The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, October 06, 1899, Image 2

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I Two
The Herald
r;sT,Mii.isiiiu isto.
"All Ins News That's Fit to Print."
Published every rvmlna;, except Sunday, at 8
South Jardhi street, Shenandoah, Po.
he Iternld Is dellv rod In Hhnimlih nnd the
surrounding town for six cents a wek, lmy
able to the carrier. By mnll l.00 n year, or
TS cents a month, payable in advance. Ad
vertisements charged according to afar Mid
position. Tho publishers reserve the right
to change the position of advertisement
never the publication of news demand
The right l reserve! to reject any
aivertlcment, whether paid for or not, that
tho publishers may deem Improper. Alive
Using rates mode known npnn application
ntered nt the it oftloe lit Hhermndoah, 111., as
second class mull mutter.
OUR COUNTRY : First, Last and Pnrever. county will (jive Col.
Barnett, of the limiting Tenth Hegi
ment, a roynl reception.
It is noticeable that none of the
new ragtime songs lias been adopted
to the Democratic ory of "Haul down
the flag."
No onk can blame the Democratic
leaders for trying to appropriate
George Dewoy a man who has no
conception of a doubtful state.
It keeps the Democratic candidates
busy straightening out the kinks in
their own ranks, if reports from
different parts of the county are re
liable. Dewey's service began just forty
ypnrs before the battle of Manila.
His powers of endurance are under
going their severest test, but he
stands up to it like a seasoned
After, November 7th the Demo
cratic candidate for District Attorney
will agree with the people that his
campaign was a huge- joke. As a
joker our friend McLaughlin is all
right, but as the county's prosecuting
attorney nit.
EVIDENCE is not wanting to show
that the present board of County
Commissioners are giving the people
an economical administration of the
county's affairs. This is what the
people want, and they will show their
appreciation by the election of Frank
It. Kantner and Horace F. Ueber in
November next.
Mr. McLean, the Democratic can
didate for Governor of Ohio, ought
to know something about trusts and
big corporations. He has made $15,
000,000 by investing in them and is
the president of the Washington Gas
Light Company, with a salary double
that received by the Governor of the
state in which he spends a few weeks
when a candidate.
Emanuel Jenkyn, the Republican
candidate for Recorder, received a
large vote in Shenandoah three years
ago, and as he has gained in popu
larity it is not unreasonable to expeot
that he will lead his Democratic op
ponent in this town. While Mr.
Jenkyn is a speoial favorite among
the miners, he has won the admira
tion of the business element by the
excellent manner in which he con
ducts the office.
An Important Decision.
Judge Gunster, at Soranton, made
an important ruling, the effect of
which may extend all over the state,
to municipalities and townshipH which
have been liberal in the grunting of
franchises to occupy public streets
and highways, and which grants had
attached to them forfeiture of the
rights given if not availed of within
certain periods. He holds that there
must be an authoritative revocation
of these privileges to have effect.
The decision was made in the ease
of the Soranton Traction Company,
wbiuli two months ago occupied cer
tain streets there with tracks upon
franchise granted in 1898, but which
the ordinance provided should be
taken advantage of within two years.
When the company was ready to eon
Meet its new tracks an injunction
stopped the work. Judge Gunater
heard the case, and ruled that as the
city had allowed the franchise to x
1st for years without interference
and only stopped it when the work
was about completed, it can not be
contended for a moment that m be.
tween privato parties sueh oonduet
would not be a waiver of the right to
forfeiture, and the eity stands on no
higher ground thau a private Indi
Many similar frauohiieg exist,
granted years ago, but never revoked.
The Homeliest Man In Shenandoah
As well as the handsomest, and others are
invited to call on any druggist aud gat free a
trial bottle of Kemp's Balaam Cor the Throat
and Lungs, a remedy that U guaranteed to
cure and relieve all Chronic and Acute
Coughs, Asthma, BronciiltU and Cowwrap
(ion. Price 25c and 50c.
Vo 77 rs. Pinkiam,
jCynn, 97fass.
