The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, September 25, 1899, Image 3

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    Don't Hnve to Walt I'or Weeks. A
Slienanilo-h Illustration.
WaltliK Wi1l"'niiniglliu'.
1'funpt nrllim pi- iws evi rl'ly.
A luiriltitt mi tliu W- I n l.i-avy welnlit.
llHtil to I war ilrtv nfier ilnv.
Harder still yeHrs.riei yrnr.
I.'ftlng weUlit, removing tlm burden.
ItrliRHipr;latlliif rpintf.
Phrnanilnili provl tell of It.
Tl II llOW ft I '111 I" lmn'.
Till of toiler llijliaqiilak mill sure.
It ito la n ntJ nmUB
Mr. David TliiinuRT'if SU Maylierry nlle.v,
niliinr. snvs : "I siirt'eri l Intensely from tuy
back ami kidneys. .1 wan In tlie hospital for
several week" anil when I roturnod I was
suffering fn 'n a mi'tlu ous backache and an
Rciito latiiciioni across my loins, I could
lianlli net off n rlialranil It hurt mo severely
to'dalitliten It I ail boon stooping or bond
lng forward. There were pains all through
in, especially tn the top and back part.
I thought they aroso from neuralgia, but I
am now convinced that iny kidneys caused
It. for on ifi'tliiiR Donn's Kidney I'llls from
Klrlln's riianuacy aud using them the lam
liens iu tn lurk mid tho pains in my head
disappeared "
Donn's Kidney l'ills for sale by al' dealers.
Price 50 cents. Mailed by 1m r Milburn
Co., IlulTalo; N. Y. S le agenM for (he U.
S Kemeinber the name Doin's aiid take. 110
Will eradicate from your system tho linger
lug effects of grip aud othor ailments caused
by tho severe winter, and malaria, rlieuma
tlsiu, neuralgia, catarrh, stomach, klduey,
iiver and nervous disorders, paralysis, blood
and skin diseases, and chronic and fuuc
tional derangements. Tho mountain c.jmto
of Hot Springs is cool and delightful In
summer. 100 hotels open the year around.
For Illustrated literature, containing all
information, address 0. F. Cooley, Manager
IlulsiK'fti Men's League, Hot Springs, Ark,
For reduced exrnrnlou tickets anil par
tlculars of tho trip, address V. A. Turk
Gen'l 1'iiss Agt., Southern lty Washington,
D. C, or C. li. Hopkins, District Passenger
Agent. 8S8 Chestnut St., Phila., Pa, 0-1-lm
On Every Bottle
Of Shlloh's Consumption Cure is this guar
antbo : "All wo ask of you is to uso two-
thirds of tho ci.ntentH of this bottlo faith
fully, then if yuii can say you are not
benefited nturn tho bottlo to your druggist
and lie may refund tho price paid." Price
BS cts., 50 els. and $1.00. Sold by P. D
Kirlln on a guarantee
nnd Liver
J Bold by all druggists
or sent by mall.
Be box contains 15 pills. Sold liy Klrlln's drug
store, Slicnaiidouh, Pa.
Witch Hazel Oil
One Application Gives Relief.
It cures Piles or Hemorrhoids External or Inter
nal, Blind or Bleeding, Itching or Burning, Fissures
and Fistulas. Relief immediate cure certain.
It cures Burns, Scalds and Ulcerations and Con,
tractions from Burns. The Relief Instant healing
It cures Torn, Out or Lacerated Wounds and
It cures Bolls, Carbuncles, Felons, "Rnnronnds,"
Ulcers, Old Sores, Itching Eruptions, Scurfy or
Scald Head.
It cures Inflamed or Caked Breasts and Sore
Nipples. Invaluable.
It cures Salt Rheum, Tetters, Scurfy Eruptions,
Chapped Hands, Fever Blisters, Sore Lips or
Nostrils. Corns, Bunions, Sore and Chafed Feet,
Stings of Insects, Mosquito Bites and Sunburns.
Three Sizo3, 25c, 50o. and $1.00
Sold by Druggists, or sent pre-paid on receipt of price.
Cor. William tc John 6t... SEW YORK.
i... Vi.b1I.1i nlamonil Itrand.
VV ! relink, ladii k
UrUgglll r fcicr m-y jv- 1
1UHIJ arana 10 ""TV r l
Hattsnrs for jnlo.uri, i.tlio.nlU. d
"ii.n.r for r..di," w !'. 'r
Fr HIL xmtnl rasir.
tkU br all bal UruuUU. I'MLAUA-. 1 A.
This Hot
One needs a cooling
beverage that will gently
tone up the system whil
it quenches the thirst.
Beer and? Porter
Just touches ,the spot
They are cooling, satisfy
ing and invigorating
These brews will b
furnished in case Jots for
family use by applying to
f brief Srhmirit.
