The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, December 13, 1899, Image 4

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    Holiday Sweets IT
Delicious. Prepared of
the best materials. No
stale goods here. We sell
them too fast.
Shenandoah Drug Store,
3 South Main St., Shenandoah.
Telephone Connection.
In dolls and tree ornament
we claim to sell cheaper than any
one else. Tree ornaments are fully
25 to 40 per cent, cheaper than
"ever before. See the large glass
and tinsel ornaments we oner at 1,
2, 3, 4 and 5 cents. They never
were so cheap before, and that the
people know it is evident by the
way we are selling them. We
quote a few prices oi some of our
other lines.
Beautiful dressed doll, at 23c,
48c, 73c, 98c, Si. 50.
14-inch fine kid body doll. 23c.
1 6 -inch fine kid body sleeping
doll at 37 cents.
Negro, Filipino, Esquimaux
' dolls, etc., etc.
Mit'Oir't Fail to See
s Our Line of
Iron and til toys, 10 cents up.
Books of all kinds.
Games and blocks, 5 cents up.
1 Fine chinaware.
Titi dishes.
Medallions, (a beautiful line).
Toilet cases, 75 cents up.
Manicure sets.
Gold pens.
Fountain pens, Si. 00 up.
Celluloid novelties.
Don't Fail to
Ask For
lb l vliiillrUAli ii vli tlfllt ill tiblltl
The garments
from our tailor
ing department,
and you will al
ways find them
right. They
have the attrac
tive look that
makes men of
good judgment
pause to scrutinize your clothes,
and that makes them the satisfac
tory kind to you.
Portz Bros.,
24 North Main Street.
Good Enough for the Rich
And Cheap for the Poor
If you are looking for a Christmas
gift m
And have your-purse at interest as
well as your desirea you can find
tuera in our selection. We can
give you prices and show you gifts
that will interest you.
If you have eye troubles, we will
examine and tell you just what is
needed FREE. Then, if you like,
will supply you.
Thos. Buchanan,
Jeweler and Optician,
No. 118 South Main Street.
UnAtAnTT Dnnii"iilnnc
California Peaches,
Lemon Peel,
orange reel,
All Kinds of Nuts.
Fine bonle White Codflli at 7 c per pound.
Mackerel, 6C and up.
B. A. Friedman,
213 W. Centre St.
Two doori Ulow Hull's dairy.
( Not the ordinary kind )
A handsome year-book filled
with beautiful illustrations, and a
complete calendar. It is sold on
all news-stands for 5 cents, and
it's worth ve times that amount.
It is a reliable chronology of
the progress of the 19th century
and a prophecy of what may be
expected in the 20th.
Hero re ft few of the great men who Jdy;
written for It.
j Sen. Chajipftcyil! Depew, on Politics
I KwSsenSage, 0n Finance
1 nomas reason, iiiei.uii.iiy
" Land Warfare
AH ml. Hlehborn. " Naval Warfare
"Al" Smith, " bportr
You wilt enjoy reading it now,
and it will be a book of reference
for you through the years to
come. Sixty-for pages, printed
on ivory nni:n paper.
If your news-dealer cannot sup
ply you with it, cut out this ad.
and send it with three one-cent
stamps and receive this elegant
book free. Address
J. C. Ayer Co.. Lowell. Mass.
Were They lliirRlarn ?
Yesterday morning, between twoaud three
o'clock, Kov. Cornelius Laurlsln, rector of
the Greek Catholic church, was awakened by
a noise at the front door of the parsoungo.
He arose and attempted to raise the window
to ascertain the cause, but was prevented
from doing so by his wife. Thinking the
disturbers were burglars he discharged two
shots from a revolver. After a short Interval
he went down stairs but found ho trace of
The yew Century.
