The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, December 08, 1899, Image 4

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The Only Drug Store
In Town That Pre
sents You With Trad
ing Stamps.
Shenandoah Drug Store,
3 South Main St., Shenandoah.
Telephono Connection.
In dolls and tree ornament
we claim to sell cheaper than any
one else. Tree ornaments are fully
25 to 40 per cent, cheaper than
ever before. See the large glass
ana tinsel ornaments we ofler at 1 ,
2, 3, 4 and 5 cents. They never
were so cheap before, and that the
people know it is evident by the
way we are selling them. We
quote a few prices of some of Our
other lines.
DOLLS. -fs-
Beautiful dressed doll, at 23c,
48c, 73c, 98c, $1.50.
14-inch fine kid body doll. 23c.
1 6 -inch fine kid body sleeping
doll at 37 cents.
Negro, Filipino, Esquimaux
dolls, etc., etc.
Dorr't Fail to See
Our Line of
Iron and ti 1 toys, 10 cents up.
Books of all kinds.
Games and blocks, 5 cents up.
Fine chinaware.
Tin dishes.
Medallions, (a beautiful line).
Toilet cases, 75 cents up.
Manicure sets.
Gold pens.
Fountain pens, $1.00 up.
Celluloid novelties.
Don't Fail to
Ask For
The garments
from our tailor
ing department,
and you will al
ways find them
right. They
have the attrac
tive look that
makes men of
good judgment
pause to scrutinize your clothes,
and that makes them the satisfac
tory kind to you.
Portz Bros.,
24 North Main Street.
Good Enough for the Rich
And Cheap for the Poor
If you are looking for a Christmas
gift in
And have your purse at interest as
well as your desires you can find
them in our selection. We can
give you prices and show you gifts
that will interest you.
If you have eye troubles, we will
examine and tell you just what is
needed FREE. 'Then, if you like,
will supply you.
Thos. Buchanan,
Jeweler and Optician,
No. 11 8 SoutliMain Street.
Holiday Preparations.
California Peaches,
Lemon Peel.
Orange Peel,
All Kinds of Nuts.
Floe bonelesi White Codflib at 7c per pound.
Mackerel, 60 and up.
E3. A. Friedman,
213 W. Centre St. ,
T door below Mull'i dairy. 1
W i t h -out
help, a
bald spot
1 1 keeps
s p re a d
ing, until
at last your Friends
say, " How bald he is
Not easy to cure
an old baldness, but
easy to stop the first
thinning, easy to
check the first falling
out. Used in time,
ness is
It stops falling, f
promotes growth, and
takes out all dandruff.
It always restores
color to faded or gray
hair, all the dark, rich
color of early life. You
may depend upon it
every time. It brings
health to the hair.
$1.00 a bottle. All Druggist,.
" I have used our Hair Vigor and
am greatly pleased with it. 1 have
only used one bottle of it, and yet
my hair has stopped falling out and
u! starteu to growojram niceiy.'
March 8, 1899.
Lius Witt.
a nova, a. uaK.
Write tho Doctor,
If you do not obtain all the benefit
you expected from the use ol the
Vicor, write the Doctor about It.
Addrpss, Dr. J, C. A YliR,
Lowell, Mass.
All Acrolmtlc lltirse.
A horse belonging to Charles New ran away
this afternoon and took an eastwardly direc
tion alone Oak street. Upon reaching the
trolley bridge spanning the Lehigh Valley
railroad the horse, undaunted, started to pass
over it and got half way across when its legs
went down Wetwoen tho sills. The animal
remained with Its body sustained by the sills
and its legs dangling in the air for about a
quarter of an hour, when it was released
from its position with the aid of planks.
Death Warrant Read.
This morning, about 10 o'clock, Sheriff
Toole visited tho county jail, and in the
presence of the prison authorities alone,
read to Thomas Brennan the death warrant,
calling for bis execution on January 18th.
The condemned man bore up under the or
deal with remarkable self-possession. Tho
Sheriff eluded the newspaper representa
tives, and no one but the prison authorities
were present.
Editor Wilson Goes to Heading.
Robert J. Wilson, late of the defunct
Pottsville Tribune, has accepted the position
of geneial manager of the Heading Review
the paper that "Jack" McCarty was supposed
to have purchased. Mr. Wilson will have
full charge of the paper and leaves in a few
days for Reading,
Kobbery at Grler City.
The residence and saloon of Frank Bell, at
Qrier City, was entered Ia6t night by three
burglars, and tbey secured a suit of clothes
and a $40 overcout. Mr. Bell heard the noise
and arose from bed and confronted the men,
and the latter then took a hasty departure,
lie has an idea who the men are, and this
morning went to Mahanoy City and engaged
a private detective.
