TheHerald iwr m.l-iili:ii ix;n "All me $ That's f to Prim.' i imlivi neif tx-nliig, exwpt Sunday. M H .utli .Inrdln slreet, Rliennndnali, Pa. LON( IMVIWNOU TliLKI'IIONK. Tub Herald In dellve red In Shenandoah and lli mrroundlng towns tor el x cents n w ck, pay able to the carriers, lly mall W.dO n year, 01 23 cents month, wynlile In advance Ad vertisements charged according to apneo and position. The publishers reserve tho right lo change the position if advertisement, whenever the publication ot news demands It The right Is reserved to reject any advertisement, whether paid (or or not, that the publishers mav deem Improper. Adver tising rates made known upminppllfcntloil. ntered at the post office at Shenandoah, I'a., a second class mall mter YOU OAK NOT CII KKA UKft OP THI3 HRKAI.D Timnuoii AW OTHER nxit.v PUBLICATION SATCKDAY. DECEMHEIt 30.IKW. OUR COUNTRY : First. Last and Forever. In ussertliifr the loyalty of the Irish soldiers in service fn South Afrli-u Field Marshal Lord Roberts shows clearly that he knows what he is talking H-hour. IT is of at least passing Interest to note that in this country those who are most conspicuous in condemning the conduct of Great Britain in South Africa include those who have been noisiest in condemning our own Gov ernment for its policy in the Philip pines, and that in Prance the leaders of the anti British agitation are those who have been plotting against the French republic. The fact may not be significant, and then again it may. Thk nearer the approaoli of the time when the Popocrats must do? termine upon their leading issue for next campaign the greater dillloulty they find In agreeing on one. Here are Sibley and Warner announcing that the silver issue is dead for the present at least, Gov. Jones of Ark., and Senator Morgan of Ala., and other southern leaders shouting for expansion, prominent Democratic labor leaders declaring that an indis criminate fight on trusts will damage their interests more than help them, the free traders absolutely silenced, and the Nebraska Democrats threat ening to dissolve partnership because of Senator Allen's appointment over a real Democratic candidate. Mean time prosperity goes on increasing and refuses to be checked by the ealiuiity barviienw"- s lw ineaveragp lermiu oi uismuuui year Pennsylvania will henceforth rank eighth, if not seventh, among the states of the Union, but will not outrank Maryland, New York, New Jersey Massachusetts, It lode Island, Connecticut, and, perhaps.California. In this state some of the richest farming distriots have been the slow est to improve their school facilities either by lengthening the term or by i ncreasing the salaries of the teachers. Dr ShaelTer says the reports for 1900 will show whether the apprecia tion cf the teacher has diminished in the districts actually affected by the statue lengthening the minimum term to seven months. Dr. SchaelTer saB there is difficulty in enforcing tha compulsory law -where parents reruju to have their children vaccln ated, and suggest that supplement ary legislation is needed in this -Mr. Wk -an see the sorrowing wonder ' n Col. Bryan's face as he puts anti septic on his fifth rib after this Btab :m a silver dagger and a friendly y acd ' How can a Democrat enjoy I rosperity?" the Colonel is asking tniself. "If free Bilver is dead, what 'adve In my outfit 7 And, O, to It that Joe Sibley should have urncl traitor to the cause of human ity and the money of the producing lasses ' I am distressed for thee, my brother Jonathan : " To make the distress more aonte, the Hon. Joe n, vey jumps with all his weight on t .1. Bryan's great anti-expansion ssje "If President McKlnley should adopt any other policy In the 'jtare than he has been