The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, October 02, 1908, Image 2

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roausnKD ktebt wedxksdat axd miDAT Br
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w. w. wood.
JAMKS S. SHERMAN, of New York.
MORRIS L. CLOTHIKK. of Philadelphia.
UKNJAMIN V. JUNKS, at 1'Ittslmrs.
l-Jonnliurt I7-W. S. Settle
S-H. A. Davis lH-Kobt, C. Neat. Sr.
3- K. T. Chandler 19-J. C. Stlneman
4- K. A. lilmbcl a) Thomas Shipley
5- K. W. ratton 2I-W. K. Keynolds
S-G.J. Klliott 22-A. W. McCtillough
7- U. U. Hatiel 2t-J. T. Kogors
8 J. D. Abbott 21-JmlgeJ. K. Taylor
K J.N. 1. Uausman 25 J. K. Downing
10-Col. R.A. Phillips gB-ilermau Simon
U-J. L. Newell Z7-T. T. Wilson
U-John Mathlas at-P.U. Koss
U-A. H. Miller 29-U. V. Sbultz
U-W. T. McCabc 30-O. A. Kabcock
15- Geo. W. Williams 31-A. 1C Peacock
16 D. J. Waller. Jr. 3a 11. L. Wiliams
WM. D. PORTER, of Allegheny.
CHARLES C. PRATT, of Susquehanna.
SAMUEL W. 1IOFFOR1). of Carbon.
W. E. PERIIAM. of Mount Pleasant.
M. LEE U RAM AN, of Honesdale.
roR rROTiioNOTAitv, etc..
WALLACE J. HARNKS. of Iterlln.
ALFRED 0. 1U.AKK. of Itcthany.
J. K. HOKNI1ECK. of Kuuinunk.
THOMAS 0. MADDEN, of Dreher.
ARTHUR W. LARl'AIIEE. of Starncca.
W.ltROCK LESHEIt, of Sterling.
MYRON E. SIMONS, of Honesdale.
Election Tuesday. November 3. MM.
The Wnlos-Mitchell Suit.
Attorney Alex. DeWitt Wales, of Bing
haruton, applied to Justice Lyon of that
city, on Thursday of last week, and
moved to substitute T. L. Lewis, as
President of the Mine Workers, for John
Mitchell, against whom his suit for coun
sel fees for furnishing the,, plan which
ended the great coal strike was original
ly brought. The motion was opposed
by counsel for Mr. Mitchell. The court
directed that briefs be submitted, after
consideration of which, a decision will
be rendered.
, The proceeding is one more step in the
litigation that has been before the court
for five years, and on the calendars of
the different terms since 1000. More
motions than the lawyers interested can
count have been made on one point and'
another, one of the most important be
ing on Oct. 10, 1904, when Mr. Wales
obtained an order for the examination
of Senator Thomas G. Piatt, by a com
mission, on account of the condition of
Mr. Platt'a health. There was a series
of orders obtained by the opposing par
ties relating to this examination before
it finally took place before Henry L.
Beach, late in 1905. It was arranged
orally between counsel when the exam
ination occurred that Mr. Beach should
furnish typewritten notes of the testi
mony, and that it need not be signed by
Mr. Piatt, and subsequently Mr. Beach
furnished these notes. At some time
during 1905, after the dismissal of Mr.
Mitchell's appeal from the order for the
examination of Louis N. Hammerling,
of Wilkes-Barre, which occurred on Sept.
22, 1905, Hammerling was duly examin
ed before said Beach in Scranton some
time late in 1905, or early in 1900, when
arrangements were made similar to those
in regard to Piatt, as to the signing of
the testimony by the witnesses.
President Roosevelt is one of the wit
nesses regarded by Mr. Wales as impor
tant to prove the justice of his contention ;
but the President avails himself of the
executive's special privileges in such
matters, and declines to respond to sub
poenas. To an ordinary observer it would ap
pear that if there is no merit in the claim
of Attorney Wales, it ought not to be a
difficult matter to show that fact in a
fair trial of the case; while on the other
hand, if he is entitled to compensation
for servicos rendered, Biniple justice
ahould afford htm an opportunity to
prove his rights through the usual legal
C. C. Pbatt, our candidate for Con
gress, called on ua, and we were pleased
to hear that tho outlook in Bradford,
Wyoming and Susquehanna counties
ia such that there is no question about
tho 14th Congressional District taking
its place in the Republican column and
giving its old time Republican majority.
