DRADFIELD'8 FEMALE REGULATOR Is for women's diseases unil frrptra-' laritlcs. It cures everything that fo comraonlv called a "fcmnlo trouble." " ') It nets directly upon nil tho distinctly f fomlnlno orirans of tconerntlon. driv- ing out weakness nnd Imparting ') strength! Btoppinj; unnatural drains, j uiiu rcrfiiuuiuu; uiw luuiiim nuw i In every Instance. It makes Blcklr ana weniiir women strong anu wcu again. 21 a bottle at drug stores. Send for a freo book about it. " riinnrnriflntrinnnulniftrCo..AtlAntii.rin UNCLE SAM'S HOT BATHS. THE HOT flrnlNOS or AMiANSAS VIA SOUTHERN RAILWAY. Wilt oniillito frjm your system tho linger ing cffcctsi f giip unci othor nilmcnts cntiBed ly the sovoro winler, and malaria, rheuma tism, neuralgia, catarrh, stMiisrli, Mdacy, ilvcr mid nervous disorders, painlysl.i, blood nnd 9UI11 dlsoafcs, and chronlo and funo tlniial deraugeinontB. Tho mountain cllmato of Hot Springs Is cool and delightful In snmnicr. 100 hotels open tho year around. For Illustrated literature, contalnlna all tnformatlou, address 0. F. Cooley, Manager Buisncss Men's League", Hot Siirlngs, Ark. For reduced excursion tickets and par ticulars of tho trip, address W. A. Turk, Gen'l Pass. Agt., Southern Ky., Washington, 1). C, or ft L. Hopkins, District Passenger Agent. 828 Chestnut St., Phlla., Pa. 0-1-lm National Encampment O. A. It. Tho Philadelphia & Heading Railway will issuo round-trip tickets to Philadelphia at tho rato of single faro for tho round trip. Tickets to be sold September 2, 3, 4 and 5, inclusive, and good for return until Sep tember 18th, Inclusive All persons apply' lug can purchase these tickets. LIVERSTA THE UP-TO-DATE LITTLE LIVER PILL CURES 'Biliousness, (Constipation, Dyspopsla, SSlck-Hoad-lacho nnd Livor Complaint. SUGAR COATBD. J Sold by all druggists or sent by mall, NervIU Medics! Co., Chlcsro 6o box contains 15 fills. Sold by Kirlln'adrug store, Shenandoah, Pa. a m.t1,i-a VmrlUh Diamond Ilraad. EKHVRQVAL PILLS Orlflnftl una unlj uenuine. safc. alwtji relUblt. LADicb ik mend Stand Id ltcrt nd OoUt niM-Mo Mno other. Jttfundangtrtntiruhthtv V r&tioni and imllattont . AiDngglM, r mb 4. I n .t.mnB f.ir imrt IfJlllari. tCAUIDonikia BBQ "Hrllef for l.aUW W bj return 'ChlohterCitemlclCcK,MAIwlaBre, Bollbr all Lootl Uraiflltl. rillLAUA., 1 a. Dr. Humphreys5 Specifics act directly upon tho dlseaso, without oxciting dlsordor in othor parts of tho system. Thoy Cure tho Sick, no. cures. rmcES- 1 Fevers. Congestions, Inflammations. .35 2 Worms, Worm Fever, Worm Colic, .35 3 Teething, Collo, Crylng.TOnkctulness .23 4 Diarrhea, ot Children or Adults.-.., .23 7 Coughs. Coltls, Bronchitis 25 8 Neuralgia. Toothache, Faccacho. 23 O Headache, Sick Headache, Vertigo,. .25 10 Dyspepsla, Indlgestlon,WeakStomach.25 11 Suppressed or Painful Period 23 12 White. Too Frotuso Derlods 25 13 Croup. Laryngitis, Hoarseness 25 14 Balt Illienm. Erysipelas. Eruptions.. .23 lO-Ilheumotlsm, rtheumatlo Tains 35 16 Malaria, Chills, Fever and Ague 25 10-C'atorrli. Influenza, Cold In tho Head .25 20 Wltooplns-t'oiish - 25 B7-Kldoev Dlseaso 25 28-Nervous Debility 1.00 30-Urlnurv Weakness, Wetting Bed... .25 T7-Orlp, Ilay Fever .25 Dr. Humphreys' Manual ot all Diseases at your iruKRiiii or iutuicu r ruu. . Sold by druggists, or sent on receipt of price. Surunhroys' Mod. Co., Cor. William & John Sta. aw York. IT'S DIFFEDENT THE NORTH AMERICAN (PHILADELPHIA) IT'S DIFFERENT, becauso it prints all the news, and all the news It prints Is true. IT-S DIFFERENT, because it's bright and brisk, up-to-date and vigorous, but not yellow. IT'S DIFFERENT, because its only policy is to tell the truth. It has no covert or personal Interests to promote, It serves no political ambition, no creed, no class prejudice, no mere partisan purpose. IT'S DIFFERENT, because It advocates equal taxation and battles against the existing system, which favors the rich corporation at the expense of the farmer, the merchant, the manufacturer and the wage-earner. fPS DIFFERENT, because It stands for Republican principles, and makes war uoon all who. under the stolen name of Republicanism, are disloyal to those principles. p"S DIFFERENT, because It believes rnannooa ana not money snouia ruie, Therefore it upholds the rights of all, as against the aggressive power