The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, August 23, 1899, Image 2

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    The Herald
I'M UtM-IIIHII 1870.
',!!. ,t ifs Fit to Print,"
1' 'ilni'M finv!r, i fMinday, at R
tith .1 ir I ru-t, Hhoiimidnrtli, la.
Tho It (-mid la delivered In Shenandoah nnd the
nurrutindliiK towrw forslxoenbin wek, iy
able to the canters, lty ninll .00 n ywtr, or
23 wnta a tnoiilli payable In advnnce. Ad
vertisements chnrfced neeordlnK to imeenml
position. Tin" publlnhw twm tlie right
to change tho pillion of advertisement
whenever tlm publication of news demands
It. The rlRht Is reserved ty reject any
Advertisement whether paid lor on not, that
the publishers may deem Improper. Adver
tising rates inmle known upon application.
Entered nt the pot oftlce l rilieiinndonh, Pa., ns
second class man mter.
OUR COUNTRY : First. Last and Forever.
Tiik money octopus Is still riiiniuiut.
"Western sections are confronted with
unother freipht-ear famine.
The iiitTcliunt who does the rent
est amount of advertising generally
secures the arentu of the trade.
With Bryanism feeding on Popu
lism and calamity, it would seem that
Kansas, with her liOO.OOO.OOO to 400,
000.000 bushel corn orop, worth in
cash at least $100,000,000, cannot be
considered even among the "possible"
states for the Candidate.
Mil. Bryan has announced at
Omaha that he wishes it to be under
stood that he is still faithful to 10 tol ;
that his advice to the Iowa Democ
racy has been misrepresented by u
malicious gold press. Nevertheless,
the Iowa Democracy, which followed
Mr. Bryan's advice, did not mention
10 to 1 in its platform. The matter
lias not been misrepresented, and it
is perfectly clear. Nebraska ami Iowa
are two different states, and Mr.
Bryan is a politician.
An Honest Opinion.
A very remarkable interview with
ex-Governor Pattison, of Pennsyl
vania, appeared iu the Sunday issue
of tho New York Tribune. It is re
markable because of the views ex
pressed by the ex Governor concern
ing the political situation and whut
should be the attitude of the Demo
cratic party in the national campaign
nest year. Mr. Pattison has recently
been suggested by a certain class of
Democratic leaders as a possible can
didate for the presidency next year,
lie has been traveling through some
of the states the past few weeks and
was on the way to his home iu Phila
delphia when interviewed in New
York. Among other views expressed
jka .quote the following ns of special
Interest :
'I found everywhere in the West
unparalleled prosperity, not in manu
factures only, but In agricultural pur
suits. Farmers are getting good
prices for their products. As they
constitute the great mass of the voters
of this country, they form an import
ant element, possibly the most im
portant in all political calculations.
"Besides, the relations of the United
States to the commerce and markets
of the world are different from what
they were four years ago. The people,
I find, fully understand this. Then
there was great paralysis in industries
of all kinds. Some attributed it to
the financial question, and others to
various distempers, real or imagined,
in the economio system of the country.
"No matter what was thought
about It, everybody knows the re
sult. We are now approaching an
other campaign, this time with pros
perity everywhere. I do not think
the farmers and wage workers, with
wages increasing, orders coming in
from all over the workl, and every
workinguian and every dollar of
capital put to the severest tension to
keep up with the demands of trade,
will stop long to discuss or even con'
eider obsolete issues."
The ex-Governor ulso placed him'
self in opposition to those of his
party leaders who style themselves as
opponents to expansion or im
peralism, and in line with the sup
porters of President MoKinley so far
as the Philippine question is con
cerned. He says : "After beeoming
possessed of these outlying countries
ub the result of a victorious war, we
cannot abandon them. If we gave
up the Philippines Germany, France
or Euglund would take them up
gladly. They would never revert to
fjpain, and they certainly would not
be left in the hands of the native
Mr. Pattison hug dealt the "calam
ity howlers" and anti-expansionists a
body blow, und at the saute time
killed his prospect of receiving the
womination of the DeuidBratio party
or Presldont. It is the policy of tjhe
yellow Journals and the followers of
Bryan to deny that thore is an im
provement in business circles, or con
ditions of any kind exist that tend to
1 ring happiness and contemueut to
the people.
nllrH'liMl Monoy to liny n Toinlmtono
For II Ih flruvo.
