aeatauataatm TheHerald usr viit.mnun ik:o ' "M' tu H8s That's ni In Print." Pnl.imlie.l ev.r ivi-muit, emi'i' Siindnv, Hvulli Jar-I''i 4mt, slionamlniih. l'a. LON'O DIrASO-: THI.KI'IIONK. lie Herald In .U-IHwtl In Hlienniitloali ami tin HiirrnumlmK towin forelieenteo w ek, pay able to llio i nrrli m By mull .0On year, r a wntu n ikmiiIIi nayahle In advance Ail vertlemenli lmrR1 atvortllnil to ineeanil poeltlon. The piill)HliT8 rewrve Hie rlRlit to change tlio p-wUloii BtWertlemetit never Hi publication nl tiewe tlemaml The rlht l renetv" ' ret any Bilvertlnenirnt wtirlher M for or nol. I'tnt the pliullnlierii mnv deem lmmHr. Ail'-l tllnjr rate mmle kiiov iiiinnaiiplleHtlmi nteretl at tin- i-t olno i.i Oieiianrtnah. I'., eecont! mi1 tan tier. YOU OA KW MtAOH -TiuinnmT,n- THHOl'OM ANY OTHBR D,1I.V prBfcicAno. CBxuutntiT; -gjcvattu WEDNESDAY. SEITEVIHEK 13, 1800. OUR COUNTRY : First. Last and Forever. TilK gentlemen who lire running the Democratic caMinaign in this county eye the silveritex uskance. TtlK "traitors of 'Ofi" are in the saddle in this county, and the Bryan ites are in the dumps. Is party treachery to be rewarded ? TltK Court of Cassation should promptly take up the Dreyfus case and grant the convicted man the justice which the army court-martial appears to have predetermined not to give him. Tiik Salvation Army lassies have won a victory in Philadelphia, the court having declared their arrest lieing contrary to law. And the drum will continue as a weapon of warfare against Satan. I if this restless age constant hustle is the price of success. Newspaper advertising is the very best "hustle' any firm can employ. It will go into thousands of homes and reach people who are approaohable in no other way. It is an indispensable part of every modern retail business. Jidqk Whitk, of Pittsburg, has taken a stand against easy divorces. The reform was not inaugurated by Judge White, but it should spread to every county in the state. Compell ing divorce proceedings to be held in open court strikes a. 'blow at one of the worst forms of practice. The secret hearings before commissioners ailurd opportunities for' collusion, or worse, which have become a scandal in some districts, and ought to be purged from all. Foumkr Postmaster Bogert, of Wilkesbarre, who was on trial in the I nited States court at Wllliamsport, charged with opening the mails, is still a free man. The jury in the case was unable to agree on a verdict, two being for conviction and ten for ac quittal. Mr. Bogert was placed under bail for his appearance for another trial at either the Seranton or Pitts-. burg term as the' court will direct in the near future. It is believed that the government will drop the case. Thk Demooratic Florida Times- l nion bites its thumb at one of the most distinguished and able members of Its party : "Alt geld should be dis ciplined for the good of the party or silenced ; as a Democrat his record is that of a bolter and firebrand ; as a citizen he is the friend of anarchy and the enemy of the law." Altgeld is h typical Bryanite, fiercely radical as his party ie. The Southern Demo crats, many of whom love to imagine that they are conservative, will vote meekly for the ideas of this fierce radical agitator. Jamus H. REASAjr.of Texas.the last of Jefferson Davis' Confederate Cabi net, is now in his 81st year, but a re vent visitor to liim says that, in spite of the signs of age in his face, his brown eyes shine lustrously, bis voice is steady, and his step is firm. He cays he has taken great care of him self, goes to bed early, and jfets up at sunrise, works hard, and sleeps well. (if the Confederacy he says: "The cause we advocated wag dear to our hearts ; we worked for it, fought for it, nnd prayed that it might be vic torious, but I am not sure now that