TheHerald iKr,iiLisiir.i 187. "All the News Thai's Fll lo Print."- Fnbllslipil evrry evr nine except Runilny, nt H Houlh Janlhi street, Shenandoah, Va. I.ONO liISTANCK THMII'IIONI!. The Herald Is delivered In Shenandoah nnd the surrounding town for eent a wc ek, y nble to the carriers, lly mall W.00 a year, , or 15 cents n month payable In adrance. Ad vertlements charged aceordliiK to ispaec and position. The publishers reserve the rlptlit Ki cbaiiKO the position of ailvcrtlements whenever the publication of news demands It The right Is referred to rejeet any advertisement, whether uld for or not, that the publisher y '' lmpnMr, Adver tising rtr tuiule known upon application. nWred at the post ofllm at Shenandoah, !'., as second class mall matter. you! dan nt hrac1i Inkadkbs OP', AJtV OTI1HR DULY (BvcxxixiQ $cvcilfc TUESDAY. OCTOBEU 31. 1809. OUR COUNTRY : First. Last and Forever. Evidence of n Han's Worth. It Is uiuusinK in the extreme to wutoh the efforts of the Deinoeratie press to bolster up the candidates of that party and to close the eyes of the people to the facts. Especially is this true in perusing the editorial articles appearing in the Pottsville Chrouicle. Last evening our con temporary was sufficiently bold to present the name of the Democratic candidate for Recorder, and those of our readers who know the manager of the Chronicle and the candidate for Recorder, and their political re lations in the past, especially so at the time that a vacancy existed on tile Board of County Commissioners, will accept the Chronicle's opinion in the light of "campaign literature." The Chronicle editor's opinion of Mr. Joseph Nichter, the Democratic candidate for Recorder, at the time mentioned, would hardly look well in print, neither would it ndd to the latter's "popularity and worth." After burdening its readers with a short biography of Mr. Nichter, the Chronicle boldly asserts that "the best evidence of a man's worth is the regard in which he is held by his im mediate neighbors." We fully agree with our contemporary. Now let us see what the neighbors of Mr. Nichter think of him. When a va cancy existed on the Board of County Commissioners there were a number of Democratic applicants, prominent among them being our friend of the Chronicle, und Mr. Joseph Nichter. It was generally believed that the present Democratic candidate for Recorder was slated for the position. Did Mr. Nichter's "immediate neigh bors" rally to his support and urge his appointment? Did they regard him as embodying those qualifications that make an efficient public servant 1 We think not, and if the Chronicle will jog its memory a little it will bear us out in this statement. It will also remember that Mr. Nichter's application for the appointment was withdrawn. Why 1 When it became generally known that the "powers that be" had de cided to appoint Mr. Nichter as County Commissioner, the good citizens of Pottsville Mr. Nichter's "immediate neighbors," the people "who should know his worth" pre sented to court a numerously signed petition, including the names of the most prominent business and pro fessional men of the county seat, setting forth that ho was "not a fit person" to be County Commissioner, The query naturally arises, if Mr. Nichter, in the opinion of his im mediate neighbors, was "not a fit person to be County Commissioner," is he any better qualified to be County Recorder ? Will our contemporary answer that question, and be fair to its readers ? The people have a right to know what manner of man they are asked to support for an important county office, one of the most important on the "hill." A slight error in the re cording of official doouments, such as deeds, mortgages, etc., might came untold injury and loss to the patrons of the office. The Chronicle should play fair, when it publishes biographical sketohes of candidates. It should be honeit to its readers and give all the information it possesses. Our con temporary might go further and enlighten its readers in reference to the Ben. Cummings "hold up" ; who the men were that compelled him to resign as DIstrlot Attorney after hav ing been elected by 5,000 majority. Let the people have all the lnforma tion. DISCOVERED AT LAST 1 A QUICK AND SURE CURE fOR Sick-Headache Dizziness, Malaria -mJLk Grippe One GeotsRtliefMAke Sick People Well. No purging, pain or im.onTe.iicni., clear the complexion. Increase the arpet ite, tone the entire -CVftlcm. A sure cure iui jjcpicauiuu ui opinis. ZJeTrousnes ana an siomai n, uvtrsao uowei Troubles. Irge Box. 10 CENTS, Us Tablets) mm jjy mall I or ore s-ceoi stamp. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS r BE INDEPENDENT, m can toll IurI ah wnll ns nhva ftlcinn whether vniir KiilnovH nre duv eed or lionltliv. Fill n tumhlor with, nrino nnd let it stand 24 liotirs : if It haa A acdimont. if it in inllkv nr rlnudv. discolored or jmlr ; if it la ropy or uriiigv, your khiih-.vh nnti uimiuer nro, in u uungoruuH conn mon una you uo not need a liliyfliciuii to tell you so. I Kidnoy (lWngcs should bo attended to nt once, for almost 00 ter cent, of our unoxpected dcntlis of to-dny nro from xnai canso. ur. imviu itonnetiy'B vi Yorito Kennedy is the only suro euro! known for diseases of the Kidney, Liver, Bladder and Blood, Rheuma tism, Dyspopsin and Chronic Constipa tion. It Is marvelous how it stops that pain in tlio back. roliovos tlio necessity of urinating so often at nlpht, drive' way mat senium pnm in passing ,Water, corrects tlio bad effects or, whiskey nnd beer nnd shows its bene ficial effects on tlio system in an lnl credibly short time. It is sold by all drug stores nt $1.00 n bottle. If vou would like to test Favorite Rm! dy freo of nil charge, tend your full namonna post euico address to tno ua, DAVID KENNEDY COltrOUATIONV Rondout, N. Y., nnd n freo trial bottlo, together with n pmnplilct of valuable medical advice, will lie sent you by re turn nnd postpaid, providing you men ,tion this paper when you writo. Tha tmbllshcrs of this paper cuaranteo th! genuineness of this liberal offer. CAMDEN'S PRuSECUTOR DROPS DEAD Willie Vlewlne tlio Kiicok lit tlio Aquc- duot Truck on I. out: IhIiuiiI. New York, Oct. 31. Wilson H. Jen kins, prosecutor of the pleas of Cam den, Camden county, N. J dropped dead at the Aqueduct race track on Long Island yesterday. When he fell he was attended by Dr. James A. Mor gan, of Brooklyn, who In a minute pro nounced him dead. Wilson H. Jenkins was one of New Jersoy's most prominent criminal law yers. He had been prosecutor slnco 1881. He prosecuted the famous Le- coney, Miller and Shaw murder trlaln. in addition to many others of note. Ho was a nephew of the lnte It. S. Jenkins, Camden's famous criminal lawyor, one of the greatest authorities on criminal law New Jersey has ever produced. The elder Jenkins was prosecutor for 20 years, and his nephew gave promlso ot exceeding tlmt recoid, as there was no intimation but what he was in vig orous health. Mr. Jenkins leaves n widow and two children. He was to have named an assistant to himself today. His successor will be named by Governor Voorhees. No one would ever bo bothered with consti pation if everyone knew how naturally nnd quickly Burdock Blood Bitters rcgulatos the stomach and bowels. Now Yot'krrs lluy Coiil Lund, Pittsburg, Oct. 31. A syndicate of New York capitalists has purchased 30,000 acres of coal land in Westmore land county. The money value of the torritory is not made public, but It is known that Real Estate Agent Cope land and his local syndicate received from the eastern people considerably more than $1,000,000. Serious Clinree Asnlnst Illlml Tonphor Muncio, Ind., Oct. 31. Professor Frank Freeman, a blind teacher of languages and music throughout east ern Indiana, was bound over to thf circuit court yesterday at a prelimi nary trial charged with criminally as suiting two children from the Orphans' Home, who were visiting at his home over Sunday. The defendant Is 51. ne furnished $3,000 bond. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature Fatuity mffnefl by tin Kxploston. Pittsburg, Oct. 31. Ten mon, two of whom will die, were burned at the Carnegie steel works at Duquesne yes terday. The fatally burned are Robert Baxter and Thorval Nelson. The men were working In a pit engaged in making connection for a meter for the new gas house being erected. IL seems that the main had sprung a leak, and when the yard engine pass ed, hauling a train of hot Ingots, the gas was ignited and a terrific explo sion followed, completely shattering the old gas house and hurling the workmen In every direction. Jlltr Drnlnnnro Cnnnl Kxourslon. Chicago, Oct. 31. A big excursion down the drainage canal, the new waterway from the great lakes to the Mississippi river, to include governors, senators, national representatives and federal, state and city officials, lg plan ned by the sanitary district trusteos for a week from today, and is intended to be the final exhibition of the big ditch before Lake Michigan's waters are turned into it. The excursion Is expected to arouse such enthusiasm that any opposition to the vast enter prise will dwindle Into insignificance A Now Cure For Insanity. Centervllle, la., Oct. 