Watching Hie Prescription ! The hcnltlt that! results from the medicine depends upon the ingredients used nnd the care employed In puttingthein together. Our nilliiK of the far lt. mirniipp that thn phy.fnutrii tili-a win n carried tint, with Hit' purtit anil bi'.l mntrrlnls ' SHENANDOAH DRUG STORE", South Main Street, Shenandoah, Pa. TelmUbne Connection. T Ready For Fall THE FROSTY WEATHER In mit far olT now; lf tiim you ordered your full suit or overcoat. Our line ntTord. you the bwt wlee tlon nt tlie beet vrlceo. The lRte-t suitings, the late.t over coatlngr.. the latest styles yon find them nil here SEE OUR LINE OP GENT'S FURNISHINGS Portz Bros., 24- North Main Street. There's a World of Satisfaction In 'icing able to read without in convenience, especially to the man who has hat! difficulty with all the glasses he ever tried. Many thus ictimized come to us and experi ence for the first lime what a com petent optician can do for them. The "up-to-date method" we use is the cause of our success. Thos. Buchanan, Jeweler and Optician. 118 South Main Street. E SALE ! CHILDREN'S, HISSES' and LADIES'. BOYS', YOUTHS' and HENS'. Russetts and Blacks, in all Styles and Shapes Ladies' Russetts, S3.00, now Sl.60. " ' $2.00, now $,25. " " $1.50. now 90C. Men's Russetts, $3.00, now $2.00 and S2.25. Men's Blacks, $1.40, now 85c. Misses', Children's and In fant's shoes at a ret-uction of 30 per cent, below regular price. 'I HIS SALE IS WEEKS ONLY. FOR ;TWO BOSTON I SHOE 27 South Main Street. Shenandoah, I. SPONT, PROP FOUR DOORS ABOVE POST OFFICE. Pa. Couches, Lounges, Upholstered in Corduroy, Velour, Carpets and Silks. Can be had in all sizes and styles. To be sold in a short time and can be Bought at Factory Prices. DAVISON'S DEPARTHENT STORES, Nos. 119-121-123 North Main St Ice Cream, All flavors. Man u f a c - tured daily, of town. Delivered to all parts Sealed PINK BAND Package. OK NewYork. W Li A M MP .UXXM W L I II - Si3 J1 I i II 1 11 1 1 1 I If ill ninill LI FAMOUS Bon-Bons and Chocolates, Hade Only Jty " TEIVNKY COMPANY, Toil BALK HY FRED. KEITHAN, Baker and Confectioner, 104 N. Malm St. pottsville news. l(nifnliiR In Comt hiiiI Kluenhere nt the Comity Heat, l'"UTllle, Sept. 8 L -John UIIiImiiis, "resi lient of the (! tiivMEUii School Hoard, nmy noHmhly lie Hiljinlgiul to cnnU-tupt of flfcrtjrt If the nllemiloiia made hefore Juilite IlSnilhg yesterday are atiaUitieil. An alrlilavflwVaii presented, signed hy Mhlutel O'Hrien, ffie of the members of the Cass township School Hoard, In which it la averred that Gllibons prevented O'Hilen fnnn performing llin (lutim mr Ft ill net nr. The Hoard recently otistfd O'llrleii from hi neat Au appeal win untile to court hiiiI .Inline lleuniug handed down itti oritur to the Himril, infecting theui to recognise O'ilrlrn hi a ..(llrct tnr. This order was served on l'resldsift OlMions, Imt notwithstanding this, it ivilleged that the Hoard has failed to rrfttor O'llrleii to his Ttrivilflpe n. a illfcunr. . Jftrlvn llenlilncr lis tened to tho roaijfuft VCrt the allldavit and granted a rule to sliiirvUlisu why an attach- irteilttliolilil not hailieil.- for contempt of otrarCT The case vrflWio heard Monday next tCo&'tt yestonlayjillrected that jurors he dfasfn lry tlrtiShfaiR" and Jury Cotiiinliwioiiore 'oth tjitm ofAMSirt lieglnnitig November Hj,fofili5jt OHU'uB, and also for December Ti, I I.S"Vfti.rtl tin Cull. Thnmu fl vs. K A. ITdijmTis, a nlaini for $80, tho Jury, uMdln-cthiiif ctnirt, awarded In favor of the plamtlirforfRinn. 