4 5V If 't- 1 Hp 1 V GENITO TURINARYaDISEASES IDBITimZ JrA'r3 X ""-uiifoorn INfLAtlMATIOrt, iUUOROlRIDKIONCrS hi VALUAOIC IN PROSTATIC CYSTniS-DIABtTE&INCONTINtNCYURINt ICItNTIflC Blending PURE SANTAUnoSAW palmctto etc c"t; UY mfllL J, I OIHDQ1BMP FOR WMPHtUT niiLAurnir'Aimniir.rA V Hric.niv.nn unuuiAAMEWYORK) Sold In flhenandoati nt KIRLIN'S PHARMACY. Orcl.-rs by ln.dl sent to any nddress. THE UP-TO-DATE LITTLE LIVER PILL E&SSssTffl CURES Constipation, Dyspopslo, Slck-Hoad -acho and Livor Complaint. SUOflR COATED. Bold by all druggists or Bern oy man. Ntrvltn Medical Co., Cblciro 6c box contains 15 ill Hoi J liy Klrl'n s drug store, Shenandoah, Pa. rhtoVrtttr'a ItaftlUl lllnmtfutl JtfSiiA. "ENNYR0YAL PILLS Original una miy venuinr. a? Art. ftlwi rclUi-lt. uoub MlA Urn r 'ft Tor '(..-.. r rnaniH inn nt . dBrnnd in IteO wl bold intUlVy flboiM, nat8d with t1u ri' bon TtiV J M il l?.r..m Amia tuhltttu. V f if nnt aid imltatUmt. At irolmt,oriitid4. 'In timra fur vrt'f lHnwaHi &dd by kll Larftl UruwIiU. I'll 1 LA H&u I A. Dr. Htimphreys' Specifics cure by acting directly upon tho disonso, without exciting disorder in any other pnrt o tho system. ko. cenca. rnicES. 1 Fevers, Congestions, Inflammations. ,'25 !i Wormi. Worm Fevw, Worm Colic. . .25 3 Tcct hi n e, Colic, Crylng.Wakef alness .2 5 'l-IHarrlicn. ot Children or Adults 23 7 Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis 25 8 Xcuralgtn, Toothache, Faceache 23 0 lleadnrlie. Sick Headache, Vertigo.. .25 10 I)ypcpla,lBdlBestIon,WeakStomach.25 11 Suppressed orl'alnrul l'crlods 25 12 Whiles, Too Prornse Periods 23 13 Croup, Lnryngltls, HoarscDcss...... .23 11 Salt Itheum, Errslpclas, Eruptions.. .23 15 niieumntlsm, Itheunmtlo PatnsA... .23 10-Mnlnrln, Chllls,FeTorandA(rSe.., .25 19 Catarrh, Influenza, Cold In the Head .25 'SO Whooplnc-Cougli 23 27-Klilncy Diseases 25 '2S-ervous Debility 1.00 '30-t'rlnory Weakness. Wetting Bed 25 '77-Grlp. HayFovcr 25 .Dr. Humphreys' Manual of all Diseases at your Druggists or Mailed Free. Wold by ilniircl&U, or sent on receipt of prrco. Humphreys' Mod. Co Cor. William & John BU., Htvr roric. Grocers can teU you why these whobuySEEUG'S ktrpcomitigbacl. for it. You csn't Veep on selling a poor thing to the -.nine peoj'le. vcd by nsiug secl- Ig'S because you .cmi uuy ciirnp fcofire and tnakc it delicious bv I little ot this admixture. IT'S DIFFERENT JTHE NORTH AMERICAN (PIIILADELPJIIA) FTS DIFFKTiKNT, because It prints all the news, and all the news It prints is true. jtT'S DIFFERENT, because It's bright and brisk, up-to-date and vigorous, but not yellow, IT'S DIFFERENT, because Its only policy is to tell the truth. It has no covert or personal interests to promote. It Ecrves no ponuuai auiuuiun, iiu viccu, no class prejudice, no mere partiSan Durnose. It serves no political ambition, no cieed. IT'S DIFFERENT, because It advocates ' ronTHt v lUU lJllLt I 25 CTS. equal taxation and battles against the not a stimulant but a heaitn ouiiuer, ana cnu exlsting system, which favors the rich dren, as well as adults, can drink it with great corporation at ine expense ui ins farmer, the merchant, the manufacturer and the wage-earner. T'S DIFFERENT, because It stands for Republican principles, and makes war uDon all who. under the stolen name of Republicanism, are disloyal to those principles. IT'S DIFFERENT, because It believes manhood and not money should rule. Therefore it upholds the rights 01 all, as against the aggressive power of the privileged few. IT'S DIFFKHK NT, because no boss, no corporation, can control one line of Its space. ITS DIFFERENT, because It la non sectarian and broad; every party, every faith, every class, and the workingman . equally with the millionaire, gets a fair hearing. In Its columns. IT'S DIFFERENT, be cause It upholds faith In humanity, and the pro gress of mankind toward higher Ideals, larger hopes and better living. ONE CENT Every where rTT'S DIFFERENT. It will continue to be dllferent. Watch The North Ameri can and see It grow. Pot all Bilious and Nkrvou UibOisis. They pu y th Blood and give 1' vitnv bcUoq to the entire - .tera. Curo DYSPEPSIA. HHADACHtC, 3Pf.