' Dkab FniBND A year nfjo I wan a
prcnt sufferer from female -weakness.
My head nalied nil tho time and I wokM
get 10 dlzay and hare that all gone
feeling in the stomach ami wm so
nervous and restlesn that I did not
know what to do with myself.
" My food did me no" good and I had a
bad case of whites. 1 wrote to you and
alter taking Lydia K. Plnkliam's Vejre-I
Uiolo compound a directed, I can
truly say that I fool like a new woman
and cannot tell you how grateful I am
to you.
"I havo recommended it to all my
friends and have given it to my
daughter who is now getting along
splendidly. May you live many years
to help our suffering sisters." Mns. C.
CAnpESTEn, 253 Grand St., Bbooklyn,
N. Y.
Over eighty thousand
such letters as this were re
ceived by Mrs. Pinkham
during 1897. Surely this is
strong proof of her ability
to help suffering women.
Arrest imI nil a Murder' t'liniw.
Orange, N. J., Oct. 6. Marcus L.
Ilennion, son-in-law of Mrs. Nathaniel
W. Dobbins, whose husband's skeleton
was found under a heap of rocks at
West Caldwell, N. J., was arrested yes
terday and held without ball, charged
with murdering Dobbins. The arrest
was made In the morgue here, Just
aftor Hennlon had looked at the bones
of the dead man. Mrs. Hennlon and
Mrs. Dobbins had just identified the
remains as those of Dobbins, com
pleting the round of Identification be
gun early In the week, when the body
was found. Hennlon refused to make
any statement and was at once com
mitted to the county jail at Newark
Mrs. Drannlng, another daughter, said
her father had told her that on one
occasion Hennlon tried to strangle
Bismarck's Iron Nerve
Was the result of his splendid health. In
domitable will and tremendous energy ara
not found where Stomach, Liver, Kidneys
and Bowels are out of order. If you want
these qualities and the success they bring, use
Dr. King's New Life Pills. They develop
every power of brain and body. Only 25c at
A. Waslcy's drug store.
To emit os t Plant's Will.
New York. Oct. G. The Times says:
The statement Is made on the au
thority of friends of Mrs. H. D. Plant,
widow of the founder of the Plant
system of railroads and steamboats,
that legal proceedings will be insti
tuted soon to Bet aside the provisions
of Mr. Plant's will and obtain for tho
widow and her son a portion of tho
dead millionaire's estate. Tho will
provided only for tho payment of a
stated income to Mrs. Plant and her
son, the entire estate being held In
trust for the benefit of the grandson.
Mrs. Plant, who Is still comparatively
young, was the second wife of H. B.
Plant and her Bon was a stepson of the
Drink Grain-0
after you have concluded that you ought not to
drink coffee. It is not a medicine but doctors
order it, because it is healthful, invigorating
and appetising. It is made from pure grains
and has that rich seal brown color and tastes
like the finest grades of coffee and costs about
'jC as much. Children like it and thrive on it
because it is a genuine food drink containing
nothing but nourishment. Ask your grocer
for Grain-O, the new food drink Is and 25c.
A Kontuckv Horror.
Maysviiie, Ky., Oct. G. Mrs. James
Lashbrook, wife of a well-to-do farmer
and a member of one of the best fam
ilies in this county, was ravished and
murdered yesterday at her home at
Clark's Station, six miles from this
city. After the outrage her assailant
secured a club and beat out the wo
man's brains. ' Richard Coleman, a
young negro, who Is under arrost, has
confessed his guilt.
Clinlrmnn .tonus Hnmn Atrtiln.
New York, Oct. G. Senator James
K. Jones, chairman of the Democratic
national committee, arrived at this
lort on the steamer Umbria today. Ho
was met at the wharf by George Fred
Williams, W. J. Abbott. Dr. Olrdner
and other gentlemen representing the
Chicago platform Democrats, as well
as by a delegation from the Demo
cratic club, of New York city.
England Oliitrtorlnif Amxrlcnn Ships.
