The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, August 22, 1899, Image 2

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l"T III.I-mP.I 1R70
-Mi -'v - That's Fit to Print."
1 iMtlfl i -i'ik K nipt Humli, Ut 8
nith iKr.l.i, l, Hhonfttuloali. Pa.
The HernM In delivered In Shenandoah nnd the
surrouniHnir towns for six cent n w ek, pay
nhle to tho carriers. Hy mall M.00 n year, or
23 cent n month jiayable In advance Ad
vertisements ehnrfteil nccnruiiiff to space nml
position. Tho publlolirni reserve the ritcht
to chnnKO the position f advertisements
whenever the publication of new s demands
It. The rlRht Is rrsorved to reject any
advertisement, whether lwtd for or not, that
the publishers may deem Improper. Adver
tising rstes made kno-vn upon application.
Rntered at the oo-t olllee -1 Hhenandoah, Pa., as
seeond class mull matter.
zrrr-- ..- Af-JiU;: -
WO -
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TUESDAY, AUGUST 22. 19(10.
OUR COUNTRY : First. Last and. Forever.
Olr Democratic! friends in this
county are whistling to keep up their
Wukk Hie London Spectator argues
that republics have seen their best
days it forgets that Great Uritain's
resemblance to a republic lias grown
at a rapid pace throughout the cen
tury. Thk Miners' Journal is devoting
much valuable space to ex-Judge
Koch, in view of its statement that
his desertion "means the loss of oue
vote" to the Kepublican judicial can
didate. France is on trial rather than
Dreyfus. The clash of national diffi
culties and national prejudices is
called by the name of Dreyfus, but
the causes are far beyond the signifi
cance of any individual.
Congressman RiAN is opposed to
the annexation of the Philippines,
and thinks every American citizen
should give President McKinley his
full support iu the efforts to restore
peace and good order in the islands.
Thk next term of criminal court,
which begins September 4th, will be
an important one. For the first time
in several years there will be three
active Judges on the Bench. Shen
andoah litigants, as- usual, will be on
hahd by tho score.
When it is remembered that it re
quires 200,000 pounds of food a day to
supply our army in tho Philippines
and that the great bulk of this food
must be bought in this country and
shipped from San Francisco the task
of feeding this atmy will be recog
nized as no small one.
A NEW commercial era is dawning.
Ve have at last mustered up the
courage to plead guilty of the charge
of being a world power. The echo of
this announcement came' back from
all the great ship yards. In less than
ten months after Dewey's victory at
Manila $(50,000,000 worth of ships
were being built in our ship yards.
Prosperity is here. It was a long
time coming. It was slow in making
itself felt. It was hard to stir up the
enthusiasm of confidence. But it's
here now. The men who didn't lose
heart and kept on pushing, wero the
first to get returns. The ones who
were halting and uncertain, will have
to push harder now to gain that
which was lost. Good advertising,
coupled with good business methods,
will do it. Now is the best time to
Two or three thoughts are sug
gested by the opinion of a Pough
keepsie physician that fruits, toma
toes and watermelons are not good
food for children. One is that there
is no matter of eating, drinking or
even sleeping on which it is not pos
sible to obtain widely differing
opinions from doctors. Whose
opinion to accept is what will puzzle
the millions to whoin the natural
growths of the earth seem the direct
offerings of a bountiful Providence,
It is a comfort to know that so many
physicians disagree with the learned
pundit of Poughkeepsie.
The Kepublican leaders have
caught on to the fact that the Demo
crats are building on making the
Philippines question their leading
issue next year. Free silver, trusts,
and the otiier things that usually
figure in the stook of trade of Demo
cratic campaigns ure to be made
secondary. The hope of the Repub
licans is to cause the question to be
come a dead issue before the time
arrives for the Democrats to make it
effective, and the way to do this is to
sneedilv wind up the war on the
islands. With the Philippines busi
ness out of the way, Uryan will not
cut much of a figure in the Presl
dential canvass.
Effectually yet gently, when costive or tyb
'mis, to permanently overeorae habitual con
stlpatioiifto awaken tho kidneys and Jiyar
to a healthy MKHly. withonf irritating or
weakening them, to ullpel headaches, colds,
or fever, nse Syrup of Pigf, made by tho
California Fig Syrup Co.
'Mold dobt."
Something New!
Largo packaRc of the World's
cleanser for a nickel. Still greater
omy In 4 pound package. Made only by
Chicago, St. Louis, New York, Boiton. Philadelphia
Tho Trottlilo on TrfitiHfort Wnrron.