&TIPATIOH and P'MPUES STORM DAMAGE Mil. I WHITE OCTGBbERALED Many Thousands of Dollars Lo.:t in the Fury of tho Qaloi ONLY ONE FATALITY REPORTED. At C'tinplmtnn n, Small Krrtino Iiwptl- Inir Vim Wrecked nml Om Clilltl Killed Mnity fottiitroH Wroeltftl on North (.ii nil I tin's Count. WUraliiBton. N. 0.. Nov. 1. Authori tative reports from Wrlghtsvllle ami Corollna Beach say that ttic storm, which roached tho height of Its fuiy at t oVlock yestorday morning, hat wrought gioa havoc to property at those points. No loss of life Is re ported. At wrlKhtnvilie thoro aro sixty odd cottageB, and of this number fifteen are a total loss nnd the others badly damaged. Loss is estimated at from $20,000 to $26,000. The trestle of the Wilmington Sea Coast crll road and track, aggregating In extent about three miles, are wreck ed and the damage Is conservatively estimated at from $40,000 to $50,00u. At Wrlt'htsvllle Sound, on tho main line, about one mile this side of tlie beach, considerable damage was also done, and this Is estimated at several thousand. At Carolina Beach, near tho mouth of the river, the loss is placed at from $12,000 to $15,000. A Nowberu dispatch says: A hum cnue passed through this section Mon day night. Tho tide was two teot higher than over bofore. Small boat were thrown Into tho public streotn. At midnight the firemen fought fl re frain lime barrels catching fire in the water. Many tons of salt and sug.ir In bags melted and ran Into tho river. Tho river Is full of floating cotton. Sclmoiioi Wrooked on Him ltiit'U.; Norfolk, Nov. 1. The storm In thU section was severe Monday night. Ai Virginia Beach fishing nets, boavd- wnlks, fencing, etc., were washed away. The loss there Is estimated at $10,000. The three masted schooner Kate Darling was wrecked on ocean View beach, having been driven high and dry. Ilnmn WroolMl nnd Child Killed. Charleston, Nov. 1. A sovero storm from tho south passed up the coast Monday night. The wind reached a velocity of 58 miles. A small frame dwelllhg Inhabltated by a colored ram ily was wrecked. One child was killed and three others injured. CHARGES AGAINST GARDINER. Now York's DlHlrlct Attornoy At- tnoked l.v tlio City Club. Now York, Nov. 1. Governor Hooso velt was yesterday sorved with a copy of the charges preferred against Asa Bird Gardiner, district attorney of New York county, by tho City club. There are 20 counts In the charge which allege incompetency, wrongful acts, neglected duty and general In efficiency in discharge of duty District Attorney Gardiner declined to make any statement In regard to the charges. He said that he would first wait until a copy of the charges hud been served upon him and then be would answer promptly and at tho proper time. Ho said that his depart ment was always open to investigation by any committee, and he courted the ., -.-in. invMilmllnn nml Eprntlnv Klchard Croker said that that was Just along the lines that Republicans are going In this campaign. "There's nothing they won't do. The Republi cans employ the legislature and every thing for partisan purposes. A Meat of Terror, "Awful miTletv was felt for the widow of ilin liinvn lifni.ml ltnrntiamoi luacintn. jio , when tho doctors said she could not live till morning" writes Mrs. S. II. Lincoln, who attended hor thst fearful night. All l.n.,nl., ol.c mn.t cwtn Mln frntn I moil lH. Imt hA lp.Tcerl for nr. Kino's New Discovery. saying It had more than once saved her llfo, ana naa cureu ner oi vousuiuiiuuu. jmci I (l.rpn small noses she slent easily all mailt. ami its further use comnlctely cured hor." Tho marvelous medicine is guaranteed to cure all Throat, Chest and Lug Diseases. Only 50c and tl.OO. Trial bottles tree at A Wasley's drug store. Tralii Kobbnf At'tnckw 3lo-i-iiiror Dennison, Tex., Nov. 1. Last niglu ...Ml.. .I.n Mloonurl ir,ir,anc n ,1 f 1 Tovnt WIUIU VUC luiaoumii i.m,ot.w ...... & , train from Sherman was In the clt limits, a train robber mado a murder mid naoQiilt nn Kvnrna.T ATpRPncR Com. ami' dealing him a blow which it is thm 'tlit will prove fatal. When the train . irived at the depot Con ductor Ituwer discovered the messen