The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, November 23, 1899, Image 3

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The Cure thai Cures
Whooping Cough, Asthma,
Bronohltla ond Inolplont
Consumption, Is
TVve German remedy"
iSa&ni& tawvsto. 25a50tVs
Restores Vitality, Lost Vigor and Manhood.
Cures Impotcncy, Night Eml-slonsand
wasting' diseases, all effect of self-
aSSKSi abuee, or excess aivi India
lj!Jcretlon. A ncrvo toulc and
vyj)blood builder. Brings the
MWlf restores the fire of youth.
wltNl? NBy mail GOc per box, O boxes
for S--50; with a written guaran
too to euro or refund the money.
Send for circular. Address,
Clinton & Jackson Sts., CHICAGO, ILL.
Bold at Klrlln's drug store. Shenandoah, l'a.
Dr. Humphreys'
Specifics euro by acting direotly upon
the disease, without exciting disorder in
nny other part of tho system.
no. cures. juices.
1 Fevers, Congestions, Inflammations. .25
!i Worms, Worm Fever, Worm Colic. .25
3 Teething, Collo.Crylng.Wakefulness .25
4 Diarrhea, of Children or Adults 25
7 Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis 25
8 Xeuralttia, Toothache, Faceache 25
0 Headache, Sick Headache, Vertigo.. ,25
10 Dyspepsia, Indlgestlon,Weak8tomach,f25
11 Suppressed or Painful Periods 25
12 Whites, Too Profuso Periods .25
13 Croup, Laryngitis, Hoarseness 25
14 Salt niieum. Erysipelas, Eruptions.. .23
15 nheumnlttm, Rheumatlo Pains 25
16 Malaria, Chills, Fever and Ague 25
10-C'atarrh, Influenza. Cold In the Head .23
BO-Whooplng.Cougli 25
27- Ktdney Utsenses 25
28 Xervous Debility 1.00
30 Urinary Weakness, Wetting Bed 25
77 Crip. Hay Fever .25
Dr. Humphreys' Manual of all Diseases at your
Druggists or Mailed Free.
Sold by drutrgists, or sent on receipt of prrce.
Humphreys' Med. Co Cor. William & John sts,
Mew York.
Ferguson's Theatre,
DAN. J. FERGUSOH, Manager.
Friday, Nov. 24,
: Uncle Tom's Cabin
And Big Colored Vautfaille Com'y.
4.0 PEOPLE .0-0
Savage Bloodhounds, Pontes, Donkles, Ilross
isana ana urcnestrn.
One Car Load of Special Scenery.
Our Vaudeville Stars are George and Hattle
Davis, Joe and Alary Dnvls, Cjeoige and
Mamie Uillman, Randall Sisters',' Garden
n,vniiD.M(. 1
Grand Free Street Parade at Noon.
MATINEE: - Children, 10c. Adults, 20c
NIGHT : - 10, 20 ard 30 Cents
Reserved Seats atKlrlin's Drug Stroe.
Ferguson's Theatre.
THURSDAY, NOV. 23, '99
Second concert of the
flriol Ladles' Soxtetto,
(Smith Sisters)
Season tickets, it. Reserved seats 10 and 30 cts.
extra. Single admission. 0O0; reserved
seats 6 Jo to 75c cxtia.
Tickets can be bought at Ktrlln's drug store,
Adams Express Office or from authorised
agents. Chart open for evening reserve
on Tuesday, November 21, 1899 Seats can
be reserved f cr the season at any time.
Ferguson's Theatre.
One Night Only.
PpflY, J10V. 27, '99
The Young Character Actor snd Comedian and
First Class Company In the Great
Comedy Drama,
New York'
New songs, dances, scenery. Seethe
cute little child.
NOTE.-Tbe play Is based on the abduction of
Baby Marlon Clark.
PRICES : 25, 35, 50 and 75 Cents.
itcierved seats at Klrlln's drug store.
