The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, December 22, 1899, Image 4

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    Holiday Sweets!
Delicious. Prepared of
the best materials. No
stale goods here. We sell
them too fast.
Shenandoah Drug Store,
3 South Main St., Shenandoah.
Tdlephonn Connection.
The Last Days
Before X-Mas finds the
stores crowded. Our ad
vice is buy now.
A Few Specials.
A limited quantity Ilolnmn
S. S. Teachers Uibles, regu
lar $1.75 and $2.00. Here
at $1.23 nd $' -5o.
Tree ornaments at lower prices
tli an can be had elsewhere.
Dressed dolls, 23c to $1.50.
Jointed dolls, all prices up to
Washable dolls, 18 inches
long, 23 cents.
Kid dolls, 14 inches, 23c.
Kid dolls, 16 in., sleeping, 37c.
Red white and blue dressed
dolls, 23 and 48 cents.
Fountain pens, $1.00 up.
AH "Wirt" fountain pens,
Medallions (a beautiful line)
24 cents up.
Iron Fire Engines, Hook and
Ladders, Trains, Patrols,
etc., 23c to 98c.
Dressing cases, 75 cents up.
Shaving sets, (good razor),
S2.50 up.
Work boxes, $1.00 up.
Glove and handkerchief sets,
$1.50 up.
Fine calendars and booklets,
Lowney's Candy.
Chocolate Creams, 10c a box.
" Almonds, 15c a box.
Assorted Chocolates, 30c a li lb.
' " 60c per lb.
Regular Chocolates, 25c a pound.
Remember we give Trad
ing Stamps if you ask
for them when purchase
is made.
You Can't Make
a Mistake
Tn Chrtstmns buy
ine for vour men
friends. You can't
make a mistake
when you eet them
Huspenue-s in
hoses. Neck wear
Gloves, lined nnd
iinlined. Sweaters,
linn dkerchlefs
Fancy Shirts, Muff
lers, Suit Cases,
Mackintoshes. Um
brellas and Night
Portz Bros.,
North Main Street.
It Pays Us
To deal squarely and to repre
sent our goods just as they are.
i:m...M 1 1 lUjjJ-LJ.ut.i it 11 i",n
To see our holiday jewelry.
We are devoting special atten
tion to our display of
This year special values await you.
Wasted money never comes back.
We don't waot you to waste any
at our store. If you have eye
troubles, etc., we will examine and
tell you just what you need, free.
Ihos. Buchanan,
Jeweler and Optician,
No. 118 South Main Street,
Holiday Preparations.
NFW Raisins,
California Peaches,
Lemon Peel.
Orange Peel,
All Kinds ot Nuts.
Fine bonelnu White Codflibst 70 per pound.
:Mckerel. 60 and up.
Lire nnd dresaed poultry,
wkoleuile prices
Dig stock t
E3. A. Friedman,
213 W. Centre Sl.J
Two doori below Mult'e delrjr.
Willimn IUIum of Mahmioy Clly. wan n
Tinltor to wvn.Jat night.
Mr.. Mnrmrt'$tetler vlilleil friomln at MhIi
nnojr Clly liwly.
John WUntWl), hftr from the Villi Xova
oollfgB to mA the Lolidnyn.
M.nnW. ,1 City. pent
lft titntiliiK hfet. 11 h mimt nf fdmnU.
Mim bin William ami Onrrln Owru ate
homo rrom irfflrmudu'd, t Meclinuiaburx,
Ut Minl Ohrlttrniu with llinlr .nU
Jokii Statu ft.atuitnnt at Urn University of
i-iHyivum(..i'i,,i,.ipi,i(i, lRKiit ut the
borne uf litl.pSieuts, on Wcit 0k street
I'. J. Oaughaii Is compelled to rrlimtnUh
iismietuMt Unties, owing to an attack of
tlmnt ot the Uhigli University.
