The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, December 07, 1899, Image 3

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gives nature the mild assistance
needed for the regulation of the 4
menses. It Is of wonderful aid to 4
me gin tust entering womanhood, f
to the wife, and to the woman an- 4
Pfichlng or going through the turn 4
or life, women who suffer from 4
anv unnatural art,, kA.r!Hn T
down pains In the lower abdomen, !
inning or displacement oi the J
womb, can quickly cure their troub- 4
les at home, completely away from 4
the eyes of a Bhvslclan. A few
doses taken each month will regu-
late the mensei perfectly. 1
LareetottleiaoldtiTdriiireiKtarrti J
y ."uuuIUiiciuiaigri,ompiD7, AllanU.Ga, J
fh.nnjii;.iib...i.i... ... T
Restores Vllality, LostVlrar and Manhood,
Cures Inniotency, Nipht Kmlsslonsand
wasting diseases, all effect of self-
abuse, or exeses anc indls
Icrctlon. A ncrvo tonic and
blootl builder. Brines the
i -ti vorpinit glow to jKiie chucks ami
restorss the fire of youth.
TOiSK Qy mall fOc per box, O boxes
for $'J.CO; Willi u written Riinrnn
tco to cure or refund tlio money.
Send for circular. Address,
Clinton & Jackson Sts., CHICAGO, ILL.
Bold at Klrlln'4 drug store. Hhcnamloah, l'n,
Witch Hazel Oil
, One Application Gives Relief.
It cures Piles or Hemorrhoids External or Inter
nat, Blind or llleedlnff.ltchtnfrorBurnlng.FIsaurcs
and Fistulas. Jlellef Immediate euro certain.
It cures Bums, Scalds and Ulcerations and Con.
tractions from Burns. Tho ilellet Instant beallng
It cures Torn, Cut or Lacerated Wounds and
It cures Bolls, Carbuncles, Felons, " nunrounds,1
Ulcers, Old Sores, Itching Eruptions, Scurfy or
Scald Head.
It cures Inflamed or Caked Breasts and Soro
Nipples. Invaluable.
It cures Salt Rheum, Tetters, Scurfy Eruptions,
Chapped Hands, Fovcr Blisters, Sore Lips or
Nostrils. Corns, Bunions, Soro and Chafed Feet,
Stings of Insects, Mosquito Bites and Sunburns.
Three Sizes, 25c, COc. and $1.00
Sold by Druggists, or sent pre-paid on receipt of price.
Cor. William John Sts., SEW YORK.
Ferguson's Theatre.
One Night Only!
THURSDAY, DEC. 7, '99.
Irelntid'e funniest Irishmen
In the
"NEW .
And an own selected company
Tommy Waters and Frank W. Nason,
Managers and Proprietors.
Wyle fc Pnnford, Bert Kimball, Merrlce &
UusIiIiir. Jieil west, Hie serein lno,
M'lle Dcnella, Clara West, and others.
PRICES : -25c, 35c and 50c
Reserved seats at Klrlln'a drug store,
Ferguson's Theatre,
One Night Only.
Saturday, Dec. 9.
IHarie Eatnour
Treaeric ttlurpby
or .
Wilfred Clarke"!
"A Screaming Farce."
Public Opinion
Prices: - 25, 35, 50 and 75 Cents.
lteservxl seats at ICIrlin's drug store
Ferguson's Theatre.
JIOpfiY, DEC 11, '99
John A. Hiiumelein's Big Comedy
Headed bv the popular comedienne Mis
11EATIUCE EAltLE, including the peer
of musical organizations, UOWSON'S
SUth Century Ilaud aud Orchestra.
Monday Might THE IRISH HERO.
'Tuesday Klgbt....Jn the Heart of the Storm.
Wednesday Night tOST IH NEW YORK.
Thursday night THE LADDER OF LIFE.
Trlday Might THE DEVIL'S MIME.
Saturday Might THE CENSUS TAKER.
f RICES : . -, 10, 20 and 30 CIs,
Iteaerved acata ai Klrllu'a drug store.
1 J
Moro Serious Than Has Boon
Heretofore Supposed,
Anil Then Fired nt the IlrMlnh lle
fore SiirrpnilvrliiRT Miijor Scott
Tnrner Klllril, Frr-atimntilr lu u. Sortie.