Agent and Bottler.
203 W. Coal Street
Tho Robv Froshness
And a velvet softness of tho skin Is tnva-
riaoiy ooiainen by luoro woo use I'ouoan
Complexion i'owrter.
25 CTS.
.Our. Warships Bolnlhrd 'tlio Tpvra
of Olatigapo.
An Approtit'coon thoCnilMprClinrln"-
ton SerloiiHly Wounded anil a Conl
rahoViJittlioOtuibontC'oiicoril I'roi-
rntuil liy Hunt.
Mnnlln. Soul. 25. Tho United States
cruiser Charleston, the monitor Monte
rey nnd the gunbo'ttts Concord nnd
Zailro. With marlnea and bluoJackotB
from the cruiser Baltimore, lert un
vtto Sept. 18 and proceedeu to Sublg
bay to destroy an insurgent cannon
Owing to the bad weather the oper
ations was postponed until Saturuny,
when the warships lor tnreo nours
bombarded the town of Oiincnin-
the entrenchments where the gun was
Men from tho Charleston, Concord
and Zaflro were then lanued uiuie.
heavy Insurgent llro, proceeding to the
cannon, which was uttei destroyed
by gun cotton, nnd then .elirned to
tho warships. The Americans had one
man wounded during tho engagement
While vnitlns In Sublg bay for bet
tor weather the Americans descried
lllplno reinforcements moving toward
Olangapo. At 6:40 a. m. Saturday tho
Monteroy began the advance upon the
town, which was about three miles
east ot the monitor's anchorage. The
Charleston, Concord and Zailro fol
At 7:25 the Monterey opened fire
with her secondary and main batteries
tho Charleston and Concord joining
Immediately. At 7:38 the Insurgent
cannon answered, the first shot pass
ing close to the Monterey's smoke
stack. The gun was ilred twice bnly,
The American bombarding then bo-
came general. At 9:30 the Monterey
advanced to a range of GOO yards, using
her main, battery. Two hundred and
fifty men were landed about 800 yards
east of the cannon at 11 o'clock, under
a severe shore Mauser fire. The men
from the Charleston were the ilrst to
reach the beach, but the Concord's
men wore first at the gun. The can
non was found to be a 16 centlmcntcr
Krupp gun, presumably obtained from
the Spaniards.
Meadwhlle.. the warships continued
to shell tho shelving beach on the east !
aud west side to silence the insurgent
fire upon the sailors from the trenches
skirting tho beach.
Gunner Olsen exploded rounds of
gun cotton,. In three, discharges, In tho
cannon, which had suffered from tho
fire of the Avarshlps.
The Americans then returned to the
boats, the firing inland being kept up
to prevent 'the embarkation. The
Concord's men were tho last to leave
the shore, and the warships were
reached at 12:50 p. nr.
Cadet Brinser, with the Concord s
launch, armed with a Qatllng, did ex
cellent work oh tho. left of the land
ing party. Captain Meyers, of the
marines, captured a muzzle loading
Celd piece. Lieutenant McDonald was
in command of the landing party, and
the movement was splendidly exe
cuted and controlled.
The numbers of Filipinos there could
not bo ascertained, and no dead were
The Monterey fired for four hours
21 shots from her 10-lnch guns and 17
fro hi her 12-lnch guns.
The town, which was riddled with
shells, took Are at several points.
Apprtintlco Sm-lously Wounilc-d and
Conl 1'nssiir Prof tratod by Heat.
Washington, Sept. 25. Acting Sec
retary Allen, of the navy department.
received a cablegram from Roar Ad
miral Watson yestgrday giving u brief
account of the engagement at Sublg
bay on Saturday. It says:
"Mnndora - discovered heavy gun
mounted opposite Kalaklan Point,
Bublg bay; exchanged shots with
Charleston. Sent Charleston, Monte
rey, Concord and Zailro, with detach
wont of marines and sailors from Bal
timore, to capture and destroy.. At
tacked Insurgent position 23d, After
bombardment landing party carried
entrenchments, dispossessed enemy
and destroyed one. 16 centimeter
Krupp gun. Casualties; William
Shepherd, apprentice, Charleston,
seriously -wounded; Charles Haffke,
coal passer, Concord, heat prostration.
Insurgent lire heavy, but poorly aimed.
Enemy a loss unknown,"
The important feature of the en
gagement is the fact, which is dls
closed that the Insurgents have been
able to obtain a Krupp gun. It was
known at the time of the outbreak of
the insurgents ,agalnst the Americans
that the artillery of the Insurgents
consisted or a tew opsoiete guns cap.
tured from the Spaniards. Acting
Secretary Allen ayjB that It Is evi
dent the navy at Manila does not in
tend to allow any. fort to be erected
by the insurgents which tan be' reach
ed by the' ships, and he is' convinced
that tho squadron under Hear Admiral
Watson will be able, to l?eep the shores
guarded and repeat the lesson of Sat
urday if the insurgents are found to
be operating on the coast.
