The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, November 15, 1899, Image 4

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Id all system! of
medicine, and it Is fre
quently called for In
Srcscrlptlons. Ithcvl
cnt,tloroforo, that no
guesswork must bo per
mitted In compounding
proscriptions nor as to
quality of tho drugs
Our Prescription Department
Is In competent hand, and our long coord
of successful experience warrarts us In
guaranteeing absol uto accuracy and purity
Shenandoah Drug Store,
3 South Main St., Shenaudoah.
Telephone Connection.
When it pours down you may
remember ttiat all that is new and
serviceable in umbrellas may be
found at our store. We solicit you
to call on us and promise you a
feast for your eyes if you love the
nicest things in men's furnishings,
Portz Bros.,
24 North Main Street.
Fall and
Don't buy elsewhere until you
see our stock. It is a winner and
so are the prices attached to every
pair ot shoes, whether for men,
ladies, misses, or children. We sell
the "best" qualities of footwear
cheaper than any other shoe dealer.
Mothers should bear in mind
that our children's shoes are the
most durable. We are closing out
another lot very cheap.
27 South Main Street, Shenandoah, Pa.
Special Sale !
Nos. 119-121-123 North Alain St.
Is worth a trial. Buy It from
... ttfo .all Ana HMifnA.
tlonery at prices you pay for
Try our 25 cents worth of bread checks. It
amine uu DYc iwuw.
l Oc Regular size cup cake 7c.
l oc Regular size sponge cake Oc.
Boston Bakery,
B. Morgansteln. 237 W. Centre Street
ytfrff V SW. SW.fWO tttM05 i. -NT WPDVtD ttbltttj
We do good honest eye
work. We have many testi
monials in this valley, because
we use the very latest methods
in testing your eyes and
charge only reasonable prices
for eye glasses or spectacles.
Thos. Buchanan,
Jeweler and Optician,
Wo. 118 South Main Street.
For two Tarda wide oil
cloth Is not an every day
i nportuntty. That Is our
selling price.
Will boy an extra
large keg of the
finest whl'S maak
erel ever brought
to town.
We bare cheaper kind, also very
Try our Mince Meat, t pound
(or SS cents.
E3. A. Friedman,
213 W. Centre St.
Two doora below Mull' dairy.
A Handsomo Complexion"!
I one of tue greatest charm a woman can
Douea. FouoNi'a Couruxioo PowDaaJ
gUMlU ... . t
1.1st of Orders limited In Director Hor
Kan'a District for t.ast Quarter.
Tho following is tho list of outdoor relief
orders granted In Director Korean's district
for tho quarter onillng October 1(1, as com
piled from tho list at the almshouse:
Ashland, John Hedo. 10 onion, $01; M.
Monaulian, 10 orders, fill; J. II. Noon, 10
orders, 187.75; l'etor Flanagan, Borders, $05;'
Ucorxo Flcuhl, 0 orders, (30; M. Stclff, 7
orders, $05; Thomas l'edloiv, 0 orders, $15.50;
total, $431.85.
Ilrandonvillo, Foust & Honck, 3 orders,
$10.50; Frackvlllo, John (fray, 1 orders. $35 75;
Fountain Springs, Cutharlno Grossing, 2 or
ders, $10.60; Gordon, Klce Brothers, 1 order.
$0 75.
Mahanoy Plane, l'atriek 1'lanncry, 2 or
dcra, $10.25; Mrs. J. F. Reynolds, 3 orders,
(20; Joro O'Connor, 2 orders, $10.50; total,
$01 75.
Qllberton, Wru. Murphy, B orders, $19.75;
Mrs, John Davis, 4 orders, $35 73; total,
Ulrardvitle, M. A. Horey. 0 orders, $55 25 ;
Michael Ford, 0 orders, $52 ; Hen Morrell, 3
orders, $20 ; Mrs. Lavollc, 0 orders, $94.25 ;
M. A. Laudenslager, 4 orders, $35.75 ; l'etor
Buckley, 0 orders, $81 25 ; I. J. McOorniick,
5 orders, $42.35 ; James McDonald, 4 orders,
$32 50; Mrs. P. Carey, $08.25; Thomas
j.oftus, 0 orders, $52 ; Win. Taylor, 3 orders,
J92.75; A. Borda, 1 order, $9.75 ; Mrs, John
MoKeon, 0 orders, f 12.25 ; Samuel Oeist, 5
orders, $43 75 ; Ellas Snyder. 7 orders, $03 2;
Jehn Kenuey, 5 orders, $15 50; total, $770 75.
