4 3 r G r urInaryaDISea&es v ,-..... ? Earful roTHt V-eWV CPtCIAUXVATuADlC IN PROSTATIC TROUBdS CYSTITIS-DIABtTESVi-'INCONTINtNCyURINt -tyrreacilNTirie' bicnoino pure santal'ano saw palmetto etc etc; Bv Mail'J lt-5troITMprootfMPMt.CT' PAN-AMERICAN.DRUGCO.NEWYORja Hold In Shenandoah at KIRLIN'S PHARMACY. Orders ly mall gent to any address. LIVERITA THE UP-TO-DATE LITTLE LIVER PILL I CURES Blliousnoss, Constipation, Dyspopsia, Slck-Hoad -acho and Llvor Complaint. SUGAR COATBD. Bold by all druggists ui ovuv o J uinui i JNcntU Mtstcsl Co., Cbtctn 5c box contains IS pills. Bold by KIrlln drug tore, Shenandoah, Pa. Grocers can tell vnn wliv Ihn.f. (who buy Seollg's Wiien krcncominrrbnck for it. Strange though how long it takes ueonle to . , jtry a new thing. t . rTMli.t.r'. KstUab lMamoml llrand. ENNYROYAL P.LLS irf. a.)wi rellkM. LADIC tail i. , Dmrxlit for CMchfM gngluh mond Brand in It i tod fitf "nlliuar 'boiet, ph1 wim tUQf nunon j kc w Jno other. RtfuHdangtnmi wbttitw V Wttmt nnJ imitation. AtUronliti. or a4 4. ' In urapi for partlenlarf, t.-UnioDli. and ltUr for I. .lie ft," in (Ifftr, br rfUra Bold tf aU UcM DrajgUti. I'll I IA Dr. Humphreys' Spccillcs euro by acting directly upon the disease, without exciting disorder in Any other part of the system. JIO, CUBES. PRICES. 1 Fever., Congestions, Inflammations. ,t5 '2 Worm., Worm Fever, Worm Colic... 3 Teething. Colic, Crylng,Wakefulnes3 .25 1 Diarrhea, or Children or Adults , ,'JS 7 Cough., Colds, Bronchitis 25 8 Neuralgia, Toothache, Faceache 25 9 Headache, Sick Headache, Vertigo. . .25 10 Dy.pepiln,Xndlgcstlon,'WeakStomach.25 11 Supprc.ed orl'alnful Period. 12 White., Too Prot usa Periods 13 Croup, Laryngitis. Hoarseness.., .25 .25. ,'J3 1-1 Salt Itli cum, Erysipelas, Eruptions.. ,25 15 liheuniatlim. Rheumatic Pains 25 16 Malaria, Chills, Fever and Ague 25 10 Catarrh, Influenza. Cold In the Head .25 SOlVbooplng.Cough 25 ST-Kldney Dliea.es t. .25 28-Xervous DcMlltv 1,00 30 Urinary Weaknesa, Wetting Bed 25 77 Orlp, Hay Fever 25 Dr. Humphreys' Manual or all Diseases at your Druggists or Mailed Free. Sola by druggists, or sent on receipt of prrce, Humphreys' Wed. Co Cor. William & John Sts. New York. PROFESSIONAL CARDS;. M. BUKKK, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Office Kgan building, corner of Main ar Centra etreeis, Hbenamloftb, J. CLAUDE HKOAVN, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW?5 OOlce: Cor. Centre "and White streets, nez o Justice Toomey'a ofllce. CaUUHLElt, M..D., . , i . J - i -J . PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. No. 80. East tloyd Street. ' ' r ' Ofllce hours: 8 to 9 a. m. 1 to 8 p. m. 1, to 9 p. m. )ROF. JOHN JONES, MUSICAL INSTRUCTOR, Lock Box 63, Mahatkoy Oily, V v llavlnir studied under some .of the beal masters ill London and Paris, will give' lessoLf on ine vioun,ix)anaoiin, Ruiiar ana vocal euiiure. Terms reasonable. Address In care tit Btrmr tho lewaler Shenandoah. SOLOMON HAAK Agent for the Famous BERGNER & ENGEL Phila. Stock Ale, Sparkling Still Amber Ale, Bottled Pale Ale Blown Stout, Half and1 Half, Beer tud Porter. LORENZ SCHMIDT'S" Mt. Carbon Beer ON TAP At all its customers to-day. Solomon Haak's, 116 South Main Street, Will receive pram.pt attention. Tho Rosv Froshnosa 1 auu vcireiy bouncss or me bkii "ably obtained by tbors who use I OompIexloD Powder, And velvety softness of the skin Is Inra- I POUOHI'B " lyijuyujjuLd! I 1UU rwIUL 25 CTS 3 fck$. m l W usedasan At admixture to w ordinary cot j . lig lee truces a'. ... j .-' j delicious drink tt- 1 RELIEF TO Gratoful For the Union of tho Forcos of Yulo and WhitOi A VERY EXHAUSTIVE MARCH, Took tlio Column Twenty-four Hours to Covor tho Last Slztoon Mile. Uouornl Cron.lo'n Itoportod Attolt on Murokttiir Not Contli'mod. London, Oct. 27. The offlcial nn nouncement of tho Joining of General White tind General Yule has come as a great relief, and all the more so In view of the fact that later dispatches havo shown that only the Incapacity of the Intelligence department of tho Doers saved General Yule's column from a treat disaster. It seems that on Friday night Dun deo was full of alarms. Heavy firing was heard at 1 o'clock and again at A severo thunderstorm soon after stopped the Boer cannonade. Saturday passed In the same anxious manner, In momentary expectation of an attack. Tho British Anally evacu