New York, Oct G. The Tribune
says: Surprise and interest have boon
excited in shipping circles by the news
that within the last three days some
35 vessels engaged In the trans-Atlan
tic trade have been chartered by the
British government for periods of
three months and upward. Araoug the
ships chartered are a number belong
ins; to the big passenger and freight
J.ooomottvo Turncl a soniorsnult
Toledo, Oct. 6. A faBt train on tho
New York, Chicago and St. Louis road
was wrecked last night at Bellevue
at 6 o'clock. The engine left the track
at the Wheeling and Lake Erie cross
ing and turned completely over. En
glneer Tracey was badly Injured, los
ing a leg. Fireman Lynch, Baggage
man J. H. Harper and Mall Clerk
Charles Glasgow were slightly injured.
MnssnoliUHettH ItopiiblloanlTli'knt,
Boston, Oct. 6. The Republican
stat convention met In Music Hall to
day. Lieutenant Governor W. Murray
Crane, of Dalton, was nominated for
governor, unopposed; John L. Bates,
sneaker of the houss of represent.
tlves, was the unanimous choice for
lieutenant governor, and Secretary of
State W. M. Olin and Attorney General
H. M. Knowlton were renominated.
City OflloluU IndlntHd.
Sprlngflsld, Ills.. Oct. 6. The San
gamon county grand Jury yesterday in
dicted Mayor Lorsn U. Wheeler, Chief
of Police Hugh 8. Castles and John
Mockler, the last named a prominent
saloon keeper, charged with a ton
spirary to "allow, permit, promote and
protect keeping of common gaming
houses" In the city.
IItl'OMM I'julrlH Fires,
Pana, Ills., Oct. 6. Prairie fires
which are raging west of here havu
destroyed hundreds of acres of meadow
and corn, a thousand tons of hay and
several buildings. Heroic efforts are
being made to check the progress of
the fires. The loss will be many thou
sands of dollars.
Not Wind Enough to Tako tho
Yaohfa Ovor tho Oourso.
At Ono Timet Columbia Wn n Mllo
Atitttut. Hut Tlmy Quit About Jtvim.
Col. I'ii.mio'm Htenni Yacht Amiihl
ti'lto DofMiits Wlilmior'n .Insciphltio.
New York, Oct. G. Again yestorday
the sea refused tho Shamrock and Co
lumbia a field of conflict; again yes
terday tho tnultlludo which went out
to witch the eonteitnnla for the yacht
ing championship of the world return
ed disappointed and not a little dis
gusted. The q -estion of supremacy
of the two great yachts is still as much
an open question ns before the first
meeting, as the contest yestorday was
in somo respects moro of a fluko than
that of Tuostlny. It was a drifting
match almost from start to finish. Tho
yachts crossed the lino wltn a hroozo
of flvo knots, and tho wind blew moro
than six knots, most of the time less
than three, and part of the tlmo not a
breath of air wns stirring. After sail
ing four hours and 43 minutes, tho
yachts having covered only 12 miles
of the course to tho outer mark, the
rogatta committee declared tho race
off, as it was manifestly impossible,
with the breoze then blowing, for tho
boats to round the Btako before tho
tlmo limit expired, much less to get
back homo again. Tho next attempt
will be made tomorrow.
During the time in which the yachts
were nt it tho wind, which carried
them dead before It ovor the line, had
hauled around until at the finish they
wore heating into Its teoth. While the
wind held astern tho Columbia stead
ily outfooted hor rival until-she was
fully half a mllo ahead, hut In the
shifting, unfiling winds that followed
during the last three hours, with tho
great single stickers tacking and beat
ing and gybing to catch evory streak
of wind, with fortune helping one
about as much as tho other, the Sham
rock gradually worked her wny up un
til, when tho race was declared off,
tho two boats were about on even
terms, the Shamrock perhaps half a
length ahead, but so close was the
Columbia that Captain Barr could have
thrown a biscuit to tho foreigner.
Tho only losson learned by the
nautical sharps from yesterday's trial of
tho abilities of the two boats is that
In light wather conditions the Co
lumbia is the superior In running and
reaching and tho Shamrock slightly
better In beating. There has yet been
no Indication of what cither boat can
do in a piping fullsall breeze.