things are not better as they are." Thk opening we4k of September was the busiest in the history of the Pennsylvania Steel Works, at Steel ton, and saw the highest number of employes ever carried on the com pany's pay rolls. The 7000 mark was 11 passed some time ago, and new names are being added to the force daily. The shipments last week were Im mense, and but for a breakdown in the slab mill they would have been larger. More than 100 ears of rails for the New York and New England railroad werg shipped, in additioq to other large orders. There vera also some large shipments of bridge .ma terfal to Eastern Cuuadu and the South. T 11 ERR aro women everywhere who suffer almost con stnntly because thoy cannot bring themselves to tell all about their ills to a physician. Such women can surely explain tholr symptoms and tholr sufTorlngby letter to Mrs. Pinkhnm at Lynn. Mass., for the Con HELPS WOMEfii Brennf.u, East Rochester, Ohio, who says: " I shrunk from the ordeal of examination by our physician, yet 1 knew I must have treatment. My troubles wero backache, nervous tired feeling, painful menstruation and leucorrhaja. I am so grateful to you now that I am willing to have my name published to help othor girls to take their troubles to you. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege table Compound used as you wrote me has made me entirely well and very happy. I shall bless you as long as I live." Mrs. Plnkham receives thou sands of such letters from grate ful women. Miss Nellie Russell, of 138 Grace St., Pittsburg, Pa., in a letter to Mrs. Pink ham say s : " From child linod I suffered from kidnev trouble and as I grew older t A I .1 1. ' my irouoies increaseu Hav ing intense pain running from my waist to my womb and the menses were very painful. One day, seeing your advertisement in one of our papers, I wrote to you. ' "When your reply came I began taking your Compound aid followed your advice and am now in perfect health, and would ad vise anv lady rich or poor to take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, which I can praise above all other remedies. It is a wonderful help to women." NUQGBTS OP NEWS. A Sing Sing trolley car bumped Into a wagonload of dynamite, but there was no explosion. Tho queen regent of Spain has sign ed a decree proclaiming martial law in tho province of Vlzcaya. The Urltlsh steamer Thermopylae wont ashore In Cape Town harbor nnd Is totally wrecked, having broken in two. .Miss Alice Knott was found doad in bed at Washington, having been as phyxiated. A pet parrot had turned on the gas. Miss Lizzie King, of St. Louis, is suffering from blood poisoning as the result of a bite on her cheek acci dentally Inflicted by a young man who Kissed her. So far 6,320 men have been obtained for the ten new volunteer regiments last authorized, of which number 530 were enlisted Monday. The full quota of the ten regiments is 13,090 men. Telegrams from the principal Eu ropean capitals report growing agi tations in favor of a boycott of thn i'arls exposition, but there is no in dication ot any official movement. Some Foolish People Allow a cough to run until it gets beyond the reach of medicine. They often say, "Ob, it will wear away," but in most cases it will wear them away. Could they be induced to try the successful medicine called Kemp's Balsam, which is sold on a positive guarantee to cure, they would immediately see the ex cellent eflect after taking the first dose. Price 25c. and 50c. Trial size free. At all drug gists. Jfortli Ilnkotn Town Destroyed. Grand Forks, N. D.. Sept. 13. Tho town of Northwood, Grand Forks county, was completely destroyed by fire yesterday. The blaze started in the National hotel through the caro Iqgsneas of a hired girl, who was using gasoline to kill Insects. The volun teer fire department was helpless. 