TheHerald IXIXII1.ISIIUI1 1870. "Ml he Nws That's Fit to Print I'uiillnhe l i-vfi v niiiir. Dseent Sunday, at 8 Soutli JbkIik street, Hlii-iiiimtimli, Pa. l.ONO IlHTVNCi: THI.llI'MONK. lie Hernlil Is delivered In Hhennmllwli nnd Hw siirromullnie Inwtw for six cent n w ek, lmy to tlie curriers. Ily mull W.l n yenr, or 2S cent n month ,wyiUile hi advance Ad vertl.emnits rlmrued ncoirdlng ti snncenml ponltlcm. Tlin imhllsliers reserve tlie rl?lit to linnite tlie pnsHImi of advertisement! never tlie publication of news demands Tlie right l reserved to reject any advertisement, wlietlier imld for or not, tlint the publisher limy deem Improper. Adrer tlslnK rnt mmle kndwn liHomipiilleatlon. litered nt tlie (wt nfllee it1itmiMoli, l'a., as second olnss moll mutter. YOU CAW XOT HBAOH RK1KH or -TH1$HE1UU- A!Y OTMBK DAILY rVllMCATlOX. FRIDAY, HEITKMUKR 8, 1890. OUR COUNTRY : First Last ana Forever. rilESIDRXV McKufLKT 1ms not for gotten wlmt it is to be n soldier, anil the people have not forgotten Unit a good soliliar inrariuuly ninkes n good President. (iKN. Otis wliould move at once against the Filipinos, before Aguin aido confronts him with the 8M Psalm and u pocket edition of the Atkinson tracts. Thk Shamrock, which is to contest with the Columbia in the great Amer ica's cup yacht race, is believed to be the most perfect vessel of its kind ever built in Great Britain. The Columbia is known to be the .peediest yaht ever constructed in the United States. Taking into consideration these facts the race should be an ex citing one. It is said that railroads are correct barometers of business, conditions. If this be true, we are enjoying better time here. The other day we pub lished a statement that the Lehigh Valley Railroad, during the past month, had cleared a large net surplus over all charces, and now the state ment of the P. & R. Railway states that they, during the same period, not only had a surplus, but eight times as much as for the same month last year. JBRSBYMI2N WONJIILTON troMIY Homo Iteinnrbntilo mtoiftliiir on the Mil lltiiiilt'utl Ynt'il Itiuiiro. Sa OlrL N. J., Sspt. 8. Tho Hilton trophy match for the-$3,000 military anil naval clmltenie trophy, given In 1898 by the lnte nenry Hilton, was shot In the rnnses hero yesterday and wsh tli most Important of the meet ing so far. It was won by New Jersey. Teams were onlered from Georgia, District of Columbia and Now Jersey. Georgia beat New Jointly at 200 jnrdu by 10 points In the aggregate score ami best District of Columbia team by 18 points. At tlie 600 yard range New Jersey gnlnetVall but three of the start that Georgia made on the first range, and New Jersey won on the COO yard range. Dr. Hudson, a private on tho Now Jersey team, did somo wonderful shooting at tlie BOO yard range, and his repeated bud s eyes did much to close up the gap between the Now Jersey anil Georgia team. In tits final shooting In fact, it was the last firing in the match Walter Whlttomore, of tho New Jersoy team, a member of the Klrst troop of Now ark, did tho most romarkablo scoring over witnessed on tho Sea Girt range. He was firing at the 600 yard range, and every bullet scored a bull's eye, giving him a clean score of 35. This is the first time a clean score has been made In the Hilton trophy matches. Whittemore is a new man, and never shot in the contest until this year. 1 -K . ' M7 J . 1 I Hill J -V SPECIALLY wauABtt in prostatic TROUBLES CYSTITIS-DIABETE&'.tflNCONTINtNCYURINC SCUNTiriC BLCNDINO PURC SANTAL and SAW PALMETTO ETC ETd Qv Mail Slo.0SmDnAMtrrnPMDMiW PAN-AMERICAN DRUGCO.newyorkj Bold In Shennmlonh At K I RUIN'S PHARMACY. Orders hy mall sent to any address. Glorious News. Comes from Dr. D. 11. Cargile. of Washita, I T. He writes: "Four hottles of Klcctrlc Hitters lias cured Mrs. Brewer of scrofula, which had caused her great suffering for years, Tornulo sores would liroak out on her head and race, aim tho host doctors could rivo no help ; but her cure is complete and and hor health