South ItttthtetiStu, la home for the holidays
Knguno lwlr h homo from New Hamp
shire to spem) the holidays
MiMM Ir liretvi-r ami Klsle Ivuuimt
nre homo rrem Irwin College, Mechiiniesburif,
t enjoy thufr holiday vacation.
Mwsrs. JJUward Itobhiu and W. llurton
Davie, student, Ht the Wyoming seminary.
muwHun, Hru;nere to spend Christina",.
.Miss Mnttfiitet Shears, of Keadlna. la aiMinl.
ing a few ilayttlu town.
John l.elunlcr and liicbiird Taylor, former
residents of town who have beou located at
Pittsburg for several months, are here to
spend the holidays
Mr. and Mrs. Gtmrge Malley, of I'ottsvllle, I
spent to-day in town '
ICev. MatiiMltls. of ltrosklrn. N. Y.. ar-1
rived bora to-day to spend a few days. 1
Missjuna liradigan returned to town last
evening after a very pleasaut trip to West
Chester and Philadelphia
J. .1. Couaway. oi Allentown. was a busi
ness visitor to town to-day.
Jllse Winifred Iteilly Is koine for the holl.
lays from Philadelphia.
wavm lluuituel. of Hummelstown. Is the
guest of his sister, Mrs P. W. Houck.
Mlssos Auulo Watson and Annie Mnnaglmn
aro homo from an extended visit to Washing
ton, I). C.
Enoch Ilovan, who left this town ten years
ago and located at Philadelphia, Is in town,
the guest of his brother-in-law. School
Director George Holvey.
James Thomas and daughters. Misses
Fiosslo and Pearl, of York, Pa., aro lu town
to spend the holidays. They are guests at
tlio residence of William Jcll'ersou, on South
Jardin street. Mr. Thomas was engaged in
business on West Coal street sevoral years
sgo. To-day he is a pioporous contractor.
P. J. Mouaghan, of Chamberlain, South
Dakota, is here to spend Christmas with bis
mother, Mrs. Ilridget Mouaghan, on West
Centre street. He is engagod in stock rais
ing in tlio far west. Ho presents a truo typo
of a ranchman.
A Powder Mill Explosion
Removes evervibuiE in sight : so do drastic
mineral pills, but bntb are mighty dangerous.
Don't uynamite the delicate machinery ot
your body with calomel, crotou oil or aloes
pills, wbcu Dr. Kiuii's New Life Pills, which
aro vontln as s summer breeze, do the work
porrectly. Cures Headache, Constipation.
Duly 25c at A. W.nley's drugstore.
The .January Number
Of The Delineator, which is called tho Cen
tury Number, begins the fifty-fifth volume,
and it exhibits a marked advancement In
many details. There is, as usual, a complete
presentation of tho season's fashionable
modes, a varied selection of brilliant literary
features, and a geuerous amount of general
household matter t'ouspisnous among the
literary articles 1 Ka A Hair of Violctj, by
Harriet Kiddle Dans, a doligbtful story of
happy results following the tragic ending of
a young woman'-, etlorts in a business ven
ture Particuiarlv appropriate just now is
the article. Been 10 tlio Shops, suggesting de
sirable articles for gifts. Tlio Cradles of the
World, by Laura B Starr, is an admirably
Illustrated article descriptive of babyhood
amung many people
Musical Instruments sweet in toneand very
acceptable Christuus gifts at Orkin's jewelry
store. 12-18-5t
We are
these are
Dolls, Coaches,
Wagons, Toy Books, Chairs,
Iron Toys, Hobby Horses,
Ect., Etc., Etc.
There are somo astonishing values to
start tho Christmas rush.
PIANOS. Something that always pleases the littl ; misses. Prices
2 A, 48 and 98 cents.
IRON TOYS, In these we bave most everything, Horses, Fire
Engines, Ships, etc. Prices 23c, 48c, 98c aud gt 23.
Our S and lo cjnt department of TOYS Includes most everything
in this line that can be sold at these prices.
