The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, August 22, 1899, Image 3

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    A ftJI&t four's
Is that when her
llttlo ones
aro born,
'they will
bo vigor
ous and
will bo fully realized If she will
prepare herself 1urintrprej:nftncy
widely-known txterunl liniment
which no many women uae. It not
only pnve tho wny for easy de
livery, but insures strength and
vlRor to tho now-born.
"Hftlrt liy Driiialsts ror 91 n tiflttlft.
i r tf inoMrmtM "t t Morntn'i rsic.iD.
Tnt mucniLD heoolatoh co., auu, n.
MVMHMM-lftf-WVW''"t I
tub nor aminos op AnKANn.vs via.
Will crudlofito fr im your system tlio linger
ing effect of Rrlp Biid otlicr ailments cnnscil
by tho severe winter, mid nulnri.i, rlicnma
tlsm, neuralgia, catarrh, stnmnrb. kidney,
ilvcr anil nervous disorders, paralyols, blood
and skin diseases, nnrt clironlo anil funo
tlonal ilnmiigemetiU. Tho mountain cllraato
of Hot Springs Is cool and delightful in
summer. 100 hotels open tlio year nround.
For Illustrated lltcroturo, contaltiluK all
Information, address 0. F. Cooley, Manager
Iluisiicss Men's Lcnguo, Hot Springs, Ark.
For reduced oxcurslon tickets and par
ticulars of tlio trip, address W. A. Turk,
Gen'l Pass. Ant., Southern By., Washington,
I). C, or C. Jj. Hopkins, District Passenger
Agent. 828 Chestnut St., Phlla., Pa. O-Min
Ask your grocer for the "Royal Patent
floor, and take no other brand . It is tho boat
flntl" nle
Sick-Hoad -acho
and Llvor
Bold by all druggists
or Bent by mall.
Nervlta Medical Co.. Chlciro
Co box contains 15 fills. Bold hy Klrlln'a drug
store, Shenandoah, Pa.
& m.t-1. tm ttnirll.h Diamond nrsnd.
yrqyal pills
Orislnal ami only uename. a
ate, riilW'U. ladies uk I
, DrugrI. lor Vhir Attar jrai'ui m sf
mond Brand In KM a& Gold mnmS
Hh..u lh i,iu rthbon. Tile V
-ino other. Btfutt dangtw tftil(fu- V
m .i j iit tinnt At rirrjit. oriend 4.
'In turo.i for pMloul. mtitnooUU ind
"Keller ior ijniw"ni; 1
Boll brll Local Druulita. rJllkAUA., 1 a
Dr. Humphreys5
Specifics net dlroctly upon. tho disease,
without oxclting disorder in other porta
of the system. They Curo tho Sick,
no. cubes. rnicES-
I Fevers. Congestions, InnammatloD. .23
tt Worms, Worm Fover, Worm Colic. .23
3 Teethln., Collo, Crying, Wakefulness ,23
4- Dlarrliec. ot Children or Adults.-... .23
7 Coughs. Colds, Bronchitis .23
8 Neuralgia. Toothache, Faccache..... .23
O-IIcndochc, 81ck Headache, Vertigo.. .23
10 Dvspep8la,IndlgC8Uon,WoakStomach.23
11 Suppressed orPnlnrul Periods 23
12 Whites. Too Protuso Periods .23
13 Croup, Laryngitis, Hoarseness .23
14 Bait llheuni, Eryslpclas,Eruptlons.. .23
15 nheumalUm, Ilboumatlo Tains 25
10 Malaria, Chills, Fever and Ague .23
10 Catarrh, Influenia, Cold In the Head .23
20-Wliooplng-Coucb 23
87-Ktdney Disease .23
08-Ncrvous Debility.. ..- 1.00
80 Urinary Weakness, Wetting Bed... .23
77-Crlp, Hay Fever .23
Dr. Humphreys' Manual of all Diseases at your
Sold by druggists, or sent on receipt of price.
Humphreys' Med. Co., Cor. William & JolinSts..
IT'S DIFFERENT, because It prints
all the news, and all the news it prints
Is true.
yiS DIFFERENT, because it's bright
and brisk, up-to-date and vigorous, but
not yellow.
tT-S DIFFERENT, because Its only
policy Is to tell the truth. It has no
covert or personal interests to promote
It serves no political ambition, no creed,
no class prejudice, no mere partisan
M-S DIFFERENT, because it advocates
equal taxation and battles against the
existing system, which favors the rich
corporation at the expense of the
farmer, the merchant, the manufacturer
and the wage-earner.
pPS DIFFERENT, because It stands
for Republican principles, and makes
war unon all who. under "the stolen
name of Republicanism, are disloyal
to those principles.
IT'S DIFFERENT, because It believes
i I i ..... . U . , M -,,L
Therefore It unholds the rights of all,
as against the aggressive power of the
privileged lew.