Remarkable Rescue.
Mn. 'Michael Curtain. 'Plainfield, 111.,
makes, the statement, that jhe, caught cold,
which settled on her lungs s she was treated
for a month bv her family physician, but crew
worse. He told Jier she was a hopeless vic
tim of consumption and that no medicine
could cure her. Her druggist suggested Dr.
King's New Discovery for consumption ;' sh,e
bouent a bottle and to her delight found her-
sell tienentter. irom nrsc aose. sae comimucu
Its use and alter taking sik bottles, found her
self sound and well now does her own
housework, and. s as well as sho ever was.
Free trial bottles of'this Great Discovery at A,
Wasley's Drug Store. Large bottles So cents
and ;i,oo.
A NnrTfimil t'lvlu Vmlerutlnii.
Chlcngo, Sept. 25. The executive
committee of the Civic Federation, of
nhtr.fii.IT hna Ritthnrfzed Its uresident.
Frnnklln H. Head, to appoint a com
mittee of Z& to organizo a uuuouai
civic feneration. This committee "Js1 to
be composed or, men repreawuuue
DOAiinno nf t hi nnnntrv and dif
ferent phases of social, economic and
political- questions of the day. The
pbject of such an organization Is stated
to be to provide for a thorough dis
cussion and consideration of questions
of national Import and to promote
necesgury legislation in accordance
How Is Your Wife T
Has she lost Imr luuiutv If so. Constipa
tion, Indigestion, Blek Headache are the
prluctpal causes, Karl's Clover Boot Tea
hufliirful tliiiM Ilia tnr lf . tvtntnrv. Price
SS cts. aud 60 eU. Money refuudod If results
.. , . I - r . .V , , .... r. 1 I -I I ..
bio uu. HHNWHirr, DilIU uy I t . JMII.w
on guarantee.
Kid-Ne-Oids aro in yellow tablet form put up in boxes sell for 50o a box
at all drug stores your druggist will toll you of cures they effected here
at homo lie will vouch for tho truth of our every assertion.
Morrow's Liverlax cures constipation, biliousness, costiveness they
sell for 25c a box at all drug stores.
m M
Tho great remedy tor nervous prostration and nil diseases of tho generative
organs ot either box, such as Nervous Prostration. Faluns or Lost Manhood,
Impotency, Nlshtly Emissions, Youthful Lrrors, Mental Worry, excesslvo use
of Tobacco or Opium, which lead to Consumption and Insanity. With every
?S order we uuarantco to euro or refund the money. Sold nt 91.01) per box,
C boxes for $5.00. Hit. ItlOTTVN CJIlcmtlAL. CO., Cleveland, Ohio.
For Sale toy R. W. Houck.
sion TJCKirrs to national
Ill order to properly accommodate tho
largo numbers of people who will desire tn
attend the National Uxport Exposition which
opened September lit It at rbiluilelpliia mm
will continue until November liOtli, arrange
ments have been mario by tlio l'.issciiKcr De
partment of the l'hiladclplila & Heading
Railway for the salo of excursion tickets
from its principal ticket ottires, including a
coupon of atinlssion to tho Exposition.
These tickets will be on salo from Septem
ber 13th to November 30tb, good to return
until December 4tli.
For any further on nearest
Philadelphia & Heading Ticket Agent or
address Edson J. Weeks, Qen, Passenger
Agent, Philadelphia.
Do You Know
Consumption la prevcntablo? Sclcnco lias
proven that, aud also that neglect is suicidal.
Tho worst cold or cough can lio cured with
Shlloh's Cough ami Consumption Curo. Sold
on positive guarantee for over fifty years.
Sold by P. D. Kirlln on a guarantee.
Coining Kvents.
Sept. 20. Grand concert to be given by tho
Lotus Glee Club, of Pottsvillo, assisted by
local talent, In tho Wm. Penu M. E. churclf.
Oct. 4.-Welsh BaptUt twenty-sixth annual
supper iu Itobblns' opera houso.
Oct. 30. First annual ball of the buon.
andoah Iiaso Ball Club in Robbins' ball.
3 lOS
Tho DQelntl1t1Pcrtea04'tbeoIiat
II1D UbilojUiutlir JomuUtrtrom PrlT.t.
;W-.J )0uue t 1-rof. U. t'. TIIEEU
1 u a:I PU. II., 60-1 Aorta Mxtli bi., j'Ulladcl-
nhta. I'o.. ztvci a QuftrkQlefl la Cferj we.