London, Dec. 7. Tho sortlp from
Klmberley on Nov. 2fi appears to have
been much more Horlous than hnd been
suppoaod. Details aro now arriving
of a reconnaissance In force by mount
ed troops tinder Major Scott-Turner,
at dawn, In tho direction of a rldgo
near Carter's Farm, whore tho Doors
wore strongly entrenched. Finding tho
Doer pickets asleep, Major Scott
Turner proceeded along tho rldgo
under cover and rushed tho Doer re
doubts at 5:25 a. m. In tho feco of a
hall of bullets.
The Doors hoisted a whlto flag and
fired at the British under Its protec
tion beforo surrendering. Owing pos
sibly to tho exhaustion of their am
munition the Drltlali were unablo to
follow up tho attack and to seize a
large Door langer about 300 yards
ahead, especially as Doer reinforce
ments wero si-on approaching and tho
enemy was keeping up a heavy Are
from the shelter of tho thick bush.
During the sortio an armored train
reconnoltered north and south, while
a considerable force of Drltlsh, with
flold guns and Maxims, advanced to
ward Spytfonteln, holding tho Boers
In check In that direction.
Ten guns wore engaged simultane
ously, and, vlowed from the conning
tower, an artillery duel seemed pro
ceeding lp every direction, except to
ward Kenllworth, tho fusillade being
terrible. At 8 o'clock, having no
force sufficient fo hold the position he
had Btormed, Major Scott-Turner be
gan gradually retiring his men. He
had a horse shot under him, and a
bullet went through tho fleshy part of
his shoulder. Several mon had ter
rible wounds.
It Is alleged that the Boers used
Martinis and explosive bullets, and
that they frequently fired at tho Brit
ish ambulanco wagons. The British
captured 28 of tho enemy.
There appears to be some doubt as
to whether this was tho reconnalsance
In which, according to the announce
ment of the war office. Major Scott-
Turner was killed, or whether that
officer met his fata in a subsequent
sortie. Some of the special dispatches
represent that ho was killed while
leading the final attack on the Boer
position on Nov. 28. If this be cor
rect, it looks like a sortie concerted
with Lord Methuen.
It is reported from Cape Town that
tho Transvaal government still re
fuses to acknowledge the right of the
United States to interfere regarding
prisoners In Pretoria, insisting that
Groat Britain must inquire through
Commandant General Joubert.
The Times prints a letter from an
American citizen who left Johannes
burg because he was liable to be lm
pressed, and who had learned that the
United States consul was unable to
protect him. He complains bitterly
that tho American flag was not respect
ed In Pretoria, that his passport was
not recognized, and that his position
was practically unbearable.
-The hottest bombardment of the
Ladysmlth selgo took place last Thurs
day. The Boers got a new big gun In
position on Lombard's Kop. com
lZ terns that Is not attained by the 5;
fS use of any other patterns. 5;
n- ja w j w-.
(No-Seam.AMowancc Patterns.)
Have not an equal for style and perfect
fit. Easy to underst id Only to And i$
cts. each fi one higher. Sold In nearly
every city and town, or by mail. Ask for
them. Get a Fas Mori Sheet and see our
designs. Absolutely the very latest styles
of her own selection will bo Riven
every subscriber to
-S One that every lady should take ecu-
Urly Beautiful colored plates , latest Z'
i fashions ; dressmaking eronotnies ; fancy
work ; household hints j firuun. etc Sub- J
tJS scribe fo-day, or, se A 5c for latest copy. 5;
Lady agents, y anted. Send far terms.
5 130-148 Wsst 14th St., New York.
These celeb'ratedpattern;and pub
Mentions are or sale, and rccom
mended by L. J. Wilkinson.
Grocer can tell
yon why those
wnoDuy SttUU 5
for It. Yon can't
keep on tailing a
poor thing to the
,sam people.
ruing Seel-
lg'S becsuie you
cSn buy cheap
rconee ana males
It dellclona by a
Lllttla oi thl admixture.
TI1I5 remedy requires
no change of diet.
Cure guaranteed In
1 to 3 days. Small
nlnlrt nnrlfnen. hv
CURE mall $1.00. Sold by
Klrlln'a drug store.
At the Cheapest
Store In Town.
All tho choicest grades of Dried Fruits,
Canned Goods, Citron and Lemon l'ccl. etc. at
almost your own prices All our Flour Is sold
very cheap, l'oultiy and Truck.