Kanton, Pa., Aug. 23. Llewellyn
atmit was hanged In the Jail yard yes
tenlny morning for the murder of
Night Operator Hnivcy II. Wurater. nt
the Ulngen station, on the North 1'enn
railroad, on Jan. 7 last. He retained his
Iron nerve up to the last moment, and
never lllnched, even when tlie nooso
was placed about li 1b neck. The con
demned man, during the short thno
necessary to adjust tho noose, knee
strap and black cap, gave one or two
steady glances at the half hundred por
sons below him, and then suddonly
went to his doom.
One of tho most novel Incidents con
nected with Stout's incarceration In
Jail was that he himself collected the
money to buy r tombstone for his own
grave. The money was collected In var
ious ways by selling photographs of
himself, tidies made by a fellow pris
oner, and from small sums of money
contributed by persons who visited him
in Jail. He did not hestltato to toll of
his plan to visitors at the Jail.
C'niiHiiltltm tho l'roslilont.
Tlattsjurg, N. Y., Aug. 23. Presi
dent and Mrs. McKInloy, nccompnnlod
by Secretary Cortelyou, drovo over to
Plattsburg barracks In tho morning.
Secretary Root arrived from Washlng
ton on the noon train and soon after
lunch Joined tlie president and Attor
ney General Griggs, In the president's
private office. They were closotod for
nearly two hours, during which time
they had a general talk on all pending
matters. Goneral Merrltt had n Bhort
talk last night with Secretary Root
after tlie letter's conference with Presi
dent McKinley and Attornoy Gcnoral
Griggs. Secretary Itoot left for Wash
ington last night.
Bismarck's Iron Nerve
Was the result of his splendid health. In
domitable will and tremendous energy are
not found where Stomach, liver, kidneys
and Bowel' are out of order. If you want
these qualities and the success they bring, use
Dr. King's New Life Pills. They develop
every power of biain and body. Only 25c nt
A. Wasley's drug store.
,-nit liollor-K.Vjioslon.
Appleton, Wis., Aug. 23. A boiler
exploded at tho A. H. Wlckort plan
ing mill yesterday, killing two men
and sorlously injuring eight others.
The dead: Nnthnniol Patterson, Wm.
Boldman and Robert Pasch. The entire
factory was wrecked and windows in
the vicinity were broken by tho con
cussion. The end of the boiler was
carried through tho englno room and
foil 100 feot distant Eight men wero
burled in tho ruins, but wore rescued.
Fire started in tho ruins and for a
time threatened to burn the Imprisoned
men alive, but was checked until ev
erything had been removed, when it
got beyond control and completely de
stroyed tho plant.
TIFi'VPV Is a deccptlvo disease
1VIL,,,U1 thousands havo it and
TROUBLE don,t know If you
v want quick results yon
can make no mistake by using Dr. Kilmer's
Swamp-Root, the grout kidney remody. At
druggists in fifty cent and dollar sizes.
Sample bottle by mall free, also pamphlot
telling you how to find out if you have
kidney trouble.
Address, Dr. Kilmer& Co.,Bingbamton, N. Y.
ltnmors of Alllnnco IIusoIpbs.
Itlo Janerlo. Aug. 23. Tho Notlcla,
In an official nrtlclo classes as baseless
the rumors of a projected alliance of
the South American republics against
their best customer for coffee, the
United States, and bittorly censures
the speculation which, it says, is hav
ing a depressing effect upon business.
A Sensible Man
Would use Kemp's Balsam for the Throa
and Lungs. It is curing more cases of
Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, Croup
and all Throat and Lung troubles, than any
other medicine. The proprietor has author
ized any druggist to give you a sample bottle
free to convince you of the merit of this great
emedy. Price 25c and Sc.
Jitnoi'cleily FrV-neS Strikers.
Ilouen, Aug. 23. A body of 2,000
striking dock laborers on being refused
admission to a cemetery during tho
burial of the remains of a comrade yes
terday, returned to the city, crying:
"Long live tho strike." Disturbances
followed and a number of tho leaders
were arrested. Last night there were
fresh disorders, tho people taking tho
side of the strikers. Many persons were
injured and tho police mado numerous
Yostordny's Itniobnll Gnmos.
At Baltimore First game: Balti
more, 15; Washington, 5. Second game:
Baltimore, 6; Washington, 5. At New
York Philadelphia, 13; Now York, 2.
