The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, September 01, 1899, Image 2

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    I T 1 "J 1
"All 'He Nes That's Fit to Print."
- i
PiiMcIumI . i . vcnlng, except Sunday, at 8
South .lunlm -.iraet, Shenandoah, Pa.
ho U.-mld I. il.-llvi ri-il In Shenandoah and tlio
iirrKiiinlinii tciwiw forslxcentsn w ek, pay.
ntili-1 tH- rnrrlcm. By mall 98.00 ft year, or
M . n. until IiHVKhle III nilailC All
v. rliHi nn nt chnrged according to ppacennd
position. The publisher reserve the right
to lunge the position 'if advertisement
m i rlln- publication of news demand
t Ph- riulii It reserved to reject any
iiilvi rn-. iiii nt whether paid for or not, tlwt
tin- miI)M1i.t nwx deem Improper. Aiiver
tuinu rit.' niftde known iiiwnniiplleBtlon.
uti i.l at the rot efltw at Shenandoah, l'o., i"
8. r i,l . I.un mull matter.
00R COUNTRY ! First, Last and Forever.
IT AguinaWo should surreniler now
he lilinlit come to this ooimtry and
usritet liis friend in the next eluctiou
Thk political eHintmign in tills
county cHti he dd to foe on from thin
dnte. The Orwigsbttrg fa'r closes to
day. Thk gtrantfest tiling iu connection
with the Dreyfus rehearing is that
nobody lift obnlleiiged anybody to
tight a due).
Skckktary Hoot hopes that nil
the twenty new regiments will eat
their Christinas dinner in the Philip
pines. It is only a question of ships.
The men will be ready.
A countv seat newspaper is again
causing its readers to suffer from that
"tired feeling." A "historical writer"
ha again eome to the front with his
favorite theme, the Indian.
A'QTSSTiox of interest is whether
any of the Uritons who want war
with the Hoers will drop to the
miserable level of snarling copper
heads as soon as hostilities begin.
With the royalties reduced, a good
demand for the product, nnd the price
of anthracite coal steadily increasing,
there is no good reason why the
miners' wages should not be above
the 2.50 basis.
Thk "need of more money in the
Weet with which to move the crops"
the argument annually urged for
the tightening of the money market
falls flat this year. The banks of
the West are able to furnish the
funds required without Eastern
Judge Endlich, of' Heading, while
hearing an application for transfer of
n liquor license in that city, gave a
warning to hotel men that they must
not sign transfers before the license
is granted by court, and said he
would revoke all suoh licenses in the
future where he ilnds that the parties
to the transfer violate the law in that
respect. Tho same practice has ex
isted in this county, but the court
here has not been appealed to so far
as is known.
Thkhh is every reason to believe
that next Monday will murk an ini-
portaut epoch in .he history of Sheu
andoah the demonstration under the
auspices of the Soldiers' Monument
Association. The town will be
thronged with visitors, including
people from different parts of the
state prominent in political and mill
ttiry affairs. And they will all receive
a hearty welcome, the hospitality of
the "largest town in the county'
lining proverbial.
Thk President's speech at Pitts
burg to the 10th Kegiinent, is pointed
hih! aJtfiiiflcAnt in what it has to say
couonrritng the policy of the Admin
istranon in the matter of the Phili)
pi ntts. The fear of an uprising
agaiuot imperialism, militarism and
expansion lias evidently found no
lodgment in bis mind. He is going
right ahead with the intention of
fighting the thing to a finish. . He
evidently has no doubt as to what
the end will be. And in this the
President will b supported by all
loyal American.
District ArroRjrKi' Mn.LAn, of
Dauphin county, has fixed Wepteui
her2H for the trial of the legislative
bribery oases. Hy sailing the eases
tor trial on ThurMlay the District
Attorney will have three days within
which to dispose of the jail oases.
Ex-Senator John J. Coyle, now of
Philadelphia, will be tliu first of tho
-alleged buliers ( ailed for trial. He is
.alleged to hu e offered a bribe of Q0O
to Represeututite John Bugler, of
Lycoming counry, to vote for the
MeCarrell Jury bill. Coyte will be
represented by the leading uttorneys
tit the Diiuphiu county bar, and a de
termined fight will be made to pre
vent ft- conviction.
