fkml ft VOL.XV.-NO. 293 SHENANDOAH. PA. THURSDAY. DECEMBER 7. 1890. ONE CKKT J7 i 1 Sold For Cash or J. P. Williams & Son, 13 S. (Via In St., Shenandoah, Pa. SSJSO'HARA'S F"OF? m LIVER! :.BIPM16 OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. TELEPHONE CONNECTIONS. Cor. Lloyd and White Sts., SHENANDOAH and "It's an That Blows No One Good" That la Why We Will Have a Special Sale Thursday, Friftay, Saturday, Dec. 7th, 8th and 9th, Of Tinsel. Glass and other Christmas Tree Orna ments. These goods we place an import order for early in January of every year, thereby saving fifteen or twenty per cent, on prices. We will .in this special sale give this profit to our customers. Come Early and Make Your Selections, Morgan's Fancy Bazar, - 23 N. Main St WALM ELLS Trotting Harness. Buggy " Carriage " Surrey " Uxpress " Team " Harness Oil and Dressing, Snaps, Buckles. In fact everything you need for your horse or wagon. Swalm's - Hardware - Store. flANNINQ. EI. MANNING, IORNER OF" MAIN AND OAK STREETS. SPECIALTIES ! o CANNED GOODS I o TOMATOES.-Choice cold Packed 3 cans for 25 cents. ' F.vrr.i nualitv and extra size can, 10 cts. Vv HORN Choice Maryland " f 1 1 , . .. nne in. x. siaiesugai tum, j wn -p The finest Maine corn, 2 cans for 25 cents. PEAS Fancy Early June v-noice marrows, io ceiiu. Good Marrowfats, 3 cans for 25 cents. . IN A PCAMC Extra nualitv. t cans for 25 cents. Fancy otdimo ncrAMQ Good Choice white wax, 3 for 25 cents Fancy stringless, 2 cans for 25 cts PLUM PUDDING. Two cans for 25 cents. SOUPS. Concentrated six kinds good, cheap con venient io cents a can. FLOOR OIL. CLOTH. Tho largest stock arid boat aseortmont of Floor OH Clot h we have ever offered, At KBITER'S. McPhail Pianos. I'or 6o years made on honor Sold on merit. Strictly High Grade. AND OTHER MAKKS. Leased on Time. FURNITURE AND MUSIC STORE. AND flnin Street, MAHANOY CITY. horsemen Harness. , Bridles, Collars, Halters, Lines, Saddles, Traces, Tie Straps, Hame Straps, Feed Bags, riANNINO. MUCH SHOE SELLING And shoe buyinir has learned us a lot about the good and bad points of And we never buy those that are the least suspicious Only the best of each kind or trade get into our stock and the increasing number of customers proves that our ertorts to sell te FINE AOTWEARft At reasonable prices are appreciated. Fancy quality, the largest cans and fin est goods packed, 2 cans lor 25 cents. Good tomatoes, medium size, 5 cans, 25c. corn, 4 cans ior 25 tuma. 1 none f-f or ppntc and Sweet Wrinkled, 2 cans,25c. quality Maine, 2 cans for 25 cts. nualitv. a cans for 25 cents. KILLED IN CUBA. A Shenantlonli Young Man Accidentally Shot nt Hhthiih. It nil) lo n sourco of regret to many to learn that Hurry Walters, of town, hasheeu kilted In Culm. Tho news of tho unfor tunate affair conies through a letter from William Becker to Ills parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Docker, of East I.lne street Walters ami Becker were In the same en v airy, at Havana. Tho letter states that Walters was acci dentally shot in tho left breast by a com rade who was on November 28tli, last, dinn ing his revolver and did nut luow il was loaded. Walters died fifteen minutes later The body was interred iu the mllltiry eom etery uu Thanksgiving Day with military honors, niuo hundred cavalry and Infantry men being iu attendanco. Walters was a son of Mr. and Mrs Henry Walters, of East Coil street. He was about 23 years old. For some time he was em ployed as porter at tho Hotel Kotguson and was a favorite with the patrons of the hos telry. When the U. S. A. recruiting station was oponed hero lu the summer of 1803 Wal ters was ouo of tho first to enlist. Lieut. Slvitor, then In charge, becaino so favorably impressed with the youug mau that ho gave bfm the option of going to tho camp in Georgia with tho recruits or lemnlnlng at tached to tho station. He choso the latter and remained with tho recruiting corps dur ing Its tour