The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, August 23, 1899, Image 3

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uniioubtcu Reliability is Expressed
ln Shenandoah endorsement
What's your tmckttiR 7
Whon nstraiieer npplloK for credit
That's tho first question ft banker nsks.
Hamo rule iippli t" nuvthltig sttango.
ni..,w foil w flmioarHticos.
Thcv who depend oil n ttrauger's wold
orttlmoa Ret left
What you want Is homo endorsement.
The hncklnir of peoph- you know.
Slipintrxlinti proof fur Shenandoah people.
n-l....".. r..lttv lil-n.
Surely no hotter Uieklwt can bo hail than
ihn followlnc stateni'jnt from
Mm W. S. Lliicleumuth of 332 Mayberry
nllev. who says: "I "soil Donu's Klilnoy
Pill I procured from Klrlln's pharrmcy
cured inn of pain In my hack, giddiness when
I stooped and an acute lameness across my
kidneys. They regulated tlio kidney secre
tions and relieved mo of much nniioynnco. I
rfounimonrt Doan's Kidney Pills as being
most effective preparation to euro disordered
Doan's Kidney Tills for sale by all denlcrs.
Price 50 cents. Mailed by lottr-Mllburn
Co., Duflalo, N. Y. Sofe agents for the U.
S. Remember the name Dam's and take
the wot srniNoa op Arkansas via.
Will cradlcato from your system tho linger
ing effects of grip and other ailments caused
hv thn sovore winter, and malaria, rlicuma.
tisui, neuralgia, catarrh, stomach, kidney,
liver and norvous dlsordors, paralysis, blood
and skin diseases, and clirouio and func
tional derangements. Tho mountain climato
of Hot Springs Is cool and delightful in
snmmcr. 100 hotols open tho year around.
For Illustrated literature, containing all
Information, address 0. F. Cooley, Manager
lluisncsa Men's League, Hot Springs, Ark.
For reduced excursion tickets and par.
tlcnlars of tho trip, address W. A. Turk,
Gen'l Pass. Agt., Southern Ky., Washington,
D. C, or C. L. Hopkins, District Passenger
A cent. 828 Chestnut St., Phlla., Pa. 0-1 -1m
Restores Vitality. Lost Vigor and Manhood.
Cures Impotency, Night Emissions and
wnstinp- diseases, all effects of self-
1 abuse, or exesss ana inuis-
cretlon. A ncrvo tonic and
Miirwul liiiilclor. Brines the
ppinlc glow to pale cneeKs ana
restoras tho Are of youth.
Bv mail 50o ner box, O boxes
for A'2.50: wKli a written guaran
tee to cure or reiunu uio iuuuuy.
Send for circular. Address,
Conton & Jackson Sts., CHICAGO, ILL.
Bold at KIrlln' drug storo. Shenandoah, To.
(MS Chlchutcr'a KnilLli Diamond Hran.
to Tv Orlfflnal and Only Genuine. A
VruzzM for CMcAtthr itngtun i'ia-V
koH? Bratui la Ued Oold 111IV
.lit, hina ribbon. Tftle
uv..,.v "... - ........ vy
.- .... ..Hlanii'L t.allmoiil&la and
"Itcllef Tor l,ii.Ili!."lnlll-.'jrl'i'
Bold U UcH Drucuu. rmijAU
Dr. Humphreys'
Specifics act directly upon tho disease,
without oxclting disorder in other porta
ot tho system. They Curo tho Sick.
BO. cubes. raicis
1 Fevers. Congestions, Inflammations. .23
2 Worms, Worm Fever, Worm Colic. .35
3 Teething, Collo.CrjlngVWnkefulnoss .23
4 Dlarrhea, ot Children or Adults...... .23
7 Cousin. Colds, Bronchitis 23
B Neuralgia, Toothache Faccacha..... .23
0 Headache, Sick Headache, Vertigo.. .25
JO Oyspepsla,Indlgestlon,WcakStomach.25
1 1 Kunnrcaaed or Painful Period 23
12 Whites. Too Profuse Dcrlods 23
13 Croup, Larvneltls, noarsenoss .25
14 Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Eruptions.. .23
18 Rheumatism, Rbeumatlo Fains 35
JO Malaria, Chills, Fover and Ague 25
19 Catarrh. Influenza, Cold la the Dead .23
SO Whooplnc-Couen - 23
27- IUdney Disease ... 25
28- Ncrvoui Debility 1.00
80-Urinarv Weakness. Wetting Bed... .25
T7-Grlp.nayFeYcr .23
Dr. Humphreys' Manual of all Diseases at your
Drugging or Mailed Free. ... ,
Sold by druggists, or sent on receipt of price.
Sumphrsys' Med. Co., Cor. William & John Sts,
ew York.
ITS PIFFKRKNT, because It prints
all the news, and all tho news it prints
Is true.
