The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, September 26, 1899, Image 2

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"All the News That's Fit to Print,"
Publish!"! rrrty -vrnln, eirept Swndny, M
Houth .Tnrdhi street, ShMinndnoli, ln.
ho Herald Is delivered In Hliennmlrmli and tlio
surrounding town for el wile w ek, ay
able to the cm tier. Hy mall fa.ft) jw, , or
tfl wilts n tnonlh. jmyoblo in advance Ad
vertisements charged nccordlng to space and
pnnitlon. The publishers rewrre tin right
to ilinnge tlie position of ndvertlienieiit"
never the publication of tiewii demand
Tlio right I rcwM-il tn reject any
advenlwinetit, whether pnl'l for or not.
the publisher rony dwm linimnier. Adver
tising rate made known upon application.
ntcred at Hie mt oflle itt Hlieiiamloli, Pa.,
nccoml cla mall nutter.
OUR COUNTRY : First. Last and Forever.
TlIK advertiser wlio neglects tho
newspapers, will regret it when lie
comes to figure ofit results.
Iv you cannot say good of your
neighbor, pay nothing. You'll never
be sorry for the thing you haven't
Partisan mouthing about" the
trusts is a poor apology for an in
telligent nnd prantical treatment of
the subject.
Bi sinkss is so lively in all parts of
the country that the people have no
time for the doleful music of the
calamity howlers.
Thk fool-killer could ilnd many
victims nuiong the fellows who are
predicting Democratic success in j
Si huylkill county this year.
If fusion is successful in the count
ies in which it is tried this year there
will be an attempt to put it in force
in every county in the state next
Wk violate no confidence in saying
that the Democratic county ticket is
doomed to defeat. Loyal Democrats
are not yet ready to vote for traitors
to their cause.
IN no campaign within the pnst
several years in this county have the
Republican candidates received the
support of a more harmonious party
than that being accorded them this
It would be a joke of stupendous
dimensions if M. V. McLaughlin
were elected District Attorney. True,
our friend "Mike" is witty, but the
people demand something more in
the make-up of the county's prosecut
ing attorney.
Thk possibilities for commercial
ereatness is almost beyond compre
hension, when we consider the fact
that the Philippines are the door to
the trade with Asiatic countries
which annually consume more than
a billlou dollars worth of foreign
Thk people of Schuylkill county,
without regard to party considera
tton, are ever ready to reward a faith
f ul public official. It is therefore safe
to assume that Emanuel Jenkyn will
be re-elected Recorder. His opponent
will be surprised at the size of Mr.
Jenkyn's majority.
Thk Republican party of Nebraska,
the home of the great exponent of
free silver, has placed itself fairly on
record as favoring the gold standard
It, is evident that the teachings of
the apostle of the white metal have
failed to convince the members of the
party which stands for honest money,
that the country will go to eternal
smash if silvor at 10 to 1 is not made
the standard of- value in the United
John R. McLkan, the Democratic
candidate for Governor of Ohio, has
been letting himself loose through his
well-arranged literary bureau on the
subject of trusts. Although he is
the principal owner of the gas trust
of Washington, and is uppoeeu' to
virtuully own all of the newspapers
in Cincinnati, he tells us in his usual
breezy way that he and his party are
the only genuine enemis of the so-
called trust monopolies.
Thosk physicians who believe i
the ne of electricity as u healing ele
ment are holding a national conven
tion in Washington. They call them
selves the Eleotro-Therapeutio Asso,
elation. Some of tlie most prominent
physicians of the United States and
Canada are in attenditnee, nnd the
papers read at the meetings possess
deep scientific interest. The society
is one of the first, if not the first, in
the world to reoognize the import
ance of eleotrioity in the treatment
of disease.
Omud Welcome to Admiral Ilewey New
York, Sept. 2U and 30.
The Lehigh Valloy Railroad will place on
fiule excursion tickets to New Yeik and re
turn tor this occasion from all points. Con
salt Lehigh Valley Kail road ticket, agenu lu
NUOUl-rS 01- NI WS.
The eultfettnotits Saturday numbered
812, innliln u tulnl of 8,M3 for the 12
William fH-.n. of Atlanta, took pot
ion. 'UMl held off four would-be ree
cuers with a dagger.
Mm. Alli-e Muller, ot New York. In
dying from Injuries aald to have been
Inflicted hy Instalment col lee torn.
Hrneat Melville, a circus rider, was
artesfed al Orange. N. J., for stab
bing his father-in-law wth n curving
About 700 Grand Army men will par
ticipate in tho Dewey laud parade In
New York, but not as members ot nny
frightened by a dog which was set
on htm by a man, Matthew Edwards,
8 years old, sprang off a 70 foot cliff
near Klngstin, N. Y., and was In
stantly killed.
Keitrxnrno't SiH't'o-fcful 'JlMnl Trip.
Itostou. Sept. 20. The battleship
Kearsarge, on her official speed trial
over the Cape Ann course yesterday,
nveraged 10.84 knots per hour. On tho
outward run of 33 knots she averaged
17.32 knots with smooth sea and wind
abeam. On the return she averaged
10.37 knots against n head wind. The
contract requirement was 10 knots.
The trial was successful In every par
ticular. StoraTroniw Oil l'or Moulin.
