The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, December 20, 1899, Image 2

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'All the- News That's Fit to Prlnl."
uHIMtetl erary evrnlns;, except Sunday, nt
IfcmU. Jaerlln ttwt, Shenandoah. r.
I.ONtt lllsTASOK TKLlilMinSK.
The HmM In dsrlvere.1 In Shenandoah and the
xtrroundlng low iia for l x cent a w. ek , pay
til m the carriers. Hy mall .00 n ywir.or
twitt a month, payable In advance Ail
tnlMmnM crmre.l acconllns: to jvf nni
nltfHi. The piiblMiein reserve the rlKhl
in change Mm position of wlvertlaementi.
vrhanerrr the tiiihlleaMoii ot nmvn demand
It The riirM l rwwl to reject any
mtwrtlMnwnt, whether imlil lor or not that
tlH pMbHohein may deem lmiiroier. Adver
ttslnc mt mmle known iiHn application,
ntertd nt Hie pout offlee Bt Shenandoah, Va., a
mwiinl daw mall mM'er.
rt' vrios
WEDNESDAY. nKt'EMBEK 20, 1899.
OUR COUNTRY : First. Last and Forever,
Thk aotfon of the President in pro
moting and retiring several old off!
cere of the army has led to the hope
that Congress may see lit to authorize
similar action with all oHleer? of long
eervioe who may ask for it. Thero
are about 800 officers now on the
active list of the army who served
during the War of the Rebellion, and
the enactment of a law authorizing
the President to retire these officers
upon their own application with an
additional grade would be a very ac
ceptable concession to long and faith
ful service. If the principle recog
nized by the War Department in be
stowing this favor upon some officers
is a sound one there would seem to
be no good reason why it should not
be recognized by Congress.
New Hours of Labor.
The recent decision of the courts on
the Factory law which prohibits em
ployers of labor working minors or
women more than twelve consecutive
hours in one day, or more than sixty
hours in one week, hasuwakened con'
siderable interest among lurge em
ployers of labor. This is just now
particularly true in the large stores
which at this time of year are accuS'
tomed for about two weeks before
Christmas to keep open until 10
o'clock in the evening.
The law ns laid down by the Legls
l&ture does not permit a minor or
woman of any age, working more
than the hours named above, whether
they may be willing to do so or not
Two women employed in the mills of
Robert Beatty, at Philadelphia, were
either compelled or permitted to work
overtime, aud the case was made a
test, with the result that the cour
decided that the law was sound and
The wisdom of this law cannot be
gainsaid, but it is to be feared that its
provisions are not carried out in all
cases. Sixty hours of labor per week
is all that should be expected of mun
or woman, boy or girl, and while at
times it may work more or less incon
venience to the employers of labor, it
must in the end prove beneficial to
the people, as it makes necessary the
employment of additional labor, in
order that the work may be got out
in time.
It is the duty of the factory inspec
tors and their deputies to see that the
law is obeyed, but one cannot help
feeling that the provisions of the law
are not enforced as they should be.
It is no uncommon sight to see child
ren, girls in short dresses, going to
work in the cities before 7 in the
morning, and children of the hame
ages and sizes going home at 9 p. m.
The boy or girl who is compelled
by force of oirou instances to go out to
labor, and is oompelled to work long
hours, is deprived of much that goes
to make life for children enjoyable,
and of these things which more for
tunate children are permitted to have
and enjoy.
The inspectors should make it a
special point to sse that the laws are
lived up to by all. If there are not
enough deputies to properly cover the
ground, then there should be more
appointed to see that all are treated
alike. It is not fair that some should
keep the law and others be permitted
to break it.
This law which has been made for
the women aud children should also
be extended to oover the men. With
the improved maahinery of the pres
ent aire, it would seem as though the
hours of labor in all branches might
well be reduced.
Sometimes you do both
Leaving a bad tame, elouli! bralu and general
rocky feeling for the next u.i
Will Brace You Up. Nothing no rood for
Btouucb Troub:, Biltouuiew or Malaria, and
bone o cheap Large Hoi, io Cent las
fabltU.) By mall, lor fife a cent tamp. Uadeut
the Joho.on Laboratories Inc., I'hlladelphlaV
(AndTowic in TAtnrT Form)
Fou A llDisfases op the
Pcvriopcs .NO GlVr.SVJTIirUl'.TRtNGTII
To Even v PAirror nti: systi m
Highly LNtoRstD Dy Ptmicnss
Sml III Shenandoah nt
mall MMit to nny address.
in: vi;atiii;u.
The stoilSi (.'phut in the northeiuit
is passing tit the St Lawrence valley.
anu limn pressure
is general through
out the United
States, with acrost
of .10.92 inches in
southeastern Ida
ho. Except In the
Atlantic states and
extreme northwest
there lias been a
marked fall in
temperature. Fore
cast for this sec
tion: Colilor and
Kencrally fatr todoy; fair tomorrow;
freli west tD north winds.
Sunrise, 7f 23: sunset, -IMG; length of
day. 9h., Ufi, moon rises. 8:42 p. in.;
moon seta,-9:2'i a. ra.
liu.vvi- ;i;M;it.xi, lawton.
