The Herald , Ksrviu.isiiHO is:o. , ' '"ill the News That's Fit to Print." I'nlillolirl frrry rrrnmg, except Sunday, nt " Booth .Inrdhi street, Shenandoah, l'n. T.ONU 1HSTANOM THI.HfllONH. lie Herald I" In Shenandoah nnd llir surrounding town for six cent nw ek, pn ahle to Hi carriers, lly moll W-00 n year, or IB renin n month imyable In (wWance Ad vertisements charged accordion to space ond position. The publisher re-erve the right to change the position ot advertisements never the publication of news demands Tlif right If rcserv .1 to reject my advertisement hcllier pi1 1 'or or not., thst the publishers mv deem Improver. Adver tising rates made known upon application literwl nt the it odlce HhenBintonli, l'n.. second eloss limit matter. YOU OAK HXrf JltAH IsUUlnW or TIIR IIKBATjD TrtWOVOK A ICY OTHKR DAILY PVBI.H'ATION. WEDNESDAY. HEITKMHEIl 27. I8M. OUR COUNTRY : First, Last and Forever. Arizona stumls third In the Ust ot copper-producing regions. Mining metals nt the market rates is a pros perous .bushier, much more so than trying to make them n legal tender at double their real value. As trust corporations are creatures of the state, argues the Philadelphia Kecord, "it is the right and duty of the state to compel them to publish the condition of thoir finances and business." The demand for compul sory publicity in trusts is growing till along the line. Officials say that if traffic con tinues to grow in October and No vember as it has in the last thirty days n car famine will esist on every roud in the country. This, they say. means that earnings will continue to show large gains over those of former years. The famine will likely result in a faster freight schedule nil over the country, which may bo retained after the supply of cars has been in creased to meet the demand. The Junior flechanlcs. It is said that the state o'tiarter suspension of the Junior Order United American Mechanics, who are strong in this county, will not affect the subordinate Councils in any way at present. The national organization is bound under the rules of the order to take action in the matter within thirty days, but before the expiration of that time it is thought that a special session of the Council will be held to order the per capita tax paid under protest. According to a dispatcli from Scranton, the scene of the recent rupture, it appears that had the national officers deferred hasty action, trouble might have been averted. It is stated that one of the delegates had a resolution in his pocket which recommended the payment of the per capita tax under protest, and it was the intention of the "antis" to defeat the committee's recommendation, as they did, but not to abandon it en. tirely. It is strongly maintained by many delegates that the charge of in subordination was premature, and that when the matter is presented to the national judiciary in the proper light the decision is bound to be in favor of the State Council. This view, says the Lebanon Re port, is strengthened by the fact that the charges were not speciiled, and unless the national officers can show good cause for their action they will not be sustained in suspending the charter before the convention had finally adjourned. Charges have been made that the State Council officers and the National officers had au understanding and that the present trouble was fore. seen. The outcome of the matter Is being watched with the greatest interest all over the United Slates, as Pennsylvania is the great Junior Meehanic stronghold of the country, Some of the more radical members of the order point out that the State Council is an incorporated body, and can operate lyider the title of the Junior Order United American Me ohanios without consulting the National Council, and as the Penn Hylvanla membership comprises nearly two-thirds of the whole National body it is a que stion in their minds whether it is not advisable to remain independent. " My wife suffered