W""1'1 "" ,lv'nl",,,,',, wiihis ir iiIh
Atlnntn. Sent. 1. The Jewish Rnnll.
metit, In it regular weekly edition.
prints a story hearing with almost
BtartliriK (lirertiiess on the Droyfus
trial. Several statements, apparently
new to the now celehrated Droyfus
case, are given, together1 with names
of those who are snld to bo In pos
session of Information which will
throw new light on the trial. Tho
story which The Sentiment prints
comes from a man who was employed
several years ago by the .German gov
ernment as a document translator and
maker of relief maps, and who after
quitting Germany served In tho Uni
ted States army during the war with
Spain. He shows his (Uncharge papers,
which denote that he was ft staff of
ficer. The Informer says he was born
n Denver. The story, aftor some In
troductory remarks, reads:
I was translator of documents at
the croat staff headquarters at Konig-
cratzer strusse, No. 9, Berlin. I never
heard tho name of Droyfus mentioned
in connection with the French war
office merchandise shipped to tho4ibove
address via Ilelglum and London.
Dreyfus was unknown at the Gorman
secret service bureau In person or by
name from 1890 to 1891. This I most
solemnly affirm. -
"The plans, specifications and details
of gun 120, of the Itobln Shell and of
the Fiench war vessels Jauregulborry,
Charles Mnrtol nnd Laiar Carnot, to
gether with the plans for mobilization
wore purchased through Germany's
embassy In Paris, presided ovur by
'rlnce Hans Ileinrlch I'less.
I mot Count Usterhazy several
times in person at (linings given by
Daroness De Dolden, who was Ester
hazy's sweetheart. He furnished most
of the Information. These documents
were never received at the embassy
alwayB at a church, a public function
or a private dinner party.
Daroness De Delden is the party re
ferred to in the Dreyfus trial as tho
veiled lady.' She receives from Prlneo
less a regular pension. Every six
months remittances are made anony
mously to Baroness De Delden through
the Credit Lyonnaiee, in Paris.
Mr. Franz, a doll manufacturer of
Sonneberg, Germany, used to send
dolls to Paris to be dressed. In the
body of these dolls Important docu
ments were concealed, and they were
then sent to n, village postoflice in
England, forwarded from there to
Sonneborg and then to Berlin."
Red Hot From the Gun
Was the bull that hit G. B. Steadraan, of
Newark. Mich., in the civil war. It caused
horrible Ulcers, that no treatment helped for
20 years. Then Uucklen's Arnica Salve
cured him. Cures Cuts, Bruises, Burns,
Boils, Felons, Corns, Skin Eruptions. Best
pile cure on earth. 25 cts. a box. Cure
guaranteed. Sold yb A. Wasley, druggist.
rnucoHiid Knirlmiil Wmit I'nrenlsl'ost
Washington, Sept. 1. The recent
success of the German minister, Mr.
Von Miimm, in negotiating a parcels
post convention with this country is
leading to inquiries from other gov
ernments. It is understood France
would welcome a similar parcels post
treaty, and that negotiations are like
ly to be opened at an early day. The
British government likewise has taken
steps looking to a treaty on the same
lines as Germany.
What Is Shlloh 7
A grand old remedy for Cough, Colds and
Consumption ; used through the world for
half a century, has cured innumerable-' cases
of incipient consumption and relieved many
n advanced stages. If you are not satisfied
with the results we will refund your money,
Price 25 cts., 50 cts. and $1.00. Sold by P. D.
Kirlln on a guarantee.
Clmlrmnn Vamlorllp nnd Tronsuror
Itoborts DoolnroIIo Will Accept It.
Washington, Sept. 1. Frank A.