UN llcnlli ii Mmck to the War 1)1'
imrdiiriit OUIuiuln
Washington. Dee. 20. General Law-
ton's death was a great shock to the
omcers of the war department, to near
ly all of whom lie was known personal
ly. Hitherto li is luck In battle had
been marvelous Ho had been In hun
dreds of skirmishes and midnight at
tacks. He''"was regarded as a man of
action aud of splendid courage, but
was not consldci ml reckless. He never
exposed his m without duo consider
ation of the nskB and the stake. His
men knew this, and would unhesi
tatingly follow his lead under what
seemed to be the most desperate con
ditions. T.he Indians came to know
him as the most active, vigilant, wary
and determined of foes, and his pur
suit and captuie of Geronlmo, the fa
mous Apache chieftain, has gone
down to history as one of the most re
markable campaigns ever undertaken
with the small torce In hand.
General .Lawton, who was a native
of Ohio, 5G vo.irs old, enlisted aa a
private In the war between the states,
was made a sergeant at the start, roso
to lieutenant colonel of his regiment
and was breveted colonel at the close
of the war;- Ho won a medal of honor
for gnllantly leading a charge of skir
mishers. After the war he remained In
the regular, army, and then followed
his work Iii the I dlan campaign.
Though a major general of volunteers,
Lawton held only the rank of colonel
in tho regular army.
At the wir department Instructions
had been received Monday night from
the president to prepare General Law
ton's commission as a brigadier gen
eral In the'rpgnlur army to fill one of
the existing vacancies.
IlliemnTrw.1 Cured In a Day.
"Mystic Cure" tor Illioumatisni and Neur
algia radically cure in 1 to 3 days. Its action
upon the system is remarkable and mys
terious. It removi s at once the cause aud
the disease lmuicdintely disappears. The
first dose greatly beiiellts. 75 cents. Sold by
Shenandoah Dm; More, Shenandoah. tf
GrtiMlh of l.nlior OrKtiiilzntlonn.
Albany, Dei 20. The December
quarterly .bulletin of the bureau of
labor statistics hirh covers tho re
turns fron.tliH labor organizations of
the state for Julv. August and Septem
ber, shows'ji rapid increase of member
ship and a'lai ;--i lv reduced percentage
of idleness. Thc t? were 1,320 trade
unions on- Sept :n 1899, as compared
with 1.0S7 on the same day of 189ii,
and the rneinix'rship increased from
171.067 to 09.120 which Is the largest
number yt rn orded by the bureau of
labor statilllcs During the quarter
the number of members Idle was 4,788,
or 2.3 per cent of the membership, as
compared with 9.734, or 5.7 per cent,
In 1898, and (i .' per cent in 1897.
To Core a Colli In One Day
Take Laxativo Bromo Quinine Tablets. All
druggists refund the money if it fails to euro.
E. W, Grove's signature is on each box. 25c.
IiVileriitlMu'OiiiHiic- l'lilfLiiiiie War
Detroit, J' 211.-The significant
feature of ft' eighth day of the Fed
eration ot Li'ifir convention was a
stand takin,y"steiday afternoon In op
position tq.all wars of conquest. The
delegates ,rpi-spntative probably of
l.ROO.OOO members of labor unions
voted unaiflmously that such warn,
"whether woed in Africa, the Philip
pines or elftewhere." greatly endanger
the libertlog of the conquered peoples.
The declaration also opposes any In
crease of Oie standing army of th
United Stats '"'yond 25,000 officers and
enlisted men.
B ti, s? The Kind Yw Haw Always Bought
TIip Conrertil Meurt of Power
ful IiitttreNtM Proved ISITeetl ve.
New York, Tiec. 20. The concerted
meaaurefl of the most powerful finan
cial interests In the country proved
effective yealeiday In checking the pro
gress toward panic and collapse In
the stock raaiKet. Supporting orders
were distributed all through the list
at the opening, and the prices were
advanced in nn effort to restore con
fidence. I3ut liquidation continued on
a very heavy scale and drove prices
lower again nrter the opening. Prices
ebbed and flowed lietwen reaction and
recovery many (Imps before the flood
of liquidation had been finally absorb
ed and tno eeinng Drought to a stand
still. Tho decision of the banks to use
all their resources to accommodate the
demand for Joans, the determination
of the sectary of the treasury to
largely Increase government deposlta
with depoeitijo banks and the course
of fund (com domestic centers to
ward New Ycrk, In response to the
acute needs developed Monday, all
tended to reashi am e.
A nr at Wllil Uo-ltcmi-nt nl Utin.
Iiur, I'ii,
Dunbar, l'a.. Doc. 20. --KxrPompnt
rnn hlph in this town and vicinity yes
terday and last night. Sanford White,
superintendent of construction ot the
W. J. Halney Coke company, Is iloml
and his assassin is In tho Connolls
vlllp hospital, riddled with bullets, and
Is expected to die at nny time.
Oeorgo Tnmpleton, a negro gamblei
find desperado. Is supposed to have ca
tered and robbed a house of one ot the
workmen of Mount Unuldnck Mond:iy
i nlsht, and when the robbery wns re
ported at tho works yesterday morn
ing Superintendent l'lotchor W. Cun
uhiKliam started an investigation.
1 When he asked Tomploton where bo
spent Monday night the negro said he
would kill Mr. Cunningham for In
sinuating that he had anything to do
with the thieving. After somo loud
talk ho drew a revolver from his
pocket, and as Cunningham wus un
armed Snntord White struck the negro
In the face, knocking him away from
Like a Hash Templcton turned tho
revolver on Whlto and shot him.
While, with wondorful rallying power,
drew his revolvor and tired twice at
Templeton, who wns by this time run
ning away. White then fell to the
ground and died soon afterward. Some
one In the crowd that gathered caught
up a rille from the company store, near
the scene or the killing, and ilred at
the desperado.
