The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, August 25, 1899, Image 2

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    The Herald
ipr iii.hiii:i ihjo.
! Thai's Fit to Print."
' i, ' i"l ..t u rccpt Sunday, at
ut .Ihw'mi tr" I. NheiiiMHtonli, Pn.
The Herald l dillvrd In Rlmmnilmh and the
mirrniin'Ung towns for six emits a w ek, pay
able to the carriers. Ily tirnll M.OO n year, or
2.1 eents n month tKiyable In advance Ail
vcrtlMiiiicntii charged according to )ceaiid
position. The publishers reserve the right
to change the position rf advertlvments
win-never the publication of new demand
I TUe right l reervwl to reject any
iwlvertflieinent. whether tld for or not, that
the pnn1lliem mv deem Improper. Adver
tising intra made known upon application.
I ntrrrd lit the not nrlW i SliimamloHli, Pa., us
second almf malltnattttr.
-i r - & irt.-. rr-r. rrrr-r.
nvar 'i
(fuming -gjcvalfc
OUR COUNTRY : First. Last and Forever.
TV fv-liuylklll county lawyer would
tliiuU. of coiiiuieiicitiK work bnfore
iliiyliglit, us ifuliori did.
Ton Sloan mid AVillluni Waldorf
Aster ari' ncctiimnts of the muiio flat
In London, wliluli limkea a total of
three Hats.
Pfmocratic papers make much of
the ,iniut.iiif,' rumor that there Is to
be a new Republican party. They
are tired of the old one, for n fact.
TllK Republican state nominees, as
a result of yesterday's eonvention. it
mirit be remarked, are the choice of
the people. Former Creasy will be
one of the "has runs" afterNoveiuber.
I'XDKn the Dingley law Americans
are not wearing the enormous amount
of shoddy brought in unilaitlie Wil
son law, ajnl yet the improved Equali
ties of clothing have not advanced in
Going down is so much easier than
coming up that it has taken. Lieut.
Hobsoit six months to raise a couple
of war-ships that Admiral Dewey
sent to the Jjqttom of Manila Hay in
about fifteen minutes.
Skxator, Tillman remarks that
Boston is "the head and center of all
devilment." ot quite all, forHoston
statesmen have never acquired the
Tillman habit of making a personal
use of the state laundries.
.V Philadelphia newspaper boasts
that that city does not know from ex
perience what an insufficient water
supply is. The supply is certainly all
right, but we have never known a
Philadelphia paper to boast of the
quality of the water supplied.
Gkn. GOMrtZ looks for "a true
Democracy" to manifest itself among
the Cuban people some day. At the
same time he is taking the side of the
Americans in every dispute in the
island in which anybody says any
thing against Cuba's deliverers. The
old insurgent commander is level
headed. Tub gentleman from Auburn, the
Republican field-marshal; is to be
fommendsd for his fidelity. He is
serving his master well. Not satis-
tied with allowing the latter to dic
tate the county organization, he in
vades the state executive committee
in his behalf. Such evidence of sub
missions truly heroic.
TllK Louisville Courier-Journal,
Democrat, commenting upon and
commending the views put forth by
ox Governor Pattivon in an interview
recently republished in the Hkhald,
observes: "There is no doubt that a
great ma-ioritj of the American
people share these views. But can
those who control the machinery of
the Democratic party be made to see
the truth of them before the next
Presidential ejection J In the Courier
Journal's opinion that seems de
cidedly improbable, though nothing
is surer than, the defeat of any party
afflicted with eueh blindness."
TliH best proof that Captain
Dreyfus did not betray the secrets of
the French War Offloe is that every
document produced to show hisgullt
proveo to. Iw a forgery as soon hb it Is
exposed to the light. The bundle of
paperg which, when it wa the "secret
dossier,11 was supposed to be a file of
stolen correspondence and reports
that, if disclosed, would shake em
pires and set all the States of Europe
at one another's throats which, it
was hinted, eontiiined autograph
letters of Kings and Emperors, the
whole form I uk an array of irresistible
proof nfCMlnat Qreyfueturne out to
Up a chain of forgeries linked together
witli the gowipo oufes and the inter
cepted letter of light women.