pursuing it --e the beginning of the war with Spain, he would go down into history the most generally condemned Presi dent thi country eyer had." There wdl be taari and breaking hearts for tb-.t. Why go humping around with a LAME BACK Wheiyyou can get Instant relief In a 10c. boxol DHNSON'S 25 PILLS IX If IDNEY lUbbreiEi m X. M.. m em. FosmvEur Guarantied PlLbw The beet Kldnev nreDaratlon on earth, and a 10-CENT BOX i nt.ii nearly a much M other tell for i cents. If Mmr druggltt will not tupply you, tetti u five a cnt ttampa and gei a box of mail The Johnson Laboratories, Inc., Phtla. " FOR SALE BY ALL DRUOniSTS A Handsome Complexion U on of U gTeateat ouarnu a wcnu can poiieu Boucni's Courutxie panroul fctfult, j THOUSANDS OF REQUESTS For Free Bottles r received by the manufacturer of Or. David Kennedy's I'uvorito Koinody, ml upon strut invustlimllon It ha been found that no lew than 01 per cent, of thoBu rwetviiiK l rial lioUlm have been so lii'le.l hv Hit litmierty eiit.llintthoy hae brnmlit Inrno elied bottles at thuir druggists. There is no doubt that Favorite Remedy is t ho very bust medicine known for di-eam-s l the Kidneyi, Liver, Bladder and lllood, Rheuma tism, Dyspepsia and Chronic CoiiRtiia tion. Iho niiintifiicturcrs nro prepared to send free trial bottles postpaid i0hI1 thoso who will write, uivinu their full namctiiid pint ullico address lo the 1)11 DAVID KKNNKDY COIJI'ORATION, itoiuiout, N. Y.. iind mention tills paper Put some of vour urine in a glum tumbler; if in 24 hours It has a sedi ment, or u milky, cloudy rnndig'nii; If it Is pale or discolored, ropy or stringy, tou need a good medicine,' and Favor ite Remedy is the best one you can take. It speedilv cures such dancer oils symptoms as pain in the bnck,fre qtienl desire to urinate especially at night, scalding burning pain in passing water, staininc of your linen by the nrlno and inability to hold it. Also the unpleasant and dancerouR effects produced on the system by the use of whiskey or beer Dr. David Kenneth's Favorite Item ed y In polil nl all -io i- ,,i H.UO a bottle, or six bottles lut 4MW Snnduy Specials. Services in the Trinity Reformed church to-morrow at 10:00 n. in., and (ISO p. in. Sunday school at 1:30 p.m. Inter twrvit-o on Wednesday, at 7:30 p. in. The Lnllis' Aid oil Tuesday evening, and ( lie Hi-iili'lbum League- on Thurrtliiy evenlne. The Willing Workers on Saturday, at &30 p. m . and Hit choir nn Monday ami Friday evcuings Kev. 7. A. Yearirk pastor. Regular services will ho held In the United Evangelical church, North Jardin street, to morrow at 10 a. in. anil 0.31) p in. Sunday chool at 2.00 p. in. Uev. J. It. Hcmyt, pastor. K. L. C. E on Monday evening l'rtycr. praise and testimony meetings overy Thus ilay, Wednesday and Thursday evniims Bible study every Friday evening. Jr K I 13. E. evory Saturday evening at 7 o'clock Primitive Methodist churuh, James Moure, pastor. Preaching at 10:30 a. in. and 0:30 p.m. Sunday school at 2 p. m. Class meet ing on Wednesday evening. General prayer meeting on Thursday ovenlug. Everybody welcome. Services in All Saints' Protestant Episcopal church, on West Oak street, to-morrow as follows: Holy Communion. 8:00 a. in. Mornin prayer and sermon, 10:3i). Sunday school, 2:00 p. ni. Evening prayer anil ser mon, 7:00. G. W. Van Fossen, pastor. First Baptist church, corner of West and Oak streets, Uev. 1). I. Evans pastor. Services at 10a. in. and 0 p. in. Sunday school at 2 p. in. Prayer meeting Monday evenings. Young People's meeting Wednesday evenings. Class meeting Thursday evenings. Services will he held at the Presbyterian church during the coming week n9 follows: Sahbath preaching services, 10:30 a. m and 0:'10 p. in. Sahbath school, 2 p in. Senior Christian Endeavor. 