The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, October 02, 1908, Image 4

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la tho days when Mexico was in a
Chronic etato of revolution Stgnor Her
rero lived on his hacienda doing his
boat to avoid being entangled In any
of tho various Btrlfes that succeeded
ooo another for tho possession of tho
government, for to bo on the wrong
pldo meant death. Dona Marina, Her
turn's eldest daughter, was courted by
Blgnor Juan Bustaniejite, n neighbor
ing ljQelenda owner who had done a
great deal to establish tho government
then in power. He was more than
twlco Marina's age and was especially
dlsagreeablo to her. But she was
urged by her family to accept him on
the ground that If she declined him
be might seek revenge by Impugning
her father's loyalty to the government.
But Dona Marina loved Phlllppo
Mendoza, tho son of a neighboring
planter. Urged to give him up for
Bustamentc, through fear sho consent
ed, but not for long. Sho confessed to
Bustamentc her love for Mendoza nnd
bogged him to release her. Ho did so
at once, with many expressions of grief
and wishes for her happiness. By this
courso Marina turned what had been
feared for her father against her lover.
Bustamentc, thinking that If he got
Mendoza out of tho way Marina might
yot become his wife, secretly accused
his rival of plotting with one who was
known to bo fomenting a now revolu
tion. Mendoza was arrested and taken
no ono know where.
As goon sb the news of the arrest
reached tho Herreras, not suspecting
Bustamento, Marina Implored him to
use his Influence with the president In
behalf of her lover. He promised to do
so and set off at onco to the capital os
tensibly for tho purpose. Ho knew
very woll that Mendoza would have
been executed beforo his arrival, for ho
had so arranged with tho government.
What ho wished was to conceal his
oyn part In the murder and gain credit
with Marina that would benefit his suit
ln;tho future.
There is a law in Mexico that one
executed shall bo left where he falls
till friends or relatives como and take
away tho body for burial. But at Men
doza's execution thero was no one to
claim the body. Bustamcnte had ar
ranged that ho bo taken to a distant
province from which tho news of his
execution would bo long in reaching
his friends, especially Dona Marina.
Mendoza was taken out in tho gray
of the morning and was stood up be
fore eight soldiers, who at the word of
command fired a volley at him. He
foil. The commander of tho firing party
took a look at tho body and saw that it
had several wounds in the thorax and
two in the head, any ono of which
might be expected to kill him. Tho sol
diers were marched away and a writ
ten report handed in that Phlllppo
Mondoxa was dead.
.But Mendoza was not dead. Notwith
standing his wounds after the firing
party had marched away he revived.
For a tlmo he supposed that he had
awakened in another world. Yet thero
above him was the same blue sky ho
had lived under, and he could hear cat
lie lowing. Making an effort, ho raised
tttmsolf on his elbow, looked about him
and down on his blood stained cloth
ing. Then, making another effort, he
got up and walked several miles to n
He could not keep the secret that he
ttad. been executed, and word soon
reached thoso who bad been charged
njlth his execution. Fearing that they
would be blamed for neglect of duty,
they proposed to shoot him again, bt
bpfore they could agreo upon this
course the news of the strange case
reached the governor of the province
Ho had been on the bench, and the
only thing in tho world ho respected
Was the law. He took the matter un
der consideration, at last deciding that
Mendoza had been executed, had been
reported dead and was therefore dead.
That Is, ho was dead in law. Therefore
thoso who had been ordered to execute
him had nothing further to do with
him. Ho was without legal cxlstenco
In the republic of Mexico. No further
report of tho matter need bo forwarded
to tho government, for thero was noth
ing to be said about one who had been
reported legally dead.
Ono evening as Slgnor Bustamcnte
was returning from n visit to the Her
rera hacienda ho heard a voice from
bushes beside tho road ordering him
to halt He stopped, and a man step
ped Into the road a short distance be
fore him. His cheeks were hollow,
bis Hps were thin, his eyes were wild,
his face was white. Bustamento saw
his rival, or what be considered hi
rival's ghost
"Aro you of the living or the dead?"
