The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, October 20, 1899, Image 2

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The Herald
r.STAiti.ism:i) ihto.
"All the Nm Thai's Fll lo Prim."
uullshed every evening, except Sunday, ot 8
South tlardln street, Shenandoah, l'n.
long ltiiTANOi: xr.i.r.riioNi:.
lio Herald I delivered In Shenandoah ami the
surrounding towns for six cents n wi ck, pnj
able to the carriers, lly ranll tS.OO a year, or
Mntnb mnt1i haVfihlA In mlvntien. Atl
vertlsements charged according to space ami1
position. The publishers reservo the right
to change the pnsttlon of advertisement
never the publication of news itemnnd
', The right Is reserved to rejeet'any
advertisement, whether lM for or not, that
the publishers. may deem Improper. Ailver
tlsliig rates made known upon application.
ntcred at the post oftlee at Shenandoah, l'n., as
second class mall matter.
you! , ' t
can not 11bac1i
Tiinouoit .
, JlttLY
OUR COyNTRY : Firt. Last and Forever.
Columbia is truiy the gem of the
Thk Deniocrutio vfoters have a rod
in pickle lor those candidates who de
Berted Bryan in ."the hour of his
Tub moveiuont which lias been set
on foot to have the National Itepubli
can convention of next year meet in
Philadelphia should have the support
of every citizen, not alone, of Phila
delphia,! of the state as well. The
ability of Philadelphia to handle
large crowds, and her hospitality in
entertaining them is generally ac
knowledged. Thk communication published in
these columns yesterday, from the
pen of a prominent Democrat, caused
much consternation among the man
agers of the Democratic campaign,
and was freely commented -upon in
political circles. There is nothing
like injecting a little life in a political
campaign, and if "Blackburn" con
tinues his letters the present political
apathy will give wav to activity.
JosiAn ADAMS, tlie nepublican
candidate for Superior Court judge,
has made answer to the North Amer
ican charges. He says he became as
sociated in good faith with the alleged
swindling companies, believing them
to be legitimate, and disclaims any
participation in or knowledge of
wrong doing, and denies that he made
any profit out of the business, but
rather is out of pocket. He admits
there were many complaints from
customers, and that he resigned. In
view of the charges, Mr. Adams has
withdrawn as a candidate and the
vacancy will be filled by the State
Executive Committee.
Our Junior Senator.
There is no doubt that'the Repub
lican state ticket will be elected this
fall. So sanguine are the leaders of
the party of this state, that one or
two of the leading campaigners have
invaded Ohio and are assisting their
Republican brethren in that state.
Pennsylvania's junior Senator, Hon.
Boies Penrose, is among the number,
and he made his first address at
AVooster this week. It was an elo
quent and earnest appeal to the pa
triotism of his hearers. In a clear
and convincing argument he showed
that the policy of the Republican
party in the Philippines was the only
honorable course that could be pur
sued. In the course of his remarks
he said : '
"After the treaty of peace the Phil
ippine Islands became ours, belong
ing to us as absolutely as any other
part of the United States. For the
President to have faltered for a
moment in the course he has pursued
In upholding American authority and
enforcing American treaties and laws,
might bare resulted, not alone in the
adverse criticism of any patrlotio
American citizen, but in his actual
impeachment by Congress. The fact
that our responsibility may be heavy
is no excuse for a failure to discharge
it. Can any citizen doubt, therefore,
that it is his duty and his interest to
sustain the National Administration
at every point while this contest is
pending t The Presidentof the United
States has had imposed upon him a
tremendous task ; that he has been
equal to the emergency Is admitted
by everyone. He has been patriotic,
courageous and generous upon every
occasion. He has not made an error
in utterance or action at any time.
In the many delicate questions of
diplomacy he has been the safe and
guiding spirit."
Out of Order?
Cflfl't Eatt sleep or Work 8
Create appetite, Induce refreshing deep, and
wake work a pleasure. One 1 u Wet, cue dose.
Immediate, Lasting) Agreeable. Large Rat
Ui Tablets) 10 CciiU. Made at
The Johnson Laboratories, Inc , Philadelphia
Inndlpr t'ra' llpatWHpd SitfTrnirp.
Atlnnla, Oct. 20. -In li1 rorthrnmlm
message) to the legislature wlilc I,
meets next wek, Governor Onmltoi
will recommend much an addition to
the constitution .a, will restrict the
ballot In this state. While there Is no
suggestion of any particular plnn, tlif
governor's idea Hint the mrms of lg
nornut voters should bo ollinitintotl Is
mntlo elenr. lis It Upocinc in his dec
laration that the distinction should not
he of race or color, or Hint It should
not be bawd on a property qualifica
tion. Vlotorln Clipori tlio Soldlerw.
London, Oct. 20. Tho qiieon drove
from Ilnlmoral castle to tho tlnllnter
barracks yesterday to hid fnrewoll to
the Gordon Highlanders, who nre go
ing to .the Cape. After reviewing the
troops tho queen addressed thorn as
follows: "I nm pleased to see you
looking so well nnd fit for duty. You
are going on foreign service, and I
wish you all a godspeed. I hopo you
wilt return anfo and well." The offi
cers wore then presented to her ma
jesty, the men cheering und tho queen
Window Oln tVnuo Scnlo Sottlod.
