The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, August 25, 1899, Image 4

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, Our sniipls nt
mmllclllrM ami honltli
(ill fiMH'. for the eurr
nnd tioiirtahineiit of
Hi baby In InrKO iiuil
eM-evilliiKiy rihxI,
All the
so fwtntlnl to III comfort of the fiiflrliir child
ruul tin- tired nnd tlrmnilne mother, we kii In
tin- lu-.t fcirni.. Our price, ore mmlprntc, our
gomm pure nun reliable.
South Main Street, Shenandoah, Pa.
Telephone Connection,
OF TiriE !
lno changing years nre repia
lMliM-il In the
changing of style. Our 1N09 models nre the
p.'it.M-tion or up-io-uaw tailoring. irnwiiii in
tyk niul desirably comfortable, tliey gle you
a coi t-cct and dressy nppeiiranee. Tho work
manship is the best and the price Is a low one.
Made to wear and to give sat
Buy Our Gent's Furnishings.
Portz Bros.,
24 North Main Street.
"Who bath redness of eyes?"
Their trouble is often caused by an
error of refraction which can be
corrected by a pair ot properly
adjusted glasses. Examination
Thos. Buchanan,
Jeweler nnd Optician.
118 South Main Street.
Russetts and Blacks, in all
Styles and Shapes.
Ladies' Russetts, S3.00, now SI. 60.
$2.00, now SI.25.
$1.50. now 90C.
Men's Russetts, $3.00, now $2,00
and $2.25.
Men's Blacks, $1.40, now 85c.
Misses', Children's and In
fant's shoes at 11 reuuetion of
30 per cent, below regular
27 South Main Street, Shenandoah,
Upholstered in Corduroy,
Velour, Carpets and Silks. Can
be had in all sizes and styles. To
be sold in a short time and can be
Bought at Factory Prices.
Nos. 119-121-123 North Main
Our Haircutting
and Shampooing
2'leAMMi everybody. We do InU
of It and are gaining new cua
toroera daily. IadhtttfiitarapoolitK
done at yuur own home upon
Ferguson House Block.
Visit our new meat market ?
We can sell ypu the nicest beet,
mutton, veal, lard, sausages, fresh
and smoked meats to be had any
where. Always fresh and clean.
Our prices will please you and
induce you to buy
2 South Jardin Street.
Next door to K. C llrobnt's grocery.
Htip,iiiKa Throughout tlin Country fur Hunt t'orusiil.
The parly apple calrlios tho worm.
Summer vnint on lmvo lmtl tholr day.
The toper's fare might trtitlifulty he re
(erred to lis n (in plilK.
The (Ire department of Rt. Clair now
constats of four oompnnles.
Tho bankrupt Individual Is always willing
to let luiy-Rone lio by-gotiM.
It frequently happens that the follow who
tries to corner wool gels worsted.
Monroe county farmers complain of a
droujiht, tho worst In that section for several
Money Is prolwbly gpokep of ai "cold casli"
because it gives so many people a chill to part
with It.
John Putnam, of Norrlstown, has accepted
tho position of physical director of the Y. M.
O. A., at I'ottsrlllo.
Tho statistics of l'ottsvllle, sliow an a-er-ngo
death rata of 0 7-10 in five- years, based on
a population of 14,000.
The Indications are that Marlon colliery,
near St Clali, will resuiuo operations about
tho 15th of Hoptembor.
Sloses and Alexander Strouse, formerly of
1'ottavillo, trading as Strouse Ilros , were dis
charged as bankrupts In Philadelphia.
While walking on the Pennsylvania rail,
road, near Lancaster, yostcrday, Jackson
Cunningham, of Monterey, was killed.
The local dealers in fruits aro getting in
shape for tho peach season. As usual they
say the crops will be light, and prices high.
Alfred A. Wiriman, who owned and con
ducted a mill on the Conewago, near Gettys
burg, was found dead in the rate, near his
The announcement is mada of the coming
nuptials of John Foy and Miss Mary Donahue
two popular young pooplo, of Ashland. The
wedding will take placo September 6th.
