The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, September 02, 1899, Image 3

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    Mother and Babe
NONE but a mother know the
palm, anguish and dread that &
woman endures before and during
childbirth. And still nearly all thli suf
fering is unnecessary. The faithful use of
will in great measure overcome every
distressln g symptom, and labor itself will
not be ft very serlpu ordeal. Remember
that MOTHER'S FRIEND Is an ex
ternal liniment that softens and relaxes
the muscles, and ! not a dangerous j
compound of opiates to swallow. Ask
your druggist for It or send price ($t) to
Send Cor our free Illustrated
book, "Before Baby Is Born."
n in ttt H tH in mi.
tiir Thoinaa Lipton Warmly Wel
comed to Now Yorki
Will era llmto frjtii your system tlio Untir
ing effect .f prlp nnd oilier ntlmetiU caused
by the sevue winlor, anil nuliirla, rliotuna
tlsm, neuralgia, caturrli, st' mncli, kiiluey,
iiver and nervous disorders, lMritlysis, blood
and skin diseases, nnd chronic and func
tional ilernngetnrnta. Tliu niuunliiln clitnato
of Hot Springs Is cool anil delightful In
summer. 1(10 hotels opon tlio your around.
For Illustrated literature, containing all
information, address C. F. Cooloy, Jlanagor
Bulsncss Men's League, Hot Springs, Ark.
For reduced excursion tlckota and par
ticulars of tlio trip, address W. A. Turk,
Gen'l Pass. Agt., Southern liy., Washington,
D. C, or C. Ij. Hopkins, District Passenger
Agent, 828 Chestnut St Phila., Pa. 0-1-lui
85.00 to-Nlxgarit FallH mill Return vliitbo
Lehigh Valley Itallrontl.
On September Oth the Lehigh Valley Kail
road will sell tickets to Niagara Falls and
return at tho special low fare of $5 00 for tlio
round trip from Shenandoah, limited for re
turn passage to September lltb, Inclusive.
Tickets will be honored on any train except
the Black Diamond Express. Consult Le
high Valloy ticket agent for further par
Personally Conducted Tourist Excursions to
California Without change of Cars.
Leaving Washington ovcry Tuesday and
Friday at 11:15 a. m., the Southern Railway
onoratcs Personally Conducted Tourist Ex
cursions to San Franciso without change of
cars, conductors or portors. The routo is
tbioucb Atlanta. Montgomery. New Orleans,
Houston. San Antouio.Now Mexico. Arlzonia.
and Southern California. Tho cars are tho
very latest pattern of Pullman Tourist
Skewers, rosewood finish, havo high back
seats, uuholsteicd in rattan, are sixteen
section, supplied with linen etc., samo as
standard sleepers, lighted by Plntsch Gas,
have wide vestibules, double sasb rolled
curtains, lavatory, and smoking room for
ecntlctnen. and two retiring rooms for ladies,
Threo and one-half days to Moxico and
Arl.ona, four days to Los Angelos and
Southern California, and (ivo days to San
Francisco. Such servico for Trans-Continental
travel has never before been oflored.
The tourist carfare is less than via any
other routo, cllecting A saving of 23.00 to
30.0D lor the trip.
All information, maps and rates furnished
on application to Charles L. Hqpklus. Dis
trict Passenger Agent, Southern Railway
Company, 82S Chestuut street, Philadelphia
lacho and Liver
(Sold by all drngglsto
I or sent Dy mail.
So box contains IS pills, gold by Kirlln's drug
store, Shenandoah, l'a.
'Tlio Ilt Itont AtwnysWIns tn Thoso
Itnoo Even IftliuNonrct Kxcurnton
Htrntner Had Ileotl Fifty Mllei A way
lti'Hiilt Would Hnvo Hooh tho Smile."
New York, Sept. 2. Captain Archlo
Hogarth, the Shamrock's sailing mas
ter, and his assistant, Captain Wrlngo.
havo timed their work so well that
tho yacht was ready yesterday In her
racing rig and In a now coat of green
paint to receive her owner, Sir Thomas
Lipton, and her designer, William
Kifo, who arrived last night by tho
steamer Campania. David Barrle, Mr.
Llpton's American reprcsentatlvo, said
It was probable that tho yacht, under
William Fife's direction, would go
down the bay for a trial spin today.
Tho Campania was met In tho nar
rows by a flotilla of tugs and tho Bteam
yacht Erin to greet Sir Thomas. Tho
quarantine commissioner's boat, tho
State of New York, also appearod on
tho scone with a largo party under tho
guidance of Commissioner Palmer. Tho
party consisted of Colonel Trodwell,
(Jovornor Uoosovelt's military secre
tary, who was sont by tho governor
to receive Sir Thomas Lipton, a num
ber of officials and members of the New
York Yacht club, a number of mem
bers from tho Now England society
and other similar organizations. All
boardod the steamer and came uo to
the dock.
Sir Thomas In his welcomo down the
bay received an Invitation extending
tho courtesies of EG clubs while In this
country and an invitation to load the
marine division of the Dowey day cele
bration with his yacht Erin. Both
wero accopted.
