If" X TheHerald KSTAttLISIIKI) 1870. " "All the News That's Fit to Print," ubllahol every evening, except Sunday, t 8 South Jordln street, Hhcnondonh, Pn. LONG DISTANCK TlXHIMHINK. lie Herald I delivered In Shenandoah mid tlie surrounding town for six centra wtck, pay able to the carriers, lly mull 98.0) o ywr, or 23 oentu n month, payable In advance. Ad vertWcments charged according to i-te and position. The publishers reserve the right to change the position of advertisements never the publication of news demand The right i reserved to reject any advertisement whether paid for or not, that the publishers may deem Improper. Adver tising rates made known iion application. ntcred at the post onlee at Shenandoah, Pn., as second class mall matter. YOC CAN NOT ltRAClt 1IBADRU8 OP -TltBIIKUAM)- ntROUQH NY OTHKK DAILY PUBLICATION. WEDNESDAY. OCTOHEU 18, 18l)9. OUR COUNTRY : First. Last and Forever. It sounds strange to heur some political leaders of a certain party one moment eulogize Admiral Dewey for his bravery at Manila, and the next hear them demand that the flag he raised there shall be torn down. Even the Democratic members of the Board ol Poor Directors acknow ledge the ability of Fred. Ahrensfleld, and he has many warm supporters even in the Democratic ranks. He fills the position at present with much credit to himself and the party. Tub North American of Philadel phia, the most fearless and enterpris ing paper of the state, and which is said to be controlled by John Wana maker, makes serious charges against Josiah Adams, the Republican candi date for the Superior Court bench. The charges are of such a nature that they must be met by a positive denial, or else the candidate.in justice to himself and the party he repre sents, must retire from the ticket. From all sections of the county come assurances of the strength and popularity of Gus. Doerflinger, the Republican nominee for county treas urer. No candidate has ever had warmer or truer friends than he has. Wherever he comes in contact with the people he adds to his friends and supporters. He is carrying on an earnest and clean campaign and will find it more effective than other methods would be. "Gus" is known to the people in many sections, and they know him for an upright, honor able and honest man. Thk managers of the Philadelphia Export Exposition, while not com plaining about the prosperity and business actiyity of the country,make no hesitation in saying that they should have had a far better display bat for the fact that manufacturers were too busy to prepare exhibits. "The manufacturers said to me," re marked President Wilson, in discuss ing the subject, "that they had from six months' to two years' orders ahead, and that they were therefore unable to spare the time to prepare special exhibits or to prepare such ad ditional orders as the exhibits might bring them." Thkrk is a general impression that the times are good ; that all those who are able and willing to work are actively and profitably employed ; that factories of all kinds are busy ; that business men everywhere are making money. Perhaps it is all a mistake; perhaps the country is not prosperous, and it is as hard now for the working man to get a job as it was four years ago, when our friend Cleveland was issuing a new batch of bonds every month or so. The people know, and those of them who desire to testify to what they know in that direction and to express their satis faction or their dissatisfaction, as the case may be, with the existing state of things, have no other way than the ballot of showing where the stand. If they are not content, if they want to go back to the Demo cratic times of 1808-1807, all they iave to do Is to vote the Democratic ticket next November; or, if they up predate the improved business con ditions, in justice to themselves they should vote the Republican ticket. FLESH ok THIN PEOPLE JOHNSON'S DYSPEPSIA CURE I tclutifle, Unhllinj tnl rVmnsnl UiMf ia ' Dtpipiti, Indention infill Stomub id s(flf TrTOl". Jas. Starm. of fit Paul. Minn., says : "I had e , a' r s been thin and einai utfl ; appetite Rood t t fjod did nut seem to nourWh me and had j; r f jund an thing to do