Jhe Cure that Cures J ' Coughs, Is i Colds, i ) Grippe, g Whooplns Cough, Asthma, , ) Cronohltlo and Inolplont Consumption, Is k m4 te German hemedV L V a Atuvs. Z5c50(As LIVER1TA THE UP-TO-DATE ' LITTLE LIVER PILL ! CURES BiliouonBSS, Constipation, Dyspopsia. SSick-Hoad -ladle and Llvor Complaint. SUGAR COflTBD, Sold by nil drngRlatB ui nuuii uy wall. JNmlta Medlcsl Co,, Chlc.ro 60 boi contains 15 pills. Hold liy Kirl'nsdrug store, Shenandoah, Pa. CMchtfllor ttnclltli Dlntuont Urn nd T?fcS dire. ltTi rrlltMe. t-omtU &J( UkH) lnu?ilil Tor CMchur EnatUh Dla- H , - . , . 1 k. 1 .. hM.hu... T.. 1 A asSfe'V .401)CB, PmiU Willi Illim " J L rJ.V.. .11.... BW MfliMUl IMflifllU 'In urnri for rirtlealT, ti timonli'j ft lUllef for llodleiu " Xttur, by l-fUra 1 HAM. II'.UV' 1 railUlsr""""". -swe FVf'ilAiMl.FrlimtfultJo..Miii1tofli HuBkrsW lbr fcULocti umcttau. 1111 LAI) 1'A. Dr. Humphreys' Specifics cure by acting directly upon, tho disease, without exciting disorder in any other part of tho system. NO. CURES. PRICES. 1 Fevers, Congestions, Inflammations. ,1J5 12 Worms, Worm Fever, Worm Colic... ,!5 3 Teething, Colic, Crying, Wakefulness .25 4 tllnrrhen, ot Children or Adults 25 7 Cousin, Colds, Bronchitis 25 8 Xcuralgla, Toothache, Faceache.... .S3 9 Headache, Sick Headache, Vertigo. . ,25 10 Dyspepsia, Indlgestlon,WcakStoinach.25 11 Suppressed or Painful Periods 25 12 Whites, Too Prof use Periods 25 13 Croup, Lnrvncltts, Hoarseness 25 1-1 Salt Illiciini, Erysipelas, Eruptions.. ,23 1 5 It he uma 1 1 111 , Rheumatic Pains 25 1C Mnlarla, Chills, Fever and Ague 23 19 Catarrh, Influenza. Cold In tho Head .25 20 WlioopliiK-Cousli.. 25 27- Kldney Diseases 23 28- .ervous Debility 1.00 30-Urlnaty Weakness, Wetting Bed 25 77-Jrlp. nay Fever 25 Dr. Humphreys' Manual of all Diseases at your Druggists or Mailed Freo. Bold by druggists, or sent on receipt of prrce. Humphreys' lied. Co Cor. William &. John tits., Mew York. fennsvlvania l-W m I RAILROAD. HOHTTYKILL DIVIRION Novr.MUKii 19, 1809 Trains will leave Shenaudoah alter tne aoi date for Wlfrgan, Ollbcrton, Fraclcvlllo l'i Water, St. Clair, l'ottsvlllo. Hamburg, Read 1 11 Pottstown, Phoenlzvllle. Norrlstowu a A Phi artelplila (Broad street station) at 8 20 and 8 04 a. m.f '2 10, e i p m. on wees; aays. eunuaye 8 05 a. m.. 4 20 d. m. Trains leave Frackvllle for Bhenandoat si 7 41, I MS a.m. Hi.d B86, 7 88 p. . BunilO' 11 01 a. in. and 6 8(1 p. in. Leave Pottarllle for SheuacdoaU (via Fracl vllle) 7 lis, 11 20 a. m., ft 10. 7 IS p. m. Bunds 1 0 Id a. in., a 10 d. m. l.eavo Philadelphia, (Broad street station), lei Hhenandoali at H as a. m., 4 lu p. m. weeE nas r Si' udays leave at S 60 and 9 28 a. a. Leave Philadelphia (Broad street station) fo Pott'rllle, 5 60,8 85 parlor car, 10 19 a. in.. I 80, iu iparior car), 1 i p. in. weeKuays, auuuays, 8 60, H2Ia. in an. 602 pm. Leave Broad Street Station. Philadelphia FOU NKW YOUK Bxrress-Weck-days.8 20,4 05,4 40, S 00,6 18,6 60, 7 88, 8 23, 9 0 9 f 0, (10 21, dining car), 11 00, 11 43 a ni, 12 00 noon, 12 35. 1 Limited 1 00 and 4 22 p in, dining cars), 14 12 30, dining; car), 820, 3 50, 4 02, 6 00, 6 60, (dining car), 000, 7 02,810, (dining car), 10 00 p. in. 12 02, night. Sundays 8SC.4U5, 14') 600 5 18 8 2 960, (1021, dllll g car), 10 43, 11 43 a m, 12 03, dining car), 12 85, J 3u, (dining carl, 4 02. (Limited 4 22 dining car), 6 20,6 60, dining ca't 8 85, 702,810 dining car, 10 00 p. in., 12 02 night For Boston without change, 11 01 a m week days, and 8 10 p. m.. dally. For Sea Girt, Aabury Park, Ocean drove, Long Branch, and Intermediate stations, 8 25, 11 10 a in, 8 80, 4 02 p ni weekdays. WASHINGTON AND THE SOUTH. For Baltimore and Washington, 8 SO J 20, it , 10:0,11 23, 11 S3, a, m., 12 86 dining car 113, i dining cor 1 1 812, 4 41, 5 26 UongrcrBloual Jmlted dining car, 0 03, 6 20. 