The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, September 27, 1899, Image 3

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    Don't Have to Wnlt Por Weeks. A
Shenandoah Illustration.
WaltltiK la dlscourngliiK.
' Prompt action plrnses everybody.
A burden on the back Is n lieiivy weight.
Hard to Wr day after day.
Harder still year alter year.
Lifting weight, rcmnvlim the burden.
Brings appreciating responses.
Shenandoah people toll of It,
Tell how It ran lo done.
Tell or relief tha' quick nnd uro.
lterr Is a rao of It:
Mr. David Thomas, of 201 Mayborry alley,
minor, says : "I suffered Intensely from my
back and kidney. I was In tho hospital for
several week and when I returned I was
suffvrlMK from a continuous backache nnd an
ncuto lanienws across my loins. I could
hardly net off a chair and it hurt mosovorely
tottitilglitt'n It I had boon stooping orbemV
lng forward. There were pains all through
inr head, especially In the top and hack part,
I thought they nso from neuralgia, but I
am now convlncod that my kidneys caused
It, for on getting Doan'a Kidnoy Pills from
Kirliu'a l'liurumcy and using them tho lame
neis in my inck nnd the pains in my head
disappeared "
Donn's Kidney l'ills fur sale by all dealers,
Price So cents. Mailed by l'Wer-Milburn
Co., Buffalo, N. Y. S le agents for the U,
S. Remember the name Down's ami take no
Will eradicate from your systom too linger
lug effects of grip and other ailments caused
by tho severe winter, and malaria, rheuma
tlsra, neuralgia, catarrh, stomach, kidney,
itver nud nervous disorders, paralysis, blood
and skin diseases, and chronic and tunc
tlonal derangemonts. The mountain ti. Jiato
of Hot Springs is cool and delightful In
summer. 100 hotels open the year around.
For Illustrated literature, containing all
Information, address C. F. Cooley, Manager
Iiulsness Men's League, Hot Springs, Ark.
For reduced excursion tickets and par
ticulars of tho trip, address W. A. Turk,
Geu'l Pass. Agt., Southern lty Washington,
T). 0., or C. L. Hopkins, District Passenger
Aeent. 828 Chestnut St.. Phlla., Pa. 6-1-lin
Young Mothers,
CroUD is tho terror of .thousands of young
mothers Lecj'tiso Us outbreak is so agonizing
and frequently fatal. Shiloh's Cough and
Consumption Cure acts llko magic In cases of
. . . I
croup. It lias never lioen Known io mn. iuo
womt cases relieved Immediately. l'rlco26
cts.. 60 cts. and 1.00. Sold by P. D. Klrlln
on a gcarantee.
Florida Short Line,
rr-,.. kr... v 1. ...... ri.:,in TV.,., vtn
XI1UX1CVV 1UI. . VJ ..... . , ! !
Southern Railway, leaving Broad street
.statiou, Philadelphia, dally at 5:31 p.
canles through Pullman sleeping ca-s io
. , I
,.,iof,,n,,tlnn..,irela and Florida. All
ir... ..l,,f,,ii.fml.l,ll(!l,.rlM
, I
L. Hopkins, District Piisscugcr Agent, 828
Chestnut street, Philadelphia.
Ask your grocer tor tho "Royal Patent
flour, and Uko no other brand. It is tho best
iSick-Hoad -
Sacho and Llvor
Sold by all druggists
! or sent by mall.
JNenlts Medics! Co., Chluro
6c box contains 15 pills. Bold liy Kirlln's ilrug
btore, Bliennudoab, Pa.
Witch Hazel Oil
One Application Gives Relief.
It cures Piles or Hemorrhoids External or Inter
nal, IlUnd or Ulooding, Itching or Burning, Fissures
and Fistulas. Relief Immediate cure certain.
It cures Burns, Scalds and Ulcerations and Con
tractions from Burns. The ltellef Instant healing
It cures Torn. Cut or Lacerated Wounds and
It cures Bolls, Carbuncles, Felons, 1 Runrounds,"
Ulcers, Old Sores, Itching Eruptions, Scurfy or
Scald Head.
It cures Inflamed or Caked Breasts and Sore
Nipples. Invaluable.
It cures Bait Rheum, Tetters, Scurfy Eruptions,
Chapped Hands, Fever Busters, Bore Ups or
Nostrils, Corns, Bunions, Sore and Chafed Feet,
Stings of Insects, Mosquito Bites and Sunburns.
Three Sizes, 25e., 50a. and $1,00
Sold by Druggists, or sent pre-paid on receipt of price,
Cor. William & John Bti., SEW YOKK.
rThl.)i.tra Kit vllil. llbuvn Iiraud.
Urlfl R1 apa PiJ "riiumt.
