Trading Stamps, The Only Drug Store in Town That Prc oanto You With Trad ing Stamps. Shenandoah Drug Store, 3 South Main St., Shenandoah. Telephone Connection. THE NEWEST THINGS! ' VI HJlfl PieNewest 75 When it pours down you may remember that all that is new and serviceable in umbrellas may be found at our store. We solicit you to call on us and promise you a feast for your eyes if you love the nicest things in men's furnishings, etc. Portz Bros., 24 North Main Street. Removal TO 222 W.Centre St. Next door to Cardin's wall paper store. Boston Bakery, 11. MorRansteln, Prop. Fall and Winter Footwear. Don t buy elsewhere until you see our stock. It is a winner and so are the prices attached to every pair ot shoes, whether for men, ladies, misses, or children. We sell the "best" qualities of footwear cheaper than any other shoe dealer. Mothers should bear in mind that our children's shoes are the most durable. We are closing out another lot very cheap. BOSTON TORY SHOE E, 27 South Main Street. Shenandoah, I. SPONT, PROP. FOUR DOORS ABOVE POST OFFICE. Pa. Time and Money Saved -OtVJ- Don't You Want the Dollar You Pay For Christmas gifts to bring their real values or probably more back to you. If you are progressive and nave your personal interests at heart see our Watches, Chains, Kings. These goods are a specialty with us this year. Thos. Buchanan, Jeweler and Optician, No. 118 South Wain Street Edward Early's Saloon, Cor. Oak street and Pear alley. Very convenient to the rear entrance of the lockup. FREE : LUNCH : SERVED : ALL : DAY, Holiday Preparations. iiMHHMpn(f iniTpiTiriiH'ttin,f NtrU Raisins, Prunes, California Peaches, Citron, Lemon Peel, Orange Peel, All Kinds of Nuts. Fine boneless White Oodflsh at 7C pr pound, Mackerel, sc ana up. E3. A. Friedman, 213 W. Centre St. Two doors btow lall' dairy. JWIMGSi ''f L U A U I J riant hair L 1 J U IVUl gift. You can't af ford to part with rid Don't fail to take quick action if you find you arc losing it. To keep your hair healthy and vigorous, rich and glossy, Feed it with dan d r u f is removed and gray spots are the re stored to the dark color of early life. Dandruff is disease, and the ending is baldness. Ayer's Hair Vigor cures the disease that causes dandruff. $1.00 a bottle. All druggists. " When I W8R a plrl my scalp was covered with Hcnlos and ilamlrulT, My hair fell out and my scalp Itched terribly. Two buttles of Ayer's llalr Vigor cured toy s'-alp and made It freo from dandruff. I am now tner o yours old and I tell every one that 'nothing but Ayer's Hair Vigor cured that awful trouble with mv head.' " SAH.UI F. MonoAN, Nov. 7, 1893. Hrowntown, Va. We have a book on The Hair and Scalp which wo will Bend tree upon request. U you do not obtain all the benefits you expected from the use of the Vigor, write the Doctor about it Address, DK. J. C. AVER, Lowell. Alan. lnorense lit Fnfctory ITiiiiilnyea. Harrlsburg, Dec. 1. The annual re port of Factory Inspector James Camp bell for the fiscal year ended Oct. 31, 1899, shows that there were 182,270 more persons employed In the manu facturing establishments under the supervision of the factory Inspector In 1899 than In 1S9S. Mr. Campbell says that If the demand for skilled work men and laborers could bo supplied the Increase would bo greater. There were 127 illiterate children dismissed during the year and 2,228 accidents re ported, three-fourths of which were due to carelessness. Sixty sweat shops were suppressed during the year. How to Full Unhurt. 'People wonder how au actress can fnll on the stage without hurting her self, but It Is the easiest thing In the world," said an actress. "The great secret of falling Is to re lax. If you slip and fall some time when you do not wish to, If you can only remember to relax your muscles, you will be saved perhaps from a seri ous Injury. Children and drunken peo ple fall relaxed." Consumption Cured. BROUGHT BACK FROM THK GRAVE. Last November Mr. Joseph Tames, painter, of 325 W. Pearl St., Indianapo lis, Iud., was at death's door with quick consumption. Wasted to a skeleton; his lungs a mass of ulceration; his death was hourly awaited by his doctor ana lainily. tie was Kept in a constant stunor with opium. A friend, thinking to relieve his terrible cough, gave him a bottle of Brazilian Halm. Seeing its wonderful effect, the doctor advised Hs continued