055, dining enr, 7 81 dining car, p m and 12 20 night week days. Sundays 8 50, 7 20, 9 12, 11 23. a. m., 12 09, 1112, dining car, 312, 4 41, (520 Congressional .lmlted dining car, 6 05 6 65 dining car, 781 dining car, p, in., and 12 23 night. For Baltimore, accommodation, 9 12 a m, 1 62 and 4 01 p m week days, 5 0j and 11 16 p m dally. WEST JERSEY & SEASHORE R. R. FOR ATLANTIC CITY. Leave Broad street station via Delaware river bridge Uxprcss, 9 40 a m, 705 p m weekdays, Bundajs, 9 20 u m 7 05 pm. Leave Market Street Warf Kinross. J 00 am. a 00, 4 00, 6 00 p m weekdays Sundays, 9 00, 10 no s 1 accommodation 4 40 and 6 00 p in. For Cano Mav. Amrlesea. Wlldwood and Holly Bench, Sen Isle City, Avalon, and Stone Harbor Express 900am, 4 00 p m week days Bunuays, VWtt 111. n 1 . 1 1 I i ,J" n a VI 4 00. 5 CO. n. m. week days Sundays. 9 00 and 10 00 a. m For tickets and other Information apply tc itcKet agent B. 1. IlOTCBIHUOH, J. It. WOOD, Oen'l Manaeer -n' P.V, A I AHUSEHENTS. perguson's Theatre. DAH. J. FEROUSOH, Mer. ONE SOLID WEEK COMMENCING PJlDflY, DEC 11, '99 MATINEE SATURDAY. John A. Hhnnieleln's Big Comedy Company 1 1 IHS IDEALS" Headed bv the popular comedienne Miss 11EATHICE EAItLK, including tnu pter of musical organtatiuns, HOWSON'S 20th Century Band and Orchestra. THE PLAYS. Monday HIght THE IRISH HERO. Tuesday Bleht...J(a the Heart of the Storm Wednesday Nleht LOST IN NEW YORK. Thursday night THE LADDER OF LIFE. Friday Might 'IME DEVIL'B MIKE Saturday night THE CENSUS TAKER PRICES : - 10, 20 and 30 Cts. Reserved eata at Klrlln's drug store. I 100 PILLS I 25 CTS. i ERI In the Disaator Which Overtook tho Islands of Coram. A. DEATH DEALING TIDAL WAVF, Sucoppilcil hjr Torrlflo nnrth'nnnkc Shock, Snoot Over tlie Tope ot Tree Thirty Feet High Cnrnen Hurled rnilcr New Mnile Cirouml. San Francisco, Dec. 13. Tho dis aster tltat overtook, the Istands ot Cormaii on tho 2d '6f last month cost the people of that .district immenso loss of life and property. The stoam ship America Maru, lilst .arrived from the Orient, brought advices from Coram, and reports that 6,000 peoplb were dostroyod on that island alono wlien the dreadful earthquakes of No vember shocked the Japancso coast and agitated the Islands adjacent to the empire. On the night of tho 2d tho people of Coram woro ayi'tened by a terrific moen uf ucn tii .--ko that Bcemed to work from norlti to south. Everyone fled from his house Into the public square. A few hours later It was re ported that the water was rising in the Hay of Ambonla. The sea camo forward In the shape of a hugo tidal wave, and forced the water Into the bay entrance. It came up 50 feet over the lowlands. At l'auholy and Samas- oeroa, on the bay, the waves swept over the tops of trees 30 feet high. Out of nearly 1,800 inhabitants only 40 escaped. The whole coast for miles was trans formed Into a huge mud puddle. Corpses were everywhere. Broken trees and portions of houses were burled in the ooze. Every few rods were great mounds of stones and boulders that had been washed up from the sea, changing the entire topog raphy of the country. The exact number of killed along the coast will never bo known, ns tho corpses are in many cases yards under the new ground. At Hatoesia out of I 500 people a hundred were killed and 40 wounded. The balance escaped to tho hills. A HUNDRED MILLION DOLLARS The Cnpltnl Stock of the Proposed Colonial Sngitr llcflnlnu; Company. Dover, Del., Dec. 13. When the Anglo-American Rapid Vehicle com pany was Incorporated here with a capital stock of $75,000,000 It was thought to be the largest industrial concern that would ever come under the general law of Delaware, but last night preparations were begun for the Incorporation hore of a $1,000,000,000 concern. The new comblno is to be known as UiO' Colonial Sugar Refining company. Large sugar making