AFC, fJI relUblf), laOllB Ma i
DrurtUt for ChtehfUt Kntfitk
nonlSrand la lteU "d ... Jta
V"rXJ, V;;."." Af n ."t or set,! 4.
Id itnupi for ptituUrt, t-ilmoouii u
11 nil. lo.uot Tfiimoiw-.
A box of our
srEcinL rnniLT drew
is an exhilarating
stimulant during
the hot summer
Delivered at your home.
Columbia Brewing Company
flTo PATENT Good Ideas
L m may be secured by
our aiu. AtiurfBB,
nslllmars. Hi.
fiilbscrtptloai to The Piteot Itecord I1.W per annum.
ngusta xn.l liivanuai., wa., jacKsonv no ouu , ",11 It a trial, tobk i.i ' T, n 'n Vn
impa, ria., ""'"'"''' all eight bottles. It liacurea me, anu inanK u rnrryoU,,a . . Mln
111. I l.. ,1 flAlnmli n w p."" " ' i ,1.1. Ullt.lU 11 lit!
i at ia oiwirr. nun inn itiohl uiinicuvu iimi I am savpn nnd unw n wen nnu iit-uitiu i . . .
A- 0
null? r
Probablo That tho British Parlia
ment Will Meet Next Month.
Intr Hueornlnty Was) Not Introduced
by the Trnnnrnnl. Hut by Coloulnl
Sccrotiir.r Chamberlain.
1-iindnn. Hunt. 27. The Transvaal
crisis presents row frosh features. It
Is Increasingly probable mat. parlia
ment will meet about the middle of
October, nnd it Ib again asserted that
General Sir Hedvers Duller, who Is to
hnvn Riinrpinn command of the British
forces In South Africa In the ovent ot
hostilities, will start for tho Cape on
Oct. 7. Nothing, however, has beon
nfllidnllv made known on either point.
The Transvaal government was in
constant teleeramilc communication
with Hloemfontoln yesterday, on the
reDlv to Mr. Chamberlain's aispaton.
it la holiaved that the reDly will pro
test against the continued dispatch ot
British troons bb a menace to tne
The Pretoria Voiksteln, tho official
organ of the Transvaal government,
declares that the Transvaal executlvo
oucht to slve Great Britain at the
most 48 hours to reply to the Trans
vaal's demand that no further troops
be landed pending tho receipt of the
British nronosals.
Sir William Vernon narcourt writes
to The Times denying that tho contro
versy regarding suzerainty was in
troduced by tho Transvaal govern
ment. Ho says It was originated by
Mr. Chamberlain in his dispatch of
SeDt. 16. 18!7.
The Transvaal's inciepenaence,"
said Sir William. "Is complete. Even
in foreign affairs the only thing re
served is the flnai approva" ot tne
nueen to treaties negotiated. It 1b un
fortunate that the suzerainty question
was over raised, and the sooner tho
Whole dispute is dismissed the hotter.
Nothing but mischief can come from
the employment of vague teims like
'suzerainty' and 'paramountcy.- oe-
vond' doubt tho relations of Great
Britain with the Transvaal rest upon
the terms of tho convention of 1884,
an upon nothing else. What wo have
to do is to trot tho rranonise question
settled as quickly as possible without
tho importation of extraneous matter.
it as th government is understood to
des-lre, both parties can take a new de-
parture, .there can bo no obstacle to
1 V,l .M..ll.n "
au u""uio ou.utiuu.
A Narrow Escape
TlmnVful wnrda written by Mrs. Ada E.
TT..i r rt Q It "Waa tttbfil with !L
bad cold which settled on my lung3 ; cough
set in and Anally terminated in U'onsunipiipn.
Vnnr Twtnra trave ma ud. saving I could live
, r T " ' . .,, ,,
a0rmined ifcuidot stay vi,T,
my friends on earth, I would meet my absent
ones above, my irasoano nuvwra iu eu.
L'tiin'. Vi.w niiftiriTv for (Tonsumntion. I
woman." Trial bottles iree at A. vasieys
r (
W! oMire v
n. -n 1 . I UL. .....I 1 IU1
Guaranteed or price reiunaea.
benoonor Suitu'by an Icoboro.
St. John's, N. F., Sept. 27. The
schooner Lily of the West, from Lab
rador, with 30 persons aboard and 500
quintals of codfish, struck an lcoherg
otl rue airaus oi ueite isie, sinning
almost immediately. Tno crew man-
nirad to nsrnne. but. wir threa ilnvs
In tho boats before they were res-
. . . : - .
cued. All hands suffered severely from
wuut oi ioou anu urinn. i ney wero
picked up by a passing; vessel.
Sick Headacncs,
The curso of overworked womankind, are
quickly and surely cured by Karl's Clover
Itoot Tea, the great blood purifier and tlssuo I
builder. Money refunded if not satisfactory.
Price 25 cts. and 50 cts. Sold by P. D. Kirlln
ona guarantee.