"I am dead legally dead. But that
you shalt not again have mo executed
I am a firing party to execute you."
The ghost raised a rifle and shot his
enemy dead.
When Mendoza appeared at the Her
rera hacienda no one thero knew what
bad become of him. Ho told tho story
of his execution and that ho had exe
cuted tho man who had brought' it
about Ills visit was brief, and no ono
except tho Herreras know that ho had
been there. The slayer of Bustamento
was nevor known. Soon after all this
occurred a new leader of tho party op
posed to tho government arose, march
ed to the capital, took It, executed
every moraber of tho government and
was proclaimed president. Ho was
nono othor than Mendoza.
When it was found that tho now
president was straugoly given to par
doning malefactors the people said,
"How can ono who is legally dend kill
'others?" But In this his wlfo Marlua
)wd a band.
Andrew: For a Campaign of Vim
and Patriotism.
Rterulta Called For From the Rank
and File of the Great Army of Penn
sylvania Republicans, and a Prompt
Response Is Anticipated All Along
the Line, With Vlotory In November
Spoclal Correspondence.
Philadelphia, Sept. 29.
Colonel Wesley It. Andrews, as
chairman of the Republican stato com
mittee, has sounded the slogan to Re
publicans of Pennsylvania for the In
auguration of a campaign for the clos
ing days of tho stato canvass which
must appoal to every stalwart Repub
lican In the land.
The colonel, himself a veteran of
the Fremont campaigners In the
cause of truo Republicanism, has
called for a revival of the spirit of tho
olden days, of a recruiting of the Re
publican hosts as In the momorablo
struggles in which tho "Wide Awake"
clubs, by their partlotlsm and party
fervor, stirred tho nation from end to
end, and for an expression of senti
ment which shall be emphasized by
bringing "Old Glory" to tho front ns
tho Republican forces march on to
Colonel Andrews has Just addressed
tho following letter to each of tho
chairmen of tho Republican county
ommlttecs throughout Pennsylvania:
A Call to Action.
"Dear Sir We have reached a
period in tho national campaign when
party lines aro tightly drawn, the Is
sues well defined, and tho voters arc
rallying around the banners of their
respoctlvo parties.
"Republicans of Pennsylvania havo
reason to bo proud of their candidates
and all can consistently and cordially
endorse the platform upon which they
have been nominated
"It devolves upon the county chair
men, in tho closing days of the can
vass, to marshal the Republican hosts
In their respective bailiwicks, and 1
suggest that wo have an old-fashioned
canvass, along tho lines of the cam
paign of 1860, when tho young men of
the country gathered in "WIdo Awako
clubs," supplying at their own ex
pense their uniforms and making
demonstrations at all political meet
ings in their neighborhood.
"What was dono in 18G0 can bo
dono now.
"Tho country is fully as patriotic
"In later years contributions have
been depended upon to moot expenses,
but in the old times each man not only
contributed his tlmo, but also his
share of the expenses of the meetings
which were held.
"These thoughts are suggested by
the calls upon tho Republican stato
committee for financial assistance to
provide for meetings, with which it
is not posslblo to comply. This
prompts tho Inspiration to rocall tho
faith of tho fathers of the Republican
party, who, without outside aid of any
kind, rallied everywhere and over
threw the Democratic party, then
strongly entrenched in power, and
elected the immortal Lincoln, through
whom the Union was saved.
"What was done in 1860, I repeat,
can be done now.
"In this day, when in Philadelphia
and Pittsburg and elsewhere the past
Is being recalled In Founders' Week
and llko celebrations, it is fitting that
an old-fashioned marching and sing'
lng campaign bo inaugurated to rouse
the voters throughout tho length and
breadth of tho stato.
To Have Campaign Glee Clubs.
