The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, November 14, 1899, Image 2

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iwr.vm.HiiKi) mo.
"All the News That's Fit to Print."
ulillslif! every evening, except Sunday, at
South Jardlii strett, Shenandoah, Fa.
The Itrrnld Is delivered In Shenandoah mid the
surrounding towns for "I x cents a wi ek, pay
Mile to the onrrfera. lly mall 3.00 a year, or
23 cents a month payable In advance Ad
vertisements charged according to space nnd
position. Tbe publishers reserve the. right
to change the position of advertlements
whenevtr the pullltlon of news demand
It The right Is rewved to reject nny
advertlwnent. whether Ild for or not, thnt
the publishers may deem Improper. Adver
tising rates made known upon application,
ntcred at tho pot ouleo at Shenandoah, Fa., as
' second class mall mat'er.
OUR COUNTRY : First, Last and Forever.
TltUIlK Is tnlk of mnkhig a Penn
sylvaninn the ohuiriunu of tlie Un
ttonul Republican Ooiumittee nest
year. Spnutor Han tin wants to re
tire, as there is too much work in the
place for a man who is on the other
side of sixty. The chairmanship, it
is Said, may be forced on Senator
Penrose, who has developed wonder
ful capacity for political organization.
His selection would rally the old Key
stone state to the support of the Re
publican nominee. Penrose is the
man for the place.
William Jennings Bryan is a
hopeful soul. A combination of
Democrats, Populists and Silver Re
publicans has won in Nebraska, a
gold Democrat has been elected Gov
ernor of Maryland, and Colonel
Goebel is ready to fight for the Gov
ernorship of Kentucky after the polls
have been closed. With one eye wide
open to these triumphs and the other
shut tight as to Ohio, Iowa, Kansas
and New York, Mr. Bryan can see
only victory in the present and the
White House as good as won in 1000.
Next to an opium pipe the sanguine
temperament is the most potent pro
ducer of agreeable dreams.
In a more or less mysterious way it
was hinted by prominent Republicans
in Nebraska, several weeks before the
election, that it was the purpose of the
national leaders of the Republican
party to permit Mr. Bryan's fusion
ticket to win in his own state. This
seemed so illogical on the surface
that it attracted ver little attention,
nevertheless It is now alleged that
months ago the long-headed Mark
Hanna, chairman of the Republican
national committee, conceived the
idea that it would be good, as well as
Ingenious, politics to "feed" William
J. Bryan's presidential ambition at
this time to keep him in the field.
Disfranchising Voters,
The Muryland Democrnts are re
ported as contemplating a change in
the organic law of the state by which
all votors will be required to have an
educational or property qualification
before being permitted to exercise the
right of suffrage. Thu ' object of this
proposed law is not bo uiuoti to en
courage education among the iliterate
and the acquiring of property by the
improvident and thriftless, but has
forits main purpose the disfranohis
Ing of the negro vote.
While there is a certain percentage
of .iliteracy among the whites, the
proportion of those among the colored
people who can neither read nor
write is very much greater, aud the
result of the law will be to practically
deprive the colored voter of the right
of suffrage. Some such laws are in
.force in some of the states of the
South, and while the general principle
of granting the right of citizenship
only to those who can read and write
' Is a good one, it should be made to
" apply to new voters only.
Any man who has once been a eitl-
sen of the United States and who has
been allowed to participate in all the
rights and privileges of such a citi
zen, should not have those rights
abrogated or taken away from him
Onee a eititen (always a eitiien, as
long as he lives in the country and is
a law-abiding member of the com
munity, should be the law of the
It is to be hoped that the people of
Maryland will not lend themselves to
this polltleal scheme of the Demoera
tie party, whtoh eauie Into powe
again in that state as the result of
tbe elections of Tuesday.
Dizziness, Malaria
-ffiLlA Grippe
One Gives, Sick Peocte WtU.
No purging, pain or lne-juve dcn.e, clear the
complexion, increase the aiitite,t- uetheentlra
system. Aure cure f.,riprr.i.n of Spirits.
Nervousness aod ..H btoc, 'i i,. era id bowel
Troubles. I. urc B. - 1 0 CENTS, ('5 'iablctt).
trongr Assertlums mm ( Jast TVh M
til UradUa Will Do.
Maorom entrant
(bit bit luieumatlatn
Ours will eurs nearly
II aaaes of thamua
Utm In faw hotiraj
tbat hit Dyaptpala, Curs
will sure ladlgaatlon and
II atemach troublaai
that bis Kldnay Curt
wlU turs 00 par cent,
f all cssaa of kldnay
tronblai that hit C
ttrth Onrs will curt
eatarrb no matttr bow
lonf itiDdlDi; tbst bit
Htadacbt Cure will eurt
any kind of headache la
ftw minutes; that
bit Cold Oura will
milcklr brasL un anr
ttm ef eold tnd se m tbroujtb the tatlre Hat of
tcmcdlaa. At all dnitiliti, 28 casta rial.
II tou netd medical aotm writs l'ror. Hunjoa.
1808 Arcb it., rblla. II U abaomtaly trt.
Terrinonml I'ntiil Kxplnslnii of Nltro-
(Jl.vcerlliu 111 Ohio.
Tiffin, O., Nov. 14. A mngaztne
used by the Dradforil nltro-glyceriiia
factory to store the explosive, located
two and a half miles enst of Gibson
burg, exploded yesterday afternoon.
The shock was heard at towns within
radius of 40 miles and tho effects
of the explosion In the Immediate
neighborhood was terrific. The maga
tlne Is located In the woods, a quar
ter of a mile from any dwelllnc. and
this alone prevented terrible loss of
life. Benjamin Card, driver or a stocK
wagon, had brought a load of 720
nuarts of nltro-elycerlne from tho
factory at Dradford, and was unload
ing it when the explosion tooK place.