for many years from Ner rous Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, Sleeplexneu ind Nervous Debility," writes John Kcllcu. Philadelphia. "We tried many physicians and numerous remedies, but with no results, until I beard of Johnson's Dyspepsia Cure. We bought i boxes, and the results far surpassed our ex pectations. She now ems and sleeps well, is galtilagin flesh, and her color, which bad got to oe yellow and sickly, is now as fresh as when we were first married, and I tell her that John ion's Dyspepsia- Cure has made her ten years tounger." .ARGE BOX 10 CENTS. '2S tablets) iint ay mii roR rive s-ccnt stamps MaoiatTHE JOHNSON LABORATORIES, Inc., Phil. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGfllSTS. Tho Rosy Freshnoss And velvety softness of the skin Is inva riably obtained by thore who use rouoMi' Complexion i'owder. WOMEN do Buffer! Even so-called healthy women suffer t But they are not healthy ! The marks left by pain are on the youngnces of many of our daughters. Pain that lenves its mark comes from a curable MUST WO MEM SIBFFER? remedy for woman s ills. Miss Emily K. Haas, of 148 St., Greenpoint, Brooklyn, N. Y., writes: "Dear Mks. Pinkham I wish to state that I used your Vegetable Com pound with the groatest success. I was very sick for nearly a your with hysteria, was down-hearted and nervous; also suffered with painful menstruation and pain in back and limbs. I often wished for death, thinking nothing would cure me. I had doctors, but their medicines did me no good. At last, by the advice of a friond, I began to take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, and I am happy to say it has entire ly cured me. Jennie Sherman, of Fremont, Mich., Box 748, writes: "Dear Mrs. Pinkiiam: I feel that I must write you and tell you what your medicine 1ms done for me. I had neuralgia of the stomach for two years, so bRd that I could not do any work. I had two or three doc- tors, but did not seem to get any bet ter. 1 began taking Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound and Liver Pills and improved from the first, had better appetite, and after taking three bottles of Compound and one box of Liver Pills, can say that I am cured. Your Vegetable Compound is a wonderful medicine." THK Wr.ATlil'.lC. Ijiw- tomnorntirTpH tn',vnil,rt vnuia day morning from tho slope region eustwaru, w 1 1 n freezing tempera ture us far as southern Wiscon sin. They con tinue low from the Mississippi valley eastward, but have risen in the west. High pressure will dominate weather conditions in the Rant fnr tho novf thrpo finve ntlnna. Forecast for today and tomorrow in this section: Fair; warmer; fresh northerly winds. Sunrise. 6:00: sunset. n:nfl; lanrth nf day, llh.. G6m.; moon rises, 12:01 a. in.; moon sets. 1:61 p. m. Senium' Ilaniin'H Xurrow i:enie. MIddleport, O.. Sept. 27. Tho south bound train on the Hockln? Valley railroad, carrying Senator Mark Hanna and Colonel Novin to MIddleport, where they made speeches yesterday, had a vory narrow escape from being wrecked at Addison. It was approach ing the station, at a terrific rate ot speed when a rail broke, splintering the floor of the smoker. It occurred on a curve, however, and that is all that saved the train. SWAMP" s not recommended for POOT kidney, liver or bladder IKKJKJ 1 . trouble itwill ho found just tho icmedy you need. At drueaists iu liftv cent nnd dollar sizes. You may have a sample bottte of this wonderful now discovery by mail free, also pamphlet telling all about it. Address, Ur. Kilmer (;o.,Uini;uamton, a. y Mnv Disrupt I'uMeniror Association. Chicago, Sept. 27. The Western Passenger association is in the midst of another crisis, a crisis which may result In its dissolution. Unless the St. Paul line can bo induced to return to the fold, it is predicted, the mem bers of the organization will ignoro the rate maintaining principles of the association and oiler competition to that line and the roads