use. Mr. James soon after dismissed his doctor, and depended on the Balm alone. His recovery was rapid and complete, and in February he returned to woric. ms lunsrs aresounu, and his wight greater than at any time in his Hie. liis recovery is regarueu as almost a miracle. COMMA 11ACILLUS. In consumption beware of cough mijfr tures and prescriptions that contain opium. Opium paralizes the nerves, and gives the comma bacillus a good chance to destroy the lungs. It is always fatal. Brazilian Balm does not contain a trace of any opiate, but stimu lates the nerves witn new nieaim power, destroys the microbe, and restores all that is left of the diseased lungs, to a sound and healthy state which no other remedy has ever neeu .tnown to accom plish. Shenandoah Drug Store, Wholesale Agents, Christmas At the Cheapest Store I n Town. All tbe choicest grades of Dried Fruits, panned Goods, Citron and I.emon lVel. eta. at nltnoet your own prices. All our l'lour Is sold m atMMp. Poultry and Triwk, ELLIS GUZINSKY, 216 West Centre : EVAN J. DAVIES Livery and Undertaking. No. 13 North Jardln St. I 3 JJ X7V1 "1 Vt, T f PITHY POINTS. It itililK" TlirnilRltout tho Country Chronicled for llinly t'ertisitl. Art wall pa par at Curilln's for S anil (I cents per roll, t.'otno nntl see ihciu. tf The County Commissioners will this month appoint a luorc.ntllo appraiser. Tlio yutitiK men of Port Carbon will organ ize n gymnasium club. The Pennsylvania Itnllroatl will advnnco freight rates on January 1st. "Jack" McCarty is In another dcnl, this timo to start n newspaper at Heading Tho new Holy Trinity Herman Catholic church, at llazlcton, was dedicated yester day. In n county .onlot for wretched sidewalks Hliciiniiiloalt should take n premium. They ouiiht to bo fixed up before b.ul weather sets In. Ifarry Kuweit, of Tainaqua, has been elect ed captain of Company 11, Highth Keglment. N. O. P. Tho annual inspection of Wntkin Waters Post, (I A. It. will Ittko place this evening- Less than one hundred pcoplo hoard Kimono Debs lecture at Shamokln. Shoo buyers in search of "real" shoo bar gains should read tho Boston Factory Shoe Store "ad" on tho socoud pago of to-day's Issue Tho Thanksgiving danco of tho Schloy or chestra at Bobbins' opera house last night was well attended by strangers. The or chestru is establishing Itself as a popular dis penser of music for dancers. "I suffered for months thro from soro at. Uclcctric Oil cured mo in twenty-fourliours." M. S. Gist, Uawosvlllc, Ky. Violated Liquor l,nws. Win, Evans and Mrs. Con. Leonard, of High Point, were nrralgnod last evening be fore 'Squire llrennau, of Mabanoy township, charged with selling liquor without a license, on uatb of Constablo John Kowlcy. The suit is an outgrowth of a quarrel started by u nun named Morris Buckley, who had been drink. Jog in tho place until intoxicated on Labor Day. As a result of tho fight a law suit en s ted, and Sir. Kowley was directed by Judge llcnnlng to bring prosecution against tho parties above mentioned. Ktnte School Appropriation. The share of tho state school appropriation to which Shenandoah is entitled is expected shortly, the announcement having been mado at Harrlsburg that payment of tho school moneys would bo mado for this section f tho state within the next two days. WilkeBbarrn Wstetldfnd. The Pottsvlllo male chorus won a prize of f75 and ft ellvcr cup at the blgclstcddfod bold at Wllkcsharro yesterday. Tho malo chorus consisted of 30 voices, under the leadership of Prof. D.ivld J. Williams, of St. Clair. The chorus was organized especially for this con test, and tho selection rendered was All Through the Night." Till: MODIIKN MOTIIKIt Has found that her little ones uro improved more by tho pleasant Syrup of Figs, when in need of the laxative effect of a gentlo remedy, than by any other. Children enjoy it and it benefits them. The true remedy. Syrup of Figs, is manufactured by tho California Fig Syrup Co. only. X3r Teloplione Line Opened. The 3hamokin Valley Telephoue Hue from Shamokln to Ashland will be opened to the public to-morrow. Tho extensions to Shen andoah, Mahanoy City and l'ottsvillo are under way, and tho line men have poles er ected up to tbe borough lino of this town. A Card. We, the undersigned, do hereby agroo to refund tho money on a 50-cent bottle of Grecno's Warranted Syrup of Tar if it falls to euro