ger on the floor, with blood oozing from a ghastly wound. The express car was robbed of a considerable sum of money. The ofllcers say that full) $10,00,0 Is missing. Qlva the Children a Drink called Gtain-O. It is a delicious, appetizing nourishing food drink to take the place ot Coffee. Sold by all grocers and liked by all who have used it because when properly pre- i ..... r . -rr u... :.. r P"cd tastes like the finest coffee but .s free from all its injurious properties. Grain-0 aids I digestion nnd strengthens the nerves. It benefit. Costs about U as much as coffee- 15 ana 25c, io lust 11 'Wisconsin I, aw. Madison, Wis., Nov. 1. Tho Wiscon sin law requiring a deposit of securi ties with the state treasurer by build ing and loan associations Incorporated In other states is to be tested In the United States supreme court. Tho cat will be a test of the rights of a state to hold securities for the use of the shareholders who resido in the state. CASTOR I A Tot Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Boars the Signature (iiuiH (,'ot tho ru-olsloii. Now York. Nov. 1. At tho Uroadwaj Athletlo club last night Joe Gans, tht colored lightweight of Baltimore, re coived the decision over Geoigo Mc- fadden, of Now York, after one of tin jiardest fights witnessed nt this club In a long tlmo. The men tougnt a rounds. Tell Your Sister I A beautiful complexion is au Impossibility without good pure blood, the eort that only exists In connection with the good digestion; a healthy liver and bowola. Karl's Clover Hoot Tea acts directly on the bowels, liver aud kidneys keeping them In perfect health, I Price 25 eta. and 60 eta. Sold by P, D, Klrllu I ou a guarantee. Ti I mM&UXU&3) 111 .-t- j m.iu . 1 III- . ,-uv ffirioca . II W AYcecfaMcrrcpararionfor As similating LWoodfltulllcdula llng the Stomachs arolBovcls of TromotesrDIccslloaCkcrful- ncss and Rcst.Conlalns neither OpiurtiMorphinc norllifleral. Not NAiicotic. Fumhn Sit J' JlxJmmt Jniit Sent JlrpfmuAt - ftOrmSitd -flmfud Samr lltiSXjnw tiara, Ancrfccf Ilcmcdv forConstlwi- tion.SourStornach.Diorrlioca. worms .convulsions ,r even 5iv acss andLoss OF SLEEP. Tac Simile Signature of NT3W YORK. EXACT COPT OF WRAPPEB. "A FAIR FACE iVAY PROVE A FOUL BAR GAIN." MARRY A PLAIN GIRL IF SHE USES jwott's ENNYROYAL of menstruation." They womauuoou, nming uevoiopment ol organs and body. JSso known remedy for women equals them. Cannot do harm life becomes a pleasure. $1.00 1M3U liOX BY MAIL. Sold by tlniggists. DU. MOTT'S CHEMICAL CO,. Cleveland, Ohio. For Sale by R. W. Houck. E. C. BEFQBE Tho Original. All Til nld iindpr a nnnltlvn Written Guarantee, OR. Wraerve and Braisi Memory, UUzluosa, Wakefulncsa, Pits, Hysteria, QnlckncHs, Nlnht Losses, Evil Dreams, 'ial;K oi uouuucnco. eriouuesH, jjassiiuap, Use ot Tobacco, Opium, or Liquor, wlilch Ueatb. At storo or br mall, tl a box: six Befund Money. Sample Package, contalntnc llvo days' treatment, with full instruc tions, cents, uno sauiiuu uuiy som to cacn Red Label Special Extra Strength. Impotennv, Loss of Power, Lost Manhood, Sterility or Ilarrenncsa. l For six for 3, with Written Guarantee to cure Sold at Klrlln's Laner's I A A r- I JtlitCLLLlllg Beer and Porter Brewers of the finest and purest .... de These products are seldom equalled and never surpassed, bottlers of all Also Carbonated - Beverages. Private families desiring orders filled can have them promptly by calling on Christ. Schmidt, Agent and Bottler, 203 W. Coal Street SHENANDOAH, A. PPOPPCLIfllMAI r.iDnS a. 'V m a4wb js -r A at s a sw AI. M. BURKE, ATTORNEY -AT-LAW. Ofllce Kiran bulldlns. comer ot liln &i Centre streels.'Hhenandoah. J CLAUDE DU0WX, ATTOUNEY-AT-LAW. Ofllee: Oor. Centre and White street nex o Justice Tooniey's oBlee. Q aitUIILHK, M. !., PHYSICIAN AND SUROEON. Ko. 80 East Lloyd Street. Ofllee hours: 8 to 9 tot) p. ni. a. m. 1 1 to 8 p. m. pitOF. JOHN JONES, MUSICAL INSTRUCTOR, Lock Box U.Mahanoy City, Ph.. Ilavlnur studied under some oi the !: masters Id liondon and Paris, will clve 1moiu on the violin, mandolin, Kuliar and voeal culture Terms reasonable. Address tn care ot Hlroure the teweler Hhenandoah. TRABOWSKY HOTEL, " C.Xi ATinWCVV firnn 819 N. Centre St., Pottsvllle, Pa. Fine old Whiskeys, Qlns and Wlues.at the h a cuoice uue ot juigars ana Temper. 