Pittsburg, Oct. 20. -After many re
ports of settlement, and as many dis
appointments the announcement la
made that the window glass wnge scale
litis' finally been agreed upon. Presi
dent Burns, of the workers' associa
tion, withdrew his demand for tho ex
tra advance Tor Now Jersey factories,
and tho settlement as made gives the
workers a general advance of about
6 per. cent. Indications are thnt tho
flros Will bo started this week or early
rinnueri n inimli'cil Foot tnInntli.
Minneapolis, Oct. 20. W. D. Manro,
who had been drinking for some days,
leaped from one of the Mississippi
river bridges Tuesday and was drown
ed. The plunge was 100 feet into
boiling rapids', which have not yet
given up the body.
Another Possible Cup Clialloncor.
London, Oct. 20. A provincial pa
per is authority for the statement that
If the Shamrock falls to win the
America's cup Mr, Lover, a million
aire soap manufacturer, Intends to is
sue a challenge for a series of races in
Philadelphia, Oct. 13. Flour weak; win
ter superfine, $2.2G'Q2.E0; Pennsylvania
roller, Clear, J3.10if3.20; city mills, extra,
J2.60S2.70. Rye flour scarce and firm at
3.60i83.C0 per barrel. Wheat dull; No. 2
red. spot, In elevator. 7172c. Corn steady;
No. 2 mixed, spot, in elevator, 3S14l3'3S,Hc. ;
No. 2 yellow, for local trade, 42c. Oats
steady; No. 2 white, clipped, 3132c; low
er grades, 2S31c. Hay firm; choice tim
othy, $16 for large bales. Beef strong;
family, I11JJ11.E0; mess, J9.5010; beef
hams, m&2t. Pork dull; family, $12.50?
13. Lard easy; western steamed. J6.55.
Butter stead-; western creamery, 17Jf2lc. ;
factory, -J4ViQ17c.j June creamery, 19&
2H4c.; imitation creamery, 15j20c.; New
York dary,rl621a; do. creamery, 17621c.
Cheese firm; large, white, 1212V4c; small
do., 12?ic.; largo, colored, 12iffll2c. ;
small do.. 12?ic. Eggs easy; New York
und Pennsylvania, 20021c; western, un.
graded, at mark, lifflCc. Potatoes steady;
Jersey, S1.12J4S1.40; New York, $1.12
1.25; Long Island, 1.25S1.62V4; Jersey, Sl.oC
2; southern, 75c.Otl. Cabbage dull;, Long
Island, S233 per 100.
Baltimore, Oct. 19. Flour dull and un
changed. Wheat very dull; spot and the
month. 7171Kc; November. 72c; Decem
ber, 73V4SJ734c; steamer No. 2 red,
CWJc; southern, by sample, 6572c; do.
on grade", 67?i719ic. Corn eisy; mixed,
spot and the month, 37f37c; Novem
ber and December, 37H3794c; new or old
November or Decembor, 300360.; Janu
ary, 355iffi30c; steamer mixed, Z6,g"Cc.:
southern, white, 40S41c; do. yellow, 40'44
41c. Oats firmer; No. 2 white, 305J31c;
No. 2 mixed.SSiSSSc. Rye steady; No.
I nearby, BSQBOc; No. 2 western, 63c Hay
firm; No. 1 timothy, S15.BO016. Grain
frelghtB steady; steam to Liverpool, per
bushel, 4!id. October; Cork, for orders,
per quarter, 4s. October; 4s. November.
Live Stook Markets.
New York. Oct. 19. Beeves firm; two
cars rough stuff sold at steady prices:
bulls, 2.903.10; cows, J1.60; cables quote
American cattle higher at ll?i 12V4c. ; re
frigerator beef lower at 9?c. Calves
steady; veals. SS08.5O; grassers, $3 u 3.25;
western, S4. Sheep steady; lambs firm;
sheep, S2.5033.87Vt; lambs, $3.75(35.40; Can
adian lambs. $5.2Mj5.37V&; culls, $3.25. Hog
firm at $4.05 4.73.
East Liberty. Pa., Oct. 19. Cattle mar
ket steady; extra, $5.806; prims, $5,505!)
5.75; common, $2.SM3.70. Hogs steady;
prime mediums and good heavy hoga,
$4.454.50; best Yorkers, $4.33g4.40; light
do., $4.30J4.'35; grassers, $4.30(&4.40. Sheep
steady; choice wethers, $1.30'51.40; com
mon, $1.50(fi2.50; choice do., $5.10fj5.25; com
mon to good, $305; veal calves, S7S7.50.
Tell Your Sister
A beautiful complexion Is an impossibility
without good pure blood, tho sort that only
exists in connection with the good digestion;
a healthy liver and bowels. Karl's Clover
Eoot Tea acts directly on the bowels, liver
and kidneys keeping them in perfect health.
Price 25 eta. and 50 eta. Sold by 1. D. Kirlin
on a guarantee.