7:30 p. in., following the evening service. Weekday services in the lecture room : Midweek prayer meeting and bible lecture. Thursday evening, at 7:30 Junior Christian Endeavor, Siturdsy aller uoon, at 1 o'clock. All are insde welcome Seats free. H. VV Koehler. pastor. Calvary Baptist church. South Jardin street. Preaching to-morrow at 10:30 a. m mil i:30 p. ni. Uev K. H. Allans, pastor. Sabbath school at 2 p. m.. Deacon John Bunn, Superintendent. II. Y. I U Tuesday evening, at 7:30. Wednesday evening, general prayer meeting at 7:30. Everybody welcome. St, John's Lutheran church, West Cherry -.treet. Itev. John Gruhler, pastor Preach ing, 10 a. m. ; Sunday school, 1:30 p. m. : preaching 0:30 p. m. St Michael's Greek Catholic church. West Centre street Uev. Cornelius Laurisin, pas tor. Matutiuum service 9 a. in. High mass 10 a. m. Church of the Holy Family, (German U. C.) North Chestnut street. Jtev. A. T. Schut tlehofcr, pastor. First mass S a. m., second mass 10 a. m. St Gisimir's Polish R. C. church. North Jardin street. Uev. J. A. I.enarklewiez. pastor. First mass 8 a. m., high mass 10 a. in., vespers and benediction 4 p. ni. Church of the Anmiuciation, 218 West Cherry street. Rev. H. F. O'Reilly, pastor; Rev James Kane, assistant pastor. First mass, 7 a. m., second mass, 8 a. ui., high mass. 10 a. ni, benediction, 7 p, in. St Stai ilius church. Morning services on Sunday at 8 and 10. Vcspeis at 7 o'clock Sunday school at 2 p.m. Rector Weuesluus V. Matulaltt3. Keheleth Israel Congregation, corner of Oak and West streets, Rev. Henry Mit nik, pastor. Saturday services, 8 to 10a, m., and 3 to 5 p. m. Sunday services 8 to lo a.m. and every week day morning from 7 to 8 a. m. A Card. We, the undersigned, do hereby agree to refund the money on a 50-cent bottle of Greene's Wananted Syrup of Tar if it falls to cure your cough or cold. We also guaran tee a 25-cent bottle to prove satisfactory or money refunded. Wasley, C. II. Ilagenbuch, Shenandoah Drug Store, P.W. Blerstaln&Co. l-literNoil'rf I lolfirf.futtie. Paterson, N. J., Dec. 30. The sub committee, of which Attorney Genera Griggs is chairman, appointed to re port on the proposed memorial to Vice President Hobart has reported to the citizens' committee that they were of the opinion that the memorial should consists of a gxonze statue, life size or heroic size, to be placed upon a granite or other stone pedestal, the statue to represent Mr. Hobart standing before the United States senate, it is further recommended that the statue be erect ed in front of the city hall. The-cost of the proposed memorial Is estimated at $15,000, to be contributed by Mr. Hobart's friends all over the country. Klieumntlim Cured In a Day. "Mystio Cure" for Rheumatism and Neur alula radloally curesin 1 to 3 days. Its action udoii tho system Is remarkable and mys tflrioiis. It removes at once the cause and th disease Imaiediately disappears. The first dose greatly benefits. 75 cents. Sold by Shenandoah Drue Store, Shenaudoah. tf Cllled by Urptoillliur Dynnmlte, Lock Haven, Pa., Dec. 30. Grant Bathhurst. assistant postmaster at Rote, this county, was killed and two other nersons were Injured yesterday by an explosion of dynamite In the weiabmaster s omce ot tne ueueionie Limestone .company, at Salona, eight mllee from this city. One of the men In the office raked the fire In the stove with a poker, and while it was still not hung the poker on a nail. It slipped from the nail and fell into a bucket filled with dynamite fuses, and a ter rifle exnloslon followed. The build Ing was blown to pieces. Bathurst had an arm and a leg torn from his body, and two other men were injured by flying debris. Bathurst was 35 years of age, and leaves a wife and one