Vanderlip, chairman of the Dewey
home fund, and Ellis H. Roberts,
treasurer, lssuo a statement to the pub
lic saying: "The Dewey home fund
now exceeds $21,000 In the hands of
the treasurer, from 26,095 contributors,
with sums aggregating about $15,000
or $18,000 reported as subscribed, still
held by local committees and subscrib
ers. Delay has occurred In raising tho
fund by reason of published rumors
that Admiral Dewey has declined to ac
cept the proposed gift. The commit
tee has never received any declination
from him, and on .the contrary has
every reason to believe that he will
accept as a gracious and precious tes
timonial a home purchased for htm in
tho names of so many of his admiring
fellow citizens."
Yosterilny's Ilnsolmll Onmos.
At Cincinnati Philadelphia, 9; Cin
cinnati, 2. At Pittsburg Pittsburg, 8;
New York, 7. At Chicago Chicago, 5;
Boston, 2. At Louisville Washington
7; Louisville, 6. At St. Louis St.
Louis, 5; Boston, 3. At Brooklyn
Brooklyn. 9; Cleveland. 3.
Cruel Knife!
It Is absolutely useless to expect a
sork'ical operation to cure cancer, or
any other blood disease. The cruelty
of such treatment is illustrated in the
alarming number of deaths which re
sult from it. The disease is in tho
blood, and hence can not be cut out
JNino times out or ten the surgeon'
Kniie only Hastens aeatu
My son bad a most malignant Cancer, for
which tho doctors said an operation was tht
only nope, 'ine oper
ation -was a severe
one, ag It vras neces
sary to cat down to
the Jawbone and
orape It. Before a
great while the Can
cer returned, and he to grow rapidly.
We gave blra many
remedies without re
lief, and finally,
upon the advice of a
friend, deelded to
try B. S. B. (Swift's
i X
Speolflcj. and wlthsTWg
the aecSnd bottle he
began to Improve,
After twentv bottles bad
been taken, ihe Cancer disappeared entirely,
and he was oured. The cure was a permanent
on, lor he la now seventeen years old, and has
never had a sign ot the dreadful disease to re
turn. J. H, 1 UB1K1CH,
279 Bnodgrass St., Dallas, Texas,
Absolutely the only hope for Cancel
is bwiifa epeciuc,
S.S.S.rfhe Blood
aa it is the only remedy which goei
to the very bottom of the blood and
forces out every trace of tho disease.
S. S. B. is guaranteed purely vegetable,
and contains no potash, mercury, 01
other mineral.
Books on Cancer will be mailed free
to any address by the Swift Speclfla
Oo., Atlanta, Go,
Because It Is the Uxperlcncc of
Shenandoah Citizen nnd Can
Readily be Investigated.
A stranger lost hi a largu city would placo
far moro dopciidenco on tliu directions given
li i m liy n local resident than tho guidance of
another stranger like himself. This is n
natural consequence of experience ; it's like
a fillip In a strango port a trusty pilot
fiimilinr with t lie harbor is always called
upon to bring her wifely to lier moorings. So
it is wltk endorsement ; we doubt tho say
ings of pooplo living at distant points because
wo can't investigate, but public oppression of
local citizens can bo depended on, for 'tis an
easy matter to provo It. Evidonco like tbo
following is beyond dljputo:
Mrs. Thomas McKay, ot 602 lfcupborry
alley, says: "I bad acliine iu the small of
my back and a lameness or tenderness in my
lolus wbeu stooping or rising from a clialr.
Tbero woro palus hi the top and back of my
iiend and a feeling of wcariuoss banging
over me all the time. I bad no energy and
seemed more tired mornings than I was the
night before. Doan's Kidney Pills were
lilcbly recommended to mo. I got them from
Kirlln's pharmacy on South Main street nnd
began using them according to directions. 1
found immedlato relief, they soon stopped
the dull, grinding aching In my back, re
moved tho lameness and also the languor
from which I suHored."
Doan's Kidney Pills for sale by all dealers.
Price So cents. Mailed by Foster-Milburn
Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Sole agents for the U.
S. Remember the name Doan's and take no
Downy Snils ror t.llirnitnrj!'.