com panies nqw outside the American Sugar Refining company, which oper ates under the New Jersey laws, are concerned hi this new Delaware cor poration. The state will profit by tho Incorporation of .this company to tho extent of $15,000 In state tax and $5,000 in annual tax. A Night of Terror. "Awful anxiety was felt for the widow of the brave General Unrnhamof MacliU, Me., when the doctors said she could not lire till morning" writes Mrs. S. H. Lincoln, who attended her that fearful night. "All thought she must soon die from Pneumonia, but she begged for Dr. King's Kew Discovery. savine It had more thau once saved her life. and had cored her of Consumption. After and its further use completely cured her." kllli:U B1IMI1 UUOC9 QIIU Dlpfb l011.V at. .iiu.. The marvelous medicine is guaranteed 10 1 0K Wasley's drug store. Rilllfoml Kiiiiifoy-cn IIchpounIIiIp. Paterson, N. J., Dec. 13. At 1 o'clock this morning the jury that has been Investigating tho accident on the Lack awanna railroad hero on the night of Nov. 29 brought In the following ver dict: "Wo find Couductor Gould M. Gattell and Flagman William Sned- ager guilty of negligence In not obey ing tho flagging rules, thereby causing the collision." OASTOniA. Bears the ' ) ltl8 Kind You HavB Always Bought floy Muritei..r Arretted liy Father. Bloomfield, Ind., Dec. 13. Samuel Mcintosh, aged 1C, son of a prominent merchant, is under arrest for mur der of Edward Johnson, aged 18, who had became involved in ft quarrel with Mcintosh's younger hrother. A heavy stone was used in the killing. The boy's father brought him In and gave him up. Tell Your Sister A beautiful complexion is an impossibility without good pure blood, the sort that only exists In connection with the good digestion; a healthy liver and bowels. Karl's Clovor Boot Tea acta directly on the bowels, liver and kidneys keeping them In perfect health, Price 25 cts. and 60 cts. Sold by P. D. Kirlin on a guarantee. Dentil From Hutlnn IM1U. Wilmington, Del., Dec. 13. Jamei T nnAn n rraA 1 VOQ.a flldft lflflt O I lll t IIS I the result of eating 21 pills, which he uurao, bv . . ,f. . found in his home. The pills were manufactured by a Drooklyn firm, and the boy's father had the agency for them hflre. Physicians say the symp toms resembled those of strychnine palitoning. For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature or To Form it Dlatrlct Minora' Union. Lonaconing, Md., Dec. 13. The con vention of the miners and mine em ployes of tho Mcyersdale, Pa., and George's Creek, Md., coal regions be gan its sessions yesterday. It has been determined to form a district union to be composed of the local unions of the two regions. How's This 'Wo offer One Hundred Dollars Uewanl for any case of Catarrh that can not bo cured hy Hal I'b Catarrh Cure, V. J.CHENKY& CO, Props., Toledo, O. We the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable In all business transactions and fin ancially nolo to carry out any obligations made by their linn. West & Tbaux, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Waldiso, Kinnan Jc Mauvi.i , Wholesale Drug. gists, Toledo, Ohio. Hall's Catarrh Cure la taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Price 75o. per bottle. Bold by all Druggists, Testimonials free. Hall's Family Pills ate the beet. "Al" TABLETS TOR ALL URINARY DISORDERS. The mot FATAL and PREVAL' BT Ot all diseases are those ot me KIDNEYS, LIVBR and BLADDEU. I The Kidneys are two little sieve through which nlMhe IiIoimI In th hoily mut puss OHO in every three inlntitrs). Ik n HK&AtritY condition ther filter nil Imparl ties In Lo the nt-Alinun, thence nut of the I hmI y. If nerBAsmi they clog nml .well, le noting I'liiu ACIti nml other poisons Into the s'siem, cansliit; HUM. tain In the rack, ntuoCMms IUIKU7IATISM, (HUT, DROPSY, HICAVHI, l-.SI.irwi. A