Just how It happenod will never bo
learned. Cnrd and tho two horses
riven by him received the full effect
of th explosion. He was blown al
most to atoms, only a few shreds of his
body being found, and pieces of horse
flesh were hurled several miles, it is
supposed that Card had a companion,
but this Is not positively known.
The exmos on made a nolo seven
feet deep in tho solid rock, and treos
In the vie nity wore torn to splinters.
People within a mile of tho place were
knocked flat, pictures were torn from
the walls, dishes thrown out ot cup
boards, windows shattered and houses
moved from their foundations. All
the windows In Glbsonburg wore
broken. There were about 1,500 quarts
of glycerine on the wagon and In the
What Is Shlloh 7
A grand old remedy for Cough, Colds and
Consumption ; used through tho world for
half a century, has cured innumerable cases
of incipient consumption and relieved mauy
in advanced stages. If you are not satisfied
with tho results wo will refund your mouey
Price 25 cts., 50 eta. and f 1.00. Sold by P. D
Kirlin on a guarantee.
National Kxport Imposition.
The Pennsylvania Railroad Company has
arranged for special low-rate excursions to
Philadelphia, account National Export Ex
position, ou November 10 aud 24. Round
trip tickets, good going only on. trains In
dicated, and good to return within three
days, including day of issue, will be sold on
above dates as follows :
A. SI.
t3 23
3 06
Shenandoah 8.05
Frackvllle 8.19
St Clair .... 837
New Boston 8.28
Morea 8.29
2 90
.1 10
3 OS
Tho above rates include admission to tho
a nuii ut. i Vrdro'y rrmri-ronnlilo.
New York. Nov. 14. The case of
Professor Arthur C. McGIffert, of
Union Theological seminary, who is
charged with holding views that aro at
variance with the doctrines or tne
Presbyterian church, came before the
Presbytery yesterday, and action was
taken which will probably result In a
reference to the general assembly. A
committee was appointed last June to
confer with Professor McGIffert and
rrevall upon him to withdraw from the
church or at least modify his views,
but he has steadfastly refused to secede
from the stand he had taken on certain
cuurch matters, saying that he had
been misunderstood.
Iloptnir For MoWihmix's Acqnlttnl.
New York. Nov. 14. The trial of
Roland B. Molineaux for tho murder
of Mrs. Katherlne J. Adams was be
gun today In the court of general ses
sions. "This case must be tried a3
soon as possible," said District At
torney Gardiner before court opened.
If Mollneax is guilty he win ue con
victed, and if he is innocent he will
be acquitted as soon as all legal forms
can be complied with. If he should
be ncqultted there will be no one more
pleased than 1, because ot my long
friendship with his father, General
Torrllilo Mtirilor nnd Itobliory.
Columbus, Ga., Nov. 14. Birtlett
Horn, a well known and highly re
spected white man In Harris county,
25 miles from Columbia, waa brained
with an ax In his home by a negro who
was In his employ. He was struck
three terrible blows, His 8-year-old
son saw the deed committed and gave
the alarm to his mother. Her screams
attracted the attention of neighbors.
and the negro, after robbing Mr. Horn's
body of Sua, ran away. Mrs. Horn
was unprotected, but the timely alarm
saved her. Parties are out after the
Conatnble Shot by a Nroro.
Red Bank. N. J., Nov. 14. James
Walsh, formerly chief of police here.
but retired and now acting as a con
stable, was shot and almost Instantly
killed by William Bullock, a colored
man whom he tried to serve with a
summons for debt. There was no eye
witness of the affair. Walsh was shot
three times, two bullets entering his
legs and the third entering his fore
head and causing death. Bullock was
captured at South Amboy.
Antc-r.leotlon Traducorn Kentenoed
Wllkeebarre, Pa., Nov. 14. Judge
Halvey yesterday dented the motion
for a new trial In the case ot Bovd
Owens and H. K. Cooke, convicted of
printing and circulating an ante-election
circular reflecting on the political
course of M. E. Moore, a candidate
for elty assessor of Wlllcosbarre. The
defendants will be sentenced on Sat
urday. This is the first conviction In
the state under a recent law passed
by the legislature.
Trosinsm- Shot Danrt.
Kokomo, Ind., Nov. 14. In a fight
yesterday between Orln Spangler and
Fred Smith and William nusby
Springer was Instantly killed and
Busby was wounded in the shoulder
Springer and Smith were hunting and
had been ordeied off Busby's farm
There is much Indignation, and the
bleriff Is apprehensive of trouble.
pHUiitor Thornton's lirldo.
Omaha, Nov. 14. Confirmation was
made at the Thurston residence. In thl:
clty, yesterday ot the report that Sen
ator John M. Thurston Is to wed Miss
Lola Poarman of Washington. The
evening will oicur In Washington this
A PiMiny h Mlle I'or Trnvnlerta to l'lill
iiilnlttliln'fl Kxpnrt Kxpimltlon.
Philadelphia, Nov. 11.- Governor
Stone having deslguatod Thursday.
Nov. 10, as Pennsylvania day nt the
National Mxport oxposltlnn. tho rail
road companies whose lines enter tho
city have united In an effort to mako
tho occasion mcmm-nhle from tho
standpoint of attendance, fixing the
lowest rate of faro that has eve- been
offered for nny event In Philadelphia.
Excursion tlcketB, good on Thursday
and Friday, will be sold nt a ruto of
one cont a mile, plus the price of ad
mission to the exposition. Tho exor
cises in connection with Pennsylvania
day will Include nddrcssos by Gover
nor Stone, Mayor Ashbrldge and ex
rosltlon officials, Interspersed with
music by Innes' band.