Six carp, weighing 70 pounds, tho largest
over seen in this section, wero caught in the
rerkiomcn. near S.ilford Station, by members
of tho Fifth ward fishing club, of Pottstown
Tho insido workings of tho Wadesvillo col-
llery aro being rapidly developed. The veins
opened aro found in first class working con
dition. This is especially true of tho No. 7
No Right to Ugliness,
The woman who is lovely in face, form and
temper will always have friends, but one who
would be attractive must keep her health. If
she is weak, sickly nnd all run down, she
will be nervous ami irritable. If she has
constipation or kidney trouble, her impure
blood will cause pimples, blotches, skin erup
tions and a wretched complexion. Klectiic
Hitters is the best medicine in the world to
regulate stomach, liver and kidneys and to
imrify the blood. It gives stronjj nerves,
uricht eyes, smooth, velvety skin, rich com
plexion. It will make a good-looking,
charming woman of a run-down invalid. Ouly
50 cents at A. Waslcv's drug store.
Lieut. Slvlter Promoted.
Lieut. F. P. Siviter, who opened a recruit
ing station In this town during July and
August of last year, is among the number
recommended by the Governor as captain of
one of the new regiments to be recruited.
Siviter is now in the Philippines.
Kecrnlts hworn In.
The following recruits were sworn in at
Hazleton yesterday.: Anthony Zelgle, John
Meherick and Frank K. Mckinlek, all of
Shenandoah. They left for Camp Mcado
to-day, to join the 2Sth Infantry. The
recruiting otlico will bo removed to Pottsville
next Thursday,
Au. tiler Socialist Meeting.
Both sidewalks in the vicinity of East Oak
street, near Main, were lined with men last
evening who had gathered to listen to the
doctrines of the Socialistic Labor party as
recited by one of its organizers, Salick Schul-
berger. Tho speaker held the atteution of
his auditors for a long time.
Arrested Lust Night,
William Kerrigan, formerly of Centralia,
was arrested in Mabanoy City last evening,
charged with committing rapo on Miss Jones,
of Ashland. lie was given a hearing at the
latter place to-day.
Effectually yet gently, when costive or bil
ious, to permanently overcome habitual cou
Btipation, to awaken tho kidneys and liver
to a healthy activity, without irritating or
weakening them, to dispel headaches, colds,
or fevers, use Syrup of Figs, made by the
California Fig Syrup Co.
Trolley Itoad. Combine.
The several companies operating the elec
tric roads through and centering lu l'ottsvllle
have all been consolidated into one company,
known as the Pottsville Union Traction
Company. One set of directors will control
the business in the future. This scheme has
been under way for some timo. It was com
pleted yesterday.
Jlx-Soiintor" (rny of TJoliiwnro Snys It
-Should Uo .Malntallioil.
Duluth, Aug. 25. Prominent among
the arrivals here yesterday was Hon.
George Gray, of Delaware, former
United States senator from that state
and now a United States circuit judge,
The views of Judge Gray on the Philip
pine question are Interesting. Speaking
on this subject he said: "It was main
tained on all hands that we must drive
Spain out nnd keep her out. To do this
It was absolutely necessary that we
should maintain possession of the
Islands, provisionally at least. Before
we could gather ourselves to see what
should be done we were attacked.
"The fight In the Philippines begun
by Agulnaldo during the armistice
which was declared Aug, 12, 1898, and
continued till the treaty was ratified.
Is BtlllJn progress. The Americans ob
served the truce with Spain with fi
delity and Agulnaldo, whose forces were
armed largely with guns provided by
Dewey, opened hostilities against the
American troops pending the ratifica
tion of the treaty of peace. When we
have maintained the dignity and pres
tlge of the American name In the
Philippines and have successfully re
pelted this attack. It will be time
enough to talk about the future gov
ernment of those Islands. I trust that a
settlement will be made that will be
entirely consistent with the highest
Ideals of American freedom."
Sunday Incursion to Atlantic City,
August 27 Is the date of the remaining
Pennsylvania Railroad special Sunday ex
curslon to Atlantic City. A special train
will be proyided for each excursion, running
through to and from Atlantic City via the
Delaware River Bridge, the only all-rail
route. No change of cars. Tickets, which
will be sold at rates quoted, will be good
only on the special train iu each direction on
day of iaaue.
Bbetiandoah i: A. M.
i'raekvlll 4.3 "
bt. Clair 4.4i "
l'ottsvllle 5.00 '
Schuylkill Havn .....5.00 "
2 w
2 70
2 00
2 50
Returning, tpeoial train will leave Atlantic
City 7.00 P. M. same day, making same stops,
Does Tills Strike Yon 7
Muddy complexions, Nauseating breath
come from chronic constipation. Karl'i
Clover Root Tea is an absolute cure and has
been sold for fifty years on an absolute
guarantee. Price 23 cU. aud 50 cts. Sold by
V P. Kirlin on a guarantee.