1 ho loss Is estimated at $200,000. Fifty business firms lost their entire be longings. THK I.AUI1W. The pleasant effect and perfect safety with which ladies may use Syrup of Fius, under all conditions, makes It their favorite remedy. To get the true and genuine article, look for the name of the California Fig Syrup Co. printed near the bottom of the package. For sale by all druggists. Adnrirnl Kuril 11 liar' s'uccosxor. Washington, Sept. 13. It Is said at the navy department that Admiral Howell, at present head of the naval examining board, is to be the next commandant of-tho Norfolk navy yard, to succeed Admiral Farquhar upon his transfer to the command of the North Atlantic squadron. Captain Barker Is to take the presidency of the examin ing board. You Try It. If Shlloh's Cough and Consumption Cure, which is sold for the small prlce'of 25 cts., 50 ct. and $1 00, does .not cure take the bottle back and we will refund your money. Sold for over fifty years on this guarantee. Price SS eta. and 50 ets. Sold by P. D. Kirlin on a guarantee. J.onclon'H IroTii Do'moiiHtrntlon. London, Sept. 13. The home office has granted permission for the pro posed demonstration In Hyde Park, London, next Sunday, to express sym pathy With Dreyfus and to appeal to France to do him justice. Twenty one platforms will be erected and special requests are being made to the various churches and religious so cieties to assist in promoting the dem onstration. Serateh, scratch, scratch ; unable to attend to bulnats during the day or slvep during the' night. Itehlng piles, horrible plague. Doan's Ointtient cures. Never falls. At any drug store, 50 cents, rowin ot 1 raCH I'idoiih. Albany, Sept. 18. A bulletin Just Is sued by the state commission of labor statistics shows a steady advance in both the number and the membership of trade unions. The total number of labor organisations June 80, 1898, was 1,210, an Increase of 131 since June 80. 1S08. The membership has roached the figure of 188,456, the largest mem bership thus far recorded, and an in crease of 31,000 In five years. W H () IC Women as well as raon are 1 made miserable by kidney () and bladder trouble, Dr 131 A IMC Kilmer's Swamp-ltoot, the 15L.A1 IL;. great kiduey rested y, promptly earee. At druggist in fifty mnt and dollar sizes You may have u ijtmjile bottle by mall free, aim pamphlet telling all about It. Address, Dr. Kllnicr&Cf ,Kiiit;liauitoij.N. Y. fidence reposed in her has nover boon violated. Over n million women have been helped by her advice and medicine. Mrs. Pinkliam in attending to her vast corrospondonce is assisted by woman only. If you are ill, don't delay. Her reply will cost you nothing and it will be a practical help as it was to Miss 13. 1 lie' lllir C iir Trust. Lansing, Mich.. Sept. 13. Tho new. car trust, the American Car and Foun dry company, capitalized at $p,000.000, Hied articles of incorporation yester day, paying a franchise feo of $30,000, the secretary of state requiring fees to bo paid upon the full amount of the capital stock, instead of upon that part represented by tho Detroit car works. The fee is the second largest paid by any corporation in this state, the tobacco trust having paid a fee of ?35,000. That Throbbln Headache Would quickly leave you, if you used Dr. King's New Life Pills. Thousands of suffer ers have proved their matchless merit for Sick and Nervous Headaches. They make pure blood and strong nerves and build up your health. Easy to take. Try them. Only 25 certs. Money back if not cured. Sold by A. Waslcy, druggist. Soldier Killed liy I.ltllitnlnii. Buda Pesth, Sept. 13. Severe rains and floods have caused a postponement of the Hungarian cavalry maneuvers near Papa, at which Emperor King Francis Joseph is expected to be pre sent. Ten soldiers