The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, December 06, 1899, Image 4

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Tho Only Drug Stores
In Town That Pre
sents You With Trad
ing Stamps.
Shenandoah Drug Store,
3 South Main St., Shenandoah.
Telephone Connection.
We ore now showing tlie lines! 3-j I mii
CHRISTMAS COODS iti thi-towu N 1
ing to surpass it outside of Mie lari; 'fit
The wbolc 9tore crowded with Dolls,, T"V-.
Games, Hooks, Pictures, Celluloid 'Oods,
Etc., Etc., and best of all the prices .ire so
low as to make your dollar give yon more and
better goods than can be procured elsewhere.
We are always readv to show goods whether
you buy or not. We ntbtnit a few prices .
Toy books,Hncn and paper. So up.
History lit U 8., Life ot Washington, I'll-1
grlnvs Progress, Ac, In wonls of on-
syllable, 40a, roBiilar 90c.
Lincoln pulorie, 9Ae.
200 clotli bound 1ft mo. books, regular 2Bc
at 17 cents. i
200 cloth bound 16 mo. In white and mold, i
roKumr " cent, ni xo eems.
Never before so large and
flue fur the price.
Hook and Ladder Truck. Fire Knglnrn,
Ilose Carts, Sulule. Delivery Wneons.
etc., from 10 cents up, ,
Trick Donkey, Tlie bet mechanical toy on f
.n-i.B Ti.a ... ., i ....... i i
balks and them row baokwnrd. Must be
seen to be appreciated, 4 cents.
We think to have everything
that is In the market.
Croktnnle, full wlze, 21.23, formerly $2 50.
Old MnhJ. Dominoes, Checker Hoard, came
or ParchMse India, Krrnd (toy, Conette,
DOLLS. wsr
Our doll en u nter Is worth the time it
takes to visit It In order to see the
various tyle and the exceedingly
low prices we quote
Kid Dolls, 23 cents up.
Jointed Dolls, 10 cents up.
Dressed Dolls, 20 cen's up
Alt linen ptfnted dolls, 28 cents.
Medallions, 23 cents up.
Yards of roses, etc., 75 cents,
.Framed pictures, 40 cent up.
Smoking set.
Shaving nets.
Toilet sets.
Fine stationery, book.", calendars, etc., etc.
tfH TTTT t T W 1 T "P H P 1 1 1 H I1
Special Offer.
One year Munsey's, McCIures, Ainsleea and
Gentlewoman, 92,55.
One Tear Mnnseys, Cosmopolitan and Me-
Clurca, $2.55.
We will meet any clubbing oiler you receive.
.Visit our store, examine our goods and com
pare our prices with others,
The garmeiits
from our tailor
ing department,
and you will al
ways find them
right. They
have the attrac
tive look that
.makes men of
good judgment
pause to scrutinize your clothes,
and that makes them the satisfac
tory kind to you.
Portz Bros.,
24. North Main Street.
Time and
Money Saved
Don't You Want the
Dollar You Pay
For Christmas gifts to bring
their real values or probably
more back to you. If you are
progressive and have your
personal interests at heart see
our Watches, Chains, Rings.
These goods are a specialty
with us this year.
Thos. Buchanan,
Jeweler and Optician,'
No. 118 South Wain Street.
Holiday Preparations.
JTv! prXJ Raisins
I w. t v v Currant
pectatlO- t i
raining la 17
5e yellow ar
we were firnt
ion's Dyspcft
California Peaches,
Lemon Peel,
urangre Peel,
int av t
All Kinds ot Nuts.
... t t t., I,m f.1 fl .1, ii t 7( tutrtuiunil.
cine wusiew ........ t- - - .
Mackerel, 6 C and up.
B. A. Friedman,
213 W. Centre St.
Two doors below Mull's dairy.
When you
have been
caught in a
rain and feel
that you have
taken cold,
just take a hot
foot-bath, a
bowl of hot
drink, a dose
of A y e r ' s
Cherry Pec
toral, and ro
to bed. The
chances are you will be
all right in the morning.
Continue the Cherry
Pectoral a few days, un
til all cough has disap
peared. There is nothing so bad
for a cough as coughing.
cures coughs of all kinds.
ror an ordinary every
day miserable cold a 25
cent bottle is enough ; if
it's been hanging on, you
will need a SO cent size ;
for bronchitis and con
sumption the dollar size
is most economical.
" Ayer's Cherry Tectoral has no
equal as acurc for coughs and colds
and all lung troubles, Ithasalways
given me Instant relief. I always
keep It In the house, buying It by
the dozen.'
