TheHerald IMTAIIMSIIIil) 1X7)1. "Ul the Hzn That's Fit to Print." I MlilNIiC'l -ory nvriiluu, estvpt Sunday, a South .Tardln tree?t, Shenandoah, l'a, I.ONU UtvrANOIC THLHl'IIONH. Tlia lie rnlil la delivered In HlieiiunuWi mid tlio urroundlmr town for.lxcentsa wok, pay. ble to the mrrlera. lly mall 3.00 n year, or 23 cent a uuintli pnyaule In advance Ad vertlaements chanted acconllnsr space and Dosltlon. The imblUlicrs reserve the rluhl to change the position of advertisements whenever the pulttlontlon of news demand It The rluht reserved to reject any advertlwtitenl. whether pnld for or not, that the mibllihers may deem Improper. Ailvcr- tlalnir rate, made known upon application. ntered at the poat odlce at Hhenandoab, l'a., aa second claas mall matter. YOU OAt NOT RISAC'II RHM1HHH OP -TUB UEHAT.D T11HOUOH ANY OTIIKR DULY PUBLICATION? TUUKSDAY. NOVEMBER 23, 1899. OUR COUNTRY : First, Last and Forever. Buffalo reports that Its voting machines were a complete success, preventing frauds ami completing the entire count within an hour after the polls closed. The United States 1ms become a billion-dollar country in its supply of gold. Next year's campaign will not hinge on humbug about a defective gold supply. If Dewey is called upon to face a suit for breach of promise it is safe to say he will wish that instead of coming home to be married he had remained at Manila to flght Insur gents. A hill to provide for a territorial government for Hawaii will be intro duced in Congress at the beginning of the session. It is time that some thing was done to provide a satis factory civil regime for Hawaii. And now that the Navy department lias honored Admiral Sohley with the command of the South Atlantic squadrons it is to be hoped that his rabid newspaper partisans will cease their persecution of the Department, and congratulate themselves that no Conrt of Inquiry has been asked for, Thb English bandmaster who played "Willie, We have Missed You," when Kaiser William landed at Ports mouth on Monday on his visit to his grandmother, Queen Victoria, has as much humor in his make-up as a Yankee. As there is no such thing ns lese majeste in England, the bold Briton who dared poke such a joke at the war lord was perfectly safe. And it appears the Kaiser appreciated the joke so much that he shook hands with the bandmaster, smiling as he did so. At the meeting of the Democratic National Committee in Chicago on Monday it was decided to shelve free silver in the national campaign nest year, and to flght the presidential battle on the issues of trusts, im perialism and militarism, and "Bryan and Free Silver," if possible, will be beard of no more. The party is hard up for an issue but must take up something, although the outlook for success is worse than it was in 1806, A policy of dishonor will not prove acceptable in 1000 any more than it did three years ago. Auntik Boutwkll, the side partner of Atkinson and Aguinaldor, must be quite discouraged over the result of the election. In a recent letter to an Indianapolis friend, in which he discussed the question of how the "aunties" could accomplish their purpose, whatever it is, he said: "First of all we must get a popular judgment against McKinley ; as long as the people are with him, there is no hope." The splendid Republican majorities in Ohio, Kentucky, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and other states do not indicate that it will be practicable to get a "popular Judgment against McKinley. 