ated, taking- all that they rould, hut leaving plenty behind for the Uoers to loot. - The appointments of the Boer hos pltnl at Dundee aro described as very Inndequatb and primitive. Tho Doors themselves, In tho absence of a nurs ing staff, get only scant attention. General Yule s column had a very exhausting march, chlelly. It Is believ ed, by night. The reason for a night march Is not given, but It was prtyi abfty a fear of Boer surprises. The heavy rams and mist hampored the march, but were perhaps the means of anvlnir General Yulo from molestation. It took the column 24 hours to cover the last lti miles. A correspondent who visited the ho3- plti.i at Ladysmlth, where the Boers wounded at Elandslangte, who were GENERAL CBONJE. captured, are being treated, reports that General Jan Kock, who wns badly wounded In the thigh and shoulder, said that the advance of the patrol under Commnndant Plenary without guns, was simply with the objeqt of, cutting the railway,- and that Una body was subsequently reinforced without General Joubert's orders, Gen- eral Viljoen accompanying them. The latter was killed early in the light General Kock's brother, Philip, two sons and a nephew were all wounded and taken prisoners Colonel Schlel of the. German corps, and .Command' ant Pretorius were both severely wounded. Many prominent Boers are not yet accounted for. Philip Kock says the Boers suffered most from "soldiers In little clothes, half men and half wo men," meaning the Gordon Highland ers, and In the charge of. the Fifth Lancers. They say also that two quick firing guns captured by the Devonshire regiment are those that were taken from the Jameson raiders. The death of General Sir William Penn Symons, the British commander afGlencoe, who was shot in the stomach In tho battle with the Boers Oct. 10, was officially announced in the house of commons yesterday. General Sir George Stewart White, according to a dispatch from Cape Town to Tho Dally Mall, will attack tho Orange Free State forces In Natal as soon as General Yule's men have rested. Strong British reinforcements are being sent up from the cape. Tho Daily Mail publishes the follow lng from Pletermarltzburg, dated Oct. 24; The residents of Dundee had weary tramp of 40 miles to the near est town, where they arrived in pitiable plight, having lost .everything, The refugees Included Harry Escotnbe ;former premier of'Natal, and the Dun dee magistrate. One of tho Dundee people says that all day Saturday trains wore" arriving at Commandant General Joubert's headquarters at Dannhauses from the Transvaal bor der, bringing Boers, and that there must havo been 10,000 In the hills around Dundee. The natives report that the Boers took 16 wagons loaded with their dead from the field of the first battle at Glencce. Among the killed were "Boyerdl Natal Dutch, sod feature of- tho engagement was that three Englishmen who were lm pressed at Krugersdorp fought with the enemy, one of them being killed, Two others, greatly affected, said they wero compelled to fight. A dispatch from Pretoria yesterday nays; "The bombardment or Mate king by General Cronje's commando began Tuesday morning and was cofi, tunica yesterday, 'ine women ana children were given ample time to leave tho town,' Several houses are in flames." AS' no. verification ofthe report has been received llttlexre denco is placed In it. Robbed the Grave A startling incident of which Mr, Joh: Oliver of Philadelphia, was the snhlect, i narrated bv him as follows : "I was In a most dreadful condition. My skin was almost yellow, eyes sunken, tonKUo coated, pan ennttnunllv In back and sides, no apuetite- cradually grqwint: weaker day by day Three nbvsiclaus had itiven me ui. Fortun ately, a friend advised trying 'Electric Hitters.' and to my great Joy and surprise, (lm first hnttle made a decided Improvement I continued their use for three weeks, and am now a well man. 1 Know tuey eavoa m lir.). ami robbed the crave of another victim.' No ouo should fall to try them. Only 50 cents per bottle at A. wasieys urujr store, ' ii!wkA Pound In a Ilovol, ct rnni rw 27 .Tnlluna Fuchs aged 78 yenrs, heir to a large sum of money left by a sister In Bavaria, was found yesterday living In a hovel mi niiiiltlni. uttaol 111 thin oltV. AllS trlttu Coiwi.i VoUh, ut Milwaukee, had requester bo St. Paul police to lo cate mo . Sick