Mr. Pratt stated that nowhere in this
Congressional District is there found a
more honorable or upright set of peo
pie than the voters of Wayne county, and
Uiat the claim that Kipp was making,
here and elsewhere, that thoy were pur
chasable, would be resented at the polls.
Wm. Jennings Bryan ia acknowledged
to bo the greatest living authority on
events that have novor happoned.
Eva BY irreat national nolicv Ilrva
haa advocated has been repudiated by
(be pcoplo, by hia own party, or by him
A visit to Menher &Co.'b Cloak and
Bait department will convince buycre
o( the style and cloth qualities of their
auinn'ii mill (l OOpilf
One ABpcct of Free Trade.
Statistics recently published in Eng
land show a discouraging condition of
British industries under free trade. The
decline in agriculture is especially
marked. In 1851 there were in England '
and Wales l.OtVi.OOO persons engaged in
agricultural labor; in 1901, while the,
population had nearly doubled, the
number had fallen to PSS.OOO. In 1851
the proportion thus employed was 100
to the thousand; in 1901 it was hut 80to '
the thousand. Various methods were t
tried to induce men to remain on farms.
but without effect. The hours of work
were longer and tho returns smaller than '
in most other industries. The import
ation of agricultural products continued
to increase, and in 1907 amounted to I
more than JCl'OO.lKW.OtXl. The British!
farmer could not compete with the for
eign product.
At the same time, the manufacturing .
industries, notwithstanding cheap food, i
are in a greatly depressed condition, j
through increasing foreign competition j
under free trade. The army of tineni-'
ployed in the manufacturing centre is
much larger than for many years past,
and has lately been reinforced by l.0,-
000 operatives of the Manchester cotton.
mills. The last feature is due to a pe
culiar condition. For several years pa.-t,
the finest British machinery for cotton i
mills has been sent to China and Japan,
and the cheap native labor in thes-e j
countries, with low freight rates on 1
British steamers, enable the nianufac-;
turers to lay down cotton goods in Kng-!
land at prices below the home cost. The i
Manchester mill owners proposed a
wage reduction of live per cent., lint the
men refused Ilencetheiuills have been !
closed and the British public buys the i
cheap cotton goods of Asia.
It is not surprising that the protective
policy is rapidly gaining ground in Eng
land. The movement in that direction
is called "tariff reform", while in this
country "tariff reform" means free trade.
The Standard Oil and the Tariff.
Col. Bryan, in his speech at ltuffalo on
Sept. 121st, emitted the following:
"What has the President done to pun
ish the Standard Oil Company? The
lino against the btandard has been re
versed, and uo effort has been made to
remove the tariff which was imposed for
the benefit of the Standard Oil Com
pany." Whenever Bryan sees a Trust, he sees
the tariff in the background. But if he
will take the trouble to examine the tariff,
he will find nothing in it for the benefit
of the Standard Oil Company. As Mr.
Archbold, Vice President of the Stand
ard, pointed out last winter, in an elab
orate article defending that trust and its
methods, The Standard Oil Company
derives no benefit from the tariff. Oil
has for many years been on the free list,
and the other products of the Company
are cither free of duty, or are without
foreign competition.
As to the reversal of the Standard Oil
fine, between Judge Landis and the l
S. Circuit Court of Appeals Justice has
not had her innings. But this is not the
fault of President Roosevelt. If a fine
against the Standard cannot be sustained
under the present law, it shows only
that the law needs amendment. Effective
methods of checking monopoly are in
the course of development, and are more
likely to be reached under Taft than un
der Bryan. If it could be checked by
promises, Bryan could do as well as any
man; but the task of checking it by ef
fective legislation is still in the experi
mental stage, and would still be in that
stage under Bryan's plans.