San Francisco, Sept. 20. The Twenty-sixth
regiment, U. S. V., sailed yes
terday for Manila on the transport
Grant. In addition to the Twenty
sixth, the Grant curried 250 recruits
of various regiments, together with
nurses and hospital corps men previ
ously aslgned to the relief boat Ilellot,
which will sail within tho next few
days for Guam and Manila.
WoHlojnti I'roflrwxir'n Suleldo.
Boston, Sept. 20. Dr. Herman AV.
Huiloy, 35 years old, Instructor of
Latin In Wesleyan university, and a
member ot the faculty, was found
doad In his room In the United Statos
hotel yesterday with his throat cut.
He had committed suicide. lie was
one of tho finest classical scholars In
the country. Lately he had been
haunted by a fear of losing his mind.
nth of ('nptntn sIu1iuo'h Dnimhtei
Lewes, Del., Sept. 2G. Miss Slgsbee,
daughter of Captain Slgsbee, late of
the 111 fated uattlesiiip waino nnu now
commander of the Texas, died yester
day of heart failure at the cottage of
Mrs. ltlttenhouse, Rehoboth, Del.,
whore she had been spending the sum
mer. Her remains were sent to Wash
ington for burial this morning.
Kxplotllni; Itollei- Kills Tlirpo.
Pottsboro, Tex., Sept. 20. The boiler
at Henderson & Mangus' gin blew up
yesterday, demolishing the building
and killing Engineer urant uonuor,
'ressmau Nuuu Steele and a noy
named Jones.
Is a deceptive disease
thousands have it aud
don't know it. If you
want nulck rosults you
can make no mlitakc by using Dr. Kilmor's
Swainp-ltoot, the great kidney remedy. At
drugnists in fifty cent and dollar slzos.
Sample bottle by mall free, also pamphlet
telling you how to find out if you have
kidney trouble.
Address, Ur. Kilmer iXUo.,liingnamiou,.n. i
To I'liySnninmi llomlinrrtinotit Damage
Washington, Sept. 20. Tho three
governments interested In Samoa,
Great Britain, Germany and the Uni
ted States, have been considering the
claims arising out of the bombardment
last summer in which the American
forces and British forces participated.
As a preliminary step the British gov
ernment has signified a purpose to
adopt in this case the principle observ
ed In the damage done by the bom
bardment of Alexandria, Egypt, name
ly, that private property destroyed as
necessary incident to the prosecu
tion of naval and military operations
would be paid for. While applying
this general principle, tho adjustment
of the various claims Is yet to be
made according to the circumstances
of each.
Morn fSold ro1fprH In Aln"Un.
Washington, Sept. 20. Consul Mc-
Cook reports to the state department
from Dawson that more men are work
ing on gold claims this summer than
last, mines are worked the full 24
hours, and electric plants are being
Installed. The local authorities have
appropriated funds for a steam or
electric road to Eldorado. A few mon
have gained control of enormous tracts
at Cape Nome through tho system
allowed hy the Cape Nome Mining
company of staking by powers of at
torney. The Yukon authorities are
stopping all persons coming from
Sknguay if not in possession of $500
or six months' provisions, unless they
will make affidavit that they are
simply passing through Alaska.
Dewoy Home Fund IuorcaMlnc.
Washington, Sept. 20. The Dewey
home fund was Increased yesterday by
$7,095. This advance Is in response
to the recent statement of the na
tional Dewey committee. Over a hun
dred subscribers sent in their money
by mail or wire from all partB of the
country. While the committee Is much
encouraged by these liberal gifts, it is
desired to add not less than $25,000
to the amount received, which is now
$32,708. It is assured that Admiral
tewv will accept the gift.
Reecham's Pills
and act like ranjSo on n weal:
stomach ami disordered liver.
10 ce&U and 3 cenu, at. all drug stores.
News and Opinions
National Importance
Daily, by mail, - $6 a yeai
Daily and Sunday, by mail, $8 a year
TheiSunday Sun
is the greatest Sunday newspape
in the world.
Price 5s i copy. By nail, 52 i yes
Address THE BUN. Hew Ysrk.
Colds, Coughs,
Hay Fever, Bron
chitis, Asthma
and nil Diseases
of thcThroatand
ri.'inls of Mi'iUrnti'il Vnpor arc IntmM
tlimiiKh the niuulh ami rmllted from the nos
trils. ctcHiiKtnff nntl vupcilslnic nil tlie Inflamed
ami illffi'aiuMl part wlitrh rnnnnt be readied by
rucdlcloo taken Into (lie stomnclt.
It rrnche the tore ;( Jf heal the raw
ffM It qnrn tn the neat rtttlieaelt net a
(I lialm and tonic to the whole tvitemft.00at
druggltta ortent by mail. 1S06 Arch 6'f., I'MUh
Philadelphia, Sept. K.-Flour firmly
maintained : winter superfine. t2.1S!.D0;
Pennsylvania roller, clonr, $S(B3.16; city
mills, extra, ?2.RO2.70. flyo flour scarctt
and firmly held at J3.20 per barrel for
choice Pennsylvania. "Wheat steady; No.