Is excellent." This shows what thousands have pioved, that Electric Itllters is the host blond purifier known. It's tho supreme remedy for ecireiiia, tetter, wilt rhentn, ulcer, Iwils and runniuc sores. It stimulates liver, kidneys and bowels, oxpcls poisons, helps digestion builds up the strength. Only 50 cents. Sold by A. Wasley, druggist. Guaranteed. Ciirnntrli;' onvr to Oiilvliinil. Oakland, Cal., Sept. 8. Andrew Car negie bus wrltteu a letter to a friond in Oakland in which he says he will give the sum of $50,000 for a public library building, provided the city will agree to pay at least $4,000 a year to maintain the library. The city al ready pays a largo sum to maintain its jublic library. A1EN Kidney trouble preys upon Vrj! tho mind, discourages and AND lessons ambition; beauty, iri CM vicor and cheerfulness soon " lu' disappear when tho kidneys are out of order or diseased, lor pleasms results uso Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Boot, tho great kidney remedy. At druggists. Sample bottle by mall trco, also pamphlet. Address; Dr. Kilmer &Co.,Binghamton, N.Y. Back of the refusal on the one side by the South African Republic to grant all the demands of the Out landers, or foreigners resident in that country, and the insistence on tlie other side by England that the de mands shall be fully and promptly met, lies another and graver issue. This is the right of the inhabitants of that region to order their affairs, for eign as well as domestic, in their own way, without outside interference of any kind from any source. Dentil of a 'olel l'rlntor. Philadelphia, Sept. 8. The printers' craft throughout the country sustain ed a serious loss yesterday in the death at his homo in this city of James J. Dailey, foreman of the com posing room of the Public Ledger, and for 32 years in the employ of that journal. Mr. Dailey was 59 years of age. Hs was formerly president of the local union, was its representative at many international conventions, a.nd in 18S5 presented, on behalf of the late George W. Childs and A. J. Drexel, the $10,000 gift which was the neucleus of a fund that has established the Union Printers' Home at Colorado Springs. Mr. Dailey was elected treas urer of the home, and held the position until his death. LOW-ltATE VACATION TUI1"3 VIA NiNNBYI,- VANIA ItAIMlOAD. The Pennsylvania Railroad Company has selected tho following dates for its popular ten-day excursions to Niagara Kalis from hiladelphia, Baltimore and Washington : August iit, September 7 and 21, and October 5 and 10. An exporienceil tourist gent and chaperon will accompany each excursion. Excursion tickets, good for return passage on any regular train, exclusive of limited oxpross trains, within ton days, will bo sold $10.00 from Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington, and alt points on tho Delaware division; $1125 frum Atlantic City; $0.00 from Lancaster; $S 50 from Alloona nnd Ilar rlsburg; $0 00 from Sunbury and Wilkes barre; $3.75 from Willlamsport; and at pro portionate rates from other points. A stop- ovor will bo allowed at Buffalo, Rochester, Canadaigua, and Watkins within tho limit cturuiug. A special train of Pullman parlor cars"anil lay coaches will bo ruu with each excursion. An extra chargo will bo niado for parlor car seats. Tickots for a side trip to tho Thousand Is lands (Alexandria Bay) will bo sold from Rochester in connection with excursions of July 27, August 10 and 2J, September 7 and 1, good'to return to Rochestor or to Catan- dalgua via Syracuse withiu five days, at rate of $5 50. Tickets for a side trip to Toronto will bo sold at Niagara Falls for $1.00 on July 29, August 12 and 20, and September 23. In connection with excursion of September 7, tickets will be sold to Toronto and return at reduced rates, account Toronto Fair. For time of connecting trains aud further n formation apply to nearest ticket agont, or address Geo. W. Boyd, Assistant General Passenger Agent, Broad Street