of tho state, lie finally, while at the Wllkesharro station, was promoted to corpora), but yearncd-for nioro active life and upon his own request was assigned last sum mer to Troop II, 7th Cavalry, stationed nt uavar.a, Cuba. , A GOOD SHOWING. Gratifying Exhibit of the County's Fin ances for Nuvcmlier. The statement of the county's finances. filed by Controller Muldoon, for tho month of November, shows tho county to bo iu healthy condition, financially, and that the affairs of the county aro in capable hands. Tho fact that ou December 1st, last, thcro was a bal ance of 203.899 70 cash In the hands of the County Treasurer spraks well for the present board of Connty Commissioners. The total receipts of the county for the month of November, from all sources. $01,- 024.59, which with tho balance on hand pre viously, $161,737 02, makes a grand total of cash of $258,702 41. The total disbursements for opeiating the business of tho couuty for tho mouth of November, is placed at $31,862 03, leaving a net balance in the troasury on December 1st, of $203,899.70. The following is a brief statement of how the November disbursements were made s Commissioners' ofllce, $1.263 03; Controller's office, $721.83; Coroner's ofllce. $310 67; Clerk of tho Courts' office, $018 53; District At. torncy's olhce ( no salaries), $13.00; I'rothono tary 's office, $078 45; Register's office, $348.83; Recorder's office, $6S3.33; Sheiitf's office, $1,007.33; election expenses, $3,933 74; juror fees, $1,938 13; dismissed cases, $78.01; ex penses of the courts, $2,009 25; Orphans' Court expenses, $151; court bouso expenses. $419.54; special tax account, $1,728.26; couuty geieral accoun , $24,010.00. Isn't that a pretty display of baud decor ated and gold plated goodstdiown in llrllnim's show window! 11-SS-tf ltoyal Aronnuin Klectton. An election of officers was held last night by Shenandoah Council No. 1377. Royal Ar canum, and resulted as follows: Itegent, M. Owens; Vice liegent, Dr. D. John Price; Orator, E. 0. Malickj Secretary, Joseph II inks; Collector, J. J. Price; Treasurer, W. U. Zimmerman; Chaplain, T. R. Edwards; Guide, James II. Morgan; Warden, W. J. Watkins; Sentry, William If. llaugh; Trustee, A. D. Gable. IT You Want llnrgalus In OVercoats aud Suits, go to Harry Levit's. Traveling Front Atrlcu. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jackson and child will sail from London, Eng., next Saturday, on tho steamer Eutraria and expect to arrivo here ou the 10th Inst. Mrs. Jackson was formerly Miss Jessie Stein, daughter of Mluo Inspector Stein, of town. When the war be tween tho Boers and British broke out Sir. Jackson was obliged to abandon his home in Johannesburg. His intention is to remain here until tho wai clouds pass away and he can return to his home. All kinds of heaters at Davison's. lllg Fire In Iteadlug. Special to Evkhinq IIlealu. IJeading, Pec. 7. The largo stocking fac tory was destroyed by fire, and as a result a number of lives are lost. Many of the female operatives jumped from tho third, story windows. Four of them aro dead, and others are fatally Injured. Christmas IJkmindeb. Seo Orkin s stock of jewelry first. Next door to Alammotn Clothing Ho iso. tf Fever Victim Keoover. Assistant Postmaster Beeves has received a lettor from Cuba stating that his brother-in-law, J. Uowell Hughes, has recovered from aii attack of yejlow fever and is ou duty again. Mr. Hughes Is attached to (be U. S, A. hospital corps at Matauas. , kinds of tables at Davison's. Swum Says "tielto." The Pennsylvania Telephone Company has placed a long instance teiepnoue m llio nam ware store ol A. u.awairo. jJoiri torget you need anything lu a hurry, just call up Swalm aud ho will do tho rest. Tell your wauls to him. Womeu love a clear, healthy complexion Pure blood makes it. Burdock Blood Bitteis make pure blood. A New Itesldent, The household goods of U. B. Bishop ar rived in town to-day from