child. Tlir nullliiuer Cliaricen. Concord, N. H , Dec. 30. Senator William K. Chandler appeared bb a witness est onlay In the grand Jurj hearing of charge of civil service law violation against Senator Jacob H dalllnger. Hecretary Hoyt, of the Re publican state committee, also testified The missing witness, Air. John II Walker, Senator Oallinger's secretary, has not yet been located. Dlatri: t At torney Hamldett said that the rase would not lie dosed until Walker's testimony has been heard and tht he-irlng iis . dj ' i ued ! i ' if ' "I in day . TBN AlOKB WRECK VICTIMS. IIihiIH Ii-ns Weill Ihnn Wll'i nn I n l.iitMtil SottuoiH'r Oft IJltHrrn. Norfolk, Deo. JO. Tlio loan m i i' it (en otlior mon call bo added tr Hn- ! .only loilK lffit MCllUced ill Sim ' ;v night's big Inirrloitno in wlilcli 2t i "i dofltli at Hattfiflg nnil in on an un known hark In mid-ocean, lor thov uu dmibtedly wont down In the , k that wan tlldcovoretl ye-ito day off it i teraa, the moat daiiKOiuiiR point on Uic Atlantic coast. The first news wtm brought yrst"i ilny by tho' Hrltlah atcitnslilp AsIiIjim la. Captain t.ewlfl, who stated that mi Tlutraday, when about 25 mllos nurtb. one-qnni-tor oaat ot Diamond Simula llplitalilp, off Cape HatloraB. he p.iss h1 the wreck of a larne three misled oliooiicr. and the only thlnga visible I'lxive the water wovo the topm.mts There were no Hlgns of life about tlio twI or wreckage flonttiiR and Mir sea was too rough to permit his lilp to ko near the wreck. Tne size of tin niaatB Indicated a largo sailing vessel whose crow was not less than ten men. No shipwrecked sailors have 1 r landed, and tlio men must have gmi1 down with their ship. PIREMFN'S NARROW BSCaPF. ."evi-rnl SM'i-'l,v Injiircil In ii iv Yuri t'tiiiU'irTrtitltin. New York, Dec. 30. The two rovpii story btilldlngs at 42G to tTi Mini Twenty-fourth street, occupied nrlni 1 pally by the wall pupor factory of William Campholl & (X. were destrnv ed by flro last nlisht. The loss is fully $500 000. Three hook and ladder men. Andrew Deenan, Joseph Sliaurrhnpw and Joseph Uesslnger, were caught on the sixth floor and escaped with ere it difficulty. All wore severely horned Two other hook and ladder men v.p'c caught on one of tho high ledge-?. wlh tho flames roarinc all around them and the dense smoke miklnp theni al most Imrerrcntlblo from the street Kxtenslon ladders were run up ami firemen brought them down in nu al most unconscious condition. One of the men, Lee Potter, was very seveiel' burned and wbr sent to. He'levue hos pital. At midnight one section of the walls fell, alniost burying a number of firemen, whose escape was miraculous, and Injuring several of the men. The falling wal's crushed In the roof o' the water supply house fdlulnlng -anti the city's loss will be heavy. I'Jic UIk- Sllwr lliilllou Holil.i'iy. Anaconda, Mont., Dec. ?0. Al Mal lev. accused nf being Implicated In 'he robbery of $100 000 from the Ph'lllp.' burg. Mnnt., Bimetallic company 'ird of poaiei1-'"" 'nformatlon which will he of use the company and t"te of ficials in their prosecution of John F Boyd, charged with stealing the bul lion, has been arrested and taken to Butte. M. 13. Mayer, the assive- of Butte, was arrested on Aug. 10 la?t charged villi having received stolen silver bullion to Hie amount of S1"0 -000. Mayer denied the chirge and g-vi the name of Ttnyd us the man who sold him the lul''; Boyd, who was he-d watchman e Bimetallic crimp ny In Phllllpslmri. from whom 'he silver wnc) til.-e". was arrested. Mayer was discharged. ItllNlfllt Cllll (IlIlMI t Of lIlMT S'lOOPHN, London, Dec. 