Station, Philadelphia. The Appetite of a Goat Is envied by all poor dyspeptics whose stomach and liver are out of order. All such should know that Dr. King's New Life Pills, the wonderful stomach and liver remedy, gives a splendid appetite, sound digestion and a remilar bodilv nabit that insures perfect health and great energy. Only 25c. at A. Wasley's drug store. All the summaries of the world's crop conditions made by foreign ex perts show that Europe's grain yield will be below the average, aud that of the United States above the aver age. This condition of tilings is re flected already in the heavy exporta tion of food products from this country. A. good market will be of fered in the Old World for the surplus food of the United States. The Amer ican farmer Is a sharer in a very emphatic degree in the Republican prosperity. Thk Philadelphia Press says that in many of the interior oounties of Pennsylvania the oillce of Coroner affords little profit to the incumbent Bchnylkill county has tolerated a common custom among its Coroners to such a degree that the succeeding officials have dorived royal incomes from fees. But little Fayette now looms up and claims the belt. Cor oner F. H. Taylor understands his businese, and within the past two months and twenty days his fees have aggregated $762. Of course, it does not follow that mysterious deaths are correspondingly numerous in that section, but the Connellsville News explains that the most of his fees are for mileage. If a person dies any where in the county, except from an illness of long standing, Dr. Taylor Is ulleifed to see cause for a Coroner's investigation. .llmliiiv, ltocolvod In Triumph. Cape HayHen, Hayti, Sept. 8. Jim- Inez, the leau&r of the successful revo lution, has been received in triumph at Santiago. Public feeling seems to be unanimously in his favor as can didate for the presidency. NUQQETS OP NEWS The number of enlistments Wednes day was 314, making a total of 3,548. Jacob Amberg, a bricklayer, wa; shocked to death while at work In 1 trolley conduit In Now York, Captain Freeman and Seaman Al ture. of the barge Llsgar, wrecked in Lake Huron, are the sole survivors. The Americans at Imus are nightly annoyed by demonstrations made by the insurgents. The mayor of Imus is an active Insurgent sympathizer. During a sham "battle of Si Juan' at Columbus, O., a 10-year-old spec tator was killed and a soldier fatally wounded through loaded shells being nixed with blanks. Thk United States is Rearing these days, from all quarters of the world, something about the responsibilities which civilization, power and oppor tunity thrust upon a nation. A nevs paper published in Rome declares that the disturbances In Santo Domingo and one or two of the Cen tral American republics impose aduty upon the United States of exercising a protectorate over Cuba until that island gets the knowledge of self government sufficiently thorough to enuble it to avoid the spectacles made by other peoples of its race oh this continent. One of the London pupers, the Speaker, says that "whether the American Government is popular in the Philippine Jflamls or not, it is vastly superior to any Filipino ad uiuustmUon." Oh, the Pain of Rheumatism! Rheumatism often causes tho most In tonso suffering. Many have for years vainly sought relief from this disabling disease, and are to-day worse off than ever. Rheumatism Is a blood disease. and Swift's Specific is the only cure, be cause it is the only remedy wntcn can reach sucn deep-seated diseases. A few years ago I was taken with Inflamma tory Rheumatism, whloh twoame so Intense that I was for weeks unabl to walk, I tried several prominent physl clans and took thtlr treat ment faithfully, bat was unable to get the slight est relief. Infaot.mycon. dltlon setmed to grow worse, tb disease spread over my entire body, and from November to March I suffered agony. I tried many patent medicines, but none relieved me. llnon the advice of a friend I decided to trv a a a