Washington, Aug. 22. The quartor
lnMter general has rocolved a dispatch
about tho alleged trouble on tho trans
port Warren, which recently arrived at
San Francisco from Manila. It is
frorn Quartermaster Long, at San
Francisco, and says: "Transport
quartermaster states that on July 5, 21
coal passers and iiremon refused to go
to work unless one of theJr number,
was confined for drunkenness nnd de
sertion, was released from tho brig.
They were arrested, taken ashore at
Manila and punished by from threo to
ton months in tho penitentiary. They
were replaced by another crow of ex
perienced firemon, which wore shipped
the same day. Those latter wore dis
charged soldiers. No Filipinos wore
shipped as part of the crow of tho War
ren." New .Torsoy Olnii Worltx Unionized.
Brldgeton, N. J., Aug. 22. Tho big
Cohansey glass worlis, one of the sev
eral glass works of this locality which
have been closed for somo timo owing
to strikes for' the recognition of the
union, will ho started up as n union
establishment. An agreement to that
effect was signed yesterday by officials
of tho company and by President
Hayes, of tho Glass Workers' associa
tion. This will put the hottio factories
and the window glass tank Into opera
tion nnd 800 men will bo given employ
ment. The effect of tho resumption at
those works on the six ether factories
which refuse to recognize tho union
hps not developed. Tho glass workers
are Jubilant over this recognition of
their association.
Four Killed In a Illot In lioliomla.
Praguo, Bohemia. Aug. 22. Serious
disturbances have taken place at Grad
lltz, a town 15 miles north of Konlg
gratz. due to racial differences between
the Czechs and Germans. A detachment
of gendarmes who wore guarding the
municipal buildings were stoned from
nn adjacent public house. They wero
unsuccessful in their attempt to clear
the house of their assailants, but mado
several nrests. During tho night tho
gendarmes were fired on and they
charged on tho mob with drawn swords,
the result being that four persons wero
killed and several others wore injured.
Troops and further reinforcements of
gendarmas wore sent to the scene of the
disturbances and eventually quiet was
Bodily pain loses its terror if you've a
bottle of Dr. Thomas' Eolectric Oil in tho
house. Instant relief iu cases of burns, cut?,
sprains, accidents of any sort.
Faithful IIihi (iliunlK Master's llocly.
Lancaster, Pa., Aug. 2. Martin
Krelder, aged 74 years, on Saturday
left his home In Lltltz for a wnlk. tak
ing his dog with him. Yosterday Kreld
er's dead body was found In a corn
field, near Lltltz, and tne nog was
Btandlng guard ovor It, evidently hav
ing watched over his dead master slnco
Saturday, wnen tne man cued suddenly
of apoplexy. Sunday boys saw what
they thought was a man lying in tho
field, but the fury of tho dog, when
they appeared, scared them away.
WHfl Women as well as men are
I (J and bladder trouble. Dr.
t . . i i r T t . .
DLAI It. great kidney remedy,
promptly cures. At druggists In fifty cent
and dollar sizes. You may have a sample
bottle by mail free, also pamphlet telling all
about it.
Address, Dr. Kilmer &Co.,Binghamton, N. Y.
To Ilecolvo tho "Flclitlncc" Tenth.
Pittsburg, Aug. 21. Arrangements
have been completed for the reception
of the Tenth regiment, Pensylvanla
volunteers, upon Its arrival from Cali
fornia next Monday. When tho state
line is reached a committee will meet
the train and welcome the members
home and upon the arrival of the regi
ment In Pittsburg there will be a mon
ster military parade over the principal
streets of the city to Schenley Park,
where dinner will be served and swords
and medals presented to the officers
and men. Addresses will be made by
President McKinley, Governor Stone,
congressman Dalzoll and Lloutonant
Colonel Barnett, and the regiment will
then bo finally dismissed.
Favor nn Early Convention.
Chicago, Aug. 22. The Record to
day says: "The Democratic national
committee Is considering the advisa
bility of holding the Democratic na
tional convention two or three months
earlier than In former years. Word
came to Chicago that a meeting of the
committee is to be held In October or
November, after Senator Jonos comes
home from Europo, to discuss the ques
tion. It Is not considered Improbable
that the convention will be called to
meet In February. Some of the com
mitteemen and Democratic leaders are
in favor of holding the convention to
nominate a national ticket as early as
I'nnlo at a ClroiiH
Richmond, Va., Aug. 22. A special
from Winchester, Va., says that during
a violent wind storm yesterday aftor
noon, the big tent of John Itoblnsdn's
circus was blown down during a per
formance. A panic ensued and 40 per
sons wero more or less Injured by be
ing trampled on. Fred O'Brien, an ac
robat, was the most seriously hurt. His
right thigh was broken and he received
other injuries. While the struggling
mass was under the tent, thieves
reaped a harvest.
