The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, December 09, 1899, Image 2

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"All the News That's fit to Print."
iihlHItwl ewy rir, eaeept Sunday, nt
Houtli Jardin street, Slioimiidofth, Pa
Thr HernUl Is delivered In Shenandoah and tlie
urroundlng towns for six cents b w ek, li
able to llio carriers, lly mall W O) n year, or
23 cents a month payable In advance Ail
vertlscments charged according to spue mid
position. Tho publishers rwerre the right
to change the position of advertisements
whenever the publication of news demands
It The right Is reserved to reject any
advertisement, whether paid for or not, that
the publishers limy deem Improper. Adver
tising rates made known upon application,
ntered at tho poet ofllce at Hhenandoah, l'a., as
second class mall mster.
OBxuntUt0 mtUx
OUR COUNTRY : First, Last and Forever.
Tub latest: AKiUnaldo's present
locution is unknown.
If our anus linel captured Aggie's
mother-in-law, there would be no tell
inpr when the war would end.
Ex-Speaker Rkkd will have the
satisfaction of knowinfj that his rules
are to continue long after his rule is
FOR a uian of such small stature,
citizen James Oleary seems to be
carrying some very larg.j chips on his
We are indebted to Hon. Charles
N. ftrnmm for bound conies of the
Congressional Record of the 54th
Concress, for which he will accept
our thanks.
Thk "Insurgents," according to
newspaper reports, will carry the war
against tho "Old Man" to the bitter
end. And the end is not yet but
who will reap the bitter end T
A MAN on a leaky steamship at sea
is nothing compared to the feeling of
hra silvr "leaders" as a result of
the November election in this county,
Ex-Senator King and his friends have
the laugh on them.
Thk Miners' Journal makes serious
accusations against some of the He
publican leaders in this county.'and
when requested to come out in the
open and name the men charged, our
contemporary fails to respond, in
Justice to other leaders, the Journal
should be more explicit.
Thk First Assistant Postmaster has
decided that it will be incompatible
with the best interest of the service
to retain married women as post
office clerks. The department has
ruled that when a woman clerk
marries it will be necessary for them
to resign from the service. The
naughty department !
The coining Spring eleotiou in
Shenandoah, if it is possible to forecast
from the expressions of voters of both
parties, will be decided upon the
merits of the candidates, irrespective
of party affiliations. The independent
voter will be out in force in February,
and the party that selects the most
capable and intelligent nominees for
Council and School Board will control
those bodies next year.
Oslt a little over two weeks re
malu before Christmas, and the boll
day season in the stores lias already
started la encouragingly. Show win
dows are full of new and attractive
things, and the stores themselves are
packed with new stocks of holiday
goods ready for the onslaught of the
shoppers. Many people are wise
enough to do their Christinas buying
before the crowded days of the end
of the season, thug avoiding the dis
comfort of the orowds, and also hav
ing tilt; advantage of full fitoeksfroin
which to make their selections. The
leweldrs. the dry goods men, the
clothiers, the shoe men, the grocers,
furniture men, haberdashers, inilii
ners. stove men; Indeed, all the mer
chants are showing unusual activity,
and the streets in the shopping centre
already present a much busier ap-
nearance than for many a day. The
storekeepers expect a very busy sea
son. and have prepared themselves
for it in a generous fashion, and the
prudent ones tell the people what
they have to sell through the Hkrald
columns, whose circulation is equal
to that of all other publications eoui
bined circulating in Shenandoah,
r?rvr UlCAV CTniHATH
ttipation and Malaria
Nothing so quick to take efftu us
Tbtv strengthen the Btom .
Stimulate the
iiTer. cure ioiiiipj,uu,
1' NTRK SVSTKM. A new and perfect substl
tute for Liver 1'ilU and Cathartics None so
flood, and none so Chp. Largs box (jj
Tablets) lo Cents, By tnall for five jieut sumps.
Made at
The Johnson Laboratories, Inc., Philadelphia.
txkei married
women through
thu whole period
of pregnancy in
safety and com
fort It is used externally and it relaxes
the muscles so that there is no dis
comfort. It prevents- and relieves
morning sickness, headache and rising
breasts, shortens labor and preserves
the mother' girl
ish form.
SI a bottlo ot
Send for a Fail
copy of our Illus
trated booklet
The Brndftold Regulator Co., Atlanta, Ga.
Sunday Specials.
Services In the Trinity Reformed church
to-niorrow at 10:00 a. in., anil 0:30 n. m.