Tifnrn itllnwlnir me to take It. how ever, my guardian, who was a chemist, ana lyied the remedy, and pronounced It free of hough or mercury. I felt so muoh better after taking two bottles, that I continued the rem nH in twnmnntha t was curedoomoletelr. Tha'aure was oermanent. for I have neverslnce bad a touoh of Rheumatism though many times exposed to damp ana coia weaincr Elbanob m. Tirrsii, S711 Fowelton Avenue, Philadelphia, TJnn'tiiuffer lontrerwith Rheumatism Throw aside your oils and liniments, as they can not reach your trouble. Don't experiment with doctors their potash and mercury will add to your disabil ity and completely destroy your diges tion. Tor RlnAd 'ltieuiuuu will cure perfectly and permanently. It Is guaranteed purely vegetable, and contains no potash, mercury, or other mineral. Books mailed free by Swill Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga-. .Wk.', FOR GENITO. u TURINARYADISEASES iNrLAMMATIOfj limJABlCBl7ootk XDlSORDlfitDKlOHCri NIAGARA FALLS EXCURSIONS. A niJRCFT MOTHER'S ANGUISH. tlnfortiiln Wlim'o l,los tlio llodj of llor Komi Soldlm- Ito.v. Chicago, Sept. 8. Two bodies, each represented to be that of Rrnost IJalt zer, a mombor of the Klrst Illinois volunteors, who died in Cuba, havo for mouths loin side by side In Craceland cometery hero. Tho first body was brought back by a local undertaker nnd Mrs. Philippine Baltzer, mother of the soldior, mourn ed for him ns hor BOn. Then the gov ernment commission brought back an other one, nnd they said it, too, was her boy. Distracted by grief, but by a government order restrained from opening tho cankots to attempt an identification horself, Mrs. Ualtzer had tho second body laid In an ntljolning grave and she strewed (lowers and wept ovor both mounds, half crazed by anxiety to know which ronlly con tained tho remains of hor soldier son. To make the situation more pa thetic and morq complicated Mrs. Balt zer recently received word that tho body of another Hrnst Baltzer had been brought back from Cuba nnd Interred in tho National cemetery at Arlington Holghts. Mrs. Baltzer yesterday visit ed the graves in Ginceland with Miss Mabel Minion, of Now Oilcans, Miss Minion wan in chargo of the fever hos pital nt Santiago. Sho attended Balt zer on his death bed, and dug with hor own hands the trench in which he wus buried. Sho declared that a bot tle which would Idontify the remains was interred with him. This bottlo has not boon found. Mrs. Baltzer do claros that she will havo "tho two graves here oponed. I'M SO DEAD TIRED Now good digostiou waits on appetite and health on both." If it doesn't, try Burdock Blood Bitters. S.", QO to Niagara Valla and lleturu Tin the Lehigh Valley Itallroad. On September 9th the Lehigh Valley Kail- road will sell tickets to Niagara Falls aud return at tho special low fare of $5 00 for tho round trip from Shenandoah, limited for re turn passane to September 11th, lucluBive. Tickets will be honored on any train oicept tho Black Diamond Express. Consult Le high Valley ticket agent for further par ticulars. Yesterday's nnsitiatl Onirics. At Pittsburg Louisville, 7: Pitts burg, 4. At Brooklyn Boston, 2; Brooklyn, 1. At New York Balti more, 10: New York, 0. At washing- ton Washington, 5; Philadelphia, 1. At Chicago Chicago, 7; Cleveland, C. At St. Louis Cincinnati, 4; St. Louis,2. No Outbreak la Venezuela. Washington, Sept. 8. Scuor Pulido, the charge d'affaires of Venezuela, last evening, in rosponso to a cablegram sent by him, received a message from the foreign oliico of Vcnczuola saying: "The news of a now outbreak In Veno zuola published yesterday is without any foundation." An outbreak oc curred In the interior some time ago, but, as stated at the time, the revo lutionists were badly routed and their forces scattered and compolled to seek refugo in the mountains. llnsobnll CJmiie. Kmlotl In n lilot. Brooklyn, Sept. 8. Yesterday's Bos ton-Brooklyn game ended in a riot. with two out In the ninth and the score 2 to 1 in