Tho question as to when tho next century
begius has been settled by tho Pope, bo far as
Catholics aro concerned. This is done in tho
oSiclal text of the decrco of the Congregation
of Kites at Rome, proclaiming the Holy Year,
which was received at the Apostolio Delcga
tion, at Washington. The Popo in this de
creo grants the extraordinary privilege of
celebrating midnight mass on December 31st,
so that throughout the world In all Catholic
churches the holy sacrifice of the mass will
be solemnly offered "at the moment the old
century dies and the new ouo begins."
Tiro Kli:-r lij":uln- ftnn.
Victoria, H. C. Dec. 13. A gas explo
sion occurred at ono of the Cumberland
coal mines, killing Zuccl and George
Jones and badly burning P. Falrbalrn
Harry Thompson, John Gulple. John
Rulple, Jr., Fred Larson and a Chlna-
Disturber Arrestee!.
William Poskiewicz and Charles Donewicz
were arrested for disturbing the peace by
Policeman Uraitis. They were committed to
the lockup by Justice Shoemaker to-day.
After abort Imprisonment in tho lockup the
prisoners settled the caso and were leleased
Council Meeting.
A special meeting of the Borough Council
will be bold this evening to consider paving
and other matters.
Christmas is
' Why don't you come to
the largest furniture store in town
to buy your huliday gifts. Be wide
awake and go to the place that
gives you the biggest values for
your money, the largest and the
most appreciativ selection. Feast
your eyes on a stock that is sure to
please you. See our beautiful Hue of
Sol d Leather,
r:w Rockers
Halachl CJreen. WUVW Ot
Bird. Eye Daple Inlaid with pearl
or plain upholstered, silk plush, Ilk
UitnasK, corduroy.
Do not fail to see our Pictures
and Mirrors, Couches, Easels,
Curtains, Tapestry Covers, Screens
It is well worth your time to
come and see our stock. Every
bod3T knows that the prices we ask
for any article of furniture is never
beyond reason. Look at our win
dow display.
Walt for them and then buy early and secure
rat choice. Don't wait until the last day,-
No.. 1 19-121-123 North Main St.
The Best Bargain Holies
-In Shenandoah Is at-
233 West Centre Street.
You would be amazed to sea the values we
ouereu in
Doots and Shoes,
... Groceries.
If you only give us a trial, that la all we ask
This means a uteody cuttomer atour store.
ltl'lt"l"K Tliriiiigliout tlin Oounlrj
Uhrmilrlxit lor Ilmty l'ermnl.
Did you select your Christmas present?
Ashland Is suffering from a mild epidemic
of (trip.
Tho Donnish Council Is scheduled to moot
this ovening.
Tho Schuylkill Veterinary Association met
ill l'ottsvlllo to-day.
ltallroad business Is heavier now than it
has liccti for many yours.
Art wall paper at Cardln's for 5 and 0 cents
per roll. Como and eeo thorn. tf
0. C. Schrlnk was confirmed as postmaster
ut l'ottsvlllo hy the U. H. Senate.
Prof. Squires has resigned as choir-master
of Trinity Kplscopal church at I'otUvlllo.
A marriage Uconse was Iiwuorl to Cecilia
Mills and Daniel Phillips, of New Cnstto
A woman's reason Is usually a good one,
because alio knows it will lie nil right If she
pur linscd her holiday gift atOrkln's Jewelry
store. tf
A charter was lsued at Harrlsburg yester
day to the Shamnkin Milling Company, with
a ctpltal of $80,000.
Joseph Lowcnthal, of Mahanoy City, sus
tained a sovcre laceratlou of tho eye yester
day whilo chopping wood.
Jamos U. ltloo, a formor resident of Potts
ville. Is tlonil at his homo In Sharon. 11c Is
survived hy two daughter.
Thomas E. Carney, of Mahanoy City, yos
terday removed to McAdoo, where ho will
enter 1110 wnoiesaie liquor uusiucsg. -
It Is reported thet JJ;eJ.'iii1J,u Coal and
Navigation J&Kupauy may erect a new
.vrTT.".or at Greenwood, near Tamaqua.