Conway's Novelty Store,
Small Profit and Quick Sale Store
Ha6 been opened by Sam Levine, 104 East Centre street, Rob
bins' building. All our goods are sold as represented or money
returned. Our winter sale of
Men's, Boys', Children's, Ladies', and Misses' Shoes.
Gum Boots and Rubbers, and Gent's Furnishings
Is now going on We keep no shoddy goods. A penny
earned is a penny saved. So be wise and go to the greatest
bargain house in Shenandoah.
not. Remember the place.
Coats and Capes at Half Rrice I
Plush and Astrakhan Capes, from $1.49 and upward. Collarettes,
Si. 65 and up ; elsewhere not less than $3.00. Children's Reefers, $1.25;
elsewhere &350. See our large assortment of trimmed and untrimmed
millinery and trimmings. Would not any of these articles make a
cheap, appreciative and serviceable Christmas gift ? Consider this and
come to our store and be convinced.
II piMilnga Throughout thtt (loiinlry
llrotilrlil for llmtr I'eruanl.
Corduroy rockers at Davison's.
The engagement 'f Miss Mario, clmulitci
of 1. ('. Thompmin, of I'ottsvllle, to Henry
TnWMMid lllinlget.of Now York, iaHiiiinUured,
The M'huols eloted tills Afternoon for the
Chrlntinas holidays mid will re-open January
A hmtii'h nf the National Uxtholie Temper
unco Society vvitaoruanltcd at ItpekMilirrvillc.
Iluy the Xma present at llrimim's tl
Tli (i next nesslon of tlio 11 ret Defenders'
Associatinii will be held In I'ottsvllle on
April IS. 1000.
The Board of Pardons nt llurrlslinrg yes
terday refused to reoommend 11 pinion to
tieorge Wll.iains, of Sebiiylkill county
The County Cotnniltinimrs yesterday
morning pttid o(T the temporary loan of
80.000 held by the Morclmnts' Nati onal
Kink, of Shenandoah.
linger tablespoons, per dotcn, Hnnim's.
I). W. Smith was yesterday appointed
fourth-class postmaster at West MosliMinoil.
Perfumery and Hornet I'owders. Inipnrtnl
" domestic Shenandoah Drug Store
Centre roun ty teachers Voted to observo
February !8i m Curtln memorial day.
lleiiutli'ul designs in wall paper at Cardln's,
S and 0 cents per roll. Call unci seo them tf
.Tnlit! Moran, aged 00 years, was killed by a
Heading Hallway passenger train at Alaska,
near Slmmokln.
Henry Watterson, of Louisville, Ky., lec-
tured before the Teachers' Institute at Hello-
lonto last nmnt.
Why waste time and miinoy In seaichlng
for a Christmas gift? Buchanan, the jeweler,
lias skimmed the jowelry market for your
I desires and lie's got tlicm, too. See lit
watches, rings and chains. tf
J. I). Tnlir Cnt Ills 'I'll rout ut n
Wiiihluutmi lloti-l.
'Washington, Dec. 22. James Duane
Taylor, one of the Importnnt ofllcers In
New York city of 'ho Wagner Palaco
Car company, and a son-in-law of tho
founder of die company, committed
suicide yesterdoy shortly nfter noon
nt the Ornfton hotel, in this city, by
cutting his throat with n razor. Mr.
Taylor was suftering from nervous
affection caused by Illness and tho
fatal act was committed apparently on
the impulso of the moment. Death
was almost Instantaneous. The sui
cide was 03 years of age.
An intlmato friend of Mr. Taylor
said: "The arrangement for the ab
sorption of the Wagner Palaco Car
company by the Pullman Palace Car
company undoubtedly aggravated Mr.
Taylor's condition. Kor more than 30
years ho had been connected with the
Wagner Palace Car company and at the
time of his death he was the treasurer
and secretary of the company He was
identified with no other business en
terprises, his whole time being do
voted to the Wagner company. Ho
naturally was deeply concerned In tho
growth of the company, and of course,
the plan to absorb his company had a
serious effect upon his condition."
