The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, December 26, 1899, Image 3

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    ;5 ''pUERC la a certain stylish ef- :
:S I feet about trarmrtii made 2
;S front these C.-lrbratcd Pat- a!
2 terns that In in it ainlnrd by tlie S"
uaa ui ttnj uiucr iiaucrus. 2
: (No-Seam-Allowance Patterns.) 5;
navonni snep ill r Ri IA nn,l tirrtVrf 2-
j5 fit. Eaiy to ti it i it t , J ( 1 1. 5;
cts, eat h - n na hi, i , r f, llt ti, ,r 3-I-
fcry cily i id to,. (1. ,.r h , ,j A4 f. r 5
tbi m Get A 1 i I urn fii i 1 n- our 1
-5 design. Absolute! 1 tie v. ry ) , istjlcs
;S of lirr rmn iHccti intuit be given
;2 every EUbbcri bor to S;
;S One tint evtry ladr should tnke rtu- 2--2
Urlv .iea-itiftil e. tr-l pi it , ljiiii
. fashions; drcv-rnar uif? ero-iormri ; fancy 3;
vnt1 b i(rhol 1 hi is , Ik n i, t - Sib
. ( n I n,cr,v. jc for lati sr fopy. 3
i LaU a t t n uil Send for t rm. "I
! THE McCALL. CO., s
S 13U-HG West I4lh SI., New York.
Thesefcelebrated patterns "and pub
Mentions are for sale, and recant
Imended by L. J. Wilkinson.
flrrv-i-r ran ll
you why those
saved, br
tulnif SboI-
iorit. you can't
keep on" (tiling a
.i.i . .I
Ig'S became yon
Vein bur clieao
f coffeo and make
l If AUr..nm I
,poor ming lu ww
, umi people.
illttla oi thU admixture.
Restores Vitality, Lost Vigor and Manhood,
.lures Impotency, NitfhtEmissionsand
'astine; diseases, all effects of self-
cretloi. A nerve tonic and
blood builder. Brines the
fplnk glow to pale cheeks and
restores the Are of youth.
i' mill yiot- I1-1-T f linvnd
llV.l -XI J 1'- .'-., "
or ,ti-.tu; wan a written g'iiarait
p to cure or refund tbo money.
3end for circular. Address,
Clinton & Jackson Sts., CHICAGO, ILL.
old at Kirllu'g druii store. Shenundoab. Pa.
Mrlzlnal una in'T Uenuino. a.
.arc, alj relii' K udi.S MlAA
1 DruffUt for Chirh t Sngtxth Dla-ffy
mord Brand .3 IttJ aud Ovid menllltjVVV
MtrOit'i, irtlwd wlib blue ribbon. Till C YJ
'Inon'hcr. Reflft dangtroui (fciifu- V
f tioni.nd i miM(im. Ar Orn jgtn, or 1.6 4
' la ittitipt for purttautm. KftlniooiiU n
1 b? kUl Locl Drautau. V II 1 LA OA i'A-
Witch Hazel Oil
One Application Gives Relief.
It cures Piles or Hemorrhoids Ex tenia! or Inter
im,!, Blind or Bleeding, Itching or Burning, Fissures
and Fistulas. Ilellef Immediate cure certain.
It cures Burns, Scalds and Ulcerations and Con
tractions from Burns. The Relief instant healing
It cures Torn, Cut or Lacerated Wounds and
It cures Boils, Carbuncles, Felons, " Bunrounda,
Ulcers, Old Sores, Itching Eruptions, (Scurfy or
Scald Head.
It cures Inflamed or Caked Breasts and Sore
Nipples. Invaluable.
It cures Salt Ithcura, Tetters, Scurfy Eruptions,
Nerveta fills
fv Chapped Hands, Fecr Blisters, Sore Lips or
Piosiriis. uorns, minions, sore ana unatea jeet,
Stings of Bisects, Mosquito Bites aud Sunburns.
Three Sizes, 25c, 50c. and $1.00
Sold by Druggists, or sent pre-paid on receipt of price
Cor. William & John StN., AK V YORK.
Trains will leave Shenandoah alter tne IDOie
date lor Wlegan, Qllberton, Frackvllle Dm l
water, si. uiair, roitavme. namourK, t&eaaiui
Pottatown. Phoenlxvllle. Norrlatown a id PI)
ae!phU(Broidatreet atatlon) at 8 20 and 8 0S
a. m., 210, 6 1 p m. on week days. Sunday.
8 Ma. in., t 20 p. m.
iraina leave rraccviue ror onenanaoaa is
711, 114. m. and '5 89, 7 88 p. a', Sund
11 01 a. m. umi S 88 p. m.
Leave Potlavllle for Shenandoah (via Frack
vtllei 715, 11 20 a. m., 510, 1 05 p.m. Sunda
10 8b a. m.. 5 10 p. in.
Leave Philadelphia, (Broad atreet elation), li
Shenandoah at 8 83 a. m., 1 10 p. m. week day
Bundaya Irave at 6 50 and 8 23 a. m.
Leave Philadelphia (Droad utreet itatlnn) fol
Pottavllle, 8 60, 8 83 tparlor car), 10 19 a m., 1 80.
10 parlorcar,7 83 p. m.weekdaya. Sunday!.
o ou. y i a. in. anr iw p m.
Leave Broad Street Station, Philadelphia
Exress-Week-daya,3 20,1 03,1 40, 6 00,0 18,6 80,
738,823,903 980, (1021, dllllliR car), II 00, 11 13
a ui, 12 CO noon, 12 33. 1 Limited 1 00 and 4 22 p m,
dining cars), 140,(200, dlntnt; ear), 320, 850,
402, 8 00, 3 58, (dining car), 8 00, 7 02, 8 10,
(dining car), 10 00 p. in.. 12 02, night. Sunday.