11. C. flrcori & Sou, of this place, sliitagsluit Mrs. Ilessie loi, al.n of Potts ville. for balance i. Hexed to lie duo for jewelry. A niisunilprdiinillng arose between the litigants -us to the exact amount due. The cane was heard Wore Judge Helming, This morn I UK the juiy brought In a verdict fur tho plaintiu" fur 110.36. In tho case of Eugene Horn vs. U10 Hast Iildgo Coal Company, the jury jwvu the plaintiff $31 32. This was uu action to recover wanes 'duo, tho original ulaltn having been $48.01. Tho charter of St. Joseph's Human Cat holt; Parish Society, of MoAdoo, recently granted hy tho Court of Common I'leas, was filed with KecoMer Jeukyu. The jury i" the case of Michael Wentz vs Anthony lobak, an appeal, rendered a verdict In favor of tho defendant. The lnonoy consideration in this caso was (22, funeral expenses, which were not paid. In the caw of Nathan Hex vs. James K Hill, a verdict was rendered this morning in favor of the plaintiff forf!2.77. AU jurors, witli the exception of thoso trying chsos, were discharged this morning. 1 here are but two casos on trial, anil in sue of them the jury retired at noon to-day. It is therefore likely that court will adjourn this afternoon, at tho latest to-morrow morn ing. On Monday the trial of long causes will begin. Tax Collector Janios McCool, of Mahanoy township, increased tho funds in the county treasury by making a payment on his '09 duplicate. A reception was tendered John Putnam, the new physical director of the Y. M. C A last evening. The gymnasium class work commenced this afternoon. The members of the Republican Kxccutivn Committee met at headquarters here last evening, and for soveral .hours discussed plans for tho campaign. The headquarters Is now connected by long distance telephone A special committee of Pottsville's Town Council mot last evening to discuss tho ap plication of the two Independent telephone companies who desire admittance to th county seat. Another meeting will be held to-morrow night at which representatives of the Anthracite and the Schuylkill telephone. companies will he present. They will hear the Bell company later. This is an iudlca tion that the Councilmen will hedge, as tliore is no good reason to bear that company as they are now operatiug here. The mcrubere of the Methodist Episcopal congregation, of this place, are very enthusi astic over the new church question. The var lous societies and collectors of the congrega tion are continually at work raising funds for the noble project. A prominent member that congregation says it will not be very long before work on a new, handsome and commodious temple of worship will be com menced on the property purchased for the purpose, corner of Fourth and Market streets, The friends of Senator S. A Losch will be pleased to know that he is on the road to re covery, 'lie nas just returned trom l'nlla dclpbia, where he underwent an examination by several prominent specialists. 1 hey say his trouble Is an enlargement of the heart. Collieries on Nine Hours. Orders were received yesterday for the Boston Run, Draper and Gilberton collieries to start to-day ou nine hours and continue to work that time until further notice. The employes of Gilberton and St. Nicholas collieries will be paid to-morrow. BEECHAM'S PILLS cure bilious and nervous ills, sick headache, disordered liver and impaired digestion. I u ceuts and 35 cents, at all drug stores. We have added to our list of Piano Ageucies that of Behr Bros. & Co., of New York. Their first instrument in town is now on exhibition at our warerooms, and we invite the public to come and inspect it. It is an upright instrument and is manufactured by the firm that introduced the "Muffler" which is also shown in this piano. They are sold by all the prominent dealers iij the country as a "leader." These pianos have a deserved reputa tion for their full, pure and sweet tone, and their great re liability ana artistic case work. To the purchaser of this instru ment a great reduction in price will be mtjde to introduce it. M. O'NEILL, Furniture Dealer and Undertaker, 106 South Main Street. OPENING ONJATURDAY ! A. BROWN WILL OPEN ON SATURDAY A NEW STOCK OP Ladies' and Gents'--Furnishings and INovelUes. 