The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, December 13, 1899, Image 1

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VOL.XV.-N0. 298
Sold For Caah or
J. P. Williams & Son,
13 S. IVIaln St., Shenandoah, Pa.
Cor. Lloyd and White Sts.,
Are ready and
your inspection. jlu iuuk. ioid
through our fine assortment
is a pastime to
posses them is a privilege. Come and see the best for Christmas m
Toys, Games, Fancy Articles, Embroidery
Materials, Handkerchiefs, Art Goods, &c.
J t is a stock to please the many and save the
money of all who come. You'll trade with
us simply because you can't duplicate the
goods or the prices.
Whatever your wants may be, we can
meet them with the most desirable and satis-
facto'y selection.
, Morgan's Fancy Bazar, - 23 W. Main St
Trotting Harness.
Carriage "
Surrey "
Express "
Team "
Harness Oil and Dressing, Snaps,
need for your horse or wagon.
Swalm's - Hardware - Store
8 mdi no OLD STOCK g
X j gll ' otvv ek I offered to our patrons. The Q
V BL"jn "1"''e'r'' n"'V' 'rC811 "ntl ''"'' X
v j rC- I c",Jron'8 pancy Slip" x
8 t ) For presentation purr-oses liould
St WfcSN ti iJlpJLijr--;-""'' receive your attention. You cannot
0 iPlJIP E. Manning, X
TOMATOES.--Choice cold packed, 3 cans for 25 cents,
Extra quality and extra size can, 10 cts.
Fancy quality, the largest cans and fin
est goods packed, 2 cans for 25 cents.
. Good tomatoes, medium size, 5 cans, 25c.
CORN. Choice Maryland corn, 4 cans for 25 cents.
Fine N. Y. state sugar corn, 3 cans for 25 cents.
The finest Maine corn, 2 cans for 25 cents.
PEAS.-Fancy Early June andSweet Wrinkled, 2 causae.
Choice Marrows, 10 cents.
Good Marrowfats, 3 cans ior 25 cents, ,
L M - B EANS. Extra quality, 3 cans for 25 cents.
Fancy quality Maine, 2 cans for 25 cts.
STRING BEANS. Good quality, 4 cans for 25 cents.
Choice white wax, 3 for 25 cents.
SOU PS. Concentrated
venient 10 cents a can.
"ho largest stock and
Oil Cloth wo have ever offered,
For 6o yeais made on
honor Sold on merit.
Strictly High Grade.
Leased on Time,
nain Street,
Gifts-Plenty of Them
waiting for
price the goods js a pleasure to
Bridles, Collars,
Halters, Lines,
Saddles, Traces,
Tie Straps,
Hame Straps,
Feed Bags,
Buckles. In fact everything you
Fancy stringless, 2 cans for 25 cts.
cans for 2S cents.
six kinds good, cheap con
boataaoortmont of Floor
Solicitor llurke Notifies th Went Mnhnnoy
Township Constable.
Borough Solicitor tlurko has addressed to
Joseph I'etcrs, of Win. I'eiin, constable of
West Mahanoy township, the folio wing loiter,
which Is self oxplanatoiy :
Deab Sir: Tho trestle or bridge In the
track of tho Schuylkill Traction Company
spanning Shenandoah Creek and tho tmeks
ofthel' t& IS. lailway in tho south-western
part of this town, Is reported to bo In such
dtibeorous condition a to warrant the fullest
ami strictest investigation In tbo Interests of
I lie traveling public
"Tho matter was taken un by tho Council
of this borough at their last meeting; by
resolution tkoy directed mo to bring this case
to the attention of the District Attorney- I
did so, and that gentleman assures mo lie
will leave nothing undone toward having
tlio Company, if they bo negligent in this
respect, brought to serious account.
"It has occurred to tno that thcro is n duty
incumbent upon you as tbe constable of West
Mahanoy Twd . to examine into this report
and, if you find the report to bo well founded,
to make return of tho company to the Janu
ary term of court. The public road from
tills place to Win. renn. in your lialllwick,
skirts the trestlo or bridge in question and
you cau well understand tho awful cons -quences
should tho trestlo give way and fall
Into tbo public road II then occupied by
teams and travelers. Then, again, part of
tliis' trestlo Is, I nm told, in your township.