The weather bureau had promised
good, strong wind, but the prophecy
was a most dismal failure. It was
Just an ideal lazy, hazy, Indian sum
mer day, a day for white duck and a
novel under some tree ashore, rather
than an overcoat and a yacht race
afloat. A heavy hazo hung over sea
and land. The opaquo curtain shut off
the view of the thousands waiting on
tno Highlands of Naveslnk and the
Long Island snore. So gentlo was tho
crestlcss, pulsating seas that any sort
of harbor or river craft, from a steam
er to a rowboat, could venture out with
impunity, and a vast colony of excur
sion boats, ocean going steamers,
yachts, tugs, sidewhcelers and sailing
vessels gathered around the red hulk
of the Sandy Hook lightship, seven
miles from the eutrance to tho lower
bay, to watch tho start.
The torpedo boats guarding the
course threaded their way in and out
through the acres of boats like needles,
their wakes a thread of foam, warn
ing the excursion skinners to keoD
their distance. But little difficulty was
pxpenencoa yesterday, as Captain
rvans' interviews threatening dire
consequences to offending skippers had
liaa a wholesome effect. Already the
crowd was disappointed. Each one
had come down praying for a stiff
breeze, and had found Instead that
there was hardly wind enough to keep
tne nags uuttermg. What there was
was from northwest to north, from
over the land.
Outside. of tho ruck of the steamors
the old cup defender, Vigilant, made a
beautiful picture, leaning awaythrough
the mist, anu the old schooner Ameri
ca, which had brought the blue rib
bon of the sea across the western
ocean 50 years ago, attracted universal
attention as sho sailed about to seo
how her latest champion would de
fend it. Preparations were made
aboard both yachts for the lightest
airs before the start. Columbia dis
carded hor heavy steel topsail yard for
a lighter and longer pine one, and tho
Irish boat sent aloft tho largest club
topsail ever seen on her, larger by
yards than any used in her trials on
this side.
Besides Managing Ownor C. Oliver
Iselin and Mrs. Iselln there were on
hrnrrl th Cnlnmbln W. Ttiitlpr rtii'innn
Oh, the Pain of
Rheumatism often causes the most in
tonso suffering. Many have for vears
vainly sought relief from this disabling
disease, and are to-day worse oil than
ever. Rheumatism Is a blood disease,
anu cswiifs bpeciuc js the only cure, bo
causo it is the only remedy which can
roacn sucn aeep-seatoa aiseases.
A few years a so I was taken nrlth Inflamma
tory Rheumatism, whloh became go Intense
that I was (or weeks unablo to walk. I tried
several prominent physt'
clans and took their treat
ment faithfully, but was
unable to get the slight
est relief. In fact, my con.
dltlon sefmed to grow
worse, the disease spread
over my entire body, and
from November to March
I suffered aconv. I tried
many patent medicines,
but none relieved me.
Upon the advloe ot a
friend I decided to trv
8. S. 8. Before allowing me to take It, how
ever, my guardian, who waa a chemist, ana
lyzed ths remedy, and pronounced It free of
potash or mercury. I felt so much better after
UklnK two bottles, that I continued the rem
frty, and in two months I was oured completely.
The cure was permanent, for I have never since
had a touch of Kheumatlsm though many
times exposed to damp and cold weathCT.
HleaNor M. TxrrsLL,
8711 Powelton Avenue, Philadelphia.
Don't suffer longer with Rheumatism.
Throw aside your oils and liniments, as
they can not reach your trouble. Don't
experiment with doctora their notash
! nnn montninr will nrlri in vnv ftfontttt-
lty and completely destroy your diges
tion. Fop 11 J
1 rrr. train RIBBfl
b 1 ill n lllllig
will cure perfectly and permanently.