Tho total enlistments for the 12 vol
unteer regiments last called out ag
gregate 10,554.
"Mysterious" Billy Smith, pugilist.
was "knocked out by a modest waiter
in Denver.
An Elizabeth (N. J.) trolley car
chased a runaway horpe and overtook
mm alter an exciting run.
A. New York Central passenger train
collided with a freight train at
Wheeler's Bridge, N. Y. Three men
were killed and several injured
After iiguilng against his sentence
for two years, Millionaire William
Bradbury, of San Francisco, went to
jail for 24 hours for spitting on the
uoor of a street car,
ur nary;
.n'rrHBfl M. IRRlTABlr
r 1 1 A V, i r- cV&
QvMail Sl0.06iND6TAMproiirtMPHLCT.
Bold In Shenandoah at
Orders by mall sent to any address.
819 N. Centra St., FottsTllle, Pa.
Fine old Whiskeys, dins and Wines, at the ba
A cuoice tine 01 cigars anu temper
ance urlnKs.
Accommodation for travelers.
lleala at all honrt 1
riilllons of Dollars
Qo np In nmoku every year. Take no
risks but get your houses, stock, fnr
nitnre, etc,, insured In flrat-cl&ss re
iiauia companies as representoa by
DAVID FAUST Insurance Ag:eni
AlioLIf sndAaoldsntal oavanlis
nn n
money savings ni
Fine Furniture
are very larpe here. You can buy of us at less than
the ordinary furniture dealer pays for his goods.
ueai tii and
Tho remedy fur nervous
orpnns oi oitnersez. sucti as
For Sale toy
A I'liPDiitnuniil Mi " I if Sturm.
Kingston, .lamnlcn, Sept. 27. The
American schooner Adelo Thacknrn,
Captain McKoen, which sailed from
Philadelphia Sept. 2 for this port, lias
arrived here, and reports having; en
countered a phenomenal electrical
storm Sunday. Tho lightning shivered
the mainmast, burned the rails anil
temporarily prostrated tho captain and
four seamen. The vessel itself also
caught fire, hut owing to tho terrific
volume of rain which was falling at
the time the flames were soon extin
Takes tho burn out; heals tho wound j
cures the pain. Dr. Thomas' Kclectrlc Oil,
tho household romedy
Pardon For Jlinllo Al ton.
Paris. Sept. 27 The government has
decided to pardon Emlle Arton, who
lu nuycuiuci, loiiu, uo l"
Afrht vnnrg' ImnrUniimpnt fnr mm-
for com-
Helnach and
frauds on
Give the Children a Drink
called Grain-O. It is a delicious, appetizing
nourishing food drink to take the place oi
Codec. Sold by all grocers and liked by all
who have used it because when properly pre-
pared it tastes like the finest coffee but is free
f aU it3 in:uriou3 prortjes. Grain-O aids
... .. ., ,.
digestion and sUengthens the nerves. It
-I. ...., ,., i . .i i t.!i
not a stimulant dui a neann Duuuer, nu gun
dren. as well as adults, can drink it with creat
Kn-fit rna nbn,,t ( s muoh as coffep.
15 and 25c.
Four Klllp'd In Ili-nrt Kml Collision.
Oskaloosa, Ia Sept. 27. A head-end
collision occurred yosterday on the
Northwestern railroad t-oven, miles
southeast ot this city between a pas
senger train and a double ueader coal
train, killing four and seriously injur
ing, two trainmen. Two engineers,
the conductor of the passenger train
and a fireman of tho freight wore
What Is Shlloh 7
A grand old remedy for Cough, Colds and
Consumption; used through tho world for
half a century, has cured innumerable cases
0f inclplont consumption and relieved many
In advl.cej 8taccs. If you are not satisfied
w!th the results we will refuud your money
Prico 125 cts., 50 cts. aud fl.00.
Eirlin on a guarantee.
Sold by P. D,
Tlie TJIympIn to'Go to XorrolUv
Norfolk, Vn.. Sept. 27. Tho visit of
the big Virginia delegation to Wash
ington to secure the presence of the
Olympla and the North Atlantic squad-
ron In Hampton Roads early In Oc
tober has borne fruit. Assistant Sec
retary of tho Navy Allen notified Sen
ator Martin, of Virginia, that the
North Atlantic squadron will be iu
Hampton Itoads between tho 2d ana
6th of October. This is construed to
mean that the Olympla will be one of
the warships In the squadron. Tho
occasion is to he mado a grand holi
day. Tho Iiitunfiitloniil Crlokntorsi,
Philadelphia, Sept. 27. When play
was resumed yesterday in the Interna
tional cricket match between Prince
Hanjltslnhji's English eleven and the
Philadelphia colts on the Belmont
Cricket club's grounds at Elmwood
7 of the 22 locals wero still at the bat,
IB wickets having fallen before the
foreign bowlers on Monday. All the
colts were out with a total of 205 runs.