'O The . MuseH'fs corraspciident of The Dally Hail le'e graphlng Ihe s'ibstance- of an Inter view with tliP Pmolmi rjunpvnl Oouvko, eldest son of the famous Gourko, who is now abiit t-i siar; " Pretoria, aays that the in oniier i-tle the following stjte en': "f 1 - 1 een of fered the command of , TVp" army corps. In niy own mind i mii abso lutely confident of the success of the Boers. You may t-l- irv woul for it that thousand! T'-s-tms wire now fighting under Gen'orr.l Joubert." 11-Kiil Tlilorlinr Hn"-r Avrsteil. Los Anro'o. C"!., Pe" SC. The war rant for the nrn-t of CIitIc II. Cole, foimerlv p;-o-!de-.t cf the Hole b.nik of Boston. ' " 'v-'i,i 'f em'e,'"'lrig 900,0f'0, errlved "'elv. t)p T'nl- nd PtBtos ms)il al' ""''fil a e'ei?ram 'mm (he attorney rer' 'I cf the United Biale? direclins hln to con duct Cole to Boton iTiler ward. Cole waived a preliminary crimination and the start for Boston was made today. The warrant contains four counts. Red Hot From the Gun Was the ball that hit G. B. Steadman, of Newark, Mich., in the civil war. It caused horrible Ulcers, that no treatment helped for 20 years. Then Ducklen's Arnica Salve cured him. Cures Cuts. Bruises, Burns, Boils, Felons, Corns, Skin Erupdons. Best pile cure on earth. 5 cts. a box. Cure guaranteed. Soli yb A. Wasley, druggist. Cmisrri'NMmiiil llout'IIttH Condition. Boston, Dec. 30. To all those who Inquire after the condition of Con gressman Boutelle at the McLean asy lum the only reply given Is that he Is getting along nicely and la improving In strength. Dr. Daniel A. Robinson, the physician who came from Bangor to attend him a'fter he was stricken with sickness at Young's hotel, Bays that while the congressman may re cover his physical health and vigor, It is possible that he may never be tha same again mentally. DoeB'Tals Strike Ton 1 Mudilv comolexlons. Nauseating breath come from chronic constipation, Karl's Clover Root Tea is an absolute cure and has been sold for flftv years on an absolute guarantee. Prlca tS eta. and 50 cts. Sola by P. v. KIrlin on a guarantee. .lvnpiitkN lti-niovi(f of 4'iipltnl. Evansvllle, Ind., Dec. 30. Judge Thomas W. Dillon, of Petersburg, an nounced today that he would be a can didate for the nomination for congress before the next Democratic conven tion. In an appeal to the voters he ad vocated the removal ot the national capital to Kansas, saying the people of the west and south are denied their rights in Washington because of the Influence of wealth. His address has caused considerable comment In po litical circles in southern Indiana. The Cure that Cures Coughs, Colds, Grippe, Whooping Cough, Asthma, BronohltM and incipient Consumption, Is The German remedV Cuv ttvtoA mA Vuntv ittUH. &rw$: 25er50cVt, Used in Millions of Homes! Accept no substitute ! Insist on LION COFFEE, in 1 lb. pkgs. These articles mailed exchange for lion heads front of i lb. LION COFFEE pkgs. Gold Collar Button. Mailed free for SI on heads cut from Lion Coffee wrappers and a 2-cent stamp. Made men.' This ehapo Is handy uud popular. Daisy Neck-Pin. Genuine Hard-Enamel and Gold. For 18 lion heads and n 2-cent stamD. The Illustration Is only two-thirds actual size. Color a delicate pink, with Jewel setting and gold trlminlnps. Heat enamel finish, atylisli and durable. The Lion's Bride." Mailed free for 12 lion heads cut from Lion Coffee wrappers and o 2-cent stamp. An unusually fine picture, from the brush o! the noted German artist, Gabriel Max. It Is founded on Chamlsso s poem, "The Lion's Bride." The story Is interesting, and we send with each picture a hand some folder, containing copy of the poem and telling all about It. Size, 15x26 inches. Dorothy and Her Friends." A bright, cheery picture. For 8 lion heads and a 2c. stamp. A blight, cheery filcture, represent ng a little glrlplay ing with her cntck ensand herrabblts. The predominating colors are rich reds