IT'S DIFFERENT, because no boss, no
corporation, can control ono Una of Its
HS DIFFERENT, because It Is non
sectarian and broad i every party, every
faith, every class, and the workingman
equally with the millionaire, gets a fair
hearing in its columns.
cause It upholds faith in
humanity, and the pro
gress of mankind toward
higher ideals, larger
hopes and better living.
IT S DIFFERENT. It will continue to
be different. Watch The North Amerl
can and see It grow.
9 AW
I1UU r'lLL.o
25 CTS.
i urn
I SnbicrlsUoni to Ttiu fi
I To PATENT Good Ideas
may be secured by
'our aid. Address.
Blltlntnr. M4.
SnbicrlsUoni to Via rtent Record HO) pv aauua,
BuainoBs Part of Viotor, Colorado,
Wiped Out,
JCITorts to Chock tlio l'lnmos by tho
Uso of Ilynnmlto Wn Itrnortcil to,
tint In Vnlu Tho Town Wm hut Six
Yonrn Old.
Denver, Aug. 22. Itcports from Vic
tor, Colo., say that tho business portion
of the town Is burned, the wind Is
Mowing a galo and tho loss Is very
heavy. Help was summoned from
Crlpplo Creek, but tho town had been
built In tho early days of tho enmp and
was of pine timber for tho most part
which burned lllto tinder.
Kfforts wore made to stop tho pro
gress ot tlio names by blowing up
buildings in their path by means of
dynamite, and all the prominent hills
have ronred with the explosions, but
the effort wns In vain. Tho flro burned
the Hank of Victor, the poi-toftlce, on
the corner oposltc, crossed Third
Btreet and followed the row of blocks
between Third and Fourth streets to
the north, taking In tho Victor bank
ing compnny, tho Western Union Tele
graph company's office and tho ofllce of
tho Colorado Tetephone company, the
Hotel Victor on tho opposite sldo of
Fourth, and the great shaft houso of
tho Oold Coin Mining company and its
ore bins, among tho largest In tho
Cripple Creek district.
Tho scenes of the Crlpplo Creek fire
wero duplicated. Hurrying before the
roaring flames went mon, women and
children, carrying what thoy could
snatch from the flames, racing for their
lives. The crash of buildings torn
asunder by dynamlto nnd tho crackle
of the flnmes ns thoy consumed tho dry
buildings, hastened their flight, and tho
pall of smoko added a terror to tho
spectacle. A special train was placed
nt the . command or tho city py tho
Florence and Crlpplo Creek railroad,
nnd three companies of firemen, with
apparatus, wero rushed to tho scone.
Thoy worked all afternoon in a vain
endeavor to stay tho march of the
Tho residence portion of tho city has
suffered comparatively little, but the
business portion is paralyzed and suf
fering Is bound to follow. Tho loss
will reach $2,000,000. The first house
was built In Victor in October, 1893.
Spain's Greatest Need.
Mr. U. P. Olivia, of Barcelonia, Spain,
spends his winters at Aiken, S. C. Weak
nerves Hal caused severe pains in tne DacK oi
his head. On using Electric Bitters, Amer-
ca's greatest Blood and Nerve Remedy, all
pain soon lelt mm. lie says this grand
medicine is what his country needs. All
America knows that it cures liver and kid
ney trouble, purifies the blood, tones up the
stomach, strengthens the nerves, puts vim.
mor and new life into every muscle, nerve
and organ of the body. If weak, tired or
ailing you need it. Every bottle guaranteed,
only 50 cents. Sold by A. Waslcy, drug
gist. Dcrifiurnto fc'iilolrto.
Lancaster, Pa., Aug. 22. Robert
Warden, aged 74 years, a farmer liv
ing in Fulton township, plunged head
first into a barrel half full of rainwater
nnd dolibcrately held himself there,
standing on his head, until death on
sued. His wlfo found him. A week ago
he attempted suicide by cutting the
veins In his wrists, but was discovered
In time to thwart his purpose.
Olve the Children a Drink
called Grain-O. It is a delicious, appetizing
nourishing food drink to take the place o:
Coffee. Sold by all grocers and liked by all
who have used it because when properly pre
pared it tastes like tho finest coffee but is free
from all its injurious properties. Grain-0 aids
digestion and strengthens the nerves. It is
not a stimulant but a health builder, and chil
dren, as well as adults, can drink it with great
benefit. Costs about i as much as coffec-
15 and 25c.
ain'lnrlnl TCosiiultn Found.
Liverpool, Aug. 22. Major Ross, tho
head of tho malarial expedition sent
out by tho Liverpool School of Tropi
cal Diseases, has cabled from Sierra
Leono: "The malarial mosquito has
been fqund." The major went out to
West Africa on tho theory that ma
larla is disseminated by the swamp
frequenting mosquito. The British
government will bo asked to send a
scientific force to work in conjunction
with Major Ross.
Tor Infants and Children.
rbo Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears tho
Morolor to llo Vrosooiitofl.'