8 a?, 4 OS. I 40 5 CO 3 18 8 2ft, 9 30, (10 21, dining
carl. 10 43. 11 43 a m. 12 03. , dlntne car). 12 33. 2 80.
(dining car), 4 0, (Limited 4 22 dining car),
0 3J.DQO, laming carj. o, j us, o iu, iuiuiuk
carl, 10 CO P m- 2 03 night
For Doaton without change, 1 01 a in week
days, and 8 10 p. m dally.
For Sea Girt, Aabury Park, Ocean Orove,
Long Branch, and Intermediate stations, 8 23,
ii to a m, a wi, ik p m weeKuitj
P. n.lllmoi. and Washington. 8 60. J 20. 8 8?
S10IO, II 23, 1133, a. m., (12 88 dining car 118,
dining carl, 812. 4 41. t'25 Congrepslonai
Limited dlnfiig car, SOS, 6 20 PI83, dining car,
81 dining cuiP m.. and 1225 night weeV
;uaya. Hmilav 3 60. 7 20, 9 12, II 23, a. m. 1209
li li, aiiiing carj, o n "i t. v"mv;"i
Limited dlnlnrurl.ars IS M dining carl 7"
I dining car, . in., and 12 2) nlghl.
For Baltimore, ai-comnmdatlmi, 9 12 o;, ; 3.
and 4 01 p m week days, 5 OSand 11 18 p m dally
Le. nmad .treet station via Delaware rlvri
Ihrldge UxpreBs,9 40am, 70S p m weekdays.
Sunda) a, 9 20 a m 7 05 pm.
ieave Market mreet wan a-iprcaa. .w. m
100,4 00, BOO i m weekdays Sundays, 9 0?,
Mm a nn loccominonanf1' , o w , ui.
Fop nnnfl Mv AinrlfMt'a Wlldwood and
f lolly Bench, 8eo Isle rity, Avnlon, and Stone
Plarbor liiprcaa9 00ain, 4 ft, p in week day
ounaaya, uu a m
For Somen Point Kspiesa, 9 00 u, 1 90
1 00. 8 00. n. m. week davs Bundari 9 00 and
9000a. m
For tickets and other Information apply to
:et agent
. I. UuTOuiKsoa, J. B Wood.
uen i uanager, uen i rarri ak
It Causes Sorious Proporty Dam
ngo in Southern Oalifornia.
At Thnt Intllnn Urervnllon tlip Onlr
I'ltlnllllro Are Iteiiurleil, the Vle
tlnin llelim Klllcil lij-rnllhiKWiilla,
l'ooplo ripe In Tlirlr Mxlit Clotlm".
Los Angeles. Cal Dec. 26. At 4:25
o'clock ypstenlny morning a severe
earthquake shock was felt over a long
portion of Southern California, the
undulations lasting about 12 seconds.
The entire center of tho shock ap
peared to have been at San Jacinto, a
small town In Hlversldo county. The
business portion of San Jacinto con
sists of two blocks of two story build
ings, some of which are built of brick.
Ten of 15 buildings wero damaged,
chimneys being toppled over and wells
cracked and shaken. The total dam
aim nr. Ran .Tnrtnln nnrl TTnmlt n amull
town near by, is estimated at $50,000.
Tho largo Tourist hotel at Hemlt was
damaged and the San Jacinto also suf
fered. The rear wall of the Johnson
block at Hemlt foil. No person was
Injured at either place as far as known.
The shock was heavy at Santa Ana,
Anholm, San Bernardo, Hlversldo and
other places, but no particular damage
Is reported except from San Jacinto
and Hemlt. In this city no damage
was dono, though the shock was par
ticularly violent.
The only loss of life so far as known
was at the Saboba Indian reservation,
where six squaws were killed by fall
ing walls and two fatally Injured. A
number of Indians were seriously In
jured. Tho shock was heavy.
At San Jacinto the main shock was
preceded by a loud, roaring sound and
awakened many Just In time to escape
from tho doomed hulldtngs. The busi
ness street Is such a wreck that tons
of debris had to be removed before tho
buildings could be entered. The shock
caused dry artesian wells to How
larger streams than ever before. Con
siderable damage was reported In
near by villages.
At Santa Ana the shock Is described
as the severest in years. Third story
hotel guests were almost rolled out of
bed. Clo"ks wero stopped all over tho
city and the walls of several brick
buildings were badly cracked. Hun
dreds of people were on the streets a
few seconds after the shock, some ap
pearing In night clothes and remain
ing up until daylight.
A dispatch from Anhelm, Cal . Bays:
The heaviest earthquake shock ever
known here occurred at 4:25 yesterday
morning. It lasted fully ten seconds,
and was violent from the beginning.
Lodging houses were emptied and tho
streets were filled with shivering peo
ple. A number of buildings were
cracked, but no serious damage was
No Right to Ugliness.
The woman who is lovely in face, form and
leniper will always have friends, but one who
would be attractive must keep her health. If
she is weak, sickly and all run down, she
will lin tiprvnu anrl irritable. If she has
constipation or kidney trouble, her impure
1.1 1 ...111 . Mn..l.a(. arnn-
tions and a wretched complexion. Elect: ic
Hitters is the best medicine in the world to
regulate stomach, liver and kidneys and to
puriiy ine oioou. 11 jjivcs suun ucivra,
bright eyes, smooth, velvety skin, rich com-
nlavino Tt ..rill mnlfn n irnnH.lfvilftna.
charming woman of a run-down invalid. Only
fr nl. n, A W.tlnv't rtrtlCT tnr.