107 N. Main Street. Call and inspect our goods. We pre sent new goods and new prices. PIANO ' TALK I Why go humping around "with a LAME BACK When you can get Instant relief in a tOe. box of QHNSON'$ iS'cEKi KDNEY rtolTIVEiy GUARANTEEON, It WmhatS) The nest Kidnev preparation on earth, And a 10 CENT BO r. nt-ll for n X cnutnunnenrl IV as much ai Hirr. aril for jo cent" If your druggist will not supply you. .end u. five a-ceut stamps and get n box up man The Johnson Laboratories, Inc., Phlla. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. tiii: w'liATimit. Tho Barometer "continue iovr m tno Atlantic stiiteB and tho cantor of uis- turutuice ims jnov- ""$ iwt iinrl h wnril tn tho Mnino coast. Thoro have boon general rnlns over tho firea covered by tho depression, henvy In the Mid dle Atlantic states and New England. Temperatures fell somewhat In tho east and south and ro&o in the west. Forecast for this Bcctlon: Fair and cooler today. Fair tomorrow; fresh westerly winds. Sunrise, 0:53; mnisot, 0:0(3; length of day, 12h.. 13m.; moon rises, 7:22 p. m.; moon Bets, 8:09 a. m. VITHY PUWTS. flHppeutiigs Througliont the Country ChronlclfMl for Hasty Perusal. Tho plant of tho Bellefouto Furnace Com pany will bo enlarged. Governor Stone has designated October 21 as Autumn Arbor Day. Tho Shanioklu merchants have adopted the early closing movement. A sweepstakes shooting match will bo held at Lakeside on Saturday. President Harris, of the P. & R. Railway, has arrived homo from Kurone. P. V. McEnerny has been elected captain of Mahanoy City s foot ball team. Julette Rico was yesterday appointed fourth-class postmaster at Elbrldge. A widow's pension of $ 8 per month has been granted to Kate McDonald, of Pottsville. Bituminous coal and flro clay have been discovered on Summcrsouls Mountain, near or tli Heud. Tho recruiting station at Delllefonto has been closed Fifteen volunteers wore secured in two weeks Amos Geistweit, who kilted his wlfo on August 20, was indicted for murder at Lcb anon yesterday. Pennsylvania shoe manufacturers have organized and decided to advance prices of shoes 10 to 50 cents a pair. Misses Bertha A. Bossert, of Homestead, and Berdie Delaney, of Shenandoah, wit nessed the play at Mahanoy City lastevening, Jacob Graeber, the well known Sbamokin ite who has been in the Klnndiko region for tho past few years, arrived home yesterday. Buck Mountain was in the throes of water famine, and had it not rained tho col liery would have been forced to suspend operations. Oliver T. Wilson, Republican, and John SI. Gordon, Democrat, took out nomination papers for County Commissioner at Blooms burg yesterday. Reports recoivod at Wilkcsbarre 6tato that John M. Gaiman. ex-State Democratic chair man of Pennsylvania, is dangerously ill at Hot Springs, Ark. Our Fresli 3auage and PuilfUugs Are a favorite dish with ovetybody. Like wise our palatable fresh and emoked meats. Hauler's, Cherry and Chestnut streets, tf X)eeds Uncorded. From Mary Scbwalm et vir to Fletta Feast, premises in Hubley Twp. From Michael Ulllan et ux to Florence Short, premises in St Clair. ' From Hubley school district to John Carl, Jr., premises in Hubley Twp. From John Carl et ux to Charles Sternon sky, premises in Hubley Twp. From the Sheriff