Esterhazy has already confessed that
he forged the bordereau. Hut what
is the motive of the anemia of
Dreyfus T
Kxeiimtou to Mutich Chunk uuil Glen
fltvlv IfrfMm fikAiiflndftAh ti fnn fli
Clitiuk and ai&i Oaolco via the Lalitgli Valley
railroad, uuuuay, aujcuw wiuu iov. special
trains both ways. Consult Lehigh Valley
tirket agenu for luruier particulars.
(iDiiei-iil llrnohn Ilim stoipMl I 'ny in out
OH Aililttliituit Hull.
Hivann, Aug. 2B.- Governor (lonernl
llrooke has virtually decided not to
mak any payment to Cuban troop on
the tmH of additional rolls. The first
ptiymeutu unniglit to light such an
amount of thievery and attempted
wlndlliiR that he him reused to con
sider the niieatlon of distributing what
III left of the ?3,000,000 In supplement
ary paymetnU. The sum now left In
his hands lie will probably uso to ns
slat wounded and deserving olllcers
who under the original arrnngemont
were to receive nothing.
Moat of the Cuban officials ngreo
with a remark recently made by non
oral Gomez. Ho said that the $3,000,
000 would prove more harmful than
helpful, anil the work of piiynient has
rovQRled deaths of depravity that tho
beet frieuda of Cuba had not conceived
could exist.
The period of 30 days that waa given
to unemployed persons to find wont
has elapsed, and hereafter nil street
Idlera will be arrested Hiid sent to
Vlvac, the tombs of Havana, whonce
they will probably bo sent to tho Isle
of 1'lnes to work In tho marble quar
ries there. Seventy-two idlers have
already been taken Into custody.
While an excursion train was re
turning from Cienfuegos from Ragna
It was stoned and two excursion. s
were seriously injured.
Volcanic Eruptions
Arifgraild, butSkln Eruptions rob lile of
ioy. hucklen's Arnica Salve cures their ;
nlso Old, Running and Fever Sores, Ulcers,
lloils, Felons, Corns, Warts, Cuts, llruises,
Hums, Scalds, Chapied Hands, Chilblains,
I lest 1'ile cure on earth Drives out I'nins
and Aches. Only 25cts. tv box, ( uie
guaranteed. Sol by A. Wasley, d rugyist.
Flvo Minor Killed liy D.vnnmlto.
Joplin, Mo., Aug. 25. Five minors
wero killed by an explosion of dyna
mite last evening nt the Margaret Min
ing company's mill, near Cnrtorvllle.
The dead are David J. Sinclair, It. J.
Robbing. Henry nilbert. Frank Hml
dlcston and Will Messmore. Whilo
Gilbert was engaged In the preparation
of n blast n stick of dynamite which he
held In his hand exploded and tho con
cussion exploded a box of dynamite
which stood near by. The big concen
trating plant wns demolished and tho
fivo men nt work there wore blown to
bits. Tho shock 'of the explosion was
felt throe miles awny. Tho plant was
owned by Henry Gilbert, one of the
men killed.
On Every Bottle
Of Slilloh's Consumption Cure is this guar
antco : "All wo ask of you is to use two
thirds of tho contents of this bottle faith
fully, then If you can say you are not
benefited return the bottle to your druggist
and ho may refund tho price paid." Price
25 eta., 50 cU. and $1.00. Sold by 1 D.
Kirlin on a guarantee.
Iloiuli Thrown In Archbishop's Villa.
London, Aug. 25. A dispatch to
The Dally Chronicle from Rome re
ports tho throwing of a dynamite bomb
into tho villa of the archbishop of
Gallipoli, province of Lecce, seriously
damaging the walls of the building.
The motive for the outrage is bellewd
to have been political.
K'ID'VPV Is a deceptive disease
rviiL,! thousands have it and
TROUBLE don,t kno,T !t- If yu
wnnl nntV rfsnlfa vnn
can make no mistake by using Dr. Kilmer's
Swamp-Itoot, tho great kidney remedy. At
druggists in fifty cent and dollar sizes.
Sample bottle by mall free, also pamphlet
telling you how to find out if you have
kidney trouble.
Address, Dr. Kilmer & (Jo.,liinghatnton, n. 1
Wetlnelumo llrnkos In ltnssln.
London. Aug. 25. The Times In an
article this morning dealing with Rus
sia's activity and enterprise in rail
way matters, announces that tho Rus
sian government ordered that by Jan
uary, 1903, all freight rolling stock on
all the Russian lines, both state and
private, be fitted with thoWestlnghouse
quick acting brake. It Is estimated that
12,000 locomotives and 30,000 freight
cars will be thus fitted.