which never have been ldenti0ed with the associa tion. Members of the association, who are In meeting here this week, bellove that a preservation of ratos will be an impossibility unless the St. Paul line re-establishes its member ship. To-Night and To-Morrow Night And each day and night during this week you can get at any druggists Kemp's Balsam for the Throat and Lungs, acknowledged to be the most successful remedy ever sold for Coughs, Croup, Bronchitis, Asthma and Consumption. Get a bottlo to-day and keep it always in the house, so you can check your cold at once. Price 25c and 50c. Sample bottle free. Jlpntfi of n Noted Ux-C'onfodi'rnte). Washington, Sept. 27. General fUnry Heth, the Confederate chieftain and historian, died at his home in. this city at 1:40 o'clock this morning of IJright's disease. The end had hpn expected hourly for several weeks. General Heth was one of the most conspicuous chieftains in the Confed erate service. He was a native of Virginia, was born in 1825, and was a graduate of West Point. You Try It. If Shlloh's Cough and Consumption Cure, which is sold for the small price of 25 cts., 50 cts. and $1 00, does not cure tuko the bottle back and we will refund your money. Bold for over fifty years on this guarantee. Trice 36 cto. and 50 cts. Sold by I'. D. Kirlin on guarantee. The Mnzet I'roliors. New York, Sept. 27. The testimony before the Mazet legislative investi gating committee yesterday was much upon the same lines as on Monday, being an Inquiry into the contribution to the election funds by Judicial can didates. Of the witnesses examined the majority seemed to have no op position to the present methods ot receiving "assessments" from the can didates. JuBtice Gaynor testified that he had been offered $60,000 worth of Itamapo stock to use his influence to get the cities of New York and Ilrook lyn adopt the water system. ' He re fused the offer. Two Killed 111 a Vui-pIkIi I'notory. Newark, N. J., Sept. 27. Two men were killed rrTI burned to a crisp in a Are which destroyed the varnish factory of Joseph A. Smith & Co. yes terday. It is supposed that a kettle In the reducing room boiled over and an explosion and flames followed. The dead are: Henry Cox, 38 yearn of age, a resident of Elizabeth, and a mem bor of the firm; Patrick Costello. 30 years of age. of Newark. When the fire was out the charred remains were found. The damage Is estimated at nbput 130,000. cause. If that cause is not removed its influence reaches out and overshadows a whole life. Tho reason Lydia E. Pinkhnm's Vegetable Compound has been so uni formly successful for over a quarter of a century in overcoming the suffering of women, is that it is thorough and goes directly to the cause. It is a woman's Freeman A'l.ouNlnuiTTrnln Holiliory. Alexandria, La., Sept. 27. A freight train which loft here Monday night over tho Iron Mountain road was held up and robbed at Antonio, 25 milos from Alexandria, by masked men. It it not known what the robbers secured. TUB PRODUCE MARKETS'. Philadelphia, Sept. 26.-Flour firm: win ter superfine, t2.1V32.3Q; Pennsylvania roller, clenr. $v :.15; city mills, extra, J.602.70. Kye Hour llrm at .203.30 per barrel for choice Pennsylvania. Wheat firm; No. 2 red, spot, In elevator, 72',i3 73Vic. Corn firm; No. 2 mixed, snot. In .elevator, 3HWc; No. 2 yellow, for local trade, U(Nl4o. Oats searco; No. 2 white, clipped, 30V4(ii30Hc.i lower grades, 2G29o. Hay quiet; choice timothy, 115 for large bales. Beef firm; mess, f!Ki9.75; beet hams, J21.50B23. Pork Arm; family, $12(9 12.50. Lard firmer; western steamed, $3.70. Butter steady; western cramery, 17623c, do. factory, 13l4r-'c.; June creamery, 19022c; imitation c uimcry, 15fri8c: New York dairy, 15Q21c; do. creamery, 17 23c; fancy I'ennnylvanla prints jobbing; at 25f(2Sc.; do. wholesale, 21c. Cheese firm; large, white, lie; small do., lliiglHic: large, colored, ll'.ic; small do., HHc Eggs steady; New York and Pennsylva nia, 