'I It is well known that many un. usual things happen in Jersey, but -we doubt if anything more unusual lias happened lately in that state of surprises than the run of a very heavy passenger train from Camden to Atlantic City on the Philadelphia & Reading Railway on Monday, the 20th lust. The distnnco between the two points Is 55 5 miles and was made in 47 minutes, or at the rate of 70.0 miles an hour. The train was com posed of ten day coaohes drawn by engine 1028, one of the powerful com- ct) 25 pills ?, mwL-v Jfl CENTS W. ftl3Ty ELY GuAflArfTIEoV PlLaLS THEY CURE! NOT SIMPLY RELIEVE. " Ob, what a blewlng your Kidney Pills bavc been to me I could straighten up forayear.and Malkingneariykilledme. Mow could run a foot-race, and when I tee a man bumpm? along. I leu Mm to set a box of John. on' Kldner I'ills aud get well.' I'd!." J. I IONM. mr pockct size. Canton, Ohio. 25 PILLS 10 CENTS. Superior to any high-priced remedy, ea receipt of five 3-cut sumps. By mill, FOR SALE BV ALL DRUOQISTS. WOMAN'S HOPE Tho only hope for mnnv weakly RrnrtflAtrl' MIMMI1DIH j Female Regulator , It is the ono safe and sure euro In nil stubborn and severe casos of I Profuse, Irregular, Scnntyor Pain ful Menstruation, Falling of the Womb, Leucnrrhoea, Headache, Hacknche and Nervousness. It Is a distinct remedy for the distinct ail ments called "female troubles." Thoso nre the diseases for which it snouia be taken. mtu nt THE rtRADFIELD REGULATOR C0..Atlista,0. pound engines used regularly all Inst summer in the senshore service, with out any speoial preparation for a record run, and is the more notable for that reason. The ofllcials of the company are to bo congratulated on the feat accomplished in such an hip promptu manner. The Apnetlto of a Goat Is envied by all poor dvsneniies whose Mumacn ana liver are out ot on er. All anrli snouid know that Dr. King's New Life Tills, the wonderful stomachand liver remedy, oives a splendid appetite, sound digestion and a regular Douuy nabit that insures perfect health and gteat energy, Only 25c. at A. Wasley's drugstore, SIX RAILROADP.RS KILLED fly n rtinr Kml C'olllvlnn on tho Unit ninro Mini Ohio Itonil. Garrett. Ind.. Nov. 23. Tho hp.ivv xiuiuiiiurc ami umos limited passen ger train, drawn by two locomotives, ran Into tho rear end of a frnicht trnln near McCool, a small station 50 mllos out ot unicago, yesterday afternoon. Both the passenger engines were de molished and their crews killed. The train was almost a total wreck. Its conductor, Mr. Uutts, and Itear Brake man Hamilton are mlanincr. nnil timii- bodies are boubtiess burled under the oeurls of their caboose. A special train arrived here with four injured trainmen and the following dead: Henry Bradford, engineer: R. TT Rnr. uer. engineer: Elmer Orr, fireman: John Stlne, fireman. Each of the dead uicu leaves a xamiiy and all were among tne best known employes of tho roaa. CASTOR I A Tor Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Signature of (44 Crolcpp 'Saves tlio Pnrnoll TTomp. New York, Nov. 23. The mission of Lord Mayor Daniel Tallon, of Dublin and John E. Redmond, M. P.. to this country In the Interest of preserving the I'arnell homestead In County wicklow, Ireland, has been successful. Last night Thomas F. Smith, private secretary to Hlchard Croker and gen eral secretary of Tammany Hall, pre sented to the lord mayor, in the name of Tammany Hall, a certified check for 3,000 to save the Parnell homestead. Thi3 waB ?5,000 in excess of the amount needed. Build up the system; puts pure, rich bloed in the veins; makes men and women stroug and healthy, Burdock Blood Bitters. At any drug store. w THE WAR IN AFRICA. Seven 'rtioiiMiinl Honrs Atlvnnclncr on I'loterninrltzutirp;. London, Nov. 