The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, September 09, 1899, Image 3

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slajfc I'ni'ii'
afce no
,V, for
lasa re
ndTn Bl '
21 Virginia
Friend, beginning six months before con
finement. Sh felt perfectly well up to a
few hours before the baby was born, and
was In labor less than two hours. She had
no morning sickness, rio headache, no dis
tressing tightness, no swollen or rising
breasts. Her baby was strong and the pic
ture of health.
MothOf'a Fl'lond Is the only rem
edy known which relieves the expectant
mothers. It Is a liniment to be applied ex
ternally. Nothing but harm can come from
taking medicine Internally at such times.
All Internal preparations said to relieve com
ing mothers aro not only, humbugs, but
positively dangerous.
Mather's I'rlegd costs $1 a botUa a
druggists, or you can lend to
Tbe rtradfleld Regulator Co., Atlanta, Ga.
'toa'tL anr all thats a-comiho to
If, when routouiplaiiug ft trip to any point
WcstorSi'iitliiTestof the Mississippi Hlvor,
you will purclriso tickets via tho Missouri
Pacific Ity , ur Imii Motiutniu Houto (which
nre on sale at all principal ticket tllcos in
the United States), you will lmvo all .tho
comforts and luxuries of modern railway
equipment, and tbe illicit opportunities fur
viuwing all of nature's museums and marvels
of Utah, Colorado, Kansas, Arkansas, Texap,
Old and Now Mexico, California, etc. Ex
cursion tickets to all principal .points at
greatly reduced rates. On account of tho
National Education Association meeting at
Los Augelca in July, wo will mako special
low round trip rates. When contemplating
a trip West or Southwest, wrlto us for full
information and rock bottom figures. W
E. Hoyt, G. E. P. Agent, J. P. McOann, T.
1'. Ageut, 391 Broadway. Now York. 4 22-tf
Tell Your SUter
A beautiful complexion is an impossibility
without good pure blood, tho sort that only
exists In connection with the good digestion;
a healthy liver and bowels. Karl's Clover
Boot Tea acts directly on tho bowels, liver
nud kidneys keeping them In perfect health
Prico 25 cts. and 50 cts. Sold by P. 11. Klrlin
on a guarantee.
Ask your Brocor lor the "Royal Patent
flour, and take no other brand. It is tho host
flour mad .
D.iinr.i Vlinlltv I nstVlmr and Manhood.
Cures Impotency, Ni cht Emissions and
mnatlncT rilKpnspa. all effects of self
& . .i
!auuse, or exewss aim umis-
cretlon. A ncrvo tome auu
Iblood builder. Brings the
rptnk glow to pale cheeks and
' rHtnrQq thR lire OI VOUU1" itnn nprVirtT. fi boxes
teo to euro or refund tlio inouoy.
Sena lor circular. Auaress,
wrnxlXA MFniCAL CO.
Clinton & Jackson Sts., CHICACO, ILL.
Sold at Ktrlln's dmc store. Shenandoah, Pa.
Vn1la1i Dlamootl IlrftnA.
Urlfcmei una ..nij nu..
rt, lj rriHbU. UDiu ul
Dtugim far t-lJier any ..,
4"""n '"." -s..ri
fliont ,d ImfMltoat. M Dranlili. or raj fc
lt.ll!' for KaillM." inlttur.yj rrtara
tr JLI1. 1 0,000 TMilmonlni. '! w.
ftllbiULoc.lDrKliu. 1'1III..UA..1,A.
IT'S DIFFERENT, because it prints
all the news, and all the news It prints
is true.
gT-S DIFFERENT, because It's bright
and brisk, up-to-date and vlgordus, but
not yellow.
IT'S DIFFERENT, because Its only
policy Is to tell the truth. It has no
covert or personal Interests to promote,
it serves no political ambition, no creed,
no class prejudice, no mere partisan
IT'S DIFFERENT, because It advocates
equal taxation and battles against the
existing system, which favors the rich
corporation at the expense of the
farmer, the merchant, the manufacturer
and the wage-earner.
TC"S DIFFERENT, because It stands
for Republican principles, and makes
war uDon all who. under the stolen
name of Republicanism, are disloyal
to those principles.
IT'S DIFFERENT, because It believes
manhood and not money should rule
Therefore It upholds the rights of all,
as against the aggressive power of tho
privileged lew.
IT'S DIFFERENT, because no boss, no
corporation, can control one line of Its
f'l-S DIFFERENT, because It is non
sectartan and broad ; every party, every
faith, every class, and the worklngman
equally with the millionaire, gsts a fair
.hearing in its columns.
cause It upholds faith In
humanity, and the pro
gress of mankind toward
higher Ideals, larger
hopes and better living.
IT'S DIFFERENT. It will continue to
be different. Watch The North Ameri
can and see It grow.