and greens. Size, 14x23 inches. For 10 Hon heads and 3-cent stamp w will mall It tinned, ready for banging . Every time you buy a pound package of LION COFFEE you have bought Don't overlook it I You have bought a certain portion of some be selected by you from our new Premium Lists I , THE ABOVB ARB ONLY A shortly appear In this paper You always know LION COFFEE by the wrapper. It Is a sealed pack age, with the lion's head In front. It Is absolutely pure If the package Is unbroken. LION COFFEE Is roasted the day It leaves the factory. Suit AirnlltMt ciill It HiiiiiIn. Chicago, Dec SO.--Suits for damages aggregating nearly $700,000 have been brought by ownera of property on the streets covered by the Btructure of the Union Elevated railway loop and against tho elevated systems using the loop, the South Side Elevated, the Met ropolitan Elevated nd the Lake Streot Elevated. The largest milt Is brought by Eugene Pike, who seeks to recover $275,000 damages alleged to have been sustained by his property at 79 to S5 Fifth avenue. It Is alleged the ele vated structure has rendered the prop erty' less desirable and of less rental value. Tell Your Sister A beautiful complexion ia an Impossibility without good pure blood, the sort that only exists in connection with the good digestion; a healthy liver and bowehj. Karl's Clover Root Tea acts directly on tho bowels, liver anil kidneys keeping them in perfect health. Price 25 cts. and 50 cts. Sold by 1. )i. Kirlln on a guarantn. Just Arrived! From South Africa. The finest hops and malt to manu facture the famous BERGNER & ENGEL Tannhauser Beer. It is now on tap at the well known hostlery of P. J. Hiley, 200 West Oak street, for the holidays. Give him a call and be convinced Soloman Haak, flgt, 116 South naln St., SHENANDOAH, I'BNNA. Cheapest Shoe Repairer.? GOOD WORK GUARANTEED. Men', aolei and lieela . SO and (Mo Mrn' " " " (Beweil). Sland liOo LodlM"' " " ..... 10 and 60s Utiles'" " sowedj 60o litldreii'saoleHand lieela 80nnd83o Oura Ijootn, tola and lieel - , HOc " " ' " ' with jmtcli- 00c to tu Children's shoes, Sir. Hatlsfdctury patch worn. Hlioes heeled only i&aiidSOtts. Sam Broady, Itobbln' Mock IS3W.L cutro fcfrvet , FREE iu cut from fi ..ikVlM IS7RENSTB4, Stylish Belt-Buckle. Handsomely gold-plated, with Roman finish, nnd Bet with ruby colored Jewel In th6 center. Tills w 11 ba welcomed for "dressod-up" occasions by the ladles who like to wear different colored sashes. The gold-finish goes well with any of them. Ulven for 20 lion heads and a 2-cent stamp. Ladies' Apron. Made of good quality lawn, with alternate revering and (UCks! broad hem at bottom, nnd Is neatly, gathered at waist; a very superiorandstyllsh article. Size, 36x40 Inches. Given for 20 Hon heads and a 2-cnt stamp. Fruit Picture. Size, 16x24 inches. Olven for 8 Hon heads and a 2-cent stamp. 50-Foot Clothes Line. Olven for IS lion heads and a 2-cent stamp. Made of closely orameu coiion threads, strong, and will give the best of satisfaction. FEW OF THE LION COFFEE PREMIUMS. Another I Don't miss It I The grandest list of premiums ever llfurcfl Vfooiiftlitnor fnptiirt'il. Scranton, Pa., Dec 29. - Frank Man ley, the alleged moonshiner, whoso st 111 was unearthed in Pike county last week, was captured yesterday at Browntown, Luzerne county, and lodg ed In tho Lackawanna Jail to await trial at Philadelphia. TLp n-Mifttt'ltnoitltperieflced.tb.oaetoL )DI,euc, ft Kiceaiea. Prof.CI. F.TIIEEI., II.. 004 North Hlith FL. 1' I IIW UUUI QODMIll II TDU Bu, uOiu 1 rir.U initio, lu., rim Ouw.ote la cmr tut,! t .neoctie it Bincmr. mo cuiunci. ixu v imr C ft Health reitored. Paru enlarttxl. ITorritSS, irrsi ti V, Hao.S-lt, Hour, fbr long atandtng and dangfrom ciol dailr 10 SO to S 30. Freah