Paris, Aug. 22. A dispatch from
Ems says that Colonel Schneider, the
Austrian military attache whose al
laged letter Incriminating DreyfuB has.
been one -of tho principal weapons of
tho prosecution, has started for Paris
for the intention ot instituting proceed
lngs for forgery and tho employment
of forged documents against those re
sponsible for tho authorship and use ot
the letter, which he has already dls
tlnctly repudiated.
What Is Shlloh 7
A grand old remedy for Couch, Colds and
Consumption ; used through the world for
half a century, has cured innumerable cases
of Incipient consumption and relieved many
In advanced stages. If you aro not satisfiod
with the resulta wo will refund your money,
Price 25 cts., 50 eta. and fl.00. Sold by P. D.
Klrlin on a guarantee.
HoglRtrnttnu ofSonlnkln Oarnipntn
Washington, Aug. 22. The treasury
department has authorized the collec
tor of customs of Now York to lssuo
certificates of ownership of sealskin
garments to persona going abroad, even
though they came into the possession
ot the persons after the date ot the
pelagic sealing act (Dec. 20, 1897),
when he is satisfied In each Individual
Instance that the skin from which tho
aarment was made was not tho pro
duct of pelaglo sealing since tho date
ot tho act.
Use Allen's Foot-Ease in your Gloves.
A lady writes t "I shake Allen's Foot-Ease
Into my gloves and rub a little on my Danas,
It saves my Kloves by absorbing perspiration
It is a most dainty toilet powder." Allen's
Foot-Ease makes tight or new shoes easy,
Always uso it to break In new shoes. It
keens the feet coo and comfortable. We
invite the attention of physicians and nurses
to the absoinu) purity ot Alien's f oot-use,
All d rue ana shoe stores sen it, xoc. sampx
sent FHEK Address Allen S. Olmsted
Leltoy, N. Y.
stwilatfug Uuiroodntulltcgula
line tlicStamnchs nndBowcis of
ncssandncstConlnlns neither
Opium.TIorphinO norlEncxal.
Not I as c o t i c .
KmKef OldLrSV'fVIZmcfflL'l
Jirpemunt -
ttmud &tgr .
ApcrfccHIcmcdy forConslipa
lioVi.SourSlomach.DiarThoca, Worms .Convulsions , Feverish'
ucss andLoss OF SLEEK
TocSinule Signature of
J tin I fl J CyJAiY O r-
mm smh mM m m
Pj) tnhttu tS men rifliwl ntlSHT
FtiPlID vj wTW Itolim it UtltC. HOT
isLino. comcriciT. ntw mt. nnusmmiA.
IVrrt fn nir pock, "A Bird's Eye View
SI? pHp'S-l'OuuHfiilly Illustrated and very
York uiii'lio" to go about. FRtt Kon the
of menstruation." They
womanhood, awing development oi organs and body. No
known remedy for women equals them. Cannot do harm lifo
becomes a pleasure. $1.00 PER BOX BY MAIL. Sold
uy urugjrists. mt. aiutt'h cu;jhuaij go., Cleveland, Ohio,
Ror Sale by P. A. Houck.
WEIiIi 0W1
"I am
They have
Brazilian Balm
have never
It is good
medicine it is worth its weight in
"The Woman Who Coughed," .and can say these remedies did all
that is claimed for her and more too. I know of a great many cures
in this locality. They ought to be in every home in America. They
would save thousands of lives for
people here use them. ' ' Miss Sara
Brazilian Balm at Druggists, 25
for the jnoney than any other remedy.
With every $1,00 bottle of Balm you get
PrUB. Do not fail to try these remarkable remedies.
B. 1'. Jackson
Shenandoah Drug: Store,
Coming Events.
Aug. SO and 29. Grand picnic at Brown's
crove, Lost Creek, for tho benefit of St.
Mary Ma&dalene parish,
Oct. 4. Welsh Baptist twenty-sixth annual
supper In Bobbins' opera house.
Sick Headache?,
The curse of overworked womankind, are
quickly and surely cured by Karl's Clover
Boot Tea, the great blood purifier and tissue
builder. Money refunded if uut satisfactory.
I'rice 85 cts. aud 60 eta. Sold by 1 O. Kirlln
ona guarantee.
For Infants and Childron.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
j J(v The
(w Kind
U You Have
Always Bought.
M At f Js, j
ot New York" nnd Its Greatest Store
Interesting. Tells you all about New
ismso. ,
They overcome Weak
ness, irregularity and
omissions, increase vig
or and banish "pains
aro IiIFB SAVEKS" to girls at
Toxicola Tablets
glad of the opportunity to pub
v w
E&naMiy r esj.ii iKMW
Hcly commend Brazilian Balm and Toxicola
They are certainly very excellent
as I can testify from long experience,
kept me in splendid health, so I
had to call a physician since I
used them. Brazilian Balm is the one thing
that cures Grippe, so it leaves no evil effects
behind; and for colds, coughs, catarrh and
lung troubles, I never knew its equal. And
Toxicola is the most wonderful thing to put
vitror and life into the svstem I ever saw. It
corrects billiousuess, tones up the nerves,
clears the complexion and purifies the blood,
any time but for a Spring and Fall
gold. I know Miss I,, I. Clark,
they cure the worst cases. The best
Elmina Reynolds, Indianapolis, Ind,
cts., SO cts. and $1,00 a bottle. More doses
Toxicola Tablets 15 cts. and 50 cts. a box
a month's treatment of ToxIcoU Tablets
& Co., Mfg. Chemists, Indianapolis, Ind
Wholesale and Retail Agents.