A crowd soon collected and Joined In
the chase, and among the crowd wore
eight good guns. Templeton, although
wounded, ran to the mountains, but
the pursuing party kept tiring at him.
Before tho woods re readied ho was
compelled to an der, being too
weak from .oss of l -d to go nny fur
tnor. Ho was laid on a rude stretcher
nnd carried to a train, and thence to
the Connellsvllle hospital.
A lzy liver makes a lazy in an. burdock
Blood Mittens Is tho natural, never falling
remedy for a lazy liver.
It ii li 1 In DefiMitH Ciiliroy.
Now York, Dec. 20. uus Iluhlin, the
Akron (O.) giant, who has aspira
tions for hoavyweight championship
honors, defeated "Stockings" Conroy,
of Troy, N. Y., In seven rounds before
the Uroadwuy Athletic club last night.
Conroy put up a game battle, but ho
was unable to withstand the big
Ohloan's bruising swings and jabs, and
was almost out when the referee stop
ped the bout. ,
How's Thin
We offer Ono Hundred Dollars Ucward for
tny enne of Catarrh that can not be cured by
Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F.J.CIIKXHY& CO, Props., Toledo, O.
We the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney
for the last 15 years, and believe blru perfectly
honorable In all business transactions nnd fin
ancially nble to carry out any obligations made
by their firm.
West & Tkaux, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O.
Waldino, Kinnak & Mauvin, Wholesale Drug
gists, Toledo, Ohio.
Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally, acting
directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of
the system. Price 75c. per bottle. Sold by all
Druggists. Testimonials free.
Hall's Family Tills are the best.
Cmiurri'Nht'iitit Smith' ItfftJiritllt lull.
DalUmore, Dec. 20. Colonel John
Walter Smith, governor-elect of Mary
land, who now represents the First
district in congress, announces that he
will resign his seat about Jan. 1. His
Inauguration as governor will occur
early In January, and it is expected
that soon after the Inaugural cere
monies he will order a special election
to chooso his successor as a member
of the house of representatives.
A Card.
We, the undersigned, do hereby agree to
refund the money ou a 50-cent bottle of
Greeno's Wan-anted Syrup of Tar if It falls
to euro your cough or cold. We also guaran
tee a 25-cent bottle to prove satisfactory or
money refunded.
A. Wasley, C. II. Hacenbuch,
Shenandoah Drag Store, P.W. Bierstoin&Co,
FOU KENT. A very desirable brick dwelling
Iioubs No. 81 East Ont n'reet. Eight rooms,
wnter In the house, a nice side yard, a must
beautiful location Next to M E church. Ios
session trtven January 1. 1900. Kent reasonable.
Apply at 28 West Uoyd street, or 20 South White
street. 4z-uu eou
Ti"lOK SALE. A sprint; wagon. Apply at the
TOTICK. Desirable properties for sale. Ap
1 ply to S, G, M, lloflopeter, attorney, Shen-
OR RENT OR FOR S LE. No. 120 North
Main street, now occupied by a fanci shoe
(tore, rosieifs'oa given April 1st, 1900. Store
has plate glass front. Htore and "Willing can
be rented with or without ware room aud stable
very reasonable by a desirable tenant. Apply
to C. W. Newhouscr No. 122 North Main bt. tf
O shoes and rubbers. Our sal Is now on and
our Btock must bo sold as soon as posalblo At
Chsrles Diets, 120 North Main street. 12-10-lw
TOOK SALE. Chean to a oromnt buver. A
V very desirable threostory property In a
paved square on Main street. Contains two
larKc tuuro rwmia wiih pinte guuvj iruiiia ium
fortable dwelling with bath. Yard, waren om
aud stable, to each. Whole lot 110x150 feet to
alley . Very fine location for any kind of
ousiness. i'reier io sen me wnoie property
but will sell nart of It If desired, at very reason
able price and terms, For further Information
pieAHeAauresB"uwner," r, u. nox mienan
doah, l'a. 11-G-tf
CHARTER NOTIflE -Notice Is hereby civen
Vy that an application will be made to the
Governor of 1'ennsylvonli on the 10th day of
January, a.. u.f uy wmsuan ocnmiui, v
Leo DInos'kl and others, undei the Act of
Assembly, entitled "An Act to provide lor the
Incorporation and regulation of certain corpor
ations," approveu Aoru v, ion, ana me supple
ments thereto for the charter of an Intended
corporation to be called The Home lirewlng
toinpary, tue cudrscier ami ooject oi wmcii is
manufacturing and selling malt and brewd
liquors, aud for these purpoHta to have, posses
and enjr-y all the rights, benefit and privileges
nf said Act pf Assembly and the supplements
wiereto. w . jykaher,
12-18 20-27 Solicit"!-.
Separate aealed proiwaalawIU be received by
the Controller ot Schuylkill county at hla olllee
until 10 o'clock a. n , Tueiiluy. Deieinber 2Clh,
for the furiiUhini: of alnndiouse and nrlaon
Hunplle. incluilliiff atal and knitting nnd weav
inu muterial for three nwntha endincr March
3 t. l'JOO.
Haninlcfl requirtMl of Alrrahouae aiticlea niuat
be delivered at tint Institution on or before the
date and time of openliiK bids. rtion samples
required can be delivered at the Controller',
oiuee scueiiuie oi auppnea auu another In
formation ian be itad on application at the Coir
troller. ofllce.
