The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, December 05, 1899, Image 2

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"All the News That's Fit to Print,"
I ulillibed every eiiuig, except Sunday, at 8
South .lardln street, Hlionr-.ndoah, Pn.
The Hernid la delivered In Shenandoah and the
surrounding towns for slxeents a w ek, pay
able to the carrier. By mall 83.00 n year, or
25 eente n month iwyable In advance Ad
vertisements charged according to space and
position. The publishers reserve the right
to chance the position of advcrtlicmcnls
whenever the publication of news demands
It The right Is reserved to reject any
advertisement, whether paid for or net, that
the publWhcrs may deem Improper. Adver
tising rates made known upon application,
ntered at the post offlce at Shenandoah, Pa., as
second class mall mnt'er.
' OF
OUR COUNTRY : First, Last and Forever.
Senator Losch was among those
who signed the petition to the United
States Semite protesting against the
seating of Quay on the strength of
the Governor's appointment.
In Centre county many Republi
cans are urging ex-Governor Hastings
to run for member of tho legislature,
but It is said he declines to re-onter
Thk Silver Republicans are evi
dently determined to force Bryan
and free silver upon the Democracy
in 1900, whether they are wanted or
Thk present board of County Com
missioners continue to reduce the
temporary loan account. True to
their promises the new Republican
board will continue the good work of
reducing the county's indebtedness.
And the Philadelphia Press agrees
with the Herald and other Republl
can papers of the county ttiat a
chanire in party management is im
peratives ' Keep up the good work,
and the Republican party will be re
deemed from the political sharks that
have existed on factional rights In
this county in the past.
Thk unprecedented prosperity of
this country is seen in the wonderful
increases in tonnage of the steam
railway companies operating in
Pennsylvania. A similar evidence of
prosperity is shown in the Increased
business of the street railways, in the
material increase in the number of
passengers carried and the revenues
from operation.
Evert American citizen who has
read anything on the subject of the
Alaskan boundary dispute believes
that the United States should hold
onto every foot of ground to which
she is entitled. There' is not a dissent
ing voice to this proposition. And
yet some years ago there were a lot
of people in the country who opposed
and foUght the Alaska purchase and
accused the government of idiocy, if
not criminality, on account of it.
The case has a strong parallel at the
present time.
Over two hundred million dollars
worth of tropical products have been
imported into the United States dur
ing the first ten months of the present
year, and for the entire year the total
will be fully $250,000,000. Practically
all of this money which we have been
spending among the people of other
nations, can, in tho future, go to
people under the United States flag
in the islands which have come into
closer relationship with us by the
events of the past year, and thus
benefit not only the peopln of those
islands but Aiuericau altlzens whose
investinenttllere are being rapidly
augmented every Uay.
Cardinal Luioi Oroklia, who
has just been appointed by the Pope
as one of his assistants in the open
ing ceremonies of Holy Year, is one
of the most important members of
the Catholic hierarchy. He is the
dean of the Sacred College of Gardi
nals and also camerlingo of the
Catholic church, the oIHoe held by
Pope Leo before his elevation to the
pontificate. In case of the death of
the Pope, Cardinal Orgelia would, by
virtue of his office, become acting
Pope until the suocessorship to the
throne of St. Peter's is determined
It would be his duty to make the ofll
cial announcement of the death of
the Pontiff and to place the seal upon
Sometimes you do both
Leaving a bad taste, clouded bralu and general
rock feeling for tbe nut day
jXJ ' JSriee Von Vp. Nothing o good for
Stomach Trouble, litllousnem or Malaria, ojd
pone so cheap. Lrg Hot, 10 Cents lis
tabUU.) tiymall ur five ?-centyamp. Made at
fli Jobruon Laboratories, loe . rtilttdclpbla.
Thousands who lin t written for on
of tbo frco trial bottles of Dr. Darld
Kennedy's Favorite Iteitii-dy have lit
erally liud t licit- livi-s anvod liy n postal
curd. They .'"t tlio trlnl Ixiltlo, nnd It,
S roved to tlimn tluit Dr. David Kenne-i
y'n Favorite Hemmly wns tlio only
real euro for dtstmses of tlio Kidneys,
Liver, Kladdcrand Hlnnd, ltlipinnntlsm,
Dyspepsin nnd Chronic Constlpntion.
They boiijilit n lnrjio sized bottle of
their driiR lots and It benefited or
cured them (fte abnve is not an idle rtatt
tnent, but the mult 6 cartful invettvtition).
You can do the Mini thing, if you
rein doubt ns to whether you havs.
trouble with .your Kidneys or Bladder,
ut eomo of your urino in a glnns turn
ler and let it stand 24 hours ; if It has
a sediment, or a milky, cloudy appear
ance, If It Is ropy or stringy , palo or dis
colored, you should loso no time in
taking Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite
Remedy ; it can ho hnd of all drngglsU
it $1.00 a largo bottle, or six bottles for
15.00. It in without question tlio surest
.medlclno of tho ago to put a stop to
inch dangerous symptoms as pain In
tho back, a frequent desiro to urinate
especially at night, scalding burning
pain In passing water, inability to hold
orlno and nil the unpleasant nnd dan
gerous effects produced on the system
by the uso of whiskey and beer.