Sunday school nt 1:B0 p. m. Prayer service
on WedlietflAy, nt 7:i(U p. in. The liHUlcs' Aid
on Tuesday evening, and the IiettlelhtirK
League on Thurruay evening. The Willing
Workers on Saturday, at 8:80 p. m and the
choir on Monday and Friday evening, llcv.
7, A. Yearlck. pastor.
Regular services will 1m held in the United
Evangelical church, North Jardin street, to
morrow at 10 a. m. and 8.30 p m. Sunday
school at 2.00 p. in. Hcv. J. 1. flcusyl, pastor.
I. L. C. K. on Monday evening. 1'rayer,
raise and testimony meeting every Tiles
ay. Wednesday and Thursday evenings.
Mule study every Friday evening. .Ir K. L.
C. E. every Saturday evening at 7 o'clock.
Primitive Methodist church, James Moore,
pastor. Preaching at 10:80 a. in. and 0:80
p.m. Sunday school at x p. in. Class meet
ing on Wednesday evening. General prayer
meeting on Thursday evening. Everybody
Services in All Saints' Protestant Episcopal
I nirch, on West Oak street, to-morrow
as follows: Holy Communion, 8:00 a. m.
Morniur prayer and sermon, 10:30. Sunday
school. 8:00 p. m. L'veniiig prayer and ser
moil, 7:00. U. w. Van rossen, pastor.
First Baptist church, corner of West anil
Oak streets, Uev. D. I. Evans iitor. Services
nt 10a. m. and Op. m. Sunday bohool at 2 p. m.
l'rayer meeting aionuay evening. loung
People's meeting Wednesday evenings.
Class meeting Thursday evenings.
Services will he hold at the Presbyterian
church during the coming week as follows:
Sabbath preaching services, 10:30 n. m and
0:H0 p. in. Sabbath school, 2 pm. Senior
Christian tmueavor. v:au p. m., louowing me
evening service. Weekday servicos in the
lecture room : Midweek prayer meeting ami
biblo lecture. Thursday evening, at 7:30
Junior Christian Endeavor, Saturday after
noon, at 4 o clock. All are made welcome.
Seats free. II. W. Koehler. pastor.
Methodist Episcopal churoh, corner Oak
and White streets. Bev. J. T. Swindells,
paster. Class meeting at 9:30 a. in., led by
Thomas J. Keese. sermon at iu:.(U a. m.
Sunday school at 2 p. m., Dr. J. S. Callen,
Superintendent. Sermon at 0:30 p. ni. Seats
tree, jsveryuouy welcome.
Calvary Baptist church, South Jardin
street. Preaching to-morrow at 10:30 a. in.
and 0:30 p. ni. Itev. It. 11. Alhins, pastor.
Sabbath school at 2 p. m., Deaonn
John Bunn, Superintendent. B. Y. P. U.
Tuesday evening, at 7:30. Wednesday
revelling, general prayer meeting at 7:30.
Everybody welcome.
St. John's Lutheran church, West Cherry
street. Itev. John Gruhler, pastor. Preach
ing, 10 a. in. ; Sunday school, 1:30 p. m. ;
preaching 0:30 p. m.
St. Michael's Greok Catholic church, West
Centre street. Eev. Cornelius Laurisiu, pas
tor. Matotinum service 9 a. m. High mass
10 a. m.
Churoh of the Holy Family, (Gorman R.
C.) North Chestnut street. Itev. A. T. Schut
tlehofcr, pastor. First mass 8 a. m., second
mass 10 a. ni.
St. Casimir's Polish It. C. church, North
Jardin street. Uev. J. A. Leuarklewicz,
pastor. First mass 8 a. m high mass 10 a.
in., vespers and benediction 4 p. m.
Church of the Annunciation, 218 West
Cherry street. Eev. II. F. O'Reilly, pastor;
Rev James Kane, assistant pastor. First
mass, 7 a. in., second mass, 8 a. m., high mass,
10 a. m, bonodiction, 7 p. m.
St. Stanislaus church. Morning services on
Suu'day at 8 and 10. Vespers at 7 o'olock.
Sunday school at 2 p. m. Rector Weneslaus
V, Matnlaitis,
Keheleth Israel Congregation, corner of
Oak and West Btreete, Rev. Henry Mit
nlkypastov. Saturday services, 8 to 10a. in.,
and 3 to 5 n. m. Sunday services 8 to lo a. m.
and every week day morning from 7 to 8 a. m.
Llker Finding Money,
Tho use of the Endless Chaiu Starch Hook
lu the purchase of "Red Cross" and "ilub
ingcr's Best" starch, makes it just like flud-
ing money, why, for only 5c. you are en-
ablec' to get one large 10c. paokage of Red
Cross" starch, one large 10c. package of
"Hubineer's Best" starch. with the
nremiums. two Shakespeare panels, printed
in twelve beautiful colors, or one Twentieth
Century Girl Calendar, embossed In gold.