, 1
Qauoral Whoaton to Hqad Off Ag-
uinaldd From the North.
Don. Lnwtoti, Too, I Hunlilnir North
ward Wltlin Vlovrto I'rovoiitliiir tno
EnnmyN Kucnpn Mnntla Itnpnrtoil
to Ho Tlirentoiit'il hy lllulililink'rs,
Manila, Nov. 23. Tho next move of
Importance In tho chane for Agulnaldo
is to bo made by General Whenton,
who will go up tlte coa3t by transport
to Vlcan, nt tho mouth of the Aboa
river. This will land his forces far to
tho north of where Agulnaldo Is sup
posed to be, tho intention being to cut
off his retreat to the north. East of
the route Aguluaido is talcing are
mountains, Inhnblted by tribes which
nro not friendly to Agulnaldo, and
would be likely to attack him If ho at
tempted to cross tholr territory. Tho
country along tho coast Is quite wall
settled. There nro several little rivers,
making harbors from which it Is fear
ed Agulnaldo may escape by boat.
General Young, It Is belle vpd. la watch
ing theso smallor ports with a part of
his force.
It tlocs not nppoar that the efforts to
capture Agulnaldo and the larger por
tion of his nrmy will be successful.
The intention of General Young to
prevent Agulnaldo' reaching Bayom
bong seems evident, hut this seems
scarcely probable now.
News from tho pursuit of Agulnaldo
is not expected for a day or two. Yes
terday a report reached General Law
ton by courier from General Young
that people knowing tho country thinK
Agulnaldo s destination is IIocos.
With General Lawton's troops In a
position to move toward Bayombong
hy every road' from the south and with
imnenetrahlo mountains, peopled bV
unfriendly, semi-savage tribes behind
Bayombong would be a poor refuge.
It is reported mar. uenerai uiwuih
is movlmr northward from Toyung
with infantry to head off Agulnaldo.
General Young has only one troop
of cavalry and the Macabbes, who
originally numbered 300. Agulnaldo
is supposed to nave two days start
from Avangay.
General MacArthur. it is Known
here, is operating not far from Tar
lac, No alarm ia felt regarding tho
situation of General wheaton,- wno
has been for some time beyond tele
graphic communication.
MnnlTn Is threatened hy highbinders.
The Chinese imperial consul general
has come into conflict witn a unma-
mnn in Manila named Palanco. a
mandnrln and the uncrowned king of
all the Chinese In the Philippines. He
is a man of great wealth and Influence
among the Chinese, who look to him
rather than to the consul general, and
In nntaconlzlng the latter on the ground
that he haB no right to exercise nny
authority over the Chinese except tno
Cantonese. As an aid to his effort to
overcome tho consul general Palanco
Is organizing alleged Chinese benevo
lent societies, which are regarded as
nothing more than societies ot tugn
On Sunday a thousand men, sent by
train from De Aar, reoecupieu rsaauwi
poor. Soon after this an attempt was
mndn bv the disloyal Dutch to destroy
a bridge two miles in their rear, but it
was frustrated and the damage was re
paired. - ...
Glorious News.
Comes from Dr. D. 1$. Cardie, of Washita.
I. T. He writes : "l'our bottles of Electric
Bitters has cared Mrs. Brewer of scrofula.
which had caused her great suffering for
years. Terrible sores would break out on her
head and face, and the best doctors could
mvn no he!n: but her care Is complete and
and her health Is excellent." This shows
what thousands have proved, that Lloctric
Bitters is the best blood purifier known. It's
the supreme romedy for eczema, tetter, salt
rheum, ulcers, bolls and running sores. It
stimulates liver, kidneys and bowels, expels
poisons, helps digestion Duuas up tue
strength. Only 50 cents. Sold by A, Wasley,
druggist. Uuaranteed.
Torn to IMocoh by Lynchers' llullots.
Pensacola, Fla., Nov. 23. "West
Lawrence, a negro, who recently na-
saulted Mrs. W. Bowman, of this
county, was lynched at midnight, the
body being torn to places with rifle,
gun and pistol bullets.