Do You Enow
Consumption Is proventablo? Science has
proven that, and also that neglect is suicidal.
Tho worst cold or cough can bo cured with
Shlloh's Cough and Consumption Cure. Sold
on positive guarantco for over fifty years.
Sold by P. D. Kirlin on a guarantee.
1'arti.lnnq Stltl THsorilorly.
Paris, Aug. 25. The police repulsed
a number of market women yesterday
who wore trying to supply provisions
to Jules Guerln, the anti-Semite agi
tator, and his companions who are now
intrenched against the authorities at
the headquarters of tho Antt-Scmlto
league In the Rue do Chambrol. A small
demonstration in tho Ruo Lafayette
In favor of Guerin led to scuffles and
several arrests were made. The police
are continually dispersing loiterers in
tho vicinity of the Rue de Chambrol,
Crippled by
Those who h&ro Rheumatism find
themselves growing steadily worse all
the while. One reason of this is that
the remedies prescribed by the doctors
contain mercury ana potash, wiucn ul
tlmatcly intensify tho disease by caus
ing tho Joints to swell and stiffen,
g reducing a severe aching of the bones.
. S. S. has been curing Rheumatism
for twenty yeara even the worst casei
which seemed almost incurable,
Capt. O.E. IIuKhei. th popular railroad
conductor, of Columbia, S. O., had an expert,
encewlth Rheumatism which oonvlnced him
that mare is only on
our lor that plnf ul dli
ease. 11" says: "I was a
great sndtrtr from mus
cular Hbeumatlsm tor
two years, I oould get
no permanent relief
from any medicine pr
ccrlbed by my physician.
1 IOOK nwutftuuicu uuy
ties of yonr 8. S. S., and Pjj,
now i am as wen aa i
ever was lnmy life. Iam
ure that yonr medicine
cured me, and I would
recommend It to anyone ,
aullerlng trom any Wood disease."
that Rheumatism
Is a diseased state of the blood, and
only a blood remedy i the only proper
treatment, but a remedy contalnlnR
potash and mercury only aggravatei
the trouble.
For DLnrS
holng Purely Vegetable, goea direct to
the very cause of the dlssato and a per
manent oure always results. It is the
only blood remedy guaranteed to con
tain no potash, mercury or other dan
gerous mlnerali.
r Books mailed frae by Swift Spaoiflo
Company, Atlanta,. Georgia-
e ?
Undoubted Reliability Is Expressed
In Shenandoah Endorsement
What's your harking?
When HatrmiKcr applies for credit
Thnt's the first question n Imnkcr inks
Smile rule xppli s to him thing Btiuiio
Can t atwnyx tell by nppoii ranees.
Thar who depend mi n ktraiiKor'a word
Outline Kettcft
What you want i huinu endorsement.
Tho bttcklne of M-oplo you kifmv
Shenatidimh proof for Shenandoah proplo.
That's what follows hero.
Sure v nn In'tler lmckint? run hn hud limn
the following ehitrmeut from
Mis W S. Llndontntitli of S32 Mnylmirv
alley, who says: "I used Dunn's Kidney
1111 I procured from Kfrlin's plmrnuey,
Hired tun of pain III my hack, giddiness whuii
I sti'opod and an acute laiuuueM acnm my
kidneys. They regulated tho kidney fecui
lions and relieved mo of much annoyance. I
KToinmoud Doan's Kidney Pills as being a
moat oQVetlve prenanUlun to cure ditordeied
Doan's Kidney Tills for sale by all denlcrs.
Price 50 cent?. Mailed by Poster-Millmrn
Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Sole agenls-for the U.
S Remember the name Doan's and take no
Yrttpri1ny'K ltnselmll Oiimos.
At Pittsburg Iloston, 3; Pittsburg,
1. At Clovelnnd New York, 0; Clove
land, 2. AtjiBt. Louis St. Louis, G;
Philadelphia, 0. At Chicago Brooklyn,
0; Chicago, 3. At Louisville (10 In
nlngs. Called on account of darkness):
Daltlmoro, 2; Louisville. 2.
Philadelphia, Auc. 21. Hour quiet:
winter superfine, $2.1MJ2.30: do. extras,
$2.4(W2.0O; prime roller, cloor. new, $2.M
IJT3.10: do. strnlsht. new, 3.20W3.35. Wheat
dull; No. 2 red, spot. In elevator. 721?72Wc.