Ask your grocer for this starch and obtain
the beautiful Christmas presents free.
TST Coiifrreim nt Alletreri Cruelties to
Iriulio Miner.
"Washington, Dec. 9. Representative
Lentz, of Ohio, yesterday introduced a
Joint resolution reciting the charges
growing out of the presence of United
Btates troops under Brigadier General
Merriam at the centers of mining
troubles In Idaho, and asking for an
Investigation by a special committee
of nine members, to be appointed by
the speaker. The solution says that
It is a matter of general information
that United States troops were sent to
Idaho in defiance of and contrary to
the federal constitution. It Is asserted
that General Merriam declared mar
tial law, and "arbitrarily and without
warrant of law" arrested hundreds of
citizens and held them under "most
brutal and tyrannical conditions."
The arrests, it is charged, included
many members of the miners' union
and the local sheriff. It is asserted
that many men were imprisoned in a
"bull pen," a place unfit for human
habitation. Allegation is made that
one prisoner became insane from the
treatment, and escaping was shot as
he jumped into a river. It is also
charged that a dying prisoner was de
nied spiritual consolation. Specific
acts of cruelty are given, Including
compulsory standing erect for seven
hours each day In the hot aun, under
penalty of death if attempt was made
to move or sit down. It is alleged
also that a captain under General
Merriam "amused himself by calling
prisoners 'cowardly cur,' while these
punishments were being inflicted." The
resolution also recites that the wives
and families ot miners were insulted
by soldiers, and it is alleged that re
sponsibility for the various actions re
cited rests with the mining companies
of the locality.
l'rolilltllloli Drftmteil In fJeorKln.
Atlanta, Dec. 8. By a vote of 26
to 14 the Willlngham bill was killed
in the senate yesterday ami state pro
hibition defeated. The various roll
calls consumed an hour, a great many
senators rising to explain their votes.
The debate was carried on with great
Vigor. Had the measure passed the
senate it would have been so amended
as to kill its purpose. The fight has
been the fiercest the s'.ae has ever
known along this line, hut it is now
believed the question Is uifectually set
tled for some time.
AH Npt Wcplt tho (lolil Slumlord
UeiiKiire Will lie- lllNfllMNtMl.
Washington, Dec. 9. The house yps
torday adopted a special order for tho
consideration of the currency hill, be
ginning next Monday, lly the terms
of the order the general debate will
continue until Friday. On Saturday
amendments may bo offered under tho
live minute riils.'hrttl on the following
Monday the votejvill he taken. The
Democrats, PopuTTfts and Sllverites
presented a solid front against tho
adoption of the resolutions, and every
Republican voted for it. Mr. Hichnrd
Bon, leader of the minority, taunted
some of the majority leaders with thoir
change of front in coming out for tho
gold standard, but Mr. Grosvanor and
Mr. Cannon good naturedly replied that
they had learned somothlng with ad
vancing years.
Representative .Hltt, of Illinois, in
troduced a bill to provide a territoria
form of government for Hawaii. It lo
similar to the measure reported to the
house last year, providing a territorial
governor, appointed by the presldont,
and a legislature of two houses. Among
tho other hills introducedwere: To pro
vent monopolies and trusts and for tho
free coinage of gold and silver; admit
ting veterans of the war with Spain to
the homes for disabled soldiers; for ad
ditional homestead lands to those who
participated in the war with Spain or
with the Philippines; extending the
contract labor laws to Hawaii; to
create a commission to pass on claims
of United States citizens growing out
of the war with Spain.
A Card.
We, the undersigned, do horoby agrco to
refund the money on a 50-coiit bottlo of
Greeno's Wan-anted Syrup of Tar if it fails
to cure your oough or cold. Wo also guaran
tee a 3fi-oent bottlo to prove satisfactory or
money refunded.
A. Wasley, C, II. Hagcnbiich,
Shenandoah Drug Store, P.W. Bierstein & Co.
I'oiHillNtft Iwnn Ifiirfy Convention,
Memphis, Dec. 9. The members of
the national organization committee ot
the People's party met here yesterday.
The committee urged the national ex
ecutive committee to call the national
convention in February, 1900.
Sick Headaches,
Tho curso of overworked womankind, aro
quickly and surely cured by Karl's Clover
Root Tea, tho great blood purifier and tissue
buildor. Money rofuuded if not satisfactory.
Price 25 ets. and 50 ct. Sold by P. D. Klrlln
ona guarantee.