Yesterday was Now York day at tho
exposition, and several hundred of tho
most prominent business men of tho
metropolis came over In a body, whllo
the attendance of merchants, banker;,
nnd manufacturers from other parts of
tho stato was very largo. Although
neither Governor Roosevelt nor Mnyor
Van Wyrk were able to bo present,
each sent a representative to tnke part
In the auditorium exercises, Randolph
GuggenheliDcr, president of New
York's city councils, speaking for tha
city and Colonol Archie Baxter for the
The exposition will close at mid
night Dec. 2, notwithstanding the ap
peals of exhibitors that it be contin
ued until tho end of the month. None
ot the features on llio esplanade or In
any of tho building will be discontin
ued until the doors aro permanently
closed. Some of the buildings will re
main as the home ot enterprises con
nected with or growing out of the
Volcanic Eruptions
Arcgrand, but Skin Eruptions rob lile of
ioy. Bucklen's Arnica Salve cures them ;
also Old, Running and Fever Sores, Ulcers,
Boils, Felons, Corns, Warts, Cuts, Bruises,
Burns, Scalds, Chapped Hands, Chilblains,
Best Pile cure on earth Drives out Pains
and Aches. Only 25cts. a box, Cure
guaranteed. Sold by A. Wasley druggist.
A Now fntbollp l)loooo.
Pittsburg, Nov. 14. Five counties In
the Pittsburg dioceso are affected by
the recent reapportionment of the
state by the council of bishops of tho
Roman Catholic church at a meeting
held recently in Philadelphia. Thirty
parishes will be taken frorn. Bishop
Richard Phelan's care and added to
the new dioceso, tho headquarters of
which will probably be at. Altoona.
The countiPs transferred are Bedford,
Huntingdon, Blair, Cambria and Som
erset. Several counties from tho dio
cese of Brie will be contributed, as well
as thos of Schuylkill and Carbon, ot
the Philadelphia dioceso, and soveral
of the Harrlsburg diocese.
Ail Iuillnnn SulcIdH Club.
Frankfort, Ind., Nov. .14. Andrew.
Thompson last night committed sui
cide by taking morphine. Tho death
has developed beyond doubt that there
Is a suicide club in this city, and that
two of the members have already car
ried out their obligations. Fred
Grelner, who took his life several
days ago by the same agency, was the
first to carry out the compact Thomp
son was GO at tbe time Grelner died,
and he romarked that ho would soon
follow him,
Tho little folks lovo Dr. Wood's Norway
Pine Syrup, Pleasant to take ; perfectly
harmless. Positive cure for coughs, colds,
bronchitis, asthma.
SlowlycuMcd to Dmltli.
rVirnlnir N Y Nnv 14. There was
a head end collision on the Pennsyl
vania division of the Erie railroad le
tween trains ten miles south of Corn
ing yesterday that resulted In tho
death of Peter Wlnenskl, a fireman.
Brakcraan William Koyes sustained In
juries that may prove fatal. His left
leg had to be amputated and the right
one Is so horribly crushed that the
physicians give slight hopes of saving
it. Wlnenski was crushed under his
engine as It toppled over, and for 30
minutes his groans could be heard ells
tlnctly as he was slowly scalded to
death by tho escaping steam.
Ilow'g TliU
We offer One Hundred Dollars ltcward for
any cane ol Catarrh that can not bo cured hy
Hall's Catarrh Cure,
F. J.CHENEY & CO., Props., Toledo, O.
Wo tho undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney
for tho last 15 yean), nnd believe him perfectly
honorable In all business transactions and fin
anctaily able to carry out any obligations made
by their firm.
West & Tbaux, Wholesalo Druggists, Toledo, O.
Walihsu, Kinkas & Mahvix, Wholesale Drug
gists, Toledo, Ohio.
Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally, acting
directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of
the system. Price 75c per bottle. Sold by all
Druggists. Testimonials free.
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
(.'orimulH I'tinlHli CiuinllmtH.
Liverpool, Nov. 14. The British
steamer Volta, from the- Gorman
Cameroons, West Africa, Just arrived,
reports that a Gorman punitive ex
pedltion In the Cameroons recently
chastised a tnue ot reuoiuous canni
bals who had besieged several trading
stations at and near Kribi. The Ger
mans chased the natives into tho bush
lulling 200. It was reported that num
bers of the slain wore decapitated
their head being stuck on poles In the
Interior towns to strike terror to the
Admiral Downy Allowed to Wnlk.
Now York, Nov. 14. Admiral Pwe
and his wlfo breakfasted yesterday at
8 30 o'clock In their apartments al tie
Waldorf, and two hours later left tht
hotel for a walk. In compliance with
the request made by the admiral on
Saturday he wan not molested In any
way, and the enthusiastic porsons who
recognized him on Fifth avenue con
tented themselves with saluting and
passing on. Tho admiral returned all
saluten by raising his bat, and Mrs.
Dewey bowed.
A Valuable Little Book of Interest
to All Women Sent Tree.
Every woman looks forward with feel
Inns of joy indescribable to the
one great event in her life, com
nnred with which all others Dale into in
significance. How proud she will feel
when her babe nestles on her breast-
how sweet the name of "Mother I" And
yet, her anticipation of this event is
ciouaea witn areaa oi tne pain anu (inn
per of tho ordeal, so that it la impossi
ble to avoid tho feeling of foreboding
which creeps over her. Tho danger
and suffering attendant upon being a
mother can be entirely prevented, bo
that the coming of the Iittlo stranger
new notue loouca lorwara towuniear.
Every woman who reads this, can obtain
ireea vuiuaijiu little dook emitieu "lie-
fore Baby is Born," by sending her ad
dress to tho Bradikld Regulator Co.
Atlanta. Ga. This book contains price
less information for all women, and no
one should iuu to senu lor it.
Do it YoimsrxF.
It belay to tell whether yoar.KttV
ers are discasod. Take a bottl w
flans tumblor and fill It with urine. M
there Is ascdimcnt a uvdor-llktmi
rtmnrtt nflfir Rtnnilliura (lav and nlffht.
Ihero Is something wrong with the
Kidneys. Other sure signs of disease
au- a rlpalro lo urinntu often. Daln la
the back, or if yoururino stains linen.
