Cl - mir- i . L TWO LIVES. Upon the 1 strength and condition of an expectant moth er depend not only her own life but the life and perfection of her child. MOTHER'S FRIEND will overcome all ills peculiar to the period preceding childbirth, and will pre pare the delicato organism directly in volved for the final ordeal. Mother's Friend is not an internal cure-all, but a scientific liniment unproved py ja$eal authority and established by years of luccesnful use. Sold by druggists for i. Valuable book, "Before Baby la Bora," scewftoe cn application. THE dRADFIELD REQUUTOR 00., Atlanta. Qa. UNCLE SAM'S HOT BATHS. TUB HOT SPUIN08 OP ARKANSAS VIA. Si'UTHEltN RAILWAY. Will erudhitto fr.)m your system tlio linger ing etl'ecUi r grip and other ailments caused by the sovcro whiter, anil malaria, rheuma tism, neuralgia, catarrh, stomach, klducy, ilvcr and ihtvous disorders, parttlysis, blood aud skin dlseasos, and chronic and func tional derangements. Tlio mountain tii.nato of Hot Springs Is cool and delightful in summer. 100 hotels open the year around. For Illustrated literature, containing all information, address C. F. Cooley, Mauagor Ilutsness Men's League, Hot Springs, Ark. For reduced oxcursion tickets aud par ticulate of the trip, address W. A. Turk, Gcn'l Pass. Agt., Southorn By,, Washington, D. C, or C. Ii. Hopkins, District Passenger Aeont. 828 Chestnut St.. Fhlla., Pa. G-l-4in On Ever; Bottle Of Shlloh's Cousumptloti Cure Is this ciiar autco : "All wo ask of you Is to use two- thirds of tho contenU of tills bottle faith fully, then 1( yon can say you aro not benefited return the bottle to your druggist and ho may refund tho price paid." Price 25 cts.. 50 cts. and J1.00. Sold by P. D. Kirllu on a guarantee Florida Short Line. The Now York ana Florida Express, via Southern Railway, leaving liroad street station, Philadelphia, dally at 5:3J p. m. carries through Pullman slooping ca-s to Augusta and Savannah, Qa., Jacksonville and Tampa, Pla., via Charlotte and Columbia. This is tbo short lino and most attractive route to points in Georgia and Florida. All Information cheerfully furnished by Charles L. Hopkins, District Passenger Agent, 828 Chcstuut street, Philadelphia. NERVITA PILLS ncslorcs Vitality. Lost Vleor and Manhood. Cure3lmpotency, NichtEmissionsand wastinff diseases, all effects of self 5 abuse, or excess anu muis cretion. A ncrvo tonic and iiinml lmililor. Brines the pplnk glow to pale cheeks ana restoras the fire of youth, v mail COc per box, C boxes for 2.f5(): with a written Guaran tee to euro or refund tlio money. Send for circular. Address, NERVITA MEDICAL CO. Clinton A. Jackson Sts., CHICAGO, ILL. SolJ lit Klrllu's limit store, Hhenandonh, I'n. HUMPHREYS' Witch Hazel Oil fTITT?!! rT-VTlTI7''VT. flnp Annllmtinn fillPC: Rplipf which settled on her lungs; she was treated will continue uutll November 30tli, arrange UIIC A-yillAUlUH UIVCO p"c'' for a month by her family physician, but grew meats have been made by tlio Passenger Do- mmmm mmm , i , .. I f .l,tt 11.tla,lnTnlil.i .t' Pn.l.lltit. It cures riles or Hemorrhoids External or Inter nal, Wind or BleodIng,ltclilngorlumlng,l1ssures and Fistulas. Relief Immediate euro certain. It cures Hums, Scalds and Ulcerations and Con tractions from Burns. Tlio Relief Instant healing wonderful. It euros Torn. Cut or Lacerated Wounds and Uralses. It cures Bolls, Carbuncles, Felons, " Itunrounds," Dicers, Old Sores, Itching Eruptions, Scurfy or Scald I lead. It cures Inflamed or Caked Breasts and Sore Nipples. Invaluable. It cures Salt Rheum, Totters, Scurfy Eruptions, Chapped Hands, Fever Blisters, Sore Lips or Nostrils. Corns, Bunions, Soro and Chafed Feet, Stings ot Insects, Mosquito Bites and Sunburns. Throo SizeB, 25c, 60c. and $1.00 Sold by Druggists, or sent pre-paid on receipt of price. HUMPHREYS' MED. CO.. Cor. William & John Hl MSW VOUK. dSb KL..1.....J. Ulamom! nrand. Uru.rl.t tar tJjicAe.ur Snalita wa-t, iboie.. ...11 wtlb Din nuDoii. no othrr. (" V'i'.l'.o la .tame, for n.rltouUn. IMlIraonlM ..a "Ufller 'or r.Jlf." "" '"? -"rlchMlerciemiealC.MivrtUBus"-. OJdlij lU Local UiumI.'". ruiirtua, . This Hot Weathers Une needs a cooling beverage that will gently tone up tne system wnue it quenches the thirst. Xiauer's Beer and Porter Just touches the spot. They are cooling, satisfy ing and invigorating. These brews