were struck by lightning yesterday at Also-Kuzsmark, four being killed. A Httlo llfo may be sacrificed to a sudden attack of croup if you don't havo Dr. Thomas' Kclectric Oil on hand for tho emergency. C.WI101111 Out or Politics. Chicago, Sept. 13. W. J. Calhoun yesterday confirmed the report of his purpose to resign from tho Interstate commerce commission and enter upon the practice of law In Chicago. When asked it it was his Intention to take an active part in politics he said, with emphasis: "No, I am out of politics." What Is Shlloh 7 A grand old remedy for Cough, Colds and Consumption ; used through the world for half a century, has cured innumerable cases of incipient consumption and relloved many in advanced stages. If you are not satisfied with the results we will refund your money Price 25 cU., 50 cts. and $1.00. Sold by P. D. Kirlin on a guarantee'. Kntnl Kxplosioii on" fierinnii Wnrslilp. Kiel, Sept. 13. The German third class cruiser Wacht, while participat ing in the autumn maneuvers, explod ed her boiler yesterday, four persons being killed and four others Injured. Bad blood and indigestion are deadly enemies to good health. Burdock Blood Bitters destroys them. Glnssworkors' dtMko (Jrowlnir. Alexandria, Ind., Sept. 13. The strike of lamp chimney workers in the gas belt is assuming serious propor tions. Yesterday 100 employes of the South Marian plant struck for hlghe: wages, while more are expected to leave today. The strike appears to have beon caused by the deputations of Elwood strikers who have been making a tour of gas belt factories. There are now 700 chimney workers in the gas belt on a strike. lloston'H School Hoard lioycott. Boston, Sept. 13. At a meeting of the Boston Bchol board last night the fol lowing order was passed unanimously; "That work In preparation for the school exhibit at the Paris exposition be suspended as far as possible, and that thecommlttee on the Paris exposl tlon be requested to consider and re port upon the advisability ot rescind ing the votes of the board which pro vide for the, exhibit." Chtcnironn Will .Snub tlio Kxpoaltlon Chicago. Sept. 13. Indignation over the outcome of 'the Dreyfus trial has caused a party of over 700 Chlcagoans who were going to the fair in a body to abandon their trip. Louis Halle, who is the treasurer of the party, and who since the scheme was Inaugurated, a year ago, has been receiving weekly remittances from those who proposed going, yesterday issued notices to the members to call at his office and get tneir money. 1 lend-on Collision KIUm l'our. Des Moines, la., Sept. 13. Four men wore killed and six Injured in a head on collision which took place on the Rock Island road at South Amana. The trains were extra freights, and it is said the accident was due to a mis understanding of orders. The dead are Webb Smith, Tom Qulnn, A. H. Poison and Will Floyd. Situation In VoiiuKiiulii ( rltleul. Washington, Sept. 13. Officials here regard the Venezuelan situation aa critical. The cruiser Detroit Is due at La Quayra tonight, and as that point is only two noma from Caracas no ap' prehension is felt that any American interests will sutler by the disturb auce. A NIW JRRSIiV MIIWIERI'SS. Killed llnr IhiMinntl'n r.iupliiyci While ItetOnttiiff (eviction. Knrrh 1'lntnflold N J rV'pt 13. Pin! Itnclnti'hr, u W' ';n ..wrier of New YciK rily, w i ! 'h i 'ml almost Inntfintly killed nt hn mru' i place here jostoitiny h Mm 1 Flnncr hlltll. 