, the Alaska-Treadwell and the Bunker Hill and Sullivan. The last named is in Idaho, and it has paid in dividends $10,440,000. Angolira Haldossoic, an Erie track man employed between Mast. Hope and Narrowsburg, was attacked by two men on Sunday of last week, and severely stabbed about the head and body. One of his assailants, another Italian, is in the Mil ford jail. One of the benutiful and valuable ivory miniature portraits painted bv Miss Bessie Bellamy Hani, was stolen from her collection while on exhibition at the countv fair last. week. We can hardly conceive how the thief can have the nerve to look the picture in the face. The next reunion of the survivors of the 17th Pa. cavalry will be held at the Eagle Hotel, Gettysburg, on Friday, Oct. 23d, at 10:30 Ai M. All are cordially in vited to attend. Company M, of this regiment, was recruited in Wnynecounty, and twenty-four of its members are known to be still living. Thirty-live years ago Mrs. Minnie Sammis, now of l'ittstun, fell on a side walk in Ilawluy and fractured her leg. Since then she has submitted to many operations without, permninent benefit, and a few weeks since she consented to have the limb amputated in the Wilkes Barre hospital. The operation was a successful one, and her recovery is now confidently looked for. Corporal E. E. Belknap, formerly of Proinpton, but now of Wilkes-Barre, attended the county fair last week, and had tho pleasure of meeting mauy of his old friends, together with a number of his soldier acquaintances, who with him in the memorable sixties drank from the same canteen. He entered the service from this county, where fifty-eight years of his life were, spent, and was the only soldier to represent Wayne at the un veiling of the Pennsylvania monument at Winchester on tlie 19th ult. ' Pickpockets seem to be nt respec ters of persons. One would imaging that :Rev, A. J. V.anCleft. at least,.. would lie immune from their light-fingered atten tions, but w lda'rn that eVen he was "touclied,'.' ,t9,jHi'e tjjne of' j$25, in, cash, and a number of checks nnd 'railroad tickets,' 'whicjl on a'cent-' visit1 to Oiie onta.,Mr,.'V!mCleft stopped payment, 'on the checks, but there were other paperft in his pocket'book, of no value to any one but himself, yet the loss of' which is a great inconvenience to him.' ' Never before have professional thieves been, so active in this section as at the-county fairs this fall. TheNewburg Union Publishing Co., a wealthy Democratic combination, hav ing purchased the plant of the New- burgh Democrat and Register, has plac ed the editorial conduct of the paper in the hands of 'Alan C. Madden, late edi tor and manager of the 1 (atteawan Journal, well known as a graceful anil forceful writer. Mr. Madden is. a grand son of the late James II. Norton, who was many yejirsagoa resident of Hones dale, and associated with the late Hon. H. B. Beardslee in the publication of the Wayne Cfounty Herald. Some time ago The Citizen, pub lished an inqniry.. for the whereabouts of Hiram B. Leonard, born 'in Wayne county, who. went west and during the war served m ComyanyG, 100th Illinois Vols. We have just received a letter from a correspondent in Keystque, South Dakota, assuring us that Mr. Leonard is still living, and a resident of that town? iand as this correspondent happens to be Mr. Leonard himself, there appears to be no ground for any doubt in the premises. He says that he was born in Pike county, Nov. 2", 1846, and wjll be glad to hear from' any of his old Pennsylvania friends. Mr. Leonard is President, of the" North Fork Mining and Milling Company at Key stone. A near-firevoccurred at Mrs. Ilisted's boarding house, on Church street, on Friday evening last, which gave the in mates of the house as well as the neigh bors a genuine fright. One of the board ers had kindly helped the landlady out by polishing a parlor stove about to be set up, using a preparation in which gasoline was a principal-ingredient. His success was so great that he added a work of supererogation by giving a llirt of his brush at the red-hot kitchen range. Instantly a flash followed, which set fire to the gasoline remaining in the can, and in a moment tho whole interior of the kitchen was in a blaze. With rare pres ence of mind, and at great risk to him self, his clothing being already on fire, he (lung the can out of doors and gave efficient aid in. subduing the flames, which had already made sufficient head way to damage thq woodwork, curtains and floor covering of the room, and in volve a considerable loss. Although great commotion was caused in the street, no fire alarm ' was sent in,' and the ser vices of the fire department were not re quired, t The Ontario and Western Railway Co. are now busily engaged in double tracking their road between Carbondale and Scrnnton. The 11th annunl ball of tho Alert Hook and Ladder Co., of East Hones dale, will be held in their hall, on Wed nesday evening, Oct. 28th. Marriage licenses have been issued to David P. Kelehcr and Miss Emma Stcltz, both of Hawley; John Friek and Miss Pearl Carlton, both of South Ster ling. Rev. Charles Leo, of the Presbyte rian church, Carbondale, will address the Wayne County Sunday School Con vention, in the Seelyville chapel, to morrow, Thursday evening. The following report shows the 'hu niaiie work" accomplished during Fair Week, by the Honesdale Branch of the S. P. C. A. No. pads ordered placed on harness, 4 Warnings against cruel treatment, 5 Warnings against over-loading,' 2 JolinCieino, son of the late Mathew Clenio, Sr., of Dybcrry, met with a very serious loss last week. He has been in the employ of the Del. and Hud. Co., as an engineer, with residence at Car bondale, but recently came to Waymart, with a view 'to purchasing a butchering business. i)i that borough. A few days ago, with $1,120 in currency in his pocket,- he made a business trip into Clinton township. Keturmng to Waymart in the evening, while putting up his horse he discovered the loss of his pocket book with its valuable contents. Up to this writing no clue has been obtained as to the. whereabouts of the treasure. PERSONAL. William Mathey, of Scrnnton, was visitor in town Sunday. Massey Truscott, of Scranton, was a visitor in town Sunday. Miss Edith Holbert, of Westcolang, Pike county, is the guest of Honesdale relatives. ""-John and Carrie Hover, of Scran ton, spent last week with Honesdale relatives. Hon. E. B. Hardenbergh has been elected a life member of the Pittsburg Press Club. Miss Margaret Reilly, of Pleasant Mount, is the guest of her cousins, the Misses Reilly, of North Main street. II. Scott.fjalnion was called to New York on Montldy morning, in the inter est -of 'the Wayne County Savings Bank Mrs. Sarah A. Spry, of Waymart, h&aijust purchased a- handsome Lester pi'.iho 'of Nbrth & Co., the Honesdale agents Jason H . Welles and niece, .Miss Gra ham, .of , Pleasant Mount, were among the callers at The Citizen office last Friday. iMrs, E.lQ.,IIauih'n goes to Newark, N. J., next,- week,, where she will pass the wintor with a relative, Mrs. Laura Smith. Mr, and Mrs. Fred. W. Kreitner, of 1 1 tli street, passed last Sunday with their son, r.uson it. Kreitner ana wile, in Scranton. Major Geo. H. Whitney, and Warren K. Dimock, both victims of paralysis are still unable tospeak or walk, although both are slowly recovering their strength Miss Mary Evlin, of Allentown while taking a bath, one day last week, had a. fainting spell, fell in the water and was drowned. The re-union of the 07th Penn'a Volunteers will be held at Stroudsburg on Thursday, Oct. 8th. Co. C was re cruited in Wayne county. Mr. and .Mrs. JohnTeeple, of Jersey City, returned home yesterday after few days visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Win. II. Ilawken, of East street. Mrs. II. W. Blandin will break tip house keeping at her home on West street, at an early date, and design making her home hereafter in Green Ridge. Mrs. O. II. Bunnell, of Court street will return from a visit of three months with relatives in Chicago and other cities in the West, this week. Charles W. Hand returned to his home in Brooklyn, N. Y., this morning after passing several days in Honesdale with his parents, Mr. andMrs, H. C Hand. Mrs. C. F. Rockwell, daughter, Miss Harriet E. Rockwell, and granddaughter, Olive T. Rockwell, returned from a visit of a month with relatives in Wellington HI., and Wauseon, Ohio. Thomas C. Key, of Wilkes-Barre, returned home to-day. His wife and daughter will remain a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank B. Hawken, of-North Main street. Mrs. Arthur B. Hull returned to her home in New York city, this morn ing, after an extended visit with her mother, in Honesdale. She was accom panied by her sister, Miss Clara R. Torrey. George Appel, of Girdland, and Miss Bessie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alden Davis, yvere married at the residence of tho bride's parents, in Lookout, on tho 23d ult.,' Rev, Herbert Tinsley officiating. Tho happy couple will make Girdland their home. Robert and P. R. Murray, Jr., of tho firm of Murray Co., are attending tho Carriage and Harness Dealers' Exposi tion, in New, York city, where they ex pect to purchase