Ior Itutuif nir u riiiclv-t Slioii,
Chicago, Dec. 8. Mrs. Marion La
Touchen was yesterday bound over
to the criminal court on two warrants
charging her with keeping a bucket
shop at 167 Dearborn street. AH the
witnesses In the case are women.
Ask your grocer lor the "Royal Patent"
Hour, and take no other brand. It is tho beS
flonr rnnAo
BANK ELE' TION The annual meeting ot
the stockholdt rs of the Merchant' National
Ilanlc of Shenandoah, Pa., will be held at the
banking house on Tu sday, J nuary 9th, 1900,
between the hours of 2 and 4pm, for the
purpose of electing thirteen 13 directors to
servo me ensuing year.
12-B-St-oaw E. !. IICNTEit, Cashier.
Christmas is
Why don't you come to
the largest furniture store in town
to buy your holiday gifts. Be wide
awake and go to the place that
gives you the biggest values for
your money, the largest and the
most appreciative selection. Feas
your eyes on a stock that is sure to
please you. See our beautiful line of
Solid Leather,
Kogany' Rockers
Halachl dreen, iwtHU
Bird-Bye Haple Inlaid with pearl
or plain upholstered, silk plush, silk
Damask, Corduroy.
Do not fail to see our Pictures
and Mirrors, Couches, Easels,
Curtains, Tapestry Covers, Screens
It is well worth your time to
corne and see our stock. Every
body knows that the prices we ask
for any article of furniture is never
beyond reason. Look at our win
dow display.
Wait for them and then buy early and secure
tint choice. Don't wait until the last day.
No. 1 19-121-123 North Main St.
II I' TlirniiKliout the Country
lllirnnlcloil for Hasty t'ernsal.
A number of gypsies have camped noar
Tho Schuylkill Classls mot In t'otlsvillo
this afternoon.
All tho P. & IS. C. A I. collieries In this dis
trict woro Idle to-day.
Arl wall paper at Curd In 'a for 5 and 0 cents
per roll, C!omo aud seo them. tf
Col J J Cake was elected commander of
Gowen Post, O. A. R of Pottsville.
The P & II. railroad employes nt Mahanoy
Plane and vicinity will be Mid on tho 21st
Tho cliirter of Washington Camp, No. 1"5,
P O. 8. of A., of Qirardvillo, was recorded
For shooting at his pigeons, a Schuylkill
county farmer shot Harry Becker, a Potts
villn boy, in the nrm.
Tho clothing storo of Loulr Flnhutg, at
Malmnny City, was robbed of between $200
and $:)00 worth of gnods.
Buchanan, tho Jeweler, Is making a
spci lalty ol special values ou watches, rings
at.d chains for Christmas gift? this season.
An unknown tramp, found dying along
tho Heading railway, near Bloomsburg,
mumbled before ho died: "My booty did
Pour Director Walboru reports that the
Almsljoute tetervoir Is dry, tho Inmatos re
lying now upon springs for their supply of
Win Griffiths, of GIrnrilvllle, has secured
employment at the Tamaqua Manufacturing
Co.'s works, where ho will learn the trade of
A second degree murder verdint waa fan ml
at Unioutown against Walter Washington
for the murder of his room mate, Bonjamln
Johns, at Bradford.
M. Melletand M. Malonn. nftnitu urn fin.
ancially lutorested in the new electric road
to run between Pottsville and Tamaqua, and
say it will be built.
A slimier will ho iHvi-n tn Dm nHlnora of ibo
8th Kcgt , N. O. P., to-morrow night, at Mah
anoy City. ,
The two-year-old son of Joseph Kelshaw,
of Mahanoy City, fell from a chair last night
and fractured one of its arms.
John F. Potter yesterday got a verdict for
$1500 at Bellefonto against tho Union Central
Life Insurance Compmy, of Cincinnati, O.,
upou a policy on the life of his son George,
who was found murdered about six years ago.
York Springs is without religious service,
the Methodist Episcopal, Lutheran, Presby
terian and Episcopal pulpits being vacaut
through resignation aud death.
Seventy-five breaker boys struck at the
Taylor mine, near Scrauton, against working
ten hours for seven hours' pay. They forced
tho niino to close, making 400 men idle. -
Mario Lamour, supported by Frederic Mur
phy, in "A Wise Woman," to-morrow night
at Fergus jn's theatre. Reserve your scat in
time. You'll find it necessary.
Letters Granted.
Letters testamentary were granted to Dan
iel Kramer on the estate of Philippena Kra
mer, late of Middleport, deceased.
Lettors of administration woro granted to
Emily L. Davis on the estate of Ellas Davis,
late of New Castle township, deceased.
Letters of administration were granted to
I) II, Griffiths ou the estate f Reese Hughes,
late of Kahn township, deceased.
It saved Bis Leg.