Iiingtonn, It II. llrelsch, 3 orders, $21).
Mahanoy City, Anthony Dunsavsge, 4
orders, $29.25; D. M. Graham, 5 orders, $35 75;
John Larkln, 0 orders, $55 25; Daniel Davis, 4
orders, $39; Mrs. Johu llogau, 4 orders,
$45.50; Herman Kolduou", 1 order, $9 75;
John Adam, 7 orders, $53.50; J. I'. Being, 8
orders, $05; Thos. Horan, 8 orders, $71.50;
total, f 109 50.
St. Nicholas, Noonan Bros., 0 orders, $43.75;
Lost Creek, P. J. Ferguson, 13 orders, $97 50;
Patrick Noone, 0 orders, $83; total, $102.50.
Shenandoah, John Kilty, 8 orders, $61 75;
Edward Foloy, 7 orders, $53.50; Matt. Bakes,
5 orders, $32 50; Louis Heavy, 4 orders, $32.50:
Thos. Broughall, 4 orders, $32.50; H. L. Jones,
4 orders. $35.75; U. W. Keiter. 3 orders $20;
E. F. Keliler, 3 orders, $20.25; M. Conville, 0
orders, $52; Wm. Analowlecz, 3 orders, $25.50;
P. J. Oaughan, 0 orders, $5S.50; F. E. Magar
gle, 4 orders, $35.75; Edw. Harris, 4 orders,
$35.75; Thos. Munley, 4 orders, $39; Thos.
Dove, 4 orders, $39; Bradlgan Bros., 8 orders,
$04 50; A. It. Ploppert, 0 orders, $55.25; M.
Whitaker, 5 orders, $52; total, $7CM. There
woro a total number of 335 orders hi this dis
trict, aggrogating$2,0O1.50.
A summary shows that there weie a total
of 810 orders granted, divided among the
three districts as follows: Director Ahreni
fleld, 87 storo proprietors, 283 orders, aniouat
of orders, $2,384 75; Walborn, 50 storo pro
prietors, 193 orders, amount of orders,
$1,011.25; Horgan, 61 stores, 335 orders,
amount of orders, $2,001 50.
Working Night and Day.
The busiest and mightiest little thin? that
ever was made is Dr. King's New Life Pills.
Every pill is a sugar-coated globule or health,
that changes weakness into strength, listless
ness into energy, brain-fag into mental power.
They're wonderful in building up the health.
Only 25c per box. Sold by A. Wasley.
May Sink n Hew Shaft.
It Is rumored that the P. &R.V. & I. Co.
will shortly sink a large double shaft and
erect one of the largest coal breakers In tho
region at Beevesdale, near Tamaqua. It is
said that Supt. Velth has been directed to
estimate the. probable cost of sinking the
shaft. The officials of the company will
neither deny nor confirm the report.
& Card.
We, tho undersigned, do hereby agree to
refund the money on a 50-cent bottlo of
Greene's Warranted Syrup of Tar if it falls
to care your cough or cold. We also guaran
tee a 25-cent bottlo to prove satisfactory or
money refunded.
A. Wasley, C. H. Hagenbucb,
Shenandoah Drug Store, P.W. Bierstein & Co.
Edward Early's Saloon,
Cor. Oak street and Pear alley.
Very convenient to the rear
entrance of the lockup.
Private parlies desiring to have their hogs
slaughtered should place their orders at
CARL'S MEAT MARKET, 33 East Centre
Street. Pigs will be called for, killed and
delivered with cleanliness and satisfaction.
The Best Bargain House
-In Shenandoah Is at-
233 West Centre Street.
You would be amazed to see the values we
offered In .
Soots and Shoos,
- - Srocorics.
If you only give us a trial, that Is all we ask
This means a stoady customer at our store.
Ladles' Wal-ts In plaids, plain cloth, mercerized satteen and mohair In plain, tualied and
braided fronts, from 00 cents to $2.50.
thin PEGPli
Sefw'tfit, U-M"- tH rrir.mi. v-tc,-hilit.l,jii , I , (rj. bin. 8t. Vi .1, s:..i. ,-t: "1 h
bee 1 thin ami tin-ic . ; ay etlleproo.
it f id 1 1 1, it r :i 1 , , , . ! V 1.