their' wagons and har ness for next season. John Golden, whoso wife died In Honesdnle, last Thursday, will be re membered as a former member of our home base ball team, but now a pro fessional player, belonging to the Nor wich, Conn., league. Rev. P. H, Lynch, pastor of tho Baptist church, of Carbondale, and E. M. Peck, of the same city, will deliver addresses at tho quarterly meeting of the Wayne Baptist Association, in tho Bap tist church, Honesdale, this Wednesday evening. Miss Irene Bishop, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Bishop, of Hawley, has been appointed a teacher in the high school of that borough, vice Miss Vera Murray resigned, nnd now 'one of the instructors of the high school of Honesdale. -Mrs. Charles E. Mills is now pleas antly located in her new and pleasant residence on Court street. Mr. and Mrs. William tiaggerty are to occupy the rooms recently vacated by Mrs. Mills. Mr. Haggerty is an employee of the Independent ollice. Henry S. Potter, of Hawley, has en tered the old soldiers' home at Old Point Comfort, Va., to pass the remain der of his life. He was a resident of Salem township when he enlisted in Co. B, 3d Penn'a Reserves, under Capt. W. 1). Curtis. He was mustered in Aug. 10, 1861, nnd discharged on a surgeon's certificate Dec. 22, 1802. Miss Lindley, President of the Jun ior Auxiliary ot New York, and Airs. Harvey P. Walter, a returned Missionary from Porto Rico, will address the Wo man's Auxiliary to the Board of Mis sions of the Scranton Archdeaconry, in Grace church, this Wednesday afternoon, at 2.30 o'clock. All are invited to bo present. "Christy" Mathowson, the noted professional base ball player, a former member of the Honesdale team, is now the crack pitcher of the New York Giants, and commands a large salary. Charles W. Murphy, the owner of the Chicago National League base ball team, offered $50,000 for "Christy," but the iffer wns promptly rejected, with the remark that the above enormous sum was not sufficient to secure Mathowson. From the Forest City News of Oct. 1st: We ran across our farmer-politician friend, W. E. Perham. of Niagara. Fri day and are glad to learn that he is re ceivinir manv assurances of support in his canvass for election to the house nt Harrisburg. Mr. Perham ought to make a.jgood representative. He knows the needs of the fanners nnd has enough innate force to be of considerable assist auce in bringing about the laws they want. His wide acquaintance in the State, formed through his affiliation with the live stock, dairy and grange move ments will be of value to him in the House. He looks good to us We take the following regarding a former Honesdaler, from the last issue of the Herald, of Millbank, South Da kota: The friends of Rev. and Mrs. Adam Murrnianto the number of about seventy live, held a reception nt tho Conereca tional church, last week, as a testimonial oi their appreciation of Air. Murrnian work in the Sunday afternoon Bible class. At the conclusion of a program of music and recitations, the pastor and his wife were presented with a handsome set of pearl handled knives and forks, a set of nun. k Hives uiiu a i arner louniain pen George Savers made the presentation speech, ana nir. ana airs, niurrinan re sponded in a happy manner. Last Day of the Fair. e went to press with our last issue too early to give the record of the last day's trotting at the fair. There were two good races on Thursday ; each going four heats. The results were as follows : 2:22 class. Spin, ch. g., Machan, Monti cello, 3 Lyndon, s. g., Gardner, Lock Sheldrake, 1 Minisink Maid, black, in., Hayne, Ellenville, 2 Post Haste, bay g., Tenant, Clark's Summit, 4 2 1 1 3 3 3 4 4 4 Time : 2:29 ; 2:27 ; 2:20 ; 2:30, Spin won $100 ; Lyndon, $50 ; sink Maid, $35 ; Post Haste, FREE FOR A 1. 1.. Mini In the "free for all" Russell Dunn captured first money ; Lone Sis, second; Vernie M,, third ; Algamarh, fourth, as follows : Russell Dunn, b. g., Snyder, Dunmore, 1 Lone Sis, bl. m., Wyncoop Monticello, 2 Vernie M., g. m., Lawrence, 2 1 1 1 2 Hurleyville, 3 Algamarh, bay g., Fable, Stroudsburg, 4 Time: 2:18; 2:22; 2:19; 3 3 3 4 4 4 2:20. The Berry family gave excellent exhi bitions of acrobatic and trapeze work on all four days, and the colored male quartet was a decided hit in filling in the time between heats and acts. Kodol is a combination nt natural diges tive Juices and It digests all classes ot food and every kind ot food, so you see it will do the work that tho stomach Itself does. The only difference between It and the stomach is the stomach can cet out of order anil Kodol cannot, hut Kodol