Agent for the Famous
Phila. Stock Ale, Sparkling Still
Amber Ale, Bottled Pale Ale
B:own Stout, Half and Half, Beer
aud Porter.
Mt. Carbon Beer
At all its customers to-day.
Solomon Haak's,
116 South Main Street,
sWill receive prompt attention.
Why tho Detroit Was Sont to tho
Disturbod Itepublio.
Tlioimh llovoltitlmilat ITornniirtoK I
In .lull, tlio Dlsputo Ovor n Oover-
iioralilpllotAvoonOenernlaC'riHtro nnil
mid Mornlot Miikes Trouble.
Washington, Sept. 9. Information
reaching officials here Is to the effect
that while no actual outbreak has oc
curred In Venezuela, yet a latent agi
tation Is going on .which may at any
time assumo BCrloM proportions. This
nccorda with Senor PuIIuVb advices
that no actual outbronk has occurred
at La Cluayra. It appears that thoro
'have been two distinct movements, one
of a national character, headed by the
conservative leader Hernandez, and the I
other of a local character, headed by
General Castro. Hernandez led a revo-
lutlon-against President Andrade last
autumn, and within the last montn nas
been Imprisoned for the fourth time
as a political prisoner Bnd the Inciter
Of a movement to overtlirow mo gov
ernment. Ho Is now In tho military
orison at Caracas, and it Is believed
that tho agitation leading up to tho
dispatch of the cruiser Detroit was
caused by tho nrrest or a numoor oi
Hernandez's adherents in ana auout
Throuchout this movement the An
drade administration has maintained
large military force. The peace
footing Is 3,000, but of late this has
been raised to 10.000 to 15,000. Tho
soldiers are armed with Mausers and
have a,number of rapid fire field guns.
Besides the Hernandez movement,
which involves a struggle for the
Dresidoncy. tho movement led by Gen-
oral Castro has given considerable
trouble recently. It originated In a
dispute between Castro and General
Morales for tho governorship of a
province, but the local fighting be
came so severe ttiat tne ieoerai gov
ernment wns compelled to send an
army of 12.000 men to subdue tlio up
rising. Another bloody uattie occur
red, a recent official report to tho state
department placing the casualty .list at
1,100. Castro's forces were scattered,
and ho is now a refugee.
The state department has been In
formed that the situation has becomo
more favorable for the government of
alva the Children a Drink
rnlli Grnin-O. It is a delicious, appetizing
nourishing food drink to take the place oi
coffee. Sold bv all erocers and liked by all
who have used it because when properly pre
pared it tastes like tlie hnest couee Dut is iree
from all its injurious properties. Grain-O aids
.litreeiinn nnil strenpthens the nerves. It is
not a stimulant but a health builder, and chil
dren, as well us adults, can drink it with great
benefit. Costs about X as raucli as couee-
15 and 25c.
l.ntror RnrrlorVKleot OfllooM.
Ri-rnnfrin. Pa.. Sent. 9. The letter
fnrrlpm hnil three busv sessions aealn
vestnrdav. lastlne from 9 o'clock in tho
mnrn nir until after mldnigm. Tne
olnftlnriH wprfi entered unon at 10
o'clock last night and continued for
two hours. The results were as 101-
lows: President, John N. Parsons,
New York; vice president, Charles D,
Duffy, Chicago; secretary, Edward J,
Cantwell, Brooklyn; treasurer, Alex
ander McDonald, Uranu uopias. Tne
various committees were also elected
1.. l.nlt... . llntrnlt wn nplpptprl nR the.
place for the next convention over
Charleston. Baltimore ana unatta-
The Homeliest Man In Shenandoah
As well as the handsomest, and others are
invited to call on any druggist and get free a
trial bottle of Kemp's Balsam for the Throat
and Lungs, a remedy that is guaranteed to
cure and relieve all Chronic aud Acute
Coughs, Asthma, Bronchitis and Consump.
tion. Price 25c and 50c.
Ilryrtn's Reception In Cnrson.
Carson. Nev., Sept. 9. Yesterday was
a general holiday throughout western
Nevada, all business being suspenaea
in honor of the visit of Hon. William
J. Bryan. All the mines were closed
down for the day and Virginia uuy
sent 1,000 underground workers to the
mass meeting held here In Capitot
square. Mr. Bryan was brought over
from Lake Tahoe in a coach drawn by
six horses and escorted by the lead
ing Democrats and ellverites of No
vada. He was received with tremen
dous enthusiasm, the conclusion of
every sentence of his speech being em
phasized by great applause. Mr, Uryau
spoke for more than an hour, devoting
himself principally to the question oi
expansion. Mr. Bryan left for the east
on tho evening train, being accom
panied to the depof by practically the
entire population pf parson,
Kidney trouble preys upon
tho mind, discourages and
lessons ambition ; beauty.
WllIPW vigor and cheerfulness soon
VV Ul'lCll disappear when the kidneys
are out of order or diseased. For pleasing
msnlu nse Dr. Kilmer's SwaniD-Iloot. the
grpot kidney remedy. At druggists. Sample
bottle by mall free, also pamphlet.