11 v v 1 1 11 k . , I Accommodations for travelers. Meals at all boun IM:C1 MUM The Kind You Have Always Bought TMC CCNTAUR COMPANY, NtW YOPIPl CITY. PILLI They overcome Weak ness, irretrularltv and omissions, increases vijj or and banish "pains aro "LIFE SAVERS" to girls at WEST'S Others Imitations. hv authorize! nr-Mita nnltf fr i.n.n WmV an iiiran, xoutuitu lirrors, or Hxcesslvp leads to Misery, Consumption, Insanity ami for S: with written annrnnhio tn nnm nr person. AC Btoro or uy mail. a box; la 30 days. At store or by math Drug Store. jennsylvania RAILROAD BCHUTKILL DIVISION October 30, 1899 Trains will leave Shenandoah alter tne aeoTe aate lor Wlggon, Ullberton. Frackvllle, Dark Water. St. Clair. Pottsvllle. Ilamburcr. Readlni, Pottatown, Phoenlxvllle. Norrletown aud Phi adelphla (llr'4id street station) at 819 and SOS a. ra., iu, a 1 p, m. on week days. Sundays 8 05 a. m.. 4 SO n. m. Trains leave Frackvllle for Shenandoah at 7 80, 11 49 a. ra. and 5 88, 7 80 p. m, Sunday 11 01 a. m. and S 38 p. m. Leave Pottsvllle lor Shenandoah (via Fract vllle) 710, 1120 a. m., 810, 710 p.m. Sunda 10 83 a. ra.. 8 10 ti. m. Ieave Philadelphia. (Broad street station!, foi Shenandoah at 8 85 a. m 4 10 p. m. week days. Sundays leave at 6 50 and 9 23 a. m. Leave Philadelphia ( Broad street station) foi Pottsvllle, 5 SO, 8 35, 10 19 a. m., 1 80, 4 10, 7 II p. in. weekdays. Sundays. 8 50, 9 23 a. m, and 6 02 p in. Leave Broad Street Station, Philadelphia, FOK NEW YOKK. Exaress Week-days, 8 20, 1 05, 4 40. S 00, 8 13 0 50, 7 as. 8 23, 9 0, 1 10 21, dining car), 11 00, 11 41 a in,13 CO noon, 1:3.1. (Limited 1 00 and 4 22 p ra, dining cars), 1 43, 12 30, dining car), 3 20, 850, 4 02, 5 00, 5 56, (dining car), 6 00, 7 02,810, (dining car). 10 Ou p. m.. 12 01. nlchl. Sundava. 820,4 03. 1 40 SCO. 8 15. 8 23, 9 60, (1021, dining cnr),10 43, 11 43 a m, 12 03, idlnlng car), 12 83, 2 80, (dining car), 4 02, (Limited 4 22 dining car), 8 20.5 56, dining carl, 6 35, 702, 810, dining car, 10 00 p.m., 1201 night. For Boston without cnange, II 01 a ra., week days, and 8 10 p. m., dally. For Sea Girt, Asbury Park, Ocean Orove, Long Branch, and Intermediate atotlous, 8 25, 11 10 a m, 8 80, 4 02 p m weekdays. WASHINGTON AND TUE SOUTH. For Baltimore and Washington, 8 50, 7 20, 8 3:, 10 20, II 23, a. m 12 09, 12 86 dining car 111, dining carl, 312, 4 41, 5 25 Congressional Limited dining car, 5 34, 6 17. 685, dining carl, 7 81 dining car, p in, and 12 05 night week days. Hiimlayi 8 50. 7 20, 9 12, 11 23, a. m., 12 09, 1 12. dli.lng car, 312. 4 41 520 Congressional Limited dining cur, 5 31 6 55 dining car, 781 dining car, p. m.,aud 12 OS night. For Baltimore, accommodation, 9 13 a m, 1 52 uud 4 01pm week days, 5 08 and 11 18 p m dally WEST JERSEY U SEASHORE R. R. FOB ATLANTIC CITY, Leave Broad street station via Delaware rivet bridge Express, 9 40 a m, 705 p m weekdays. ouimu) a, v J it in ivajijiu. unn aiarxei street wart Kxprets, f rma m, 2 00, 4 00, 5 00 p m weekdays Sundays, 9 0', 10 00 a to (accommodation I80and5 00pm. rnr ui no juav AiiKiesea. iviiuwomi Ann Holly Bench, Sen Isle City, Avalnn, and Stone l lnrlior Hipri-wi 900 u ui, 4 0) p in week days 4 00, 5 00, p. m. week days Sundays', 9 00 am' iu w a. m. For tlekets and other Information anDlv tc iiukbi agent. n. I. IIirrmiiKCOH, J, it. Wood. fien'l Manager. Geu'l PsxsVr A t EVAN J. DAVIES, Livery and Undertaking. No 13 North Jardin St, I Bears the i Signatoe Am 1 h JA In h$ Use For Over I Thirty Years British Oommantlar Fell Iuto tho Trap Set by Joubertt REPETITION OF MAJUBA HILL Tliotiuli on a I .nr or Bonlo Two aT Uront llrlinln'it lie-. I I'ldlitlnu Itosrt niKiit l'orowd to surrwidiir to lli Ilorr Allor llmtvy liiiwcw, liOtidoii, Nor. 1. An ofBclflt rport received from Genetnl White yester day has caused the greatest conster nation. The report declares tlmt In the battle or Ladysmlth the Royal Irish FiiKlilers, the Glouceaterehlre regiment and No. 10 n.ountaln battery were rut oft by the lloers In