can put the stomach in good order. Huy Kodol today. It Is guaran teed. Sold by VEIL. The Druggist. "Pa, what's the difference between the drama and melodrama?" "The seats, my son. Yon will never find any empty ones at the melodrama." Hums, bruises and scratches, big and little cuts or In fact anything requiring a salve, are best and quickest soothed and healed by DeWltt's Carbollzed Witch Hutel Salve. The best salve for piles, lta sure you get De Wltt's, Soldby PKIL, TnePrugglst" OBITUARY. Joseph B. Williams died in Bucking- horn township, Sept. 28, 1908. He served during tho civil wnr as a private in Co. F, 144th N. Y. Volunteers, or better known as tho Ellsworth Avengers. De ceased is survived by three, sons, Perry, Frank and Leroy, and three daughters, Mrs. Ophelia Gcer, Mrs. II . J. Taylor and Mrs. Julia A. Bailey. Anna Bergen, wife of John Golden, died nt the homo of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Bergen, of Honesdale, Oct. 1, 1908. She had been in failing health for n number of months, nnd in a vain endeavor to secure relief, had been an inmate of two hospitals, and submitted to a Bevere surgical operation, but with out avail, and she returned home to die. She is survived by her husband and little daughter, Helen, need 2 years, her pa rents, and a married sister. Interment in St. John's Catholic cemeterv. The new Rain Coats, at Mekker & Co.'s are protective and stylish. 22citf Mrs. Winifred Seybolt nnd children returned to their home in Port Jervis nfter visiting at the home of her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Fritz, of upper East street. C. HAND, President. B. HOLMES, Vice Pres. We want you to understand the reasons or this WAYNE COUNTY HONESDALE, PA., HAS A CAPITAL OF AND SURPLUS AND PROFITS OF - MAKING ALTOGETHER EVERY DOLLAR of which must be lost before any depositor can lose a PENNY. It has conducted a growing and successful business for over US years, serving an increasing number of customers with fidelity and satisfaction. Its cash tunds are protected by IWODr.KN STEEL VAULTS... All of these things, coupled with conservative management. Insured by the CAKHKUI, I'KltSONAI, ATTHNTION constantly Blven the Hank's affairs by a iiotiihlyiihle Hoard ot Directors assures the patrons of that .SUl'l!K.MKSAKi:'l'V which is the prime essential of a good Hank. Total Assets, - 8feT DEPOSITS MAY BE MADE BY MAIL. -8 DIRECTORS II. :. HAND. A.T. HKAHI.K. CHAS..T. SMITH, II. J. CONOKIt, W. l' SUYDAM, T. It. t!I.AKK, The WOOLTEX Garments, The STANDARD STYLE ! Something Different ! Something BETTER for the money. All Pure Wool Cloth, of course, for It's Wooltex Tho person who keeps a good account at a. Bank always has a friend at hand when needed. OPEN NOW, either a savings or business account, at tho H m I TlIIIF RANK Willi 14 Willlill This Institution handles large or small sums and docs anything In tlie.llnc of bunk ing business, If you have children, teach them to save ihelr pennies and dimes instead ot spending them. II If you do not have a. household bank call and get one. Itls'FItEE.- . ... IF YOU DO NOT PAY YOUR niU.H 11Y (!1IH('K, COMMENCE TO DO SO NOW. A CHECK IS ALWAYS A ItECEII'T. Three per cent. Compound Interest Paid; MONEY LOANED JO HOME PEOPLE. BIRTHS. Oct. 3, 1008,-To Mr. and Mrs. George linker, East Honesdale, a son. Sept. 30, lOOS.-To Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Doney, Seelyville, a daughter. Sept. 25, l!)08.-To Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Corbitt, Seelyville, a daughter. Born, to Mr. hnd Mrs. Charles Schroeder, on Sunday, Oct. 4th, a daughter. Carpets Cleaned on the Floor. The Oscar Smith establishment will have one of their Vacuum Carpet Clean ing Machines in Honesdale on October 19th, nnd will clean the Presbyterian church. An invitation is extended to parties having any carpets to clean to come nnd see the kind of work they do. The old style of cleaning carpets is done away with. You don't have to take your carpets up and beat the life out of them, which is injurious to the carpets, nor do vou have your house torn up for days. They guarantee. to take, dirt out of carpets, upholstered furniture, bed ding, blankets, etc., without injury to the same, and without creating any dust, or taking the articles to be cleaned out of the room. Any orders or inquiries left at C. L. Dunning's store will have prompt attention. 24tf II. S. SALMON, Cashier. W. J. WARD, Ass't Cashier for tho ABSOLUTE SECURITY Hank. $100,000.00 355,000.00 455,000.00 - - $2,733,000.00 W. IJ. HOLMES. V. P. KIMHLK. II. S. SALMON. KATZ BRO'S Where Thousands of People Keep Money. I