The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, December 29, 1899, Image 2

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"All the News That's Fll to Print."
iiWtlMhed evrry evening, except Sunday, At H
Smith .lardui atrert, Hheitnndnnh, Pa.
Tlie Herald In delivered In Shenandoah nnil Hie
surrounding town for six cents n w ck, pay
llo to the carriers. Ily mull 1.00 n year, or
!5 cents a montti, pnysblo In ndvance Ad
vertisement chanted according to space nnd
(Hjiltlon. The publishers reerve the right
to change the position of advertisements
whenever the ptihlloatlon of news demands
It The right Is reserved to rcjeot any
advertisement, whether paid for or not, that
the publishers may deem Improper. Adver
tising rates made known upon application,
ntered at the post office at Shenandoah, l'a., as
second class mall mater.
OUR COUNTRY : First. Last and Forever.
To properly and effectively police
the United States, Col. Bryan will
liave to nppoint deputies. Here, for
instance, while he is down in Texas,
Maine needs his immediate attention.
Tiie mill employes nil through the
states are receiving a ten per cent,
Our Duty to the Filipinos.
The Independent for the current
week will contain an article by Jacob
G. Schuruiau, presideut of Cornell
University, chairman of the United
States Commission to the Philip
pines, entitled '-Our Duty to the
Much of his argument deals with
the missionary question, and in this
regard lie makes some pertinent
statements. The persons who go to
the Philippines in this capacity, he
Bay s, must realize that they are con
tending with a Catholiii-educated
population that knows nothing about
the line differences between Protest
ant sects and denominations. "There
fore, it would be highly impolitic to
send missionaries of different denom
inations to confuse the minds of the
people. I do hope that when we send
the missionaries we will decide before
hand on one form of Protestant
Christianity. Send only one type of
missionaries. The Filipinos will then
have Catholic Christianity and Pro
testant Christianity presented to
them, so they can take their choice."
Continuing on the same line, Mr.
Schurman says: "The priests have
ruled in Luzon so long that their in
fluence la widespread, and the natives
know of no other form of Christian
ity. The Roman Catholic Church has
iMTSnestablished there for 300 years,
and the archipelago was really
governed by the priests, and not by
the Spanish civil or military com
manders. Of the $13,500,000 raised on
the island annually, about $1,500,000
was used for the church's support.
Wemust credit the church with hav
ing done a great deal of good work
among the natives. We must reckon
with these facts when we send mis
sionaries to the Philippines. We owe
it to the Filipinos to give them the
best in our religion as well as in our
Mr. Schurman believes that the
fighting in the Philippines is nearly
over. He declares that only by actual
-works and ocular demonstration will
the Filipinos be induced to rely upon
the word of the Americans. "Conse
quently, I have urged it upon Con
gress and the President to set up civil
government in the Philippines just
as soon as the military condition war
rants it. A simple government is
-what is needed, and every province
should have it so they can learn the
meaning of our promises and inten
tlons. The President is in possession
of the fullest information about the
needs and condition of the islands,
and he can judge better than we can
nvhat is the best thing to do.
'I regret that the Americans al
lowed the Baloon to get a foothold on
the islands. That has hurt the Ameri
cans more than anything else.and the
spectacle of Americans drunk awak
ens disgust in the Filipinos. We sup
pressed the cock fight there and per
mitted the taverns to flourish. One
emphasized the Filipino frailty and
the other the American yice. I have
never seen a Filipino drunkard."
In conclusion, Mr. Sehurmandwells
upon the great need of an honest
civil service in the islands.
A Scientific, Uifallltg id f irmine-l ?,trtii far Dytpiptli,
liditutioa mi in Slonacn i.iil Htm Troubltl.
J, Etsrin. of fit. Paul Minn., gays: "I had
"ways been thin and en: ic- ied ; appetite rood
fc'Jt food did not seem t n ribh me and had
ver found anything to i' i ' - anv good until 1
amenced to tak Jnliiion'' Jivipepsia Cure.
Have now been t kmtr it two months, have
X ilne4 llttcn pounds and n-n still increasing. It
is wonderful raedi'-lne f,r w-,1: and run down
people" Largs Boxe, 10c, 25e and 60c
A Handsome Complexion
n caof
one ox tbe greatest charms a wonvaa
To Be Depended On.
Itccatisc It Is tlieUxpcrlcuccof n Shen
andoah and Can Readily
be lnvcMlgtcil.