Florida abort Line.
Tlio New York and Florida Express, via
Southern Hallway, leaving Broad ttroet
station, Philadelphia, dally at 6:31 p. m
carries through Pullman sleeping ca-s to
Augusta and Savannah, Ga., Jacksonville and
Tampa, Fla., via Charlotte and Columbia.
This is tho short lino and most attractive
route to points in Georjta and Florida. All
Information cheerfully furnished by Charles'
L. Hopkins, District Passcugcr Asont, 828
Chcstuut street, Philadelphia.
an in nnmnMTn mm i r
luii mum iitiAL
Cbangod Attitudo of Prisonor Sat
isfactory to Friends
Ito Million n StHti-inoii t In itcwiril to
111 Iliinil wrltlnir nun Thnt nf tlio
Ilorilironii Important DiiotimotitH
l'mi nil In Iinly.
Kenneg. Awr. 22. The thlid week of
the recond trial by court martial of
Csiita'n Alfred Drpyftw. of the artil
lery, on the charge of treason wtw be
K"n without incident. All of the wlt-
nesMB wore hontlle to the urisoner.
Thrw points stood out prominently In
the proccptlings. They were Colonel
louatmt i nisnlny of twtrt al tv. the new
attitude taken by nreyfim and the con
temptible conduct ot n witness, Junck.
rue flpontaneoug tttternnce ofJou-
mist of the word "encore" (again).
hon I'lcnuart asked to he henrd. wm
tho topic of conversation, ns Jouaust
for tho first time thus openly and can
didly revonlod his partiality and hoist
ed thonntl-Ilmyfusardcolors. Through
out mo trial neither he nor any or tho
judges have ever shown particular love
for 1'icquart. but ho has never com
mitted such a flagrant violation of Jus
tice and Ills duties as a judge aa he did
The change of attitudo upon tho part
of Dreyfus, hns given universal satis
faction to his frlonds. Hitherto ho had
confined himself, when asked by tho
Jiulgo ir ho had any roply to mako to
witnesses, to an Impassioned protesta
tion of his Innocence. This made an
immense but transitory impression on
his hearers.
Moreover, General Itoget mndo the
lenificent remark In court 1 it week
tbat nn Innocent man does not merely
protest his innocenco, but defends hlm-
olf. This undoubtedly stunc Droyfus
Into the line ho has ndoptod. when ho
roue nnd replied nrgumentatlvoly and
in a calm voice to the various points
raised by the witnesses. It was In ro-
spoiiRe to Captain Junck that ho mado
bis longest statement, occupylnc about
ten minutes, during which he used tho
notes no had taken whilo Junck was
spenking, nnd with methodical ar-
nnuemont of facts and In uncnutvocal
langungo offectlvoly discussed tho ln
accuracics of Junck's testimony.
Tho conduct of Junck in roneatinc
confidences made to him as a comrado,
by Dreyfus, disgusted his hearers, and
In the mind of any right thinking man
must hav- considerably impaired tho
value of tho remainder of his ovldenco.
He and Dreyfus sat together In tho
same office and naturally exchanged
confidences regarding their relations
with women. But. it was pointed out.
no ono but contemptible persons re
peats them in court, especially In the
case ot a man passing as an officer and
a gentleman.
Tho first witness called to tho stand
yesterday was General Fahro, com
manding tho Fourth buerau. Ho tes
tified that tho bordereau was given to
him to examine and seo if tlio hand
writing of it was like thnt of any of
his officers. He declared that ho ex
amined the document carefully, with
tho nsslstanco of Colonel Dabovllle.
He was astonished, he averred, to find
that tho writing of tho bordereau was
exactly like that of Captain Droyfus.
He reaffirmed his bclifo that Captain
Droyfus was guilty and said: "I am
sure ho wroto the bordereau."
Captain Dreyfus then questioned tho
witness, and insisted that Fabre was
wrong In IiIb details.
M. Cochefort, the detective who ar
rested Dreyfus, told of the test mado
by Do Clam, who dictated parts of tho
bordereau to Dreyfus. Ho said tho ac
cused exhibited great emotion aa he
had done also when placed under ar
rest. "I thought ho was guilty," said
Cochofert. Ho was careful not to give
his present opinion.
Captain Dreyfus then aroso. and
speaking calmly proceeded to refuto
tho testimony of Cochefert and Grlbo
lln. He related tho scene of the dic
tation test.