IVItHt-nsex In 11 Hint rilKht.
Palestine, Tex., Dec. 22. The wit
nesses who nre hero In attendance on
the trial of alleged Humphreys lynch
ers are In a bad plight. The trial ot
Cain, charged as an accomplice, will
oe concluded tonight, but the cases
against the seven men charged ns prin
cipals will rot be taken up until next
Wednesday, each of them being given
a separate trial. Between 300 nnd 400
farmers are here from Kauffman, Na
varro and Henderson countiep without
means of subsistence. Tho greatest
hardship is on those summoned ns
character witnesses, who receive no
pny whatever, and are compelled to at
tend under heavy penalties.
ready for you. Every one of
our regular departments is overflowing
with gift possibilities in beautiful goods
at wonderfully low prices. In addition
on our tables :
Visit us whether you buy or
104 E. Centre St.
1$ Uiceltent for
Rlioumatism, Backacho, etc.
UK. KIClll UK a worid-KCDOwnca
"One well-known firm's inter out of many :
PhiladelBhlaJaJulv 24tW8997
rne increase in tno
PELLER no's not been duelo advor
tLslnn. n cusiomora.como a.aood
distance forit.ond are foreigners
who know this remedy thro u.qK1
Irs popuiuri 1 y 111 inuir nanvc
ona.for many years past.
23c. and SOc. at all druggists or tnrougn
V. Ad.BIchUr 4Co.,S15 PeirlSt., New Vothl
iecommrnrtea oy prominent 1 ny
itciant, n ftoteiaie ana retail
The Inlimiiua I.HWj-er Hoodwinked by n
Ilullillng and l.onn Association.
John O. Ulrieh, Esq., of Tnmaqua, created
a miniature panic in tho office of a building
and loan association In Allcntown on Friday
of last week, says tho Courier. A suave rep
resentative of this association, who claimed
to bo a Frenchman and who wont by the
euphonious name of Cyrano do somebody,
was in Tamanua last summer soliciting sub
scribers for the stock of the association. He
endoavored to Intorest Mr. Ulrlch In tho con
cern, stating that Mayor Schaadt, of Allen-
town, held ?25,000 tvorth nf tho stock of the
company. Upon this representation Mr.
Ulrlch purchased somo stock and tho wily
Frenchman used tho attorney's name lu order
to procure other subscribers. He succeeded
In interesting ocvcral people, in tho concern,
received their money and then left tho town.
As the company did not livo up to tho
promises mado by its representative Mr. Ul
rieh endeavored to recover tho money paid
in by himself and other subscrlhets. He
learned that tho story of Mayor Schaadt
owning a largo amount of the capital stock
of the company was purely chimerical and,
recognizing that he had been fliui-llammed hy
tho Frenchman, left for Allcntown last Fri
day and called at tho office of tho company.
Fortunately ho found tho French solicitor
present, Ul rich accused him of hoodwinking
him and his friends and endeavored to
compel him to return the money hlmsolf and
othors bad paid for the bugus stock of the
company. The man refusing to do so Ul
rich proceeded to use his fists as a more con
vincing argument.
Ho knocked the Parisian down twice,
pummeled him severely and as a grand ilualo
threw him down tlio steps leading from tho
office. Then tho enraged disciplo of Iilack
stone, with blood in his eyes, delivered his
ultimatum to the olliccrs of the association
to tho eilcct that if they did not return the
money he would institute criminal proceed
lugs against them.
A woman's reason is usually a good 0110,
because she knows it will be all right if she
purcliased her holiday gift atOrkin's jewelry
store. tf
DeeflR ltftcorfled.