In tho lino of watches, riugsand chains,
Huchanaii, tho jeweler, has a selection that
is great in variety and tho prices are exceed
ingly low. tf
James P. Gorman, of Hazleton, resigned
his position as private socretary to Congress
man Davenport, of tho Luzerne district, Mon
day morning.
St. Joseph's Catholic fair will open at Glr
ardvlllo next Saturday night in tho basement
hall of the church The proceeds will be used
to help pay for the new rectory now In
course of construction.
That tho establishment of immense cement
works at New ltinggoid is no idlo faucy, is
further proven by the fact that the company
is now asking for bids for tho manufacture of
tho machinery for tho plaut,
James M. Graham, alia: James A. Sterling,
who is wanted for robbing the safo of tho
Mauslon House, at Rending, of $330 last
uctober, was arrested at .Now York yester
day. He is a prisonor until extradition
papers can be secured.
Ueading had a $1,500 flro last night. It
was in the dry goods storo of David SchaOer,
at 3.M Penn street.
The production of "In the Heart of tho
Storm" by The Ideal! at Ferguion's theatre
last night was another Indication of the
equipment of tlio company in scenery and
stage edicts. Many of tho scones were elab
orately sot and won applause. The play was
a thrilling one and bold the Interest of the
audience to tbo last. Tho selections ron
dcred by the orchestra were of an excellent
order and tho illustrated songs were well ap
preciated. To-night the big production
"Lost in New York" will ho made, with
beautiful scenery and now specialties. This
will bo the first production of this play at
popular prices. A splendid musical program
will be rendered hy Ilowson's orchestra.
Tho JelTrles-Sharkey fight, as reproduced
by tho projectoscopo at Kane's theatre last
night, dro iv a fair sized crowd. Tho pictures
gave splcnum satisfaction and those of the
sporting fraternity who wore present enjoyed
the twenty-five rounds to its fullest capacity,
iJenovo (Pa.) News. Will bo produced at
Ferguson's theatre 011 Monday, ISth lust.
Reserved seats now on sale at Klrlln's drug
Ilurdock Illood Bitters gives a man a clear
head, an active brain, a Strang, vigorous
body makes him fit for the battle of life.
The llrewery Charter.
The promoters of tho new brewery to bo
established in town give notice in anotbor
column of this Issue that an application will
he made for a charter on the 10th of January,
1000, for an intended corporation to bo called
The Homo Brewing Company, tho character
nud object of which is the manufacture and
soiling of malt and brewed liquors. Tho
names appearing on the notice are W. L.
Kramer, Esq., of Pottsville, Christ; Schmidt.
Hon. Joseph Wyatt, W. W. liynkewlcz and
Leo Dinoski, of Shenandoah. Mr. Kiamcr
Is the only party interested in the brewery
wno Is not a resident of this town.
A Card.
We, the undersigned, do hereby agree to
refund tho money on a 60-cont bottle of
Greene's Warranted Syrup of Tar If It falls
to cure your cough or cold. We also guaran
tee a 25-cent bottle to prove satisfactory or
money refunded.
A. Wasley, C. H. Uagenbuch,
Shenandoah Drug Storo. P. W. Bioretein A Co.
Ileatli Htiil Funeral.
The funeral of Michael Brennan, of Jack-
sons, will taso place on Friday morning and
interment will be made at Mahanoy City.
The funeral of John Manion, who died at
his borne in St Nicholas, took place to-day.
Thn remains weie followed to the grave hy a
largo number of fricuds of the deceased.
Sunt. L'ewellyn and t,taff. of the Prudential
Co., were alse in attendance and sent u floral
ouering. Bock of Ages."
Stale Delegates Named.
Prof. Jesse Newlin, President of the School
Directors Association, of Schuylkill county.
announces the appointment of the following
delegates to the 3tato Convention to be held
In January: W. J. Perry, Mahanoy City;
ur L. v. l'hllllps. Tower City: Kohcrt All!
son, Port Carbon; G. C. Dlefeuderfer, Orwigs-
burg; JJr. J. Lenker, Schuylkill Haven.