It is euaranteod purely vegetable, and
contains no potash, mercury, or other
mineral. Books mailed froe by Swift
Bpocilio Co., Atlanta, Qa.
jinson s mm tablets
If You .Suffer From Torpid Liver, Halaria, Biliousness, Constipation, or any other Liver,
Stomach Bowel Trouble,
The frilldwing LEADING DRUGGISTS have arranged with the JOHNSON LA13RATORIES for a
Saturday, October 7th, 1899.
SHENANDOAH DRUG STORE, 3 S. Main St., Shenandoah.
T. F. Flanagan, 31 W. Centre St., Mahanoy City. Rabenau's Pharmacy,12l N. Centre St.,Pottsville.
J. Kekkar Burns, Minersville. Louis C Voshage, Opera House Building, -Ashland.
Z. T. Trout, Girardville.
Wow is the Time to Test these Wonderful Little Regulators Free.
25 Tablets, 10 Cents.
Come In and get a RREE PACKAGE. You are Welcome.
Jr.. Oniltaln Wohilhn
Thorne, Captain Nat Herreshoff, Hor-
uort ieeus, sailniaUer Hnthaway and
Hugh Kelly, representing the Royal
Ulster Yacht club. flnntnln flh.ivllo
Barr steered the yacht.
un uoard the Shamrock, besido hor
skippers, Hogarth and Wrlnge, were
Navigator Hamilton, Captnin Ben
Parker, saninc master nf TCmnnmr
William's yacht Meteor, Sailmaker
uaisey, .Messrs. McUUUIownoy, Sher
man Crawford and Henrv P.
the last named renrosentlntr thn Nnn'
York Yacht club.
Witness tlio Victory of the Amplii trltii
Ovor tlio .losnplilnu.
Now York, Oct. C While returning
to tho city from tlio yacht races yes
terday there was a spirited race be
tween Colonel Oliver H. Payne's
splendid yacht Ampliitrlto nnd P. A. 13.
Wldonor's recently built Josephine.
The race started off the buoy which
marks the finish of the international
contest. With Mr. Widener on tho
Josephine were -10 or more friends, in
cluding Harry Payno Whitney, Colo
nel Payne's nephow. Tho raco was
ovor a course about 34 miles long. The
boats were right alongside of each
other while tho raco was belnp; ar
ranged. Just before tho signal to
start Harry Payno Whitney called to
his uncle from the bridge of tho Jo
Eorhino: 'Wore going to beat you, uncle.
I'll bet you $500 we beat you."
"Make it a thousand and I'll ac
cept," called Colonel Payne.
'I'll make It $2,000," come back the
"I'll make It $3,000." called Colonel
"Let's say $5,000," called out young
Colonel Payno said $3,000 was
enough, and this amount was agreed
For the first 15 miles It was a regu
lar seq-saw race, but Just after tho
sixteenth mile the Amphltrlto began
to crawl ahead and tho Josephine was
unablo to catch hor. When off Gov
ernor's Isalnd, tho finishing lino, the
Araphltrlte was a mile In the lead,
covering the dlstanco In an hour and
fifty minutes.
No Right to Ugliness.
The woman who is lovely in face, form nnd
temper will always have friends, but one who
would be attractive must keep her health. If
she is weak, sickly and all run down, she
will be nervous and irritable. If she has
constipation or kidney trouble, her impure
blood will cause pimples blotches, skin erup
tions and a wretched complexion. Electric
Hitters is the best medicine in the world to
regulate stomach, liver and kidneys and to
purify the blood. It gives stronjj nerves,
bright eyes, smooth, velvety skin, -rich com
plexion. It will make a good-looking,
charming woman of a run-down invalid. Only
50 cents at A. Waslov's drug store.
Dotll Dll.fllKtM ICIIlUfl.
Little Rock, Oct. 6. John J. Bowles,
one of the best known planters in Ar
kansas, was killed at ItaedvlIIe yes
terday In a fight with tils nephew, Ed
gar Iteed. Tho latter was also killed,
both men firing simultaneously. Tho
tragedy was tho result ot n quarrol ovor
the removal of a woodnhed belonging
to young- Bowles. John Bowles hnd
nlrpady killed two man. He was a
man of considerable wealth.
