POISON HAS ITS riiAcn In nil nystatin or medicine, ami It la fre quently culled fur In proscriptions. Itlsevl. iletit.tliercfore, that no guesswork must lie per mitted in compounding prescriptions nor ns to quality of the drugs employed. Our Prescription Department Is In competent hands, nnd our long ird of succcAiful experience warrart. us In guaranteeing absolute accuracy And purity Shenandoah Drug Store, 3 South Main St., Shenandoah. Telephone Connection. Some- Tho bent dresers In Shenandoah have learned that the styles Me show arc "som.thing to tie to" in the matter of taste and correctness. Our Display of Fall Neckwear For men and women, is ft subject of rlde on our purt. For economical luyers we have some equally stylish things to show. We are showing a splendid line of fall gutting and trouserings. Also material for over coats. Call and see them. Portz Bros., 24 North Main Street. r (recfT view snovmo nm wteni improve DEnouii We do good honest eye work. We have many testi monials in this valley, because we use the very latest methods in testing your eyes and charge only reasonable prices for eye glasses or spectacles. Thos. Buchanan, Jeweler and Optician, No. 118 South Main Street. Fall and "Winter Footwear. Don't buy elsewhere until you see our stock. It is a winner and so are the prices attached to every pair ot shoes, whether for men, ladies, misses, or children. We sell the "best" qualities of footwear cheaper than any other shoe dealer. Mothers should bear in mind that our children's shoes are the most durable. We are closing out another lot very cheap. BOSTON E, 27 Snth Main Street. Shenandoah, Pa. I. SPONT, PROP. FOUR DOORS ABOVE POST OFFICE. O'NEILL'S For Pianos. Probably you do not know that we are the recognized headquarters for pianos in Shenandoah. If you desire a piano, regardless of who makes it and where it is made, we can secure it. And above all we can save you more in buying from us, even if you bought it direct from the factory. This seems im possible, but it is gospel truth. We itivite inspection of our Popular Pease, Malcolm Love, Behr Bros. Pianos. Our instruments are sold on their merits and on reasonable terms, either for cash or monthly payments. Organs Taken In Exchange, If Pianos Are Purchased. . O'NEILL Furniture Dealer and Undertaker, 10 South Main St. For two Tarda wide oil I f cloth Is not an every day f" V- J V - 1 pportunlty That 1 our selling price. Will buy no extra large keg of the finest white mack erel ever brought to town. We bare a cheaper kind, also very good. Try our Mince Meat, S pounds for 28 cent. 13. A. Friedman, 213 W. Centre St. Two doom below Mull' dairy. thing mTX PITHY POINTS. It Mipenlngg Throughout the Uouiitry Clirnnlcloil for Hasty 1'erusnl. Tho Soliool Hoard meets this evening Ocorgo 11. 1-ewls Imibeen appointed fourth- class potinattr at Leltoy. Supt. It. C. I.utliar lm returned to l'otts v I Ho after a tour In Kugland, Art wall papeisat Qtrdin's forB and 0 cents per roll. Como and see them. tf Fred. Thiol, of Malmnoy City, was ac cepted ns it recruit nt l'nttsvlllo. To-dny being All Saints' Day, nil the collieries In this district were idle. The colliery of the St. Clair Coal Co., after three weeks' Idleness, resumed on Monday. While operating a sAUsage machine, llumco Short, of Oaruendalo, had an arm chopped to hits. Tho Supremo Court yesterday heard argu ment in the llreuimn up peal, and reserved their decision. Tlio Heading School Hoard contemplates an I lie tense of tax, in order that now buildings may be erected. The little town of New Ringgold has taken on a boom slnco tho recent discovery of rich deposits of cement strata there Kirk ltose, of Cnrboudale, has been up p luted superintendent of mines of the Delaware it Hudson Company, Mrs. Mahlon Dutznnd Mrs. Danlol Wlttlg, both of Delano, woro severely Injured In a runaway whllo driving to Quakake. A coroner's jury nt Lebanon decided that tho sudden death of George C. Oliver, of that place, about which theie has neon some mystery, was due to heart failure. Tho