Nil r'ltKliURXT I'lllKATIOX. LOS OF ALHUMKN (the llfo ifSeiK'C), nml fliinlly "BRlQKl'S" DISEA9E and DEATH I If you have any if the nlmve symptoms "Al" TABLETS will cure you JRY HIEM AND BB CONVINCED. ltecent Discovery. Phenomenal Siu-cess. Ilnn ilrxls of Testimonial Cannot i 8iiltltutul ! mail $1.0". (Send stamp (or pHtni hlet PAN-AMERIdN DRUG CO., Niw Yo'k. Hold In She iwniloali nt KIRLIN'S PHARMACY. Orders by mall sent to any iiddreM. Mlno t.onilor Hrpsi nelpnseit. Fort Scott, Kan., Dec. 12. John I. Reoso, natlonnl executive committee man of the United Mine Workers, who has been In jail here under commit ment from thj federal court for con tempt, was released yosterday under tho writ of habeas corpus recently Is sued In St. Louis by Judge Thayer. Tho necessary $3,000 bonds was pro vided by Topeka bankers. Mr. Reer.e returned nt once to the coal fields where he was arrested, declaring that he would pursue tho course which he was pursuing when Judge Williams ordered his nrrest for contempt. XCcntiicky OcmocriitH Will Content. Frunkfort, Ky Dec. 12. That tho minor candidates on the state Demo cratic ticket Intend to make a contest beforo the state board, sitting as a contest board, has been known hore among those on the inside ever since the certificates were Issued to their Republican opponents, but it was gen erally thought the contost would not be made until after the meeting hore on Thursday of the Democratic com mittee. It comes from a reliable source that tho notices of contest will, if they can bo prepared In time, be served on the successful candidates today. now Is Your Wife? Has she lost lier beauty? If so Constipa. tion. Indigestion, Sick Headache aro tho principal causes. Karl's Clover Boot Tea has cured these ills for half t century. IMco 25 cts. and 50 eta. Money refunded If results aro not satisfactory. Sold by P. D. Klrlln on a guarantee Icoltoiinil evr Foiiiiilliuiit. St. Johns', N. P., Dec. 12. The an nual ice blockade of tho northern coast of the Island has begun. Ves sels now arriving report innumerable Icebergs and impassable floes, drift ing In a southerly direction, choking tho bays, and threatening to close nav igation with the present week. Al ready the straits of Belio Isle are closed for the winter. The ice is nacked thickly along the Labrador coast. Within the next fortnight transatlantic steamors will be in dan ger of collision with bergs crossing their route. A Sensible Man Would use Kemp's Balsam for the Throa an(j Lungs. It is curing more cases of Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, Croup and 0u Throat and Lung troubles, than any Theproprictor has author. ized any druggist to give you a sample bottle free to convince you of the merit of this great remedy. Price 25c and 50c. Buy Hoynl Patent Flour. It is the best in the market. Coming Eventa. Deo. 18. Grand entertainment, "The Star of Bethlehem," at tho Primitivo Methodist church. Jan. 1, 1000. Eleventh annual ball by St, Joseph's Pioneer Corps, in Armory hall. Girardville. A 1. A 1. A. A. lffnl0Jn4unfyrlunieutf",'"L enl for tiworn Testimonial &ad Book Troth" to i'rofi O. t Til KIZL, 31. !., 410-1 North Hlxth 8L. I'hUarfelnhla. loltlTelr the oclT itfcl.ulit la tbL lklliLi fkllad. Freth etuea cured la ! to 1 U duTH.ilouritf 3,44. buiu ui onn cv ru uiouid ma moil cvisjurBivu iirar Lauer's Reading Beer and Porter Brewers of the finest and purest EWS TP- Tlii: nrnrlimt are splrlnm pnimlled 1 , ll, UUU 11CVC1 suipusscu. A1SU bottlers of all Carbonated Beverages. Private families desiring orders filled can have them promptly by calling on Christ. Schmidt, Agent and Bottler, 203 W. Coal Street SHENANDOAH, A A Any Book Published in the . . , United mrmnmrmwr 0R ABROAD States Sent You Postpaid or C. O. D (Express charges prepaid At Io per cent, off from catalogue or reg ular prices. Te