Despite the fact that Prince KanJIt
slnbjl was to bat not more than 1,600
people were In attendance. When
stumps were drawn the prince was
not out and had made three runs. Tho
Englishmen scored 3G runs for three
Many a Lover
lias turned with disgust from an otherwise
lovable girl with an offensivo breath. Karl's
Clover Boot Tea purifies the breath by its
action on the bowels, etc., as nothing else
will. Sold for years on absolute guarantee.
Prico S3 rts. and SO cts. Sold by P, D. Klrlln
on a guarantee.
Livery and
No. 13 North Jardin St.
the Panama uanai company.
Is to be had here at such won
derful money savings that
it will more than repay the
traveling cost to visit us.
Christmas is nearing.
J.B.Van Stiver Go.
FKe minutes from Philadelphia, by Ferry
prostration onl nil diseases ot the generative
ncrvuus x rimnunuii, x uiuuk ui, wuuuuwi
P. W. Houck.
JLLT 1, 1899.
Trains will leave HlicnAndoah utter tno sdot
ilatelnr Vt'lgRau. Olltjerton. Fraocvlllo, nail
Water. Hi. Clair. Pottnvllle. llnmbure. Readtni
aitelplila (Kr'd street station) at 0 13 and 8 09
!).... . . lit. 1 lit. w .1 -. . J T . 1- 1 1
a. m., j iu, o i p in. on wet it uays. Handayo
o w a. III., iwp. iu.
Trains leave Frackvllle for Hhccandoah
7 SA, 11 46 a. m. and 8 8S, 7 St p. m. Sundav
11 01 a. m. and 5 M p. m.
Leave Pottsvllle for Slienacdoah (via Frack
vine i iu, it -m a. m., a iu, 7 io p. ra. Hunda
10 33 a. ra.. 5 10 ti. m.
Iave 1'hlladelpbla, (Broad street station), to
Bheaandoah at S 85 a. m., 4 10 p. m. week dayr
Bttndarn leave at fl BO and 9 23 a. ra.
Leave I'bllndelpbla (Ilroad street station) foi
rotlavllle.SS0,8SS, 1019 a. m., 180, 4 10,711
p. m. weekdays. Sundays, 8 60, 9 23 a. in, and
o us p in.
ieave lironu stieet station, fblladelphta,
Kipress Weeklavs. 8 20. 4 05. 4 40. 8 00. a la
660,733,823, 960, I0 21, 1100, 11 43 a m. 12 00
noon.iza.?. Limited "1 inland
280.8 20, 8 60, 4 02, 600, 566,600, 702, 10,
io oo'n m .' 12 oi'nlEiit Sundavs; sal. 4 d3. 4 o!
t rvt r ik u oat n j linn ini I
For Boston without change. 11 01 . u.
darn, aud B 10 p. m., dally.
CftUltlll Exprcsa (Parlor car, 11 00 a m week
For Pen Girt, Asbury Park, Ocean Grove,
Long llranch, 4 05, 0 CO, 8 SO, 11 41 a m, 2 , S 80,
i ii hi wa'auiijai aw p m saiuraays oni;
cuimijB irvujjo u iiitcriaitDQ tor AHUatj 1
4 09atKl830am.
For Jainber.vule, Knaton and Bcranton. A 50
9 00 a ro, 1200 noon, a 62, ft 00 (Lambert villa and
Enntononlv). weekdays, and 703 n m dallv
ItufTulo, 9 00 a m, 12 00 noon weekday, and 7 07
p in dallv.
Mount I'ocono special, 103 p m Saturday!
If fir TtnlllmnrA and Wm.hlnrrlnn U Kn tn u nt
10 20. 11 23 a m. 12 09. "12 88. ! 12. 8 12. 4 41 lS 2t
ConKresalonal Lint., S 84, a 17, 8 85, 1 i n. m,
SSittSl'MrSfS: sW.'-r.'s'iSi
grenalonal Llm.,8 8l, 855, 81 p m and UK
' '1 n i im - U. 1 7 "
Kor Baltimore, accommodation, 0 13 a m, 1 62
and 4 01 p ra week days, 5 OS aud 11 18 d m datlr
Atlantic Const Lino. Express 12 09 pm.andl
12 CO ntgnl, dally.
Boutbern Itallwar.
Eipresa 4 81 and tit
n m. dallv.
Norfolk and Western Railway (or MempbU
anu new urieana,a p m oaiiy,
Clieaapcake & Ohio Hallway. 7 81 n m. dallv
For Old Point Comfort and Norfolk, 10 2-
n iu m-cnunya, 11 iu jj ill uaiiy.