Thoro was a largo crowd at tho
Cunard dock when tho Campania ar
rived. As the big vessel loomed up a
tug boarlng a big shamrock Mug camo
ahead, and this caused great cheering
on the part of the crowd on the docks.
Cheers were given for the Shamrock
and her owner.
When Sir Thomas camo over the
pangplank he was received with an
other great cheer. Ho took off his cap
and bowed, and there was a smile on
his face. He was pushed and jostled
about In the great throng, but he took
It all In good nature.
"Upon my word, I did not expect
this," said he, as Messrs. Fife and
Rathsey and a couple of members of
the New York Yacht club, aided by
several policemen, made a way for him
through the crowd. "Is this the way
they welcome the men who come to
get the cup?"
"You're all right, Sir Thomas,"
shouted a voice,
"I'm glad to hear that, by Jovo. I
rather think I will be sorry to take
that cup, after all," replied Sir Thomas.
"You 11 get a run for your money,"
shouted a voice.
I don't doubt It," answered Sir
Thomas, laughingly. "You've always
done that.
No cup challenger was ever before
given a reception that would compare
with that accorded to Sir Thomas,
Sir Thomas and party proceeded to
the Fifth Avenue hotel. To a press
representative there he said: "Wo
havo had a very good passage, and I
enjoyed the trip very much.
"You may depend upon It, the. Sham-
Ono of His Opposing Witnosaoa a
Twico Oouvioted Swindler.
25 CTS
LS a
Pennyroyal pills
5lS sure, ftlwtft rtlHhU. ldim rt S
DrazKlBt for Chtehtittr Engiith maff
nond Brand In Itrd od Gold romMoV
Itwxei, iim wun Din niwn.
II. D.A,... Jnnffirnul SMniflfU
tiont and imitation. A E DrogiUtl, r ien 4.
In iuim. for prttouli, tMtlincnt.u nd
"Keller for Ladle. Uittft -y return
at. ii t nfll T.athnnriUli. IfmClt Papr.
fioldhr ill Loci! Diutclltl, rilILAUA. 1 A
Tlio Kind You llivvo Always Bought, nml which has been
In use for over HO yours, lins horno tho glgnnliiro of
- nml hns liceii nnulo under I113 per
L jCitr "oinil supervision slnco its Infancy.
yr. Allow no ono to decclvo you in tills.
AH Counterfeits, Imitations nnd Substitutes aro but Ex
periments that trlllo -with and endanger tlio health of
Infants nnd Children Uxpcrlcneo against Kxiiorlnicikt. j
Castorla is a, substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops'
and Soothing Syrups. It Is Harmless and Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, ITorpltlno nor other Xarcotlo
substance. Its ago Is its guarantee. It destroys AVorms
nnd allays Feverlshlicss. It cures DIarrhcea immI '"Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates tlio Food, regulates tho
Stotnnch and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
Tlio Children's Panacea Tlio Mother's Friend.
Bears tho Signaturo of
The Kind You Have Always Bought '
In Use For Over 30 Years.
They overcome Weak'
ness, irregularity and
omissions, increase viR-
or and banish "pains
of menstruation." They aro UFI3 SAVEUS " to girls at
womanhood, aiding development of organs and body. No
known remedy for women equals them. Cannot do harm lifo
becomes a pleasure. $1.00 1M3K BOX BY MAIL.. Sold
by druggists. DR. MOTT'S CHEMICAL CO., Cleveland, Ohio.
For Sale toy P. A. Houck.
$1000 REWARD
F70R any case of Hay Fever, Cold in the Head, Rose Cold
1 or Influenza that BRAZILIAN BALM will not cure, U
rock win have pientyof trials beforethe directions are followed. No person, not een the greatest
Va iu iraUS to 1 begin work, physician, ever dared to make such an offer, nor would we if
we am noc Know mat ui-s.rtiL,i.iN is u cuuck, pubi-
tive, and permanent cure, lhompson Foster, of Wilming
ton, Del., says : "I suffered with Hay Fever every summer
Then 1 used BRAZILIAN BALM winch
B. F. JACKSON & tO.,
Manufacturing Chemists,
Indianapolis, Ind.
Shenandoah Drug Store, Wholesale and Retail Agents.
IT-S DIFFEItF.NT, because It prints
all the news, and all the news It prints
Is true.
IT'S DIFFERENT, because It's bright
and brisk, up-to-date and vigorous, but
not yellow,
IT'S DIFFERENT, because Its only
policy Is to tell the truth. It has no
covert or personal interests to promote.
It serves no political ambition, no cteed,
no class prejudice, no mere partisan
IT'S DIFFERENT, because It advocates
equal taxation and battles against the
existing system, which favors the rich
corporation at the expense of tho
farmer, the merchant, the manufacturer
and the wage-earner.
JIT'S DIFFERENT, because it stands
for Republican principles, and makes
war upon all who, under the stolen
name of Republicanism, are disloyal
to those principles.
pS DIFFERENT, because It believes
manhood and not money should rule.