- .Jilt' 1 r 'I :( !
:iraeticed tn'tnlct
tee J 'Jin-on 1 ijyrmia C"
lv' iwi tnkmir It two in-nt1, a
: lined fifteen pounds an.l mi ml it 1'i-reiwlny ?
. . n wonderful mdHne fir vr-n'-. cnl ru tlov
people." Urno Dote. 10c, Zoo and 60c.
Mrs. Cornelius Davenport, of South Jarriiu
street, is seriously ill.
MIm Va Powell is lit at her homo on East
Coal street.
Miss Ilattie Tiloy, of Now Phlladolphla,
who Is visiting friends on West Cherry etroot,
has been taken ill with a severe cold and Is
under a doctor's caro.
Kov. Mllukas, who was formerly eurato of
St. George's Lithuanian chureh-of town and
Is now located at Brooklyn, N. V., Is visiting
f 1 lends hero.
Messrs Isadoro Lautersteln and Harris
SefT, of Northumberland, wore legal buslnoss
visitors to town to-day.
F. ij. Stempson, of Slminokln, formerly
manager of tho Hotel Frnney, was a visitor
to town last evening. Mr. Stempson is di
recting the production of "The Pirates of
Penzance," which will bo produced at Sim
inokln on Thanksgiving.
Elw od J. Jacoby has gono to Fottpvlllo to
attend the wedding of Charles Niece and Mils
Kuto Cooper, both of that place, which occurs
this evening. The groom Is well known In
Misses Annie Watson and AnnioMonaghan,
of town, aro enjoying a tour to New York
and Washington. ,
James Dougherty, of Philadelphia, is visit
ing his ruothor on West Centre street.
Wwli-onir. lilimor roSIr Tliomns X.lpton
London, Nov. 15. Sir Thomas Lip
ton wim plven n dinner of welcome at
the Carlton hotel Inst evening. Joseph
H. Choate. thp United States' ambassa
dor; Mrs Choate, the Earl and Count
ess of Clunwilllam, Lord und Lady
Tweodmouth, Lord Itussell of KI11
owen, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Russell,
Herbert Gladstone, Lord and Ludy
Charles Baresford and the Earl of Cork
were nmong the distinguished company
unr Imports nnrt Jixports.
"Washington, Nov. 15. The state
ment of the Imports and exports of
the United Ptatos for tho month of
October Inst shows that the nmount of
merchandise Imported during the
month was $72,705,894, of which $29,
692,014 was free of duty. The exports
of domestic merchandise during the
same month amounted to $125,232,972.
During tho last ten months the ex
ports of merchandise exceeded tho Im
ports by $370,867,157.
" Sonntor Ilayvfard Stricken.
Nebraska City, Nov. 15. Senator
Hayward Is forbidden by his doctors
to make speeches or take an actlvo
part In congress until hU condition
shall change. They fear overwork
will brine on an attack of apoplexy.
He was attacked last Friday by what
is believed to be a silent lesion of the
brain. Physicians hold out no hope of
the senator's permanent rocovery, und
very little, If any, of even a temporary
improvement In his condition.
'o ,lufv In th Mnllnoiix Cno.
New York, Nov. 15. Itoland B.
Mollneaux was put on trial for his life
yesterday In the court of special ses
sions before Recorder Goff, charged
with the death by poison of Mrs.
Katherlne J. Adams on Dec. 28, 1898.
When the case was called Molineaux's
counsel, Bartow S. Weeks, made an
effort to have It transferred to tho su
preme court, but Recorder Goff ordered
the trial to proceed. Several hours
were spent In endeavoring to secure i.
jury, but the court adjourned without
havinc selected a single member.
TIo Donlttln Cadavers.
St. Louis, Nov. 15. Four zinc lined
trunks, each containing a corpse, were
taken from the baggage room at Union
station yesterday, and Frank Thomp
son, who says he Is city undertaker of
Memphis, Is under arrest. Thompson
said he had the contract for burying
the city dead of Memphis, and for some
time had been selling the bodies to
medical colleges throughout this part
of the country.
Tho Kentucky Contest.