ot th privileged lew. ri-S DIFFERENT, because no boss, no corporation, can control ono line of Its space. IT'S DIFFERENT, becausa It Is non. sectarian and broad; every party, every faith, every class, and the worklneman equally with the millionaire, gets a fair hearing In Its columns. IT'S DIFFERENT, be cause It upholds faith In humanity, and the pro gress of mankind toward higher Ideals, larger hopes and better living. ONE CENT ri-H different, u will continue to bo different. Watch The North Ameri can and see It grow. 13 To PATENT Good Ideas may be secured by our old. Address, THE PATENT RECORD. Baltlmora. MrL gobsorljitlons. to The. Patent Baoord tUKlpcr aomuo. m 100 PILLS I 26 CTS. Disappointed at Not Dotting Thoii Fay Thoy Attaok Gondarmos. FIVE DEAD, ELEVEN WOUNDED. C'nrlilnos nnd Moulin ton Woro Freely Used, nnil 1'or n 1'ew Minutes Tliore Wns n I.lvoly Fight All tho Dead Aro Colored Ctilmtis. Santiago do Cuba, Aug. 21. Five men aro dead and 11 wounded as a result of a fight Tuesday night bo tween gendarmes and disappointed Cuban soldiers at Cuovltas, three miles irom Santiago, whero tho paymont ol tho Cuban troons Is nrocrcsslnn. Five thousand Cubans had gathered there to recolvo pay, and after threo days only 5S0 had been paid. Thousands who had been disappointed at othei points had como to Cuovltas, as tha last placo of paymont In the province. Tho imperfect llBt caused creat dis satisfaction, and a rumor circulated that the paymasters would leavo yes terday alarmed the men who had not been paid. Thoy began to collect In groups and to show their annoyance. lnaliy their throats became serious. Captain Ballat, with 20 gendarmes, waB present to preserve order among the applicants nnd tho United States troops protected Colonel Moalo. the ofllcor having chargo of the payments. suciueniy uaptaln nallat, who was mounted, was surrounded by a mob, struck by stones and bottles and shot In the arm. His men promptly fired a volley Into tho mob, three persons being instantly killed and thirteen wounded, two of whom died in the morning. Colonel Moalo's guard nromntly sur rounded tho money oOlco, but took no part in the lighting. For o few min utes there was n llvoly conflict, car bines and machetes being used freely. Captain Blllat was tho only gendarme wounded. All tho dead were colored Cuban soldiers. Payments woro resumed yesterday morning under p. heavy guard. There are rumors that a force Is being or ganized to attack tho pay office, but these are probably unfounded. Gen eral Castillo, civil governor of San tlago de Cuba, was at Cuovltas at the timo, and soon restored order. There Is no doubt that tho Inaccurate list will cause a great deal of hard ship. Many veterans have vainly fol lowed the United States commissioners for six weeks, only to find that their names are not listed. Drink Oraln-0 after you have concluded that you ought not to drink coffee. It is not a medicine but doctors order it, because it Is healthful, invigorating and appetizing. It is made from pure grains and has that rich seal brown color and tastes like the finest grades of coffee and costs about as much. Children like it and thrive on it because it is a genuine food drink containing nothing but nourishment. Ask your grocer or Grain-O, the new food drink Is and 25 Bnrod llor Ilos'om For Lover's Shot New York. Aug. 24. The bodies of John Landauer, a clgarmaker, aged 25 and Josephine Engel, aged IB, wero found In a lot at River avenue and One Hundred and Fiftieth street yes terday. Both had been shot through tho heart. In Landauer a right nana was a revolver. Tho body of tho girl was Identified by her father, Frederick Engel. who said that she disappeared from home a woeK from last Sunday, Landauer. who, with his wife and three children, lived In the same house with the Engols, disappeared at tho samo time. On tho body of Landauer was found a noto addressed to his wife, In -which ho expressed regret for what he had done and said that ho was about to end all his troubles. From the po sltlon of tho bodies It was clear that tho woman had first lain down upon the grass, nnd opened t' i fropt of her dress, bared her bosom so that tha bullet her lover had ready would be sure to reach her heart. Tell Your Sister A beautiful complexion Is an