A strnngor lost in n larjrr city would placo
far inoro ilepcmlmii'iMiii tin directions given
liim by ii local resident tlmn the guidance of
another stranger llko lilfiiMjIf. This Is u
natural consequence of oxerinuco ; It's like
ii ship In n strnngo port a trusty pilot famil
iar with tlio harbor is always called upon to
bring her safely In her moorings. So It Is
with endorsement , wn doubt tlio sayings of
people living at distant points because we
otn't Investigate, but public, expression of
local citizens outi ho depended on, for 'tis an
easy matter to provo It. Evidence like tlio
following Is beyond dispute.
Mrs. it. 8. Sobert, of BOO West Cherry
sticot, says s "I suffered inteiiHoly with pain
in toy Imok and lameness noross my lolr.s.
I was burdened with n feeling of weariness
onuslng a loss of energy. A friend, Mr Lord,
of I'ottsvillo, advised me to use Doan's Kid
ney Pills and I was induced to get them Iron)
Klrlin's pharmacy. I bad not however much
confidence In them at first, but they proved
most satisfactory. I do not think I over had
any medlcino to do mo so much KOjcl. I be
gan to improve immediately and the languor
soon left mo. I can also recommend Dunn's
Ointment. It cured our littlo daughter of an
irritation nnd burning. I do not know just
what it really was hut it caused her much an
noyance and gave us some anxiety. The Irri
tation was constant nnd exasperating, but
IImii'b Ointment caused, it to disappear."
Doan's Ointment for sale by all doalers.
Price 50 cents. Mailed by Kostcr-Milhurn Co.,
llull'alo, N. Y. Sole agents for tlio U. 8.
ltemetnbcr the name Doan's and tuko n
Vttorney (..'ncrnl of MlNl-ftlipl Miiy.
Antl-TrtlNl I.nw Im Vlulittrtl.
Jackson. Miss.. Dec. 29. Attorney
General Wiley N. Nash, wi.ose term of
office expires in January, has created
consternation in Insurance circles by
filing a bill of information in the Hinds
county circuit court declaring that all
insurance companies doing business in
the state.and acknowledging allegiance
to the Southwestern Tariff association,
have violated the state law regarding
trusts and combines. Ho asks that their
franchises and charters be cancelled
nnd the companies be prevented from
transacting business in Mississippi.
In his declaration the attorney gen
eral states that by uniting or pooling
their interests for the purpose of estab
lishing a set of rates from which the
underwriters are not allowed to vary
the association and the companies
therein have violated a section of the
annotated code and its amendments.
Local agents are wiring their managers
to come to the scene as soon as pos
sible. The proceedings will be called
at the Bitting of the Hinds county cir
cuit court, which meets two weeks
hence. The new attorney general, Hon.
Monroe E. McClurg, promises to carry
the fight on. It is estimated that fully
$25,000,000 worth of policies are carried
by the companies named In the bill of
Bears the KM You HavB Always Bought
Coritrlliutlo'ii. l.r (a'ltiim (iurrlNOii.
Washington. Dec. 29. In answer to
its appeal for contributic ns of books
and papers for the garrison at Guam
the navy department lias received 92S
looks. 3.217 magazines, 2,148 Illustrated
weekly papers, 72 sets of dominoes, 72
sets of checkers and 72 sets of alphabet
blocks, the last to be used to teach
the native children.
Accidents come with distressing frequency
on the farm. Cuts, bruises, stings, sprains.
Dr Thomas' Electric Oil relieves the pain in
stantly. Never safe without it.
mv liovi'lniiient lltliMltfrli.
Washington, Dec. 29. The secretary
of the treasuiy yesterday designated
several additional national banks as
government depositories to receive in
terna! revenue receipts, and. it is said,
will continue to do so until the total
sum so deposited amounts to $30,000,
000 or $40,000,000. Deposits, however,
will not he made with these ndditional
banks until tho banks comprising the
first group, designated several days
ago, have received deposits equal to
tho amount of bonds turned Into tbe
treasury by them as security, which
approximates $17,000,000.
Do You Know
Consumption is preventable? Science has
proven that, and also that neglect is suicidal.
Tho worst cold or cough can bo cured with
Sbiloh's Cough and Consumption Cure. Sold
on positive guarantee for over fifty years.
Sold by P. D. Klrlin on a guarante e.
Another Tlclil.orut- Cliilinnnt T
Vancouver, B. C, Dec. 29. Tho fa
mous story of the Tichuorne claimants
Is revived by advices brought from
Australia, The government of New
South Wales Is so Impressed with tho
probability that an inmate of the Par
ramatta Insane asylum, known as
William Creawell, may be Sir Roger
Tlchborne that it has appointed a com
mission to investigate, Popular opin
ion in Sydney is faVofable to the claim
that Creswell is really Tichborne, and
some members of the commission are
strongly of the same belief.