"I remember it perfectly," said Drey
fus. "I came in from a cold room,
where I had boon waiting. Tho dif
ference betweon my writing then and
my usual hand was alone duo to my
cold fingers."
Captain Junck on the stand reltor-
nted tho charges that Dreyfus had
gambled at a club In Maus and re
ferred to tho technical conference of
1893, and othor old accusations.
Whon Captain Junck had finished his
testimony Droyfus, in a sharp, spirited
speech, riddled his testimony. Ho
mado four points: First, ho novor
gambled. Second, that he could not
have beon at tho technical conference
at the time ho was absent in Germany.
Third, ho had no cousin or other rela
tive in the department of foreign af
fairs. Fourth, he knew absolutely la
June. lb'Ji, that ho could not go to the
maneuvers', becauso ho had been offlcl.
nlly ordered to tho Corps do Troopo for
'Qt DrcyfUs Handwriting.
Home, Aug. 22, A prominent Italian
politician, according to the Don Chisel
otte Delia Mancla has In his posses
sion one of the most Important docu
ments referred to In the bordereau In
the Dreyfus caso, and the handwriting
ot the document Is unquestionably not
that of Captain Dreyfus.
A Frichtful Blunder
Will often cause a horrible Bum, Scald,
Cut or Bruise. Bucklen's Arnica Salve, tlio
best jn the world, will kill the pain ami
promptly heal it. Cures Old Sores, Fever
bores, Ulcers, uons, reions, i-orns, an
Skin Eruptions. Best Pile cure on earth.
Only 25 ct. a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold
by A. Wasley, druggist.
Wnr Secrotnry nnd 1'ronldont Confer.
Washington, Aug. 22. Secretary
Hoot left Washington at 4 o'clock yes
terday afternoon for Lako Champlaln
to confer with tho president. Ho was
accompanied by his private secretary,
Mr. Mason, and took with him a largo
number ot documents and cablegrams
from General Otis.
"Itching hemorrhoids, were tho plague of
ray life. Was almost wild, Doan's Oint
ment cured mo quickly and permanently
after doctors bad failed." 0. F. Cornwell,
Valley street, Saugertlos, K. Y.
His Spur lu Ctiutnot With l.Ivo Wlro.
Lancaster, Pa., Aug. 22. Whilo
workins on a pole, 40 feet above the
ground, Frank Dewnlt, aged 37, a Penn
sylvania Telephone company lineman,
received a shock, by his climbing spur
touching a live wlro, that throw him to
the street. His skull was fractured. He
diod at St. Joseph's hospital without
having regained consciousness.
"I had a ruanlug, Itch Inn sore on my leg.
Suffered tortures. Doan's Ointment took
away tho burning: and Itching instantly and
quickly effected pormanonl euro." C. Y.
Leuhatt, Howling Green, O.
Tried stilclilp fop Splto.
Heading, l'n.. Aug. 22. To spite her
frlond, with whom she had quarreled.
Mm. Sarah Mnchatner, a widow, aged
60 years, made a r! asperate attempt to
end her life by thruwlnn herself on the
tracks before an east bound freight
train, near the Third street crossing ot
the Philadelphia and Iteading railroad.
In this city. Fortunately the engineer
had slackened speed, and, having ob
served the woman's form on the track,
was enabled to stop the train. When
the engineer and crew attempted to re
move her she made a stiihlwirn resist
ance. Imt finally yielded to iersuaston.
ronnivitulH ItepulilM'nn t'linvriitlnii
itarrlsbttrg. Aug. 22.The stale He
pnbllcan convention will meet In the
Harrlsburg Opera House on Thtirwlm
to nominate candidates for slate treas
urer. Judge of the supreme court and
Judge of the superior court. Colonel
Quay and his friends will control the
convention, which means the nomina
tion of Ueutenant Colonel James E
Harnett, of the Tenth Pennsylvania
regiment, for state treasurer; J. Hay
Ilrown, of tancAater, for supreme
JudKe, and Joslah It. Adams, of Phila
delphia, for superior court Judge.
I'orto Itleiiti fnlilo Itrpnlreil.
St. Thoman, Aug. 22. The cable con
necting San Juan de Porto Illco, with
Jamaica, was repaired at midnight
Sunday off Areclbo. The break was due
to the Areclbo river's outDow, which
covered the cable with huge trees,
sugarcane and rubbish. News from the
Island of Montserrnt shows that an ex
tremely deplorable state of affairs ex
ists there. Assistance Is urgently
needed to save the people from misery
n: d starvation. At St. Kitts and Antl
qua gre t destruction also prevails and
the outlook Is bad.
Outside cleanliness Is less than half
the battle. A man may scrub himself a
dozen times a day, and
still be unclean. Good
health means cleanliness
not only outside, but in
side. It means a clean
stomach, clean trowels,
clean blood, a clean
liver, and new, clean,
healthy tissues and fi
bers in every organ of
the body. The man
who is clean in this
way will look it and act
it. He will work with
energy and think clean, clear, healthy
He will never be troubled with liver,
lung, stomach or blood disorders. Dys
pepsia and indigestion originate in
unclean stomachs. Blood diseases arc
found where there is unclean blood.