Vlllefrancho, Sept. 1. Admiral Dew
ey remained on hoard tho Olympiayesi
torday morning. Preparations for sail
ing commenced at 3:15 p. m., whon tho
launches wore hauled up, Interested
crowds on shore watching tho prepara
tions and admiring tho activity of tho
crew. At 3:su tno man oniony tort tno
quay with the latest malls, the anchors
wore hoisted and at 4 o'clock sharp
the cruiser sailed out of tho harbor
for Gibraltar. Tho admiral says he Is
in perfect health. He oxpects to stay
at Gibraltar until Sept. 12.
ItevontioK Kxcocl Kxpcmllturen,
Washington. Sept. 1. Yesterday's
treasury slatement shows that the
amount of net gold on hand was $247,
880,601. This is the largest amount on
hand at one time in the history of
the department, the next largest
amount having been $240,973,026 on
Dec. 31. 1898. This situation is ac
counted for by the tact that during the
last two weeks or more tho revenues of
the government, of which from SO to 90
per cent are paid In gold, havo largely
exceeded the expenditures.
Many a Lover
Has turned with disgust from an otherwise
lovablo girl with an offensive breath. Karl's
Clover Boot Tea purines the breath by it
action on the bowels, etc., as nothing else
will. Sold for years on absoluto guarantee.
rice 23 cts. and BO cts. Sold by P. D. Klrlln
on a guarantee.
Philadelphia, Ausr. 31. Flour dull: win
ter superfine, J2.151j2.30; Pennsylvania
roller, clear. J3S3.:0; city i.'.llls, extra,
2.40g2.C0. Rye flour quiet, but firm, at
$3(53,10 per barrel for choice Pennsyl
vania. Wheat steady; No. 2 red, spot, In
elevator, G9i70',ic. Corn steady; No. 2
mixed, Bpot. In elevator, 3GM,5j3Gc. oats
Blow; No. 2 white, clipped, old. 2Sc, now,
as to quality, 23328c. Hay firm; choice
timothy, 115 for large bales. Beef quiet;
beef barn, I26.50S27. Pork steady; fam
ily, tl212.50. Lard easy; western steam
ed, J5.50. Butter quiet and steady; west
ern creamery, 17ft 21c; do. factory, 12H(f?
15c.; Imitation creamery, 11221c; New
York dairy, 155J19c; do. creamery, 17J
lc. ; fancy Pennsylvania prints Jobbing
at 22J25c; do. wholesale, 21c. Cheese
strong: laree, white, 10iSUc; small do.,
lie: laree, colored, lljjllUc. ; small do.,
HUc. Eggs firm; New York nnd Penn
sylvania, lSc; western, ungraded, 12V6
15c. Potatoes dull; fair to prime, $1.12H
l31.2r; fancy, J1.10U1.6C; southern sweets,
$101.25; Jersey sweets. $2&2.50. Cabbage
dull: Lone Island, $3?4 per 100. Musk-
melons show Irregular quality and value;
Ilocky Ford, Colorado, per case, $1.50
2.50; Maryland seed, $1,2553; Jersey, $1
1.50. Market for watermelons Is demoral
ized, with very low prices accepted; per
carload, $25(8100; Jersey, $20t)60; Mary
land, per 100, $5810; Jorsey do., $38.
Baltimore, Aug. 31. Flour firm and un
changed. Wheat firmer; spot, the month
and September, 70',l(&70Hc.; October, 7114
Q72',4c.; December, 7iyifi"5c; steamer No.
red, GGH665c.: southern, by sample,
C2eG7c; do. on grade, 671i(370c. Corn
lirm; mixed, spot and the month, 3tVi
SGHc; September and October, 35?i2Gc;
November or December, new or old, 33ft
SSlie.; January, 33V4(S33V4c; Bteamer
mixed, 3l?i(36c.; southern, wnite, sm
30&c; do. yellow, 304t40c. Oats firm; No.
white. 27VW28C.; No. 2 mixed, Z5V4C
Itye firm; No. 2 nearby, 58c; No. 2 west
ern, 60c. Hay easy; No. 1 timothy. 3l
13.50. Cheese steady; large, lHiSlH&c;
medium, HHllc. ; small, llei2c. Eggs
firm at 15Vif(lGc.