8end yourfull namo and address to the
TION, Rondout, N. Y., and bo sure U
mention this paper when a trial bottle,
with pamphlet of valuablo medical
advice, will bo mailed to you absolute
ly freo. Tho publishers of this paper
nuranteo the genuineness of this
tiberal offer.
the pontifical property. Ho would
also preside over tho conclave of
Cardinals called to elect the new
Their Annual Kxciirslou.
The managers of the Bloomsburjr State
Normal School aro arranging for the annual
excursion of titudcuts to Washington, D. (J.
They will leave Illoomsburg on tho 18th
Inst., and return the following Friday even
ing. The cost of tlio trip will bo $13.75, and
embraces all necessary ezpeuses. The ex
cursion will bo, open to all sludbuls, graduates
and former and prospective students of tbo
school. As a mere matter ot education the
trip Is worthy many times Its cost.
The Voice of the 1'eople.
From Fottsvtlle Chronicle.
With Dr. Wllsnn's Tower City Echo and
the Shenandoah Herald both domandlug
the retirement of the present Republican
county bosses, the political horizon does not
look over bright to Messrs. Brumm, iVliite
houso and their followers. But when these
leaders have been retired the men who did it
will know a thing or two more about politics
than they know now.
Like Finding Money. '
The uso of the Endless Chain Starch Book
In the purchase of "Red Cross" and "Uub-
inger's Best" starch, makes it just like null
ing money. Why, for only 5c. you are en
abled to get one large 10c. packago of Red
Cross" starch, one large 10c. package of
Uubiuger's Best" starch, with the
premiums, two Sbakespearo panels, printed
in twelve beautiful colors, or one Twentieth
Century Girt Calendar, embossed In gold.
Ask your grocpr for this starch and obtain
the beautiful Christmas presents free.
l'lilluilolplilii'.'Coii vent Inn 111(1.
Philadelphia, Dec. 4. Within the
week every effort will be made by the
Citizens' Republican National Convex
tlon association to organize the city
to raise the campaign fund of $100,000
required to induce the Republican na
tional committee to select Philadelphia
for the convention next year. The im
pression prevails that President Mc
Klnlny will be in hearty accord with
the movement to hold the convention
The Homeliest Man In Shenandoah
As well as the handsomest, and others are
invited to call on any druggist and get free a
trial bottle of Kemp's Balsam for the Throat
and Lungs, a remedy that is guaranteed to
cure and relieve all Chronic and Acute
Coughs", Asthma, Bronchitis and Consump
tion. Price 25c and 50c.
Naturalized Cltizttim,
Judge Bechtcl held a session of natural
ization court Saturday and made the follow
ing citizens : Michael Zwingort, Walter
Fcifer, Andrew Krasufski, Matthew Dibh
kavicz, Joe Ilarrvilla, Andrew Filtas, An
thony Novosadko and Joseph Chlpla, Mlko
Salontay, Charles Schules, Charles Peters,
Adam Zubnis, Peter Sbomansky, Anthony
Ugunas, Andrew Bubines, Joseph Barofsky
and Joseph Viagh. The above with a few
exceptions are Russian Polandcrs.
AVunt Cheaper Suppliefl.
The men employed by the Girard Coal Co.
at Sbamokin, bavo made a demand upon tbe
officials for pay eveiy two weeks as prescribed
by law and also that supplies be furnished at
the same prices' as tho P. & R. C. & I Co.
The latter was' granted at once, the former
question having been referred by the Super
intendent to tbe officers for decision.
Tor Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Signature of
l.lks Will Hold u Ilanrjuet.
Ashland Lodge No. 31, B. P. O. Elks, will
probably hold a banquet at the Kaier Rouse,
at Mabanoy City, on tbe evening of Xew
Years Day, 1000. Tbo matter was broached at
the meeting of the lodge Friday evening.aud
met with tbo favor of tbe members present,
but It will not be finally decided until the
meeting on Friday evening, Dec. 15th. Ash
land Lodge has about forty members living
at Mabanoy City, Sbenaudoab, aud adjacent
How Is Vow Wife 1
Has she lost her beauty? If so, Constipa.
tion. Indigestion, Sick Headache are tbe
principal causes. Karl's Clover Root Tea
has cured these ills for half a century. Pi Ice
23 eta, and CO cts. Money refunded if results
are not satisfactory. Sold by P. D, Kirlin
on a guarantee.
Uarkwoods Logic.
Tbe parents of tbe pupils attending the
Quakake school refuse to allow tbolr children
to be vaccinated, as ordered by the School
Board, They have taken a determined stand
in tbe matter and are supported by the
teachers, who are also opposed to vaccination.
Tbe parents think tbe children are poisoned
by the Inoculation.
Ulval Telephone Coinpwnlei,
There Is a merry war going on among tbe
telephone companies at Lansford between the
Carbon Telephone Company and tho Pennsyl
vania Company. Both companies aro cutting
rates and telephone rate have become cheap
in Lansford. Tbe Pennsylvania Company
has placed six new 'phones In various places
in the town at a cost of $18 a year, while the
Carbon Company placed some at a much more
reduced cost f 12 per year.
Itrnlli t .lull n I. Illnlr.
ninlfsiown. N .T.. Dec. 4. John I.
lllalr, the multt-mllllonalro and rail
road magnate, died at his homo at this
plnoo Saluraav. Ho was 97 years old,
having been born Aur. 22, 1802, nnd de
spite his ndvanoetl years was up nnd
about tho house on Thanksgiving day.