V.rloooel.t Slrlctar(noculUM). LoitVInol
I A llniu, raalArttd. I'.rt. ml.rroJ. Ekm:H
i.f'gaS-U. Uun.0-1!. Hour. Ibr long itAodlnc n4 dingttoai
ecu dlly w go to SO. Freoh case carl 4 to 1 0
Bend for sworn totimoaUU lad Hook. 411 rr.adi eipoiod.
Tho fall term of this famous
training school for teachers
Will open Augusts!, 18W. Hu
perlor advantages are offered
to young men anil women
preparing for teaching, col
lege, or business. The build
ings are all new, containing
spacious and comfortable
rooms for students, roomy re
citation halls, steam heated
throughout,and supplied with,
the latest and best lighting
and sanitary appliances.
Before choostne a school
secure a cataloguo ,of tho
Rev. N, G, Schaeffer, Ph. D D, D
For full inf o motion, catalogue, etc., I?
t KtTbluNt SIAlb NUnMAl SUHUUL, g
iiited Fcm
jt v icrfl Peyer t
1 mi -m ( after f&Uli
' vlth Taniy J'enuyror - oUim W
i!oUnril iiuirauteed fuiKgwr to Ji u.v O w -
the modern, scientific, practical, up-to-date medicine that fcsnlshei kidney
backache, kidney ailments, sleeplessness and urinary disturbances ki either
adults or children.
The first dose of Kid-Ne-Oids works wonders
a week's trial will ofttimes cure mild cases take a
box or two and your kidney trouble will disappear.
Disordered kidneys are Indicated by pains In the bade, distress or
fullness after eating, scanty or scaldlne urine, weakness and chills, pains
In the loins, nervousness, sleeplessness, loss of vitality, swelling lo limbs or
body, or both, and sediment tn the urine.
KH-Ne-Oids and Liverlax, manufactured by John Morrow & Co., Chemists, Springfield, Ohio.
rn. mott's
Tvrn t "V I'MTIIVIJ 1'irjTiN
July 1, 1899
Trains will leave ftlienaudoah after Ida sdovi
date for Wlggau, Ollbcrton, Kraokvlllo. Dull
Water, 8. Clair, Pnttavllle. Ilnmburg, Keaillnt
1'ottxtown, l'liocnlivillc. Iforrlstown a id Phil.
aJelphla (llr'rfij street station) at CIS and 8 0!
a. m., 2 10, 6 10 p m. on week days. Sundays
H 05 h. m., 4 30 p. m.
Trains leAve Frackvllle for Shenandoah at
7 88, 11 46 a. in. and fi BO, 7 BO p. m. Bunder
11 01 a. m. and 5 SO p. m.
Leave Pottsvllle for Shenandoah (via Frack
vllle) 7 10, 11 20 a. m., S 10, 7 10 p. m. Bunda
10 S3 a. m., S 10 p. ni.
Iave Philadelphia, (Broad street utallon), to
Shenandoah at 8 85 a. m 4 10 p. m, week dayr
Sundays leave at 8 50 and 9 23 a. m.
Leave Philadelphia (Itroad street station) foi
Pottsville.5 80,8 35, 1019 a. m., 180, 4 10,711
p. ni. weekdays. Sundays. 8 60, 9 23 a. m, sue1
8 02 p m.
Iave Broad Slreot Station, Philadelphia,
Express tVeek-days, 8 20, 4 03, 4 40, 8 00, A IB
880,733,823, 9 50, 1021, ll 00, 11 43 a m, 12 00
noon, 12 33, I Limited "100 and 4 22 pm, 143.
230.320, 860, 402, 600, 5 68,8 00, 7 02, 810
10 00 p m, 12 01 night. Sundays, 8 20. 409. 4 4a
5 00, 6 13, 8 25, 9 GO, 10 21, 10 43, 11 43 a m, 1J oj
12 S3, 2 30, 4 03 Limited, 4 221, S 20, 'i 88, 8 85.
I u., ,w, .u w J ill , v. uiguh
For Boston without change, 11 01 a m., week
days, and 8 10 p. m., dally.
Cntsklll Express Parlor car, 1100am week
days. For Sea Qlrt, Asbury Park, Ocean Grove,
Long Branch, 4 05, 0 60, 8 80, 11 44 a m, 2 42, 8 80,
4 08pm weekdays; 300 p m Saturdays only.
Sundays stops at Interlaken for Asbury Parkl,
...... a uu ( .11 .
For Lamberivllle. Easton and RerAntnn. a so
9 00 a m, 12 00 noon, 8 32, 5 00 (Lamberivllle and
Easton only), weekdays, and 702 p m dally
Buffalo, 8 00 a m, 12 00 noon weekdays, and 7 03
p in dallv.