3" " " ..v.. - - .
.MiothiT Tc-Kt for I lie t'iiilluud lloat.
Washington, Dec. 2G. An official test
of the Holland submarine torpedo boat,
now at the navy yard, will take place
Wednesday on the Potomac river.
Naval officials and tho naval congres
sional committees will be Invited to
witness the trial.
Por Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
81gnatnre of
DoIiIim nffent" Slii-euan.
Trenton, Dec. 20. Hobby Dobbs, of
Mlnne Us. won from Pete Sheehan,
of Bethlehem, a' the Trenton Athletic
rlub yeiitc.-day afternoon. Sheehan
was so badiy punished In the ninth
round that he failed to respond at the
opening of the tenth. The bout was to
have been 20 rounds,.
ltheumatlam Cured In a Day.
"Mystic Cure" for Kheumatism and Neur
algia radically cureslnl to 3 clays. Its action
upon tho system is remarkable and mys
terious. It removes at once the cause aud
the disease immediately disappears. The
first dose greatly benefits. 75 cents. Sold by
Shenandoah Drug Store, Shenandoah. tf
Tin- Amrrlciin Duaeliiill Lenciic,
Milwaukee, Dec, 26. President H.
Quln, of the American Baseball asso
ciation, arrived home last night from
his conference with Adraln C. Anson
In Chicago, Mr. Quln reports that the
result of the negotiations so' far point
to the placing of teams of his associa
tion In Philadelphia, New York, Bos
ton and probably Baltimore In the east
and Detroit, Chicago, St. Louis and
Milwaukee in tne west.
There la a Class of People
Who are Injured by' the use of coffeo.
Recently there has been placed In all the
grocery stores a new preparation called
ORAIN-0 made of pure grains, that takes
the placo of coffee The most delicate
stomach receives it without distress, and but
few can tell It from coffee. It does not cost
over i as much. Children may drink It with
great benefit. 15 cts. and 25 cts. per package.
Try It. Ask forGRAIN-O.
DiNcri'illtM n lteMr(Ml Iiiriiiljreiice.
Peoria, Ills., bee. 28. Bishop Spald
Ing does not credit the report that tho
pope has Issued an encyclical abolish
ing celibacy as a requirement for the
clergy of Latin-America. He said:
"I think It highly Improbable that
such an encyclical has been Issued. Al
though I perhaps would not have any
direct communication concerning the
fact, yet I am almost sure I would have
known It before this,"
To-Nlght and To-Mdrrow Night
Aud each day and night during this week
you can get at any druggists Kemp's Balsam
for the Throat and Lungs, acknowledged to
he the most successful remedy ever sold for
Coughs, Croup, Bronchitis, Asthma and
Consumption. Get a bottle to-day and keep
It always In the bouse, so you can check your
cold at once. Price 25o and 60c. Famplo
bottle free.
A man lust In the act of lifting a bm
of flour felt n hand laid on his shoulder.
stop ! said the stranger
"You can't lift that" "Ilow
uo you anow l can t r saiu tne a
i,.m i 11, T am
a physician, and know
It'? Impossible."
i u.i ii, n j ... .
be," .aid the ijS?
man. 'hut I m
know I can." 7J
and he stoop
ed and lifted
the barrel to
bis shoulder.
"What made
you so ante
you could do
It? 'asked the
"llecause I've been
doing it every day for years, "said the man
There are physicians who say In g.iod
faith to those hose lungs are worn by d, i.
case " It is impossible to help you." And
yet thousands of these Impossibles have
been helped and healed by I)r R. V. l'iciee
whose "Golden Medicat Discovery " has
cured them, when the hollow cheek,
the rasping cough, the burning flush,
aud night -sweats have all pointed to
Ninety eight out of every hundred such
Impossible cases can be cured ays Dr.
Pierce. What makes him o sure' Be
cause he has been curing just such cases
for more than thirty years. "Golden Med
ical Discovery " is strength to the stomoclt,
life to the lungs, nourishment to the nrrves.
It makes new blood and the new blood
builds a new body n fit temple of health.
There is nothing just as good as "Golden
Medieal Disco very, ' so let no one deceive
you into accepting a substitute.
"I begto state that I have used three tiotttesof
Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery ince niv
correspondence with vou and find great mi
provement In mv case," writes Mr. A 1- No
votny of New York. N. Y (Mn 1437) " 1 feF'
that f am In need of no more medical assistance
When I started to take your medicine 1 had a
regular consumptive congli, of which f wns
afraid, and every body cautioned and warned me
concerning It. I was losing weight rapidly, was
very pale nnd hid no appetite whatever Now
my condition is cnauged entirelv. X do not
cough at alt, have gained eight pounds In weight,
have recovered my healthy color, and mv appe
tite Is enormous. I can recommend your medi
cine, as it is a sure cure, no humbug, as nr
most other patent medicines."
Dr. Pierce's Pellets cure biliousness.
Mills iitlonlMtn l'Vtl Thirty TlintiNuntl.
New York, Doc. 26. No one bad to
go without a Christmas dinner yoster
day. The greatest exemplification of
this was seen at the Madison Square
Garden, where the Salvation Army fed
thousands by the distribution of 3,200
baskets, with food enough for five per
sons in each basket. The distribution
of food and dinners continued from 11
a. m. until 10 p. m. Although pro
vision was made for feeding 30,000 per
sons, at least naif again that numbei
appeared, and the army officers mei
the requirements. In all the public
Institutions the Inmates were gener
ously provided with Christmas cbeei
by tho authorities
Tin: Mom:u.- motiu:k
Has found that tier little ones are improved
more by tho pleasant Syrup of Figs, when iu
need of the laxative effect of a gentle remedy,
than by any other. Children enjoy it and It
benefits them, The truo remedy. Syrup of
rigs, is manufactured by the California Fig
Syrup Co. only.