'I lie shooting w.i tin' tc-uilt o an attempt to cj 1 1 the Klnscrhntli family from a residence owned by llnolirluht. Mrs. Klngcrlmih nntl her luialmml have been iiliurd under ar lest, mid a son, aged i!0 yoars, line been held ns a witness Mr Hoelirlcht employed Plngerhtttli ns a Inndueupe gardener, but bocom Int? d'.sejtlsfled with Flngerhiith'a work he discharged him and ordered lilm nut of the house he occupied. The unidcner refused to move, and the mat ter wae to cumo before the courts yes terday. Instead of appearing before the court Flngerhuth wont to Now Yoik. leaving his wife In charge. Yesterday afternoon Mr. Uoehrlclit, his counsel. Robert M. Clark, and sev eral others attompted to force Mrs. FIiikpi huth out of the house, and finally forced an entrance Tho wo man snapped the revolver nt Mr Clark, but tt missed fire. She then fired at Mr. Itochricht, the bullet strik ing him near the heart, lie died within flvo minutes. I.tiitrlcr AeeeptH ( lileiitro' Invttntlnn Quebec. Sept. 13. Lord Mlnto, the governor gcnom.1, in reply, to the Chi cago delegation who waited upon him yesterday afternooli .at tho citadel to invite him to attend the Chicago fes tival In October, asked for n few days in whl h to consider whether his other oi'Wipemcnts would permit hlin to ac cept. The promler, Sir Wilfred rler, accepted the Invitation for him self and wife. The premier was also hi'iidcd invitations for tho mombors.of his ci' bluet, which he promised to have delivered nt once. (Iriiiwoiiio l'lnil In NoiTollc. Mnrfnll: Knitt. 13. In nycnvnt Inir for the foundation of a now building on Avon street, which Is inhabited by dis reputable white and colored women and men, a colfln in i a box wero un covered y?sterdny afternoon. Tho fni-mor nnnlnlnpd the Rlcelntnn nf nn adult and the latter that of n child. The color anu sex aro not Known. Detectives are at woric on mo case. Kntnl Accident to rcmitlo Cyclist. Zanesvtlle, O., Sept. 13. In the fin ish of a 12 hour champion bicycle race between Tillle Anderson, Lizzie Glaw and Dottle Farnsworth last night the handle bar of Miss Glaw s wheel broke. throwing her violently against a post, breaking her collar bono and causing probably fatal Injuries, suss Ander son won the race, making 285 miles. A Frightful Blunder Will often cause a horrible Hum, Scald, Cut or Uruise. Hucklen's Arnicn Salve, the best in the world, will kill the pain nnd .promptly heal it. Cures Old Sores, Fever bores, Ulcers, Boils, relons, Lorns, all bkm Lruptions. llest rile cure on earth. Only 2Scts. a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by A. Wasley, Urugmst. Will Not Jloot Dowe'y In XowYorU. New York, Sept. 13. Tho executive committee of the Dewey reception commltteo last night gave out a letter from President McKinley in response to an invitation to participate in the Admiral Dewey reception. Ho says: I regret thnt I shall be unable to ac cept. On the Monday following I shall havo the very great pleasure of receiv ing him at the nation's capital, to which he has expressed a desire to proceed at once upon the conclusion of your demonstration of greeting. I join with the state and municipal au thorltles and the people In heartiest welcome, to your distinguished guest. ' Tho Ho-Ooiicd I'nrlslmm. Paris, Sept. 13. Three men who havo been encaged In supplying food to M. Querin, the president of tho Anti-Semite League, who, with a num ber of companions, has been entrench ed at the headquarters of the league since Aug. 12, were arrested yesterday after a struggle with the police. The prisoners had secured rooms opposite the house, known as Fort Chabrol, from which, by night, they passed food to him by means of a rope. Last even ing tho police arrested tho concierge of the house. Snys Uroyfus Will lio Pardoned. London, Sept. 13. The Paris cor respondent of The Daily Chronicle claims to have good authority for the statement that Dreyfus will be par doned, nlthough President Loubet will not exorcise his perogatlve until after the meeting of tho council de rovislon. He adds that Captain Beauvals and Major Breen were 'the only two mem bers of the court martial who voted for acquittal, and It