will be furnished in case lots for family use by applying to Christ. Schmidt, Agent and Bottler, 203 W. Coal Street SPENANDOAH RA Tho Rosv Froshnosa And a velvety soltuess of the skin Is lnva- riuuiy outainea by luarswhouse Fozzomi'i i wuuipiexiou 1'owuer. it visit n Mexico's Prosidont Will Not At tend the Obioago Oolobrationi VAEISOALWILL REPEE8ENT HIM. On Aooonnt oftlio IttnoM of Ills Wife tlio Chief Mnatfttrnte of Our NetHli- borttiH Itepubtlo Will Sond Ills Min ister ot Forotijn AITntrsi. Chicago, Sept. 2G.A dispatch ro- telved last night from the City of Mexico srvb: President Diaz cannot go to Chicago, on account ot tho ill ness of his wlfo. He has appointed Ignnclo MarUcal, minister of foreign relations, to go as his representative. Another City or Mexico aispaicn says: President Uiar toaay exprosseu deep regret that he must forego tho pleasure of the trip wnisn no nau looked forward to with koen desire. He had hoped to meet the leading men of the neighboring republic and felt that the occasion would be of much benellt to both countries. Whllo tno Illness ot Mmo. Diaz has all along placed a degree of uncertainty about the plans of the president for his northern Journey. It was Hoped until yesterday that her condition might Im prove sufficiently to allow president DIaE to be absent. Bo strong was this expectation that yesterday the senate again look up the matter of the pro posed visit ana increased me amount ot tho appropriation for the expenses of the president and his party to 1E0,- 000. The former appropriation was $100,000. It was shortly after this ac tion that the announcement of the change in President Dlan's plans was announced. The dlBnatches have causod greatdls- appolntment to the committee appoint ed to welcome President Diaz, and to the citizens generally. The most elab orate preparations had been made to make the Mexican president's recep tion a' moat notable one, arrangements having been perfected to have him mot at the border of each state through which his train passed by the governor of that state, who would then act as one of President Diaz's esoorts to Chi cago. It Is supposed the same cour tesies will be extended to Minister Martscal, but tho absence of President Diaz himself win put a damper on the festivities. CALAMITIES IN INDIA. EartliqliRk oh, fioohh nun i.nndiiden Clnl ,1m Many Victims. Calcutta. Sept. 26. Earthquakes, floods and terrible landslides occurred . t .. rknlnAll.irr 1.1 Ilia I nui.F Himaia r. suT.daVt. Greatam. age was done, and no fewer than 60 natives perished. There was a rain- fall of 28 inches In 38 hours. Three bad landslides took place between parjeoriing and Sonada .involving ; the passengers. According to the latest rrnns-HiiiniiiHiiL ui u. iuiivyuy titiin uu. renorts nine European cuuuren auu twenty natives wero lost between those two nolnts. The whole Calcutta road is blocked and the Paglajnora lino has been seriously damaged. About a thousand acres of tea nave been destroyed from Jalapahar to Durchlll. At the latter place spme 3.000 feet of water supply pipe hays been ruined. Tlio electric piani uaa suffered seriously and tho town Is in darkness. There is great fear of fur ther rain. A dispatch from Jalpaiguri, on the Hlver Teesta, 40 miles southwest of Darjeellng, says that n boat crossing the Teestn. with three Kuropoans ana six natives, was swamped by the high waves. Tho body of one of Its oc cupants has been found 14 miles down the river. Remarkable Rescue. Mrs. Michael Curtain. Plalnfield, III., maL-et Hi slutpment. that she caueht cold, worse, lie tola ner sue was a uo(iecBi viu- tim of consumption and that no medicine could cure her. Her druggist suggested Dr. King's New Discovery for consumption j she bought a bottle and to her delight found her- self benefitted from first'dose. She comtinued ;c ... nml oltr inkintr siv bottles, found her- self sound and well ; now does her own housework, and is as well as she ever was. Frre trial bottles of th s Ureat Discovery at A. Wasley's Drug Store. Large bottles 50 cents anil pi. 00, I'orto IMi'o'h Stoi-ni Victims. Washington, Sept. 2C Luis Caos Soto, or Ai-pclbo, I'orto Itlco, saw Sec retary Uijot yesterday, and today had iHi..,.niir ...III. Aaalatntit Rpprntnrv Melklejohn regarding the condition of thn storm sufferers In his municipality, which suffered more severely