2 red. spot, In elevator, 7imf72V4c Corn
steady; No. 2 mixed, spot. In elevator,
88t4fl'88?io. ; No. 2 yellow, for local trade,
ll1lHo. Oats steady, No. 2 whlto, 0o.;
lower erades, 264129c. Hay easier; choioo
timothy, $15 for large bales. Boef firm;
beef hams, $21.6025, Polk steady; fam
ily. 12ttl!.B0. Iiutter steady; western
creamery, 17lSc.; do. factory, 13Vi015Hc;
June creamery, lMf2r.; Imitation cream
ery, 15H)18c.; New York dairy, lBtf21c; do.
creamery, 17tfj23c.: fancy Pennsylvania
prints Jobbing at 2&&28C. ; do. wholesale,
24c. L'heeee ilrm; largo, white, lie;
small do., llWSHHo.; large, colored,
ll4c.; small do., 1114c. Eggs firm; New
York and Pennsylvania, 20(621c.; western,
ungraded, 1S1Sc. Potatoes steady; Jer
seys, tHH.40; New York, tl.28tfl.40; Long
Island, 12(83.50 per 100. Tallow Ilrm; city,
2; southern, Jl1.26. Cabbage dull; Long
Island, !S.60 per 100. Tallow Arm; city,
SWSDyic; country, 4r!ic.
Baltimore, Sept. 25. Plour quiet and
unchanged. Wheat llimcr; spot and the
month, 72!i?72Kc; October, 72U72ic.;
December, 74fcSWc. ; steamer No. 2 red,
GS'iSVic.; southern, by sample, 05073c.:
do. on grade. 6ft72Hc Corn firmer; mix
ed, spot, 40i; the month, 30Vic. ; October,
38384c; November or Decumbsr, new
or old, SRfiaG'tc. ; Jnuuury and Febru
ary, 34K&3Cc; steamer mixed, 3S',4o.:
southern, white, 41ViTi42c; do. yellow. 41H
H2c. Oats firm; No. : white, 28c; No. 2
mixed, 2GV4t(27c. Itye steady; No. 2 near
by, E758c; No. 2 western, 62Vic. Hay
firmer: No. 1 timothy, tl3.5014. Grain
freights steady; steam to Liverpool, per
bushel, 3V4d. October; Cork, for orders,
per quarter, 3s. Cd. September; 3s. 6d.8s.
7&d. October. Sugar strong; fine and
coarse granulated, $5.39. Butter firm;
fancy creamery, 23f24c; fancy imitation,
18ftl9e.; fain 1 idle, 1617c; good ladle,
ljfjlCe.; si ore packed, 13S14c; rolls, 139
14c. Eggs firm; fresh, 17418c. Cheese
steady; large. 1212V4c; medium, 12S12Vic.!
small, 12Vs12c.
Live Stock MnrkotH.
New York, Sept. 25. Peeves slow; top
grades 10c. lower; others 15fJ25c. off; bulls
and cows steady; six cars steers unsold;
ordinary to prime steers, tl.00flG.75; tops,
6; oxen and stags, $1.50436.30; bulls. t2.C5
1; fat export do., t4.65; cows and heifers,
$1.754. Veals slow and lower; grassers
lower: veals, $4.50ti8.26; tops, $8.50; grass
ers, $2.5053.25; feeders, f".D0(fl3.75. Sheep
steady; good lambs opened steady; closed
lower; sheep,; exiru, ou.iu,
lambs $4.505.75; choice and extra, $5,850
6; Canadian lambs, $506.83; culls, $404.25.
Hogs slow at $l.90S5.10.
East Liberty, Pa., Sept. 25. Cattle slow;
prime, $3.S0ftG; good, $5.30f?5.50; common,
$3f3.S0. Hogs steady; prime assorted me
diums. tl.90tj4.95; best Yorkers, $4.S5S4.90;
light Yorkers, tl.80S4.S5; good heavy hogs,
$4.7504.85; grassers, $4.03514.75. Sheep slow
and lower; choice wethers, $4.30ffl4.40;
common, $1.5O4J2.50; choice lambs, $5.20
6.40; common to good. $3.55; veal calves,
$707.50. .
Tell Your Sister
A beautiful complexion is an impossibility
without good puro blood, the sort that only
exists in connection with the good digestion;
a healthy liver and bowola. Karl's Clover
Hoot Tea acts directly on tho bowels, liver
and kidneys keeping them in perfect health
Price 25 cts. and 50 cts. Sold by P, D. Kirliu
on a guarantee.
Cnll to Now .Torsoy Democrats.
Jersey City, Sept. 20. Congressman
William D. Daly, as chairman of the
committee appointed by the supporters
of Bryan at a conference hold at the
Itldgewood house, Philadelphia, Sept.
2, to prepare an address to the peoplo
of New Jersey In regard to the position
taken by Bryan men in political ar
fairs in New Jorsoy, yosterday made
nubile the address prepared by the
committee. Tho address strongly fa
vors the Chicago platform and round'
ly denounces Republican administra
tion in the state of New Jersey. Tho
address calls for a conference at Tren
ton on Nov. 14 next "for the purpose of
taking action looking to tho organiza
tion of the party along the lines of
pure Democratic principles."
ChyoitHkl Defeats Hall.
