The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, November 15, 1899, Image 3

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Told by a Sliennnuoafi Citizen For
the Benefit of Shenandoah
Tho greatest Importnnco httaclicd to tho
following Is that It concerns a Sliouamloab
citizen. It would loso thrco-querters of its
Interest if it involved somo rosldonj of Kala
mazoo, MIcIj., or Woonsockct, It. I. Like nil
tlio testimony which has appeared lioio, and
like all which will follow about the old
Quaker remedy, Doan's Kidney Tills, it
comes from residents, fallow citizens and
neighbors. No other remedy ohm show such
a record of homo cures. Itoad this case :
Mrs. Wm Orndwcll, of 28 North Gilbert
street, says : "I had pain across my lolm
and when standing much an aching took me
across my back. At times there wa con
siderable pain between my shoulders. The
kidney secretions were not normal and caused
an uncomfortable feeling. I had a tired sen
sation mornings which made me loso all my
energy. I became Interested in Doan's Kid
ney Pills and procured them from Klrlin's
drugstore Though I did not tako a wholo
box I found thorough relief from the
Doan's Kidney Pills for sale by all dealers.
Price So cents. Mailed by Foster-Milbum
Co., liuflalo, N. Y. Sole agents for the U.
S. Remember the name Doan's and take no L
! Sick-Head -acho
and Liver
Sold by all druggists
or Bent by mall.
jNmltsMellcslCo., Ctlctro
Bo box contains IS pills. Sold by KIrltn s drug
store, Shenandoah, Pa.
tffe rriiiIi-tv'a EiisUkh Diamond ItrmnA
-Cv Orllulnaniy genuine, w
Urartu lor tmcisier
,J7 RM A In ItA tntl CSold ntll a
ruilM as-alad with bin nDDOQi 1 IKS
no other. Refutt dangtrtnt tu&itiftf V
la Utnpt for artlouHri, tMllnwalfclt n
" Kellef for fadlM." tttr,r rt
Witch Hazel Oil
One Application Gives Relief.
It cures Piles or Hemorrhoids Ex ternal or Intr
nal, Mind or Bleedlng.ItchlngorBunitng.Flssures
and Fistulas. Relief Immediate cure certain.
It cures Bums, Scalda and Ulcerations and Con
tractions from Inmu. The Relief Instant healing
It cures Torn, Cut or Lacerated Wounds and
It cures Bolls, Carbuncles, Felons, " Runrounds,"
Ulcers, Old Sores, Itching Eruptions, Scurfy or
Scald Head.
It cures Inflamed or Caked Breasts and Soro
Nipples. Invaluable.
It cures Salt Rheum, Tetters, Scurfy Eruptions,
Chapped Hands, Fever Blisters, Sore Lips or
Nostrils. Corns, Bunions, Sore and Chafed Feet,
Stings of Insects, Slosqulto Bites and Sunburns,
Throo Sizes, 25c, 50c. and $1.00
Sold by Druggists, or sent pre-paid on receipt of price.
Cor. Willis in dc John His., XEW YORK.
perguson's Theatre.
One INI Ight Only.
THURSDAY, NOV. 16, '99.
Mil, ALFRED LEE present the
Romping. Itolllcklug, Frothy,
tary, Musical Comedy.
"The Bachelor's Baby."
By Covins Fletciieii.
A comedy in thrco ncta.
1 KILlib : 25c, 35c and 50c
Reserved, seats at Ktrlln's drug store.
perguson's Theatre,
DAN. J. FERGUSON, Manager.
One Night Only I
Friday, Nov. 17
LINCOLN J. OAltTKR'S Masterpiece
of Wage Realism,
Tlie greatest success of tlio ace. A
sumptuous scenlo spectacle. A con
tinuous series of
Dramatic Surprises!
Startling Situations i
Novel Effects 1
Thrilling Climaxes
Caa ha Marvelous Htorm CPPNP
OCC U1C Great Kerry lloat OtrilE
Prices : v. 25, 35, and 50 Cts
Reserved Seats at Krlln's Drug Htroe,
No Hopo of Saving the Cruiser or
Hor Valuablo Contents.
lint Inntond ori'linitHtr Hostile Tliry
JTotimlitllitirSnvitKo Pooplo Who Ilo
irnrilod Thorn Willi Curiosity Mntiy
KBi-apcd In Uiiclor ClotlilUK.