Also a ihe raine time bids will be received for
lurniHimur oi liiauas. tuanir nooks. stationery.
forms, supplle,, etc., for the u e of the various
county ofllces for the year ending Iiecembcr
31st, .W. Hcheduleof the .rtkkwand the prob
able amount of each repilred may be obtained
at the of the County Controller or the
County Commissioners. Samples of forms,
etc , may be seen at the ofllces of the different
county i nicer,.
Mark envelope, plainly "Proposals" and
designate ''Almshouse,'' ''J'rison and "Court
House Supplies."
The right I, reserved to rntectanyarall bids.
Ily order of the County Commissioner, and
Director, of the Poor.
l( J. MULDOOlf,
i ontr llr.
i'ottsvllle. l'a., Dev. 12th, VrS). IZ-liyx-il
The Cure thai Cures
Whooping CouRh. Asthma,
urononius ana inolplont
Consumption! Is
kJoavv ur3. 25fii50t,Vs
tiii: l'ltontjci: jtAitifirrs.
Phlladelpliln. Dec. 19. Flour quiet:
winter superfine, $2.2M?2. 10; Pennsylvania
roller, elenr, $8.1U3.20; city mills, oxtrn,
12.5OWJ.70. Ityo flour quiet nnd steady nt
8.80WI.48 per barrel. Wheat weak; No. 2
red, spot. In elevator, 70i71c. Corn Inac
tive; No. 2 mixed, apot. In elevator, 37H
374c; lower grndes, S830c. Hay quiet;
choice tlmotli', $16ri6.M for larso bales,
lleef steady; beef hams, $22622.50. 1'ork
firm: moan. IO10.76; family, J13.50S14.
Lard easy; weatern ateameii, S5.G2H. But
ter ateady; weatern creamery, 2tiI27V4c. ;
do. factory. 16Ht20c; June creamery, 22
2f,ii-.: Imitation do., 176220.; New York
dairy, lSfl2Sc. ; do. creamery, 2ff27c.i
fnncy I'ennaylvanla prlnta JobblnB nt
29tr32c; do. wholeanle, 2Sc. Cheese nrm;
small fall made, fancy. 1240130.; large
do. do., 124ftl3c.i late made, mnnll, 130
12V.C.; lartse do. dS., 11146120. Eggs Arm;
New York nnd Pennsylvania, 24B25o.;
western, ungruded. nt mark, KVfi2H4o.i
western, 21fi2tc. Potatoes Irregular; Jer
aeya, $1.3Sfii 1.50: New York, J1.M31.75;
Long Island, 11.502: Jersey, sweets,
12.7S; southern do.. $1.2Vf) 1.76. Tallow
firm'; city. Sc.; country, 4i?Wic. Cotton
seed oil steady; prime crude, 2So. ; do.
yellow, 32c. Hosln quiet.; strained, com
mon to good, $1.43. Turpentine steady at
5U40i62c. Cabbage steady; Long Island,
$3flri per 100.
llalllmote. Dec. 19. Flour dull and un
changed, 'Wheat steady ; spot and the
month, 7imt7Uio.; January, 71'871?4C.;
May, 751411750.; steamer No. 2 red, 67
C7Vic; southern, by sample, CG872c; do.
on grade, CSfi'lVfcc. Corn easier spot and
tho month, 57j37V4c; December, new or
old, 37J37iic: January, 37l4i37,4c.; Keb
ruary, 37e374c; March, 37',4c; steamer
mixed, 5r,j,S?55')4c. ; southern, whlto nnd
yellow, 33M374e. Oats steady; No. 2
white. SUnsHjc. No. 2 mixed. 2SV4fflc.
Ityo dull; No. 2 nearby, 54c; No. 2 west
ern, We. Hay easy; No. 1 timothy, $131
l.lri Stock Market.
New York, Dec. 19. Beeves weak; Lon
don cables lower; American cattle nt 11U
ffilSVic; Christmas steers, 1314c. Calves
dull; U0 unsold, veals, $i8: little culvos,
$1. Sheep dull; lambs 10315c. lower; 9
cars unsold; sheep. $304.50; Canada lambs,
$3.&XBo.75. Hogs lower at $4.40'fif4.50; state
pigs, $4.50114.00.
East Liberty, Pa., Dec. 19. Cattle mar
ket steady; extra. $3.8000.15; good, $4.80
5.25; common, $3j3.C0. Hogs ruled slow;
prime assorted mediums, $l.234.30; extra
heavy. $4.20Ti4.25; heavy Yorkers, $4.25
4.30; light Yorkers and pigs, $4.20S4.25.
Sheep steady; choice wethers, $4.351f4.40;
common, $1.5062.Gu: choke lambs, $3.30
5.50; vcul calves. $77.50.
Till'! MODIiltN MOTIIKlt
Has found that her little ones are improved
inoro by tho pleasant Syrup of Figs, when In
need of tho laxative effect of a gentle remedy,
than by any other. Children enjoy it and it
benefit? them. The true remedy. Syrup of
Figs, is manufactured by the California Fig
Syrup Co. only.
(ilrln Ciuiiiot I'lny FontlmU.
Lexington, Ky., Dec. 20. The game
of football between tho young ladles
of Sayre Institute and of McHlnney
High school, the leading female semi
narles of this section, announced for
Saturday, has been declared off. Ar
rangemcnts had been made clandes
tlnely, but tho principals of the ncado
mles discovered It and are very In
dignant over tho announcement. It Is
reported that the leaders will be dls
Many a Lover
lias turned with disgust from an otherwise
lovable girl with an offensive breath. Karl's
Clover Root Tea purifies the breath by Its
action on the bowels, etc., as nothing else
will. Sold for years ou absolute guarantee,
Price 25 cts. and 50 cU. Sold by P. D. Klrlln
on a guarantee.