Louisville, Sept. 20. Joe Choynskl,
of California, knocked out Jim Hall,
of Australia, in the third round last
night before the Nonpareil Athletic
clug at Music Hall, in the presence of
some 2,500 people. It was announced,
that tho fight was for the light heavy
weight championship, limited to 20
rounds, and for a division of the box
office receipts. Hall wolghed 108
pounds and Choynskl 100. The fight
was lively enough while it lasted, with
the honors possibly in Hall's favor
during the first two rounds.
Annthnr Now Marino I'' I nil tor.
Bath, Me., Sept. 26. The new tor
pedo boat Craven was successfully
launched yesterday afternoon. An at
tempt was made last Saturday to run
the vessel into tho water, but she be
came wedged on the ways and the
launching was postponed. The Craven
was christened with American cham
pagne by Miss Amy Craven, ot Phila
delphia, granddaughter of tho late
commander, for whom the boat was
named. .
Stoainor Aduln TYreoltod, Flvo Lost.
Kingston, Jam., Sept, 20. The At
las Steamship company's steamer
Adula, Captain McAuley, from Kings
ton for Baltimore, foundered yoster
day afternoon off Port Morant, on the
south coast of Jamaica. Flvo lives
were lost, including Mr. Porcy, the
first officer. '1 ne Adula, which was
built in Belfast In 1889, was of 362
tons burden. She was 212 feet long,
20.1 broad and 12 feet deep.
JfeliolH Captfiro Our (iunbont.
Manila, Sept, 20. Tho insurgents
have captured the United Sfatos gun
boat Urdaneta, in the Oranl river, on
the northwest side of Manila bay. One
officer and nine ot her crew are miss
ing. The Urdaneta Is beached oppo
site the town of Oranl, on the Oranl
river. She was riddled with bullets
and burned, and three big guns, with
their ammunition, were captured. The
crow of the Urdaneta are prisoners, or
have been killed.
Cornollim Vamliirbllt n Fntlir.
New York, Sept. 261 A daughter was
born at midnight to the wife of Cor
nelius Vunderbllt, Jr. Mrs. Vandoi
bilt arrived from Newport yesterday.
Vrnrriibli' Naval C Aptnlli Ur-nfl.
New York, Sept. 20. Captain Fran
cis A. Hngnrty, U. 8. N., retlrod, died
yesterday, aged 00 years. His first
sorvlco was on tlio schooner Experi
ment nt Charleston, B. C, during tho
nullification excitement of 1833. As a
lieutenant he wont with Commodore
Perry on tho Jnpnn expedition of 1852
05. Ho commanded the sloop of wnr
Vandnlln In tho attack on Port Hoynl,
Nov. 7, 1801, tnklng an active part In
sllonclng tho enemy's tiro nnd subse
quently In blockading the mouth of
the Savannah rlvoY. Commander
Hagorty received the thanks of con
gross for meritorious sorvlce and con
duct. Ho was In charge of Ironclads nt
Now Orlenntt during 1807-09.
Vlru Prtliliit's IllnpH Not Crltlcnl.
Paterson, N. J,, Sept. 20. Hobart
Tut tie, Vice Prosldent Hobart's brother-in-law,
said today in answer to in
quiries that there was no truth In tho
report that Mr. Hobfirt had Ilrlght's
disease. Tho vice presldont, he said,
was suffering from overwork, but he
has been sjowly but continually Im
proving. Mr. Hobart, It w is claimed,
expected to be out in a fow days.
Hltuntlon In Voiiosjiioln Critical.
Ponce, Porto Woo, Sept. 20. Advices
received here from Cnracas doscrlbo
the situation tn Venezuela as critical
The revolutionists are approaching
Victoria, where tho next battlo will ba
fought. People desiring to proceed
to Puerto Cabollo. on the Gulf of
Tristo, are not allowed to depart. The
government. Is vory unpopular and
very suspicious.
Ilnvniin'H Thri'iitoni'd (ienornl StrlUo.
Havana, Sept. 20. In spite of the ef
forts of tho leaders a general Btrlko
scorns Inevitable. The only union that
has not decided to Join Is the cart
men's union, but It Is expected that the
enrtmon will go with the rest. The
strikers are confident of winning. They
say thoy have withstood ti blockade
of three months' duration, and after
that thero is nothing to fear.
Ilrmiot oiifi to Murder.
Pana, Ills., Sept. 2D. Henry Brunot,
who Is in Jr. 11 for the murder of his
aunt, Jane Brunot, yesterday confess
ed to a friend to tho murder of Mrs,
Mary Mclntyro, who was mysteriously
slain hore Inst wlntor. Ho Bald he had
ono more confession to make, and then
he was ready to die.
Illinois Mlno Firemen on Stcllio.
Springfield, Ills., Sept. 20 Firemen
In all tho local coal mines in the Dan
vlllo district went out yesterday for an
increase of wages, shutting down all
the mines in tho district and throwing
2,000 miners out of employment. Thuy
demand $1.75 a day for eight hours
Bismarck's Iron Nerve
Was the result of Ids splendid health. In
domitable will and tremendous energy are
not fouud where Stomach, Liver, Kidneys
and Bowels are out of order, if you want
these qualities and the success they bring, use
Dr. Kinc'sNew Life Pills. They develop
every power of biain and body. Only 25c at
A. Wasley's urug store.
Forced Out by Labor lTiilonn.