20621c; western, ungraded, 13J?18c. Potatoes steady; Jerseys, $161.40; New York, $1.2581.40; Long Island, $1.23131.62; Jersey sweets, $1.73S2; southern do., $1 1.50. Cabbage dull: Long Island, $23.50 per 100. P.osIn steady; strained, common to good, H.25$1.27& Baltimore, Sept. 20. Flour firmer; west ern superfine, $2.2302.35; western extra, $2.40ffi3; western family, $3.303.60; win ter wheat, patent, $3.73!ff3.95; spring do. do., $3.93jJ1.20; spring do. straight, $3,500 3.C0. Wheat Armor; spot and tho month, 72lQ7Sc; October, 73Q78V4.C.; December, "SUft'SV&c; steamer No. 2 red, CST69c; southern, by sample, 6374c. ; do. on grade, 70B75ic Corn finnor; mixed, spot, 40Hc; the month, 3914c; October, 380 38'ic ; November or December, now or old, 35HS 3594c; January, SiHSic. ; Feb ruary, 35c; steamer mixed, 39c; southern, white, 41i&42Hc; do. yellow, 41ViS42o. Oats firmer; No. 2 white, 28142914c; No. 2 mixed, 27S27,4c. firm; No. 2 nearby, 57Si 58c.; No. 2 western, 62Uc. Hay firm; No. 1 timothy, $13.50014. Live Stock Market. New York, Sept. 2G. Receipts of beeves 824; one car sold at steady prices; feel ing dull. Veals quiet; grassers weak and few wanted; 600 calves unsold; veals, $5? 8; tops, $2.85; grassers, $2.853.55. Sheep and lambs steady ut Monday's prices; sheep, $804.50; lambs, $4.335.75; Canadian lambs, $5.75; cullj, $3.75(54. Hogs easy at $i.90J5.0G. East Liberty, Pa., Sept. 20. Cattle mar ket steady; extra, J5.70fe5.90, prime, $5.S0Q C; common, $3fr3.80. Hogs strong; prime mediums, S4.95&5; best Yorkers, $4.90(31 4.95; light Yorkers, $4.8544.90; heavy hogs, $I.SO&4.90; pigs, $4.70$; graBsers, $4.70 4.S0. Sheep slow and lower; choice wether, $1.304.40; common, $1.5032.50; choice lambs, $5.1006.25; common to good, $365; veal calves, $707.25. It's folly to suffer from that horrible plague of the night, itching plica. Roan's Ointment cures, quickly and permanently. At any drug store, 50 cents. DRUNKEN HUSBAND'S CRIME. Tried to Kill JIN Wife, Then Toolr. IIIh Own Life. Pittsburg, Sept. 27. A. P. Stephen son, a prominent and wealthy mer chant of this city, tried to kill his wlfo last evening and then committed suicide. Stephenson had been drink ing hoavlly for several weeks and dur ing fits of melancholy had frequently threatened to kill himself. At dinner last evening he quarreled with his wife, and without warning drew a revalver and fired at her. The bullet missed, and Mrs. Stephenson, grabbing up her youngest child, ran into tho kitchen. Stephenson followed and fired two more futile shots, and then his wife ran into the yard, where the infuri ated man fired again and Mrs. Stephen son fainted. Believing that he had killed her he placed the revolver to his temple and killed himself instantly. Mrs. Stephenson was uninjured. 'Obici I'uroluiBO'AliI'onil, New York. Sept. 27. J. fc V. Sellg man & Co., agents for the Anglo California bunk, of San Francisco, an nounce a consignment of Australian gold amounting to $1,000,000. The coin will probably be received in the form of sovereigns, and is expected to reach San Francisco within a week or ten days. It will ultimately be transferred to this city, adding to the reserve of local banks. WntolimiitP.M'urdored by it Trnmp. Sturgis, Mich., Sept. 27. Night Watchman John Craig was shot dead oarly yesterday morning by an un known tramp whom he was trying to arrest. The murderer, with a pal, was In a box car of a freight train. Craig approached the car, revolver in band, and told the tramps they were under arrest. The only reply was two re volver shots. The officer fell dead and tbe tramps escaped. YeRterday'H llaHUlinll fluiiieK, At Chlcagrj First game: Pittsburg C; Chicago, 0. becond game: Pitts burg, 12; Chicago, 0. At St, Louis St, Louis, 15; Clevelund, 3, T Ml Military Powor to Provont a Kising of tho Wage Worlsru. GEN. LUDLOW'S PROCLAMATION, Ho Wfirnn tlio M'orklntrnioti Aq-nlnit I'tillmvlnittlin Loud r "SoirHpoltlnir. Doinnizoiruna," nml IotOnr Ho