Clr-vi-lillid'N 'i -. ,i-; T::l- inK Clfrlcx
Cleveland, i i-i. !). Samuel G. Rrook
er, who v. us a clerk in the city audi
tor's department during the last city
administration, under Mayor McKls
son, wns arrested on Indictments
charging him with obtaining money
from the city upon false bills. This Is
the fifth arrest caused by the city
rouncll investigation now under way.
Three secret indictments were returned
y the grand Jury yesterday.
What Is Shlloh 7
A'graud old remedy for Cough, Colds nud
Consumption; usod through tho world for
half a century, has cured innumerable cases
of incipient consumption and relieved many
lu advanced stages. If you aro not satisfied
with the results we will refund your money
Price 23 cta 50 eta. and $1.00. Sold by P. D
Kirltn on a guarantee
I'piuisj 1 vanin Fugitive In Maryland.
Towson, Md., Dec. 9. Ofilcers from
York, Pa arrived here yesterday and
identified Harry S. Ainsbaugh, 19 years
old, wanted In York for an alleged
criminal assault upon 6-year-old May
Ainsbaugh, daughter of Joseph Ains-
baugn, or Freystown.a suburb of York
The offense is said to have been com
mitted Sept. 6, 1893. It is stated that
Ainsbaugh, who is the uncle of his al
leged victim, left home soon after. He
was serving a sentence of 30 days in
Jail for a minor offense. The prisoner
was committed for the action of the
Pennsylvania authorities.
Arjrentlne'M Wlient ProspiM't.
Buenos Ayres, Dec. 9. The wheat
prospects in the Argentine Republic
are excellent. There will probably be
an exportable surplus of 2,000,000 tons.
The linseed crop will reach 350,000
tons, and the total wool clip is about
225,000 tons, which guarantees an ex'
portable surplus.
"pHERE Is a certain stylish ef
S I feet about garments made 2
"2 from thc;o Celebrated Pat- 5:
terns that Is not attained by the 2;
-2 use of any other patterns. 2;
(No-Scam-Allowance Patterns.) :
S Have r it an e i ii f- r ; le :n,r1 perfect S"
l hi Easy to u J i . ami l g2
ct. eat h m ie lniur 1 in n- .rl C
ccry City ai.J tnwn, nrh m .1 Ahk fur 3;
t; designs. At uluUly t..QVi i 1 lal .t Stilt,.
;5 of lior n Mrctioa u ill be (riven 2-
every subtcnl--r lo 3;
One that everv ladv should take reeu-
tjj larly Beautiful colorrd plati latrst 3
1 fashions; dressmaking economies; fancy jj
lm work , honshnld hints ; Ik tin i, etc Sub
3 scribe to-day, or, st-nd 5c for latest copy. 3
Lady agenis vai.tLd. Scad fur terms. 3-
130-146 WBt 14th St., New York. :
These celebrated patterns and pub
lications are for sale, and recom
mended by L. J. Wilkinson
Dr. Humphreys'
Spcciilos euro by acting directly upon
the disease, without exciting disorder in
any other part of the system.
1 I'cieri, Congestions, Inflammstloos. .'25
!i Worms, Worm Fotw, Worm Colic. .S3
3 Tee I hi n n, CoUo, Crying, WaktulnsM ,J5
'1-Dlarrhea, ot Children or Adults MS
7 Coughs. Oolds, Bronchitis 'J 5
8 Xeurntgln, Toothache, Faoeaehe.... ,33
l-lleadache. Sick Headache, Vertigo.. .2,1
1 0- D vspepal a, ladlseaUon.Waalc Stomach .2 a
11 Huiipri'Med orl'alnlul I'erlods 'J3
I'J-Whltas. Too Profuse Periods 'J3
13-C'roup, Laryillll, Hoarsonwa 3
11 bolt Itlieuni, ZiralpaUs, Bruptions.. .123
13 Ilheuiualltni, Hheiunatlc Palu IS
10-MaJarla. CWU w d Agne .... .23
10 Catarrh, IbSimbw. Cold In too Head .23
iiO Whooplnj.t'ougli 23
27-Kldney Ill.eine! .23 Debility 1,00
30-l'rlnary WmknuH, WsMsvgBed.... .23
TT-Orlp, IlayPsrer .25
Dr. Hu.i iihrejra' Manual of all Diseases at your
DrUKi; i .i Mallwl tree.
8,Td h .ii uKleu, or aent on receipt of prrce.