Chicago, Sept. 20. It was announced
last night that Charles Truax, presi
dent ot tho fall festival, will resign
his position if he is assured that his
withdrawal will make it possible to
settle tho controversy with tho labor
unions, which so far has greatly ham
pered the preparations for the festival
His letter of resignation will not bo
submitted, however, unless he Is as
sured that all differences will be set
tled by his retirement. Tho labor
leaders refuse to pladge themselves In
ndvance of Mr. Truax b resignation
but Intimate that they aro willing to
make any concession which would be
In the interest of peace.
A Sensible Man
Would use Kemp's Balsam for the Throa
and Luugs. It is curing more cases of
Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, Croup
and all Throat and Lung troubles, than any
other medifcinc. Tlie proprietor has author
ized any druggist to give you a sample bottl
free to convince you of the merit of this great
emedy. Price 25 c and 50c.
Mnyor .lonest Nomlnntlou Cortlflcnto,
Toledo, Sept. 26. Mayor Jones will
this week file with tho secretary of
state his petition as a non-partisan
candidate for governor of Ohio. There
will be 50,000 names' on the list, and
this number, it is claimed at the Jones
headquarters, will be increased to
100,000 by the middle of October.
IlrltlHb OfHcctrm to Study Chinese
Washington, Sept. 20. The attention
of the navy department has been
drawn to the fact that the British ad
miralty has made a new departure In
sending a number of naval officers to
China to learn the Chinese language,
A number of prizes have been offered
for proficiency in this language.
The Doadly Rnino of Football.
Merlden, Conn., Sept. 20. Thomas
Kelly, aged 17 years, a member of tho
MIddletown High School football team
died at the City hospital laBt night
from injuries received In a football
game with the Meriden High School
team last Saturday. He sustained
concussion of the spino,
Vestordnv's liasolmll Games.
At Philadelphia Philadelphia, 6
Baltimore, 0. At St. Louis Louisville,
16; St. Louis. 3. At Now York Bos
ton, 2; New York, 1. At Brooklyn
urooKiyn, yi; Washington, 1.
'pIIERE U a certain stylish ef- s
S I feet about garments made
E from tUese Celebrated Pat- 2;
Z terns that Is not attained by the S;
(No-Seam-Allowance Patterns.) 5;
5 Have n t an c 1 il t- r tls aiM perfect 2
ti, Z.y it n 1 r-t 1,4 tn li !j ,uicii. 2
j cts, ea h na fcii. r. S .1 io ntarl jjl
eery cnv mJi" 1, 01 by mtl. Alt ft r
S them. Uet a fast um Meet ant see our 3;
denm, A udy thevcry latest styles. J-
of 1iir own Ki'lectioo will be glveu S
;K every subscriber to
?2 On itiit evtry liy should tike reipi- 3;
t iarl Ueauttf 1 l,,ret platn ; latest 2;
faitiiun!! , tin tn.ti nj :i tmoioies ; fancy jj
5 work . humeri. LI Innis ; f t tion, tc Sub- J
S scribe t. flay, ( r, . 1 5c tnr (arrnt copy 2
LaJy intuit Vrti.uti &n4 i"' ternu. 2
is 130-146 Wet 14th St., New York. 2;
These celebrated patterns and pub
Mentions are for sale, and recom
j mended by L. J. Wilkinson.
IF mu htelii Mr msr
lotus clvo you a picco of advice j BtAtx
in tno DUCK is an almost liilalllbloslpnj
of Kidney disease : a surer sltrn is tno
condition of your urine, if you lmvo a!
pain in mo duck tnnn look to tno conn
dltion of vour urine. It is easily donoi
Take a glass tumbler and fill It with!
tirmo, alter It bus stood 21 hours ; If It
lias a sediment, if it is milky or cloudy,1
if it is pulo or discolored, stringy or,
ropy, your Kidneys and Bladder aro in
n dangerous condition and need imme
diate attention, or tho consequences
uiav prove fatal.
l)r. llavid Kennedy's Favorite Rem
edy is tho ono mcuicino that really
curcB nil discuses of tho Kidneys, Liver,
Bladder and Illood, Hheitmatisin, Dys
pepsia nnd Chronic Constipation and
corrects I ho bud effects of wliiskoy nnd
beer on the system. It is wonderful
how It makes thnt pain in tho back dis
appear, how it rolioves tho desire to
uriuato often, especially at night, and
drives away that scalding pain in pass
ing water nnd in a remarkably snort
tlmo makes you well nnd strung. Dr.
David Kennedy's Favorite Homedv is
eold at all drug Mores for $1.00 a bottle.
or six bottles for o.ou.
, If you would liko to try this wonderful
mcuicino you can do so absolutely froo.
lcna your tun nnmo ana niKiresstotne
TION, Rondout, N. Y., when n froo
trial bottlo, topethor with a pamphlet
of valuable medical advico.will ho sent
you by mail postpaid, providing you
mention this paper when you write.