Consumption and bronchitis
mean unclean lungs. Dr.
Pierce's Golden Medical
Discovery prevents these
diseases. It makes a man's
iusides clean and healthy.
It cleans the digestive or
gani, makes pure, clean
blood, and clean, healthy
flesh. It doesn't make the
flabby fat of corpulency,
but the firm flesh of health.
It restores tone to the nervous system,
and cures nervous exhaustion and
prostration. It contains no alcohol
to inebriate or create craving for injuri
ous stimulants.
Mr. John L. CouRhenour, of Glen Ravage,
Somerset Co., Pa., writes: MMy appetite was
unusually poor, nnd I was as weak ami nerv
ous as though 1 had lecn starved for months.
My heart kept throbbing continually and X was
short of breath. Finally I wrote to you for ad
vice aud you informed me that I had Indigestion
and a torpid liver, I did not think your diag
nosis was right, but I ordered six bottles of
'uoiatu Aieuicai Discovery trom you ana ocean
its use. After using three bottles I began to im
prove slowly anil soon went to work, anil X have
been working ever since "
Constipation is the most unclean un-
cleanliness. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pel
lets cure it, They never gripe.
n 1 1 u r c 'H
Philadelphia &
Readinq R'y
Engines Burn Hard Goal No Smoke.
Trains leave Rhenandoau aa follows:
For New York via l'hlladelnhla. wees; itavs.
2 10, 5 38, 7 87, 9 S3 a. m., 12 28, 8 09 and 8 09 p. m.
Sundays, 2 10 a m.
For New York via March Chunk, week daya
7 87 a. m.. 12 26 and 8 09 D. m.
For Itcadlne and fblladelohla. week dava.
a ijjja, o,, v m a. m., Li 20, a uj ana o w p. m.
For l'oltavllle. week days. 2 10. 7 87. 9 65 a. ro.
12 28, 8 09, 6 09 and T 30 p. m. Sundays, 2 10 a m.
For Tamaqua and Mahanoy City, week days
2 10, 7 87, 9.13 a. m., 12 20, 8 09 and ft 09 p. xn.
luimavs. III.
For Wllllamsport. Bunburv and Lewlsburc
week dava. 8 27. 11 82 a. m.. 12 26. 7 SO n. m
Sundays, 3 27 a m.
For Mahanoi Plane, weekdays. 2 10. 3 27. S 83.
787,963,1182 a.m., 12 26, 8 09, 6 09, 730, 366
p. m. Sundays, 2 10 and 8 27 a m.
For Aablaad and Shamoicln, week dare, 3 27,
7 37. 11 82 a. m.. 12 20. 8 09. 6 07. 725 and 55 11. m.
Sunday, 3 27 a m.
ror liammore, waamngion ana ine west via
Terminal, Philadelphia. (P. A U. U R.) at 8 20.
7 S3, 11 26 a. m., 8 10 and 7.27 p. i. Sundays
8 29,700, 1126 a. m., 8 46 and T 27 p.m. Addi
tional iraioa irom Tweniy.tourta ana Cheat
nut streets station, week days, 10 80 a. m. 12 20 rjunuaya, 1 bo, 0 -9 p. tn
Leave New York via Philadelphia, week
daya. 12 15. 4 80. 7 30, 11 80 a. m.. and 1 30. 4 80
9 00 p.m.
Leave New York via Mauch Chunk, week
days, 4 80. 9 10 a. m.. 1 80, 4 40 p. m.
Lcave rnuaaeipnia, iteaains Terminal, week
daya, 4 80, 8 86, 10 21 a. m. and 1 86, 4 06, 6 86.
11 31 p. m.
lave Heading, wees: nays, 137, 700, 10 OH
, ro., 12 IS, 4 17, 6 00, 8 26 p. m.
Leave Fottsvlile. week days. 7 17. 7 40 a. m.
9 30, 12 80, 1 20, 4 30, 6 10 and 6 60 p. m.
jeave iamaqua, weec uays, s 15, H 80. 1123
a. m 1 49, 5 66, 7 20. 9 41 p. m
Leave Malianoy City, week daya, 8 49, 9 04,
11 47 a. m.. 2 23, 5 35. 6 24, 7 44, 10 08 p. m
Leave Mahanov Plane, week dava. 2 40. 4 00
680. 922.10 23.U00, a. m.. 289. 686. 642.768
10 21pm.
Leave Wllllamaport, weekday!, T 43, 10 00 a
m.. 12 84 and 4 00. 11 80 p. m.
Leave Philadelphia Chestnut street wharf and
South street whaif for Atlantic Cltr.
Weekdays Kxpres, 8 00, 9 00, 10 45 a m, 100,
2 CO, 3 00, 13 40 sixty minute, 4 CO, 4 00. 5 00 sixty
minute, 6 80, 715, pm. Accomodation, 0 15 a
ni. 5 30, 630 p m. Sundays Kxpresa. 7 80. 8 00.