Boston's favor, Daly got a pass and sprinted around to the plato on Dahlen's single and Hamilton'a fumble, but he was called out at the plato. The crowd immediately jumped into the field and attacked Umpire Emslie. The police and players of both teams surrounded him escorted him off tho field. He Fooled the Surgeons. All doctors told Kenick Hamilton, of West Jeflerson, O., after suffering 18 months from TJprfnl FUlnlfi. hp would dip unless a COStlv operation was performed; but he cured himself with live boxes ol liucKien's. Arnica saive, the surest Pile cure On earth, and the best salve in the world. 25 cents a box. Sold by A. Wasley, druggist. Tom's New" Cnblnet. Lima, Peru, Sept. 8. It is reported that Sonhor Eduardo Romana, whose term of office as president of tho re public begins today, will offer amnesty to the revolutionists and discharge from custody all persons now in prison. for political offenses. The new cabi net is made up as follows: President of the council and minister of foreign affairs, Dr. Manuel Maria Galvez; in terior, Colonel Parra; Justice, Dr. Ele doro Romero; finance, Mariano Be launde; war and marine, Naval Cap tain Camllo Carrlllo; public works, Senhor Carlos Basadre Fororo. The Homeliest Man In Shenandoah As well ns the handsomest, and others are invited to call on any druggist and get free a trial bottle of Kemp's Balsam for the Throat and Lungs, a remedy that is guaranteed to cure and relieve all Chronic aud Acute Coughs, Asthma, Bronchitis and Consump tion. Price 25c and 50c. THE PRODUCE MARKETS. Philadelphia, Sept. 7, Flour weak; winter superfine, $2.1302.30; Pennsylvania roller, clear, $2.983.10; city mills, extra, J2.10fli.C0. Rye flour quiet, but steady, at $303.10 per barrel for choice Pennsylva nia. Wheat firm; No. 2 red, spot, In elevator, C9?4"0'4c. Corn strong; No. 2 mixed, spot, In elevator, 37',4Q37Wo.; No. 2 yellow, for local trade. 39V4C Oats firm; No. 2 white, clipped, 2Sc; lower grades, 2J 2Cc. Hay Arm; choice timothy, $15 for large bales. Beef stronger; family, $10X0 11.50; beef hams, $2C27. Pork steadier; mess,- $99.50; family, $1212.G0. Lard steady; western steamed, $5.70. Butter firmer; western creamery, 1722c; do. factor'. 1315ic; June creamery, 18g21c; Imitation crenmery, lW817c; New York dairy, 15019Uc; do. creamery, 1722c; fancy Pennsylvania prints jobbing at 21 f27c; do. wholesale. 23c. Cheese strong; large, white and colored, lH4Jllc.; small, colored, UUfrUUc; largo do., 11U U?ic. Eggs firm; New York and Penn sylvania, 18V4C.; western candle extras, at mark, lCeiSUc Potatoes quiet; Jersoy, $1 1.20; Long Island, $1.25S1.C2,4; Jersey sweets, $1.752.25; southern sweets, $1J 1.25. Cabbage steady; Long Island, $2 3.60 per 100. Fancy muskmelons steady, but poor stock, which comprises most of the offerings, drags at low figures; Colo rado, per cuse, 50o.8$2.50; Jersey, per bar rel, 50c.$l; Michigan, per bushel basket, 8040c. Watermelons quiet at $15fl6 per 100. Baltimore, Sept. 7. Flour quiet and un changed. Wheat quiet; spot and the month, TOeTOfcc; October. 7111V4c; De cember, 7394G71C, steamer No. 2 red, 66 G6V6c; southern, by sample, 0371V4c; do. on grade. 67'-j(671c. Corn strong; mix ed, spot, 38V38C.; the month, 37Hc; October, 37&374c; November or Decem ber, new or old. 8M4&31C.: January and February, 33Slc; steamer mixed, 36 37c. ; southern, white, 39&40c.; do. yel low, 404H0'c. Oats firmer; No. 2 white, 3fK2814c.; No. 2 mixed, 260. .Rye nrm; No. 2 nearby, 5GHc; No. 2 western, 61V4C Hay steady; No. 1 timothy, $1313.50. Live Stock Markets. Woo, -vnrii Sunt. 7. BeeveB steady, cables auote live cattle weak at lltt lc: refrurerator beef lnwer t 8g, Veals. $o(; grawter, $$!LS0. Shaep a shade higher; lamb opned steady, but closed weak; sheep, JHM-60, lambs. $5.28 .Ni: Canada Iambi. $5.50. Hogs a trlflo Arm at II.75fl4.S0. East Liberty, Pa.. Sept. 7,-CattIe mar ket steady; extra, $5.706.90; prims, $5.80ia 6; common, $J.104.kO. Hogs slow; prime medlus and best Yorkers, $1.6064.66; fair --,.. i, ti ud,.im- huivv hogs. $4JE a wii. Ahuen tlrni: choice wethers, $1.55 &4.II8; common, $1.50tp!.60; choice lambs, $5.756; common to good S4&5.6Q; veal calves, $761.60. spring lambs, Ponnsylvnnlri's Populist Tlckot. Philadelphia, Sept. 8. The state convention of the People's party met here yesterday and nominated the fol lowing ticket: S. P. Lane, of Susque hanna county, for supreme court; D. O. Couchlln, of Luzerne county, for su perior court; Andrew Storry, ol Craw ford county, for state treasurer. The platform endorses tho nominations of the national convention at Cincinnati last year -Wharton Barker of Penn sylvania and Ignatius Donnelly, of Minnesota as the candidates of the pi.rty for president and vice president, respectively, and calls for the issu ance of paper money iredeemable in coin, and also demands the nationaliza tion of railroads. The war in tne Philippines is condemned. Newport's Aiitomobtlo l'nrnde. Newport, It. I., Sept. 8. Newport witnessed a novel spectacle yesterday in the way of an automobile parade, given by Mrs. O. P. H. Belmont, in which there wore 17 beautifully dec orated automobiles in lino. Opposite the Celcourt tho vehicles, with the handsomely gownod ladies, competed lor prizes onereu uy airs, uoimoni lor obstacle driving. The street was filled with baby carriages containing dummy babies, manipulated by nurses of the same consistency as tne names, ana wooden horses attached to traps. Mrs. Herman Oelrlehs won first prize for tho best decorated carriage and StuyveBant Leroy took first prize for the best driving. Young women have you ever said that? You're talking for your poor, sick kid neys. Something wrong or you wouldn't bo or feel "dead tired" Young folks in good health don't feel that way No; indeed ! Get your kidneys in healthy shajie Take the modern, scientific, practical, up-to-date medicine that banishes kidney backache, kidney ailments, sleeplessness and urinary disturbances in cither adults or children. We know Kid-Ne-OidB will absolutely cure the above ailments and minor affections directly due to them we have given names of those who were cured investigate and you will get at the truth. Disordered kidneys are indicated by pains In the back, distress or, fullness after eating, scanty or scalding urine, weakness and chills, pains In the loins, nervousness, sleeplessness, loss of vitality, swelling In limbs or body, or both, and sediment in the urine. Kid-Ne-Oida are in yellow tablet form put up in boxes soli for 50c a box nt all drug stores your druggist will toll you of cures they elloctod here nt homo he will vouch for the truth of our ovory assertion. Morrow s Liverlax cures constipation, biliousness, costiveness sell for 25c a box at all drug stores. Kld-Ne-Olds and Liverlax, manufactured by John Morrow & Co., Chemists, Springfield, Ohio. FOR SALE BY S. P. KIRLIN. Personally Conducted Tourist Excursions to California Without ubange of Cars. Leaviug Washington ovory Tuesday and Friday at 11:10 a. m., tho Southern Bailway operates Persoually Conducted Tourist Ex cursions to San Frauciso without change or cars, conductors or porters. The routo is throuEh Atlanta, Montgomery, New Orleans, Houston, Sau Autonlo.New Moxico, Arizonia, and Southern California. The cars aro tho vory latest pattern of Pullinnu Tourist Sleepers, rosewood finish, havo high hack seats, upholstered in rattan, are sixteen section, supplied with linen etc., same as standard sleepers, lighted by Pintsch Gas, havo wido vostibules, double sash rolled curtains, lavatory, aud smoking room for cent eraen. anil two retinue rooms tor lauies. Throe and one-nait nays to juoxico ami Arizona, four days to Los Angelos aud Southern California, aud five days to San Francisco. Such service forTraus-Contlnental travel has never before boon offered. Tho tourist carfaro is less than via any other route, effectinc a saving of $25.00 to f30.0fl for the trip. All information, maps and rates furnished ou application to