of Sch. Co. to J. T. Turley, premises in Newtown. From F. C. Runkel to Mary Wildermutb, premises in Schuylkill Haven. From David D. Williams et ux to Elizabeth C'Parkor, premises in Yorkvllle. From Amelia Schall et al to Elizas Yerger, premises in Pottsvillo. From D. M. Mullen et ur to John O'Don nell et al, premises In McAdoo. From Mary Kemp to G. Frederick Bader, premises in Pottsville. You can have a bigger choice of men's and ladies' suitings at the Famous than in any other four stores combined in the county. Go and see them. Their prices for niakiug up are moderate. tf Tvn C'liIldrpii'Kllli-il lij- a Train. Harrlsburg, Sept. 21. A passenger train on tlio Northern Central railroad struck and killed Lucy and Mattle Itaford, aged 11 and 13 years, respec tively, near Halifax, this county, yes terday. Tho children, in company with their mother, were walking on the track, and on account of a passing freight train failed to hear the whistle of the engine In the rear. Their home Is in South Carolina. Marriage Licenses. Marriage licenses were issued to the follow ing : Vincent Szaulanskis and Leonora Zduevizute, both of Shenandoah; Adam Sawicskl and Agnes Czernolis, both of Shen andoah ; Clinton Jones and Katie Keller, both of Tamaqua; Kazimieorz Polubiusky and Elizabeth Kaliszius, both of Shenan doah ; W. M. McLaughlin and Annie Judge, both of East Butler township; J. E. Smith, of Mt. Carmel, and Annie Keblor, of Haas; Charles Brittun and Susie Rose, both of PotUvllle The Delia Will King. Just as soon as the Olympla Is sighted coming into New York harbor the fact is to be wired all over the country, and the official heads of each town so notified is asked to have the church and other bells rung In honor of Admiral Dewey's arrival. Chief Burgees Tabor should, and no doubt will, keep in line with the procelon by comply ing with this request. Contract Awarded. Hooks it Brown have leeclved a contract for placing forty feet of blackboard In room No 2 of the old White street school building. It will be placed next Saturday. Council Meeting. A reaular meeting of the Borough Council will be held to-night. Street paving and sewerage will probably be tho leading topics of discussion. Arm fractured. Aunio Dosing, 4 years old, bad her left' forearm fractured by falling upon u puvewent while playiug Id front of her home. llloycle Kitces. The Mahanoy City Athletic Association has fixed Saturday, October 7th, as the date for Its fall bicycle meet. Letters (Irayted. Letters testamentary were granted yester day to John Crane and James Crane on the estate of John Crane, Sr., late of Glrar'd ville. also to Ejarah Keuuedy, ou the estate of lieu Jaiulu Keuuedy, lulu of Wayne township. STATE OFFICERS ELECTED. Tlio Jr. O, V. A. SI. Wilt Meet In l'lill. ilelplihi Next Year, Rcrantoh, Pa., Sept. 21. The State Con- vciitloji of tho Junior O. U. A. M.. at Its to day's session, decided upon Philadelphia as tho place or meeting In 1000. Tho state officers for tho ensuing year were also elected, Charles 8. Crall, of Mononeahela. was elected State Councilor without opposition. 'A. T. Wobonsniitli. of Phlladolidila. defcatod James hi. Crawford, or Philadelphia, for tlio otllce of Vice-Councilor by a vote of 271 to 261i John W. Oliver, of Philadelphia, was elected state Treasuror without opposition. 8. 1) Wood was elected National Representa tive irnni the western districts. 