The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, December 02, 1899, Image 2

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HSTAIlI.ISIlWt 1870.
"All the Nm That's Fll to Print."
ulllali(l every evening, except Sunday, at 8
Soutli Jardin street, Bhenamloali, Pa.
Tlio Herald I delivered In Shenandoah and tlio
surrounding towni forslxccntia wek, pay
able to the carriers. Ity mall J3.00 a year, or
5 cents a month payable In aclvnnce. Ad
vertisements chanted accordlnR to space and
position. The publishers reserve the right
to change the position of advertisements
whenever the publication of hews demands
It The rlirht Is reserved to reject any
advertisement, whether paid for or not, that
the publishers may deem Improper. Adver
tising rates made known upon application,
ntered at the post office at Bhcnandoah, Ia., as
second class mall mter.
Any nTimn
OUR COUNTRY : First. Last and Forever.
Tub Heed rules tire to be in force
in the House of Representatives at
the coming session. This conclusion
was reached at a conference of the
Republican leaders.
It is refreshing to know that al
most every foreign country Is anxious
for a coalition witli the United States.
Englaud and Germany are just now
casting longing eyes in this direction.
This country has shown its .nrpwees
in thej:ecaivV8paTil8nuSi)ieasantne8s.
Swindling Syndicates.
It is probable that as long as there
are people who can invent schemes
by which other people are to get
something for nothing, or enormous
returns for .very small investments,
just so long will dupes be found, and
men and women will risk their savings
in the hope of acquiring sudden
The publio has had a number of
sharp and severe lessons with "get
rich quick" societies, uud it would
seem that the experience which the
people bad with these should have
proved sufficient to make them steer
clear of them. But with each new
scheme there crops up a fresh lot of
lambs ready for the sacrifice.
The latest fleecing machine, which
has just been closed up in Brooklyn
by the police, and which was known
by .the honest name of Franklin
Syndlcate.promlsed to pay its patrons
at the rate of 520 per cent, per annum
on their investments. The offer of
such preposterous gains should have
been sufficient to cause any one to
hesitate before investing their money.
But judging from the record made by
the Syndicate, the money fairly
poured into the headquarters of this
latest swindling concern.
Whatever assets may have been
seized by the authorities it is certain
that but little of the money invested
will ever find its way back Into the
pockets of the investors. The number
of investors is so large, and the avail
able assets seized are so- small, that
the amount for each one will be in
significant. Those who have been
bitten will probably profit by their
It has been, doubtless, in many of
the cases, an illustration of the old
adase. "A fool and his money are
soon parted."
Almost from the outset of the
British occupation of Cape Colony,
pays a writer in the Engineering
Magazine, there was friction between
the two main classes of settlers, who,
though distinctly of the same generic
stock, failed to assimilate in the
friendly manner of the Dutch and
English in the settlement of New
Amsterdam, called New York after
the transfer. The Boers have always
claimed, and honestly believed, that
they wpre oppressed; which asser
tion impartial history cannot be said
to have sustained. Great Britain, at
least for more than a century, and
also at least as regards tier white sub
jects, has been scrupulously careful
in dealing with colonial affairs. In
this instance, one grievance seems to
have been as to the abolition of
slavery, which was suppressed at
about the same period in the British
West Indies on a similar adjustment
The Boers, however, were incensed
on not receiving compensation satis
factory to them. This, combined with
many other and pre-existing causes.
real and imaginary (suoh as extreme
love of personal and national inde
pendence, racial antipathy, divergent
customs and ways of thought) led to
the further dispersion of the Boers
A Scientific, Unfalllngr and Permanent Rem
edy tor Dyspepsia, Indigestion and all btojnacu
Mpsia. ii
an J nerve I r
e, imin tablet form rtieasam ann easvioisze
and affording Immediate relief by enabling
nature to furnish natural nourisnracui to me
Blood, Nerves ana muscirs.
Urg Bom. 0c. 25c. and 50c. FOR SAIE BY
" ' CURE
1,000,000 GIVEN AWAY,
By a special and particular itrrang.
mont with the tnannfai'lurcru of fir,
David Konnn,y' Favurito Remedy,
frco trial Iwittles of this great medicine
for tho Kiilneys, Liver, Itliulder and
Blood, Uliriitnntlsm, DyspopsiR and
Constipation, will bo sent absolutely
free, postpaid, to all persons Buffering
from any of tlio ilieisefl mentioned
nbovo who will feml I heir full nam
and post olllro address to the DR.
Kondout, N. Y., providing they men
Uon this paper wiion thoy write.
A very impl tcpt to determine
whether your Kidneys or Bladder art
diseased is to put some of your urine In
a glass tumbler and let It Btand 84
hours; If it, Ims n pediment or n cloudy,
ropy or strinpy appearance, If it is pal
or discolored, you do not need a phy
ician to tell you that you are in a
dangerous condition. Dr. David Ken
nedy's Favorite Uemedy speedily cure!
rach serious symptoms as a pain in tho .
bock, inability to bold urine, a burning!
scalding pain in passing it. Frequent j
deelre to urinate especially nt night. I
the staining of linen ny your urine anl
U unpleasant and danuerotu effect
produced on tho system by tho tiM ol
vhlskoy and brer.