Hun i.hnv tfetLUo Cor. WlUIsm & John 8U.,
MrnMTr1!w i ii ii i ii.i.ii.ii'l.rp7fl
llo sure you iii't ii meillrino before
.you tako it, but Im ng once found oat
that you need it lose no time in get
'ting tho best. If u's for the Kidneys,
Llvcr, Bladder or Blood, Rheumatism,
iDyspcpsin or fur Chronic C'uiMlpatlon,
tho best is Dr. David Kunncdv's Favor-
ilte Itemed v, and a vory simple wny to
iflnd out if you tired it, is to put some
Inrlnein a glass tumbler and let it stand
B4 hours: if it then has a sediment or a
milky, cloudy appearance; if it is ropy
pr ntnnpy, pnle or discolored, you do
ot need a plijsioian to toll you that
ijou should take favorite Rcmedv at
fcneo. It spued lly cures such dancer
'ous symptoms us pnin in tho back, fre
quent desire to urinate, especially at
night, burning scalding pain iir passing
water, tho staining of linen by your
'nrlnoand nil tho miplrni)t and dun
gerous effects produeiMl on tho system
'by tho use of wliinkov mid beer. All
Tollable! druggists sell Dr. David Kon-
neuys rnvorno Kemeiiy nt $1.1)0 a
bottlo, or 0 bottles for $r 00.
By aspecinl and piirlieular arrange
ment with tho ninniifnehirnrR. nnr rrnrl.
lers can try tills grand medicine abso
lutely ireo. lly simply sontllngyourfull
name and rott office address to the DR.
Avuimuu,., a,, i , in, iiuuiiiiiK mis paper.
When a trial bottle of Favorite, Reme
dy. tOL'othor with a tianiniilet of vnlun.
bio medical advice, will bo sent you by
tnall postpaid.
liie-puuiisiicrs oi tills paper guar
antee tho genuineness of this libora
Temperatures have generally risen
east of the ltocky mountains, except
lu tho Ohio valley.
In the Pacific
coast and plateau
regions the pres
sure Is high, ex
cept in the south
ern portions, and
rains were quite
general, changing
to snow In the
higher portions of
tho pleateau re-
trlmi tiYironnot for
this section: Fair
today; probably showers tomorrow;
variable winds, becoming fresh east
erly. Sunrise, 7:15; sunset, 4:43; length of
iay, 9h., 28m.; moon rises, 12:07 p. tn.;
noon sets, 12:01 a. m.
Tor Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Mi'Kmtin-ii UofontM KouriiN.
New York, Dec. 9. George McFad-
den, of this city, defeated Tim Koarns
of Boston, in a hard fought battle of
25 rounds at tho lightweight limit, 133
pounds, before the Broadway Athletic
club last night, McFadden was
stronger and moro scientific than his
opponent, but Kearns fought well and
scored some clever points. McFadden
outpointed Kearns in a majority ot
Graln-0 I Grain-0 I
Remember that name when you want a dc
licious, appetizing, nourishing food drink to
tako tho placo of coffee. Sold by all grocers
aud liked by all who have used it. Graln-0
is made of pure grain, it aids digestion and
strengthens tho nerves. It Is not a stimulant,
but a health .builder and the children as well
as tho adults tan drink it with great benefit
uosts anout t as much as coueo. loc and sac.
per package. Ask your grocer forGraiu-O.
Luroil Into Now Yorlc State nnd
PIhooiI Umlor Arrojit.
New York, Doc. 9. Several Interest
ing points developed yesterday in con
nection with the trial of Roland B.
Mollneux for tho murder of Mrs.
Adams. First there was the capture
of an important witness for tho prose
cutlon, This was Mamie Mullands,
the young woman who cared for Moli-
neux's rooms at Newark. Through
ruse she was Induced to cross the stato
line from Now Jersey to Suffern, N. Y
nnd was arrested and brought to this
city. It is said she will be placod on the
Stand and compelled to testify thatMol-
lneux was accustomed to use the now
famous blue paper surmounted by the
throe Interlaced crescents.
The legal battle raged around the
question of expert testimony and the
admissibility of handwriting when "not
disputed." Attorney Weeks fought gal
lantly for his client, but In the end th)
prosecution triumphed, the recorder
saying that the court would be forced
to consider the exhibits as being In the
handwriting of the defendant unless
the testimony of Expert Kinsley, who
testified that In his opinion Mollneux
wrote the address on the poison pack'
age, should be Impeached or contra
dicted by the defense in some manner.
It seemed a day of victories for the
Bears tbe The Kind You Hav9AIway3 Bought
At the Cheapest
Store In Town.
All the choicest grades ot Dried Fruits,
Canned Qoodi, Citron and Lemon I'ccl. etc. at
almost your own prices. All our Flour is sold
very cheap. Poultiy nnd Truck.