1 he committee on legislation reviewed tho work done by that body in influencing Icgis latlon at Harrlsburg. It was decided, after a deal of discussion, to placo n tax of nine cents per capita for general exponsos of thn Htato Couucll, but the appropriation of fifteen cents por capita for tho National Council was voted down. This Is said to mean tho be ginning of hostilities with the National Council. Secrotnry Edwin S. Deomer's report showed tho total membership at present to bo 80,847 unrolled In 750 councils. There woro 7,2211 members initiated during tlio year, 002 recoived hy card and 2,030 reinstated. For benefits and relief $192,305.15 have been paid out, an increase of f 15,3 10.06 over last your. Tho total worth of the councils June 30, 18D9, was f 1,110,080.02, orf55,103.01 more thnu last year. Treasuror Culver's report shows the balance In tho ticasury as JB.D82.52. Receipts from the secretary wero f 11,597.07. The biggest variety of stylish neckwear and shirts at Tiik Famous. tf PERSONAL MENTION. J E, Bueck, well known throughout the county as the P. & R. Railway car agent, has severed his connection with that company. T. J. Joyce, of Mahanoy City, was a visitor to town yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Taylor went to Ashland to-day to attond tho funeral of a friend. Mr. and Mrs. Mahlon Yeager and son left to-day for Suuhury, to attend the funeral of Mr. Veneer's sister, which takes place to- trorrow. Mr. Ye.ger's brothers, Robert and Samuel, have also gone to atteud the funeral. Mrs. J. J. Depow, of Tunkhannock, is spindlng this week with her niece, Mrs, II V. Koehlor, ou West Oak street. Messrs Adam Campbell and Joseph Zlm merman wero attending the Allentown fair to-day. Mrs. John Hill, of Chicago, la a guest at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Zim merman, on South Maiu street. Tom Hall, the saddler, became the proud father of a baby hoy to-day. Tom says this will be another addition to the craft of saddlers. Abner Smith, Esq,, of Hazleton, paid professional visit to town last evening. Manager E, J, Sponsler and Martin Frauey, of "The Hub," arc In Now York purchasing an entire new fall stock of goods for tho various departments of the big store. Dr. E. D. Warfield, LL. D President of Lafayette College, Easton, was shown through tho workings of Indian Ridge colliery yester day afternoon by Alexander Klucaid. Miss Emily Jones, of West Coal street. spout yesterday in Mt. Catmel. F. E. Mugargle, the grocer. Is ou a business visit to Philadelphia. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Scbeider have gone to New York to visit friends. Miss Kate Ploppert, of West Coal street, who spont the past few weeks visiting friends at Philadelphia, has returned to town. W. H. Seeds, of the Hotol Ferguson, spent yesterday on business at Hazolton. Joseph Towusend has returned from a visit to Philadelphia. -William McLaughlin spent yesterday visit lug friends at Tamaqca. C, L. Howser, of Philadelphia, represent ing Schumacher gold string pianoi, Is a busi ness visitor to town. Ho has established an agency with S, S, Ryan, the sewing machine dealer. Fred. Keituau and daughter, Lizzie, were in attendance at the funeral of a relative at Tamaqua to-day. Fred, Gruhier, has reslgne from his pos ition In his brother s drug storo and gone to Allentown, where he will locate if his ex pectations are realized Whon dizzy or drowsy Pills. take Uki:cii'.m'8 Why Kulpe Confessed. Harry Knipe, tho bicycle thief, who was arrested about two weeks ago, was taken from tho Sunbury jail to Shamokln yester day for a hearing, and ho pleaded guilty to the charge, R, T. Bird and Charles Treon, of Shamokln, had sworn out warrants against Ktiipe for the theft of their wheels. He had confessed to tho stealing of these wheels, and told whore they could be found, so he said, with tho understanding that ho would not bo prosecuted. Knipe is supposed to be tho party who stole a watch from a local jeweler. 