On Every Bottle
Of Shlioh's Consumption Cure Is this guar
an tee : "All wo ask of you Is to use two-
thirds of the contents of this bottle faith
fully, then It you can say you aro not
benefited return the bottle to your druggist
and ho may refund the price paid," Price
23 cts. 60 eta. and (1.00. Sold by PJD.
Klrllu on a guarantee. w
perguson's Theatre,
One Night Only.
Monday, Dec. 18.
A Scientific Treat,
25 Complete Roundi
Reproduced by the newly.Improvcd
Clneomatagrapli, No nickering, no uolte.
but steady life-like pictures. Every
move p.rfectrealUtlo as life.
The createat heavy-weight content m record
Dro or n i ricm to your cioori It would nave
ooat you all told about f V) to have witnessed
the original. Youean te tula great repro
duction for V) cents.
PRICKS: 25c, 35c and 50c
JUaerved seats at Klrlln's drug store.
William Cox has bocouio bartender at
llreen's oafo.
William Waters made a business trip to
Likcaide to-day.
I". L. Steinpon, of Phamokln, was a guest
of friends in town yesterday
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bachman, of Mahanoy
City, spent last ovening in town.
Miss Lottie Dornbach, of West Centre
street, Is confined to bar home by Illness.
Mrs. Benjamin Klchanls attended the
funeral of a friend at Lansford yesterday.
Mrs. Jenkins, of Brownsville, and Mrs.
John lltinn, of town, spent to-day at St. Clair
with friends.
Sinford W. Slioeninker has returned from
a week's rabbit hiiutlug at Pine Summit,
Columbia county.
ltov W. J, Morrison, of St. Augustine's
church, Philadelphia, is at the bedside of his
mother. Mrs. Hannah Morrison. She has
been very 111 for soino time, but her present
condition shows n situ lit improvement.
A Monster Devil Fish
Destroying its victims, is a type of ConstU
lnllnn. Thopoworof thlsmurderoiis malady
is fell on organs nud nurves ntid muscles and
brain. There's no hoallli till It's overcome).
But Dr. King's New Life Pills aro a safe and
certain euro. Host In the world fur Stomach,
Liver Kidneys and Bowels. Only 215 cents
at A. Wasley's drug store.
Letter (Irmitml, -
Letters tmtnmctitny. were (granted to T.
Q JonojTi tho estate of Laur.i Jones, lato
of St. Clair, deceased
Letters of administration wero granted to
J .1. Brown on the estate of J J. Kvans, Into
of Tamaqua, deceased.
To Lavlnia Kruus on tho estato of Wm.
Kr us, lato of Tamaqua, deceased,
To Louisa C Wcast on the estato of It. C
Wcast, lato of K. Brunswick Twp , deceased,
llERCHAM'B PlLlfl will dispel tbo "blues."
Miss Virginia M. Parker and C. D. Itlshel,
two popular young people of Pottsville, were
joined in matrimony last evening. The groom
Is a member of the grocery firm of Keiter &
Itisliel. The couple are now on a wedding
tour to Washington and other points.
Mrs, Mary Key, of Pottsvillo, and Evan
Allen, of Morea. wero married last evening
at tho formor place. They will reside at tho
formor place.
Company 1'etltloned,
A petition signod by 212 rcsldonts of Mah
anoy City has been forwarded to tho P. A It.
Railway Company, asking that tho abut
ments of the Main street bridge in that town
be moved back fourteen feet to the b'lildlng
lines, that the ccntro pier he removed
from the middle of the street, nnd that a
bridge with a single span be constructed.