your cough or cold. Wo also guaran tee a 25-cout bottle to provo satisfpetory or money refunded. Wasloy, C. II, HRgenbuch, Shenandoah Drug Store, P.W. Bietstoln & Co. Good Old Sport. William liicbards 80 yctru old and father of Mine Superintendent Elchards of Maha- uoy City, went -hunting in the woods in Locust Valley yesterday and shot a fine speciman of a 6llver gray fox weighing 18 pounds. A Great Oiler. The first fivo persons procuring the End less Chain Starch Book from their grocer, will each obtain one large 10c. packago of 'Red Cross" starch, one largo 10c. packago of 'Hubinger's Best, starch, two Shakespeare panels, printed in twelve beautiful colors, as natural as life, or one Twentletn Century Qirl Calendar, the finest of its kind over printed, all absoutcly free. All others pro curing the Endless Chain Starch Book, will obtain from their grocer the above goods for Sc. "Eed Cross" Jaundry starch is some- thing entirely netfrand Is without doubt the greatest Invention of the twentieth century. It has no equal, aud surpasses all others. It has won for itself praise from all parts of the United States. It has superseded every. thing heretofore used, or known to science in the laundry art. It is made from wheat, rice and com, and chemically prepared upon scientific principles by J. C. Hubinger, an export in tho laundry profession, who has had twenty-five years practical experience in fancy laundering, and who was the first sue. cessful and original iuvcutor of all fine grades of starch in tho United States. Ask your grocers for this starch and obtain these beautiful Christinas presents free. rilllnilrlplilil'H (let Ilicli Uiilck Truxt. Philadelphia, Dec. 1. It is probable that legal steps will be taken today to protect the interests of some of the customers of the Investors' -Trust, a concern similar to Miller's Franklin syndicate, of Brooklyn, which closed Us doors a few days ago. A number of Investors whose money is tied up will arrive hero today and hold a con ference, after which the wheels of the law wilb probably be started In mo tion. That no proceedings have been Instituted against tho trust before this time Is duo to the fact that nearly all of Us customers live In faraway cities and states and in foreign countries. Comliilt KTilppcMl ti llnvunn. Philadelphia, Dec. 1. The Earn line steamship Hindustan sailed from here yesterday for Havana, Cuba, carrying in her hold the blggost shipment of terra cotta conduits that ever left a port of the United States, amounting to 700 tons, and this quantity will be followed by much more. The conduits are consigned to the Havana Electric Hallway company. A T1imiiUkIvIiik Day Ilobliery. Lancaster, Pa., Dec. 1. Robbers broke Into tho home of I. W. Leldlgh, vice president of the People's bank, yesterday afternoon while the family were absent to dinner, and stole a largo quantity of silverware, a con siderable sum of money and a valuable sealskin sack. Entrance was gained to a second story window by means of a ladder. Senntor Hn lviiril' lllm-mi. Nebraska City, Dec. 1. At midnight Dr. Whltten posted the following bul letin: Senator Hayward has had a vory restless day, having slept very little. His temporature Is 100, pulse 89, regular and softer than In the morning; respiration 24, and still In termittent. He Is more conscious of his condition. Paralysis remains," IIOOD'S PIMA cure Liver III, Slllousness, Indigestlou, Headache, tnleafnt Uxfttlvo, All DrucxHt Prepared under J It I tilt AN U1VB, GOUT. SPRAINS.! ' i uuiiiuiiuss, miouniausm, oic, JUR. UICIITGR'S Wot M-RnowneJ "ANCHOR" PAIN EXPELLER. One well-known person's letter out of rrnnv "tN Danish ClAfrorlf' J Hcrodswdalioij. IKS.nm.ri. ....,ln,r"..'n, u!.... i.. i.. i tnoa Rheumatic Swellings. I hav?... (ft 1 seen Dr.mchterVMCHOR''',, pain fxpti I fr work mars vel lojisly.artd tljej;efore highly re,com I 25c. and 00c. at all druggists or through IK. Ad. Blcbterfi C0..S15 Pearl St. New York J rlSt, NerflorhJ AWARDS. J 'nent I'hu. jmgk 3G HIGHEST niuoT.1 liecommended bypromint ni I'ny- iciani, vioiM(H ana lit iati untqgitti, Ainirfr,erft tiii:,vti:iuai,. "THE SMt oaLEBH.'' "Tho Suiugglori,' a stirring inoloilrnma, rcpleto with stertling situations and a strong plot, has been booked for Ferguson's thcatro, Saturday afternoon and night. In tho pro duction 0,000 pounds of special (ccnory is