23. Although it Is evi dent that the situation in Natal is again becoming sufficienly alarming. nothing can be officially ascertained to allay public anxiety or the curiosity felt regarding the disposition of the reinforcements recently landed at Dur ban. The war office dispatches are confined to a mere recital of a fow casualties at Mool River, which con firm the reports of skirmishes there, out give no details. One correspondent says that 7,000 Boers are within 25 miles of Howlck Falls, near Pietermarltzburg, and that the Inhabitants aro fleeing to the cap ital, Evidently a considerable force of the enemy is now within 30 or 40 miles of Pietermarltzburg. A Pretoria dispatch says the official returns of Transvaal casualties since the outbreak of the war show that 90 men have been killed and 200 wound ed, of whom a number have recovered and returned to the front. Nowspaper reports from Cape Col ony say a general rising of the Dutch farmers Is imminent In Natal and tnat the colonial Boers In those districts which have been proclaimed republican territory have already joined the Boer forces. Says Americans Lend Filipinos. Lynn, Mass., Nov. 23. E. S. Chester, or this city, formerly private In Com pany M, Seventeenth United States In fantry, and who has Just returned from the Philippines, where he was two months ago on the firing line, says that American soldiers, who, for crimes of one sort or another, have ben dishonorably diccharged from the array, officer many of the Filipino com mands. Chester says these Americans are a reckless class, and In a great part to their energy is due the ten acity of the rebellion. He said these American soldiers led the Filipinos in ' several ot tne nercest engagements. Bkull Practiirod In it Drunken Fight. Altoona, l'a., Nov. 23. During a street -fight about 12 o'clock Tuesday night between Dash Jury and John Hall on the one side and James Eng lish and Patrick Sheehnn on the other Sheehan received probably fatal In juries by being struck on the head with a heavy piece of wood. Sheehan was taken to the hospital, where It was round his skull Is fractured. The surgeons fear he cannot live. Hall, Jury and English were arrested. All the men were drunk. Bmuiruled I'enrls Not Very Valuable New York, Nov. 23. An Informal nn- pralsement of the Imitation pearls seized rrom Francois Hock, of Provi dence, It. I., a passenger on the French liner La Uretngne, was made yes terday by the appraiser's stores. One thousand of the pearls were taken haphazard from a box containing about 50,000 and weighed. The result of the examination fixed the value of all the pearls seized at about $2,600. OUR KLONDIKE TRAIL ft Will Ktinblo AiuiTlimtiw to l'roipoot " ii it roroiuii IntmTm-oiioo, New York, Nov. 23. Cantnln Will mm K Alieicrombie. who has spout uiri'p ypni'H ill AingKUll nxti nrnt nil nnil Who hns Just surveyed nn mi-American route to the Klondike, pnssed throuKl inpw York vosteruity on his wny to ttnulilnnton to tnnko his renort 1o Sr-c ri'tnry Root. Ho snld: The main feature of thn oxnpdltlnn from which I have lust returned In tho completion of plans for the opnnlng in uie Kionuiko region for tho Anieri nm miner, so ho can land nt Vnlilnz with his pack pony and prospoat any part oi tne public doma n without In icrreronro from the officials of a for elm country. The trnln I li nvo Riiv vcved Is 280 miles from the boundary nrifi through tho heart of Alaska. survived about 700 miles and I built an au-Amerlcan trail four feet wide, with n view to its ultimate widening. 75 miles lorig through tho Itocky mountain divisions from Valdez to the Torslna river, which flows into the Copper river. 