Lnwyer Cimon Iteeiiiit.
Helena, Wont., Dec. 29. Zachary T.
Cason, a lawyer, of Butte, who testi
fied in the Wellcome disbarment case
that United States Senator W. A
Clark told him that he would pay for
votes for himself as senator, has re
canted. A signed statement is in the
hands of Mr. Clark's friends in which
Cason says his evidence was untruth
ful, and that ho gave it for $400, that
his family was starving and he had to
have the money. (Jason expresses re
gret at the wrong done, and hopee this
retraction may offset It somewhat.
Ilnlionlc IMiiKiie In llonoluln.
San Francisco, Dec. 29. The news of
the breaking out of the bubonic plaguo
In Honolulu, brought here by the trans
port Centennial, has created some
alarm among the state and city health
officials and every precaution is being
taken to prevent a possible admission
of the disease into this city. News
from reliable sources in the Orient Is
to the effect that the disease is preva
lent in China and Japan to an unusual
Killed Aictxl Soii-Iii-Liiw.
Guthrie, O. T Dec. 29. A. J. Bayles.
a farmer near McKinley, was shot and
killed yesterday by Charles Thomas,
agfcd 50 years. Bayles, who was about
65 years obi, married Thomas' 12-year-old
daughter last summer against the
father's wishes. PamUy quarrels have
been frequent since. Thomas escaped
to Guthrie, where he was arrested
I.llioidl Orumi lllsfllNscsi tin- lit lis
or IliliM'l-litllaiu.
City of Mexico, Dec. 80. Impnrclal,
the loading newspaper organ of tlio
Liberal party, has n ilgnl (leant nrticlu
on what commute Imperialism, tend
ing to Bhow Hint tlio United States has
Joined England, Ittissla, dormany and
Franco in a career of conquost and ag
grandisement. InipRrctal declnros that
imperialism and expansion aro symp
toms of national unhoulth nnd argues
that no nation which has over played
the Imperial role has ondured, but has
seen itself shorn of provinces and pos
sessions as fast as tlio outlying prov
inces grow strong enough to shake
off fho yoke of their subjugators. It
compares the conduct of the United
Stntos In tho Philippines to that of
Groat Uritaln In South Africa, and
ends by predicting that all expanding
nations will he forced to prodigal ex
penditures to maintain their hold on
the new possession, and so will be
come bankrupt.
This utternnco from tho chief Lib
eral organ is significant of tho senti
ments of the mon of that party, now
dominant here.
D.Milr.l l.j n Ccrninii Ofllclnl.
Berlin, Dec. 29. -Regarding tho
statement by tho Lokal Anzelger that
a secret Anglo-Gorman-I'ortuguese
treaty exists for the division of the
Portuguese colonics in South Africa it
Is asserted on tho highest authority
that the story is a pure fiction, and is
in nil its clflirn without foundation in
fact. The high official who author
izes this denial said: "Tho under
standing had by Groat Dritain, Ger
many and Portugal refers only to Af
rica, and loaves Asia wholly out of
the account. These tiny enclavos In
tho midst of British India are tlio last
colonial possessions Gormany would
dream of."
Red Hot From the dun
Was the ball that hit G. 11. Stendman, of
Newark, Mich., in the civil war. It caused
horrible Ulcers, that no treatment helped for
20 years. Then Ilucklen's Arnica Salve
cured him. Cures Cuts, Itruises, Hums,
nous, l elons, Corns, okin r.mptions. Jlcst
pile cure on earth. 25 cts. a box. Cure
guaranteed. Soli yb A. Wasley, druggist.
Philadelphia, Dec. 28. Klour steady:
winter superfine, $2.25'2.40: Pennsylvania
roller, clear, $3.1(W3.20: city mills, extra,
2.CO?2.70. Hye flour quiet at $3.233.40 per
barrel. Wheat steady; No. 2 red, spot,
in elevator, C9H07OVic. Corn steady;. No.
2 mixed, spot. In elevator, 37Vi37Vic. ;
No. 2 yellow, new, for local trade, 3SI?
3SSc. Oats quiet: No. 2 white, clipped,
31viCf31c: lov.iT grades. 2Sff30e. Hay
steady; chol. . timothy, JICCICCO for largo
bales. lii'ff dull; beef hams, J22022.CO.