31. Dr. It. Ber nard, whose cure of Insanity by reset ting a bone In the patient's neck has excited great Interest among the physicians ot this section, Iihb been invited to visit the state asylum for the Insane and examine the patients there. At a professional dinner In this city last night Dr. Bernard declared hie, belief that two-thirds of the Insanity cases could be cured by the resetting of dislocated bones, Murdered tn Ills llnrn. Springfield, Ills., Oct. 31. John Gait, a prominent farmer, was shot and killed In his barn last night by un known assailants. Ills wife and three daughters heard the shots, and has' tenlng toward the barn met him stag gering toward the house with his hands clasped over a wound In hta breast. He sank to the ground and expired before being able to tell any thing of the mysterious affair. Hollvlu'z Now Cabinet. Lima, Peru, Oct 31. Advices from La Paz. the capital 01 Bolivia, roport that the new cabinet has been well received. It Is made up as follows: Minister of foreign affairs, Fernando Guachalla; Interior, Carlos Romero; finance and industry, Demetrlo Cal bimonte; Justice, Samuel Oropeza; war, Ismael Montes. Tlio Champion llonodlot. Chicago, Oct. 31. Chef of Detective Cotleran received a telegram from Baltimore yesterday stating that Wal ter L. Farnsworth, the confessed biga mist now in jail here, and who is said to have had 42 wives. Is wanted in that elty for marrying four women under the name ot Sterling Orvllle Thomas. This is said to be his real name. FERRYUOAr Kt.N DOWN. Bunk by a Savannah Line Steamer In New York Harbor Several Re ported Drowned. New York, Oct. 31. Tho Pennsylva nia ferryboat Chicago, plying between Ji rspy City nnd Now York, wus cut in Jwo by tho stoamer City of Augustn, of the savannnh steamship lino, nt 12:35 this morning on tho Now York side of North river. She wont down In seven or olght minutes. Thoro worn 30 or 40 people aboard, four being wo men. It is supposed that soveral per sons were drowned, though thero Is no positive proof ot this assertion. In spite of the severity ot the nc citlent there was no panic. Most of the people were on tho upper deck and only halt a dozen persons woro on the lower deck. Most of tho persons man aged to obtain Hfo preservers. Some others who could not obtain them, about half a dozon In number, swam ashore. Tho Old Dominion llnor was evi dently coming up the river at the time of the accident, whilo tho ferryboat Chicago was bunded straight across across from tho Now Jorsey shoro for the New York slip. Kstimutes mode by the persons who succeeded In escaping vary widely, some thinking It possible that no los'S of life resulted, whilo others believe that at least a score of persons wero drowned. Tho stenmboat squad, a fow minutes beforo 2 o'clock, found a body which, It Is supposed, Is that of one ot the passengers on the ferryboat, drowned ns the result of the collision. Mr. H. W. Wblo, of this city, sayft he saw four women struggling in th" water near him, but was unable to help them. Ho wus picked up by a lifeboat One boat brought In six mon, two wo men nnd a child. Oscar Watson, of the Associated Press, was one of those who escaped. Ho says: "Thoro wore about 40 peo ple on tho ferryboat besides the crew. 1 saw four women and one little boy. Tne latter was with his father, who ap peared to be an Italian. I should think tho boat Bank within seven minutes. 1 did not get a llfo preserver, but when I saw she was going down, plunged overboard and swam for tho shore. Five men swam alongside of me." Captain Durham commanded the ferryboat Chicago. He succeeded in making his oscape. Ho says that ho has accounted for all tho members of his crew except Fireman From me. He thinks that Fromme was either drown ed or crushed to death in the stoke hole. That Throbbln Headache Would quickly leave you, if you used Dr. King's New Life Pills. Thousands of suffer ers have proved their matchless merit for Sick and Nervous Headaches. They make pure blood and strong nerves and build up your health. Easy to take. Try them. Only 25 cents. Money back if not cured. Sold by A. Waslcy, druggist. Inippator MoI.RtmiiHn Promoted. New York, Oct. 31. Inspector Will iam McLaughlin was yesterday ap pointed to the position of deputy chief by the police commissioners. He has been an acting deputy chief practically since December, 1&98. McLaughlin was one of tho members of the force accused before the Lexow committee of accepting bribes. Ho was indicted and convicted. Following the con viction ho was dismissed In June, 1895, but eight days later tho resolution of