I7IO It RISNT. A dwelling house with all
modern conveniences, onuerly occupied
by the undersigned, located on Snrih Main
street opposite the P. & It. freight depot. For
further information apply to Joslnli w John
son, or M II Kehlcr, Hlicnandoah, l'u. U-21-tf
IpOIt 8AI.I5. A spring wagon. Apply at the
? IIi' ofllce. tf
ATOTICK. Desl'nb'e properties for sale. Ap
.n ply to S, G. M. Hoilopcter, attorney, Shen
andoah. Oil RENT OR FOR S I,E. Xo. 120 North
Aluln street, now occurred bv n-fanci Hlmn
etorc. Poness'on ghen April 1st, 1900. Store
has plnte gloss front. Store and willing enl
be rented with or without wnreroom nnd stablo
very reasonable by n desirable tenant. Apply
to C. W. Xewhouscr, No. 122 North Slain St. tf
POlt SALE. Cheap to a prompt buyer. A
very desirable threo-story property In n
paved Hqtiare on Main street. Contains two
large Btore roonia with plate glass fronts Com
fortable dwelling with bath. Ynrd, wareri om stable, to each. Wtiole lot 30x150 feet to
alley Very flno location for any kind of
business. Prefer to sell the wliolo property
but will sell part of It If desired, at very reason
able price and terais. l"or further information
plcnxe address "Owner," 1 O. Box 22, Shenan
doah, I'n ll-C-tf
-WARTER NOTICE -Notice is hereby given
V that an application will be made to thn
Governor of Pennsylvania on tho 10th day of
January, A. I)., 1000, by Christian Schmidt, W
I,. Kramer, Joseph Wyatt, V. W. Rynkiewlcz.
Leo Dinoski anil others, liudet he Act of
Assembly, entitled "An Act to provide for tho
Incorporation and re, illation of certain eomor.
ations," approved April 2, 1871, and the supple-
mem uicrctu mr mu eunrier or. an iiuonucu
corpor .tion to he called Tile Home Hrp.wlnir
Company, the character and object of which Is
msnuficturlng and selling malt and brewil
llquorf, and for these purpnHeii to have. pnacn
and enjoy all the right", benefits nnd privileges
nf aid Act of Assembly and the supplements
llli reio. w. U KKAMER,
12 13 20 27 Solclt r,
Games, Toys, Chairs, Bric
aBrac and Fancy China
and Toilet Sets, Etc.
T W. Centre St., Beddall Building
Don't Forget
and Place.
$5,000 REWARD !
-Lost Strayed or Stolen
A man about the size of a woman, barefooted with a oair ol
wooden legs, pink eyes and sunset colored hair. The latter cut curly
i nd the former cut darker. He wore a corned-beef overcoat on his
back containing a barrel oi sky-lights and one dozen assorted railroad
tunnels. When last seen he was following a crowd of neorjle
who were crushing each other trying to get into the Factory Shoe
Store, where the greatest bargains in BOOTS, SHOES and RUBBERS
are now being offered at Factory Prices.
Follow the Crowd and Get Genuine Bargains.
Owing to a mild season
our prices as follows :
You can get them in any style or color you wish ; and you can buy a good All-Wool
Suit at a price correspondingly low. , ,
Mammoth Clothing
9 and 11 S. Main
Fall and
Don't buy elsewhere until you
see our stock. It is a winner and
so are the prices attached to every
pair ot shoes, whether for men,
ladies, misses, or children. We sell
the "best" qualities ol footwear
cheaper than any other shoe dealer.
Mothers should bear in mind
that our children's shoes are the
most durable. We are closing out
another lot very cheap.
27 South Main Street, Shenandoah, Pa,
First Choice
Don't wait until Christmas
to buy your gifts in jewelry
but come now and secure
first choice while the stock
is large and complete.
Low Prices
Is our motto. Come in and
be convinced We mean ex
actly what we say. Remem
ber the place and save
money. We guarantee every
article we sell.
Ellis Deull,
123 Gouth Main Street.
the Name
and having a tremendous stock
we wish to announce the fact
You can now get a
$ r.00 OVERCOAT for - -
$ 8.00 OVERCOAT for
$10.00 OVERCOAT for -
$12.00 OVERCOAT for
$15.00 OVERCOAT for - -
$18.00 OVERCOAT for - -
Good old Santa Claus is getting ready to hold
his annual festival and scatter his rewards
amongst the boys and girls, and even the young
men and maidens as well as the older folks.