Orain-0 Brings Relief
to the coflee drinker. Coffee drinking is a
habit that is universally indulged in and
almost as universally injurious. Have yon
tried Grain-O? It is almost like coffee but
the effects are just the opposite. Coffee
upsets the stomach, ruins the digest'on.
effects the heart and disturbs the whole
nervous system Graln-0 tones up the
stomach, aids digestion and strengthens the
nerves. There is nothing but nourishment
in Grain-O. It can't be otherwise. 15 and
25c per package.
Colonei nrtvls Cannot Survlvo.
Chicago, Nov. 23. At midnight the
condition of Colonel XJeorge R. Davis,
director general of the World's Fair,
was reported ns Improved, It is admit
ted by his physicians, however, that he
can survive at longest but two or three
To-Nlght and To-Monw Night
And each day and night during this week
you can cot at any druggists Kemp's Balsam,
for the Throat and Lungs, acknowledged to
be the most successful remedy ever sold for
Coughs, Croup, Bronchitis, lAathma and
Consumption. Get a bottle to-dy and keep
it always in the house, so you can check your
cold at once. Price 25o and 60c. Sample
bottle free.
Thnlp Hay omoom,
Hurrlsburg, Nov. 23.-aoven
Stone yesterday fixed Jan. 11 for .the
execution of Robert "W. Brown, of
Philadelphia, and Jan. 18 for the exe
cution of Thomas Brennan, of Potts
"Cure the cough and save the life." Dr
Wood's Norway Pine Syrup cures coughs and
colds, dowu to the very verge of consumption
(Jpnretn'R Prohibition Hill.
Atlanta. Nov. 23. The Wlllingham
hill, providing for prohibition In Geor
gia, was passed by the lower house of
the general assombly yesterday. The
measuro received a majority of five
votes more than the two-thirds neces
sary. It is not assumed that it will
become a law, however. It is said that
of the 44 members constituting tho
state senate 22 opposo the measure,
nnd this means its defeat. Great pre
sure was brought to bear from every
section of the state, and Its passage
by the lower house is considered
elgnnl victory for prohibition.
Whit U Shtloh T
A grand old remedy for Cough, Colds and
Consumption J UBud through the world for
half a century, has cured innumerable cases
of Incipient consumption and relieved many
In advanced stages. If you are not satisfied
with the results we will refund your money
Pries 23 eta., EO eta. and 1 1.00. Sold by P. D
Klrllu on a guarantee,
Tho Kind Yoti Ilavo JVways Bought, nutl which hns heca
in uso for over 30 irs, hns horno tho slfrnntnro of
0 - mid litis been inrulo under his pcr-
, sonnl supervision slnco its Inmiicy.
futf7Y, UCAXM Allow no ono to deceive you in this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations nnd " Just-ns-good" nro bufc
Experiments that triilo with nnd endanger tho health of
Infants nnd Children Experience ngnlnst Experiment.
Gnslorla is n hnrmlcss substitute for Cnstor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops nnd Soothing Syrups. It Is lMensnnt. Ifc
contains neither Opium, Morphino nor other Nnrcotlo
milistunce. Its ngo is its gunrnntec. It destroys "Worms
nnd allays Fevcrishness. It cures Diarrhoea and "Wind
Colic. It relieves teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tho
Stomach nnd Dowels, giving healthy nnd natural sleep.
Tho Children's Panacea Tho mother's Friend.
Bears tho
The KM You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
Always Encourage Our Home Industries.