Charles L. Hopkins, Dis trict rasscnger Agent, soulueru ltailway Company, 828 Chestnut street, Philadelphia The fat undertaker, Who plants by the acre. Poor victims of cough and cold. Is sighing and crying. For we've all stoppeddylng Since Brazilian Balm was sold. And for those who desire Not Just yet to go higher It Is worth Its weight lu gold. Shouandoah drug store, wholesale agents. Ladies Can Wear Shoes Onestzo smaller after using Allen's Foot Ease, a powder to bo shaken iuto the shoes. It makes tight or new shoos feel easy ; givos instant relief to corns and bunions. It's tho greatest comfort discovery of the age. Cures swollen feet, blisters and callous spots. Allen's Foot-Easo is a certain euro for in- growing nails, sweating, hot, aching feet. At all druggists and shoo stores, 25c. Trial package free by mail, Address, Allen 8. Olmstod, Lo Roy, N, Y. Mnnli-r For n V!mt. Charleston, Sept. S. News comes from Georgetown that on Saturday Charlie Chung, a Chinaman, killed a young negro, James Prisoner. Chung claimed that a balance of one cent was due him for laundry. A quarrel en sued and the Chinaman fired a pistol ball into the negro's abdomen, If Chung is found guilty of raurdor he will be the first Chinaman ever hang ed in South Carolina, 1. & It. Dates. Special eleven-day excursion to Niagara Falls, Thursday, September 14tb, 1809. For further particulars call on or address local Philadelphia and Beading ticket agent. it lffl!l. J and unfortunate lufrtrersftan AllllblDU PrlrsMdlicuef, lllooil Motion, Youthful Erron. Loit Vlulltr. Vuiooutle. et. cal for Hvorn TMtltnanlalt and Bookr "Trmi- to I'ror, u, r. TiiEki, ai. u., u norm Btxln au, l'juitue!pni, l'n. l'Mltlrelr tb onlr irwoUlut In Ut ILltau HLatea to finro area ibatiKb th molt oelebrtd iDea UlUti fkltad. Vreiheueiaured In & ta 1 0 diti.lIour9 S.&.9. Strong Drink is Death This Hot Weatlier One needs a cooling beverage that will gently tone up the system while it quenches the thirst. Lauer's Beer and Porter Just touches the spot. They are cooling, satisfy ing and invigorating. These brews will be furnished in case lots for family ise by applying- to Christ. Schmidt, Agent and Bottler, 203 W. Coal Street SHENANDOAH PA POLITICAL CARDS. WiYI. S. LEIB, OF ASHLAND. FOR PROTHONOTARY. OR. CHARCOT'S TONIC TABLETS are the onljr posltlyeljr guaranteed remedy for the Prink Uablt, Nervousness and ilelancliolj caused D7 trong drink. we ji'akaxti:e fouii iioxks to cure any case with a positive lvrl t ten euur antra or refund the money, and to destroy tho appetite for Intoxicating llQuors. THE TABLETS CAN BE 0IVEN WITHOUT KNOWLEDGE OP THE PATIENT. STRONG DRINK nrtI?eatnrpoqr'i? of tio.oo we Vf 111 mall yon roiir (4) boies and pot! Uve written Bnnrnntre to cure or refund fourmouoy. Single boxes IJ.OO. For sale at Kl'lln's drug store. yOTE FOB FRANK R. KANTNER, OF LOFTY. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. LEHIGH VALLEY RAILROAD. IN EFFECT MAY 14, 1899. Passenger trains lenvo Slienundoah for 1'enn Haven Junction. Mnuch Chunk. Lehichton. Blatington, Wliite Hull, CatuMiuqua, AUejitown, Bethlehem, ICantou New York nnd Philadelphia at 5 23, 7 SO a. in 12 52 and 5 17 p. in. For Wllkesbarre. White Haven and ritlstou, S 8, 10 12 a. m.. 12 62 nnd 5 17 p. m. For Laeeyvlllo, Towanda, Sayro, Waverly Klmlm, Rochester; Hullnlo, Nlagora Falls, Auburn, Syracuse, Ithnra, Geneva and tho West, 10 12 a. in., 12 52 and 5 17 p. in. For Itelvldere, Delaware Water flap autf Stroudsburg, 5 28 a. ai., 5 17 p. m. f or i,nniuertviue aim M reiuon, ou a. m. For .Icanesvllle, Levlston and lteavcr Meadow H 28 ft. in., 12 52 p. III. For McAdoo, Audenrled, Itazleton, Stockto and Lumber Yard, 5 23, 7 50, 10 12 a. m., 12 62 aud 5 17 p. m. ForJeddo, Drlfton and Freeland, 5 23, 1012 a, m., 5 17 p. m. for crunton, 2, iu is a. m., on p. m. For Lost Creek. Ulrardville, and Ashland, 4 00, and 7 23 p. m. r or KuVCll nun, ceuirnuu, luoum iunuei niiu Shatuokin, 10 49 a. in., 1 42, 0 07, 9 23 p. in. ForMahanoy City, l'ark Place and Delano, 5 23, 7 SO, 10 12 a. iu.. and 12 52. 