Headaches, The curse of overworked womankind, are quickly and surely cured by Karl's Clovor Hoot Tea, the great blood purifier and tissue builder. Money refunded If not satisfactory Price S3 cU. and 50 cU. Sold by P. D, KIrlln oua guarantee. Opilfl'itt-MrU.fflri ttl.tn.n. Itnd LodiH. Mont.. Oct. if. (Ipnftml Kelson A. Miles and party arrived tifte yesterday on route for the Cody ranch, wher,e tUe genoral will vut In ten ditys hunting. Colonel V. P. Cody escorted the party, which upon Its arrival hen- was welcomed with cheers, firing or cannon and a band serenade. The party was entertained at the Ited Lodge club at lunch, and then left on hsrsetin!k for the Cody ranch. There were, three, ladles lu the party Aire, mups, mum Miles and Miss Hnvt. of Chicago. Yoa Try it. If Slillnh'sOfiugh ifnd'Oe'tMhmptlou Cure, which Is sold far tho small price of M ets., SO cb. and $1 00, dots not cure take the bottle baek.nnd wo will refund your money. Sold for over fifty years on this guarantee, l'rico 33 cU. and SO fti. ' Sold by P. 1). KIrlln on guamutco. (li'H.l'l llivcni lltnittti. Havana, Oct, 27. General nitis Itlvera has resigned the civil ftov- ernorshii 'of the province of Havana. It is said that Rivera's nominations have not ipcetved th recognition he thought due them. The post has been offered to General Emllld Nunex, hut his friends say they donbt that iie will accept, Should he refuse It will prob ably ho offered to Senor Fernandet d' Castro, civil governor of the province under the nutomist regime. Many a Lover Has turned with ditKUst from an ntlicrwiso ovnblo girl with ah offensive breath. Karl's Clovor Hoot Ten purifies tho breath by it action on the bowels, etc , as nothing else wilt. Sold for yenrs on absolute guarantee, Prico 23 cts. and 50 cto. Sold by P. D. KIrlln on a Ruarautee Stoamor YV'rjHOlutd.'ftovmitooii Lost t.r,tiilnn Tlpf 9.7. -f n fnftnat Inn lina reuched hare that "the Brltliii .Sterne Zurich, which sailed from Kovda Oct for this port, foundered during a hurricane Oct. 21 at the Vieteu isl ands, off the west const .oft Norwny, Tho crew had constructed two rafts. I une 01 inesc, which hbu me captain nml pli'ht ntlierq war tilr'Ued un with 1 only the captain alive, after four days without food or water. The other, which left tho wreck with nine aboard, was washed ashore- with only tho body of a dead sailor. ! Tli ft Dart ftt-"l moat cieriocl, the out toL 'InB DCSltHMiiuH If yoiu(Ierfrm rrit-sWt Dit9$Jk.hiwitf. Prof. J.r. Til Li:U iu. cu Aorta tnita u i-mi-tiiei-i VarletMele A Strlcivire (no emtio ft), Lt Viltor k ilJlk nsaliJi rettomS. Parti mHrrwl, Keen : 9 4, L rr nil la. I'u.. meiauu-araaiea m trrrr tu r'ga 6 9, rio--13. Hours for loot tandtDR nj d&o-trrou I e-aMdtllf 10 80 tat 30 Frrh pnourc4-lrolOdB'i.r i Send for Sworn tMUuoniin aj book, ah mum eipoa. r Laiier's Reading, , Beer and Porter Brewers of the finest and purest . . . .' BREWS These products ire seldom equalled and never surpassed. Also bottlers of all Carbonated,: Beverages. Private families desiring orders filled can have them promptly by calling on Christ. Schmidt, Agent and Bottler, 203 W. Coal Street 3KENANOOAH - R A Carload of Stoves, Heaters, Ranges, AWAIT YOUR INSPECTION AT OUR STORE. We have the best satisfactory giving products that are being sold anywhere. Save money by coming to see us and our display. DAVISON'S DEPARTflENT STORES, Nos. 119-121-123 North Mala St. PRABOWSKY HOTEL, VI M. fiRARn.WC.irV Prnn. 819 N. Centre St, Pottsvllle, Pa. Fine old Whiskeys, Cllns and Wines, at the ba A cnoice line 01 Clears ana xemper ance Drinks, Accommodations fortraveUrs. Meals at all honrt "DIRT PEFIES THE KING." 1 HEN IS GREATER THAN ROYALTY ITSELF MOTT'S PENNYROYAL PILLS of menstruation." They aro "LIFE SAVERS" to girls at nrnMnnlinAil1 ntfllnrw illlv.lAnmanl n -tr'ira n . .1 t.n.l,, XT known remedy for women equals them. Cannot do harm life becomes a pleasure. uy UrugjjlStS. mi. For Sale toy DR. E. C. Nerve and Brain " "f" r m t nw ! a. a Tho Original. All Is sold under a positive Written Guarantee, by authorized apenta only, to euro Weak r i. 