Mr. Hliilr linn been In feeble health
for some time, nnd threo years ngo It
was thought that death was noar, but
ho rallied and his rcmnrlcablo vitality
I,.,,. t1it lilttt nrintwl nirnln ntiil ho
gradually grow stronger. Death was 1
duo to general debility. Mr. Ulalr was '
practically worn out.
llrutiil lliirilori-r Cnptnrcil.
Trenton, Dec. 4. Edgar Williams,
tho colored man who murdered Minnie
Klsley at Yardville, noar horo, on
Thanksgiving day, was captured Sat
urday night at Hamilton Square, a
settlement Just outside of Trenton. A
mob of 1,000 persons gathered, and tho
pollco hnd groat difficulty In prevent
ing a lynching. Tho autopsy on Mlsa
Klsley's body showed that, while yield
ing her lite, she had succeeded In de
fending her honor. Williams has con
fessed to killing the girl In a quarrel,
ho being drunk, but denies attempted
8n Hot t in Ik ii rure Mini.
MeCVi tllSvillc, 0 Dec. 4. Hon,
John Q. AM-ott. who represented this
district In the Ohio sonnto for years as
a Republican. Is home after spondtnp,
a year In t'tnh as a member of tho Ule
Indian commission. Ex-Senator Ab
bott says: "I am In favor of giving
Congressman Roberts his seat, because
1 know him to be a morally pure man,
Roberts was a member of the consti
tutional convention In Utah which pro
hibited polygamy In tho future, and
wns one of tho most actlvo advocates
of the abolition of polygamy. He la
one of the most nblo men In all this
country. He Is an eloquent as Foraker
and as clean politically as any states
man Ohio has over brought forth."
A Thousand Tongues
Could not express tho rapturo of Annie E.
Springer, of 1125 Howard st , Philadelphia,
when she lounu that Dr. King s imow ijis-
covory for Consumption had completely
cured her of a hacking cough that for many
Tears had made life u burden. All other
remedies and doctors couia givo nor no ncip.i
but she says ol this JCoyal euro it soon re
moved the pain in my chest and I can now
sleep soundly, something I can scarcely ro
member doing before. I feel like sounding
its praiso throughout tho Universe." So
will everyone who trlts Dr. Kiug's New Dis
covery for any troublo of the Throat, Chest
or Lungs. Price 50c. and $1.00. Trial
bottles free at Wasley's drug store; every
bottle guaranteed.
A Coinlillit- ir PInIi l)tul(rri.
Boston, Hoc. 4. The biggest event in
the history of a fresh fish Industry
will occur In the coming week, when
a charter for the Incorporation of the
fresh fish dealers of Boston will be ap
plied for. All of the dealers In Bos
ton will be In the corporation, which
will be capitalized for from $3,000,000
to $5,000,000. In time It is intended to
include the entire fresh flsh Industry
of the country, when the capitalization
will be greatly Increased.
How's Tills
We oftcr One Hundred Dollars Iicward for
any case of Catarrh that can not be cured by
Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F. J. CHENEY & CO , Props., Toledo, O.
We the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney
for the last 15 years, and believe htm perfectly
honorable in all business transactions and fln
ancially able to carry out any obligations made
by their Arm.
West & Tbacx, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O.
Waldiso, Kinnan & Makvix, Wholesale Drug
gists, Toledo, Ohio.
Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally, acting
directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of
the system. Price 73c. per bottle. Sold by all
Druggists. Testimonials free.
Hall's Family Tills are tho best.
Opposition ti i'reNlilent 'elliyn.
Kingston, Jamaica, Dec. 4. Passen
gers by steamer from Nicaragua ports
say that there is a growing feeling ol
hostility toward President Zelaya on
account of his recent decree expelling
Mgr. Perelra, bishop of Nicaragua, In
reply to the latter's protest against tha
law passed by the Nlcaraguan congress
declaring that all donations by tbf
rjeonlo of lands, cattle or other proper
ty to the church Is subject to the civil
government and should bo sold and
applied to tho purposes designated by
the donors by tho municipal govern
ments, instead of, as before, by the ec
cleslastlcal authorities.
; taken at night will make you
feel right, act right and look
i right They cure Constipation.
1 0 cents nnd 35 cents, n t nil drusr stores.
The ho'dcrs of the bonds of tbe llorough of
Shenandoab, l'a.t will take notice tint, pursu
ant to a resolution adopted by the Town Coun
ill of Shenandoah, Fa., on November 2, 1800,
live thousaud (85.0C0) dollars worth of bonds or
the said borough Issues of July 1, 1893, nnd
January 1,1893, will be drawn for redeu.ptlon
aim mai on O'iu tiler January isi, iwu, ine in
terpftt on the bonds so drawn shall ccaso
The bolders of the following bonds will take
notice and present tlio same to tne uorougli
t reasurer lor reaempuon :
IBSUK op jasuahy 1, 1OT,
Bond No. S3, amount J100, held by T. M. Stout.
iiouu no. amount ?Aj item ny jc. w.siout.
liond No. 46, amount Sioo, held by David V
llond No 49, amount 1300, held by merchants'
National Hank.
llond No. 12, amount 300, held by First
Nutlonal Hank.