than any other section. Threo hundred families nre now without shelter, and hi? oh- ject is to procure from the relief fund an allowance to build homes for these neonle. Heretofore all lunus raisen jjave been expended for food supplies. Takes the burn out: heals the wound j cures the pain. J)r. Thomas' Eclectric Oil, the household remedy. Hlirlmr Wuu'os For I.ulto Sullorn. Cleveland! Sept. 26. As a result of (t meeting of the executive committee of the Lake carriers' association, neia yesterday afternoon, the wages of nearly 1C.000 men employed on vessels of the great lakes will be rallied from 10 to 20 per cent, beginning Oct. 1. This Includes 2,000 engineers, who de manded an advance oi iz,4 per cent and threatened to strike should it not be conceded. Instead ot me lzft per cent n8kea for w the engineers they will reclva an advance of 20 per cent, How Is Your Wife Has she lost her beauty T If so, Constipa tion, Iudlgcstion, Sick Headache are the principal causes. Karl's Clover Hoot Tea has cured these ills for half a century. Price 25 cts. and 50 eta. Money refunded if results aro not satisfactory. Bold by P. I). Kirlln on a guarantee. Clilcnconns vValtlnir Kor hewejr. New York. Sept. 26. E. It. Brain erd, of Chlcngo, secretary of the com- mlttee of 1B0 appointed by the common council of that city to visit New York and extend an invitation to Admiral .P . .. ...... nu. l l ! n uewey to visit v.. wbu, "''- ...v. ..... Tin PHV T4 r IlIlllllMlLl HUB CaiaUll.ll- ed headnuartors at tne uusey itouse. and there he will be joined tomorrow liv Mnvnr Harrison and others. The letter of welcome is a very handsome affair, and is printed on vellum. Chi- cago's representatives will view the naval parade from the steamer City of Lawrence, Does Tills Strike Ton ? Muddy complexions, Nauseating breath Mine from clironlo constipation, ivarisi Clover Boot Tea Is an absolute cure and has been told for fifty years on an absolute guarantee. Price 85 cU. and 60 cts. Sold by I P. 1). Klrlln on a guarautoe. "OOtO dubT'' - The Kitchen &trk Should not breed diseases like typhoid fever or malaria. It will not if you use Gold Dust regularly. Send tor fraa booklet "Golden Itntee for Homework " TIIGN.K. FAIRBANK COMPANY Citcifo St. Loots NewYork Boitos WHERE DIRT GATHERS, WASTE RULES." GREAT SAVING RESULTS FROM THE USE OF SAPOLIO WIOTT'S PENNYROYAL ol menstruation." xney nre "Allans SAViiilia" to girls at womanhood, aiding development of organs and body. No known remedy for women equals them. Cannot do harm Ufa becomes n pleasure $1.00 VKll 1JOX MY MAIL. Sold by druggists. DIt. MOTT'S CHEMICAL CO., Cleveland, Ohio. For Sale toy R. A. Houck. SI 000 COR any case of Hay Fever, 1 or Influenza that BRAZILIAN BALM will not cure, it Erections are followed. No person, not even the Greatest r - .l - i,fc; ii i)nr tr mnlrre i- i i .1 do a ' 1 1 ta t i i TV t i we did not know that BRAZILIAN BALM is a quick, posi- tive. and oermanent cure. Thompson Foster, of Wilminp-- . nl coo . tl ff,l ouya . a oi.i..v.... for ten Vears. Then I Used cured me in three days. TI,ot xn.n. had It Since. BRAZILIAN BALM IS a WOnderllll remedy , i pvi-vrlnrr Hint r-Lnlmcrl fnt- t " W 1mv, 1,,,,, r .. - ...... dreds of such testimonials. We will give a reward in the case of Asthma. For sale by drucrgists. koc and Si.oo a bottle, or sent if you mention . . B. F. JACKSON & CO., Manufacturing Chemists, -Shenandoah Drug: Store, Wholesale and Retail Agents. l'liii.AWKr.riii.v & HUAiiiNd i:ouh- SION TICKETS TO NATIONAL KXI'OKT EXPOSITION. In order to properly accommodate tho lame numbers of people who will desiro to attend the National Export Exposition which opened September 14th nt Philailelpliia and i"o" . Railway for the salo of excursiun tickets from its principal ticket ollices, including a coupon or aumission to rue imposition, These tickets will bo on salo from Septom. ber 13th to November Ruth, good to roturn until December 4th. For any further on nearest Philadelphia & ltcadiug Ticket Agent or aouress uisou j. ueess, uuu. iuaa3uBui Agent, Philadelphia, Do You Know Consumption la preventable? Sclenco has proven that, aud also that neglect Is suicidal. The worst cold or cough can ho cured with Shlloh's Cough and Consumption Curo, Sold on posltlvo guarantee for ovor fifty years. Sold by P. D. Klrlln on a guarantee, - c-ominc uveitis, Sept. 