Address, Dr. Kilmer & Co.,Binguamton, N. Y.
Shot by a Clcnretto Fiend,
Mattoon, Ills.. Sept. 9. Charles Wil
der, a student of dime novel heroism
and a smoker of cigarettes, followed
and shot Arlington Hughes, son ot
Judge Hughes, last night, mulcting a
wound In the abdomen, which is pro
nounced mortal. Despite his wound
Hughes held Wilder until help came.
Wilder is in Jail. He offors no excuse
for the shooting other than he wanted
to know whore Hughes was going.
at nl. I n Fortune' itocovoroil.
Omaha, Sept. 9. Half of the $10,000
alleged to have been stolen from the
Nebraska National bank by ox-Receiving
Teller Ned H. Copeland was.
round vnsfiTilav iimonc Coneland's of.
fects. The shortage will be made good
by the American surety company,
which Is on Copeland s bond.
Kx-Mltilster KiiHtla Seriously III.
Newport. It. I.. Sept. 9. James 13,
KitstlB, former ambassador to France,
is seriously ill in his Newport villa,
aud there are some doubts expressed
u to his recovery. He has pneumonia.
Does Tals Strike Von 7
Muddy complexions, Nauseating breath
come from cl;ronlo constipation, Karl's
Clover Hoot Tea is an absolute cure and has
been sold for fifty years on an absolute
guarantee. Price S3 eta. and 60 cts. Sold by
P, D. Klrlin ou a guarantee.
iiiiliiiwin hwiiiih i'ii in mi nt i I m ii i wmmmiimm
WTfflliSTOii''iroiiiiiimmiffliimip nn i . - m m mm Mu .j j I I 1 I mm
Latnig UicToodfltuinctfula
luzSiomachs andUowcls of
licssaiidlfcst.Cortlnlns neither
Opium.TSIorphinC nor Mineral.
Siru'je Ji rl
Itimfctd -Xlmfait
Sugar .
Ancrfcctncmcdv forConslipa-
lioh.Sour Stomach.Diarrhoca,
ucss ondLoss of Sleep.
laeSinule Signature of
Tho great remedy for nervous prostration and all diseases of the generative
organs of oithersox, such as Nervous Prostration, Faillnjror Lost Manhood,
Impotency, Nichtly Emissions, Youthful Errors, Mental Worry, oxcesslvo uso
of Tobacco or Opium, which load to Consumption and Insanity. With every
1CTCD IICIUR i?0 order wo guarantee to cure or refund the money. Sold at $1.00 por box,
Arltrl UOinU, o boxes forSO. OO. IMC. iNOTT'S CIHi.HICAL, CO., CIcvcluud, Ohio.
For Sale by
T?OR any case of Hay Fever,
SI 000
1 or Influenza that BRAZILIAN BALM will not cure, if
directions are followed. No
lysician, ever dared to make
we did not know that BRAZILIAN BALM is a quick, posi
tive, ana permanent cure,
ton, Del., says : "I suffered with Hav Fever every summer
for ten years. Then. I used BRAZILIAN BALM which
cured me in three days. That
had it since. BRAZILIAN BALM is a wonderful remedy
and does everything that is claimed for it." We have hun
dreds of such testimonials. We will give a reward in the
case ot Asthma. lor sale by
bottle, or sent it you mention
Manufacturing Chemists,
Shenandoah Drug: Store,
Will eradicate from your system tlio linger
ing effects of grip and othor ailments caused
by tho severe winter', and malaria, rheuma
tism, neuralgia, catarrh, stomaoh, kidney,
ilvcr aud nervous disorders, paralysis, blood
and skin diseases, and chronlo and func
tional derangements. Tho mountain climate
of Hot Springs Is cool and delightful in
summer. 100 hotels open the year around.
For Illustrated literature, containing all
Information, address O. F. Cooley, Manager
Bulsness Men's League, Hot Springs, Ark.
For reduced excursion tickets and par
ticulars of tho trip, addross W. A. Turk,
Gen'l Pass. Agt., Southern Uy., Washington,
D. C, or 0. L. Hopkins, District Powenger
Agent, 828 Chestnut St., Phila., Pa. 0-1-lm
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Signature of
Florida tshort Line.
Tho Kew York and Florida Kxpress, via
Southern Icallway, leaving 11 road street
station, Philadelphia, daily at 6:31 p. m.
carrioa through Pullman bleeping ca-s to
Augusta and Savannah, Ga,, Jacksonville and
Tampa, Fla., via Charlotte and Columbia.
This Is the short line and most attractive
route to poluts in Georgia and Florida. All
information cheerfully furnished by Charles
L. Itenklus, District Passenger Acent. 828
Chestnut street, Philadelphia.