Sie West Centre St,
Acts gently on the
fCiDNEYs, Liver
and Bowels
Cleanses the System
v nv. v cu, r H- M.vr""t
roa sau by n osuciWTi rnx te rt totuc.
pletely " cotnmanHite tho town, and
shelled our camp that day and the
next, planting shells with great ac
curacy In the camp of tho Gordon
Highlanders and the Manchester regi
ment, where there were many narrow
escapes. Saturday the bombardment
was resumed, doing somo very effect
Lvo shooting. Several of our guns have
been shattered by the Doer big guns.
Story of a Slave.
To bo bound lmnd and foot for ycirs by tho
chains of disease Is the worst form of slavery.
Qeorgo D. Williams, of Manchester, Mich.,
tells how such a slave was mado free. lie
says : My wlto has been so helpless Tor nvo
years that she could not turn over in boil
alone. After using two bottles of Electric
Hitters, she is wonderfully Improved and
able to do her own work." This supremo
remedy for female diseases quickly cures
nervousness, sleeplessness, molancboly. head-
ache, backache, fainting and dizzy spells.
This mlrucle working ineniciuo is a gouscna
to weak, sickly, run down people. Every
bottle guaranteed. Only 50 cents. Sold by
Wasloy, Druggist.
Up Oo ConI Price.
New York. Dec. 7. The anthracite
coal companies Vesterday made an ad
vance o 25 per cent a ton In tho price
of pea, buckwheat and barley, tho
steam sizes" of anthracite. The ad
vance Is due to the fact that the supply
of bituminous coal at this point Is ex
ceedingly small.
Vou Try It.
If Shllob's Cough and Consumption Cure,
which Is sold for tho small price of 25 cts., 50
cts. and f 1.00, does not cure take the bottle
back and wo will refund your money. Sold
for over fifty ycats on this guarantee. Prico
5 cts. and 50 cts. Sold by P. D. Klrlln on
a guarantee.
Coinbinuitri' Shnvr I'redlota a Gront
GntuerluK nt Cblonffu.
Chicago, Dec. 7. The meeting of the
national council of the Grand Army of
the Republic and the local general
committee closed last night with a
dinner and a reception at the Palmer
House to the visitors given by the de
partment of Illinois, O. A. It., the
Women's Relief Corps and Ladles of
the Grand Army In honor of Comman
der Shaw and National President Har
riet J.; Rodge, of. the W. R. C. At the
dinner Commander-in-Chief Shaw, In
speaking of tho next encampment, ealdt
Doubtless the president of the Uni
ted States will be In attendance, as well
as other leading men of the nation.
Admiral Dewey, who Is a great favor
ite with the Grand Army, will no doubt
be here as the guest of the city of
Chicago and the Grand Army com
bined. The Grand Army Is very proud
of the great admiral. I have advices
from all the departments, embracing
45 states, where the Grand Army ex
ists, and they are all united In the
Judgment that tlm y"ar 1000 will be one
of the most glorious In tho annals of
the Grand Army."
General Shaw Bald that he Intends
Visiting, If possible, every department i
Of the Grand Army in the United
States, and for the months of March
and April has planned a tour embrac
ing the states of Maryland, Virginia,
North and South Carolina, Louisiana,
Florida. Texas, Arkansas, Kentucky
and possibly ona or two others.
The date for tho encampment naa
been fixed from Aug. 28 to Sept. L
Some Foolish People
Allow a cough to run until it gets beyond the
reach of medicine. They often say, "Oh, it
will wear away," but in most cases it will
wear them away. Could they be induced to
try the successful medicine called Kemp's
Balsam, which is sold on a positive guarantee
to cure, they .would immediately see. the ex
cellent effect after taking the first dose. Price
25c. and 50c. Trial size free. At all drug,
Count Tolittol'a Scrlnna Illness.
London, Dec. 7 A special dispatch
from Berlin says that Count Tolstoi
has been seriously 111. For two days
he was unconscious, but he is now
slightly better, although great anxiety
Is still manifested in Moscow regard
ing him.
Many a Lover
nas turned with disgust from an otherwise
lovable girl with an offensive breath. Karl's
Clover Root Tea purifies the breath by its
action on the bowels, etc., as nothing else
will. Sold for years on absolute guarantee.
Price 85 cts. and 50 cts. Sold by P. D. Klrlln
on a guarantee.