Some Foollih People
Allow cough to run until it gets beyond the
reach of medicine. They often say, "Oh, it
will wear away," but in rnokt cases it will
wear them away. Could they be induced to
try the succeteful medicine ealjed Kemp'
llaleam, whlth U told on a poeitivc guarantee
to cure, they would immediately see the ex
celled aflect after taking the first dose. Trice
25c. and 50c Trial siie free. At all druggist.
Mnsons strike Iu Jlnvium.
Havana, Aug. 22. Of Into tho ma
sons have been asking for nn lncreaso
of wagos. Sunday about 4,000 workers
hold a conference, at which a strike
was ngrced upon. They ask ?3.50 per
day for ordinary work and J4.G0 for
special work. Tho American masons
working In tho city have gono on n
sympathetic strike, and 0,000 men aro
now Idle.
lluboulo IMimuo in Itnly.
London, Aug. 22. Tho Homo cor
respondent of The Dally Mall assorts
that thoro has been several cases of
bubonic plague recently at Palormo
and Naplos, three or four ending fatal
ly. All possible precautions aro being
taken, but tho nowspapers do not men
tion tho prosenco of tho disease in
order to prevent public alarm.
Yoiteriliiy's llnnolmU Games.
At New York First gamo: Now
York, 7; Philadelphia, 3. Second gamo:
Philadelphia, 2; Now York, 1. At Bos
tonBrooklyn, 7; Boston, 5. At Cincin
natiCincinnati, 7; Pittsburg, 1. At
Washington Washington, 12; Balti
more, 1. At St. Louis St. Louis. 2:
Chicago, 0.
Philadelphia, Aug. 21. Flour steady;
winter superfine, J202.15; do. extras, J2.20
2.30; Pennsylvania roller, clear, old, $3
03.15;,do. do. new, J2.9O03.1O. Wheat dull;
No. 2 red spot. In elevator, T272Mc. Corn
lower; No. 2 mixed, spot, In elevator,
3GU37Hc.; No. 2 yellow, for local trade,
3SQ3Sc. Oats quiet; No. 2 whlto, clip
ped, 27Hc; No. 2 white, 27(327i4c Decf
quiet; beef hams, J2G.50S27. Pork steady;
smoked, ll12c.; sides, rmc. Lard
steady; pure city refined, Gt4jGc. Dutter
steady; solid packed creamery, 21c; Penn
sylvania prints, fancy, wholesale, 22c; do.
jobbing lots, 2327c Cheese firm; Now
York full cream, fancy, lOfflOVic; part
skims, VMStec. Eggs firm; western,
fresh, 15015Hc; fair to good, 12(813c.
Watermelons per 100, $75f9; cantnloupes,
9lGc. l'or basket. Poaches, 40c.$l.GO per
Baltimore, Aug. 21. Flour steady and
unchnnged. Wheat weak and lower; spot
and tho month, 715s7194c.j September, 72V4
672c; southern, by samplo, G3Q72I,41.; do.
on grade, G9jr72'4c. Corn Arm; mixed,
spot and the month, 36$PAc; Septem
ber and October, 3GU3GV-ic; southern,
white, 40 lie; do. yellow, 403'40Hc Oata
firmer; No. 2 white, 2GV427c; No. 2 mixed,
Q25c Rye easier; No. 2 nearby, E2c;
No. 2 western, 57J57Hc Hay easy; No. 1
timothy, $15. Cheese steady; largo, 100
1054c; modlum. 1010c; small, HViO
lU6c. Dutter firm and unchanged; fancy
creamery, 21022c; fancy Imitation, 170
lSc; funcy ladle, lGffilGc; good ladle, 13
014c; store packed, 12314c; rolls, 12014c
Eggs firm nnd unchungud; freah, 14VS015c
Live Stook Mni'kot.