Pork steady; family, J13.50S14. Lard
firm; western steamed, $3.95. Butter
MitronEer; western creamery, 22fl2Sc. ; fac
tory, 16f(20c. ; June creamery, 215T2GC. : 1m
Itntlnn creamery, 17i23'tc. ; New York
dairy, ISfiSCe.; do. creamery, 22f2Sc;
fancy Pennsylvania prints jobbing; at 31
Cl34c; do. wholesale, 30c. Cheeso firm;
fall made, fancy, large and small. 12?i
13c; lute made, small, Wimc; do. do.,
large. HHifflSc. Kgss steady; New York
and Pennsylvania, 2324c; western, un
prruded, at mark, 15lg20c. ; western, 23c.
Potatoes firm; Jersey, Jl.2TifIl.73; New
York, $l.o0fl-1.75; LonK Island, $1.5002;
Jersey sweets, $2.2M?3.90. Tullow steady;
city, 5c; country, 45 Sc. Cottonseed oil
firm; prime crude, 29i,sS30c; do. yellow,
33334c. Turpentine easy at GlfiBl'fec
Cabbage steady; Long Island, J11J0 per
Baltimore, Dec, 28. Flour dull and un
changed. Wheat very dull: spot nnd the
month, 705i'70VsC.; January, 70Vii70c;
February, 71Vj719c. ; May. 74W!sc;
steamer No. 2 red, fi5Vii&G5s; southern,
by sample, CSiB'lVic; do. on grade, C6H
ffJ70?4c. Corn dull and easy: spot, month
and December, new or old, 3GSGVc;
January, 30Q3i!?4c; February, 3G(fr37c;
March, 374c; steamer, mixed, 35,MiJ33Hc.;
southern, white and yellow, 33?Jig37iic.
Onts steady; No. 2 vhlte. 30',4B31c; No. 2
mixed, 2SS2SHC. .Ilye dull; No. 2 nearby,
51c; No. 2 western, 59c. Hay steady; No.
1 timothy, $13S?16.50. Grain freights show
very little Inquiry: steam to Liverpool,
per bushel, 2. January; Cork, for or
ders, per quarter, 3s. December. Kggs
firm at 20c.
New York, Dec. 28. Beeves steady;
cables quote live cattle at llli12tie. ;
refrigerator beef firm at 9W10c. Calves
steady to firm; veals, $&SJ9; littlo calves,
$184.50: barnyard calves, $33.75. Sheep
slow and easier: lnmbs weak, except top
grades; common to choice sheep, $2.C2'4
4. CO; lambs, $3.5006.50: Canada lambs,
$ti.3U4; culls, $3. Hogs weak; western
pigs, $4.C5; state pigs, $4.7004.80.
East Liberty, Pa., Dec. 28. Cattle mar
ket steady: extra, $GJG.35; good, $3,200).
5.50; common, $3i3.C0. Hogs slow nnd
lower: prime mediums, $4.4504.50; prime
heavy hogs, $1.4004.53; heavy Yorkers,
$4.4004.45; light Yorkers, $4.3004.35; pigs,
$1.1504.25; roughs, $2.7503.80. Sheep about
steady; choice wethers, $1.5004.60; com
mon, $1.5002.50; choice lambs, $5.8000;
common to good, $405.63; veal calves, $70
7.23. 0f
Bears the 4 1,13 Kind You Have Always Bought
Blgnr fe
Renernl llnttcrflelil Stricken.
New York, Dec. 29. General Daniel
ButterfleUl is seriously III In his home
here. The general became ill on Dec.
18. His malady Is of the stomach. The
attending physician said last night,
however, that there was no immediate
danger to his patient.
There 1b a strong probability that
both Arizona and New Mexico will be
admitted to statehood.
Right Hon. Many Escombe, ex-pre-mlar
of Natal, dropped dead in the
street in Durban.
Hawaiian sugar planters welcome
American annexation, but not the in
flux of American labor, because it is
too costly.
The diversion of the Australian coal
upply from San Francisco to Honolulu
has caused a scarcity in the former
The Federation of Hallway Em
ployes' executive coinnilttee is meet
ing in Pittsburg and have asked for a
general advance of wages.
A Young Girl's Experience.
My daughter's nerves were terribly out of
order. Hlie was thin und weak; the least nolce
stnrtled her, and she was wakeful at nlshl
Ileforevbe bad taken one package of relei
Klnir ttif ' hungeln her wai so great that 1
could iLirilly betaken for themiine girl. K'
la rapidly growing well and strong, lier ecu
plexion Is perfect, and she sleeps well every
night. Mrs. J.m-y McNutt, IlrusU Valley, Pa
Celerv KIhk cwbs disease of tbe Nerw
Btonwh, I iveraud Kidneys. Bold by dru,;
Reference Tlint is Surely Worth
Looking Up.
A Shenandoah Man Who Tells His
rrlcn lis 'What Has Dono Hlm
M11 h Good.