I shall expect you to look iuto this cane.
I shall examine your return to tho next
court. '
We're told we have the finest selections of
Xmaa presents in the county. Wonder If its
truo? Like to have your opinion. E. I),
liruniui. 12-12-tf
Mr. Gill's Greeting,
Two beautifully arranged show windows
can bo seen at liil'a dry goods store. In the
south window there Is an elaborate di-play of
linens, towels and embroidered handker
chiefs and other novelties. Mr. Gill extends
a hearty greeting to tho public la tho shape
of a Merry Christmas and a llappy New Year.
The greeting is made conspicuous by arches
at the top of the window. The north window
is devoted to coats, furs and dress goods. The
winter garments shown hold full sway in
fashiou's domain and aro most suitable to
artistic dress. Both displays are really worth
a perusal. They are the work of Klwood
Jacoby, tbo salesman, wl o is becouiiag quite
au adept in the art of window dressing. Uls
taste and manner of display is excellent.
Perfumery and Sachet Powders. Imported
and domestic. Shenandoah Drug Storo. fit
Camp 20(1, Attention.
Members of Camp 200, P. O S. of A , are
requested to attend the anniversary enter
tainnicnt iu the camp room to-morrow
(Thursday) evening, when the Qilbertou
team and sumo of tbo stato ofllcors will be
present and Initiate six new members. Tho
members of sister camps aro especially in
vited to be present. An interesting program
has been prepared. I)y order of
Daniel W. Lb me, Pros
Attest : Joiin II. Danks, Sec'y. It
The Anniversary Services.
The third of the services in conuneraora
tlon of tbo twentT.Sfth anniversary of the
Trinity Reformed church of town wss held
iu the edifice last night The pastors of
several of the local congregations participated
in a service of Christian fellowship. To
night Kov. I. F. Wagner, or Pottsville. will
occupy tho pulpit and preach ou "My Church
aud I." To-morrow night Kev. O. II
Struuck, of Schuylkill Haven, will preach.
All kinds of stove3 at Davison's.
The Third Series.
The third, of the series of the People's
Popular Entertainment Course under the
management of tbe Central Lyceum Bureau,
will be held at the Kaier opera house, Maha
noy City, December 10th. Willis Edward
Dudley will give an Illustrated entertainment
ou "The Strango Adventures of a Kodak
The Muilo Furnished
By the Schley orchestra dolights everybody.
Attend their danco at Robbius' opera house
to-morrow evening. It
Military Officers Klerted.
At a mo ting of the line otlicers of tho
Fourth Regiment, N- O. P , held at Potts
vlllo yesterday afternoon., Major John P
Erust, of Pinegrove, was elected lieutenant
0 ilonel and Captaiu E. C. Eikniun, of Coir
jmlji.i, ni;ijor. A number of ballots were
taken before a choice was reached, l.leu
tenant Colonel Ernst will succeed Christopher
T. 0'ii ell, who was recently choeen colonel
Lavc your order for Holly Wreaths, etc.,
at Shenandoah Drugstore. 12-13-5t
Different rurtlei
The John Calo mentioned In connection
with tho winter shanty prosecutions is not
the young man of that name residing ou
West Coal street, who does not frequent, or
eLcourago, such places.
Select your Xmas gifts and have them laid
aside until Christmas. Assortment is now
complete at Brumm's. 12-12 tf
Injured ut Maple Hill.
Joe Wilkarls, a miner, was Injured at noon
to-day, at Maple Hill colliery. lie was en
gaged in dressing a breast when a sudden
rush of top coal took place. He sustained a
severe contuslou over tbe left eye and other
injuries about tbo body. Tho injured man
was removed to bis home in O llara's row
aud afterwards sent to the Miners' hospital
A Sociable.
Miss Mary D. GriOithj, of 217 West Oak
street, will hold a sociable at her homo to
morrow evening, for the benefit of tho All
Saints' P. E Sunday school. The public Is
cordially invited to attend.