Bulletin Press S3 Duane St, NEW YORK, THE TRANSVAAL WAR. Boduoings the Rations in tho Be sieged Town of Mafeking. METCALFE'S BRILLIANT TEAT. rltlali Force Cllinln-ii n II 111 nml Ie- atroyctl it lloc-r Ilovrltser liy the fa. of Gun Cotton Lnil y Snrnli Wilson RxclimiKoil I'or h Hour i'rlaoner. London. Deo. 1B With the excep tion ot Sundnys sortie at Ladysmith, hlcli tho morning papers are unani mous In regarding as a brilliant piece f work, tnoro are no iiirtner anvices from the seat of war. A war office dis patch reports that Mafeking was safo up to Deo. 4, out tuat the uoets nail boon shelling the town since Nov. 27 with increased effect, nations had been considerably reduced, moat by half a pound and bread hy a quarter f a pound, in view of a probable lont siego. Water, however, was still plenti ful. Tho Boors fear the Ilrltlsh bayonets. This is illustrated In the full accounts now arriving of previous sorties. It seems that in Sir Archibald Hunter's sally from Ladysmith to capture the iioor guus the Ilrltlsh did not carry bayonets. While they were storming the hill the Boors, suddenly aroused from sleep, rushed to the edge and opened an indiscriminate fire upou them. But Just beforo the British so cured a footing on the top of the hill some one among them shouted "fix bayonets nnd give them cold steel. At this tho Boers turned and fled Into tho darkness. Little mention is made in the war office dispatches of horses, but It is understood that the losses In this re spect have been exceedingly heavy. Among the officers alone from 20 to 30 per cent of their mounts have been shot under them, the Boer tactics be ing to shoot first at an officer's horse and then at the rider when dismounted. General Gatacre's dlsastor at Storm- berg has oeeu blamed for lack of knowledge of the country, but, accord ing to The Daily Telegraph, when tho war began there wore no official map3 available at Cape Town, and therefore It Is probable that General Gatacre is still without them. Tho Times, while praising Colonel Motcalfo's brilliant feat at Ladysmith, expresses the opinion that, relief be ing now so near, such a sortie was rather perilous, and it would be bet ter for General White to avoid them so far as possible. The feat referred to by The Times was given out by tho war office in a dispatch from General White of Dec. 11, as follows: "Last night Colonel Metcalfe and 500 of the Second Rifle brigade sortled to capture n Boer howitzer on a hill. They reached the crest without being discovered, drove off the enemy and then destroyed the howitzer with gun cotton. When returning Metcalfe found his retirement barred by tho Boers, but he forced his way through, using tho bayonet freely. The Boer losses were considerable. The British losses were Lieutenant Ferguson and 11 men killed, three officers and 41 men wounded: six men captured." A special dispatch from Lourenzo Marqueso says a Boer telegram from Mafeking announces that Lady Sarah Wilson, aunt of the Duke of Marlbor ough, who was captured by tho Boers while acting as a correspondent for the London Daily Mail, has been exchang ed for a Boer woman who was a pris oner nt Mafeking. The Morning Post ngain endeavors editorially to arouse the British peo pie to a recognition of the "serious nature of the struggle and of the grave position In which matters now stand." It urges the government to prepare immediately to send more troops to South Africa. "'VorklnB;, the OmnKe Orovre-ra, Tampa, Fla Dec. 13. W. C. Tucker, who claims Leesburg, Fla as his home, has been working the orange growers in this section in a very slick manner. He represented nrmseif as a large buyer and induced the growers to deliver heavy consignments of fruit to him at various railroad stations Tho orango men were to meet him at Dade City, where he was to liquidate his