The following deeds wero ofl'ereil for
record yesterday : From Joseph Ilutlerct ux.
to Jeronio Hitler, premises in North Union
township j from Thomas Markloy et ux. to
Mary Ferguson, premises in Shenandoah ;
from Daniel Shepp et al, to Ludwlg Nuni
orick, premises in Nelson City ; from Daniol
Shepp etal, to St. James Kefornicd church
premises in Nelson City ; from Augusta
Maureret vir, to LudwigNmuurick, premises
lu Nelson City ; from ueo. Waul et ux. to
Kate llarneoat, promises at Tower City;
from Franklin Ruport et ux. to Michael
Kupert, premises at Cressoua,
Dr. Wood's Norway Pino Syrup seems cs
peciully adapted to the needs of tho children,
Pleasant to take ; soothing in its lullucni-o ;
it is tho remedy of all remedies for overy
form of throat aud lung disease.
Silver novelties and silverware at catchy
prices. Splendid designs for Christinas gifts.
Go and look at them at Orkin's jewelry store,
next door to Mammoth Clothing store. 5t
Made daily at Scheider's hakery, 27 East
Centre street. I'uro and delicious. liM-tf
Just Arrived!
From South Africa.
The finest hops and malt to manu
facture the lamous
Tannhauser Beer.
It is now on tap at the well
known Jiostlery 0f P. J. Ililey, 200
West Oak street, for the holidays.
Give him a call aud be conviuced
Soloman Haak, Agfc,
116 South Haiti St.,
Fall and
Don't buy elsewhere until you
see our stock. It is a winner and
so are the prices attached to every
pair ot shoes, whether for men,
ladies, misses, or children. We sell
the "best" qualities of footwear
cheaper than any other shoe dealer.
Mothers should bear in mind
that our children's shoes are the
most durable. We are closing out
another lot very cheap.
27 South Main Street. Shenandoah, Pa,
Tilt! MHATIIKlt.
Temporal uiF changes wnro unprcco
dontly anwll lor thf seawm ol tlie year,
tne otiiy cnargo
greater tlmn 10
degrees having
been In wosUrn
Muntnnn mid
sonthwoftorn Ore
gon. In the Pa
cific coaBt and
plateau region
there has been
pructlcnlly no
change, showers
continuing an the
$ north const, fore
cast for this section: Ooncriilly fair
today and tumoirow; vnrlftblo winds,
m-istly fiesh sonthprly.
Sttnrlae. 7:2i. sunset, 4:47; length of
iluy, 9h., 2:im.; monn rlRot, 10:3fi p. m.:
moon rp's, 10-22 ) m.
Amies Wallaco Villa nnd her splendid com
pany played to standing room only at our
opera house at both performances yesterday
and gained, if possible more favor in tho
hearts of our people. ho Is au actress of
tho very flmt water and holds her audiences
spellbound Iroin beginning to cud. Lucta K.
Villa, her daughter, also proved hersolf to
hn u charming actress, and her gowns were
tho ndiniratiou of tho ladles. Tho support is
all that can bo desired, and tho Bongs, dances
nnd comedy features introduced are clover.
Patterson, N. J., Call, Dec. 1st, 18. At
Ferguson's theatre, this. (Friday) evening.
The selection of plays to bo offered by f'o
Little Ireno Myers company at Ferguson's
thoatre bll next week is surely sufllclontly
diversified to plcaso tho" most fastidcous.
Whilo thoy aro all of a refined aud moral
nature, they range from tho must artistic
drama and high class comedy to tho most
blood curdling melodrama, as will be seen by
the following repertoire: "LlttloLord Faunt
leroy," "Tlio Silver King," "Two Orphans"
"ltlack Flag," "Tho Ilurglar," "Tlio Tiger's
Kyc,' "Outcasts of a Great City," "Tho
Shadow Dctcclivo" and "Little Boss." The
vaudeville portion of tho bill Is supplied by
six specialty acts which will be seen between
tho acts of every play. The Ilurglar' ' at
matinee, and "Outcasts of a Oroat City," at
night, arc the bills to he given on Christinas.