'This road, of course. Is mnrnlv trail, and very crude, but its course is well watered and -game Is nlentlful especially bears, goats and wild slipon. During the coming year there will be numerous enterprises embarked In Alaska, and especially in tho Yukon country. The country to be opened to settlement Is fully twice as largo ns the New England states and will sup port tnousancis of people." Many a Lover Una turned with disgust from nn otherwise lovable girl with nn offensive breath. Karl's Clover Itoot Tea purifies tho breath by its action on tho bowels, etc , as nothing clso will. Sold for years on alisoluto guarautco Prico 25 eta. aud 50 cU. Sold by V, D. Klrlln nn a Ruarantcc Dentil of Miicim's Miiyor. macon, Nov. 2.1. Mayor S. B. Price, of Macon, died yestorday afternoon. He was one of the most widely known public men in Georgia. He served In the Confederate arniv. He was elected mayor In 1884, which position ho has occupied continually wltu the excep tlon of two years, 1894 and 1895, when ho was legislated out of office. Tnose years he served as postmaster ot Ma con. How's This Wo offer Ono Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that can not be cured liy 1 Inn's Catarrh Cure. P. J. CHENEY & COrrops., Toledo. O. We the undersigned, have known F, J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable In all business transactions and (In. anclally able to carry out any obligations made by their firm. Weht & Tbaux, Wholesale Driurclsts. Toledo. O. waldino, Kinkan & Marvin, Wholesale Drug, gluts, Toledo, Ohio. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally, actlnc directly upon the blood nnd mucous surfaces of the system. Price 75o. per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Testimonials frco. Hall's Family Pills are the best. No IIopu for tile Clmrlcston. Washington, Nov. 23. Althouah thR navy department has received nn of ficial information on tho condition of the Charleston, the officials are satis fied from the press renorts that thnrn Is little chance of saving the ship, since the bpllers are said to bo loose nnd the beached hull gradually beat ing Itself to pieces. Young Mothers. Croup is tho terror of thousands of young mothers becnueo its outbreak is so agonizing and freqpantly fatal. Shiloh's Cough and Consumption Cure acts liko magic in cases of cronp- U ha3 novor been known to faiu Tho worst cases relieved immediately. Prico 25 cts., SO cts. and ? 1.00. Sold by P. D. Kirlin on a guarantee. Jnlin Hn.VH Hiimiiiiiiit Homo Annul. New York. Nov. 23. John Havu Hammond,' the American enclneer who became prominent during the Jameson raid in the Transvaal and is well known for the responsible positions he holds in connection with mining enterprises in various parts of tho world, arrived hero on the White Star line steamship Teutonic with his fam ily yesterday. Mr. Hammond was met at the steamship's pier by many people, Borne of whom come from aa far a3 Chicago. S npHERE Is a certain stylish cf- sr Zm I feet about garments made 2 -S from these Celebrated Pat- 3! terns that is not attained by the S: use of any other patterns. ig 9 C&LL, BAZAtO (No-Seam-Allowance Patterns.) 