MEN Kidney trouble preys upon
a iTma tlie ml'"!, discourages and
AINU lesBons ambition; beuuty,
WiiripN vigor and cheerfulness soon
dlsapnuir when tho kidneys
aro out of order or diseased. For pleasing
results uso J)r. Kilmer s swanip-Koot, tno
great kidney remedy. At druggists. Samplo
bottle by mail free, also pamphlet.
Address, Dr. Kilmer &Co.,H.ngkiinton. N. Y.
flonr Admlrnl IlnwUun'" Ilntli-innr.
WaahlnKton, Oct. 6. Hear Admiral
Heniy L. HowUon, who was detached
from command of the South Atlantic
station on the 6th Inst., made an of
flclul visit to tho navy department
yesterday. Wlii that act he con
cluded tti active and honorable career
In the navy, extending over a period
of 45 years. He will retire for age
next Wednesday, and will make his
temporal y residence In New Yoik city.
A boon to travelers. Dr. Fowler's Extract
of Wild Strawberry. Cures dysentery,
diarrhoea, seasick new, nausea, Pleasant to
I take. Acts promptly.
Important DccNIon In thn Illinois
irnltoil Stnto IMatrlot Court.
Springfield, Ills., Oct C In the Uni
ted States district court yesterday
Judge Allen rendered an Important de
cision Involving the entire construc
tion of the bankruptcy act. The case
was that of Mrs. Nancy E. Gast, owner
of a valuable farm near Girard, Ma.
coupln county, wno Hied a petition in
bankruptcy, giving assets at $24,000
and liabilities at $21,000. Seven hold
ers of mortgages on various parts of
tho property sought to foreclose In
dependent of tne bankruptcy net.
Honry C. Hamilton, trustee of the
bankrupt, filed a petition for the sale
of the property In the bankrupt court
and asked for a temporary Injunction
against the prosecution of the fore
closure sultB. Judge Allen hold that
tho bankrupt court had full power over
all mortgages and dower Interests,
nnd that they must go into the bank
rupt court. The practical effect of the
decision is to compel the sale by the
district court of estates which are
mortgaged to tho full extent of their
With tho exhilarating senso of renewed
health and strength and internal cleanliness
which follows the use of Syrup of Figs is
unknown to tlio few who havo not progressed
beyond the old-time medicines and the cheap
substitutes sometimes offered but never ac
cepted by tho woll-luformcd. Buy the
genuine. Manufactured by the California
Fig Syrup Co.
A Slxteeu-'Venr-Old Girl's Xestlrnonr
lloforn the Mnzet Committee.
New York, Oct. 6. The Maret com
mittee resumed its sessions yesterday.
Kvldence was brought out concerning
the unlawful sale of liquor by tenants
of buildings owned by the city In the
parks in the borough Bronx. Gussio
Storm, a lu'-year-old girl, testified that
she wns drugged and assaulted by
Samuel Lelht. She was subsequently
found In his apartments, and both
were arrested. She was taken to the
district attorney's office on June 24
and was asked by District Attorney
Grady, a brother of Senator Thomas
F. Grady, the Tammany orator, not to
press the charge against Lelht. Mr.
Grady promised, she claimed, that If
she would not press the charge he
would see that Lelht was punished and
that Bhe could go free at once. Other
wise, ho assorted, he would make it
bad for her. A letter purporting to be
from her was sent to the trial Judge,
stating that she herself was not al
together faultless. The witness claim
ed that she had never written such a
letter. Lelht's broth. In-law, Joseph
Lnpldus, showed her a similar letter
and tried to get her 'to sign It, When
she refused ho told hor that others
would fix It up. The letter was sent
and Lehlt went free. Grady Is now
Convicted of Scuit tllnir Schooners.
Halifax, N. S.. Oct. C The trial of
the crews of tho schooners Juventa
and St. Thomas, charged with scut
tling those vessels off Canso, N, S., to
crdlert the Insurance on the cargo and
hulls, Is in progress at Whitehead.