Impossibility without good puro blood, tho sort that only oxists in connection with the good digestion a healthy livor aud bowels. Karl's Clover Boot Tea acts directly on the bowels, liver and kiduoys keeping them in porfect health Prico 25 cts. and 50 eta. Sold by P. D. Kirli on a guarantee TlioTeutU's Woloomo In Omnlm, Omaha, Aug. 24. All arrangements havo been completed for the enter talnment of the Pennsylvania regiment when It stops here on Its return from the Philippines. The streets along the line of inarch are elaborately decorated Tho train will be run bo that the regf mont will arrive hero In time to par take of dinner In the big cafe at tho exposition, after which the men will havo the freedom of the grounds and the entire city for that matter. The ar rangements are largely In the hands of former Pennsylvanlans, now resld ing in this city. When You Hide Your Wheel Always shake Into your shoes Allen's Foot Ease, a powder for tho feet. It koeps your feet cool, prevents sweating feet, and makes your endurance ten-tola eroater. over one million wneel people are using Alien's r oot. Ease. Tlievall praise it. It elves rest and comfort to smarting, not, swollen, acuinc, feet and Is a certain cure for Ingrowing nails At all druggists and shoe stores, S5o. Samph FREE by mail. Address, Allen S. Olmsted Le Koy, N. Y. Tlio I'rosldont l.ortvcs' IMnttslmrjr Plattsburg, N. Y Aug. 24. Tho presidential party will leavo here this evening for Long Branch. Thoy will reach Long Branch about 8 o'clock to morrow morning and will remain at Long Branch until Saturday afternoon when thoy will start for Pittsburg, They expect to reach Pittsburg about 0 o'clock Saturday evening. "Itching hemorrhoids, were tho plaguo of my llfo. Was almost wild. Doan's Oint ment cored me oulckly and permanently after doctors had failed." (J. i . Uoruwell, Valley street, Saugertles, N. Y. tlnton Veterans' Union. Dos Moines, Ia Aug. 24. General Robert St. George Dyrenforth, Washington. D. C. was re-elected com mander-ln-chtef of tho Union Veterans' union without opposition, General George E, Ludloy of South Pakota, deputy commander-in-chief; General W. L. French of Massachusetts, second deputy commander. The other officers heretofore elective, will be hereafter appointed, A now constitution was adopted, changing tho name to "union uattlemen, or Union Veterans union, "I had a running, itching soro on my ieg, Suffered tortures. Doan's Ointment took away tho burning and itching Instantly and quickly effected permanent cure." 0. W, Lcnhart, Bowling Green, 0, ,m, if For Infants and Children. rtttgclablcPicpararionforAs- stwiiatrng uTcrooaflndKcguia llng Hits tomnchs andJJawcis cf 2romote9TJIfTeslion,Chcciful- ticss afidBcst.Contfllns neither OpiumIorphinO norHincral. MotNAhgoiic. JinrnXui Setil" ItoktlUSM ytmtt Stl tfS CarbanaKScSw ' XlmtudStMrtr . Anofcctlfcmcdv forConslioa tiori, Sour.Stomach.Diarrhoca, VYonrtSAjorivulsions.Fevcrisli ncs? rmdLoss OF SLEEP. "SUcSlnulo Signature of KEW 'YORK. 1 1 HsWnfTfWfV'.TTin rYrTPSiS I S I raArrr-xjoprDF'WRAEPEn. j sH iili'" - " " THC CCNTAUR COMPANY. NEW YORK CITT. "HE THAT WORKS EASILY, WORK: SUCCESSFULLY." CLEAN HOUSE WITH MOTT'S PENNYROYAL of menstruation." They aro "IilPJE SAVJ3KS" to girls at womanhood, aiding development of organs and body. No known remedy for women equals them. Cannot do harm llfo becomes a pleasure. JjU.OO PER 1IOX HY MAIL. Sold by druggists. DB. MOTT'S CHEMICAL CO., Cleveland, Ohio. For Sale toy p. W. Houck. $1000 "T?OR any case of Hay Fever, 1 or Influenza that BRAZILIAN BALM will not cure, if directions are followed. No lysician, ever dared to make we did not know that BRAZILIAN BALM is a quick, posi tive, and permanent cure, lhompson roster, of Wilming. ton, Del., says : "I suffered for ten years. I hen 1 used cured me in three days. That had it since. BRAZILIAN BALM is a wonderful remedy and does everything that is claimed for it." We have hun dreds of such testimonials. We will give a reward in the case of Asthma, ror sale by bottle, or sent if you mention R JACKSON & CO., Manufacturing Chemists, Shenandoah Drug Store, HoTioisg TEN TMO(JSAY UTTLE TffMJ TN TfOUSAND fall Won rfllvmtlltwl RCICHT mum 2W iuum b mitL new HiMPSHim. rwr. mssiemsem. moil isuno. coMHtcncin. ntw tost. miHsnmiK