Leave Market street wharf at follow : Ex
press for New York. 9 00 a m. SO d m week
days. For Ioiik llranch via Seaside Park, 8 10
am, 1 SO nnd 4 00 p m wockdyg. Sundays
nnd 4 00 p rn weekdays: 1
m asuruay
only. Sundays, 7 30 a in. For
a ui and 4 00 p m weekdays.
ruckerton, 9 10
Leave Ilroad street station via Delaware rlvm
bridge Express, 4 55, 9 40 80 minutes) a m, 2 84
8 minutes, 4 00 80 minutes, 7 03 85 minutes
p u puiiuayn, w j& miDuieaj a.m.
zbh IKS minutes, 7 uo liu minutes! p. m.
Lenve Market Street Wharf Kxnreaa. BOO
8 30, (75 minutes). 10 CO (75 minutes, a m, (100
8oo (75 minutes), 8 so (eo minutes), 400 ii
rwiuruaya nniy;, iw minutes;, uu, (yu minutes K
nilnutos). 4 30 (75 minutes). 5 00 (60 mlnutasl.
5 30 165 minutes p. m. Sundays, BOO, 780
(75 minutes, 800 75 minutes, 8 SO 75 minutes,
900 175 minutes, 10 DO 70 minutes a. m., and
idv no lumuiesj i. m. 91.W uxcuieion train
7 CO um week-days. Sundays, 7 00 and 7 80 a m.
For uapeatay, Angieaea, wildw oid, Ilollt
lleacb Express, 900 a m, 280,405 100 minutes!
SCO pm week-days. Sundays, 8 30 am. Foi
cape May only, 1 80 p m Saturdays. 11.00 Ex
cursion train
ForSea Isle City, Oceau Clljr, Avalon and
u, i uua. m. uauy
Stone Harbor Kipress 9 10 am, 2 80, 4 20, 5 00
pmwecKnavs. cunuays, a du a m. .14)0 uxcur
.Ion train, 700 a m dally,
For Homers' Point Kipress, 5 00,8 80,10 00 .
m, ( 1 uu naturuays on lyj, z uu, a uu, 4 00, 5 00. 5 at
p m weekdays. Suudays, 5 00, 8 00, 9 00 and 10 OC
a m, 4 uu p m.
The Union Transfer Comnanr will call fo
and check baggage from hotels and reildencer,
'Liming car.
I. B Hdtciiiksou, J. K. Woou,
Geu'l Manairer. den'l I'va'n'i A,
This Hot
n..o. a
une needs a cooling
beverage that will gently
tone up the system while
it quenches the thirst
Beer and Porter
Just touches the spot
l ney are cooling, satisfy
mg and invigorating,
These brews will be
furnished in case lots for
family use by applying to
Christ. Schmidt,
Agent and Bottler,
203 W. Coal Street
(Continued from First Page.)
"I suppose you have come for the
ti'i," said Admiral Dewey, referring to
blr Thomas' gift of five pounds ot tea
tu each man on the ship white ho was
nt Colombo.
No, you're welcome to that if any-
tody can drink It," replied Sir Thomas.
The admiral and the owner of the
cup challenger had a IS minute talk.
As air Tliotima and his friends left the
Olympla a half hundred ot the ship's
crow forward cheered the baronet.
"I could not stop 'em," criod out Ad
miral Dewey, waving his hand at Sir
Thomas Upton. "They hadn't any or
ders to do that."
Many Notnblo Visitor.
Admiral Dowey thon had a sttccos-
Blon of notable callers. Hoar Admiral
Sampson, with Captain Chadwlck, his
chief of staff, aud Lieutenant Com
mander Winslow, his nag lieutenant,
came on the Dolphin. When tho dis
patch boat was a mllo awny It began
firing an udmirnl's salute of 13 guns.
The Dolphin anchored near the Olym
pla, and Hear Admiral Sampson and
his staff wont on board. They were
received by Admiral Dowey, Captain
Lamberton, Lieutenant Brumby and
the officer of the deck, the full marine
guard and band being paraded. The
officers went to the admiral's cabin.
Hear Admiral Sampson said that he
was delighted with the evident good
health of Admiral Dewey and told the
ndmlral that he looked much youngor
than most of the portraits made him
out to bo. Hear Admiral Sampson re
mained on board for more than an
hour, and after returning to tho Dol
phin he said: "Admiral Dewey is
delighted, as is everyone on board, to
reach his native shores again. He Is
much moved by the great kindness
and enthusiasm of the people, and,
though shrinking from too much cere-
public display, feels deeply
of which theso aro tho out-
Soon after Hear Admiral Sampson
had cone Rear Admiral Philip voy
aged down tho bay In tho Narkceta
aud paid un ofllclul call, attended by
Commander J. D. J, Kelley. The rear
admiral's salute was not fired In thin
case by request of Hear Admiral
Philip. Admiral Dewey received these
ofllclal visits In undress uniform.