Corn Arm: No. 2 mixed, spot. In eleva
tor, 3TW37Hc: No. 2 yellow for locnl
trade. 3MtfS9e, Oats stendy; No, 2 white,
clipped, 28c; new ont, 23f!2Sc. Provisions
In fair demand; smoked beef, 1619c:
beef hams, $2B.C0'fi 27; family pork. J12
12.M; lard, city refined, GHflGic. Butter
steady; western' creamery. 17(ff21c; fac
tor'. 12',45715c. ; Imitation creamery, 140
17c: Now York dairy, lDfTUc; do. crcam
orj. 17821c. Cheese firmer; lorse. white,
9?4ti97BC.; small do., 10V4c; larKO, colored,
10c; small do., lOHc. Kgge-steady; New
York nnd Pennsylvania. 17S18c.;'westcrn
ungraded, 12iR15c. Potatoes dull; fair to
prime, (161.25; fancy white, $1.6001.68;
southern sweets, $1.2M1.50. Cabbago
quiet; Lone Island, $3ff4 per 100.
Baltimore. Auk. 24. Flour quiet nnd un
chnnRed. Wheat quiet; spot, tho month,
71?M719ic. : September, 72y4B72c. ; south
ern by sample, 05730.; do. on grade, G9tj
72Hc. Corn firmer; mixed, spot nnd the
month, 373"V4c: September and October,
36W03C?ac; southern, white, 391fl0c; do.
yellow, 39S39&C Oats firmer; No. 2 white,
2752JHc; No. 2 mixed, 25023c Byo
nominal: No. 2 nearby, 52c; No. 2 west
ern, 575Sc. Hay steady; No. 1 timothy,
$14.50 for new. Cheese steady: large, 110
Uttc; medium, lH43inic; small, U?i012.
I.lvo Stock Market.
New York, Aug. 24. Beeves nominally
dull but steady; cables quote live cattlo
lower at lWil 12'ic. ; refrigerator beef at
9c. Calves, very little demand; prices
lower; veals, $417.25; tops, $7.50; grassers
nnd buttermilks, $2.75(33.25. Sheep and
lambs flat and medium lambs 25c. lower;
sheep, $3fi4.25; choice wethers. $4.50; lambs
$lf(0. Hogs lower at $1.S0W4.90.
ISast Liberty, Pa., Aug. 24. Cattlo
steady; extra, $5.70g5.DO; prime, $3.800;
common, $3.25514. Hogs steady; prime me
diums and best Yorkers, $3B3.03; good
light Yorkers, $3; heavy hogs, $4.S0Q4.90.
Sheep slow: choice wethers, $4.33ff4.40;
common, $2i?3; choice spring lnmbs. $5.30
5X5.50; common to good lambs, $3fl5.25;
veal calves, $7T7.23.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears tho
Doiililo Murutfr" nnd Sulcldo. '
New Mllford, Conn., Aug. 25. IC.
Trenkaus, a German baker, aged 40
years, and his wife, wero shot last
night by Trer'-aus" brother, the wlfo
dying instantly. Trenkaus received one
bullet In the breast and two In tho arm,
and his death Is momentarily expected.
The murderer lied, but was pursued
and as he was about to bo captured
fired a bullet into his right temple and
died instantly. The shooting took place
In Trenkaus' bakery.
Scrofula, salt rheum, erysipelas and other
distressing eruptive diseases yield qnlcKly
and permanently to the cleansing, purifying
power of Burdock Blood Bitters.
Personally Conducted Tourist Excursions to
California Without change of Cars.
Leaving Washington evory Tuesday and
Friday at 11:15 a. m., the Southern Hallway
otieratcs Personally Conducted Tourist Ex
cursions to San Fnmciso without change of
cars, conductors or porters. The route is
throueh Atlanta, Montgomery, Now Orleans,
Houston, Sau Antoulo,Now Moxico, Arizonia,
and Southern California. Tho cars are the
very latest pattern of Pullman Tourist
nieepers, rosewoou nnisn, nave mgii uacK
scats, unholstcred In rattan, are sixteen
section, supplied with linen etc., same as
standard sleepers, lighted by Pintsch Gas,
have wido vestibules, double sash rolled
curtains, lavatory, and smoking room for
gentlemen, ana two retiring rooms tor lames,
Threo and one-half days to Mexico and
Arizona, four days to Los Angelos and
Southern California, and five days to San
Francisco. Such service for Trans-Continental
travel lms never before been offered.