Is it a burn? Use Dr. Thomas' Eclectric
Oil. A cut ? Use Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil.
At your druggists.
A Great Oiler.
The first Ave persons procuring the End
less Chain Starch Hook from their grocer,
will each obtain one large 10c. package of
"Eed Cross" starch, one largo 10c. package of
"Hublnger's'Best" starch, two Shakespeare
panels, printed in twelve beautiful colors,
as natural as life, or one Twentieth Century
Olrl Calendar, the finest of its kind ever
printed, all absoutely free. All others pro
curing the Endless Chain Starch Book, will
obtain from their grocer the above goods for
5c. "Bed Cross" laundry starch is some
thing entirely new, and is without doubt tho
greatest invention of the Twentieth Century.
It has no equal, and surpasses all others. It
has wen for itself praise from all parts of the
United States, It has superceded everything
heretofore used, or known to science in the
laundry art. It is made from wheat, rico
and com, and chemically prepared upon
scientific principles by J. C, Uubinger, an
expert in the laundry profession, wlijj has
had twenty-five years practical experience in
fancy lauudering, and who was the first
succefesful and original inventor of all fine
grades of starch in the United States, Ask
your grocers for this starch and obtain these
beautiful Christmas presents free.
Amerlo-un Antl-Imporlnllst I.enuuo.
Chicago, Oct. 20. The committee on
permanent organization appointed by
the antl-lmperiallst conference met
hore yesterday and a formal national
organization to be known as the Amer
ican Anti-Imperialist League Kxist
lng organizations will become members
at the outset and the work of secur
ing new local organizations will be
pushed all over the country. The fol
lowing were elected as officers of the
league: President, George S. Bout
well of Massachusetts; vice presidents
George T. Edmunds of Vermont, J
Bterling Morton of Nebraska, trj
Schurz of New York, Richard T. Crane
of Illinois, Donaldson Caffrey of Louisi
ana, Rufus D. Smith of Ohio and John
Valentine of California; treasurer.
Frederick W. Gookln of Illinois; sec
retary, William J. Mize of Illinois.
Sick Women Advised to Seek
Advice of Mrs. Pinkhnm.
UCTTEft TO U9. riNKHAU NO. 94,86j
"I had inflammation and falllnff
of tho -womb, and inflammation of
ovaries, and was In great pain. 1 took
medicine prescribed by a physician,
but it did me no good. At lmt I heard
of Lydia E. Plnkham's Vegetable Com
pound, and after using It faithfully I
nm thankful to say lam a well women,
I would ndviso all suffering women to
seek advice of Mrs. Plnkham." Mlts.
G. II. CiiArruii,, 'Grant IUiik, III.
" For several years my health was
miserable. I suffered tho most dread
ful pains, and was almost on thovergo
of insanity. I consulted ono of tho
best physicians in New York, and he
pronounced my dlseaso a fibroid tumor,
advlhing an operation without dulay,
Baying that It was my only chance for
life. Other doctors prescribed strong
and violent medicine, and ono said I
was incurable, another told mo my
only salvation was galvanic batteries,
which I tried, but nothing relieved me.
One day a friend called and begged me
to try Lydia E. Plnkham's Vegetable
Compound. I began its uso and took
soveral bottles. From tho very first
bottle thero was a wonderful chango
for tho better. Tho tumOr has disap
peared entirely and my old spirits have
returned. I heartily recommend your
medicine to all suffering women."
Mus. Van Clefx, 410 Saundkb Ave.,
Jiiiisisr City Hsianrs, N. J.
Special Kxcurslon to I'lillnilelpliln, Account
National Kxpoit Imposition, via
Pennsylvania, ltallroad,
Tlio Pennsylvania Railroad Company lias
arranged for special excursion rates to Phila
delphia on October 25, No ember 8 and H2,
account National Export Exposition. Bound
trip tickets, good to return within ten days,
including day of issue, will he sold on above
dates from New York, Trenton Ilclvidcro,
Atlantic City, Capo May, I'ottsvillo, Reading,
Wilkesbarre, Lancaster, Harrisburg, York,
Wllliamsport, Canaudalgua, Erio and iuter
mcdiato points at rate of single fare for tlio
round trip, plus admission to tho Exposition
(no rate less than ono dollar). For specific
rates apply to ticket agents.
The National Export Exposition has sur
passed all expectations in tho extent and
variety of Its exhibits, and in its general ex
cellence and attractiveness, The Implement
Building, containing a marvelous display of
farm machinery, is particularly interesting
to agriculturalists. The band concerts nnd
diverting midway furnish delightful enter
tainment for all.
How Is Your Wife 7
lias sho lost her beauty? If so, Constipa
tion, Indigestion, Sick Headache are the
principal causes. Karl's Clover Root Tea
has cured thoso ills for half a contury. Piice
25 cts. and 50 cts. Money, refunded if results
are not satisfactory. Sold by P D. Kirlin
on a guarantee.
Coming Kvents.
Oct. 25. The Famous South Africans will
appear at the Trinity Refornic'd church.
Oct. 30. First annual ball of the Shen
andoah Baso Ball Club in Bobbins' hall.