Dr. Sanborn, of the port physician's
staff, visited tho Olympla and looked
at her papers. Eleven of tho crew of
375 men have typhoid fever. Some of
tho cases are convalescent nnd all of
them aro ot a mild type, according to
Dr. Percy, tho ship's surgeon. No one
has died ot the fever, and with this ex
ception the sailors and marines are
well. Dr. Percy is unable to account
for the presence of typhoid on the ship.
The cases are not numerous or serious
enough to cause htm alarm.
George Dldwell, collector of the port.
Postmaster Van Cott and several of the
customs officers visited tho admiral,
and were personally conducted around
the ship by him.
Atlaiittu I.lnerx Salute.
The North German Lloyd steamer
Saale, outward bound, passed close to
the Olympla. The Saale's passengers
crowded to tho rails. Admiral Dewey
responded to waving pocket handker-
i 1 un. . i .. t ti
Saale's band played the "Star
Spangled Banner," and the Olympla
dipped her flag. The Cunarder Urania
passed out halt an hour afterward. She
fired 17 signal bombs. Admiral Dewey
directed the Olympla s band to play
God Save the Queen.
All day tugs, sailboats and excur
sion steamer camo up near the Olym
pla and took a look at her. Every'
body who asked was permitted to
come on board. Some of the parties
of sightseers on launches and steamers
wore Invited by the officer of the deck
to come up the gangway.
The admiral, about 5 o clock, return
! Blr Thnmag T.I,lT,'o vlolf 1 Ian
tenant Brumby and the admiral's son,
I nnn r ...11. t.i ni.
ucuifio j, uac, vYcio will mm, on
Thomas met the admiral at the atar-
board gangway, with his friends, and
the entire party went to the after
cabin, where the health of the ad
mlral, the Shamrock, and of course the
Columbia, were drunk amid enthusi
The admiral remained on board for
nearly half an hour and then startod
for his ship. As his launch drew
away the entire ship's company, led
by Sir Thomas, gave three honest
the kind that the admiral
neurit Hum uiu uritisu wursnips in
Manila bay. Admiral Dewey waved
his gold bound cap like a schoolboy
as he stood on the rail of his little
white canopied launch, being given a
hearty welcome in, his own home wa
ters by a hundred foreigners.
The CoinmltteH'M Plans Satisfactory,
The unexpected arrival of Admiral
Dewey for a time completely upset
the elaborate plans of the reception
committee. Before proceeding fur
ther In the arrangements for the cele
bratlon In Dewey's honor it was de
elded to consult the great naval hero,
After a hasty meeting in the city hall
all tho members of the sub-commtttee
of tho recoptlon committee but two,
William C. Whitney and Levi P. Mor-
I ton, visited the warship and talked over
the plans with the admiral. When the
program was explained to him Admiral
Dewey said. It was very satisfactory,
and that he would remain on board the
Olympla until Friday morning, and
then would receive the official visit of
Mayor Van Wyck.
Five Grand Army posts yesterday
made application to General O. O.
Howard, commanding the Sixth, or
unarmed division, for a place In the
line ou the occasion of the land parade
in honor of Admiral Dewey. General
Howard said they would be Invited to
participate and would be given a prom
inent place in the line. Applications
were also recaiveu by General Howard
for a place In the line from the Vet
erans' Protective association, 80 men;
the Veterans of the United States
Navy, GO men, and United States Reg-
ujar Mmy mi Navy veterans' asso-
elation, 100 men. The commander of
the Sixth division said that It was
now assured tuttt i.vuu veterans would
be in line, the number alloted by Major
General Roe,
In an alleged interview regarding the
proposal to nominate him for president
the admiral is quoted as saying:
I am not a politician. I am a
sailor. My training has been all that
way. I am ct home on board my
ship. I know my business, or at least
should know it, and I do not want to
mix in tho affairs ot government. I
mix intho affairs of government,"
A Frightful Blunder
will nn.r, .-. . t,;i,i. ti.., c 1,1
Cut or Bruise, llucklen'a Arnica Salve, the
best in the world, will kill the pain and
promptly neai it. t-ures Uld bores, fever
Sores, Ulcers, Boils, Felons, Corns, all Skin
Eruptions, Best Pile cure on earth. Only
25cts. a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by
A. Wasley, Druggist,
HOOD'S PILL3 cure Llvor Ilia,
illllouBness, Indlgfeatlouj Headache
oleafnt IojcaUv. All DrugjcUtai
tlnOnta Trn Yoara' Imprisonment For
Crookoil TrutixHPtloii'i.
Kaneas City. Sept SI. Leonard U.
ImUxlen, president ot the Planters'
bank, a '-wlld cat" concern sup
pressed by the state oITIclals several
months ago, was yesterday found
Giillty In the criminal court of forg
ing a draft for $15,000. with which
lie hoped to get a false credit for hli
bank, and was sentenced to ten years
In the penitentiary. Itnboden came
here from Texas, where he was par
doned by Governor Hogg after serv
ing two years for forgery.