Thero is nu question Mini nr. uaria
Kennedy's Favorite Rouicdy Is the
tutctanrf unrest mcdicino in tho WOtW
for diseases of tho Kldnoys, Iivtjs,
Bladder and Blood, Kiicuinnuem, J7y
pensla and Chronic Constipation. It
gnlckly rollovcs and cures inability to
old nilno and tho necessity of cottlnf
up a number of times during the night.
It puts an end to Hint seaming pam
whnn nnsqinD- urine aud corrects the
bad effects of whiskey nnd beor. It la
cold for one dollar a bottlo at all drug
Bond your full post oiuco address to me
HON, Rondout, N. Y., and montlOB
this paper. They will then mail you
trial hottlo of Fnvorito Remedy and
Tuluable medical pamphlet froo, giving
fhll directions for ItHiiso. Every reader
of this paper can depend tipon the
genuineness of this liberal offer, and
11 sufferers from tl.c .liscases mention
ed above should take udvantago of it
mt onco.
rhllndplphln. Nov. 13. Flour weak:
winter superfine, 2.2Stfi2.40, Pennsylvania
roller, clear. t3.lCKfT3.20; city mills, extrn,
tt.S0S2.70. Ilyo Hour slow at $3.3,70 3. M
per barrel for choice Pennsylvania.
Whont dull; Nu. 2 red, spot, Jn elevator,
G84SSc. Corn quiet nnd stead) ; No. 2
mixed, spot. In elevator, 3SiiT33c.; No. 2
yellow, old, for local trade, 41-c. Oats
quiet and steudy; No. 2 white, clipped,
3imtaH4c.; lower grades, 28J?30e. Hay
In fulr demand; choice timothy, 116316.50
for largo bales. Ueef quiet; mess, J10.50.
Pork quiet; family, 13.G0RU. Lard
weak- western steamed, 15.40. Butter
strong; western creamery, J625e. ; fac
tory, IMMTe ; June creamery. 1821c.;
mltaUon creamery, 1 6fT21 c. : New York
dairy. 172lc. ; do. creamery, 1825u.
Cheme quiet; small, September, colored,
12HW4c; llneat, October. 12ffl2yac.5
large, coloied. fancy, September, 12U
1214c.; lafce. October, nnoat, Wfcc. Eggs
firm; New York and Pennsylvania, 23i?
21o. ; western, ungraded, at mark, HQ20c.
Potatoes steady; Jersey, Jlffl.37A; New
York, llfil.SO; Long Island, (1.12V401.62V4;
Jersey, sweets, J1.C01T2.25; southern do.
1.23Cn.50. Cabbage dull; Lone Island, J2
&i per 100. Itosln quiet r strained, com
mon to uood, ?1.2ojjl.30.
Baltimore, Nov. 13. Flour quiet and
steady. Wheat dull and easy; spot and
month, 679iti67T4c; December, GSViMGSftc;
steamer No. 2 red, 63&t864c. ; southern, by
sample, GOtiOSc.: do. on grade, 64V4if?68c.
Corn firm; mixed, spot and tho month,
279Si3T5c ; November or December, new
or old. 3644f367ic. ; January and Febru
ary, 30Mif'36-c ; steamer mixed, 36Vi
:694c.; southern, white, 3303Sc; do. yel-
ow. "5i(3M Oats linn; No. 2 white, 30H
031e.; No. 2 mixed, 28I828V4C Itye dull;
Ko. 2 nearby, 5057c.; No. 2 western, 600
61c. Hay firm; No. 1 timothy, $14.6015.
Grain freights dull; rates easier; small
demand; steam to Liverpool, per bushel,
SVid. November; Cork, for orders, per
quurter, Ss. l!4d.&33. 3d. November.
Sugnr strong-; line and coarse granulated,
5.39. Butter firm; fancy creamery, 25&
26c; fancy Imitation, 1020c. : fancy ladle.
17fl8c. ; good lndle. 16c; store packed,
148-160. ; rolls. 154il8c. Cheese steady;
large, 131il3Hc; medium, 13USiilj!i4ci
tmall, 13UiU134c Eggs firm; fresh, 220
J.lvn Stoolc MnrkctH.
New York, Nov. 13. Steers steady to a
phude lower; bulls nnd coWs Bteady;
steers, 51.00iiC.25; oxen and etaprs, US 5.25;
bulls, $2.cri84; cows, Sl.C3g4, Choice veals
steady; others weak; grnpsers dull; 100
calves unsold; venls, I4S8.50; tops, $8.7G;
erassers, $2 SWJ; southern and westt
calves. fS.BOfaS.M. Prime sheep steat
others weak; lambs active and bar
stondy; about nil sold; sheep, 12.5004.
extra, $1.50, culls. $2; lambs,
mainly, 4.62isS'5.2u; Canada lambs, $5.Lo
5.45. llos lower nt JI.2uBi4.35.
East Liberty, Pa., Nov. 13. Cattle
steady, extra, 15,S0U; prime, Jo.70Ua.lK),
common, SffS.CO. llogs dull and lower;
extra hsavy, J4.10; mediums, J4.05i84.10,
Sheep steady; cholco wethers, M.25&4.20;
common, Jl.505j2.D0: choice lambs, J4.90M
common to good, JS4.S5; veal calves,
Many a Lover
nas turned with disgust from an otherwise
lovahlo girl with an ofl'onMve breath Karl's
Clover Root Tea purifies the breath by its
action on the bowels, etc , as nothing else
will. Sold for years on absolute guarantee.
I'rico 25 cts. and 50 cts. Sold by P. D. Klrlln
on a guarantee.
Winter Kxcuritlon Tickets on the l'cnu-
syvlnnla ltallrond.
On November 1 the Pennsylvania Railroad
ompany placed on sale at its principal ticket
otllcou excursion tickets to all prominent
Winter rosorts in NewJersoy, Virginia, North
and South Carolina, Georgia, Florida and
Cuba, The tickets aro sold at tho usual low
rates, with the usual liberal return limits.