At Boston Brooklyn, 5; Boston, 2. At
Cincinnati First game: Cincinnati, 2;
Pittsburg, 1. Second game: Cincinnati,
4; Pittsburg, 4. (Game called on ac
count of darkness). At Louisville
Louisville, 15; Cleveland, C. At St.
Louis St Louis, 5; Chicago, 1.
Eczema !
The Only Cure.
Eczema is more than a skin disease.
and no skin remedies can cure it. The
doctors are unable to effect a cure, ond
their mineral mixtures are damaging
to the most powerful constitution. The
whole trouble is in the blood, and
Swift's Specific is the only remedy
which can roach. uch deep-seated blood
Eoiemi broke out on my daughtar, and con
tinued to spread until
her bead was entirely
covered. She was treated
by several good doctors,
but grew worse, and the
dreadful disease spread
to ber face. She wai
taken to two celebrated
health springs, but re
ceived no benefit. Many
n&tent medicines were taken, but without re
sult, until we decided to try 8. 8. B.,andby the
time me nrsi ooiue was nnisnea, ner neaa t
nan to heal. A dozen bottles cured her com
pletely and left ber skin perfeotly smooth. She
Is now sixteen years old, and has a magnificent
Krowtn oi nair. xa a sign oi me areaorui
tusease nan ever reiurnea.
H. T. SnoEE,
3704 Lucas Ave., St, Louis, Mo.
Don't expect local applications of
soaps and salves to cure Eczema. They
reaoh only the surface, while the di
sease comes irom witnin. uwm
is the only oura and will reach the most
obstinate case. It la far ahead of all
similar remedies, because t cures cases
whloh are beyond their reach. S. S. S. ia
purely vegetable, and ii the only blood
remedy guaranteed to contain no pot
ash, mercury or other mineral,
Books mailed free by Swift Speciflo
Company, Atlanta, Georgia.
Mrs. Col. Richardson
"You havo saved my llfo, snatched
mo from tho brink of tho gravo almost,
and I wish to thank you. About eigh
teen months ago I was a total wreck,
physically. I had been troubled with
leucorrhcoa for some time, but had glveu
hardly any attention to tho trouble.
" At. last Inllammatlon of tho womb
and ovaries resulted and then I suf
fered agonies, had to glvo up my pro
fession (musician and piano player),
was confined to my bod and llfo beenmo
a terriblo cross. My husband sum
moned tho best physicians, but their
benefit was but temporary at best. I
bellovo I should havo contracted tho
morphine habit under their care, if my
common senso had not intervened.
" Ono day my husband noticed the ad
vertisement of your remedies and im
mediately bought mo o full trial. Soon
tho pain in my ovarios was gono. I ant
now well, strong and robust, walk,
rldo a wheel, and fool llko a girl In her
teens. I would not bo without Lydla
E. Pinkham's Vegctablo Compound: it
is like water of llfo to mo. I am very
gratefully and sincerely your well
wisher, and I heartily recommend your
remudlos. I hope somo poor croaturo
may bo helped to health by reading my
story." Mns. Col. E. P. Eichaudson,
Khinelandeb, Wis.
I'ptiiixyl vim Inns flnmcwnril Hound.
San Francisco. Aug. 23. Tho men of
the Tenth Pennsylvania met at tho
ferry depot at 7:30 last night, the ar
rangements for departuro being un
official. At nlno o'clock tho first section
of the train started for tho oast. Their
leavetaking of San Francisco watt
without special noto, but tho pleasure
of tho men at commencing tho last
stago In their homoward journey was
very ovldont.
Do You Know
Consumption is provcntablo? Science has
proven that, and also that neglect Is suicidal.
Tho worst cold or courIi can ho cured with
Shlloh's Cough and Consumption Curo. Sold
on posltlvo guarantee for over fifty years.
Sold by P. D. Kirlin on a guarantee.
Philadelphia, Aug. 22. Flour quiet:
winter superfine. ?2i2.15; do. extras, $2.20
Sf2.3B; Pennsylvania roller, clonr, new,
J2.MViT3.10; do. do. straight, new, $3.103.30.