Too lato to cure a cold after consumption
has fastened its, deadly grip on tho lungs
Tako Dr. Wood's Norway Pino Syrup while
yet there Is time.
Lnlilch County's Soldiers' Slonuhiont
Allentown, Pa., Oct. 20. The sol
diers' and sailors' monument, a beau
tiful memorial to the soldiers and
sailors who went to the war in 18CI
from Lehigh county, wns unveiled here
yesterday with' elaborate ceremonies.
The city was crowded with visitors. A
large number of Grand Army posts
participated In the parade. The mon
ument was unveiled by eight grand
daughters of veterans of tho civil war.
Hon. C. J. Erdmand, of this city, turni
ed the monument over the care of the
city, and Hon. J. L. Schaadt accepted
it in behalf of the city. George L.
Baer, L.L. D.. was the orator of the
day. Governor Stone, Colonel Albert
D. Shaw, commander-in-chief of tho
G. A. R and Adjutant General Thomas
J. Stewart also delivered addresses.
Wholosnle Murilor on tho Ooonn.
Santa Cruz De Teneriffe,- Oct. 20.
The brig Juliana, Captain Schlosser,
recently "arrived here on her' way to
Brazil and reported that during the
voyage the helsman had murdered the
captain, the captain's wife and the
mate. The Brazilian consul asked as
sistance of the authorities, and the
Spanish cruiser Infanta Isabel sen:
several boats' crews to the brig. They
were fired upon by the brig's crew and
the marines replied, finally boarding
the ship. Eleven seamen then jumped
overboard, but were rescued by tho
cruiser's boats and are now imprison
ed. The helsman committed suicide
Another murdered man was found on
Soi'IollH Aooldont to Cyclist II Ik or.
Now York, Oct. 20. Harry Elkes,
the professional bicyclist, was Injured
yesterday afternoon by being thrown
from his wheel on tho Berkley oval
track. He. sustained a badly lacerated
wound on theJeft leg and his left arm
was broken. Elkes was making an
effort to lower the world's record for
an hour, and had been on the track
only 15 minutes when the fork of his
bicycle broke.
Drink Grain-0
after you have concluded that you ought not to
drink coffee. It is not a medicine but doctors
order it, because it is healthful, invigorating
and appetiting. It is made from pure grains
and has that rich seal brown color and tastes
like the finest grades of coffee and costs about
M as much. Children like it and thrive on it
because it is a genuine food drink containing
nothing but nourishment. Ask your grocer
for Grain-O, the new fooddrink 15 and 25c.
ClirintniaH Hoxoh For Our Soldlon.
Washington, Oct. 20. The secretary
of war has instructed the quartermas
ter general to forward from San Fran
cisco any Christmas boxes which may
he delivered thero prior to Nov. 20 for
officers and soldiers in tho Philippines.
Such boxes should be consigned to Ma
jor O. F. Long, general superintendent,
army transport service, San Francisco.
More Food For Needy I'orto Itlenni.
New York, Oct. 20.The United
States transport Itesolute, with provis
ions for Porto Rico sailed yesterday
for that port. She arrived here Mon
day last from Philadelphia with' 400
tons of provisions aboard, and before
her departure took on about an equal
amount In Brooklyn,
A Card,
We, the undersigned, do hereby agree to
refund the money on a 50-cent bottle of
Greene's Warrauted Syrup of Tar if it falls
to cure your cough or cold. We also guaran
tee a 25-cent bottle to prove satisfactory or
money refunded. A. Wasley, O, H. Ilagen-
hucb, Shenandoah Drug Store, and P. W
RIerBUua.Sc Co. 10-1U flint-eod
William H. Appleton, the well known
publisher, died nt IUvordalo, N. Y.
Tho admissions to tho National Ex
port exposition yostorday (Maryland
day! numbered 27,980.
Tomorrow Genornl FItzhugh Leo will
leavo Havana for a 30 days' leave of
absence in tho 'United States.
Tho Cuban lenders nro still ondoavot
Ing to form a political party which Is
to comprise all the old revolutionary
At St. Ann, .Miss., Mrs. J. H, Gum
brell and her four children lost tlnlr
lives in a llro that destroyed thalr
Hohhors blow open the safo In tho
fflco of the Cariboo (II. CY) Hydraulic
'company and stole $50,000 worth of
The little Ahierlcnn colony at Yoko
hama, Japan, continues to care for
United Stntes soldiers on the way to
and from Manila,
Tho will of tho late ox-Judgo Henry
G. Hilton, which devises an estate of
about $10,000,000, is to bo contested
by his son, Henry G. Hilton, Jr.
Kodnrntlon to Aid .lewolry Worker.
Washington, Oct. z0. Tho executive
council of tho American Federation of
Labor, at its session yesterday, voted
that the federation financially assist,
the jewelers of New York, Newark and
Providence, with a view of the more
thorough organization of tho trade and
to be helpful In every way to secure
a recognition of the union as well ns a
reduction in tho hours of their daily
labor. The council adjourned last even
ing to moot next at Detroit, Mich., at
a date to be fixed hereafter.