IT'S DIFFERKNT, because it's brleht
and brisk, up-to-date and vigorous, but
not yellow.
nollcv is to teli the truth. It has no
covert or personal interests to promote,
It serves no political ambition, no creed,
no class prejudice, no mere partisan
IT'S DIFFERENT. becauselt advocates
equal taxation and battles against the
existing system, which favors the rich
corporation at the expense of the
farmer, the merchant, the manufacturer
and the wage-earner.
pr-S DIFFERENT, becauso It stands
for ReDubltcan principles, and makes
war unon all who. under the stolen
name of Republicanism, are disloyal
to those principles.
IT'S DIFFERENT, because it believes
manhood and not money should rule.
Therefore it upholds the rights of all,
as against the aggressive power of the
privileged lew.
IT'S DIFFERENT, because no'boss. no
1 , . 1 II 111.
corporation, can uuuuui uuo uuo u it?
IT'S DIFFERENT, because it Is non-
sectarian and broad i every party, every
faiih f Vf.rv nlass. and the workineman
equally with the millionaire, gets a fair
hearing In Its columns.
cause It upholds faith in
humanity, and the pro
gress of mankind toward
higher Ideals, larger
hopes and better living
IT'S DIFFERENT. It will continue to
be different. Watch The North Ameri
can and see It grow.
I To PATENT Good Ideas
may be secured by
our aid. Address,
nl(lmnr. MrL
fiuucrintioaa to Ttio went uecora siuicr casual.
Tho Storm Doalt Death and Do-
Btruotion OH Atlantio Ooasti
No I.ohh Tlmn I'.lovcn Voisoln Aro
Aalioro JTonr llnttcrna, N. CV-Mnny
Slilivrookod genmen Who Wore
Itpnouod by tho l.lfo Snvors.
Norfolk. Va.. Auk. 23. Tho rocont
hurricane which doalt death and de
struction In Porto lltco apparently lost
but llttlo of Its fury when it struck the
Atlantic coast. No such damaging re
sult hna attended a storm In tho past
quarter of a century In this section
and tho stretch of beach from Kin
naltoa to Hatteras, N. C, a dlstanco of
about 18 miles, boars evldenco ot tho
force of the gale. Spars, masts and gen
eral wreckage of. Ave schooners are
strewn about, while now and thon a
body washod nshoro. Tho story was
long in reaching Norfolk, but It lost
none of Its dramatic interest by reason
of the delay
Thirty-five shipwrecked scamon. who
had nothing in tho world but the few
tattored and torn clothes on thoir back,
Bomn sick and all miserable, arrlvod
hero yesterday from Hatteras by way ot
the Norfolk and Southern railway from
Elizabeth City. It Is from them that
the story was learned. They report no
less than 11 vessels ashoro on tho coast
between Hatteras and Now Iliver Inlet,
and estlmato that 30 lives were lost.
Among those who arrived are ten ot
tho crow of the barkentino Prlscllla,
Captain Benjamin II. Springstein, of
Baltimore, which vessel lies broken In
three pieces on Gull shoals, 18 miles
north of Cape Hatteras. Thero woro
four fatalities shortly after the Prls
cllla went ashore, the captain's wife
being washod overboard and drowned
within ten minutes from tho time tho
bark struck. Othora who lost their lives
waro the captain's two sons, nged 21
and 12 years rospeotlvely; Golden
borough, two In tho Lee family and a
relatlvo of one of tho vessel owners, C.
Morton Stewart & Co. The older of the
SprlngBtcln boys was ilrst mate of the
Prlscllla. He and tho Qoldenborough
lad wore both washed overboard. His
brother was drowned In the cabin.
Captain Springstein escaped from
the wreck with tho romalndor of his
crew, but is still at Hatteras suffering
from a wound in the breast. The Pris
cilia left Baltimore for Rio Janerlo,
Brazil, on Saturday Aug. 12, with a
general cargo. Sho passed out the capes
on Monday, the 14th, and struck at 9
p. m. Thursday.
The schooner Robert w. Dasey, Cap
tain Olsen, which left Philadelphia
Aug. 14 for Jacicsonvlilo. Fla wltn
coal, struck the beach at 0 p. m. Thurs
day. Tho crew of six wore saved by the
life saving crew.
The schooner Florence Randall, Cap
tain Cavalier, was bound from Long
Island to Charleston, S. C, with fer
tilizer. She struck Wednesday and
soon wont to pieces. The crew of ten
and tho captain's wlfo were rescued by
tho breeches buoy.
Tho schooner Mlnnio Borgen, Cap
tain Bowman, from Philadelphia for
Neuvltas, Cuba, with iron, coal and
coal oil, anchored on Thursday and
shipped her cablo Friday morning. She
lost several sails and struck at 5 a. m.
Friday at Chicamlcomico. Her crew of
ten men were rescued by llfo savers
with tho breeches buoy.
Tho schoner Percy and Llllte.Captaln
Miller, of Now York, which ran Into
thestorm while bound from New York
to Charleston, S. C, with a cargo of
fertilizer, arrived hero yesterday, loak-
lng and otherwlso in distress.
Tho schooner Lottlo E. whlto, Cap
tain Mann, of Tappahannock, Va.,
bound from Baltimore to Nowberne, N,
C, with a cargo of corn, arrived hero
last evening In distress, sho having
encountered the storm last week.