29. Grand concert to he given by tlio Lotus Qleo Club, of Pottsville, assisted by iocal talent, In tho Win. 1'enn SI. E. church, 0ct 4,v0lsh Haptlst twenty-sixth annual supper lu Itobblns' opera houso. Oct. 30. First annual ball of tho Shen andoah Base Ball Club In Bobbins' hall. lffllAlflrJa4unfurtunftt"uareriftwn AlllIClUU PrlTkMdlHMei, ltlooJ 1'ulMn, Youthful Lrrort, Lot VlitUtj Varicocele, eti. end fgr Hrorn TettlmonlitU and Itook Traib" uVrof, U, JV, 'yilW.U M. !, 1. loULrelr tbt air to UmL La aara tfin Ihouih lha mutt MlebrftUrd Deo 1 CTT T T Tt T T T T Y'T laYllBia iBilOl. m millKIDSlIU IU11V 1 I UIB I1UUII waj. rrrrr Keystone State Normal School, KUTZTOWN, PA. The (all term of this (anions training school tor touchers will open August 28, 1809. Su perior advantages aro offered io vounGT men and women preparing for teaching, col. lege, or business. The butld Ingsare all new, containing spacious and comfortable rooms (or students, roomy re citation halls, steam heated tliroiighout,aii( supplied with tlio Intent Old best Unlitlng and sanitary appliance. Hetore choosing u school secure a cotaloxuo ot the jg j& S i& x R Keystone Normal rtcuool. nMl U fi. SChae Gf. Pu. D D. D S4 1 b ... n m ...... . . 15 , t 4 rmnurAL. g a 1 rUIIUII IUIUIUIHWVII, MHIIUIiUVIV.) ...II I... ,!.... 1 ...... ... vT address & KEYSTONE STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, S S KUTZTOWlf. PA. 1 i iiLWlM Fein w if m naut t UI4 lUUalvV ( (MsaMaMMSMaaMManstaaaasss Ml I with 'Cuaj l'isinTtoy- .maiinl Altravibu U U iitt uttur Lb -id i ti ft iij )stdM.UtM. '1 Coital 1 XI "OOLD DOST." PILLS They overcome Weak ness, irregularity and omissions, increase vis or and banish "rains Cold in the; Head, Rose Cold cnrli nn nffii- nni wnnlrl iun 1 1 I ,:rU Mn IT,,,,,,.. ,.. o J . ltl- a """"" BRAZILIAN BALM which ;., ,qq -,.,,1 1 l,ow in iuu cii.u i "an- ntvu this paper. . . Indianapolis, Ind. B RAILROAD. BCntJYKILL DIVISION July 1, 18N Trains will leave HheiianUoah alter Ine aoovt datofor WlRgau, (lllbertou, Kraekvllle. Dark Water. St. Clair, Pottsville. Hamburg, Kedlnt roiLMiown, I'lioenixvuie norristown a d Phil adelphia (lir'nd street station) at 819 and 8 06 a. m., 1 10, 0 10 p m. on vreefc days. Sundaya 8 m a. m., i 20 p. m. Trains leave Frackvllle (or Shenandoah s1 7 so, 11 IS a.m. and S So, 7 80 p. m. Sundav 11 01 a. m. and 9 86 p. ni. Iavo Pottsville (or Shenandoah (via FracV vine; i iu, ii m a. m., o iu, y iu p. m. sunua: 10 33 a. m.. S 10 d. m. Leave Philadelphia, (Broad street station), lo .-lutrmuutmii nnua, m., iu p. ro. weec aay, Sundays leave at 6 RO and 9 23 a. ni. Leave Philadelphia (Broad street station) (ol Pottsville, 6 80, 8 SS, 1019 d. ra., 180, i 10,711 p. in. weekdays. Sundays. 6 SO, 9 23 a. m, and 8 oi p iu. Leave Broad Street Station, Philadelphia, FOll NEW YOItK. nsnress IVeck-davi. 8 20. 4 OS. 4 io. S 00. a is 6 60,7 38,8 03, 9 00, 1021, li 00, iH3am, 12 00 noon, 12 33, Limited '100 and 22 pm, 143. so, 4 02. a oo, 5M.fioo, 7 02, io, centratlon of troops, urge the govern ,0o?yV,? Uent to adjourn the raad Immediately iuuuuin,i:i am. A is. s "n i a i on j ivt r r i i a t rwi'i m n,t ..2. . 7?'i10,.1000,i.m,120in,8h'-.... Kor Boston without chanire. 11 01 a na. wiwlr. days, and 8 10 p. m., dally, Cataltlll Express Parlor car), 11 00 a m week days. . v. i-v.. i,,., ..Bui.,; ml.. WTHn UniTD, Ixing Urancli, i 05, 6 60, 8 SO, 1 HI a m, 2 43, 3 80, 1,'. UAn fit. 1 -I . . . T n rt a un p m weeituays : ouu p m riaturdays only. '$JiJal$0I"!?t 'ntrlkenforAsburyPark1, For Lamberivl le. Kuston and Rcrantnn. a sn 9 00 a m, 12 00 noon, 8 52, 5 00 (Lambertrllle and Kaatononly), weekdays, and TO p m dally HuHuto, 0 00 a m, 12 00 noon weekdays, and 7 M p tn dally. Mount I'ocono special, 103 p m Saturdays WASHINGTON AND TUB SOUTH. For Baltimore and Washington, 8 50, T 30, 8 82, 10 20, 11 23 a m, 12 09, 12 36, 1 12, 8 13, 4 41 13 29 Congressional Lira. J, S 34, 6 17, 8 65, 7 81 p. m, and 12 03 night weekdays. Sundays, 8 M, 7 20, 912, 1123am, 1209, ! 12, S 12, 4 41 20 0on- areMiuuai 1.1111.J, D H, 'g a, Ol p 111 ana 13 OS nlcht. Kor Baltimore, accommodation, 9 12 a m. 1 62 and 4 01pm week days, 6 OS and 11 18 p m dally siiim.iv bu.ui wuo. uiuma-uw d m. anu U 03 ntgbl, daily, Boutbern liallwav. ICxpresa 3 81 and W t m. dally. Norfolk and Western llallway (or Memphli auu iww vricuiia,ooa p m uaiiy. wuesapeaae uuio ttauway, 781 pm, dally For Old l'olnt Comfort and Norfolk, 10 21 a m weeKdays. 