P. A. Danforth, of LaGrange. Ga., suffered
intenecly for six months with a frightful
running sore on his leg, but writes that
Ilucklen's Arnica Salve wholly cured it in ten
days. For Blcers, Wounds, Burns, Boils,
Pain or Piles it's the best salve in the world.
Cure guaranteed. Only 25c. Sold by A.
Wasley, druggist.
Horatio N. Daniel), of Sayre, Pa., a brother
of C. & I. Policeman James Danlell, of town,
and Miss Louise Lyford, of Waverly, N. Y.,
wore married on Wednesday, last, at the res
idence of the bride's parents in Waverly.
Eczema, scald neaa, nives, itcniness of the
skin of any sort instantly relieved, perman
ently cured. Doan's Ointment. At any drug
Jrov over .10 ncartr
Pain Expeller
lias proven to be the Best there Is for
Gout, Neuralgia,te.
Rheumatic Complaints.?
uniy zoo. ana ouc. nt an druggists
or through
F. A?, Richter & Go.
215 Pearl Street,
New York.
Thomas Toole spent yesterday at Phlladcl
P la.
Mr. and. Mrs James McFaddcn and Miss
Sadie McIIalo attended tho fuueral of their
uncle at Bloomsburg to-day.
C. B. WiUncr-Esq., of Suubury, and
Nicholas Hcblicit, Eq , of Pottsville, trans
acted business in town to-day.
Miss Mary Bowes was an Ashland visitor
Pat. Igo, of Shenandoah, attended tho
rabbit supper at Cooper's cafo last evening.
Thomas Qorrrau has annnuuevd himself as
a candidate for Justice of the Peace at the
next Spring election.
Councilman Bulter attended to business at
SliHinnkir. yesterday.
All tiie collieries in this district were idle
Tho pigeon match between John Bulter
and Will Moll, both of this town, takes place
at Ashland to-day.
Thomas Haley, station agent at Quakako,
Is visiting his parents ou Mahanoy avenue.
Dr. A C. Morgan, of Philadelphia, is In
town visiting bis father, Hon. John W.
Morgan, who is ill at his home ou South
White street.
B, J. Yost, of Lakeside, was a business vis
itor to town to day.
William Geise, of Paxinos, shook hands
with friends here to-day.
Miss Alice Schwab, of Glrardvilie, was
seen lu town last evening.
Owing to a mild season and'having a tremendous stock of WINTER SUITS
and OVERCOATS, we wish to announce the fact that we have reduced
our prices as follows : You can now get a
O $ 8.00 OVERCOAT for $ 5.00 Q
X $10.00 0YERC0AT for - $ 7.00 X
X $12.00 OVERCOAT for $ 9.00 X
A $15.00 OVERCOAT for - - $11.00 X
O $18.00 OVERCOAT for - - $12 50 jS
You can get them in any style or color you wish ; and you can buy a good All-Wool
Suit at a price correspondingly low.
Women love a clear, healthy comploxion.
Pure blood makes it, Bjrdock Blood Bitters
mako pure blood.
Deeds Itecorded.
From August Schwalm to Henry E.
Schwalm, premises in Rush township; from
Henry E. Swalm et ux to Elizabeth Schwalm,
premises in Tamaqua; from Gideon Shoe
maker et al to Nathan Miller, premises in
West Penn township; from Reuben Zerhe et
ux to F. P. Sbollenberger, premises in Pine
grove township.
if Yon Want Bargain
In Overcoats and Suits, go to Harry Lovlt's.
CliHlige ot Fire Itosses.
John B, Reese, of Lost Creek, has assumed
the position of fire boss at the Primrose col
liery, Mahanoy City, succeeding Frank Kelly,
who has become fire bosH at Elmwood col
liery. The lloom In Vii(Tcn.
North Adams, Mass., Dec. 8. Notices
have been posted In nearly all the cot
ton mills In this section announcing
an advance of 10 per cent in wages, to
take effect Dec. 11. About 3,500 hands
are affected by the new schedule.
Mammoth Clothing House,
9 and 11 S. Main St.,
I Goldin, Proprietor.
At llaiincr'ti.
Choice beef, lamb, pork and mutton,
plckeled pig's feet, tougues aud tripe, sau
sages. All Kinds of fresh and smoked meats;
eggs and butter. Chorry and Chestnut
streets. tf
Buy Koynl Patont Flour. It Is the .best la
tho market.
Ladies' and Misses' Garments
The great success of our coat
department has been brought about
by giving the best values for the
least money. This season we offer
the nicest and most complete line
of garments. Coats in all colors,
Tans, Modes, Blues, Black, lined
with skinner satin, mercarized
satin, and silk. Also a fine selec
tion of misses' and children's coats,
neatly trimmed in braid and bias
A special line of Plush, Cloth, As
trakhan and Oolf Capes Collarettes
made of Posum, Wool, Seal and
Beaver Fur.