mni itm jttur. NEW YORK Peprl fr-f car Hook, "A Bird's Eye View ot New York,rand Its Greatest Store Si? ixig'S- Wvntlfully Illustrated od(1 very Interesting. Tells you all about New ypik udiI lio to go about. Fkex fob tus askiko. Florida Short tine. The Now York nnd Florida Express, via Southern Railway, leaving Broad street station, Philadelphia, dally at 5:31 p. m. carries through Pullman sleeping cas to Angasta and Savannah, Oa,, Jacksonville and Tampa, Fla., via Charlotte aud Columbia. This Is tho short lino and most attractive route to points in Georgia and Florida. All Information cheerfully furnished by Cliarlos It. Hopkins, District Passenger Agent, 828 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. How Is Your Wife 1 lias she lost her beauty ? If so, Constipa tion, Indigestion, Sick Headache are tho principal causes. Karl's Clover Root Tea has enred these ills for half a century. Price 25 cts. and 50 cts. Money refunded If results are not satisfactory. Sold by P. D. Klrliu on a guarantee, ' The Kind You Have Always Bought The d Have Always Bought. PILL They ovcrcomo Weak ness, Irregularity and omissions, increase vig or and banish "nains Cold in the Head, Rose Cold person, not ev'en the greatest such an offer, nor would we if with Hay Fever every summer BRAZILIAN BALM which was in 18S7 and I have never druggists. 50c and $i.oo a this paper. Indianapolis, Ind. Wholesale and Retail Agents. YOU'LL OET ALL THAT'S A-C0UINQ TO YOU." If, when contemplating a trip to any point West or Southwost of the Mississippi Itlvor, you will purchaso tickets via tho Missouri Paclflo Ky , or Iron Mountain Route (which aro on Balo at all principal ticket offices in the United Statos), you will havo all the comforts and luxuries of modern railway equipment, and tlio finest opportunities for viewing all of naturo's museums and marvels of Utah, Colorado, Kansas, Arkansas, Toxap, Old and New Mexico, California, etc Ex. curslon tickets to all principal points at greatly reduced rates. On account of tho National Education Association meeting at Los Angeles In July, wo will make special low round trip rates. When contemplating a trip West or Southwest, write us for full InfnrmRtlrm mid rnck bottom figures. W E. Uuyt, ll. 11, P. Agent, J. P. McGinn, T. P. Agout, 301 Broadway, Now York, 4-22-tf Bears the Signature fw a$ Km J You REWARD ''-mm DREYFUS TOL GOES ON Production of tha Flimsiost Trash For the Prosecutioni FIERCE DENIALS BY PRISONER. Much of tlio Tctimoti- Would Indi cate That tlio I'rlHOiicir Was Charged Willi Otlu-r onto 1 1 mi Tlinn TrortMon. Morclcr Mnj Oo to Prison. ttemnes, Aug. II. Tho seMlon of th court mnrtlnl yenlortlay wi cmnpftr tlvely unpvpntfftl. The deposition; wern not productive of any really thrilling incidents. The systematic production of the flimsiest trash, which the prose cution deems profitable to Inflict on the Judpes, nnd which the latter accept as ovldence, was proceeded with. Much of the ridiculous testimony of the morn ing was devoted to an attempt to blast Dreyfus' private character, though, whan Maltres I-nborl .nnd Demnnge had finished with the witnesses, their bub bles of tittle-tattle wero badly pricked. Much of tho time was occupied In rending the testimony of Eslerhazy nnd Mile. Pavs before tho court of cas sation, during which many of tho au dlenco left the court. M. Laborl again distinguished himself In laying baro the weak nolnts of the evidence. He was loss fierce, however, than the pre vious day, though quite aggressive enough to arouse tho latent hostility of tho Judges, which showed Itself In various little ways. M. Laborl Is no favorlto either with Major Carrlere, tho government's commissary, and tho latter makes no serious effort to con ceal his feelings townrds tho lawyer. The only dangerous opponent of Drevftis was General Gonse, who mounted the stage with a quick stop nnd apparently light heart Hut, he left it badly mauled by M. I.abi.d. Gen eral Gonse began by declaring he came to defend his honor against ttiose drlvolinc" ntralnst him. But when hla cross-examination was finished ho returned to his seat with his tall be tween his legB, for M. Laborl ha driven him Into n corner on tho at tempts of tho general staff to shield Esterhazy and had shown thnt tno gen eral