Tho prices for tho inatlneo will be 10, 20 and
25 cents, tho latter entitles you to a reserved
seat' Tho sale of scats is now open.
You can buy It at Ilrumm's.
MurrlHga I.lcoime.
Marriages llcensoi were granted yesterday
as follows : Win. Dressier, of Win. Ponn,
and Millie l'arrlsli, ofGilberton; Pastvuel
b ilvl.i and llosaria Trasctto, both of Miners,
rlllo; Clayton E. Heed and Dora E. Kijon
liauer, both of Schuylkill Haven.
Bekciiam'b Pii,ts No equal for Constlpa.
Iluy Koynl Patent Flour. It is tho best In
tho market.
I1KNT OU SAM 5 A hotel, containing four
J V teen room, the barroom fixture comnlcte;
nml tho hou'o iscentrnlly located lit Ilinptmvn.
For further Information apply to Michael
I'eters, hlictmiiUoah, I'm. JZ-21-M
FOU I MINT, A very desirable brick uVellliifir
hotisr, No. 81 Kat OaV s'reet. KIght rooms,
witter In the house, ft nice nio yanl, a most
ucauiiiui locaiion iext 10 i. w cmircn ros
pension trtren January 1. 1000. Kent reaonnhle.
Apply nt 28 West Lloyd street, or 20 South White
&ireei. eou
In Oil BAMS, A spring wagon. Apply at the
) IlKBALl Ofilce. tf
TOTICR. Deal tab1- nropertles for eale. Ai-
i.1 piy 10s. u, m. Jiouopuicr, attorney, mien
andottli. 8-3MT
"TOOn RKNT OR I'OU SlLE. No. 120 North
Jl! Main street, now occupied by a fancy shoe
core, l'ossesa'on Riven Apru 1st, ivuu. store
ha plato plans front. Storo nndnwtllfng ca'i
he rented with or without wnreroom and stable
very reasonable by a desirable tenant. Apply
to O, W. Ncwhouser No. 122 North Main St. tf
riTM t ivn niTT n,i. Dl1i. an,.tr nr I.-
k5 shoes nnd rubbers. Our sal U now on and
our stock must be Ho'd as soon as possible At
Chnrles Dletz, 120 North Main street. 12-lft-lw
1ANK KM2 TION. Tho annual meeting of
1 ine BiocKiioiu rs oi cue .uercnantv national
IKmk of Shcnandonh, Vi,t will ho held Ht tlin
im 'kmc house on Tu suay. J nuary vth, 1900.
between the hours of 2 And 4 p m , for the
purpose of electing thirteen 13J directors to
ecrvo wiu diguing j cur.
12-8-flt-oaw p, Jl. IIpXTRii, Cashier.
FOIl SAMS. Cheap to a prompt buyer. A
very desirable three-story property In a
paved squaro on Main street. Contains two
large store rooms with plate glass fronts Oom
fortablo dwelling with bath. Yard, warerrom
ai.U stable, to each. Whole lot 30x150 feet to
alley. Very fine location for any kind of
business. Prefer to sell tho whole property
but will sell part of It If desired, at very reason
able price and terms. For further Information
please address "Owner," P, O, IJox 22, Hhenan
doah, Pa 11-Otf
Separate pealed proposals will be received hv
the Controller of &chu lklll county at his ofllee
until 10 o'clock a, n .Tuesday, December 26th,
1899, for the f urnUhtngof almshouse and prison
supplies Including coul and knitting and weav
ing material for three months ending March
3!st, 1000.
Humpies required of Altrishuuae articles must
be delivered at tht Institution on or before the
date nnd time of opening bids. rlson samples
required can be delivered at the Controller's
otliee Schedule of suppllcn and all other In
formation can be had on application at the Con
troller's otllce.