A Movement to Improve tlin Condition
llio llmmloiivlllH Itimit,
M. M. llurko, Esq., of town, has been re
tained by a number of (armors in tho fnlon
townships and also n number of citizens of
this town to secure a change In portion of
tho road leading from Shenandoah to ilran
dunvlllo. The papers aro now In tho hands of
Liveryman O'llara, who Is taking an actlvo
Interest In tho matter. Mr. Iturke will on
Septombor 4th, ask court to appoint viewers
to view and lay out tho proposed change of
rou to. Tho reason nss'gned Is tho exres-ivo
grade in tho road on the llrandonvillo iintm-
tiilu. Should tho road bo changed It will
thou continue westward from Itclchert's
hotel, at Hrandnuvllle, with a gradual slope
along the mountain sldo for about thtco-
quarters or a mile ana thence southward over
the mountain, past tho dams of the Citizens
Water Company, to a point in tho present
road near tho Homey Hun colliery.
Tho llrandonvillo hill is uuquostrouably
one of tho most dangerous pieces of roadway
in this part of the state, and it is hoped that
the parties having the proposed change in
hand will succeed. The now road will in no
particular oxecod thrco degrees In elevation.
Tho petition follows :
"Tho petition of theundersignod inhabitants
of the Townships of East Union, Union and
West Mahanoy. respectfully represents ! That
a public road or highway was long since laid
out and opened leading from Shenandoah and
through said townships to llrandonville, said
county, and usually known as the Brandon,
ville road.
I hat h part of said road, running through
said townships beginning at a point at the
Kohley Kun colliery 01 tho Thomas IJoal
Company and ending at tho intersection of
the Catawissa IUllroad and the public road
at llrandonvllle, said county, has become in
convenient and burdonsomo because of tho
excessive grade on tho Iirainlonvillo moun
tain ; and the said road would bo very much
improved by a change of its rotlto between
said points.
"Your petitioners therefore pray the
llonorablo Court to appoint qualified persons
to view bald promises and inquire in o the
expediency of making said change and other
wise proceed as directed by tho Act of
Aswinlily in such caso mado and provided;
and they will ever pray, etc."
Mrs. John Karbel and children havo re
turned homo after a stay of two months with
friends at Sued burg, Pa.
Miss Maggie Lord returned to her home in
Heading to-tliy, after a visit of a week with
the family of William Temple.
Mrs. William Neiswentcr and Mrs Frank
Schmidt and their children, spent yesterday
at Tumbling Kuu.
Letter Carrier Harry ICcilly is spending his
vacation at Atlantic City. His route is being
served by Harry Itceso.
Mrs. John Weeks and Mrs. Sim Slichter
were Ashland visitors last ovening.
William Johnson, of South Jardin street,
has removed his family to Grier City.
Miss Lou Llndenmuth,' of Gilberton, spent
last evening in town.
Miss Nellie Toole returned to Philadelphia
this morning.
1). L. Mauger, of Williamsport, traveling
passenger agent for tho Philadelphia & Head-
ng Railway, was in town to-day.
Miss May Lee is home from Philadelphia to
spend a vacation with her parents, Mr. aud
Mrs. John T Lee.
P. J. McLaln, of Lost Creek, was visiting
friends at Mahanoy City on Wednesday.
Mrs. J, K. Kebler, and her daughter, Miss
Ida, are homo from an extended visit to rel
atives at Allentown.
Guy C. Winters, of the Pottsville Republi
can staff, spent this afternoon in town. Ho
Is enjoying a well earned vacation.
Miss Mary Kiocaid has returned homo from
a two weeks visit among Mt. Carmcl acquaint
ances. She was accompanied by hor friend,
Miss Mary Ramage, who will remain here for
some timo as her guest.
Frank Sbortall, of Pottsville, spent yester
day afteinoon in town as tho guest of James
Miss Lida Morgan, of trackville, was the
guest of the Misses Powell yesterday.
David M. Mellon, pension aud claim attor
ney, of Pottsville, was a business visitor to
town to-day.
Miss Anna Deugler has returned home
from her vacation trip to Huston, Mass.