216 West Centre St.
Private parlies desiring to have their hogs
slaughtered should puce their orders ai
CARL'S MEAT MARKET, 33 East Centre
Street. Pigs will be called for, killed and
delivered with cleanliness and satisfaction
Livery and
o. 13 North Jardin St.
Unnr lUvlrtpnooa of l'rospcrlty For
tho Comlnir Your.
Now York, Dec. 9. It. a. Dun &
Co.'s weekly review of trade says: Tho
npiiroach-of a new year usually brings
bo rnucli of hositatlon in lmsinoas that
tho small shrinkage this year is sur
prising. Probably never before navo
the productlvo forces of tho country
boon so largely covered by contracts
at this date, onsuring employment and
profit fnr Into tho coming year. This
results not from any moro speculntlvo
oxcltement, but from actual demands
for consumption running far beyond
the producing capacity horotofore, and
pushing it to remarkable expansion.
Tho increase in foreign trade has been
insignificant compared with the in
crease of $21,000,000,000 in payments
through clearing houses. For tho week
tho payments have been 20.3 por cent
largor than last year and 38.1 per cent
larger than In 1892.
Uradstreet's review says: Tlie last
month of tho year has opened aus
piciously, finding trado and Industry
generally well employed, uomanu
treading close upon and even passing
supply, labor troubles, avorted In Bomo
instances by widespread ndvancos in
wacos. of small Imnortanco except in
one or two cities, and with tho gotieral
level of values of staples at the high
est point reached for eight years past.
Holiday domand has opened well, and
collections from retail trades, there
fore, show some Improvement.
The copper mines of Flemlngton, N.
J are to be reopened.
Joseph C. Hoagland. the founder and
president of the Itoyal Baking Powder
company, died in New York yesterday.
The executive committee of tho Na
tional Republican League will meet in
Washington Tuesday to decide upon a
place for holding tho next Republican
national convention.
Bismarck's Iron Nerve
Wns the result of his splendid health. In
domitable will nnd Iremendous energy are
. , . 1 T I 1'IJ .
not louna wnere siomacii, uvcr, rwimicys
and Bowels are out of order. If you want
these qualities and the success they bring, use
Dr. King's New Life Pills. They develop
every power of brain and body. Only 25 c at
. wasley's aruj store.
Army Ollloor Act niitiill' iCIlloil.
Washington, Dec f. Captain J. C.
Ayres, U. S. A., ol Via ordnance de
partment, was killed here yesterday by
a fall from his bicycle and being run
over by a team. Captain Ayres was
appointed to the army from Wisconsin
and was graduated from the military
academy in 1871. His widow is tho
daughter of General Rodman.
How's Tills
We offer One Hundred Dollars Iteward for
any case of Catarrh that can not be cured hy
Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F. J. CHENEY & CO , Trops., Toledo, O.
We the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney
for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly
honorable in all business transactions and fin
ancially able to carry out any obligations made
by their firm.
West & Tbaux, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O.
Waldinq, Kisnan &5IABVIK, Wholesale Drug
gists, Toledo, Ohio.
Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally, acting
directly upon tho blood and raucous surfaces of
tho system. Price 75c. per bottle. Sold by all
Druggists. Testimonials free.
Hall's Family Tills aro the best.
An Itnllun Murder ScrtHntloii.
Rome, Dec. 9. A great sensation has
been caused throughout Italy by the
trial of two railroad men on the charge,
of murder and robbing In a railroad
car, near Palermo, Slgnor Netarbar
tolo, a former director of the Bank of
Sicily, and one of the most notable
citizens of Palermo. The murdered
man's son accuses Slgnor Pallzzelo, a
member of the chamber of deputies
from Palermo, of giving the order for
the murder of Slgnor Netarbartolo. As
a result of this accusation the cham
ber of deputies authorized the prose
cution of Slgnor Pallzzelo, who was
arrested In Palermo last evening.
Comrados, Attention.
x fferveu irum 01 lu in iiuu wuh wuuuueuuu
Mny 10. 1861, In the Battle of the Wilderness.
1 would nice to have my old comrades know
what Celery King has done for inc. In 1800
mv oia comDiaim. enronio uiarrncca. came
back. The doctors could not stoo it. but Cel
ery King uas enreu me, anu 1 am once more
enjoying life. Frank Beehler, Owosso, Mich.
(Co.F.40thrr.Y. V.I.I.
ueiery jving cokes aiseasesor tne rserves,
eiomacn, J.iver ana .moneys, tsoiu uy drug
gists, 2.") nnd Ma 6
Steel Pennyroyal Treatment
is tho original and only FRENCH,
safe and reliable care on the mar.
ket. l'rice, J1.U0; sent Of mail.
uenuine eoiu onjy uy
Klrllu'a drug store.