raiel cured 4 to 1 0 dajl. Send for Sworn ertlmoniala aod Uook. All frauda eipoaed. ITTIIIIIIII'I KAIER'S OPERA HOUSE, Mahanoy City. NEW YEAR'S WEEKi Monday, Jan. 1st,, 1900, THE PEER OF ALL Little And a .Company o MyerS & Excellence 1 Monday Matinee, 'Outcasts of a Great City." Monday Evoning, "The E3urglar." wwww Prices, Matinee and Night, 10c, 20c &' 30c Bale of scats for bnth (ter orraanoes opens on I'riday at 10 a. m. Christmas , Groceries Atttne Cheapest Store: In Town. All the choicest grades ot Dried Fruits, Canned Goods, Citron and Lemon I'eel, etc at Almost your own prices. All our Flour Is sold -very cheap, ruultiy and Truck. ELI IS GUZINSKY, 216 Weat Centre St. 9 Best Coffee for the Money ! Try LION COFFEE and you will never use any other. It Is absolutely pure Coffee and nothing but Coffee. Hantel Box of Colored Crayons. PorlOllon heads and a 2c. stamp. Fine wox crayons, fifteen dlftcrent colors, accom panied with out line pictures for coloring. Each crayon lswrnprcd with strong paper, to prevent break ing. Child's Drawing Book. A collection of nice outline pictures bound Into book form with sheets of tissue paper be tween tho leaves. On these tissue pages tho children can trace the pictures beneath, thus aflordlng enjoyment, as well as Instruction to the hand and eye. These drawing books and the box of crayons go very well together. There are six different kinds, and each drawing book requires 6 Hon heads and a 2-ccnt stamp. Naval Box Kite. See it Fly 1 nailed free for 40 lion heads cut from Lion Coffee wrappers and a 2-ccnt stamp. Hst will offered I PURITY AHDFLftVORl r tft Thecele- r-yfL I brated box yfe Ln kite now so ySjstZjT I popular. - T7 Jo&zS&J Thirty Inches f PC . long and I ASi f" comes safely UlisvX folded, but can quickly v be spread to i 3 fly. Every , American boy . ."TV A. wants one, f are Interested IMPORTANT NOTICE, IWhen writing for premiums send your letter In the same envelope or package with the Hon heads. If more than 1 5 Hon heads are sent, you can save postage by trimming down the margin. Ask your grocer for large Illustrated premium list. Address all letters to the WOGLSON SPIGE CO., Toledo, Ohio. Have just received a large line of new and attractive ...(joods At very low prices. Do you want to make your friends happy ? Then come to our store and buy a nice comfort able Fancy Chair, Couch, Divan, Swinging Rocker, of the latest design and finish at prices so low that everybody can aflord to buy them. Our line of Morris Chairs, Ladies' Desks, Combination Cases and Floor Rockets are superior than ever before. M. O'NEILL Furniture Dealer and Undertaker, 10G South Main St. OUR DISPLAY Of watches, jewelry, silverware and musical instruments does not decrease, but is con stantly being replaced with new goods. O.ur selection is just as large and varied to-day as -when the season op ened. Low Prices Is our motto. Come in and be convinced We mean ex actly what we say. Rement ber the place and save money. We guarantee every article we sell. Ellis Deull, isf 7 l'ltUU Ol. Holiday Clock. Alarm Clock. By express, prepaid, for 110 lion heads and a 2c, stamp. Frame lieautlfully finished uithcllt. Stands o inches hleb. A lieauty and pood thru- keeper Sent by expresi, prepaid, for 80 Hon heads and a 2-cent stnip, when ordering cither clock, fvlease name y iur nearest Express Olllce, If there no express rfllco located In your town. Ladies' Scissors. O Length, five Inches, suitable for cutting, trimming and general household use. Olven for 12 Hon heads and a 2c. stamp. Razor. IIIIMI lW Jo Olven for 35 Hon heads and a 2-cent stamp. A first-class razor, made of best English steel, and extra hollow-ground. Rubber Dressing Comb. For 10. 