staff, for which Gonse was re sponsible, had engineered Bstorhaiy's csrnio from the hands of Justice Tho confident tones of the general hnd bv then dwindled Into tho proverbial still, mall voice, and his doflant bearing hnd changed Into tho abashed air of a schoolboy caught telling a Ho. Two good samples of tho men put. up to sully Dreyfus' prlvato character wero tho third and fourth witnesses, first. Major Du Chatelot repeated an al leged conversation of Dreyfus regard ing n Indy at whoso houbo urcyiuB is alleged to have gambled and lost money, nut when cross-examined uu Chntelefs memory failed him entirely. especially when asked tho name of tho lady, tho street sho resided In and the sum Dreyfus lost. Next M. Dubreull showed equally as toundlnc forgetfulness on essential nolnts of his evidence concerning Drey fus' acquaintanceship with a foreign at tache, and when M. Demango cappeu his successful examination of thoso nolnts by promising to show M. Du breull's record in tho law courts Is far from clear tho witness loft tho stand badly discredited. M. Dubrleul said ho was greatly a tonlshed at the "suspicious familiar ity" between tho attache and Dreyfus, nnd that, perceiving they disapproved of hla presence, M, Dubrleul ceased his visits to M. Codson. When the latter asked tho reason for this, saying, a& cording to tho witness, that Dreyfus was tho friend and even the lover of his wife, nnd asked witness' advice as to how to get rid of her, witness asked M. Bodson If he had proofs, and uoa son replied: "Proofs? Yes. I have oven proofs enough to drive Dreyfus out or tho French army." Dreyfus protested excitedly against the evidence of M. Dubrleul, who is a Parisian friend of M. de Beaurepalro but Colonel Jouaust exhorted him to ho calm, promising tho prisoner a chanco to reply. This arrived shortly after wards, and Dreyfus thundered out: I won't speak hero of Monsieur or Ma dame Codson, except to say that my relations with Madame Bodson ceased In 1880 or 1887, since when I have never seen her. I wish simply to assert that tho witness Is lying. I never dined nt M. Bodson's with any civil or military attache. The matter must be cleared up. People must produce definite facts here, and not mere tittle-tattle. Tho name of the person with whom I am alleged tQ havo dined must ho ascer tained, it must oe Known nere wno is lying and who Is speaking the truth ' General De Dlonne, governor of the military collogo, testified to Dreyfus' character at college. The prisoner, he said, displayed great Intelligence, hut had a doplorahle temper. He recalled a remark of Dreyfus that the people of Alsace-Lorraine would bo much hap' pier under German rule than under the rule of France, Tho prisoner, referring to tho re criminations mentioned by General Do Dlonne, explained that during his first year at tho military college he attained very high marks; that the second year he almost held his place, when, ho added, ho heard that a member of tho examining board had declared at board meeting that, without knowing the pupils, ho put. mark five opposite the name of Dreyfus simply because. they did not want a Jew on the head quarters staff. Regarding his alleged remarks about Aisaco-ixirraine, uroy fus declared that the statement was the very opposlto of his real senti ments. Immediately after Colonel Schneider, attache of tho Austrian embassy, re turned to Paris ho wrote another let ter to Figaro confirming his repudia tion of tho forgery used by Mercler at Itennes, and continued; "On Nov. 30, 1897, my opinion was absolutely contrary to that expressed In tho documont in quostlon. The ad dttion of that date nnd my signature to the text attributed to me constitutes a forgery, even If which I am unablo to Judgo without seeing It the text emanated from mo at a different date." Tho firm attitude of Colonel Schnel dor, who Is undoubtedly backed by Austria, Is a sourco if great Joy to tho Dreyfusltes. Thoy see in his action the utter downfall of Mercler, who, they declare, will bo put In a military prison witmn a ween. Ills Life Wai Saved. Mr. J. E. Lilly, a prominent citizen of Hannibal, Mo., lately had a wonderful de liverence from a frightful death. In telling of it ne says ! "1 was taken with lyphoid Fever, that ran into Pneumonia. My