'n 1 1 ' iuuu, jih, luraiena, uniOKncss, n;i;ui Losses, livll Dreams, w vuuuuwuc, .ion uu.ucbd, Ajuii bi b u -w.. .... o.u.s ui , iu..., , U uu, ui. foi wnu w ntien uuaraniee to uure 01 Ilerund Money. Bample rackage. coutalnlng live daya treatment, with lull lustruo tlons, oents. One sample ouly sold to each person. At Btoro or by mall. 1 1 .1 .1 1 ) i . . , a.nva . . I . .. ...nil .1 1 . . J Red Label Special Extra Strength. For Jwpotenov, Loss of Power, Lost Manuood, Sterility or Barrenness. tl al. fn. , . ..it , I. 1lTuJ..n.. ........ . . .... I . . . . 7 . . .v. j, ir.vu uiihiDu uuiuauKa iu uuru Sold at KlrllrVei soMh op the best. There Am Also Many Others of llqtiul Fotce. Good Qualities That Put the Stamp of Ex cellence Uron This Article. There are Many reawns why you should take Morrow's KWne okii in preference to any other kid Bey prp.ratkxi. First, Kid-ne-ohls Me a Kieatifo prqKithn. Second, They are Tablets, which is the scientific form of preparing itmllctne. Third, There are never any bad after ofletts from tlielr use. Fourth, They act directly upon the k Wire's ; iky are strictly a kidney Ctlte and nerve tonic. Fifth, You do not have lorpjit work while usInR Kid-ne-oids. A fifty cent box contains enough for about two weeks' treatment. Peo, 1e ue Kid-rw-oids, bscanae they core kklney ailments. Mr. James Skeath, I304 Centre street, works at Philadelphia & Reading freight depot, Mahauoy dty, Pa , says : "For about fifteen years I have been troubled with kid. ney trouble which was cauwtl by an accident. I had a constant dull pain in the small of my bark and in stoophnr I would have sharp shooting paint extending through my back from over tlx region of the kidneys. It would lie an severe at times I could not sleep. I took Morrow's KttWne-oids as they were highly recommended to cure kidney trouble and they relieved me in a very short time. Kld-ne-oids did (or me all that is claimed for them." Morrow's Kid-ne-okU are not pills, but Yellow Tablets and sell at fifty cents a ho at all drug stores and at S. P. Kirlin's drug store. Mailed on receipt of price. Manufactured by John Morrow & Co., Chemists, Spring field, Ohio. I Pennsylvania RAILROAD eCHUYKILL DIVISION OrroDKK 10. 1899. Trains will leave Hbcnandoah after tne aDove date (or WlKgau, (lllberton. Frackvllla Dan Water, St. Clair, Pottsvllle. Hamburg, Keadlni adelphla (Itr'.Ml street station) at flit and 80 a. m., 1 10, o ! p m. on week uays. sunuayr 8 03 a. m.. 4 20 c. m. Trains leave Frackvllle (or Shenandoah st 7 So, 11 to a.m. and OW, Too p. in. Sundav II 01 a. m. and S8ttu.ru. Iutve I'ottsvllle for8benacdoab (vlaFraci. vine) 7 iu, 11 20 a. m., o 10, T 10 p. m. Hunaa; 10 S3 a. m.. S 10 n. m. Iave Philadelphia, (Broad street station), loi nnenanuoan at a a a. m., iu p. m. wee it aayr Sundays leave at 6 no and 9 23 a. m. Lave I'liiinucipnia lltroau street station) lot Pottsvllle. 8 30.8 33. 1019 a. m.. ISO. 4 10.7 11 p. m, weekdays. Sundays. 8 90, 9 23 a. m, and Diupm. Leave Broad Street Station. Philadelphia, FOlt NEW YOBK. nprjt rv rvtvunj d, u av. w iiv,u w, am GC0.7as.8 23.9fi0. (10 21. din ne car). 11 00. 114) u m, 1 00 noon, (Umlted 1 00 and i 22 p m, 102, oOO, S5fl. tdlning car), 6 00, 7 02, 8 10, (dining car), 10 00 p. m., 12 01, night. SundayB, 8 20,4 05, 1 40 a CO; ft IS. 8 2 9 50, (10 21, dining cn,iu -is, ii ubiu, izui, (uininff air;, izso, 3 3 (dining air), 4 02, (Limited 4 22 dining car), 5 20,0 60, dining ca.h 6W, 7 02, 8 10, dining carj, iu uu p. m., a ui nigui For Boston -without cnanze. 11 01 m ra. week days, and 8 10 P. m., dally. For Hca atrt, Anbury Vark, Ocean Qrovri, I-oiik llruncb, and inttrnielftte shit Ions, 8 25, ii iu a in, o ov, u p m weeKuaj n. WASHINGTON AND THE SOUTH. For Baltimore and Washington, 8 SO, T 20, 8 32, iu w, ii taj, a m, iauy, iz ao inning carj 1 1, luiiiuiK vurj, oii, in, uongrr08iona i.tmiteu uimnK carj, o m, a 17. It 17 81 dining car, p m , and 12 655, dining car, ;uo nnrni weev ua; I a I'll HnnHasa ft FJi t Ort Q It 1ID4 - M 1 12. dlulns carl. 812. 4 41. f5 20 Coni7reflfllon&a i.imneu uinniff curj.o 10 w ui rung carj, 7 81 dlnlnir carl. n. m.. and 12 05 nleht. For llaltimore, accommodation, 9 12 a m, 1 52 na 4 ui p m weev uaya,auti ana 11 10 pm aaur WEST JERSEY & SEASHOKE R. R FOR ATLANTIC CITY. Leave Broad street station via Delaware river bridge iCxpress, 940am, 703 p m weekdays, Sundays, 0 20 am 7 05pm. Leave Market Street NVarflCx press, 1 00 a m 2 00, 4 00, 5 00 p m weekdays Sundays, 0 09, 10 00 a ro accommodation 4 80 and 0 00 pm, For Cane May. Anclesea. Wlldwood and Holly Beach, Sen Isle City. Avalon, and Stone iinruor impress vim am, tuu p mweeKuays sunaays, vwaiii, For Somen Point Bzcrees. 