Oraln-0 Brings Relief
to tho coQco drinker. Coffeo drinking Is
habit that is universally indulged in and
almost as universally injurious. Have you
tried Grain-O? It Is almost like coffeo but
tho effects are Just tho opposite. Coffeo
upsets tho stomach, ruins the dlgest'on
effects tho heart and disturbs tho whol
uorvous system. Grain-0 tones up tho
stomach, aids digestion and strengthens tho
nerves. There is nothing but nourishment
in Grain-O. It can't bo otherwise. 15 and
25c per package.
No nnvonue Stnmps on Pawn Tickets
Washington, Aug. 23. Tho commls
sloner of internal revenue naa re
versed the ruling ot his bureau con
cerning the affixing of stamps to pawn
tickets wbicb contain a olauso cnarg
lng for storage, except where tho
charge Is bona fldo In the case of cum
borsome articles or articles requiring
special care for their preservation. This
charge for storage on ail articles has
been a custom of pawn brokers to
evade the state laws against usury. The
commissioner now bolus that tho 25
cent stamp must not be affixed unless
there is a bona fide agreement for
storage charges as in the case ot safes,
clothing, household goods, etc.
Tell Your sister
A beautiful complexion Is an impossibility
without good pure blood, the sort that only
oxists in connection with the good digostion
a healthy liver and bowels. Karl's Clover
Boot Tea acts directly on the bowels, liver
and kidneys keeping them in perfect health
Price 25 cts. and 50 cts. Sold by P. D. Kirlin
on a guarantee.
aiurdored AVffo, dommtttod Snloldo,
Webb City, Mo., Aug. 23. Frank
Howell, aged 73 years, who recently
rnma hore from New York, committed
sulcldo yesterday after murdering his
need wife. After writing a note stai
lng that he had killed his wife and was
ahout to kill himself on account or
their physical sufferings, the old man
drank carbolic acio, siasnea Dam
wrists and fired two bullets into his
Ladles Can Wear Shoes
I Ona slzn smaller after using Allen's Foot-
n I I... .1,.!... Intn tl.lh afitAS
zmw, u yuwuoi w w Buvm oWv.
Tt m atria tight or new shoes feol easy : gives
instant relief to corns and bunions. It's tho
createst comfort discovery of the age. Cures
swollen feet, blisters and callous spots
Allen's Foot-Ease is a certain cure- for in
growing nails, sweating, hot, aohing feet. At
all druggists and shoe stores, 25c. Trial
package free by mall. Address, Allen S,
Olmsted, Lo Hoy, N. Y.
Prlvoto tMnlllnir CnrW. UiiThnllnblo..
Washington, Aug, 23. Postmaster
General Smith has Issued an order de
claring that tho use of the words
"private mailing cards" on prlntod
matter on cards which do not conform
to the prescribed size and quality ot
card, Is unauthorized aud that such
cards accordingly are unmallablo.
"Itching hemorrhoid), were the plague of
my life. Was almost wild, Doan's Oint
ment cured mo quickly and permanently
after doctors had failed." 0. F. Cornwcll
Valley street, Saugartlcs, N, Y.
i. ' lYuiiiii il.lni'l'i'iii.'ilL in,,. ii. i,. fie?
IlatrntS IhCTooilatKincdula-
! lliiiStomoLhs antlDowcls of
ticssandRcstConlalns neither
Opium,TIorpliin.e nor Mineral.
I'maJan Sail
AntM Sent
tiitmSstd -rVmfud
Sugar .
itirifryrwt- twin
Ancrfcct Remedy forConslioa
Worms .Convulsions .Feverish
ncss andLoss OF SLEEP.
IHcSlnule Signature of
-lushw lirrnD g
AlTWan. tl t! " mon illiwl niCIIHT
MHtO to cj uJ-W $utk h UIISC, MW
mnpsmsc. mnour, unsicnascm. Moot
arJ new jmstr.
tpd (or enr Hook, "A Hint's Eyo View
?1S pixpea- N-outifnlly Illustrated and Tery
Ycrt. nDil bo- If go about. Khee for Tnc
Tho great remedy for nervous prostration and all diseases of the generative
orcans ot cither sex. such as Nervous Prostration, Failing or Lost Manhood,
' Impotency, Nightly Emissions,
or Tobacco or upium, wnicu
95 oraer we guarantee to euro
G boxes for 55.00. DlCIUOXT'S ciiiijiicvi, uo., tiovciauu, ouio
For Sale by
COR any case of Hay Fever,
1 or Influenza that BRAZILIAN 13ALJV1 will not cure, if
directions are iollowed. iN'o
lysician, ever dared to make
we did not know that BRAZILIAN BALM is a auick. oosi
tive, and permanent cure,
ton, Del., says : "I suffered
for ten years. lhen I used
cured me in three days. That
had it since. BRAZILIAN
and does everything that is claimed for it. We have hun
dreds of such testimonials.
case of Asthma. For sale by druggists. 50c and $1.00
bottle, or sent if you mention this paper,
Manufacturing Chemists,
Shenandoah Drug Store,
lierve and Bra.ii
Tho Original. All
I?0Ln?.er.a P8lTe Written Guarantee, by authorlied agents only, to curo Weak
5.0lz,,ae8B Wakefulness, Fits, Hysteria. Qulokness, N;ght leases, Evil Dreams.