the hllle, lost heav ily and were forced to capitulate, and that the Ut.tlsh were forced to fall back all along th bnttlelleld line be fore the criishlng attack. He adds: "1 formed a p'an. In the carrying out of which the disaster occurred, and I am alone responsible for the plan There Is no blame whatever to the troops, as the position was untenable." No dispatch, except the official tele grams of General Sir George Stewart White, has thus far been permitted to mention the disaster, and no telegram from Ladysmith has been received in London sliue the advlrei from tin British commander. This gives rise to a belief that communication has al ready been cut. In which event some time miiMt elapse before details re garding British losses are received. If the war office officials have received information on this point they have refrained from publishing It. General White's estimate that the British losses wore about 00 Is evidently rpilto separate from the probable losses In j killed and wounded among the cap I tured battalions. Sir George White's honest admis sion of full responsibility and tlie t terms jf his dispatch are regarded In some circles as virtually placing his cuse in the hands of the home authori ties, and it Is even rumored that the war office has already decided to super sede him. The report, however, is dis credited In well Informed quarters. In Gloucestershire and the north of Ireland, where tho captured regiments were recruited, the blackest gloom pre vails, families awaiting with beating hearts the names of the killed and wounded, which are fully expected to reach a high figure. Many homos are already In mourning In consequence of losses sustained by those regiments in previous engagements. l'ubllc anxiety was increased by n special dispatch from Ladysmith, pub lished lu the late editions of the Lon- GENERAL Silt ItEDVERS BULLEU. don afternoon papers, to the effect that boforo darkness Monday tho Boers re occupied the old position held by their heavy artillery, which General White had reported silenced by tho guns of the naval brigade from the Powerful, and had openod fire again. The dispatch further says: "Tho onemy are again closing In, nnd tho situation Is one of grave anxiety. Be yond doubt tho Boer retirement on Monday was a ruso to draw Generil White Into the hilly country and away Irom tne untisn camp. This last sentence is significant, and confirms tho opinion of military ex. perts nere that General White Is al lowing himself to ba outgeneraled by Commandant General Joubert. From tho scanty advices received It seems tolerably certain that the dls aster was a simple' repetition of the battla of Majuha Hill, though on larger scale. The two regiments were allowed to march Into a trap set for tnem by the Boers. It is simply case of the Boer spider and the guile less British flay. In fact, the whole engagement of Monday seems to have been brought on by Commandant Gen ernl Joubert, who skillfully conceived gigantic trap, out of which, as the official dispatch shows. Sir Georg White only escaped with difficulty. General White advanced with tin idea of driving the Boers from tho bill seven miles out, which General Joubert made an ostentatious show 01 fortifying on Sunday. The Boer com mander left a force sufficient to druw General White on, while the mass of the Boers he moved stealthily round the British right, to deliver a Hank at tack and to endeavor to cut off General White from Ladysmith. Tho British commander succeeded In beating olf the attack, but only with great dif ficulty, and during the turning move ment his troops suffered from a Hank ing fire. About 0,000 fresh troops will arrive nt Capo Town ou Sunday next from England and will bo available to ro Inforco Sir George White. Transports will arrive thore dally after Sunday, until by tho end of next week 28,000 troops will have been landed In South Africa. Those men nre Intended for General Sir Redvers Buller's army. but they will undoubtedly be detached to Natal if the situation thej-e should become perilous. The British army will eventually reach the huge total 01 89,634, of which will be regulars