Also at the ame time bids will be received for
furnishing of blanks, blank books, stationery,
for as, supplies, etc., for tho ue of the various
county olllees for the year ending December
aist, U00. Hcbedulcof the articles and the prob
able amount nf each required may be obtained
at the oillce uf the County Controller or the
County CoiumUsfoners. Hamples of forms,
etc , may be seen at the ofllees of the different
county bfllcers
Mark envelopes plainly "Proposals" and
designate "Almshouse," "Prison and "Court
House Supplies."
The right is reserved to reject any or all bids.
liy order of the County Commissioners and
uireciorsoi me roor.
H. J. Mdldoon,
Pottavtlle. Pa.. Deo 12th, 1699. 13-10-2O-22
What You Need
For Christmas.
We are prepared to supply you with
your Christmas needs, lou may need
many goods and here Is the place you
can get them for less money than an)
where else. See oqr
Groceries, Poultry,
Live and Dressed Tiuck.
ThL la where to buy to ,nvo your money from
being equunuereu.
233 West Centre Street.
Cheapest Shoe
Men', sole, and hccla SO and Mo
Stun', " " " (aewed )...... 83and80o
Jjullf.' " " " M.0and60o
IjiiIU'.'" " " laowed 00c
C'lilldrnn'aaolcgand heels DOandSSo
Gum boot.. o!e and heel too
'i " " " with patch. SOo to 11,
Children' ahoes.'zSc. Bntlafactory patch
work. Shoe, heeled only 15 mid 20 it,.
Sam Broady,
Jtobbli..' llloclc.
BS W. Centre .treet
Christmas Brings its Joys and Sorrows, but Our Holi
day Stock of Clothing is the Delight of Everybody.
THE most sensible and useful Christmas present one can receive
is a nice, well fitting, stylish made suit of clothes. W
have lots of them in stock for Men, Youths and Children.
We have adopted a holiday scale of prices to suit all purses and
everybody can give somebody a present from our stock without mak
ing themselves short of money.
Just the thing for a present to your husband, son, or brother, or
even your cousin. All prices and styles and none better in the
You can delight your child on Christmas morning by giving him
one of our Vestees, Blouses, Reefers, Juniors, or one of the little
Overcoats in light, with or without velvet collars, brown, blue, black,
or any color you wish. We have them in all sizes.
Mammoth Clothing House,
9 and 11 S. Main St., I Goldin. Proprietor
pcrguson's Theatre.
One Night Only 1
FRIDAY, DEC. 22, 1899.
The Distinguished Actress
Agnes Wallace Villa
The greatest play ol the
PRICES : - 25, 35 and 50 Cents.
lteaerl seata at Klrltn'a drug atore.
perguson's Theatre.
PpftY, DEC 25, '99
HHLe Irene Myers
And n company of quality. New
plays. New players.
PRICES : - - 10, 20 and 30 Cts.
Special Scenery. Electrical
Monday Matinoo,
"The Burglsr."
Monday Evonlng,
'Outcasts-of a Great City."
Reserved neata at Klrlln'a drug store
(or both matinee and night.
Matinee Prices : - 10, 20 and 25 Cts.
Have just received a large
line of new and attractive
At very low prices. Do you
want to make your friends
happy ? Then come to our
store and buy a nice comfort
able Fancy Chair, Couch,
Divan, Swinging Rocker, of
the latest design and finish at
prices so low that everybody
can aflord to buy them. Our
line of Morris Chairs, Ladies'
Desks, Combination Cases and
Floor Rockers are superior
than ever before.
Furniture Dealer and Undertaker,
106 South Main St.
Of watches, jewelry,
silverware and musical
instruments does not
decrease, but is con
stantly being replaced
with new goods. Our
selection is just as large
and varied to-day as
when the season op
ened, Low Prices
Is our motto. Come in and
be convinced. We mean ex
actly what we say. Remem
ber the place nud save
money. We guarantee every
article we sell.
Ellis Deull, 'gff
Holiday Gifts.