The syndicate of merchants whose names appear in this directory
and who represent the leading and
lines in this vicinity, are anxious to
increase their cash trade by givintr
end they have contracted with Blue Trading Stamp Co., so that by
dealing with those merchants you will receive one Blue Trading Stamp
for each ten cents represented in your
W lien you nave saved ;?oo lraamir btaraps, ooo, qoo, 1200. or
more from any or all ol the merchants combined with whom we have
contracted, they can be exchanged
located or at any branch store lor
By asking for Blue Trading Stamps and trading only with mer
chants who give them you can get free a 10-cent Trading Stamp with
every 10-cent purchase, 10 Trading Stamps for Si purchase, and in the
same ratio for the full amount of your bill.
Bear in mind the merchants make 110 advance 111 the prices of their
goods, but on the contrary increase
plan will enable them to sell closer
unintentionally neglect to give you
for them ; therefore the remedy lies
hesitate to ask for Blue Trading Stamps Irom any merchant whose name
appears in this Directory.
This system enables merchants to pay cash for their goods ol tue
wholesaler, and thereby obtain all discounts. Are you not entitled to
discount for cash trade also ? Blue Trading Stamps put the merchant's
business oh a cash basis, and saves the customer from paying loses
which the merchants sustain by reason of bad debts, which loses are
inevitable where a merchants does a
Ask for Blue Trading Stamps,
of our handsome premiums.
Call and get a Directory and
List of Merchants Who
Fred Kelthan, lot North Slain. '
Joseph Ball, 29 North Main.
INewsnapers and lOccnt novels exempt.l
Hooks & lirowu, i North Main,
M. I Kemmerer, 33 North Main.
M T. I'urcell, 7 Ka"t Centre.
Fred Kelthan, 104 North Main.
The Famous Clothing House, cor. Main and Oak.
Davis' Ilnsoar, 07 West Centre.
S. Fi Supowtt. Uuarantee Dry Goods House, 13
rnoriu iain.
Shenandoah Drug Store, 3 South Main.
See Handsome Display of Articles at
Corner Main and Oak Streets.
See the display in the Oak street window, where Trading Stamps will
be Redeemed and Goods cheerfully shown.
The great remedy tor nervous prostration and all diseases or the generative
onransof either sex. sucb as Nervous Prostration. Faillncor Lost Manhood.
Impotcncy, Nightly Emissions,
or tobbcco or opium, wmcn
r oruor we guarantee to euro
o ooxes ror $o,uu. uii,iuui
For Sale by
Faultless Labor
Faultless Prices
Are responsible for our always busy business. Try us
on plumbing and gas fitting. You wont regret the trial.
P. W. Bell, Cor. White & Lloyd Sts.
Signature of
enterprising business people in their
secure new customers and thereby
Blue Trading Stamps, and to that
cash purchase.
at our store, which are" permanently
very useful and attractive premiums.
01 trade secured to them by this
than ever before. Merchants may
Blue Trading Stamps unless you ask
with the customer ; you should not
credit business.
save them, and you will feel proud
Stamp Book to start your collection
Give Trading: Stamps Free :
INo stamps given with sugar.
F. U. MagarEle, 11 Ua.t Centra
Samuel Davis. -1 North Jardliu
T J. liroughall, 23 South Main.
Henry I Jones, cor Coal and Chestnut.
K. II. Foley, 27 West Centre.
The Famous Clothing House, cor. Main a. d Oak.
aiux ivcvit, Alain aim ientre.
Max Levlt. Main and Centre.
The Famous Clothing House, cor. Main and Oak
Mrs. J. J, Kelly, 21! South Main.
Carls lirotliers, 33 Rast Centre.
I. 15. Wetterau, 1 South Jardln.
Shenandoah Steam Laundry, cor. Main and
Danlell & Dodson, 11 East Centre.
Youthful Errors, Mental Worry, esoesslvo use
lean to uonsumptiou auu insanity, witn every
or reiunu me money, soiu at i,uu per dox,
i9 usiii.jiiuiu iiuvoinuu( uuio
R. W. Houck.
consistent with
iivato Oorpinony For tho Family
and Onbiuot Officials,
Hut Will Ho Hxposod In the Mbrnr.vof
tlio llolmrt llotnu I'or Tliri( Hour
on Frlilny Oovornmout Troops Will
Act uh UMOorl.