11 10 D m dally. iave juariei street wnarl ax follows : Ex. uresa for New York. 0 00 a m. SO n m wKk. days. For Long Branch via Seaside Park, 1 10 h in, 1 80 and 1 00 p m week-daya. Sundays I stops at Interlakeo tor Aabury Park, 7 SO a m. 'orUcacli Haven and llarnegat City. 9 10am und 4C0 D m weekdays: ISO n m Saturdava only. Sundays, 7 SO am. For Tuekerton, 9 10 a u. i it., lujjjui wceauaya. FOll ATLANTIC CITY. Iave Broad street station via Delaware rlvi bridge lSxprcsa, 4 S3, 1 10 B0 minutes a m, St 183 inlnutesi, s M IM mlnuteal.T 03 p tn Hnndaya. 4 33, 020 so minutes a.m. reaa. fi CO I 830, (73 minutes). 1000 (73 minute, a m, (100 I 800 175 minuted. 8 80 (M mlnutal. i on l(t '.tJur. i ...inuti) 4 80 (73 mlnutea), B M M mlnutesL . m tR nilnnlu n n. U, H -... rtrt M n. I i"" . 5 80 IS3 minutes I p m. Sundays, BOO, 7 SO 173 minutes, 8 00 73mlnutes,88073mlnuteal, 0CO 173 minutes, 10 00 70 minutes a.m., and 4 SO 73 mlnutcsj p. m. 81.00 Kicuislou train, 1 00 um week-days. Sundays, 7 00 and 780 a m. tesJ.wfJmffitLh For uapeaiay, AnRirsca, wuawoid. Holly Beach l!ipress.900 m, 2 SO, 4 03 lOOmlnutos, auu p ill weea-uaya. Dunuas, HOJ a in. iol Cape May only, 1 30 p m Suturdaya. 11,00 Ex. curslon train. 700 a. m. dally. For Sea Isle City, Ocean City, Avalon and Stone Harbor Express 9 10 am, 2 80, 4 20, 3 00 pm weekdays. Sundays, 8 30 a m. 11-00 Kxtui- alon train. 700 a m dally. For Somers' Point Express, 5 00,8 80.1000 a ro, (100 Saturdays only, 2 00, 8 00, 4 00, BOO, 8 80 p m weekdays. Sundaya, 8 00, 8 CO, 9 00 and 10 00 a ro, s uu p m. The Union Transfer Company will eall Ini and cheek baggage from hotels and residence, ninlmr Car I, 11 lll'K IllNMJN, Ueu'l Manager, J. U. Wooo Ueu'l PaaYg'i Agt Cn tho Long Drawn Out Contro versy Witb tho Transvaal. 10ME QUESTIONS OF VORACITY. looph riiiiinliKrliiln Outrun Trnnw- vnn! ItoprxniMitntlvuH With KnlHo- hiiocl-SoiiiH'rriiiiHviuil onicilnln I'nvor a Domiintl AnnliKt Mfinilltiu Trnopx. London, Sept. 20. The oillclnls of .he foreign odlco last evening gave out he text of the letter of the secretary 3f state for tho colonies, Mr. Clmm jcrlaln, to the Drltlsh high commls iloner, Sir Alfred Mllner, dated Sept. 22. The DrltlBh reply expresses ro- rret that her majesty's olfor No. 6, Df Sept. 8, had been refused, and says: "The object her majesty's govern ment had in vlow in the recent negotia tions has been stated in a manner which catinot admit of misapprehen sion, viz., to obtain such substantial and Immediate representation for the outlnndera na will enable them to se cure for themselves that fair and just treatment which was formally prom ised them In 1881, and which her ma jesty Intended to secure for tham when she granted privileges of self govern ment to tho Transvaal. No conditions less comprehensive than those con tained In the telegram of Sept. 8 can be relied on to effect this object. Tho refusal of the South African govern ment to entertain the offer thus mado, coming as tt does after four months of protracted negotiations, themselves the climax of five years ot extended agitation, makes It useless to further pursue the discussion on tho lines hitherto followed, and the tmporlal government Is now compelled to con sider tho situntlon afresh and formu lato its own proposals for n final Bat tlement of the Issues which have been created in South Africa by the policy constantly followed for many years by the government or South Africa. They will communicate the result of their deliberations In a lator dispatch." In a Inter communication, dated Sept. 22, tho Imperial government takes up tho charge of breach of faith insinuated by secretary of state Reitz Sept. ic. 