A nice assortment of single and
double plain and plaid Scotch wool
shawls. Come and s;e them.
ii Ar
Everything Pertaining to the Household
and Toy Line will be found at our store,
X West Centre St., Shenandoah, Pa.
e Saturday, Dec. 9.
With a full line of Tinware Agateware, Glassware and Toys. Don't forget the name and
number as a penny saved is a penny earned. Come one, come all, and bring the little ones as it will
please them and be profitable to you. It will pay you to give us a call as you can buy at one-half.
Our Bargains for Saturday, Monday and Tuesday.
Best Cedar Tubs, worth 6oc, our price 30c, Best Cedar Bucket, electric welded, worth 25c,
our price :oc. Dish Pans, worth 25c, our price 12c. White Cups and Saucers, worth 20c, our
price 6c. White Dinner Plates, worth 10c., our price 5c. Large Meat Platter, worth 30c., our price
ioc. Clothes Pins, 5c. per 100. Beautiful Cut Glass Dishes, worth 26c, our price 10c. Come and
see our Toys, we have Dolls, Games and Express Wagons, Fancy China and Books.
SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY ONLY. Floor Oil Cloth, 15 Cents a Yard.
Conway's Novelty Store,
Holiday Gifts.fSH&
Good old Santa Claus is getting ready to hold
his annual festival and scatter his rewards
amongst the boys and girls, and even the young
men and maidens as well as the older folks.
We have made our store into a veritable
Alladin's cavern well stocked with every variety
of Dolls, Go-carts, Toys, Games, Animals,
Picture Books, Etc.
Hundreds of dressed and un
dressed beauties. See our
special 23c one.
A splendid assortment, all
sizes, from 25c up.
Pianos, all sizes, Trumpets,
Drums, Accordeons, Metal
aphones, from 5c up.
Magic Lanterns, Steam Engines,
Mechanical Toys; of the
latter we have an immense
Iron Toys.
Engines, Hook and Ladders,
Patrol Wagons, Drays, Cook
Stoves, etc., ioc to $2.00.
Horses, Sheep, Donkeys,
Goats, etc., ioc to $3.00.
A big variety, from ioc to
Fancy Goods.
Plush or Celluloid gifts.
Suitable for all ages.
Fancy China.
A stock which cannot be ex
celled in this county.
3 South Main St., Shenandoah.
Goats and Gapes at Half Price I
Plush and Astrakhan Capes, from $1.49 and upward. Collarettes,
gi.65 and up ; elsewhere not less than $3.00. Children's Reefers, $1. 25;
elsewhere $3.50. See our large assortment of trimmed and unfrimmed
millinery and trimmings. Would not any of these artfcles make a
cheap, appreciative and serviceable Christmas gift ? Consider this and
come to our store and be convinced.
Rich Values now Avail
able to our Patrons.
One lot of Ladies' and Misses' fine Ker
sey Jackets, in black, castor and royal
blue, lined with romaine silk, worth $10,
our price $7.50.
Another lot extra quality Kersey, in
blaek, tan, cartor & royal, lined through
out with best grade lancy taffeta silk,
value $12.50, our price $10.00.
Children's Long Coats, size 2 to 6 yrs,
in fine all-wool cloth, cardinal, blue and
green, collar and cape trimmed with fine
braid, value $3.00, our price S2.25. A
better quality cloth, extra heavy, in car
dinal, electric blue, navy and green,
value $4.75. our price $3,75.
Ladies' Plaid Winter Waists, made
from best quality English Flannelette,
real value 65 cents our price 50 cents.
Others made from eood ounlitv nil
. " J 1 v-AVfu.! liucu, VU1UC BI.DQ,
our price Ji.a5. A better grade cloth, extra heavv. tucked. hMi
and lined, value S2.25, our price $1.75.
Mohair Waists, $2.00 to $2 25, real value $2.50 and $3.00.
We have received nnntlipr rne t. ,.,i,u n t . .
. , , , t vnuic, uii-wuui, nome-maae
Blankets, value $4.50, our price lor this lot $3.35.
Of extravagant prices. Nowhere in this town will yoit
find greater values at smaller prices. Quality tells-the price sells
Our line of toys is more complete than ever and embraces so many new
and novel things that it would be hard to enumerate all. We desire to
call your special attention to our handsome line of DOLLS Never
has a more beautiful line been displayed by any one
And a thousand other things that delight the hearts of the little ones
This is the store mother ke. .i, r..i -n , .. . .. .'
i..j tr sue iccis sausnea mat an trash is
,i fidSd gU?gC rf3 t0 the ,owest notch and early buyers
will find real bargains. We ask you to visit our store and inspect our
eoods. knowinc that vmi will v i 1 l
, . n icuumr customer alter vour hrr
V'JJ toy - SheSdoah!
N. Main St.