Ask your grocer tor the "Royal Patent"
dour, and take no other brand It Is the bes
Hour made.
Dentil of Trolley Inventor
Fox Iake, Wis., Dec. 20. Dr. B. J
Flnnev. the Inventor nf tho tr.iin,.
tem of propelling street cars, died here
yesterday. Ho held over 35 electrical
patents, many of them of great value,
uui uia not possess tne raculty of mak
ing them pay him much money. He
was formerlv a nrnctlel
Pittsburg, Pa., nnd the remains will
ua iiuisu mare io oe cremated.
Orala-0 I Graln-0 I
Remember that name when you want a de
llcious, appetizing, nourishing food drink to
take the place of coffee. Sold by all grocers
and liked by all who have used it. Grain-0
is made of pure grain, it aids digestion and
strengthens the nerves, It Is not a stimulant,
but a health builder and tbe children as well
as the adults can drink it with great benefit
Costs aliout 1 as much as coffee. 15u. and 25c.
per package. ABk your grocer forOrain-O.
Pnriunl Transfer of Cuban Govern
ment tu Geiicrul "Wood.
Havana, Dec, 20. General Brooke
today Issued the following proclama
tion! "By direction of the president, I
hereby transfer to my successor. Major
General Leonard Wood, the duties and
responsibilities of the office of military
governor, bespeaking for him that sup
port ana confidence which you have
come to accord me. To those who have
been associated with me I hereby ten
der this expression of appreciation and
thanks for their loyal and patrlotio
support and assistance.
"A Year flCO T fnnnd ihn n,,nrv
most thoroughly devastated, Its re-
tuuri;e aim commerce aestroyea ana
Its rural population gathered Into
luwiia, wiuioui roou anu without shel
ter, and dying of hunger and exposure.
The government of tho United Statea
Immediately supplied work and food.
In a short time those conditions pass
ed away, and now the country is rapid
ly pressing forward to a prosperity
hitherto unknown In Its history. By
your Industry and by a careful observ
ance of these conditions the full res
toration of your soolal affairs and pros
perity Is assured."
Sleen. comfurt. nnwr t, oil aKAfrt.A
the demon called palu. Whether In tbe
muselttt or nerves It Is anuisanceand a curse.
Call it by any name and get rid of it by
uilug Anchor Palu Eipeller. lUc,
Dlsciinxliui nn the Nenntc' Plnnnee
Hill AVIII Iteirlii .Inn. -i.
Wnglilnulon. Dec. 20. Discussion In
tho RonnlP o' the flnnnclnl monsuro
drnftnd by the Itejuibllcnn majority of
tho rommlttep on flnnnco will begin on
Thtirsdny, .Tan. 4, tho tiny after the
holiday rwess. This nnnotinromont
wns mnde In tho senate yostcrdny by
Mr. Aldrlrh (It. I.), chairman of tho
flnanco committee. In connection with
Ills ronort of Hie aennto stilmtltttto for
tho flnnnclnl hill passed Mondny by the
house. Mr. Aldrhli, who will have
chargo of the measuro, declared hla pur
pose to press the measure to passago
as soon as possible. Mr. Vost (Mo.)
doslred It to he understood that tho bill
reported by the flnanco commltteo, did
not roprosent the views of tho minor
ity of tho committee. Hon. W. V. Al
lon, appointed by Governor Poynter as
senator from Nebrnsltn, took tho oath
of offlco.
The houso wns In session two hours
yesterday. A largo number of por
punplory tpsoltttlons for printing for
committees, leave to sit during tho
sessions, otc, necessary to get tho com
mittees undor wny, were ndopted nnd
the sovornl portions of tho president's
messngn were distributed In accotd
nnco with the tisunl custom. The reso
lution for the distribution of the mes
sage was made tho occasion of n speech
by Mr. Orow, tho vonornblo ex-speaker
of tho house, lu dofonso of the ndmln
Istrntlon's courso In tho Philippines,
nnd by Mr. Iloll, n Colorndo Populist,
criticizing tho president's utterances
upon the prosperity of tho country.
Scores of tho members left for their
homes In tho afternoon to spend the
llcfiilfiitlim Ciiiinch llimU SiiNpettNton
Port Jorvls, N. Y., Dec. 20. The Na
tional Hank of Port .lervls suspe'nded
yesterday. In an Interview President
Marvin stated that tho defalcation of
Assistant Cashier Goldsmith was tho
primary cause of tho suspension. A
quiet, but steady withdrawal of de
posits bad followed and on Monday the
failure of the t'roduce Exchange Trust
company, of Now York, which was n
depository of the bank's funds, still
further crlpp.' J It. Tho condition o'f
tho bank shows ample assets to pay
all depositors.
A Frightful Blunder
Will often cause a horrible Hum, Scnld,
Cut or Bruise. Bucklen's Arnica Salve, the
best in the world, will kill the pain and
promptly heal it. Cures Old Sores, Fever
Sores, Ulcers, Boi's, Felons, Corns, all Skin
Eruptions. Best Pile cure on earth. Only
25cts. a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by
A. Wasley, Urugcist.
Chief Justice Snodgrass announces
his candidacy for United States sena
tor from Tennessee.