New York. Nov. J3. The funeral of
the late Vice President Garret A. Mo
hart will take place on Saturday. The
morning service nt the resldeuco will
be attended only by the members ot
Mr. utibart s family. President Mc-
Klnloy and his cabinet and Mr. Ho
bart's most Intimate friends. At the
Church of tho Redeemer in Patersou
the public service will bo hold at 2:30
o'clock In the afternoon. As the seat
ing accommodation of tho church Is
entirely Inpdeotinto, seats will be re
served for the various national, state
nnd local ofnclnls. representatives of
the organizations with which Mr. Ho
bart was connected and Intimate per
sonal friends of the fumity. It Is,
therefore. Impossible to provide for
the general public until these friends
have been accommodated.
The services In the Hobart residence
will probably be conducted by Ilev.
Dr. Magic, of Paterson, Rev. Dr. Ham
lin, of Washington, and the bllnu
chaplain of the senate, Itev. Dr. Mil
burn. The body will not lie in state In the
city hall, ns was desired by the city au
thorities, but on Friday afternoon tho
casket will be open in tho library of
his home nnd for three hours tho pub
lic may view the face ot the late vice i
Four companies of regular soldiers
from Governors Island will take part
in tho funoral ceremony and will prob
ably act as an escort from the late
residence of the vice president to the
church. The military will also act as
an escort to President McKInley and
his party.
It Is expected that President jickiii-
ley nnd his cabinet, tho supreme court
justices and other officials from Wash
ington will arrive before noon on Sat
urday. A special train, bearing tho
senators and representatives and other
United States officials will start from
New York, and committees will be at
hand at Paterson to take charco of
those on board. There will bo about
42 members of tho lower body.
All of the public buildings In rater-
son have been draped, as well as many
of the private residences throughout
New Jersey.
Dr. Newton, the vice presidents
physician, yesterday filed the certifi
cate of death, giving tho cause of
death as "dilation of tho heart, due to
Mr. Hobart was a member of the
Order of Free and Accepted Masons,
of high rank, a thirty-third degree
Scottish Rite Mason and n Knight
Templar. In reply to Inquiries ot
representatives of various Masonic
bodies It has been explained to them
that tho family deem It best not to
have a Masonic funeral.
Up to the present the nnmes of tho
pall bearers havo not been announced.
Mr. Hobart, two months ago, when
he feared something might happen,
named six ot his most Intimate friends
In New Jersey, and It Is believed that
these will act as his patl bearers. It Is
understood that the vice president left
a will, naming as his executors Colo
nel William Barbour and K. T. Bell,
both personal friends, and It Is more
than likely that they are two of the
pall bearers selected.
A Washington dispatch says that un
less present intentions are altered
neither Mrs. McKInley nor the ladles
of tho cabinet and the supreme court
will attend the funeral of the vice
president. While they are anxious to
show nil respect to the memory of the
distinguished dead. It Is felt that the
long Journey to and from Paterson
would prove too trying, especially for
Mrs. McKInley, and the decision has
been reached to confine the Washing
ton party to gentlemen.
New Foundlnml'fi Shlpplim Disaster.
St. John's, N. F Nov. 23. Reports
of shipping disasters continue to ar
rive, showing considerable loss of Uf6
during the recent gales. The schoon
ere Josephine, Pet, Minnehaha, Em
mellno and Clara Belle are nshore at
different points along the coast, and
the schooner Marianne is now known
to have foundered with a crew of six.
A Life and Death Flrht.
Mr. W. A. Ulnes of Manchester. Ia.. writ
ing or bis almost miraculous escape from
death, says : Exposure after measles In
duced serious lune trouble, which ended in
Consumption. I had frequent hemorrhages
and coughed night and day. All my doctors
said 1 must soon Ule. Then 1 began to use
Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption.
which completely cured me. I would not bo
without it even if it cost $5.00 a bottle. Hun
dreds have used it on my recommeadatlon
and all say it never fails to cure Throat.