'ZTtor over ua . or mauiODoior E NEURALGIA and similar Complaints') uuu irvjurt;u uuuer wo btnugent GERMAN MEDICAL LAWS, . prescribed by eminent physicians! . DR. RlfiHTER'S " iMnunn PAIN EXPELLER. World renowned I TtrmftrlrftliWBnccefisfDl I lonlrircnulno with Trade Mark" Anchor,'1 -uaecaocauouie. Atauurnggisuorinrouga r- as. h:hie2 & ca, em rem hew jess. 31 HIGHEST AWARDS. 13 Branch Houses, Qwx Glassworks. Enaorsra and Jlecommnnlttl by vrugvttts, Ministers, ana vuicr prominent DR. IIICHTER'S "ANOnOll" STOMACHAL best flolln. Ity pepsin AHtnmnch Cowplnlnf m A box of our srecmi rmiLT dew is an exhilarating stimulant during the hot summer months. Delivered at your home. Columbia Brewing Company Our Haircutting and Shampooing: l'leiuie. everybody, v'e do lota of It and are gaining new cus tomer, dully. LadieH.haiupooIng done at yuur own home UHa j notification, W. G. DUSTO, Ferguson House Block, GOLDIN'3 Fall and Winter-1899. rri CORDIAL, invitation is extended to the people of Shenandoah and vicinity (Aj to call and inspect our new fall nnd winter stock. We take pride in "Ti announcing that we can this season -oner a larger nnd more complete assortment than ever before. For the post two mouths our stock has been arriving so that at the present we can safely say that a more complete line of Men's, Boy's and Children's Clothing cannot be found outside of the largest cities. The stock consistsof ail the latest and most fashionable designs and styles, and we make no idle boast in saying that we can suit and fit the most skeptical customer. Another point we take pleasure announcing, is that our price on the above line cannot be beat for lowness. In buying here you have the satisfaction of making a choice from over a thousand different styles and patterns. ( Besides we guarantee a saving of from $1.00 to $2.00 per suit. Having bought hundreds of a kind, and through manufacturing half of our own goods, we can therefore undersell other stores at from gi.oo to $2.00 less. In closing will thank you for past favors, and hope for a continuance of same ; and remain, Respectfully Yours, 9 and 11 South 49 P. 8. Our MnrrUges. William l,.nnrai). and Miss Nellie Clancy, two popular residents of Heckscher villo, were wedded in the Roman Catholic church at that place at 10 o'clook this morn- l 1an fliaeltia PrATl Wfnnt.. of Philadel phia, a brother of the groom officiated. The couple were attended by James u uonneii, and Miss Maggie Clancy, a sister of the brldo. After their return from a honey moon trip to New York and Philadelphia Mr. and Mrs. rrenaergasi win resme ui irnl,l,arrl1lA MW .Tnlla and Nellie Hradlgnti, of town attended the wedding. William Davidson and Mis Miriam Hughes, both of St. Nicholas, wero united In marriage at t.1m Prpshvterlan narsouane. at Mahanoy City, yesterday afternoon, Rev. T. M. Morrison ouiciatlng. T ll ,1 ann nt H.i n I ! In I II TTfll - i.UDl-Cl JlQUUiinao, u v. "J - dricks, formerly a Lehigh Vatley Railroad conductor, and Miss Uerlte Brownmiuer, daughter of Charles Brownmlller, were married this afternoon at the residence of tho bride's parents In Mahanoy City. Do You Know Consumption is preventahlo? Bclence has proven that, and also that neglect Is suicidal. The worst cold or cough can lie cured with Sliiloli's Cough and Consumption Cure. Sold on positive guarantee for over fifty years. Sold by P. D. Kirlln on a guarantee. AHUSEriENTS. perguson's Theatre, JAS. H. QDINU, Manager. Two Nights Only 1 Sept. 21st & 22nd. THE CHBflE PLAYERS -WILL PnEBKJCT- THE BOY FROM BOSTON produced under the personal direc tion ot the author, MISS EUNICE FITCH. THE EL MOBS