C. C. Caywooo.
Dec. 14, 18D8.
AVecdsport, J. Y.
At Mauser's.
Choice beef, lamb, pork and mutton,
picketed pig's feet, touguos aud tripe, sau
sages. All Kinds or fresh and smoked meats;
eggs and butter. Cherry and Chestnut
streets. tf
Marrlnge Licenses.
Henry Kettle, ( Ilazleton, and Sirs. Fan
nie Higgins, of Tamaqua; Samuel Klouscr,
of Hegins township, aud Katio Holdeman, of
Valley View.
Buy Koyal Patent Flour,
the market.
It is the best in
A Little or liotll.
From the Miners' Journal.
The reported burglaries at Shenandoah
shows that cither the people of that borough
are making too much money or else there Is
a serious lack of police protection.
A Suitable Christmas Girt
Would bo an attractive suit of clothes or
trousers. Elegant sample selection. Catchy
prices. Faultless fit and labor. Try me.
H. W. Landman, 114 North White street. .
100DS FILLS cure raver Ills,
biliousness, Indigestion Heartache.
inl(uts"Dt laxative, AiX Iruaft-lst
at Shenandoah, In the state of PennsyUanla, at
the close of business, Dec. 2nd, 1S9V:
Loans and discounts $I87.2S 58
U. S. lionds to secure circulation 75.000 00
Premiums on U. S. lionds 6.500 00
Stocks, securities, etc 06.400 00
Iianking-hou!e. furniture, and flit 2,000 00
Due from approved reserve agents...- 13,2-12 81
Checks nnd other cash items 8,433 88
Notes of other national hanks 3,550 00
Fractional paper currency, nickelsanu
cents 411
Lovf ul money reserve in bank, viz :
Specie 17.413 75
Legal-tender notes 3,016 00
U. d. certif 's of deposit for
leeal tenders 28,099 75
Redemption fund with U. H. treasurer
(5 per cent, circulation) 3,375 00
Total J 1 19,331 24
Capital stock paid in 8100,000 00
Surplus fund 20,000 00
I ndlvlded nroflts. less expenses and
taxes paid 23,799 07
National Hank notes outstanding 67,500 00
Due to other national banks 6,561 33
Due to state banks aud bankers 272 53
Dividends uniiaid 30 00
Individual deposits subject to check... 200,728 00
Demand certillentes of deposit 413 31
Total J 110,331 24
Btatcof Pennsylvania. County of Hchuylkill, es:
I, E 11. Hunter, cashier of the above-named
bank, do solemnly swear that tlie above state
ment is true to the best of my knowledge and
belief. K. II 1IUNTCK. Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this Gth
day of Dec, 1WJ. s. (I. M. Holloi-eteb.
Notary Public.
Correct Attest:
T. F. IIbapioak, )
John J IfomiiN, Directors.
II. W. Titjiak. I
Ladies' and Misses' Garments
The great success of our coat
department has been brought about
by giving the best values for the
least money. This season we offer
the nicest and most complete line
of garments. Coats in all colors,
Tans, Modes. Blues, Black, lined
with skinner satin, mercarized
satin, and silk. Also a fine selec
tion of misses' and children's coats,
neatly trimmed in braid and bias
A special line of Plush, Cloth, As
trakhan and Golf Capes Collarettes
made of Posum, Wool, Seal and
Beaver Fur.
A nice assortment of single and
double plain and plaid Scotch woSl
shawls. Come and sie them.
E,. F. GILL,
.nan vv jtrjswts. vkMh m .ra.
II .ppMilngs Throughout the Uountry
Ohrnnlcltl for Hasty Perusal.
Tho list of applicants on "tho hill" Is grow
ing dally.
Unrolling houses are In demand at
Tho School Hoard mcols In regular session
this evening.
Tho Orand Lodgo of F. it A. St. meets In
l'hiladelphin to-day.
Tho business men of St. Clair wilt organlzo
for mutual protection.
Art wall papor at Cardln's for 0 and 0 cents
per roll. Come and seo tliciu. tf
I'ottsvlllo borough will redeem lionds to
tho amount of $3,000 on January 1st.
The ward nssossors of town nro making
registration for tho Spring election.
The Schuylkill County Medical Society
met in i'ottsvlllo yestorday afternoon.
The collieries are working on the three
quarter day schedule because of a scarcity of
The retail liquor dealers of Mahanoy City
will organlzo to enforco tho provisions of the
liquor law.