British subjects In Mexico have rais
ed a fund of $7,500 for the widows and
orphans of British soldiers. ,
Near Green Drier, Ark., Mrs. George
Itoherts and two children were cremat
ed In their burning home.
James Conway, who was supposed to
have been murdered In Chicago last
March, has turned up nllvo ns a pris
oner. A marvelous quartz find Is reported
from Dawson. Assays run as high as
$800 a ton, It Is said, nnd tho lead is a
mile In width.
Tho Holland submarine boat has ar
rived at Washington, and will have
several tests In the Potomac river. She
will doubtless bo purchased by the
"Itching hemorrhoids were tho plague ot
my life. Was almost wild. Doau's Ointment
cured mo quickly and permanently, after
doctors had failed." C. F. Coruwell, Valley
street, Saugerties, N, .
Br United fin, Iliiirn I'meilt Com-
iniii' to I'iimmiIc City.
Passaic, N. J., Dec. 20. Tho United
Gas Improvement company has made
a most remarkable offer to tho com
mon council of this city. Tho com
mon council was nbout to close a con
tract with former Mayor Andrew Mc
Lean, who guaranteed to supply gas
in j-assaic at 60 cents a thousand
maintain 53 gas lamps for the city anu
furnish a different lamp at about two
thirds their present cost, by means of
a gns plant controlled by Dr. Chls
holm, of San Francisco. The offer of
the United Gas company was that If
Dr. Chisholm furnished gas to Passaic
at 50 cents tho gas company will pay
$20,000 for 17 years to the city, $20,000
to eacn or tne hospitals, $28,000 for a
new school, will glvo the police nnd
firemen's relief fund $10,000 each and
will also furnish Passaic city with 50
cent gas and private consumers nt the
same rate. The offer created a big
surprise, and caused no action to be
taken on the gas question. The actual
cash outlay provided for In the Uni
ted uas company s offer Is $928,000, be
sides the penalties Incurred. Tho coun
cil will cnnsldor tho proposition.
Have just received a large
line of new and attractive
At very low prices. Do you
want to make your friends
happy ? Then come to our
store and buy a nice comfort
able Fancy Chair, Couch,
Divan, Swinging Rocker, of
the latest design and finish at
prices so low that everybody
can afford to buy them. Our
line of Morris Chairs, Indies'
Desks, Combination Cases and
Floor Rookers are superior
than ever before.
Furniture Dealer and Undertaker,
1 0S South Main St.
riiillons of Dollars
Go up In nmokii overy year. Take no
risks tut get your houses, stock, far
nlturo, etc., (mured in flrst-ckss re
Utile companies as represented by
HAVjd FAUST, rjra".p,eS!
Mioiitls n44ccldfal O itrtol't
So Different.
Lots of Claims Like This lint So Dlf-
fcrcnM-Locnl Pioof Is Wlut
Shenandoah t-cople
''I e i- aie a great many of them.
Kviry paper hnsllishre.
Stalemcnts hard to Imllevc. hirdertoprovo.
Stit imnt friiui fai. away pi ices
What iuuploBny In Pluri'hi.
l'uhllr rxpresslun from ('nll.'uriiia,
Orttimesio d Indorsement there.
Ilui of little service here at homo.
Shenandoah people want local proof.
Tho sayings of neighbor!, friends and citi
Homo indorsement counts.
Hdlwrins the skeptic; Is beyond dispute.
Thl Is the hackbc that stands liehlud
every box of Dunn's Kidney I'llls,
in ro is a casa or It !
Mr. Matt. Lambert, of 10 fttstCentrcstrcet,
proprietor of a restaurant, says : "I went to
Kirlln's pharmacy and got a box of Poan's
Kidney 1'IIN for an attack of lameness In my
hack. I had never had It before. Accom
panyinn It thero was an aching in the top
and back of my head and at times pains In
the abdomen. I found out It was due to my
kidneys for I had much pain over my left
kidney and the tecrctions from those organs
wero not noriaat, and caused mo both incon
venience and pain Doan's Kidnoy Pills
proved to be Just the thing I needed, for they
relieved mo at once "
Doan's Kidney l'ills for sale by all dealers.
Price So cents. Mailed by Foster-Milhurn
Co., Uuilalo, N. Y. Sole agents for the U.
S. Remember the name Doan's and take no
8 37 Shenandoah to Nlaeara Falls and
lletllrn via the Lehigh Valley Katlrsad
Tickets will ho on salo Descmher 23rd and
24th, good to return to and Including train
No. 8 of December 20th, and will bo honored
on any train, except the Mack Diamond Ex
press. Consult Lehigh Valley ticket agents
for further particulars.
Bears tbe ,1 The Kind Yoti HavB Always Bought
Jan. 1, 1900. Eleventh Annual ball by St,
Joseph's Pioneer Corps. In Armory hall,
If llt.l J and ft t affarcri mm
Al IllUltm rrlfiu aiMWet, IIImhI PoImaJ
end tor Hvsra TWttKontaU ftad Book
TnttH" to lrf. U. THKKL. M. Ifc,
04 North filith HU. lMladlp!a,L
UttlUd Statet to enr area Ibomb Lb next Mlabritod Dea
lt! I iia fkllftil. PrMh IUM lurtl ludfailn 4t valiant 1
""T" Y" Y T T T
Of the Third ward.
Subject to Citizens partj rules.
jjion ciiikf nunaKss.
Ot the Fourth ward.
Subject to Citizens party rules.