'which we cannot pass ovor aava: -ThB nmnnanu iniwi w tim South African reuubllc In Its letters of Aug. 19 and 20 were not Induced by BUBge"tlons gIven by the Brltlgh ng0I;t from the stato attorney, as claimed "On the contrary, the stato attorney sounded the British agent, both In writing and In conversation, ns to the conditions on which the imperial gov- ,nmnllt wnlllrl wnlvn tlm Invltnllnn n a Joint Inquiry, and the result of these communications was the proposals made uy tne Boutn African govern ment In these letters. It is Impossible that the South African government could have had any doubt as to tho Imperial government's answer to tho conditions named, and my reply was actually the same us the British agent had foreshadowed to tho stato attor ney, and which, therefore, the South African government must have an ticipated in making the proposals. Tho Imperial government also de nies that Its telegram of Sept. 8 sub stltuted an entirely new proposal for the Invitation to the Joint commission of inquiry. The Imperial government then Quotes the dispatch from South Africa, of Aug. 19 containing an alternative proposal identical with that which the Imperial government is said ta bavo substituted, and the communication then proceeds as follows "The Imperial government sees no ground for misapprehension on the part of the South African republic na fo Us answer regarding non-interfer ence and suzerainty, as the Imperial government had already stated that it would not press for the appointment of a high Joint commission of inquiry, In view ot the fact that such an In' qulry would, in the opinion of the government of the South African re public, prejudice the right of full In dependence repeatedly recognized by jue imperial government, "AB to tne use ot tnu Hngllsn lan guage In the volksraad, the Imperial government regnrds this as reasonable, and is astonished that the government of tho South African republic should deem it unnecessary and make a point of denying that the government of the South African republic ever proposed the same to the British agent," A special dispatch from Pretoria says that the members or the volka raad, believing that the British notes are intended to gain time for the con- anrl tn ootid riran i Tlrltnln a unto rtn. a nute uu claring that further mobil mobilization will be regarded as an unfriendly act. Trenches, earthworks and sand ban; defenses are being erected lu all the available approaches to the capital, 41 IB reporieu irom rreioria mat Commandant General Joubert reckons uu jo.uuu i raiitsvaui iruupa, io.uuu irom ine urange r ree state, s.uuu irom Cape Colony, 2,000 from Natal and 6,000 Hollander, German and other vol unteers. Volcanic Eruptions AreRrand, but Skin Eruptions rob lile of ioy. uucklen s Arnica halve cures them also Old, Running and Fever Sores, Ulcers, lioils, relons, Corns, warts, Cuts, liruises, Hums, bauds. Chapped Hands, Llnlblains, Hest Pile cure on earth Drives out I'ainS and Aches. Only 2Scts. a boif, t ure guaranteed. Sold by A. wasley drugjjist. MlHtook .'i(ho1Iihi For Korosono. Boston, Sept. 26. Nine people were badly burned, one probably fatally, ata nre 111 u lodging hoube In the south end last night. The following are In the City hospltnl: Mrs. Itena Ilutler, who Is on the danger list; Mrs. Sarah B. Lovelace, Miss Lillian Tyrrell. Hewitt Lovelace, Waverley Greene and Chesterfield Stewart. Others burned are MUs Anna Tyrrell, Robert Love lace und Andrew Lovelace. The flre was due to the explosion of gasoline, wnicn mru. miner was niling lamp, mistaking It for kerosene oil. witn wnicn Mrs. uutier was tilling a Does Coffee Agree With Tout '"1 """" ""'" " l' grains. A lady writes! "The first time I made Gfai I did not like it but after using It lor one week nothing would induce rae to go back to coQee." It nourishes and feeds the system. The children can drink it freely with great benefit. It is the strengthening substanceof pure grains. Get a package to day from your grocer, follow the directions in making it and you will have a delicious ind healthful table beverage for old and young. 15c. and 25c. Ask your grocer tor the "Eoyal Patent flour, aud tako no other brand. It Is tho best flour mad. DIQ PRICES FOR DEWEY PARADE. Ilmvnnl OiMiltl I'avi Thr Hundred Dollnro I'or n Wnlilnrf-AMorln Ho. New York. Sept. 28. Knormous price hav been paid for good po iltlons from which to view the Dewey land parade. Hear Admiral Schley has engaged a box at th Hotel Majentlc, aa has alao the widow ot Captain Uridley, the officer In command of the Dlympia during tne name witn jioh- teju'R fleet and the forts ot Cavltc. Others who have encaged boxes there are Governor Uushnell of Ohio, II. M. Klagtar and Adjutant Oeneral Stewart of Pennsylvania. Governor ltoosevelt and family will witness the parade from the Fifth Avenue hotel. A stand has been erected lu front of the Vanderldlt mansion on Fifth ave