Coming Events,
Oct. 4. Welsh Baptlsttwenty-slrth annual
supper In Uobblna opera Iiuusq.
Diphtheria, sore throat, croup. Instant
relief, permanent cure. Dr. Thomas Eilec
trio Oil. At any drus store.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
You Have
Always Bought.
P. W. Houck.
Cold in the Head, Rose Cold
person, not even the ereatest
such an offer, nor would we if
lhompson roster, of Wilming
was in 1887 and I have never
druggists. 50c and $1.00 a
this paper.
Indianapolis, Ind.
Wholesale and Retail Agents.
The HHRAI.D is progressive, en
terprising, wide-awake aud always
Its daily visits will keep your
family better informed than any
other paper on the news of this
locality, the state, the country and
the world. It will be delivered at
your door each day for 25 cents a
mouth. We are desirous of secur
ing your subscription.
As an inducement for you to
become a subscriber we make
you the following unparnl-It-led
Our representatives, Messrs
Hooks & Brown, will call upon you
with the publication for your in
spection. We feel sure you will be
interested in examining it. Upon
signing the agreement to take the
Hkrald lor six months, the book
will be delivered upon payment oi
75 cents. This is in addition to
the regular subscription of 25 cents
a mouth.
At Ah
Is Prodioted by Both His Frionds
and His Foes.
Klnlinrnte M II Itnryl'i-iMmut Ion Which
Will Quickly NiipproM Any Attempt
nt IHorilor M. DoinnNK"'" l'len
Moved ttie .IuiIko to Tortrn.
Ttennefl, Sept. 9. That Cnptain Drey
fus will be condemned, Is the nlmont
universal opinion heard In Iteiuien.
Hitherto there had always been r di
vergence, but now both camps, the
Dreyfusards nnd the nntl-Dreyfumrds,
seem uuanimoun in the conviction Hint
the verdict will go against him.
Upon just what this is based and the
precise reason for the conclusion are a
mystery, but there is no diagulslug the
fact that, from M. Laborl down to thd
numerous Droyfusards who crowd the
hotels and cafes, and who on Thursday
night wore still hopeful that Dreyfus
would be saved, all seem now to agree
that his last chance is gone.
The one source of hope is M. La
bor! himself, who said to a press cor
respondent: "We fear that Captain
Dreyfus will be condemned, but we do
not intend to throw up the sponge. We
shall go on fighting for him."
M. Juures, the Socialist leader, and
other prominent Dreyfusards oxpreM
ed a similar opinion. Excitement is at
fover heat, and nothing is discussed
but tho probablo verdict.
The military precautions are of the
most elaborate cnaracter, and no at
tempt at disorder is likely to have the
slightest success. Orders have been
issued to repress the first symptom of
trouble with an iron hand.
A small anti-Semite meeting was
held here last evening, and the com
plete calm that nttended It is an indi
cation of quietness. A strong force ot
gendarmes guarded tho approaches to
tho building where tlio meeting was
held, and tho orders were to arrest the
first man who raised a seditious cry.
Nothing, however, occurred.
Indeed, the Inhabitants of the town
seem Indifferent, nnd the neighbor
hood of the Lycee and the prison is de
serted, save for a few gendarmes. Tho
pews of the publication of Count Von
Buelow's speech In the relchstazeiger
reached Ttennes last night and is con
sidered very Important on tho eve of
tne verdict Wlllcn, in soma quarters, it
Is thought will be regarded as a slight
uy ueriuuny, 11 il ub u cuiiuuiiiiiitiiuu.
as being tantamount to a public re
fusal to take the word of Emperor
William, as his minister is merely his
According to the latest report the
verdict may be delivered between 3 and
5 this afternoon, the court adjourning
after M. Demange's speech until 'i
o'clock today.
Tho great plea which Maltro De-
mango made for his client first aston
ished aud then took complete posses
sion of his hearers. Within an hour
after his opening words two of the
seven Judges were visibly weeping, and
more than half of the audience were In
There is some criticism ot M, La-
borl's decision not to speak, the friends
pf M. Pemange thinking it his object
to escape nis snare oi tno responsiuu
Ity in tho event of a verdict of con
demnation. M. Demange, having once
seen Dreyfus condemned under his ad
vocacy, would naturally like M. Laborl
to share the criticism this time, es
pecially as M. Laborl has assumed such
a promlnont part In the proceedings.
A Further DoclHrntlon of tho Inno-
conco OTCuptnln Dreyfus.