pie any good until c nenced to "take Johnm' Dyspepsia Cure : e ii w b-en t .Icinir it two months, have j! io -I fifteen pounds and am stilt Inrreaiinfr It I a wonaer m ircairine i ir wai. nnn run uowu 1 ipie." Largo Boxej, 10c, 25c and 60c. FOR SALE BTf FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. (A Handsome Complexion la one of the greatest charms a woman can poises. fozzoNi'a CouruixiOK Vowobul Bruit. . I THEY ARE CONVINCING. Statement of a Neighbor Is to be believed. Nothing so Convincing as What Persons Whom we Know and Kespttt, Say. There it nothing so convincing is the state ment of iople whom we know and respect. If your neighbor tells you something, you know it is true ; no neighbor wilt deceive another. So that ii the way with Kkl-ne-oltls. The statements of people living right here In Pennsylvania arc published so that you may ask these people and fined out the great good Morrow' Kid-ne-oiiU arc doing. Mrs. John Quinn, 534 1!. Centre street, Maliauoy City, l'., says : "For some time 1 have had a dull pain in my back just over the region of the kidneys. I attributed it to kidney trouble ami took Morrow's Kid-ne-oid for it Btld they relieved the pain in a few days. Kid-ne-oids proved very effectual as the pain has entirely disnppeared." Monow's KUl-ne-oids are not pills, but Yellow Tablets and sell at fifty cents a box at all drug stores and at S. 1'. Kirliti's drug store. Mailed on receipt of price. Manufactured by John Morrow & Co., Chemists, Spring field, Ohio. Semllni! SiiiiIiu-1m to Culm. Havana, Oct. 18. During the pasi CO days there have arrived hero over 2,000 Spaniards, who say that it is impossible to obtain work In Spain, and that the government Is assisting them to emigrate to Cuba. It, is be lieved that over 200,000 will come to Cuba within the next few months, ren dering the situation on the Island more complex. Women are not assisted to emigrate, the Spanish government aid ing only men over 18 years of ago to leave the country. Discovered by a Woman. Another great discovery has been made, and that too, by a lady in this country. "Dis ease fastened its clutches upon her and for seven years she withstood its seveiest tests, but her vital organs were nndermiued and death seemed imminent. For three months she coughed incessantly, and could not sleep. She finally discovered a way 10 recovery, by purchasing of us a bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, and was so much relieved on taking first dose, that she slept all night ; and with two bottles, has been ab solutely cured. Her name is Mrs. Luther Lutz. Tlius writes V. C. Ilamnick & Co., of Shelby, N. C. Trial bottles free at A. Wasley's Drug Store. Regular size 50c and Sl.oo. Everybottle guaranteed. airs. Sohlny'H Lovlnir Cup. Washington, Oct. 18. The Schiej testimonial committee of the Hoya. Arcanlum last night presented a handsome loving cup to Mrs. Schley, the wife of Rear Admiral Schley. It was purchased with the balance of a fund collected for the purpose of pur chasing a jeweled sword for the ad miral, and which was given him some time ago. He is a member of the Royal Arcanum. Do You Know Consumption is preventable? Science has proven that, and also that neglect is suicidal. The worst cold or cough can ho cured with Shlloh's Cough and Consumption Curo. Sold on positive guarantee for over fifty years. Sold by P. D. Kirlin on a guarantee. fiowpj'N Visit to Chleniro. Chicago, Oct. 18. Definite informa tion has been received from Admiral Dewey that he will visit Chicago be tween Nov. 15 and Dec. 1 and arrange ments are being made for a two days' festival in his honor. The program will include military and civil pa rades, a military hall and the presenta tion of a gold or silver service. Does This Strike Yon 7 Muddy complexions, Nauseating breath como from chronic constipation. Karl's Clover Boot Tea is an absolute cure and has been sold for fifty years on an absolute guarantee. Price 25 cts. and 50 cts. Sold by P. D. Kirlin on a guarantee. A 1'li.vnloliin's Futitl .Mlstnkn. Homervilie, Ga., Oct. 18. Dr. L. U Rentz, a prominent physician of Du pont, was arrested yesterday upon tlin indictment by the grand Jury on a charge of malpractice In having re moved half of the kidney of a woman Instead of the ovaries, which he in ended to remove. The woman v'ied. Tell Your Sister A beautiful complexion is an impossibility without good pure blood, the sort that only exists In connection with tbo good digestion; a healthy liver and bowels. Karl's Clover Hoot Tea acta directly on the bowels, liver and kidneys keeping them in perfect health. Price 25 cts. and 50 cts. Sold by P. D. Kirlin on a guarantee. STATES VIOLATE SWISS TREATV. Ah a llesult Our Government Must Surrender the Convention. Washington, Oct. 18. 