Cnn Kind Itooni Knr !i,O0() I'rlnonor. Hnvnna, Sept. 27. Owing to tho po llrp brcnKing up the meoting Mon d.'V night which had brcn rolled b tho Renrrnl committee of the labor unions for t'io purpose of deciding whether a r -iu 'ml strike should be ordered, the q"--'ion has not yet been settled. Tl) iK' wh'i had orgnnlzed tho mooting had f'lled to give the nutnorltlos the requl' Ite 21 hours' notice, ns required by l.iw, and the 2,000 men who had ns rmbled wero therefore dispersed and tho headquarters of tho strikers wero occupied by the police nnd some rc rc' irles. A number of tho leaders liiive been arrested for circulating leaf lets containing an Inflammatory attack on the police. Work on the wharves has been pnr il' Td, owing to tho action of tho stevedores and whnrfmon, who roftltso to allow operations of nny kind to be torri'-d on. The cartmen. coachmen nnd omnibus men, howevor, are Btlll working. "There will not bo a general strike," said General Ludlow Inst evoning. "I have sufilrleiit assurances to satisfy mo on that point." Civil Governor Rivora says the mat ter is out of his bands nnd entirely within tho Jurisdiction of tho mllltnr authorities. To all Intents and pur poses the city is under martial law. Tho civil authorities will do their ut most to co-operate and will do uolhlrg to embarrass the military governor. Sonor Rivora declares that if it de volved tipon him to sottle the dispute he would not have to use force. "hen Chief of Police Cardenas asked him for instructions his reply was that the chief should carry out the orders of tho mllitury authorities, although In tho same breath ho stroiiEly dis sented from the policy of those orders. General Ludlow says that if it should bo necessary he can find room at tho presidio for 1,000 prisoners, and at Cabanas for as many more. Where all the rights of citizens are nt stake he considers that existing military power should supercede any legal tech nicality. The military governor has Issued a long proclamation, which is in part as follows: "The prosont Juncture, when cortain irresponsible and seditious Individuals are seeking to destroy the- peaceful In dustries of the city and to mislead the workingmeu into a general conspir acy to paralyze the life and movement of tho community, it behooves mo, for tho interest of all concorned nnd as the lmmediato representative of the United States government, to publish a word of warning. "The United States of America is pledged to the establishment in Cuba of n stable and orderly government. A pledge made alike to Cubans and to the world will surely be fulfilled. Every endeavor will be made to luculcate the principles of self government, the foundation of which is true, self re specting liberty. Modern civilization demands an enduring respect for law and the rights and liberties of others "The workingmcn of Havana are be ing tempted toward a fatal step, which if taken will set back their exorcise of liberty and tho enjoyment of tho rights of man for an indefinite period. At the instigation of a few self seek ing demagogues, backed by a more numerous element that prefers idle ness to labor, and excitement of any kind to tho calmer life of thrift and protection of the family, the work lugmen of Havana are urted to forego all labor, to extinguish tho lights that protect pit pcity and discourage crime, to close the bako simps that furnish food and. if that could be accomplish ed, to cut off tho water supply. Mean while the trades and occupations are to be abandoned, industry is to perish and food is to fail. "Upon whom would this punishment fall? Who would be at once, and fa tally, the victims of this iniquitous conspiracy? Who but the poor, tho destitute and the sick? Who but the ailing children and their mothers, weak and helpless? Who but the ig norant and destitute, thousands of whom exist In Havana, whose daily resources are essential to their sus tenance? Should there bo a strike within 48 