Mount Pocono special, 103 p m Saturday.-
For Baltimore and Washington, 8 60, 7 20, 8 Si
1020, 11 23 a m, 1209, '1233, 1 12,8 12, 4 41 15 2!
Congressional Llm.l, 3 34, 6 17, 63, 7 81 p. in
and 12 03 night weekdays. Sundays, (60, 7 20.
912, 11 23 am, 12 09, 1 12, 812, 441 S20 Con
gressional Um.J, 5 84, 63, 7 81 p m and 12 Of
For Baltimore, accommodation, 9 11 a m, 1 62
and 4 01 p m week days, 6 08 and 11 16 p m dally
Atlantic Coast Line, Express 12 09 p m. ant
12 05 night, dally. '
Southern Hallway, Express 6 84 and 0 6.'
p m, dally.
Norfolk and Western Kallway for Mempbb
and New Orleans, 531 p m dally.
Chesapeake St Ohio Uallway, 781 p ra, dally
For Old Point Comfort and Norfolk, 10 21
a m weekdays, 11 10 p m dally.
Leave Market street wharf as follows : Es
prcaa for New York, 9 00 a m, 4 80 p m week.
days. For Long Branch via Seaside Park, 9 10
a m, 180 and 4 00 p m week-dsys. Sundays
tops at Interlaken for Asbury Park), 7 80 a m.
and 4 00 p m weekdays) 130 p m Saturdays
only. Sundays, 7 80 am. For Tuckerton, 9 10
a in and 4 00 p m weekdays,
Leave Broad street station via Delaware rlvei
bridge Express. 4 63, 9 40 SO minutest a m, 2 3d
81 minutes, 4 00 b0 minute,7 03 83mlnutes
p n Hat,dav, 4 65, 9 20 180 minutes a.m.
2 38 82 minutes, 7 03 83 minutes p. m.
Leave Market Street WharfExpress, 600,
8 80, (75 minutes;. 10 00 (76 minutes, a m, (100
Saturdays only), (73 minutes), 2 00, (70 minutes),
3 00 (75 minutes), 8 80 (80 minutes), 4 00 (86
. minuiesi,j ro minuieai, o uu iwi minutesl.
Li BO IU mlnulp.1 n m . Hi,,.... n !
73 minutes 1, 800 73 minutes, 8 80 73 minutesl,
9 CO 173 minutes. 1000 70 minutes a.m., and
4 80 73 minutes) p. m. 11.00 Uxcuislon train,
7 00 a ni week-days. Sundays, 7 00 and 7 80 a m.
For Cape May, AnEleaea. Wlldwoiu, Holly
Beach Express, 900 a m, 2 80, 4 03 100 minutes,
5 00 pm week-days. Sundays, 8 20 am. I'oi
Cape May only, 1 80 p ra Saturdays. 11.00 Ex
curslon train, 700 a. ru. dally.
For Sea Isle City, Oceau City, Avalqn and
Stone Harbor Express 9 10 am, 2 80, 4 20, 6 00
pm weekdays. Sundays, 8 60 a m, 314) Excur
sion train, 700 a in dally.
For Homers' Point Express, 8 00, 8 80, 10 00 a
m, (1 00 Saturdays only), 200,300,400,000,680
p m weekdays. Sundays, 5 00, 8 00, 9 00 and 10 00
a m, 4 80 p m.
The Union Transfer Company will call foi
and check hatRaae from hotels and raddenoe,
O'n'nK far
I, B, lluiLiuaON. J. U. Wuou
(Jen'l Manager, Ucu'l PaasVi Axt
It tcEa tho health-,
fitory well
Heed its warning I It
never tells an untruth
a hit goes wrong
with tho kidneys and
the back immediately
tella tho story
Tho degree of kidney
eickness is sure to be
told by tho degreo of
"Watch your back I
Tend to your kidneys.
Now York's Itocoptlun Committee 11ns
Comilntril All ArrnntrtMiiuntH.
New York .Sept. 25. All the general
arrangements for the reception of Ad
miral Dewey are now completed, and
only a few minor details are left to bo
settled. The majority of these can
not bo attended to until the admiral
has arrived and his wishes have been
The committee on stands will hold
Its final meeting today and decide ex
actly what will ho tho capacity of tho
new stands. If the committee stands
for all the expenditures It has au
thorized it will have spent more than
$45,000 In excess of the first appropria
tion made to it of $30,000, nnd $4,000
more than It has In sight, even if tho
municipal nssembly votes td give It
the additional $25,000 that Is to be
asked for at tomorrow's meeting of the
aldermen nnd council.