Hastings, Mich. Mr, Bishop and his family will reside at IIS South Main street, over the ollico of the Col umbia Urewiug Company. He has accepted a position as shipping clerk for the biewery and is a brother-in-law of li. E. Clark. Not u Fatal Fit. An inquest was held list night on the death of James Fowler, the blind man, of Boston Uau. It was supposed that death was duo to an epileptic fit, but an autopsy showed that tbo mau died from u l'ractuio of tho skull sustained by a fall against u kitchen ruugo wheu tho man was selzod with the lit. All kinds of rockers at Davisou's. Another I'eiialou (or Heuator Lunch. Tho following Schuylkill couuty veterans of the Civil "var have bteu granted pensions Hon. S. A. Loscb, Schuylkill Havcu, fI2 per month (special) ; John Fess'cr, Doe, fO per montn. Store Itoom Tor Kent. April 1st, 1000, now occupied by Frank Schmidt, 110 North Main street. Apply at Btore. 180-tf SGHOOIt BOARD I A Regular Monthly Session Held Last Night. THE SUPERINTENDENT'S REPORT ! Vigorous Prosecution Urged For the Pun ishment of the Parties Arrested For the Coal Street School Affair. Board Empowers Boll oltor Darke to Act. A regular meeting of the School Board was held last night with the followiug Directors 11 attndauce : Mrxra Helper. Hanua. Baugh Martin. Holvey, Malick, Lee. Sulll- van, CoUL'hlln, Connors. Britt. Dove and Kerrigan Superintendent Cooper, Solicitor Burke aud Truant ullleer Connors were also present The report submitted by Superintendent Cooper was as follows : On tho 27th of No vember, the third month of tho present school year, closed with these res 1 Its: Monthly enrollment boys, 1,3U: girls, 1,420; total, 2,054. Average dally attendance boys, 1,120; girls, 1,255: total, 2,381; per- ceutHgo of attendance boys, 01; girls, 02; total, 03 There were 1,002 pupils who were not ahcut du ing the month There were 51 visits by fitisens. 4 by directors aud 117 by the undersigned. The pupils iu the High school made an attendance of 07 per rent. Tho highest percentage of atten dance was mule by tbo first grammar school In tho old building on White street. This school made a percentage of 00. Tbo schools of Miss O'Connell and Miss Flynn made 07 per cent , while thoso of Miss Pal mer, Miss Bierman nud Mr. Devitt made 0(1 per cent In some of the schools sickness made great Inroads on the attendance; 213 pupils noro absent five or more days. On October 30th the oveulug schools opened. The first month closed November 2Itb with these results -Mouth. y enrollment boys. 411; girls, 51; total, 402, Average evening atteudanee boys, 340; girls, 20; total, 260' 1'erceutago of attendance boys, 72; girls, 84; total, 73 Of the 402 pupils to these schools SB have been dropped from the rolls for non attendanco, leaving on the rolls at tho beginning of second month 400 Twenty pupils were Iu school every session. Twenty-six visits wera made by cit izens, 10 by directors and 23 by the under signed. During tho first mouth of our even. ug schools many things worked to their dis advantage. Tho flno weather, the plcturo display and the theatrical entertainments all tended to draw tho evening pupils from scho l. The School Savings Bank Is In u prosperous condition. All of tho schools, ex cept thrco, deposited money in tho bank dur ing tho month of November, The largest de posit was made by Miss Kcipers, second, by Miss Bassler's, third, by Miss McNealis' and Jourtb. by Mr. Wliitaker's Bchool. Dur- ng tbo quarior ending November 30. 