Now York, Aug. 21. Beeves slow; good
steers 10c lower; others 15025c lower;
bulls stendy; cows steady to 10c yower;
steers, $1.5006; oxen and stags, $3.7505.10;
bulls, J2.73S3.40; good fat do., $4; cows,
$1.7504; choito fat do., $1.2004.40; cables
slow; live cattle, U12c. per pound;
refrigerator beef, DVic Calvss slow; veals,
25050c. lower; other cables 75c.0$l lower;
veals. $4.5007.75; tops, $8; culls, $1.50;
grassers and buttermilks, $33.G2V4; year
lings. $2.5003. Sheep dull and 25085c low
er; lambs demoralized and EOc.0$l lower;
sheep, common to prima, $2.5004.25; cholca
wethers, $4.50; lambs, $106; choice do,,
6.25. Hogs Blow at $505.25.
East Liberty, Pa., Aug. 21. Cattlo ac
tive and higher on best grades; extra,
$5.7005.00; good, $5.2505.35; common, $3.1O0
3.70. Hogs fairly active and lower; as
sorted, mediums nnd best Yorkers, $5.05
6.10; light Yorkers, $506.05; heavy hogs,
$4.S04.90. Sheep steady; choice wethers,
$1.0004.66; common, $203; spring lambs,
$3.6005.75; veal oalves, $G.60&7.25.
Yon Try It.
If Shllob's Cough and Consumption Cure,
which Is sold for tho small price of 25 cts., 50
cts. and $1.00, does not cure take the bottle
back and wo will refund your money. Sold
for over fifty years on this guarantee Prlco
25 cts. and 50 cts. Sold by P. D. Klrlin on
a guarantee.
Tho Storm tn Wyoinlntr Vnlloy.
Wllkcsbare, Pa., Aug. 22. Tho Wy
oming valley was visited by a severe
wind and rain storm last evening. At
times the wind blow a hurricane. Trees
wero uprooted, fences blown down and
small buildings were wrecked. At
Plymouth Christopher Schwab, a
miner, took refugo from tho storm in
an outhouse. A heavy piece of iron
from an adjoining building was blown
down on the house demolishing tho
roof and striking Schwab on the head.
His skull was crushed and he died in a
short time. When the storm was at its
holght hundreds of swallows that roost
in the trees in tho court house yard
wore hurled to the ground by the force
of tho wind and In their bewildered
condition they were easily captured.
The ground in many places was fairly
covered with them, une oooimacK naa
no trouble In bagging over a hundred
of tho birds.
Pnltlnnf fntinnll.
Berlin, Aug. 22. Emporor William
will roturn to uenin on weunesuuy
when, It is reported, he will preside at
the cabinet council and decldo what
steps are to be taken. All kinds of ru
mors are afloat. Ono paper asserts that
tho kalsor has accopted the resigna
tion of the whole cabinet. Others are of
opinion that tho fall of Dr. Von Mlquel
will, ontall tho fall of Prince von
Hohenlohe also, but nothing will bo
Hnflnltnlv irnnwn until the nmneror ar
rives. The newspapers are still actively
commenting upon the difficulties of the
situation. During the afternoon, a
cabinet meeting was new. at tne resi
dence of Prince Hohonlohe, the Im
perial chancellor, and the whole cahl-
nst nurnofl tn raalen. The acceptance
of the ministers' resignation Is uncer
Young Mothers,
Croup is the terror of thousands of young
mothers because its outbreak is so agonizing
and frequently fatal. Bblloh's Cough .and
Consumption Cure acts like raaeio in caw of
ri 1 1 1 foil Tl,
worst cases relieved immediately. Price 25
eta., M cU. and il.OO. Bold by F. D. Kirliu
on guarantee,
tty Moinlioi-Hiir An African Kxpodltton
or Fellow Countrymen.
Paris, Aug. 22. M. Dccrals. minister
nf the colonloj, hns received a dispatch
from the govornor general of Trench
West Affrlcn conforming tho story of
the killing of Lieutenant Colonel Klobb
and Lleutonnnt Mounter, by membora
or a French expedition, under tho con
dint of Captains Voulot and Chlvnoino,
In tho French Soudan.
It appears that on noft-s being re
ceived of tho barbarity of tho Voulet
Clmnolno mission towards tho natives
on tho march toward Lako Chad, tho
Dupuy ministry instructed Lloutonant
Colonel Klobb, who was at Kayos, to
proceed with a column, ovortuko tho
mission, lnvostlgnto tho charges and
assume command. On July 14 the Klobb
parly overtook tho mission at Zlmbor,
near Domangor. Lloutonant Colonel
Klobb sent word to Captain Voulet,
who replied that he would shoot him
If ho advanced. Notwithstanding this
threat, Klobb advanced and mado him
self known to Voulet, who ordered him
peremptorily to stop. This ordor wns
disregarded and whon the Klobb party
was within a hundred nnd fifty metres
of Voulet's troops, tho latter, on his
order, fired threo volleys, which were
followed by independent firing. Lieu
tenant Mounior foil dead. Lieutenant
Colonel Klobb, wounded In tho leg by
the first volley, was dispatched by ho-
lng shot In tho head.