Uhest and Lung troubles." Uegulnr size oQe
and $1.00. Trial bottles free at A. Wasley's.
drug store.
.Tmltre ,Hoiport SucimRor.
Harrlsburg, Nov. 23. Governor
Stone yesterday appointed Samuel B.
Ettlng, ot Unlontown, additional law
Judge of Fayette county, to fill the va
cancy created by the resignation of S.
Leslie Mestrezat, supreme court Judge
elect, and the promotion of Judge Rep
port to president Judge. Judge Ewlng's
commission runs until the first Mon
day of next January.
Bean the Kind You Has Always Bought
Twcntystliroo Ytotlma oriluntorn.
Plattsburg, In. V, Nov. 23. During
the deer hunting season Just ended In
the Adlrondacks 23 persons were ac
cidentally killed by hunters. The num
ber of deer killed was also larger thou
SWA VI P. Is not recommended for
4j tt ruiir everything, but If vou have
ROOT kidney, liver or bladder
iwvji, trouble it will he found just
tho remedy you need. At druggists in fifty
cent and dollar sixes. You may have a sample
bottte of this wonderful new discovery by
roan tree, aiso pampniet telling ail about it.
Address. Dr. Kilmer&Co.,Binghamton, N.Y
A Youthful Victim orilazlnir.
Princeton, N. J.. Nov. 23. Martin V,
Bergen, son of Councilman Peter V.
Bergen, of this place, died yesterday
from receiving injuries at Lawrence
vllle last Friday. He died of Infiam
matlon of the bowels. Young Bergen
was 12 years old, and a freshman at
Lawrencevme. Me waa being put
through the Initiation, when one of the
hazora accidentally fell upon him,
Sick Headaches,
The curse of overworked womankind, are
quickly and surtly cured by Karl's Clover
Boot Tea, the groat blood purifier and tissue
builder. Money refunded if not satisfactory.
Price 25 cU. and 60 cts. Sold by P. D. Klrlin
ons guarantee.
Clinrirrfl Willi Trrliitc to "Fix" Jur.r
tti tiivliMtn-N'xwItt ( s,
Philadelphia, Nov. 21. - Charged with
ntternptlnK to Influence the Jury In the
conspiracy nnd bribery casoe against
former United States District Attorney
Kllery V. Ingham and bis law partner.
Harvey K. Newltt, three men were
yesterday arrested by secret service
operative. They are Thomas O'Dea.
Hurry J. Fairbanks and George w
I'elfer, all of this city. Ingham and
Newltt were convicted In the United
S'ltee district court ot complicity in
the famous revenue stamp counter-
felting conspiracy, headed by William
M. Jacobs and William I.. Kendlg. ot
Lancaster, l'a. They are now await
ing sentence.
The three men arrested yesterday
were arraigned before United Slates
Commissioner Kdmunds and were
committed In default of $5,000 ball
each for a further hearing tomorrow.
Little was developed at the hearing.
District Attorney Beck said the gov
ernment would contend that the de
fendants were simply the toe'j of
others. The overt act, Mr. Beck said,
consisted In the fact that on Satur
day, Oct. 14, two ot the three defend
ants approached the brother-in-law of
one of the Jurors with the request that
he Influence the Juror to vote against
conviction. The Ju ir was to receive
$600 and the brother-in-law $400. The
district attorney asserted that other
attempts were made to bribe.
The name of the Juryman was not
divulged, but as Isaac W. Oearhart. of
Robeeonla, l'a., was the only one of
the panel present It was n resumed that
he was the man approached.
IIiintor'HlluMpnrntH l'lelit With n Ittmr
btroudsburg. l'a.. Nov. 23. Reuben
Harps, a Wilkesbarre, Pa., hunter, was
found Tuesday night on the Pocono
mountains near Stauffers, this county,
unconscious and horribly lacerated.