Therefore It upholds the rights of all.
as against the aggressive power of tho
privileged few.
p"S DIFFERENT, because no boss, no
corporation, can control one line of lb
. space.
IT'S DIFFERENT, because It is tion
seotarlan and broad; every party, every
faith, every class, and the worklngman
equally with the mllllonake, gets a fair
hearing In Its columns.
cause It upholds faith In
humanity, and the pro
gress of mankind toward
higher Ideals, larger
hopes and better living,
IT S DIFFERENT. It will continue to
be different. Watch The North Amerl
, can and see It grow.
She will naturally need tuning up,
and she will have plenty gf it."
Sir Thomas was anxious to be ln
formed how the betting stood on tho
race. Ho was told that It Is now 100 Cnt, -n lrc
peared to be surprised, and said that cured me in three days. 1 hat was in 1S87 and 1 nave never
there was a large amount of English niaci ;t s;nce. BRAZILIAN BALM is a wonderful remedy
hero and that all they could get was and does everything that is claimed lor it. We have nun
oven money, and this the Englishmen dreJs Qf such testimonials. We will give a reward in the
nrtn noari Tfirnnn in uni'uiii . a
of Asthma. For sale bv drup-ffists. ;oc and si. 00 a
he was asked. ' bottle, or sent if you mention this paper.
he replied.
When asked about the truth of tho
report that tho yacht race had already
cost him 80,000, he said: "I do not.
know how much the race hRs or will
cost me. I do not care. Cost does not
enter into my calculations. I came here
to race tor sport only. It is a great
task to come over after the America's
cup, and I hope to be equal to It,
"I believe that I have the best boat
ever built In England. She cost more
than the Valkyrie. If In coming to
America for the cup one halts at the
nrlco. one had better stay at home.'
Asked for Information about tho
yacht's construction he said, with a
laugh: "Mr. Hie is in cnarge or ner
He also said that he was uname to
tell who will havo tho tiller.
"I fully appreciate the talent and
skill that Is against us," he continued.
"The Americans will do all in their
power to keep the trophy, and we must
do our best. If we tall, no blame will
rest on us. I have thrown up every
business care, left every dlulculty be
hind, and have determined to devote
myself to the Shamrock only. While f
am neither a designer nor a skipper,
will be aboard of her when every
race Is sailed.
'The host boat always wins In these
International races," he added. "Even
if the nearest excursion steamer had
been 50 miles away the result would
have been the same. Let everybody
come to the race and have a good time,
The more boats there are there the
merrier. I will fight for the cup Just
as hard as I can, but the good wishes
of Americans are dearer to me than
any cup In existence. The New York
Yacht club cabled me offering to
change the course, but I replied that
I would not race except on the same
track as was used before, where others
won and lost.
Tln Itxpi-rt Wntitml to tJuoMtlon flcii-
nriil Stilmrt. Hut U'nt ClmUml Olf by
tlio I'rnxlilmit or tlui Court Mnrtlnl.
Wnluhty ICvliliiu I'm' Druynix.
Uplines, Sept. 2. Yesterday was a
ery satisfactory day for Dreyfus. Tho
MereatipAlre witness, Germain, wlio
was to prove thirl reyfns Httended the
Alsatian maneuvers, found his state
ments denied by reputable wltneee,
while Germain himself, It was proved,
underwent two convictions for swind
ling. This was the only testimony
against Dreyfus, the remainder of the
depositions being In his lavor, several
of them bolng very weighty, as In the
case of Captain Carvalho, General Se-
hcrt nnd Major Hnrtmnnn, their evj-
donco going to show that particulars
of tho tiring manual of the "120 gun"
and hydo-pnoumatlc brake were almost
mattors of common knowledge among
the officers, and that the contention
that Dreyfus, from his special position
on the stuff and peculiar movements,
could bo acquainted with them haa no
solid basis. This was the sum of yes
terday's proceedings, which were not
marked by any unusual Incident, the
Itoget-lirayore episode, In which Gen
eral Roget clonrly gave himself away,
being the only matter which attracted
special attention.
M. Uerttlllon was severely snubbed
by the presiding ofllcer when he wished
to reply to General Sebert, who had
condemned his system as fantastic.
As soon as General Sebert had fin
ished his testimony M. Bertlllon bounc
ed up and asked to be allowed to speak,
hut Colonel Jouaust quickly turned to
the usher and said: "Drlng In the next
witnoss." M. Hertlllon, oxtremoly an
noyed, returned to his seat.
M. Godofroy Cavalgnac, former min
ister of war. returned to Kennos last
evening. There Is much speculation
respecting the motive for his reap
pearanco here. The general conjecture
Is that It Implies a fresh shullltng of
tho cards of the prosecution. Symp
toms of despondency have manifested
themselves In Dreyfusard circles dur
lug the last few days.
Tlio AHtouiulluit l'l-nturo Ih tlio Mnir-
nltlido oTtlin DkiiiiiuiI.