Miss Fannie Gorden, of Sbamokln, was
the guest of tho family of J. J. liobbiu
W. M. Brewer and family havo gone to the
Catskills, to enjoy tho cool mountain breezes
about the Hotel llrewerton.
Jamos Creary attended to legal business at
Pottsville to-day in tho interest of his
preceptor, M, M. Burke, Esq.
Mr. and Mrs. William Snyder, of Allen
town, former residents of town, aro the
guests of acquaintances here.
Kev. Albinus Kaminski, curato at St,
Stanislaus church, has gone to Worcester,
Mass., on a business mission.
Hoy's Finger Amputated.
Yesterday afternoon Jacob, a five-year-old
son of Anthony Kowiuskl, of West Centre
street, was playing in a blacksmith shop and
tho middle finger of tho right hand was
smashed between the cogs of a wheel. It
was necessary for Drs. Stein and Spalding to
amputate the member at the second joint.
Killed liy Ills Farmer Nolehbor.
Allen, Neb., Aug. 25. Henry Mar
ron, a wealthy farmer, aged 67, re
siding a few miles from this place, was
killed yesterday by Maurice Casey, an
other farmer,' aged 2G. There has bee
a feud between tho men for some time
and Casey has been heard to make
threats of killing Marrou the flrBt time
he met him. The men met and the
quarrel was quickly renewed. Casey
knocked his opponent down and
jumped upon his stomach, killing him
almost instantly. Casey Immediately
gave himself up. Marron leaves a wife
and two married sons.
Allotment ofMiIrtlers' Tny.
Washington, Aug. 25. Orders were
Issued yesterday for carrying out the
provisions of the law allowing a sol
dier serving on distant duty to have
part of his pay allotted to his family.
Payments to the families of soldiers
will be made by direction of the pay
master general.
Jfenrly Ono Hundred Drowned.
Norfolk, Va., Aug, 25. Accounts
continue to come In from the Albe
marle and Plmllco sounds region, In
which section the greater number of
casualties occurred as a result of the
storm of Aug. 15 to 18. Masters ot craft
In from that region state that small
schooners, pungles, sloops and fishing
craft wrecked, ashore, broken up, sunk
or turned over are to be seen almost
hourly In a trip through the sounds,
and it Is now thought that the total
drowned will run close to 100.
Trnnnport Nuwport nt Manila.
Washington, Aug. 25. General Otis
yesterday reported the arrival of the
transport Newport at Manila. Private
Elmer Raymond, Company E, Nine
teenth Infantry, died on board Aug, 7,
of uraemia. There was no other casu
alties. A blessing alike to youug and old; Dr.
Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawlicrry.
Nature's specific for dysentery, diarrhoea
aud summer complaint.
Kucur.loli to Mauch Chunk ami lien
81ity cents from Shenandoah to Mauch
Chunk and Glen Onoko via the Lehigh Valley
railroad. Sunday, August 27th. 1610 Special
trains both ways. Consult Lehigh Valley
ticket agents for further particulars.
WFzT for overTjtTt
"gi ALL NATig
oiinouiouoror pj
NBTITJ AT.flTA i. .... . . .7 I
una imuar uompiainto,
nnd prepared nailer tho etrlneent ,
Aftunun "
World renowned TKemarksMy sncccMf ol I
only et-nnlno with Trade Mark Anchor,"
!.'5o.iWio.aboUlo. At jlldruirirllsortlironirU
r.AO.EI3in;!t4C0.,!13reJrtCt, MIWTOSK.
ij araaca uonsos, uwnuiasswoiks. i
3 Eruloneil and ncrommmilctl by a. A
jsctiuinu 11 noirdff annji mil. . . jai
umgintu), Mm tu.-s, ana
wwer riromncnc
Till!! WKATMKIt.
Warm weather Is general, except In
the lower luke region. Middle Atlantic
MiitPH and New
England, There
havo been local
showers and thun
derstorms In tho
Upper Mississippi
valley and from
the uppor lake re
g 1 o n eastward,
roreenst for today
and toworrow for
this section: Gen
erally fair; vari
able winds. Sun
rise, G.28; sunset, GAS; length of dayr
13:20; moon rises, 8.27 p. m.; moon
sots, 10.31 a. ni.