Ooliijr Kticr 'fficlr SirieliriirU.
New York, Dec. 7. Six hundred and
odd Scandinavians sailed away on the
St. Paul yesterday homoward bound
to upend Christmas with relatives.
About 350 of them were from Minne
sota and the Dakotas. Nearly all are
bachelor farmers, gone to marry their
sweothearts and to bring them back.
Bean the ) Kind Yoti II3TO Always Bought
Torriblo Fate if a Self Confessed
Negro Murdror in Kontuoky,
TLuttniiniU Turd.
lintpt In tliol.) ncli
iiHliuiiit fif II tn Vic
Inir, nml
tint Stitrtril li
f I'lri- AVIilch Undc.l
Ills I, Ire Sit Attempt nt Secrecy.
Mayvlllo, Ky., Dec. 7. Richard Colo
man, tho confessed murderer of Mrs.
James Lashbroohi wlfo of his employ
er, expiated his crlmo In daylight yes
terday at the hrinds of a mob, con
sisting of thousands of citizens, by
burning at the (take after sufforlng
torture and fright beyond description.
Coleman was a trusted employe. Two
months ago, while Mr. Lashbrook wns
at work oomo distance from the house,
Coleman asked Mrs. Lashbrook to
enter tho cabin to took at somo work
on which he had been engaged. The
negro locked the door on the lnsldo.
Mrs. Lashbrook became frightened and
screamed. Coleman struck her on tho
head, knocking ber down, but not
stopping her cries. He thon seized a
rnzor and cut hor throat. He picked
up tho bleeding body and placed It on
the bed. He then left the room, but
roturnlng and hearing her groaning
ho struck her repeatedly on tho hoad
with an ax.
The negro then washed the blood
from his hands and clothing and wont
to where Mr. Lashbrook was at work
In the Held and told him that he had
bettor come to tho house, as somo one
had killed his wife. It was not until
after the officers arrived that suspicion
was directed against Coloman. He
was arrested and taken to Covington
for safe keeping. Shortly after his
Incarceration at Covington ho made
a complete confession to the Jailer.
The story of his rovoltlng crime, In
cluding worse than murder, was told
without any appearance of feeling.
The trial was sot for yosterday.
Coleman had been told Tuesday night
to prepare to return to the sceno of
his crime. Ho wns stricken with fear,
and begged plteously to be permitted
to remain In Cov(ngton until after his
trial. On entering tlio train he seemed
unable to sit down until ono of the
guards forced him Into a seat It de
veloped that In the crowd at Coving
ton and even on tho train there were
some of the relatives of Mrs. Lash
brook, ready to convey Information If
any attempt was made to secrete the
The prlsonor, with his escort, arrived
here at 10:20 o'clock. As tho train
pulled Into the station the mob formed
on both sides. Armed men warned the
frightened passengers to remain quiet
and not to Interfere. Sheriff Perrlno
made a bold movement and started
walking swiftly, but with no Indica
tion of a panic, from the car. A step
behind him followed tho ofllcers, with
Coleman In their midst, seeking to
conceal himself behind the forms of
his protectors. As the officers pro
ceeded hundreds of stones and other
missiles wero thrown, and rovolvers
and rifles were freely displayed. The
prisoner was frequently struck, and he
presented a frightful appearanco.
At the court house a mob of over
2,000 men, headed by James Lashbrook,
the husband, had been hastily formed.
The demand for the prisoner was made,
accompanied by threats from tho lead
ors. There was a brief struggle, and
then tho sheriff and his assistants were
overcome and the prisoner pulled from
their midst. Through tho center por
tion of the town the mob marched, the
prisoner being dragged along with the
aid of ropes loosely attached to his
body. He was the target of hundreds
of missiles, and several times he sank
half conscious to the ground, while
the crowd struck at him with clubs,
sticks and whips until his head and
body were scarcely recognizable. More
dead than alive, he was dragged along
and forced to his feet. Scores of wo
men Joined the mon. High above the
nolso the wretch could be heard plead
ing for his life.
The place of execution had been se
lected weeks ago. At the cricket
grounds the prisoner - was strapped
against a tree and large quantities of
dry brush and wood plied around him,
while he was praying for speedy death.
James Lashbrook, the husband of tho
victim, applied the first match to tho
brushwood, and as a brother of tho '
victim struck the second match some
ono was slashing at the prisoner's
chest with a knife. Not a single shot
I was ureu, iub iiurputsq hbuuiiu); io ub
to give the wretch the greatest possible
i amount and duration of torture. Pep
per was forced Into his eyos after ho
had been tied.