Vork on the Dewey trlumfmnl
arch Is rapidly being pushed, and the
arch, will be In proper condition In
plenty of time. Yesterday while some
workmen wero raising tho figure of a
sailor to the top of a pedestal a Broad
way car ran against one of the guy
ropes of the derrick, and derrick, statue
and workmen fell over on top of the
car. No one was hurt, and the figure
of the sailor was but slightly dam
aged. Concerning tho commlttco of seven
that is to attend to Admiral Dewey
during his stay In this city, Mr. Fos
ter said he hnd received a reply in
writing from Chauncey Depew and in
person from Richard Croker and Will
lam McAdoo. With tho exception of
Levi P. Morton and W. C. Whitney all
the members of the committee have ac
cepted. For forty years Dr. Fowler's Extract of
Wild Strawberry has been curing summer
complaint, dysentery, diarrhoea, bloody tltix,
pain In the stomach, and it has never yet
failed to do everythlug claimed for it.
rito DIxon-MuUovtini flulit.
New York. Sept. 25. Tho Lenox
Athletic club, of this city, has secured
the 25 round bout between Terry Mc
Govern and George Dixon, for which
the club will hang up a purse of $10,
Q00. Tho lads have been matched to
meet at 118 pounds, and the contest Is
to take place before Feb. G, 1900.
Does Tals Strike Yon 7
Muddy complexions, Nauseating breath
come from clironio constipation. Karl's
Clover Boot Tea is an absolute euro nnd has
been sold for fifty years on an absoluto
guarantee. Price 25 cts. and SO cts. Sold by
P. D. Kirlln oU a guarantee.
Mrs, I'iiiviti, Nut ii M in ilorikH,
Chicago, Sept. 25. Mrs. Catherine
Powers, widow of ex-Policeman Rich
ard Powers, was on Saturday night ac
quitted of the charge of murdering her
husband. Mrs. Powers claimed that
her husband, who was frequently
brutal to her, was about to shoot her.
She grasped his revolver, and in tho
struggle for its possession the weapon
was discharged, killing Powers.
A Sensible Man
Would use Kemp's Balsam for the Throa
and Lungs, It Is curing more casta of
Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, Croup
and all Throat and Lung troubles, than any
other medicine. The proprietor has author
ised any druggist to give you a sample bottle
free to convince you of the merit of this great
emedy. Price 25c and 50c.
Kenmiiiduii'ii WIi-uIioh Ttilturritiiliv,
Pittsburg, Sept. 25. Professor Ito-
glnald A. Fossenden, by experiments
at the Western university, demon
strated that his wireless telegraphy in
vention win worK at long distances.
It varies in many details from Mar
coni's, He will use It,-by Invitation,
at the coming International yaoht rae;
In New York, where Marconi's Is also
to bo tested.
KIDNFY 19 4 deceptive disease
IVIL.L,! thousands have it and
TDOUBLF don,t knw It. If you
can make no mistake by using Dr. Kilmer's
Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy. At
druggists la fifty cent and dollar sizes.
Sample bottle by mall free, also pamphlet
telling you bow to find out if you have
klduey trouble.
Addies, Dr. Kilmer & Co. .lilugbaw ton, N. Y
tTcl tenicii t r Mpottnsr lit Cltllttrvii
Mux I'fuilinwi) n Uini'iliin.
lxirdon Sept. 25.- The Pari eorrn
ipitidptit of 'I he Standard ay: The
i-xi it'-tiirnt id inePtlliK his children
twin produced a aprloua reaction In the
'omUtloti of Captitln Drayfua, and It
n fpTt'Pi' thut It may bf naressary to
-.end I1.111 tn Malta or Maderla.
1 11 1 f ii-. for the first time alnc i 89 4
rnioya l he full ImpplnsM of domeatlr
1 lie- He lias made the acquaintance
uf hu own daughter, for when he was
tt n,wn into prison she was a Imby a
rcw tnonlliH old. Now sh la a might
child, nvcrji yed At aeeluc her father,
wli .iii sh had oeeu told whs away on
a lone; Journey.
DuiiiiK the years of Dreyfus' Im
prtanninent the true facta were fcvpt
from tin- ihlldreu. They know noth
ini; of the Idle ihi Diable, the Itennes
trial or the imrilim. It ha been a
problem for the parents how to break
1 he- news to them, for the must know
1 ventually.
The iKiy Is 8 years old, hrlRht and
oh.orlnK, his mind developed suf
ficiently to comprehend so terrible a
-tiiry 111b father's martyrdom may
he utifoldrd gradually to him.
I11I111I1II1111I-. of Ynkutnt M ICHi'illoii-.v
r.i'iinil 11 (iriMlt TI1I11I Whvh.