IinNIPV Is deceptive disease
thousands have it and
TPfM IRI P don't know It. If you
"VUUUL,L' want quick results yon
can make no mlstako by using Dr. Kilmer's
Swamp-Root, the great kidney rehiedy. At
druggists in fifty cent and dollar sizes.
Sample bottle by mail free, also pamphlet
telling you how to find out If you have
kidney trouble.
Address, Dr. Kilmer & Co.,Blngliamton, N. Y
No .Mull Cciisoi-ihlp nt Moulin.
Washington, Oct. 20. Director of
Josts Vallie hiuC sent to Postmaster
Gencrul Smith a letter entering an ab
solute denial of a published charge of
censorship of the mails at Manila. Mr.
Vallie snys: "I Wish to state posi
tively that there has never been a
single letter for the states opened In
this office, or by any one after it was
mailed at this oHlre and before its dis
patch to the states. It is inexcusable
for any one connected with tho army
in Manila to make the assertion that
there was any censorship of tho mails.''
Do' You Know
Consumption Is" proventablo? Science has
proven that, and also that neglect is suicidal.
Tho worst cold or cough can ho cured with
Shtlph's Cough and Consumption Cure. Sold
on positive guarantee for over fifty years.
Sold by P. D. Kirlin on a guarantee.
., h r .
1'roHldi'iit ltt'turii to AViiHlilnuton.
Washington, Oct. 20. President Mc
Kinloy and his party returned to
Washington at 1 o'clock yesterday af
ternoon, and. .the. president was drivon
at once to the White Honse. Both
the president and Mrs McKinley seem
much benefited by their western trip.
Leaving Washington OCU4, the presi-'
dentlal train traveled a distance of
of 5,009 miles, and passed over tkn
tracks of 18 railway systems.
Crippled by
Those who h&ve Rheumatism find
themselves growing steadily worse all
the while. One reason of this is that
the remedies prescribed by tho doctors
contain mercury and potash, which ul
timately intensify the disease by caus
ing the joints to swell and stiffen,
groducing a cevore aching of the bones.
. S. S. has been curing Rheumatism
for twenty years even the worst cases
which seemed almost incurable.
Capt. O. B. Hughes, the popular railroad
conductor, of Columbia, 8. 0., had an experi
ence vrlth Rheumatism which eonvlnced bim
th,t t.hmrm ia nnlv nn. -
cure tor that painful dis
ease", lie says! "I Was a
great sufferer from mus
cular Rheumatism for
two years, I eould set
no permanent reflet
from any medicine pre
scribed by my physician.
1 took about a dozen bot
tles of your 8. 8. S., and
now I am as well as I
evtrwaslnmyllfe. lam
sure that your medicine
cured me, and 1 would
recommendlt to anvone
suffering from any blood disease.
Everybody knows that Rheumatism
is a diseased state of the blood, and
only a blood remedy is the only proper
treatment, but a remedy containing
potash and mercury only aggravates
the trouble,
S.S.SJhe Blood
being Purely Vegetable, goes direot to
the very-cause of tho disease and a per
manent cure always results. It is the
only blood remedy guaranteed to con
tain no potash, mercury or other dan
gerous minerals.
Books moiled frso by Bwlit Bpeeile
Company , Atlanta, Gaoreia.
Beer and Porter
Brewers of the finest and
purest ....
Tiiese products are seldom equalled
and never surpassed. Also
bottlers of all
Carbonated Beverages.
Private families desiring orders
filled can have them promptly
by calling on
Christ. Schmidt,
Agent and Bottler,
203 W. Coal Street
A Handsome Complexion "i
! nna nf the greatest charms a woman canf
possess Vozzom'u CourLuno 1'owdhsJ
. . I
The Information Contained In Thla
Citizen's Statements Invalu
able to Shtnandonli
When a resident ol Hhcnandoak w'iov)
statement appears below, who has no mone
tary intriestin tho article which he endorses,
who is tixlous to do bis acquaintances and
Iell6w rosldeuts a good tutu, who publishes
in this paper his experience with Dunn's
Ointment, Unit citizen must liavo good and
sulllclent reason for doing so. Tho following
should dispel any doubts which may have
existed In tho reader's mind on this subject t
Mr John Thels, of 17 South Main street,
musician, snys : "I procured Doan's Oint
ment from Kirlln's pharmacy ami after 8
years search for a euro it Is tho first posltlvo
remedy thvt I found. I suffered from a must
ex 'speratlng irritation and itching causing
rue great suffering and embarrassment. I
could not remain still at times although I
was compelled to Bit and sutler. I found
Doan's Ointment tlio exact thing needed In
my case for It pcrfoctly froed me from tho
excruciating annoyance."
Doau's Ointment for salo by all dealers.
I'rice 50 cents. Mailed by Fostcr-Mllburn Co.,
Hull'alo, N. Y. Sole agents for tho U. S.
Heniotnbor the natno Doan's and take no
perguson's Theatre.
One INJIght Only.
Special Engagement of America's
Famous Minstrel Organization.
The Gus Sun
Rising Minstrels
The Knpoleon of Mlnstrcly, assisted by
Singers, Dancers, Alonologulsts and
European Novelty Acts
35-Minstrel Artists-
PRICES : - - 25, 35 and 50 Cts.