Toe tourist carfare Is loss than via any
other route, ell'ectine a saving of (25.00 to
fao.OO for the trin.
All Information, maps and rates furnished
on application to Charles L. Hopkins, Dis
trict Passenger Agent, Southern Railway
Company, mm Chestnut street, ruuaaeipnia
Amorlciin ContVol In Stilu Tslnnds.
Manila, Aug. 25 The United States
by virtue of a treaty with the sultan
has gained complete control over the
Sulu islands. General John C. Dates
has arrived hero with the Important
document. Tho sultan agrees to all tho
American terms proposed and recog
nizes the absolute sovereignty of the
United States, which the authorities
declare he never did for Spain. An Im
portant clause of the treaty gives
Americans tho right to purchase lund,
Americans retain all tho ports which
the Spanish formorly occupied, and re
serves the right to open others at dis
cretion. The sultan collects no reve
nues, but will receive an annual sal
ary, maintaining law and order. Sev
eral of the principle chiefs also are
A Sensible Man
Would use Kemp's Balsam for the Tliroa
and Lungs. It is curing more cae of
Coughs, Culdi, Asthma, Ilroncliilii, Croup
and all Throat and Lung troubles, than any
other medicine. The proprietor has author
izad any druggUt to give you a sample bottle
free to convince you of the merit of thi great
emrdy. Price 25c and 50c.
('oinplotii Vlntiiry or tlio Cnuso of
,1Iiiiiioj: ioins AoMiircd.
Capo Hnytlon, Aug. 2G.Gonornls
Casflros, Vasquez and nrnrho, nt the
head of R00 revolutionists, appeared
boforo Marorls. They left tho groat
body of tholr troops at the entrance to
tho city nnd with 20 men, advanced to
the governor's house, demanding sur
render. Governor Castillo, thoroughly
rowed, repaired to the plnza without
Jrinklng nny roslstnnco and tho deliv
ery, of the park, fort, nrsennl and gov
ernment buildings were then effected.
Tho revolutionists then formnlly oc
cupied the surrounding country, meet
ing with 110 opposition.
in this Way the revolution, strong
nnd humnno, Is rapidly advancing, far ns pomtblo tho shed
ding of blood and winning sympathy
by the ponceful character of Its meth
ods. The complete victory of tho cnuso
of Jtmlnez seems assured. Thoro Is no
check on the onstern boundary.
News hns been received hero from
Puerto I'latn, Snnto Domingo, thnt
Sanchez Ulanco, near Puerto Plata, and
Mocn hnvo declared In favor of tho
revolution. Puerto Plata alio oxpects
a similar declaration on the part of
Santiago. Gonornl Pepin, the governor
of Santiago, loft the provlnco some
time aso to march on the Insurgonts
nnd It Is believed In Puorto Plata that
Pnntlngo will rlso nnd march on Lia
Otln' TCxoluntnn Policy.
Washington, Aug. 25. It appears
thnt General Otis' exclusion policy wns
put Into operation somo months ngo,
although the Chinese officials wero un
aware of It nnd were proceeding on tho
theory that the question wns Btlll open
for adjustment between the two gov
ernments. Acting Secretary Adco has
aijdrossed a letter to tho Chinese min
ister explaining the status of tho nf
falr. What further stops, if any, ho will
take, hnvo not been made known, al
though tho opinion provnlls In ofllcial
Chinese quarters that ho will seek to
havo tho exclusion modified, even
thoiurh It Is a tomporary military ex
pedient. (rout Itnllvrity Aeclili-nt In Chile.
Santlngo de Chile, Aug. 24. A great
railway accldont occurred hero yester
day. An ontlro pasonger train fell into
tho River Mnpocha, which runs
through the city, and many lives wero
lost. Although tho tremendous storms
thnt have been raging for a fortnight
throughout Chile continue, thoro has
been some abatement. Advicos from
various points Indicate widespread dis
tress and misery. Valparaiso and other
cltle3 havo suffered severely.
Deolnrod tho Poiinlty 11 Just Ono.
Charlotte, N. C, Aug. 25. Julius
Alexander, colored, was hanged hero
yesterday for assaulting a white wo
man last February. He showed no
signs of nervousness, confessed the
crime and said tho penalty was a Just
one. A colored preacher in a talk on
the scaffold said Alexander's crime
was "ono In which wo aro glad to see
tho law carried out."