shown. The company Is headed by Mr. Ous Cohan, tho clover German Binning and danc ing comedian, in the amusing rolo of Mr. Geesmycr. At the matinco tho prices will ba 10 and SiO cents. At the evening per formance popular prices, 10, 20 and 30 cents will prevail. "11MAIIT8 01' THK IILUE KIIX1E," The charming comedienne, Miss Dorothy Lewis, will present her latost success, tho bountiful drama, "Hearts of tho Illuo KIdge," at Ferguson's theatre uoxt Monday evoniug, supported by an exceptionally strong com pany. The picco deals with ono of tho feuds so common in North Carolina, and although not on tho melodrama order it has not an un interesting lino, in fact all who know or have seou productions from tho pen of this famous author know that ho lias the gift of swaylug his audience at bis will; no expense has been spared by tho management to nifiko this production complete in every detail. A special feature this season with tho company li the famous Illuo Uldge Colored Quartet. "IBISU VISITORS." Of all the shows that bavo appoarcd at the Opera House this Benson, none has pleased better than "Pat Malonoy's Irish Visitors'' that opened last night to a house packed to the doors, every seat being filled when tho curtain went up and many had to ho content to lean up against tho wall. Of tho per formance too much can not be said in praise of tho splendid array of tnlent in tho I'at Maloncy show. Tho program is clean, bright and humorous, tho music is up to date and catchy, and tho specialties all of the highest order.tbo excellent work of Mr. Tom Waters, tho well known Boston humorist, entltlos tho gentlemen to a placo among tho highest artists. To give all the artists tho space they uro entitled to would more than fill a column. Judging from a strictly impartial standpoint, wo will say it is by far the most satisfactory cntortalumout of tho season. Worcester Dally Gazette Tho abovo show will appear at Ferguson's theatre on Dec. 7th. LAST NIOHt's PLAY. A very largo audience witnessed tho production of "Si Plunkard" at Forguson's theatre last night aud gave vent to frequent expressions of approval. Tho play Is ono that has some somo very amusing situations and many clover specialties aro introduced, embracing monologue, singing and dancing aud juggling. Tho orchestra was a feature of tbe entertainment, tho descrlptivo fan. tasia "Soldiers' Life" being excellently ren, dored. It is a unique and cO'cctivo compos! tion. . Editor's Awful Plight, F. M. Higgins, Editor Seneca, (Ills,) News, was aflllcted for years with Piles that no doctor or jemedy helped until ho tried Huckicn's Arnica Salvo. lie writes two boxes wholly cured him. It's tho surest Pilo euro on earth and tbe bost salve in tho world. Curo guaranteed. Only 23 cents, Sold by A. Wasley, druggist. Deedi ltflrnrderi. From the First National Bank. Mahanoy City, to Jacob Berger, promises in Schuylkill Haven ! from Jaceu Jf linger, et. ux., to (Jas por Werner, premises in Barry township from Frank Seuimet, ct. ux., to Cbas. I. Bock, premises in Cressona : from Cbas. Kokilltis, et. ux., to Frauk Knrol, premises in .alalia, noy City ; from the People's B. aud L. Asso ciation, to Anthony Flannery, premises in Girardvlllo. Ladies' and Misses' Garments (0 i D E D DO Q) 3 (v ft (i) The great success of our coat department has been brought about by giving the best values for the least money. This season we offer the nicest and most complete line of garments. Coats in all colors Tans, Modes, Blues, Black, lined with skinner satin, mercarized satin, and silk. Also a fine selec tion of misses' andchildren'scoats neatly trimmed in braid and bias strips. A soeclal line of Plush. Cloth, As trnkhan and Golf Capes. Collarettes made of Posum. Wool, Seal and Beaver Fur. A nice assortment of slncle and double plain aud plaid Scotch wool shawls. Come and s:e tliem. R. F. GILL, NORTH IS1 Al fM STREET THE TRUE FORTUNE HEATER Known to every family in town, needs no recommeuda tion. We sell it at Lower Prices Than it has ever been sold. It adds beauty fo every household. DAVISONS DEPARTHENT STORES, Nos. 119-121-123 North Main St, CSOt-DIN'S Tis With Point to That in Winter Suits and Overcoats this season has been an exceptionally successful one with us. It shows that the people appreciate the very best materials at the very lowest prices. Our stock has again been replen ished with all new and up-to-date styles in Suits arid Overcoats for Men, Roys and Children, and we cheerfully invite your inspection. When you come to sec us you are not expected to buy. We are satisfied and pleased at all times to show you our stock, and we are con fident that if good goods at low prices are inducements for your trade we will always have it, Mammoth Clothing House, 9 and 11 S. Main Tilt! A storm has moved from the Torth Pad lie coast to Illinois, attended In ?