Ho d No. 5, amount (103, held by Edward
llond No, 11, amount 8100, held by Benjamin
u. uiiureu.
Bond No, CO, amount 100, held by Fred,
Bond No. 43, amount S100, held by Phlll
Bond No. 107, amount 1 100, held by Harriet N
Bond No 4, amount 1100, held by ItaclieJ
Boud No 51, amount 8100, held by Catharine
Bond No, G7. amount 1 100, held by Mary Reese,
Bond No.
wo. 37. '
37,'umount tlOO, held by M. J
Ilonu No. 78, amount
1C0, held by Corrlne
issue; op JULV 1, J898.
Bond No. 98, amount 100, held by William D,
Bond No. 101, amount $ 100, held by George 21,
Bond No. 13, amount 4100, held bLlczleM
Bond No. 282, amount 1 100, held by David I1
Boud No. 87, amount 100, held by William D.
Bond No. 290, amount tFO, held by Davit I1
Bond No. 228, amount 8100, held by F. Zitz
Boud NO. 6, amount 1100, held by ailberton
I.odge No 420, 1. O. O. F
Bond No. 13, amount $100, held by Lizzie 11
Wil lams.
Bond No. 45, amount 1100, held by lied Men
Tribe No. 153,
Bond No. 253, amount 8100, held by Francis 8
Bond No. 398, amount 8100. held by David 1.
Bond No. 232, amount 1100, held by Samuel
Bond No. 37. amount 100, held by Fronds 8.
11 or er of the Bo ough Council of Shenan
doah, Pa.
Patbick Hand,
Thomas J, TbabkyI
O. T. BraACOKrf '
Finance Committee.
Shenandoah, Pa., Nov. 28, 1899.
Acts gently on the
Kidneys, Liver
and Bowels
Cleanses the System
-f,0 GEj.
ro suiey an onuGGiiTi fo ioi Pin taut.
The llfM OhrUtlnas Olft of All.
In choosing a Christmas gift for a friend
what can afford more present or lasting
pleasnro than a subscription to tho Youth's
Companion? Tho delight with which It is
welcomed on Christmas morning is renewed
every week in the year. The charm of it
is disclosed utile by little ns tho months run
their course. There Is no household in which
It will not prove rn inspiration. Those who
wish to presont n yours subscription to a
friend may also have the beautiful new
Companion calendar for 1000 scut with it.
This calendar is a reproduction in twelve
color printings of threo exquisite designs by
a celebrated American artist, a member of
the American Water-Color Society. In ad'
dltion to this all the issues of the Companion
for tho remaining weeks of 1899 are sent free
from the timo subscription is received for the
now volume. Illustrated announcement
number containing a full prospectus of tho
volumo for 1900 sent free to any address,
Tho Youth's Companion, 203 Columbus
Avenue, Boston, Mass.
Tell Yonr Sister
A beautiful complexion is an impossibility
without good puro blood, tho sort that only
exists in connection with the good digostion;
a healthy liver and bowels. Karl's Clover
Itoot Tea acts directly on tho bowels, liver
and kidneys keeping them in perfect health
Prico 25 cts. and 50 cts. Sold by P. D. Kirlin
on a guarantee.
Military Police In SlilitliiK.
Santiago do Cuba, Dec. 4. Tho mu
nlclpal police have been transferred tc
the military department. Until now
the force, owing to the jealousies oi
municipal politics, nas been Inefficient,
and the mayor nnd council requested
the transfer thus accomplished. Many
former members failed to pass the rigid
examination Insisted upon by the
American authorities, and the present
personnel is a great Improvement upon
the old. Captain Pierce will requlrl
dally drills.
Try Gniln-Ol Try Grnln-OI
Ask your grocer to-day to show you
packago of OKAIN-O, tbo new food drink
that takes tho place of coffee. The children
may drink it without injury as well as the
adult. All who try it, llko it. GKAIN-0
has that rich seal brown of Mocha or Java,
but It is made from pure grains, nnd the most
delicate stomach receives It without distress.
One-fourth the prico of coffee. 15c. and 25c.
por packago. Sold by all grocers.
For Iiit'rrnNfil Mcvli'im -Viir Peimlom
Lexington, Ky., Dec. 4. Oeneral Wil
bur It. Smith, secretary of the National
Association of Mexican war Veterans,
of this city, has written, letters to
prominent men all over the United
States, asking their assistance with
congress for Increased pensions foi
Mexican veterans, who now numbei
only 9,000, and aro passing away al
the rate of almost 1,000 per year.
On Every Bottlo
Of Shlloh's Consumption Cure is this guar
auteo: "All wo ask of you is to use two-
thirds of the contents of this bottle faith
fully, then If you can say you are not
benefited return tho 'bottle to your druggist
and he may refund tbo prico paid." Price
25 cts. 50 cts. and $1.00. Sold by P. D
Kirlin on a guarantee.
Atlantic m " vht c'fti ji o runty
Atlantic City. Dec. 4. The County
Law and Order league tonight and to
morrow n'Tht bold rrass meetings in
this city In the Interest of a better ob
servance of the Sabbath. The first
meeting will bo held in St. Paul's M
B. church tonight and wlllbeaddressed
by prominent clergymen, lawyers and
business men. Tomorrow nignt s meet
ing will be held In the First Presby
terian church, and tho principal speak
er will be Hon. Judge Ashman, ol
Do You Enow
Consumption Is preventable? Scienco has
proven that, and also that neglect Is suicidal,
The worst cold or cough cn he cured with
Shiloh's Cough and Consumption Cure. Sold
on positive guarantee for over-fifty years,
Sold by P. I). Kirlin on a guaranty e.