Manila, Nav. 16. Further dotnlls re
Rurdlng tho grounding of the United
States cruiser Charleston show that
she struck an uuclinrtod coral reef ten
miles east of Kamlguln Island. Her
Hern was almost submerged and the
bow almost out of water. A heavy
sea was on. and tho cruiser ocean roll
ing violently. The water tight doors
were quickly closed, but were stovo
In under tho englno compartment, the
lanrest of the shin.
After the first efforts to right her the
officers feared she might slide off bo-
causo of the heavy sea, and therefore
abandoned the attempt to save her.
They hurried to the launch and boata
and rowed away, prepared u, .turn ior
a landlnc. with two Colt guns, 134
rifles and ten days' rations. Somo of
the officers and mon wore dressed only
In Daiamas and their under clothing.
Two hours after the Charleston struck
all had gotten away. A party returned
two divvs Inter, but found It impos
sible to save anything.
The first landing was made on a
little island, with a front of barren
rocks. Next day the hoat3 again toon
to tlio water and proceeded to Kaml
guln Island, where a landing was made
In the expectation that ngnting wouiu
be necessary. So far from this being
the case, however, the Charleston a
men found a half savage people, who
regarded them with curiosity rather
than hostility.
On the third day the storm nan
greatly subsided and Lieutenant John
McDonald, with iioatswain uom-
inlck Olvnn and six men. started for
the Gulf of Llngayon in a 30 foot sail
ing launch, hoping to nnd an American
warship, but entirely ignorant or. uen-
oral wheaton's expedition.
Lieutenant McDonald was four aays
afloat, keeping under shelter of tne
hostile shore for two days on account
of the high seas; being most of the
time in a soaking rain. Finally, tiymg
the Union .Tack down, clad in their
under clothing and drenched to tne
skin, the officer and his companions
overtook the transport Aztec, which
carried them to the battleship Oregon
The gunboat Helena was due to ar
rive at Kamaguln Island Monday. The
Charleston was returning from a Ave
weeks' cruise along the eastern coast
of Luzon, and Admiral Watson was
heelnnlnc to be uneasy. He supposed,
however, that she had joined uenerai
Wheaton 8 expedition.
In naval circles the accident is con
sidered quite unavoidable. Tho only
wonder Is that there ar? not more
such disasters in Philippine waters,
which aro most Indifferently charted.
The Charleston lies practically In the
onen sea. and there is no nope oi sav
ing her or the valuable parapnernana
and contents of the cruiser,
Millions aiven Away.
It Is certainly Erntifyinc to the public to
know of ono concern in tho land who aro not
afraid to bo ecnerous to the needy and suffer
ing. The proprietors or Dr. King's fvew
Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and
Colds, have riven away over ten million trial
bottles or this great meuicino; anti nave tne
satisfaction of knowing it has absolutely
cured thousands of boneless cases. Asthma,
Bronchitis. Hoarseness ana an diseases oi I
tlm Throat. Chest and Lnncs are surely cured
by it. Call on A. Wasley, Druggist, and get
a trial bottle free. Regular size 50c and f 1.
Every bottlo guaranteed, oi price refunded.
tfTinnmaker on Elb3tlon Vrnuds.
New York. Nov. 14. In a signed
statement published in The World ex-
Postmaster General John Wanamaker
discusses tho need of ballot reform.
and declares: "In Philadelphia tvo
have not had an hone3t election for
many years, and the debauchery of tho
ballot has acquired the system ana
nreclslon of a science with the domi
nant so-called Republican machine.
This has not been the growth of a
day or a year, but has been perfected
by a steady, systematic development
of the most minute details of original
Ingenuity. The machine has educated
the followers In election crime, and
rewarded them according to their per
fection in fraudulent arts, what is
called tho Democratic organization Is
but an agency of the corrupt Republi
can machine.