Now York, Sept. 2. II. G. Dun &
Co.'s weekly review of trade says:
The astounding feature is the magnl
tude of demand, notwlthstnndlngprlces
which would ordinarily check It. In
products directly consumed by 4ndl
vtduals the larger employment and
better wages of the working force give
explanation. Efforts to meet the de
mand call for moro stores, manufac
turlng works and machinery und fa
cilities for transportation, ns if every
man s wages were in part diverted to
build up tho nation's machinery of
manufacturing and distribution. The
occasion promises quick prollts. the
building Is largely for the future, and
it goes on In spite of unusual prices.
Ilradstreet's review says: With an
exceptionally heavy bulsness already
booked for the latter portion of the
year, tho mercantile community faces
the trade situation with confidence,
testified to by tho very generally firm
prices and with quotations in a number
of lines showing further marked ad
vances. The jnost conspicuous excep
tion to this Is found In cereals, which
are weak and declining. Lower prices
for wheat, corn and oats pointed to
speculative liquidation of tired holders.
who, with confidence In tho future of
prices, have weakened under unsatls
factory foreign demand, larger receipts
and the near approach of expected
heavier crop movement.
Ilrtw tlm SnvRce Motlcnn Iih1IhiTpp-
tnr 1 hulr Victim.
Phoenix A. T.. Sept. i. Harry l-
gan, formerly of I'hoenlx, ret tired yes
terday fri'in n trip to Sonorm, Mexico,
leaving there two weeks ago. He was
three miles from the seat of the first
anul iinrlalnK and the shooting and
yells or the Indian were piainiy auui
hie. He says the uprlHtng was a great
deal more serious than waa reported
by the newepaiter correspondents. It
waa difficult to trace the operations ot
the Indiana and many live were lout
which wer not reported. The aqu!s
tortured a number of captlvea. Ixgan
wan one of a party which discovered
the bodies of several Mexicans and two
Americans on the Yaqul river, and the
way the victims met their death was
apparent. Their ears had beeu cut
ft and other parts of their bodies re
moved with knives. After this the
soles of their feet were removed, and
the unfortunates compelled tn ihince
over beds of cactus. When rendered
unconscious by pain their heads wero
split open with axes.
Ahotlift- Itlot In Cli-vulnml.
Cleveland. Sept. 2.-r-Anothr riot
broke out last night on Central avenue
A small torpedo exploded under tho
heels of a Central avenue car and a
large crowd of foreign workmen as
sembled. They soon began to throw
stones at passing cars. A patrol wagon
arrived with police, who charged the
crowd and clubbed It severely. As the
rioters broke away the police made
ten arreatB. During the rioting the
crews of several street cars that pass
ed fired revolvers over the heads of the
mob. With two exceptions the pris
oners are foreigners, scarcely able to
sneak Iingllsh.
CWAIHD. Is not recommended fo:
""ni'" . tv.i i r.. i.o
PnOT kidney, liver or bladder
1 trouble It will bo found just
tho remedy you need. At drucclsU In fifty
cent and dollar sizes. You may have a sample
bottto or tuls wonderful new discovery by
man rree, also pamphlet telllug all about it.
Address, Dr. Kilmer.tCo.,I)ini:liamtou, K.Y
IJ To PATENT Good Ideas
Jm may be secured by
our aid. Address,
Baltlmora. Md.
SuUcrlptloua to Tbs rtent Record tl W per UBiua.
If, when contemplating a trip to any point
West or Southwest of tho Mississippi River,
you will purchase tickets via tho Missouri
Poclfio Ky , or Iron Mountain Eouto (which
aro on sale at all principal tickot oiliccs In
the United States), you will have all tho
comforts and luxuries of modern railwav
equipment, and tho finest opportunities for
viewing all of nature's museums and marvels
of Utah, Colorado, Kansas, Arkansas, Texap,
Old and New Mexico, California, etc. Ex
cursion tickets to all principal points at
jreatly reduced rates. On account of the
National Education Association meeting at
Los Angelos iu July, wo will mako special
low round trip rates. When contemplating'
a trip West or Southwest, write ua for fnll
information aud rock bottom figures, w
E. Hoyt, G. E. P. Agout, J. P. McOaini. T.
P. Acent.391 Broadway. New York.
Florida aliort Line.
Tlio New York ana Florida Express, via
Southern Hallway, leavlus Broad street
station, Philadelphia, daily at 5:31 p. m.
carries through Pullman sleeping cas to
Anmuta nnd Savannah, da.. Jacksonville and
nepiying to a question as to wnemer Tau,pa Fa via Charlotte and Columbia,
he believed the Shamrock would win,
he said, after a pauBe:,'I never said
that I was confident of winning. Of
course. It I wero betting on the race,
I should expect odds, as the cup ha
been hore so long."
This Is tho short lino and most attractive
route to points in jQeorgia and Florida. All
information cheerfully furnished by Charles
L. Hopkins, District Passenger Agent, 823
Chestnut street, Philadelphia.
Coming Kventn,
Oct. 4 Welsh Baptist twenty-sixth annual
Millions Given Away.