Imhoden is one of the remarkable
crlminuls of the day. For years he
lived apparently without resources, at
tempting to promote banking, cattle
and real estate deals In Kansas, Texas
and New Mexico of such magnitude
that they mads the ordinary man gasp
with wonder. In every prospectus he
claimed to have prominent Chicago,
St. Louis, Philadelphia and New York
trust companies behind him. The act
which led to an examination of Im
boden's bank and his final arrest was
In accepting a deposit from a wealthy
local cattle man whose confidence ho
had gained by letters apparently from j
eastern capitalists saying uis ucuii
was the best.
Imboden was born In Texas. He is
a great grniiduephew of General Im
boden, who served under General
Washington during the revolutionary
war, is a cousin of General Imboden.
late ot the Confederate army, and his
parents, both of whom are now dead,
were looked upon as among the very
first families In the south. His
brother. W. M. Imboden. was formerly
district attorney and Judge at Fort
Fflr For n Missing llnl t Imorran.
Baltimore, Sept, 27. The friends
and relatives ot Thomas Janney, Jr.,
one of naltlmore's prominent young
society men, are very uneasy concern
ing the young man s safety. Mr. Jan
ney, who Is about 22 years old, left
Newport last Wednesday in the little
steam yacht Nodus, intending to bring
her to this city by way of the Chesa
peake bay. The Nodus should have
reached Perth Amboy, N. J., on Sat
urday, but no word from the young
man has reached his family. Mr. Jan
ney had considerable money with htm,
and wns accompanied by a colored
man. The family fears that Mr.
Janney has been robbed and per
haps murdered, or that the little craft
has been lost at sea.
" You have my many heart-felt thanks
rr i-.,ii.. r..i... .n ma 1.. ...
ness; also for your book, the 'Common
dense Aieuicai Aanser,' wuicu l received
two years aco, and which I could not do
without. It is all the Doctor I have had
since I got it I had female trouble, and
Ur. l'lerce s l'avonte Prescription cured
me 01 live vears sickness mm. finim
Nelson, Pico Heights. Ioa Angeles. CaL
Send ai one-cent stamDs to nav cast of mntl.
lng only for a free copy of his great 1000 iaj;e
hook. Aciaresa ur. v. rierce. uuitaio, n. y,
Of Siihnandoaii.
Present Incumbent.
A Hand
Is one of the
possess P(
glics It.
Handsome Complexion
i ereatesi cnarma a woman can
'ozzoMi'a CourLaxiox Iowdiw1
totfcuE S3 ',
AsviitK t
nil x
I Prescription !
nm i win i
A Curofor Norvous Headache.
Porellif ir I sufTVrr'-lframropslirwtion
ami acr- iitii4 lnln tip, tho h Ada, ie
tiiumlly liiM'i'K tlirM-.lavs U n iurv II'
ache owIm rHIrvt'il in' t'rotKirurii , '
left too un i Iti-. !. Hinr I iK'trnn tiifcv ,.
OIry Kin I hne greatly improved "
iMwItb, n'ltl'im or liner have ImwJh. Iil, hm
(mined In tlrati, and fifl Uerldetlly will Mrs
ft. 8 Hnl-b,T!nle, N II.
I'eU-rv King it Kim dlawiaes of the Nc-r i
PtoinaWi, I.imtbikI Kldlwys. 8oll by dn.a
gisla. 25 uml .owe. 0
Those who once
buy StLLIU'S
krep coming back
lor tt. ini su-
mixture makes
the flavor of cof
fee delicious.
A,l OrlH.S.
Offlee Rnn bullillnr. corner of Main an
Centre streets, Shenandoah.
j ciudk nnown,
Oftlce: Cor. Centra nnd White streets, nex
to Justice Tootney's ofllre.
No. 80 lCnst Lloyd Street.
Ofllre houni-D to 0 a- in. t 1 tji I n m
7to9p. m.
Lock Box 65, Mahanoy City, Pa.
Ilarlnc studied nnder soma nf lh hl
masters In London and Paris, will Ht. iMn
Ion the Tlolln, mandolin, Kulur and vocal cnllure.
Terms reasonable. Ad dross In care of Btrouse,
the leweler Shenandoah.
Philadelphia &
Readinq R'y.
Engines Burn Hard Coal-No Smoke.
Trains leave Shenandoah as follows:
For New York via Phllailrlnhl
I T n fa it or n . ln u - mfa
1 Sundays. 2 10 a m.
ror new ork via March Chunk, week days.
7 87 a. m.. 12 25 aud 8 09 n. m.
For Heading and Philadelphia, week days.