hours the cries of hunger and wails of distress will arise from multitudes whoso sole fault it is that they are the wives and children of men who have been driven into sac rificing them without thought or reason. "It is known to the authorities that but a small proportion of the work Ingmen are in sympathy with tho Catarrh is Not Incurable But It can not be cured by sprays, washes and inhaling mixtures which reach only the surface. Tho disoase it in the blood, and can only be reached tliroUL'h the blood. S. H. H. is the onlv remedy which can have any effect upon uatarrh; it cures the aisease perma nently and forever rids the syBtem oi every trace of the vile complaint. Miss Josle Oiren, of Montpeller, Ohio, writes: "I waa af flicted from lnfinoj with Catarrh, aud no one can know th suffering It produce! better than I. Tin prays and wash el V prescribed by the doc tors rslieved me only temporarily, and fy thongh I used them constantly for ten" years, the disease had a firmer hold than ever. I tried a number ol blood remedies, but tblr mineral Ingredient! settled In my bones and tare me rheumatism. I was in a lamentable oondltlon, and after ex hausting all treatment, was deolared Incurable Seeing 8. S. 8. advertised as a cure for blood diseases, I decided to try It. As soon as my system was under the effect of tbe medicine, I began to improve, and after taking it foi two months I was oared completely, th dreadful disease was eradicated from my sys tem, and I havo had no return of It." Many have been tnkina local treat ment for years, and find themselves worse now than over, A trial oi Tor JUiMxA .The. JLFIUUU will prove it to be the rJcht remedy lor Uatarrh. It will cure the most ob stinato case. Hooks mailed free to any address by Swift SpeciUo Oo Atlanta, Ga, e IWISO'DEAD TIRED Kid-Ne-Oids aro at all drug stores fl f . fin i Tin Vlft ivill Morrow's Liverlax cures constipation, biliousness, costiveness thev K n u. or, i x n j i x J R dcix mi i,uu uui ui nil urug HLures. Kid-Ne-Oids and Liverlax, manufactured by John Morrow & Co., FOR SALE BY S. P. movement aim tnanne majority have been coerced into assent. Let there be no misunderstanding as to the out come, Order will be maintained Vio lence and tumult will he crushed. Where so much is at stake there will be no hesitation in applying such remedial and correctional measures as may bo necessary to preserve the peace and safety of the city. No man can be compelled to work against his will. Dut if ho can work, yet will not, he is only a vagrant and a burden, and he must take the responsibility for his own acts and the needless and in numerable sulfe'rlngs which he imposes upon his kindred, as well as upon the public." That Throbbln Headache Would quickly leave you, if you used Dr. King's New Life Tills. Thousands of suffer ers huve proved their matchless merit for Sick and Nervous Headaches. They make pure bloou and stronir nerves and build up your health, Easy to take. Try them. Only 25 cerls. Money back if not cured. Sold tiy A. waslcy, drucgist. Ilo.v Str lluirs nt lii'ltliroton. Brldgeton, N. J., Sept. 27. Another strike occurred at the Cumberland glass works last night. The boys em ployod there demanded the discharge of Joseph Johnson, a colored watch man. Johnson later, they charge, brutally assaulted ono of tho boys be cause ho refused to leave the yard, and Johnson Dred at the strikers. Tho boy was badly injured. Johnson left the grounds, and a constable is hunt ing for hln The strike of the boys forced the blowers tn nnlt Tho fnr.,- berland recently became a union shop, after a long strike of the workmen. Chlcnsro Commlttoo Oft" Fop Mexioo. Chicago, Sept. 27. The committee Whlcll Will OP.t AH RnnMnl oar-nrt Secretary of Foreign Affairs Mariscal, lepieBiuing rresiaont Diaz, as Chi cago's guest during the fall festival left hero ih n anprlnl trnln mui. th 1 - . u,w ,UU Santa ,Fe today. Governors Sayers of joxas, utero 01 aiexico, Thomas of