It lacertdlnlv irratlfvlliL' to the public to
know of one concern in the land who are not supper In Bobbins' opera house
afraid to be generous to the neeuy ana suner-
lng. Tho proprietors of Dr. King's New I", & It, Dates,
Discovery for Consumption, Unigbs ana Special cleveii-day excursion to Niagara
""V,D slye" wy um lo"'u'"'u" ".'."' Falls, Thursday, September 14th, 1801),
JiFR?KZka& For further particulars call on or address
curod thousands of hopeless cases. Asthma, local Philadelphia and Beading ticket ageut.
llroncbltls, Hoarseness and all diseases oi
the Throat. Chest and Lungs are surely curod Sick Headaches,
"iS .!, ? A Wasley. Druggist, and get xho curse of overworked womankind, are
a trial bottle free. Begular site BOo. and fl, I , , . . . . ., ;
iteed, oi price refunded, uiijr ujr Jvr. o viuvn
Every bottle guaranteed,
Tho Pennsylvania Railroad Company has
selected the following dates for its popular
ten-day excursions to Niagara Falls from
Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington :
August 24, September 7 and 21, and
OctoborS aud 10. An experienced tourist
agent aud chaperon will accompany each
Excursion tickets, good for return passage
on any regular train, exclusive of limited
oxpross trains, within ten days, will be sold
at $10.00 from Philadelphia, Baltimore,
Washington, and all points on tho Delaware
division; 1125 from Atlantic City; fO.60
from Laucaster; JS 50 from Altooua and Har
risburg; 0 00 from Suubury and Wilkes
barre; $5.75 from Williamsport; and at pro
portionate rates from other points. A stop
over will be allowed at Buffalo, Rochester,
Caiiadalgua, and Watkius within tho limit
A special train of Pullman parlor cars and
day coaches will be run with each excursion
An extra charge will ho uiado for parlor car
Tickets for a side trip to the Thousaud Is
lands (Alexandria Bay) will be sold from
Rochester in connection with excursions o
July 27, August 10 and 24, September 7 and
21, good to return to Rochester or to
daigua via Syracuse wlthiu five days, at rate
of 5 50.
Tickets for a side trip to Toronto will he
sold at Niagara Falls fr J1.00 on July 29,
August 1? aud 20, aud September 23.
connection with oxcursion of September 7,
tickets will be sold to Toronto and return at
reduced rates, account Toronto Fair.
For time of couuectiug trains and further
Information apply to nearest ticket ageut, or
address Geo. W. Boyd, Assistant General
Passenger Agent, Broad Street Station
IIOOD'S FIIilA cure Liver Ills,
Biliousness, Indlgettlou, Headache.
4 ideas-nt laxative. All Druggist
Root Tea, the great blood puilfler and tissue
I builder. Money refunded If not satisfactory.
Price 25 cts. aud 50 cU. Bold by P. D. Klrliu
I oua guarantee.
Uncle Sim's Ilidobti'dllosi.
Washington, Sept. 2. The monthly
statement of the public debt shows
that at the close of business Aug. 31
1899, the debt, less cash In the treas
ury, amounted to 1,157,306,555, a de
crease as compared with last month ot
4,281,116. This decrease Is accounted
for by a corresponding increase lu
tUt cash on band.
To-Nlght and To-Monow Night
And each day and night during this week
yon can get at any druggists Kemp s Balsam
for tho Throat and Lungs, acknowledged to
be the most successful remedy ever sold for
Coughs, Croup, Bronchitis, Asthma and
Consumption. Get a bottle to-day and keep
it always In the houso, so you can check your
cold at once. Price 25o and 50c. Sampli
bottle free.
Alcet'Would Not ho MnyororGovornor
Detroit, Sept. 2. General It. A. Al
ger, ex-secretnry of war, responding to
nn inquiry us to whether he would ho
willing to accept tho Republican noml
nation for mayor of Detroit this fall
said: "It would unquestionably be a
great honor for any one to be mayor
of Detroit. However, I positively coup:
not think of It. I would not think of
taking a nomination lor mayor any
more than I could think ot taking
nomination for governor." As to other
political matters, Including his own
candidacy ror senator, tne general de
cltned to talk.
Ask your grocer for the "Royal Patent
flour, and take tiu other brand. It Is tho best
flour made.
Terrible plagues, those itching, pestering
diseases of the skin. Put an end tonrisery
Doan's Ointment cures. At any drug store
Humpxun to Quit 'Soil Service.
Washington, sept. 2. At the con
elusion of the Dowey celobratlqn at
New York Admiral Sampson will bq
relieved of the command of the North
Atlantic squadron. This action Is to
he taken at tho request of the admiral
who has already had much more than
his portion ot sea service in his grade,
After a short leave of absence he will
be assigned to shore duty, probably In
command or one of tho navy yards
It Is Intimated that either Hemey, In
command at I'ortsmouth, or Farquhar,
commandant at Norfolk, Is to Buccecd
Qlva the Children a Drink
called Grain-O. It is a delicious, appearing
nourishing food drink to take the place t
Coffee. Sold by all grocers and liked by all
who have used it because when properly pre
pared it tastes like the finest coffee but is free
from all its injurious propeitles. Grain-0 aids
digestion and strengthens the nerves. It is
not a stimulant but a health builder, and chil
dren, as well as adults, can drink it with great
benefit. Costs about )( as much as coffee;-
15 and 25c.