Berlin, .Sept. 9. Tho nelchzanzleger,
In the official portion of the paper,
publishes the following statement:
"We are authorized to repeat hero.
with the declarations which the ini'
perial government, while loyally ob
serving the reserve demanded in re
gard to the Internal matters of another
country, fins made concerning tbo
French Captain Dreyfus, For the pre
servatlon of his own dignity and the
fulfillment of a duty to humanity,
Prince Von Munster, after obtaining
the orders ot the emperor, repeatedly
made In December. 1894, and in Janu
ary, 1895, to M. Hanotaux, M. Dupuy
and M. Caslmlr-Ferler declarations to
the effect that the imperial embassy
in France never maintained either di
rectly or indirectly any relations witty
"Secretary of State Von Buelow, in
(he relchstag Jan. 24, 1898, made the
following statement:
" 'I declare in the most positive man'
per that no relations or connections of
any kind ever existed between the
French former Captain Dreyfus, now
on Devil's Island, and any German
agents.' "
The APDetlte of a Goat
Is envied by all poor dyspeptics whose
stomacn and liver are out ot order. All sucu
should know that Dr. King's New Life Pills
the wonderful stomach and liver remedy, gives
a splendid appetite, sound digestion and a
regular bodily habit that insures perfect health
and great energy. Only 25c. at A. Wasley's
drug store.
Kpy West's Yellow Foyer Soniirno,
Key West, FIa Sept. 9. Thirty
eases ot yellow fever have been re
ported during the past 24 hours. In
eluding two cases previously omitted.
the total number occurring to date so
far as known is 127. Two deaths have
been reported uuring the past 24 hours
making the total number ot deaths
pine. The weather is still very warm
and rainy and- favorable for the spread
01 tne disease.
How Is Your Wife 7
nas she lost her beauty t If so, Constipa
tion, Indigestion, Sick Headache are the
principal causes. Karl's Clover Root Tea
has cured these ills for half a century. Price
S5 eta. and 60 eta. Money refunded if results
aro not satisfactory. Sold by P. D. Kirlin
on a guarantee.
ClirlHttnu SolouooNot Illccol.
Springfield, Ills,, Sept. 9. Attorney
uenerai AKin rendered an opinion yes.
terday that the medical practice act
of 1599 does not prohibit the treatment
of disease by mental or spiritual ineth
ods by Christian Scientists or others
where no medicine is used, and that
here a person dies during such treat
ment it is not nn offense under tho
criminal code of Illinois.
When You tilde Your Wheel
Always shake into your shoes Allen's Foot
Ease, a powder for tho feet. It keeps your
feet cool, provenU sweating feet, and makes
your endurance ten-fold greater. Over one
million wheel people are using Allen's Foot
Ease. They all praise It. It gives rest and
comfort to smarting, hot, swollen, aching,
feet and Is a certain euro for ingrowing nails,
At all druggists and shoe stores, 23e Sample
, Hint: by mail Address, Alleu 8, Olnibted,
' Le Koy, N. Y.
Tlio 9nt DnmlHitn ltvtutloiilt
lloCWlTfMl With KtltlltlUlHSItli
Mock, Santo Domingo, Sept. 8. Gen
eral Jlmlne arrived yesterday after
noon at Moo a, with an escort of 600'
cavalry, largely augmented by armed
horsemen from the village along hit
route. ICverywbere the utmost en
thusiasm la dlHplayed.
It was here that the late President
Huureaux was killed by Kamon Ca
ceres, who Is now the Idol of the peo
ple and the minister of war in the
provisional government.
Th conspirators claim that they
have secured a list of tne- names of
persona whom Henreanx bad desig
nated for execution.
General Jlmlnex has received a dis
patch from a Parisian banking boiiH"
promising to furnish all the funds
necessary to establish the government,
the French Interests being second only
to the American, lie proceeded to Ii
Vega last night, and the same h tuies
of enthusiasm were witnessed theie.
DpUiuhII .luf.v I'Hllml to Atiroo.
Darien, Ga., Sept. 9. The Jury in
the case of Henry Deiegall, colored,
charged with criminal assault on a
white woman, yesterday failed to agrw
on a verdict after, being out 12 hours
and a mlslrlul was ordered. The Jury,
all white men, stood five for acquittal
and seven for conviction. Application
lor a change of venue in the rase
made and granted. The new trial will
he called next Wednesday in Bftlughnm
county, to which county the murder
case ot John Deiegall has been as
signed on change ot venue from Mc
intosh. Siilnliln 1y l'liiinii.
Rutland, Vt., Sept. 9. James Mo
Donald, a prisoner In the house of cot -
recti on here, committed suicide by Set
ting fire to his bedding and permitting
himself to be burned to death. Mc
Donald had pulled hie bed to pieces,
turn the mattress open, scattered the
excelsior over the Moor, and set fire to
it. It is thought McDonald tied hlm
uelf to the bed liefore lighting the
(ire, but could not stand tbe torture
ml broke loose. He wus lying on his
sack on the fire when found.