Louisville, Nov. 15. The progress of
the contests in various counties of the
state Is the point in which interest in
the fight for the governorship Is cen
tered. Tho determination of these
disputes may swing In either direction
the result of the face of the returns
as they will bo made to the state board
of election commissioners. These con
tests involve over 4,000 votes in seven
To Revise National Guard Laws,
Trenton, Nov. 15. Governor Voor
hees yesterday appointed Major Gen
eral William J. Sewell, Brigadier Gen
erals Spencer, Wanser and Campbell,
Commender Irving, of the Naval Re
serves, and Captain B. B. Hutchinson
as a commission to collate and revise
the existing laws of the state relattni
to the National Guard and the Nava'
Ladles', Misses and Children's Coats are
now belnc dally ncelved by ua. We have a
large stock of the best talloimade garments In
attractive styler, well fitting, made from best
materials and lined throughout with satin uud
plain and fancy silk taffeta.
Ladles' all-wool Kersey Jackets,
from $3.75 to $14.00.
Ladies' all-wool Kersey Jackets, In
tan, castor and blue, $7. 00, $,
Slo.oo to $N.oo.
Children's Jackets, 6 to 14 years,
$1.50, $a.oo, $3.50, $3.oo, $4 to $6.
If you are Interested In blankets there Is an
Inducement here for you to buy. Our special
IM all-wool home-made blankets at $3.7E
worth tJ.CC, Is a bargain. A large cotton blanket
white and grey, with fancy borders, 39c. For
these you would be asked elsewhere SOoto GCo
Klne California blankets, with red, blue and
pink borders, from $4.S0 to $7.00.
The disturbance which occupied the
lower Missouri valley Monday night
has moved onnt
wardovor tho Ohio
valley, attended by
rain from tho mid
dle and upper Mis
sissippi and lower
Missouri valleys
over tho Ohio vol
ley nnd lake ro-
nlnna li'nropnol tnr
mm 1 ;.'"
day; fresh to brHk
easterly wind h.
Fair and cooler tomorrow.
Sunrise, 0:51; sunset, 4:52; length of
day, lOh., lm.; moon rises, 3:48 p. in.;
moon seta. 4:35 a. m.
II .ipn!tigs Throughout the Umiotry
(Jhrontclml for Uastr 1'erusnl.
A scarcity of coal cars Is again reported.
The cloudy weather Is liable to knock out
tho meteoric display.
Art wall paporsat Cardln's for 5 uud 0 cents
por roll. Como and bco tbem. tf
Tho IIrbald is lurnlns out a lareo amount
of neat job work these, days.
Tho Iloroncli Council of MoAdoo. will issue
bonds to tho amount of f5,000.
Hev. E. L, Wbitmoro. of Mlfllinsbure. was
elected pastor of tlieTrliiity Reformed church
at I'ottsvillo.
Congressman Ityau lias received a number
of petitions agaluat tho seating of Congress
man-elect itoberts, or Utah,
Antliony Smith, of Mahanoy I'tane. sus
tained a fracture of tho leg by being caught
by a fall of coal at the Lawrence colliery.
A uiistitke was made yesterday in givinc
credit for the Wide, Day collection to the
First rrosbyterlau church, Instead 01 tho
First Baptist church.
Tho Central Pennsylvania couferenco of
tho Methodist Episcopal church will hold
there next session at Uazlctou, March 14,
Bishop (loodsell will preside.
The foreigners at Duck Mountain are get
ting sporty ad have launched into tho excit
ing pastime of cick-flglitlng, a line of spurt
which they seem to prelvr to all others.
Prison Physician A. L. (Hilars and Dr. T.
Heebner liavu mado allldavit to tho Court
that Ocorgo Pchlrar, Patrick Frnney and
Miko Bias aro of unsound mind, with a view
of having them s.nt to the Insane atyluiu.
"I ouo my whole life to Burdock Blood
Dlttcrs. Scrofulous sores covered my body.
I seemed beyond cure. II. 11. B. has mado
me a perfectly welt wouiau." Mrs. Chas.
Ilntton, Berville, Mlcb.
no DoolnroH tho llrltlsli Aro Vtnlnttne
tli (ionovu C'nnvtMitlnii.
London, Nov. 15. There is no ad
ditional news regarding tho progress
of hostilities in South Africa this
morning except a dispatch from Mnfe
klng, forwarded by a runner, dated
Oct. 31, which says that during the
afternoon General Cronje, tho Boer
commander, sent an envoy to Colonel
Baden-Powoll, under a flag of truce,
to declare that he did not consider
the Geneva convention authorized the
flag of the Red Cross society to fly
from several buildings at once In the
town, and that In his opinion the em
ployment of natives against whites
and the use of dynamite mines were
both opposed to the rules of war.