Made dally at Scbelder's bakery, 27 East
Centre street. Pure and delicious, 12-1-tf
The Commissioners' Sale.
There was a large attendance in court room
No. 1 yesterday to witness tbe sale of the
seated and unseated land by the County Com
missioners. Tbo bidding for some of the
land was very brisk, but for some tracts it
was Impossible to get anything at all, and
others so'.d for the nominal price of 25 cents,
All kinds of rockers at Davison's.
Will Hun for Congress.
from Mahanoy City Itecord,
The Itecord annouuees on good authority
that ueorgo M, linoads, Esq, of Pottsville,
will he a candidate for the Republican noin
luatloii fur Congress next year and bis friends
claim that ho will be a hard man to down.
All kinds of tables at Davison's,
l'astor New Charge.
Kev. L. h. Lobr, of Mahanoy City, pastor
of the Lutheran church of that place, has
accepted a call to St John's Lutheran church
of Wllliamsporf Ho will take charge of
his new Held on tbe 11 rat of tbe year.
Huyler'i candy In baskets,
prettier. Shenandoah Drug Stote.
Shenandoah's M'nufacturlnp Company's
Plant to be Rc-Establlshed.
Dr. J. 8. Klstler Will Put It In Optration
For the Manufacture of Shlrts-Hli
Plan to Promote Town Interests
a Generous One.
It will bo gratifying to the people of town
to know that one of Its hoino Industries
wliloh has been Idle for several months Is
about to bo put In operation again. The
plant is that of tho Shenandoah Manufacture
ng Company, located on North Emerick
street. It was formerly devoted to the man-
facturo of caps. According to the plans now
about to be put in operation It will hereafter
bo tlovuteil to tho Manufacture of shirts.
It will be rcmcnibered that, shortly after
the old plant suspended operations, thcro wss
public snlo and ultimately a syndicate.
beaded by Dr. J S. Klstler, of town,
secured full control of the old company's
stock. Subsequently Dr. Klstler made an
nounccment through the press outlining a
plan tending to re-establish the industry and
offering to give personal financial and otbor
id in that direction. Tho oQ'er seemed to
pass unnoticed by local people and Dr.
klstler then took slips towards getting out
sido manufacturers interested in tbe plant.
Tho movement in this direction did not bring
the results desired, whereupon Dr. Kistler
decided to take hold of the plant single
handed and It has culminated In, arrange
ments for a shirt factory to be operated undor
the old uamoof the Shenandoah Manufactur
ing Company.
Iu conversation with a reporter last even-
ug Dr. Klstler said that there Is plenty of
unemployed girl labor hero and if It can be
given employment It will be so much better
for tbo borough. Ho will open the factory
next Monday with 32 marhinos and 35 girls.
A forewoman will bo employed to teach tbe
girls and make them operatives, and there
will bo a man employed to superintend tbe
factory, while Dr. Kistler will be the presi
dent and general manager of the concern.
My solo ambition in this movement."
said Dr. Kistler. "Is to give tho borough
homo Industries. If lean make this one a
success I am sure others will follow and we
will then have something in tho place
for the working people to depend upon
othor than tbe collieries, in which
only male labor can be employed.
1 will start the plant With 35 machines and
shall bo satisfied to maintain the plant for
tho first three mouths as an experiment, even
if I must go down into my own pocket to
help pay some of the expenses. If. at the
expiration of sixty days, the plaut gives
promise of becoming self supporting I will
double tbe number of machines, and, if the
prospects continue favorable, I shall Increase
the number of machines from time to
tlmo to oue hundred and fifty, or more.
have secured tbe services of a
Philadelphia lady who will instruct
the girls lu tho work required of
thorn. I have also made arrangements with
a New York firm which will furnish all goods
for manufacture and take the products of the
plant off ray bands and put them on the
Dr. Klstler Is certainly setting an excellent
example for other people in town who have
money to Invest and liave tbe welfare of the
borough at heart. On no previous occasion
has any other townsman made so liberal and
substantial an advance in tbe interests of tbe
working people of tbe borougb, single banded
and without tho assistance of any of his
equally well-to-do townsmen, or a Board of
Trade. Tho effort Is deserving of the highest
commendation and tbe community will unite
in the hope that it will bo as successful as the
promoter desires it to bo.
kjnqtqwn 8 NEW INDUSTRY.