I.tvo Stock Mnrlcots.
New York. Auc. 31. Beevee steady;
cables quote American cattle steady at
UUtflZc; refrigerator beef at 894c
Calves steady; vealB. $5M8; cuns, w.wi;
grassers and buttermilks nominal. Sheep
and lambs In very little demand; prime
stock steady; medium grade lower to
sell; sheep. $!.60fT4; few export do., JI..6
Q5-, lambs, $566. Hogs steady at $1.70
East Liberty, Pa., Aug. 31. Cattle
steady; extra. $5.705.90; good, $5.806;
common. $.10J3., Hogs slow; prime
mediums. I.6I.W; heavy Yorkers, $1.85
iB4.H0. light Yorkers. J4.S04.S5; heavy
hogs, $4.64.70; uood cornfed pigs, $4.70
4.M; grussern, $1.8064.75; good roughs,
$3.754.30; stags and piggy sows, $34J3.50.
Sheep firm; choice wethers, $1.2004.36;
common. $1.502.60; choice spring lambs,
$5.266.50; veal calves, $77.60.
Diphtheria, sore throat, croup. Instant
relief, permanent cure. Dr. Thomas' Kclec-
trlcOil. At any drugstore.
1899 SEPTEMBER. 1899
3u. Mo. Tu. We. Th. Fr. Sa.
34 5 JL A
10 11 JL2 18 JL4 15 16
!jL7 2i 19 0 1 22 23
24 25 26 27 28 29 30
f.New t 10:33 a. Full , 7;3J
killlooa 'x p.m. iMoon IU a.m,
I J) Quarter 12 pm. (I Quarter 26 a?nu
KilIKu- Hnlntend CitllndTliomTrnttorfii
and Tlmn Tlmpt Whm Trouble
Cincinnati, SepU 1. Editor Murat
Halstoad lectured last night by Invi
tation boforo tho Kconomlc club. Tho
Liullenco was miscellaneous, In ad
dition to tho members of tho club,
which Is largely oliti-imporiallstlc. Mr.
Hnlstoad's subject was tho Philippines.
After tho lecture, according to tho
rules ot the club, Mr. Halstoad was
plied with questions. Ono of tho ques
tioners, with decided sympathy for
Aguinaldo, aftor his question had boon
answered, added tho remark:
"I hopo Otis will bo kept, and he
wllf keep blundering till ho and tho
whole army aro driven Into tho sea or
Mr. HalBtoad said: "A man with
thoso sentiments is a traitor to his
Several men Jumped up and remark
ed: "Two-thlrd3 of this audienco
think that way."
Mr. Halstoad replied: "Whoever
thinks that way 1b a traitor."
Thon there was a rush down tho
hall with raised fists towurd Mr, Hal
stoad, but a great number of mon step
ped" In between Mr. Halstead nnd those
who wero rushing nt him. Thore was
a groat nolso and uproar, which dis
closed the fact that tho audienco was
composed of men on both sldos of tho
question. Mr. Halstoad was quietly
led out of tho church hy a sldo door
and token homo. No blows were
struck, but chairs and seats were up
set, nnd thore were loud threats and
great uproariousuess.
Committed to .Tall For I'lvo Dnys For
C'ontomiit of Court.
San Francisco, Sept. 1. Tho only
woman president of a railway com
pany In the United States was yes
terday formally committed to the
county Jail for five days for contempt
of court by Judge Troutt. The wo
man is Mrs.- Annie Kline Hickert, and
tho railway corporation of which she
is tho head is the Stockton nnd Tuo
lomno Hallway company.
Somo time ago Charles Erlchson, a
contractor, sued tho company to re
eovor $8,7C5 for labor porformed and
material furnished. When tho case
came up for trial on Monday It. S.
Clark, secretary of the company, was
ordered to produce tho books of the
corporation In court. On the follow
ing day he reported that the president,
Mrs. BIckert, declined to allow tho
hooks to leave the company's office.
Tho court ordered Mrs. RIckort to
bring the books Into court. Mrs.