-A some sections by ""yrAI rains, and follow ing Its passage the temperature has fallen 10 to 20 de grees In the west and southwest. The temperature continues above the normal, how ever, over the en tire United States. Forecast for this section: Partly cloudy today; rain by tonight; clear ing and colder tomorrow; Increasing south to southwest winds. Sunrise, 7:08; sunset, 4:44; length of day, 9h., 36m ; moon rises, 6:51 a. m.; moon sets, 3:25 p. m. GIRARDVILLE. Call and seo tbe big turkey at Gorman's cafo. You can claim it. J. C. Collins, of Mahanoy City, transacted business in town to-day. "Undo Tom's Cabin" company played to a packod houso bcro on Tuesday night. John Kennedy, of New York, is spending a few days with hi) parents on Second street. Tho fifth annual supper and dance under tbe auspices of the Ladies' Catholic Society at tbe armory hall last evening was a success in every way. After everybody had satis tied their appetites dancing was continued to tho wco hours of tho morning to tho sweet tunes of Sweeney's orchestra. James Blows is visiting friends in Danville, 'Cure the cough and save tbo life." Dr. Wood's Norway Pino Syrup cures coughs and colds, down to the vory verge of consumption Thanksgiving Sports. Benjamin Machemer, of Trevorton, de feated John Kearlch, of Welssport, in an ex citing shooting match for a purse of (200 at the Mahanoy City park yesterday. A large crowd witnessed the match. Each man shot at 35 birds. Machemer succeeded in killing 30, while Kearlch only brought down 23. Patrick Ferguson and John Clumnln shot at seven birds apieco yesterday, at Oakland field, near Ashland. The latter gave Fergu son one dead bird, and that gavo him the match. The fourteonjblrds got.away safely. Buy Royal Patent Flour. It is the best In tho market. Coal Prices Advanced. Tbe Philadelphia and Beading Coal and Iron Company has issued a new coal circular relative to prices which will prevail this month as applied to tbe line and city trade. Tbo principal changes are iu pea and buck. wheat sizes, there being au advance in tno former size of from 15 to 23 cents per ton aud Juthelattor of from 10 to 15 cents per ton, This circular goes into efl'ect to-day. Ten thousand demons gnawing away at one's vitals couldn't be much worse than tho tortures of itching piles. Yet there's a cure. Doan't Ointmeut never falls. MISCELLANEOUS. 7OU. SALE. Private dwelling at No. 309 Wert l 1 onlc street. ior tcrnia anniv to tf runic Wllcom, on the premises. 12-l-3t POIt KENT. A very desirable brick dwelling house, No. 21 East Oak street. Eight rooms Willi btcam neat plant, uatn, not ana coia wuirr nnn in everv room. Kent reasonable. AudIv at 28 West Lloyd street, or 20 South White street, 11-15-ti-eod IJlOIl RENT. A dwelling houso with ! modern conveniences, formerly occun iled lain street opposite the I. & It, freight depot. For further Information apply to Joslah w. John son, or M II. Kehler, Shenandoah, Pa. 11-21-tf ion SALE, A spring wagon. Apply at the IlRBALU OUlce. NOTICE. Desirable properties for sale. Ap ply to S, O. M. Ilollopeter, attorney, Shen andoah. Ml-tT MONEY TO LOAN. Money to loan at 6 per cent. Interest; must give good securely security. For further Information apply at the IIeiiald office. 11-17-tf FOIt BALE. The property of the Delaney Estate, on Centre street, between Main and Jardln streets. Lot 10x73 feet, embracing one double three-story frame building, a private dwelling and a 30-foot vacant lot. l'rlce reason able. Apply to Mrs Margaret Urenuan, on the premise.. 