I'lll-Cion,,! Ii tin l'r(.lilut.
Baltimore, De 26. John S. Hoshall
who was sentenced about eight munths
ugo. In the United States district court
to ten years' Imprisonment In the city
Jail for violation of the postal laws,
has been released from jail, his sen
tence lifvlng been commuted by Presi
dent McKlnley. Hoshall was a medical
student at -me ot the colleges here ttt
the time of his arrest.
Young Mothers.
Croun is the terror of thousands of young
mothers because its outbreak Is so agonizing
and frequently fatal, Shiloh's Cough and
Consumption Cure acts like magic In cases of
croup. It has never been known to fail. The
woist cases relieved immediately. Price 25
cts., SO cts. and $1.00. Sold by P. D. Kirlir
on a guarantee.
Consumption Cured.
Last November Mr. Joseph James,
painter, of 325 W. Pearl St., Indianapo
lis, Ind., was at death's door with quick
consumption. Wasted to a skeleton;
his lungs a mass of ulceration; his
death was hourly awaited by his doctor
and family. He was kept in a constant
stupor with opium. A friend, thinking
to relieve his terrible cough, gave hint a
bottle of Brazilian Balm. Seeing its
wonderful efftct, the doctor advised ite
continued use. Mr. James soon after
dismissed his doctor, and depended
on the Balm alone. His recovery was
rapid -nd complete, and in February he
returned to work. His lungs are sound,
and his weight greater than at any time
in his life. His recover' is regarded a3
almost a miracle.
In consumption beware of cough mix
tures and prescriptions that contain
opium. Opium paralizes the nerves,
and gives the comma bacillus a good
chance to destroy the lungs. It is
always fatal. Brazilian Balm does not
contain a trace of any opiate, but stimu
lates the nerves with new lifeand power,
destroys the microbe, and restores all
that is left of the diseased lungs to a
sound and healthy state which no other
remedy has ever been .known to accom
plish. Shenandoah Drug Store, Wholesale Agents.
Actor Heed Nt-riotialy 111.
Now York, Dec 2G. Holand Iteed,
the actor, Is seriously 111 at St. Luke's
hospital, suffering from appendicitis,
and his road engagements for the holi
day week have been cancelled. Up
to last night no surgical operation had
been performed, and the surgeons had
not decided whether or not one would
be necessary. They are hopeful of re
covery. Oscnr Wilde liny I'luhl 11 Duel,
Paris, Dec. 26. Oscar Wilde, who
has for a long time been living In
Paris, may have to fight a duel. Ac
cording to the Echo De Paris he be
came Involved In an altercation In a
restaurant with M. Ttlchet, tho ex
plorer, and as a result cards were ex
changed. Sleep, comfort, power to work, all fly before
the demuu called pain. Whether In the
muscles nr nerves it Is a nuisancennd a curse.
Call it by uuy name and get rid of it by
using Anchor Pain Uxpeller. 25c.
Coming Kvents,
Jan. 1, 1000. Eleventh annual ball by St.
Jossph's Pioneer Corps, In Armory hall,
Jan. 1, TweDty-sixth annual ball of the
Rescue Hook & Ladder Co., No, I, in Bobbins'
opera house.
U aVra lfflMfedndlafurltinutoauB.rr.rrw3
J AllllGlSarrlTUaaueuii ll!o4 1'oUon,
iIIWmiiI YwUiful tnori, L..I Viiuuj trioooel., .M.
n.WPSa)?.0 North fcliUt St., i-lilUdelptlL
YH-r(l Hlilvtlr it. .air !, iui U tt.L
j -"-- - w . . . - law,,- aw 111N1 ocuwr.iea wnaf
,21aUUIUIl.rrlio-M.iiiir,diii4 m ludft.lluiir-i9 I a..
Tlir- liili"t Xoiinlnr' Ciiu.llr Iteply
I itw fll "rilnr.
nirmlnnham. .r.. Dee. id. Senator
John T. Morgan has replied to tlit
open letter of CIBvernor Johnston,
charging that cotlaln indirect state
ments mfldp rodCfirnlng his (John
ston's) ronnectlotl with the University
land scandal upon the floor of the
United State, xmato were untrue. The
reply severely cntlelzeg the governor's
net ion In connection with the sale of
the valuable mineral lands of tho state
University lauds to the SloM-Sheflleld
Steel and Iron company. It continue
In part:
"You have nttompted to put my
statement In a false and garbled way,
so that you could make a denial of
what you either Invented or profew to
have heard that 1 have said In tho son
ate, knowing that you could not deny
what I did say.
"You doubtleiw feel very strong In
your supposed ability to rule the state
by tho machinery In your hands, but
very recant lesnons should admonish
you that ynu aro nlso subject to the
power of the laws, state and federnl,
and you rannnt prosa your defiant con
tempt of the rights of the state and the
people ot complete success."
I)pcrnt- Kro Sin, I lluvrn.
Hanna, Wyo Dec. 2. A negro
named Lucius Miller, employed at a
Union Pacific grading camp on the
Hanna Dana cutoff, armed himself with
a pitchfork Sunday, and swearing he
would kill every man In the camp
started on his mission. He cracked
the heads of several graders, and wna
tiRvlng everything his own way when
ho went to the controctor's supply
wagon, where ne met Troy Pendleton
a white man. Pendleton watched his
chance, whipped out his revolver and
fired full In the negro's face. Miller J
ien in me ground mortally wounueii.
and -died soon afterward. No arrest
was made.