Colorado, Stanley of Kansas and Stevens nf Missouri nra nmntA 4,. VAJIUMCU tL. Join the delegation upon its return. ine committee expects to arrive ut niexico next aunaay, to turn homeward Tuesday, and to reach Chicago Oct. 7. When doctors fail, try Burdoo't Blood Bitters. Cures dyspepsia, constipation; Invigorates tho whole system. Commercial Hotel Entirely remodeled and refunw islied. Elegant Bath and Wash Rooms. Boarders by the Day.week or month Well stocked bar attached. An heuser-Busch St. Louis beer and Pabst Milwaukee beer iu bottles. The Uest Hotel In the Region Giving the Best Accommodations for the noi:ey. Try Our "CONFIDENCE" 5-Cent Cigar. Best on Earth. Morris Heckinan, PROPRIETOR, Cor. Main and Coal Sts Shenandoah, Pa. For Ladles' and Gent's Furnishings and Novelties A. BROWN, Proprietor. Call nnd examine our new stock of Under wear, ShlrU, Collars and all kinds ot Novelties. Host 1,'ooda and cheapest prices. line line of Hats, Cups and Hlioca Inst re ceived. A. BROWN 10S North Main Street, ll'loppert's Old BtmuJ', the modern, scientific, practical, up-to-date medicine that banishes kidney backache, kidney ailments, sleeplessness and urinary disturbances in cither adults or children. We know Kid-Ne-Oids will absolutely cure the above ailmenta and minor affections directly due to .them we have given names of those who were cured investigate and you will get at the truth. Disordered kidneys are indicated by pains In the back, distress or fullness after eating, scanty or scalding urine, weakness and chills, pains In tne loins, nervousness, sleeplessness, loss body, or both, and) sediment in the urine. in yollow tablet form put up in boxes soli for 50o a box your druggist will tell you of cures thoy effected here ri-linVi Pm 4-Vtn V f miv ntrnTur nonAVrmn Grand Welcome to Admiral Dewey New Vork, Sept. BO uml 30. Tho Lehigh Valley Railroad will place on salo excursion tickets to Now York aud re turn tor this occasion from nil poiuts. Con sult Lehigh Valley Railroad ticket agents for particulars, rates, Ac. Coining Kvents. Sept, 2(1. Grand concert to he given by tho Lotus (llee Club, of Pottsville, assisted by local talent, iu the Wm. I'cuii M. E. church. Oct. 4. Welsh Baptist twenty-sixth annual supper in Bobbins' opera liouso. Oct. (I. Humphrey'R Cosmopolitan Concert Company nnd. Niver's Auimatoscope in tho P. M. church. Oct. 30. First annual ball of the Sheu. nudoab Base Ball Club In ltobblus' hall. TLm Dnnl nd most experienced, ttieont to L I MO UDdl consult IfrouHufler from Printer Diie&sei A Kiawi. JPruf. 0. 1. Til EEL. )M. II., C04 ISorth Miih hi., l'MIIl. Sphlftf I'm., gire a UuvaBtee In emj eai, t- Varicocele & Stricture (no nuttlost. Loit Vlror lw C&IIeftltlireitored. PuM enlarged. tovriiQS.L J er'ct 6 y. Bun. 9 IS. Toara for 1od( Handing and dangerotia T leaiua dallr 10 30 to 2.30. Krcalt oum?acured4toloaji.f -i oeua ir aworn leiumoniau ana hook, rrauai eipoiea. r T T T TTr T T T T'TTTT'T'T T T T T T T Strong Mnk is Heath DR. CHARCOT'S TONIC TABLETS are the only positively guaranteed remedy tor tlie u.-InK Hawt, Nervousness and Mel&ncholy'caused by strong drink. WIS UIIAHANTKK FOUIt IIOXKB to cure any case wltho positive written guar antea or refund the money, and to destroy tno sppetlte tor Intoxleatlns liquors. THE TABLETS CAN BE GIVEN WITHOUT KNOWLED0B OP THE PATIENT. STRONG DRINK "SffiKTSSSgE of 10.00 we will mall you four 41 boxes and posl tire -written Kuftrante to euro or refund tour money. Single boxes 13.00. For sale at Klrlln's drug store. LEHIGH VALLEY RAILROAD. IN EFFECT MAY 14, 1899. Passenger 'train leave Shenandoah for l'enn Haven Junction, Mauch Chunk, Lehlghton, Blatlngton, White Hall, Catasauqua, Allcjitown, Bethlehem, Easton New York and Philadelphia at 5 23, 7 60 a. m , 12 52 and S 17 p. in. For wllkesharre. White Haven and Plttston, 5 28, 10 12 a. in.. 12 S2 and 5 17 p. in. For Loeeyvllle, Towtutda, Sayre, Woverljr Klmlra, Itochester; llufTulo, Niagara Falls, Auburn, Syracuse, Ithaca, Geneva and the West, 10 12 a. in., VI 52 and 3 17 p. m. For llelvldere, Delaware Water Gap and Stroutlshurg, 5 28 a. m., 5 17 p. in. For Inibertvllle and Trenton, 7 SO o. m. For .leaueavllle, Levlston and lieaver Meadow 8 28 a, in., 12 52 p. 111. For McAdoo, Audenrted, Hazlcton, Stockto and Lumber Yard, 5 28, 7 60, 10 12 a.m., 12 62 and 9 17 p. iu. ForJeddo, Drlfton and Frecland, 5 28, 10 12 a, m., 5 17 p. in. For Scranton, 5 28. 