and the other 20,000 miscellaneous, but excellent colonial troops. Do You Know Consumption Is preventable? Solcnco has proven that, and also that neglect is suicidal. The worst cold or cough can bo cured with Shlloh's Cough and Consumption Cure, Sold on positive guarantee for ovor fifty years, Sold by P. D. Klrllu on a guarauto e. llniiViilui'j'KnlHiiito .Rtlpd. UIo de Janeiro, Nov, 1. The Brazil Ian foreign minister, General de Caatn Cerquelra, and the Bolivian mlnlste here, Sonor Paravlclnl, have signed a protocol settling the boundary question ;Vtwoen their respective countries. , Does This Strike Yon ? Muddy complexions, Nauseating breath come from chronlo constipation. Karl's Clover Root Tea Is an absolute curo aud has been sold for fifty years on an absolute gii'irantpe Price 25 cts. and B0 cts. Sold by P. U Klrllu ou a guarantee. THE WRP.CKED PERRVDOAT. Captain DnmceU, ortlm City of AH- BiiMn, Out mi Hull. New Yor, Nov. 1. Captain Dag gett, of the steamship City of AugiiBta, accompanied by counsel, appeared be fore the coroner yesterday and was held In 10,000 ball pending an Investi gation Into the ainmng or me ferry boat Chicago, which waa furnished by superintendent Iefevr, of tue savan nah line. The reporti of Captain Dur ham, of the Chicago, and Captain Dag gett were filed with the local board of steamboat inspectors yesterday after noon. Captain l'etrle, of the board, refused to make the reports public until he had finished Investigating. It Is not yet known how many lives were lost. John llryson, driver ot a mail wagon, Is known to have been drowned, his body having been recov ered. Fireman Vroom, of the Chicago Is believed to be In the wreck, and two others are reported missing who were believed to be on the Chicago. The police think the body of a woman found lu the KaM river Is the body of one of the victims of the collision. Shortly before o clock last night the mall wagon which went down with the Chicago was raised. There were 34 pouches and 66 sacks of mall mat ter In the ngon. All were recovered and It is thought no damage has been done except by water. This morning efforts were being made to secure the silver aboard the wreck. This Is $8,00u In silver bars, which was In an ex press wagon. A .Iim1kpIiI l'or Yod'iiu CrlMp. Atlanta, Nov. 1. Governor Candle. yesterday sent to the senate the nam Of Charles It. Crisp, son of the lat Speaker Crisp, to be judge of tbi count court of Sumter. There Is nc toubt of his confirmation. THE CROWN OP LOVU. iJJlk What does J f love mean and c, how much h a doe tt bring to the average ) )l woman ? To - be a sweet heart, a wife, a mother this is called the crown of womanhood : yet there are crowns which bring only mis ery and pain to the wearers. Can anv woman who suffers with con stant dragging, wearying, life-sapping ailments uie liarmy? Does not her crown of womanhood become a symbol of martyrdom rather than of happiness? It ailing women realized now surely Dr. Pierce's wonderful " Favorite Pre scription" would restore them to com plete health aud the perfection of queenliness, there would be more coronets of joy set upon brows now crowned with misery. " I had femsle trouble for eight years," writes Mrs. L. J. Dennis, ol 818 Bast College St., Jack sonville, III. " l'or three years I suffered contin ually. Words canuot express wliat I Butfered. 1 sought relief among the medical profession and found none, until induced by kind friends to try Dr. l'lerce'a Favorite Prescription. When 1 com menced taking this medicine I weighed ninety five pounds. Alter taking 'Favorite Prescrip tion I was built up until now I weigh ouc huu dred and fiHy-ilx pounds more than 1 ever weighed before, 11 1 was so bed 1 would lie from day to day and long for death to come and relieve my suffering, t had Internal inflammation, a disagreeable drain, bearing-down pains In the lower part of my bowels, and such distress every month, but now I never have a p.iiu do all my own work and am a strong and healthy woman. Thanks to your medicine. I never forget to recommend It to all suffering women. 