We will tell you what will cure the worst
kind of a crk of bs'knche caused from Ihc
kidneys. We will not only tell you, hut will
refer you to people in all walks of life In the
city ofSliennndoah who have ucd Kid-tic-oids
with the best results. We nk you to read
tins statement from Mr, Martin banc, 436
West Apple alley, works nt No 4 I-chiRh
Valley colliery, who says : "For about a
year I have been annoyed with pa'n l',e
small of my back which I aittiliulcd to kidney
trouble. At limes I would have sharp shoot
ing pains just over the region of the kidneys,
which would be very severe. It would inter
fere with getting proper ret and sleep. I
took Morrow's Kid-ne oids for my trouble
nnd they did for me all that is claimed for
llicm. They relieved me in a very short
time nnd did what other remedies failed todo.' '
, Morrow's Kid-ne-oids are not pills, but
Yellow Tablets and sell at fifty cents a box
at all drug stores and at S. V. Kirlin's drug
Mailed on receipt of price. Manufactured
by John Morrow & Co., Chemists, Spring
eld, Ohio
rhr tn lit Kit rriiteil,
San Juan do Porto Ilico, Doc. 2D.
The supremo court of Puerto Itlco, at
Ponce. hs sentenced five men to be
garrotod. In October, 1898, 20 men,
heavily armed with guns and machetes,
robbed a house at Yauco, province of
Ponce, and murdered a man named
Prudencio Mondesi. They also danced
around tho body with his daughters,
who were under compulsion. Seven
of the men vero caught, but subse
quently one of the prisoners escaped
and one died In Jail.
Somite 1C1U4 I'Iiikimm' ltenolutloii.
Lansing, Mich., Dec. 29. The senate
late yesterday afternoon killed the
PIngree Joint resolution for the sub
mission of a constitutional amendment
permitting amending of tho state tax
laws, which had been passed by the
house, by a voto of 1C to 13. The sen
ato adopted a resolution to adjourn
today at noon. Tho largo number of
votes ngalnst the proposition was a
Ilonttiti'M Syiiiiuiiliy for tlio liners.
Boston, Dec. 29. The common coun
cil of Boston yesterday, after a spirited
debate, adopod 11 resolution of sym
pathy for the Boers.
Hurry Coi'IiIhIi 011 tlir Stnliil.
New York, Dec. 29. Intense interest
Is now lent to the trial of Roland B.
Molineux because of the appearance on
the witness stand of Harry S. Cornish,
to whom the poison which killed Mrs.
Adams was sent through the mails.
Cornish was on tho stand late yester
day afternoon, and his examination,
which promiso.3 to develop many
things not yet made public, will prob
ably continue for several days, with
interruptions here and there for other
witnesses. Just as Cornish's testi
mony wan beginning to be Interesting
the recorder adjourned the case until
today. '
Protect Anliist llyiiuni.
"Washington, Dec. 29. The Post
says: In a few days charges, will be
filed lioforo tho finance committee of
tho senate against the confirmation of
ex-Representative William D. Bynum,
of Indlnna. as Democratic appointee
for the New York board of appraisers.
Tlr minority of that committee aro
determined to resist the Instalment of
Mr. Bynum In that position. They
will do so on the ground that he is
not a Democrat, but has openly af
filiated himself With tho Republican
.SfiihnN llanil For PnrlN UxiioNltton,
New York, Dec. 29. Commissioner
General Ferdinand W. Peck, of tho
United States commission to the Paris
exposition of next year, has appoint
ed Sousa's band as tho official Ameri
can band to play at the exposition.
Mr. Sousa will make a Euro- ean tour
In connection with the exposition. His
engagement nt the exposition will
cover from eight to ton weeks. The
band will play at the unveiling of the
Lafayette monument near the Louvre
on July 4
$100 Reward $100.
The readers of this paper will be pleased to
Icarn tliut there Is at least one dreaded disease
that science has been able to cure in all Its
stages, and that Is catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure
Is the only positive cure known to the medical
fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional dis
ease, requires a treatment. Hall's
Catarrh Cure Is taken Intcrnnlly, acting directly
upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the
system, thereby destroying tho foundation of
the disease, and giving tbe patient strength by
building up the constitution and assisting
nature In doing Its work. The proprietors have
so much faith In Its curative powers, that they
offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that It
falls to cure. Send for list of testimonials.
Address. P. J.CIII5NEY Sl CO., Toledo, O,
Bold by Druggists. 73o
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
To CroMN tin- Oct.fiii In Tlirei Iliiyn.