By a searching investigation it ra
found that over 01 per cent of the
people who sent for a sample bottle
were so much benefited by its uso that
they purchased a large sized bottle of
Ihoir druggist, which in most casoa
enred them, while in some rare in
stances it took as many as two or even
throe bottles toeflect a permanent cure.
Dr. David Konnedy's Favorite Rcm
dr ia sold bv all drucciRts at $1.00 d
Urge bottle, or six bottles for $6.00.
northward, and, about sixty vears
ittro, to the great trek Into the then
huost unknown desert. In this
wilderness were established tho
Orange Free State and the Transvaal,
more correctly called the South
African Republic.
Sunday Specials.
Services in tho Trinity Kofonned church
o-morrow at 10:00 a. m., and 0:30 p. in.
uiiilay school ut 1:30 p. m. I'ra.vor service
ii Wediiosday, at 7:30 p. ni. Tho Ladles' Aid
on Tuesday evening, and tho Heldelhurg
.cairue on Ihurrday ovonlnir. Tho Willinii
Workers on Saturday, at 3:30 p. m., and tlio
choir on Monday uud Friday evenings. Rev.
"U A. Yoarick, pastor.
Regular services will be held in the United
Evangelical church. North Jardin street, to
morrow at 10 a. ni. and 0.30 p m. Sunday
school at S.OO p. m. Rev. J. R. lfensyl, pastor.
K. h. C. E. on Monday evening. Prayer,
praise and testimony meetings every Tues
day, Wednesday and Thursday cvguiugs.
Uible study every Friday evening. Jr, K. Li.
C. E. every Saturday evening at 7 o'clock.
Primitive Methodist church, James Moore,
pastor. Preaching at 10:30 a. ni. and 0:30
m. Sunday scuool at J p. in, class meet-
ng on Wednesday evening. General prayer
meeting on Thursday evening. Everybody
Services in AH Saints' Protestant Episcopal
hureh, on West Oak street, to-morrow
as follows: Uoly Communion, 8:00 a. m.
Morninz prayer and sermon, 10:30. Sunday
school. 2:00 p. m. Evening prayer and ser.
mon, 7:00. Q. W. Van iossen, pastor.
First Baptist church, corner of West and
Oak streets, Rev. D.I. Evans pastor. Services
at 10 a. m. auu u p. m. bunuay scuool at a p. in
t'rayer meeting Monday evenings, loung
Peonies meeting Wednesday evenings.
Class meeting Thursday evenings.
Services will be held at the Presbyterian
church during the coming week as follows:
Sabbath preaching services, 10:30 a, m and
0:30 p. ni. Sabbath school, 2 pm. Senior
Christian Endeavor, 7:30 p. in., following the
evening service. Weekday services in the
lecture room : Midweek prayer meeting and
bible lecture. Thursday evening, at 7:30
Junior Christian Endeavor, Saturday after
noon, at 4 o'clock. All are made welcome
Seats free. II. W. Koehler. pastor.
Methodist Episcopal church, corner Oak
and White streets. Rev. J. T. Swindells,
pastor. Class meeting at 0:30 a. m led by
fbomas J. Keese. bermon at iu:iv a. ni.
Sunday school at 2 p. m Dr. J. S. Callen,
Superintendent. Sermon at 0:30 p. m. Scats
tree. Everybody. welcome.
Calvary Baptist church, South Jardin
street. Preaching to-morrow at 10:30 a. m.
and 6:30 p. m. Rev. R. R. Albins, pastor.
Sabbath school at 2 p. m., Deacon
John Buun, Superintendent, is. Y. P. U.
Tuesday evening, at 7:30. Wednesday
evening, general prayer meeting at T.60.
Everybody welcome, i
St. John's Lutheran'thurch, West Cherry
street. Rev. John Oruhler, pastor Preach-
ng. 10 a. in. : Sunday school. 1:30 p. m. ;
preaching 0:30 p. m.
St. Michael's Greek Catholic church, West
Centre street. Rev. Cornelius Laurisln, pas
tor, Matatiuum service 9 a. m. High mass
10 a. m.
Church of the Holy Family. (German R.
C.) North Chestnut street. Rev. A. T. Schut-
tlelioler, pastor, f irst mass o a, in., second
mass 10 a. m.
St. Casimir's Polish R. C. church. North
Jardin street. Rev. J. A. Lenarkiewicz,
pastor. First mass 8 a. m., high mass 10 a.
ni., vespers and benediction 4 p. m,
Church of the Annunciation, 218 West
Cherry street. Rev. II. F. O'Reilly, pastor;
Itev James Kane, assistant pastor, first
mass, 7 a. in., second masH, 8 a. m., high mass,
10 a. m, benediction, 7 p. in.
St Stanislaus church. Morniugserviceion
Suuday at 8 and 10. Vespers at 7 o'clock.