5; Have not an equal or style and peri 5 fit. Easy to understand Onlyioani I; cts. eai h -nno hiijhfr S (j in nej rfect 2- and i 2 "- evenr cttv and tow i. or bv al- tnr -5 them. Oct a l an h inn En . t and ?a our 2--Z designs. Absolutely thev iUt 3 styles. "I : A FREE PATTERN S; -Z of her own Rclectioa will beplven ;2 every subscriber to 5; A LADIES' MAGAZINE. ;S One that every lady should tale reu- 3 -5 larly Heautiful colored plates; latent 3 fashions ; dressmaking1 economies ; fancy "t w work : household hints j fiction, tic Sub- 5 scribe to-day, or, ser d 5c l.r latest copy. S" -2 1-ady agents iaiiti,d. bend fur terms. J- THE McCALL CO., ; : 138-146 West 14th St., New York. & These celebrated patterns and pub lications are for sale, and recom mended by L. J. Wilkinson. ICURES CATARRH ASTHMAX AY FEVER! MUMP5.CR0URCAKE0 BREAST. rlHLcV5UN BURN. CHAFING, - BUNIONS 8c TIRED FEET. CHAPPED FACE UPS & HANDSl SAFE REMFnV FOR D CS I All DRUGGISTS or MAILED FOR 25 i H.T.MA50N CHEMICAL CO 5I5A5tPmiu Pi A box of our Fiitu rnniLT mew i5 an exhilarating stimulant during the hot summer , months. DoHvorod at your homo. Columbia Brewing Company M CALL'S MAGAZINEW MM 1MPOUTAXX TEBWTT Ttar Lilt Mir 0 Prolonged by A'ppljl R, Do you realize tho Importance of th jkiunoys nnu isiauucrr when diieuca they mako a lot of trouble tear down ine system and create cravol (stono In tho Bladder). Women often Buffer worn so-called "femalo weakness" when their troiiblo really lies with th Kidneys and rfladdcr. Try this tet. Put somo tirino in a tumbler. Let It land twenty-four hours. If thoro la a fediment, a cloudy or milky annear- mnKo, vour iuuncys aro bicij. 11 yoa ro obliged to tirlnato often, especially daring tho night; if your urino stain Unen, if you hnvo scalding nains la passing it, if vour back pains yon. yotw Bladdernnd Kidneys nro diseased, ani you should at once tako the greatest of mi iiiunoy medicines, Dr. David Kea Body's Fnvorito Komedy. It has cored the most distressing cases ; It will cor j on. It corrects tho bad effects of beer or wbUkey. will euro old and chronic mm of Rheumatism and Dyspepsia nu acts comiy yet promptly on IM Bowels. Fnvorito Remedy is sold tot one dollar abottlo at all drug storM. You may liavo a trial bottle of Faro iw itemody with npampbietof raluabl medical advice sont frco bv mall noiit. Wid.byBendinptnuraddrcss to tho DR. DAVID KENNEDY CORPORATION, Eondout, N. Y., and mentioning thlf paper. Tho proprietors of this papof guarantee tlio genuineness of tUt "borAyiUejv Coming lSvcnts. Nov. 24. National Festival in Bobbins Hall, North Main street, under auspices of tlio 011ng Men's Biblo Class of tho Frosby. terlan Sabbath school. Nov. 21. Fourth annual ball of tho De fender Hoso Company No. 3, to be hold in tlio Uoso Company's Hall. Turkey Run. Nov. 20 Grand ball and fair In Bobbins' opera Iiohms for tho benefit of tlio Slavish congregation, Deo. 18 Grand entertainment. "Tho Star of Bethlehem," at tho Primitive Methodist church. You Try It. If Shiloh's Cough and Consumption Cure, which is sold for tlio small prico of 2-l cts., 50 eta. and $1 00, does not euro tako the bottlo back aud wo will refund your money. Sold for over fifty ycais on this guarantee. Price 23 cts. and 50 cts. Sold by P. D. .Kirlin on a guarantoo. Impnlrd 011 1111 Iron Fenoo. Chicago, Nov. 23. Andrew Lvren CO years old, in his haste to catch a train on tho South Side Elevated rail way yesterdny, was hurled over the railing and Impaled upon an Iron picket fence built along the' edge of the track. Ho remained thus trans ited, ZO feet above the ground, until spectators hurried to his assistance. Three pickets penetrated his chest and mulcted probably fatal injuries. Sonntor Ditlino S(ch tlio President. Washington. Nov. 23. Senator D- hoe, of Kontucky. had a conferencn with President McKinley yesterday re gal-mug me situation in Kentucky. Tho interview was of a nature which Sen ator Deboe did not care to divulge. Ho anmiuea tnat ne had come to Wash ington purposely to see tho president. I suffered for months from soro throat. Eclcctric Oil cured mo In twouty-four hours.' Jr. S. Gist, Hawesville, Ky. LE BRUM'S FOR EITHER SEX. This remedy requires & no cnange oi diet. Cure guaranteed in I to 3 days. Small plain package, by CURE man 3i.oo. soia uy Kirlln's drug store, Philadelphia & Readinq R'y- Engines Burn Hard Coal No Smoke, IN KPFKOT NOVRM11KII 1. 