New York, Doc. 29. James Grcsham,
of Brooklyn, has found. capital to dem
onstrate the commercial value of his
corkscrew boat, for which he antici
pated a speed of 50 miles per hour, A
syndicate of New York capitalists has
agreed to furnish $50,000 with which to
build n small boat on the corkscrew
plan, with the further understanding
that if it demonstrates Its ability on
a commercial scale to approximate the
speed which the models have reached
tho syndicate will furnish sufficient
capital to build a mall boat. The In
ventor promises that his craft will
cross the Atlantic In loss than three
AlleisiMl Vimtolfli't: TIiIvn Arrested.
Augusta, Oa,, Dec. 29. Three white
men giving their namos ns Frank
Winters, Frank Short and James Fur
gorson were arrested here last night on
suspicion of being the parties who rob
feed tho postofllco at East Point and
Collins, Ga., recently. Thoy are also
thought to have committed other rob
Derles In South Carolina. They had a
bag of copper cent pieces, besides other
money In small pieces.
Ari'lilcninlly Killed Ills Child.
Charleston, S. C, Dec. 29,Wllliam
Sacliel, an Orangoburg county farmer,
while bunting on Tuesday" aftornoon
near Saint Matthews, accidentally shot
and killed bis only child, a boy, 8
yea is .'id.
A Ilpliilltc lli-llnm Tlint Mr. llou
trlle Wilt ItppiiTOr.
Boston, Dec. 29. Whllo the officials
of tho McLean hospital aro extremely
reticent 'n tho matter of giving, de
tolls ns to tho condition of Congress-1
man Charles A, Boutcllo. of "Maine, It
wns stated, In response to an Inquiry
Inst night, that Mr. Boutcllo had pass
ed a very comfortahlo day and that he
Wiis not considered In any immediate
A rolBtlve of Mr. Boutnlle's Is quoted
as snylng that tho lattor's trouble Is
congestion of tho brain,, tho result of
continued Btrain and Overwork In con
noctlon with his official dutlos. His
condition previous to his removal to
the hospital wns mtoh that nt times he
became delirious, nnd It was difficult
to keep him under control. The rela
tive above mentioned expressed con
fidence that the patient will quickly
recover nnd lie able to resume his
duties nt Washington.
Itocent Order Will Aniil y,ProvlKloil
tilly tu .ftilu mill .HIiihI INirtn
Manila, Dec. 29. The order which
has been Issued opening to trade the
ports of Ztimhoanga, Cottabnto, Davao
and Isabella will apply provisionally to
the Join and S'hssl ports. General
Bates will nppoint the customs officials.
The authorities have Issued n rul
ing which legalises marriages perform
ed by Judges or (he clergy of any re
ligious denomination. Under the Span
ish regime only such marriages were
recognized as legal as were performed
by Roman Catholic priests.
General Frederick Funston will Join
General MncArthur's command. His
brigade lins not been designated, but
It Is thought ho will be assigned to
General Wheeler's.
Tetl Your Slater
A beautiful coraploxion is an Impossibility
without good pure blood, tho sort that only
exists in connection with tlio good digestion;
a healthy liver and bowels. Karl's Clovor
Root Tea acts directly on the bowels, liver
nnd kidneys keeping them iu perfect health.
Price 25 cts. and B0 cts. Sold by P. D. Kirlln
on a guarantee.
.Nlit,flirv Uccorilii IMUvoreil.
Minneapolis, Dec. 29. The fastest
skating over done in the world for
half a mile and. a quarter mile,
straightaway, was accomplished yes
terday on hake Minnotonka, near this
city. Norvai Baptle, of Bathgate, N.
D., lowered the quarter mile record
of 31 Vi seconds, made by John John
son, to 28 1-5 seconds. After a brief
rest Baptie started for the half mile
record of Joe Donahue, of New York,
and Olafrudd, of Minneapolis, and
lowered it from 1:03 2-5 to 1:00 2-5.
The records nre official.
Consumption Cured.
Last November Mr. Joseph James,
oainter, of 325 V. Pearl St., Indianapo
lis, Ind., was at death's door with quick
consumption. Wasted to a skeleton;
his lungs a mass of ulceration; his
death was hourly awaited by his doctor
and family. He was kept in a constant
stupor with opium. A friend, thinkiug
to relieve his terrible cough, gave him a
bottle of Brazilian Balm. Seeing its
wonderful effect, the doctor advised ite
continued use. Mr. James soon after
dismissed his doctor, and depended
on the Balm alone; His recovery was
rapid uiul complete, and in February he
returned to work. His lungs are sound,
and lm weight greater than at any time
in his life. His recovery i3 regarded as
almost a miracle.