'The state de partment has regretfully come to the conclusion that the existing treaty be tween the United States and Switzer land must be terminated, and steps In that direction soon will be taken. The necessity for this course arises from the action of certain of the state governments In enforcing local laws which in their operation prevent Swiss insurance companies from doing busi ness In those states. While these laws were not aimed directly at the Swiss companies, yet providing as they do for discriminatory taxes against for eign corporations, tlioy constitute a direct violation of the treaty between the United States and Switzerland, whereby the United States guaranteed to Swiss concerns the same rights to do business within the limits of the United States as are enjoyed by United States corporations. It la felt that it would be useless for the national gov ernment to remonstrate with the gov ernments of the states whloh have thus violated the treaty, so there is noth ing to be done hut to surrender the convention. A Nufnl Hero V8ililort. Morrlstown, N. J., Oct. 18. Lieuten ant Victor Blue, of the United States battleship Massachusetts, apd MIkh Ellen Foote Stuart were married last evening at St. Peter's P. E. chut eh here. The marriage ceremony wan performed by Hev. Dr. Hlbbard, rec tor of the church. The bride was es corted to the altar by her uncle, Cap tain Cooper. The maid of honor wi.a Miss Marlon Stuart, a younger sister, nnd there were five bridesmaids. After the ceremony a reception was held at Captain Cooper's home. Lieutenant and Mrs. Blue will spend thoir honey moon In the south and upon their re turn north will tuke up their residence In Brooklyn. THE ALASKAN H0UNDARY. Ainorlrnnn niinot ntnpliilii Ovor the Temiiorur.v Auruoinnut Mnilo. WnRlih.gton, Oct. 18. Immediately upon Secretary Hay's return yesterday preparations began nt the state de partment for the completion of the modus vlvondl relative to the Alnsknn boundary. General Foster was hard nt Work ttpon the details of the modus and tho oxpectntlon was that In the course of a duy or two the agreement would bo In offect. The negotiations of late have been entlroly In the hands of Secretary Hoy and Mr. Towor, tho British charge here. It hns not been determined oven yet whether tho ngieement defining tho boundary tem porarily shall tnko tho form of a docu ment signed by both parties or bo merely n series of notes, hut In either case it will he Just as effective as a regular modus Vivendi, binding both parties to observe the boundary laid down temporarily. State department olllcinls are confldont thnt Americans will hnvo no cause to complain that their rights have been abandoned when tho full scope of the agreements is made known, while on the other hand the Canadians can not claim properly that they have lost any right that they have enjoyed. Tho offect will bo to give the Uni ted States control of tho tidewaters, the British being 15 miles above; to maintain the American control to the new nnd Important Porcupine country, and lastly to snvo the rights of all American miners who aro now on tlie Canadian side of the line. It 1b understood that tho modus will live at tho pleusure of both parties to It. Thcro will bo no date fixed for Its expiration. The Appetite of a Goat Is envied by all poor dyspeptics whose stomach and liver are out of order. All such should know that Dr. King's New Life Tills, the wonderful stomach and liver remedy, gives a splendid appetite, sound digestion and a regular bodily habit that insures perfect health: and great energy. Only 25c. at