Christmas is
Why don't you come to
the .largest furniture store iu towu
to buy your holiday gifts. Be wide
awake and go to the place that
gives you the biggest values for
your money, the largest and the
most appreciative selection. Feast
your eyes on a stock that is sure to
please you. See our beautiful line of
t Parlor,
Solid Leather,
Maliosanv, IWj.
nalachi Qreen, iVUWVW Ot
Bird-Eye Hanle Inlaid with oearl
or plain upholstered, silk plush, silk
uamasK, corduroy.
Do not fail to see our Pictures
and Mirrors, Couches, Easels,
Curtains, Tapestry Covers, Screens
It is well worth your time to
come and see our stock. Every
body knows that the prices we ask
for any article of furniture is never
beyond reason. Look at our win
dow display.
Walt for them and then buy early and secure
rst choice. Don't wait until the last day.
Nos. 119-121-123 North Main St.
Fall and
Don't buy elsewhere until you
see our stock. It is a winner and
so are the prices attached to every
pair ol shoes, whether for men,
ladies, misses, or children. We sell
the "best" qualities of footwear
cheaper than any other shoe dealer.
Mothers should bear in mind
that our children's shoes are the
most durable. We are closing out
another lot very cheap.
27 South Main Street, Shenandoah, Pa.
Tho nosy Froshnosa
And velvet softness of the skin Is Inra
rlahly obtaiued l.y thorq who use Poztom'a
Complexion ."uwder.
if (fimmnxpuKiMroriminmifiTi'nTfi'
attention to our large stock of
A splendid five-piece parlor f UKL UnM) I J U All J I.UIII.Ht.
suit upholstered in splendid
material as a holiday bargain. We have a carload for this purpose.
Couches you cannot obtain any better prices anywhere in town,
these goods are purchased purposely for our holiday trade.
Don't forget us for your Stoves,
Floor and Table OU Cloths.
D. & J. SEIGEL, 103105 S. Main St.
$5,000 REWARD
-lost Strayed or Stolen !-)
A man about the size of a woman, barefooted witli a pair of
wooden legs, pink eyes and sunset colored hair. The latter cut cuily
i nd the former cut darker. He wore a corned-beef overcoat ou his
back containing a barrel of sky-lights and one dozen assorted railroad
tunnels. When last seen he was following a crowd of 15,000 people
who were crushing each other trying to get into the Factory Shoe
Store, where the greatest bargains
are now being ottered at Factory Prices.
Follow the Crowd and Get Genuine Bargains.
Faultless Labor consistent with
Faultless Prices
Are responsible for our always busy business. Try us
on plumbing and gas fitting-. You wont regret the trial.
P. W. Bell, Cor. White & Lloyd Sts.
perguson's Theatre,
DAN. J. FERGUSOH, Manager.
one: night only 1
Wednesday, Dee. 2099
The peerless Yankee comedian, MR.
CHAltLKS COWUSS Tho fumoui
"Stransrer" of Hoyt'a 'A Hole lit tho
Ground" in his heiiutiful coimdy dr.iuiu
of New Kntflnnd life
"A Country
by McKhk Han kin.
Sixth season of success.
A few tears and continuous Inunh'cr.
'You may travel many a rrlle, wait
many a day for a better aye, or ns Rood
a comedy drama as 'A Country Mer-
Fine Cast of Players.
Production Endorsed by Everybody.
Prices: - 25, 35, 50 and 75 Cents.
Kcerved Seat, at Kirlln's Drue Store.
perguson's Theatre.
One Night Onlyl
FRIDAY, DEC. 22, 1899.
The Distinguished Actress
Agnes Wallace Villa
The greatest play of the
PRICES : - 25, 35 and 50 Cents.
Heeer-M seata at Klrlln'a drug store.
Just previous to the onentnir of our course it
was dlscoTered tlmt a mistako hud been made
md the Thomas t'omn nv. booked on a date
previously given to a theatrical company by the
uuinHKciueiii oi me meaire. imu jcii Piuur
day. Dec. 23rd. the only date open both at the
tneairo ana wiin tne company, as Dec. lEJru Is
tracticauy unrtsimea iwe anu uence we most
.convenient incut or tne vear lor Hie tun or tv
of our Dfftrons. wo tried to make Bivernl
changes fn the company's route tlmt would give
Hhenandoah another date, but found it Im
possible. Howe Jtavo concluded to substitute
tho Itofpers-Grllley Combination, aud have
bookeil them at Kertfuaoii's theatre for 'onday,
March 20th, This company Is one of the mot
popular of our many attractions snd will please
ym aa well If not better than tho Thomas
Cuitpany, As a result of the change the next
or third entertainment of the cuur&e will be the
concert of the dlajton Jublke Hlngere, on
oincereiy yours,
Ferguson Ulock. i'ittaburg, l'a.
To PATENT Good Ideas
may be secured by
our old. Address,
BabiOlptlcni to ltio Pttiut U.cord tixuwr ttuma
Baltimore, Md
Kill nclifpve-l Itn fcrratrat triumphs In our
nrtMIr uml Immlnonio niock of wall tiAprrt.
All tin- lnte-t tie! kih nml f-Mhlonable mIiiuIm
a ltd LHilorinitu ii ro pinhotllcd In our tupcrb
Atork of ml wull impeM. Wo have them from
$1 00 -r roll fur hlfth nit ilfH-orutlona to 0
cents per roll for htlroom, fuirlor, hall or
dl log room imperii.
All Artistic !