Unserved eeata at Ktrlln's drug store.
Striking and most startling street demonstra
tion extant. Musical concert and carnival each
evening in front of theatre by our Silver Carnet
Hat.d, under tho direction of Prof. Frank
f erguson's Theatre,
One Night Only!
That Pronounced Farcical Success
And an (Excellent Company of Players
rslr. Barry Redmond.
The Sweotest.SInuer'on the Stage.
Mr. Alonzo Sang.
The Greatest German Character DellnAter.
Mr. Barry Flynn.
Funniest of all Irish Comedians.
Champion Trick Violinists of the World.
ChanBonette Kcentrlque.
Dansouse Sensatlonale.
PRICES : - - 25, .35 and 50 Cents.
Itcserred seats at Kirlln's drug store.
perguson's Theatre.
One rsllsht Only.
Thursday Evening, Oct. 26th.
Prices : - 25, 35, 50 & 75c,
lteserved BeaU at Klrlln'i Drug Btroe.
819 N. Centre St., FotUyllU, Fa.
Fluoold WhtaVeyi, Gin" and Wlneii, at the b
A choice line oi mean ana Temper
ance Drink.
A(commo4jit!on (or trTe!tr.
lllatll bouri
Brutally nonfcnl.'nrmlo l'otleoinnnnnd
l'ntnlly Wound a Citizen.
Laredo, Tex., Oct. 20. Friction be
tween, the Laredo police1 and the negro
rotdlers at Fort Mcintosh resulted In
a street riot Wednesday night. Po
liceman William Stonor, about mid
night, arrested a soldier for somo of
fense nnd turned him over to the mili
tary authorities. Tho report of the
arrest infuriated tho soldiers, who
battered down the door of the ord
nanco room, Becured their arms and
started on a rampage through the west
orn part of the city, 60 strong. Find
ing Policeman Stoner, they covered
him with their rifles, disarming him
and then clubbed and stamped him.
Then they ralnod a regular fusillade
down the soveral streets, and bullets
whistled nil over the city. Only one
casualty from the shooting has been
reported, that of C. Nuncio, who was
shot while walking along Lincoln
street and fatally wounded.
Lieutenant J. M. Campbell, In com
mand at the fort, who was attending
an entertainment In the city, hastened
to the barracks, threw out the guards
nnd had the roll callod, hut all the sol
diers had reached there ahead of him.
Tho arms had also been returned to
tho armory, but showed evidence of
recent use. The lieutenant has Issued
orders confining the garrison to the
reservation for 30 days.
Lieutenant Campbell was n corporal
in the Seventy-first New York volun
teers and for bravery shown at San
Juan hill was appointed to a second
lieutenancy In tho regular army, Tho
company which did the rioting dis
tinguished itself at El Caney.
Another Mounter Steel Plant.
Cleveland, Oct. 20. Steel mills which
will rival in size the big Johnson plant
at Lorain, O., will soon bo established
at Fairport Harbor, a few miles east
of this city. The cost is said to be
$5,000,000. Cleveland capitalists are
back of the enterprise. The name will
be the Holly Steel company. One
thousand acres of land has been se
cured, with a frontage of 4,500 feet
on the river. The works will include
a GOO tons blast furnace, ten 50 tons
open hearth steel furnaces, a plate
mill nnd a bar mill,
Discovered by a Woman.
AniTininrini Hicmvprv has been made.
and that too, by a lady in this country. "Di3
f.HnnMl its rltttrlms unnn her and for
seven years she withstood its severest tests,
but her vital organs were nnaermineu ami
death seeincd imminent. For three months
she coughed incessantly, and could not sleep.
She finally discovered a way to recovery, by
purchasing ot us a ooltlc oi ur. rving s iicw
Discovery for Consumption, and was so much
,Ko.I nr, inl-mtr flrct rlnsp. that she slept all
night ; and with two bottIes, has been ab
solutely cured, tier name is .ftirs. j.uiuer
Lutz. Tlius writes W. C. Hamnlck & Co.,
of Shelby, N. C. Trial bottles free at A.
Waslev's Drug Store. Regular size Soc and
gl.oo. kverybottle guaranteeo.
Wolciomlnu: 'Clovttlun iI'm Mold tor Hoys.
Cleveland, Oct. 20. Sixty 'Cleveland
members of the Fourteenth Infantry
arrived home yesterday from the Phil
ippines, and were given a warm wel
come. After being decorated with gar
lands by the Young Ladles' Escort
club they marched in.a procession com
posed of military organizations and
veterans' of the civil war to the Central
armory, which was elaborately decor
ated for the occasion. After a short
reception the soldiers sat down to a
banquet, at the conclusion 'of which
speeches were made by Senator Hanna
and others.
It's a mistake to hnaeliio that ilehinc piles
can't be cured ; a mistake to sufl'er a day
longer than you can hi lp. Doan's Ointment
hriugs fustant relief and permanent cure
At any drug store, 50 cents"
18 months in a ehaif.