Foraker and the Party.
The opposition to Taft, led by Senator
Foraker, is now seen to embrace no He
publicans except the comparatively
small class that has heretofore opposed
the Roosevelt policies. Foraker admits
that he was for Jycara attorney for the
Standard Oil Qo., though denying that
he acted in its interest relative to feder
al legislation. But he was attorney for
the railroad corporations that opposed
rate regulation ; and, though the Ohio
legislature, with a Republican House
and an opposition Senate, requested
him to support the Hepburn-Dolliver
rate bill, he fought it bitterly, and was
the only Republican Senator who voted
against it. He opposed the President's
policies on all essential points, and dis
torted the Brownsville affair in an at
tempt to prejudice negro voters against
him. His hostility to Taft is avowedly
becauso Taft stands for the Roosevelt
policies, and, if elected will continue
Roosevelt's work in carrying them into
effect. He has been barred out of the
councils of the party, and ia making
war on Taft in tho interest of railroads
and trusts.
Ex-Senatok Wilkinson Call, of Flori
da, a lifo long Democrat and Confed
erate veteran, lias repudiated Bryan. In
1872 and 1870, Senator Call was an
Elector-at-Largeon the Democratic tick
et. Hisreasonfor supporting Judge Taft,
ia that he believes that Mr. Taft is a
good man as well as Mr. Bryan and Mr.
Hisgcn, but that Mr. Taft's experience
in public affairs and his Bound judgment
and the absenco of extreme opinions
and hostility towards tho interests of tho
southern people should command their
Infanta', Children'B and Misses' win
ter Cloaks at Mknnku ACo.'H. New in
styles, beet in goods. VMM
George Herrmann Again.
The Big Lumberman and Theatrical
"Angel" In More Trouble.
Mrs. Florence Crosby Herrmann, for
mer wife of (Jeorge Herrmann, million
aire lumberman am) theatrical "angel,"
during which happy relationship the
pair were summer residents of Damascus
township, where all sorts of domestic
troubles eventually befell them, result"
ing in litigation before Justice of the
Peace, Wm. II. Ham. of this borough,
anil a suit in a New York divorce court,
has begun another suit in the Supreme
Court afterdelectives have chased Herr
mann over a good part of this country
and Europe. An effort will be made to
have a receiver appointed for the hus
band, the object being to not only get
his property, but toereatea trust for the
former wife, so that .die can obtain three
years overdue alimony and secure fu
ture payments. This suit, is another
act in n domestic drama in which (Jco.
Herrmann has been leading man and
two real wives and one pretender the
leading women. .Mr. Herrmann former
ly liked the show business, having
plunged sO.OOO in "The Isle of Cham
pagne." Wife, No. 1 was Lena Kreiler Herr
mann, who sued for divorce, naming
Carlotta Keys, of Vonkers, as co-respondent.
The Keys woman soon made
things interesting for Mr. Herrmann,
suing for separation to establish lirst a
coinnioii-luu and next a formal marriage.
She lost the lirst suit, but obtained a
veidiet in the second, which Justice
Wiliiiout Smith set aside on the ground
that her loveliness and wit hypnotized
the jurors to lind in h.r far against
the weight of evidence.
More trouble speedily came when
Herrmann married Florence Crosby, the
star in '"The Isle of Champagne," who
lives at No. 11VJ West Ninetieth street,
New York, and still displays "Mrs. lieu.
Herrmann above the bell," On her he
spent most of the $Sd,lKKI. She sued for
separation on the ground of cruelly.
Herrmann testified that the shoe was on
the other foot ; that his wife had smash
ed him with a wet towel and hit him in
the pit of the stomach with a gun bar
rel. The Court finally granted her a
separation, with ?:M a week alimony.
This, she says, has not been paid in
three years.
In the complaint filed by Lawyer .Mil
ler on behalf of his client, the charge is
made that (ieorge Ilerimann has pur
posely kept out of the jurisdiction of
the courts of this State ever since the
early part of the summer of URK, when
the last payment on thealimony account,
was made. It is also alleged th;t he
has entered into an arrangement with
the several other defendants the II.