1500, there was a total deposit of $025 50. Last year the total deposit for the quarter endiug November 30, 1803, was f 184 03. Tho Itrgost deposit made during ouo month sluce the begiuulng of the bank was mado during October of the present term, when It amounted to J205 81. It becomes the duty of tbo omeo to call your attention to tho fact that somo of tho bors and youug men of this town have very little regard for schools, or school property. It was necessary to have the attendance officer keep a careful watch for the boys who were anuoying the echoob on Whjte and Union streets. So far, bo has detected one miscreant and brought him to justice Last Monday morning information was filed at the ofllce that the Coal street building had been entered and robbed. At ouco tbo attendance officer was sent to that section to gather whatever information he could pertaiuing to the crime. His efforts were quite successful. Ho has obtained suf ficient luformation to land tbreo of the of fenders iu jail, aud we hope to be able to catch tho other culprits. The officer would urge upon the Board that you push these casoi to trial and teach these destroyers of property a much needed lesson. Health Officer M. J. Counorsubmltted the following report : I detected seven cases of truancy during the month of November aud I have all the pupils back in school. I have served 248 notices to parents of pupils that were absent from school more than five days during this mouth. Tbo reasons given to mo were satisfactory, as most of the children were sick. A few of them were out of town. During tho first part of tho mouth it was necessary to prosecute one young man for annoying the teachers of the Union street building. The last two days I have been giving some time in finding out who com mitted the robbery at the Coal street build ing. The Finance Committee submitted a report setting forth tbo numbers, amouuts -and holders of the f 3,00o worth of bonds to bo redeemed January 1st, 1000, of the issue of 1887. The report also showed the amount of bills to be paid as f 1,107.41. There Is ?02 30 in the treasury, leaving $1,105.05 to be pro vided for. It was, stated that Tax Collector Burke expected to meet this deficiency within a tew days, of which amount $2,500 would positively be furnished. The committee recommended that orders bo granted and the secretary bo instructed to bold them uutil there Is money with which to pay them. Solicitor Burke mado a formal report on the West Coal street school building case and stated that two of the accused. Gudelawicz and Fgau, wero In jail awaiting trial, McLaue gave ball aud Peter Smith was discharged by Justlco Shoemaker last night, there being uo evidence on which to hold him. Two or three more youths are wanted. Tho Board directed Solicitor Burke to take charge of the case, giving power to act, la connection with tho building and repairs committee, and the actlou of the Superin tendent aud Truant Officer In the case was approved. Secretary Hanna stated that be requested Solicitor Buike to prepare a bond in tbo sum of f3.000 to be furnished by Director Cough lln, as treasurer of the Public ScboolsSaviugs Fund. Tho bond was prepared, bnt Mr. bsoiuxely Mokes the food more delicious and wholesome nwjq emno Coughlin returned It without execution, stat ing that he did not consider a bond necessary. air. uoughlln wan present and stated that be did not consider a bond nMemry because bo does not handle the money. Ho al stated that be did tint tvilt ft Im.iw1 fnf. cji nnn ... stand recorded against biin. Furtbermoro, he stated that lib did not seek tho portion, no received no compensation Tot It, and be had held the position for two years vritbwit furnishing a bond. It WftS flUtf-d thattliA Iwind im. nut ul.l for because the Boxnl rnnolilAmt tharn vru any risk Incurred without one, but it was simply a matter of businew. Tho bond was referred back to the treas urer with the understanding that be be given one montn to consider the matter. A request of John Davidson, nt Wmt I.I nr. street, for exoneration from person! taxes was reierreu to committee. A TIMELY HINT. A Short Perusal or What May be of llmirllt to You. With the approach of tho holiday ewon everybody Is eagerly thinking of what to buy for his or her Mend as a Christmas gift. 11 is not always the presents that are tho costliest that aro most appreciated. At Orkin'a Jewelry