twenty-fourth anniversary of Com pany E, Eighth regimont, of Mahanoy City, will bo celebrated in the armory hall Monday, November I3tli, by a bauquet and danco. Joseph " S. Bradahaw, a membr of the Twenty-eighth Volunteer regiment, died whllo enrouto from Camp Meade to Sun Fran cisco. Ills body will be brought to his homo In Stcclton. Tho quarterly payment of pensions falls ou Saturday, November 4th. By a recent order of tho Pension Department all pensioners aro required to bring their certificate along with their vouchor. Tho Falliug Spring Presbyterian congrega tiou, of Cbainbcrsburg, trying to cecura a pastor, voted for Kev. S. I.uther IMvis, of Pnxtang, and Rev. S. J. alas, of Allegheny, without an election. On the strength of the telcgrnm from John J. Hrennan, of Ashland, Daniel Finlan, aged 19 years, was arrested in Rending by P. & R. Olllcer Piper. Finlan is wanted in Ashland for robbing freight oars. William Kline has rcsigued his position as engineer at the Lawrunco colliery, Mahanoy Plane, to accept a more lucrative position as electrical engineer at tho Baldwin Locomo tive Works, Philadelphia. A FrlsStful .Blunder Will often cause a horrible Burn, Scald. Cut or Bruise. Bucklen's Arnica Salve, the best in the world, will kill the pain and promptly heal it. Cures Old Sores, Fever bores, Ulcers, Boils, l'elons, Lorns, all skin Eruptions. Best Pile cure on earth. Only 25cts. a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by A, asley, Dnigirist. That Compel Respect. Prices That Exact Admiration. wvvwvwwwwvwwvvvvNrvwwvrVW A Remarkable Offer in A Remarkable Offer in Hen's Suits. Men's all-wool blue serge suits, warranted fast color, made up with satin piping, worth Si 2 ; our price during sale $O,00. Men's all-wool double breasted or sack suits in ten shades, stripes and checks or plaids, sold every where at $10 ; our price during this sale $G.50. Men's black cheviot suits in double or single breasted, regular $10 values; our price 6.00. The OnePrice Clothier, 10 & 12 south main Street, fllilM PAPER FACTORY SHOE STORE, NO, S. SOUTH MAIN ST. WALL PAPER GREATLY REDUCED. A RARE OPPORTUNITY FOR BARGAINS. 30c Papers Reduced to 15c. 25c Papers Reduced to 24. 10c Papers Reduced to 8c. Thos. Snyder, 23 Shenandoah, Pa. A BREWERY DEAL. Tho SynillcHlo Secures llnlnnce of Work In Arnold llrewery HeM ,y llmletoii Investors. A deal has been consummated wberoby President Robinson, of tho Pennsylvania Browing Company, has secured all of tho stock In tho Arnold browory, at llnzloton, Which lutifhcen held by the Arnold interests. This represents 200 shares of stock which will net the holders f 00,000. The brewery thus loses all scmhlanco of tho old firm. It was rumored to day that ono of the largest brewing doata over attempted Is now being formulated nnd will Include the con solidation of all tho breworios In Luzerne, Schuylkill nnd othor counties under ono combine. WM. T'liNN. Jesso H. Hughes, of Pottsvllle, visited his parents hero ou Sunday, Miss Helen Hcll'uer, of Pottsvllle, is a guest nt the homo ot Supt. R. K. Quin. Mrs. James Fox, 8r , is passing this week in Shenandoah. John Bowman has moved from Shenandoah to this place. Mr. M Borteslck and wife, of Shamokin, aro visiting Insido Foreman Golden, of this place. The Junior Epworth League held a sociable at tho M. E. parsonage last evening. Tho young folks came in maBqneindo costumo. The evening was spent in games, in listening to a phonograph entertainment and In enjoy ing tho refreshments provided. A pleasant feature of tho occasion was the presentation to Mrs. W. II. Stewart by her Sunday school class which is a part of the Junior Epworth League, of a handsome gold brooch with a ga met setting. Tho presentation speech was made by Miss Alice Seltzer, Those present were tho following: Misses Margaret Quin, Bessio and Hattio May, Alice, Bessie, Katie aud Maud Seltzer, Maria, Carrio and Violet Jones, Llllie Wilkos, Lillio Frantz, Helen Hcffner, Emma Thickens, Mary Fell, Jennie Smith, Mary and Jane Chalmers, Carrie, Ida nnd