Tho Olassls of Schuylkill county will meet
in tho Trinity Reformed church at I'ottsvlllo
on Friday.
All the stores are displaying a nlco line of
Christmas goods. Mako your purchases now,
and at homo.
Cars at Itoan Junction, Luzerne county,
decapitated Joseph Do Ulaaf.
I Tho residence of John Canflcld, at Green-
bury, this county, was burned to the ground
i Monday evening.
. r it t t 1 ..,1 .. ...HI ..
1 11U ,ir J, u. Jl. AM. Iinjgua will uuiu n
county convention to discuss thetroublo with
tho National Council.
The coal and clay bods of tho Scootao re
gion, in Clinton couuty, are being investi
gated with a view to development,
Jury Commissioner Anstock, of Mahanoy
City, is a candidate for re-nomination before
the next Kepublicau convention.
Tho public schools of Shamokin will close
December 15 aud open aeain January 2, in
nbsctvance of the Christmas holidays.
A convention of miners will be held at
Clearfield, December 13, to formulate a
higher wage scalo to bo presented to the oper
lluchanau, the jeweler, is making
specialty ol special valuos on watches, rings
and chains fur Christmas gifts this season.
Henry Kettle, n bricklayer, of Hazlcton,
and Mrs. Minnie Illgglns, of Tamaqua, wcro
mariled by a Justice of the Pence, at Potts
vllle, yesterday.
Minora in No 11 slope at Beaver Brook,
Luzerno couuty, tapped a body of water
which flooded tho workings and the men
barely escaped with their lives.
Murderer itrounan's lawyers have In'
formed him of the date fixed for his eiccu
tion. Tho death warrant has not yet been
read to the condemned man.
Samuel Donnelly, of Mount Holly Springs,
Cumberland county, convicted of false pre
tense, has been released from prison by order
of tho court.
Two Mormon missionaries, who had been
doing some proselyting in Pottsvllle and that
vicinity, left the locality yesterday. They
bad received no encouragement.
Striking car builders of -the American Car
and Foundry Company, at Berwick, Colum
bia county, have gone back to work, securing
some concessions.
Thomas Tiornoy, formerly employed as
flagman at the Pennsylvania railroad cross.
ing in town, has taken up his residence with
his daughter, Mrs. Terrence Brennan, of
It Saved His Leg.
P. A. Danforth. of LaGranee. Ga.. suffered
intensely for six months with a frightful
running sore on his leg, but writes that
Bucklen's Arnica Salve wholly cured it in ten
days. -For Ylcers, Wounds, Burns, Bolls,
Pain or Piles it's the best salve in tho world
Cure guaranteed. Only 25c. Sold by A.
Wasley, druggist.
So Very Accommodntlnir.
Scene A swell restaurant (say,
Simpson s). Walter presents bill to
swell, who has been dining both "wise
ly nnd well."
Swell Walter, Just tell Sir. Simpson
I should like a word with him. Ah
how do you do, Sir. Simpson? Some
12 months ago I dined here, but, un
fortunntely, was unable to pay. You
made a few rather powerful remarks
and then very properly kicked me
down stairs.
Mr. Simpson Ah, I do remember tho
matter, now you mention It. But,
never mind, sir never mind. Let by
gone be bygones.
Swell Just so, sir. I have now to
compliment you upon the charming
dinner I have Just enjoyed. Tho wluo
was really excellent, but I am sorry
to ay er that is, I regret er well,
the fact Is (lifting his coattalls ac
commodatingly) 1 must trouble you
again, Sir. Simpson.
One of the district school trustees
was a cranlc on the subject of Are,
and when he called round with the ex-
nmlnlng board he always confined his
remnrks to a question nddressed to the
pupils as to what they would do in
case the building should catch lire.
The teacher was acquainted with his
hobby, so she prompted her scholars
as to the answers they should give
when he ro6o to propound his accus
tomed luqulry. When the board called,
however, this particular trustee, per
haps from a dusiro to emulate bis as
soclatos In their addresses, robe and
"You boys and girls havo paid such
attention to Mr. Jones' remarks,
wofidor what you would do, now, If
wero to make you a little speech?"
Quick as thought a hundred voices
piped In unison:
"Form a line and march down
stairs." London Answers.
Terrible Holler EVplonlon.