The magninceut facilities ot the Pennsyl
vania Railroad, with its many connections
and through tralu suVvico, mako this the fav
orite lino for winter travel.
An illustrated book, Oescriptlve of Winter
resorts, and giving routes of travel and rates
for tickets, will bo furnished free after Nov
ember 1 on application to ticket agents.
Death ntn ltallrond CroBlnir.
Reading, Pa., Nov. 13. One man was
Instnntly killed and three other per
sons were Injured in a crossing; acci
dent on tho Pennsylvania railroad at
High s road crossing, two miles south
of this city, last night. The dead man
Is William Bowers, of this city, and
the Injured aro Edwin' Marquette, of
Blnndon, Mrs. J. II. Wllk and Mrs.
Minnie R. Neidley, both of this city
They wore out driving in a double
team, and did not notice the approach
ing train as they started across the
railroad track until too late.
Young Mothers.
Croup Is tho terror of thousands of young
mothers bocsuse Its outbreak Is so agonizing
and frequently fatal. Hhiloh's Cough and
Consumption Cure acts like nmiilo iu cases of
croup. It has never been known to fail. The
worst cases relieved immediately. Price &fi
eta., 60 cts. and $1.00. Sold by P. D. Klrllu
on a guarantee.
Cheap lSxcuraloua to Kxport ICxpoaltlon,
The National Export Exposition Is un
doubtedly one of the finest opportunities ever
presented to the people or tho United States,
To accommodate residents of this vicinity.
arrangements have been made hy tho Phila
delphia & Heading Hallway to sell special
excursion tickets from this vicinity to Phila
delphia, on November 3rd and 17th at tbe
low rate of single faro for the round trip (but
no adult ticket sold ut less rate than 75 cents)
ttit-luaing admthston coupon to the Exposi
tion. Those tickets to be good going only on
specified train morning of sale, and good re
turning on any regular train within three
days including day of sale. In addition to
aliove, tun-day excursions to Philadelphia
will be ruu November 1st, lSTh and 22d. For
full Information as to rates, time of trains,
etc., consult ticket ngeuts or address Edson
J. Week), Geu'l Passenger Agt., Philadelphia
Sick Headaches,
The curse of overworked womankind, are
quickly and gursly cured by Karl's Clover
Root Tea, the great blood purifier and tissue
builder. Money refunded If not sati-tfactory.
1'rJi e 89 cU. aad 50 cts. Bold by P. D. Klrlln
ona guarantee.
Ajinthrr I in ir- ri 1 1 ti tr C'mttnnt I'or tbo
Motttmift MUIIonnlro'H Minify.
Omaha, Nov. 13. A long lost will
fins romo to ll ;ht nnd with It the pros
pect that Hk. Immense estate of the
late Andii'd .1. Davis, tho Montn.ia
mllllnnnlro, will again burden the
Montana supreme court.
Andrew J. Davis was one of tha
muRt conspicuous of tho wealthy men
of Montana, and whon ho died, on
Match 11, 1800, ho left an estate vnl
tc ot trnin JB,000,&uO to $7,000,000
T-'o will v:n tn be found othor thtt,i fl
rtocuimmt executed In 1804, nnd aspir
ing heirs Immediately plunged lute
litigation that was drawn out into t
half dozen yonrs.
During the trial of various caflcl
that fj'-ew it of the contest affidavits
were filed to show that other and Intel
wills than the one of 18G1 had been
made, but none of them tippear(i. The
document that has now turned up pur
ports to have been executed some five
months prior to Davis' death. It first
bequest io $100,000 to the city of Rutto
for a public library, and the second Is
a similar amount to "my beloved
friend, Mary C. Wilson, of Chicago."
Other bequests are to relatives.
Tho story of the will has to do with
tho alleged relations of a 70-year-old
man and an exceptionally prepossess
ing young woman, not yet 30 years of
ago, placed In custody of tho million
aire's last will and testament. Miss
Wilson, It Is stated, did not know of
Davis' death until some time after
wards, but no roason Is assigned why
her claim was not pressed bofore.
Urnlnur a Nntlonnl Nnvnl HeMorv,
Washington, Nov. 13. Tho leading
feature of the annual report of Assist
ant Secretary Allen to Secretary Long
relative to tho nnval m.llitia Is his
strong endorsement of the plan for the
organization of a national naval re
serve. He points out thnt tho experi
ence of the past year has suggested
certain changes in the original plan
for this organization as contained in
the bill submitted to the last session
of congress, and he therefore urges
that It be again pushed with the
amendments prepared by Lloutennnt
Commander W. H. H. Southorland.
ItiiNoln C'niinot Borrow In fJci-mniiy.
Berlin, Nov. 13. It Is stated on tho
highest authority that Dr. Von Miquel,
Prussian minister of finance, had a
long conference yesterday with Em
peror William. It appears that one
of the chief subjects discussed during
tho visit of Emperor Nicholas last
week was the raising of another Rus
sian loan In Germany, Russia having
failed to effect one anywhere else In
Europe. Dr. Yon Miquel reported ad
versely, and It may be considered cer
tain that the proposed loan here has
l'ollco Operntor Klllnd a Duraliir.
Chicago, Nov. 13. Frank Giles, a
police telegraph operator, was attack
ed by two footpads Saturday night.
Ho killed one, wounded tho second,
and a third bullet from his rovolvor
struck a pedestrian in the calf of tho
leg, inflicting a slight wound. The
dead robber has been Identified as
Frank Doyle, a wealthy contractor.
Tho dead man's mother Is also well-to-do,
and the holdup theory Is scouted
by Doyle's friends. Giles is practi
cally under arrest.
Mni-yliuul Postolllco Koliliod.