Mllio Scboppc, Lizzie nnd Pearl Morton, Myrtle Stewart, Mrs. W. II. Stewart, Mrs. Ralph Taylor, Mrs. David T. Christy, of Chester, Mrs. Thomas Dovo, Mrs. Robert Quin and Messrs. Robert and Herbert Quin, Waiter Birklebach. Livingstone Seltzer, Albert Jones, Albert Frantz, William G. Jones, James Chalmers, Alfred Joucs, Ralph Christy and Rov. W. H. Stewart. Marriages. Mr. Patrick Murphy, of Mahanoy Plane, and Miss Elizabeth Curry, of Pottsvllle, were married yesterday lit St. Patrick's church, nt the latter place. Tho young couple left for Uannlbal, Missouri, where they will bo the guests of J. P. Murphy, brother of tho groom, for a weok or two. At St. Ignatius' Catholic church, Ccn tralia, yesterday, Dennis Rowan and Miss Mary Gaughan, of that town, were united In marriage by Rev. W. Hayes. Miss Bridget Walsh was the bridesmaid and D. J. Rowan best man. John J. Horan, of Girarrlville, and Mis Anna Drummond, of Ashland, were married at tho latter place to-day. Tho groom is wen Known in onennnuouu. Men's Overcoats. Men's light color covert over coats, regular price S7.50 ; our price $4.9Q. Men's light color covert over coats, in all shades, at prices $6,00, S7.00, $8.00 and $9.00. Men's black and blue all-wool Kersey overcoats, made up with raw edges, strictly all-wool. These coats are good values at St 1 ; our price during this sale $6.75. Shenandoah, Penna. DECORATIVE ART 3 Has achieved Ha greatest Jtrlumphs In our urtlsttc and handsome stock of wall iapers, All tho latest designs and fashionable shades and colorings nre embodied In our superb stock of art wall papers We have them from $1 00 per roll for high artUccoratlous to C cents per roll for 1km I room, parlor, hull or dining room papers. All Artistic 1 All Pretty ! 224 West Centre St. Shenandoah. Fall Announcement We have now the pleasure ot announcing to the public that we have the largest and most complete line of winter foot wear. They are none but the latest styles at FACTORY PRICES. Our line of Winter Russets are genuine beauties. A call to our store will be appreci ated and prove beneficial to you. A.QE LEVINE, Prop. Refowich, Till! WKATIIKII. Tim fnrilihnnM una Htlirlll ImB niOVP(l slowly northward mill was central lui.t ovonmg near u.- WA$7 vA a haiomatrlc pros- ruo or 2U.31 iiiciies Is reported, Uw highest wind ve locity reported (luring yesterday was CO miles Rn hour from the northeast atSnn-.iy Hook. Foreenst for this section' ltnlti. followed I y nlnnrlnrr wnollinf wltli 111 I'll WIIldH. shifting to northwesterly nnd dimin ishing in lorco. Sunrlso, 0:34; sunsot, B:05; length of day, luh., 30m.; moon rises, 4:D7 a. m.; moon sets, 3:41 p. m, MISSIONARY MEETING. Proceedings nt the Convention Held In Mnlinnoy City. Tlio conventions of tho Women's Homo Missionary Society was hold In tlio Presby terian church at Malmnoy City last night and to-day. Kov. T. Mitxwcll Morrison, tlio pastor of the cliurcb, made a hrlif address of welcome to the fifty delegates present at tbe first session aud Mrs. Pinery aud Rov. I). M. lluchanaii, of Mnuch Chunk, mado addresses. At this morning's session the treasurer, Mrs. Sharon McNalr. of llazletou, reported that thero are 34 societies In tho organization and six new ones wcro organized during tho year. At this afternoon's session Mrs. Pingry mado an address in which slio asked the delegatos to petition tbeir Representatives to vote against tho seating of Congressman-elect Roberts, of Utah. Tho election of officers for tlio ensuing year resulted ns follows : President, Mrs. Mo- Intyro, Easton: First Vlco President, Mrs. Jack, Hazleton; Second Vico l'rosidont, Mrs. Fernday; Third Vice President, Mrs. Alli son; Recording Secretary, Miss K. A. Harbi son; Corresponding Secrotary, Miss Harris; Treasurer, Mrs. J. T. McNatr; Secretary of Literature, Mrs. llrigbt; Synodical Delegate Mrs. Charles Mclntyro. A pleasing and Interesting feature of tbo sessions was tlio fllllug of a Christmas box valued at $175 to bo sent to tlio Pleasant Grovo Orphan School in Utah. l'OMTICAI, l'OINTS. Reports