dismissal was rescinded, as McLaugh lin had secured a stay and a now trial. This time he was acquitted and restor ed to duty. "A dose in time saves lives." Dr. Wood's Norway Pino Syrup ; nature's remedy for coughs, colds, pulmonary diseases of ovory sort. Twoiity-flvo Years For Ilrutal Murdor Milwaukee, Oct, 31. Herman Muel ler, who killed Policeman John Kos sow a month ago, was last night found guilty of murder In the second de gree and sentenced to 2G years In state prison at hard labor. Mueller and his wife had been quarreling and Mrs. Mueller called for the officer's aid. Mueller seized the officer's club and beat htm to death. CA.ST031.IA.. Bears the ) 1 m ' 011 HaV9 Always BMP FUlinir tlio StroiiniH With F!h1i. Macon, Ga., Oct. 31. Mr. J. E. Brown, in charge of a fish commis sion car. Is in the city. He winds up a tour of tne state here, during which he has distributed something like 30, 000,000 young fish. The varieties dis tributed are principally rainbow trout, black bass and bream. He goes from here to Chattanooga. To Cure 11 Cold In One Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money If it falls to cure. E. W. Grove's signature Is on each box. 25c. BATTLE Willi MUSKRATS. The TUrllllnir Advontiiro of n Cliloncfo Heed IMrd Hunter. Chicago, Oct. 31. Bleeding from a score of wounds J. J. Goraghty, a po lice operator In South Chicago, yes terday reached his home and told a strange story of an attack on himself and dog by a horde of muskrats In tho swamp along the Calumet river. Goraghty entered the swamp early lu the morning to hunt for reed birds. His dog, a magnificent Gordon setter, ac companied him. Shortly after noon he started for home. Suddenly the bark ing of his dog startled him, and he ran forward to find the animal literally covered with muskrats, who were fighting desperately, biting and squeal ing like mad. They nipped at the dog's eyes and caught his tongue in their sharp teeth. He seemed almost help less, and Geraghty fired his shotgun at the little army of rodents which came scampering to tho scene, hoping to scare the ones which werefastkllllng the dog. He mowed down a dozen rats without appreciably decreasing their number. The dog at last succumbed and the reinforcements, numbering a hundred, Geraghty says, turned their attention to him. "Thoy climbed through my clothes In no time and bit me savagely," said he. "and the only thing that saved ray life was the ar rival of a couple of other hunters, who ran In with clubs and beat the llttlo fellows off." Geraghty's story Is corroborated by the hunters who rescued him. S Curo Sour Siofnach, t Constipation, efc. 3 J lo rent nnd SK cents, at drug; stores. Q NUflOETS OP NEWS. Tho New York firo department has added soiirrhllglits to Its appliance The admissions to Philadelphia's na tional export exposition yestorday numbered 1C.1C8. Prlnt'oss Isabcllo of Orionns nnd her cousin, Prince Jean of Orleans, were married In London yesterday. William 11. Webb, tho shipbuilder nnd philanthropist, died In Now York yostordny.ngcd 83. Ho leaves $20,000,000. Miss Jossle Wood, u nowspapor writer, of New York, died yostoru iy after nu illness lasting only a fow days. In a battlo with Zanzibar cnnnlbufs, ex-Unttcd States Consul Mohuu klhod 300 savages aud lost nine ot his 10 11 ropoan forced. It Is now feared that tho missing clipper, CyniB Wakoflold, from New York for San Francisco, has been lost In the Pacific. Captain James Crandoll, nn old ynclu skipper, was drowned In Now London harbor In a collision between his sloop und a Bchooner. The Chicago expross, cast bound, on tho Pittsburg and Wostorn railroad, ran Into nn open switch noar New Castle, Pa. Tho englno was ovortumed nnd George Holiday, the fireman, was killed. MOTHER'S FRIEND (tue ex. ternal liniment). Is a true safe guard for expect ant mothers. It helps them thro' the early stages without morning sickness, and as tho critical hour approaches it relaxes and relieves the overstrained muscles. Labor is shortened and robbed of nearly all pain. Safe delivery is assured, and the danger of rising or swelled breasts entirely avoided. Quick recovery and a strong offspring are certain. Druggists sell It for SI o bottle. Send for our free Illustrated book on the subject. THE BRADHELD REGULATOR CO., Atlanta, Gs. AHUSEHENTS. perguson's Theatre. DAN. J. FERGUSON, Mgr. ONE SOLID WEEK COMMENCING MONDAY, OCTOBER 30. DIME MATINEE SATURDAY. Mitchell's Repertoire All-Star Of Comedies and Players, Dramas. All the Electrical Effects and Every flembcr of flltchell's All-Star Players. TO-NIGHT: "THE JMDDliEPIi' rIO PLAY REPEATED. An