DesIenitiErmfn. thrnuffh ftlluHncrnttri run.
nlngly worded advertisements, constantly
endeavor to work upon the feelings of sicfe
and ailing woman by inviting them "tQwrite
to a woman (I) and secure a woman's sym
pathy." It Is well to remember that tbe
best sympathy H to be had at home and not
from strangers, perbap9 hundreds of tuilea
distant. The object of the sick is to get well,
anu However piccious nympaiuy may De, 11
neveryet cured a seriously afflicted womau.
wmie uie sympamy oi your milliner or
dressmaker mieut be annrrelntri! anil he
jmt as beneficial, if not more so, than ayro-
pauiy irom a stranger, yet it can not euect
your cure if you are an ailing woman.
It is loudty proclaimed through the press
that "a woman can best understand a.
woman's ailments," and on this ground sick
women are invited to write to a woman"
and eet the benefit of a woman's advice.
The sort of "understanding of her ailments"
wanted Uy a siclc womau is a trained medi
cal understanding. If a woman has this
trained medical knowledge she understands
woman's ailments not as a woman, but as a
physician. If she is not a doctor she cannot
unoersianu tne ailments at all, and cannot
treat them successfully, because she lacks
tbe necessary training.
As far as known, there Is no regularly
qualified woman physician connected with
any proprietary medicine esneciallv de.
signed for women no one, therefore quali
fied by learning and experience, to advisa
on questions of disease and its cure.
It is certain that there is no one, man or
woman, connected with any "put-tip"
medicine for women, excepting only ur.
nercc-s i'avoriie i-resenpuon, who, lite
Dr. Pierce, is a regular graduated and quali
fied physician, and who has. like him. de.
voted more than thirty years to the special
suiuy ana treatment oi diseases ot women.
For more than thirty years Dr. R. V.
Pierce, a regularly graduated doctor, has
been chief consulting physician of tho
invalids- Hotel and surgical Institute, or
Buffalo. N. Y. On his staff are nearlv a
score of regularly graduated, experienced,
Mtuicu puysjcians, caca ot wnom is a spec
ialist in his chosen class of diseases. liv
ery letter addressed to Dr. Pierce as above,
has prompt, conscientious attention, is re
garded as sacredly confidential and is an
swered in a plain envelope so your privato
affairs are kept safe from prying eyes.
Philadelphia &
Readina R'y.
Engines Burn Hard Coal No Smoke.
Train, leave Shenandoah a. follow, t
For New York via fhlladelnhln. week davb.
tu, a w, i oi, v on a. iu., 1 2 20, o uy anu o w p. m
For New York via March Chunk, week day.
7 87 a. m., 12 20 and 8 09 p. m.
For Reading and Philadelphia, week day.,
a iu,uoa, f oi, v im a. m., 14 o, 0 fjJ BUa O LTJ Jl. m
Sundays, 2 10 a m.
ror i-ottsvllle, week day., z 10, 7 87, 9 65 a. to,
12 26, 8 09, 6 09 and t SO p. m. Sundays, 2 10 a in
ForTamaquaand Mahanoy Cltv. week daw
2 10, 7 37, 9 S3 a. m., 12 26 8 09 and 1 09 o. la.
Sunday., 2 10 b m.
ror vvllllanispori, Hunbury and Lewlsburg
weeK aars. a lira a. m.. i-jo. 7 so n.
Sundnva. 8 27 a ra.
rorjuaianoj nane. weekday., 3 10. a 27. 3 38.
787.9 63,1132 a.m.. 12 26. 3 09. 09, 7 30, 9 66
p. in. Sunday., 2 10 and 3 27 a ra.
For Ashland aud Shaiuofcln, week day., 8 27,
, ot . 1 1 a. m.. i. zo. a rj. o uy. i za anu ioah. m.
Sunday. 3 27 a m.
r or isamruore, Washington and the Weal via
... .w. iiuuu.u .rams 1 jieaumR
terminal, ruuaoeipuia. r. az jl. if it,) al 8 30,
, oo, ii m a. m., b 10 ana 1st p. L Sundays
h w, . . J in. a iu auu I I p, m. AUUI-
iionai irains irom rwenty-Iourth and Client-
nui .ireeis eiaiiou, wees oays, io ou a. m. 12 20
w id a u Bunuayn, l us, 8 23 p. m.
Leave Now York via Phi adelnhla. molt
day., Vi id, f uo, 7 ao, II 80 a. m., and 1 SO, 4 80.
9 00 u. m.
Leave New York via Mauch Chunk, week
dava. 4 30. 9 10 a. m.. 1 80. 4 40 d. m.
Leave Philadelphia, Heading Terminal, week
day., 4 80, d 8. 10 21 a. m. aud 136, 4 09, 6 36,
11 ao p. iu.
lcave Heading, weeic days, 137, 7 00, 10 08
, in., la 13. 17, 6 00, 8 20 p. m.
Leave Pottsvtlle. Week day.. 7 17. T 40 a. m.
9 30, 12 80, 1 20. 4 80. 6 10 and 6 50 p. in.
iave 'i amaqua, weeK day., s 18, N30, 1128
a. iu., 1 9, i no, I V 11 p. Ul.