All AllruiMl llnatmi l-liiilii-vster.
I-os Angeles, Cal.. Dec. 26 The at
torney for Cho.les It. Cole, formerly
president of tho Globe National bank,
of Boston, and now being detained
here on a chargi of embeirlement. sold
yesterday that bis client will remain
hero, and that no move is contemplated
until tho complaint now on the way
from Boston Is received and the war
rant Issued and served. The charac
ter of the complaint, he says, will de
termine the action he will take, though
It Is probable habeas corpus proceed
ings will be tried.
The Cure that Cures
Whooplna CouRh, Asthma.
urononius ana incipient
Consumption, Is
-r fwiwi - - il
Twt German remedy
Cures WtoA
IN EFFECT NOV. 19, 1899.
Passenger trains leave Shenandoah for Penn
Haven Junction. Msuch Chunk. Lehhrhton
Slatlngton, White Hall, Catasauqua, Allentown,
Bethlehem, Huston New York aad Philadelphia
at 5 20, 7 48 a. m , 12 53 and 5 17 p. in.
ror i iiKesoarre, w nue iiaven and Plltstov
20, 10 10 n. m.. 12 52 and 6 17 p. m.
For Laceyvlllc, Towanda, Savre, Waverly
Glmlra, Kochester, Buffalo, Niagara Falls
Vuburn, Syracuse, Ithaca, Geneva and the
West, 10 to a. ru 12 52 nnd 5 17 p. m.
For Belvldcre. Delaware Water Gan .n
Stroudsburg, 8 20 a. m., 5 17 p. m.
ror inmoenvine ana rrenion, 1 40 a. m.
For .leaneavtlle. Leviston and Beaver Meada.
5 20 a. m., 12 32 p. m.
ror MCAaoo, AUtiennea, llazieton, stockto
tnd Lumber Yard, 5 20, 7 48, 10 10 a. ui, 12 32 and
S 17 p m.
ForJeddo, Drlfton and Freeland, 5 20, 1910
a. ni., 8 17 p. m.
For Hcranson, so. 10 10 a. m., o 17 p. m.
For Lost Creek. Qlrnrdvllle.and Ashland, i 00.
and 7 27 p. m.
For Itaven Run, Centralis, Mount Carroel and
Shaniokln, 10 49 a. m., 1 42, 6 07, 9 23 p. m.
r or aiananoy wily, i'arK i-i&ce and XJeiano,
1 20, 7 43, 10 10 a. m.. and 12 32, 8 17 p. m.
ror laiesvuie, a ju, iu iu a. m.
Trains will leave Shamokln at 635, 9 20 a. m.,
II 39 and 4 20 D. ru.. and arrive at Shenandoah
at 7 48, 10 10 a. m., 12 32, 8 17 p. m.
Leave Shenandoah for Pottsvllle, St. Clair,
New Castle, Morea and New Boston, 7 43 and
10 10 a. in , 1Z 32 and 3 17 p. in.
Leave Pottsvllle for Shenandoah, 9 45 a. m,
12 SO. 503. 8 15 o. m.
Leave llazieton for Shenandoah, 9 53 a. m..
12 40, 5 07, 6 22, 8 29 p.m.
Trains leave for Raven Run, Centralla, Mt
Carmel and Shamokln, 10 46 a. m., 7 21 p. m., Q
Trains leave Shamokln for Shenandoah al
3 50 n. m., and 3 35 p. m.
Leave Shenandoah for Yatesvllle, Mahano;
City. Park Place, Delano, AIcAdoo, Audenrteo
llazieton, Stockton, Lumber Yard, Weatberl)
and Mauch Chunk, 9 45 a m., and 6 32 p. m.
For Lehlghton, Slatlngton, Catasauqua. Whlti
Hall, Coplay, Allentown, Eoston and Phillip,
burg, 9 45 a. m and 6 32 p, m.
For New York - Philadelphia, g 45 a. m.
Leave Hazle'.on for Ttienandoah, 9 50, a. m.
ind 6 23 p. m.
New York.
M. B. CUTTER, Supt. Transportation,
South Bethlehem. Pa.
CHARLES S. LEK. (lent. Pass. A si..
'.8 Cortland! Street, New York.
Beer and Porter
Brewers of the finest and
purest ....
These products ire seldom equalled
and never surpassed. Also
bottlers of all
Carbonated Beverages.
filled can have them promptly
by calling on
Christ. Schmidt,
Aeent and Bottler,
201 a r03l Street
y4--r44-4--l-4-4-4-4-4. 1 4-44-
Don't Ml to try J
UtkUHAffl S FilLS
when suffering from any
condition of ttta Stontuah
or Llrar.
loeents nnd UA reitl., nl tlnir sl.rr.
Sickness Carrying Off Cavalry
Horsos by Wholesnlo.
In tlir fltirrnstiivtii District r fniii-
Colony mill .Nntnl 'I'M. I. ulil li, II,,
Aasiimlnu "irliiii. I'roiiiirllnn..
lilt eslluiillnu Clllln-hlll'a IWn-.
Iondon, Doc. 26. Up to this hour
nothing has arrived from South Af
rica that would indicate any change In
the military situation there The war
office Is Issuing lists of further deaths
and wounded, as well as accounts ol
sickness. Tne most serious report of
the last class Is that horse slcknssa
has broken out In both British and
Boer camfis In Natal. Four hundred
British cavalry horsos, It Is said, have
already been shi t owing to the occur
rence of glanders. The disease is like
ly to spread wuh much greater rapid
ity among the British horses than
among tlje hardy Boer ponies, and this
may menu a considerable prolongation
of the campaign.