: boom has been created in Blngtown by
tho establishment of a shirt factory in that
village. The Industry will he operated by
A 0 Bishop. Fred Jay, a former resident
of town, has been appointed foreman of tho
t'lin Number of Mine Accidents During the
l'Hst Vear.
The fiscal year of tho mining districts of
this state closes on December 1st. Mine In
spector William Stein has completed his of.
flciul report for the year ending on the 1st
Tbe record is as follows : Total accidents,
107; fatal, 71; non-fatal, 00; number of
widows, 37; orphans, 75, The accidents are
divided by months as follows: December,
180S, 14; January, 1800, 15; February, 6;
March, 10; April, 8; May, 6; June, ID; July,
12; August, 12; September, 14; October,
November 20.
Of these accidents 22.5 per cent, were due
to falls of coal; 12.7 per cent, to explosions of
gas; 14 per cent, to falling under moving
cars; 11.3 per ceut. to premature blasts,
I lie- causes of the accidents are more
specifically divided as follows i Explo
sions of gas, 0; falling under ears, 10;
premature blasts, 8; rushes of coal down
cliutes3; falls of coal, 10; caught by shaft
water tank, J ; struck by centre prop In slopo,
falling down traveling way, 1 : falls of
rock, 7 ; falling down slope, 3 ; killed by loco
motive, 1 ; explosions of powder, 2; fallijg
from mule, 1; falling dwn chute, 1; kicked
by mule.'l ; by breaker machinery, 1 ; stnoth
eied by rush of coal and culm, 4 ; drowned In
shaft, 1.
To the Smoker,
How will a box of 25 Henry W Sage cigars
bit you for a X-mas present r Shenandoah
Drug Store. 12-13-5t
Chicago Wants I lie Convention,
H pedal to JiVBNUd HEluin.
Chicago, Dec. 13. President George Hiller,
of the Hamilton club, has appointed a com
mtttce of twenty. live Bepublicans to travel
to Washington, D. C, under tho leader bip
of Samuel II. ltaymoud, leaving here to-day.
and lay persistent siege to the natioual com
iniiteeinen until they consent to nominate
the Kepublican Presidential ticket lu Chicago.
The committee will be empowered to offer
any uecessary amount of money for the ex
penses of tho convention, ami the Hamilton
Club will pledge itself to raise tbe sum and
provide the auditorium in which the con
vention may sit.
Without a Doubt
Tho finest assortment of rings and jewelry
is shown ut Ellis Deull's, 123 South Main
street. 12-12-llt
Ask your grocer lor the "Boyal Patent"
flour, and take no other brand. It Is the bea
fl-'Er made.
The December Letter of the Anthracite
Uoat Oprraturs' Association,
The past month has fullv Instlfled thn nro.
dictions made during tbe lummor as to a
scarcity of fuel. At every point of the mar.
Lot this difficulty has been experienced.
From Maine to Minnesota there have been
complaints, and it has been only because of
toe moderate weatber that the shortsgo has
not caused more serious consequences.
rnces nave beeu arm. as iiilubt be ex
pected under these condition-, aud conces
sions have been rare. Such coal as lus gone
torwaru on old omen lias not been sufficient
to disturb tbo market at any point, nor has
the announcement of the construction of a
new railroad from tho mines to tide been a
disturbing factor iu prices.