SISTERS Jensie and Mamie. will appear In their original characters. Also The United States Ladies' Military Band and Orchestra. PRICES : - 25, 35 and 50 Cts. Iteserved seats at Klrlln's drug store. perguson's Theatre, J. n. QUIHH, Manager. ONE NIGHT OIML-Y 1 Tuesday, Oct. 3rd, '99. EVERYTHING NEW BUT THE NAME. Schoppo nip Bros. 9 Dill In the screaming farce Shenandoah Borough Council In Session. NEW! NOVEL! ORIGINAL Red hot ragtime specialties and dances. Grand First Part. Elaborate stage setting, rcpresunttpg the deck on board the battleship Oregon. Watch for the Qrand Street Parade. $1,00 Worth of Amusement for 10, 20 and 30c. Ferguson's Theatre. JAS. H. QUINN, manager. One iMIght Only. THURSDAY, SEPT. 28, '99. Tom McIntosh's "'ft HOT OLD TIME IN DIXIE." Mcintosh & Davis, Proprietors. All tint 1. raflned and amusing In the realm of uolotwl Uieatrloals prenvnted by TillUTY COLOUR!) STA1W. II r. ud Mr,. Tom Mclotoih, the Royal c, Tola Brown, Charact.r Mimic , Pearl Wood., M&rvftlou. Couumioni.t & Phihpioo Barefoot Dancer , Ferrin, Dudley & Tttylor, tbe King, and Qu..n. of Xun ; Da S Wilun, lilack Mogul, of t-umtdy . Dlak Quartstt. ; aladam Boh.e, the Cuban M.lba. Grand Scenic, Electrical and Calcium Effects. THE COOLER DANCE, The latest Sensation. OPERA A LA RAG-TIME. Treseated originally by this oompany. The latest musical novelty. PRICES : - 25, 35, 50 and 75 Cents. lU.erved seaU at Klrlln's drug mote. GSOt-DIIM'S. GREETING MAMMOTH CLOTHING HOUSE, L. G0LDIN, Proprietor. Main St., goods are well made And trimmed; and mostly all CONSISTENT Are responsible for our Try us on plumbing and regret the trial. P. W. BELL, Cor WALL PAPER 30c Papers Reduced to 1 5c. 25c Papers Reduced to 1 S 1 -Sc. i Oc Papers Reduced to oc. Thos. Snyder, 22 BALI None better in the world. Sold cheaper than any other make. We are the sole agents. You can't buy them anywheie else in town. We can save you money this fall, and you will be sur prised at the sum when you purchase. There is no cheaper stove house in town. V FURNITURES We can lurnish your house from than you would D. & J. SIEGEL, 103 & 105 SOUTH MAIN ST., MISCELLANEOUS. FOIt KENT. Two very desirable brick dwell ing houses, 82 nnd 33 Kiut Oak street. Kent reasonable. Apply nt 28 West Lloyd street, or 20 South White street. 9-19-21-23 NOTICE. Desirable properties for sale. Ap ply to S. U, M. Ilollopeter, attorney, Shenandoah. 8-?l-tf FOK SALE. Most desirable dwelling on West Centre street, bath, water closet, .ewerage, two houses on rear of lot. Valuable business property, two stores. North Main street. Two houses on East Coal street. Little cash required. Fine nouso in iirowusviue. Appiy ko J. Claude Drown, Attorney-at-law. 7-29-tf Cor. Centre and White streets. PROPOSALS Sealed proposal will be received by the Con troller of Schuylkill county, at his office, until 10 o'clock a. in. Monday, September 23tu, 1899, for the f urnUhine of almshouse and nrisou sun- plies (Including coal and knitting and weaving, iuuieriai iur mu luree inuiuus enuuig xecein berSlat, 1899. Also at the same time, bids will be received for furnishing two hundred 200 tons more or less of hard white aah pea coal of best quality, ,'ree of dust or dirt, for line of Schuylkill county court bouse. Coal to be drawn over screen Into wagon, and not shoveled out of cars. The de livery of same to commence on or about Octo ber 1st, and to continue as required hy the fire man. Contract to be In full force one year. Samples required of almshouse articles must be delivered at that institution on or before the date and time of one nine bids. Prison samples required can be delivered at the Controller's ofttc . Schedules