Herrmann Lumber Company and Uosa
Herrmann, his step-mother "whereby
they are keeping his property for the ex
press object of keeping it from attach
ment." Mrs. Rosa Herrmann is credited in the
complaint with having an annual in
come of $1,000,000 from her various busi
ness enterprises, a considerable portion
of which is supposed to go to (ieorge
Henry W. Hlaudin, one of Hones
dale's most respected citizens and busi
ness men, passed away Sept. 27th, 1908.
He had been suffering for a considerable
time from kidney trouble, which com
pelled him to give up active business life
last March, at which time he sold his
farm at ltlandiu and removed to Hones
dale. His health continued to fail and
on the 22d ult. he was taken to Dr. Heed
Hurns's private hospital in Scranton, for
treatment, where he died. He was a
son of the late Daniel and Adelaide
Blandin who were among the first resi
dents of Honesdale. The funeral serv
ices were held at the Presbyterian chapel
on Wednesday, Hev. Dr. Wm. H. Swift
officiating. Interment in Glen Dybcrry
cemetery. Mr. Blandin is survived by
his wife, a daughter of tho late II. A.
Woodhouse, and two sons, Albert W.,
of Pittston and Edson II., of Scranton.
John I). Palmer died in a Carbondale
hospital, Sept. 30, 1P0S, of paralysis,
aged (.'5 years and 4 months. Deceased
was for yeasr a resident of Equi
nunk. He enlisted in that town in Co.
F. 45th Peim'a Volunteers under Capt.
Charles E. Parker, and was mustered in
to tH U. S. service Sept. 2, 1801, as
Corporal. He was wounded in the bat
tle of the Wilderness, May 7, ISO, and
was discharged July 17, 1805. Mr. Pal
mer returned to Kquinunk after his dis
charge but in ISSTt became a resident of
Carbondale. He is survived by his wife,
a daughter, Mrs. Ceo. E. West, of Scran
ton, and three married sisters, Mesdames
Ellen Turner, Mary E. Cookhouse and
Anna Keesler, all of Kquinunk ; also
three brothers, Alnuzo, diaries and
Henry. Interment in the Kquinunk
cemetery. '
Kennedy's Laxative. Couch Syrup Is used
nearly everywhere, because It not only heals
Irritation of the throat and stony the cough,
hut It drives Hie cold out of the system
through Its laxative principle by assuring a
free and gentle action of the bowels, and that
Is the only way to euro a cold. You can't
,curo It as loll!; as you are constipated. Ill
Hint upon Kennedy's laxative Cough Syrup.
Sold by PHIL, Tho Druggist.
Tired Mothers, worn out by tho peevish,
cross baby, have found Casoaswi-et a boon
and a blessing. Cascaswcct Is for babies anil
children, and is especially good for the ills so
common in hot weather. lk for the In
gredients printed on the bottle. Contains no
Fiuriuful drugs. Sold by 1'KlL.TIui Druggist.
DoWitt's r.lltlcJKarly Itlsers. Hie ruinous lit
tle liver pills. They are small, sure, safe
plllB. Hold by l'UJL. The Untwist.
"The proposal to create forest pre
serves around the sources of the streams
that flow into the waters of this State
should have hearty support. Nature pro
vided the Btorage facilities for the water
during a period of great precipitation in
order to carry us through a drouth;
man has stripped the mountains of tim
ber, and Hoods and dry seasons have
caused untold damage to property, to
say nothing of the erosion and laving
waste of vast areas of fertile land's by
sudden freshets." Tioga Agitator.
While we are ready to endorse what
the Agitator says as to sudden and de
structive Hoods as a result of the disap
pearance of our forests, it docs not Beem
so clear that the lack of rain and con
sequent drouths arc due to the same
cause. The farther back we go the more
dense must have been our primeval
woods, and the wider the territory they
occupied. Yet the records and the old
est observers arc being quoted to show
that more than a hundred years ago the
lowest water marks existing were made
on the bed rocks of the Delaware, Sus
quehanna and other rivers. The Port
Jervis Gazette says that the shrinkage
in the Delaware has "been watched by
residents above Mill Rift for a mark of
the lowest the river has fallen since 1775.