1 be Western market has been favored
the mild weather which bis permitted ship
ments by the lakes, but tho scarcity of vessels
and high prices charged have forced an un
usual proportion of coal to go by rail. The
same difficulty as to vessels has been experi
enced in the New England market. Beceutly,
vessel rates irom llalllmore to Boston were
f 2 00 per ton, htid a schooner from Philadel
phia to Augusts, Maine, received f3.50 por
As showing the unusual demand, the fnl.
lowing figures give the receipts of coal at
Boston from January 1st to December 4th,
1899. IVM
Anthracite 2,012,04 1,998 HI
llltumlnous 1,590,597 l,fl0l,el
With the beginning of December the com.
panics find themselves unable to fill all of the
orders offered for prompt delivery. Even al
lowing for tho tonnage available now that
lake navigation has closed it is doubtful
whether the total of December deliveries will
equal the demand. This would have serious
results, especially in the Eastern market
where the dealers have had an extraordinary
nemanu lor anthracite, owinz to tbe search v
of bituminous coat. The quantity of coal go
ing to market represents the maximum nro-
duc.ion. There are neither cars or motive
power to move a greater tonnage, and further,
it there was abundant transportation, the
mines are so hampered by the cenoral scarcity
of miners and laborers, that they would not
bo able to add to their output, and in the
event of cold weather there are no surplus
stocks which can be drawn upon.
With the demand greater than tho buddIv.
it is evident that no lower prices can Ira
looked for until Spring, since even should
the working time in January, February and
March be increased, tho excess n.-er the
normal consumiition during these months
would not be more than sufficient to meet tbe
extraordinary demaud and bring Mocks to a
safe amount.
Umbrellas suitable for Xmas gifts from
$1.50 to $8 00. New patterns iu handles just
received at Brumm's. 13-12-tf
Chip Anniversary.
Camp 208, P. O S. of A., of town, will ap
propriately celebrate tbe anniversary of the
organization In the camp room to-morrow
evening. A special program has been pre
pared for the occasion and it is evident a
large assembly of members of the order In
this and adjoining towns will be present.
One of the features of the evening will be the
initiation of six new members The degree
team of the Oilberton camp will exemplify
the unwritten work, and their proficiency in
this respect is well known throughout the
district. In additiou several of tho state of.
fleers have promised to be present and partic
ipate in the entertainment. The members of
the camp look forward to the event with a
great deal of pleasure and extend a cordial
invitation to members of other camps to join
ith them In celebrating Jointly the anniver
sary of tbe Order and the 100th anniver
sary of the death of Washington. State
President Cameron Scbultz, of Danville, and
ex-Judge R. II. Kocb, have notified the
camp that they will be present.
All kinds of presents at Davison's.
Itemoved to l'hllailelphla.
T. J. Foley, the well-known saloon man of
uilberton, has shipped his household effects
from the latter placo to his handsome home
at the corner of Tenth and Jefferson streets.
Philadelphia, purchased recently at a cost of
$20,000. Mr. Foley will conduct a retail
liquor business at that location in the Quaker
City. His family will leave in a day or two.
Try our Hokey-Pokey Taffy, at 20c per
pound. At M. L. Kcmaiorer & Co.'s. 4-18t
Objected to Ills Wife Wallllng.
For walltlng with Joo Cobley at the ball
in Armory hall, Mahanoy City, Mrs. George
Shad was beaten by her husband. After
leaving the ball be followed her to tho domo
of her mother, where he was trounced by his
wife's brother, Sammy Graham. The latter
was sued before a local 'Squire and eutered
ball for triil at court.
Store Itoom for Kent.
April 1st, 1000, now occupied by Frank
Schmidt, 110 North Miin street. Apply at
store. 12-0-tf
New i:ieclrlo Light l'laut.
It is said that a new electric light plant Is
to be erected iu Uazleton and that a bid will
be made for lighting tbe city. The projec
tors are well kuown business meu aud are
large real estate owners.
Buy your Clothing at Harry Levlt's.
The Spring Hrglstratlon.
The various ward assessors are tacking up
notices notifying voters that they will be at
tnelr respective polling places on tbe 19th
and 20tu ol this month for the purpose of
registering voters for the spring election.
All kinds of nut meats at M. L. Kemmerer
& Co.'s. Walnuts. 20 cents : shellbarks. 35
cents. 12-1-18 1
Just In Time for Clirialmts.