Voulet thon ordered a bayonet
chnrgo, nnd tho remainder of tho
Klobb column lied, carrying tholr
wounded and leaving, beside tho two
offlcors, nine men dend. The survivors,
ton of whom wero wounded, reached
Bosso, under command of a native
The Voulet-Chnnolno mission has
taken to tho bush, but nccording to tho
advices received by M. Decrals, a
strong column was to bo sent in pur
suit. Captains Voulot nnd Chanolno have
both had distinguished careers In tho
Soudan. Tho mission, now outlawed,
consists, besides tho leaders, of Captain
Joualland, Lieutenant Pallier, Dr. Fan
ric nnd two French sergeants. Tho only
explanation of tho affair Is that Cap
tain Voulet hns become mentally af
fected by the climate.
That Throbbln Headache
Would quickly leave you, if you used Dr.
Kinc's New Life Tills. Thousands of suffer
ers have proved their matchless merit for
Sick and Nervous Headaches. They make
pure blood and strong nerves and build up
your health. Easy to take Try them.
Only 25 certs. Money back if not cured.
bold by A. Waslcy, druggist
Tho Ynnultf Still Alive.
Nongles, N. M., Aug. 22. General
Torres' forces havo left Chumanpaco
ad arc now about two miles above Po-
tam, on the south side of the river.
Yesterday morning an Indian was cap
tured and in the hope that his life
might bo spared imparted to tho com
mander n good deal of Information that
is considered reliable. Ho says that two
days ago ho had seen tho old Yotml
chief, Votablato, alive and well and
that ho Is a prisoner. Ho also declared
that the Yaqul's are still In good fight
ing form and number fully 800.
Wnshlnctontnii's ICncapado In London
London, Aug. 22. Dr. Wllllnm Mast-
orson, of Washington, was arraigned
at tho Marlborough street police court
yesterday, charged by Edna Kent, a
chorus girl, with stealing a ring which
she valued at 4. Tho woman said she
met Mnstorson on tho Strand and ac
companied him to a houso on FItzroy
square whore they wero refused admit
tance. While outside tho woman said
Dr. Masterson took tho ring from her
finger. Dr. Masterson, In reply, said ho
knew nothing of the alleged theft. He
thought the woman was trying to rob
him, and ran away. The magistrate
discharged tho prisoner, saying no
Jury would ovor convict him.
Scrofula, salt rheum, eryslpolas and other
distressing eruptive diseases yiold quietly
and permanently to tho cloansing, purifying
power of Burdock Blood Bitters.
Tho Pennsylvania Railroad Company has
selected tho following dates for its popular
ten-day excursions to Niagara Falls from
Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington ;
August 24, September 7 and 21, and
Octobers and 10. Au experienced tourist
agent and chaperon will accompany caoh
Excursion tickets, good for rotum passage
on any regular train, exclusive of limited
express trains, within ten days, will bo sold
at $10.00 from Philadelphia, Baltimore,
Washington, and all points on tho, Delawaro
division; $11 23 frnm Atlantio City; fO.CO
from Lancaster; f 8 50 from Altoona and liar
rlsburg; 0 00 from Sunbury and Wilkes
barre; f5.75 from Wllliamsport; and at pro
portionate rates from other pointa. A stop
over will be allowed at Buffalo, Rochester,
Canadaigua, and Watklns within the limit
A special train of Pullman parlor cars and
day coaches will be run with each excursion.
An extra charge- will be mado for parlor car
Tickets for a side trip to tho Thousand Is
lands (Alexandria Bay) will be sold from
Rochester in connection with excursions of
July 27, August 10 and 21, September 7 and
21, good to return to Rochester or to
dalgua via Syracuse within fivo days, at rate
of f5 50.
Tickets for a sido trip to Toronto will bo
sold at Niagara Falls for $1.00 on July 20,
August 13 and 20, and September 23, In
connection with excursion of September 7,
tickets will bo sold to Toronto and roturn at
reduced rates, account Toronto Fair.
For time of connecting trains and further
information apply to nearest ticket agent, or
address Geo. W. Boyd, Assistant General
Passenger Agent, Broad Street Station,
Personally Conducted Tourist Excursions to
California Without change of Cars.