The Cure Sha! Cures I
WYiooplnR Cough, Asthma.
Dronohltla and Inolplont
Consumption, is
Is there any happier
woman in this world than
that mother whose each
successive little one seems
to her but one more dar
ling angel to continually
lift her thoughts toward
the sunshine of perfect
happiness? But sorry is
the lot of that jioor moth
er to whom motherhood
has ceased to be a
cause of rejoicinff,
but has bcome in
stead a burden to
be dreaded and
looked forward to
with melancholy
ana apprehension.
"About three
mouths before our
last baby was born
(which is our
fourth). writes
Mrs. Nellie Carl, of
Myrtlepoint, Coos
mv htftlth wai verv roor I had
been troubled for about eight yean with female
dNeate. I doctored with good physicians but
obtained no relief, so I wrote to the world's IMs.
pensary Medical Association, and was advised
;o lane nr. l'lerce l'avorlle Prescription and
Colden Medical Discovery.' I did no. and am
hartDV to rniv mv health twran tn tmnrnve nnti I
did my work up to the last, and felt splendid.
1 gtii aionK nneiy aunng connnemem. ana
have the healthiest babv I ever saw When he
was three mouths old he weighed eighteen
pounds: he Is now seven months old and weighs
twenty four pounds. I can say I have had no
return of ray old troubles. I thank you very
much for the good you have done me."
Any woman mav write to Dr. R. V.
Pierce, of Buffalo, N. Y., a statement of
her case, which will be considered in ab
solute confidence by this physician who
stands amonir the foremost aneclnlists nf
the century in the treatment of women's
diseases. lie will send her (in a plain.
sealed envelope) sound, sensible, valua
ble advice free of all charge.
ur. nerce's irreat tliousauu-tatre. il
lustrated Common Sense Medical Ad
viser will he sent free, paper-bound, for
21 one-cent stamps, to uav the cost of
mailing only, or cloth -bound for 31
Co.. Oregon,
Cunt WoiV Vviiq
saved by
using Seel-
Lean buy cheap
rcollee ana make
It delicious by a
lliuo 01 this admixture.
Grocers can tell
you why those
keep coming bacjc
for It. You can't
keep on selling a
poor thing to the
, same people.
Ofnc Kuan bulldlnr. corner ot Main an
Centre streets, Bbenandoah.
Oftlee: Cor. Centre and White streets, next
to Justice Toomey'a ofilce.
nilUHI.Iilt, M. D.,
No. t lSiut I.leyd Street.
Ofltce hours: 8 to 9 sv. m. 1 1 to 3 ti. m.
7 to t p. m.
pitOK. JOnN J0NB8,
I-ock Box 65, Mahauoy City, Pa.
studied nnder aomn nf sh KmI
master In London and l'arls, will glrx lewons
on the Tloltn, mandolin, euliarand vocal culture.
Terms reaaonahla. Address In care, of Btrouse
the lewaler Hhenandoah.
Philadelphia &
Readinq R y.
Engines Burn Hard Coal No Smoke.
JULV 1, 18W.
Trains will leave Hhenandoah after the aoore
,or,.Wi.l0,nt Ollberton, Frackvllle. Dark
5 '. 8- fair, Pottsvllle. Hamburg, Boadlne.
Pottalown, l'lioenlxvllle. Horrlstown and PbiS
atfelphla (l!r-d street station) at 619 and 8 0S
a. m., 2 10, a IS p m. on week days. Bundaya.
8 05 a. rn., 4 3D p. m.
T.?'..leT8 F"kvllle 'or Shenandoah at
7 8S, ll,a.m. and 5 M, 7 84 p. m. Sunday.
II 01 a. m. and S SIS p. m.
.i51?v0,I'0,,,Mlll,"'orS,ienndh (via FracV
Tllle) 710, n ap a. m.. 510, 710 p.m. Sunday
10 S3 a, m., 5 10 p. m.
Leave. Philadelphia, (Broad afreet station), for
fiheaandoah at 8 85 a. m.. 4 10 p. m. week day,
Sundava iMvnat ftM mien . '
i.v,..' ".u2?clPn,n1,rod statloa) for
PotUville,S 30.8 55. 1019 a. m.. ISO t in 11
p. ro. weekdays. Sundays. S0. B23. m'and
ieare uroad Street Station, Philadelphia,
Kxpmia Week-days, 8 90, 4 03.4 40 5 00 SIS
50.7aS.8SS. 950. loll. 1 1 m i l 12
?02T'.12,M''iI-,m'!?d '100 and 4 23 p mf. 1 43.
For IkMtnn wlthnnlAh.... ft a
fsw.. a 1 " ".,V.T 4 V4 wee.
Trains le&ve Shenandoah aa follows :
For New York via Philadelphia, week day.