B 30, 0 00, 10 00 a m, 4 43, 7 15 p m. Accommoda
tion, o u a in, 4 45 p m. 81.00 Excursion 7 00 a
m dally ana 7 so Sundays.
Leave Atlantlo City Denoti Weekdays Hx
press, 6 45 Mondays only, 7 00, 7 45, (7 80 from
llaltioave. atation only, 830, 9 00, 10 15, 1100
n m 8 30, 430, 5 30, 730, 9 30 p m. A ceo in mo-
ilatlon, 4 25, 8 00 am, 3 60pm. Sundays Ex.
Sreea, a oj, w, a wt o w, o iw, 7 fij, 7 no, is 00,
SCI d m. Accommodation. 7 IS a m. lal n m.
f 1.00 Excursion, weekdaya 8 00 p m, Sundaya 6 10,
For Ocean City-Weekdaya 8 43, 9 15 a in.
213. 4 15. 5 13 Dm. Bundava 8 43.9 15 a m.ll
pm. $1.00 excursion Thursday and Sunday 7 00
a in.
For Cape May and Sea Isle City Weekdays
9 13 a m, 2 SO, 4 15 p m. Sundaya 8 45 an 4 43
Dm. 11.00 excursion Suudava only. TOO a m.
Additional for Cape May Weekdays 8 Si
111. ouuuaya v w a iu
Parlor Curs on all express trains.
For further Infoiuatlon. apply lo nearest
Philadelphia and llaading Uallway ticket a tent
1 1 r uurvs
' A Hu.inmn Tvwmv T Xin-w
Qen'l Bupl., tlen'l Paaa'r Aft.
uwuuf icimiui, jraiiaaeipaia.
The Gurei..f Cures
Whooping CouRhi Asthma
Dronohltla and Incipient
Consumptions Is
The fjERMAN REMEDY'Mio. Vurq Avst'asriq.
1 sell you
. package oil
buy more
vol touch
Offlce Egn building, cornet ol Main an
Centre streeta, Hhenandoah.
j claudk nnowx,
Ofllce: Cor. Centre nnd Whlto streets, nut
to Justice Tooroey's ofllce.
No. 30 Knat I.layd ritreet.
Offlce hours: lo t a m.j 1 to 8 p. m.
7 to 9 p. n.
Lock Box S3, Mahatioy City, Pa.
Having atudled onder some of the beat
masters In London and Parts, will ir 1.
on the vlolln.mandolln. gutur and vocal cvllnro.
Terms reasonable. Add row In care of Blroate.
irie leweler Shenandoah.
Jclt 1, 1899.
Trains will leave Shenandoah after the aeova
date for Wlinran, (lllberton, Prackvllle. Dark
JJ atcr. St. Clair, Pottavllle. jfamburic, Knadlaau
1 5tJ"V"Tnt I'hofinlxT-mo. Horrlstown and PhK
aaelphla (Hr'AiI street station) at 615 and 8 05
a.m., 210,6 lp m. on week daya. Sundays,
8 05 a. m., 4 20 p. m.
Tralna leave Frackvllla for Shenandoah at
7 86, 11 49 a.m. and 6 86, 7 86 p. m. Sunday,
11 01 a, m. and 5 86 p. m.
iiie?V.P?.HX,"e ,or Shenandoah (via Frack
vllle) 7 10, 1120 a. m., B 10, T 10 p. m. Sunday
10 85 a. m.. 5 10 p. m.
Leave Philadelphia, (Broad street station), lot
Sundnj-B I pa re al ft 50 and fl 23 a. m.
IrTAT.?.phnJ!e,Ph,a(IirodBt"fl UtIo) for
I'otuviiie.afo.ssa, 1019 a. m.t 1 so, 4 icltu
P. m. WeCKtlAVII. NllnHitfa A Krt O T . I
6 02pm. - ' '
lxiave ilroad Street Station, Philadelphia,
Express Weekdays, 8 20, 4 OS, 4 40. S 00. f IS
J. ii.iunieu -luuana '4 22 p ml. 1 48.
JSO.SW, 8&9, 4 02. 5 00. '3 M, 6 00, ?S ltL
1 00 p in. 12 01 nlht. Hunday7. 8 20, 4 Oa, 4 la!
5 00. 5 15, 8 23, 9 50, M021, 10 43, 11 48 a m 1J CS
7 02, 8 10, 10 00 p m, 12 01 night.
For Boston without chance, 11 01 a ra.
days, anil 8 10 p. m., dally. w
Cntaklll Exprcaa Parlor car, 11 00 a m week
days, ror Kca nut Aabnry Park, Oeean Orora.
Txnc nranch. 4 03. 6 50. 8 80. II 41 . ,n u
4 0Spm weekdays; 800 p m Saturdays only!