0 00 sv m.. 100 4 00, 5 00, p. m, week days. Sundays, tt 00 and 10 00 a. m. For tickets and other Information Apply c B, T. HUTCHIKB05. J, IL Wood. Oen'l Manager, Oen'l Pafs'v'r A.t A box of our srecmL rnniLT dkew is an exhilarating stimulant during the hot summer months. Delivered at your homes Columbia Brewing Company They overcome Weak- ness, irregularity and omissions, increase viir- or and banish "nains $1.00 lM3It 1IOX UY HIAIL. Sold MOTT'S CHEMICAL CO., Cleveland, Ohio. R. W. Houck. WEST'S others Imitations, uo, an uraius, xuuiumi errors, or lixoessiv r 1 a box iu 3v uayu. At store or oy uiall. Drug Store. MEWm WILL Resented Hie Namesake's Marriage In Dividing His Fortuue. ALFRED THE PKIN0IPAL HEIR. Cornnlliit, Who Mnrrlml MIm iVHnon AirulliHt Illi l'nthor'H With, I l.vfX a Million ntid n lliiir, to Wliloh AI rViMl Will Add six Million. New York. Oct. 27. Tli. prori.lon of the will of the late Cornelius Van darbllt were made public laat night In a statement by Chauncey M. Deimw. Alfred (wyiine Yamlarbllt Inheiita the larrr jiortlon of his father's for tune, and becomes practically the head of the Vamlerbllt family. The will makes no mention of the marriage of Cornelius Vanderbllt, Jr., to Miss Wil son, nor to any quarrel between father and son because of the union, but ap parently the father's dUpleasure was visited upon the eldest son, he receiv ing all told under the terms of the will but $1,500,000, and $1,000,000 of this Is hold lu trust by the executors. Alfred dwynne Vanderbllt is, of course, the residuary legatee, and will possess a fortune of probably $40,000. 000 to $60,000,000. Gladys, Ileglnald and Gertrude (Mrs. Harry Payne Whlt- noy win receive about $7,600,000 each, llut Mr. Depew states that Alfred will give from his share enough to Cor nelius to make tho latter aa rich as his brother Heidnald and his sisters. Alfred will, therefore, turn over to Cornelius about $6,000,000. The will provides a bequest to Mrs. Vanderbllt, his widow, for her life, of the dwolllng house and. premises on Fifth avenue. Also the stable In Bast Thirty-eighth street, also all the house bold furniture, pictures, silver, musical instruments, works of art and nil other articles In his residence In New York, with the power to her to change or dls pose of them during her lifetime. From this bequest ts oxcepted, however, an cestral portraits and busts and por traits of himself and certain plecos of Jewelry, which aro distributed niuoug his children, Alfred, Ileglnald, Ger trudo and Gladys. At the death of Mrs. Vanderbllt the property devised to her for life is given to either Alfred G. or Ileglnald C. as she may appoint by her will, and in default of such appointment It goes to the eldest of his sons then living, Al fred or Heglnnld, and If neither ot them be living nt tho tlmo ot her death then to Gertrude, If living, and if not then to Gladys. In case neither of said sons or daughters shall survive his widow thou this property la to be divided among the then living children of such sons und daughters, and If there be no grandchildren then It be comes part of the residuary estate. Mrs. Vanderbllt gets his pew In Trinity church, Newport, II. I., and also all his horses, vehicles, harness, equipments and stable furniture In his stables at the time of his death, ex cept such as havo been given during his lifetime to his children. Ills box ut tho Metropolitan Opera House Is also given to his widow. The residence, land and property. with all furniture, etc., and contents of the houses and stables at Newport Is given to Mrs. Vanderbllt for her natural life, and upon her death to such one of their children Alfred Ileglnald, Gertrude and Gladys aB she may designate by her will and In do fault of such designation tho samo be comes part of the residuary estate. The Oakland farm In South Ports mouth, II. I., with all buildings, fur niture, equipment and live stock upon It, Is given to Alfred G. absolutely. Mrs. Vanderbllt Is to receive $'2,000,- 000 In securities, or. If she so olects $2,000,000 In money. A bequest to Mrs. Vanderbllt of tho annual Income, or sum of $250,000, arising from securities, to be set apart tor that purpose by his executors. At the death of Mrs. Vanderbllt the principal set apart to create tho In come of $250,000 Is given to