"Additional interest will be given to
the meetings in many localities if
musical program shall bo arranged
In connection with tho practical work
of expounding the principles of tho
party and discussing tho Ilvo issues of
the campaign.
"In such cases, you are advised to
enlist the services of one or moro
soloists, and, where posslblo, a quartet
or gloe, to Intersperse the proceedings
with musical selections.
"For this purpose there will bo for
warded to you a compilation of cam
paign songs, written to popular tunes,
which can be distributed among the
audiences that all may Join in tho
Anthem For Pennsylvania.
"In connection with this collection
of songs Is presented tho new stato
anthem, 'Pennsylvania,' In the chorus
of which all loyal Pennsylvanlano can
readily unite.
"It was given with great success
at the recent gathering of the Stato
League of Republican clubs at Wilkes
Barre, and tho convention adopted a
resolution ondorslng a proposition to
mako It the 'Official Song of the Key
stone Btato.' Tho aim of the composer
Is to give what has long been lacking,
song that shall be typical of tho 1
commonwealth, and which shall be
uome as affectionately associated with
Pennsylvania and Pcnnsylvanlans, i
wherever thoy may be, as have 'Mary- !
land. My Maryland,' 'My Old Kentucky
Homo' and llko state souga to the '
citizens of tho states with which they j
ire respectively Identified. ,
"Let this uud tho souks lauding th I
party and Us candidal be sung upon I
all appropriate occasions.
"Got the 'First Voters.' those who I
ill l. MMinmDr nnvt fnt tliplr flrEt I
presidential vote, to form In lino and
flfo and drum at tholr head, ana with
Old Glory' alwayB carried proudly In
tho van.
Lot us have enthusiastic, patriotic
Republican rallies everywhere and
roll up an unprecedented majority for
our gallant standard-bearers, Taft and
Ehorman, and the full Republican
Let tho spirit of the days of I.ln
coin porvndo tho cntlro party, unci a
record-breaking victory will bo the
result. Rcnr.t ctfully,
There was a vary successful gath
ering ot active Republicans from oil
parts of the stato here yesterday, In
attendance upon the meet lng of the
Republican stato committee, which
was called primarily to fill a vacancy
upon tho electoral ticket, but which
s principally valuable for the op
portunity It afforded men of the sev
eral congressional and r.enatorial (Its
trlcts to got together to confer upon
plans for tho closing days of tho can
Senator Penrose met tho commit
teemen and gave thorn very encourag
ing reports, as a member of tho na
tidnal committee, about tho outlook
throughout tho country for Republi
can victory In November.
Dangers of Bryanlom.
Will Mr. Bryan please Inform all tho
people to what particular class or peo
ple he refers when ho assumes, the
people do not rule? Is It tho poorer
classes and those largely infected with
socialistic and anarchistic ideas and
theories with whom Brynnlsm greatly
sympathizes, professionally at least, or
Is It tho farmers, merchants, manu
facturers and tho great national rail
roads and their employes? Wore Bry
anlsm (with his superficial nnd wild
cat ideas of banks, currency and
finance; his hostility to all corpora
tions and his determination to destroy
all manufacturing industries, which ho
denominates as trusts, by Inaugurat
ing another Gorman and Wilson tariff
bill for rovcniiQ only, and strike down
tho protective principle) to dominate
the country, surely tho majority of tho
people would not rule. The adminis
tration, with his extraordinary views
of his powers as president, and with
his vagaries and chimerical theories
of government, would bo in a urate of
chaos and tho collapse of all Indus
trios, of the farmer and the wage
earner, would bo such as to cause n
further trend toward socialism and an
archism, Keystone Gazctto.
Church and Clergy.
The German Baptist Brethren havo
organizations in forty-ono of the states
with 1,154 churches, nn Increase of fifty-eight
over tho last report.
Rev. Dr. Albert II. Newman of Tex
as, tho church historian, addressed tho
recent congress of European Baptists
at Berlin on "Baptists as Pioneers In
Liberty of Conscience."