A Sensible Man
Would use Kemp's Balsam for the Throa
and Lungs. It is curing more cases of
Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, Croup
and all Throat and Lung troubles, than any
other.medicine. The proprietor has author
ized any druggist to give you a sample bottle
free to convince you of the merit of this great
remedy. Price 25c and Sc.
Cheap Kxcurslons to Export Uxpomtlon.
The National Export Exposition is un
doubtedly one of the finest opportunities ever
presented to the peoplo of the United States.
To accommodate residents of this vicinity,
arrangements have been made by the Phila
delphia & Reading Railway to sell special
excursion tickets from this vicinity to Phila
delphia, on November 3rd and 17th at the
low rata of single fare for the rouud trip (but
no adult ticket sold at less rate than 73 cents)
lnrlnding admission coupon to the Exposi
tion, These tickets to be good going only on
specified train morning of sale, aud good re
turning on any regular train within three
days Including day of sale. In addltiou to
above, ten-day excursions to Philadelphia
will be run November 1st, lStb and 22d, For
full information as to rates, time of trains,
etc., consult ticket ageuts or address Edsou
J. Weeks, Qou'l Passenger Agt., Philadelphia
No Cnrnotrlo-ltnokfrollnr Wnr.
Pittsburg, Nov. 16. At a meeting ot
the Carnplo Steel company and Frlck
Coke company yesterday It was re
solved that no change be made either
In organization, ownership or policy.
Mr. Carnegie signified his entire con
currence with this action, and ex
pressed himself as delighted to con
tinue as before with his partners. With
reference to the recent newspaper re
ports of war between tho Rockefeller
and Carnegie Interests, the company
states that these reports have no foun
dation In fact.
Oraln-0 Brings Relief
to tho collee drinker. Coffee drinking Is a
habit that Is universally Indulged lu and
almost as universally Injurious. Have you
tried Grain-Oi It is almost like collee but
the effects are just tho opposite. Coffee I
upsets tho stumuvb, ruins the digestion,
effects the heart and disturbs the whole
nervous system, flraln-0 tones up the
stomach, aids digestion aud strengthens the
nerves. Therols nothing but nourishment
lu Qraln-0 It cau't be otherwise. 15 and
23c per package.
More men and women are
troubled with weak and imper
fect kidneys than with any other
form of disease.
There is but
specific for the
urinary organs that can
be relied upon that
Warner's Safe Cure.
of menstruation." They
womanhood, aiding development of orgnus nnd body. No
known remedy for women rentals them. Cannot do harm life
becomes n pleasure. $1.00 1M3H liOX UY MAIL. Sold
by dnigfrists. DK. MOTT'S CUKMICAT. 00. Cleveland, Ohio.
For Sale toy R. W. Houek.
DR. E. C.
mW Pie ire
Tho Original. All
In sold under a posltlvo Written Guarantee, by authorized agents only, to euro Weak
Memory, Dizziness, Wakefulness, Fits, llysterla. Quickness, Night Losses, Evil Dreams,
Lack of Oonlidcnce, Nervousness, Lassitude, all Drains, Youthful Errors, or Excessive
Use ot Tobacco. Onlnm. or Liquor, which leads to Mlserv. Consnmntlon. Insanltv and
Death. At storo or by mall, l a box; six
Refund money. Sample Package, containing five days treatment, with full Instruc
tions. 23 cents. One saniplo only sold to each person. At storo or by malL
Red Label Special Extra Strength.
Impotencv, Loss ot Power, Lost Manhood, Sterility or Barrenness. $1
six for to, with Written Guarantee to cure
Sold at Klrl In's
"Winter Russett Shoes."
Gentlemen : We have the finest line of Men's Winter
Russetts in the town. They are genuine beauties. We
guarantee every pair of them to be strictly solid and are
leather lined. Have three soles, and are sold in town at
$3.00. Our price is S225 We have the same shoes in
black. Other winter Russetts in different styles, ranging
from $1.49 to $3.00 per pair.
The right place to buy all your shoes and boots is at the
Faultless Labor
Are responsible for our always busy business. Try us
on plumbing and gas fitting. You wont regret the trial.