We have made our store into a veritable
Alladin's cavern well stocked with every variety
of Dolls, Go-carts, Toys, Games, Animals,
Picture Books, Etc,
Hundreds of dressed and un
dressed beauties. See our
special 23c one.
A splendid assortment, all
sizes, from 25c up.
Pianos, all sizes, Trumpets,
Drums, Accordeons, Metal
aphones, lrom 5c up.
Magic Lanterns, Steam Engines,
Mechanical loys; ot the
latter we have an immense
3 South Main St., Shenandoah.
Rich Values now Avail
able to our Patrons,
I real
Others made from good quality all wool cloth, lined, value $1.69,
onr price $1.25. A better grade cloth, extra heavy, tucked, braided
and lined, value S2.25, our price $1.75.
Mohair Waists, $2.00 to $2 25, real value$2.5o and 3.00.
We have received another case 1-4 white, all-wool, home-made
Blankets, value S4.50, our price lor this lot $3.35.
:-: POS.ITIVEL.Y! :-:
Coats and Capes at Half Price I
Plush and Astrakhan Capes, from $1.49 and upward. Collarettes,
$1.65 and up ; elsewhere not less than $3.00. Children's Reefers, $1,251
elsewhere $3.50. See our large assortment of trimmed and untrimmed
millinery and trimmings. Would not any of these artfcles make a
cheap, appreciative and serviceable Christmas gift ? Consider this and
come to our store and be convinced.
Of all kinds, and from every quarter of the
globe. Kid body dolls, doll carriages and
go-carts start at 15c. Doll beds, cradles,
children's tables and chairs, dishes and
kitchen sets, pastry sets magic lanterus, tool
chests, guns, swords, printing presses, pianos,
Iron tovs of all descriptions, games, blocks,
and a thousand other things to delight the
hearts of the little ones.
Christmas Trimmings In a real
The Largest, Prettiest and Cheapest Toy House In Shenandoah.
that vc have reduced
$ 4.50
$ 5.00
$ r.00
$ 9.0&
$12 50
l. Goldin, Proprietor.
Iron Toys.
Engines, Hook and Ladders,
Patrol Wagons, Drays, Cook
Stoves, etc., 10c to $2.00.
Horses, Sheep, Donkeys,
Goats, etc., 10c to $3.00.
A big variety, from 10c to
Fancy Goods.
Plush or Celluloid gifts.
Suitable for all ages.
Pancy China.
A stock which cannot be ex
celled in this county.
One lot of Ladies' and Misses' fine Ker
sey Jackets, in black, castor and royal
blue, lined with romaine silk, worth $10,
our price $7.50.
Another lot extra quality Kersey, in
blaek, tan, cartor& royal, lined through
out with best grade tancy taffeta silk,
value $12 50, our price $10.00.
Children's Long Coats, size 2 to 6 yrs,
in fine all-wool cloth, cardinal, blue and
green, collar and cape trimmed with fine
braid, value $3.00. our price $2. 25. A
better quality cloth, extra heavy, in car
dinal, electric blue, navy and green,
value $4. 75. our price $3,75.
Ladies' Plaid Winter Waists, made
from best quality English Flannelette,
value 65 cents, our price 56 cents.
You will do your Christmas shopping here. With
the experience of many years ot successful Christ
mas trading to guide us, we have now on display the
finest, best and cheapest assortment of coods ever
COR the older people we have an eceed
1 ingly pretty line of Fancy Toilet Cases,
Shaving Sets, Cuff and Collar Uqxes, Bevel
Hate Mirrors, Opal ware, etc., etc. These
goods are positively the prettiest ever placed
belore a critical public. We have no rents
to pay and arr determined that none shall
undersell us. Our prices stagger our com
petitors. We are always ready to give you polite
and courteous treatment when you call,
Bverybody welcome. Remember
the place and number.
N. Main St.