lungs became hardened, I was so weak I couldn't even sit up in bed. Nothing helped me. I expected to soon die of Consumption, when I heard of Dr. Kind's New Discovery. One bottle gave great relief. I continued to use it, aud now am well and strong. I can't say too much in its praise." This marvelous medicine is the surest and quickest cure in the world for all Throat and Lung Trouble. Reg ular sizes 50 cents and fi.oo. Trial bottles free at A. Wasley'sdrug store; every bottle guaranteed INSANE ASYLUM SCANDAL Tho Mini lent Ulrwtor Ac"ill of At melon C rliiitm mill OUhiImh!. Sun I'mnrlwo, Ang. 24. Th nUte board of lunacy coinmliulouera met here yesterday to hear the ruport of Governor Gage on the result of the In vestigation of the board into the con ditions existing at the Agnews asylum for the Insane, situated near San Joso. The Investlgafon of affaire at A gnaws was direct result of the birth of a child to one of the patients. Sensational charges were made and the Investiga tion followed. As a result of the Investigation Dr. Sponagle, medical director, and two of his assistants have been removed. Gov ernor Gage Included In his report tho testimony of reputable people tending to show thnt Sponagle's career was one of gross Immorality and crime. Gov ernor Onje assrrts that In 1S92. whllo Sponnplo was a resident of Fresno, In this state, he was accused of trying to defraud a Philadelphia Insurance com pany, whose medical examiner he was, out of $10,000, with the assistance of n Mrs. Skinner, whose husband was dying of consumption. The governor says that Sponngle was nccuped of criminally assaulting a wo man patient. Governor Gage further nsserts that Dr. Sponngle was also ac cused, at one time, of having murdered a Mr. Thurman. to whom he owed money, and that several women patients of Dr. Sponngle have made charges of a serious nature against Sponngle. who was attending them professionally. Million In n Mlnlnir I'roporty. Dead wood. S. D., Aug. 21. Tho Hearst Interest one-third of tho cat V imestake mine of this city. Is to bo sold In London next month. Tho details of the deal are all made. Tho mine is valued at about $0,000,000 and Is capitalized at $12,000,000. It has paid dividends of $7,228,000 and Is under stood to have ground open to Insuro dividends of $05,000 monthly for tho next 20 years. The Hearsts get about $8.500.000 for the third Interest. THAT VITAL SPOT. The prize fighter always alms for the vital spot in the body. When lie reaches it, as Pitzsimmons did with Corbett, the other man is knocked out. To protect the vital points ot the body is the first care of the fighter. The storanch is the vital spot to lc protected against the deadly -s that univer- i sal pugilist called con- s ' su motion. If it is permitted to get out of orderIf uie Diooa Decomcs iuu oi unpunura, the system is allowed to run-down it won't be long until consumption will hnd the "openintr' ana tlenl its tntal blow. Protect votirself with Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, the non-alco- liolic remedy for the stomach, blood and nerves. Take it for lingering coughs. colds, bronchitis, weak and bleeding lunirs. It has cured so many thousands that it will also cure you. Don't under nnv circumstances permit the medicine dealer to induce you to take some other remedy. There are many suDstitutes on the market, but none of them possess the power to cure like "Golden Medi cal Discovery. After usine about five bottles of Dr. nerce's Golden Medical Discover)- my boy seems to be all riRht." writes Mr. J. W. Trice, of Ozark. Monroe Co , Ohio. " He was very bad when I commenced to give him the 'Golden Medical utscQYcry. me uociors ciaimeu lie mui con sumption and we doctored with them until he wfi past walking. It has been ten months since he stopped taking your medicine and he is tlU in good health " To knock out constipation and bilious ness, take Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. Philadelphia & Readinq R y. Engines Born Hard Goal No Smoke. IN EFFECT JULY 1, 1S'9. Trains leave Shenandoah as follows : For New York via Philadelphia iv-ek davh. 2 10, 5 38, 7 87, 9 &5 a. m., 12 26, 3 09 ant ft 09 p. m. Suudas, 2 10 a m. For New York via March Chunk, week days 7 37 a. m., 12 24 and 3 09 p. m. For Readlne and PhlladelDhla. week davs. 2 10, 5 38, 7 37. 