Baltimore, Nov. 13.For the third
time Within tho past five years the safe
in the postofflco at Cockeysville, on tho
Northern Central railroad, was blown
open and robbed Saturday night. The
robbers secured $30 in money and $260
worth of. stamps. An upper apartment
of the safe, containing a large sum of
money, remained Intact. Tracks of
wheels showed that the burglars had
come and left in a vehicle.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears tho
Vloo PrpHldoiit'n Improved Condition.
Patterson, N. J., Nov. 13. Vice
President Hobart passed a favorable
night and tho Improvement that has
been observed for Beveral days con
Unties. Ho ate solid food with relish
yesterday, and it promptly asslmllat
ed. With his meals he took milk, and
cetween meals was given milk punch
es. This Is a marked change from his
condition ten days ago. At that time
he was rapidly sinking and his stom
ach had refused food of all kinds. Mr.
Hobart sleeps without tho aid of opl
Tho Slilpbulldlnir Consolidation.
San Francisco. Nov. 13. Cnnenrnlnir
tne reported absorption of the Union
Iron works, of this city, by a clcantic
shipbuilding syndicate; organized by
tne sengmamv The Call says: "Pre
liminary steps to .consolidate undor one
general management tho leading ship
yards of the Atlantic coast and the
Union iron works of the Pacific wero
taken last summer. The transaction
is now closed. The number of shares
of stock In the new concern is 20,000,
at $250, an aggregate of $5,000,000.'
You Try It.
If Shllob's Cough and Consumption Cure,
which is solil for the small price of 25 cts., 50
cts, and $1 00, does not cure take, the bottle
back aud we will refund your money. Sold
for over fifty years on this guarantee. Price
25 cts. and 50 cts. Sold by P. D. Kirlin on
a guarantee.
IiiinrNnniMi vnrh. n Mudinnn.
St. Louis Npv. 13. In the grasp of
her Insane husband, Mrs. Kalpti ueif
of No. 2830 California r venue, bat
tled for her life from 7 p. m. last Sat
urday jilght till 2 a. m. Sunday
morning. When help finally came Mrs
Heir was so weak that she could scarce
ly speak. Sho had been kept a prls
oner by her husband In their third story
flat for three days. For two days of
this time she was without food. When
she attempted to leave her room her
husband would solzo her and bring her
back. A tenant on the floor below.
hearing tho disturbance, Anally sum
moned a policeman, who Summoned
holp. When the door was forced open
Mrs. Relf waa found lying on the bed
with her husband's hands clutching
her throat. He retained his hold until
he was pulled away.
To mako it apparcut to thousands, who
mime inemscives in, that they are not ar
fllcted with any disease, but that tho system
simply need i cleansing, Is to bring comfort
home to their hearts, as a costive condition
is easily cured by uabig Syrup of Figs.
Manufactured, hy tbe California Fig Byrup
Co. only, and sold by all druggists.
Huy Jioyal Patent Flour. It is tbe best la
tbe market.
rdrrldlo Unttlo nt Porto Cnlinllo.
Over H Killed nliil Woimilrrt.
Porto Orr-To, Venezuela, Nov. 13.
General I'm odea, n former commandor
In the army of ex-Prosldont Andrndo.
who had refused tho domands made
upon him l.y Ooncinl Clprlano Castro
and the do fuoto authorities to stir"
rondor the town, evon whon this wua
rolnforced by tho request of tho UrlU
Ish, American, Kronch and Dutch com
manders, (uirrfiiflrt'od yesterday morn
ing nftor a terrible battle.
Tho aspect of the city is one of ruin
and devastation, nnd It Is estimated
thnt upwards of 0C0 porsons woro kill
ed or wounded during tho fighting. Drs
Uralsted, of the United States cruiser
Detroit, and the othor surgeons of tho
various warships In the harbor are
ministering to the wounded.
Ooncrnl Ramon Guerra began n land
attack upon- the town nnd tho po
sition of Geijcral Paredes on Friday
night. Desultory firing had continued
until Saturday morning about 4
o'clock, and then a fierce otruggle en
sued. Ooporal Paredea made a stub
born defense, but General Guerra
forced an entrance Into the town. Sats
urday morning tho fleet nrrlved and
began a bombardment, but tho range
was too great and the firing proved
General Paretics held the fort on tho
hill nnd Fort Llbortndor until yester
day morning.
AHi-cjimI 1'oiniiUi Tlillu-i.
Now York, Nov. 13. Police Captain
Dolaney yesterday arrested three
young women whom he believes to be
western women who have been work
ing this city for some time past. They
were registered at the station house
as Miss Mabel Ray. alias Mrs. James
Bell, nllas Mrs. J. W. Crouch, 22 years
of age, of Chicago; Miss Mary Doris,
24 years of age, Evansville, Ind.; Miss
Nettle Nolson, alias Mrs. Mollle Mc
Clure, 20 years of age, Memphis, Tcnn.
In searching their rooms tho police
found brass knuckles, a revolver and a
large number of pawn tickets ranging
In sums "from $10 to $50. The latter
were for diamonds, rings, watches,
gold and sliver plate. ' A bottle of
'knockout drops was also found. The
women were held as suspicious per
A household necessity. I)r.Thomns' Eeleu-
trioOil. Reals burns, cuts, wounds of any
sort; cures sore throat, croup, catarrh,
asthma; never fails.
Three Cli'ldrpn lllll ncd to Dentil.
Detour, Mich., Nov. 14. On Sunday
tho three sons of Airs, Kate Orr, aged
8, 6 and d yoars, were burned to death
lu a fire which originated In their
home. The mother, a widow, was
away at tho time, tbe boys being In
charge of their grandmother, who es
caped unharmed.
Prince Clarence II, of Jamaica, Is to
wed a Jamaica maiden at Christmas.
Corbett has challenged Jeffries fo
fight as soon as posstlbe. Corbett has
deposited $5,000 as a forfeit.