Leave Mahanoy City, week day., 8 45, 9 04
11 47 a. m.,2 22, 6 23, 6 21, T 41, 10 08 p. m
Leave Mahanoy Plane, week day.. 2 40. 4 DO
630, 9 22.10 23,12 00, a. m., 289, 8 86, 6 42,763
iu xi p m.
Leave Wllllaauport, week days, 7 43, 10 00 a
ui., la oi auu 1 uu. ii ou p. m.
Leave Philadelphia Chestnut street wharf and
South street wharf for Atlantle City.
Weekdaya Kxpra.8 00,900, 1043 a tn, 13J,
auu, aw. linumxiy minuiej,
mtnute, 5 SO, 7 15, i m. Ac
nt, 5 30, 0 80 p m. bunday-T
B 80, 9 00, 10 00am, 4 49,7 15 1
at ibt Am ' oi !
w, u w, l iv Bixiy luinuiei, uu, ou, lauu.ixiy
Ai-oomouuiion, u la a
i.iiirexs, im. Hie,
D tn. Anvimmniliu
lion, o u a m, 4 43 pm. .1.00 Uxcuralon 700
tn dally and 7 30 Sunday..
Leave Atlantle City Detwtt Weekday, Hi,
Ereas, 6 43 Monday, only, 7 00, 7 45, 7 60 from
altloave. atation only), 8 30, 9 00, 1015, 1100
hi o ou, iw, u ou, , ou, v ou p in. Accommo
dation, 4 :o, a uu am, aoopm. Sundays Kx.
pres., 880, 400, 300, 600, 630, 7 00, 780. 8 00,
n hud in. Afioommmiii nn. Ti.inm j ibi . ...
11.00 Kicunlon, weekdays 6 OOp m, Sunday. 6 lol
Wn flnnn ... VW.l .. U J. ,1 , . . .
"- V.. , , V. .UB. u u IU, . , U M III,
313,413,515 pm. Bundaya 8 43. 9 15 a m,4 45
pm. ILOO excursion Thursday and Sunday 700
a in .
Por Cape May and Sea Isle Clly Weekdays
, w . u... w, t ii w ui, ouuutt) a a i.i ami
pm. tt.00excur.ion Sundays only, 700 a m.
Additional for Cape May Weekday 8
a ra. Sundays 9 13 a m.
Parlor Cam on all expnaa trains.
For farther Information, apply ia stiml
Philadelphia and Reading Railway ticket agent
GeuM Bupl., Gen') Pwj'r X(xt
The Oeiiiaiifujes
Whooping CouRh, Asthma,
Bronohttlo and Incipient
Consumption, Is
Thi German remedy
ySjift Awrtto. 25650ts
Offl Kgon building, corner of Main an
Centre street. Rhenandoah.
Offlcoi Cor. Centre and White streets, nex
to Justice Toomey'n nBlee.
No. 80 KaM Uyd Slreel.
Offlre hours i-S to V . m.s 1 to 8 p. ro.
7 to 9 p. ID.
Ixwk Ho i e, Matiaooy Clly, Pa.
HaTtnsr studied nmlnr mm. nt k.i
miuterfi In London ind 1'irU will in
on tbo Tlolln.raindolln. eulur and vocal enllore.
Terms rworiAlile. Addross In cm re of Blroote
e lewoler Hhenndoh.
JOLV 1. 1899.
Tralna will lrei,.n.nj..i.
'or.w'jfR"nt-allb,on, Fruckrllle Dk
Vi,r' 0""rl,le- mlunr, Uod!nj,
lottitown.l'hoenlrTnie. Worrtslown and PhiK
rfelphlllir.lgtrel Matlon) at S 19 and S 06
. p. m. on weeic day.. Handa,.,
05 a. m., 2D p. m. '
Train, leave Krackvllle for Bbenandoah at
so. HlAi.m. and n M 9 o. t- ,
H0ia.m.andoM p.m: '
vMit?Vin,0,V"1' ,or Hhenandoah (via KracV
M B a!E. V.? n'- - 8 10' r 10 W
ht".1 'dladelphta, f Broad .treel station), for
2nd?h -. 4 W p. ro. week day.
Sunday, leave at s SO and 9 23 a. m. SO. 8 a 1019 a. m.. ISO. I lo. 11
Leavo Broad .Street Station. Philadelphia,
a, s 10, 10 00 p m, 12 Of nlhi.
day., and S 10 p. m.7dIly " woe
da'y" " ExpreM lv"l' car, 11 00 m week-
rui utMuin wiirinni ihnn r. n nt .
LonB Branch 4 03. fio. s'so nl a m2 4i, sia
4 08pni weekdays: 300 n m .i.. Ji.jT rT
ror Ken Hlrt, A.burr Tarb. Omn n...
M's'sorm" nte'Uk- tor A.bnr Park?,
KorImberiyllle,Ett.ton'and Scranton, 6 50.