9 53 a. m 12 20, 8 09 and 8 09 p. m. ounuays, z iu a m. ror I'oiuviue. weec oars, -j io. 7 37. 9 S3 a. m 12 26, 8 09, 6 09 and T 30 p. m. Sundays, 2 10 a rn. ror ramaqua ana juanauoy uuy. week dava 210, 787, 955 a. in., 12 26. 8 09 and 6 09 p. m. lunaavs. z 10 a m. For WilllamsDort. Sunburv and Lewlsbure. wees: aays. a 11 a. m., Li o, 1 isu p. m Sundavs. 3 27 a m. ForMahano. Plane, weekdays, 210,8 27,5 84, 787,9 55.1182 a.m.. 12 26, 8 09, 8 09, 7 80, 3 58 (i. ui. ounuuys, 2 iu anu ana in. For Ashland and Shatnokln, week days, 3 27, , 01. 11 Om a. iu.. u -u. a vj. o irt. 1 2a ana laar. m. Sunday, 3 27 a in. For Baltimore, Washington and the West via B. AO. U. It., through trains les- Reading Terminal, Philadelphia. (P. & R, B E.) a 3 20, 1 o.j, 11 -o b. m., oiu anu t.t p. l.. sunaays a , w, it mi it. ill. , a ,u (, 11 li , M 1 p. ill. AUU1 tlonal trains from Twenty-fourth and Chest- nuisireeia siaiiou, wees: aays, maua. m. IZ 20 12 16 8 to p.m. Sundays, 1 85,8 23 p. m. TRAINS FOR SHENANDOAH. Leave New York via Philadelphia, week aays, 12 13, 1 80, 7 30, 11 BO a. m and 1 30, 4 9 00 p.m. Leave New York via Mauch Chunk, week davs. 4 80. 9 10 a. m.. 1 80. 4 40 d. m. Leave Philadelphia. Readlna Terminal. n,rl aays, 4 bo, 8 80, 10 21 a. m. and 1 36, 4 08, 6 36, 11 Bo p. m. ix;ave Keaaing, week aays, 137, 700. 1003 , m., 12 19, 4 17. 00, 8 26 p. m. Leave Poltavlile. weekdays. 717. 7 40 a. m. 9 30. 12 SO. 1 20. 4 30. 6 10 and 6 50 11. m. jeave 1 amaqua, weec uaya, 1 18, 8 86, 1127 a. in., 1 49, 5 S6, 7 20, 9 It p. m. iave juanauoy v.iiy, weeK aays, 8 45, 9 04, 11 t a. iu., j , o i, o 1 11, luuap, m Leave Mal'annv Plane, week dava. 2 40. 4 00 680. 9 22.1023,1200, a. m., 2 39, 6 86, 642, 758 1U 6 p 111, Leave Wlllltnuport, week days, f 43, 1000 a m 12 84 and 4 00, 11 80 p. m. ATLANTIC CITY DIVISION, Leave Philadelphia Chestnut street wharf and South atreetwhaif lor Atlantic City. Wrckdaya Express, 8 00,9 00, 10 45 a in, 130, 2 00, 3 00, 3 40 sixty minute, 4 00, 4 30. 500 sixty minute, 6 80, 715, prn. Accomodation, 6 IS a m, S 80, 6 80 p m. Sundays Express, 7 SO, 8 00, 8 80, 9 00, 10 00 a m, 4 45, 7 15 pm. Accommoda tion, 6 15 a 111, 4 45 p m. $1.00 Excursion 7 00 a m uauy anu 7 ou eunaays. Leave Atlantlo City Depot 1 Weekdays Ki press, 645 Mondays only , 7 00, 7 45, 7 50 from Baltic ave. station only, 830, 9 00, 1015, 1100 am, a so, 4 BO, oau, 7 30, 9 30 pm. Accommo dation, 4 23, 8 00 am, 3 60 pm. Sundays Ex. press, 3 80, 4 00, 5 00, 6 00, 6 30. 7 00, 7 30. 8 00, 6SH1111. Accommodation. 7 15 a in. 4 30 nm 11.00 Excursion, weekdays 6 00 p m, Sundays 610. For Ocean City Weekdays 8 45. 9 15 a in. 2 15. 4 15. 5 15 n ro Sundavs 8 15. Q 15 n m.ii p m. 11.00 excursion Thursday and Sunday 7 00 a in For Cape May and Sea Isle City Weekdays 9 15 a m, 3 80, 4 15 n m. Sundays 8 45 a u 4 45 p m. ILOO excursion Sundays only, 700 a m. Additional for Capo May Weekdays 8 54 m in. 1; u 11v.11 j a in a 11,, Parlor Cars on all express trains. For further Information, apply to nearest Philadelphia and Reading Railway ticket agent ur uurona T. A RwirrnAnn Vnanw T Oen'l Hurt, Gen'i Paaa'r Agt. A Hand Is one of the possess, i?i glvwlt. Handsomo Complexion 1 i greatest charms a worr.au can! 0Z20NI'B CouruizioH IHiwcuoJ iE.8iiUj....uures Coughs, Colds, Grippe, Whooping Cough. Asthma Oronohltls and Incipient Consumption, is German remedy Curt ttrc o A mA utaq AXxtasM . Yon con bUme yourself If you do n't pet real feoxl co if e a to drink. Ordinary colTt-e Is made de Iteioin br adding SFKUa'4. t tt(. a package for SccI1ra. A little of th;s isdmlxture to 'cheap coffer ms.lt e n delicious drink and save expense. PROFESSIONAL CARDS itf. M. UUItKB, ATTORNEY -A1-LAW. Office Kir an bulldlnr. corner ol Main an Centre street, BbenandoAh. J CLAUDE BROWX, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. OITlco! Cor. Centre and While streets, nut to Justice Tooroey'a ofllos. Q OltUHLnit, M. D PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. No. SO Host Lloyd Street. Onlco hours: to 9 a. m.) 1 to8p.ni. 7 to 9 p. in. pKOF. JOHN JONES, nOSICAL INSTRUCTOR, Lock Box es, Mahanov Oily, Pa. Hating studied nnder some of the best marttera in London and Prl- -will vivn v,u. on lUevlolIn, mandolin, frultar and vocal ciltnre. Terms reasonable. Address In care, ol StraaM, Ibe leweler Hhcmandoah. Pennsylvania RAILROAD. 