Sunday school at 2 p. m. Rector Wencslaus
V. Matulaitis.
Kehcleth Israel Congregation, corner of
Oak and West streets, Rev. Henry Mlt-
nik. pastor. Saturday services, 8 to 10 a. in..
and 3 to 5 p. m. 8 to 10 a.m.
and every weekday morningfrom 7 to 8a. m.
Buy Royal Patent Flour.
It Is tho bost in
the market.
A Great Ofler.
The first five persons procuring the End
less Chain Starch Book from their grocer,
will each obtain one largo 10c. package of
"Red Cross" starch, one largo 10c. package of
Hobinger s Best, starch, two Shakespeare
panels, printed in twolve beautiful colors, as
natural as life, or one Twentieth Century
Girl Calendar, the finest or Its kind over
printed, all absoutely free. All others pro
curing the Endless Chain Starch Book, will
obtain from their grocer tho above goods for
5c. Red Cross" laundry starch is some
thing entirely new, and is without doubt the
greatest invention of the twentieth century.
It has no equai, and surpasses all others. It
has won for Itself praise from all parts of the
United States. It has superseded every
thing heretofore used, or known to science in
the laundry art. It Is made from wheat,
rice and corn, and chemically prepared upon
scientific principles by J. C. Hublnger, an
expert in the laundry profession, who has
had twenty-five years practical experience in
fancy laundering, and who was the first mc
cessful and original inventor of all fine
grades of starch in the United States. Ask
your grocers for this starch and obtain these
beautiful Christmas presents free.
Schooner ltnn llotvii. Tliri-e nrotrnetl
Philadelphia, Dec. 2. During a fog
early Thanksgiving morning the
schooner Clara, from Cape May for
Philadelphia, with a cargo of sand,
while at anchor in the Delaware river,
near Chester, Pa., was run down by
the Philadelphia and Baltimore steam'
er Ericsson. The schooner was cut In
twain, and three of the sailors of the
schooner were drowned. There were
James Wanzer. Thomas nice and Ed
ward Wilson, all colored, of this city,
Captain Joseph E. 'Williamson, the
only other man aboard, was caught in
the wreckage of the schooner and was
seriously, If not fatally, Injured. He
was rescued.
An nrea of high barometer lias ap
ponred on the north Pacific coast. This
iiitsii mea iuui-
vtuua ii ujiungu ill
tlio weather condi
tions, and a period
of cooler woathor
may be expoctod
in tho western and
nor t h western
states during tho
next fow days.
Forecast for this
section: Fair and
cooler this after
noon; brisk south
westerly winds. Fair tomorrow.
Sunrise, 7:08; sunset, 4:44; length of
Jay, Dli.. 30m.; moon rises, 6:CC a. m.;
uooiiscts, 4:17 p. m.
Wiir Olllci- Dili Not Yet Itrcrlvcil flrn.
Mt'tliiHMi'N disunity I, lt.
London, Dec. 2. Absolute silence
has fallen over affairs In South Af
rica. The war odleo has not yet re
ceived Lord Mcthuen's cnsunlty list.
Tho public and tlio press, hitherto pa
tient, nre beginning to murmur at the
apparently needless delay which keeps
many famlllos in a state of painful
It is regarded as practically certain
that Lord Alcthucn has been reinforc
ed by half a battalion of the Gordon
Highlanders, a regiment of cavalry
and a battery of artillery, nnd that
De Aar Is being daily reinforced by
troops to hold the linos of communi
cation. It Is supposed that the Natal ad
vance has been delayed by the neces
sity of getting supplies to Pletermar
itzbttrg, but not a word emanates from
any of the various commands.
Lieutenant General Sir Charles
Mansfield Clarke, who will command
the Sixth division, lias seen much ser
vice in Soutli Africa.
MeKlnl.'j mill lliiiillcy.
Cincinnati, Doc. 2. Tlicro Is a
movement on this sido of tho river, as
well as In Kentucky, to present the
name of Governor Bradley for the
nomination for vice president on the
next ticket with McKlnley. Soon after
the election of Governor Bradley four
years ago there were factional troub
les that defeated Dr. Hunter as the
Republican caucus candidate for sen
ator and these factional troubles con
tinued until Governor Bradley recent
ly took the field for Taylor for gov
ernor. It Is said now that there will
bo no doubt about Kentucky sending
a solid delegation to the Republican
national convention in the Interest of
McKlnley nnd Bradley as the next
To Cure a Cold In One Day
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All
druggists refund tho money if it falls to euro
E. W. Grovo's signaturo is on each box. 25c
November lU'i-rlptx iiml Hxiieimcs.
Washington, Dec. 2. The monthly
comparative statement of the receipts
and expedltures of the government
during November shows the total re
ceipts to have been $4G,945,572, as
against ?3S,900,915 for November, 1898.
The disbursements during tho last
month were $40,769,847, which leaves a
surplus for the month of $0,175,725.
Boars the J m ma ion tiava Aiway3 tsoupi
YomiK llmitt-V .Wc'lCL'iftnlly Shot.