Doatll. At Btnrfl nr hv mnfl 1 n hnn !-
A?10"6! Sample Package, containing live days1 treatment, with full lustruo
tlons.M cents. Ono sample only sold to each person. At storo or by mall. uoltuu
Red Label Special Extra Strength.
Mr fSf trMNK088 ?' Vov2T' Loat Manhood, Bterilitv or Barrennea?.
. r., (iitvwM m uiMuuigg vu liUIU 1U Ullyn Ab HtUTU Or Vf lOail
Sold at Klrlln's Drug Store.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Always Bought.
u ...
of New York" and Its Greatest Store
Interesting. Tells you all about New
Youthful Errors, Mental Worry, eicesslvo use
icaa to LKmsumptiou auu lusaaiiy. v ita every
or reiunu mo money, aoju at ?i.uu per dox,
R. A. Houok.
Cold in the Head, Rose Cold
person, not ev-en the greatest
such an oner, nor would we if
lhompson Foster, of VVuminef
with Hay Fever every summer
was in 18S7 and I have never
BALM is a wonderful remedy
We will give a reward in the
Indianapolis, Ind
Wholesale and Retail Agents.
Othr-rs Imltntlnne.
,ni. iVLi.,A
1 a box;
Bears the t
j The
W Kind
W You Have
ant A. V&fl u ... xl
Sonior OoudboI of Captain Droyfus
Appears For the Dafenifo".
it Vigorous Spooolt tlio rrIonop
Doolnrcd Hl I.ovo l'or tlio Army
ntnl II Ih Country I.nborl'u l'rrmPo
In Court 1'nvornlilo to tlio l'rlnonor.
Ilennos, Aug. 23. Mnltro Iaborl
rb the central 11 Euro of the scene yes
terday at the I.yree, wliere Captain
Dreyfus In standing trial on a clmrge
of treaon. As the Dreyfus drama un
rolled before a crowded court his tail,
Iklng-llke form draped in a long
black gown, bordered with ermine, sit
ting in front of the lights, was the
prime magnet from the moment the
curtain was rung up until it fell. Ills
more piesence brought brightness Into
the court room and fresh light Into the
He opened with an olonuont speocn.
nnd the audience could hnve listened
for nn hour to his rich melodious voice,
modulated tones and then impassioned
outbursts, accompanied by energetic
and speaking gestures. Generals Uoget,
Ulllot. Mcrcler and fiolsdeffre, with the
other military witnesses, gave one an
other anxious glances nnd put their
hends together to exchango obviously
disagreeable Impressions as Laborl
plied the smaller military fry, who oc
cupied the w'tness stand successively,
with disconcerting questions.
Laborl cornered General Morc'nr on
the Schneider letter, which the latter
had used In evidence, and which Col
onel Schneider had repudiated as a
forgery. Tho gouoral was surprised
when I.aborl suddenly demanded thnt
Tercler be recalled. He Insl. h1 that
rcier should give some explanation.
Ti en, after hesitating. Mercier declared
t he would assume all the reeponsl-
dl'ty attaching to his possessions of
the document. When Ialiorl had at
tained his object nnd forced n confes
sion of grave violation of lnw on tho
tmrt of General Mercier, ho cavo a
smllo of grim satisfaction and then ad-
deiuslgnlflcantly: "I shall have other
ciuestlons to put to General Mercier."
M. Labori announced that ho in
tended to recall several witnesses who
had made depositions during his ab
sence. This means that Mercier, Itoget
and others will bo put to tho test of a
severe cross-examination. To his
friends M. Labori has expressed him
self confident of being able to tear to
pieces tho evidence these genornls bavo
given so confidently beroro a sympa
thetlc tribunal.
General Mercier made a pitiable ex
hibition, M. Labori, in a passion,
fairly thundered his questions.
What can be the valuo of docu'
ment8," said he, "which wo cannot Bee
and cannot discuss, documents for
which It Is impossible to know who
takes the responsibility. I appeal to
you, Mr. 1'resKient, to do gooa onougn
to ask General Mercier how this aoC'
ument came Into his possession."
Mercier, driven to a corner, feebly
evaded tho Question.
"Mr. President, continued Labori,
I insist that a reply be given. Gen
eral Mercier has sworn to speak tho
wholo truth. I must insist that ques
tions respectfully tendered" by the de-
fenso bo answered by him. Tho court
martial, unliko the court of cassa
tion, has to deal with the whole range
of tho affair, and it is necessary that
complete light be thrown upon it.
insist that General Mercier answer me,
for it is my right."
After Morcier's shuffling collapse M.