was Captain Par fait who insisted upon the proviso re garding extenuating circumstances. Scrofula, a Vile Inheritance. Scrofula is the most obstinate of blood troubles, and is often the result of an Inherited taint In the blood. S. S. S. is the only remedy which goes deep enough to reach Scrofula; it forces out every trace of the disease, and cures the worst cases. My ion, Charlie, ws affllotcfl from infancy with SorofuU, and h iuTredo that tt was Impossible to dre;i him for three years. His head aud body were a mate of soree, and hie eyesight also became affected. No treatment was spared that we thouirhc iroiild taIIava Mm. hut he grew woree until hl Dominion was Indeed pitiable. I had almost despaired of his ever being cured, when by the advice ot a friend we nave him S, S. 8. (Swift's BDfclflel. Aria. elded Improvement wi the result, and after be had taien a dozen bottles, no one who knew ot hit former dreadful condition would have recognized him, All the sores on his body have healed, his skin la perfectly clear and smooth, and he has been restored to perfect health. Mas. S. S. MiBnr, KO Elm Ht., Uaoon, da. For; renl blood troubles it is a waste of time to expect a cure from the doc tors. Blood diseases are beyond their skill. Swift's Bpeolflo, For Olrvvl .ThGl31UUU reaches all deep-seated cases which other remedies hare no effect upon. It Is the only blood remedy guaranteed purely vegetable, and contains no pot ash, mercury, oi other mineral. Hooks mailed free to any address by Swift Speciilo Co., Atlanta, Ga. THE WOES OF body or both, and sediment in the urine. I Kid-No-Oidn aro in yellow tablet form put up in boxes sell for 50o a box ; at all drug stores your druggist will tell you of curea thoy Hooted hero at home lie will vouch for tho truth of our ovory assertion. Morrow's Liverlax curea constipation, biliousness, costiveness they sell for 25o a box at all drug stores. mm Em FOR SALE BY S. P. NIAGARA FALLS EXCURSIONS. LOW-BATE VACATION TRIPS VIA PENNSYL VANIA RAILROAD. The Pennsylvania Railroad Company has selected the following dates for its popular ten-day excursions to Niagara Falls from Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington : August St, September 7 and 21, and October 5 and 10. An experienced tourist agent aud chaperon will accompany each excursion. Excursion tickets, good for return rassage on any regular train, exclusive of limited express trains, within ten days, will bo sold nt $10.00 from Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington, aud all points on tho Delaware division; $11.25 from Atlantic City, $0.00 from Laucaster; $8 50 from Altoona aud llar- rislmrs; $8.00 from Suubury and Wilkes barre; $5.75 Ironi Wllliamsport; and at pro portionate rates from other points. A stop over will bo allowed at Buffalo, Rochester, Canadalgua, and Watkins within tho limit returning." A special train of Pullman parlor cars and day coaches will be run with each excursion. An extra cliargo will bo made for parlor car Beats. Tickets for a side trip to tbo Thousand Is lands (Alexandria Bay) will be sold from Rochester In connection with excursions of July 27, Aueust 10 and 21, Septembor 7 and 21, good to return to Rochester or to Canan daigua via Syracuse within five days, nt rate of $5.50. Tickets for a sido trip to Toronto will be sold nt Niagara Falls for $1.00 on July 20, August 12 and 20, and September 23. In connection with excursion of Septemter 7, tickets will bo sold to Toronto and return at reduced rates, account Toronto Fair. For time of connecting trains aud further information apply to nearest ticket agent, or address Geo. W. lloyd, Assistant General Passenger Agent, llroad Street Station, Philadelphia. Sick Headaches, The curse of overworked womankind, are quickly aud surely cured by Karl's Clover