indebtedness. Tucker has disap peared and the growers are trying to recover their fruit. Cold Steel or Death. "Tliprn la br.t one small chance to savo your lifo and that is through au operation," was tho iiwiui nrosDect set oeiore airs. l. u. Hunt, of Lime Bulge, Wis., by her doctor after valnlv trvlnc to euro her of a frightful As nf stomach trouble and yellow jaundice. He didn't count on the marvelous power or Electric Bitters to euro Stomach and Liver troubles, but she beard or It, toos seven bottles, was wholly cured, avoided surgeon's knife, now weighs more and feels better than ever. It's positively guaranieea io cure Stomach, Liver and Kidney troubles and novor disappoints. 1'rice sue at A. wasiey's drug store, Tlif Sjmlilali FIllK llnrrcd. San Juan de Porto Ilico, Dec. 13. Governor General Davis has issued an order governing the display of flags in Porto Rico. The Spanish flag is not to be allowed on public buildings. Of late it has been customary for the mu nicipal authorities In the Interior towns to display tne spanisn nna American flags together on the city bulldlncs. What do the Children Drink? Don't give them tea or coffee. Havo you tried the new food drink called GUAIN-O? It is delicious and nourishing and takes the place of coffee. The more Qrain-0 you give the children the mora health you distribute through tboir systems. Grain-0 Is made of puro grains, aud whon properly prepared tastes like the choice grades of coffee, but costs about i as much. All grocers sell It. 15c. and 25c. "WlilrfUj' intoreatK'to Unite. Louisville, Dec. 13. The two great whisky Interests of the country, the "trust" and the independent associa tion, which have been fighting each other ever since they were organized, are about to unite, It Is said, to gain a point which will be of vital interest to both, and that is a reduction of the tax on whlsKy, oaso?oh.ia. Bears the I 8 m nav8 "'"W Bought BisB,r ZM Well Kuiinn b'oiiKatrearf'Weilded. Glens Falls, N. Y.. Dec. 13 Miss Maud Reese Davis, of Los Angeles Cal., for two years soprano singer with Sousa's band, wob married hero yesterday to Herbert Merrill Qulmby, of Detroit. Doea Tola Strike You 7 Muddy complexions, Nauseating breath coma from chronlo constipation. Karl's CloTerjBoot Tea-la an absolute cure and has been Bold for fifty years on an absolute guarautro Prtco 25 cts. and 50 cla. Sold by V. D. Klrllu ou a guarantee. SEVP.RR LAKE DRIB STORM. The StrnniPT Jnlin Cfnlir Sunk nt Aiiili. rstliiiru, Out. Buffalo. Dm- 13. TlH Rule on Iake Erie yesterday was the worst of the season. Shortly before noon the wind roachetl a velocity of 62 miles an hour, and the breakwater wat completely hidden from view Uy the heavy pn No disaster on tho lake In this vicin ity have been reported up to a late hour. A dispatch from Amherathurg, Ont.. reports that the steamer John Craig, which left Buffalo Monday, had a ter rible experience. When she ran Into Amlierstburg she had 64 feet of water In her fire hold, the sea being so heavy that It broke In the Iron doors of the holler house. The pumpa wore put to work, hut the water gain ed steadily, anil Just as she reached Amherstburg she went to the bottom In 16 feet of water. In thli city considerable damage was done by the high wind. Tws were blown over, some big moke stacks were destroyed and the iron structural work on new hulldlngtt twisted out ot shape. A groat quantity of wreckage from the lost steamer Niagara has been driven ashore, but no more bodies havo been found. Two llrutnl Woiurli Seiltnuooil, Baltimore, Dec. 13.