Honesdale, Pa Dec. 2. Two young
ti t;j ii-.. t, i, n
sons of Adolph Bea, of Hawley, were
hunting In Pike county when one,
Charles, aged 15 years, was accidental
ly shot. He lived about 12 hours.
For Bilious and Nervous Disorders, such as
Wind andlPaln lathe Stomach, Sick Headache,
Giddiness, Pulncssand Swelling alicr meals.Diz
zlncss and Drowsiness, Cold Chills, Flushlncsot
Heat, Loss of Appetite, Shortness of Breath.Cos
tlveness, Blotches on the Skin, Disturbed Sleep,
Frightful Dreams, and all Nervous end Trembl
ing Sensations, etc. These ailments all arise
from a disordered or abused condition of the
stomach and liver.
Bacchant's Pills, taken as directed, will
quickly restore Femiles to complete health. They
promptly remove any obstruction or Irregularity
of the system. For a
Weak Stomach, Impaired Digestion, Sick
Headache, Disordered Liver, etc.,
they act like miele a few doses will work won
ders upon the Villi Organs ; Strengthening the
r iTtu.uiai oaicm, icsiurillfi II1C lOHg-iOSI UH1'
Y plexion, bringing bick the keen edge of Appetite,
r and arousing with the Rosebud of Health
tnm wnoia pnyslcal eneroy of the human
frame. For throwing off fevers they are specially
renowned. These are' fact " Admitted hvthnt.
f sands, In all classes of society, and one of the
ocsi guarantees to tne nervous ana uec-iutatea
Is that Banriham'a Plllm hmvm thm
Largest Sale of any Patent Medl-
an turn rwuriu. i ma nam noen
achlavnd without tho publication
of testimonials, thm fact being that
Denchant's Pills recommend Asm.
Beecham'a Pills have for manv vears hern the
popular family medicine wherever the English
language is cpoten, ana wey now, stand without
a rival.
10 cents and 25 cents, at all drug stores.
Annual aale 6,000,000 boxes.
AOH 8AL12 Prlvate-dwellinffat No 300 West
t Hair .ha4 Una. 1.. t l
FORIIENT. A vtry desirable brick dwelling
bouse, No. 21 ISuit Oak street, Eight rooms
wun noun ncai plain, imin, not ana cola water
Gnu in every room. Kent reasonable. Aiinly
at 28 West Lloyd street, or 20 South White
atreer, 11-15-tf-eod
IrOH IUINT. A dwelling house with all
: modern convenlcncea, ormerly occupied
bv the undersigned, located on North Main
street opposite the Y. i It, treleht depot. For
further Information apply to Josiah V John
son, or M II Keliler, Shenandoah, l'n. l)-2l tf
FOIl BALK, A spring wagon. Apply at the
llrniT.n nffir...
VOTIOB. Deahabte properties for aale. Ap
Iiy o. u. i. jiouoptier, attorney, alien 8-31-tX
POIt 8AI.H The propel ty of the Dclaney
Ratate, on Centre atreet, between Main and
Jardin streets. Lot 3x75 feet, embracing one
double three-story frame building, a private
dwelling and a 80-foot vacant lot. l'rlce reason,
able. Apply to Mr Margaret Urennan, on the
premises. 10-ZI-tl
FOB SALE.-Cheap to a prompt buyer. A
very desirable three-story property In a
paved square on Main street. Contains two
large store rooms with plute glass fronts Com
fortablo dwelling with bath. Yard, wareroom
ai.d stable, to each. Whole lnt 80x190 feet to
allev Very fine location for any kind of
uuiincMa. jrjeer io seii me wnoie properly
but Will Bell nart nf It if defilr-,. At v.rvnuAni
able price and terms. I'or further Information
picAHe aaureae Owner, I O. Box 22,rthenan.
doah, I'a 11-C-tf
Private parlies desiring to have their hogs
slaughtered should place their orders at
CARL'S MEAT MARKET, 33 East Centre
Street. Pigs will be called (or, killed and
delivered with cleanliness and satisfaction
To say that ntnnii lifts Briht's
(liseuse Was once considered
equivalent to s.ivinp; that lie
stotid in tlio vall'-y nf the shadow
of denth. Tin' end was only ti
question of time Rut tlintwns
before "Warner's Safe Cure hud
spread Uh lunefits tivirtheland.
C. It. Lincoln, f Medford,
Mass., snys :
" I hnd typhoid fuvcr, nnd
after it cntno k duey trouble,
and it was whispered around
thnt I lind Hright's dweiise of
the kidneys. I knew what that
meant, ho I pitched the medi
cine I Intel outdoors. I then
bought one bottle of Warner's
Safe Cure, and took it according
to directions. The first bottle
gave me" relief and I boifght a
second. Before thnt was gone I
had gained nearly ten pounds.
I continued taking Safe Cure,
and it cured me."