Colonel Baden-Powoll replied thnt
the Geneva convention did not stipu
late as to the number of Red Cross
stations permissible, and that tho
Boers were only required to respect tho
convent, tho hospital and the women's
laager, all of which woro beyond the
town limits. The British commander
also pointed out that mines were recog
nized adjuncts of civilized warfare,
and that tho defenses of Pretoria were
extensively mined. Moreover, ho re
minded General Cronjo that the Boers
had fired upon natives, burned their
kraals and raided their cattle, and
that the natives only defended their
Uve3 and property.
Despite three warnings from Colonel
Baden-i'owell ! Boers continued de
liberately to bell tbp hospital nnd the
women 'n Inrer. Tbe sending of the
Boer envoy was regarded as n mere
pretext for penetrating the British
ynrnawortli's Itlvnl In niernmy.
Chicago, Nov. 15. James Monroo.
tho alleged bigamist and swindler, who
was arrested here Sunday, left for
Rochester yesterday In custody of po
lice officers of that city, to bo tried
on charges of swindling and bigamy.
Mrs. Mary J. Colthar, of Bunkor Hill,
Ills., who It Is said Monroe married and
nfterward deserted In Rochester, N.
Y., after obtaining $4,100 from her,
Identified Monroe. Monroe's record as
a bigamist. It is said, bids fair to
eclipse that of the candy peddler Frans
wortb, who was recently arrested
charged with having 42 wives In dif
ferent parts of the world. Tho police
nlready have tho names of 26 women
who have been married and victimized
by Monroe.
Hntnnos Inlands Ilnlnnnr to Jnpnn.
Madrid, Nov. 15. In the Spanish
senate yesterday Senor Montero RIos,
replying to Count Almenas, who re
cently declared that owing to the Ig
norance of the Spanish-American
treaty commissioners thrco Islands of
the Philippine group the two Batanos
and Calayan Island, both north of
Luzon were not included In the scope
of the treaty, said the Islands referred
to were not ceded because they be
longed to Japan, and were not claim
ed by the Americans.
Soldiers' Mortality Statistics.
Washington, Nov. 15. Surgeon Gen
eral Sternberg's annual report says the
total number ot deaths In our armies,
including regulars and volunteers,
from May 1, 1898, to Juno 30, 1899, was
C519, of whom 498 were killed In battle.
216 Killed by accident, 202 died of gun
shot wounds and wounds received In
action, 2,774 from typhoid fever, 475
from malarial fevor. 359 from pneu
monia, 342 from diarrhoea and dyson
tery and 185 from yellow fever.
ilookoroltnr'H Conilttlniml Girt.
Rochester. N. Y Nov. 15. On the
authority of Rev. Dr. A. II. Strong,
president of tho Rochester Baptist
Theologljal semlnnry. It Is announced
that John D. Rockefeller, president of
the Standard Oil company, has Just
nmde a conditional pledge of $150,000
to tbe suppuit of tho seminary. Mr.
Rockofeller will give $1 for every dol
lar that may bo rctiaed in other direc
tions, till an aggregate of $300,000 shall
havo been secured.
Itchiness of tbe ;skln, horrible plague
Most everybody afflicted in one way or
another. Only one safe, never falling cure.
Doau's Ointment. At any drug store, 50
No ICegi for I'rlvats Parties.
Tbe hotel keepers of Mt, Carmel held a
well attended meeting yesterday aud formed
a pornianent organization. Tbey met for the
purpose of asklug the wholesale dialers la
beer not to fell by the keg to private parttei;
and k'bo asked for n reduction lu the price
per turret of their produu.
20,000 people:
That's tl cir benefit. We are desirous ot giving other people the benefit also. What benefit you may ask ?
and we answer, the benefit of the largest aud most complete line of Clothing aud Overcoats ever shown
the people of this vicinity. It is a conceded- fact that the Mammoth Clothing House is known to be
almost twice as large as the biggest clothing house iu this county. Not only that, but we have the
reputation of carrying the most complete Hue of CLOTH I HO AND OVERCOATS ever shown
in this section. This season we are 'way ahead of previous years. Our stock consists ol all the
newest nnd latest designs in the market, bought at prices that enable us to sell them to you cheaper
in price than other dealers can buy them. If you are looking for the latest styles in c'othing for men,
boys and children and if you want to buy them at the very lowest prices patronize the
Mammoth Clothing House,
9 and 11 S. Main
Thomas Ualoy. station scent at Quakakc,
spent several days bore as the guest of his
parents on Mahanoy avenue.