A distmtcli lrnm Chlnvnlv dated
Tuesday, Dec. 19, says: The British
naval guns have destroyed the Colensr
foot bridge, thus preventing the Boer
holding any position south of the
Tugelu river. The enemy aro taking
up fresh positions ou the eastern side,
nearer the BrltUh camp. The British
position at Frere is being strengthened.
The Tugela river Is rising and there
Is a prospect of heaVy- rains. A two
hour bombardment of Ladysmlth has
been heard front here. According to
reliable native leports the Boers had
200 killed In the light at Colenso.
The news thnt tho Colenso foot
bridge has been destroyed seems to
show that General Buller Is more
anxious to keep the enemy at bay than
to' attempt a further advance.
Desplto the severity of the censor
ship hints are being continually re
ceived of the serious spread of Dutch
disaffection In both the Queenstown
district of Cape Colony and Natal. A
correspondent ot The Dally Mail at
Pletermarftzburg says: "The extent
of Dutch disaffection should make the
imperial aut lion ties realize the mag
nitude of the task before them."
The Times tine morning makes the
following announcement- "We are In
formed that the government have de
cided that it is not desirable to make
further demands upon the European
garrison In India unless unforseon dif
ficulties arise."
AM undated heliograph message
from Ladysmlth, by way of Pletermar
Itzburg, represents the garrison as in
no way dauntea by General Buller's
reverse at Colenso and as confident of
being able to hold out Indefinitely.
The malls are Just arriving from
Ladysmlth. All the correspondents
comment bltteny upon the superiority
of the Boer artillery. The Times cor
respondent says. "It is Impossible to
evade the opinion that If British gun
ners were In the Boer positions the
loss of life and damage to property In
Ladysmlth would be ten times great
er." The Transvaal government, says a
Pretoria dispatch, Is much concerned
about the escape of Winston Churchill,
and the officials are doing their utmost
to discover how he got away. The of
ficials have Instituted a house to house
search for Incriminating papers. The
Volkstem asserts that he escaped dis
guised as a woman.
Commandant Demelllon, who was
taken prisoner at Blandslaagte and
brought to SImonstown, where he was
confined on the British cruiser Pene
lope, has succeeded In making his es
cape. The holidays have brought no sur
cease of recruiting activity. Lord Al
wyno Frederick Compton Unionist
member of "parliament for Blgglewade
division of Bedfordshire, will raise a
corps of mounted men. Lord Salis
bury's private secretary, Mr. Schom
borg McDonnell, who is a volunteer of
ficer, has volunteered for service.
The action of 'ho United States gov
ernment causes considerable discus
sion regarding tae contraband ques
tion as affecting Delagoa bay and Por
tugal. Widely divergent opinions are
expressed. The Daily Graphic says:
"Wo believe that every provision has
been made in British treaties with the
United States tor dealing with this
matter. In the special circumstances
of the present war the government Is
bound to regard food as contraband.
No doubt tho question can be satisfac
torily settled by paying compensation
for the seizures ot American flour."
The Morning Post, on the contrary,
argues that the government would bo
made to treat food as contraband, as
"such action would play Into tho hands
of all possible future enemies of Great
Britain." It admits, however, that
steps should he taken and money ex-,
pended to search vessels and to pre
vent munitions of war entering the
Transvaal by way of Portuguese ter
ritory. Over 500 British prisoners captured
at the battle" of Stormberg arrived at
Pretoria and were taken to Waterfall
to Join the other prisoners. An official
account of the Boer casualties at tho
battle of Tugela river says 30 men were
killed or wounded, It Is also said that
nine British cannoa were captured by
the Boers.
His Life Was Saved.
Mr. J. E. Lilly, a prominent citizen of
Hannibal, Mo., lately had a wonderful de-
liverence from a frightful death. In telling of
it he says; "I was taken with Typhoid
Fever, that ran into Pneumonia. My lungs
became hardened. I was so weak I couldn't
even sit up in bed. Nothing helped me, I
expected to soon die of Consumption, when I
beard of Dr.- King's New" Discovery. One
bottle gave great rejicf, I continued to use
it, and now am well and strong. I can't say
too much in its praise." This marvelous
medicine Is the surest and quickest cure in the
world for all Tluoat and Lung Trouble. Reg
ular sizes fio cents and 1.00. Trial bottles
free at A. Wasley's drug store; every bottle
llnniill'. OKI Iu 11 1 Kiiiilii-,
Cleveland, Dec. 26. The Cleveland
City Hallway company, known locally
bb the Ltttle Consolidated, of which
Senator Hanna is president, distrib
uted nearly $5,000 among Its employes
In Christmas gilts. Between 800 and
900 men received ?5 each.
Burdock Blood Bitters gives a man a clear
head, an active brain, a strvug, vigorous
body -makes him fit for tkebatUeof life.
Crn.j "Hi ! r WHO nrrl-sinl lllm
selr nml i,l HI Kl r Mill
Wnshlfir,!n lv. 21 T'
Nicholas 1! ih.i I Tr.v.,1 I '
airy, havlnr mi reported i r ,
Merrltt. CDtuiiiaudlng the iI.t." i
of the east at New York. I.
thorlted the coiufuHment of is
to the govotnnvnt hospital fm l,
sane near this city. Davis is na
Hated man from Kentucky i . i .
ram Insane over fancied wnmt- i.
diced by membeis of his troop at I'm:
Myer. Vs., and who, Inspired by (irtuK
obtained a KraR-Jorgensen ride ami .
supply of ammunition, barricaded him
self In the troops' quarters and twgun ;
firing thrdofh the open window at l
every person who carte within rang'' ,
of his weapon. Fortunately ho failed i
to hit anl-o1y.