Necrology Itppnrta of This anil Oilier
Towns ot tho County,
Helen, tpn.mniitli.iild ,lnttlitnt nt Af,
and Mrs Mlchard Trnsbock. dlf,l vn,lnr,lav al
tho family residence in Win, Peiiu, from
cholera infantum. Tho bereaved parents
havo tho sympathy of their friends. Tho
funeral will take nlaco to-morrow nftcmnmi
at B o'clock. Interment will bo made at
Girardvillo, tho funeral cortege going by
Thomas Hasbridro. nf flnrdnn ritnd ro.Ur.
day ill a hospital at Philadelphia, where he
uau unuergono an operation lor appendicitis.
He was 113 vcars old. and leaves a wldotv ml
eight children.
Mrs. Lowis J. Lewis, died at her homo in
Palo Alto yesterday after an illness of three
years' duration, aged sixty-seven years. She
is survived by a husband, who owns a cattle
ranch In Deadwood, South Dakota, and soven
children, Tho funeral will take placo Satur
day afternoon at 2 o'clock.
John Roimbold died at hishomein Jalapra
yesterday afternoon from dropsy after a long
uiuess. ueceascu was a years or age aud
leaves tO Survive him n. wlfn nnd envoi.
Frank Dewabl. fnmarW nf PnH,-;iln a
lineman for tho Penu. Tolephono Co., who
came in Contact with a livn nWll-io wlrn nnd
received fatal Injuries, died yesterday at
noon at at. Joseph's hospital, Lancaster.
Tho rcniflltIS of All Itltirpalltw, iinvn.i-n1il
child of Thomas Clark, of Mahanoy Plane,
was interred in St. Joseph's cemetery, at
mraruviiie, yesterday afternoon.
The funeral of Mrs. Eva Socaloskl, who
died nt tho flimilv rnsldRiirn mi UVst. Prml
street yesterday, will take place to-morrow
morning at U u'clock. High mass will be
Celebrated in St. Ueorcn'a T.ilhlimiinn i-linrnli
and interment tvill bo made In the Lithu
anian cemetery.
Krackvlllo I.odgo Kntrrtalna Several Jr. O.
U. A. M. Member of Town.
Last ovening a small delegation of mem
bers of Major Jenulngs Council No. 307, Jr.
O. U. A. M paid a fraternal visit to the
Frackvillo Lodgo, at that place. The
journey was made in one of E. J. Davies'
large 'buses. The members of tho delegation
were : Messrs. Charles Sutton, William
Davis, Cornelius Davenport, David Daddow.
John W. Reese, Guy C. Sterner, Edward
James, William Lithlain, Edward Snyder.
Joseph Shapboll, William Morris, Thomas J.
Williams, J. T. Gilflllan, David Morris,
William Reeves and E. J, Davies.
Upon arrival at Frackvillo tho visitors were
cscortod to the P. O. S. of A. hall where they
attended the regular meeting of the Frack
ville Lodge. At tho conclusion of the
session all the members retired to Burchill's
hall which had been eugaited for the enter
tainment of the visitors. Besides a number
of speeches many amusing .anecdotes were
related among tho guests. A greater part of
the ovening was devoted to tho partaking of
refreshments. The members of Maj. Jennings
Council speak highly of the treatment
accorded them.
Pennsylvania Railroad through-train ex
cursion Sunday next August 27th. Special
train via Delaware river bridgo, loaves Bben
andoah at 4:25 a. m. Ouly $2.83 round trip.
Mr. Franey'H Intentions.
It is said that J. J. Franey will shortly
erect a blacksmith shop, adjoining the Amour
beer house, where the fish market now
stands. Tho dividing fence has been torn
down. It is also said that Mr. Franey will
shortly erect a retaining wall on South Plum
alley, near Oak street, and thus again open
up the former streot for trafllo, A suit was
entered against Mr, Franey by the borough
to compel him to put the street in a passable
coudlt.on, but was not pushed because ho
showed a willingness to remedy tho stato
of affairs that exist.
Commercial Hotel
Entirely remodeled and refurn
ished. Elegant Rath and Waih
Boarders by the Day,week
or month
Well stocked bar attached. An
heuser-Busch St. Louis beer and
Pabst Milwaukee beer in bottles
The Best Hotel In the Region UivIiiK
the Best Accommodations
for the noney.
Cigar. Best on Earth.