1899. Trains leave Bbenaniloali as followa : For New York via Phlladelnhla. nt ,u 10. 8 38. 7 87. 9 85 a. in.. 12 28. a 09 and R OQ r m Sundays. 2 10 a m. For New York via Chunk. Of a m 11 r) 1 n m J " For Read Ine and PhllAdelnhfA. wnk- il.n in k oa m am n nit . J 1 Sundays. 210 a in. ivi u uo, i at. a Uij h- in., zd. n im Ann n in n m For Pottsvllle, week days, 2 10, 7 37, 9 W a. m. 4 -u, o vvt o uy ana iwp, m. aunuaya, 2 10am. ror j araaqua aim fliaimnov uitv. week dav 10. 707. 9 S3 a. m.. 12 2fl. a flQ nH AnOn -luiiunvv, iun 111 For WllllftmfiDort. flunburv nnri TwtKtirr Sundays. 8 27 a m. wci uavn.o i. ii iu n. in. . i m n n For Muiano Plane, weekdays. 2 10, 8 27, S 33. Hi Ul., 16 Q, PIT, OVJ, OU 9 DC p, in. nunaays, z iu ana a a m. For Aahlana and Shamokln, week days, 8 27 ui, i o n. in., u so, o uv, du, jo ana 3MP,ra Bunday. 8 27 a m. roruammore, waaumtrton and thn West Tib eh trains lea Keadlne Terminal, Fhlladelph! la. IP.AJL1) CI & It. 17 K.) at 8 20. 7 85, 11 28 a. m., 8 10 and 7.27 p. i Hundaya I w " . M... w w I" in. f t , 111, AUUli llonal trains from Twenty-fourth and Cheat- nui aireeia scaiion, wees uays, 10 so a. m. 12 20 i to o tu p.m. Dunaaya, i aa, a a p. m. THAINS FOB SHENANDOAH. Leave New York via Philadelphia, week aays, li is, l bq, j bo, ll BO a. m and 1 80, 80, 9 00 p.m. Leave New York via Mauch Chunk, week days, 4 80, 9 10 a. m., 1 80, i 0 p. m. lave PhlladelDhla. Readlnc Terminal. nlr days, 4 80, a 8, 10 21 a. m. and 1 8, 4 04 6 86. II M n . I Leave Heading, week days, 187, 700, 10 08 Leave I'ottavllle, week days. 7 17, 7 40 a. m 9 80, 12 80, 1 20, 4 80, 10 and 6 80 p. m. Leave TaraMiua, week days, 8 18, 8 89, 1129 a. ui., na, o do 7 7 ., a u p, m Leave Mahanoy City, week days, 8 48, 9 04. II 47 a. m. i 2a B A, 21, 7 44, 1008 p. m Leave Mahanoy Plane, week days, 2 40, 4 00 880, 922 1028, 1200, a. m., 289, 5 88, 642,768 10 21 pro. Leave Willi iusport, weekdays, 7 42, 1000 a ATLANTIC CITY DIVIfllON, Leave P tladelplila Chestnut street wharf and South street ' bar lor Atlaotle City. Weekdays Itipress, 9 00, 2 00, 4 00, S 00, 7 18 pro. Accommodation, HUU a m, stOpm. Sun day ExpresH, BOO, 10 CO a m, 7 13 p in. Accom modation, 8 00 a m, 4 45 n in. Leave Atlantlo City Depot t Weekdays Ex press. 7 83. 9 CO 10 30 a m. 8 80. 5 SO n m. Anrnm. j modation, 8 15 a ni, 4 03 p m. Sundays Express, 1 1 ay, i li in. Ai-commouarion, id a in,l wp ro. ror ia.e .May, ucean uiiy and sea Isle City Weekday 9 CO am, 410, SOOptu. Sundays -Chestnut St.. 9 IS. South St.. 9 a m. Addition il for Cape May Weekdays 6 30 a ill. Parlor Cars on all .idkhi train.. For further Information. anDlv la nemrMil Philadelphia and Heading Hallway ticket agent or auaress I. A. Swkioabd, Edbos J. Wejiks. Gen'l Sunt., Gen'l Paas'r Agt. H.ullnvTxrniln.l Phlladalnhla. The Best Bargain House In Shenandoah Is at 233 West Centre Street. You rould he amazed to see the values we . . , offered In . . Undorwoar, Doots and Shoes, - - Grocorios. If you only Rive us a trial, that Is all e askl This ini uiu a steady customer at our store, FLOODS TIIKHA1 EN TEXAS. Fnmllli4 Kloolnir Tor Their fit von From thn Itottnm l.ntiiln. Denlaon, Tex., Nov. 23. This sec- ! tlon Is In the early stages of a flood 1 that Ihretitr-riB to be the most dlsas-1 trolls known In many years. Thou- , sands of acres of valuablo farming lands nro nlrently under wntor, and 1 families nre fleolm; for their lives from tlio botto" 'nntls. The situation Is decidedly serious, as it Is tliourlit that many houses will bo B'vopt away. Tho Washita, tho lar- ' prat river In tli Indian Torrltory. Is at the highest stage ever known. Great damage haR been done bv tho t high wrter. The town of Pauls Valley, j on fie Santa Fe In the torrltory. Is re ported by tolcphone as under water. 