Sunday this mark came to the surface
and was plainly distinguishable, making
YXi years since its appearance." Now
there has been a steady destruction of
the forests on the tributaries of that
river during all of these 133 years, and
and yet now, for the first time in that
period, the record mark appears. This
fact, if it proves anything, forces the
conclusion' that to other causes besides
the destruction of the timber must be
ascribed the drying up of the sources of
our streams.
White Mills.
Skit. 29th. Mr. and Mrs. Charles
tiuisler are rejoicing over the arrival of
a young son.
Mr. and Mrs. Cosgrove are mourning
the l-iss of their infant baby.
There was great excitment in town on
Thursday evening, over the runaway
team which came in town without its
driver. It was a miracle that this heavy
team of horses could travel from Chas'.
Porllinger's farm to the factory without
causing some injury to themselves or the
people of the town! but luckily all escap
ed except the driver, Seth Down, who
received a good shaking up, but nothing
Mr. and Mrs. William Cosgrove arc a
happy couple overthe arrivalof a young
The Modern Woodmen of America
will hold their annual ball on Oct. 17th,
at Heptasophs' hall.
Joseph Scoda.of Duryea, was a caller
in town on Sunday.
Sept. 30th. A. Lawson, who went to
Bloomlield, N. J., and started in the
hotel business sometime ago, came back
and looked up his old position as glass
blower on Tuesday.
Misses Florence" and Jennie Atkinson,
Laura Box and Hannah Wetzel took a
pleasure trip to Narrowsburg on Sun
day. Mrs. Samuel Box called on friends at
Beach Lake on Sunday.
Mrs. L. Christiana visited her sister,
Mrs. O. Henshaw at Indian Orchard,
this week.
Misses Emma Walters, Henrietta Fick
ler and Marguerite Belbow, from Scran
ton, arc the guests of Weber Brothers,
and you can depend on Weber Broth
ers for a good time at. any old time.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Lee have taken
possession of Minor Brown's farm on the
hill. Peter is going to give the chicken
business a trial
George Werner has moved back on
the old homestead.
Leonard Shumau, of Newark, N. J.,
is visiting friends in town this week.
Walter Thomas, of Bethany, is visiting
Mr. and Mrs. J. Stephens.
Henry Weber is our up-to-date chest
nut picker. He uses the telegraph polo
spurs to climb the trees.
D. C. Dorflinger ia fitting up his resi
dence with hard finish floors.
White aiills Central Republican club
wishes to say in regard to the many
questions being asked about the future
of their organization that thev are
permanently organized, and that the
prediction that the bottom will fall out
after election is quite contrary to the
preparations being made at this time,
and we think when any good Republi
cans from the county "have visited us,
that they will agree with the Club, that
we have come to stay.
All signs fail in dry weather, but not
so in AVhite Mills. For the last ten years
it;has been generally known that in the
boiler room of the factory three toads
have always made it their home and
whenever there was an indication of Tain
the toada would always start to croak.
Monday morning about 1 o'clock, croak,
croak, croak said the little toad, and rain
fell on the fireman before he reached
home at 7:30 in the morning.
At The Lyric.
No greater theatrical attraction ia an
nounced for early presentation this sea
son, than the elaborate production of
Shakspeare's famous' love tragedy of
"Othello," in which tho noted tragedian,
John Griffith, and his splendid company
of associate players, will appear at tho
Lyric Theatre, Tuesday, Oct, Oth. Ho is
given excellent support, it is said, by hia
present leading lady, Misa Edvth Totten,
whose portraiture of Desdemona, tho
fair and gentle Venetian, has been greatly
praised by critics. The entire company
is said to be the best Mr. Griffith has
ever had, and hia approaching engage
ment in "Othello" will boeagerly looked
forward to.