10 12 a. m., 5 17 p. m. For Lost Creek, Ulrardvllle, and Ashlund, 4 00, and 7 28 p. m. For ltavcn Run, Centralis, Mount Caruiel and Bhamokin, 10 49 a. in., 1 42, 6 07, 9 Zl p. in. For Mahanoy City, Park Place and Delano, 5 28, 7 60, 10 12 a. ui.. nnd 12 52, 6 17 p. m. For Yateavllle, 5 28, 10 12 a. ui. Trains will leave Bhamokin at 700. 9 20 a. in., 11 50 and 4 20 p. in., and arrive at Bhenaudoah at 7 SO, 10 12 a. in.. 12 52, 5 17 p. in. Leave Shenandoah for Pottsville, St. Clair. New Castle, Morea and New Boston, 7 SO and 10 12 a. in , 12 62 and 6 17 p. in. Leave Pottsville for Shenandoah, 9 45 a. m., 12 33,505,8 15 p. in. Leave Hazleton for Shenandoah, 9 SO a. m., 12 45, 5 09, 6 Ml, 8 81 p. m. SUNDAY THAINS, Trains leave for Ttaven Hun, Centralis, Mt. Carniel and Bhamokin, 9 18 a, iu., 7 21 p. in , Trains leave Bhauioklu for bheuandoah at 8 50 a. ra.. and 5 85 p. m. Leave Shenandoah for Yatesvllle, Mahanoi City, Park Place, Delano, McAdoo, Audenrled Hazleton, Stockton, Lumber Yard, Weatberl; and Mauch Chunk, 9 47 a in., and 0 82 p. in. For Lehlghton, Blatlngton, Catasauqua, WhIW Hall, Coplay, Allentown, Easton and Phillips burg, 9 47 a. m., and 6 32 p. in. For New York vi Philadelphia, 47 . m. Leave Ilazlet. )?ieuaadoah, HBO, a. in. and 6 27 p. in. h. 11. UUTTEU, BupL Transportation, South Bethlehem, Pa. ItOLUN II. WILllUIt, Gent. Supt., South Ilrthlchrm, Pa. OUARLKS 8. LEU, Uml. Pass. Airt.. New York, N, Y. A. W. NONNEMACHKH, l)lv. P. A., South licthloheui, Pa. 1 BUr 1 Vi Yonng women liavo you over said that? You're talking for your poor, sick kid neyB. Something wrong or you wouldn't bo or feel "dead tired" Young folks in good health don't feel that way No, indeed I Get your kidneys in" healthy shape Tako ffi HI, S7i oi vitality, swelling in limbs or ; si a Chemists, Springfield, Ohio. KIRLIN. AHUSEHENTS. Ferguson's Theatre. JAS. H. QUINH, Manager. One rMlght Only. THURSDAY, SEPT. 28, '99. Tom McIntosh's "II III Mcintosh & Davis, Proprietors. All that is refined and .musing In the renlmof colored theatricals presented uy TJIIK1 COLORED STAltS. Mr, and Mrs, Tom Mcintosh, the Royal Entertain ers; Tom Brown, Character Mimic ; 1'earl Woods, Marvelous Contortionist & Philtpino lWefoot Dancer; Perrin, Dudley & Taylor, the Kings and Queens of Fun ; Deas Wilson, Ulack Moguls of Comedy ; DUie Quartette ; Madam Iiohee, the Cuban Melba. Grand Scenic, Electrical and Calcium Effects. THE COOLER DANCE, The Latest Sensation. OPERA A LA RAG-TIME. Presented originally hy this company. The latest musteal novelty. PRICES : - 25, 35, 50 and 75 Cents. Reserved seats at Klrlln'n drug store. Ferguson's Theatre, JAS. H. QUIN1T, Manacer. MONDAY, OCTOBER 2, '99 One Night Only! That Big Bunch of Fun, ) UI I1L II I Villi) Funniest Farce Comedy ever Conceived. Headed by the KING OF COMEDIANS, CnttlLES F. EDWMDi assisted by a Merry Company of Farciers. 5 FUNNY COMEDIANS. 20 ALVSTAR ARTISTS. 3 HOURS SOLID LAUGHTER New and Up-to-Dale - - Songs and Dances. PRICES : - - 25, 35 and 50 Cts. ltcservcdTeats at Klrlln's ilruir store. ferguson's Theatre, J. n. QUINH, Manager. ONE: MIGHT ONLY ! Tuesday, Oct. 3rd, '99. EVERYTHING NEW BUT THE NAME. choppo run Dros.c Dill In tho Bcreanilntt farce Shenandoah Borough Council In Session. NEW I NOVEL I ORIGINAL Ited hot ragtime specialties and dances. Grand First Part. Elaborate stage setting, representing the ilecle on hoard the battleship Oregon, Watch for the Grand Street Parade. $1.00 Worth of Amusement for 10, 20 and 30c.