10-21-tf IpOIt SALE. Cheap to a prompt buyer. A ' very desirable three-story property In a paved squure on Main street. Contains two targe store rooms with plate gloss fronts Com fortable dwelling with bath. Yard, war erf om and stable, to each. Whole lot 30x190 feet to alley. Very One location for any kind of business. Prefer to sell the whole property, but will sell part of It If desired, at very reason, able price and terms. Por further Information please address "Owner," 1. O. Box 22, Shenan doah, Pa, ll-C-K Cheapest Shoe Repairer ! From Philadelphia. GOOD WORK GUARANTEED. Men's soles and hMs 50 and GOo Men's " " " (sewed) 85aiid80o Ladles' ' " " iO ond 60o Ladles'" " " sewed... 60a Children's soles and heels 80 and 33o Children's shoes, 23c Satisfactory patch work. Shoes heeled only 15 nd20cts. Sam Broody, Bobbins' Block. 35 W, Centre street. PIG SLAUGHTERING TIME. Private parlies desiring to hate their hogs slaughtered should place their orders at CARL'S MEAT MARKET, 33 East Centre Street. Pigs will be called for, killed and delivered with cleanliness and satisfaction, OOLDIN'S Pride We the Fact St., G AUG HAN'S Rich Values now A II S able to our Patrons. Others made from good quality our price Si. 25. A better grade and lined, value $2.25, our price Mohair Waists, $2.00 to $2 25, real value$ and $3.00. We have received another case 1-4 white, all-wool, home-made Blankets, value $4.50, our price lor this lot $3.35. P. J. GAUGHAN. Extra Specials In order to reduce our tremendous stock of boots, shoes and rub bers, we will for the next ten days cut and slash' prices in half. Come and be convinced. Ladies' and gent's velvet and alligator 75c slippers, at 50c; old ladies' warm shoes, worth $1.00, and $1.25, at 75c and SI I men's winter Russetts and blacks, black and tan shoes in town, worth Take advantage of this remarkable ten-day sale and get good shoes cheap. We carry a full line of men's and boy's Snag Proof Boots. FACTORY SHOE STORE, NO. B. SOUTH tVIAIIM ST. THE BUCKW ALTER sta?"r2s&B There are none better in the world and there are no greater favorites in the world with any housewife. The satisfactory giving qualities are beyond dispute. Special Sales or Special Prices We don't have any because our regular prices are lower than those of dealers who advertise special prices. This is where you save your money every time you buy. Don't forgot us for your FURNITURES. D. & J. SEIGEL, 103105 S. Main St. REMOVAL ! Trje Baltimore Cheap Store, 30 East Centre Street, has removed to No. 105 NORTH MAIN STREET, two doors above Merchants' Bank. Baltimore Cheap Faultless Labor consistent with sFaultless Prices Are responsible for our always busy business. Try us on plumbing aud gas fitting. You wont regret the trial. P. W. Bell, Cor. White & Lloyd Sts. we clip the: Of extravagant prices. Nowhere in this town will you find greater values at smaller prices. Quality tells the price sells. Our line of toys is more complete than ever and embraces so many new and novel things that it would be hard to enumerate all. We desire to call your special attention to our handsome line of DOLLS. Never has a more beautiful line been displayed by any one. PANCY CHINA, BRICABRAC, TOY BOOKS, MECHANICAL QOODS, DOLL COACHES, GO CARTS, BEOS, CRADLES, DISHES, CHAIRS, HORSES, TOOL CHESTS, GUNS And a thousand other things that delight the hearts of the little ones. This is the store mother likes, because she feels satisfied that all trash is excluded. We guage our prices to the lowest notch and early buyers will find real bargains. We ask you to visit our store and inspect our goods, knowing that you will be a regular customer after your first visit. Everybody welcome. The largest toy house in Shenandoah. Make note of the place and number. F.J. portz; GSOUDIN'S I Gold in, Proprietor. COne lot of Ladies' and Misses' fine Ker sey Jackets, in black, castor and royal blue, lined with roniaine silk, worth $10, our price $7.50. Another lot extra quality Kersey, in blaak, tan, cartor& royal, lined through out with best grade tancy tafifeta silk, value 912.50, our price $10.00. Children's Long Coats, size 2 to 6 yrs, in fine all-wool cloth, cardinal, blue and green, collar and cape trimmed with fine braid, value $3.00, our price $2.25. A better quality cloth, extra heavy, in car dinal, electric blue, navy and green, value $4.75. our price $3,75. Ladies' Plaid Winter Waists, made from best quality English Flannelette, real value 65 cents, our price 50 cents. all-wool cloth, lined, value S i.6q. cloth, extra heavy, tucked, braided $1.75. For Pay Day ! worth $3, at $2,25 J the finest men's 5.oo, at $3, ABE LEVINE, Prop. Store, 105 North Main Street. wings 21 N. Main St,