A. Wasley's drug store. THE PRODUCE MARKETS. Philadelphia. Oct. 17. Flour weak; win ter HUPerllne, $2.25Si2.40; Pennsylvania roller, clear, $3.10Si3.20; city mills, extm. $2.50112.70. Rye Hour quiet,' but firm, lit $3.60 per barrel for choice Pennsylvania. Wheat slow; No. 2 red, spot, in elevator, 71f72e. Corn dull; No. 2 mixed, spot, in elevntor, 58V4fl3Se.; No. 2 yellow, fur local trade, 42e. Oats dull; No. 2 white, clipped, 32c; lower grades, 2Jft31c. Hay firm; choice timothy, $1G for large bales. Beef firm; beef hams, $2324. Pork steady, family, $12812.50. Lard steady. Butter steady; western creamery, 17024c; fac tory, lH4f17c, Juna creamery,, lDS2H4c; lmltutlon creamery, 15S20c; New York dairy, 16621c; creamery, 1721c. Cheese firm; large, white, ll?i012c; small do., UMc.i large, colored, 12CT12lic; smalt do., 129ic. Eggs (julet; New York and Penn sylvania, 21'i?22c; western, ungraded, at murk, 156 19c Potatoes steady; Jersey, $1.11V4J1.40; New York, $1.25(31.40; Long Island, $1.26S1.75; Jersey sweets. $1.75i02, southern do., $ljl.25. Cabbage dull; Long Island, $2fl3.50 per 100. Baltimore, Oct. 17. Flour dull and un changed. Wheat very dull; spot and tho month, 7071c: December, 73?'s073?ic. ; steumer No. 2 red, 60?6j67a; southern, by Bample, GGSJ72!4c; do. on grade, 6SMT72c Corn very dull; mixed, spot and the month, 3Sli5T38Vtc.; November nnd De cember, 3S&j3S',ic; new or old November or December, 36HSf3G?ic ', January, 300 0GV4c; steamer mixed, 3G63G?4c; south ern, white and yellow, 41414c. Oats firmer; No. 2 white, 305j30V4c; No. 2 mix ed, MUKKlc. Rye dull; No. 2 nearby, 5S JlGSc; No. 2 western, 63&c. Hay firm; No. 1 timothy, $15.50S16. Live Stock 3Inrkots. Now York, Oct. 17. Beeves dull; cables steady; exports, S50 cattle and 6,500 quar ters of beef; tomorrow, 5,223 quarters. Calves quiet, but steady; car of west erns unsold; veals, $438; jgrassers, $2 SO. Sheep dull; lambs slow and 15c. lower; 19 curs unsold; sheep, $2.301.25; lambs, $1.35165.50; no Canada lambs. Hogs nom inally slow at $4.C54(4.S0. East Liberty, Pa.. Oct. 17. Cattle, steady; extra, $3.S0jG; prime, $3.50fi5.75: common, .2.S0Q3. 70. Hogs dull and lower; prime mediums. $I.504X5; heavy Yorkers, $4.40&4.43; light Yorkers, $4.3594.40; heavy hogs. $4.434.55; pigs, $4.206 4.35; grassers, $4.3004.40; roughs, $2.754.10. Sheep easy; choice wethers, $4.3004.40; common, $1.50 I&2.50; choice lambs, $5.10ii5.25; common to good, $34(5; veal calves, $6.50(57. On Every Bottle Of Shiloh's Consumption Cure is this guar antco : "All wo ask of you is to uso two thirds of tho contents of this bottle faith fully, then if you can say you are not benefited roturn the bottle to your druggist and ho may refund the price paid." Price 25 cts. 50 cts. and $1.00. Sold by P. D. Kirlin on a guarantee. Sentouood For Leae Mnjeste. Berlin, Oct. 18. Dr. Klapper, editor of Tho Deutsche Agrar-Correspondem'., has been, sentenced to Imprisonment In a fortress for six months on a charge of lese majeste for crticizlng Emperor William. The leading Agrarian organ, the Deutsche Tage Zeltung, blames the emperor, "because by frequently Identi fying himself with public measures he compels criticism." Eczema ! The Only Cure. Eczema Is more than a skin disease, and no skin remedies can cure it. The doctors are unable to effect a cure, and their mineral mixtures are damaging to the most powerful constitution. The whole trouble Is in the blood, and Swift's Specific is tho only remedy which can rcach.such deep-seated blood diseases. Eciem broke out on my daughter, and son- tlnued to spread until her head was eatlrely covered. She was treated by several good doctors, but grew worse, and the dreadful disease spread to her face. She iras taken to two celebrated health springs, bat re-, ceived no benefit. Many patent medicines were taken, but without re sult, until we decided to try S. 8. S.,andhy the time the first bottle was finished, her head ! g&n to heal. A dozen bottles cured her com- filetely and loft her skin perfectly smooth. She s now sixteen years old, and has a magnificent growth ot hair. Not a sign of the dreadful disease has ever returned. H. T. BnoBi, 3704 Lucas Are., St. Louis, Mo. Don't