Labori sank back into his armchair,
groat beads of perspiration standing
on his forehead, but his countenance
was radiant at tho Impression he had
Captain Dreyfus yesterday pursuod
tho attitude he took up Monday, and
replied to the statements of hostilo
witnesses with arguments and tho
presentation of counter facts, only once
giving way to his feelings and offering
a cry of protest. This was at the con
elusion of Colonel Bertin's deposition.
when, with broken voice, tho accused
doclared his lovo of France and the
Yes," ho cried, "I love France and I
lovo my country, but it Is with sentl
monts different from those animating
them who come here today to testify
against me.
Labori, if anything, was better after
his exertions than before them. Tho
excitement under which he labored
seemed to act as a stimulant, although
many friends noticing his flushed face,
feared thero might be a relapso.
The scurrilous tactics of the antl
Dreyfusard newspapers may bo lllus
trated by a paragraph appearing in
their organ here last evening, declar
ing that tho attack on Labori, which
It insinuates, did very little harm, and
was made solely to arouse tho pity of
the people of Ilonneg for the lament
able lot of nn escaped convict from
Devil's Island.
The spy Lajoux, so prominent inyes-
terday's evidence, was one of the least
reputable conected with tho lntelll
cenco bureau. Ho was paid to leave
Franco and is still paid 200 francs
month. He knows all about Cuors, whq
betrayed Germany's secrets to Franco,
nnd among others, that a decorated
colonel of the general staff supplied
Germany with important mobilization
plans and other secrets. This was two
years aitor ureyius was condemned
and Jhe traitorous colonel was Henry.
When PIcquart was Investigating
this affair, Henry got himself sent to
Dale to tako tho statements of Cuers
and to browbeat him Into suppressing
tho truth. Hush money is still being
paid. On one occasion Lajoux was
thrust Into a lunatic asylum to pro-
vent awkward disclosures.
Hamburg, Aug, 23. Tho Hamburg
lsche Correspondenz, discussing the as
sertion that Germany should publish
tertaln documents proving the inno
cenco of Dreyfus, says: "The answer to
this is that documents ot this nature
cannot be produced for the simple rea
son that Qormany never had anything
to do with Captain Droyfus."
Paris, Aug. 23. Colonel Schneider,
tho Austrian military attache, has ar
rived at his embassy here, Tho of'
flcials of tho embassy declare the at
tache will say nothing regarding tho
letter incident until tho Dreyfus court
martial la concluded.
His Life Was Saved.
Mr. J. E. Lilly, a prominent citiien of
Hannibal, Mo., lately had a wonderful de.
livereuce from a frightful death. In telling of
it he says : "1 was taken Willi lyphoid
Fever, that ran into I'neumonia. My lunus
became hardened. I ws so weak I couldn't
even sit up in bed. Nothing helped me. I
expected to soon die of Consumption, when I
heard of Dr. King's New Discovery. One
bottle gave great relief. I continued to use
it, and now am well and strong. I can't say
too much in its praise." This marvelous
medicine is the surest and quickest cure In the
fr nil -n,,ol enA T Tt,L T) ,.
uUr sues .io rents and ft no I rial bottles
free at A. Wasley'sdryg atorej every bottle
I guaiaQleed,
Vninnn Anllrlxt With tlin I)l.eo
Will do to Itnwullaii Colony.
Washington. Aim. 23 Commlwlon-
er of Immigration Powderly hna finally
decided the cue of Mrs. L. M. Todd, a
Iliitlth subject, who Is now In the San
Francisco nest house Buttering wltn
leprosy. The commissioner directs that
he be sent back to Uie Hawaiian
islands and confined In the leper col
ony there. Inspectors have recently re-
no tied It as their belief that a colony
ot lepers exists In the iiorthern part of
She contracted the disease In 1S9Z
while working as a nurse In the San
Francisco pent house. Some of hor
washing went to lepers to lie done and
n Chinese leper used to bring coal for
her. Thirteen months after this, while
In San Francisco, suspicious spots ap
peared on her left leg. After contract
ing the disease she went to the Ha
wallan islands and remained there un
til Nor. 18, 1898. when she left to at
tempt to reach the United States. She
took passage at Honolulu on the steam
ship City of Hlo de Janeiro, destined
to some point In Japan. From Japan
he shipped by the Canadian steamship
line to Victoria, H. C, thence coming
across the liorder of the United States,
reaching San Francisco Dec. 22. avoid
ing the marine hospital examination
at that point.
Tho TrnnhloMiiiin Vifiiiil IncllnnH.
Chihuahua. Mexico, Aug. 23. Tho
military authorltlea have received tele
graphic advices ot an attack on tho
town of Cumurlpa by a band of about
300 Yaqul Indians. The place was with
out military protection, but the Moxl-
n citrons barricaded themselves In
tl, ir ad be houses and resisted the at
tack for ten hours, when tho Indians
withdrew. Several houses were burned
by the Indians and Ave mon and wo
men were killed. As soon as tho Indiana
Ithdrew a courier was sent to Torin
for military protection nnd two com
panies of heavy cnvalry have been
ordered to Cumjirlpa,
devotes herself to her first child as she
never docs to another. As child succeeds
child she no longer reads them stories, tells
them tales at twilight or joins with them in
a merry romp at bed time. Does she give
her later children less because she loves
them less? No. She gives them less be
cause she has less to give. The birth of
each child has left her a
little more weak, a little
more nervous, a little
more worn out Sue
hasn't strength to be
their intimate and play
mate, wuat a loss
this means, to moth
er and to children.