1 lie i , s II. railway always mages It a
point to pay the employes on the entire sys
tem before tbe Christmas holidays. In order
to do so this year, Paym-ster Guy started out
two days earlier than usual. His schedule
calls far him to be at Mahanoy Plaue on
December gist.
All kinds of furniture at Davison's.
The Tunnel Vtutlhttlon.
James McCabe, who for many years was
mine foremtn at Schuylkill colliery, yester
day visited tbe site of the proposed new
ventilating shaft at the East Mahanoy
tunnel, In company with Superintendent
John Veith, of Pottsville. Work will be
begun at once. When the shaft Is completed
it will avoid tho deadly and obnoxious gases
In that tunnel that railroaders now have to
contend with.
Special For This Week Only,
Our 40-cent chocolates for 30 cents per
pound, Ttiey are - delicious. At M. L.
Kemmerer & Co.'s. 12-4-18t
At Hauler's, .
Choice beef, lamb, pork and mutton,
picketed pig's feet, tongues aud tripe, sau
sages. All Kinds of fresh aud smoked meats;
eggs aud butter. Cherry and Chestnut
streets. tf
Robber Band Surrounded and Cap
tured Near Mnlaequi,
They Commit! nl Twenty-five Mnr
ilcr. In nx Mnn- Hnn, nml It la Hi
prctPil That Titer Will He Sprcillly
Tried anil Promptly Shot.
Mnlla, Doc. 13. Colonel Smith,
with a detachment ot tho Seventeenth
Infantry, surrounded and captured In
a village near Malasqul a party of
guerrillas, who had made their head
quarters Uicto. The party lueludd
the band whloh ansosslnated seven of
ficials at Malanqnl for friendliness to
the Americans.
AU are Insurgents who became ban
dita when the disintegration ot the
Filipino army begnn. They kept the
country around Mnlasqul In a state of
terror for several weeks, and commit
ted 25 murders In less than that num
ber of days. When they were caught
they woro promptly sent to General
MacArthirr's headquarters nt Haynm
bang by trnln. It Is expected that they
will be speedily tried and either shot
or hunp, as an example, If convicted.
The whole country north of San
Fernnndo and between San Fernando
and Manila, except within tho perma
nent lino of troops around the city,
and the closely patrolled stretches of
railroad, swarms with similar bands.
Probably they will be Increased by
men from Pllnr's army, many of whom
are making their way south to join
me insurgent force in Cavlte province.
These people, for the most part, suc
ceeded In dodging the troops of Gen
eral urant. Colonel Dell and Colonel
Hood, who are scouring the country
for thom. They devote their energies
to ambushing commissary wagons and
to picking up soldiers who leave their
commands. Uvory dny some wagon
train Is fired upon or somo soldier dis
appears. General Wheeler's secretary,
Mr. Garrett, was disarmed and slash
ed by a boloman almost within sight
of headquarters, his assailant pursuing
him almost Into tho headquarters
The policy of these ruffians Is to
make the country uninhabitable for
Americans and to frighten natives Into
refraining from giving any assistance
to tho Americans, as well as to compel
the Inhabitants to support the Insur
Frequently they raid and loot towns.
The brother of tho president of Imus
went outside tho town the other dny
to harvest some rice. He was captured
by his compatriots, accused of being
a spy and executed.
Only a small proportion of the Insur
gent arms have been surrendered, and
the problem of suppressing this guer
rilla warfare Is anything but easy of
solution. Some of the American of
ficers think It worse than fighting In
dians, owing to the difficulties of the
country and the trouble of locating the
onomy, who resort, when hard pressed,
to the amlgo dodge and hide their guns.
Some of the Americans favor the Is
suance of a proclamation declaring nil
natives found with arms to be bandits,
punishable as criminals. Instead of be
ing treated as prisoners of war.
Information hns been recolved nt
headquarters that BOO Spanish prison
ers have been shipped from Vlgan to
Manila, and thnt 1,500 others have been
assembled at Vlgan, Including General
Pena. Probably these are Spaniards
released by General Young's troops In
the Bonguet district, where they were
concentrated by the Insurgents,
If Vou W-iit ltiirKittns
In Overcoats and Suits, go to Harry Lovlt's.