expect local applications of soaps and salves to cure Eczema. They reach only the surface, while the di sease comes from within. Swift's Specific For 01xl .TheUlUUU Ib the only cure and will reach the most obstinate cose. It Is far ahead of all similar remedies', because It cures cases which are beyond their reach. S. S. S. is purely vegetable, and is the only blood remedy guaranteed to contain no pot ash, mercury or other mineral. Books mailed free by Swift Specific Company, Atlanta, Georgia. The Information Contained In This Citizen's Statements Invalu able to Shenandoah People. When n resident of Shenandoah whose statement appears below, who has no mono lary Intorost In tho nrtlclo which ho ondornos, who is anxious to do his acquaintances and fellow residents a good turn, who publishes in this paper his experience with Uonn's Ointmont, that citizen must have good and suUlcicnt reason for doing so. Tho following should dispel any doubts which may have existed In tho reador's mind on this subject : Mr. John Thois, of 17 South Main street, musician, says t "I procured Doan's Oint ment from Kirllu's pharmacy aud after 8 years search for a curo it is tho first posltivo remedy that I found. I suffered from a most cxisporating Irritation and itching causing me great suffering and embarrassment. I could not remain still at times although I was compelled to sit and suffer. I found Doan's Ointment tho exact thing necdod In my caso for it perfectly frocd mo from tho oxcruclatlng annoyance." Drain's Ointment for sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Mailed by Fostcr-Milburu Co., liulliilo, N. Y. Sole agents for tho U. S. Keinembor the name Doan's and take no other. Another I'rnposiMl Honor Vov Dowov. Philadelphia, Oct. 18. The com-mnndery-in-chlef of the Military Order of the Loyal Legion meets hero today, and a strong movement is on foot to elect Admiral Dewey Its new com mander. Tho term of Admiral Oherar dl, who Is tho. present commander, la about to expire, and there is a great rivalry among the candidates for the place. Among those whoso names have been mentioned aro Generals Schoficld, Miles, Dodge, Howard and Alger. Admiral Dewey knows nothing of the movement In his favor, but his friends aro legion, and It Is under stood that tho honor will bo tendered him. Aff llAtflrl na unfurl nnattt mfleren from AlIllblDUPrlTatedlicuci, lllootl l'otson. Youthful Krrori. Lott Vit&Utr. Varicocele, et. jicni ror sworn "i eitlmoniai na hook )"Trntn" loi'ror. ii. t Tilt til JI. if., SflOl North Sixth Nt.. 1'lilln.lcIphU, (1'ik, Pooltlvetr lh only fpfclailal la tbt 1 Htatei to our even Ihounh lha moil celehnttxl inca- 1 lalinfj fsvllnrt. VPf.h (! f-UMI In ItnlllritTs Hnuray S.R.9. Ferguson's Theatre. DAH. J. FERGUSON, Mer. One Night Only. Wednesday Evening, Oct. 18. "The show that has made one million laugh." Murray and Mack Present THAT FUNNY FARCE FiNNIGANS BALL JOLLY MAE TRUMBULL With an Operatic Ensemble. 25 People on the Stage 25 "NOTHING BUT FUN." Prices : - 25, 35, 50 & 7jc. Iteserved Sent, at Klrlln'sDr ug Stroe. Ferguson's Theatre. DAN. J. FERGUSON, Mgr One Might Only. FRIDAY, OCTOCER 2099. Special Engagement of America's Famous Minstrel Organization. The Gus Sun Rising Minstrels INTRODUCING MR. GUS SUN The Napoleon of Minstrely, assisted by Singers, Dancers, Monologulsts and European Novelty Acts Comprising 3 5 -Minstrel Artists-35 PRICES : - 25, 35 and 50 Cts. . Reserved seats at Kirlln'H drug store. c -11., 1 A n..ll.w. il.mAn.lni tlon extant. Musical concert anil carnival each evening In Iront o: theatre ny our miver wirm;. Ilm-.d, under the direction of l'rof. Frank Fulircr. Ferguson's Theatre, DAN. J. FEROUUON, Mgr, One Night Onlyl TUESDAY, OCTOBER 24. That I'ronouoced Farcical Success II iTfilUn MIST WWWWWWVWVVVWWWW MISS MAUD M.YRIRG And an Excellent Company of Players Including Mr. Barry Redmond. The Sweetest Slnt'er on the Stoce. tVlr. Alonzo Sang. The Greatest Clerman Character Dellncater, rvlr. Barry Flynn. vniat nt nil Irish Ccmcdlans. ARTHUR-THE YOUNGS NETTIE Champion Trick Violinists of the World. MISS RINK TREAT. Chansonette Kcentrlque. MISS MOLLY MY RING Daiisouise Sensatlonale, PRICES ; - - 25, 