In consumption beware of cough mix
tures and prescriptions that contain
opium. Opium paralizes the nerves,
and gives the comma bacillus a good
chance to destroy the lungs. It is
always fatal. Brazilian Balm does not
contain n trace of any opiate, but stimu
lates the nerves with new life and power,
destroys the microbe, and restores all
that is left of the diseased lungs to a
sound and healthy state which no other
remedy has ever been known to accom
plish. Shenandoah Drug Store, Wholesale Agents
Of watches, j'ewelry,
silverware and musical
instruments does not
decrease, but is con
stantly being replaced
with new goods. Our
selection is just as large
and varied to-day as
when the season op
ened. Low Prices
Is our motto. Comp in and
be convinced. We mean ex
actly what we say. Remem
ber the place and save
money. We guarantee every
article we sell.
Ellis Deiill, 'SH?
Christmas fa
At tHe Cheapest
Store In "Town.
All the choicest grades of Dried I'rults.
Canned Ooodi, Citron and Lemon' Peel; etc., at
almost your own price.' All our Flour1 Is sold
very cheap. I'oultiy and Truck.
218 West Centre St.
Cheapest Shoe
Men a soles and heels BO and 600
?'?.'".!; !! ewjd) KiandliOo
Ladles'" " ., lOnndCOo
Ladles'" " Isewed ...' 6O0
Children's soles and heeli... ...... ........ UandSSo
ti um boots, sole and heel , goa
wiiu pstcn. via to fl
Children's shoes, I5c, HatlsfscUry patch
work. Shoes heeled only 13 and 20 its.
Sam Broady,
Itohhlns'JUIoclc. S3 XT, Contrs itrest
T81Q EiSissSmsn Sink
Should not breed
diseases like
typhoid fever or
It will not if
you use Gold Dust
Bond for fres booklet " Golden Rule
for Homework."
Cblcip JI.LeuIi NiwYork Botlos
o ttiiitini t - -mi t- Int-rrn etrrtr rf
""b"- nun! nnniurn itm nnnnnrn
A splendid five-piece par or fAKLUH 5U1 1 0 HIlU L-UULntO.
suit upnoistereu 111 spienuiu
material as a holiday bargain.
Couches you cannot obtain any
these goods are purchased purposely
Don't forget us for your Stoves,
Floor and Table Oil Cloths.
D. & J. SEIGEL, 103105 S. Main St.
Faultless Labor
'-Faultless Prices
Are responsible for our always busy business. Try us
on plumbing and gas fitting. You wont regret the trial.
P. W. Bell, Cor. White & Lloyd Sts.
Ferguson's Theatre.
PUDAY, DEC. 25. '99
Irene Myers
And a company of quality. New
plays. New players.
PRICES : - 10, 20 and 30 Cts.
Special Scenery. Electrical
Reserved neat tit Kirlln" drug ftore
for both matinee nnd night.
Matinee Prices : - 10, 20 and 25 Cts.
Ferguson's Theatre,
DAN.' J. FERGU60K, Manager.
Wednesday, Jan. 3rd.
The Rroadway Theatre Orcra Company, pre
senting 1'en.oven nmuira mssirrpiece,
Arthur Deagon, H. W. TriOJenlck, Miss Mnue
Williams, and a splecdl i company. Large
Prices: - 25c, 50c, 75c and SI 00.
Reserved Seats at Klrlin's Drug Store.
Mahanoy City.
Monday, Jan. 1st, 1900.
Little UAndn
Myers Excellence I
Monday Matinee,
"Outcasts of a Great City."
Monday Evening,
"The Burglar."
Prices, Matinee and High!, 10c, 20c & 30c
ials of scats for both ptr ormanoes
opens on I'rlday at 10 u, in.
l 0 ,U DUBT, '
Specially for the holiday trade. We
want your money but only want what
you bargain for. We never over-charge
uocty. we want to draw your
We have a carload for this purpose,
better prices anywhere in town.
for our holiday trade.
Heaters, Ranges, C rpets,
consistent with
Philadelphia &
Reading R'y
Engines Burn Hard Coal Ho Smoke.
Trains leave Shenandoah as follows :
For New York via Philadelphia, week day
1 10, 8 88, 7 87, 9 H a. m., 12 28, S 09 and 6 09 p. m.
Siinda s, 2 10 a m.
For New York via Marxh Chunk, week days.
787a. m., 1226 and 3 09p.m.
For Reading and Philadelphia, week days,
2 10, S 88, 7 87. 9 65 a. m., Vt 28, 8 09 and 09 p. m.
Sundays, 2 10 a m.
For 1'ottavllle, week days, 2 10, 7 87, 9 53 a. m.
12 20. 8 09, G 09 and T 80 p. m. Sundays, 2 10 a m.