There aro four Indictments against the
accused. Two of the. prisoners word
convicted yesterday on two , counts.
They are Munroe and Feltmate, the
latter being mate of the St. Thomas.
They got eight years each, 'and havo
yet to bo tried on two other counts.
A Burn r.ure for Couchs and Colds.
That's what Pau-TIna Is, 25c. AtGruhler
Bros., drug store.
Coming Kventa,
Oct. 0. Humphrey's Cosmopolitan Concert
Company and Nlver's Anlmatoscope In the
P. M. church.
Oct. 30. First annual ball of the Shen
auiloah iiase Hall Club in Kobblus1 hall.
On Every Bottle
Of Shlloh's Consumption Cnre Is this gnar
antee 1 "All we ask of you is to uso two
thirds of the contents of this bottle faith
fully, then if you can say you are not
lieneflted return tho bottle to your druggist
and he may refund tho price paid." Price
25 cts., 60 cts. and fl.00. Bold by P. D.
Klrlln 011 a guarantee.
Murder ns a IIiihIiiors.
London. Oct. C. According to tho
Montevideo correspondent of Tho
Times tho uiscovery Iibb been made
thero that a sydlcate exists which has
teen Insuring the lives of poor people
and murdering them In order to col
lect tho Insurance money. Three lases
of the sort nre known to have occur
red, from which the promoters of the
tchenie netted 10,000. The syndicate
has other policies amounting to 30,
000. Tho ringleaders nave been arrested.
Commercial Hotel
Entirely remodeled and refurn
ished. Elegant Bath and Wash
Boarders by the Day, week
or month
Well stocked bar attached. An
heuser-Buscli St. Louis beer and
Pabst Milwaukee beer in bottles.
The Best Hotel In the Region Giving
the Best Accommodations
for the floney.
Try Our "CONFIDENCE" 5-Cent
Cigar. Best on Earth.
Morris Heckman,
Cor. Main and Coal Sis,, Shenandoah, Pa.
Strong Drink is Deatfi
are tlio only positively guaranteed remedyfor tlie
Drink Habit, Nervousness and Melancnoly caused
by (Ironct drink.
wu OL'AiiAJfTvnr: Font noxns
to cure any case wltn a pogttlre wrltiruirunr.
nntp or refund tne money, and to destroy tne
appetite (or lntoilcatlnK liquors,
CTDflMC nDUVc,,,'', Winery. Poverty
OlnURD UnlNrtniul nili. Ifpim rwdiTt
ot f 10.00 wo will mall you tour 4 boxes unil imrl
tlve written Kiinmiite to cure or retuud
tour money. Single boxes (3.00.
For sale at Klrlln's drug store.
Every man's
Tvtfi- wh has
5 'rA"d n.rlRPELla'S
can tell you
, M.!""" "
about Sosl-
knows a good
drink. Try it on
iB's. Tills admix-
1 jure Improve! encay
your husband.
' forte
nd mauci
1 10
little money, a
: grocers.
For Ladles' and Gent's
Furnishings and Novelties
A. BROWN, Proprietor.
Call and examine our new stock of Under,
near, Blilrts, Collars and all kinds of Novelties.
Heat goods and cheapest prices
fine line o( Hats, Caps and Shoes Just re
ceived. A. BROWN
10B North Main Street,
Ploppert's Old Stand,
Will eradicato from your system the linger
ing effects of grip and other ailments caused
by the severe winter, and malaria, rheuma
tism, neuralgia, catarrh, stomach, kidney,
'liver and nervous disorders, paralysis, blood
and skin diseases, and chronic and func
tional derangemonts. Tho mountain ciiJiato
of Hot Springs is cool and delightful in
summer. 100 hotels open the year around.
For Illustrated literature, containing all
information, address C. F. Cooley, Manager
Duisness Hen's League, Hot Springs, Ark.