Entire Change of Special ties Each Night. PRICES : 10, 20 and 30 Gts. Special tickets for ladles on Monday night for 15 cent If reserved at Klrlln's drug store- before 7 p. m. perguson's Theatre. DAN. J. FERGUSON, MsT. One IMIgl-tt Only. Wednesday Evening, Rov. 1st THE FAMOUS BROS. ROYER, IN THEIR ACROBATIC FARCE FROLIC NEXT DOOR! The Funniest Show on Earth. C1THTH The (1 Hoyer Troupe, of Acrobats. fSHiHi The Clrent Kir Scene. Ky"-IJ-J The Trick Trolley fnr. rVWVVAl The KcvolvliiR Scene. rWV 1 ho only Archie itoycr. rVS 10 Great Specialties. Nothing like It. Ten times creator than any other PRICES : - - 25, 35 and 50 Cents. Reserved Seats at Klrlln's Drue Stroe. Quality, Durability, Neat Styles, Perfect Pit, Are the features ot our footwear. Another top notch feature is our prices. We Ciin com pete with any other dealer. Try us once, and you will try again. A. WOMBR, NO. 124 NORTH MAIN ST. Tf 1 11 To PATENT Good Ideas 1 ill may be secured by 1 our aia. Aaaress, THE PATENT RECORD, Baltimore. Md SabscrlDtlou to The I'ttent Uecord HJUtKrumuni MUNYON'S INHALER CURES CATARRH Colds, Coughs, Hny Fever, Bron chitis, and all Diseases of the Throat and Lungs. rinmls of IMIcateil Vapor are Inhslcd 'lirmiith tin' mouth anil emitted from the noi irlln. Wranslng and Taporltlnf all the Inflamnl nnd dlR-Asod parls which cannot be reached by medicine taken Into the nloraach. Tt rcor'ifi the fore tpolTl hcati the raw )?(ivj It foM to the neat oftlttewitIt aeti nt it balm ami tonie to the whole tyttrmtt.oOnt druggttf or tent bymatl. 1S0S Arch St., J'hila. n. moody ltlot Among Hunt. Irwin, I'n., Oct. 30. Huhntown, Ir win's suburban mining Village, was tho scene of a bloody riot yesterday af ternoon. Tho Hungarians were hold ing the usual pay day celebration, and had gathered in a big boarding house. About i o'clock a light was started, and all sorts of weapons were brought Into use. Mrs. Mike Batlicand had her skull fractured und two Angers chew ed off, whilo her husband Is In a seri ous condition from a fractured skull Three arrests wero mudo. Holtllors Mnllenod. San Francisco, Oct. 30. Tho officers nnd men of the Forty-sixth regiment, who lmvo arrived here, are grieved and Indignant at the story contained In a dispatch from Cincinnati on Oct. 19, which stated that an epidemic of drunkenness among the men necessi tated a drum court martial and the sending ot the alleged malefactors to tho Columbus barracks. Tho officers of the regiment denounce tho story as absolutely baseless. CVU A VT I J - Is not recommended for o " evorythlnit.lmtif you lmvo DOOT kidney, liver or Madder 'wu trouble It will 1 found just tho remedy you need. At druggists in fifty cent and dollar sizes. You may liavoa sample bottto of this wotidorful now discovery by iniiil free, also pamphlet telling nil about it. Address. Dr. Kilmer &Co.,IlinKlmmton, N. Y Arthoro on n Di'stihito tslatul. St. Johns, Oct. 30. Tho steamor Labrador, which has Just' arrived hero from atrip along tho Labrador coast, reports that a fishing crow of 30 peo ple are on a desolato Island oft tlio northern section of tho coast, where they have been virtually abondoned for some time, owing to tho fact that the Instructions for a vessel to bring them down miscarried. A special steamer must bo sent promptly to their assistance, or they will perish with cold and hunger during the coming winter. Young Mothers. CrouD is tho terror of thousands of young mothers becmiso its outbreak is so agonizing aud frequently fatal. Shiloh's Cough and Consumption Giro acts liko magic In cases of croup. It has never been known to fail. The worst cases roliovcd immediately. Price 25 cts., 60 cts. and $1.00. Sold by P. D. Klrlin on a guarantee. A 'Wraltlty .Merc'linut'H Suicide. Camden, N. J., Oct. 30. Christopher C. Chew, proprietor of the largest de partment store In southern New Jer sey, committed suicide yestorday In his store in this city by shooting himself lu the temple. Since the partial de struction of his store a year ago by Are air. Chew has suffered from nervous prostration, nnd at times ex pressed a fear that he was becoming Insane. Mr. Chew was reputed to be worth ?250,000.