1 consider myself a livlm; testimouliil of the benefits of your ' Fa vorite Prescription.' " Any woman tnav write to Dr. R. V. Pierce, of Buffalo N. Y., with the ut most confidence. He will give her case careful consideration and send her a letter of common-sense, professional ad vice free of charge. If your head aches, the trouble Is pretty sure to be constipation. Dr. Pierce's Pkas mt Pellets will cure you. Philadelphia & Reading R'y. Engines Burn Hard Coal No Smoke. IN EFFECT OCTOBEP 3, 1849. Trains leave Shenandoah as follows: For New York via Philadelphia, week day 1 iu, o w, 7 isi, v oa a. m., iz 20, a w ana e ua p. m Sundays, 2 10 a m. For New York via March Chunk, week daye, 7 87 a. m.. 12 26 aud 8 09 n. m. For Reading and Philadelphia, week days, z iu, a as, 7 a, . v so a. m 12 as, 3 o aud 0 03 p. m Sundays, 2 10 a m. For Pottsvllle. week days. 2 10. 7 87. 9 55 a. m 12 28. 3 09, 6 09 and 7 30 p. m, Sundays, 2 10 a ra. For Tamaaua and Mahanoy City week davs 210, 737, 955 a. in., 1226 8 09and609p m. mnaoys, z io a m. For Willlamsport, Sunbury and Lewlsburg week nays. 1127, ll tu a. m., 12 26, 7 80 p. Sundavs. 8 27 a m. For Mahanoi Plane, weekdays. 2 10. 8 27. 8 33. 787,9 55. 1132 a.m.. 12 28, 8 09, 6 09, 7 80, 9 66 p. m. Buiuiays, z iu ami Bimm, For Ashland and Suamokln, week days, 8 27t 7 87, 11 82 a. m., 12 26, 8 09, 6 07, 7 25 and J 55 p. m, Sunday. 3 27 a m. For Baltimore, Washington and the West via Raft K. It., through trains lca-i Beading lermmai, mnaneipma. u. at u. u K.J al szu, i oo, it zu a. m., s io ana 7.--I p. L. ttunaays 3 20. 7 00. 11 26 a. ra., 8 46 and 1 27 r,. m. Addl tlonal trains from Twenty-fourth and Chert- nut streets station, week days, 1080a. ni. 1220 iz io s iu p m, nuuaays, i r, a zs p, m TItAINB FOB SHENANDOAH. Leave New York via PhlladelDhla. week days, 12 15, 4 SO, 7 30, 11 80 a. in., and 1 80, 4 80 9 00 n.m. ieave new York via maucri ununK, wees A .. 1 or. din.. j on J in.. ii o, wt. a iv n. in.. . o'-i, v tv J. ui. Leave Philadelphia, Reading Terminal, wect aaya, 4 o. 6 no, iu il a. m. ana 1 bo, 4 on o 36 11 36 p. m. Leave Reading, week days. 187. 7 00. 10 08 a, tn., iz ia, 4 17, o ou, a zo p. m. Leave Ponsvlllo, week days. 7 17, 7 40 a. m. 9 80. 12 80, 1 20. 4 80. 6 10 and 6 60 n. m. xave lamaqua, week aays, a is, bbo, uze i. lu., i sy, o oo 7 , u 44 p. m. Leave Mabanov Cltv. week davs. 8 45. 9 04 1117 m Itl K Ji. 6 51. 7 41. 10 fW n. In Leave Mabanov Plane, week davs. 2 40. 4 00 680. 922 10 21, 12 00, a. m., 289, 586, 642,758 jozip m leavo wiiiituieporl, week days, 7 42, 1000 a i 12 84 and 00 11 80 p. m. ATLANTIC CITY DIVISION, Leave Philadelphia Cheetnut street whsrt and South street 'f liar tor Atlantte City. vveekuays Express, ui, zoo, 4 00, sou, 7 19 pm. Accominonaiion, nuu a in, o to p m. sun. days Express, 9 00, 10 CO a m, 7 15 p m. Accom modatlon. 8 00 u m. 4 45 n m. Leave Atlantlo City Depot i Weekdays Ex. press, 7 85, 9 00 a m, 3 80, 5 30 n m. Accommoda tion, 8 15 a iu, 4 06 p m. Sundays Express, 4 80, 730 p m. Accommodation, 7 15 am, 4 05 p m. ror uipe May, ucean uuy anil sen isle city weekaays v io am. 4 iu. ouunm. Bununv -Chestnut St.. 9 15. houth St.. 9 am. Aauiiionn loi i"ape stay weekoays sou a in. Parlor Oin nn all express trains. For further Information, apply to nearest Phl!adeIi.MR and Beading Hallway ticket agent oraooress f A llD.miDn Tr..c 1-1 1. T Wu. tlen'l Bupt, Oen'i Puss'r Art "ir 'iiwinai. f niiadAlnnia, A box of our m iciriL rnniLT wm is an exhilarating stimulant during the hot summer months. DoHvorod at your homo Columbia Brewing: Company J li Shenandoah People Will Pint Mere Much to Interest Them. Fera number ef yrs Shenandoah people bad the opportunity t thorMrgbly Investi gale Ike wot kings of 'The Little Conqueror " Inral oitlaeH bve UntiAed hi merit, and contlnoe to add their endorsement (D there he any stronger proof produced than this? Dwtn'a Kidney Iill have stood the teat of time. Have helped naay of oor people on tne road to health. Have saved life itaelf right here at home in Shenandoah ml, better still, the foud work continues Head tills cam : Mr. K. Rouea, late of the Hotel Frrguvn. aajrs: "I had a skise back, a continuous paia aero tny