'ion heads and a 2-cent stamp. Length, i Inches, full size and weight. Made of genuine India rubber, fluely finished. Appropriate for a ladles' dressing-case or for use In the household. Game India." Similar to "Far chfsl," which has been played in east ern countries since before Jbe dawn of history. The illus tration shows plan of the game, with usual counters, dice and dice-cups ac companying it. A came which DeODle never tire of playing. Olven for 20 lion heads and a 2-cent stamp. something else, too. article to Philadelphia & Readinq R'y. Engines Burn Hard Coal No Smoke. IN EFFECT NOVEMBER 1, 1H89. Trains leave Shenandoah as follows: For New York via Philadelphia, week day 1 10, 5 38, 7 87, 9 55 a. m 12 26, 3 09 and 6 09 p. ra. Suiidaj s, 2 10 a m. For New York via Marxh Chunk, week days, 7 37 a. m 12 28 and 3 09 n. m. For ItcadluR and Philadelphia, week days, 2 10, 5 88, 7 87. 9 63 a. m., 12 26, 8 09 and 6 09 p. m. Sundays, 210 a m. For l'ottsvllle, week days, 2 10, 7 87, 9 OS a. m. 12 26, 8 09, 6 09 and 7 80 pi m. Sundays, 2 10 a m. For Tarnaqua and Mahanoy City, week days. 2 10, 7 87, 9 63 a. ra., 12 28. 8 09 and 609 p. m. Sundays, 2 10 a m. For Willlamnport, Sunuury and Lewlsburg, week days. 8 27, 11 82 a. m.. 12 28, 7 80 p. m Sundays, 3 27 a m. FprAlahano) Plane, weekdays, 2 10,8 27,8 38, 787, 9 55, II S2 a. m., 12 26, 8 09, 6 09, 7 80, 966 p. in. Sundays, 2 10 and 3 27 a in. For Ashland and Sbamokln, week, days, 8 27, 7 87 11 82 a. m., 12 26, 8 09, 6 07, 7 26 aud 9 65 p. m. Sunday, 8 27 a m. For Baltimore, Washington and the West via 11. AO. It. It., through trains les-t Keadlng Teitnlnal, Philadelphia. (P. & R. H K.) at 8 20, 7 63, 11 26 a. ra., 8 10 and 7.27 p. L. Sundays 8 20, 7 00, 11 26 a. in., 8 46 and 7 27 p. m. Addi tional trains from Twenty-fourth and Chest nut streets station, week days, 1080a. m. 12 20 12 IS 8-10 p.m. Sundays, 1 86, 8 23 p. m. TRAINS FOR HHENANDOAp. Leave New York via Philadelphia, week days, 12 IS, i 80, 7 80, 11 80 a. m aud 1 80, 4 DO, 9 00 p.m. Leave New York via Mauch Chunk, weok dayB, i 80. 9 10 a. m., 1 SO, 4 40 p. m. Leave Philadelphia, Reading Terminal, week days, 4 80, a 86. 10 21 a. m. and 186, 4 06 6 86, II 88 p. in. Leave Reading, week days, 187, 700, 1008, a, in., 12 IS, 4 17, 6 00, 8 26 p. m. Leave Pottsvllle, weekdays, 7 17, 7 40 a m. 9 80, 12 80, 20, 4 80, 6 10 and 6 SO p. m. Leave 'fiamattia, week days, 8 18, 8 86, 11 21 a. in., 149,4 66 7? ,41p. m. Leave Mahanoy Oily, week days, 8 48, 9 04, 11 47 a. m. i 2j S J. 6 21, 7 44, 10 08 p. m Leave Maltaouy Plauo, week days, a 40, 4 00 680. V22 10 23. 12 00, a. m., 2 89, 586, 642,768 10 2pm .ti Leave Wllllt spurl, weekdays, 7 42, 1000 a, m 12 44 acr 1 00 ) 1 80 p. m. ATLANTIC CITY DIVISION, Leavp P lladelphla Chestnut street wharf and south street nar t i Atlantlo City. Weekdays Ki press 9 00, 2 00,4 00, 6 00,718 ij iu. n cu!iiiuuuuuoji,buu a in, a upm. un dayj Express, U 00, 10 L0 a m, 7 15 n m. Aceoni. nioJatloii, 8 1 0 a in, 4 45 p in. Leave Atlautlo City Depot: Weekdays Ex. pr,ss,7 83, 9t 010 30 u in, 3 30,3 8C pin. Accom modation, 8 15 a tu, 1 05 p ni. Sundays Es press, 180, 7 30 p m. Accommodation, 7 13 a m,4 05 pm. For Cape May, Ocean City and Sea Isle City V eekdity 9 to a in, '4 10, 8 00 pm. Sundays -Chctnut St., 9 13, South Ht., 9 a ra. Addition l (oi Cape May Weekdays- 6 80 a m. Parlor Oars on all express train For lurther liiforiiailou, arrply lu nearest Pblladel) hla and Reading Hallway ticket agent or address I. A. bweiuaud, ErwoH J, Wkbks, Oen'l Supt., ueu I l'bn.'r 4t.. Urit - '"! PMI,,!. .... millions of Dollars Qo up in nmokiy oycry year. Take no risks but get your houses, stock, for nltura at. Insured In first-class je liable companies m reprc&onted by , vm FAUST'.s-sf I I4issn1l.ll.iil3ja,nlii