Itlckert again ignored tho order, and
the court fined her $230 Xor contempt
and sentenced her to jail for five days.
Mr. Clark was fined $25, with tho
alternative of five days' confinement.
Subsequently Judge Troutt remitted
the fine imposed upon Mrs. Rickert,
but the commitment to Jail was allow
ed to stand.
Working Night and Day.
The busiest and mightiest little thing that
ever was made is Dr. King's New Life Pills.
hvery pill is a sugar-coated globule of health.
that changes weakness into strength, listless
ness into energy, brain-fag into mental power.
They're wonderful in building up the health.
Ouly 25c per box. Sold hy A. Wasley.
Personally Conducted Tourist Excursions to
California Without change of Cars.
Leaving Washington every Tuesday and
Friday at 11:15 a. m., ttie Southern Railway
operates Personally Conducted Tourist Ex
cursions to S.111 Franclso without change of
cars, conductors or porters. Tho route is
throuch Atlanta, Montgomery, New Orleans,
Houston, San Autonio.New Mexico, Arizonia,
and Southern California. Tho cars aro the
very latest pattern of Pullman Tourist
Sleepers, rosewood finish, have high back
seats, upholstered in rattan, are sixteen
section, supplied with linen etc., same as
standard sleepers, lighted by Pintsch Gas,
havo wide vestibules, double sash rolled
curtains, lavatory, and smoking room for
gentlemen, and two retiring rooms for ladies.
Three and one-half days to Mexico and
Arizona, four days to Los Angelos and
Southern California, and five days to San
Francisco. Such service for Trans-Continental
travel has novor boforo been offered.
Tho tourist carfare is less than via any
other route, cu'ecting a saving of f25.00 to
$30.00 for the trip.
All information, maps and rates furnished
on application to Charles L. Hopkins, Dis
trict rassenger Agent, southern iiallway
company, aa unostnut street, t'hlladolphla
For Infanta and Children.
ftie Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the V
Signature of LAa-CUCfUAi
SI rn. Lnnctry's' Ilcnppcnrnnco.
London, Sept. t. Mrs. Langtry's ap
pearance at the Haymarket theater
last evening In Sydney Grundy's new
comedy, "The Degenerate, was a de
cided success. She daringly portrayed
what are generally understood to bo
scenes to be taken from hor own life.
The unanimous comment at the close
of the performance was: "It Is good,
but sho is awfully bravo to do it,
Mrs. Langtry acted better than ever
before. The comedy bristles with epi
grams, but is occasionally vulgar. Mr.
Hugo Gerald de Bathe, her husband,
looked on from a box, with the Dulio
of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha and Princo
Louis of Battenburg. The Duchess of
Marlborough and other titled persons
weie In the audlpnco.
This Hot
One needs a cooling
beverage that will gently
tone up the system while
it quenches the thirst. .
Beer and Porter
Just touches the spot
They are cooling, satisfy
ine and invigorating
These brews will be
furnished in case lots for
family use by applying to
Christ. Schmidt,
Agent and Dottier,
203 W. Coal Street
f Kid-Ne-Oids aro
I at all drug stores
at uomfl no Tfiu voucn lor tno trutn of our every assertion.
Morrow's Liverlax cures constipation, biliousness, costiveness they
sell for 25c a box at all drug stores.
DR. E. C.
Nerve and
Tho Original. All
la sold under a positive Written Guarantee,
memory, Dizziness, wniceiuiness, rite, listeria, uuicKnesB, n.gni ijosses, j;vii urcams
x,acK oi uonnaence, nervousness, uassicuac,
Use of Tnh.tRcn. Onlnm. or Llauor. which
Death. At storo or by mall, $1 a box; six
Refund Money. Sample Package, containing live dayB treatment, with full Instruc
tions, .:: cents, une sampio omy uoiu 10 cacn
Red Label Special Extra Strength.
rill Aiu iiuteiiuy , jjudb iunt-1, uunii muuuuuui uni i m y ut xiaiituu to o it uu
six for $5, with Written Guarantee to euro iu 30 days. At store or by mall
Sold at Kirlln's
Cheap Kxcurslon to Nlagnra Falls and the
Toronto Industrial Fair.