- He was 49 years of age,' and leaves a widow and four chllren. To-Nlght and To-Morrow Night And each day and night during this week you can get at any druggists Kemp's Balsam for the Throat and Lungs, acknowledged to bo the most successful remedy over sold for Coughs, Croup, Bronchitis, Asthma and Consumption. Get a bottlo to-day and keep It always in tho house, so you can check your cold at once. Price 25c and 50c. Sample bottlo free. liriiodlioiimlH to Hunt u Murderer. Watkinsville, Ga., Oct. 30. Saturday night. In High Shoals district, Will Pierce, a negro, killed Wdlter Puryear and fatally wounded Mrs. Puryear and his (Pierce's) wife with an ax. Plerco had been separated from his wife, who was making her home with the Puryears. Pierce called on his wife, and was asked to remain. The kill ing was done whilo tho family was asleep. Sheriff Overby left for the place last ovenlng, accompanied by bloodhounds. THAT JOYFUL VKKLING With the exhilarating sense of renewed health and strength and internal cleanliness which follows the use of Syrup of Figs Is Unknown to tho few who have not progressed beyond the old-time medicines and the cheap substitutes sometimes offered but never ac cepted by the well-informed. Buy the genuine. Manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. HIGHWAYMEN IN ST. LOUIS. Itnllwny Offlolnl nobbed orS 18,7.30 In ClivokH and $1,01(1 tn Cash. St Louis, Oct. 31. Robert B. Jen nings, secretary and treasurer of the Broadway Cable line, was robbed of $1,013 lu cash and $18,750 In checks while standing on the rear platform ot a Broadway car at Broadway and Washington avenue at noon yesterday. The robbery, committed in broad day light In one of the busiest corners of St. Louis, Is regarded as ono of the most daring crimes committed In the history of local police annals. Mr. Jennings had Just drawn the money from the bank, Intending to take it to the railroad company's of fices to pay off the hands. Just as Mr. Jennings was getting on the car two men approached, and one qf them Jostled up against him. This was dona to attract his attention away from the other man, who picked his pockets while the Btreet railroad official turn ed to see who jostled him, Mr. Jen nings discovered he had been robbed shortly after it occurred, but the men had In the meantime made their es cape. Mr. Jennings was robbed of $4,000 several years ago under somewhat similar circumstances. The robbers wero captured and sent to the peniten tiary. Itlolinr V Imit'tiie "Klondike, San Francisco, Oct. 31. The steamer Mertiia arrived here yesterday from St. Michael with 375 passengers, most ot whom are from Cape Nome district. The aggregate wealth ot tho Bertha's passengers is placed at over $2,000,000 The miners say the district Is far richer than tho Klondike, though not so healthy. The sanitary conditions are reported to bo worse tbun at Dawsou. TUG PKODUCfi' MARkETS. Philadelphia, Oat. 30. -Flour In light de mand; winter superfine, $2.252.40; Penn sylvania roller, clenr, J3.1CK?3.:0; city mills, xtra, $2,$0iTO. Itye flour firm at J.C0 per barrel ' for choice Pennsylvania. Wheat dull; No. 2 red, spot. In elevator, 69VMnoHo. Com slow; No. 2 mixed, spot, In elevator, 3SV4i39r.; No. 2 yellow, for local trade, c. Oats steady, No. 2 white, clipped, 32c. ; lower grades, 2SS30c. Hay firm, choice timothy, 1C for largo bales. Beet xtronir; beef hams, 12321. Pork firm: family, $13fll3.50. Lard steady; western steamed, $5.00. Dutter strong; Western creamery. 1724c; do. factory, HMCI6U0,; Juno croumery, 170230.; Imi tation creamery, 15'.420c.; New York dairy, 16l4t20o.; do. creamery, 17Sf24a.; fancy Pennsylvania prints jobbing at 28 29e.; do. wholesale, 23c. Cheese quiet; lurge, white, 12c; small do., 12y4c; largo, colored, 12012Ue.j small do., 12c. Eggs dull; New York and Pennsylvania, 20VV 21c; western, ungraded, at mark, 14S18C. Potatoes quiet; Jersey, H31.25; New York, $l1.2!i, Long Island, il.UWSl-50: Jersey weotd, J1.60U2; southern do., ll.12Vi01.28. Cabbage dull; Long Island, $23 per 100. Baltimore. Oct 30. Flour quiet; west ern Huperllne. 2.2Wf2.35; western extru, 12.40S2.M; western fninlly, 13.235f3.C5; win ter wheat, patent. 13.65ff3.85; spring wheat, patent, $3.754? 4 : spring wheat, straight, $3.4503.60. Wheat weak; spot, the month and November, COVifl 00?4c ; De cember, 71V4?m?io.; steamer No. 2 red, eSfiSSVic; southern, by sample, 61971c; do. on grnde, 67Vi(870Vlc Corn easy and dull; spot, tho month and mixed, 37?i 37!4c; November, 37?i 37Tic ; November or December, new or old, 3GV4B3Cc; January, 3&Viff 36V4c ; steamer mixed, 3CV4 036c; southern, white and yellow, 35S1 39c. Oats more active; No. 2 white, 30 31c; No. 2 mixed, 2Sc. Itye dull; No. 2 nenrhv. 58c.; No. 2 western, 62'ic. liny dull; No. 1 timothy, 115. Grain freights very quiet nnd rates easy; steam to Liverpool, per bushel, IVid. November; Cork, for ordarB, per quarter, 3s. 6d. No vember. Sugar strong nnd unchanged; coarse and lino grniiulated, 5.39. Butter firm; fnncy creamery, 24c; Imitation, 19 ii20c; fancy lHdle, l"18c; good lauie, 16c; store packed, 1416c; rolls, lfyffl7c Cheese steady: large. 