Office Kgan building, corner ol Main ai
Centre streets Shenandoah.
Office: Cor. Centre and White streets, nei
o Justice Toomey'a office.
Q OltUHLER, M. P.,
No. 80 East Lloyd Street. '
Office hours 6
7 to 9 p. m.
to t
m. t 1 to I p.m.
Lock Box 88, Mabanoy City, Pa,
studied nnder Boma of fthB best
masters In London and Paris, will glvo lessoni
on tha vloltn.nmndnlln. pulinmnd vncul milt lira.
Terms reasonable. Address In rare ol Rlrniis'
the lewtler Bbtuandoah.
Rnnrmnn Pcndnllinn.
The only structures In Japan which
seem to be earthquake proof aro the
pagodas, which are erected before the
temples. There are tnntiy which are
700 or 800 years old and ns solid as
when first built.
There la a reason for this and It lies
In their construction. A pagoda Is prac
tically n framework of heavy timbers,
which stnrls from a wide base, nnd Is
In Itself n substantial structure, but Is
rendered still more stnblo by a peculiar
device. Inside tho framework nnd sus
pended from the apex Is a long, heavy
beam of timber two feet thick or more.
This hnngs from one cud of the four
sides; four more heavy timbers, and It
the pagoda bo very lofty still more tim
bers, are ntlded to these. The whole
forms nn enormous pendulum, which
roaches within six Inches of the
When tbo shock of an carthqunko
rocks the pagoda, the pendulum swings
unison anil keeps tho center of grav-
' nlwnvs at tbo lintw nt tlio frniniv.
ork. Couseiiuentlv the nniitlllirltini nf
the pagoda Is never disturbed, and this
is uio explanation or tlio great age of
niailV of them, when from tlinlr hnlirlif
one would suppose them to be peculiar
ly susceptible to the effects of tbo
That Throbbln Headache
Would quickly leive you, if you used Dr.
Kine's New Life Pills. Thousands of suffer
ers have proved their matchless merit for
Sick and Nervous Headaches. They make
pure blood and strong nerves and build up
vour health. Easy to take. Try them.
Only 25 certs. Money back if not cured,
bold by A. Wasicy, druggnl.
In Some Plfipen.
Shooting Tenant (Just arrived for tho
grotisei What a beautiful place to
live, Dougald!
Dougald It's no n bad place to live.
But whnt wad ye think o' havln to
travel 15 miles for n glass o' whusky?
Shooting Teunnl But why don't yon
buy some and keep It?
Dougald Ah. mon, but whusky will
na' keep! Punch.
'INHERE Is a certain stylish ef-
S I feet about garments made
E from these Celebrated Pat- S
terns that Is not attained by the X;
E use of any other patterns.
r. 0 A W
: (No-Seam-AHowance Patterns.)
Have not art equal tor style and perfect 3
design!. Absolutely tbe very latest styles.
iS of her own selection will bo given 5
;2 every subscriber to s-
-S One that every lady should take recii- 5;
- larly lieautlful colored ptates latent ;
5 fashions; dressmaking economies ( fancy
m work . household hints ; fiction, etc hub-
-2 scribe to-day or, send 5c for latest copy. 3;
Ijj Lady agents wanted. Send for terms.
i 130-146 West 14th St., New York.
These celebrated patterns and pub
lications are for sale, and recom
mended by L. J. Wilkinson.
enn sylvan, a
NOVEMBKU 19, 1899.
Trains will leave Shenandoah after tne kdoto
.late for Wlggan, Qllbertou, Fraokvllle, Dark
Water, St. Clair, Pottsville. Hamburg, Readlne,
Fottstowu, Phoentxvllle. Norrtatown and Phil
adelphia (lirMid street station) at 8 20 and 80S
a. m., a 10, 6 10 p m. on week days. 8undys,
8 05 a. m.. 20 D. m.
Trains leave Frockvllle for Shenandoah at
7 41, 1HS a.m. and 0 So, 7 80 p. a. Sundav
11 01 a. m. and S 3a p. m.
Leave Pottavtlle for Shenandoah f via FracV,
vllle) 7 15, 11 20 a. m., S 10, 7 15 p. m. Bunds;
luran. zn.. o iu p. m.
Iave Philadelphia, (Broad street station!, toi
BueManaoan amwa. tn., 4 to p. m. weec days
Bundavs leave at 6 50 and 9 23 a. m.
Leave Phtladelohta (Broad street station) foi
PottBVille, 5 60, 8 85 (parlor carl, 10 19 a. m., 1 80,
4 10 parlor car), 7 83 P. m. weekdays. Sundays.
o oo, v t a, m. ann p m.
Leave Broad Street Station, Philadelphia,
i7t.Bi.WAAli-l.a BiMJMi Jn R nn la a ki
7 33, S 25, 9 05, 9 AO, (10 21, dining car), 11 00, 11 43
a m, i w noon, i.uo. tiimiteu i uunna izipoi.
dlnlne cars), 1 4 , (2 80, dining car), 8 20, 8 60,
4 02, o 00, S 88, (dining car), 6 09, 7 02, 8 10,
(dining car), 10 Cu p. m., 12 02, night. Sundays.