The commandant at the fori, after I
exhausting all imsstble efforts to cap-1
Hire the rraxy trooper without sarrl- '
flclng the lives of any of his men, ,
finally ordered him shot, and a ser
geant and squad were detailed for thnt
purpose. Instead of ordering a vniiey I
fired, however, the soreennt. ho is a
rrsrk nurksniati, took a single shot
at the rrosed soldier. Only Davtv '
head and the stick of his rifle cou'd
be seen above the window sin The j
sergeant's bullet broke ihe smmunl- 1
tlon chamber of the Krea-Joraenseu
driving the pieces of metal into DuK
face and head, stunning him. but not
killing him. ,
What li stil eh 7
A grand old remedy for Congh. ("old- a d
I'nnramptlfln ; used thrtugn tb w rld i,i
is If a cenuiry, lass eurtsl Inuitnwrabie nm
( imiplmit oonsumptinn and relk-wal mam
in advaucvd stages. If you aro not antisflni
with the results we will refund your money
Price W eta , 80 ets. ami (1 00 Sold by P. I
tlrlin on a guarantee.
'I t .tii.s i.,' ii-rt-.
Newport News, Va., Dec. 2fi Thf
battleship Texas, In command of Caj.
tain Higsiee. arrived here shortly 1
tore noon yesterday with the remain.
it the men who lost their II ve bv th.-
destriKtloti of the battleship Mriit" in
Havana Harbor. The bodies were
transferred to a Chesapeake and Ohio
train at 12 o'clock today, and will be
taken to Washington for Interment In
Arlington cemetery next Thursday
Yon Try it.
If Shiloh's Cough aud Consumption Cure,
which is sold for the small price nf 25 eta., 50
cbi. and il 00, does not euro take the bottlr-
iwck and wo will refund your money Sold
'or over fifty years ou this guarantee Price
36 cts. and 50 rts. Sold by P. D. Kirliu on
i guarantee
Noted I. llt i i .. ni r I'ltrdoneit.
Columbus, Dec. 2i. -Mrs. Mary (iar
rett, one of th most noted of wumen
prisoners In the Ohio penltentlarj . was
pardoned yesterday. She entered the
prison Oct. 6, ISS8, under sentence of
death, carrying a babe in her urnis
having been convicted of cremating
her two Imberiie stepchildren at Spen
cer. Medina county. Governor For
aker commuted her sentence to life Im
prisonment. CASTOXIIA.
Bears tie O lw WW IW Mara Alnafs UHgll
IVelil .i , i itttll'e.
Kansas Clt. i)e. Ju -Uinoun-'e-
ment was m. de be e yesterday of the
retirement of A. 13. Stillwell from the
presidency of the Guaraian Trust com
pany. This corporation, which was
formerly known as the Missouri, Kan
sas and Texas TniBt company, had Its
headquarters in Kansas until a few
months ago, when the name was
changed, the capital Increased from
$1,260,000 to $2,500,000 and the general
offices removed to Chicago. Most of
the new stock was taken In Chicago
by men of large wealth.
Women as Well as Men
Are Made Miserable by
Kidney Trouble.
Kidney trouble prevs upon the mind, dis
courages and lessens ambition: beauty, vigor
and cheerfulness soon
disappear when Ihe kid
neys are out of order
or diseased.
Kidney trouble has
become so prevalent
that It Is not uncommon
for a child to be born
i3 afflicted with weak kid
neys. If the child urin
ates too often, tf the
urine scalds the flesh or if, when the child
reaches an age when It should be able to
control the' passage, it is yet afflicted with
bed-wetting, depend upon It, the cause of
the difficulty Is kidney trouble, and the first
step should be towards the treatment o(
these important organs. This unpleasant
trouble Is due to a diseased condition of the
kidneys and bladder and not to a habit as.
most people' suppose.
Women "as well as men are made mis.
erable with kidney and bladder trouble,
and both need the same great remedy,
The mild and the immediate effect of
Swamp-Root is soon realized. It Is sold
by druggists, in fifty
cent and one dollar
sizes. You may have a
sample battle by mail
tree, also pamphlet tell- Home ct,
Ing all about It. including many ol tho
thousands ol testimonial letters received
from sufferers cured, In writing Dr. Kilmer
U Co., Blnghamton, N. Y., be sure and
mention this paper.
Strong Drink is Death
are tbe pnlrposlUvelT guaranteed remedy (or Uie
orlnk ltabtt, Itervuusnesa and Alel&neboli caused
bffctrong drink.
to care anj case wits a poeltlre svrl 1 1 en guar
anten or refund tha moner, and to destxuj the
apruteforlntoilcatlnglliiuor, u "
ef S10.CO we win mail lou tour 4 bojes aiJiiioJS
Utb written guarantee to cure or refund
tour moner. Single boxes taoo. 0
For sale at KIrlln's drug store.
nillions of Dollars
Go an In smoko every year. Take no
risks btt (jet your houses, slock, fui
nlturs, etc.. insured In flrst-clssa re
liable rvn n tiler si represented by
4UaLHa.asaiMldsau& disaniaa
Tho Kind You Havo Always
In tiso for mcr 30 year-,
2- sonal
All Counterfeits, Imitations and .Ttmt-as-Kood" nro hub
Experiments that trlllo Avlth nnd cmlaiifrer tho health oC
Infants uiid Children Kxiierleuco against Kxporlmcut.