of supplies and all other Informa tion can be hod on application at the Controller's office. Mark envelopes plainly "proposals" and designate, ' almshouse," 'prison'1 or "court house coal' and enclose In separate envelopes The rlo-ht Is reserved to r elect anv or all bids. By direction of the County Commissioners and Directors oi lue roor. II. J. MULDOON, 9-15-18-21 Controller. Orphans' Court Sale of Vaul able Real Estate. - Estate of Ralph Oliver, late of Shenan doah, Schuylkill County, Pa., Deceased. Pursuant tn an order ot the Orphans' Court of the count? of Hchuylklll. In the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, the subscriber, Martha Ilur chlll, trustee, will expose to sale hy public vendue on SATURDAY, SEPT. 30th, 1899, at 10 o'clock In the forenoon on the premises. No. 114 North Main street, Shenandoah all that cer tain three-story frame dwelling house and li censed saloon, and lot of ground, situate on the west side of Main sireet In the said borough of Hlienamloiih, bounded and described as follows vli; Ka t by Main street, north by property of Mrs, K, J. Kern, west by an alley, and south by prope ty of Mrs- Uirclceny. Said lot or piece of ground containing thirty 30 feet front on west aide of said Main street and ex tending that width In length or depth and at right angles therewith a distance of one hundred and fifty 1150 feet to the east side of an alley, said lot or piece of ground belne known, marked, and numbered on the gei eral map or plan of said borough of Shenandoah, as made by P. W. Sheafer, Ksq., of Pottsville, Pa , a. Ixit Number Seven 17 of lllock Number Thirteen 13, Together with the other appur tenances consisting of a two-story frame dwell ing house thereon erected, fronting on said B"oy n MaBTUA Huhciiiil, Trustee. Hy order of the Orphans' Court. K. O. Kkebk, Clerk. Pottsville. Pa., Sept. 6th, 18W, CONDITIONS OK SALE. Ten 101 per cent, of the purchase money to be paid hy thn pur chaser when the property Is struck down, and the balance to b paid within ten days there- ' Mabtha IluuciiiLr., 9.7.U,21 Trustee Tho. Rosy Froshnoss And velvety softness ot the skin Is Inva riably obtained by thor e who use Poitom'd Complexion Powder. COL-DIN'S. oi. 1 - it p ? ft woolen good.. WITH always busy business. gas fitting. You wont - white and Lloyd sts GREATLY REDUCED. These prices will hold ".ood only for the next sixty days. South Jardln St , . . . Shenandoah, STOVES, RANGI HEATERS. cellar to garret, for less money ever expect. SHENANDOAH, PENNA. Commercial Hotel Entirely remodeled and refurn ished. Elegant Hath and Wash Rooms. Boarders by the Day, week or month. Well stocked bar attached. An heuser-Busch St. Louis beer and Pabst Milwaukee beer in bottles. The Best Hotel In the Region Giving the Best Accommodations for the Honey. Try Our "CONFIDENCE" 5-Cent Cigar. Best on Earth. Morris Heckman, PROPRIETOR, Cor. Main and Coal Sts., Shenandoah, Pa. EVAN J. DAVIES. Livery and Undertaking, No 13 North Jardln St. HOUSEWIVES! LOOK AT OUR PRICES I Wheat Flour as Low as $1.65 Per Hundred. Farmer roll butter, SO cents; creamery butter,. 27 cents; soap, 15 bars, for 25 cents, Other bur gains touiiumerotis to mention. Special bargains In floor oil cloth. This Is the season for It. We also carry a full lino of Dry Goods, lioots und Shoes. SatVK U8 A TIUAL.-K PHILIP YAROWSKY, RELIABLE OROCER, 333 West Centre St., Shenandoah. BUY OUR 1 Regular size cupcake. 7c. i -" r Hegulor size C3 - IVVrf sponge cuke, ' - v Tar' 25c. Our sales are large Try our 23 cent check system. You can save money by It. People who have tried It wont do without It. BOSTON BAKERY, . Morgeuatelo.' MT W. Centra 8tre