"I am fifty-nine years old,
and enjoy as good health as any
man of my age. If anyone has
kidney trouble and Warner's
Safe Cure will not cure him,
nothing will. I believe it the
best and only cure for kidney
disease on earth."
Nowhere does the proverb,
"Delays arc dangerous," apply
with such force as in kidney
derangement. When Brtght's
disease has set in the kidney
tissue is breaking down and
passing away every minute.
The strength of the body is
sapped steadily, surely.
Inasmuch as Warner's Safe
Cure alone stops kidney degen
eration; should it not be used
without an hour's delay when
pain in the back and head, a
cold skin and bad digestion give
unmistakable warning?
Mexico' New ftnltirny l'mjcct.
City of Mexico. Dec. 2. There la
much interest hero In the proposed
new railway which will put Tabasco,
Yucatan, Chiapas and Campoche In
connection with the railway system
of the central portion of Mexico. The
railroad will bo called tho Southern
National and International, and will
be 6G0 kilometers In length. Its con
struction will Involve very difficult en
gineering work. The capital subscrib
ed so far Is about $10,000,000, includ
ing a subvention of ?C,000,000 to bo
given by the federal government. The
line Is to cost about f 14,000,000.
Drink Oraln-0
after you have concluded that you ought not to
drink coffee. It is .not a medicine but doctors
order it, because it is healthful, invigorating
and appetizing. 1$ is made from pure grains
and has thatj-iclt seal brown color and tastes
like the finest grades of coffee and costs about
L as much. Children like it and thrive on it
because it is a genuine food drink containing
nothing but nourishment. Ask your grocer
or Grain-O, the new fooddrink Is and 25c.
IloM'licrry cVitliy.eM' Cliiimbcrlnlii.
London, Dec. 2. Lord Itoseberry,
speaking at Edinburgh last evening,
deprecated Mr. Chomberlafn's refer
ence to Franco in his speech at Leices
ter, and said: "We have no right to
go Into the gutters to fish up the
derelict press of any country and to
hold It up to scorn or as a motive of
our policy. It is impossible that the
queen could be besmirched by such at
tacks, which only recoil on the at
tackers, and, whatever the degraded
outburst may mean. It does not repre
sent the best or highest opinion of
Bsara the ) 1,18 Kinu YOU Have Always BOUghl
The Tn'liir fun not Hi- Hocked.
New York, Dec. 2. Dr. Doty gives
out the following statement In relation
to tho detained steamer J. W. Taylor:
"Owing to the fact that bubonic
plague may be transmitted by rats or
other vermin which might possibly es
cape the germicides already used by
fleeing to other parts not undergoing
disinfection at the same time, I deem
It proper to keep the Taylor under my
supervision at quarantine, where she
will bo loaded from lighters before
sailing from the port, I am satisfied
that In this way every precaution has
been taken to protect the public health.
Hereafter all vessels arriving from
Santos, whether there Is Infectious
disease among the crew or not, will be
subjected to the same precautions."
Atnerlcnnw Get Ciintiillnii Conceaalon.
Montreal, Dec. 2. The harbor com
missioners of the port of Montreal
yesterday accepted the proposition
made by Buffalo and Cleveland capi
talists looking to an Increase of grain
exports through this port, The syn
dicate is to. bo granted a "site for a
large elevator and freight sheds, and
in turn agrees to build 16 steam
barges, with tows, nil at a cost of $1,
100,000. Tho syndicate agrees to bring
25,000,000 bushels of grain to Mon
treal next season and to Increase the
amount to 35,000,000 bushels or more
in 1901. A bond of $50,000 Is to be
CoritonitlmiMi to !iHtrt llllimla,
Chicago, Dec. 2. Corporations with
an aggregate capital of more than
$500,000,000 are preparing to move out
of the state of Illinois and establish
their headquarters In other states,
mainly In New York. Tho chlof rea
son assigned Is that the legislature and
courts of Illinois have assumed so dis
tinctly an anti-trust complexion that
the corporations have decided to retali
ate. Ilont t.'ixct, Tivo Druvrneil.
Kingston, Ont, Dec. 2. Mrs, Mc
Phee, aged 70, and hor granddaughter,
Annie Moreland, aged 16, were drown
ed yesterday between Slmscoe Island
and Amherst Island. The two women,
together with Archie McPhce, son of
the elder lady, were crossing In a row
boat, which capsized.
NUnttlST'S OI',,"NKWfl,
Tho admissions to Philadelphia's ex
port exposition yestorday numborod
Sir George Turner, who was premier
of Australia for live years, has re
signed. A number of porsons were Injured,
one fatally, In a rear end collision near
Islota, N. M.
Jealous William L. Ncaley. colored.
of Jersey City, shot nnd killed his wife.
He Is undor arrest.
Frederick A, Schrocdor. who was
mayor of Brooklyn In 187G and 1877, Is
dead, after a long illness.
The Elgin (Ills.) Watch company.
employing 2,400 men. voluntarily re
stores tho wages paid In 1892.
Ex-Sonator Edmunds will represont
the protestunts against the seating of
Quay before the senate committee.