Bismarck's Iron Nerve
Was the result of his splendid health. In
domitable will nnd tremendous energy are
. . ... r 1 ...i c. 1. T ! 11.1
and Bowels are out of order. If you want
these qualities and the success they bring, use
Dr. King's Mew Life 1'ills. they develop
every power of brain and body. Only 25c at
A. Wasley's drug store.
Tho Pennsylvania Kail road Company has
selected tho following dates for its popular
ten-day excursions to Niagara Falls from
Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington :
August 21, September 7 and 21, and
OctoborB and 10. An experienced tourist
agent and chaperon will accompany each
Excursion tickets, good for return passage
on any regular train, oxclusivo of limited
express trains, within ten days, will bo sold
at $10.00 from Philadelphia, Baltimore,
Washington, and all points on tho Delawara
division; $11.25 from Atiantio City; fO.CO
from Laucaster; $8.50 from Altoou.i and liar
risburg; $0.00 from Sunbury and Wilkes
barro; $5 75 from Wllllamsport; and at pro
portionate rates from other points. A stop
over will he allowed at Buffalo, Rochester.
Canadaigua, and Watkins within tho limit
A special train of Pullman parlor cars and
day coaches will ho run with each excursion.
An extra charge will be made for parlor car
Tickets for a sido trip to tho Thousand IB
lands (Alexandria Bay) will bo sold from
Rochester in connection with excursions of
July 27, August 10 and 21, Septembor 7 and
21, good to return to Rochester or to Cucan
daigua via Syracuse within five days, at rate
of $5 50. 'S-
Tickets for a side trip to Toronto will bo
sold at Niagara Falls for $1.00 on July 29,
August 12 and 20, and September 23. In
connection with excursion of September 7,
tickets will be sold to Toronto and return at
reduced rates, account Toronto Fair.
For time of connecting trains and further
Information apply to uearcst ticket agent, or
address Geo. W. Boyd, Assistant General
1'assengor Agent, Broad Street Station,
Consumption Cured.
Last November Mr. Joseph James,
fiainter, of 325 W. Pearl St., Iudianapo
is, Iud., was at death's door with quick
consumption. Wasted to a skeleton;
his lungs a mass of ulceration; his
death was hourly awaited by his doctor
and family. He was kept in a constant
stupor with opium. A friend, thinking
to relieve his terrible cough, gave him a
bottle of Brazilian Balm. Seeing its
wonderful effect, the doctor advised its
continued use. Mr. James soon after
uisuusseu ins doctor, auu uepenueu
on the Balm alone. His recovery was
rapid and complete, and iu February he
returned to work. His lungs are sound,
and his weight greater than at any time
in his life. His recovery is regarded as
almost a miracle.
In consumption beware of couch mix
tures and prescriptions that contain
opium. Opium parallzes the nerves,
and gives the comma bacillus a good
chance to destroy the lungs. It is
always fatal. Brazilian Balm does not
contain a trace of any opiate, but stimu
lates the iiervea with new life and power,
destroys Ihe microbe, and restores all
that is left of the dUeased lungs to a
sound and healthy state which 110 other
remedy has ever been 'known to accom
plish. Shenandoah drnp dorr, nhriftr ale agent
Ask your grocer for the ''Koyal Patent
Hour, and take no other brand. It la the beat
don r mad,
1 iH!
. l.'ii
Kid-Ne-Oirla are
at nil drag stores your druggist will tell you of euros thoy oflootod hero
at homo ho will vouch for tho truth of our overy ossortion.
1 soil for 25c a box
Want to Join. .Iffii Chez's Expedition.
Havana, Aug. 25. It Is reported
hero that General Juan Istdro Jlmlnez,
the revolutionary aspirant to the presi
dency of Santo Domingo, who Is now
In Manzanillo, has received during the
last three days more than 800 applica
tions to Join any expedition ho may
Intend to send to Santo Domingo. Tho
applicants includo many Cuban officers
who served under the late General
Garcia. The wife and family of Gen
eral Jlmlnez have left Havana for
Batabano, where they took the Men
endez boat for Santiago de Cuba, at
which point General Jlmlnez will join
Tho lllockrido or Phlllppluo Torts.