General William MiB. Dye, ex-chlef
of put Ice of Washington end later min
ister of war to the King of Corea, died
In Muskegon, Mich., last night.
Mis. Ada Ashley Hill is under ar
rest at Aurora, Ills., ehnrged vlth kill
ing her mother-in-law, Mrs. Ellda Hill,
by pouring acid down her back. She
protests innocence.,
lllcyolo TriiHt nnd Orerniil7.pil I.iilior,
Toledo, Nov. 14. President Mulhol
land, of the International Blcyclo
Workers' union, haB returned from
Chi?ago, where ho had a conference
with A. G. Spauldlng, of the Amurlcan
Bicycle company. The two are mak
lng efforts to establish close rolations
between tho labor union and the so
called bicycle trust, and Mr. Mulhol
lsnd said that -the matter promised to
conclude satisfactorily. In such event
the bicycle trust will be the first to
take a step towards silencing public
clamor against combines by enlisting
tbe co-operation of organized labor.
Kiio"ld - In n I'rlzo nelit.
Now Yorlr. Nov. 13. At the Telien.n
Athletic club In Brooklyn Saturday
night Harry Apfol and Jack Fox were
matched at 1R8 pounds for 20 rounds
Apfel was knocked out In the thir
teenth round, .and soveral hours af
terward lapsed Into a stato of coma
from which ho has not yet recovered.
It is said that tho chances of his re
covery are small. Several arrests were
made, but Fox has not yet been lo
OcxoBKB 30, 1899.
Tnlns will leave Shenandoah after trie aooTe
date for Wlcgan, OUberton, Fraokvllle Dm
water. Hi. dalr. I'ottavllle. llamnurE. tteauin
PottstowD. Phoentxvllle. Norrlatown a ! Ph
a4elphla (Broad street station) at 6 19 nod 8 05
a. m., 2 10, a It- p. m. on week days. Hun lay
8 05 a. m., t 30 p. m.
Trains leave Frackvllle for Shenandoah at
7 8S, ila. m. and S86, 7 84 p. ,i. Hunuat
it ui a. m. ana o no p. m.
Leave Pottsvllla for Hhenacdoali (via Frarl
villa) 7 10, 11 20 a. m., 5 10, 1 10 p. m. Suuda)
10 at A. m- A 10 fl. m.
Leave Philadelphia. (Broad street atatlou ), f oi
cnenanaoau aiaoaa, m., iu p. in. neea uayr
Hundnva laava at fl SO and 9 29 a. m.
Leave iMillaaeinnia luroaa tlreel aianoni 101
Pottsvtllc, S 80, 8 S3 parlor carl, 10 19 a. in., 1 80,
4 to parlor car) .71 p. m. weekdays. Sundays.
sou, vsia. in. anr mi p ui.
Leave Broad Street Station. Philadelphia
Express Week-days, 8 30, iO,t 10, IS 00, S IB
8 BO, 7 SS, H 23, 9 ISO, f 10 21, dlnlnu car), 11 00, 11 43
a in, i. iu noon, l. no. l i,iraiieu luuimaipm,
dlulnK cars), 1 43, i3 80, dlnlntr cut), 820, 8GO,
4 02, B 00, 3 66, tdlniug car), 0 00, 702, 810,
(dlnlnir car). 1001) D. m.. 1201. nlelit. Hun.lavo,
8 20. 4 03, 1 40 3 CO. 5 15 8 23, 9 BO, (10 21, dining
carb'O 49, 11 43 a m, 12 03, i dining car), 12 83, 2 8l',
luining cari, tux, (L,imiieu 4 anting enr;,
9 20, 5 66, dining cai, 6 83, 702, 810, Idlulng
carj, iu uu p. in., izuj nigni
For Boston without diango, 11 01 a m wtoi
dava. aud 8 10 u. ni.. dallv.
For Sea Girt, Asbury Park, Ocenn Orova,
Long Branch, and Intermediate stations, 8 23,
11 10 in, V oo, 4 iu p in wcenuu j s.
For Baltimore and Washington. 8 30 T 20, 3V,
10 20. II 23. a. m.. 12 09. 112 88 dinlnn carl 11'..
Limited dining car, 0 81, 8 17. 1853, dining carl,
17111 dining car, p rn , and 12 03 night week
days. Huudaya a 30, 7 20, 9 12, 11 28. a. m., 12 0U.
1 12, dining car), 812. 41. (62C Congrcaalonaf
uimng carl, an, in, ium uiiKFv,iiunai
l.lmlleu uining cur, o ji uinmgcarj, Bl
dlnlnir carl. u. m,.and I2 03nlirbt.
For Baltluiore, accommodation, 9 12 a tu, 1 82
ana ivipnifeei uaya, o w auu ji in p m aauy,
Leava Broad street station via Delawtra rivet
uriuge lixnrcss, vauum, yuo p m weekdays,
Suiida)S,9 20um 703 pm.
Leave Market Street Warl KzDresa. I DO . in
3 00,4 00, BOO p m weekdays. Sundays, 9 00.
10 oo rn (accommodation 4 M and 3 00 p m.
r i , i ii'i I i i
i-ur iniio ,iiikico, uimwuwi aim
Holly lScnch, Sea lale City, Avalon, and Stone
Harbor Kzpress 9 00 a m, 4 00 p in week days
Sundays, 9 00 am.
For Somen Point Express, 9 CO m 1 00
4 00, SCO, p. m. week days Sundays 00 aud
1000 a. m.
For tickets and other tnlormatlon apply to
ticket agent
B. I IlDTcamsos J. R. Wood.
Uon'l Maaauei. Oeo I Paa''- at
S 'i"MIEHU is a ccnu u n ndii cf :
S I lect ah-"t pit nil untl. S'J
s irom lueso iucir m u i-ai :
S terti4 tint ! n t ;i,ijincl I the !