store, next door to the Mam- moth Clothing House, which ranks ainnnu our foremost jewelry houses, you will find an assortment of Christmas glflg that will please the most fastidious. Tbe feature of our stock is tbo large assortment and the quality of goods sold. Each and ovory ar- tlclo passes to tho purchasor without misrep resentation aud is always accompanied by a guarantee. Our advise to you is to see us first, whether you buy or not. Wo can show vou a stock of Jewelry unsurpassed. Ladles' aud gents' gold watches in profusion, silverware, ladles' hracclcts, charms, pins of every description. Probably you aro in search of a nice musical instrument or a gramophone. They would certainly prove appropriate Christmas gifts Lome In to seo u, that is what wo want you to do. We always seem to satisfy the public aud give the best goods for tho least money. 12-7-2t Buy your Clothing at Harry Levit's. Strong Against IJalton. Tho trial of tbe Mayfield burglary esse at Scranton, lu which three Shenandoah men aro among tho accused, Is still on. Tho en gineer of the Carboudale Traction Company's power bouse testified that he and the fire man were surprised and blindfolded, and wero led to the money box in the office, tho fcox being fastened to a partition Tho box was knocked from its fastenings and carried from tho building. Tbo bondage fell from tho eyes of tbo witness and he positively identified Patrick Dalton as one of the burglars. George II. Dimmock, a railroad engineer, identified Zollner, Gaugban, Dal- rou ami uummings, alias "Western hd," as four of the robbers. Miss Uazledlne, of the Catawlssa Vallev. will not be called as a witness in tbe case, as nor evidence will have no bearing on it, in view or tbe court's rul nc when Conatahln Neary, of Carbonda'.e, was called. The Dis trict Attorney offered to prove that tho de fendants gave fictitious names at the time of their arrest. This was offered for tbo pur pose of identification. The defunso ob jected, on tbe ground that it was immaterial aud the court sustained the point, Among tho exhibits made at the trial was a bolster and revolver which wero stolen from the Lost Creek store about a year ago, when the place was 1 81 ted by burglars. These ar ticles were found on Zollner's person when ho was arrested for the Carbondalc affair. Policemen Danlell, Mullahy and Bolin, Coustablo Phillips and Daniel E. Brennan re turned from Scranton this morning. Tbe esse will probably bo closed to-uigbt. All kinds of presents at Davison's. Slow In Filing Licenses. Clerk of the Courts Schooner reports that applications for liquor licenses aro belug filed remarkably slow. At this time last year there were filed H60 applications, but up to yesterday afternoon only 275 had been pre sented. The last day for filing applications is on Monday next, so that within the next few days the Clerk of the Court's office will bo kept busy If the county's full quota of licenses are to bo granted this year. SV'o have received a nice assortment of con fectionery. It is selling at .greatly reduced prices. Boston Bakery. 11-25-lm Itorough Mulcted tor Damages. In tho suit brought by Philip Argall and wife and Mrs. ElUa Barry for damages to their properly, by the failure of Pottsville borough officials to keep the culverts In good condition, tho Jury rendered a verdict of $250 for the Argall's and $125 for Mrs. Barry. Tho borough is compelled to pay the cosU In the case. All kinds of furniture at Davison's. Tn Ventilate the Tunnel. The Ashland Telegram Is authority for tbe nows that the P. & It. company intend to ventilate Mahanoy tunnel by placing a fan on the top of the mountain for that purpose. Plans aro being made in tbe office of the com pany at Ashland and work may soon beglu. Father Anthony Improving. The condition of Rev, Charles Meyers, known in religion as Father Anthony, who has been lying seriously 111 at his station in in Charlotte, North Carolina, is