Jollet, Ills., Dec. 6. The explosion
of a boiler In the billet mill at the
Jollet plant of the Illinois Steel com
pany yesterday caused frightful in
juries to nine men. with another man
missing, possibly hurled beneath the
debris. All the men were burned and
scalded. Patrick Sullivan and Henry
Asbester will probably die. Foreman
John McBride was blown 15 feet and
was badly burned, and William Me
Mullen, assistant superintendent, may
not recover. The missing man's namo
Is Miller. The explosion did heavy
proporty damage.
Snppoaetl Murdered 3Inn netnrna,
Macon, Ga., Dec. C. Two negro wo
men, Dolphus and Ida Hooks, havo
been In Jail here several days charged
with the murdor of Jim Jones, col
ored. Yesterday Jones made his ap
pearance. A. dead negro was found in
South Macon several months ago, who
had plainly been murdered. He was
Identified by Jones' mother as Jones,
and was burlod by her. Suspicion
pointed to the Hooks women, and their
conviction was regarded as certain.
Solicitor General Hodges ordered the
release ot tho accused woman.
"Neglected colds make fat graveyards."
Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup helps men
and women to a happy, vigorous old age.
A moderatn storm Is central over
western Ontario, having movod from
Manitoba since
Wednesday night.
It has caused gen
eral snows In tho
lake regions nnd
Uppor Ohio val
ley; elsowhoro
east of tho Ilocky
mountains fair
weather has pre
vailed. Forecast
for this section:
Fair today and to
ft morrow: modernto
temporaturo: . fresh south to West
Sunrise, 7:12; sunset, 4:43; length of
day, 9h., 31m.; moon rises, 10: 2G a.
m.: moon sets, 8: 10 p. m.
Tub Independent Company Hfcures Ad
iiilsston to the County Heat,
I'ottsvlllo, Dec. 0 Tho Town Council of
I'ottsvlllo, after coquetting with tho' Hchuyl
kill Telepbouo Company, an independent or
ganization that has no connection with the
Bell monopoly, that company was last oven-
ng, at the regular meeting of the Pottsvllle
Town Council, giauted right of way through
tho borough. Tho ordinance was passed,
surprisiugly as it may seem, without a dis
senting vote. At tho previous mcotings n
mujority of the members were against tho
now company, and were active In their op
position. During tho consideration of tho ordinance
last night Councilman Robinson had a copy
of tho Miners' Journal sent to tho clerk's
desk, who read an article In which the editor
referred to a statement "it would bo neces
sary to expend f 2,000 to secure admission"
by tho now company. Tho mcmberr of Coun
cil wcro highly indignant, but thoy took no
action against tho publication.
Tho ordinance of tho Anthracite Telephone
Company, another Independent company in
which Shenandoah people are interested, was
defeated by an unanimous voto
rhe securing of right of way through
Pottsvilte by tho Schuylkill Telephone. Com
pany means cheaper telephone service
throughout this county, also the privilege of
talking to Mt. Carmel aud Shamokin with
out extra charge to subscribers. This com
pany will place 'phones at a rontal of fl
por annum while the Bell company's present
rate is $60, but they will rcduco that figure
now that they havo active opposition. Tho
new company, however, desorves support.
Tax Collector Edward Burke is confined to
his home by au attack of lumbago.
William Tempest is confined to his homo
through injuries to hi: right hand, sustained
while- at work at Turkey Ituu colliery.
William Moore, of Mahanoy City, will
have charge of Conway's branch store hero.
Miss Katio Seeman, of Frackville, is a
guest of Mr. and Mrs. James Patterson, of
West Oak street.
Daniel Duffy, of St. Clair, was a visitor to
town this afternoon.
Dr. John A. Bouse, of Chambersburg, is a
visitor to town, .lie will spend a weok hero
in tho interest of tho Royal Arcanum, of
which he is an influential aud enthusiastic
membor. i
A Card,
We, the undersigned, do hereby agree to
refund the money on a 50-ccnt bottlo of
Greene's Wanantod Syrup of Tar If It falls
to euro your cough or cold, Wo also guaran
tee a 25-cent bottle to prove satisfactory or
money refunded.
A. Wasley, C. H. Hagenbuch,
Shenandoah Drug Store, P.W. Bierstein & Co.
UclonjrM tti n Cotinterfcltllifr Fnnilly,
Toledo, Dec. 6. Captain E. A. Ab
bott, of the United States secret ser
vice, yesterday identified Cyrus Davis,
arrested here Thanksgiving day, as
Charles Johnson, one of the last
of the Johnson family, which has been
counterfeiting through three genera
tions. The grandfather of the Toledo
prisoner was the first counterfeiter of
Canadian currency and died In a Do
minion prison, John Johnson, father
of Charles, was an expert engraver,
and served ten years for counterfeit
ing. Three sons became counterfeiters,
and produced the "Grant live," "Han
cock two" and Window two." Cap
tain Abbott found an outfit In Charles
Johnson's possession. The counter
feiter was held to the federal Jury.