Gertrudo Alfred G., Reginald C. and Gladys, or. If any of them be dead, to their lssuo In such proportions as Mrs. Vander bllt may direct In her will, and In de fault of such apportionment the samo to be equally divided. Under a power of appointment as to $5,000,000 held In trust under his fath er's will he directs that $500,000 thereof be paid to his son Cornelius and tho balance thereof be equally divided among his other children. One million dollars Is given to his executors lu trust to the use of his son Cornelius, who Is to receive tho net income during his life, and upon nls death the principal is to be di vided into as many shares as ho leaves children and held in trust for them during the life of the youngest child living at the time of the death of the testator, the Income meanwhllo to be applied to tholr maintenance and sup port, and upon the death of such child the principal to be paid over to the respective beneficiaries. But in case Cornelius should leave no children tho principal or any unpaid portion thereof Is to become part of his rostduary es tate. A trust fund ot $20,000,000 Is also created for the benefit of Gertrude, Al fred, Ileglnald and Gladys, Cornelius being Ignored. Bequests amounting to $1,500,000 aro also provided for, as well as a number of annuities. Among the benellclaries are: Yale college, $100,000; William K. Vanderbllt, $100,000; Senator C. M. Depew, $200,000; New York Young Men's Christian association, $1000,000; his coachman, his barber and his far mer, $2,000 each; all of the family ser vants, $1,000 each. Alice G. Vanderbllt, the widow, is appointed exooufrlx, and Alfred O. VanderUilt, William K. Vanderbllt, Clmuncey.j.M. Depew and Edward W. Ilosslter are appointed oxocutors, to gether with Ileglnald, who may quail fy as soon as he becomes of ace. A Thousand Tongues Could not express the rapture of Annie K. Sprineer, of Hli3 Howard st., Philadelphia, when she ound that Dr. King a Xtew Dis covery for Comsumption had completely cured her or a hacKini: con tin that lor many years had made life a burden. All other remedies and doctors could give her iio help, but she says of this Koyal Cure "it soon re moved the pain In my chest and I can now sleep soundly, something I can scarcely re member doing before. 1 feel like sounding its praise throughout the Universe." So will everyone who tries Or. King's New Dis covery for any trouble of the Throat, Chest or Lunga. Price . BOo. and fl.OO, Trial bottles free at Wasley's drug store; every Dome gu&raniceo. Cowing 1! vents, Oct. 30. First annual ball of the Shea, audoah Base Hall Club In Uobhips' hall. Nov. 24. National Festival iu Uohblus Hall, North Main street. "A dose in time saves Uvea." Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup j nature's remedy fur coughs, colds, pulmonary diseases of overy sort. GENERAL LEE'S VACATION "Think-. IIe Wn-i llnld nt Qnnrnntlne to Tnk Hit Tmprntur. New York. Oft, 27 Major General Fllxhugh I a, who arrived on the steamship Havana on Wednesday, was released from quarantine yesterday. He declares he cannot understand why be and his secretary were detained for observation at Hoffman Island while others who arrived on the same ves sel were allowed to pass quarantine without detention. "Why In the world they took me to Swinburne Island I do pot know, but 1 think It was to fael my temper ature," said the general. The reporter tried to talk about Cuba, but O.neral Lee Mid: "Ask me about the Boer war ask me about the coming elec tion., but don't ask me about Cuba or annexation. It's a mix up. Sooner than talk about It I'd rather let you take my temperature again." General I-ee looked the picture of health. He will proceed to Wash ington ou Sunday and then visit hit family in Virginia, where he will re main until be returns to Quemados, tils Cuban headquarters. In December. How Old Are Yoa? A woman is mighty sensitive about her age. Some have been Vnown to fly Intn a naaaion on the witness stand when an Inquisitive lawyel ask, "How old are you?" The actual number of yeara don't count for much In a healthy, vigorous woman. If she be forty, she will look younger than a weak woman at 35. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription keeps women looking young by keeping disease away from those marvelously deli cate organs which distinguish the female sex. It cures all the debilitating wastes and drains, all the aches and pains. It auiets the nerves, and stops those beating, own senwtions. It fits the wife for the task of child-bearing', making the period of gestation one of comfort, shortening tabor and making it almost painless. It fortifies the whole system, so that recovery after confinement Is quick, and there are no dangerous after-effects. The babe of the woman who takes "Favorite Prescrip tion " Is sure to be healthier than the babe of the mother who does not take it. There is no alcohol or opiate In this medicine. It is a pure, non-alcoholic tonic and nervine. Mr. Ael Kler.of Gordonvllle, Cape Girardeau Co., Mo., writes: " When I look at my little boy I feel It my duty to write you. This Is my fifth child and ihe only one who came to maturity; the others haviofr died from lack of nourish, inent so the doctor said. I was not sickly in any way, and this time I Juit thought 1 would try your ' Prescription. I took nine bottles and to my surprise it carried me through and gave us as fine a little boy as ever was. Weighed ten and one-hatr pounds, lie Is now five months old, has never been rick a day, and Is so strong that every body who sees him wonders at him.'' in cases ot sudden sickness, tne uommon Sense Medical Adviser (ion3 pages) may save n life. Sent free In paper-cover for 21 one-cent stamps to pay postage. Cloth cover 31 stamps. Address Dr. K. V. Pierce, Iluffalo, N. Y. Philadelphia & Readinq R'y- Engines Burn Hard Coal No Smoke, IN KKKEOT OOTOI1K1' 3, 18S9 Tralnn leave Shenandoah as follows i For New York via I'bllidslphta, week day i 2 10, a 88, 7 87, 9 53 a. m., 12 29, 8 09 and IS 09 p. tu Sundays, 2 10 a in. Kor New York via March Chunk, week davs. 7 87 a. ra 12 28 anil 8 09 p, m. Kor Heading and Philadelphia, week days, 2 10, 5 M, 787, 955 a. m., 12 SO, 8 09 and S 09 p. U) Sundays, 2 10 a in. Kor Pottsvllle, week days, 2 10, 7 87, 9 53 a. m. 12 28. 8 09, 6 09 and 1 80 p. m. Sundays, 2 10 a m. For Tamaqua and Mahanoy City, week days 2 10, 7 87, 9 53 a. ru., 12 28. 8 09 and 8 09 p. m Sundays, 2 10 a in. For WllllAmport, Sunbury and Lewlsburg week days, 3 27, 1182 a. m., 12 28, 7 80 p. ru Sundays, 327b m, For Mahano) Plane, weekdays, 2 10,8 27, 3 34, 7 87. 9 55, 11 82 a. m., 12 28, 8 09, 8 09, 7 SO, 9 5f p. ru. Sundays, 2 10 and 8 27 a m. For Ashland and Sharookln, week days, 8 27, 737 II 82 a. m.. 12 26, 8 09, 8 07, 7 23 and 9 53 p. m. Sunday, 8 27 a m. For Haltlmore, Washington and the West vis B. AO. It. It., through trains l-l Reading Terminal, Philadelphia. (1. AILU ii.) at 820, 763,1128 a. ni., 8 10 and 7.27 p. u.. Sundays 8 20, 7 00, II 28 a. m., 8 48 and 7 27 p. tu. Addi tional trains from Twenty-fourth aud Chest nut streets station, week days, 10 89 a. m. 12 20 13U8 40p.ru. Sundays, 1 83, 8 23 p. m. TRAINS FOR SHENANDOAH. Leave Now York via Philadelphia, wees lays, 12 15, 4 80, 7 30, 11 80 a. m., and I 80 4 80 9 00 p.m. Leave New York via Maucb Chunk, week days, 4 80. 9 10 a. m.. 1 80, 4 40 p. m. Leave Philadelphia, Reading Terminal, week days, 4 80, 8 80. 10 21 a. m. and 1 88, 4 08, 6 88 1130 p.m. Leave Reading, week days, 187, 7 00, 1008 a. ni., 12 13,4 17, 8 00, 8 28 p. m Leave l'otlivlile, wees days. 7 17, 7 40 a. m 9 80, 12 80, 1 20, 4 80, 6 10 and 8 60 p. m. Leave Tamaqua, week days, 8 18, 8 88, 11 2 a. in., 149,8 58 7 2". 9 44 p.m. Leave Malianoy City, week days, 8 43, 9 04 11 47 a. m. . tl 8 lb, 8 21, 7 41, 10 08 p. m Leave Malianoy Plane, week days, 3 40, 4 00 880. V23 10 23, 12 00, a. m., 289, 688, 642,758 1024pm Leave Willi tisnort. week davi. TO. 1000 a m.,12)4 acd 100 11 80 p. m. ATLANTIC CITY DIVISION. Leave PI lladelohla Chestnut street whsrf and South street -fhari for Atlantic City. eeauays Kiprens oo, 2 00, 4 00, 5 00,713 n m. Accommodation. H 00 a in. 8.0 n m. Hun days Kiprt-M, 9 00, 10 CO a iu, 7 13 p in. Acoom luuuuiiuii, own in, p in. Lcavo Atlantic City Depot! Weekdays Ex press, 7 33, V CO a m, 3 30, 3 30 p m. Accommoda tion, 8 13a m, 4 03 p m. Sundays Kipreaa.t SO, 730 pm. Accommodation, 7 13 a m, 4 03 p m, For Cape May, Ocean City and Sea Isle City Weekdays 9 15 am, 410, 600pm. Sundays -Chestnut St., 9 13, South M., 9 a ro. Additional for Cape May Weekdays 8 00 a;ra. Varlor Cars on all expreas trains. Va, r 1 1 .4 , a . lnfAHn.ll.. . 