somewhat improved. Father Francis, another brother, is also stationed in that city. They are both brothers of John Meyer, receiving toller at the Union Natloual Bank, Mahanoy City. Bbf.cham'8 Pills for distress after eating. "Want to Witness the execution. Sheriff Toole Is being besieged by people wbo want to witness tbo execution of Thomas Brennan next month. Only those allowed by the law will bo present. Tbe Sheriff says be will sttictly euforce this rule. Thimble Hue Meeting. Tbe Thimble Bee met at the residence of Mrs. It. A. Quln, at Wui. l'eun, tbis after noon. Ample preparations were made to re ceive and entertain them. New Furnishings. G. W. Kelter to-day supplied a room In the Beddall building with new linoleum and carpets The patterns are of beautiful de signs and reflect good taste, Tbe room was formerly occupied by tbe Columbus club. ?am Baking Powder "Pure towon oo., tnw yoak. SENATE BILLS ! Noarly Eight Hundred Preaentod During Yssterday's Session. B0ME 0? TOE MOST IMPORTANT. Thrr Include n I'ni-lflr Cubic II 1 1 1 anil 3fcnntircn For Poatnl Snrlnira iJnitka, flnl eminent TclrKnih. nn Income Tax unit lfilccllon of Senator. Wanhlnnton, Dec. 7. Nearly SO0 bllln and joint resolutions, several Im portant concurrent resolutions and pe titions mimliering hundred were pre sented to the senate yesterday. Som of the bllln a majority of them, in fact were old stagers which had been Introduced In the last consreea or in previous congresses. A vast number of them were of minor importance, but a few were of national Interest and consequence. Mr. Aldrlch had the honor of In troducing the first measure in the sen ate. It was the financial bill drawn by the senate committee on finance, of which Mr. Aldrlch Is chairman, and probably was the most Important measure Introduced during the day. Resolutions were offered providing for an investigation by the Judiciary committee of all phases of polygamy recently presented In connection with whai Is known sb the Roberts case; expressing the sympathy of the senate for the Uoers In their war with Great Britain, and declaring that Senator N. H. Scott, of Wost Virginia, is not entitled to a seat in the senate. Mr. Harris, Kansas Populist, was appointed a temporary member of the committee on privileges and elections. Tho appointment Is Important and sig nificant bei-ause the committee has under consideration the Quay, Clark and Scott contests. Senator Harris has been generally regarded as an tagonistic as to the right of a gov ernor to fill a senatorial vacancy where the legislature falls to olect, and as the committee is close, so far as can be surmised from the records of senators, his vote may determine the character of tho report to be submitted to the senate for Its action In Senator Quay's case. Among the bills Introduced were tho following: By Air. Hale, for the construction of a Pacific cable by the navy depart ment, to be operated by the postolllce department, and appropriating $11, 000,000 for this purpose. By Mr. Kyle, for the establishment of postal savings banks and a govern ment telegraph Bystem; for the re striction of Immigration; Joint resolu tion for a constitutional amendment for tho regulation of marriage and di vorce. Uy Mr. Harris, Joint resolutions for constitutional amendments authoriz ing the imposition of an Income tax and for the election of senators by the people. By Mr Stewart, for the regulation of the election of United States sen ators; for the revision of the mining laws, nnil for the regulation of desert lauds. Uy Mr. Warren, for the cession by tho general government of 5,000,000 acres of arid lands to each of- the arid land states. By Mr. Lodge, for amendment of the Immigration laws. By Mr. Hoar, for the regulation of the election of United States senators. By Mr. Ctillom, to provide a form of government for Hawaii; to pension war veterans over 70 years of age. STII.VWHEIIKV ANI VANILLA 10K citB.VM, 01iAs.11: wat nit icn Made daily at Scbeiler's Iwkery, 27 Bast Centre street. Pure aud delicious. 