Good old Santa Claus is getting ready to hold
his annual festival and scatter his rewards
amongst the boys and girls, and even the young
men and maidens as well as the older folks.
We have made our store into a veritable
Alladin's cavern well stocked with every variety
of Dolls, Go-carts, Toys, Games, Animals,
Picture Books, Etc.
Hundreds of dressed and un
dressed beauties. See our
special 23c one.
A splendid assortment, all
sizes, from 25c up.
Pianos, all sizes, Trumpets,
Drums, Accordeons, Metal
aphones, from 5c up.
Magic Lanterns, Steam Engines,
Mechanical Toys ; of the
latter we have an immense
S South Main St., Shenandoah.
Coats and Capes at Half Price!
Plush and Astrakhan Capes, from $1.49 and upward. Collarettes,
$1.65 and up ; elsewhere not less than 3.00. Children's Reefers, $1.25;
elsewhere $3.50. See our large assortment of trimmed and uutrimmed
millinery and trimmings. Would not any of these articles make a
cheap, appreciative and serviceable Christmas gift ? Consider this and
come to our store and be convinced.
Owing to a mild season
our prices as follows :
$ r.00 OVERCOAT for - - $ 4.50 O
Q $ 8.00 OVERCOAT for $ 5.00 Q
X $10.00 OVERCOAT for - ' - $ T.00 X
X $12.00 OVERCOAT for $ 9.00 X
?S $15.00 OVERCOAT for - - $11.00 X
?S $18.00 OVERCOAT for - - $12 50 O
You can get them in any style or color you wish ; and
Suit at a price correspondingly low.
Mammoth Clothing
S and 11 S. Main
f.lkn Vlndlug Money.
Tho usp of tho Endless Chain Starch Book
in tho purchase .of "Red Cross" and "Ilub
inger's Best" starch, makes it just like find
ing money. Why, for only 5c. you are en
abled to get one largo 10c. package of "Red
Cross" starch, one large 10c. package of
"Hubingor'a Best" starch, with the
premiums, two Shakespeare panels, printed
in twelve beautiful colors, or one Twentieth
Century Girl Calendar, embossod in gold.
Ask your grocer for this starch and obtain
the beautiful Christmas presents free.
Eczema, scald noaa, dives, itcniness of the
skin of any sort Instantly relieved, perman
ently cured, Doan's Ointment. At any drug
Christmas is
Why don't you come to
the largest furniture store in town
to buy your holiday gifts. Be wide
awake and bo to the place that
gives you the biggest values for
your money, the largest and the
most appreciative selection. Feast
your eyes on a stock that is sure to
pleaseyou. See our beautiful line of
Solid Leather,
nalacti! Green.
Bird-Bye Maple Inlaid with pearl
or plain upholstered, silk plush, silk
Damask, Corduroy.
Do not fail to see our Pictures
and Mirrors, Couches, Easels,
Curtains, Tapestry Covers, Screens.
It is well worth your time to
come and see our stock. Every
body knows that the prices we ask
for any aiticle of furniture is never
beyond reason. Look at our win
dow display.
Walt (or them and then buy early and secure
first choice. Don't wait until the lost day.
Nos. 119-121-123 North Main St.
Iron Toys.
Engines, Hook and Ladders,
Patrol Wagons, Drays, Cook
Stoves, etc., 10c to 2.00.
Horses, Sheep, Donkeys,
Goats, etc., 10c to $3.00.
A big variety, from 10c to
Si. 00.
Fancy Goods.
Plush or Celluloid gifts.
Suitable for all ages.
Fancy China.
A stock which cannot be ex
celled in this county.
arid having a tremendous stock
we wish to announce the fact
You can now get a
double ofilco in Praney's
JU building, corner
Main and Lloyd streets.
Also a single one.
J. Franey.
Steam beatcd. Apply to J.