from Mahanoy City and Ashland indicate n large Republican vote, Quito a number of Democratic candidates failed to arrive in town last evening. A man who will bo ill years of ago on November 8th can vote on Tuesday next. What about tbo WalNPaper Syndicate? Indications point to tlio fact that they are still doing business at the old stand. The Minersville Free Press, a Democratic newspaper, predicts the election of the Re publican ticket, with possibly two exceptions. Tho Democratic workers of town should see to It that they get an equal sbarv of that big campaign fund being raided by Demo crats. The Ashland Nows, Deni., urges its Demo cratic readers to support the Republican can didates for County Commissioner. Good advice. Every Republican should do bis duty on Tuesday. Victory is in the air and let us bo in a position to do the shouting ou tbo 8th of November. Congressman-elect Ryan is still among tbe missing in the present campaign. But there aro many other leading Democrats who aro lukewarm in support of tho traitors of '90. This year is tbo first lu tho history of the county In which no temporary loans were Is sued. Commissioner Kantner is worthy of election, as is also his colleague, Horace Reber. Every move ou the Democratic chess-board is beiug carefully watched by those in a position to know, and tbo last day cards will be checkmated. The Democrats nre licked, and tbo fight is to keep them ou tho run. A man who has just readied his twenty- first year can vote "on ago" and without tho paymcut of any tax whatever; aud he can continue to vote "on ago" until he reaches his twenty-second year, after which he must pay a tax. Tho Democratic organs have now directed their mud-sliugiug batteries against the Re publican candidates for Commissioner. This is a suro indication that Messrs Kantner and Reber, in tbo opinion of these organs, aro the strongest candidates, dud lienco the attacks. Joo Nicbtcr, the Democratic candidate for Recorder, turned the cold shoulder to Shen andoah, When the firemen of Mahanoy City held their hall Joo paid tho expenses of tbo Pottaville firemen to that town and beer flowed fieely nt Joe's expense. He was booked to appear here last evening, but failed to materealize. Explanations are iu order. The local Democrats' have raised a big "con science fund'' to bo used In Shenandoah on election day. This will be augmented by contributions from tho candidates to debauch tho voters of tbo towu. The Democratic workers come high sonio of them. But why not treat all alike? It is said that one worker in tbe Fifth ward will receive ?50 for bis day's work next Tuesday. Tbe communications from "Taxpayer" published in the Miners' Journal and Shen andoah IiEiiALU would suggost to tbo tax payers at largo in the county tbe dire nece3 sity of effecting a cbaugo lu the conduct of tbe District Attorney's office. In large cities it is tbe very best material tbat tho liar af fords that is chosen by the people for this re sponsible trust. Tbo election of Charles E. Uorger to tbo ollice of District Attorney Is a guarautee of the ollico being run ou an Im partial, economic basis. Mahanoy City Record. Alarrlage Licences. John J. Dolan, of Schuylkill township, aud Annie M. Wasson, of Tamaqua ; Llwood II, Menglo and Amanda Bahner, both of Fruck ville; John Gouba and Julia Ilrazowska, both of Shenandoah ; Ilernis Milewski, of Shenandoah, and Rosie Klymowiczlute, of Mahanoy Plane ; Carl II. Lassor and Annie Howells, both ot Asbland ; Peter Yenuszan- tskas and Victoria Utarute, both of Sbenan doah ; Franeiszek Syryca and Elzbieta Usclelka, both of Shenandoah ; Peter Bananas and Katie Mlcklasavge, both of Shenandoah. Deaths and Funerals. The funeral of Jleiij. Zimmerman, whodled at l'nttsvlllo yesterday, will take place Friday morning from his late residence, at 11 o'clock. The cortego will leave Pottsvllle at 12:30 for Tainaqua, where interment will be made. The mother of Gustav, Robert and Amel Formus, of town, died at her home in the western part of Russia an October 8th, The deceased was 40 years olOj Council Kiilgbta of Columbus. Tho Knights of Columbus, a Catholic order wheuo principles include an Insurance feature, instituted a council in bhauiokin on Sunday with a membership of forty-five. The first, second and bird degrees were administered. A bauquet followed. 