Sundays stops at 1 nterlaken for Aaburv ParkM
4 03 and 8 30 a m.
norIj,m.lS.r1T'"EM,onnd Scranton. in,
9 00 am, 12 00 noon, 8 32, S 00 (Lambertvllle aad
Eaatononly), weekdays, and 7 01 p m dally
Uultalo 9 0U a m, 12 00 noon weekdaya. and 1 01
pm dally.
onYy""' 1,ocono "Pla, 108 p mSatardays
For Baltimore and Washington, 8 60. T JO. S W.
10 20, 11 23 a m, 12 09. 86, .fTl . i 14 41 pV5
ConKTemlonal Llm.J, 531,6 17, 6 55, 7 81 it m.
2nd ,.n,,!h,.ykar Sundays, 8 60, T
9 12. 11 23 a m, 12 09 'lh, 8 12, 4 ff 3 CoS
Rrcaalonal Llm.,58l, 6 53, 7 81p m and II OH
For Baltimore, accommodation, 9 12 m. 1 69
. J 01 P m week days.S 08 and 11 16 p m dally.
"antic wmi une. Kxpresa U09 pm,an(
Fin Vilcfnv Hall.
12 u nlsnt. dally.
Southern Railway.
D m. dally.
Expreaa 5 84 and 6 85
noriois: ana Western Railway for Uemphla
nri . , O.I n ,,l .I.,, r
and New Orleans, 5 34 p m dally.
Chesapeake & Ohio ltallway, 181
For Old Point Comfort and Nc
D m. dally.
a m weekdays, 1110 pm dally.
Leave Market street wharf aa follow I Baa.
d"- .FJ?rLon "ranch via Seaside Park. id
a m, 1 80 and 4 00 p m week-dsya. Sandays
Aabnry Park, 783am.
lUrnwi.l fM. n IM
and 4 00 p m weekdaya; 130 n m rUturdaya
only. Sundaya, 730 am. For TusiaHon. 910
a m and 4 00 p m weekdaya.
.. ,1 ueiaware riyer
rSl ls?K-tni,lS.' 9 1 ,fl0 ra'nutea am, In
LMuttuuni, I uj minum,T UD IK) mlQUlUl
V m Hondaya. 4 63. 9 20 Iftt . '
Leave ilarket Street Wliarf Expreaa. StS,
8 80, (75 minutes). 10 00 ( 75 mlnutea, a m. (1 00
Saturdays only), (75 minutes), 2 00, (70 mlnuiea).
3 00 (75 minute.), 8 30 (60 minutes), 4 00 (3
minutes), 4 80 (75 minutes), 6 00 60 mlnutraU
uuu ui wiuuhvi p. m. ounaaya. s uu. T SJ
73 minutea,8 00 73 minutes, 8 30 TSmlautaal,
900 ITS minutes, 10 00 70 minutes a. in., 3
4 30 75 minutes) p. m. 11.00 Exclusion tralav
7 CO a ra weeknlays. Sundays, 7 00 and 7 50 a nv
ror (xapeiuay, Angleaea, Wildwovt, Holly
Beach Expreaa. 900 am. I80.4DS llmmlnmf
5 00 pm weekdaya. Sundays, 8 20am. For
Cape May only, 1 30 p m Saturdaya. 11.00 Ua
curslon train, 700 a. m. dally.
For Sea Iale City. Ooeau ni a rain, --a
Stone Harbor Expreaa 9 10 am, 1 80, 4 20, 6 00)
p m weexdava. Sundaya, 8 60 a m. SlAJJUaas
alon train, TOO a m dally.
ror nomera- roint Kxpreae, 0 00,810, 1009 at
m, (I 00 Saturdays only), 2 00,3 00,4 00,8 00,880)
pm weekdaya. Sundays. 5 00. 8 on g oa and lo on
a m, 4 80 p m.
i lie union iranaier uompany will call (e
and check bag-gae from hotel and realdeneeav.
Dining Car.
I. H, HOTCuiiiaos, J, R. Wood.
Genl Manager.
Uen'l Pasa'g'r
I urn DCTttr fut
(Uf ruiaiyt
othr Ui
vth TaUMr -ati rcM.rpo&i lllm And t
Ml.TllMI Al-aVVal hO J thai lata Mrff tlidUa--
Trtroit r.MtM! to tail Ah A witrr j
i:HltllhTIU fllKVta
'k ,i oriiera for our fasrtly
N .rtiri JUkL. ExpsuMa
si J saUr la thosa leaving
own-, ur commission to lo.
-al KHnta Pormaasnt os
oturniout. The boslnosa lfsm1. Addroas
Ttfr It . 41. Cl AS If CO.
irV.H. P.outvu (Lll
Tho nosv FroshnoBB
And velvety aoftneaa of the akin la iava
rlably obtained by tbora who use Pouoat'a
Oomplexlon I'owder.
MM ?f4F Ufwecar
tta we'll be
T Bam -i cl iuucui ,,.
fllUleofSeel. U. '
..: : .7 '?r
ig to orutnarr uie spot
coffee knows hve t,f
f grand drink that1 u
will please her husband. 5