13S13Uc.; medium, 13V4T?13Vic; small, 13V4S13ic. Eggs firm at lDQlS'ic. I.lvo Stoolt Market. Now York, Oct. 30. Beeves active; prices generally steady; comiron steers a shade lower; steers, 14.40. .90; half breeds, 15.10; oxen and stags, ll.2iW.75; bulls, $2.704; cows, 11.5004. Veals 25c. i,i..i,-- miun .lull nnd 2.V. lower: veals, 5i"(i9; grassers, 12.755T3.25; some early sales at 13.30Jf3.BO. oneeji wean i. lower; Iambs opened easier; closed 23c i !... Qnhinlnv! nhnnn. 12.504.30: Und H,M -"-"- " lambs, $1.755.65; Canadian lambs, Id 5.65; culls, 13.75'84. IJogs lower at. n.wmi 4.60; prime western nogs, h.uj. T.iiurtv Pn . net. so. Cattle mar kot steady; extra, 15.S0S: prime, 15.708! B.SK); common, nogs kiuw uuu lower; best medium weights, 14.40; best heavy hogs, 54.40u4.4o; uesi noavy iurn- l v.- lli-ht rln.. 14.2.V&4.30. SllCfl) dull; choice' wethers. 11.254.35; common. 11.C0 2.60; choice lambs, 15.30SG.35; common to good, $3.3585.10; vcul calves, inw.w. SolmylkiU Amount to fiiisnnm! w.mir Philadelphia, Oct. 30. For tho first lime in tne nisiory or the Schuylkill arsenal in this city thero is to be a susnension in tho worlc of mat no- nni forms for tho United States army. It is unnerscooa that the official order for the susnension of work by the commandant nf fim nrsnnnl n week ago from Washington, and thac tne notice to the employes will bo posted this week. The effect of tho order will bo felt hv mav wirinwa r,f soldiers In this city, as It means the laying oft ol over 1,500 women work ers. Scald head is oil eczema of tho scalp very severe sometimes, but It can be cured. Doan's Ointment, quick and permanent lu Its results. At any drug store, BO cents. Muriloi Folluwod a Woddlnir. Scranton, Pa., Oct. 30. While re turning from a Sunday wedding In Old Forge lust evening Angelo Peloii, a Moosie boarding houso keeper, shot and killed one of his boarders, An tonio Spinello. Genoio Passero, an other boarder was present and wit nessed the affair, but was too fright ened to capture tho murderer. Ho however, Joined in tho chase and Is still dcouring tho woods with othors of his countrymen looking for tho fugitive. Spinello insulted the board ing boss, and the latter turned like a (lash and shot him four times. You Try It. If Shiloh's Cough and Consumption Cure, which is sold fur tho small price of 25 cts., 50 cts. and $1.00, does not euro hike the bottle back and we will refund your money. Sold for over fifty years on this guarantee. Price 25 cts. and 50 cts. Sold by P. D. Klrlin on a guarantee. Equine Holocaust lu PbUndolpliln. Philadelphia, Oct. 30. The triangu lar block bounded by Canal and Second streets and Germantown avenue was almost entirely destroyed by lire yes terday, entailing a loss of over $150,000, on which thero Is a partial insurance. The fire Is supposed to have originated in 'tho warehouse of Wunderllch Brothers, at Nos. 179 nnd 181 Canal street. Twelve horses belonging to Wunderllch Brothers wero burned to death. Origin of tho flro unknown. S 'TWERE is a certain stylish cf- 2; -h I feet about garments made 2 ;S from these Celebrated l'at- 5; ;S terns that Is not attained by the S ;S use of any other patterns. 3; (No-Seam-AIIownnce Patterns.) S Have not an equal for style and perfect 2 fit. Easy to untie -and Only to and. $ 3 I; ctt, each none hii.her. E Id tn nrarlv I - every city c d town, or by in ul. Ask for S; S them, bet K I a V.on Sliei t and ten our 2--5 desijni. Absolutely the very latrt styles, Is A FREE PATTERN : 5l of her own selection wl.l ho given 5 every subscriber to 5; MS CALL'S MAGAZINE S A LADIES' MAGAZINE. i S Ono that every lady ahoutd take regit- 2; -2 larly lteautlful colored platei; latest S; i- fashions dressmaking economics I fancy !S work : household hints ; fiction, etc Sub J scribe to-day, or, send $c for latest copy. 3; Lady accnts wanted. Send lor terms. 