Go. lid of Youthful Ilu'rKliir Arrested.
Altoona, Pa., Dec. 13. Police yes
terday arrested a gang of youthful
burglars red handed. They were
caught In the boiler house In tbe rear
of Attorney Thomas H. Greevy's resi
dence, where one of them, Sam Hamm,
aged 15. colored, was fireman. The
others were Henry Lewis, aged 16, col
ored, iioy Netr. aged 15, and John Bart,
aged 1G, both white. They confessed to
robbing J. H. Miller's grocery on Elev-
entn street, Monday night, and some
of the stolen goods were found In their
possession. They also admitted break
ing Into and ransacking tho office of
tne Eleventh Avenue Onora House.
The police bolteve those boys are re
sponsible for petty robberies here for
months past.
To Care a Cold In Oue Day
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All
druggists refund the money if It falls to cure.
E. W. Grove's signature Is on each box. 25c.
lloti-l Cook llurut-il to Ili-nth,
Scranton, Pa., Dec. 13. Nellie Mc-
Olnness, one of the Hotel Jermyn
cooks, was about the range when a
spark Ignited her dreaa, and In a short
time she wad In a maw of flame. She
ran screaming Into the street, and Pat-
ricK nianon, a hotel employe, followed
to save her. His clothing also became
Ignited, and before he could extinguish
them by rolling Into a pool of water
In the gutter he was severely burned.
The woman died soon after, but there
1b hope for Mahon's recovery.
All kluds of heaters at Davison's.
Snow anil Italn Fall,
John R Strauch. mining engineer for tbe
P.& It. O. & I. Co., has prepared a record of
tbe snow and rain fall for the eleven months
of 1809 ending December 1st. The total fall of
snow in inches is 3SJ, and the total fall of
rain Is 39 67. The precipitation for tho same
mouths In 1S9S was S1.3 Inches.
Vegetable soup to-night. Sour krout, pork
and mashed potatoes to-morrow morning.
Extra lunch to-night. Vegetable soup to
morrow morning.
Clam soup will be servod, free, to all pa
trons to-night.
WEE its.'
Hot tamales to-night.
Bean soup, free, to-night.
Will buy heavy fleeced
lined underwear in
all colors. Shirts or
Will buy- a nice
shirt or dwffara in
the best of WhcI
UHir goons,
Gent's half hose, all kinds,
t tewgrjees.
Our hats and neckwear ar Inter-.
estlng fbr every buyer."
Remember we sell the genuine
Stetson hat.
New Ones
Low Prices.
Children's Coats, latest Gretchen
double box plete in back, slashed
reveres, trimmed with four rows,
pearl buttons, and white Hercules
braid, corded collar, $2.98.
ANOTHER Fancy mixed goods,
lull size collar, trimmed with two
rows silk., soutache atinne fiinrv
braid, tworows ou cufis and collar.
A I rs ft x
dl.SH only. v,
Babv's Conts. Wln't-P .dimnn
fancy cape, embroideried cape at
White Cashmere Coat embroid
eried puffed sleeves, circular collar,
at SI 49.
Fine Cashmere extra lotnr tmffed
sleeves, full size cape, trimmed
wun lancy ribbon and braid, three
pearl buttons, four tucks and fancy
braid around skirt and lined, $2.37.
Lone Bedford cord elonlr trimmer!
with silk braid on yoke and satin
ribbon on collar, $2,37,
Child's Reefers in fancv boucle.
all colors, inlaid cloth, cream and
black soutache to match, bound
In ladies' and misses' we have a
EOod line of Golfs. Plush Canes.
S4.98, and better.
1L T
DDCPCMTO I a11 kmds- Foot
I ntO LN I O I Stools, all prices.
New goods just
received at
i0 South Jardln Street.
j: jJEW country dried S
IN cherries and apples.
Peaches. Efrfrc Plums.
Green Gaees. (
Apricots. Pears CANS.
Lemon Peel and Citron
Flavoring Extracts, Spkes.