A snnnrp nintm in crnnA
coudition. A give- C Q C
away bargain. pUJ
Parlor Grand
A HighGrade
Can be exchanged for any other
style of instrument. These are
sacrifice opportunties.
Furniture Dealer nnd Undertaker,
IOC South Main St.
Is the cause of untold sttiTeritig
to many women; of neglected
families and unhappy homes.
Pleasure is banished from the
life that is subject to these at
tacks, and yet it is possible to
be free forever from such trying
ordeals. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People, by en
riching the blood, toning up the nerves, and strengthening
the stomach, make sick headache impossible, and restore ner
vous energy to the despondent sufferer. The full name:
Dr. Williams'
PinkPills for Pale People
is on every package of the genuine.
Mrs. Fannie Ii. StoMle, of Martinsville, Mo., snys; "luted to have
terrlhle slclc headaches, which I had ns far bach ns 1 can retnombor.
In recent years Ihey wero getting Vforso. A few years ago I took treat
ment of a specialist In KnnsasClty, but It only relieved me for a while.
When I came here two years ago my health wus miserable. My hus
band, who bad great faith In Dr. Williams' l'lnlt Mils for I'ale I'coplo.
insisted that 1 commence using thorn. After Inking a few-doses I could
seo an Improvement, nnd my headache xpells wero not so severe. I
used four boxes, and slnco that time I linvo not bad any of those at
tacks, and I never felt so well tn my life."
From the Republican, ncthany, Mo.
No discovery of modern times lias proved such a blessing to man
kind as Dr.Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People. Acting directly on
the blood and nerves, invigorating the body, regulating tlie functions,
they restore the strength and health in the exhausted patient when
every effort of the physician provc3 unavailing.
These pills are sold In boxes at 50 cents a box, or six boxes for 12.60, nnd
may be had of all druggists, or direct by mall from l)r. Williams Medicine Co.,
Bcheneotady, N.Y.
In order to reduce our tremendous stock of boots, shoes and rub
bers, we will for the next ten days cut and slash prices in half. Come
and be convinced. Ladies' and gent's velvet and alligator 75c slippers,
at 50c; old ladies' warm shoes, worth JSi.oo, and $1.25, at 75c and $1 J
men's winter Russetts and blacks, worth $3, at $2.25 the finest men's
black and tan shoes in town, worth $5.00, at S3.
Take advantage of this remarkable ten-day sale and get good shoes
cheap. We carry a full line of men's and boy's Snag Proof Boots.
vigor to the whole being. Alt drains and losses are checked permanently. Unless patients
are properly cured, their condition often worries them Into Insanity, Consumption or Death.
Mailed sealed. Price ii per box; 6 boxes, with lroncUd legal Guarantee to cure or refund the
money, (5.00. Send for free book.
of menstruation." They aro "LIFE SAVJ3KS" to girls at
womanhood, aiding development of organs and body. No
known remedy for women equals them. Cannot do harm Hfo
becomes a pleasure. $1.00 PER BOX UY MAIL. Sold
by druggists. DR. MOTT'S OIIEMICAt. CO.. Cleveland, Ohio.
For Sale toy R. W. Houok.
Agent for the Famous
Phila. Stock Ale, Sparkling Stil
Ainber Ale, Bottled Pale Ale,
B:ovn Stout, Half and Half, Beei
and Porter.
Mt. Carbon Beer
At all its customers to day.
Solomon Haak's,
116 South Main Street,
Will receive prompt attention.
The Best Bargain Houes
In Sheitandoali Is at
233 West Centre Street.
You would be amazed tn see the values we
. . . offered In . . .
Doots and Shoos,
... Groceries.
It you only Rive us a trial, that is all we ask
This means a steady customer at our store.
222 West Centre Street.
Try our SS cents worth of bread checks It
entitles you to seven loaves.
l Oo Regular size cup cake 7c.
l oo Regular size sponge cake Oc
Try our confectionery. Huy trom us.
We sell fine confectionery cheap.
Boston Bakery,
11. llorg-au.uiu, l'rop,
They hare stood the test of ye art.
and nave cured thousands of
cases of Nervous Diseases, such
as Debility, Dizziness, Sleepless
ness andVaricocele,Atrophy,&c.
They clear the brain, strengthen
the circulation, make digestion
oerfect. and ImDart a healthy
Address, PEAL MEDICINE CO, Cleveland, 0.
They overcome Weak"
ness, irregularity and
omissions, increase vip
or and banish "pains
Philadelphia &
Readina R'y.