Tho Lehigh Valley railroad announces a
Labor Day excursion to Niagara Falls and
return ut the low faro of (8 27 from Shenan
doah for the round trip. Tickets will be
issued foi train No. 3 and for Immediate con
necting train from branch Hue points, Sep
tember 1st, and all trains, (except the lilaok
Diamond Etprcs?) on September 2nd and 3rd
limited for return passage to September 0th,
1699, inclusive. Tickets for Toronto and re
turn will be sold to hcldors of Niagara Falls
excursion tickets at Niagara Falls, fare (1.00
by steamor or $1.50 by rail, thus affording
those desiring to visit the Great Toronto In
dustrial Fair an opportunity to do so. Con
sult Lehigh Valley ticket agents for further
Kntlonal Encampment O. A. It.
The Philadelphia & Heading Hallway will
issuo round-trip tickets to Philadelphia at
the rate of single faro for tho round trip.
Tickets to be sold Soptcmbor 2', 3, 4 and S,
inclusive, And good for return until Sep
tember 12tb, inclusive. All persons apply
ing can purchase these tickets.
Tho fall term of this famous
training school for teachers
will open August 28, 1899. Su
perior advantages nre olTered
to young men and women
prejiarlng for teaching, col
lege, or business. The build
ings nre all new, containing
spacious and comfortable
rooms for students, roomy re
citation halls, xteum heated
throughout.and supplied with
the latest and best lighting
anu sanitary appliances.
Jl Ileforo choosing a school
securo a catalogue of the
Keystone Normal School.
Rev. H. C, Sctiaefter, Ph. D D. D f
g address ' '' S
Agent for the Famous
Phila. Stock Ale, Sparkling Still
Amber Ale, Bottled Pale Ale,
Blown Stout, Half and Half, Beer
and Porter.
Mt. Carbon Beer
At all its customers to-day.
Solomon Haak's,
116 South Main Street,
Will receive prompt atteution,
the modern, scientific, practical up-to-date medicine that banishes kidney
backache, kidney ailments, sleeplessness and urinary disturbances In either
adults or children.
The first dose of Kid-Ne-Oids works wonders
a week's trial will oflimes cure mild cases take a
box or two and your kidney trouble will disappear
Disordered kidneys are Indicated by pains In the back, distress oi
fullness after eating, scanty or scalding urine, weakness and chills, pains
In the loins, nervousness, sleeplessness, loss of vitality, swelling in limbs or
body or both, and sediment In the urin.
in yellow tablot form rrnt un in
your druggist will toll you of
rua-Ne-uids and Liverlax, manufactured by John Alorrow & Co., Chemists, Springfield, Ohio.
Others Imitations.
by anthorlzed agents only, to euro Weak
nu urams, xoutuiui errors
or Excessive
leads to Mlscrv.
Consumption, Insanity nnd
for $5; with Written Guarantee to Cure or
person. At store or ny man.
Drug Store.
The Herald is progressive, en
terprising, wide-awake and always
Its daily visits will keep your
family better informed than any
other paper on the news of this
locality, the state, the country and
the world. It will be delivered at
your door each day for 25 cents a
month. We are desirous of secur
ing your subscription.
As an Inducement for you to
become a subscriber we make
you the following unparal
leled offer:
Our representatives, Messrs.
Hooks & Brown, will call upon you
with the publication for your in
spection. We feel sure you will be
interested in examining it. Upon
signing the agreement to take the
Hurald lor six months, the book
will be delivered upon payment of
75 cents. This is in addition to
the regular subscription of 25 cents
a month.
A box of our
srecinL rnniLT brew
is an exhilarating
stimulant during
the hot summer
Delivered at your. homo.
Columbia Brewing Company.
The only pleasure resort and
picnic grounds in this region.
Splendid lake of fresh water. Ice
and wood, free, to all picnic parties
to prepare and preserve meals. An
orchestra is established here lor the
entire season. For particulars
B. J. YOST, Prop.,
Barnesvllle, Pa.
feci that
It's a warning that
your kidneys aro giv
ing Help them !