All Pretty I
224 West Centre St.
Specially for the holiday trade. We
want your money but only want what
you bargain for. We never over-charge
body. We want to draw your
Heaters, Ranges, Carpets,
Philadelphia &
Readinq R'y.
Engines Burn Hard Coal No Smoke.
Tralua leave Hheuaudoab aa follows :
For Now York via Philadelphia, weok ill
2 10, 33, 7 87, 9 55 a. 111., 12 28, 8 09 and (HI p. iT
8unda) a. 2 10 a m.
Kor New York via Mai-ch Chunk, week days.
7 87 a. m.. 12 20 and 8 09 u. m.
Kor Heading and Philadelphia, week days."
2 10, 6 88, 7 87. 9 55 a. m., 12 28, 8 09 and 09 p. m.
Sundaya, 2 10 a m.
Kor Pottivllle. week davn. 2 10. 7 ft?. Q M m
12 2l. 8 09, 0 09 and T 30 p. rn. Sundays, 2 10 a m,
ForTamaoua and Mahanov Cltv. week dtv.
2 10, 7 87, 9 55 a. in.. 12 28. 8 09 and 09 p. m.
Sundays, 2 10 a m.
Kor wllllamnport, Suubury and Lewljburg,
" 1 " '" f Oil, IIW M. Ul 14 ao, i an p.
Sundays. 3 27 a in.
Kor Mahanoj "lane, weekdays, 2 10, 3 27. 5 38.
7 87 9 55.11 82 a.m., 12 20, 8 09, 0 09, 7 30, 3 58
p in. Sundays, 2 10 and 8 27 a m.
Kor Auhlaud and Shamocln, week days, 8 27.
37 1 1 82 a. ra 12 20, 3 09. 6 07, 7 25 and 9 55 p. in.
ruiiuny, a i a in.
Koc Baltimore, Wital.luctun and tbe Went vli
a. A. O. 1C, R., throiiKh trains le' i Keautne
Tetmlnal, Philadelphia, (;. i It. II R.) at 3 20,
, i, m aii n. in., a iv anu tt p. ounaaya
u , t w, w m. iu., a Ti nuu , A t p. Ill, AUlll
tlonal trains from Twonty-tourth and Chest.
nui Biree siaiiou, weeE aays, 10 BO a. m. 12 20
12 16 8 40 pm. Sundays, 1 85, 8 23 p. in.
Leave New York via Philadelphia, week
days, 12 15, i 80, 7 30, 11 80 a. m and 1 80, i 80.
9 00 p.m.
Leave New Vork via Maucb Chunk, week
days, t SO, 9 10 a. m., 1 SO, 4 40 p. m.
Leave Philadelphia, Heading Terminal, weeks
umjo, . w, o ou, xu si a. m. ana i o, f 00. 8 B8.
11 86 p. m
Leave Heading, week days, 187, 700, 1008.
I , 4 u, A,, u w, (J Ml II. Ul,
Iave Pottsvllle, week days. 7 17, T 40 a. m.
980, 1280.120. 4 80, 10 and 8 SO p.m.
Leave Tamaqua, week days, 8 18, 880, 1129
a. ill., i tv, Don y it-,, tf 44 p. m.
Leave Mahanoy City, week days, 8 45. 9 04.
1147 a.m. J2J. 0 J, 8 24, 7 44, 10 08 p. m
i.r. iunukuur rnB, woec aays, 2 40, 4 00
680. ,922 10 23.13 00, a. m 2 89," 5 86, 6 42, 1 88
10 24 D m.
Leave Willi porl, weekdays. 742. 1000 a.
m 19 JJ AwA nn 1 , on ' ' '
Leave PI lladelphla Chestnut street wharf and
South street wiiai lor Atlantlo City.
Weekdays Express, 900, 300, 400, 800,713
p in. Accommodation, 8 00 a in, S80p m. Sun
days Express, 9 00, 10 00 a in, 7 15 p m. Accom
modation. 8 CO a in. 4 45 n m.
Leave Atlautlo City Depot t Weekdays Ex.."
press. 7 S3, 9(01030 a m, 8 SO, 9 80 pm. Accom
modatlon, 8 15 a ni, 4 05 p m. Sundays Express. "
4 80, 7 SO p in. Accommodation, 7 15 a m,l 03 p m, I
,Fo.r 9aP iuy Ocean City and Sea Isle City
Weekdays 9 CO a m, 4 10, S 00 p in. Sundays I
-Chestnut St., 9 15, South (St., 9 am.
AUUUH....I ior uape oiay Weekdays 0 00
Parlor Cars on all express trains.
0?? '!"?!"" Ip'ormatlon, apply Io nearest
Philadelphia and UeadlnE Hallway ticket agent
or address
I. A Sweioabd, Edsou J. Wnu,
Gen'l Supt., Oen'l PWr AfU,
At the Cheapest
Store In Town.
All the cholceiit frrfLiti. nf rwio.i i..u,.
Conned Qoods, Citron mid Lemon Peel, etc, at
almost your own prices. All our Klour Is sold
very cheap. Poultry ond Truck.
21 West Centre St.
Cheapest Shoe Repairer !
From Philadelphia.
Mens Bulea anil hrfl!a nn ....I
Hen's." " " (seweil)........ 85and)o
M " . . . - 40 and SOe
Ijulles' " sewed 60o
children's soles and heels 80 and 350
Children's xlioes, 21c. Satisfactory patch
work. Shoes heeled only lSandaicta.
Sam Broady,
Itubbli ' Ulock.
33 V. tei.lrolrtt
If '