210, 5 38, 7 87, 9 85 a. m., 12 25, 3 09 and S 09 p. m.
Sundays, 2 10 n m.
For New York via Mai'.ch Chunk, week days
7 37 a. m 12 28 and 3 09 p. m.
For Headline and Philadelphia, week days.
2 10, 5 38, 7 87. 55 a. m., 12 26, 8 09 and 6 09 p. m.
Sundays, 2 10 n m.
ror I'otlavlllc, weei aaya, 2io,7o7,9K a. m.
12 26, 8 09, 6 09 and T 30 p. in. Sundays, 2 10 a m.
For Tamantla and Mahanoy City, week Uavs
210, 737, 9 55 a. m., 12 26, 8 09 and 5 09 p. m.
Sundays, 2 10 a tn.
For Williamsport, Sunbury and Lewtiburir,
week daya. 327, 1182 a. m., 12 26, 7 80 p. m
Sundays, 3 27 a m.
roraiaianoi riane. wcexaays. a io. a 27. 5 3S.
7 37,9 53, 1182 a.m.. 12 26, 3 09, 6 09, 7 30, 9 56
p.m. Sundays, 2 10 and 3 27 a in.
For Ashland and Snamokln, week daya, 8 27,
i a, ii o a. m. n o vj. o uy. t ana sup. m.
Rundav. 3 27 a m.
For Baltimore, Washington and the West via
11. AO. It. 11, through trains les- Reading
Terminal, Philadelphia. (P. & R. If E.) at 8 20,
l oo, lira a. m., a iu ana -ii p. i. Bunaaya
o f w, ii no a. Hi., o to null I it p. m. Aaai
nonai trains rrom "rweniy-iounu ana cnest
nui sireeia sianon, weex: aays, iowj a. m. iz jo
12 la a 10 p.m. Sundays, 1 85, 823 p. m.
T XT V.W !.. I - , V. I - .
daya, 12 15, 4 80, 7 30, 11 SO a. in., and 1 SO, 4 SO,
vuu p.m.
Leave New York via Mauch Chunk, week
davs. 4 80. 9 10 a. m.. 1 SO. 4 40 n. m.
iave rnnaaeiPQia. ueaains Terminal, weeic
daya, 4 80, 8 88, 1021 a. in. and 186, 406, 636.
11 BO p. 111.
Leave Reading, week days, 187, 7 00, 1008
a, m., 1215.4 17, 600,8 26 p.m.
Leave Pottsviile, week days. 7 17, 7 40 a. m.
9 SO. 1280.1 20. 4 SO. 6 10 and 6 60 D. m.
ixiTS ismsqut, wees: aaya, a 15, ana, 11 a
a. m., i A o oo, , Mt v st p. m.
Leave Mahanoy City, week daya, 8 43, 9 04,
ii a. iu., 4 u, a o i, j is, iu ua p. m
uare luananoy fiane, weelc days, 2 40, 4 00
30. 9 23.10 23.12 00. a. m.. 289. 6 86. 6 42.758
iu 2i p m.
Leave Williamsport, week days, 7 42, 10 00 a
m., 12 84 and 4 00. 11 80 p. m.
Leave Philadelphia Chestnut street wharf and
Bouin aireei wnari lor Atiantio (Jlly.
v, eexuays KiprH, b ou, ro, to a m, isj,
2 00, 3 00, 3 40 sixty minute, 4 00, 4 30. 5 OOalxty
minute, 5 30, 7 15, p m. Accomudatfon, 615 a
m, 6 SO, 6 30 p m. Sundays Kxprew, 7 30, 8 00,
8 80,9 00, 10 00 am, 4 45, 7 15 ii m Accommoda
tion, 6 IS a m, 4 43 p m, 11.00 Kxcurslon 7 00 a
m dally and 7 uo Sundays.
Iave Atlantic City Denott Weekdays Kx
Brrss, 6 45 Mondays only, 7 00, 7 45, 17 80 from
altleave. station only, 8 30, 9 00, 1015, 1100
a m, a tiu, ou, a ou, ou, v ou p m. Aecoinmo-
dutlon. 4 25. 8 00 am. 8 50 n m. Sundays Ex,
press, 3 80, 4 00, 5 00, 6 00, 6 30. 7 00, 7 30. 8 00,
6 30 n m. Accommodation. 7 13 a m. 4 30 d m.
1 1.00 Excursion, weekdays 6 00pm,Sunday6 10.
For Ocean City-Weekdays 8 45, 9 15 a m,
215,413,513 p.m. Sundays 8 43.9 13 a ni.4 45
p m. 11.00 excursion Thursday and Sunday 7 00
a m.
For Cane Mav and Sea Isle Cttr Weekda r
9 13 a m, 3 80, 4 15 p m. Sundays 8 45 a m 4 43
p ro. f LOO excursion Sundays only, 7 00 a in.
Additional for Cape May Weekdays 8 54
am. Sundays 913 am.
Parlor Cars on all express trains.