As the flames arose Coleman's hor
rors Increased, and he made vain ef
forts to withdraw his Iambs from tha
flrA nil thn tlmn hpeeini? fnr n ilrlntr
of water. Tho ropes were burned
and his body finally fell forward on the
burning pile. Even then, although It
was not certain whether he was living
or dead, the crowd used rails and long
poles to push his body back Into the
flames. It Is not certain how long
life lasted.
At tho end of three hours the body
was practically cremated. Members of
the family of Mrs. Lashbrook had re
mained to keep up the lire and keep tha
body in a position where it would
continue to burn. Six-year-old chil
dren aided In feeding tho fire.
There was not a single effort made to
disguise or conceal Identity. All the
leaders of tho mob aro well known,
and there are hundreds of witnesses
who can testify to their participation
in the tragedy. They are leading citi
zens In all lines of business, and many
are members of churches.
County Judge Harbeson will empanel
a special grand Jury at once to make
a speedy Investigation and return in
dictments against the leaders. Tho
statement that Governor Bradley pro
poses to offer a reward for the ap
prehension of members of tho mob
does not excite much fear that the re
ward will be claimed. There is a strong
feeling that no punishment will result.
The body was left lying In the ashes,
and relic hunters took away teeth,
bones and flesh and everything from
the body that they could lay hands on.
The coroner held an Inquest on the
charred remains and rendered tho
simple verdict: "Death at the hands
of a mob."
Prevented a Tragedy.
Tinielv Information itiveu Mrs. Georee
Louy. of New Straitsrille, Ohio, prevented a
dreadful tragedy ana saved two lives, A
friebttul couch hail long Kepi her awaice
every night. She had tried many remedies
and doctors but steadily grew worse until
urged to try Dr. King's Now Discortiy. One
bottle wholly cured per, and she writes this
marvelous medicine also cured Mr. Long of a
sovere attack of Pneumonia. Such cures are
positive proof of the matchless merit of this
grand remedy for carl nr. all throat, chest and
lung troubles. Only 50c and 1.00. Every
bottle guaranteed. Trill bottles free at A,
Wasley's drug store.
Buy Royal l'ateut Flour,
the market.
It is tbt best in
Urn.I'lrnartiiliin I'orlrr riinarii With
out OttiiiiMtlmi Prom KullliliioiU.
Ardmore, 1. T., Dec. 7. QenBrnl
1'leaannton Porter waa yterdy, at
Okmulgee, needed as chief of the
Creek Nation. Thero was no demon- 1
strntlon on the part of the fullbloods,
who had protested against General
Porter. After his election Chief Por
ter addressed tho legislature.
"I respectfully recommend to your
honorable body," said he. "tho vital
Importance of being represented at
Washington by delegates selected In
accordance with the constitution of
our nation, with full power to agree
with congress on tho modifications of
tho last agreement submitted to It."
Bodily psin loses its terror If you've a bot
tle of Dr. Thomas' Electric Oil In the house.
Instant relief in cases of burns, cuts, sprain,
accidents of any sort.
The Conirpnmlcr at HnntlnKO Hlcvnt
oil bj- Prculclrii t McKlnler.
Washington, Dec. 7. According to
the officials of the war department the
promotion of General Wood, who was
yesterday nominated by the president
as major general of volunteers, Is not
likely to cause any Immediate change
In his present station and duties as
commander of the military province of
Santiago and Puerto Principe. Gen
eral Wood said yosterday that ho ex
pected to return to Santiago In a few
days, but that It was posstblo he might
be allowed to spend the Christmas
holidays In this city.
As major general of volunteers Gen,
eral Wood will be the second ranking
officer In Cuba, his single military su
perior being Major General Brooke,
who Is a major general In the regular
establishment. General Wood's ad
vancement gives him rank above Gen
erals Wilson, Lee, Wheeler, Dates,
Young, Chaffee and Ludlow, nil of
whom wero senior to him In the volun
teer army. Although all the officers
named were major gonorals of volun
teers during tho Spanish war they at
present hold only the rank of briga
dier general.
Counting General Wood, there are
now eight major generals In the army,
Including Generals Miles, Merrltt and
Brooke, of the regular army. The
other volunteer major generals aro
Shatter, Otis, Lawton and MacArthur.