Castorht Is a harmless suhstitiito for Castor Oil. Pare
goric, Drops and Smit liiiijf Syrups. It Is 1'lcn.sntit. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Xarcotlo
Miihstance. Its aire Is Its (ruai-Hiitco. It destroys "NVornm
nnd allays FeierUhncss. It cures Dlarrliiuu and "Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
ami Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulator tho
Stomach nnd Itnwels, Klvlnt; healthy ami natural sleep.
Tho Children's Punuccn-Tho Slother'a Friend.
Bears tho
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
TMC CtHTg jW tOMMrif,
$ rigor 10 me w
Mailed tf ale; 1 -
money, $5.00 a (
riyi's' ' mi tin
of mcn. ruati,..i " They are " LIFI3 SAVKltS" to girls at
womauii imi. ainiiisf development of organs and body. lii
known rem. ly for women equals them. Cannot do harm Ufa
bifCQin.s a leisure. .!l.t)0 IHU ilOX UX IAIL. Sold
hy di iififjists. IJK. MOTT'S CUEMICAL CO., Cleveland, Ohio.
For Sale lay P. W. Houck.
S.A PO L i C3
18 months in a chair.
A Specialist also fails to even relieve '
a Daa case ot Asthma.
The BRAZILIAN BALM instantly re
lieves and effects a Radical Cure.
Shaker Station, Ct , 1 U , 1S09.
Brazilian Balm
bi dime won-oVr-
K-r uie, aftc
suttci nig Z year ,
v;m Asthma. I
rei 1 1 ved no help
from four of ou
loi 4i physicians
A' 1 a specialis
in 1' irtford, wlr
i nt the head o
the hospital am
rectnes all th
etitual cases it
t ! adjoin i n
c j.mties. For l!
mimtli T nprp
laid down set in a chair da ami nigh
and had tn lie llmun fr,-,i i . rnnm t.
another. Tty my doctor'' orders I wen
n, ill, nirt 1 .. . 1. . 1....
dwutu ou oailt HCVCIUI 1LIU1111IN Ulll re
ccived no benefit. At last Brazilian
Balm was.reccaimended tomesohighlx
I decided to try it. Inside of a week "l
could sleep in tny betl. Now I am ou.
do not have any Asthm .ind will soon
icaiiuic ui- uiu urcupsii' 1 inreinan oi
the Eddy Electric Mfg. i. . , of Windsor
Ct. Most Rratefulh vours,
Wu. II. Wood.
Thousands of doctors nrc-wr-ibe llrailllar
Bairn In Catarrh, Asthma, rv rt.y and Grippe
Only thine known that re s i ll the alu
effects of Rrippe In I.uncs. 1., - Kidnevs Hit
Wcts.and1.00abottleatni;iii!ls With th.
n 00 bottle J'ou get a niontb- ireatmeni ikfi
it Toxicol Tablets, the t i Ionic Strenstt
milder in the world n V Jackson t Co
Manufacturiug Chemists, IaJianapolls, Ind.
Wholesale AsrenUT
Of th Third waid.
Subject to Citizens party rules.
Of the Fourth ward
Subject to Cltlien. tarty rule.
Of the Sxeond ward.
Subject to Citizens party rules.
Of tho Second ward.
Subject to Citizens' party rules.
Of the Third ward.
Subject to Citizens' party rules.
A Handsome Complcndon
Is one of the greatest charms a woo. an can !
possess Fouoitt'a Coiu-lexiok l'owrjaa
Klvpa It. J
Bought, rtnil Mlilcli lins liecn.
has horno tho sljrimtnro of
has hoou niado under Ills pcr-
Mmnrvlilim hIiioo ItH inftlticv.
no ono to deceive you In this.
Signaturo of
Thr-r hire stood tlft lH etjexn.
nd lm cn$t4 llMmaem of
ica of Nervov Dtienci, tKh
dcu snd V aricoceslcA trorhr.Ac
w ctrcttlatioa, make difettMa
Derfect. and iWiurt a lfceakhir
A't 'ram and Im are checked frrmAnntly. U1m pa tie U
r ' , flr.D wome them in to InnUy , CMlunaatOsB r Datb.
t- s txxe, tth lronlifl al guaraale to cure of refttvdlbo
They overcome Weak,
ness. irregularity and
ooii.vsions, lncreao vir;.
nr tnil lMtnlal, I'lutn.
professional cards.
Offlee Kfran building, corner of Main an
Cestre streets, SbmutBdoah.
Offlcei-Oor. Centre and Whits street, n ex
o Ju.tlee Tooebct's office.
Xo. SO Kast IJayd Street.
Office hours: 8 to S a, m. : 1 to I p. m.
7 to p. m.
lock Box M.Mahs-norCllr.Pa.
ITarlnr studied nnder some of Ihe betl
masters In London and Paris, will give lmsona
on Ihe violin, mandolin, guitar and vocal culture.
Terms reasonable. Address In care of Strouax,
tha leweler Hh.namln.h
Any Book Published
in the . . .
Sent You
Postpaid or C. O. D.
(Eipreaa charges prepaid
At lo per cent, off
from catalogue or reg
ular prices.
Tlie Bulletin Press,
23 Dljj
News and Opinions
National Importance
Daily, by mail, - $6 a year
Daily and Sunday ,by mail,$8 a year
The Sunday Sun
is the greatest Sunday newspaper
in the world.
Price 5c i copy. By mall, 52 i jeu
Addreii THE SUN, New York.
Tho Rosy Frcshnoss
velvety softness of th akin la tnva
rlably obtained bv thore who use Foixoai's
Oomplexiou bonder