Tho ship Kennebec, which Is carry
ing conl from Daltlmoro to San Fran
cisco, for tho battleship Iowa, Is over
due. Many members of the Republican
national committee favor a change In
the basis of representation in Repub
lican national conventions.
By the will of the late Vice Presi
dent Hobart Mrs. Hobart Is bequeathed
one-half of the estate,- or $1,000,000.
The rest Is disposed of privately and
to charities.
National Committeeman Henry C.
Payne says that Senator Hanna will
decline a re-election as chairman of
the Republican national committee, on
account of feeble health.
A Thousand Tongues
Could not oxrircsa tho rapture of Annie E.
Springer, of 1125 Howard ft , Philadelphia,
when she found that Dr. King's New Dis
covory for Consumption had completely
cured licr of n hacking cough that for many
yearn had made lifo a Imnlcn. All other
remedies and doctors could give her no help,
but she Bays of this Royal Cure "it soon ro
movod tlio pain in my chest and I can now
sleep soundly, something I can scarcely re
member doing neloro. 1 icoi hko sounuing
Its praiso throughout the Universe." . 80
will nvcrvonn who tries Dr. King's Now Dis
covery for any trouble of tlio Throat, Chest
or Lung". Trice ouc. ann ji.uu. lriai
bottles free at Wasicy's drug store ; every
bottle guaranteed.
A Well Known rliyxli'lnn Klllril.
Philadelphia, Dec. 2. Dr. Isaac G.
Smedley, a well known physician of
this city, was almost Instantly killed
at Bryn Mawr station of the Penn
sylvania railroad yesterday. Dr.
Smedley was about to step on a train
bound for this city, when ho slipped
and fell, striking his head violently on
the platform. He received a fracture
of tho skull and died in a fow min
utes. Ilnw'n This
We offer One Hundred Dollars Keward for
any case of Catarrh that can not be cured hy
Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F. J. CHUNKY it CO, Props., Toledo, O.
We the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney
for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly
honorable In all business transactions and fin
ancially able to carry out any obligations made
by their firm.
West & Teaux, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O.
Walmno, Ki.n.van & Mahvin, Wholesale Drug
gists, Toledo, Ohio,
Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally, acting
directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of
the system, l'rlco 75o. per bottle. Sold by all
Druggists. Testimonials free.
Hall's Family l'ills are the best.
CmiK of I.nlMir.TH lluriiiil Alive.
Denver, Dec. 2. By a caveln of the
excavation for a sewer at Thirty
fourth and Downing avenues' yesterday
several laborers were burled, and
probably all were lost. The body of
George Houz has been taken out. It
Is not known how many were in the
Does Tola Strike Yon 7
Muddy complexions, Nauseating breath
come from chronic constipation. Karl's
Clover Boot Tea is an absolute euro and baa
been Bold for fifty years on an absolute
guarantee. Price 25 eta, and 50 eta. Sold by
P. D. Kirlin on a guarantee.
MiionlKl'e SuoutM u 'Success.
Washington, Dec. 2. Word comes
from the Philippines that the two com
panies of Macabebe scouts under Cap
tain Batson are doing so well that it
has been decided to organize a full
battalion of those natives. The ad
ditional two companies will be very
useful In the present campaign In
tracking tho fleeing romnants of
Agulnaldo s disorganized army.
On Ever; Bottle
Of Shlloh'a Consumption Cure Is this guar
anteo : "All wo ask of you is to use two-
thirds of the contents of this bottle faith
fully, then If you can ray you are not
benefited return the bottle to your druggist
and he may refund tho price paid.". Price
25 eta. 50 cts. and $1.00. Sold by P. D
Kirlin on a guarantee.
Clmi-Keit With Wife Mnrder.
Jacksonville, Fin., Dec. 2. Mrs.
John Williams, a well known and
beautiful young woman of this city,
died Thursday night. After all ar
rangements had been made for tho fU'
neral an order camo from the coroner
to hold the body, as an autopsy would
be held. Shortly after the autopsy a
warrant was issued and John D. Will
iams, the young woman's husband.
was arrested, charged with the murder
of his wife. The autopsy developed
that Mrs. Williams came to her death
by a violent blow In the stomach,
bursting the bladder and rupturing
other vessels. The woman died in
great agony, but made no charges. The
husband refuses to talk except to deny
tne murder.
;S 'INHERE Is a certain stylish ef-
I feet about carments made -
5: irom, thesa Celebrated Pat- 3;
5 terns that Is not attained by the S
g use of any other patterns. 2;
; (No-Seam-Allowance Patterns.) ;
I Have not an equal for styla and-perfect I
I fit. Easy to uuacrstund Onl loandtSI
; ctt, each none higher. Sold In nearly
every city and town, or by mail Aik for I
them, Get a Fashion Sheet find see our Z
I dcucnt. Abr.otntelytheveryl.ti' .ttylct.