P. W. Bell, Cor. White & Lloyd Sts.
To the Baltimore Cheap store. There you will find
a great assortment in dishes, tiuwear, agatewear,
crockery and household goods.
Stove pipes, 12 bents.
Elbows, 12 cents.
Wooden palls, 10 cents.
Brooms, 13 cents.
Stove polish, 3 cents a box.
Shoe t ollah. S cents a box.
Machine oil, 3 cents a bottle.
Don't be too late, as
Baltimore Cheap
Coining Events.
Nov 21. Operetta, "Prince Ferdinand and
the Enchanted Sword," at Ferguson's theatre.
Nov. 24. National Festival lu ltohblus
Ilall, North Main street, under auspices of
the Young Men's Uible Class of tho Presby
terian Sabbath school.
Nov. 21. Fourth annual ball of the De
fender Hose Company No. 3, to ho held In the
Hose Company's Hall. Turkey Bun.
Dec. 18 Grand entertainment, "Tho bear
of Bethlehem," at the Primitive Methodist
If ftlM firl nd unfortunate Arri rruni I
YmUMUI Errort, Loat VltsUit VuMMW, fit. r
end for Hvrorn Test 1 mon U Is tad Bookr
Troth-to 1'rof. U. JV. THEHL, 51. lK,k
flOl North bUth bU I'klUdelphta.L
1. latlivslr lha OBIT m-ftttttlaft la htl
iaLm to oar teen thoaxh tht matt Mlebrtted Mtr
lftlUUlUhjd.VmbeuMerlla4tolO(lTi.Houra9 t,T
To PATENT Good Ideas
may be secured by
our aid. Address,
Raltlmnra. Ui
Subscriptions to Tht Patent Secord lUOpu aaau
one known
kidneys and
one is,
They overcome Weak
ness, irregularity and
missions, increase vig
or and banish "nains
aro "LIFE SAVEttS" to girls at
Others Imitations.
for is: with Written Guarantee to Cure or
a box;
In 30 days. At store or by mall.
Drug Store.
lias Achieved IU greatest triumphs In our
artist I a and handsome stock of wall papers.
All the latest designs and fashionable shades
and colorings are embodied In our superb
stock of art wall papers We have them from
$1.00 per roll for high art decorations to 5
cents per roll for bedroom, parlor, hall or
dining room papers.
All Artistic !
All Pretty !
224 West Centre St.
consistent with
and Brain
,SSFaultless Prices
Clothes pins 1 cent a dozen.
KeetHefl, 1 cent u paper.
Tumblers, 2 cents a piece.
ColTre mllU SI cents.
CoQeo pots, 10 cents.
Soap, 10 pieces for 23 cents.
Washing powder, 2 boxes for 3 cents.
goods are going up.
Store, East c3t?e
A box of our
ram n hilt Bra
is an exhilarating
stimulant during
the hot summer
Delivered at your homo
Columbia Brewing; Company
riilllons of Dollars
Gouplnnmokb every year. Take no
risks but get your houses, stock, fur
uiture, etc., Insured in flrst-cl&ss re
liable companies as represented by
4lio IJU audAccldsoUl oufaulir
Bounded Up After Boing Watohod
For Sovoral Months.
He 1.m1 III Cln In Coliunliln Law
flohool, nnd lnliurltiwl 11 nl r n Million
Krom III" I'atlior Afior I.onvlnir Col-lciro-llo
In Wniitcri In Chloimo.
New York, Nov. IB. There Is at po
lice headquarters here a quartet of
prisoners In whom the police of al
most every lame American city and
many of the leading business house,
hanks and trust companies have a deep
tnterost. They wcro rounded up after
being watched for several months, and
.ero formally held hy a police magl
trato yesterday on the nominal charge
of being suspicious persons.
Tho police of- Now York say that
most of thm havo been convicted here
and elsewhere of swindling that has
netted them many thousands of dol
lars. The prisoners nre:
Alonzo J. Whlteman, 30 yoars old,
of Danville. N. Y.. the alleged head ot
the gnng. a graduate of the Columbia
Law school; Frank Bdniunds, 40
years old, clerk, of New York; John
Thompson, alias William Hartley,
allaB P. Lawton, alias Dr. George W.