Tlio publishers of Ibis p:tpnr guarantee
tho uemiinei'i'. of this I ;..-rul idler.
if, when contemplating a trip to any point
West or Southwest of tho Mississippi Itlvcr,
you will purchase tickets via tho Missouri
iiciflo Ky., or Iron Mountain Route (which
aro on salo at all principal tickot ollices in
tho United States), you will have all the
comforts and luxuries of modern rallwa"
equipment, and tho finest opportunities for
viewing all of naturo's museums and marvels
f Utah, Colorado, Kansas, Arkansas, Texas',
Old and Now Mexico. California, etc. Ex
cursion tickets to all principal points at
greatly reduced rates. On account of the
National Education Association meeting at
Los Angeles in July, wo will make special
low round trip rates. When contemplating
trip West or Southwest, wrlto us for full
Information and rock bottom figures. W
Hoyt, (1. E. P. Agent, J. P. McCann, T.
P. Agont, 301 Broadway, Now York. 4-22-tf
Consumption Cured.
Last November Mr. loseplt Tames,
painter, of 325 W. Pearl St., Indianapo
lis, Iud., was at death's door with quick
consumption. Wasted to a skeleton;
his lungs a mass of ulceration; his
death was hourly awaited by his doctor
and family. He was kept in a constant
stupor with opium. A friend, thinking
to relieve uis terrible cougu, gave mm a
bottle of Brazilian Balm. Seeing its
wonderful effect, the doctor advised its
continued use. Mr. James soon after
dismissed his doctor, and depended
on the Balm alone. His recovery was
rapid and complete, and in February he
returned to work. His lungs are sound,
and his weight greater than at any time
in his life. His recovery is regarded as
almost a miracle.
In consumption beware of couch mix
tures nnd prescriptions that contain
opium. Opium paralizes the nerves,
anu gives uie comma uacuius a gooa
chance to destroy the lungs. It is
always fatal. Brazilian Balm does not
contain n trace of any opiate, but stimu
lates tlie nerves with new life and power,
destroys the microbe, and restores all
that is left of the diseased lungs to a
sound and healthy state which no other
remedy lias ever been known to accom
plish. Slionandnali drtie store, wholesale aRonts
Triilliort Stt'iiutc nil it l.ocr.
San Francisco, Sept. 25. Th United
States transport Leelannw came Into
port yesterday with pumps steadily at
work to overcome tho effects of a holt
In tho ship's bottom. Tho Leolanaw
sailed for Manila on Sept. 2 with a
cargo of commissary stores and 200
horses for army use. After leaving
this port distemper was developed
among tho horses and so many of the
animals died that the Leolanaw put
Into Honolulu and landed there the
commissary stores and the surviving
horses. The transport then started on
the return trip to this city. She struck
the reef bar Montara, 20 miles south
of this port.
It's folly to suffer from that horrible plague
of the night, Itohlng piles. Doan's Ointment
cures, quickly and permanently. At any
drug store, 50 cents.
. Moiitnnu Vnluuteorn From Mnnlln
" San Francisco, Sept. 25. The Uni
ted States transport Valencia, having
on board those companies of the First
Montana regiment, United States vol
unteers, not brought by the Zealandla,
arrived here yesterday. A committee
of Montanlans met the Valencia in a
tug, nnd after quarantine inspection
escorted the transports to her place
of anchorage off the government dock
nt the foot of Folsom street. Apart
from the 26 Invalids on board sent out
of Manila hospitals, the health of all
on board was excellent. The men
landed today and marched to the Pro
sldlo, there rejoining their comrades
who preceded them on the Zealandin
When doctors fall, try Burdock Blood
Bitters. Cures dyspepsia, constipation
Invigorates the whole system,
mm t.uiinniiiim in iiowoy Iloloptlon.
Toronto, Sept. 25, An Ottawa special
says: The Forty-eighth Hlghlanders.ot
Toronto, will not be granted nermls
sion to visit Now York to take part In
tho reception to Admiral Dewey, Tho
view held Is that Admiral Dewey Is to
be the central figure In tho New York
ceienration, yet after all tho demon
stratlon will really be a glorification of
me united states' victories in the Span
lsh war. Under .the circumstances
therefore, It Is considered very unpo
lltlc for n nrltlsh reglmont to partici
pate, Tho pipe band of the Royal
Scots of Montreal has also been re
fused permission to take part In the
proposea demonstration.
Huonport Convict llecuptured.
Columbus, O., Sept. 25, James
Lynch, the noted burglar and diamond
tobuer, who escaped from the nonlten
tlary several days ago, was captured
luBt evening nt Shophnrd's Station,
near this city. Lynch had disguised
hlmsolf as an old man. walking; with n
cane, and was rocognlzed only by his
voice by one of the city detectives, who
nappenea to pe in the vicinity look
ing for him. Lynch took to his heels
uut was Drought to a halt by a fusil
laue or nuiiets sent after him. Ho
claims a guard aided him to escape,
the Indians VlKorotmly Wnaltur atter1
rlln Wnrfhro AirntliHt Moxlonn"
Austin, Sept. 2C Judging from re
ports reaching hero from Oritiz. state
of Sonoin, Mexico, the Yaqul Indian
warfare Is rapidly growing worso, In
stead of abating. Lieutenant Mnjoran
hns arrived nt Torres on his way tc
tho City of Mexico to mako official
roports as to the progress of the cam
paign. He snys there has been no
cessation In the warfaro bolng waged
agnlnst the Indians by tho Mexican
government. Ho roports that tho In
dians have scattered Into small bands
and nro now vigorously waging a
guerrilla warfare, and that tho Mexi
can soldlors have adopted similar
tactics. They uro divided Into small
scouting parties, and there arc fre
quent engagements between the sol
diers and the Indians. The Indians
avoid open engagements with the sol
diers, rather hnrassing tnem witit at
tacks from secure positions in the
mountains and along tho rough moun
tain road?, not Infrequently causing
much loss of life among the soldiers,
with little harm to themselves.