nue by the family, and 20 guests will be accommodated. Howard Gould hag paid $300 for a box at the Waldorf Astoria. Miss Muurlel Wilson, or Eng land, has also rented a box. Among the Phltadelphlans who have engaged Waldorf-Astoria boxes aro Mayor Ashbrldsje, who has taken three; Barclay Warburton, Mitchell larrlson, C. A. Porter, Jr., and 12. S. Cramp, of the shipbuilding firm. Veterans of the Spanish-American war will march on the day of thp land parade as the Manhattan provisional regiment. Colonel John Jacob ABtor will command. The regiment will fol low the visiting national guard or ganizations. KNKZEVIC EXECUTED. Amnllant arKx-Klnir Mllitu Mot Dentil liy Sliouttuir. Del grade, Sept. 20. The court yes terday morning rendered judgment in the case of the prisoners charged with the attempted assassination of former King Milan of Servla on July C, when he was shot by a Bosnian named Kne- zevlc. Knezevlc and Palsltch, the leaders of the conspiracy, wero sen tenced to death; ten others were con demned to 20 years Imprisonment, one to nine years' Imprlsonmout and seven to Ave years Imprisonment. Six of the men on trial wero acquitted. Jvnezvlc wim shot publicly yostor- aoy niternoon in the presence ot a large crowd. After the sentences wero rend Palsltch was Informed that Klnc Alexander had pardoned him. In view of the absence of trustworthy evidence the finding of tho tribunal is the subject of general condemnation. DANOUR AVCRTCD. Tf a man should cross a deadlr snate In his pathway, he would quickly crush it beneath his heel before it could sink its poisonous fangs into his flesh. He would not step out of the way and temporize with tne aangerous reptile. Aud yet how many peo ple are there who temporize with a still more deadly enemy consump- tlon. Like a silent serpent, it glides alone almost unno ticed. First a cold. or sore throat, then a light cough, then ca tarrh, then bronchitis. then bleeding from the lungs and bnally death. The way to crush out the threatening evil is to fortify the system and purify the blood with Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discov ert-. Every weakness and abnormal condi tion that precedes consumption is cured by this non-alcoholic remedy. At the first sign of derangement of stomach, liver and blood, look out I It is only a question of time until the lungs will be attacked through the impure blood, aud then the danger will be most deadly. It should be known to every sick person that Dr. R. V. Fierce win give carelully con. siuered, fatherly, professional advice by mail to all who write him at Buffalo, N. Y. No charge or lee ot any nature is asked. 'I am a railroad agent." writes I. B. Staolrs. Esq., of Barclay. Oaage Co., Kans., "ami four years ago. my work keeping me in a warm room rave me uronemtts, wnicn oecame enronic ana leep seated. Doctors failed to reach ray case. A friend advised me totrv Dr Pierce's medicine. I commenced taking 'Golden Medical Dlvovcrv and by the time I had taken the first bottle I was Deuer ana auer taicing lour uomes my cougn was entirely gone. This was a year ago last winter; and again last winter I took about three Domes to prevent a return oi me irouoie ' An honest dealer will not try to persuade you to take a worthless substitute In place of the "Golden Medical Discovery" for the sake of a little added prom. POLITICAL CARDS. yOTE FOlt WN. S. LEIB, OF ASHLAND. FOR I'UQTI IONOTARY. yOTE FOH FRANK R. KANTNER, OF LOFTY. FOR COUNTV COMMISSIONER. yOTK FOlt HORACE F. RABER, OF 1'INKaitOVB. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. yOTE FOB THOMAS J. HIGGINS, OF SHENANDOAH. FOR CLERK OF THE COURTS. fTOTK FOB M. A. CAREY, FOR r ROT! IONOTARY. ITOTE FOR FRANK C. REESE. Ok Siibnandoau. FOR COUNTY REGISTER. OTE FOB JOHN T. SHOENER, FOR CLERK OF THE COURTS, yms fob CHARLES E. BERGER, FOR DISTRICT ATTORNEY. yOTE FOB EMANUEL JENKYN, Present Incumbent. FOR RECORDER OF DEEDS. A Handsomo Comnlexlon Is one ol the greatest charms a woman can I possess 1'oxzoNi'a CouruixiOK Powcual IlllU The GureljaiOures Coughs, Colds, Grippe, Whooptnpj CouRh, Aettimo Dronohltlo and Inolplont Consumption, Is 1C fjEBMAH REMEDY" Curt VWoA m! uta A'vae.'ae.M. Tin's why thy enjoy their OOPrUB. Any grocer mo tell yam why emloaacrs kMpcoalagb.rk (ar SIJIStJG'i. OtiII aa, aaaalafa. PROFESSIONAL CARDS M.nonKK, ATTORNEY -AT-LAW. Onlce Kffan bulldlnr. corner ot Main an. Centre streets, Hhenandoah. J CLAUDE UltOWN, ATTORNEY-AT-LANV. I Odlce: Cor. Centre and White streets, nex to Justice Toomey's ofllce. Q UltUlII.KIt, XI. I)., PHYSICIAN AND SUROBON. No. B0 ljwt Lloyd Htrcet. Olllce hours: 8 to 9 a. m. ! 