Matthew Donnelly, of Phlladolphla, was a
visitor at tho rc;!deuco of his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. John Donnelly.
Thomas Uorman. ever popular with Ills
many friends here, spent soveral days In
Philadelphia this week.
Dr. J. Pierce Itoberts. of Shenandoah, was
In attendance at the regular monthly meet
ing of tho Schuylkill Couuty Medical Society
held hero. It convened in tho Palace theatre
Dr. llolmian favored his professional brethren
by reading a very interesting paper.
The Evenino liEHALD can always be
found on sale at the cigar storo of James
McPadden, on Second street. Leave your
sabscrlptionB there.
Michael Carey, a sergeant on tuo Ulilcago
police force, Is hero to atteud tho funeral of
his brother, Edward Carey.
Miss Mary Birmingham la being entertained
by hor Mt. Carmel acquaintances.
The many friends of Thomas O'Brien
welcomed his appearauco ou our streets again.
Ho is slowly recovering from a four-months'
attack of fevor.
Thomas Lafferty, tbe liquor dealer, is in
Philadelphia on business.
The east side of Mahanoy avenue, from the
Schuylkill Traction power house to the Glr-
ard estate ofuce, la now being graded. Curb
iug is being placed and pavements will ho laid
by tbe Girard estato and tho property owners.
This improvement will be greatly appreciated
by the residents of Rappahaunock'and the
Finger Board.
Joseph Gorman has been released from tho
Miners' hospital, after being confined there
for nearly seven weeks. Uo was receiving
treatment for an injury to his leg.
Bears the ) Kind Yoa Have Always Bought
Buy Boyal Patent Flour. It Is tho best in
the market.
FOR RENT. A very desirable brick dwelling
house, No. 21 East Oak street. Eight rooms
wiin oieam neat plant, uaiu, uot ana com water
0 m In every room. Kent reasonable. Apply
nt 23 West Lloyd street, or 20 South White
street. 11-15-tf.ootl
I OST A po..ket hook containing: a sum of
J money, on Cherry etrect, between Gilbert
street and the German Lutheran church. A
suitable reward will be paid upon return to
FOR SALE, The propeity ot the Delaney
Estate, on Centre street, between J Iain and
Jnrdln streets. Lot 90x75 feet, embracing one
double three-story frame butldlncr, n private
dwelling anu a ao-root vacant lot. rrico reason
able. Apply to Mrs Margaret Brennan, on the
premises. iu-zmi
FOR SALE, A spring wagon. Apply at the
lfffnAT.n nflri tf
mKUSTWORTHY man to represent one or
JL. more counties; giz.uo a weeic irom start,
easily made. Permanent position. Pleasant
work. Holiday specialty. Addrctis, J. B. Shepp,
luui-iuro unesmut St., rniia.. ra, iu-ivim
TTTE wish a live traveling manager In your
territory as once, man or woman; liberal
cash and commission first year more second
year. If deserved; some for local work also:
good references required those rut of employ
inent or wishing to better themselves, address,
"Factory," cor, Perkins and union tits., Akron,
OR SALE. Chean to a nromnt buyer. A
very desirable three-story nrooerty In a
ftaved square on Main street. Contains two
nrge store rooms with plate glns fronts Com
fortable dwelling with bath. Yard, warcroom
ai.d stable, to each. Whole lot 110x150 feet to
alley. Very line location (or any kind ot
business. Prefer to sell the whole property,
nut win sen part 01 i 11 uesircu, ac very reason
able price and terms. For further Information
please address "Owner," 1. O. Box 22. Hhenan
doah, 1'a. 11-6-tf
"VfOTICE. Desirable properties for sale. Ap-
XI ply to a. u. M. Jiouopeser, attorney, until
andoah. (Kll-tf
Ladies' and Misses' Garments
The great success of our coat
department has been brought about
by giving the best values for the
least money. This season we offer
the nicest and most complete line
of garments. Coats in all colors,
Tans, Modes, Blues, Black, lined
with skinner satin, mercarized
satin, and silk. Also a fine selec
tion of misses' and children's coats,
neatly trimmed in braid and bias
A special line of Plush, Cloth, As
trakhan ana Golf Capes Collarettes
made of Posum, Wool, Seal and
Beaver Fur.