210, 5 38,7 87. 9 55 a. m.. 12 24, 8 09 and S 09 p. ml
ror l'ottsvllle, weekdays, 2 10.7 87. 9 83 a. m.
12 28. B 09. 09 and T SO n. m. Hnn.lnr. ) in
For Tainaqua and Mahanoy City, week days.
210, 737, 9 63 a. m., 12 28, 8 09 and 6 09 p. m.
-lunuays, -a iu a m.
For Wllllamspoil, Sunbury and Lewlaburg-,
Sundays. 8 27 a m.
. .'? 5 Plne, weekdays, 2 10,827,5 38.
787,9 53. 1182 a.m.. 12 28, 8 09, 09, 7 80. SJ
p.m. Sundays, 2 10 and 8 27 a m.
For Ashland and Shamokln, week days, 8 27.
Sundav. S 27 am
For 'iialtlmore, Washlnjrton and the West via
id. i. u. it, tbrouEh trans lca-i nadlni.
Tf!1."1. 1'hlladelphla. (p.r,b k.) at 8 20.
l:,'" uu i.xi p. 1. tsunaava
tlonal trains from ''Twenty-fourth and Cbeet
K r, iT 2 v81 a?. to bo a. m. 1220
' " TO """"T". , p. m.
Leave New York via Philadelphia, week
nays, 1215, 4 80, 7 80, 11 80 a. m., and 180,4 80,
1 - -
Leave New York via M.nch tfhnnt- uk-
dars, i 80. 9 10 a. m., 1 80, t to p. m.
Leave Philadelphia. rtAojtlno
dg?.80,H8. 1021 a. m. and 184, 408, 684,
lare Heading, week days, 1S7, 700, 10 08,
Leave Pottsrlile. vHiciiin 9 1? ?in .
980, 12 80, 130. i 80, 810 and 880 p.m.
I-eave Tamaqua, week days, 8 18, 888. 112
a. m., 149,5 88 Tfc., 9 44 p. m.
mananoy iniy. wees: days, 8 43, 9 04.
II 47 a. m. Zl 8 A, 8 21, 7 44, 10 08 p. m
Leave Mahanov Plane. wMk rtava 41ft A no
'. VSt.lOJB, 1200, a. m., 3 89, 6 88, 8 42,7 88
Leave WlllUuepoii, week days, 7 42, 10 00 a.
m., 12 84 and 4 00. 11 80 p. m.
Leave Philadelphia Chestnut street wharf and
I South street rhar lor Allantlo City.
Weckdays-Kirw9,8 00,9 00,104a m, 180,
2 00, 3 00, 13 40 sixty mlnutej, 4 00, 4 80, 5 00 sixty
imiiuici, u i ij, n in, Accomouation. o ia a
m, 5 30, 6 80 p m. Hundays Express, 7 SO, 8 CO,
830, 9 00, 1000 a m, 4 13, 7 15 p m. Accommoda
tion, (115 a in. 4 43 p ui. 11.00 Excursion 7 00 a
nl dally and 7 30 Hu ndays.
Leave Atlantic City Depot: Weekdays Ex.
press, IS tt Mondays onlyj, 7 00, 7.43, 17 60 from
llaltiaavo. station only, 8 30, 900, 1013. 1100
a m, 3 SO, 4 30, 8 30, 780. 980 p m. Accommo
dation 423 800 am, 860pm. Hundaya Ex.
piesa. 3 30, 400, 8 00. 800. 6 80. 7 00. 7 80. 8 00.
8 80pm Accommodation, 713am. 4 80 pm,
II1.U0 Excursion weekdays 6 00 p m, Sundays 6 10.
For Ocean City -Weekdays 8 43, 913 am,
213 413,613pm Sundays 8 45, 9 15 a m,443
p in. it.w excursiot 'i nursday and Sunday 7 00
I a m.
For Cane Mar and Sea Isle Cltv Weokdava
I 9 13 am. 2 80,4 13 pm. Sundays 8 43 a m 4 43
Ipm. i loo excursion Hundaya only, 700 a m.
Additional (or Cape May Weekdays 8 54
am. Sundays 9 13 a m.
rarior tjars on an express trains.
I mi ihiiu.1 iiiiuiuiaiiuu. mYV7 1 nearest
Philadelphia and Ileadlnr Itallwav ticket mnl
1 or address
I. A. owkiqabd, KDeojr J. wrKxa,
uen't Hupt., uen'l Pua'r Ad.,
rermlnal, Pklladelvhla.
Agent for the Famous
Phila. Stock Ale, Sparkling Still
Amber Ale, Bottled Pale Ale.
B:own Stout, Half1 and Half, Beer
and Porter.
(IF" 'He
mr brstl.y
tic of Scelijr's
IO oiuuiary - u
coffce c. a packee. I
Mt. Carbon Beer
At all its customers to-day.
Solomon Haak's,
116 South Main Street,
Will receive prompt attention.