1 to 1 n. m. I 7 to II p. m. )UOr JOHN JONKa, MUSICAL INSTRUCTOR, lock Rox 63, Mahanoy City, Pa. Havlnr studied under aomn nf ih h.l masters Id London aud I'arls, will give lessons on the vlolln.mandolln. vuliar and vm..i i,iii.r Terms reasonable. Address In care ot Btrouse, the leweler Hhenandoah. Philadelphia & Readinq Rfy- Englnes Burn Hard Coal-No Smoke. IN RPFKOT JULY 1, 189. Trul tin leare Hheuandnn.h & f nil nun . Kor New York vU Phllfu.lnr.iR v .u. 4'1ri qa To? n. u ' . - , - .v.UUo, uif tu Ma iu., a a -o, o w nu o ra p. ta. RlKlilava IH sa m r Sundays, 2 10 a m. For New York via Chunk, week days. 7 37 a. m.. 1228 anil 8 OT n. m. Fori For Keadlnir and PhllailAtnlita 2 10, 5 Si, 7 87. 9 S3 a. m., 13 2, 8 09 and 6 09 p. ml Sundaya, 2 10 a m. For 1'ottsvllle, week days, 2 10, 7 37, 9 S3 a. m. 12 28. 3 09. 8 03 and T SO n. m. Hun.l.v. o m . , ForTamaqua and Mananoy City, week days. 2 10, 787, 9 53 a. m., U28. 8 mmuu b, . iu a m. For )Mlltanuport, Sunbury and Lewlsburir. week davs. 327. 11 85 . m 7 i " Sundays, 8 27 m. ' roriiianano) t'lane, weekdays, 210,8 27,334. 787.933,1182 a.m 12 28, 809. 609, 730. 960 p.m. Sundays, 2 10 and 3 27 am. For Ashland and Shamokln, week days, 8 27. 7 87. 11 82 a. m.. 12 5ft H no An? 7n .. o ... 8unday,a.27am. " ' rp' 'iiaitimore. Washington and the West via u. u. tt. inroueh trains lea-i Readlni; TT'n'.l'hlladelphra. (P.AIl.I K.) at 8 20, 13?. m - 8,0 "ni 7.27 p.t. Sundaya 8 20, 7 00, 11 28 a. in.. 8 48 and 7 27 p. m. Addl- nonai trains rrom Twenty-fourth and Chest nut streets atatlnn. Hiv. innrlo M i.w 12 13 8 40 p.m. Sundays, 185, 8 23 n. m. TRAINS FOB SHENANDOAH. Leave New Vnrlr via PMI,llnt.l. days, 1215, 4 80, 780,1180 a. in., and 180.4 80. 9 00 p.m. ' ' win fttw ork via Mauch Chunk, week dayo, 4 80. 9 10 a. ro.. I 80. 4 40 n. m. Leave Phlladelnhla. tlj-AHIn rr-..l-l v- day.,4 80.S88. 10 21 a. m. and 186, 408, 684. it ao p. m. Leave Keadlnir, week days, 187, 7 00. 10 M. a, m., 12 13, 4 17, 6 00, 8 26 p. m. Leave I'ottsvtllo, wees: days. 717. 7 40 a. m. 9 80, 12 80, 1 20, 4 80, 6 10 and 8 50 p. in. w;.tb iBmwiua, wees aays, o is. h bo. 1123 a. m., 1 49, 5 58. 7 9 41 p. m. Leave Mahanoy City, week days, 8 43, 9 04, lllta. Ui., A 4. O S3, O i, i f , 10 OTf p. m Leave Mahanuv Plane, week dava. a 40. 4 m 680. 9 22.10 23,12 00, a. m., 2 89, 5 86, 6 42, tM 10 21pm. ieave wuilausport, week days. 7 42. 1000 a. m 12 84 and 4 00, 11 80 p. m. ATLANTIC CITY DIVISION, Leave PI lladelnhla Chestnut street wharf and South street -friar lor Atlantle City. Wrekdays-Kxpress,8 00,9 0a,10 45a ro, 180, 2 0), 3 00. 13 40 sixty minute, 4 00. 4 SO, 5 00 sixty minutei,5 30, 7 13, p m. Accomodation, 6 15 a in. 5 30, 6 30 p m. Sundays ExurnM. 7 80. 8 00. I 8 30, 0 (JO, 10 00 a m, 4 15, 7 13 p ro. Accommoda- tion, o i j a in, s 4.j p ro. 51. uu excursion 7 00 a tn dally and 7 30 Sundays. Leave Atlantic City Depot: WeekdaysEx. press, 18 15 Monday only, 7 00, 7 43, 1730 from lialtluava. station only, 830, 9 00, 1013, 1100 a in, 3 30, 4 30, 5 30, 7 80, 9 80 pm. Accommo dation 4 3R 8 00 am, 3 60pm. Sundaya Ex press aao, t uu, aou, BOO, S3U. 7 CP, 7 30. 8 0O, 6 30pin Accommodation, 7 13 aro. 4 30 p m, 11 uu Excursion weekdays 6 00pm, Sundays 6 10, For Ocean Clty-Weekdaya-8 43, 9 15 a m, 2 13 4 13, 5 13 p ro Sundays 8 43. 9 Is a ni, 4 4 i p ro. si.uu excursion i uurauay anu nunaay 7 w k in. For Cane Mav and Sea Isle Citv Weekdava 1 9 13 a m,2S0, 4 13 p m. Sundays 8 45 a m 4 43 p m. (1.UU excursion Huiidaya only, 7 00 a m. Aauitionai tor cape Alay Weekdays 34 lam. Sundays 913a in. Parlor Cars on all express trains. Vn. fnvh I r. -.1 . 1 ... . I Philadelphia and Heading llallway ticket agent or add reaa I. A. Bwxjoabd, Eneon J. Wikks, llen'l Hupt., Oen'l Paas'r Agt,. RaadlncTannlnal. Pklladalohla. SOLOMON HAAK Agent for the Famous BERGNER & ENGEL Phila. Stock Ale, Sparkling Still Amber Ale, Bottled Pale Ale. B'.own Stout, Half aucTHalf, Beer and Porter. L0RENZ SCHMIDT'S Mt. Carbon Beer ON TAP At all its customers to-day. Solomon Haak's, 116 South Main Street, Will receive prompt attention. 1