12-0 2t
FOItKKNT. A very desirable brick dwelling
house, No. 21 Kost Oak street. Eight rooms
with steam heat plant, bath, hot and cold water
Qm In every room. Kent reasonable. Apply
at 23 West Lloyd street, or 20 South White
street. 11-15-tf-cod
IftOR ItKNT, A dwelling house with nil
modem conveniences, formerly occupied
by the undersigned, located on In or Hi Mnin
street opposite tlie 1. & H. freight depot. For
further Information apply to Josloh W. John
son, or M II. Kehler, Shenandoah, Pa. 11-21-tf
ITlOIt SALE, A spring wagon.
! Ilr.RALli office.
Apply n the
XTOTICH. Desirable properties for sale.
XI ply 10 . u. iu. iionopeier,
attorney, Shen-
FOlt SAIiE The propcity of the Dclaney
Ttstate, on Centre street, between Main and.
Janlln streets. Lot 0i"5 feet, embracing one
double three-story frame building, a private
dwelling aud a 80-foot vacant lot Price reason
able. Apply to Mrs Margaret Ilrennan, on the
premises. 1021-tf
IjOIt SALE. Cheap to a prompt buyer. A
! very desirable three-story property In a
f laved square on Main street. Contains two
arge store rooms with plate glass fronts Com
fortable dwelling with bath. Yard, wareroom
ni.d stable, to each. Whole lot 80x130 feet to
alley. Very 0ne location for any kind of
business. Prefer to sell the whole property,
but will sell part ot It If desired, at very reason,
able price and terms. For further Information
please address "Owner," P. O. Bos 22, Shenan
doah, Pa. n-o-tf
Ipd Best Cough Syrup. Tastes Good. Use
Rich Values now Ava li
able to our Patrons.
Others made from good quality all-wool cloth, lined, value $1, 69,
our price $1.25. A better grade cloth, extra heavy, tucked, braided
and lined, value $2.25, our price j5i. 75.
Mohair Waists, $2.00 to $2 25, real value $2.50 and $3.00.
We have received another case 1-4 white, all-wool, home-made
Blankets, value 4.50, our price tor this lot $3.35.
In order to reduce our tremendous stock of boots, shoes and rub
bers, we will for the next ten days cut and slash prices in half. Come
and be convinced. Ladies' and gent's velvet and alligator 75c slippers,
at 50c; old ladies' warm shoes, worth $1.00, and $t. 25, at 75c and SI ;
men's winter Russetts and blacks, worth $3, at $2,25 ; the finest men's
black and tan shoes in town, worth 95.00, at $3,
Take advantage of this remarkable ten-day sale and get good shoes
cheap. We carry a full line of men's and boy's Snag Proof Boots.
Of extravagant prices. Nowhere in this town will you
find greater values at smaller prices. Quality tells the price sells.
Our line of toys is more complete than ever and embraces so many new
and novel things that it would be hard to enumerate all. We desire to
call your special attention to our handsome line of DOLLS. Never
has a more beautiful line been displayed by any one.
And a thousand other things that delight the hearts of the little ones.
This is the store mother likes, because she feels satisfied that all trash is
excluded. We guage our prices to the lowest notch and early buyers
will fiud real bargains. We ask you to visit our store and inspect our
goods, knowing that you will be a regular customer after your first
visit. Everybody welcome. The largest toy house in Shenandoah.
Make note of the place and number.
that we have reduced
you can buy a good All-Wool
I Goldin, Proprietor.
Fall and
Don't buy elsewhere Until you
see our stock. It is a winner and
so are the prices attached to every
pair ol shoes, whether for men,
ladies, misses, or children. We sell
the "best" qualities of footwear
cheaper than any other slioe'dealer.
Mothers should bear hi mind
that our children's shoes are the
most durable. We are closing out
another lot very cheap.' '
27 South Main Street. Shenandoah,
9 To PATENT Good Ideas.
may be secured by
our aid. Address,
Baltimore, Ma
Subscriptions to The Patent Uecord tLOOoer
One lot of Ladies' and Misses' fine Ker
sey Jackets, in black, castor and royal
blue, lined with romaine silk, worth $10,
our price $7.50.
Another lot extra quality Kersey, in
blaek, tan, cartor & royal, lined through
out with best grade lancy taffeta silk,
value 512.50, our price gio.oo.
Children's Long Coats, size 2 to 6,yrs,
in fine all-wool cloth, cardinal, blue and
green, collar and cape trimmed with fine
braid, value 3,00, our price $2.25. A.
better quality cloth, extra heavy, in car
dinal, electric blue, navy and green,
value $4.75. our price $3,75.
Ladies' Plaid Winter Waists, made
from best quality English Flannelette,
real value 65 cents, our price 50 cents"..
N. Main St,