For and Mahanoy City, week days.
210, 787, 9S5 a. m., 12 28. 8 09 and 8 09 p. m.
Sundays, 2 10 am.
For Wllllamnporl, Sunbury and Lewlaburg,
week days. 3 27, 11 82 a. m 12 26, 7 80 p. m
Sundays, 8 27 a m.
For Mahano Plane, weekdays, 2 10, 8 27, 8 88,
787,955, 1182 a.m., 12 26, 809, 8 09, 7 80, 9S6
p.m. Sundays, 2 10 and 8 27 a m.
For Ashland and Sharaokln, week days, 8 27,
7 37. 1 1 32 m. in., 12 20, 8 09, 6 07, 7 25 and 9 55 p. m.
Sunday, 3 27 a m.
For llaltlmoro, Washington and the West via
H. iO. It. K., through trains les-i Reading
reimlnal, Philadelphia. (P. it R. B B.) at 820,
7 55, 11 26 a. m., U 10 and 7.27 p. i. Sundays
3 20, 7 00, 11 28 a. m., 8 48 and 7 27 p. m. Addi
tional trains from Twcnty.fourtn and Chest
uut streets station, weok dayB, 10 80 a. m. 12 20
t2 15 8 40 p.m. Sundays, 1 35, 8 23 p. m.
Leave New York via Philadelphia, week
days, 12 16, 4 80, 7 80, 1180 a. m and 180,4 80,
900 p.m.
Lenve New York via Mauch Chunk, week
days, 4 80. 9 10 a. m., 1 80, 4 40 p. m.
Leave Philadelphia, Reading Terminal, week
days, 4 80, ii 88, 10 21 a. m. and 1 86, 4 04 6 86.
11 88 p. m.
Leave Reading, week days, 137, 7 00, 1008,
a, iu., 12 IS, 4 17, 8 00, 8 28 p. m.
Leave Pottsvllle, weeic days, 7 17, 7 40 a m.
9 80, 12 30, 1 20, 1 30, 0 10 and 8 50 p. m.
Leave Tamaqua, week days, 818, 8 86 112
a. in., 1 49,5 58 1? , i 44 p.m.
Leave Mahanoy City, week days, 8 45, 9 04,
11 47 a. in. it ii 6 .5,0 21,7 H, 10 03 p. m
Leave Mahanoy Plane, wpok Jays, 2 40, 4 00
880, 21 10 a, 1200, m., 2 89, 5 36, 6 42,7 58
10 24pm.
Leave Willi. aport, week days, 7 42, 10 00 a,
ni.,12d4 and 100. 1180 p.m.
Leave PI lladelphla Chestnut street wharf and
routu street irhar tor Atlantlo City,
Weekdays Express 9 00, 2 00, 4 00, 5 00, 7 15
p m. A' cotmnodatjoii, 8 00 a m, 5c0p m. Sun.
day Express, 9 00, 10 CO a m, 7 15 p m. Accom
modation, 8 CO a m, 4 45 p m.
Leave Atlantic City Depot: Weekdays Ex.
press, 7 83, 9 LO 10 30 u m, 3 80, 5 80 p m. Accom
modation, 8 15 a m, 4 03 p m. Sundays Express,
4 80, 7 30 p m. Accommodation, 7 13 a ra,4 Cop m.
For Capo May, Ocean City and Sea Isle City
Weekdays 900 am, 410, 5 00 p iu. Sundays
-Chestnut St., 0 15, South St., 9 a uj.
Additicwl for Cape May Weekdays 8 30
a m.
Parlor Cars on all express trains
For further Information, apply lo nearest
Philadelphia and Reading Railway ticket agent
or address
I, A. Swekmbd, EDsotr J. Wou,
Qen'l Bupl., Oen'l Puis'r Art.,
R.arilnrTormln.l Phll..l,.lM.
Have just received a large
line of new and attractive
At very low prices. Do you
want to make your friends
happy? Then come to our
store and buy a nice comfort
able Fancy Chair, Couch,
Divan, Swinging Rocker, of
the latest design and finish at
prices so low that everybody
can aflord to buy them. Our
line of Morris Chairs, Ladies
Desks, Combination Cases and
Floor Rockers are superior
than ever before.
Furniture Dealer and Undertaker,
1 OQ South Main St.
millons of Dollars
Go on In nmokt, every year. Takeuo
risks: but got your houses, tock, for
mtnre, etc., insured In flrst-clana re
liable companies aa represented by
DAVID FAUST. Iwnrance Agent
UJ1' 1 Hoolh JardlnSt
' Lift sniHnUn.13jmnli