8 2C.4U3, 140 SCO, BIS 8 25, 9 60. (1031, dining
cnr),10 43, 11 43 a m, 12 03, (dining car), 12 85, 2 80,
(dining car), 4 02, (Limited 4 22 dining -car),
5 20. 8 68, dining car, 6 85, 702, 810, dining
can, iuim p. in., uuj nigut.
For Boston without change, 11 01 a n. week'
davs. and 8 10 D. ni.. dallr.
For Sea dirt, Asbury Park, Ocean GroTe,
Long Branch, and Intermediate stations, 825,
ii iu m, b uu, vi p m weeitaaya.
Fnr Baltimore and Washington, 8 60. T JO, 8 83,
Ifllfl I1V1 11 M Km. II4M Jtnlnu.l I ID
dliiing enr, 812, i 41 4 28 Conret atonal
Limited dlnlm? carl . A 05. 6 20. f 6 65. dinlnir carl .
ru oj uimngcarj, p io.f ana am nigi) ween
11 12, dining car, 3 12, 4 41 15 20 Congressional
i,imiteaainingcarj,ouo iodo ainingcarj, si
dinlntrcarl.D. m.. aud 12 20 nlsrht.
For Baltimore, ccommodatton, 9 11 a m, 1 63
ana tuipm wees aays, o ua ana niopm aauy
Leave Broad street station via Delaware rivet
bridge express, 9 40 a m, 7 0S p m weekdays,
Sundaj s, 9 20 a m 705 pm.
Leave Market Street tVarf EzDreaa. 1 00 a m
2 00, 4 00, 8 00 p m weekdays Sundays, 9 00,
to no a m (accommodation 4 10 end 5 00 p m.
For Cane May. Anglesea. Wildwooa and
Holly Bench, Sea Islo City, Avalon, and Stone
Harbor Express 9 00 in, 4 00 p m week days
ounuays, w uu a ui.
For Homers Point Express. 9 00 a. m.. 100
00, S CO, p. m. week days .Sundays, t 00 an!
to w a, m.
For tickets and other Information apply tc
UU&Ct BgCllI
W T Unwmlnnv f f tXFnnn
Den'l ManarAr. Own1 paa'lr Ait
Livery and
No. 13 North Jardln St.
ITTI W 10 "itNl Good was
1,11 ' may be secured by
II I I our aid. Address,
Buufttiiviiuiitf w iu. r.ieot iutwiu luuycr
Wash tho Dishes QumklfyF
You can if you
use Gold Dust.
It does most of
the work. It
aud labor.
Imi tor tnt kookltt " daldta rial.,
far HauMwark."
Cktu SI.LmU swTtrk Dollot
Two Ktllnl 1y n Trnln.
Scranton, Pa., Doc. 4. Two horse
men, John lllauvolt and Qeorgo Water
man, of Nicholson, were run down by
a Lackawanna englno at tho La Plume
crossing lato Saturday night, and both
they and their horses were Instantly
killed. They had been to Scranton
with a load of hay, and on their re
turn stopped In at a numlior of hotels.
Shortly after leaving Dalton they had
a runaway, and their wagon was
wrecked. They unloosened the horse
nnd proceeded to ride home. The en
gineer says he did not see them until
after they wore Btruck. The engine
was going backwarda.
Boars the Tha Kind You llavs Always Bought
Uomlnc Kvwits,
Dec. 18. Grand entertatumont, "Tho Star
of Bethlehem," at the Primitive Methodist
Does T Jis Strike Yon 7
Muddy complexions. Nauseating breath
come from chronlo constipation, Karl's
Clovor Root Ton Is fin absolute cure and has
been sold for fifty years on an absolute
suarantee. Price 25 cts. and 50 cts. Sold by
P. D. Kirlin on a nuaranUw.
Tlmrxtoii Home- For Clllinn OriihlliiH.
New York, Dec, 4. A movement for
the raising of funds for a memorial
orphan asylum for Cuban chuldron
which shall bear the name of Mrs.
Thurston, the first wife of Senator
John M. Thurston, who died shortly
after a visit she made to Cuba, waa
started last night In the Madison Ave
nue Presbyterian church.
(TL n4 and molt eiperl.ncfd,
f I Uu DudleoniuUirrou.ufrerrrom Primtst
Sit. !.. (10 I North Mlith St.. l'hlladel.
SnhlB, P-, glTM QuUtQtM la T.rj ...
r, V.rioooel. It Stricture (do eutUng). Lo.1 Vlxor k
FAILftlLhrutAred. P.rti Colirrvd. KouMl9-S, L
It T'r. 6 U, Kun.9-13. Hour, ror long itftnaiDg tna a.Dgerou.
k. dallr 10 SO K 1 SO. Frh rales outed 4 1 0 d;i.
Send Ibr Sworn terllmonhli bh.1 Hook. Ill frtnd. cipoMd.
on a woman's face mars Ver
beauty1 and destroys Iter
good nature. It unfits her
for society and injures her
health by worriment over hci
Is a harmless liquid warrant
ed to be free from acid, caus
tics or poison, vhich will re
move superfluous hair from
the face or body in three minutes without the slightest
pain, injury or Inconvenience. Ity occasional ap
plications the hair follicles are permanently eradlc-U-td.