1 No trains rre crossing the Santa Fo 1 railway bridgo near Gainesville All the large Btreams In the south ern portion of tho Indian Territory are out of their banks, and enormous damage has been done to farming lands. Thoro Is no ferry communica tion between TexaH and the territory. Red river nnd WIshlta are still rising rapidly. Tnylnr'H riurnllty H.123. Louisville, Nov. 23. The county election board convened yestorday to hear argument on the motion to throw out the whole vote of the city of Louis- vlllo nnd to receive from tho account- ) Jefferson county. The vote for gov- -nor was announced as follows: Taylor, 18,445; Goobel. 15,023: Brown, 2.072. Taylor's plurality, 3,422. Af fidavits were presented relative to the presence of tho militia In this city on election day. and today the board is listening to nrguments. 1 110 UCMfloniuUlrTotf ufferrrora PrtfiML Dtieasei Kiornei. lrof. ;. Jf. T1IEEL. )M. II., 604 North blith HU, I'hlUdel.f ) phla, l'n, elrc Qoarante In crerjr tut, varloocelt it Stricture too outtlof 1. Loit Ylror L ( k Health rutored. Part enUrred, 'Corn 1 9 S, L icr'ct 0 v, Hun. 9-11. flour for too aundlng an 4 dtogeroui cam dally 10 30 to X 30. Krenh eM oared 4 Ml O !ayi. Stnd for 8 worn tritlmonlal and Book. All frandt eipoLr Tri T"T' T'TTT T TTTmrTTT T'TT TH fft tnilpliFttfr Kaclltti DUmoml tlrand. Origin! And unlvrnuine. !7iS art. alwiTl rellablt. LADIES alk Dracclil for Chtchtf KnotUh Dl-, iimHiJ RMHil In If anrl flold BtHa IjbotM, lealod with bluo ribbon. Tftie ft.nmmA iitttlnnm. At Drnitlltl. ftr Mftt 4 ' la itanpi for partloulari. leitkMiilalJ ul MlIlef Tor l.dle,nU(t,brrUr rtilhMtiOlti)mlealGo.Mft4lo Bamrh oW b ali Local DruKliti. 1M1 1 1. ALU-, i'A. HAIRY GROWTH on a woman's face mars her beauty and destroys her Rood nature. It unfits her for society and Injures her health by worriment over hci misfortune Depilatine Is a harmless liquid warrant ed to be free from acid, caus 'tics or poison, which will re- mnv (tin-rHim,,. Iiatr frnm the iace or body In three minutes without the slightest pain, injury or inconvenience. By occasional ap. plications tne nair lolliclesare permanently eradtcat ! '1 ry It and you will be pleased with results. nuniy enaorsed by the "United States Health Reports. Sent securely sealed In nlaTn ft $1 on All correspondence in charge of ladies and every letter treated as sacredly confidential Send your order now. No matter what other remedy you may have tried if you aro dissatisfied it is evident you have not used llfnllatlnn. My book-let "Aids to Beauty " containing a list of my unexcelled toilet creams and other hvrfenlc complexion preparations mailed free. Write: Mme. lourine. 