A Specialist also fails to even relieve
a bad case of Asthmai
The BRAZILIAN BALM instantly re
lieves and effects a Radical Cure,
Shaker Station, Ct., Feb. 3, 1899.
Brazilian Balm
has done won
ders for me, after
suffering 2 years
with Asthma. I
received no help
from four of our
local physicians,
and a specialist
in Hartford, who
is at the head of
the hospital and
receives ail tue
critical cases in
the adjoinini
counties. For 1
months I never
laid down set in a chair day and night
and had to he drawn from one room to
another. By my doctor's orders I went
soutu ana s;ata several montus uui re
ceived no benefit. At last Brazilian
Balm was recommended to me so highly
I decided to try it. Inside of a week I
could sleep in my bed. Now I am out
dcors every day, tending to everything,
do not have any Asthma and will soon
resume mv old occupation, foreman of
the Eddy Electric Mfg. Co., of Windsor
Ut. Most gratetuuy yours,
Wm. H. Wood,
Thousands of doctors prescribe Brazilian
Balm in Catarrh, Asthma, Pleurisy and Grippe,
Only thine; known that removes all the after
effect of Grippe In Lungs. Liver, Kidneys, Etc
K cts. and S1.00 a bottle at druggists. With the
11.00 bottle you fret a month's treatment FREU
nfToxicoti Tablets, the best Touic. Strength
uuutierin tne worm. u. I'. Jackson tn CO.,
juauuiaciuriug ncmisu, jnaiaaapons, inn,
Wholesale Agents!
Agent for the Famous
Phila. Stock Ale, Sparkling Still
Amber Ale, Bottled Pale Ale,
Blown Stout, Half and Half, Beer
ind Porter.
Mt. Carbon Beer
At all its customers to-day.
Solomon Haak's,
116 South Main Street,
Vill receive prompt attention.
(AndTonic in Tadlet Fohm)
v For All Diseases op the
To Every pari or rue System
llimuY ENpmro Dv -Physicians
BYMAlL$l.oo Stttj Stamp nn Pahphut-
Bold In Shenandoah nt
Orders by mall sent to any addreBD.
Strong Drink is Death
are the only positively guaranteed remoarfor the
DrlnH llsblt, Nervousness and Melancholy caused
b strong drink.
to cure any case wltha positive ivrltt'n gunr
nntefl or refund the money, and to destroy the
appetite tor Intoxicating liquors.
OlnUnD Ullin. mid Dpntli. ipon receipt
ot flO.OO we will mall you four 4 boies and posi
tive written ffunrnntcp lo cure or refund
your money. Single boxes (3.00.
For sale at Kirlln's drug store.
IN EFFECT MAY 14, 1839.
Paaseneer trains leave Shenundoah for Penn
Haven Junction. Mauch Chunk. Lehlchton.
81atlnfrton, White Hall, Catasauqua, Allejitowti,
ueiiiiencm, juisioii rew xorsana i-uiiaueipuia
at S 28, 7 SO a. m . 12 52 and 5 17 p. m.
For Wilkesbarre, White Haven and Plttstos,
5 28, 10 12 a. m 12 52 and 5 17 p. m.
For Laceyvlllo, Towanda, Havre, Waverly
Elmlra, ltochcster, Buffalo, Niagara Falls,
Auburn, Syracuse, Ithaca, Geneva and the
West, 10 12 n. m., 12 62 and 5 17 p. in.
For Belvldere, Delaware Water Gap ani
Stroudsburg, 5 28 a. m., 5 17 p. m.
For Larauertvuie ana Trenton, ou a. m.
For .Teauesvtlle, Levlston and Beaver Meodov
t 28 a. in., 12 52 p. m.
For McAdoo, Audenrted, Hazleton, Stockta
and Lumber Yard, 5 28, 7 50, 10 12 a. in., 12 62 and
5 17 p. ra.
ForJeddo, Drlfton and Frecland, 6 28, 1012
a, m., 5 17 p. m.
For scramon, o zs. xu iz n. m., o u p. in.
For Lost Creek, Glrardvllle, and Ashland, 4 00,
and 7 28 p. in.
For Haven Hun, Centralla, Mount Carmel and
Bhamokln, 1049 a. in., 1 42, 6 07, 9 23 p in.
For Mahanoy City, Park Place and Delano,
5 28, 7 50, 10 12 a. m.. and 12 52, 5 17 p. lu.
For Yatesvine, o zs, lu is a. m.
Trains will leave Bhamokln at 7 00. 9 20 a. in.,
1160 and 4 20 p. in., and arrive at Shenandoah
at 7 50, 10 12 a. m., 12 52, 5 17 p. m.
Leave Shenandoah for Pottsville, St. Cliilr,
New Castie, Morea and New Boston, 7 50 and
10 12 a. m , 12 62 and 9 17 P. m.
Leave Pottsville for Shenandoah, 9 45 a. tu.,
12 85, 505, 8 15 p. m.
Leave Hazleton for Shenandoah, 9 50 a. in.,
12 45, 5 09, 6 20, 8 81 p. m.
Trains leavo for Haven Hun, Centralla, Mt.