Johnson, 31 years old. clerk, residence
unknown; Robert J. Knox, 42 years
old, lawyer, New York.
There Is under arrest at Pittsburg
a fifth member of the gang, Charles
D. Stewart, alias Charles Ward, about
60 or 70 years old. Ho was arrested
there Monday.
According to tho statoraent given out
by Captain McCluskey, chief of de
tectives, Hartley, under the name of
Dr. George W. Johnson, entered Into
negotiations with the real estate Arm
of John P. James & Son, In Brooklyn,
for the purchaso of a $10,000 house.
"Dr. Johnson" said he would pay $5,000
down and would carry the remaining
$5,000 on a first mortgage. In nego
tiating with the Central Trust com
pany, of Brooklyn, regarding tho In
terest on the mortgago "Dr. Johnson"
managed to secure $360 on a fraudulent
check from the company, ho having
deposited a draft for $3,000 drawn on
the Hoboken Loan and Savings insti
tution. This was one ot the many
similar cases, Captain McCluskey says,
that Hartloy will havo to answer for.
Several months ago a man claiming
to bo W. L. Howe, cashier of the Na
tional bank, of Lawrence, N. Y., order
ed 10,000 drafts of a certain design
from a firm of lithographers in tnis
city, and paid for them In cash. They
were sont to him In "care of Mrs.
Whltoman, Dansville. N. Y." A few
days later a North river ferryboat
deckhand found one of the books ot
drafts In the river, and the book was
sont to a detective bureau. Soon re
ports of bogus drafts began to pour
from all over tho country. They
were all made on these forms, ana
drawn on the National bank, of Law
rence, N. Y. Investigation by tho po
lice traced them back to Whlteman
who lived with his mother In' Dans
ville, N. Y. There, It Is alleged, ho
formulated the plans, and his tools
all over the country carried them out.
Another swindling gamo netted the
gang $3,000 from n Woonsocket (R. I.)
bank on a worthless check. Then an
effort was made to "work" a Pittsburg
bank, but the police had traced the
gang, and arrangements were perfected
to capture them all, but the plans mis
carried, and Stewart alone, who Is
gray and venerable In appearance, was
captured. Word was sent to this city,
and the other three wore caught soon
after arriving hero.
The Chicago police have sent word
that an officer will' be sent after
Whlteman, who was sentenced In that
city to a year's Imprisonment and $2,-
000 fine for obtaining money under
false pretenses. Pending an appeal ho
waa released, and when his sentence
was affirmed by the appellate court he
had disappeared.
Whlteman has been arrested a score
of times, but has managed to get off.
He has traveled the world over. He
Inherited $500,000 from his father In
1SS8 after leaving college. Ho led hl3
class in the Columbia Law school.
Edmunds and Stewart have both
served sentences, and Thompson Is an
all arourid swindler.
Brave Hen Fall
Victims to stomach, liver and kidney troubles
as well as women, and all feel the results in
loss of appetite, poisons in the blood, back,
ache, nervousness, headache and tired, list
less, run-down feeling. But there's no need
to feel like that, listen to 1. W. uaroner,
Idaville, Ind. He says : "Electric Bitters are
iust the thing for a man when he is all run
down, and don't care whether he lives or dies.
It did more to give me new strength and good
appetite than anything 1 could take. I can
now eat anything and have a new lease on
life." Only 50 cents, at A. Wasley's drug
store. Every bottle guaranteed.
Aclvnnoe In Hit Price of ltrooms.
Chicago. Nov. 15. The price ot
brooms lms been advanced more than
E0 per cent. Thla action was decided
upon at a meeting of the National
Broom Manufacturers' Association of
the United States and Canada, held In
this city yesterday. This advance Is
made necessary, the manufacturers
say, by tne advance broom corn has
tnade during the present year.
KIONPY a a deceptive dlsease
thousands havo it aud
TROUBLE aon'' kn,T ll- yu
x " want aulck results you
ran make no mistake by using Dr. Kilmer's
Swamp-Koot, the great kidney remedy. At
druggists in fifty cent and dollar sizos.