- 'Mrs. Julia Bran nan and Mrs. Kate Brady were eirvtct ed of manslaughter In the criminal p court yesterday and each sentenced to ten years' Imprisonment. They were tried for causing the death, In Octo ber, of 21-montli8'-old Joseph Burns. It was stated at the trial that tho mother of tho child left him In care of the womon, while sho went upon an er rand. Whilo absent It wns alleged that the woman placed tho child upon a hot stove. It wns frightfully burned, and died a few days later. L011 kmc- of Ilepiililtrnii dull. Washington. Dec. 13. At the meet ing ot the executive committee of the League of Republican clubs St. Paul 1 was chosen as the place for holding Ilia n.Tl nnnvnntlnn Ihnl nil., .. I . . Ing 2S votes to 3 for Indianapolis, and 1G for Sioux Falls. The date of the convention was fixed for tho third Tuesday In July. A resolution for tho j appointment of n committee to revise the constitution, including the article forbidding the league to prefer candi dates, was adopted. . The cut is after an old painting of a man gamming with Death with his life as a stake. Behind the man stands his good angel striving to save him. This game with life as the stake is the every-day game of men and women. Behind the player stands the good angel Nature, striv ing to preserve the life, liven when the game is almost in Death's hands. the man who turns to Nature and lets her help him may yet save himself. Medical science knows this, and its highest authori ties affirm that the utmost medical skill can do is to help Nature, The great success ot ur. i-ierce s oomen Medical Discovery in curing wasted bodies, weak lungs, and obstinate and lingering coughs, is based on the recognition of this fundamental scientific truth. " Golden Medical Discovery" supplies Nature with body building, tissue repairing, muscle making materials, in condensed and con centrated form. With this help Nature supplies the strength to throw off diseases of the lungs, heal the sick stomach, re. establish the digestive and nutritive organs in sound health, purify and enrich the blood, and nourish the nerves. If your dealer offers something "just as good," it is probably better for him ; it pays better. But you are thinking of the cure not the profit, so there's nothing "just as good " for you. Say so. Tn a letter received from A. D. "Weller. Eso., of Fensacola, Kscambia Co., Fla. (Dox $44), he states : "I have, since receiving your diagnosis nf mv rase ns stomach trouble and liver com. plaint, taken eight bottles of the Golden Medi cal Discovery,' and must say that I am trans formed from a walking shadow (as my friends called me), to perfect health. I value your remedies very highly and take pleasure in recommending them to any and alf who suffer as I did. Pour months ago I did not think to be In shane to assist our rjnde Samuel ' in case of hostilities, but thanks to you, I am now ready for the Dons 1 Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Ad viser. In Plain Enelish: or. Medicine Sim- nlified. 100S paces, over 700 illustrations, paper-bound, sent for 21 one-cent stamps, to covercost of mailing only. Cloth-bound ten stamps more. Address ur. K. v. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. itf. M. BURKE, ATTORNEY -AT-LAW. Office Egan building, corner of Main an Centre streets, Shenandoah, J CLAUDE BKOWN, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Office: Cor. Centre and White streets, pes o Justice Toomey's office. Q QUUHLKll, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SUROEON. - No. 80 East Lloyd Street. Office hours; 8 to 9 a. m.1 1 to S p.m. 7 too p.m. )ROP. JOHN JONES, MUSICAL INSTRUCTOR, Lock Box 65, Mahanoy City, Pa, HaTlng studied under some of the beal masters In London and 1'arls, will glre lessoni on the Tloun.manaoun, guuarana vocal cullurr Terms reasonable. Address In care nf Htreus ,h 1w!r Hh.n,nrtnr EV-AN J. DAVIES, Livery and Undertaking. No. 13 North Jardin St. Cheapest Shoe Repairer I From Philadelphia. GOOD WORK GUARANTEED. Men's soles and heels SO and 60c Men's (sewed) 83andQOo Ladles' " " " 40 and 60o Ladles'" " sewed 60o Children's soles and heels............... 