Kyo flour quiet at $3 per barrel for cholco
Pennsylvania, Wheat dull; No. 2 rod,
spot, In elevator. 7H471o. Corn nulot;
No. 2 mixed. In elevator, 3GUSf36Hc; No. 2
yellow, for local trade, 3SH339o. Oats
quiet; No. 2 white, dipped, 2Sc; now onts,
23(27c. Provisions In fair demand; smok
ed beef, 1619c; beef hams, J26.50G27; pork;
family, 12012.50. Butter steady; cream
cry, 1721c.; factory, 1315Hc; Imitation
creamery, US 17c; New York dairy, 155J
19c: do. creamery, 17021c; fancy Penn
sylvania prints jobbing at 2327o.; do.
wholesale, 22c. Cheese firm; largo, white,
9?4c; small do., 10c; larce, colored, 10c;
small do., 10Wc. Eggs steady; New York
and Pennsylvania, 17lSc; western un
graded, 12(6'15c. Potatoes steady; fair to
prime, 1101.23; Now York, fancy, tl.6O0
1.75; southern sweets. J1.75S2. Cabbago
stendy; Long Island, J34 per 100.
Baltimore, Aug. 22. Flour steady and
unchanged. Wheat dull and easy; Bpot
and tho month, 7Hi71?4c; September,
715iB72c; southern, by sample, C2S"2c;
do. on grade, CS',472c Corn firm; mixed,
spot and tho month, SG364c; southern,
white, 40 41c.; do. yellow, 4040Hc Oats
firm; No. 2 white, now, 26i427c; No. 2
mixed, new, 25$j25?c. Bye dull; No. 2
noarby, E2ffi63c; No. 2 western, disjdm:.
Hay easy; No. 1 timothy, tl5.
Llvo Stoolc Mnrlrot.
Vow Aiirr. 95 Ttpflvps nnmlnnllv
steady; cables firm. Calves slow !nd
lower for all sorts; M caivos unsoia;
veals, $1.5007.50; grassers, $3; fed calves,
ft ay,aart rliill lnmVm ntnadv fit VGS-
terday's closing prices; 18 cars unsold:
sheep, -.Dii.w; cnoico, mmua, t.w
0; two cars cholco at G.12V4S0.15. Hogs
weak at $565.10. -...,
East Liberty, l'a., auk.
steady; extra, $5.7025.90; prime. $5.80C;
o-ii TTni-R Rlnw: nrlmo xne-
dlums and best Yorkers, $5.0o5.10; light
Yorkers, $503.05; neavy noua,
Sheep dull; cholco wethers, $1.5004.00;
rnmnion to eood lambs, $3.25115.25; voal
caivos, $77.25.
On Every Bottle
Of Shlloh's Consumption Curo is this guar
antco : "All wo ask of you is to use two
thirds of the contents of this bottle- faith
fully, then if you can say you aro not
benefited return the bottle to your druggist
and ho may refund tho price paid." Price
85 cts., 50 cts. and $1.00. Sold by P. D.
Kirlin on a guarantee.
Tbo Lnrirnst Toloacbpo For .Tnmnloa,
Kingston, Jamaica, Aug. 23. Profes
sor Edward Charloa Pickering, of the
Harvard observatory, is here seeking
a sultablo location for the largest tele
scope In the world, which Is being con
structed nt Cambridge especially for
observing the now planet which Is due
to pass very close to the earth 13
months hence. Ho Is favorable Im
pressed with Jamaica's advantages.
"I had a running, itching sore on my leg
Suffered torturos. Doan's Ointment took
away tho burning and itching instantly and
quickly effected permanent cure." O. W.
Lenhart, Bowling Green, O.
8.1.00 to Niagara Valla and Return via the
Lehigh Valley llallroail.
On BeDtember 0th the Lehigh Valley Eall
road will sell tickets to Niagara Falls and
return at the special low fare of 5 00 for the
round trip from Shenandoah, limited for re
turn passage to September 11th, inclusive.
Tickets will bo honored on any train except
tho Black Diamond Express. Consult Le
high Valley ticket stent for further par
ticulars. HOOD'S FILTiS cure Liver Ills
Otlloiisuess, Indlgostlou, Headache,
nleas'-nt laxative. All Druggist
A KnthJir'n Crlino mid Suloldo.
Daggett, Neb., Aug. 23. John Grand
staff, o farmor living olght miles south
west of here, was arrested Thursday on
the charge of assaulting his 12-yoar
old daughter. He gave a bond for his
appearance today at tho preliminary
hearing, and last night ho committed
Tho IMagno In Porttitrnl.
Madrid, Aug. 23. Four additional
acute cases of the bubonic plague havo
been reported at Oporto. The streets
of that city are now patrolled and tho
town is completoly Isolated.
Thero were 240 enlistments in tho
voluntoer army Monday, swelling tho
total to 15,152 men.