Sample bottle by mail free, also pamphlet
telling you how to nnd out it you have
kidney trouble.
Address, Dr. KilmersUo.,Uingbamton,N. Y
TJowey to Transfer H!a rtome.
Washington, Nov. 15. Preliminary
steps have been taken. It Is said, to
transfer to Mrs. Dewey the title to tho
Dewey home. 1747 uhode Island ave
nue. which the American people pre
sented to the admiral In recognition ot
his brilliant naval victory at Manila.
The matter Is In the hands of the Dis
trict Title company, and tho papers
It Is understood, havo been drawn and
await the necessary signatures.
Bem tie ) KM You Haw Altars Bought
tVllkeslinrrti'H FlvtX Snow ofSennon.
Wllkesbarre, Pa., Nov. 15. The first
snow storm of the season began about
z o-ciocK yesterday and continued till
midnight. It was very wet pnow, about
six Inches deep on tho level, and the
trolley and steam roads aro badly
Does Tola Strike Ton 7
Muddy complexions, Nauseating breath
come from chronls constipation. Karl's
Clover Hoot Tea Is an absolute cure and haa
been sold for fifty years on an absolute
guarantee. Price 23 cts. and CO cts. Sold by
P, D, Kirlln on a guarantee.
Will Soon Ilonoh 910(1,000.000 Yrnrlr
Adrloftto Atiierlcnu Workinmi,
New York, Not. 15. In a paper on
"The Mexico of Today," which will ap
pear In the forthcoming Issue of The
Independent. Vice President Marlseal,
of Mexico, makes this statement touch
ing Mexico's silver resource:: "For
30(1 years she has produced one-third
of all the stiver that was mined. The
production at present I more than
$90,000,000 per nnum. When LI Ilunp
Chang was In Washington he asked
Senor Romero how much silver Mex
ico was mining, and how long she
could keep It up. Senor Romero, try
ing to be conservative, retdied that
'Mexico waa turning out $5,000,000 per
year, and could keep It up for 300 years.
Mexico experts to supply the world
with $10u,ooo,o00 ot silver per annum
"It will not do ftr Americans who do
not understand the language or hab
its of the people to go to Mexlcn to live
unUss they hare sure employment.
American laborers are much superior
1 1. 1 1 1 , . 1. . 1 1 . ... .. ..
In skill to thoae of Mexico, but you call
hire from eight to twelve Mexicans
for the $8 American money which you
Iay the American miner per day. Or
dinary American labor cannot go Into
Mexico and compete with Mexican la
bor, the Mexican laborer can live so
very much more cheaply. There la a
field for skilled laborers, but they
should have emplovment secured he
fore going to Mexico."
I.okkI Vlotors l'r Itntlrnni!,
Boston, Nov. 16. Judge Colt, In the
United States circuit court yesterday,
decidd that an employe of a railroad
injured while riding on a pass given
mm uy a corporation, even It was a
part compensation for his services,
could not recover damages. The case
was that of C. A. Whitney, a bagarage
mnlian nnalnat 1. sv
Haven nnd Hartford railroad. The
plaintiff claimed ha was seriously In-
Jured In a wreck, and sought to re
cover $25,000 damages.
There are
two mis
takes that
people with
wear lungs
are liable to
make ; and
both are
bad; One
Is to not
give atten
tion quick
ly enough
to the little
coughs and
which so
rapidly un
the delicate
lung tissue
and plunge
you into
consumption almost before you are aware
of it; the other is when the trouble is at
last discovered and fully realised to give
un hone too soon.
Deem with these bronchial and throat
ailments the instant they appear ; never
wait till to-morrow. The right remedy
t ilcen now mav save months of severe ill
ness. On the other hand if the illness has
already come upon you; and you find your
self weakened, wasted and discouraged, d j
not lose hope. There is a medicine that will
cettainly restore you to health and strength.
" Mv bov was In a verv had war when I com.
mt nerd to give him Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical
Discovery," writes J. V. Price, Esq., or Ozark,
Monroe Co.. Ohio. In a recent letter to Dr. R. V.