The kidneys need
it, or they wouldn't
ask so sharply for aid.
Keep the kidneys
right, and good health
will always be your
How will you do
boxes soli for 50o n bnx
cureB thoy offoctod here
IN EFFECT MAY 14. 1899.
Passenger trains leave Shenandoah for Penn
Haven Junction. Mnuch Chunk. Lchhrliton.
Slatlngton, White Hall, Catasauqua, Allcjitown,
uetiuciiein, lesion rsew lore anu riiuaueipnia
at 5 2, 7 50 a. ui . 12 B2 and 8 17 p. in.
For Wllkesbarre. White Iluven nnd l'ittatou .
S 28, 10 12 a. m.. 12 52 and 5 17 p. ni.
For Laceyvllle, Towanda, Sayre, Waverly
Eliulra, Rochester; lluffalo, Niagara Falls,
Auhurn, Syracuse, Ithaca, Geneva and the
West, 10 12 a. ni., 12 52 and 5 17 l. in.
For Belvidere, Delaware Water Clap and
Stroudsburg, 5 28 u. m., 0 17 p. m.
for i.aniocnvuie aim rreiiion, v uu a. m.
For .Icaucsvllle. Levlston and Beaver Meadov
8 28 a. m., 12 52 p. ni.
For McAdoo, Audenrled, Ilazleton, Stockto
and Lumber Yard, 0 23, 7 60, 10 12 a. m 12 52 and
a id p. m.
ForJeddo. Drlfton and Frccland. 5 28. 10 12
a, m., 5 17 p. in.
vor scramon, d z. iu iz a. ni., o iv p. ni.
For Lost Creek. Qlrardvlllc. and Ashland. 4 00.
and 7 28 p. in.
For Itaven Run, Centralia, Mount Carniel and
Shamokln, 10 49 a. in., I 42, 0 07, 9 23 p. in.
ForMahanoy City, Park Place and Delano,
6 28, 7 50, 10 12 u. in., and 12 52, fi 17 p. m.
vor xaiesvuie, o i, iu 12 a. ui.
Trains will leave Shumoklu at 7 00. 9 20 a. ra.,
1159 and 4 20 11. 111.. and arrive at Shenandoah
at 7 50, 10 12 a. in., 12 52, 5 17 p. in.
Leave Biieiiunuoau lor i-oiuviuc, sc. uair.
Newcastle, Morea and New llostou, 7E0 and
10 12 a. m , 12 52 and 5 17 p. m.
Leave Pottaville for Shenandoah, 9 45 a. ni.,
1235, 505,815 p. m.
Leave Ilazleton for Shenandoah, 9 50 a.m.,
1245,8 09,6 26,8 31 p.m.
Trains leave for Raven Run, Centralia, Mt.
Carmel and Shamokln, 9 46 a. m., 7 21 p. m.,
Trains leave Shamokln for Shenandoah at
8 60 a. m., and 6 35 p. m.
Leave Sbenandouh for Yatesvllle, Mahanoy
City, Park Place, Delano, McAdoo, Audenrled,
Hazieton, Stockton, Lumber Yard, Weatherly
and Mauch Chunk, 9 47 a in., and 6 32 p. in.
For Lehlgliton, Slatlngton, Catasauqua, White
Hall, Coplay, Allentown, Easton and l'hllllps
burg, 9 47 a. m and 6 32 p. 111.
For New York and Philadelphia, 9 47 a. tu.
Leave Hazieton for Shenandoah, 8 SO, a. ui.,
and 0 27 p. in.
M. D. CUTTER, Bupt. Transportation,
South Bethlehem, Pa.
South Bethlehem, Fa.
CHARLES S. LEE, Genl. Pass. Ag.,
New York, N. Y,
South Bethlehem. Pa.
Ok Suejunpoaii.
Tho Rosy Proshnosa
And a velvety softness of the sVln Is Inva
riably obtained by thorawhouse I'ottoxi'a
Uosnpleilou Powder.
Docs it