Try It and you will ,be pleased with result.
Highly endorsed by the "United States Health
Sent securely sealed In plain case for $1.00,
All correspondence in charge of ladies and every
letter treated as sacredly confidential.
Send your order now. No matter what other
remedy you may have tried if you are dissatisfied
It is evident you have not used Depiiatine.
My book-let "Aids to Beauty" containing a list
of my unexcelled toilet creams and other hygienic
complexion preparations mailed free. Write;
Trial bottle good for two np Heat Ions aent
postpaid on receipt of 10 cebts hi stamps.
P Chichester's. EnrfJili Diamond Brood
Arc, ttwtja relUtl. ladic tit
Drogilil lot CA(cwf Mngtum via-.
tinnif FmnA In Mrd anil Gold mattHW
iboiM, tefciM wtta wot nbDon. sake
do other. Rtfuf tjartftrou ut(itt-
ton and imitation. At Dr0giiti,or4fc
i fop for Barueuiftri, tciumooiu
tellef for I.adtes.M in Ucur, bf rctara
CllehcBterCfecnteal(to..Ma! Hem Buasw
ocftl Druiu. 1'JULAUJUf
A square piano in good
condition. A give
away bargain.
Parlor Grand
A High-Grade
Can be exchanged for any other
style of instrument. These are
sacrifice opportunties.
Furniture Dealer and Undertaker,
1 OG South Main St.
A box of our
srEcmL rnniLi drew
is an exhilarating
stimulant during
the hot summer
Delivered at your homo.
iti -r- 2J
Columbia Brewing: Company
lO.D DUB1. '
Philadelphia &
Read in ci R'y.
Engines Burn Hard Coal No Smoke.
IN rtfHKCT NOVHMUHll 1 1889
Trains lcAvoBlienandofth as follows.
For Now York via PhlladelDhlA. ucek tint
2 10. 6 Ui, I 87, 9 55 a. m., 12 28, 8 00 and A 09 p. in.
SiniJajs. 2 10 a in.
Kor Ne ' via Munch Chunk. wok dayp,
7 87 a. rri 12 20 aud 8 09 n. m.
For KciuinK ana riiiiiiucipnia, wcok uuys.
i 10, B 33, 7 87. 9 63 a. ill . Ii 20. 3 09 and (I 09 i "l.
Sundays, 2 10 a ui.
Fur l'oHsvuie, wcet ubs, a iu, 7 7, on n m.
12 20. 8 09. 0 09 and 7 80 p. in. Hundays, 2 10 a m.
ForTainnqua and Mahauoy Clky, week day..
2 10, 737, OSS a. m., 12 20 8 00 nnd 009 p m.
tununys, 2 id a m.
For Wllllamsport, Sunbury and Lewl;hurK,
-roeh days. 8 27, 1 1 82 a. m.. 12 28, 7 80 p ru
Sundays, 8 27b m.
Kor Ma'iano) Piano, weekdays, 2 10, 8 27, 8 38,
I 87, 9 68. 1 1 12 n m., 12 20, 8 09, 6 09, 7 8-1, 9 00
j. in. Sundays, 2 10 and 8 27 a m.
For Ashland and ShamoRlu, week day., 8:7,
37 11 82 a. in.. 12 20, 8 09, 6 07, 7 25 and 9 55 p. m.
'undny, 8 27 a m.
Kor lSalllmoro, Washington and tho Wat via
A, AO. It. It., through trains leci Heading
rermlnal, Philadelphia. (P. & U. V K.) al 3 2U,
65, 1120 a. ru., 810 and 7.27 p. u. Sundays
120,7 00,11 20 a.m., 8 48 and 7 27 p.m. Addl.
lonal trains from Twenty.fourtli and Obe.t
tut streets station, week days, 10 80 a. m. 12 20
12 It 8 40 p.m. Sundays, ) 85, 8 23 p. rn
liavo New York via Philadelphia, week
lays, 1215, 4 80, 7 80,1180 a.m., and 18). 4 80,
9 00 p.m.
Leavo New York via Mauch Chunk, week
days, 4 80. 0 10 a. ui., 1 80, 4 40 p. m.
Leave Philadelphia, Reading Terminal, nrek
days, 4 80. ii 80. 10 21 a. m. nnd 1 80, 4 00 8 88,
I I 80 p. m.
Leave Reading, week days, 187, 700, 1008,
a, m., 12 15,4 17,000,8 20 p.m
Leave Pottsvillo, weekdays. 717, 740 a.m.
9 80, 1230,1 20. 4 80, 0 10 and 8 60 p. in.
Leave, week days, 8 18, 8 80, II V
a. m.. 149,5 58 11 , 9 44 p.m.
Leave Mahanoy City, week days, 8 45, 9 04, iti 8 J3, 8 24.7 44, 10 08 p. m
Leave Mahanuy Plane, week days, 2 40, 4 00
030. 9 22 10.3,12 00, a. m 2 89, 5 88, 0 42.7 58
10 24 pm
Leave Willi t, weekdays, 7 42, 10 00 a
ji.. 12 81 m.d OC 1 1 80 p, ro.