2- ji THE McCALL CO., j 130-HB West 14th St., New York. S These celebrated patterns and pub. Ilcatlons are for sale, and recom mended by L. J. Wilkinson. CURES CATARRH ASTHMA HAY FEVERl MUMrS.lrlUUKlAntUIJHtAM.I FIRE8.5UNBURNCHAHMO, '- BUNIONS&TIRED FEET. . CHAPPEDFACEUPS&HANDSl SAFE REMEDY FOR PILES J All DRUGGISTS or MAILED FOR 25 H.TMASON CHEMICAL CO 515 AncuSrfciuft I BAZAR tm i iiiiii i iiiiiiimMiwMi HE Hi II FOUR DOGTOfiS Ffltt ' 18 months in a chaif. i A Specialist also tails to even relievo a bad case ot vsttima. Tho BRAZILIAN BALM instantly rc- leves and effects a Radical Lure. Shaker Station, Ct., Feb. 3, 1890. Brazilian Balm . has done w o n dcis for me, after suflerii g Z years with Asthma. I received no help from four of our local pliysiri ms, and a eperlulKt in Hartford, -who is at the hc-ad of the hospital und receives all the critical cases m the adjoining counties. For 18 months I never laid down set in a chair day nnd ni'i'-t and had to be drawn from one ronui o another, lly my doctor's orders T wi ut south nnd staid several mouths but re ceived no benefit. At Inst Brazilian Dalm was rerr-mmended to tnesohigbly I decided to try it. Inside of u week I could sleep in my bed. Now I am out loors every day, tending to everything, lo not linve anv Asllima and will soon resume my old occupation, foreman of the Eddy Electric Wig. Co., of Windsor Ct. Most gratefully yours, Wm. II. Wood. Thousands of d-Klors prescribe Brazilian Balm In Catarrh, Astlinm. l'leuriy and Grippe. Only thliig known Hint fiuovts oil the after effect of Grippe In l.mnrs l.iver Kldnevq, Iftc. no cts, and 11.00 a bottle at druggists. With the Jl.00 bottle you get a mouth's treatment FRHK of Toxicola Tablets, the best Toulc. Strength builder In the world. 11. P. Jackson & Co., Manufacturing Chemists, Indianapolis, Ind, SHENANDOAH DRUO STORE, Wholesale Agents Special Kxcurslon to IMillndelpliln, Account National lixport Imposition, vin Pennsylvania llnllroRil. The Pennsylvania Railroad Company has arranged for special excursion rates to Phila delphia on October 25, November Sand S3, account National Export Exposition. Koiuid trlp tickets, good to return within ten days, Including day of issue, will bo sold on abova dates from New York, Trenton, Belvldcre, Atlantic City, Capo Jlay, Pottsville, Roading. Wilkcsbarro, Lancaster, Harrisburg, York, Willlarasport, Canaudaigua, Krio aud inter mediate points at rate of single fare for tho round trip, plus admission to tho Exposition (no rate less than ono dollar). For specific rates apply to ticket agents. Tjie National Export Exposition has sur passed all expectations in the extent aud variety of its exhibits, nnd lu Its general ex cellence and attractiveness. The Implement Building, containing a marvelous display of farm machinery, is particularly interesting to agriculturalists. Tho band concerts and diverting midway furnish delightful enter tainment for all. What Is ShUoh 1 A grand old remedy for Cough, Colds aud Consumption ; used through tho world for half a century, has cured innumerable rases of incipient consumption aud relieved uiauy in advanced stages. If you are not satisfied with tho results wo will refund your money Price 25 cts., 50 cts. nnd ?1.00. Sold by P. D Klrlin on a guarantee. Coming Kvents. Nor, 21. Operetta, "Prince Ferdinand and the Enchanted Sword," at Ferguson's theatre. Nov. 24. National Festival in ICobbins Hall, North Main street, under auspices nf the Young Men's Blhlo Class of' tho Presby terian Sabbath school, Nov. 21. Fourth annual ball of the De fender IIoso Company No. 3, to ho held in tho Hose Company's Hall, Turkey Run, eooiult If you nufTerfrom Private DiMaaet & Kxceises. Prof. . T. THEBI M. 1., 004 North Hlxth HU, Philadel phia, l'u.t gives a Gnu-ante la every esse. Vsriooeelei Bt Hot nre (no outdo rl. Loit Vigor (Allosltbri'orud, Parts eolarEed. KovruSS, ier'ga 6 V. 13. Hot) a for long stsndlng sod dsDgerons ettes dsilr 10 50 to 1 3d. Fresh raea cured 4 to 1 0 dji. Send for Sworn teitlmoolsU and Book, all fraads expoied. LE BRUM'S FOR EITHER SEX. This remedy requires no change of diet. Cure guaranteed in i to 3 days. Small mr Plain package, by CURc mall $i.oo. Sold by Klrlln's drug store. Carload of Stoves, Heaters, Ranges, AWAIT YOUR INSPECTION AT OUR STORE. We have the best satisfactory giving products that are being sold anywhere. Save money by coming to see us and our display. DAVISON'S DEPARTflENT STORES, Nos. 119-121-123 North Main St. SWEEPING BARGAIN d Are Offered at Our Store In Boots, Shoes and Underwear. And as for groceries, we are the cheapest grocers in town. PHILIP YAROWSKY, RELIABLE GROCER, 233 W. Cenlre Street, Shenandoah, Pa. BO YEARS' EXPERIENCE. TRADE MARKS, DESIGNS, COPYRIOHTS lo. Anyono Bending a tkutrh and description mar qulckiagourtutn, freo, whotber an luvoiillou li "robabljr patentable. ( mumuutcatlotm strlctlr untldenttal. Oldest aponcy forftecurlnie patents America. We have a Washington oHIce, 1'atentt taken tbrouiib Muna & Co. receive .octal nottoo (n tbe SCIENTIFI0 AMERICAN, beautifully Illustrated, largest circulation of any aciontltlo lournal, weekly, terms W.U) a reari IUjOsix mouths, bpeclinen copies and Uakd Book on 1'ATCNTa sent free. Address MUNN & CO., JUt llruutlway. Nety York. ., mi