The Union Reform party of Ohio yes
terday nominated Setb II. Ellis for gov
ernor. A motion to endorse Mayor
Jones failed.
President McKinley and party will
leave Plattsburg, N. Y., on Friday night
for Pittsburg, to Join in the reception
j oi tue l outn regiment.
to Appointed n N'irrnnnn AKnlstnnt
unit Th Iliully llonlon.
Tnmpa, Flu., Aug. 23. Kditdr W. 0.
Cnim, of tho Florida Itopubllcnn, was
beaten by whltocaps at Pock Monday
night. Ho is postmastor at that placo,
and hns boon going tbero at night and
returning to tho city In tho morning.
Somo wcoltB ago ho appointed Dan
Morrison, a colored man, his assistant
In order that tho olllco should havo a
man in chargo all tho timo. A com
mittee of unknown cltl&ens compelled
Mr. Morrison to clvo tin his office and
"Mr. Crum had to attend to tho busi
ness hlmsolf.
Monday night, aftor ho had com
pleted his work, ho started for his
Bleeping quarters, n short dlstnnco
away. When near thoro ho was hold
up by a mob of masked men armed
with guns and mado to dismount. Ho
was tied hand nnd foot and given a
boating. Ho was also kicked severely
about tho head and shllders. Tho mob
then cut oft tho whiskers from one side
of his face and applied carbolic acid to
tho gashes mado by tho whipping. Mr.
Crum does not know who attacked
him. Tho mob threatened to kill him
It ho over appointed another negro
nsslstant. Ho has closed the office ond
his resignation has been accepted at
DoKtltiito I'ortolflciins.
Washington, Aug. 23. A cablo dis
patch has boon received at tho war de
partment from Gonoral Davis giving
additional dotnlls of tho conditions In
Porto Itlco. Ho places tho number of
killed at 1,000 and roltorotos his state
ment of 100,000 destitute. Tho MnoPher
son arrived Saturday afternoon and un
loading proceeded Sunday morning.
The cargo of the MaoPhorson has been
forwarded to distributing centers. In a
few limited areas tho coffeo is half
safe, ond In romalnlng areas the crop
Is almost totally ruined and tho treo3
so Iniurcd thnt next year's crop will
not exceed 50 per cent average All the
bananas, boans, rlco nnd corn aro de
stroyed and half tho potatoes.
Solilleri In Conlllot With Polloo.
San Francisco, Aug. 23. Tho Bteam
or Doric arrived from Hong Kong and
Yokohama, via Honolulu yesterday.
Tho Doric brings tho following nows
from Honolulu under date of Aug. 15:
Tho transport Indiana arrived from
San Francisco Aug. 10 and sailed for
Manila Aug. 11. Soldiers wore allowed
to land and they came In conflict with
the Honolulu police. A drunken soldier
was arrested by tho polico nnd other
ooldlors attempted to rescue him. Thoro
was a lively fight In which somo heads
wero broken, but the man was finally
landed In Jail. He was given to his
commanding officer on condition that
he bo taken from the streets.
Volcanic Eruptions
Aregrand, but Skin Eruptions rob life of
loy. Uucklen s Arnica ijalvc cures them ;
also Old, Running and Fever Sores, Ulcers,
Hons, relons, Corns, Warts, Luts, Bruises,
Burns, Scalds, Chapped Hands, Chilblains,
Best Pile cure on earth Drives out Pains
and Aches. Only 25cts. a box, ( ure
guaranteed. Sol by A. Wasley, d ruggist.
Colord Thieved Killed by Ofucors.
Springfield, Aug. 23. William Wet
zel and Samuel Isloy, two colored men
and stepbrothers, wero surrounded and
killed yostorday afternoon by officers
near Urbnna who wore trying to ar
rest them. They had stolon somo har
ness In Urbana and three officers start
ed in pursuit, overtaking them four
miles out of tho city. Tho thlovos
opened fire, and the officers returned
It, filling them with bullets, killing
thorn while they wero in their buggy.
None of tho officers was hurt. Thero
is considerable excitement among the
colored people.
Scrofula, salt rheum, erysipelas and other
distressing eruptive diseases yield quickly
and permanently to tho cleansing, purifying
power of Burdock Blood Bitters.
Aftor n Miscreant "With i Itob'o.