35 and 50 Cents, Iteserved seats at Kirllu's druif store, 1 Lnltei THE PRESIDENT AT KALAMAZOO. Coiumcrotnl TravolorJi Ills ioort In tho Mlolilsan City. Knlamazoo, Mich., Oct. 18. This city entertained the presidential party in a novol way last night. A carnival nnd Btreet fair were In progress. The United Commercial Travelers, 2,600 strong, were dolegatcd to furnish the entertainment. Senator Burrows met tho president at Chicago nnd was re inforced by another committer) tt Nlles. When tho train reached here a hundred carriages drew up, and a procession was formed with President JIcKInley and cabinet In front. On each side of tho carriages marched a commercial traveler, carrying a nambeau or red lire. The streets were decorated for miles, and at least a hundred thousand nnnnln brnuaht In by excursions thronged the sidewalks, As tho president appeared cheer after cheer ran down the long line, and was tnlfon lin llV lipotlln In tho linnttm r.ti side streets. The drive lasted 40 min utes ana no speaking was Indulged In. At 9 o'clock the presidential party de parted for Jackson, Too late to curo a cold after consumption bus fastened Its deadly grip on tbe lungs. Tuko Dr. Wood's Norway Pino Syrup wltllo yet tboro Is time. Atlautn Invite Southern Governor:). Atlanta, Oct. 18. The committee on arrangements for the reception to Ad miral Dewey, who will visit Atlanta Oct. 25 and 26, yesterday sent tele graphic invitations to the governors of the following states to be the guests of Atlanta during the admiral's stay. Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia, North and South Carolina, Alabama. Florida, Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas. Kentucky, Arkansas. Missouri and Georgia. ' The Invitations Include, of courso, the staffs of the governors. It's n mistake to imagine that itching piles can't bo cured ; a uistako to suffer a day longer than you can help. Doan's Ointment brings instant relief and permanent cure. At any drug store, 50 cents. I'lillndefpulu Dereuts llrooklyn. Philadelphia, Oct. 18. The cham pions of the National League and the Phillies yesterday played the first of a series ot five exhibition games for a purse ot $2,500 on the local grounds, the Quakers winning, The home team played a faultless fielding game and made its hits when needed. The score: Philadelphia, 7; Brooklyn, 4. THAT JOYFUI. FEELINd With the exhilarating sense of renewed health and strength and Internal cleanliness which follows the use of Syrup of Figs Ib unknown to tho few who have not progroasod beyond the old-time medicines and the cheap substitutes sometimes offered but never ac cepted by the well-informed. Buy the genuine. Manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. Coming Kvents, Oct. 25. The Famous South Africans will appear at the Trinity Reformed church. Oct. 30. First annual ball of the Shen andoah Baso Ball Club in Robbing' hall. Tisn't safe to be a day without Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil in the bouse. Never cau tell what moment an accident Is going to happen. KnilUi Artori "Pardoned. London, Oct. 18. The Exchange Telegraph company publishes a dis patch from Paris saying that Emlle Ar- ton, of Panama canal notoriety, has been pardoned. fVIPiNIPV Is a deceptive disease IKIUCI thousands have it aud TftfH IRI P don't know it. If you 1 1VUUUL,L, want ,ok resulta yo can make no mistake by using Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy. At drugRlsts in fifty cent and dollar sizes. Sample bottle by mail free, also pamphlet telling you now to una out it you nave kidney trouble. Address, Dr. Kilmer & Co. .Bingham ton, N. Y Speclul Cheap Excursions to National Ex port Exposition via P. & IC Hallway. The National Export Exposition Is more than a mere show, it is a grand school of in struction as to the manufacturing ability and ingenuity of the United States, and all pre sented to tho eye in such a way that it affords amusement as well as instruction. For the pleasure seeker there is the Chinese Yillaee, Oriental theatre, trained animals, etc., In fact all the best shows from the Midways of recent Expositions, and when to this Is added grand concerts every