Hundreds of dressed and un
dressed beauties. See our
special 23c one.
A splendid assortment, all
sizes, from 25c up.
Pianos, all sizes, Trumpets,
Drums, Accordeons, Metal
aphones, from 5c up.
Magic Lanterns, Steam Engines,
Mechanical Toys ; of the
latter we have an immense
Rich Va lues now Avail
able to our Patrons.
Canada Malt
Columbia Brewing: Company.
Of all kinds, and from every quarter of the
plobe. Kid bnrlv rlnlls. tlnll nnrrl.nMc .n.t
" . j , - - .1 . If J AI1U
go-carts start at 15c. Doll beds, cradles.
umurcu i mules ana cnairs, uisucs and
kitchen sets, tiastrv stts manir l.ntr... ti
- I 1 - ...IH. W.
CllPKt. mint, tvnnif nrinllnr. .ime.
iron tovs of all descriptions, games, blocks,
and a thousand other things to delight the
hearts of the little ones.
Christmas Trimmings In Great
Good old Santa Claus is getting ready to hoi
his annual festival and scatter his reward
amongst the boys and girls, and even the youn
men and maidens as well as the older folk
We have made our store into a veritabl
Alladin's cavern well stocked with every variet
of Dolls, Go-carts, Toys, Gaines, Animal
Picture Books, Etc.
Iron Toys.
Engines, Hook and Ladder
Patrol Wagons, Drays, Coc
Stoves, etc., 10c to $2.00.
Horses, Sheep, Donkey
Goats, etc., 10c to $3.00.
A big variety, from 10c '
Fancy Goods.
Plush or Celluloid gifl
Suitable for all ages.
Fancy China.
A stock which cannot be e
celled in this county.
S South Main St., Shenandoah
One lot of Ladies' and Misses' fine Kt
sey Jackets, in black, castor and roy
blue, lined with romaine silk, worth $1
our price $7.50.
Another lot extra quality Kersey,
blaek, tan, cartor & royal, lined througl
out with best grade tancy taffeta sill
value S12.50, our price $10.00.
Children's Long Coats, size 2 to 6 yr
in fine all-wool cloth, cardinal, blue ar
green, collar aud cape trimmed with fir
braid, value $3.00, our price $2.25.
better quality cloth, extra heavy, in ca
dinal, electric blue, navy and greei
value $4.75. our price $3,75.
Ladies' Plaid Winter Waists, mai
from best quality English Flannelett.
real value 65 cents, our price 50 cents.
Others made from good quality all-wool cloth, lined, value Si.6c
0UmnceSl.2;. A hettpr r-rnrlf. nWl, i. '.-.j
j , , . o--"- vmv uravy, iiicKea, oraiae
and lined, value 2.25, our price $1.75.
Mohair Waists, $2.00 to $2 25, real value $2.50 and $3.00.
We have received another case 1-4 white, all-wool, home-mad
Blankets, value $4.50, our price tor this lot S3.35.
222 West Centre Street
entltlra you to even loaves.
1 0c Regular size cup cake 7c.
f oc Regular size sponge cake Qc
Try our confectionery. Buy Irom us.
H e Mil flue confectionery cheap.
Boston Bakery,
U. MorRausteln, Prop.
(f) You will do your Christmas shopping here. Wit
a ty the experience of many years ot successful Christ
c s mas trading to guide us, we have now on display th
finest, best and cheapest assortment of goods eve
COR the older people we have an ecee
infly pretty line of Foncy Toilet Case
Shaving ets, Cuff and Collar Hoxes, He
I'Jate Mirrors, Opal ware, etc., etc. The
goods are positively the prettiest ever place
belore a critical pulilic. We have no ren'
to pay and arr determined that none sha
undersell us. Our prices stagger our con
We are always ready to give you polit
and courteous treatment when you call.
Everybody welcome. Remembe
the place and number.
The Larte.t, Prettiest and Clieapest Toy House hhenandoali,