For further Information, apply to nearest
Philadelphia and Reading Railway ticket agent
or auurcea
Gen'l Bu'iil., Qen'i Paaa'r XgL.
uaaoins larminai, i-atiaasinni.
nillions of Dollars
Oonpinnmoto every year. Take no
nsKg Dut get your houses, stock, far
nltare, etc., insured in tlrst-cUss re
lunie compsmu as represented by
DAVID FAUST, insurance Age
AlsoUltandAceldtatal ompanlii
Catsklll Express Parlor ear, 11 00 a m week'
For Sea Olrt. A.f,,,rv r n
Long Iiranch, 4 05. 6 50, 830, 11 4 a rrTa 42. S
4 08 p m weekdays : 600 p m rtaturdari Tonlr'
to"' 1" at nterlakenfoT Asbun Pfr
i anu oau a m.
KorlAinlwivine,EMtonnd Be ran ton. 6 B0,
00 ft m. 12 0Q noon S Hi K iv. r .,7. .
E"n only), weekday" d 7 p m 'dally"
p m dall J. m'1300noon weekda?,, and 7 W
Mount I'oonnn rfl ) tn .
ony w , Uiwuiusn
:. ' " " "'i -i oo, -i iz, a la, 4 41 15 23
Congreaslonal I.lm.J, 5 SI, 6 17. -a 63. 7 81 n ra
23 " n'Kh'week'dav.'. SundaTs, 80,P'T
gresslonal Llm., 6 84, 35, 7 81 p ra and U 03
F,0r,,ln,or. 00ornrnodatlon. 912 a m 1 63
and 4 01 p m week days, 8 08 and 11 16 p ro dally
pm.'dSf. Ra'lws'- Expre-51 and 6 55
"5 fiKma western Railway for Memphla
and New Orleans, SSI pm dally. v
SnnTKTe f nl RUwy, 7 81 pm. dally.
For Old Point Comfort .i, LJ!72. ?.
a m weekdays. 11 10 p m dally: " "
Leave Market street wharf an follows: Rx.
press for New York, 9 00 a m, 4 80 p mwM to
days. For Long Branch via rJeasldPPv o in
. m, 1 80 and 4 00 p m week-dsya. Sundays
stops at Interlakf.n In. .... o.lZTi .T. . '
and 4 00 p m weekdays) 130 p ra Saturdays
'y- Hu'!d,y. 780 am. For TustertonVS 10
a in and 4 00 p ra weekdays. lu
Leave Broad street station via Delaware rivet
,. ".. V"- o 80 mlnutul a m 2 M
182 minute. 4 WfM mtnutesl, 7 M MmlnutcT
p ra Handlys, 4 83, 9 20 l4 mlnuuii v!m
2S882ratnut4l.7 05l83SnluTp mJ
Ive Market Street Wharf Uxpreas. 5 00.
8 30, (73 minutes). 10 00 (73 mlnuteT. 1
Saturdays only), (73 minutes), 2 ooT(70 mlSutes u
3 00 (75 nilnutfs), 8 80 (60 minutes , 4 00 i&S
mU),4? ("5,'nnles), 5 00 00 minutes),
5 80 163 minutes p. ta. Sundays. 500. 7 10
(73 minutes, 8 00 73 minutes), 8 U0 73 minutest.
1 00 75 minutes Ao 00 70 mYnateij m" il
i (1.UU cxcuislon train,
am week-days. Sundays, 7 00 and 7 80 a m.
, ! "uKicrca, nuawott.JIolIr
peach Express .9 00 a m, 2 80, 4 05 ( 100 mlnutosj.
5 00 urn week-dava. Kiin,lv an.m 1...-
Capo May only, 1 80 p m Saturdays, ft.00 Ex.
curslon train, 700 a. rn. dally.
For Sea Isle City. Ocean City, Avalon and
Stone Harbor Express 9 10 am, 280,430,500
alon train, TOO a ra dally.
K0wH,Imfr',,0'n,.,'xur" 00, 8 80,10 00 s
m, (1 00 Saturdays only), 2 00,3 00,4 00.5 00,5 30
p m weekdays. Sundays, 6 00, 8 00. 9 00 and 10 UQ
a m, 4 80 p m.
The Union Transfer Company will call for
and check baggage from hotels and residences.
Dining car.
vV?l""01'' J. R- Wood.
Gen'l Manager. Oen'l Pass'g'r Agl
.r 1 art. r fk
with Ytni7 rnu Pa.DyMavl )M. u l . hu
rcmwHrsl. Ajti bu'j th bt ud 1 d atw
itctmcni Gua.nt-J aupnw to
KMUCiai. i IC ftlf?V u
.licit rU fur oni liirdy
Nurtrry titk txpeDt
nl Mlrj U tho t ng
horo', ur cotnmixuloa to lo
Cftl ftRrntsV ivrmturnt ek.
Plot nitint 1 u batiaeu
(ly i-m4t. Arirtmui
T.11 H.iJ. CIl.VsKr.O
A Hand
la one of the
possess, l'l
sSif It.
Handsomo Complexion
greatest charms a woman can
'ouom'a Uosiruuioa Pownua