Bishop Ibarra of Pueblo, Mcx., has
received a letter from Tope This offer
ing him tho archbishopric of Mexico,
made vacant by tho death of Archbish
op AInkon. Tho Puchlo prelate ban ac
cepted the olllco.
The olTiclal statistics of tho strength
of Congregationalism, so far as they
can be ascertained, show that there are
12.S01 churches, chapels and stations
throughout tho world, with a church
membership of 1,133,009, and 1,074,851
scholars In the Sunday schools.
Closing Stock Quotations.
Now York, Sept. 29.
Money on call, lYi per cent; tlmo money
and mercantllo paper unchanged in rates;
cleanup; house exchanges, ?3UO,7S3,0il; ual
anccs, $11,GS9,43S.
Closing prices:
Amal. Copper... 735s
Atchison S7
B. & O SC's
Brooklyn It. T... 47U
Ches. & Ohio.... 40
C. ,C.,C.& St.L.. G3&
D L. & W 509
D. & II lG!,i
Erie 29?i
Gen. Electric... '137
111. Central 137
Int.-Met U
Louis. & Nash.. 103
Manhattan 133
Missouri Pac... 53
N. Y. Central.... 103
Norf. & West... 72
Northwestern . ,150,5
Pcnn. It. R 121
Heading 127,i
Rock Island 19
St. Paul 133i
Southern Pac.,.1033:
Southern Ity.... )
South. Ity. pf... 51
Sugar 127
Texas Pacific... :
Union Pacific... 157
U. S. Steel 444
U. S. Stoel pf...l0S'&
West. Union.... 01
Bryan As a Rider.
It is to bo presumed that Colonel
Bryan could easily pass tho "riding
tost" for admlslson to tho army sor
vlco If again required. Ho has ridden
so many hobbles In tho past few years
that he is getting to bo a past master
in tho art. Brookvillo Republican.
Chanter's Campaign Manager.
New York, Sept. :). It was an
nounced that Coiiiiressmnn Francis
Burton Harrison would head the ex
eeutlvp committee, which will net a3
an auxiliary commit too with the slato
committee In the conduct of Lewis S.
Chanlor'fi campaign.
Another Plot Against Alfonso.
Budapest, Sept. "(). The police here
arrested two anarchists suspected ol
ilottlng an attempt on the life of Kins
11 fo n so.
Brooklyn Deadlock Broken.
New York, Sept. :!. The deadlock
In the Ilepiililleun convention in (he
Klghth senatorial district in Brooklyn
wtis broken 'by the sulistllullon of a
compromise candidate, Alvah W.
Bnrlingaine, Jr., was nominated with
out opposition.
Bryan and the Cruchcr.
Bryan wouldn't run a stoam roller
over Quffoy just now. Oh, no, lie
will first. try to squeeze a 510.000 con
tribution out of tho Pennsylvania bos
by gcntlor means, But If that ih.n't
look out for tho criuhcr
again Mount Union Tlmos.
Wayne County Pomona Orange, No.
1 41, hold its third quarterly meeting
with Hope Grange, No. 89S, at South
Canaan on Thumlay, September 10th.
A short Kcssion was held in tho morn
ing when several candidates wore In
itiated in the third aud fourth dcarecH.
A Kood portion of tho uftcruoou nee
sion was taken up with tho reading of
tho minutes ami Grange reports. Six
teen out of soventecii Ginncs woio
heard from; tho largest number of re
ports probably ever leeeived at ono
tlmo since Way no County Pomona
Grange was oiganiv.t-d.
Tho reports show that the several
Granges throughout tho county, with
ono or two exceptions, to no in a
healthy, and prosperous condition.
They also show that JIopoGiango had
taken in tho largest number of now
memln-ia for tho quarter just ended.
They have therefore captured tho l'o-
nioua Grange Honor Uunucr, held by
the Enterprise GrangeatTorrcy for the
hint sis months.