Carmel and Shamokln, 9 40 a. in., 7 21 p. in.,
Trains leave Shamokln for Shenandoah at
8 60 a. m., and 5 85 p. m.
Leave Shenandoah for Yatesvllle, Mahanoy
City, Park Place, Delano, McAdoo, Audenrlea
Hazleton, Stockton, Lumber Yard, Weatherly
and Mauch Chunk, 9 47 a. m., and 6 82 p. m.
For Lehlghton, Slatlngton, Catasauqua, Whlt
Hall, Coplay, Allentown, Kaston and Phillips
burg, 9 47 a. m., and 6 82 p. m.
For New York incj Philadelphia, 9 47 a. m.
Leave Hazlett tbenandoah, 8 60, a. m
and 6 27 p. ni.
M. B. OUTTEK, Supt. Transportation,
South Bethlehem, Pa.
ItOLLIN U. WILBUR, Genl. Supt..
South Bethlehem, Pa.
CHARLES S. LEE, Genl. Pass. Agt.,
New York, N.Y.
South Bethlehem, Pa.
October 10, 1899,
Trains will leave Shenandoah after the aoove
date for Wlggan. Gilberton, Fraokvllle, Dart
Water, St. Clair, Pottsville. Hamburg, Readlnr.,
Pottstown, Phoenlxvflle. Norrlstown and Phil
adelphia (Brood street station) at 6 16 and 80S
a.m.,210, Blip. m. on week days. Sundays,
8 05 a. m., 4 20 p. m. .... , , ,
Trains leave Frackvllle for Shenandoah at
784, 1146 a.m. and 58, 786 p. in. Sunday.
11 01 a. m. and 8 86 p. m.
Leave Pottsville for Shenandoah (via Fracl
vllle) 710, 1120 a. m,, 610, 710 p.m. Sunday
10 85 a. m., 6 10 p. m.
Leave Philadelphia, (Broad street station), lot
Sheaandoah at 8 86 a. m 4 10 p. m, week day.
Sundays leave at 6 SO and 9 28 a. m.
Leave Philadelphia (Broad street station) for
Pottsville. 5 80, 8 85, 1019 a. m., 180, t 10,711
p. m. weekdays. Sundays. 6 60, 9 23 a. m, and
602 p m.
Leave Brood Street Station. Philadelphia,
Exress Week-day, 820, 4 06,440,8 00,6 13
6 SO, 7 88, 8 25, 9 60, (10 21, dining car), 11 00, 11 46
a m, 12 00 noon, 12 85. (Limited 1 00 and 4 22 p m,
dining cars), 1 43, (2 80, dining ear), 8 20, 3 60,
4 02, 6 00. 5 68, (dining car), 0 00, 702, 8 10,
(dining car), 10 00 p. m., 12 01, nlglit. Sundays,
820,4 05, 149.600, 6 15. 8 25, 9 60, (1021, dining
carUO 43, 11 43 a w, 12 03, (dining car), 12 85, 2 Su,
(dining car), 4 02, (Limited 4 22 dining car),
8 20, 5 56, dining car, 8 85, 702, B10, dining
car, 10 00 p.m., 12 01 night.
For Boston without change, 11 01 ra., week
days, and 8 10 p. m., dally.
For Sea Girt, Asbury Park, Ocean Grove,
Long Branch, and Intermediate stations, 823,
11 10 m, 8 80, 4 02 p in weekdays.
For Baltimore and Washington, 8 80, T 20, J M,
10 20, 11 23, a. m., 12 09, 12 86 dining car 1 W,
dining car, 913, 4 41, 5 25 Congressional
Limited dining car , B 84, 6 17. 6 65, dining carl,
7 81 dining cor, p. m, and 12 03 night week
days. Sundays. 3 60, 7 20, 9 12, 11 23, a. m., 12 09.
Ill dining car, 812, 4 41, 620 Congressional
Limited dining car, 5 84 665 dining car, 7
dining car, p. m., and 12 05 night
For Baltimore, accommodation, 9 11 m, 1 WI
and 4 01 p m week days, 6 08 and 11 16 p m dally,
Leave Broad street station via Delaware river
bridge Express, 9 40 am, 705 p m weekdays.
Sundays, 9 20 a in. 705 pra.
Leave Market Street Warf Expre, 1 00 m,
2 00,400, BOO p m weekdays. Sundays, 9OT,
1000 a m (accommodation 4 0 and 8 00 p m.
For Cape May. Angleseo, Wlldwood and
Holly Booch, Sea Islo City, Avolon, and Stone
Harbor Express 9 00 am, 4 00 p ra week day
Sundays, 9 00 a m. ..
For Somen Point Express, 9 00 . ra., S 00,
4M;b0o7p. m. week days. Sunday. 9 00 anil
10 00 a. m.
For tickets and other information apply to
tloket agent. , ...
B. ?. HCTOHiHSOK, o5l JwS'r A. t
Gen'l Manager. OenM Pass z r A
nillions of Dollars
Go np In wnokn overyyear. Tako no
ili bftt get your house. Block, fur
nlture, oto inaured in flrst-claea ro
liable compauios as represented by
AlloUUandAteldtntal omfkttlf