Beside hi in lay dead a huge black bear.
Harps started on his huntlne trlii on
Monday. On Tuesday his dog returned
to tho village covered with blood, and
a soarehlng party found Harps in a
deiiBe thicket and In a dying condition.
There was every evidence that a des
perato struggle took place.
When a mother thinks she is going to dit
and rather wishes she could, what happens
to the child? Where else shall the child
get the love, kindness and care that is to
ripen it into useful, happy maturity?
Where is the husband to turn for the com-
fort of home
the sympathy
of wifely affec
tion the sup
port that only
a strong, cheer
ful, healthy
Help. mate can -z
give? i
Who Is to be y.
pitied most? y,
niuuicr lam
er child?
Whose fault
is it?
maybe cer
tainly not the
child's. Hither
the mother or
father can write to Dr Pierce and receive
medical advice free. Thousands have done
it Thousands of homes have been made
happy by it. Thousands of weak women
suffering with the pains and debilitating
drains of a diseased condition of the dis
tinctly feminine organism have followed
Dr. Pierce's advice and become again bloom
ing, vigorous, loving, cheerful and loved.
Dr. R. V. Pierce is chief consulting phy
sician at the world-famous Invalids' Hotel
and Surgical Institute, at Buffalo. N. Y.,
and during his thirty years' practice here
developed his great family medicines Dr.
Pierce's Favotite Prescription, Dr. Pierce's
Pleasant Pellets, Dr. Pierce's Golden Medi
cal Discovery.
Mrs. Claus Nelson, of Pico Heights, Los An
geles. Csl.. Box 31. writes: ' I send you my pic
ture taken with my little boy. I do not look so
sad now as I do iu the picture; I was sick then
and I thought my days would not be long, but
your kindness and medicine would not let me
die. You have my heart-felt thanks for your
kindly advice to me iu my sickness; also for
your book which I received two years ago, and
which I could not do without. It is all the Doc
tor I have had since I got It. I had female
trouble, and Dr. Pierce's" Favorite Prescription,
together with the advice given In his book,
cured me of five years' sickness."
The book Mrs. Nelson mentions Is Dr.
Pierce's I, ooo page "Medical Adviser." the
most useful "doctor book" published. A
copy in stiff paper-covers sent on receipt
of 2i one-cent stamps td pay txpense of
mailing only; in cloth-binding ten stamps
extra. Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y.
Novr.uncn 19 1899.
Trains will leave Shenandoah after tno mooie
oaieior wiKgan. uiiberton, rrsctvlllo, Un
Water, St. Clair, Pottsvllle. Hamburg, Keadlnr
Pottstown, Phoenlxvllle. Noriistown a d Phi'.
aselphla (lir'Ad street station) st 6 3 and 803
a. m., iu, o if p m. on week days. Sundavs
8 05 a. m.. 4 20 d. m.
Trains leave Frackvllle for Shenandoah
in, ii so a. m. ana ass, i so p. m. Sundav
11 01 a. m. and B S3 d. m.
Leave Pottsvllle for Shenandoah (vlFrc.
viiiBj i iu, u m a. m., o iu, r jo p. m. ounaai
I0S3 a. m.. fi 10 n. m.
Leave Philadelphia, (Broad street station
n), loi
r dayr
oucnanuoan a b bo a. m., s iu p. m. vfoek
ouuaays leave Blow ana V33I. m,
Lave Vbllauelpnla (HroAil street station) foi
TA,,dwllla K n a U . I , 1 Ml. . . a..
',;, in,. ijttiiur uiij, lull in., 1 9Jt
i 10 Itiarlhr carl. 7 8U d. m. weekdavs. flundtvi.
o uu, 4d a in. am ojz p in.
ijcavo oroaa oireei Disnon, I'Biiaaeiphls,
73S.825.905,9M,1021,dInlnit car), 1100,1143
a in, 12 00 noon, list. (Limited 1 00 and 4 22 p m,
dlninB cars), 1 4 . (2 30, dining car), 3 20, 3 SO,
(dining car), 1000 p. m.. 1202. nlebt. Sundavs.