1'aha nov City has a prosocroui coiiucil, and there is no good reason why Shenandoah Catholics should not Inaugurate a similar movement here. A Card, ' We, the undersigned, do hereby agree to refund the money on a 50-ccnt bottle of Groeno's Warranted Syrup of Tar If It falls to euro your cough or cold. We also guaran teeaSo-cent bottle to prove satisfactory or money refunded. A. Wasley, O. H. Hagenbucb, hcnaudoah Druif Store, I'.W. UloisUdu&Co. mm At This Season of the Year People are more or less interested in clothing buying. Our stock consists of the largest and finest collection in this part of the state. We have the latest designs in men's and boys' clothing such as stripes, fine checks, blue and black worsted cashmeres and the latest styles in heavy light blue serges. Those suits are sold with or without the new style double brcsted vests. OVERCOATS ! OVERCOATS ! To say our stock of overcoats is complete would be putting it mildly. It is the largest and most complete line ever shown in this section and embraces the latest styles in covert cloth, Beavers, Kerseys, Miltons, Chinchillas, Mountonack, Thebbets, Tweeds and Diagonals, all cut in the latest style and any color you may fancy. For boys and children our stock of suits and overcoats must be seen to be appreciated. Among them you will find pretty nearly any style and color you are looking for. Single pants for men and boys we have by the thousands. It will pay you to examine our stock and also our large display windows. If you are looking for good stylish cloth ing call at the Mammoth Clothing House, 9 and 11 S. Main PERSONAL MENTION. Roy Rnbrlgbt has gone to Scranton to ac cept a lucrative position In a mercantile house. Mrs. Thomas Glenwrlght, of Minersville, was in town yesterday as the guest of her mother. Mrs. J. K. Kehler. Mrs. H. S. Fried, of Pottsvllle, returned to her home to-day. Sbo was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Hentz. S. G. M. Hollopeter, Esq , left this after noon for Philadelphia, where be will remain several days. Hundreds of lives saved ovory year by having Dr. Thomas' Eclcctric Oil In tbe house just when It is needed. Cures croup, heals burns, cuts, wounds of every sort. SIom-oii ut in tho Loud. New York, Nov. 1. The second night's play In the professional cushion carom btlliurd mutch was a close strug gle. Schaefcr outplayed Slosson by just ten points, but Slosson maintained his lead to the end. The. final score at the end of tho evening stood 600 to 495 in Slosson's favor. The final block of 300 points will he played this even ing. The match and $1,000 stakes will go to the player whose total reaches 900 first. MISCELLANEOUS. IOST. On the evening ot Oct. 20tb, a ladles' J gold wntcb nnd fob. Name inside on case. Suitable reward to flndcr. Call nt Herald ofllce. 11-1 3t FOR RUNT. A very dcslr-Me brick dwelling bouse, No. 2i Ent Onk street. Kight rooms with (ttenin heat nlant. bath, hot and cold water Gnu In every room. Rent reasonable. Apply nt 28 West Lloyd street, or 20 South White street. 30-1-3 P OR SAI.R. The licensed saloon on North Alain street, now conducted by Michael Peters. It is fitted ui with nil conveniences and is ono of the oldest and best located stands. In Shnnndonh. For terms apply to M, Peters 15 North Main street. 