Engines Burn Hard Coal No Smoke.
Trains leave Shenandoah as follows :
For New York via Philadelphia, week day
2 10, S 88, 7 87, 9 S3 a. m., 12 28, 3 09 aird 6 09 p. m.
Bunda b, 2 10 a m.
Por New York via Chunk, week days.
787a. m., 1226 and 8 09p.m.
For Heading and Philadelphia, week days,
210,5 88,7 87. 9 65 a. m., 12 26, 8 09 aud 09 p. m.
Sundays, 2 10 a m.
Por PottHTille, week days, 2 10, 7 87, 9 65 a. ra.
12 26, 8 09, 0 09 and T 80 p. m. Sundays, 2 10 a m.
For Tamnqua and Mahanoy City, week days.
210, 787, 965 a. m 1226 8 09 and 609 p.m.
Sundays, 2 10 a m.
For Willlamnport, Sunbury and Lewlsburg,
week days. 3 27, 11 82 a. m., 12 26, 7 80 p. m
Sundays, 3 27 a m.
For Mahano) Piano, weekdays, 2 10, 8 27, 5 88,
787,9 63,11 82 a.m., 12 26, 8 09, 6 09, 7 80, 9 66
p. in. Sundays, 2 10 and 3 27 a m.
For Ashland and Shamokln, week days, 8 27.
7 87 11 82 a. m., 12 26, 8 09, 6 07, 7 23 and 9 55 p. m.
Sunday, 8 27 a m.
For Baltimore, WashlUKton and the West via
II. AO. Ii. It., through trains lea-i Heading
Terminal, Philadelphia. (P. & R. V B.) at 8 20,
7 55, 11 26 a. m., 8 10 and 7.27 p. l. Sundays
8 20, 7 00, 11 29 a. m 8 46 aud 7 27 p. m. Add),
tlonal trains from Twenty-fourth and Chest
nut streets station, week days, 1080 a. m. 12 20
12 15 8 40 p.m. Sundays, 1 85, 8 23 p. m.
Leave New York via Philadelphia, week
days, 12 15, 4 80, 7 80,1180 a.m., and 180, 4 80,
9 00 p.m.
Leave New York via Mauch Chunk, week
days, 4 80, 9 10 a. to., 1 80, 4 40 p. m.
Leave Philadelphia, Heading Terminal, week
days, 4 80, s 86, 10 21 a. m. and 1 86, 4 06 6 86.
11 86 p. m.
Leave Heading, week days, 187, 7 00, 1008.
a. m., 12 15. 4 17. 6 00. 8 26 n. m
Leave Pottsvllle, weekdays, 717, 7 40 a.m.
9 80, 12 SO, 1 20. 4 80, 6 10 and 6 60 p. m.
Leave Taroanua, week days, 8 18, 8 86. 11 73
a. lu., 1 49, 5 56 7 9 44 p. m.
Leavo Mahanoy Clly. week days, S43, 9 01,
1147 a.m. i 11 5 J, 6 21,7 44, 10 08 p. m
Leave Mahanoy Plane, week days, 1 40, 4 00
10 a, 13 90, a. m., 2 89, 586, 6 42,768
10 21pm
Leave Willi., sport, weekdays, 742, 1000 a.
m.. 12 84 BLd 1 00 1 1 B0 p. m.
l-eate pi HadelphlaChestnut street wharf and
South street -nar te c Atlantis City.
W eckdays Express 9 00, 200, 4 00, 6 00,7 13
li A-coiiimodatlou,8 00am, StOpm. Sun
day Express, 9 W, 10 CO a m, 7 13 p m. Accom
modation, 8 00 a m. 4 43 p in.
Leave Atlantic City Depot j Weekdays Ex
press. 7 85, 9 10 10 80 a in, 8 80, 6 80 p m. Accom
modation, 8 15 a nt, 4 03 p in. Sundays Express,
4 80, 7 80 pm. Accommqdation,71Sam,4 03pm.
For Cape May, Ocean City and Bea Isle City
Weekday 9 CO am, 410, 5 00piu. Sundays
Chestnut St., 9 15, South Ht., 9am,
Addition ii for Cape May Weekdays 6 80
a m.
Parlor Oars on all express trains.
For further Information, apply to nearest
Philadelphia and Ueadlng Railway ticket agent
or address
I, A, Bwcioabd, Boson J. Wekks,
Qeu'l Supl., Clen'l Pass'r Act..
Ttrsdlnr Terminal PhllsdnlnhU
Edward Early's Saloon,
Cor. Oak street and Pear alley.
Very; convenient to tbe rear
entrance of the lockup.