Pierce of llaffalo, N. Y. " The doctors claimed
he hid consumption and we doctorrd with them
until he was put walking. After using five bot
tles of the 'Discovery he is now all right. It
has been ten months since he stopped talcing
your medicine ana net still in gooti Ream
are very thankful to you for saving our son.'
Hundreds of similar cases are described
in one chapter of Dr. Pierce's great thou
sand-page illustrated book The People's
Common bense aiedical Adviser which win
be sent free for the bare cost of mailing. 31
one-cent stamps. It is a veritable family
library in one volume; the trait ot nr.
rierce'9 lite-long experience with the se
verest tvnes of obstinate chronic diseases.
Anvone may write to him for advice: which
win be sent in a plain sealed envelope,
tree ot cnarge.
Philadelphia &
Readinq R y.
Engines Burn Hard Coal Ho Smoke.
Trains leave Shenandoah as follows :
For New Yolk via Phlladelrjhla. wk
?10, 5 88, 7 87, 9 53 a. m., 13 28, 8 09 and 8 09 p. m.
For New York via Ohunk, week days,
l at a. m., u in auu o w p. m.
For Heading and 1'blladelphla, week days,
2 10, 5 88, 7 87, 9 65 a. m., 12 M, 8 09 and S 09 p. m.
Sundays. 2 10 a m.
For i'ottavllle, week days, 2 10, 7 87, 9 53 a. m.
12 26, 8 09, 5 09 and T 30 p. in. Sundays, 2 10 a m.
For Tamaqua and Mahanoy City, week days
iu. I oi. vu a. m.. uo. buvi
Sundays, 2 10 a m.
For WlIllamsDort. Sunbnrv and Lewinhuri-
week days. 3 27, 11 82 a. m., 13 24, 7 80 p. m
Sundays. 3 27 a m.
Vn, M.ti.nn. Pl.n. .!... O m u
787,9 63,1132 a. 111., 12 28, 8 09, 6 09, 780, SM
p. m. Hunaays, z 10 and a 27 a m.
For Ashland and Sbaraokln, week days, 8 27,
737 11 82 a. ra.,12 26,809,607,725 and55 p. m.
Sunday, 3 27 a m.
For Baltimore. Wanhlnfi-tnn and the WMtvU
I. R.. through
tbrouKb trains Iei Ueadlne
Terminal, Philadelphia.
nhla. IP. & K. B
K.) at 8 20,
7 53, 11 28 a. m., 8 10 and 7.37 p. t
(i. u. nunakvi
nonai trains rrom Twenty-fourth and Cbect-
nut streets station, wees, aays, in ou a. m. 12 20
u id b u p.m. Huuaays, 1 S3, s 23 n. m.
Leave New York via Phlladelnhla. vMb
aays, iz IB, 130,780,1180 a. at., and 180,4
9 00 P.m.
Leave New fork via Mauch Chunk, week
days, i 80. 9 10 a. m.. 1 80, 10 p. m.
Leave Phlladelohta. Readin? Terminal-
days, 4 80. 1 88, 10 21 a. m. and 1 88, 4 06. S IS,
. uv 1 ' .u.
leave iteaamg, week days, 187, 7 00, 10 OS
III., 14 it, DW, o jo p. m.
Leave Pollsville. week davs. 717. 7 4(1 a m
9 80, 12 80, 1 20. 4 80, 6 10 and 6 80 P. in.
ieave lamaqua, wees aays, ill, a so, n 2j
a. m., 1 49, S 5. 7 ? . 9 44 p. nt
Leave Mahanoy City, week days, 8 45, 9 04,
ta vi . m. u mo, o at, i it, lu ua p. m
Leave MaUsnuv Plane, week davs. 2 40. 4 no
680. 9 22.10 23.12 00, a. m.. 2 89. 688. 8 42.7 58
10 21pm
Leave WHtU -sport, week days, 7 42, 1000 a
at,, ot auu uu. it ou p. m.
Leave PI Uadelphla Chestnut street wharf and
eoutn street -roar lor Atlanllo City.