Washington, Aug. 25. The establish
ment of a blookade of the porta of the
Philippine Islands, and especially thoso
of Luzon, Is a subject which is re
ceiving attention at the war depart
ment. Secretary Root thinks an ab
solute blockade may do more Injury
Just now than good. It looks now that
when the fall campaign begins there
will be an effectual blockade main
tained, and that commerce between the
towns within the American lines and
the country in the control of the in
surgents will bo taken to prevent arms
and ammunition from being supplied
to tho Insurgents.
Does Coffee Agree With You ?
If not, drink Grain-0 made from pure
grains. A lady writes 1 "The first time I
made Grain O I did not like it but after using
it for one week nothing would induce me to go
back to coflee." It nourishes and feeds the
system. The children can drink it freely
with great benefit. It is the strengthening
substance of pure grains. Get a package to
day from your grocer, follow the directions in
making it and you will have a delicious and
healthful table beverage for old and young.
15c. and 25 c.
The fall term ot this tamnu
training school for teachers
will open August 28, 1899. Bu
perlor nd vantages are oUerod
to young men and women
preparing for teaching, col
lege, or huslnees. The build
ings are alt new, containing
spacious and comfortable,
rooms forstutlents, roomy re
citation halls, steam heated
throughout,nnd supplied with
the latest and best lighting
and sanitary appliances,
lleforo choosing a school
secure a catalogue of the
Keystone formal nctiooi.
Rev. N. G. Schaeffer, Ph. D D, 0.,
For full Information, catalogue, etc.,
Agent for the Famous
Phila. StocTc Ale, 'Sparkling Still
Amber Ale, Bottled Pale Ale,
Blown Stout, Half and Half, Beer
and Porter.
Mt. Carbon Beer
At all its customers to-day.
Solomon Haak's,
! 16 South Main Street,
Will receive prompt attention,
rym 7m
the modem, KitatTffc. irad.kal 'trpo-data medietas that banishes kidney
backache, kidney aflwenti, sJoejJUisness aai urinary disturbances In either
adults or chUdrea.
Wo know Xid-Ne-Oida will absolutely euro tho
abovo ailments and minor affections directly duo to
thorn we havo given names of thoso who wero
cured investigate and you will get at the truth.
Disordered kidneys are indicated by pains In the back, distress or
fullness after eating, scanty or scalding urine, weakness and chills, pahis In
tb loins, nervousness, sleeplessness, baa of vitality, swelling la limba cr
body or both, and sediment la the urine.
in yollow tablet form put up in
Morrow's Liverlax cures constipation, biliousness, costiveness thov
at all drug stores.
Kld-Ne-Olds and Lfrerjaix, manufactured by John Morrow 6c Co., Chemists, SpringfHd, Otis,
CnmlnR Kvents,
Aug 20 nnd 2S. Grand picnic at Brown's
grovo. Lost Creek, for tho benefit of St.
Mary Magdalene parish.
Oct. 4. Welsh Baptist twenty-sixth animal
supper In Bobbins' opera house.
P. .Vc It. Dates.
Special eleven-day excursion to Niagara
Falls, Thursday, September 14th, 1890.
For further particulars call on or address
local Philadelphia and Reading ticket agent
are tho only positively guaranteed remedy for the
Drink Habit, Nervousness and Melancholy caused
by strong drlntt.
to cure any case with a positive written trunr
aiiten c-rretund the money, and to destroy tho
appetite tor lntoilcaung liquors,
CTDflUG nDlVc,","','MI",ry! Poverty
olnUnO UnlflN nml Death. Upon receipt
ot 10.00 we will mall you tour 4 boios and posl.
Uve written guarantee to cure or refund
yourmoney. Single boxes (3.00.
For pale at Kirlin's drugstore.
The Herald is progressive, en
terprising, wide-awake and always
Its daily visits will keep your
family better informed than any
other paper on the news of this
locality, the state, the country and
the world It will be delivered at
your door each day for 25 cents a
month. We are desirous of secur
ing your subscription.
As an Inducement for; you to
become a subscriber we innke
you the following; unparal
leled offer:
Our representatives, Messrs.
Hooks & Brown, will call upon you
with the publication for your in
spectiou. We feel sure you will be
interested in examining it. Upon
signing the agreement to take the
Hhhalu lor six months, the book
will be delivered upon payment ol
75 cents. This is in addition to
the regular subscription of 25 cents
a mouth.
The only pleasure resort and
picnic grounds in this region.