Morris Heckman,
Cor, Main and Coal Sis., Shenandoah, Pa,
Mammoth Clothing
9 and 11 S. Main
Where lliey Will Tench For the Itnsulng
The teachers of East Mahanoy township
havo been assignod to their various school-
looms. Tiro primary school at Fishers will
again be openod up and the new school at
Buck Mountain will also be ready by
Tho following are the toachers and their
various schools: High school, Prof. D. F.
Gulnan ; Morea, Michael A. Ryan, Philip E.
Coylu and Miss Margaret Connors ; Now
Boston, Mary F, Boyco and Rose Tonor ;
Vulcan, William Winters ; Buck Mauntain,
William F. Brennan ,and Lizzie G.
Davis ; Park Placo, Miss Lizzio C. Neary and
Mary Campbell ; Robinsons, Lizzie Hardl
man and Lizzie Sneck ; Shoemakers, Miss
MaryTahaney; Hills, Julia Dolphin j Glen
don, Maud Tansy ; Jacksons, Rose Dowllng,
Kate Jennings, Elizabeth Terril, Julia Carrol
and Julia Lawlor ; Fishers, Margaret Coyne ;
Fowlers, Minnie Knapp and Margaret Corri-
gan ; Lanigans, Miss Agnes Stein aud Toressa
Coakley ; Suffolk, Thomas Whltaker and
Miss Mary Tracy ; Wiggans, John J. Keilly
and Annie L, Burke; St. Nicholas, Kate
Dowllng and Katie Kciper; Colss, John L.
Downey and Miss Mary F. Brennan.
The school term will begin on Monday and
last for nlno months.
School Frlnclpnl Ileslgns.
Prof. I. K. Witiner, the principal of the
Lansford schools, who formerly held a similar
position at Frackvlllo, has resigned to be
come the editor of the Lancaster Inquirer, a
Quay paper, of which Secretary of tho Cotn
monweath Gricst is the chief owner. Lans
ford is looking for a new principal.
Malachl Dowd Is suffering from a mashed
foot as a result of a fall of coal at tho Prim
rose, colliery.
Adam Huutzlngor, of Mahanoy City, is
nursing a lacerated hand. A piece of coal
fell ou It at Mahanoy City colliery.
TItr,SIJOCK On tha2ith inat., At Win. Penn.
Helen, daughter or Air. nnd Mrs. Michael
Treshock, at;cl 10 months Funeral will lake
place to-morrow (Saturday) at 2 octock,
Interment nt Glrardville, going by trolley.
Friends nnd relatives Invited to attend. It
SOCALOSKL At Shenandoah Pa, on tho 21th
lnst., rVA, wile ox ueorge ocuioki, ageu a
years. Funeral to-morrow (Saturday) morn
lug, nt 0 o'clock. High mass will bo celebrated
In Ht. George's Lithuanian church. Interment
In the parish cemetery. Friends and relatives
nro respectfully Invited to attend. It
i A A-AL.A A...
I PrlTu dlieuea. IIIckmI 1oIiobJ
)tai tor Hworn TeatlroontaU ul Book
("TraUl" Wl'ror, U, r. M.
t04 North Blith Ht.. 1'hliadclnbt.
CIa. I'onltlTelr tb onlr iw-cliliit la tht
jtAlei to oar t?ca tbouxh tht moit celebrated idco-
J tfclliU foiled. Kreah euee cured In 4 to 1 0 d&js-Houn 9 3,6-.
"VTOTICE. Desirable properties for sale. Ap
1 ply to 8. O. M. llollopeter, attorney,
Shenandoah. B-11-tt
fnoit 8AI.R. Most desirable dwelling on west
I Centre street, bath, water cloiet. ewerace.
two houses on rear of lot. Valuable business
property, two stores, xtorth Main street. Two
houses on Kant foul street. Little cash required.
fine House in lirowusviiie. Appiy 10
J. Claude Unowir,,
7-29-tK Oor. Centre and White streets.
The unilerslKiied committee will receive bids
for hauling live hundred tons of coal, more or
lllds will be received up to Friday evening,
August 2Mb, 18yj, at 7:30 o'clock, after which
hour no bids will bo received.
lliil. must be sealed and mav be sent to the
Secretary of School Hoard or to the under.
signeu. joiix i.,
Michael Hullivab,
Mahmiall IUloii,
Knw. O. Malick,
W J. llmrr,
M'Mit Committee,
Ferguson's Theatre,
JAS. H. QUINN, Manaeer.
One Night Onlyl
Artists of Sterling Merits.