Where in this country ia it needful to
enter into who and what Buster Brown
is? Everyone knows R. F. Outcault'a
cartoons too well, and the announce
ment that this musical comedy will bo
seen at the Lyric Theatre, I-riday Oct. 2d,
brings forth but one query: "What sort
of a performance will it be?" New scen
ery and costumes with new songs imd
music will bo tho features. What more
can the amusement-seeker ask? Seats
now on Bale at the boxolllce.
Sole agents' for Wooltex Garments in Wayne.
Attention is called to the STRENGTH
of the
Wayne County
The FINANCIER of New York
City has published a ROLL OF
HONOR of the 11,470 State Banks
and Trust Companies of United
States. In this list the WAYNE
Stands 38th in the United States.
Stands 10th in Pennsylvania.
Stands FIRST in Wayne County.
Capital, Surplus, $455,000.00
Total ASSETS, $2,33,000.00
Honesdale, Pa., May 29, 1908.
ItKAb KSTATK.-Ily virtue of process Is
sued out of the Court of Common Pleas of
Wayne county, ami State of Pennsylvania,
anil to me directed and delivered, I have lev
led on and will expose to public sale, at the
Court House In Honesdale, on
FRIDAY, OCTOI1KK !). l'JOM, at 2 l M
All tho defendant's rluht, title and Interest
in tho following described prnparty, to wit:
All that certain piece or parcel of land sit
uate in the townthlp of Canaan. County of
Wayne, .State of Pennsylvania, bounded uml
described as follows:
"ilKOINNINll at tho Milton! ami Oweco
Turnpike: thenco south seventeen decrees
west about twenty-seven rods and twenty
two links; thence, sixty-four decrees cast
about nine rods and six links: thenco north
seventeen decrees east twenty-four rods to
tho turnpike aforesalditlieneo west alone said
turnpike about eleht rods and kIx ; links to
tho plaeo of hecinnlnc. CO.NTAIMNO ono
am! one-half acres of land, nioro or less.
Heine same land which Miirtlmoro . Tuthll
conveyed to Truman HpraunO by deed dated
recorded In Heed Hook .So.
17, Jiuce 1K5.
upon said premises Is a one and a half story
house and frame burn and other Improve
ments. ...
Kelied and taken In execution as the prop
crty ot Trillium Spracueat the suit ofll, II
(luther. No. 1.17. lunu Term, 1'JCM. Judgment
tHW; real debt $157.55. , , ,
Mumford, Attorney,
Purchaser to puy 1. for deed as In Sheriff's
Sheriff's UlUce, Huncsdule,
The Distinguished Tragedian.
Supported by alias KDYTII TOTTKN
and Splendid Cast in a Sumptuous
Presentation of Shakspere's In
spiring Tragedy,
PRICES : ;r. r. 7r,, i.oo si. To
nt ltocat9a.m..
J the Judge of the several Courts of
the County ot Wayne has Issued his precept
ror holding a Court of (Juarter Sessions, Oyer
and 'terminer, and (ienerid .lull Delivery In
and for said County, at the Court House, to
begin on
and continue one week i
And directing that a (irand Jury for the
Courts of Quarter Sessions and Oyer and
Terminer be summoned to meet on Monday,
October la, 1!XH, at 2 p. in.
M Notice Is therefore hereby given to tho
Coroner and Justices of the Peace, and Con
stables of thu County of Wayne, that they bo
then and there In their proper iiersons, at
said Court House, at o'clock- In the afler
ii(ii)i) of mdil JUth of Oetober, 1!KJH, with their
records, iiiiiulsltlons.examluatlons and other
remembrances, to do those things which to
their olllees appertain to bo done, and those
who are bound by recognizance or otherwise
to prosecute the prisoners who are or shull
be in the Jail ot Wayne County, be then and
there to prosecute against them us shall bo
(liven under my hand, lit Honesdale, (Ids
5th day of October. HUH, and In the lillst year
of the iuilrpcMdenconf tho United States.
It will pay you to call at the
finely equipped
11 South Main St., CAItllONDAI.K, PA.
New Portieres, Riihh, CurlahiH and
Carpets nt Mk.nnek & Co. '8. liiieitf