loin and a great deal of heads. ic Tb khiney ertkw were not normal and vary movement I made, such as stooping, bonding forward, or attempting to lift any thing mnoed sharp twinges to pas through me whlah hold me motion lew for a se-ond or two on account of their severity. I learned about Doau'a Kidney Pills in some way and procured them at Kirlln's drag store Tt.e first box did me so much good 1 got anotlitr. bat I did not have to ue half of the se nnd box before tho whole trouble and anuoyati were things of the patt." Dean's Kidney Mils for sale by all drale r Price 50 cents. Mailed hy Fojter-Miltmn. Co., Huflslo, N. Y. Sole agenU for tlie I', a. Kemember toe name Ltoan'c ami lake 113 other. POLITICAL CARDS. OTK FOK WW. S. LEIB, OFSHLAND. FOR I'ROTI IONOTARY. TJOTK FOB FRANK R. KANTNER, OF LOFTY. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. 70TK FOB HORACE F. RABER, OF PINKOItOVK. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. OTK FOB FRANK J. BRENNAN, Or Shshaxdoau, FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. rOTE FOR THOMAS J. HIGGINS, OP SHENANDOAH. FOR CLERK OF THE COURTS. roTi: for M. A. CAREY, FOR PROTI IONOTA RY. VOTE FOB FRANK C. REESE. OP SUE.IAXDOAH, FOR COUNTY REGISTER. TOTE for I JOHN T. SHOENER, FOR CLERK OF THE COURTS. OTE FOR CHARLES E. BERGER, FOR DISTRICT ATTORNEY. TTOTE FOB EMANUEL JENKYN, Present Incumbent.) FOR RECORDER OF DEEDS. LEHIGH VALLEY RAILROAD. IN EFFECT MAY' 14, 1899. PassenErer trains leave fUienundnfth far TVnn Haven Junction. Mauch Chunk. ThlchtAn. Shitington, Vhlte Hall, tatasauqua, Allentown, iv.iiieut:iii, r-rtflion rteff iora ana l nuaueipnla at 5 28, 7 SO a. in . 12 52 and 5 17 p. in. For Wllkcsbarre. White Haven and Ptttjitne . 5 24, 10 12 a. m.. 12 52 and 5 17 p. m. rur iceyviiie, -lowanua, siayre, waverly Elmlra. Bochester BuiTaln. Mt-r Kll. Auburn, Syracuse, Ithaca, Geneva and the West, 10 12 a. m., 12 52 and 5 17 p. tn. For Belvldere, Delaware Water Oap an? Stroud. burg, 5 28 a. m., 5 17 p. m. r or iimuenviiie anu 'i ronton, 7 aj a. m. For .leanesvillc. Levlston and llnvor XI.u)a. 5 28 a. 111., 1252 p. 111. For McAdoo, Audenried, Haxleton, Stockto and Lumber Yard, 0 28, 7 50, 10 12 a.m., 12 52 and i 14 y, iu. rorjeuuo, nrlllon and Freeland, 5 28, 1012 in., 5 17 p. ra. For Scronton, 28, 10 12 a. in., 5 17 p. m. For I-ost Creek, ulmrd villi-. n,l A.hlnnd. 4 m and 728 p. m. 1 ' For Haven Run, Centralis, Mount Carmel and Shamokln, 10 49 a. m., 1 42, 6 07, 9 23 p. rru For Mahanoy City, S'ark Place and Delano, 5 28, 7 50, 10 12 a. m.. and 12 52, 8 17 p. m. J ui i niwviiio, u a, iu iz a. m. Trains will leave Hhamokln At 7 m n -vi m . 1159 and 4 20 p.m.. and arrive at Shenandoah at 7 50, 10 12 a. m., 12 52, 5 17 p. m. IMive Shenandoah for Pottsvllle. 8t. Clair, new Castle, Morea and New Boston, 7(0 aud 10 12 a. m , 12 52 and 5 17 p. in. Leave Pottsvllle for Shenandoah. 9 45 a, m 12 35, 505, 8 15 p. ra. lave liaiieion lor Sbenandoab, 9 54 a. la.. 1215,5 09,6 26,831 p. m. SUNDAY TRAINS. Trains leave for Raven linn rntn.1U. Mi. Carmel and Shamokln, 9 48 a. ra., 7 21 p. m., Trains leave Shamokln for Shenandoah at 8 80 a. m., and 5 35 p. m. Leave Shenandoah for Yatesvllle, Malianor City, Park Place, Delano, McAdoo, Audenried Haxleton, Stockton, Lumber Yard, Weatberir and Mauch Chunk. 9 47 a tn.. and lX!n.m. rut iuiKuujD, niatingion, uiiasauqua, wnita Hall, Coplay, Allentown, Boston and Phillips , Kuaton and . m. uutlit v i n. in., snu o iu For New York Philadelphia, 9 47 a. ro lave Haxlet. ?htIuntlmth.HM.A.m.. and 6 27 p. m. KOLL1N II. WILBUR, Genl. 8upU New York. CHARLES S. LRE, Qenl. Pass. Agt., !6 CoHIandt Street, New York. A. W. NONNEilACHER, Dlv. P. A., South Bethlehem. Pa, M. B. CUTTER, Supt. Transportation, South Bethlehem, Pa. riillions of Dollars Go up In runokt, ovory year. Take no risks bat get your houses, stock, fur nlturs, etc., lusured In first-class re liable companies as represented by DAVID FAUST. Insurance Apent 120 South Jardin Bl 'al.oLlla andAeeldsntsl onsanlee PATENT Good Ideas Hiji may be secured by our aid. Address, THE PATENT RECORD, Uiltlmors, HX fiubscrlptions to The Patent Record IUUikx