80 and S3o Children's shoes, 25c, Satisfactory patch work. Shoes heeled only IS and SO cts. Sam Drsady, Bobbins' Block. 85 W. Centre street riilllonsof Dollars Go up in Kmoki. evory year. Take no risks but get ka but KOt your houses, stock, f ui niture, etc., Insured in flrst-cl&sa re liable companies as represented by DAVID FAUST, 1I"s"r,ceJ A,f ur Boulb Jai'Hi -il lUoLlUaads.Mldinlal onus it C ASTORIA ANtgcbblcPrcparalionforAs -slfnitatmg ihcToodfltulRcula ling tlic Stomachs nml Dowels of ft myrissimiifnwvxwfi Promotes DigcslloaChccrftil ncss and Rcst.Contnins neither Opium.Morphlne norlhaerol. Not Naiic otic. Atrv afOldnrSWVIZHTCIWl JjTtTTaiat -liWVfrws fUnr. ApcrfccrTkrnctly forConstipa lion. Sour Stdniacfr.Dinrrhocfl Worms .Convnteions.FevcfiSiV acss and LOSS OF SLEEK Tne Simile Signature of NT3W "YORK. EXACT C0PY"OF WRAPPEH. L"V- TWr CtNTAUR COMPANY NCWTOHHTTV S3mtlinMi3ceU reliable, monthly, rtsnilaLtns; nuMIeint. On'r 1 tbo iureitdn.gahcld be uJ. li 7011 via. th tt, t, Dp. Peal's Pennyroyal Pills hor are prompt, iafe and certalft In TMQlt. The nnine(Pr. I'Vil"i!rl FOR SALE AT" KIRLI The rrt at remt dy for rvoui prostration ai.d all dliseas- f th t rtlro orgn-sof olthi ra x. rui U NVrtous lr-tr.ttlun Falling or Li t M, wood. Impntcnry, Niirhtiy Kmis-aous, Yuinhful Lrrors. Mental Vnrr. tr- --ivl- use of Tobacco or Opium nliuh It ad t' f irumption and In-anity ' .li ivcry 1CTC0 IICIUR ?3 order wc ruarantco to cure or n f .r I the money. Soi.l . t 1.00 per bux, ArlLtl UOInU. o boxes for ga.OO. Hit. MUTT'S t'tli;:iCAL, CO., Cleveland, Ohio, For Sale by "A HAND SAW IS A GOOD SHAVE IS THE PROPER THING Patronize Who Will rWsArrVWVVsArrArVA Always Encourage Our Home Industries ! ,VVrsArV,rVNrVsArVrVS Ask for Blue Trading Stamps, save them, and you will feel proud of our bandsome premiums. Call and get a Directory and Stamp Book to start your collection. '.WViAWtVVVNWvVWAWA'WVVWWW ' List of Merchants Who Give Trading Stamps Free : HAKF.lt. Fred Keitlian, 101 North Main. ltl.OTS AN!) S1IOHS. Joseph Hall, 29 North Main. HOOKS AND STATIONKUV. IXewsnapera and lOeent novola exempt. Hooka Si lirown, 4 North Main, CON rilCTION IJ HY. M. I Kemmerer, 35 North Main. M T. luroell, 7 East Centre. Fred Kelthau, 101 North Main. CLOT1III2IUS ANKT.UI.OIiS. The Famous Clothing House, cor. Main and Oalc HKV GOODS ANI NOTIONS. Davis1 llazaar. 37 West Centra. 8. K. Supowlt, Quarantee Dry Goods House, IS North-Main. nitucoiyrs. Shenandoah Drug Store, 3 South Main, 8TKA31 LAUNIlltV. Hhenandoali Steam Laundry, oor. Main and viuerry. See Handsome Display of Articles at the: I CTATrnn ClTTTTTr cnmiEi dEYYinii 115 North See the display in the show be Redeemed und I REMEMBER ALL Q00DS ARE FREE TO For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Use For Over Thirty Years INI'S DRUG STORE! AND VITALITY X1T.. MO':-"I"H WliITlVllUUlVH T IT.T.H R. W. Houck. THING, BUT NOT TO WITH." FOR HOUSE-CLEANING. At Aw t ,Tfv In IF igiiiPTfinii. I1 erchants Give You OUOCBUIKS AND l'KOVIIONS. INo stamps given with sugar V. E. Magarcle. 11 Eat Centre. Samuel Davis, .1 North Jardin T. J. llrouRhall, 25 South Main Henry L. Jones, cor Coed aud Chestnut. It U, Foley, 27 West Centre. B.ii Ilrohst, oor. Jardin and Centre Mm t. K F Kehler, 188 North Malu atre. t Bdmund Harris, 301 South Main stmt. OHNlS' FUItNISHlM.'v The Famous Clotbliu; House, cor. Mam a d Oak Max Levlt, Main aud Centra, HATS AND CAI'8. Max Levlt, Main and Centre. ThnllSimmiaOlAlliltin. TInjuu, tv.r 1nn ami Cial: MILLIMUtY AND FANCY t.OODt. Mrs. J. J. Kelly, 26 South Main. MBIT MAHUr.TS. Carls Tlrothers, 38 Bast Centra. 1. B. Wetterau, 4 South Jardin. TOBACCO AND OIOAHS. Danlell Si Dodson, 11 Bast Centre. HIT i rTTTMr TrT iYiALHiiNc urriL Main Street. window, where TraditiK Stamps wi Goods cheerfully shown. TRADINQ STAMP COLLECTORS.