It ii to such
mothers, worn with the burden of mother
hood and drained of vitality, that Dr.
Pierce's Favorite Prescription comes as the
greatest of blessings. The timely use of
this remedy .prevents tue strain and stops
the drain from child bearing. Where this
strain and drain have been experienced,
mothers nna mat ur. rierce s ravorue pre
scription acting directly upon the delicate
organs which bear the burden of mother
hood, restores them to a normal condition
of health and elasticity. Ulcerations are
cured. Inflammations are removed. The
appetite becomes good, sleep is refreshing,
the nerves grow quiet. There is a new
brightness in the eye; a new lightness in
the step. There has come the perfect hap
piness oi penect neauu.
' I began taklmr vour ' Favorite Prescrlntion 1
In August, iSo7 " writes Mrs. Molllt K Grimes.
of Klomaton, Kscambia Co., Ala., " anil took it
until after my baby was born. I was In better
health than I ever was with any of my other
children I think all women with child should
use Dr. rierc's Favorite Prescription. I suf
fered even-thing that flesh could suffer with all
the rest of my children, and X was also subject
to ralscnrrioKif. Now I am the happy mother
of a fine baby girl. She was the largest one
of all my bAhies and at the birth I had an
easier and shorter time than I ever had. I am
stouter and healthier than I ever was.'
Philadelphia &
Readina R'y-
Engines Burn Hard Coal Ho Smoke.
Trains leave Shenandoah as follows :
For New York via Philadelphia ir,efc davn.
2 10, 5 38, 7 87, 9 63 a. m., 12 28, 8 W an 1 6 09 p. m.
Suudas, 2 10 a m.
For New York via Chunk, week days
7 87 a. m.. 12 28 and 8 00 p. m.
For Heading and Philadelphia, week dava.
2 10, S S3, 7 87. 9 55 a. m., 12 26, 8 C9 and 09 p. m.
Sundays, 2 10 a m.
For rouavuje, weeic aays, 2 10, 7 87, 9 53 a. m.
12 26, 8 09, 6 09 and T 30 p. m. Sundays, 2 10 a m.
r or j amaqua ana Mananoy ny, week days
10. 7 87. 9 53 a. m.. 12 26. 8 09 and 6 09 n. m
Sundays, 2 10 a m.
williamsport, Sunbury and Lewlsburg
week days. 3 27, 11 82 a. m.
12 28, 7 30 p. m
Sundays. 3 27 a m.
ror ain'iano) nane. weefaars. 2 10. 8 27. 5a.
7 37, 9 55, 11 32 a. m., 12 26, 8 09, 6 09, 7 30, 9 56
.... . ; u 1 1 .... j d, a lu a ii ii o .1 a ill.
For Ashland and Shamokln. week dava. 8 "7.
oi, no... ui.. Li o. a w. o uj. t a ana sun. m.
Sunday, 8 27 a m.
, For liaitlmore, asblngton and the Weal via
I ,. II T . 1 . i V. . , , . 1 . .1
... iv w. ... , . ,uuuku , i t,i us jew , iteaaing
Terminal, Philadelphia. (P. 4c K. D K.) at 8 20,
7 55,1126 a. m., 8 10 and 7.27 p. i Sundays
8 20, 7 00, 11 26 a. m., 3 46 and 7 27 p. m. Addl-
tloual trains from Twenty-fourth and Chest
nut streets station, week days, 10 80 a. m. 12 20
12 18 8 40 p.m. Sundays, 1 S3, 8 23 p. m.
Leave New York via Philadelphia. v
days. 1215. 4 80. 730.1180 a. m.. and 180.4 80
9 00 p.m.
Leave New York via Manch Chunk, weefc
dava. 4 SO. 9 10 a. m.. 1 80. 4 40 n. m.
Leave Phlladelohla. Reading Tarnitnnl
aays, s oo, a s, iu zi a, m. ana 1 86, 4 06, 6 86,
Leave Reading, week days, 137, 7 00, 1008
a, in. , 12 15. 4 17, 6 00, 8 26 p. m.
Leave Potlnvllle. went dava. 7 17. 1 40 . m
8 30, 12 80, 1 20, 4 80, 6 10 and 6 50 p. m.
Leave Tamaqua, week days, 8 18, 8S4. 1123
a, m. , ji .v, i uu, I M v in
Leave Mahanoy City, week days, 8 45, 9 04,
i. i . w., u q i ii, tu m p. m
Leave Mahincw Plane, week dan. Hn irr
880. 922.10Sa.U00, a, m.. 289. 5 86. 643. 168
10 21pm.
Leave WU laiai tort, week days, 7 42, 1000 a
tu., 12 84 and U0, 11 80 p. to.
Leave Philadelphia Chestnut street wharf and
South street wharf for Atlantis Cltr.