Genernl Torres, in command of tho
Mexican troops, asks tho Mexican wnr
department to send a force of rurales
to assist him, nnd It is thought thoy
can render very effective service
against tho Indians. Tho Ynquls hold
the rurales In great dread, as they
are their old tlmo enemies and a most
formidable foe.
Tho ontlro country tributary to tho
uprising Is in a state of foment and
nil tho Americans aro leaving as rap
idly its poslblo. I2vcry section of the
Yaqui country is terrorized, and many
have deserted paying mines.
l'lftv-tliWo VIctluiH drn Oalo.
St. John's, N. F Sept. 20. Tho loss
of another Bchooner Is reported to
day ns the result of tho recent gnlc.
She foundered with six men, bringing
the totnl loss of life up to 53. Reports
from remote sections of the Island con
firm the fears as to nu extensive de
struction of shipping property. Ves
sels returning from Northern Labrado
are also badly damaged.
Six I'rlsonnrs llrcnk .lull,
Norfolk, Sept. 20. There was a Jail
delivery In Portsmouth at 2 oclock
Sunday morning. The bars of a cell
were cut and William liauey, uauio
Fisher, George Williams, Jim Tucker
and Willie Parker escaped. Tho latter
was awaiting trial for larceny, Will
lams is wanted In Hsnry county for
murder, and the others were serving
terms for petty crimes.
Personally Conducted Tourist Excursions to
California Without change of Cars.
Leaving Washington every Tuosday nnd
Pridav at 11:15 a. m.. the Southern Kailway
onoratcs Personally Conducted Tourist Ex
cursions to Sau Franciso without clmtico of
cars, conductors or porters. Tho ronto Is
UirouRU Atlanta, aiontcomory, new unpbus,
Houston. Sau Autonlo.Xow Mexico. Arizonia,
and Southern California. Tho cars nro tlio
very latest pattern of Pullman Tourist
Sleepers, rosewood finish, have high back
seats, upholstered In rattan, aro sixteen
section, supplied with linen etc., same ns
tanuard sleopers. iictitou uy rintscn uas.
havo wido vestibules, doulilo sash rolled
iirialiis. lavatory, and sniokinir room tor
Kcntlemen, and two retiring rooms for ladles.
Tureo and one-bait nays to Mexico anu
Arizona, four days to Los AurcIos and
Southern California, and flvo days to San
Franc sco. Sucu servico lorTrans-Uontlnentai
travol has nover heforo boon otlercil.
Tho tourist carfare is loss than via nny
ther route, clfcctlui: a saviue of $21i.U0 to
$30.0(1 for tlie trin.
All Information, mans and rate3 furnished
on application to Charles L. Hopkins, Dis.
trict Passenger Assent, Southern llailway
Company, 828 Chestnut street, Pliiladclpnin
A .Vfvr InrtiiKiry 1'iir Milco.
Mexico City, Sept. 25. Thomas
Branlff, Jr., has petitioned tho depart
of encouragement for permission to
establish a wholly new Industry hero,
which Is the manufacture of aluminum.
He Btates the capital employed will not
be less than $1,000,000. Elecrtlcal en
ergy, derived from water power In the
state of Vara Cruz, will be employed.
Mr, Brunlff Is tho son of the Ameri
can banker, railway man and manufac
turer, Thomas Uraniff, one of the old
est resident Americans In Movlrn
Steel Pennyroyal Treatmeii
is the original and only FRENCH
eate and reliable cure on the mux-
Genuine, sold only by
Ktrlln1 drug store.
18 months in a chair.
A Specialist also fails to even relieve
a bad case of Asthma.
Tho BRAZILIAN BALM instantly re
lieves and effects a Radical Cure.
Shaker Station, Ct., Feb. 3, 1899.
Brazilian Balm
has done won
ders for me, after
suffering 2 years
with Asthma. I
received no heir,
from four of our
local physicians,
and a specialist
in Hartford, whe
is at the head of
the nnd
receives all the
critical cases in
the adjoin i n g
counties. For 18
months I never
laid down set in a chair dav nnd nloht
and had to be drawn from one room to
another. By my doctor's orders I went
south and staid several mouths but re
ceived no benefit. At last Brazilian
Ualin was recommended to me so highly
I decided to try it. Inside of a week I
could sleep in my bed. Now I am out
doors every day, tending to everything,
do not have any Asthma and will soon
resume tnv old occupation, foreman of
the Eddy Electric Mfg. Co., of Windsor
v-t. M09t gratefully yours,
Wm. H. Wood.
Thomandi ot doctors prescribe Urazlllan
Balm In Catarrh, Asthma, Pleurisy and Grippe.
Only thine known that removes all the after
effects of t.rlppe in Lungs, Liver, Kidneys. Etc.
AO Ct9. and ft. DO a bottle at druggists. With the
Jl.OO bottle you get a month's treatment FRItlt
o( Toxicola Tablets, the best Tonic. Strength
builder lu the world. I). I'. Jackson & Co.,
Manufacturing Chemists, Indianapolis, Iud.