Leave f" tlndelphf a Chestnut street wharf and
.-)outh street vimr u r Atlantic City
Weekdays Kipress 900, 200, 4 00, 5 00,719
p ni. A(comniodatloii,8 00a ni, 510 p m. Sun
days Express, 9 00, 10 CO a m, 7 13 p m. Accom
modation, 8 CO a in, 4 43 p m.
Leave Atlantic City Depot: Weekdays Ex
press, 7 35, 9 1 0 10 SO am, 3 30, 5 SOp m. Accom
modation, 8 15 a m, 4 05 p m. Sundays Express,
4 80, 7 80 p m. Accommodation, 7 15 a m,4 05 p m.
For Capo May, Ocean City nnd Sea Isle City
Weekdays 9 CO am, 4 10, 5 00pm. Sundays
-Chestnut St.. 9 15, South Ft., 9 am,
Addition l foi Cape May Veekday--0 30
a m.
Parlor Cars on all express trains
Kor further Information, apply to ueaitsl
Plilladclt.hla and Hearting Railway ticket agent
or address
Oen'l Sunt., Gen'lPas. r Agi,,
r.i.n,tnr' T"l.4.l.w.
IN EFFECT NOV. 19, 1899.
Passenger trains leave Shenundouh for Penn
Haven Junction, Mnucb Chunk, Leblgliton,
Slutlngton, White Hull, Cntasauqua, Allentowu,
fjethlchcm, Easton New York and Pblladelphta
at 5 20, 7 48 a. m . 12 59 and 6 17 p. m.
For Wilkesbnrre, White Haven nnd I'lttstoc,
5 20, 10 10 n. ra 12 52 nnd 0 17 p. m.
Kor Lnceyvllle, Towaniln, Sayre, Waverly
Klmira, Koclieoter, liiiftulo, Niagura Falls,
Auburn, Syracuse, Ithaca, Geneva and the
West, 10 10 a. m., 12 52 and 5 17 P. m.
For Belvldere, Delaware Water Gap and
Stroudsburg, 5 20 a, m., 5 17 p. m.
For Lanibcrtville nnd Trenton, 7 40 a. m.
For .Teanesville, Leviston and Heaver Meadov
6 20 a. m., 12 52 p. m.
For McAdoo, Audenrled, Hnzleton, Stockto
and Lumber Yard, 5 20, 7 40, 10 10 a.m., 12 52 anil
5 17 p iu
For Jeddo, Drlfton and Freeland, 6 20, 1010
a, in,, 5 17 p. m.
For Scronton, 5 20. 10 10 a. m., 5 17 p. m.
For Lost Creek, Girard vllle, nnd Ashland, 4 00,
and 7 27 p. m.
For Raven Run, Centralla, Mount Carmel and
Shamokin, 10 49 a. in., I 42, 6 07, 9 23 p. m.
FrMahanoy City, Park Place and Delano.
5 20, 7 40, 10 10 a. in., nnd 12 52, 8 17 p. m.
For Yateavllle. 5 20, 10 10 a. m.
Trains will leavo Shamokin at 0 55. 9 20 a. m.r
II 59 and 4 20 p. ni., and arrive at Sbenandoali
at 7 40, 10 10 a. m., 12 62, 5 17 P. m.
Leavo Shenandoah for Pottsville, St. Clair,.
New Castle, Morea and New Boston. 7 40 and
10 10 a. m , 12 62 and 5 17 P. m.
Leave Pottavlllo for Shenandoab. 9 45 a.m..
12 30, 605, 8 15 p. rn.
Leave Hnzleton for Shenandoah, 9 55 a. m.
1240,5 07,6 22,8 29 p.m.
Trains leave for IEaven Run, Centralla, Mfc.
Carmel and Sbamokin, 10 48 a. in., 7 21 p. in., ).
Trains leave Shamokin for Shenandoab a.
8 60 a. m., and 5 85 p. m.
Leave Shenandoah for Yateavllle, Mahano
City, Park Place, Delano, McAdoo, Audenrled
Haileton, Stockton, Lumber Yard, Weatherlir
and Mauch Chunk, 9 45 a ru., and 6 82 p. m.
For Lchlghtoii, Slatlngton, Catosauqua, WbtM
Hall, Coplay, Allentown, Easton and Phillip
burg, 9 45 a. in., and B 32 p, in.
For New York tr-i Philadelphia, 9 45 a. m.
Leave Hazlelon for ?aenandoah,9 60,a,nx.
and8 25p. m.
ItOLLIN II. W7LBUR,aenl.Supt.,
M. B. CUTTER, Supt. Transportatlo'n,
Month Bethlehem. 1'a.
CHARLES 8. LEE, Genl. Pass. Agt.,
i8 Cortlandt Street, New York.
The Best Bargain Houes
-Iu Shenandoah Is at-
233 West Centre Street.
You would be amazed to see the values we
. . . offered In . , ,
Doots and Shoos,
... Groceries.
If you only give us a trial, that la all we ask
This means aBteady customer at our store,
riilllonsof Dollars
Go np In lunoVb over? year. Take no
risks bet get your houses, elock, fur
nlturo, etc., insured in rrst-claesre
liable companies as represented bj
IjAVIT. FATIST insurance Afent
UAVUI rAU9l 120 South Jardln SI
4ho Ufa
Tho nosy Freshness
And a velvet softness of the skin Is Inra-
riaoiy oniainea Dy more woo use k'OtxoNl
Complexion I'owder.