afternoon and evening by some of the best bands and orchestras of the country, our- readers can easily see it is well worth a visit. Arrangements have been made by the Philadelphia & Beading Bailway to sell special excursion tickets from this vicinity to Philadelphia, on Oct 13th and 20th, Nov. 3d and 17th, at the low rate of single fare for the round trip (with a minimum of 75 cents) including admission coupon to the Exposition, These, tickets to be good going only on specified train morning of sale, and good re turning on any regular train within 3 days including date of sale. For full Information as to rates, time of trains, etc., consult ticket agents, or address Edson J, Weeks, Qen'l Passenger Agt., Phila delphia. A Card. We, tho undersigned, do hereby agreo to refund the money on a BO-cent bottle of Greene's Warranted Syrup of Tar if It falls to cure your cough or cold. We also guaran tee a 25-cent bottle to prove satisfactory or money refunded. A. Wasley, O. H. Hagen buch, Shenandoah Drug Store, and P. W Biersteln & Co. 10-10-6mt-eod Special Excursion to Philadelphia, Account National Export Exposition, via Pennsylvania Itallroad. The Pennsylvania Itallroad Company has arranged for special excursion rates to Phila delphia on October 25, November 8 and 22, account National Export Exposition. liound trip tickets, eood to return within ten days', including day of issue, will be sold on above dates from New York, Trenton, Belvidere, Atlautlo City, Cape May, Pottsville, Beading, Wilkesbarre, Lancaster, Harrisburg, York, Willlamsport, Canandaigua, Erie and inter mediate points at rate of single fare for the round trip, plus admission to the Exposition (no rate less than one dollar). For specific rates apply to ticket agents. Tbe National Export Exposition has sur passed all expectations in the extent aud variety of Its exhibits, and In its general ex cellenco and attractiveness. The Implement Building, containing a marvelous display of farm machinery, is particularly Interesting to agriculturalists. The band concerts and diverting midway furnish delightful enter tainmeut for all, now Is Your Wife 7 lias she lost her beauty? If so, Constipa tion, Indigestion, Sick Headache are tho principal causes. Karl's Clover Boot Tea has cured these ills for half a century. Piloe 25 cts. and 50 cts. Money refunded If results are not satisfactory. Sold by P. D. Kirlin on a guarantee. Ask your grocer tor the "Boyal Patent flour, and take no other brand, It Is tbe best flour made. MmnmmMeiT-n i iv .smrii.niflirtaCT ' 1 Warner's Safe Cure Is the only remedy of the present day, which sufferers from kidney trouble, men, women or child dren, can take with positive certainty that they will be re lieved and cured. GRAND OPENING ! Fall Winter Stock. ALL NEW STYLES IWWVVVWVVWWWWNAVVvVVA'VVVVVVVV Lowest Prices Ever Offered the People of Shenandoah. This old reliable house extends a cordial invitation to the public to examine our stock before making their pur chases. It will pay you. We have the finest line of FALL OVERCOATS For Men, Boys and Children, made especially for this season's trade. Hats, Caps and Gents' Furnishing Goods. ONE PRICE CLO L. REFOWICH, Prop. 10 & 12 South main Street, DR. E. C. 2 TREATM Tho Original. All Is sold nnder a positive Written Guarantee, by authorized agents only, to cure Weak Memory, Dizziness, Wakefulness, Fits, Ilyaterla, Quickness, Night Losses, Evil Dreams, Lack of Oontldcnce, Nervousness, Lassltmde, all Drains, Youthful Errors, or Excessive Death. At store or by mall, $1 a box; six Jtemna money, nampie jt-acKage, containing nve nays treatment, witn lull instruc tions, 25 cents. One sample only Bold to each person. At store or by mall. Red Label Special Extra Strength. Fnr Tmrtntennv. Loss of Power. Lout Manhood. Rterllitv nr RnmnnpRH. 