Falls City, Neb., Aug. 23. A man
known as "Shorty" Wilson, a compara
tive stranger, committed an assault on
the 7-year-old daughter of A. W. Bur
chard, a prominent merchant of this
city yesterday. Tho assailant gaggod
his victim with a corncob. Tho child
gave tho alarm and Wilson was found
In a saloon whore ho was arrested. On
the way to jail, a crowd headed by tho
child's father, got after Wilson with a
rope, and It was with tho utmost dif
ficulty that tho sheriff got his man be
hind tho bars.
Por Infants and Children,
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Signature of
"Gonornl .Umlnuz Still In Cuba.
Havana, Aug. 23. Genoral Isldro
Jlmlnez arrived at Manzanlllo yester
day on board tho Polarla. Ho is still
greatly annoyed over what ho calls his
unwarranted arrest at Clonfuegos, as
this will delay his arrival in Santo Do
mingo for moro than a week. His wife
will reside temporarily in Santiago
while General Jlmlnez and his son will
go to Santo Domingo on a yacht that
is now on route for Kingston, Jamaica,
to coal.
Phtlndolphln Itopubllcnn Nominations
Philadelphia, Aug. 23. The conven
tions of the Republican party in this
city wero hold yesterday, and without
friction nominated candidates for tbo
county offices to be filled next Novem
ber as follows: Sheriff, Wencel Hart-
man; common pleas Judges, Samuel W.
Pennypackor, Henry J. McCarthy; city
commissioners, Hugh Black, Jacob Wll-
demore; coroner, Thomas Dugan.
(AndTonic in Tablet Form)
For All Diseases op the
To Ey t R.Y Part op the system
fiiattiy Dipotito ByPjtYsicwsi
BVMail$1.oo SittaSTfiMProuPMniur
Hold in Bliuiumdoati nt
Ordcis by nmll sent to uuy address.
Kid-No-Oids nro in yellow tablet form put up in boxes soli for 60o n box
at all drug stores your druggist will toll you of euros tlioy effected here
nt homo ho will vouch for tho truth of our every nssortion.
Morrow's Liverlax cures finnRt.irmMnn hil?
11 P cr- 1
sell for 25c a box
Last Lw-ltte Excursion to Atlnntlo
Clt3, &o , vln l'eiinsylvnnla Itallroatl.
August Sith is tho dato of tho last
Pennsylvania Railroad Company's low
rate ten-day excursions from Erie, Troy,
Bellefonto, Wllllamsport,, Sun
bury, Shenandoah, Dauphin, and principal
intermediate stations (Including stations on
branch roads) to Atlantic City, Cpo Slay,
Ocean City, Sea Isle City, Avalon, Anglcsea,
Wildwood, or llolly Beach.
Excursion tickots, good to rotum by regu
lar trains within ton days, will bo sold nt
very low rates. Tickots to Atlantic City will
bo sold via tho Delaware River Bridgo Route,
tho only all-rail lino, or via Market street
wharf, Philadelphia.
Stop over can bo had at Philadelphia,
either going or returning, with hi limit of
ticket, provided ticket is deposited with
agont at Broad street station Immediately on
For information in regard to specific rates
nud timo of trains consult band bills, or ap
ply to agents, or E. S. Ilarrar, Division
Ticket Agent, Wllllamsport, Pa.
Tho fall term of this fniuous
training school for teachers
will open August 28, 1809. Hu
perlor advantages aro offered
to younc men and women
preparing for teaching, col
lege, or business. Tho build
ings aro all new, containing
spacious and comfortable
rooms for students, roomy re
citation halls, steam heated
throughout,and supplied wltli
the latest and best lighting
and sanitary appliance.
Before choosing a school
secure a catalogue of tho
Keystone Normal Bohool.
ReTi N. G. Schaeffer, Ph. D D. D
For full Information, catalogue, eta.,
Agent for the Famous
Phila. Stock Ale, Sparkling Still
Amber Ale, Bottled Pale Ale,
B:own Stout, Half and Half, Beer
and Portext
Mt. Carbon Beer
At all Its customers to-day.
Solomon Haak's,
116 South Main Street,
Will receive prompt attention.
The only pleasure resort and
picnic grounds in this region.
Splendid lake of fresh water. Ice
and wood, free, to all picnic parties
to prepare and preserve meals. An
orchestra is established here for the
entire season. For 'particulars
B. J. VOST, Prop.,
Barnesvlllo, Pa.
the modern, scientific, practical up-to-date medicine that banishes kidney
backache, kidney ailments, sleeplessness and urinary disturbances in either
adults or children.