8 20, 4 OS. 140. 18 8 23, 9 fiO, (10 21, dining
cnr),10 43, 11 43 a m, 12 03, (dining car), 13 83, 2 SO,
(dlulnj; car), 4 02, (Limited 4 22 dining car).
8 20,8 60, dining car, 0 83, 702, 810, dining
iv w 1. IU., uv, Ulgui.
For Boston without change. 11 01 s nt.
days, and 8 10 c m.. dallv.
For Sea Girt. Asbury Park. Ocean Orova.
Long Branch, and Intermediate slutlons, 8 23,
For Baltimore and Washington. 1 50. T so a m
! J 'i1. i outlining carl lis,
dining carl. 812. 4 41 fs 2fi Conrr-..lnn.f
IAIM lino 11 ftl - Fin n. II I ..
Limited dining car, 0 08, 8 20. 683, dining carl.
7 I dining cur, p in., and 12 20 nlgbt week
days. Sundays 8 80. 7 20, 9 12, 11 23, a, m., 1309,
I. V . ,.'B. r" ""vV Loiu Jongmislonal
Limited dinlnr carl. 0 03 10 as rilnlnv m.i iv.i
dlnlmrcarl.D. m..aud 12 90 n!ht.
ror uaiiimore, accommodation, 912 a m, 1 63
uu iviiiiu wwi iuji, o us ana u io p m dally
Leave Broad street station via Delawsr. H..
u.ikv 9 w n w, i uu p ui weekuayg.
Leave Market Street Warf Kxpreaa, 1 00 a m
2 00, 4 00, BOO p m weekdays. Sundays, 9 00,
iu v.i it i ncromraoaauon i so snd o 00 p m,
For t apo May. Anglesea, wlldwood and
Holly Bench. Sea Isle City. Avalon. and Slr,
Harbor Kipress9 00am, 4 09 p ui week days
r ' somers romt isxpreas, 9 00 a. m 2 00,
4 00, .-0, p. m. week days. Sundays, 9 00 and
10 00 ra
Fr tickets and other Information apply to
Gen'l Manaa-er, Gen'l Pass't'i A(t
819 N. Centre St., PotUrtUe, Pa.
Fine old Whiskeys, Gins and Wines, at the b
a cuuiee una 01 wigars ana Temper
ancc Drink.
Aeoommodatlous lor
Meals at all boon
Acts gently on the
Kidneys, Liver
and Bowels
ClEANses the System
H4Bm,4, CONST.-
roasAUHsiiMiiw&rKX tat ru Mint.
Offlwr Kran bulldlnr. corner of Main an
Centre streets, flbetundoah
Office: Cor. Centre and White streets, nez
o Justice Toomey's office.
1 OKUlILIilt, M. D
No, SO East Lloyd Street.
Office hour: 4 to 9 a. m.t 1 totem.
to 9 p. m.
Lock Box 68, MahMoyCtty, P
Having: studied nnder some of the a
msxters lr London and Paris, will rive Imhoui
on the violin, mandolin, frultar and vocal cultut
Terms reasonable. Address In ears ot Rirr .
the lewAier Hheruindnsh.
Beer and Porter
Brewers of the finest and
purest ....
These products are seldom equalled
and never surpassed. Also
bottlers of all
Carbonated Beverages.
Private families desiring orders
filled can have them promptly
by calling on
Christ. Schmidt,
Agent and Bottler,
203 W. Coal Street
Livery and
No. 13 North Jardln St.
Agent for the Famous
Phila. Stock Ale, Sparkling Still
Amber Ale, Bottled Pale Ale,
B:own Stout, Half and Half, Beer
and Porter.
Mt. Carbon Beer
At all its customers to-day.
Solomon Haak's,
116 South Alain Street,
Will receive prompt attention.