Hope Grunge is tho oldest in the
county nnd ut the present, tlmo lias the
largest membership, 102, while Beech
Grovo and Labor Granges uro close
ivnl?, and undoubtedly tbi.s was tho.
argest number of Patrons of IluMbuu-
dry ever assembled in tho hi.slorv of
Wuyno county.
An invitation was sent to W. F.
Hill, Master of PeniiHNlvnnin Slate
Grange, to On present at thin time, but
for Home, unknown reason he lulled to
put in an appearance.
1 ho long tables worn laden with all
the, good things of the season and eon
dderabio time was consumed in admin
istering to the wants and comforts ol
tho huge number present.
Theiowusn largo delegation pres
ent from Labor Grange ut Calkins,
everal of whom rendered valuable aid
in tho evening's entertainment,. There
weie also good delegations Irotn Beech
Grove, Union aud l'lcnsnnl. Valley
Granges, and a few from most Granges
throughout the county.
Kev. Ji. L. llenvillo extendi d i
cordial welcome to the visiting iiieni
bera i n behalf of Hope Grange
l!e.v. J. 15 Cody, of Bethany, respond
ed in a veiv pleasing manner.
W. H. Bullock, rend a paper giving
a brief history of Wayne and Lack a
wanna county Pomona Grange, which
was organized May ill), 1800, at Ster
ling, with 40 charier members, which
later terminated into what is known
today as Wuyno County Grange, No.
41. The first nauio on tho list of
charter members is that of Kussell
5vingle,of South Canaan, and the only
member identified with Pomona
Grange today. Ho was also tho first
at this tinin to settle for dues, always
paving in full and sometimes in ad
vance. During the short existence, of
l lie Wayne and Lackawanna County
Grange only live meetings were held
wnich covered a period of about thir
teen mouths when, on account of the
largo area uud long distance necessary
to travel to attend tho meetings, it was
thought advisable and advantageous
to all concerned to dissolve, conse
quently at a meeting held nt Madison-
ville, Lackawanna county, Juno inn,
1801, a committee of six were appoint
ed, namelv, Loren Heed, 15. E. Blake,
E. Watrous, W. H. Swaitz, J. W.
Hatherill and S. S. Swaitz. The com
mittee reported as follows : "That on
account of tho largo territory compris
ing the two counties, making It very
inconvenient for patrons to attend
meetings, therefore, your committee,
after duo consideration, would respect
fully recommend a dissolution of the
said Pomona Grange." Tho first meet
ing under the name of Wayne County
Pomona Grange after the separation of
the two counties, was held with Hope
Grango at South Canaan, Sept. 0th,
1891. Just 17 years and one day from
Tlnsley's 16-oz.
Natural Ual
Old Peach
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tho date of this meeting, Sept. 10th,
1903. No list of tho officers appears
but tho records show (hat F. L. Benja
min occupied the Master's chair and
W. H. Alt acted in the cupieity of
secretary. Dutlng the year, 1892, 78
uuw incmlietfl were added From that
duto mo find, according lo recouls, a
gradual deeieiifo hi new members un-
til in 1904. Since that dale thero has
been a decided increase every year and
tho piosprcls in old Wayne today hi
regard to Grungo activity hic certainly
veiy encouraging.
At this I lino tho litoinry program
was in order and Woithy Lecturer M,
G. Noblo ptesidod. F. W. Stephens
was introduced lor mi address and
humorously lesponded. E. E. Kins
man rood a paper on "Local Option, "
ono of tho important, questions uf lite,
day. A recitation by O N. Bates, ol
Calkins, was loudly applauded. Here
spouded with another recitation
h. B. Murray, of Luke Ailel, (dined
the following lesolutioos:
WIIKKKAh: The llmnirpMUnils fiii-nll rliflit.