The first doso of Kid-Ne-Oids works wonders
a week's trial will oftimes cure mild cases take a
box or two and your kidney trouble will disappear
Disordered kidneys are indicated by pains in the back, distress oi
fullness after eating, scanty or scalding urine, weakness and chills, paint
In the loins, nervousness, sleeplessness, loss of vitality, swelling in limbs oi
body or both, and sediment In the urine.
, Jt t ""v -
at all drug stores.
wa-ne-uias ana Liverlax, manufactured by John Morrow & Co., Chemists, Springfield, Ohio.
Tho Pennsylvania Railroad Company has
selected the following dates for Its popular
ten-day excursions to Niagara Palls from
Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington :
August Si, September 7 and 21, and
October 5 nud 10. An experienced tourist
agent and chaperon will accompany each
Excursion tickets, good for rotum passage
on any regular train, excluslvo of limited
oxpross trains, within ten days, will ho sold
at $10.00 from Philadelphia, Baltimore,
Washington, and all points on tho Delaware
division; $11.25 from Atlantio City; $9.00
from Lancaster; 3 50 from Altootia nnd Ilar
rishurg; $0 00 from Sunhury nnd Wilkes
barro; $3.75 Irom Wllllamsport; and at pro
portionate rates from other points. A stop
over will bo allowed at Bufialo, Rochester,
Canadaigua, and Watklna within tho limit
A special train of Pullman parlor oars and
day coaches will bo run with each excursion.
An extra charge will bo mado for parlor car
Tickets for a side trip to tho Thousand Is
lands (Alexandria Bay) will bo sold from
Bocheator in connection with excursions of
July 27, August 10 and 21, September 7 and
21, good to return to Rochester or to Cunan
dalgua via Syracuso within Uvo days, nt rate
of $5.50.
Tickots for a sido trip to Toronto will ba
sold at Niagara Falls for fl.00 on July 20,
August H and 20, and September 23. In
connection with excursion of September 7,
tickets will bo sold to Toronto and return at
ieducod rates, account Toronto Fair,
For timo of connecting trains and further
information apply to nearest ticket agent, or
address Geo. W. Boyd, Assistant General
Passengor Agent, Broad Stroot Station,
Florida Short Line.
Tho New York and Florida Express, via
Southorn Bailway, leaving Broad street
station, Philadelphia, daily at 5:31 p. m.
carries through Pullman sleeping cas to
Augusta and Savannah, Ga., Jacksonville and
Tampa, Fla., via Charlotte and Columbia.
This is tho short lino and most attractive
routo to points in Georgia and Florida. All
information cheerfully furnished by Charles
L. Hopkins, District Passengor Agent, 628
Chestnut street, Philadelphia.
Coming Uventn.
Ang. CO and 28. Grand picnlo at Brown's
grove, Lost Creek, for the boueflt of St.
Mary Magdalene parish.
Oct. 4. Welsh Baptist twenty-sixth annual
supper in Bobbins' opera house.
National Kuoauipment O A. It.
Thn PllilariftlnlilA A; IfMullnw TMIWnv .11
issuo round-trip tickets to Philadelphia at
the rate of single fare for tho round trip.
Tlr.knt in he Rnlil Rfntmhnp ! n A ami R
inclusive, and good for return until Sep
teinDer mn, inclusive. All persons apply
ing can purchase those tlckota.
If, when cotttemplating a trip to any point
West or Southwest of tho Mississippi Bivor,
you will purchase tickets via tho Missouri
Paclflo By , or Iron Mountain Bouto (which
aro on sale at all prlucipal ticket offices in
tho United States), you will havo all tho
comforts and luxuries of modern railway
equipment, and tho finest opportunities for
viewing all of naturo'o museums and marvels
of Utah, Colorado, Kansas, Arkansas, Texar,
Old and Now Mexico, California, oto. Ex
cursion tickots to all principal points at
greatly reduced rates. On account of the
National Education Association meeting at
Los Angeles in July, wo will tnako special
low round trip rates. When coutomplatlug
a trip West or Southwest, write us for full
Information and rock bottom figures, W
E. Iloyt, G, E. P. Agent, J, P. McCann, T.
P. Agent, 891 Broadway, Now York. 4-22-tf
How la Your WUe 7
ITas she lost her beauty? If so, Constipa
tion, Indigestion, Sick Headache are the
principal causes. Karl's Clover Boot Tea
has cured these Ills for half a century. Price
23 cts. and 50 cts. Money refunded If results
aro not satisfactory. Sold by P, I), Kirlin
on a guarantee.