S use of any othi r pattern, ;
- i.l
(tNo-com-Allowance l b rns i :
S TUve not an c ! f . i f , r "il
:s in r isV i , t fc ft . Sf
;ni (uh i i in 1 i i i i 5;
I r 'rytiiiv.i I in. .,.!,, A i 5.
5 1 1 n ft a 1 1 1 -1 . 2
utM'iP, . (Ut . . I ,.. 2
JS f r o t ti v i t bo (riveti 2"
js uvi.) y iuu
S One thnt every ladv nhoutd t ki
5 Uily lteaitiful colored plate f
! i ithloTH ; drrnmnlc ni; e onnmle
v (irk. : Itn Heboid hin , tn - u n c
5 nrriba to-dai , or, "nd jc r tatts
l lady agentl int. J .l i J (. i
: 13U-14B west 14th St., New York. J
These celebrated patterns and pubj
Mentions are for sale, and recoml
mended by L. J. Wilkinson. f
Restores Vitality, Lost Vigor and ManliooB,' V
Cures Impotency, Night Emlsslonsancj
wnatinrf rllKpriRps. nil pffpr-.t nf srlf.
,. . ,
nhtiKP. or excess am lnnT""
cretlon. A ucrvo touio nnti
blood builder. Brings tjj
pink glow to pale cheeks al
rtc-rvrci n -in ft vntitaai
!BV mall 50o Tier box. O ho J
for $12.50; wftli a written gunrn
tec to euro or refund the money,
Send for circular. Address,
Clinton t Jackson Sts., CHICAGO, la
Hold nt Klrlln's drug store, .Slieuandonli, l'j
iGrocera can teljj
lyou why thoil
" i it ecu cumuig ul
ticfrlasain for it. Btxantf
I It. U ta. tnn.,
admixture MffaSI
ordinary cof-
try t new thing:
l delicious di
Pftsaencer trains leave Bbenundoah for Pei ,
Ifnven Junction. Munch Chunk. Lelilfclkl
ai..lnn4nn WI.Ua TI..II rVirnanllniia A 1 taiatt.i.'u fl
ueiiiieiiera, r;aeioti jsew xortc anu rnuaueipu i
ai o sa, 7 c a. m . i ox anu a i p. tu. j
For Wllkesbnrre. White Haven and INUsfcjJ.
1 2ft, 10 12 n. m., 12 52 and S 17 p. m. j
Kor liocevviuc. Towunua, smyre. waveril
Khnlra, Kociicntc; HulTalo, Niagara Fnjl.l
Auburn. Syracuse. Ithaca. Geneva aud iMl
West, 10 12 a. m., 12 62 nnd 5 17 P; m. f
ror iui viuern, uemwure it uter unp v"'
Stroudaburg, 5 28 a, m., S 17 p. ni, f"
lror Lamuertvuie ana Trenton, 7 ou a. tu. 1
Fur .Tcanertville. I-evIskm and Beaver Meadow .
2ft a. m.. 12 52 d. ra. J
For McAdoo, Audenried. Hazleton. Stock to I.
and Lumber Yard, 5 28, 7 60, 10 12 a m., 12 52 an?
H7p . - jilfi
rorJeuuo, .urilion anu rreeiana, o an, lenv
4. in.. 3 17 11. m. m
For Scraiitmi, 5 23. 10 12 n. m., 3 17 p. m.
For Lost Creek Glrnrdvlllo.nnd Ashland.
tnd 7 28 p. in.
For Kovcn unit, i eturaiin, juoimc i-arinei a
Sliamoklii 10 i'J a. n . I 42 6 07. 0 23 n. m.
Fur Muhnttor Clti Park Place and DelaV
3 a, 7 &u, ui iz a, iu.. auu iu o, a it p. m.
For l aieHVlilo. o za. iu m a. in.
Trains will leave Shamokin at 7 00. 9 20 a. n
II 39 and 1 20 n. m.. and nrrive at Shenandoatr
at 7 60, 1012 a. m.. 12 52, 5 17 p.m.
Leave Hhenancloah lor I'ottsvllle, bt. uiair
New Castle, Morea and New Boston, 730 una'
10 12 a. m , 12 32 and 3 17 p. m.
Leave PottsvUle (or Huenandoab, 9 43 a. m.
12 35, 303, ft 15 p. ni. - $
Leave Hazleton tor Shenandoah, 9 38 a. ufc
12 45, 5 09, 6 29, 8 81 p. in.
Trains leave for Raven Run. Centralis. Mil
Curuiel and Shamokin, 9 10 a. m., 7 21 p. lu , . I '
Trains leave Shamokin (or Shenandoah J
8 30. m., and 5 35 p. m. i-'
Leave Shenandoah (or Yatesvllle, Maliaiiij
laiy, .raric l-iace, ueianu, aicrtuiw, Auuennrn
Hazleton, Stockton, Lumber Yard, WeatheYu
and Mauch Chunk, 9 47 a m., and 832 p. m. ff
For Lehlchton, Slatlngton, Catosauqua, WH' 3
Hall, Coplay, Allentown, Easton and Philip
burg, 9 47 a. m., and 8 32 p. m".
aud 8 27
New York.
CIIARLKS 8. LEU, Genl. Pass. Agt... f, i
South Bethlehem. P?.'
M, B. uunml, Bupi. -rransponanon, jji
douiu ueiuieuem, j-a-
A square piano in good
condition. A give- f S
away bargain.
Parlor Grand
A HighGrade
Can be exchanged for any oti,
style of instrument. These i
sacrifice opportunties.
Furniture Dealer and Undertaker
10 South Main St. 1
To PATENT Good Idear
may be secured by , J
our aid. Address, I
BalUmore, M "
Suticrlptlost to Tba Psteat Eoccrd 14Juumuai
3W xorK ra r-flliaueipiua, v ti n. m. N a
HarleU fhenandoah, 8 50, B. rl,.
27 P. m. IK
itOLLIN H. WILBUR, Genl.Supt.,
Vn,V 9