; of her own selection will be given :
: every subscriber to ;
-E One that every lady should take regu- t
larly Beautiful colored plates I latctt 2'
fashions j dresimaking economies ( f ant y "t
m work , household hints fiction, c- ul
scribe to-day, or, send 5c far latest copy. 3
5 Lady aecnti wanted. Send for terms.
; 130-146 West 14th St., New York.
These celebrated patterns and pub
Mentions are for sale, and recotn
mended by L. J. Wilkinson.
in Washing Paint
don't scrub it and
wear off the sur
face. Use Gold Dust
Washing Powder
according to direc
tions printed on
every package and
you will be pleased
with the results and
surprised at the
saving in labor.
Uni far fres fcektt-"aolil R1m
for Houawork.M
Cblctp St.Uili NawTaik Boitoi
llnnlcn Fiii-ccil 11 Wnire Inercuse.
Fall River, Mass., Dec. 2. The movo
of M. D. Borden, of New York, presi
dent of the Iron works company In this
city, In voluntarily giving his help an
advance of 10 per cent forced the hand
of the Manufacturers association, and
at the conclusion of a conference yes
torday afternoon between the five sec
retaries of labor unions In the textile
council and the special committee of
the manufacturers it was announced
that the entire body of mill operatives
In Fall River would be given an In
crease In wages of 10 por cent, begin
ning Monday, Dec. 11, one week later
than the date on which the Iron works
operatives will receive the advance.
rroponpil Jf'JOO,l)(m,(MH) Siinnr Trtmt.
Chicago, Dec. 2. The News says:
A $200,000,000 trust is in contempla
tion. Thero Is every prospect that the
American Sugar company, the Glucose
Ileflnlnc company and nil of the so-
called Independent sugar refineries will
be consolidated. H. O. Haveraeyer, of
the sugar combine, has, It Is under
stood, already secured an option on the
ArhucKlo Sugar company, the Docher
concern and the outside plants In Bos
ton and New Orleans. The Important
feature of the plan Is thnt the Ameri
can Stignr company will Increase Its
capitalization from $75,000,000 to $200,
000,000. Killed IVlilli- ncr.-iullliu Her Honor.
Trenton, Iiec. 2. Minnie Eyzley, a
girl of 16 years, was horribly mur
dered by a negro farm hand Thursday
night on the farm of William White,
at Yardvllle, five miles from hore,
while the family was absent. The
victim was a pretty girl, who had been
employed as a domestic. She was
highly esteemed throughout the neigh
borhood. Her body was found In the
barn yesterday. An examination of all
the conditions Indicate that the girl
had been killed while defending her
honor. Her skull had been crushed
by a post driver. The colored man
suspected Is Edward Williams. Kvents.
Dec. 18. Grand entertainment, "The Star
of Bethlehem," at the Primitive Methodist
Tho Rflct andniot iipcrleuced, tho one to
I UO DBoleoniuUlfyoiiiiufferfroin Private
Diseases ft VroT. 11. F, Til EE ta
il. Q04 North Mitli M., l'hlludcl.
nhlo l'a., gtf es a Guarantee ia every aie.
V artoocele k Stricture (no cutting). I'Oit Vigor
A Health restored. Tarts eotarsud. Eorm9S.
6 a. Hod. 9-11. Honrs fbr long standing and dangerou!
quit iu au to x ao. jrrean cases curea naiu oays.
for Sworn testimonial! and Book. Ail frsods espoied.
T t t'tityt T'rTTTTrrrrrrr
Philadelphia &
Readina R y.
Engines Bum Hard Coat No Smoke.
Tralna leave Shenandoah aa follows:
For New York via PhlladelDhla. week dav
210, S 88, 7 87, 9 55 a. m., 12 20, a 09 and 6 09 p. m.
Sundays, 2 10 a m.
For New York via Chunk, week days,
7 87 a. ra., 12 20 and 8 09 p. m.
For Reading and Philadelphia, week days,
2 10, 5 88, 7 87, 9 55 a. m., Vi 28, 8 09 and 0 09 p. m.
For Fottsvllle. week dara. 2 10. 7 87. B 85 m.
12 26, 8 09, 6 09 and T 80 p. m. Sundays, 2 10 a m.
jf or 'xamaqua ana aiananoy uiiy, weeic days.
210, 787, 9S5 a. m., 12 26. 8 09 and 6 09 p. m.
luntiays, a iu a m
For Wllllamaport, Sunbury and Lewlsburg,
eeK aara, a xi. ii o a. m.. 12 20. 1 hu to.
ounuays, a a m.
ruriiiruiuu, . ,11110. nwAUMyB, d iu,o(,DOO,
787.9 65,1182 a.m.. 12 26, 809, 609, 780, M
p. ra. ounuays, z iu ana a t a zn.
For Ashland and Sharookln, week days, 8 27
7 87, 11 82 a. m., 12 26, 8 09, 6 07, 725 and 9 65 p. in
Sundav. 8 27 a m.