Wholesale Agents
nillions of Dollars
Go up in nmokt oveiyyesr. Take no
risks but net your houses, stock, far
nltare, etc., Insured in flrst-cUss re
liable companies si represented by
' 1W Boutb Jardin 81
lioIJIaQUc4lilinU) ominU
Acts gently on the
Kidneys, Liver
and Bowels
Cleanses the System
ww i.nvwniiv ruts w' . . .
I UMW " nrnu akickitiv
rot HU BY U DRUCGiiTi f BU 0c ft MITlt.
All nmiRRISTSoRMA 1FDF0R 25t
IViweneer trains lcnvc Slieiuimlonli for Penn
Ilnven JiinctUni, Miiuilj C'liunk, Lchlslitnn,
Blntlniiton, Wlilto Hull, !atiuniiitin, Allejitown,
Iletlilelicm, Huston New York nnd l'lillmlelilila
at B 28, 7 SOU. lu . 12ft2nmlft 17 p. in.
For Wllkesburre, Wlilto lluvell and l'lttstou,
28, 10 12 . in.. 12 .r- and S 17 p. in.
Kor Layllle, Tuwandn, Snyre, Wuvcrly
Klmlro, ltochester; liufTiilo, Niagara Falli,
Auburn, 8yracune, Hlini'n, Ofneva nml the
West, 10 12 n. in., 12 32 und ft 17 p. ill.
For llelvldiTB, Delaware Water (tap one
StroudHburg, 5 28 a. in., .1 17 p. m.
For Ijmiticrtvilln and Trenton, 7 SO a. m.
For .TeuneHVllle, Levlaton and lleuver Meadov
23a. 111., 12 52 p. in.
For McAdoo, Audenrled, Ifnzleton, Stncktn
and Lumber Ynrd, B 28, 7 BO, 10 12 a.m., 12 fig nnd
5 17 p. m.
ForJeddo, Drlfton nnd Frceluml, B28, 10 12
b. in., B 17 i. m.
For Scrnnton, J 28. 10 12 it. in., S 17 p. m.
For Lost Creek, lllrurdvllle.nnd AHbland, I 00,
and 7 28 p. in.
For Ituveu Hun, Centrntia, Mount Cnrinel nml
Shnmokln. 10 19 n. lu.. 1 42. 6 07. 9 23 n. m. Miilmnoy City, J'nrk Place nnd Delano,
i 28, 7 50, 10 12 n. in., anil 12 52, S 17 p. in.
l'or Yuicavine, o zn. lu l- u. m.
Train will leuve Slinniokin nt 7 00. 9 20 a. in..
II S9 nnd t 20 p. in., anil arrive, nt Klirlinmlouli.
at 7 BO, 10 12 n. in., 12 82, 9 17 p. in.
lA.nvo Hlicmtnunan lor l-olMVllir, nt. uiair.
New Caatlo, Moren nnd New lloatou, 7fO ami
10 12 a. ra , 12 52 nnd 6 17 p. in.
Ix-ave l'ottavtllo for rllieiinndoah, 9 43 n. nr..
12 35, SOB, 815 p. ra.
lA-ave llnzieton lor nncnnnuouii, v uo it. iiu
12 45, S 09, S 26, 8 31 p. in.
Trains lenve for Uaven lEun. Ccntrnllit. 4TJ.
Cnrinel and Hbnmnklu. 9 10 u. in., 7 21 p. in .
Trains leuve ribninnkin for Kbuiiaudonb as
4 50 n. in., mid 5 V i
Leuve Slicnatidoirli for utcille, Mnl-tikov
City, Park Place, Delano, McAdoo, Audenrled
llnzieton, titockton. Lumber Ynrd, Wcutberly
and Mauch Chunk, 9 47 a ra., nnd S 32 p. in-
For Lcinxiiton, HiatniRion, cninaauqua. w iut
Hall, Coplay, Allentown, Euston nnu Plillllpi
burg, 9 47 a. ru., nnd ti 32 p. ra.
For New vors ii? I'uiinueipiua, y 47 n. in.
Lenve Hazlet.
. ?ljenaiidoab, 8 SO, a. in..
inu B 27 p. ni.
M. B. CUTTER, Hupt. Transportation,
South Bethlehem, Pa.
South Iletlilelicm, Pa,
CHAHLKS S. LKK, Oenl. Pans. Agt.,
New York, N. Y.
A. W., Dlv. P. A.,
Houtli llrthlehrm. Pa.
A box of ou u
STECinL fflftlLT MEW
is an exhilarating
stimulant during
the hot summer
Delivered at your homo.
Columbia Brewing Company
Livery and
No. 13 North Jardin St.
M. G1UB0WSKY, Prop.
S19 N. Centre St, Pottsvllle, Pa.
Fine old Whiskeys, Olns and Wines, nt the bis
A choice lino of Cigars and Temper
ance Drinks.
Aocommod&tloiui for trsrelsrs.
Meals at ell hour
To PATENT Good Ideas
may be secured by
our aid. Address,
Baltimore. MlL
BuUMrlpttoui to Tbe. Ftteat Becora m Kt uuuuo.
particulars, rates, &r.