Weekdays Express, 8 00,900, 10 45 a m, 130,
200, 3 00, 13 40 sixty minute, 4 00, 4 30, 5 00 sixty
minute, 5 80, 7 15, p m. Accomodation, 6 13 a
m, 6 30, 0 30 pm. Sundays Express. 730. 8 CO.
8 30, 9 00, 10 00 a m, 4 45, 713 pm. Accommoda
tion, 6 15 a ni, 4 43 p m. 81.00 Excursion 7 00 a
m uauy nnu bu minnay.
Leave Atlantio City Depots Weekdnva Ex.
press, (6 43 Slondays only, 7 00. 7 43. 17 50 from
llaltlcave. station only, 8 30, 9 00, 1015, 1100
nm, 330, 430, 5 30, 730, 930 p m. Accommo-
muon,4'ii, hu; am, a 50pm. Sundays Ex
prevs, 3 80, 4 CO, 5 00, 6 00, 0 30. 7 00, 7 30. 8 00,
6 3ipm. Accommodation, 715am. 4 30 pin,
1 1.00 Excursion, weekdays 6 00 p in, Sundays 6 10.
For Ocean City Weekdays 8 45, 9 13 a m.
1 15, 4 13, 5 15 p m. Sundays 8 45, 9 15 a m, 4 45
p ra. 11.03 excursion Thursday and Sunday 7 00
a in.
For Cape May and Sea Isle City Weekdays
9 15 a m, 2 80, 4 15 p in. Sundays 8 45 a to 4 43
p in. SL0O excursion Suudays only. 7 00 a m.
Additional for Cape May Weekdays 8 S4
( HI. HHMU.J.fW.U.
Parlor Care on all express trains.
For further Information, apply to nearest
Philadelphia and Readina; llallway ticket agent
T. A. Hmniltl. tnas.w T TPm.
gen'l Bunt,, Oen'i Paaa'r Xgt.
! A Hand
Is ono of the
possess I'l
gives it.
Handsome Comnloxlon
... . .. - .
i greatest cnarms a can f
uzzoni-a vomi-lbxio fowcuu
,4 f. ,
No More Rheumatism.
For yi
II. n b
r in win" minrrKi irom nu'ima-
he Irliil mnii remwlieo, out R"i It" o
fM,n.,rii.anil uc luulHlioiit rlxen tin nil h
of rrllefwhen vte litrl of Celery Kitur.m
my wife Im-kiio uhIiik it- Tlilngrent mcdn it
Im,ap)r.'iiily,i1rlvrn nil the polww jl
licr t'iii, mi'l hiui rertelnly relinwd Jf
from n. lift-of juln. 1. lM'uhlng, North V
lni(Ulii Miuw. , ....
fi-lt rv hlliB CfKRI lUMUMMOf Ntrs
Mum. Ii, I ivirnnd Kldne. Sold L ii -gift,
ami -AX'.
You can blame
yourself If you
do n't pet real
good co lie e to
drink. Ordinary
coTce is made de
ltetoui bv adding
snRLIU'jS. .ttc.
M. 11UUKK.
Office Kran building, corner of Main an
Onlre stretA, Hhenandoah.
j ci.audk imow,
Offleo: Cor. Centra and White streets, next
to JuMtceToomcy's ofllee.
Q OI1UIH.KI!. M. D.,
No. 30 Knat Lloyd Street.
Offleo hours rS lo 1 t. n.i 1 lolcu.
7 to9 p. in.
Lock Box 65, Mahaaoy City, Pa,
Having studied under soma of lha fcaal
masters In London and Puli. will rlr lw
on the violin, mandolin, guitar and vocal collars.
Terms reasonable. Addrena In care of Strait.
lha ieweler nhnandoah.
Jcly 1, 18W.
Trains will leave Shenandoah aftar the aoova
date for Wlggan, Clllberton, Prackvllle, Dark
V ater. St. Clair, I'ottavllle. Hamburg, Keadlaa.,
l'ottstown, l'boenlxvllle. Xorrlatown aad Phfc
aaelphlo (llr.vd street station) at 6 It and 8 09
a. m., 3 10, 8 1 p m. on week daya. Sunday..
8 M a. m., 4 20 p. m.
.J"1?'. ,",Te Prackvllle for Shenandoah at
J 8J. U a. m. and 5 84, 7 8fl p, m. Sunday.
11 01 a. m. and 0 M p. m.
,If?ye.I,0.,.Hl"l 'or Shenandoah (via Frack
rille) 7 10, 11 SO a. m., S 10, 7 10 p. m. 8unday
1085 a. m.. S 10 p. m. '
Leave Philadelphia, (Broad street atallon), far
Shciiandoah at 8 33 a. m.. 4 10 p. m. weak days.
Sundavs leave at so nct o -xt m
n"eipnia ("road street statloa) for
Pottsvllle, 8 80, 8 33. 1019 a. m.. 1 SO. i lo. 7 11
P-- weekday Sundays. 50, 9 23 a. m. and
a vi p m.
iave llroad Street Station. Philadelphia,
S1??""-Week-daya, 8 20, i OS, A 40, 5 00, S 19
For Ilonton wllhntil.h.n.. J .
days, and 8 10 p. m., dally. '
(.-ntaklll Expresa Parlor car, 11 00 a m week.