Port Totviiseiid. Wash., Sept. 25.
roniprnlng the recent earthquake
alotiK the ooRHt of Alaska, Itev. Shel
don Jackson, edmntlonal aent for
Alaska, writes as follows from Yaku
tat "The first shock was experienced
on Sunday. Sept. 3. hut being alight,
caused no alarm. During the following
five hours there were fifty-two distinct
shocks, culminating in a shock so se
vero that people of Yakutat were
hurled violently across their rooms or
thrown to the ground. The Inhabi
tants escaped to the hill JiiBt In time
to observe n great tidal wave, 30 feel
IiIeIi approaching. Ilefore the shoro
was reached the earth opened In the
bottom of the harbor, and Into this
chasm the tidal wave spent its force
nnd nroiind it the sea whirled like a
ireat maelstrom. This saved the vil
lage from destruction. The tide would
rl.ic ten feet In the space of four or
live minutes and in an equally short
time ko down again. These sudden
fluctuations were frequently repeated.
Tents were pitched on the hills bnck
of the village and nearly the whole
population Is enmpins out. fearing that
another tidal wave may come."
'Itlir Doe" lii'lcuscil Prom Prison.
New York .Sept. 25. A cablegram
received In this city from Manchester,
Ungland, anouuees the release from
prison there on Friday of Daniel V.
Dougherty, alias Big Doc. tho notori
ous merlcnn hank robber and mur
derer. Tho ex-convlct Is now proba
bly on his way to the United States.
In n quarrel, most likely over the di
vision of plunder, In Knglnnd on
Dec. 21, 1SS7. Dougherty killed an
American confederate named Graham.
He was convicted of murder and sen
tenced to life imprisonment at Man
chester. Ills pardon was secured on
account of the prisoner's 111 health.
Dougherty had previously served fif
teen years In the Massachusets State
prison for bank robbery.
(AndTonic in Tadlet Form)
For All Diseases op the
Generative Organs
DrnopEs and GwEsYoiniiruiSTRtNGiit
To Every Part or nic System
Highly Dpctsto By Physichns
ByMail$1.oo SutpSTfiMProitPAMimiT-
Sold In Shenandoah at
Orders by mall sent to any address.
yoTK l'Olt
yoTK Foil
I'reaent Incumbent.
s I, ...1
-viwu-i i r
Comrados, Attention.
Iaerwl from 'lit to'at, and WMWoimd' ! -May
10. tli.' Ilattieof the Wllilcrnc-.
1 would like to lui Iny old oinnulea 1. ii' v
what Celery KlliK haa done fur mi-. In 1- I
iny old mini'lalnl, 1 lininlr illitrrba-a, ra
Imrk. The iliN'ton ifiultl not Htop It. t.nt 1
ery Kin luw cnri'd liie.nnd I hiii on.,, m
nJoyliiK llfti Frank IkH-liler, 1 ii, SJ h
(Co.V,tb N. Y. V. I.).
Celery KIlilT Ci Hti illneaum of tin V.'
Htoinach, I Iveruud Kidnejs. Hold in 1
5lt,i'nd il 0
Tint's why tfcry nley "n1' OOFFftB,
Anysroter on tell yu why cuitonm
hup conlne bf V for BKIZLIG'S.
t fMlWk S
Offlce Knn bulldlnx, corner ol Main an
Centre r.treeta, Shenandoah.
' Offlees Cor. Centre and White, street, nex
to Juatlcc Toomey's ofilee.
Q aitUIILKlt, M. D.,
Xo. 30 Brut I.loyd Street.
Odlce hours: 8 to 9a. m. J 1 to t p. m.
7 to 9 p. m.
Lock Box S3, Mahaaoy City, Pa.
Having studied nnder om nt lh hA.t
mutera Id London and Paria. will rlra lumni
on the violln.mandolin, guitar and vocal culture.
Terms reasonable. Address In care ot Slron.o,
inn leweier nnenanuoan.
Philadelphia &
Readinq R'y-
Engines Burn Hard Coal-No Smoke.
IN EPPKCT jri.Y 1, 18S9.
Tral n lea ve Shenandoah as follows :
For New York vis PhlliulnlnhU .w.
2"10, S 33, 7 87, 9 M a. ra., 12 2a. 8 09 and 09 p. m.
Sundays, 2 10 a m.
ror .lew York via Mar.cb Chunk, week daya.
7 87 a. m.. 12 24 and 8 09 p. m.
For Readlnr and Plilladelrjhia. mk .!....
2 10, S 33,787. 955 a.m., 12 29, 8 09 and 6 09 p. m.
Sundays, 2 10 a ni.
ror l'oltvllIe, week days, 2 10, 787, 9 S3 a. tn.
12 28. 3 09, 6 OT and T 30 p. ni. Sundays, 2 10 a m.
For and Slahannv CUtv. iinva
2 10, 787, 95S a. m., 12 24, 8 09 and 09 p. m.