(ill iniillviK which li-mt to pioinolu the lanti
ois' Wf ll'aie, ami
WIIKhkas: Thi' runners and Mwhanl
limik, of HoiicMlnle, Is pim-llmUy n fiiruur's
Ihslllnllnn, Imvliu: lot Us illivclors n ml huk-U-Imldt
rs mitiiy or mi r inunilni'ni. (Jimiikit it ml
Ilirilll l'S, tlllTtTI-fiHV, Iim it
ItcMilvort, Thill we extend lo llui above
Hank our lunriy tipprei-lnlluii tor ilie ell'm lH
they litivn intidu In placing lliilrstock aiumm
I lit! tllU-i-H of Mm Mill, thi'ii'iiy inaklui; llicin
pari, owners or the liihilluilnii,
Also tho following resolutions:
Wukuius: II IsnniMirihc rarillnal princi
ples uf American government. Hint assembled
Inn! Ich Willi legislative Inactions shall lie eon
stilntcil of a proportionate representation of
Ilie people anil
Wiu:ki'.a!j: Our National Orange U pre
enilcntly a legislative liody anil hy right unil
hi .Insilee otighl lo hen rciircscnlatlve hoily, In
which uicinlieislilp sliiiillil Im repr. seaetl as
welt iih Mult s. -itiil
WltniiK.xs: The Slates hiivlng W.fOtl to ),.
llKliiiciulicis have no more voice In the Nil
lloiial (ininiic than Sinks having less than
I.IKMI ineinlicis. In ncc Ilie National Orange Is
tint fnlrly ii prcsi ntiil, lliercl'ore,
Itcsolvcil, lly Ilie Michigan Stale Orange,
In annual m n.Ioii acthllcil. Hint we favor (tie
I'niislltnllon of Ilie National linu,;e hy In
creasing Ihc umiiher of ilelcgiitcs in the Na
tional I nuly In inoiinrtlon 'o iileinlirihliln III
Ilie vailons Males hy aihllng In the .Master
ami tils w Ic I'loin each stale as Is now pto-
vaieii an aiiiuuoiiai ucicgaic aim ins no mr
each l(i,IMIoc-ainlahiivetlie first ll'.IHU.
At 7 80 i, m. Grange opened in tho
liflh ilcgt ce when a shot I scs.iioii was
held. Ten candidates were obligutcd
into tho uiystciies of this degrte by
V , v . Baker, bv I In-odore
Kleine. Other business pertaining to
this degree was also transacted.
At 8 o'clock Grange opened in the
fourth degree, aud after a few prelimi
nary renmrks by tho Worthy Master,
il. G. rsoble, lecturer, occupied the
chair and tho following program was
nicely rendered ;
Opening song, Grange; recitation,
Ward Wall; recitation, Edna Hanks;
solos, Claud Martin, accompanied hy
Alma Noble; lecitation, Lillio G.
Sheard. "How to Make. Poultry I'.iy"
by F.W. Stephens. In a low words Mr
Stephens told tho story of feeding a
bantam hen that ho owned that in a
comparatively short time laid a barrel
full of eggs. Tho barrel was then head
ed up and laid on its t-ido. Tho ban
tam took In the situtation but would
not ho beaten, so sho sat on tho bung
hole and in duo time hutched a barrel
full of young chicks that camo out, of
tho barrel like a swarm of bees. He
also told how this lamous ben was
afterwards taught to lay largo eggs
nono smaller than a gooso egg. Solos,
Harry Samson; recitation, Alma Noble
recitation, O. N. Bates, encored ho
reudcred a song; solo, F. M. Shaller;
recitation, Grace Wall; recitation, II
On motion Hi rising vote of thanks
was given to the member of Hope
Grango for their kind and generous
hospitalilty extended to tho visitiug
members during this meeting. A voto
of thanks was also tended to the
Worthy Lecturer for the excellent pro
gram furnished through his untiring
efforts. This very interesting and
profitable Grange meeting closed with
a song by the Grange choir.
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Granger Twist
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Lady's Pocketboolc 50 Togs
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Playing Cards 30 Tags
60-yd. Fishing Reel 60 Tags
march to tbe meetings, ii oniy wun a