A nice assortment of single and
double plain and plaid Scotch wool
shawls. Come and sje them.
New Shoe Store.
We wish to announce to the people of Shenandoah
and vicinity that we will open a shoe store on
Which will comprise footwear of all description at
prices much lower than the lowest. We have had
years of experience in the shoe business, and will
guarantee you mote value than elsewhere.
Corner Main and Oak Streest.
Always Encourage Our Home Industries.
The syndicate of merchants whose names appear in this directory
and who represent the leading and enterprising business people in their
lines in this vicinity, are anxious to secure new customers and thereby
increase their cash trade by giving Blue Trading Stamps, and to that
end they have contracted with Blue Trading Stamp Co., so that by
dealing with those merchants you will receive one Blue Trading Stamp
for each ten cents represented in your cash purchase.
When you have saved 300 Trading Stamps, 600, 900, 1200. or
more from any or all of the merchants combined with whom we have
contracted, they can be exchanged at our store, which are permanently
located or at any branch store lor very useful and attractive premiums.
By asking for Blue Trading Stamps and trading only with mer
chants who give them you can get free .a 10-cent Trading Stamp with
every 10-ceut purchase, 10 Trading Stamps for $1 purchase, and in the
same ratio for the full amount of your bill.
Bear in mind the merchants make no advance in the prices of their
goods, but on the contrary increase of trade secur -d to them by this
plan will enable them to sell closer than ever befoie. Merchants may
unintentionally neglect to give you Blue Trading Stamps unless you ask
for them ; therefore the remedy lies with the customer ; you should not
hesitate to ask for Blue Trading Stamps from any merchant whose name
appears in this Directory.
This system enables merchants to pay cash for their goods of the
wholesaler, and thereby obtain all discounts. Are you not entitled to
discount for cash trade also ? Blue Trading Stamps out the merchant's
"business on a cash basis, and saves
wlncli tue merchants sustain by reason ot bad debts, which loses are
inevitable where a merchants does a credit business.
Ask for Blue Trading Stamps, save them, and you will feel proud
of our handsome premiums.
Call and get a Directory and Stamp Book to start your collection.
List of Merchants Who Give Trading Stamps Free :
Fred Keitlian, 101 North Main.
Joseph Dull, 39 North Main.
(Newspapers and lOceut novels exempt.
II00V9 & Brown, 4 North Main,
M. K Kemmerer, 33 North Main.
SI T I'urcell, 7 Eat Centre.
Fred Keithau, 101 North Main.
The Famous Clothlnir House, cor. Main and Oak.
Davis' Bazaar, 37 West Centre
8. K. Supowlt, Guarantee Dry Goods IIoiino, 13
North Main.
Shenandoah Drug Store, 3 South Main.
See Handsome Display of Articles at
Corner Main and Oak Streets.
See the display in the Oak street window, where Trading Stamps will
be Redeemed and Goods cheerfully shown.
rUR wall papers are arriving
dressy patterns lor 1900.
If you contemplate doing any
We are leaders on wall paper.
QUR stock of window shades is now complete. Can give you almost
anything you desire aud at prices that will surely win your cus
tom. All colors and patterns with
and see us.
21 North
I Goldin, Proprietor.
New Goods.
the customer from paying loses
No stamps frlven with sugar.
K, B. Magarcle, 11 East Centre
Samuel Davis, .1 North Jardln
T. J. UrnUKhall, 2.1 South Main.
Henry L. Jones, cor f!onl and Chestnut.
K. B. Foley, 27 West Centre.
GKNjS' furnishings.
Tho Famous Clothing House, cor. Main a d Oak.
Max Levlt, Main and Centre.
Max Levlt, Main and Centre.
The Famous Clothlnir House, cor Main and Oak.
Mrs. J. J Kelly, 26 South Main.
Carls Brothers, 38 East Centre.
I. K Wettcrau, 4 South Jardln.
Shenandoah Steam Laundry, cor. Main aud
j Danlell & Dodson, 11 East Centre.
every day. Strictly new and
iieautitul designs at 5c per roll.
papering call and see our goods.
or without lace and fringe. Call
Main Street.