00 a m. 12 00 nonn. as? y. , r u - . .'
Ka.ton onlvl. weifcTi;;'. "P?
p m dall?.0 "m,1:!00uoon weekday.. nd 7
iiouni 1'ocono .peclal, 103 p mSalardayi
For Baltimore and Waahlngton, 8 30 1 20 81!
0 20, 11 23 a m ,12 09 M2 86, M US li? 4 41 1
5nJ 2, H nK weekday.. Sunday., 8 60, T I
9 12, 11 23 a m. 12 09, 1 12. 8 12. 4 41 'iHtf Vo
(rrr,lonatLlm.,581,863,7 81p m and 1106
For Baltimore, accommodation, 9 12 a m. 1 62
and i 01 p m week day., SOsand 1116pm dally
13Mn.ghMa.lVrne- "P"-3 09 pm..Dd
Southern Railway. Expreas-3i and 663
p m, dally.
Norfolk and W,iu.m tlnlt.. , r li..
and New Orleana 684pm dally.
.V, . 7 ; nituway, i ai pm. daily.
For Old Po nt Comfort .nrf w.ffi! ,
a m weekday.. 11 10 p m dally. '
Iaye Market street wharf aa follows: Kx
SET toJ.," &!5S "j p..k-
mm wpin weetcuav.! 1 au n m s.ii.
oniy. numiays, 7 00 am. For Tuekerton. 910
A Itl Anil 4 III II m avaua-rla.. 1
Leave Broad ,lm.l aiailnn i. t.., - ,
,'idff?-ElP'"w. 40 (80 mlnuteal a m 2 ai
li mmutesi, 4 00 HO mlnutml.T 03 183 mlnus
p ra Sunday.. 433. ji A -. - '
23382minute.l17 0385mlnut.ln. m.
Leave Market Street Wharf Kxpreaa. 3 00.
830. 175 minute.!, loco in 1,,,,..'
Saturday, only), (TOmlnutea), 2 0CuVomTiIuteai.
8 00 J7S mlnnt 8 30 tOQ'mlnute.,. iw ,(S
.' , w i minuteai.
8 30 165 mlnutesl p. m. Sunday. 6 00, 7 30
tf5.n.lSu,l 8 ? mlnuteaj. 8 SO 75 mlnutaai,
:S2 l minute.), 1000 170 mTnutoij a. m"ai
4 30 73 mlnutcIp.m. 11.00 Kxcutilon train,
7lamweek-laya. Sundays, 7 00 and 7 80 a m.
i.FoL tM,M)'. AuKlwea, Wlldwojd, Holly
llcach-Kxprt, 900 a m, 3 30. 4 06 (100 minute.,
5 00 pro week-days. Sunday, 8 a) a m. For
Cape May only, 1 30pm Saturday. 11.00 x.
curalon train, 7 00 a.m. dally.
Stone Harbor Bxprea. 9 10 am. 2 80, 4 20. S 00
p m weekdays. Sunday., 8 60 a m. fl)Bxcuf
Ion train, 700 am dally. ..uiiu
,1 nnu . 1 "" "P'eea, aou.HB0.ia00 a
Saturday, onlyj, 2 00,3 00,4 00,5 00,6 80
P m weekdays. Sunday., 3 00, 8 Ul,' 9 Mand 10 00
a m. 4 80 p m.
The Onion Tran.fer Company will call for
and check baggage from hotels and reeldenoea.
-iiniDg uar.
I. B. IlDTCuiasoH, j, r. Wood.
ueu i iuanaKer. Gen'l Paaa'gr Art
4t .- Itd i cuiU,
'OHiiera riHi-nr rnl,
With Tw -t rtO.TIW.1 1 ' .".'' 'iWuM
"aaf" ..'inlavilabi- ui d J un.
mnapi u w i)f-na to all .Um. ra iVv
l..ltl). lie MEMi
it tlcit trm m fur oui barily
mUi Ul7 to thOM It aVVIUf
Don , .irtoii! lasitm t. lo,
ctl a. wilt. rmtnent via.
uloymvnt Ttiv t-ulaoM
Tho Rosy Froshnoss
Arifl velvety softness of tbe skin la Inva
riably obtaiued by the e who use Pozxoiii'a
Oomplexion powder.
ijy the keopcom . 's'x
best by for it. In s d
lr , . . . mixture makes
addn.sraht uie flavor of cof
tle of Seelljl's fee deln i..u.
, A.I GiOLt't.
to ordinary I j
cofTee. sc. a packtje. I
. . F!:' Wefk-day., 8 20, i 03, 4 40. fi 00 11 1 8
S 50, i an, 8 25. 9 30, .10 21, ll 00, il43 a m 11 00
noon, 1283, (Limited M 00 ana 4 22 r? mV 1 a!
2 80.3 20. 8 Ao, 4 02. 5 M, -S bS. oa ?; 4 l
Ou. A -it