For Wllllarruport, Sunbury and Lewlabure.
week dava. 3 27. 11 BX m.. m ism m
Sundays, 8 27 a m.
roraianano) flane, weekdays, 210.8 27.8 a.
7 87.9 55,1182 a. m.. 12 2S, 8 09, 8 09, 780. 966
p. m. Sundays, 2 10 and 3 27 a m.
For Ashland and Sbamokln, week days, 8 27.
7 37, 11 82 a.m., 12 26, 8 09, 07. 7 25 and 65 p. in.
Sunday, 3 27 a in.
ror uaiumore, Washington and the Went via
" y . - .i. 1 nut 11 .raiiw i r i iwaaini;
Jetmtnal, Philadelphia. (P. A B. D K.) at 820,
7 55, 1128 a. m., 8 10 and 7.27 p. t. Sundays
8 20,7 00,1128 a. m., 8 48 and 7 27 p.m. Addi
tional trains from Twenty-fourth and Chest
nut streets etatlou, week days, 10 80 a. m. 12 20
.4 .u o w p.oj. nunaays, 1 K, o 23 p. m.
I..P. Maw V..L. I - tll..t-.l.,ll 1
days, 1215, 4 80, 7 80,1180 a.m., and 180,4 80.
Q On n m '
Leave New York via Mauch Chunk, week:
lays, 4 SO. 9 10 a. m 1 80, 4 40 P. m.
In.. Ill.ll l1..V.ln 11 L 1 . ' IT. 1 . .
11 . .,.i 1 ..inn, tKouiun icrminai, weea;
days, 4 80. 86. 10 21 a. m. and 1 SO, 4 0), 6 88.
11 86 p. m.
lji... RMilIni waaW .1 .- . fy. W rv
a. m., 12 15, 4 17. 400, 8 26 p. ml
Leave Pottsvllle, weekdays. 717, 7 40 a. m.
w uw, l. ou, 1 j, 1 00, o iu anu o ou p. m.
uwo inojMiui, ween oays, o is, 0 00, 1X23
a. m., 1 49 5 54 7 7C. 9 41 p. m.
Iave Mabanoy City, week days, 1 43, 9 04.
11 47 a. tn. i 2i S A, 4 24, 7 44, 10 03 p. m
480. 9 22.10 23, 12 00, a. m 2 89, 5 86, 642,7 58
Leave Wllllsuspori, week days, T 42. 10 00 a.
m 12 84 and 4 00, 11 80 p. m.
Leave PMIadelnlilaCheatnnt strut whirr nrt
South street -r bar lor Atlantic City.
Weekdays-i:tpra. 8 00, 9 00, 10 U a m, 180,
2 W.S 00, 18 40 sixty minute), 4 00, 4 S0,500slxty-
1111 11 w.c , . ,. iiu, , p m. Accomoaaiion, 0 la a
in, 5 IW. 0 30 11 in. Sundays ICxnreM. 780. 800.
8 30,9 00, 1000 a m, 4 45,7 13 p m. Accommoda
tion, 6 15 a m, 4 45 p m. 11.00 Excursion 7 00 a
m uuuy ana v J nunaays.
Leave Atlantic City Depot: Weekdays Ex
press, 16 15 Mondays onlyj, 7 00, 7 43, 7 50 from
llHlticnvo. station only, 8 30, 9 00, 10 13, 11 00
am, 3 30, 4 30, 5 30, 780, 980 p m. Accommo
dation 423 800 am, 350pm. Sundays Ex
press, 3 30, 4 00. 5 00, 600, 6 80. 7 u0, 7 80. 800,
fi 30 u tn Accommodation, 7 13 a m. 4 30 p n 1.
1 wnxcursion weeKaaysouupm,Hunaa"ao iu
For Ocean Clty-Weekdays-8 43, 913 a m,
2 13 4 15, 6 13 p m Sundays 8 45, 9 IS a m, 4 45
p in. ii.uu excursion 'mursuay ana Sunday 7 00
a m.
For Cane May and Sea Isle CI It Weekdays
9 13am. 280,415pm. Sundays 843 a m 44S
P ui. si.wu czcurvion ounuaya only, t uu a m.
Additional (or Cape May Weekdays 54
am. Sundays 9 15am.
rarior uars on all express trains.
m . mi . .1 v imuiui.iiuu. 'yi'1 7 w uMira.
Philadelphia and Reading Itallway ticket agent
or address
iien i nupi., uen'l Pans'r Art.,
Kaadlnr Terminal. Pblladslnfala.
Agent for the Famous
Phila. Stock Ale, Sparkling Still
Amber Ale, Bottled Pale Ale,
Blown Stout, Half and Half, Beer
and Porter.
Mt. Carbon Beer
At all its customers to-day.
Solomon Haak's,
116 South Main Street,
Will receive prompt attention.