Wnm ntU . I .
S, ,'iVL . u raric, uoean Qrorn,
and 8 30 a in.
For Lamlenvllle. Eautnn .ml n.n.A .
?-SlLC? noonJ 32. CO (Lambertvllla aad
5"2,n ""IX' wadaya, and 7 02 p m dally
Buffalo 9 00 am, 12 00 noon weekdays, and TO
Blount Poconn l rt
p m Saturdays
For Baltimore and Wi,klnMin a . .
10 20. 11 23 a m. 12 09. 12 As nii i V j,
ConRroMlonalLlm., 5 31,617, "8 5577 81 ri m.
andl2 03nlghtwekdv. k,,'...
9 12, 11 23 a in, 12 09, ! 12, S 12, 4 ll IaS CaZ
BTesaionai luhj, 5 84, 53, 7 81 p m and U 09
For Baltimore, accommodation, 9 11 a m,IB
uu niKht.aaiiy.
Southern Rail
... - -v .uu ttiuraa-uia d rn. and
Railway. Expreaa 5 81 and 8 35
p m, dally,
Norfolk and Wmtm Il.llw. , xr .
and New Orleana, 5 34 p m dally,
Chesapeake & Ohio liallway, 781 p m, dally.
For Old Point Comfort and Nofolk. Mao
a m weekdays, 11 10 p m dally.
Leave Market street wharf aa follows : K
presaforNew York, 9 00 a m, 4 80 p m weak,
daya. For Long Branch via Seaalde Park. 9 Id
a m, 180 and 4 00 n m week-daya. Bundaya
fatopa atlnterlaken for A.hi,nl..kl an .
Forltench Haven and Barnegat Cityl 910am
"' . ."vniu. for lusxarton. 9 10
a m and 4 CO p m weekdays.
Leave Broad KlrfM atAklnn f. T-i.- .
Wug?-?xPre' 4rM. (80 mlnulea n,IH
Lo. uiuuK.,, minuiesi,! ta ia mlnutas)
2 as 82 minutes, 7 06 lo3 minutes p. mT'
Leave Market Street Wliart Expresa. 5 69.
8 30, (73 minute). 10 CO (75 minutes, a m. fl35
Sajurilays only), (75 minutes), 2 00, (70 mlnuias),
3 00 (73 minutes), 8 80 160 mlnutea). 4 00 leS
minutes), 4 30 (73 mlnutea), 5 00 100 mlnateal,
3 30 163 nilnuteal n. m. flunriKv am r ll
l75.m.r.,1J .8 ? '7S minutes, 8 30 75 ml autsa),
9 00 175 minutes, 10 00 (70 minutes a. m., aad
4 30 73 minutes p. m. S1.00 Excunlon train,
7 00 am week-days. Sundays, 7 00 and 780 a m.
For Cape May, Angleaea. Wllawovl, Holly
Beach Exprras, 900 a m, 2 80. 4 03 100 mlnutaai.
5 00 p m week-days. Sundays, IXim. For
Cape May only, 180pm Saturdays. 11.00 Ia
curalon train, 700 a, m. dally.
For Sea Isle City. Ocean City, Avalon aad
Stone Harbor Express 9 10 am, 3 10, 4 30, 5 00
pmweekdays. Sundays, 8 60 a m. 81-03 lixtur
alon train, 700 a m daily.
For Somen' Point Express, 8 00,8 80,1000
ui, Ii wooturuaya only), 2 w, s UU, 4 00. 1 00, 8 89
p m weekdays. Sundays, EDO, 8 00, 9 CO aud 10 Ot
am, 4 30 pm.
The Union Tranafar Cnmin will M . -
and check baggage from hotels and realdenaeav.
Dining Car.
J. B. UcTCuiKsoa, J. a. Wood,
Gen'l Manager. Oon'l Paaa't'r Xut
HRHt T A i " uers never fall
44tt atUlUtUMlL
Hh Tuny mJ I'euariujsi "illt ui1 oihtr lii
il aiiKaiiB failirwi
nxnituii-rio mrn t
m . t or it rm for our hrdy
Nursery Stock. Uxpdm
anvl Mliry to tho Uariajr.
anpi-. or com mission to lo.
otlanLiit, IVrtiiftDvnt
oluTuifnt. Tbf bniDM
etinfly i irnjfl AttdrcM
Tho Rosv Freshness I
Ana a velvety softness of the skin Is lnv- I
riably obtained by thofa who use l'oxioai'a
Complexion 1'owder. I
I rl
Ma a
5for Secllg'j
CA little of Uiis
admlxture to
cheap coffee
makes a delicious1 1 1 j
drink and saves expense. I
noon, 12 33, Limited 1 00 and 4 2J n mf 1
2 30.8 20, 8 iO, 4 02. 5 00, K M, 6007 Vci'i Tl
10 00pm. 12 01 night. Su'ndayT, 8 20, 4 04, lie.'
12 83, 2 30,402 ILImlted,428, 520. llklli
7 02. 8 10. 10 CO i. m. 12 01 nli,' ' 8 00