Splendid lake of fresh water. Ice
and wood, free, to all picnic parties
to prepare and preserve meals. An
orchestra is established here lor the
entire season. lfor particulars
V B. J, YOST, Prop.,
Uarnesville, Pa.
Strong Drink is Death
arc, nt their best, bad
Tho reason for most
of these woca?
The j havo sick kid
neys and most of all, most
of thorn, either Trill
not or do not know it.
Dear Madam
Do you want to got
rid of your woc3?
boxos soli for 50c n box
IN F.KKKOT MAY 14, 1899.
Passenc-cr trains leave Shenandoah for Fenn
Haven Junction, Maucb Chunk, Lehlghton,
Slntington, Wlilto Hall, L'atasauqua, Allcuitown,
Ucthlohcni, Eastou New York and Philadelphia
at G 28, 7 50 a. in . 12 62 and 5 17 p. in. ,
For Wllkesharre. White Haven and Plttston.
B 23, 10 12 a. m.. 12 62 and 5 17 p. ui.
f or j.aeeyviiie, towhihia, uayre, voveriy
Klnilra, Rochester; lluffalo, Niagara Kails,
Auburn, Hyrucuse, Ithaca, Geneva and the
West, 10 12 a. m., 12 52 and 5 17 p. in.
For llclvldere, Delaware Water Gap and
Stroudsburg, 5 28 a. tit., 5 17 p. in.
For Lauibcrtville and Trenton, 7 50 a. in.
For .Icancsville, Lqvlston and Beaver Meudov
5 28u. in., 12 52 p. m.
por aicauoo, Atiuenrieu, uazicion, coctcio
and Lumber Yard, 6 28, 7 60, 10 12 a. m 12 52 and
ii p. in.
r orjeuuo, uruion anu preeianu, ds, iu iz
, in,, S 17 p. ui.
For Hcrunton, 5 28, 10 12 a. nt., 5 17 p. nt.
For Lost CreeU. Uirardvllle. and Ashland. 4 00.
and 7 28 p. m.
For Itavcn Run, Centralln, Mount Carmel and
Slinmokln. 10 49 a. in.. 1 42. (1 07. 9 23 n. in.
For Mabanoy City, Fork l'loce and Delano, I
5 28. 7 50. 10 12 a. 111., and 12 52. 5 17 D. in. i
Trains will leave Shaniokln at 7 00. 9 20 a.m., ?,
linn ntulJWti in A,w I nr,lt. ot Ml.u..n,.,lnnl. J .
nt?M 1(1 l' n 1', K' KIT.. ... -
Leave Shenandoah for Fottsvllle, St. Clair,
New Castle, Morea and New llostou, 7(0 ami J&t
10 12 a. in , 12 52 and 6 17 p, in. p
Leave l'ottsvllle tor Shenandoah, 9 45 a. in.;'
12 35, 505, 8 15 p. 111. ft .
Leave Hazleton for Shenandoah, 9 56 a. ni.6 -
1245, S 09, 8 2(1,8 81 p. in.
Trains leave for Haven Run, Ccntrnl!a,,?It. v
Carmel and Shamoklu, 9 46 a. m., 7 21 p. m w
Trains leave Shamokln for Shenandoah M
8 60 a. m., and 5 35 p. m. f
i.eave snenanuoaii lor Yatesvllle, Biaiuwoy
City, Park Place, Delano. McAdoo. Audeitrleu.
Hazletou, Stockton, Lumber Yard, Weatlttrly
and Mauch Chunk, 9 47 a m., and 682 p. m"-
For Lehlghton, Slatlngton, Cataaaunua.Wh'lte' 7
Hall, Coplay, AUentown, JCaston and Phillips- -burg,
9 47 a. m., and 6 32 p. ui. . -'
For New York and Philadelphia, 9 47 a.fa. -Leave
Hazleton for Shenandoah, 8 60,'a". in.. . .
and 6 27 p. m. - , .,
M. 11. CUTTER, Supt. Transportation ,
South BethlehentfPn.
HOLLIN II. WILBUR, Genl. Bupt.,- , '
South Bethlehem, Ps.
U11AUI.K.1 H. Ll'.K, uenl. Pass. Act
New York, N. Y.- '
A. W. NONNKMACHER, Dir. P. A., . .
South Bethlehem; Pa.
a i rr-r-.
A box of our
srccinL rnniLT de
is an exhilarating
stimulant during
the hot summer
Delivered at your horn i
Columbia Brewing Compai
.4 .