For Baltimore, Washington and the West via
I, t t . I. 1. . I - 1 . n i
i.. t i. i. it.. ,ii i ii UK ii . 1 1.1 iib t oct i uoauiug
Terminal, Philadelphia. (P. & K. D R.) at 8 20,
7 55, It 28 a. m., 8 10 and 7.27 p. i Sundays
8 20,7 00,1120 a.m., 816 and 727 p.m. Addl
tlonal trains from Twenty-fourth and Chest
nut streets station, week, days, 10 80 a. m. 12 20
12 16 8 40 p.m. Sundays, 1 85, 8 28 p. m.
Leave New York via Philadelphia, week
days, 12 is, 180,780,1180 a. m., and 180,4 80
9 00 D.m.
Leave New York via Mauch Chunk, week
days, 4 80. 9 10 a. m., 1 80, i 40 p. m.
Leave Philadelphia. Readlns Terminal, week
days, 4 80, d 86, 1021 a. m. and 186, 4 06 6 86,
II ov p. 111.
Leave Reading, week days, 187, 7 00, 10 Of
a, m., 12 15, 4 17, 6 00, 8 26 p. m
Leave Pottsvllle, week days, 7 17, 7 40 a. m,
9 80. 12 80. 1 20. 4 80. 6 10 and 6 60 p. m.
Leave Tamaqua, week days, 18, 8 86, 11 2)
a. in., 149.5G6 7 K, 9 44 p. In.
Leave Mahsnoy Oily, week days, 8 45, 9 04,
ii ii a. in., a o m), u 21, i , iu U3 p. m
Leave Mahanoy Plane, week days, 2 40, 4 00
680. 922 1023,1200, a. m., 2 89, 6 80, 642,168
10 24 pm
Leave Willi tuisport, week days, T 42, 1000 a
tn., 12 ill acd 100, HBO p. m.
Leave HI lladelphla Chestnut street wharf and
South street whm I, i At'antlc Cilv.
Weekdays Express 9 0), 2 00, 4 00. 5 00,716
.iu. a' itmiiuuuttuo'i, b uu a in, o tu p m. Sun
days Ezpresn, 9 00, 10 CO a m, 7 15 p m. Accom
modation, 8 CO a m, 4 45 p in.
Leave Atlantic City Depot I Weekdays Ez
Dress. 1 85. 9 10 10 80 a m. 3 80. 5 80 n ni. Awnm.
tcodntlon, 8 15 a n, 4 01pm. Sundays Express,
w, , uu i iu. AiTuuiiuuuttiiuii, ! io a m, uiu m.
For Cape May, Ocean City and Sea Isle City
Weekdays 9 CO am, 410, SOOpni. Sundays
-Chestnut St., 9 15, South rit., 9 a m.
Addition , for Cape May Weekdays 630
a ra.
Parlor Oars on all express trains.
For farther Information, apply to nearest
Philadelphia and Reading Railway ticket agent
or address
I. A. Bweigubd, Rneon J. Wnu,
Gen'l Hupl., Qen'l Pa3'r Ar
The Best Bargain Houes
In Shenandoah Is at
pup wmi,
233 West Centre Street.
You would be amazed to see the values we
, . , offered In . . .
Doots and Shoos,
- - - Groceries.
If you only give us a trial, that Is all we ask
This means a steady customer at our store.
To PATENT Good Ideas
may be uecured by
our aid. Address,
ftoUcrlpttOBi to 'fb Patent Uncord IIjWwugu
perguson's Theatre,
DAN. J. FERGUSON, Manager.
Saturday, Dec. 2.
A Strong Company Headed by
(lernian Singing & Dancing Comedian.
5,000 Pounds of Special
NIGHT : - 10, 10 and 30 Gents.
MATINEE : - IQ and 20c.
Reserved Seats at Kirlln'a Drug Stroe.
Perguson's Theatre.
One Night Only.
HOJDBY, DEC. 4, '99
Appearance of the Brilliant Young
At cl a splendid com tuny presenting
the delightful comedy drama,
A homespun story of the Sunny Soutli
Bv Hal Ueid.
Introducing the Famous
Coon Shouters, Plantation Singers, Ruck
and Willi; Dancers and Prhnelr Rag
Time Specialists.
Prices: - 2;, x. and so Cts.
Reserved seats at Kirlln'a drug store.
perguson's Theatre.
One Night Onlyl
THURSDAY, DEC. 7, '99.
Ireland's Funniest Irishmen
In the
And an own selected company
Tommy Waters and Frank W. Nason,
Managers and Proprietors.
Wyle & Panford, Bert Kimball, Mcrrlce St
Cushlng, Ned West, The Zercth Trio,
M'lle Denella, Clara West, and others.
PRICES: 25c, 35c and 50c
Reserved scats at Kirlln'a drug store.
A square piano iu good
condition. A give
away bargain.
Parlor Grand
A HighGrade
Can be exchanged for any other
style oi instrument. These are
sacrifice opportunties.
Fumiture Dealer and Undertaker,
TO South Main St.
Tho Rosy Froshnoss I
And. a velvet softness of the skin Is lata- I
rlably obtained by thore who use Ponojii'a I
Complezlon Powder,
I I.