5 17 p. ui. f or xuieflvnie, o at, iu i a. m. Trains will leave Shamoktn at 7 00. 9 20 a. m., 11 BO and 4 20 p. in., and arrive at Shenandoali at 7 50, 10 12 o. m., 12 62, 5 17 p. m. Leave Shenandoah tor Pottsvllle, St. Clair, New Castle, Morea and New Boston, 7 60 and 10 12 a. m , 12 52 and 6 17 p. in. Leave Pottsvllle for Shenandoah, 9 45 a. m., 12 85, 505, 8 15 p. m. Leave Hazleton for Shenandoah, 9 50 a. m., 12 45, 8 09, 6 26, 8 81 p. in. SUNDAY TRAINS. Trains leave for Raven Run, Centralla, Mt. Carinel and Shamokln, 9 46 a. lu., 7 21 p. ui.. Trains leave Shamokln for Shenandoah at 8 50 a. ro., ond 5 85 p. m. Leave Shenandoah for Yatesvllle, Mahanoy City, Park Place, Delano, MoAdoo, Audenrled, Hazleton, Stockton, Lumber Yard, Weatherly and JIaucli UIiunK, 9 47 a m., anu o ai p. m. For Lehlghton, Slatlngton, Catasauqua. White S 32 n. m. For New York and Philadelphia, 9 47 a. m. Hall, Coplay, Allentown, Eostou and Pbllllpa- Durg, i t a. m anu o w i Leave Hazleton for Shenandoah, 8 CO, a. m. and 6 27 p. in. M. B. CUTTKU, Supt. Transportation., South Bethlehem, "Ja. ROLLIN H. WILBUR, denl.Supi, South Bethlehem, Pa. CHARLES 8. LEE, OenU Pass. Agt New York, N.Y. A. W. NONNEMACHKK, Dlv. P. A., South Bethlehem. Pa. yOTK FOR HORACE F. RABER, OF PINEQROVE. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. Does Tals Strike Too? Mnddv comDlexIons. Nauscatluc breath coma from chronic conitfpatlon. Karl's Clover Root Toa la an absolute cure and lias been Bold for fifty years on an absolute guaraptee. Price 25 cts. and 60 cts. Sold by P. D. Kirlln on a guarantee. HOOD'S VVUla cure Mver 111 fJUlousnesa, Indlgestloa, Headache. I ulea' ut UxatlvH. All DrugjrUM Tliti Dotiolt Sullh For Votiozuola. Philadelphia, Sept. 8. Tho cruiser Detroit, of the North Atlantic squad ron, which has been ordered to La Ouayra, Venezuela, on account of tho disturbances In that country, weighed anchor and left this city last night. The Detroit is expected to reach Vene zuela In about a week. Terrible plagues, those Itcbiug, pestering diseases of the skill. Put an end to trlsery. Doaii nOlnluieiit cures, At any drug siore. Keystone State Normal School, KUTZTOVVN, lA. The fall term of this famous training school for teachers will open August 23, 1899. Su- erlor advantages are ottered o young men and women fireparlng for teaching, col ege, or business. The uulld. lugs are all new, containing spacious and comfortable rooms forstudents. roomv re- citation halls, steam heated throughout, nnd supplied with the latest and best lighting and sanitary appliances. Before choosing a school secure a catalogue of the Keystone Normal School. Rev. N, C. Schaeffer, Ph. D D. D S PRINCIPAL. t$ .. ........ .. . . . ft w? ror tun iniormauon, catalogue, eio., 2? address S KEYSTONE STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, S yoTB Kon THOMAS J. HIGGINS, OF HIIttNANDOAH. FOR CLERK OKTIIE COURTS. yOTE FOR Mi A. CAREY, FOR PROTHONOTARY. VOTE FOR SOLOMON HAAE Agent for the Famous BERGNER & ENGEL Phila. Stock Ale, Sparkling Still' Amber Ale, Bottled Pale Ale,. Blown Stout, Half and Half, Beer ' dud Porter. FRANK C. REESE. OpSuknanuoau, FOR COUNTY REGISTER. yOTE FOR JOHN T. SH0ENER, FOR CLERK OF THE COURTS. yOTE FOR CHARLES E. BERGER, FOR DISTRICT ATTORNEY. yOTK FOR EMANUEL JENKYN, Present Incumbent. FOR RECORDER OF DEEDS. KUTZTOWH, PA. '0&$&&$&&&&0&&8&&&'$&$& j flabKrlptlou to Tbe Patent Ilecerd 1140 per uauak iiMii Ta PATENT Good Idea: may be secured by oar aid. Address, THE PATENT RECORD. Baltimore, Md. L0RENZ SCHMIDT'S Mt. Carbon Beer ON TAP At nil its' customers to-day. Solomon Haak's 116 South Main Street,, Will receive prompt attention; News and Opinions. OP National Importance THE - SU ALONE CONTAINS BOTH. Daily, by mall, - $6 a yenr' Daily and Sunday ,by mail,$S a year- The Sunday Sun lathe greatest Sunday uewspape In the world. Price 5c a copy. Bj osll, 52 i yes,- Atldrsis Till BUN, Hew Yerk.