Vocalists, Dancers, Comedians.
Hiss Russell, "THE DIVA," Will
Positively Appear.
PRICES ; 25, 35 and 50 Cenis.
llcserved Beats at Klrlln's drug store.
119 N. Ontrs 8L, Pottrrlll., P..
1 United)
Fin. old Whiskeys, Qln. and Wine., .1 tba b.
A cholc Una of Cigar, and Temper,
nuco Drink.
Aooomiuod.tton for Ir.T.l.n.
1 Uelilll lionn
Examine our clothing well. Notice the fabric, the
cut, the finish, lining, and button-holes. These
things all count in the durability, comfort and style
of clothes, and will help to tell you of the excel
lence of the clothing we sell.
last of summer stock at remnant prices, which means half
the usual prices. The finest of fall goods to select from.
stock of fall goods is arriving daily, and we invite your
In allocs wo laugh, in shoos we play
In shoes we weep, In shoes we pray
In shoes we walk, (n rhoes we ride
And shoes are thrown, e'en to tho bride ;
And sad to say, sail to think,
In shoes we're cornered without a drink.
In shoes we dance. In shoes we trade
And shoes our understanding aid.
We shoe the horse, wo shoo the fly,
And why not shoes for you, says I.
In shoes we toll, In shoes we rest.
And hence 'tis wise to wear the best ;
For such tax not your weary wits
Come straight to me I'll gfvo you fits.
No. S South M.ln Street, . Abe I.evlne, Proprietor.
Three new cases and two deaths
from bubonic plague are reported from
Oporto, Portugal.
The total imports and exports for
seven months of 1899 show: Imports,
$448,597,777; exports, $687,957,311.
The Cawida's cup goes to Chicago.
The trophy was won by the Genesee,
tho American yacht, yesterday at To
ronto. The Hungarian novelist, Maurice
Jokal, now In his 75th year, Is about to
marry the Hungarian actress Arabella
Nagy, a girl of 18.
The receipts from tonnage taxes In
the United States during the fiscal year
ended June 30 were $834,087, compared
with $846,771 for the previous year.
Emigration from Finland has as
sumed Immense proportions. Agents
are belne sent to the United States,
Canada and Australia to seek settle
ment. The marine hospital service will di
rect Its efforts at San Francisco to keep
infectious diseases out of the country,
the Introduction of which is feared
"rom the Orient.
Ice Cream,
All flavors.
Man u 1 a c -
tured daily,
of town.
Delivered to all parts
Sealed PINK BAND Package
Bon-Bons and Chocolates,
Hade Only Tly
ron SAUi HI
Baker and Confectioner,
104 IM. IVles In St.
Stock and fixtures of
the best ...
in Columbia county.
Splendid location. Call or address
No. n2 Main Street, Bloomsburg, Pa.
IOC 'cYict0 "7C.
11-S f Itegular slie es
spongecake, ' ' -
7 Loaves of isr
Tbe are some of tbe necessaries ot
life we wll cbeaper (ban otbera.
Kreah every day.
Our Ityto and Graham bread I. Increasing it.
ale. every day. Try our 23c check ayttsiu and
save money,
B. Morgeustclu,
2S7 W. Centre BttMl
I Goldin, Proprietor.
Repairs leaky hydrants.
Does all kinds of plumbing.
Does gas fitting.
Gives estimates on steam and hot water
Does the finest bath room work.
Cor - Wnite and L1yd sts.
This Hot
One needs a cooling
beverage that will gently
tone up the system while
it quenches the thirst.
Beer and Porter
Just touches the spot.
They are cooling, satisfy
ing and invigorating.
These brews will be
furnished in case lots for
family use by applying to
Christ. Schmidt,
Agent and Bottler,
203 W. Coal Street
The largest ossottment into'wn.
Price, beyond competition. De
sign, desired by special order.
promptly filled. Come and see
our stock before purcluulni; else
where. Flowers for sociable..
balls, banquet, or other festive
occasions furnished at short
Miss Mary E. Jones,
West Lloyd St.
Next to Hub department store.
Livery and
No 13 North Jardin St.
millions of Dollars
Gouplunmoko overyjear. Take no
risks but get your houses, stock, fur
nlture, etc., Insured In n rat-class re
liable companies ai represented by
riAVin FAUST Insurance Arent
Also Lit. .ndlMld.ulal oupacln