You Are Free I"
' you were In prison and a
oa spirit suddenly opened
: door and said " Go You
are free I " vou wouldn't stoD
to ask whether the key that opened the
door was the regulation pattern or not. If
it opened the door, that is enough. Thou
sands of women who are sick and suffering
might speedily be made strong and well
again it it was not lor an unreasonable pre
judice against any but so-called
' regula-
tion" methods.
"Three years ago I was almost gone with
womb trouble says Mrs. Jennie J. Jackson, of
fergusson's wnsrr, me oi wo., va., in
letter to Dr. R V.
fierce, oi iiunaio, r4. y.
triA minv dlffVrMit ntMlHnri unA cnt tin Vf .
ter unUl I tried Dr. Pierce's medicines. The
first bottle rave me ease. I have Uken six bat
I ties and I feel as well as ever In my life.
" My doctor did not have any faith In 1 patent
1 medicines ' but he says ' tomilhing has done you
good.' I know if I had not taken Dr. Pierce's
meQicine j couia uoi nve uvea long as 1 was
nothing but a skeleton. 1 was so thin in flesh
that it hurt me to He down. Now I am well,
and can work hard all day and do as much
walking as I ever did, and sleep well all night.
I can never be thankful enough for the good Dr.
Pierce's medicines did me."
Dr. Fierce is a regular graduated and
educated physician. He has had a more
practical life -long experience with all
forms of women's diseases than any other
doctor In this country. His "Favorite
Prescription " for female complaints is the
most marvelously effective remedy for this
purpose lu tha world.
bunenng women neea not ncsiiate to
write to bitn. All letters are held sacredly
confidential and free advice will be sent by
mall in plain sealed envelope.
Constipation is a little illness that if
neglected builds a big one. Dr. Pierce's
Pleasant Pellets cure constipation.
Ctlrbnlrr'i i:nll.U 11:a:i.i... tUand.
un far!, , i
Htlkf r..r Ladle.."
Sola tj tU Umi OrtU'.i. riULAUA-ti'A
A box of our
srccinL rnniLi dew
is an exhilarating
stimulant during
the hot summer
Dolivored at your homo
Columbia Brewing Company
millions of Dollars
Go up In nmokt, overy year
Talcs no
risks but get your houses, stock, fur
nlture, etc., Insured In first-class re
mole companies as represented by
' 120 Booth JatdlnSI
mk .'Qot
mm n
U -TVV Origin! ucdiniy wmiiit
A VMl lT-Mttlr TMcAMr a; j' il. 'M-fKX
QA?5&!tt iwd BrcHiiu itrd t'l IHiy
tC&9- lf w,th hi t ' Take W
I-i tt7i. ..... I in.fatuttt .'i.l'l.-.'liilt.tffBl l.
I f to
IUqLIU tnd.iccld.nU. cmv&Uf
tfliouonnda Have Kidney Trouble
and Don't Know It.
How To Find Out.
Fill a bottle er common glas with your
water and let It stand twenty-four hours: a
sediment or set
tling Indicate an
tra unhealthy coma-
VWtlon 0' h kld
y neys; If it stains
'A your linen It Is
1 evidence of kld
i, ney trouble: too
irequent neare to
pass It or pain In
the baok it s.lso
convincing proof that the kidneys and blad
der are out of order.
What to So.
There Is comfort In the knowledge so
often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp
Root, the great kidney remedy fulfills every
wish In curing rheumatism, pain In the
back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part
of the urinary passage. Il corrects Inability
to hold water and scalding pain In passing
It, or bad effects following use of liquor,
wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant
necessity cf being compelled to go often
during the day, and to get up many times
during the night. The mild and the extra
ordinary effect of Swamp-Root Is soon
realized. It stands the highest for Its won
derful cures oi the most distressing cases.
If you need a medicine you should have the
best. Sold by druggists In50c. and$l. sires.
You may have a sample bottle of this
wonderful discovery
and a book that tells
more about It, both sent
absolutely free by mall.
address ur. Mimer u. iiom of 8urR.
Co., Blnghamton. N. Y, When writing men
tion reading this generous offer In this paper.