13 DUANE STREET, HEW YORK WANTED l -t To come and see Children's shoes This stock was . HI mm SHOE WEARERS ammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmWmwmmmmtmmmmmmWBm must be sold at reduced figures. Just to give you an idea we will mention the following prices : r Hen's Al Russet Shoes for $1.75, worth $3.00. " Hand-Sewed Russet Shoes for $2.50, worth $4. " " Box Calf or Vici Kid, $2, worth $3is0. " " 41 $2.50, worth $4.50. Ladies' latest shapes for'$1.70, worth $2.50 and $3.00. Ladies' latest shapes for $1.20, worth $1.50 and $1.75. Boys' and Hisses' school shoes too nu merous to mention so large is 10,000 pair and Children's Come and be facts only. The Boston Factory Shoe Store No. 27 South Main Street. I, SPONT, PROPRIETOR, "QOLD IJUBT." Sl lll The Washing Housework Is Hard "A FAIR FACE rVAY PROVE A FOUL BAR GAIN." MARRY A PLAIN GIRL IF SHE USES SAPOLIO Sacrifice Piano Bargains. A square piano in good condition. A give away bargain. $85 Parlor Grand Piano A HighGrade Can be exchanged for any other style of instrument. These sacrifice opportunties. are . O'NEILL Furniture Dealer and Undertaker, IOC South Main St. n.Hionsof Dollars do up In nmolti, ovcry j-cm. Take no risks but got your h ineea, mock, far aiturn, tc rtunrml I" Irit-nN. rf IfaMc companies as rpprwnty lv riAVTD FATIST Insurance Agen our new stock of Men's, Ladies' and which just arrived from Boston. bought at a great reduction, and of Rubbers in at reduced prices. convinced that we advertise t m Best Powder. Work Without it LEHIGH VALLEY RAILROAD. IN KFFKCT NOV. 19. 1899. Passenger trains lenve Bhermtidnah for p.nn Haven junctlun, Slauch Chunk, Lrhlghton, Slatihirton, White Hall, Catasauqua, Allcjitowu, Uetlilelicm, Kuston New York and iphlladeluhla at 5 20, 7 48 a. in . 12 B2 and 5 17 p. nr. For Wllkcsbnrre, White Haven And IMttntui , 1 20, 10 10 a. ni., 12 52 and S 17 p. m. For Lnceyvtlle, Towanda, Sayre, Woverly Klmlm, ilochester; IhllTnlo, Nlairara Fall., Auburn, Syracuse, Ithaca, Geneva and the West, 10 10 a. ru 12 f2 and S 17 p. m. For Dclvldere, Delaware Water Gap u? Stroudsburir, 5 20 a. in., S 17 p. m. For Lnmliertvlllc and Trenton, 7 40 a. m. For .leaiicsvllle, Levis ton and Heaver Meadovt 1 20 a. ni., 12 82 p. m. For McAdoo, Audenrled, llazletou, Btockto and Lumber Yard, S 20, 7 46, 10 10 a. in., 12 52 and 517p m. ForJeddo, Drlfton and Frccland, 8 20, 10 10 a, m., 5 17 p. m For Scranton, 5 20, 10 10 a. m., 5 17 p. m. For Lost Creek, G I rnrdvllle, and Ashland, 4 00, and 7 27 p. in. For Kavcn Run, Centralla, Slount Carmel and Shamokln, 10 49 a. in., 1 42, 6 07, 9 23 p. m. t"M Mahanoy City, Park Place and Delano, 5 20, 7 46, 10 10 a. in., and 12 52, 5 17 p. m. For Yatcsville, 5 20, 10 10 a. m. Trains will leave Shamokln at 6 55, 9 20 a. m., U 50 and 4 20 p. in., and arrive at Shenaudoab at 7 4S, 10 10 a. in., 12 52, 5 17 p. m. Leave Shenandonh for Pottsvllle, St. Clair. New Castle, Morea and New Boston, 7 4S oml 10 10 a. m , 12 62 and S 17 n. m. Leave Pottsvtllo for Slienandoah, 9 45 a. tn., 12 30, 505, 8 15 p. m. Leave Hazleton for Shenandoah, 9 55 a. in., 12 40, 5 07, 6 22, 8 29 p.m. 8UNDAY THAINS. Trains leave for Raven Run, Centralla, Ml. Carmel and Shamokln, 10 40 a. m., 7 21 p. m , O Trains leave Sliamokln (or Shenandoah at 8 50 a. ra., and 5 85 p. m. Leave Shenandoah for YutesvlUe, Sfahauoy City, Park Place, Delano, McAdoo, Audenrled Hazleton, Stockton, Lumber Yard, AVeatberlj aud Alauch Chunk, 9 45 a in., and 6 82 p. m. For Lehlghton, Slatlngton, CatosauquarWhl Hall, Coplay, Allentown, Kaston and Phillip, burg, 0 45 a. in., and 6 32 p. m. For New York Pbilodelphla, 9 45 a. m Leave Hazleton for ?benandoah, 9 60, a. tu., and 6 25 p. m. ItOLLIN II WILBUR, Genl. Supt.f rew iorc. M. D. COTTER, Supt. Transportation, SoiithBethlehem.1V JWit, CHARLES S. l.EK. Genl, I. Pass. Ant.. afMI Jt, New York. V' JCfl ;, DIv.P.A., JHl lethlohem. Ps f "OBL SO Cortlandt Street, A. W. NONNKMACHER. J South Bethlehem, I- our stock. Men's, Ladies' 43 t 1 'A Jet',. ifikflkeakJi.