Weekdays Kipress. 900, 2 00, 4 00. 5 00,7151
pm. A commentation, BOO a m, 5 ,0p m. Sun
days Kxureaa, 9 00, 10 CO a m, 7 15 p m. Accont-
muuuuuti, BLvam,lupm,
Leave Atlantle City Depot t Weekdays Ex-
crrss. 7 S3. 9 00 10 SO a m. 8 80. 5 SO n in. Anmm.
modation, 813au,,4 03pm. Sundays Kipress,
4 SO, 7 80 p m. Accommodation, 7 13 a m,4 05 p ru,
For (.! May, Ocean City and Sea Isle City
Weel-dy 9 00 am, 418, 5 00pm. Sundays
-vuB'iim,,t, w ouuiu rh,ii 111 .
Athiltleii4l (ot Cape May Weekdays 6!
V-- or Oars on all express trains.
K i (urtber Information, apply lo nearest
Philaael.hls and Beading Railway ticket agent
I A RvrKiflmn. Viun. T uw .
tlen'l Bunt,, Oen'l Pasa'r Art
nrniini iRminai. r aiiaoeipnia
819 N. Centre Bt, PottivUIs.Pa.
Fine old Whiskeys, Qlns and Wines, at the ba
a cuiwce un oi uigara ana Temper
ance Drinks.
accommodations lor travel tra. .
Meali al all bout I
We Will Tall You if You Will
Udlieve it.
The Experience of Well Known Persons
Ought Surely to be ConTlncIdr.
We ask yea to raid the following stattraent
from a well-known cftiren because the suffer
ed from one of he worse kind of cues ofback-
cbe and ktdney disorders, and wis cured by
Morrow's If you are in the lfast
wiy troubled with a weak back or disordered
kidneys, K Morrow's KW-rit Ms; they cure
Mrs. Albert WakV, 1 10 South Laurel sireet.
Hatlcton, lt., says : "My kidneys have
been out ot older for some time I took
different kinds of ktdney remedies that were
recommended to care kidney tremble but it
I teemed tht nothing would do mr any good.
1 . v .... . .
I suffered greatly whh tetere selling aud at
timet sharp palm screw the small par of my
back just over the kidneys and pun in my
side. I wm nervous am! restleu and could
not sleep. When I saw Morrow' Kid-ne-oids
adrertiied I decided to try them. The first I
took gave me relief, aad I continued to take
them until I was relieved entirely of all my
IrosbUs. I have not had a sign of kidney
trouble since and it give me pleasure to re
commend iCM.oe-oida to others who are
troubled as I was,"
Morrow's Kid-ne-oids are not pills, but
Yellow TWU and teit at fifty cents a box
at all drug stores and at S. P. Kirliu's drug
Mailed on receipt of price. Manufactured
y John Morrow Co., Chemists, Spring.
tiew umo-
Agent for the Famous
Phila. Stock Ale, Sparkling Still
Amber Ale, Bottled Pale Ale,
B:own Stout, Half and Half, Beer
and Porter.
Mt. Carbon Beer
At all its customers to-day.
Solomon Haak's,
116 South Main Street,
Will receive prompt attention.
Ofllce Kffan bulldlnr. corner nf Main
Centre streots, 8henandoah.
Ofncei Cor. Centre and White street, nez
o Justice Toomey'a office.
No. 80 East Lloyd Street.
Office hours: ft to 0 a. m . 1 tAftntM
7 lo 9 p. m.
Lock Box S, Mahasoy City, Pa.
Having studied tinder Ama nf 4h h..l
masters In London and Parli. will rt
on the violin, mandolin, goliar and vocal culture.
Terms reasonable. Addrew In care ot Blrouie.
ine leweler Shenandoah.
Beer and Porter
Brewers of the finest aud
purest ....
These products are seldom equalled
and never surpassed. Also
bottlers of all
Carbonated Beverages.
Private families desiring orders
filled can have them promptly
by calling on
Christ. Schmidt,
Agent and Bottler,
203 W. Coal Street
Livery and
No. 13 North Jardln St.