Livery and
No 13 North Jardin St.
vigor to the whole beta;, All drains
arc prupcuj turcu, meircontimon ouca worries to em into insanity LODiumptionor Leaicu
Mailed sealed. Price per box, 6 boxes with Iron-clad if gal cuarante t ure or refund tho
money, I5.00. Send tor lre book. Address, PEAL MEDICINE CO Clelind. 0.
of menstruation." They aro "L.IFI3 SAVBIIS" to girls at
womanhood, aiding development of organs and body. No
known remedy for womec equals them. Cannot do harm llfo
becomes a pleasure. $1.00 PER BOX BY 31 AIL,. Sold
by drutrtjists. DR. MOTT'S CUEMICAL OCX. Cleveland, Ohio.
For Sale toy FVW. Houck.
There are none better in the world and there are no greater
favorites in the world with any housewife. The satisfactory
giving qualities are beyond dispute.
Special Sales or Special Prices
We don't have any because our regular prices are lower than
those of dealers who advertise special prices. This is where
you save your money every time you buy.
Don't forgot us for your FURNITURE.
Faultless Labor
SsFaultless Prices
Are responsible for our always busy business. Try us
on plumbing and gas fitting. You wont regret the trial.
P. W. Bell, Cor. White & Lloyd Sts.
Agent for the Famous
Phila. Stock Ale, Sparkling Still
Amber Ale, Bottled Pale Ale,
B:own Stout, Half and Half, Beet
and Porter.
Mt. Carbon Reer
At all its customers to-day.
Solomon Haak's,
116 South Main Street,
Will receive prompt attention.
Ofl!c Ka-an bulldlnr, coraer ol Main an
Centre tret 8benndoh.
j ulaudk nnow.t,
Office: Cor. Centre and Wbito ttreett, nes
f ltlr Toomf v fnc.
1 tiltt lll.lilt, M. U.,
No. 80 Kiut Mrd rHreel.
Office bourst U to a. m. 1 lo 1p.m.
7 to? p. in.
Lock Roz S, Mt-or Otlv. P
flavins: studied under seme ol the
masters lo London and Paris, will rive leaaoi 1
on the violin, msndolin, (tuiar rd vocal coltu
Term) reancnsbla. Addms lnrot ntn
thn lewelor Hhftnnrinb
i,h! nature It ui 1 t
fir xim and tnj1
health h 'jmient -j
Jltlfort nc
i a h.tml-An hqulfl aj i
td to t ft-e from . id, a .
tics or .niton, which v I t
muve uprnuut h.r f A
' f.. e or bvdjr in three mtnnte wMhmit the l k "
i -tti tn-tirx ur in. n,,vrnictiv By occasional B.
t . ttins the hair Mini sre permanently eraH.
M I it and yo,i wilt he pirated with r- l'
llichly endorsed by the "L sited Sutet H h
!tnt aecurely aealed !n plain CMC for $1 00.
All ciwreapnttdence in charge of ladles sad cfy
letter treated a ucredly confidential.
Send your order now. No natter Kat mVt
remedy you my hae tried if you are dti&an t . J
it ta evident you haee not nted l pllttlna.
My book let "Aidi to Beauty" containing n t
or my unexcelled toilet rieama and other h....
complexion preparation, mailed free. Write.
Mhs. lourine.
Trial bottle good for two npi llcutlooa sent
postpaid on receipt of 10 ceLtn In stamp.
TheThTe itfwl thetMtof year.
ana luve cured thousands of
casf ofNf j Diieafcet, such
as Debility, Lnziinets, Sleepless
oess and Varicocele. A troonr. Ac
They dear the brain, strengthen
the circulation, make digestion
tv r f ft . anrl immrf a hi1ik
and losses are checked fermanently . Unless patients
They overcomes Weak
ness, irregularity and
omissions, increase vlp;
or and banish "pains
achieved Its Rreatest triumphs Infour
artistic and handsome stock ot wall paper.
All the latest designs and fashionable shades
and colorings Are embodied In our superb
stock of art wall papers. We have them from
$1.00 per roll for high art decorations to S
cents per roll for bedroom, parlor, hall or
dlnlni; room papers.
All Artistic I
All Protty I
224 West Centre St.
103105 S. Main St.
consistent with
Reer and Porter
Brewers of the
purest ....
finest and
These products are seldom equalled
and never surpassed. Also
bottlers of all
" 1 A .
Private families desiring orders
filled can have them promptly
by calling on
Christ. Schmidt,
Agent and Bottler,
203 W. Coal Street