Docs it feel that
It's a warning that
your kidneys aro giv
ing Help them !
Tho kidneys need
it, or they wouldn't
ask so sharply for aid.
Keep the kidnoyn
right, and good health
will always he your
How will you do
) wuu,i,umh lUVij
IN EFFECT MAY 11. 1399.
PoAflcnger trains leave Shenandoah for Pcim
ITavcii Junction, Maucb Chunk, Lehlghton,
Blntlnfrton, Whltu Hall, Cutosnuqua, Alkuttowiij
Bethlehem, Kastoti Kew York and Philadelphia
at 5 23,7 50u. in . 12 62 and 5 17 p. in.
For wllkesbnrre. White Haven and nttston,
5 23, 10 12 a. in.. 12 02 and (5 IT p. in.
For Laccyrillc, Towandn, Snyre, Wavcrly,
Elralra, Kochogter; ItuITalo, Xtingara Falls,
Auburn, Syracuse, Ithaca, Geneva and tho
West, 10 12 a. m., 12 S2 and 6 17 1. in.
For ltelvldere, Delawaro Watei Qap nnd
Stroudsburg, 5 28 a. in., 5 17 p. in.
For Lombertvillo and Trenton, 750 a.m.
For .Tcancavlllo, Levlstou and Beaver Meadow,
5 28 a. in., 12 G2 p. In.
For McAdno, Auclenrlcd, Hazlcton, Stockton
and Lumber Yard, 5 28, 7 50, 10 12 a. m., 12 62 nnd
S 17 p. m.
For Jeddo, Dr If toil and Fteelanil, 6 28, 10 12
a. in., fi 17 p. in.
For Scronton, 5 28. 10 12 n. m., 5 17 p. m.
For I.ostCrcok, Ulrardvllle, and Ashland, 4 00,
and 7 28 p. m.
For ltnven Run, Central In, Mount Carmel mid
Shninokln, 10 49 n. in., 1 42, 0 07, 0 23 p. ni.
ForMahanoy City, Park Place and Delano,
5 28, 7 80, 10 12 n. in., nnd 12 S2, S 17 p. in.
For Yateaville, 5 28, 10 12 n. in.
Trains will leave Slmmoklii at 7 00. 9 20 n. m.,
11 69 und 4 20 p. in., und arrive ut Shenandoah
at 7 60, 10 12 a. in., 12 62, 5 17 p. in.
Leave Shenandoah (or Pottavllle, St. Clair,
New Castle, Morea and New lioston, 7 60 and
10 12 a. in , 12 62 nnd 5 17 P. in.
Leave Pottsvllle for Shenandoah, 9 45 a. m.,
1283,605, 816 p.m.
Leave Ilazleton for Shenandoah, 9 50 a. in.,
12 49, 6 09, 6 SB, 8 31 p. m.
Trains leave for Haven Bun, Centralla, Mt.
Ciinncl and Shnmokln, 9 48 a. in., 7 21 p. in..
Trains leave Shamokln (or Shenandoah nt
8 50 a. m., nud 5 35 p. m.
Leave Shenandoah (or Yateaville, Mahanoy
City, Park Place, Delano, McAdoo, Audcnried,
Hazlcton, Stockton, Lumber Yard, Weatherly
and Mauch Chunk, 9 47 a m., and 0 32 p. in.
For Lehlghton, Blatington, Catasauqua, White
Hall, Coplay, Allentown, ICaston and Phllllps
burg, 9 47 a. in., nnd G 32 p. m.
For New York and Philadelphia, 9 47 a. m.
Leave Ilazleton (or Shenandoah, 8 60, a. m.,
and 5 27 p. m.
M. B. CUTTEIt, Supt. Transportation,
South Bethlehem, Pa.
South Bethlehem, Pa,
CHAIILES S. LEE, Oenl. l'ass. Agt..
New York, N. Y.
South Bethlehem. Pa.
A box of our
MM. fflniLT DREW
is an exhilarating
stimulant during
the hot summer
Delivered at your homo.
Columbia Brewing Company.
819 N. Centre St, PottavtlU, Fa.
Fine old Whiskey., Olnsnnd Wine., at the ha
A choice Hue nt Clear, nnd Temper
anoe Drliiki,
Accommodation (or trcTclem.-
MsaUalall bouts