Root Tea, the great blood purifier and tlssuo builder. Monoy refunded if not satisfactory. Price 25 cts. and 50 cts. Sold by P. D. Kirlin ona guarantee Personally Conducted Tourist Excursions to California Without change of Cars. Lcavine Washington every Tuesday and Friday at 11:15 a. m., tbo Southern Railway nneratcs Personally Conducted Tourist Ex cursions to San Franclso without chance, of cars, conductors or porters. The route Is through Atlanta, Montgomery, New Orleans, Houston. Sau Antonlo.New Mexico. Arizonia. nnd Southcru California. The cars aro tho very latest pattern of Pujlraan Tourist Sleepers, rosewood finish, havo high back seats, unholsterod in rattan, aro sixtoeu section, supplied with lineu etc., same as standard sleepers, iiruuxi uy nniscn uas, have wido vestibules, double sash rolled curtains, lavatory, and smoking room for eentlemeu. and two retiring rooms for ladles. Three and one-half days to Mexico and Arizona, four days to Los Angelos and Southern California, and five days to San Francisco. Such service for Trans-Continental travel has nover before been offered. The tourist carfare Is less than via any other route, e fleeting a saving of $25.00 to $30.00 for the trip. All Information, maps aud rates furnished on application to Charles L. Hopkins. Dis trict Pawenger Agent, Southern Railway Company, 828 Chestnut street, Philadelphia News ana Opinions OP National Importance THE - SUN ALONE CONTAINS BOTH. Daily, by mall, - $6 a yeat Daily and Sunday ,by mail,$8 a year The Sunday Sun is the greatest Suuday newspape In the world. Price 5c i copy, Bj.biII, $2 i jei aar TBI SDN, Weir yrk. the aodero, ttkBtt6e,xnsttcaS op-to-dste nedidne that banishes kidney backache, kUneyallowits, sleeplessness and urinary disturbances In either adults or cblldna. Wo know'Kid-Nc-Oida will absolutely euro tho abovo ailments and minor affections directly duo to them vro hare given names of thoso who wero cured investigate and you will get at tho truth. Disordered kidneys are Indlctted by pains In the back, distress or fullness after eating, scanty or scalding urine, weakness and chills, pains In the loins, nervousness, sleeplessness, loss of vitality, swelling la limbs cr KU-He-Otdj and Uvariax, manufactured by John Morrow tt Co.. Chemists. Sprinsrfidd. OMa. Florida Short Line. Tho New York and Florida Express, via Southern Railway, leaving Broad street station, Philadelphia, dally at 6:34 p. m. carries through Pullman sleeping ca-s to Augusta and Savannah, Ga., Jacksonville and Tampa, Flu., via Charlotte aud Columbia. This is tho short line and most attractive route to points in Georgia and Florida. All information cheerfully furnished by Charles h. Hopkins, District Passenger Agent, 823 Chnstuut street. Philadelphia. Thfl Hod aaamoiteiperienced, lDQtoL lliu UUJl l eooiult If rou tfuffer from Trim ) IIIkiki Eicnioi. 1'rof. 11. 1". TIIIiKU 111. II., f,0 1 North Sllth St.. Phll.dtl. ?mu, l a., givei uaartatce iu rerr iih. trleocele & Btrictoro (aa ouiUdk). tostVlgor k Health restored. Peru enlarged. !:ovr!9-3, J eT'(4 0 . Sun. 9 12. Houra tar long atandlng and dae-(eroua lcaieaaaur 1USJMI3U. trrean caae curea -aw iu oaja. Send for sworn teiumonlali and book. All rraudt eipoeea. - f T-T TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTtt OR. CHARCOT'S TONIC TABLETS are the onlj positively guaranteed remedy for the IJrlnk Habit, Nervousness anil Melancholy caused by strong drink. 1VK ilDAUANTKR FOIJIl OXKS to cure any case with a positive wrl t ten euor niitpn or refund the money, and to destroy the appeUte for Intoxicating liquors. THE TABLETS CAN BE 0IVEN WITHOUT KNOWLEDQB OP THE PATIENT. CTDflMB nniUlf,CRn",'"M,"r7'3 Poverty OlnUnD Unllth mill Death. Upon rce:iTt of (10.00 we HI mall you tour 4 boiu.i nnd ir. Uve written Kimranteo to cure or reluul jour money. Single taxes 13.00. For sale at Klrlln's drugstore. POLITICAL CARDS. yoTK fou WW. S. LEIB, OF ASHLAND. FOR PROTHONOTARV. yOTE FOR FRANK R. KAN1NER, OF LOFTY. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. "yOTB FOU HORACE F. RABER, of riNitaiiovit. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. yOTK FOll THOMAS J. HIGGINS, OF S1IKNANDOAI1. FOR CLERK OF THE COURTS. yoTK Fort M. A. CAREY, FOR PROTllONOTARY. yOTK FOIt FRANK C. REESE. Ok Shenandoah. FOR COUNTY REGISTER. yOTE FOlt JOHN T. SH0ENER, FOR CLERK OF THE COURTS. yOTK FOIt CHARLES E. BERGER, FOR DISTRICT ATTORNEY. yOTE FOIt EMANUEL. JENKYN, Present Incumbent. FOR RECORDER OK DEEDS. 4 WOMEN ore, at their best, bad enough Tho reason for most of these woes ? Thej havo sick kitl ncy& and most of all, most of them, cither Trill not or do not know it. Pear Madam Do you -want to get rid of your woca? Toko mm LEHIGH VALLEY RAILROAD. IN EFFECT MAY II. 1899. I'njwenirer trains lenva Shcnundonh for Tenti Ilnven Junction, Mnut'U L'ltunk, Lclilgltton, Hlutington, White llnll, Catitsauqiin, Allcjitown, Bethlehem, ustou New York antl rhiladclplifik at 8 2, 7 50 a. iu . 12 52 nnd 5 17 p. in. For Wllkeehnrre, White Haven and Flttstou. B 28, 10 12 n. m.. 12 52 nnd 5 17 p. In. For Ijneeyvlllc Toivnndn, Snyre, Woverly Elmlru, ltouliester; llulTnlo. Niagara Full. Auuurn. Syracuse, iiuacn, uenevu huu wia West, 10 12 a. in., 12 52 ami 5 17 p. in. For lielvltlere, Delaware Water Gap ant? StroudHbnrir, 5 28 a. in., 5 17 p. in. For Iynubcrtville aud Trenton, 7 50 a. in. For .leanceville, Levlston am! lieaver Meailov 5 28 a. in., 12 52 p. nt. For McAdoo, Audenrletl, Ilazleton, Stockto and Lumber Yard, 5 28, 7 SO, 10 12 a.m., 12 52 and S 17 p. in. ForJeddo, Drltton and Frceland, 5 28, 10 12 a, iu., 5 17 p. m. - ' For Seranton, 5 28, 10 12 a. in,, 5 17 p. m. For Lost Creek, Uirardvllle, and Ashland, 4 00, and 7 28 p. m. For ltaven Uuu, Centralta, Mount Carinel and Shamokln, 10 49 a. m., 1 42, 0 07, 9 S3 p. m. ForMahanov City, l'ark Place aud Delano, 5 28, 7 50, 10 12 a. m.. and 12 52, fl 17 p. m. For Yatesvllle, 5 28, 10 12 a. in. Trains will leave Shamokln at 7 00. 9 20 a. In., 11 09 and 4 20 p. m., and arrive at ahenandouii at 7 60, 10 12 n. in., 12 52, 5 17 p. m. Irfave Shenandoah for l'ottsvllle, St. Clair. New Castle, Morea and New llonton, 7t0 and 10 12 ft. m , 12 52 and n 17 p lit. Iave rottsville for Shenandoah, 9 45 a. in.. 12 505, 8 15 p. 111. Lcavo Ilazleton tor Shenandoah, 9 50 a. nr. 1245,5 09,6 26,8 31 p. HI. SUNDAY TUA1NS. Trains leave for ltaven Hun. Centralta. Sit. UCarmel and Shamokln, 9 46 a. m., 7 21 p. in , Trains leave nainoKtn lor ouenanuoali at S 50 a. m., aud 5 35 p. m. Leave Shenandoah for Yatesvllle, Mahauov City, Park Place, Delano, McAdoo, Audenrletl, Ilazleton, Stockton, Lumber Yard, Weatherly and Jlauch Chunk, 9 47 a m., and 6 32 p. m . For Lehighton, Slatlngton, Catosuuqua, White Hall, Coplay, Allentown, Kaston aud Phllllps burg, 9 47 a. m and 6 32 p. m. For New York and Philadelphia, 9 47 a. iu. Leave Ilazleton for Shenandoah, 8 60, a. iu., aud 6 27 p. m. II. 11. CUTTER, Supt. Transportation, South llethlehem, l'a. ItOLLlN II. WILBUIt, Clenl. Sup., South Bethlehem, Pa. CHARLES S. LEE, Gent. Pass. Ak.. New York, N. Y. A. W. NONNEMACIIElt, Dlv. P. A., South llethlehem. Pa. This Hot Weatlier2 One needs a cooling beverage that will gently tone up the system while it quenches the thirst. Lauer's Beer and Porter Just touches the spot. They are cooling, satisfy ing and invigorating. These brews will be furnished in case lots for family use by applying to Christ. Schmidt, Agent and Bottler, 203 W. Coal Street SHENANDOAH - R A box of our srEcim rnniLT drew Is an exhilarating stimulant during the hot summer months. Dollvored at. your homo. Columbia Brewing Company.