12-1-tf Meeting Jr. O. U. A. M. A meeting of the different Councils of tbe Jr. O U. A. M , from throughout the county will shortly bo held lu Pottsville. Tbo meet ing will bo held for the purpose of taking action on the matter of tbe State Council bo- ing cut off from the National Council. It is expected and desired that each Council lu tbo couuty will be represented. All kinds of nut meats at M. I.. Kemmerer &Co.'s. Walnuts, 20 cents ; sbcllbarks, 35 cents. 12-4-lSt Killed by Falling Tree. When Harry Berger, a well known young man wbo resides with his father, on a farm at Tnylorsville, near Gordon, failed to come home for supper futsday evening, several of the members of tbe family proceeded to tbe timber tract on tbe farm where be was en gaged In cutting timber. They found Berger's lifeless body pinioned down by the trunk of a huge tree. His back was broken aud his body otherwise injured. All kinds of stoves at Davison's. The Senatar to Keiurn Hume, Senators. A. Loscb, who has been in an hospital at Philadelphia for the past two months, continues to improve in health Next week he goes to Atlantic City and will remain there some time. If the Senator coutiuuea to improve ho will probably spend Christmas with bis family at Schuylkill Haven, and may remain there. Try our Hokey.Pokoy Tally, at 20c per pound. At M. L. Rouuiurcr & Co.'s. 4-lSt llxplauatlons Are In Order. From Dally News. A law and order society has been formed out of tbe Schuylkill Ministerial Association. Its actual object, though not aunouueed, ii to bleed saloon keepers. Special For This Week Only. Our 40-cent chocolates for 30 ceuts per pound. They aro delicious. At II. L. Kemmerer & Co.'s. 12-4 18t D-HKK LUNCHrM TO-NIGHT, BICKEBT'S. , Vegetable soup to-nlgbt. Fish cakes to morrow morning. UENTZ'S. Come and try our free lunohee. We serve them not every evening and moruiug. CHAB. BADZIEWICZ'S. Cream of tomato soup will be served, free, to all patrons to-night. WEF.K8.' Sour krout. park and mashed potatoes to night. pooucr's. Cold lunch to-ulgl t MAX LEV T S 38C Will buy heavy flecccrf lined underwear in all colors. Shirts or drawers. $1.00 Will buy a nice shirt or drawers in the best of camel s hair goods. MEDICATED RED FLANNELS. NATURAL WOOL. AUSTRALIAN WHITE WOOL. Gent's half hose, all kinds, at lowest prices. Our hats and neckwear are inter esting for every buyer. Remember we sell the genuine Stetson hat. MAX LEVIT UP-TO-DATE HATTER. CORNER MAIN AND CENTRE STREETS. XXXXXXXXXXXkf THE HUB fiXXXXXXXXXXXK New Ones -AT- Low Prices. Children's Coats, latest Oretelien double box plete in back, slashed reveres, trimmed with four rows, pearl buttons, and white Hercules oraia, corded colter, 52,38, ANOTHER Fancv mixed poods. full size collar, trimmed with two rows silk soutache anone fancy braid, two rows on cufis and collar, SI.98 only. Baby's Coats. White Cashmere fancy cape, embroideried cape, at 98c. White Cashmere Coat embroid eried puffed sleeves, circular collnr. at SI.49. Fine Cashmere extra lnnf nnfTWl sleeves, full size cape, trimmed wiiti iancy riDDou and braid, three pearl buttons, four tucks and fnnov braid around skirt and lined, $2.37. Long Bedford cord cloak trimmed with silk braid on yoke and satin nubou on collar, $2.37, Child's Reefors in fn all colors, inlaid cloth, cream and black soutache to match, bound seems. In ladies' and misses' we have a good line of Golfs, Plush Capes, 44-so, ana oeuer. 1 9f CHRISTMAS ST7s: PRESENTS I Stools, all prices. New goods just received at FRICKFS CARPET STORE, i0 South Jardin Street. mmmmmmmmmmmis. a IN "T TV TT7r . 3 jv iuunuy uucu cherries and nnnlps. r5 CALIFORNIA Peaches, Ep-g-s Plums. Green Gages, Apricots, Pears CANS. rti A JU.JL fU o Lemon- Peel and Citron. . ' Flavoring: Extracts, Spices. TRY flAClARQLE'S OWN BRAND BAKl.NQ POWDER. Magargle's, 26 EAST CENTRE STREET