1 . , . .H..uw, ...... i ., u., j wi ii Da i i Philadelphia and Reading Railway ticket agent or address 1. A. hweigabd, Enaoa- J. Wjekks, uen'l Bupi., Uen'l Faaa'r Art. KmiII illnr Terminal. FhllariolnhU Quality, Durability, Neat Styles, Perfect Fit, Are the features ot our footwear. Another top notch feature is our prices. We can com pete with any other dealer. Try us once, and you will try again. A. WOMER, NO. 124 NORTH MAIN ST. ,r 1 " , . , if 1 jr TT-J". j. "m i ei.i -rum A Curo for Constipation. I have'xH'n trembled with wnslipsitnn for ymr. It waa niintn my h.-allh. in . ,111 rortnnd m '.iiiplvxion.aml 1 atn Kladtuviv ttiat IVlerv Kins lias rwlorml nl 1 thr.-e, k-,J thlsafwr tryinsr many other ine.ll. ioea Unit weresiipptm'dTo to-tood, butwhich wr.-.jf iu, vhIih. vrlu.le-r. 1 would like to tell purr m (Terms: women what Celery King baa done rorm. xeiue (tonio, jsewin., I'nip. r-iirv vutm mBH iIIhum at the Nervea, Htomm-h, Liver and Kidneys. Sold by drug gsstx.akMndfiOu 1 POLITICAL CARDS. TOTK FOR WM. S. LEIB, OK ASHLAND. FOR IHOTHONOTARY. OTB Vdll FRANK R. KANTNER, OK LOKTY. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. 70TK KOR HORACE F. RABER, OK l'lNIMUOVK. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. yOTK FOR FRANK J. BRENNAN, Or 9HKJ1AXDOAH, FOR COI NTV COMMISSIONKK. lrorK rou THOMAS J. HIGGINS, OK SHBN'ANDOAII. FOR CLERK OF THE COURTS. (OTK FOR M. A. CAREY, FOR PROTI IONOTARY. yOTK FOR FRANK C. REESE. Of SUBNAXIMUH. FOR COUNTY REGISTER. I TOTE FOR JOHN T. SH0ENER, FOR CLERK OF THE COURTS, 70TK FOR CHARLES E. BERGER, FOR DISTRICT ATTORNEY. yOTK FOR EMANUEL JENKYN, lrefj Incamb-eut. FOR RECORDER OF DEEDS. LEHIGH VALLEY RAILROAD. IN EFFECT MAY II. 19. I'OAaenirer trains leAVe Shenandoah far lVnn Haven Junction. Mailed Chunk. Lehlirhlon. Hlatlnirtou, White Hnll, CutasauquA, Allejitown, tirtiiie!iitn, tjAtitoii Isew urkaad Philadelphia at 5 23, 7 50 a. in . 12 52 and 5 17 p. lu. For Wllkrabarre. White Haven and IMttitoa. 3 28, 10 12 a. in.. 12 52 aud 3 17 p. m. ror iiccyviiie, -lowanua, ruyre, waveriy Elmlra. Rochester ltuflalo. Matrara Falls. Auburn, Syracuse, Ithaca, Cleneva and thu West, 10 12 n. m., 12 52 and 5 17 p. in. Kor Ilelvldere, Delaware Water Gap and Stroudnburc, 6 28 a. m., S 17 p. m. ror itiiiuenvuie aim rreiiion, j wi a. m. For JeuueflvHle. Levlaton and lleuver Meadow 5 28 11. in., 12 52 p. m. For MoAdoo, Audenrled, Haileton, Stockto and Lumber Yard, 5 28, 7 50, 10 12 a. in., 12 52 and 3 17 p. m. rorjeddo, Drlllon and Freeland, 5 28, 10 12 , in., 5 17 p. m. For Scronton, 3 28 10 12 a. in., 5 17 p. m. For lost Creek. Ulntrdvllls. and Ashland. 4 00. and 7 28 p. ru. For Raven Run, Centrulla, Mount Carmel ami Shamokin, 10 49 a. m.. I 42, 6 07, 9 23 p. m. Kr Mahanoy City, Turk Place and Delano. 5 28, 7 SO, 10 12 a. in., and 12 52, 3 17 p. m. ror laiesvuie, o iuuh,u. Trains will leave Shamokin nt 7 00. O 20 a. m. 11 59 and 4 20 n. in., and arrive at Shenandoah at 7 50, 10 12 a. III., 12 53, 3 17 p. m. Leave Shenandoah for l'otuvllle, St, Clair, New Castle, Morca and New lioston, 7 50 ami 10 12 a. in , 12 32 and 5 17 p. ro. Iave rottavllle for Shenandoah. S 43 a. ni.. 1233,603,815 p.m. Iave Haileton for Shenandoah, 9 38 a, ru.. 12 43, 5 09, 8 28, 8 31p.m. SUNDAY TRAINS. Trains leave for Raven lttin. rVntr-.Ha. ML Cannel and Shamokin, 9 46 a. m., 7 21 p. ro., Trains leave Sliamokln for Shenandoah at 8 50 a. m., and 5 33 p. in. Leave Shenandoah for Yatesvllle, Mahanor City, l'ark Place, Delano, MoAdoo, Audenrled Haileton, Stockton, Lumber Yard, Weatberly and Mauch Chunk. 9 47 a m., and 632 p. m. ror Lii!ruioii, niaiinictoii, uuaauunua, WMt Hall, Coplay, Allentown, Koston and Fhlllips burg, 9 47 a. in., and 6 32 p. m. ror WW vorK sail I'UllAdelphla, 9 47 a. m. lxavo Hailett fbenanduah. 8 50. a. nr.. and 6 27 p. ru. KUI.I.IN II. WILUUR, Oenl, Sunt,, New York. CHARLES 8. LRE, Genl. 1'ui, Air.., 2 Cortlaudt Street, New York. A. W. NONNKMACIIKR, Div. P. A., South Ucthlehem, Fa. M. II. CUTTER, Snpt. Transportation, South Bethlehem, l'a. EVAN J. DAVIES, Livery and Undertaking. No. 13 North Jardin St. lilllonsof Dollars Go up In smoko overy year. Tale no risks btt tot your boaaoa, stock, far nlture, etc., Insured In nrst-claasro lUble companies sa represented by DAVIu FATIST Insurance Afent Also Ufa andAseldenta! ouanUs PATENT Good ideas may ba secured by our aid. Address, ii Ulna I THE PATENT RECORD, 1 IZZL to TU Not Record J