For reduced excursion tickets and par
ticulars of tlio trip, address W. A. Turk,
Qen'l Pass. Agt., Southern Ey Washington,
D. C, or C. L. Hopkins, District Passenger
Agont, 828 Chestnut St., l'liila., Pa. 0-l-4in
Agent for the Famous
Plrila. Stock Ale, Sparkling Still
Amber Ale, Bottled Pale Ale,
B:own Stout, Half and Half, Beer
and Porter.
Mt. Carbon Beer
At all its customers to-day.
Solomon Haak's,
116 South Main Street,
Will receive prompt attention.
FossenKer trains leave Shenandoah for Penn
ITaven Junction, Maucb Chunk, Lehlghton,
Slatlnfrton, White Hull, Catasauquii, Allejitown,
Bethlehem, Ennton New York anil Philadelphia
at 6 28, 7 80 a. m . 12 52 anil S 17 p. in.
For Wllkesbarre, AVhito Haven ond Pittaton,
S 28, 10 12 a. in.. 12 52 and 5 17 p. 111.
For Laceyvllle, Towanda, Siiyre, 'Waverly
IClmlru, lEocheater, Buffalo, Niagara Falls,
Auburn, Syracuse, Ithaca, Geneva aud the
West, 10 12 a. m., 12 52 and 5 17 p. m.
For lielvidere, Delaware Water Gap aac
Stroudsburg, S 28 a. m., 8 17 p- m.
For Ijimbertvllleanu Trenton, 7 GO a. in.
For Jeanesvllle, Leviston and Beaver Meadov
5 28 a. m., 12 52 p. m.
For McAdoo, Audenrlcd, Hazleton, Stockto
and Lumber Yard, 5 28, 7 50, 10 12 a. m., 12 63 and
5 17 p. in.
ForJeddo, Drlfton and Freeland, 5 28, 1012
a, in., 5 17 p. in.
For Scrauton, 5 28, 10 12 a. m., 5 17 p. m.
For Lost Creek, Qlrardvllle, and Aahland, 4 00,
and 7 28 p. m.
For Uaven Kun, Centralla, Mount Carinel and
Sbamokln, 10 49 a. m., 1 42, 6 07, 9 23 p. in.
AirMahauoy City, Park Place and Delano,
28, 7 60, 10 12 a. m.. and 12 92, 5 17 p. in.
For Yatesvllle, 5 28, 10 12 a. m.
Trains will leave Shamokln at 700. 9 20 a. in.,
11 50 and 4 20 p. in., and arrive at Hhenandooli
at 7 50, 10 12 a. m.. 12 62, 8 17 P. 111.
Leave Slienanaoali tor Pottsvllle, St. Clair,
New Castle, Morea and New lloston, 7 60 and
10 12 a. m , 12 52 and 5 17 p. in.
Leave Pottsvllle lor Suenandoah, 9 45 a. in,,
12 83, 605, 8 15 p. m.
Leave Hazleton for Shenandoah, 9 50 a.m.,
12 45, 6 09, 8 2d, 8 81 p. m.
Trains leave tor Raven Run, Centralla, Mt.
Carmel and Shamokln, 9 43 a. in., 7 21 p. in..
Trains leave Shamokln tor Shenandoah at
8 60 a. m., and 5 83 p. m.
Leave Shenandoah (or Yatesvllle, Mahanor
City, Park Place, Delano, McAdoo, Audenrleil
Hazleton, Stockton, Lumber Yard, Weatberlr
and Mauch Chunk, 9 47 a in., and 6 82 p. in.
For Lehlghton, Slatlngton, Catasauqua, Whit
Hall, Conlay, Alleatown, Eaatou aud Phillips
burg, 9 47 a. m.. and 8 32 p. in.
For New York sad Philadelphia, 9 47 a. m.
Leave Hazlci: Eiieuaudooli, 8 60, a, in.,
and 0 27 p. m.
M. IJ. CUTTER, Supi. Transportation,
Mouth Bethlehem, Pu.
ROLI.IN II. WIU1UR, Clenl. Supt.,
South Bethlehem, Pa.
CHARLES S. LEE, Oenl. Pasa. Agt..
New York, N. Y.
South Bethlehem, Pa,
3 k
2 I