8CH0TKILL DIVISION. Jclv 1, 18W. Trains will leave Khenandoah alter tha aaovc datofor WciraiJ, Ollbcrton, Prackvllla, Dark W atcr, 81. Clair, I'oltsvllle. itamburs;, Keadlan, Pottstown, Fhoenlxrille. Xorrlstown and PhG. adelpbU (llrul strtel station) at 815 and SOS a. m., a 10, 8 l p to. on week days. 8unaaTa, 8 05 a. m., 4 20 p. m. Zrelns. JeaTO Frackvllle lor Shenandoah at i..: 11 ,'8 a. m. and 5 84, 7 8S p. m, Buadav. 11 01 a. m. and 5 S8 p. m. Leave I'ottsrtlle for Bbenacdoah (rlaFrack. ville) 7 10, 11 aj a. m., 8 10, 7 10 p. m. Bandar 10 85 a. m 8 10 p. m. Leave Philadelphia, (Broad street station), far Sheaandoah at 8 35 a. m.. 1 10 p. m. waek days. Hundays leavo al 8 M and 8 13 a. m. t,1J"'.MI,'Jl,e,Pll,(Iiroa1"lr' stalloa) far rottsville.S 30,8 a?, 1019 a. m., 10, i 10,711 p. m. weekdays. Sundays. 8 80, 9 2 a. to. and 5Q2D zn. lave Uroad Street Station, Philadelphia, FOR NEW YORK. .ISIr!?'l!' We-k-lya, 8 SO, i 05, 4 40, 8 00. 8 IS rn,-ILM' U-lndted 100 and pmf.Hg. days, and 8 10 n. m.. Catsklll Express Parlor ear, 11 03 am wade i or tcn Qirt, Asbury Park, Omss roTn, Long Ilranch, 4 05, 6 50.8 80,11 41 am. 141, g S 4 08 pin weesdnys; 300 p m SaturdayToaly; tSTM", i mV iate'1 " For Lambenville, Easton and Seranton. n. 9 00 a m, 12 00 uoon. 8 82. s 00 nKViTi' TY Kaston only), weekdays, and 7 02 p m dally p'm dal'l? a m, 12 00 noon weekdays, and7 OS Jiount 1-ocono special, 103 p m Saturdays WASHINGTON AND THE SOUTIT. For Baltimoro and Washington, 8 50, T 20, 8 89. I Y1 11 Ol at m 14m a. 1. . -T ' . . I For Ralttmore, accommodation, 911a m. 1 (3 and 4 01 n m week days, 5 OS and 11 16 p ro dally. . Atlantio Coast Line. Kxr.rc-12 oq rT . j 12 05 nlgbt, dally. ' Southern Railway. Expresa-SM and I IS p ra, dally, Norfolk and Western Railway for Uemphte and New Orleans. 5 Slpm dally. "" nesapcake Ohio I tall way, 71 pm. daily. For Old Point Comfort 11,1 h'.tfnll. 11. j. a m weekdays, 11 10 p m dally. if?Ie i?'k' ,,.re' wharf as follows l Ba prea, for New York, 0 00 a m, 4 80 p m weak, daya. For Long Dranch via Seaside Park, a id ? .m' ' . , .n1. ;Mpn week-dsya. Saaday fstoiw at Interlakeu for Aabury Park J, T 0 an. and 4 00 p m weekdays) 130 p rn eaturdars' cckdaysi 7 30 a m. .117, VIWAEB oniy. nunuays, 730 am. For Tuskertou. 9 10 a m and 4 00 p m weekdays. FOR ATLANTIC CITY. Leava Broad street aUtlon via Delaware rtra ridge Exnreaa. 4 M. s in Im n,lnn,..i ml 81 minutes, 4 00 80 minutes, 70S 185 minutes I J H V,' ,4M1 8 20 Is0 mlnutas) .m, 2 88 82 minutes, 7 0 85 minutes p.m. Ix-Ava Market Stt-Ml vt,H.f ' S-. 8SJ0, (73 minutes). 1000 73 mlnutea, Vrn? (10 5i!,urd.?y" "i"1':'' 3 nl5Utea), 3 orM70mlnuls), 3 00 ( 75 mlnutea), 8 30 (60 minutes), 4 00 ((3 JSl? "iS1,4 i l",nl'), 00 60 minotiT 7 00 am week-days. Sundays, 7 00 and 7 80 a ns. ii i ?i'1"',;1 "K'esea. "iiawom.JKollr j.,,,,,, t ou, i ua (iuu minutsaj, 500 p m week-days. Sundava. 8 30 a ra. ur Cape May only, 1 80 p m Saturdays. 11.00 In cursion train, 700 a. m. daily, a.VorSf? I1' 9i'7' Ooeao Avalon aad Stone Harbor Express 9 10 am, 2 80, 4 20, 1 03 pmweekdays. Sundays, 8 SO a m. 11-00 Exsas alon train, 700 a ra dally ror somera' Point Expreaa, 6 00, 8 M, 1009 a m, (1 00 Saturdays only), 2 00, 3 00, 4 0U, i 00, 1 at p m weelidays. Sundays, 3 00, a 00, 9 OOand io 52 a m, 4 30 p in. i ue union Transfer Company wUl call fn and check baggage from hotels and realdeaeea. jJining uar. I. B. HtrrcmKsoir, J. a. Wood. uen i Manager. Uen'l Pass'g'r Agt Derer fal1 .r than i y mm m, i au- .drureri Mil .'l nirofaftsr fatltnu rcnwdMii AJvtyibuyue but an' nd d'tty . WASTED BY THE CHASE KNKUI.I.rir AlBVtn i )icit or.tt ra for our hrd Hungry btoclt. KipnMS tn -lrr to thost iMvioff Donif, r cotuniLiMloD to 1(K cal eut, 1 1 rtoautnt & enany iern(Ki. Aogro Tho Rosy Froshnoss And a velvety softness of the akin la Inva riably obtained by thorewhouso I'oxxom'i Oomplexlon Powder. onos 5 00, 5 15 '8 35, 9 aff M0 Jl. 10 JOl . S. ' Ml 08 12 03. 2 30. t ba Limited, U W"), 8 30. ?84. 8 7 02, a 1 10. 10 00 p m. 13 01 night ' For Boston without h.n.. mil . 51? V. 5 n'Kh' weekdays. Sundays, 8 90, 7 Z. 9 12. 11 23 a m. 12 (n, 1 k 12, 4 41 jj Oon grew,lonal Llm.J, 8 81, 6 55, 1 81 n m aad U a