1 n linx: six for t5, with Written Guarantee to cure Sold at Klrlln's Reduced Kates to Philadelphia on Account of the National Export Exposition October 10th, 1800. The Lehigh Valley railroad will sell tickets to Philadelphia and roturn Oct. 18th, at one fare for the round trip, plus CO cents for ad mission coupon to the Exposition. Tickets will be honored on any train except the Black Diamond Express, and eood for return passage to Oct. 27, 1890, inclusive. Consult Lehigh Valley ticket agents for further particulars. Grain-0 Brings Relief to the collee drinker. Coffee drinking Is a habit that is universally indulged in and almost as universally injurious. Have you tried Grain-07 It Is almost like coffee but the effects are just the opposite. Coffee upsets tho stomach, ruins the digest'on, effects the heart and disturbs tbe whole nervous system. Graiu-0 tones np the stomach, aids digestion and strengthens the nerves. There is nothing but nourishment In Grain-O. It can't be otherwise. 15 and 25c per package. Lauer's Beading Beer and Porter Brewers of the finest and purest .... These products are seldom equalled and never surpassed. Also bottlers of all Carbonated Beverages. Private families" desiring orders filled cau have them promptly by calling on Christ. Schmidt, Agent and Bottler, 203 W. Coal Street SHENANDOAH - PA EVAN J. DAVIES, Livery and Undertaking. No 13 North Jariln St. - Shenandoah, Penna. WEST'S Others Imitations. for $5: with Written Guarantee to Cure or In 30 days. At store or by mall. Drug Store. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. M. BUBKE, ATTORNBY-AT-LAW. Office Bran bulldlnar. corner of Main an Centre streets, Rhenandoah. J CLAUDK BUOWX, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Office: Cor. Centre and White streets, nex o Justice Toomey'a office. ' Q GRUIILEK, M. D., ' PHYSICIAN AND SURdEON. No. 80 East Lloyd Street. Offloe hours : & to 9 a. m. t 1 to 8 n. m. I 7 to 9 p. m. pBOJf. JOHN JONES, MUSICAL INSTRUCTOR, Look Box 65, Mahaooy City, Pa. Having studied under some of the best masters Id London and Parts, will give lessons on the violin, mandolin, guitar and vocal culture. Terms reasonable. Address In care of Btrouse, the leweler Bhenandoah. LEHIGH VALLEY RAILROAD. IN EFFECT MAY 14, 189. Passenger trains leave Shenandoah for Penn Haven Junction, Maucb Chunk, Lehlghton, Slatlngton, White Hall, Catosauqua, Allentown, Bethlehem, Easton New York.aad Philadelphia at S 28, 7 SO a. in , 12 53 and 5 17 p. in. For Willcesbarre, White Haven and Pittstoa, 5 28, 10 12 a. in., 12 61 and fi 17 p. m. For Loceyville, Towondo, Soyre, Waverly Elmlra, Rochester; Buffalo, Niagoro Falls, Auburn, Syracuse, Ithaca, Geneva and the West, 10 12 o. m., 12 53 ond 5 17 p. m. For Belvidere, Delaware Water Gap ane Stroudsburg, 5 88 a. m., B 17 p. m. For Larabertvllle and Trenton, 7 60 a. m. For Jeanesville, Levlston and Beaver Meadow 5 28 a. m., 12 62 p. m. For McAdoo, Audenrled, Ilaxleton, Stockto and Lumber Yard, 6 28, 7 00, 10 12 a. m., 12 52 and 3 17 p. m. ForJeddo, Drlfton and Freeland, 5 28, 1012 a. m., 5 17 p. m. POT BCrailMJ", 9 u f For Lost Creek, Qlrardville, and Ashland, i 00, and728p.in. , For leaven uun, vemruiia, juuuut utrmei nuu Shainokln, 10 49 o. in., 1 42, 6 07, 9 23 p. in, Kjr Maliauoy City, l'urk Place and Delano, 6 28, 7 BO, 10 12 a. in., and 12 52, 8 17 p. in. For xaiesvuie, o zn, ju a. in. Trains will leave Suamokin at 7 00. 9 20 a. in., II 60 and 4 20 n. m.. and arrive at Shenandoah at 7 60, 10 12 a. in., 12 52, 5 17 P. m. Leave Shenandoah for Pottsville, St. Clair. New Castle, Morea and New Boston, 7 60 and 10 19 ft. m . 11 f2 nrtfl fi 17 u. in. Leave Pottsville for Shenandoah, 9 45 a. m VI S3, 003, 8 13 p. III. Leave Haxleton for Shenandoah, 9 64 a. in., 12 45, 5 09, 6 2o, 8 81 p. in. SUNDAY TKAINS. Train, luva for Kaven Hun, Centralis, Mt. Carmel and Bhomokln, 9 48 a. in., 7 21 p. in., Trains leave Hhamokln for Bhenandoah at 8 60 o. m., and 5 83 p. in. Lrsavo Huenanuoan lor ibicbvihc, miuu. City, Pork Place, Delano, McAdoo. Audenrled Hazieton, Stockton, Lumber Yard, Weatherly and Moucb Chunk, 9 47 a m., and 32 p, in. For Lehighton, Blatlngton, Catosauqua, Whit Hall, Coplay, Allentown, Easton and Phllllps burg,9 47. m.. and 6 82 p. in. For New York lad Philadelphia, 9 47 a. ru. Leave Haziest ebenondoab,8 60, a. m,, and 8 Jj1DJjTjTTjil( Bupt. Transportation, Bouth Bethlehem, Pa. UOLLIN II. WILBUB, Genl. Bupt.. Bouth Bethlehem, Pa. OUABLES 8. LEE, Genl. Pass. Agt.. New York, N. Y, A. W. NONNEMACHEH, Dlv. P. Bouth Bethlehsw, Pa, Brain ?ra ENT H