10-23-tf FOR SALE The propeity of the Dolaney Kstate. on Centre street, between Muln and Jnrdln streets. Lot TOx75 feet, embracing- one t itible tbrco-storv frame bulldlnc. a private dwelling and n 30-toot vacant lot. Price reason able. Apply to Mrs Margaret Hrennan, on the premises 10-21-tf IJIOR SAI.15, A spring wagon. Apply at the J llr.HALl) ollice, tf miSUSTWORTIIY man to represent one or JL more counties; 812.00 a week from start, easily made. Permanent position. Pleasant work. Holiday specialty. Address, J. B. Rbepp, 1031-1033 Chestnut St., Phlln.. Pa. 10-19-lm WE wish a live traveling manager In your territory nt once, mnn or woman; liberal cash nnd commission first year more second venr. If deserved: some for local work also ! good references required those rut of employ ment or wisning to netter tnemseivcs, auuress, " Factory ," cor, Perkins and Union Sts., Akron, Ohio. 0 25-2m OTTnnV T)eatrnhlA rtrnnprtlen for Kale. An. 1 ply to S, Q. M. Ilollopeter, attorney, Shen andoah S-8I-U Ladies' and Misses' Garments The great success of our coat department has been brought about by giving the best values for the least money. This season we offer the nicest and most complete line of garments. Coats in all colors, Tans, Modes, Blues, Black, lined with skinner satin, mercarized satin, and silk. Also a fine selec tion of misses' and children's coats, neatly trimmed in braid and bias strips. A special line of Plush, Cloth, As trakhan and Golf Capes. Collarettes made of Posnm, Wool, Seal and Beaver Fur. A nice assortment of single and double plain and plaid Scotch wool sliuwls. Come and s:c them. R. F. GILL, NORTH MAIIM STREET In checks will save you money by buying our bread. Try it and be convinced. You re ceive seven loaves. l Oc Regular size cup cake 7c. l oc Regular size sponge cake oc. Try our confectionery. Buy from ua. We sell fine coufet-ttonery cheap, Boston Bakery, II, Morganttein. 2)7 W, Centre Street. no pain rruas yarn RUPTURE it yon wear Uw CHAMPION TRUSS. Made By "rrrfirr'ir I'M Co. 410 Uwur t- r GSOL.DIIM'9 St., HGAUGHAN-S.il Ladles' Walts In plaids, plain cloth, mercerized satteen and mohair In plain, tucked nnd braided fronts, from 50 cents to $2,50. Jfl WJilMMi'lI'M I D. 8c J. SIEGEL, Are the recognized Stove Range and Heater dealers in town. They are sole agents for the Buckwalter Hake. There is none better in the world, and you can. buy them only at Siegel's. A better stove than others and for considerable less money. FURNITURE!- Anything you may desire, petitors and a bigger stock. 103 & 105 South Main Street. Faultless Labor consistent with Faultless Prices Are responsible for our always busy business. Try us on plumbing and gas fitting. You wont regret the trial. P. W. Bell, Cor. White & Lloyd Sts. MRS. J. J. KELLY, 26 S. Main St. xxxxxxxxxxxx: This Space is Reserved For F. J. PORTZ, 21 North Main Street. His Announcements Are Always Worthy of Perusal. 5oooooooooxxoooooc I Goldin, Proprietor. Ijtdlrs', Misses and Children's Coats are now being dally riceired by us. Wo bavo a large stock of tbe best tailor-made garments In attrnctlvo style, well fitting, made from best materials and lined throughout with satin m il plain and fancy silk taffeta. Ladles' all-wool Kersey Jackets, from $3.75 to $14 00. Ladles' all-wool Kersty Jackets, In tan, castor and blue, $7. 00, $8.00, $lo.oo to $i4.oo. Children's Jackets, 6 to 14 years, $1.50, $3.00, $3.50, $3.oo, $4 to $6. If you are Interested In blankets there Is an Inducement here for you to buy. Our special 114 all-wool home-made blankets at $3.75 worth $5,00, is a bnrgnln. A large cotton blanket white nnd grey, with fancy borders, 39c. For these you would be asked elsewhere ROeto GCc. Fine California blankets, with red, blue and pink borders, from $1.60 to $7,00. M m 1 1 1 i V Iff inrIIL&! Wit am 1 1 i I iiMmH" I III IMP Far cheaper than our com- FALL AND WINTER MILLINERY OPENING. Our fall and winter display of millinery is our pride, and not with out reason. It is here in all the pretty styles and shapes of the season and in such a variety of fresh beauty and rich and artistic trimming and work manship that it will make your sum mer hat distastelul when you see our superb display. We have some gems of the millinery art in Hats, Turbans and Bonnets that will be picked quickly, so you had better choose your hat at once. Mourning goods is our specialty. New creations come bore dally, and It will prove a pleasure for you to visit our opening oooooooooocx XXXXXXM V