Leaving Washington every Tuesday and
Friday at 11:15 a. m . tho Southern Railway
operates Personally Conducted Tourist Ex
cursion to San Franciso without change of
cars, conductors or porters. The route Is
through Atlanta, Montgomery, New Orleans,
Houston, San Autonio.New Moxlco, Arizonia,
and Southern California. The cars aro tho
very latest pattern of Pullman Tourist
Sleepers, rowwood finish, havo high back
Beats, upholstered in rattan, are sixteen
section, supplied with linen etc., same as
standard sleepers, lighted by Plntsch Gat,
have wide vestibules, double sash roller
curtains, lavatory, and smoking room for
gentlemen, and two retiring rooms for ladles.
Three and oue-ualf days to Mexico and
Arizona, four days to Los Angelos and
Southern California, and five days to San
Francisco. Snob service for Trans-Contlneutal
travel has never before been offered,
The tourist carfare Is less than via any
other route, cUeetlng a -savtuk of 25.00 to
30.01 for the trip.
All Information, maps and rates furnished
on application to Charlos L. Hopkins, Dis
trict Passenger Agent, Southern Hallway
Couijuny, bM Chutuut street, I'hiUdeluhla
do tr Yotmfttut.
It U easy to loll whothcr yonr K14
coy aro diseased. Tako a bottl or
lass tumbler and fill it with urine. If
there Is a nedlmont n powder-like nib
itanco after standing a day and night,
there Is something wrong with th
Kidneys. Other fluro signs of dlseae
ro a deslro to urinate often, pain ia
the bock, or if your urino stains linen.
Thoro is no question that Dr. David
Kennedy's Favorito Remedy is thj
best and surest tnodicino in tho world
for diseases of tho Kidneys, Liver,
Bladder and Blood, Rheumatism, Dye
pensla and Chronic Constipation. It
quickly relieves and aires Inability t
hold urino and tho necessity of getting
lip a number of times during the night.
It puts an end to that scalding pain
when passing urino nnd corrects the
bad effects of whiskey and beer. It la
sold for ono dollar a bottlo at nil drag
Send your full post offlco address to th
HON, Rondout, N. Y., nnd mention
this paper. Thoy will then mail yon
trial bottlo of Favorito Romcdy nnd ft
valuoblo medical pamphlet freo, giving
full directions for its uso. Every reador
of this paper can depend upon the
genuineness of this liboral offer, and
all sufferers from tho diseases mention
ed nbovo should tako advantage of it
Lust T,otr-ltHtft Excursion to Atlantic
City, .Vo , vIh reimaylvautu Kallrnnil
AUKUst 24th Is the dato of tho Inst
Pennsylvania Railroad Company's low
rato ten-day excursions from Erie, Troy,
liellcfoute, Wllliamsport, Mocannqua, Sun
Iniry, Shenandoah, Dauphin, and principal
intermediate stations (including stations on
branch roads) to Atlantic City, Capo May,
Ocean City, Sen Isle City, Avalon, Anglcsea,
Wlldwood, or Holly Reach.
Excursion tickets, good to roturn by regu
lar trains within ton days, will bo sold at
very low rates. Tickets to Atlantic City will
be sold via tho Delawaro River Bridgo Route,
tho only all-rail line, or via Market street
wharf, Philadelphia.
Stop over can ho had at Philadelphia,
either going or returning, within limit of
tickot, provided ticket is deposited with
aeent at Broad street station immediately on
For information In regard to specific rates
audtimoof trains consult hand bills, or ap
ply to agents, or E. S. Harrar, Division
Ticket Agent, Wllliamsport, Pa.
If, when contemplating a trip to any point
West or Southwest of tho Mississippi River,
vou will purchase tickets via tho Missouri
Pacific Iiy., or Iron Mountain Route (which
aro on salo at all principal tickot offices in
the United States), you will havo all tho
comforts and luxuries of modern ratlwa
equipment, and the finest opportunities for
viewing all of nature's museums and marvels
of Utah, Colorado, Kansas, Arkansas, Tcxaf,
Old and New. Mexico, California, cto. Ex
cursion tickets to all principal points at
greatly reduced rates. On account of the
National Education Association meeting at
Los Angeles in July, wo will make special
low round trip rates. When contemplating
a trip West or Southwest, write ug for full
Information and rock bottom figures. W
E. Hoyt, Q. E. P. Agent, J. P. McCann, T.
P. Agent, 391 Broadway, Now York. 4-22-tf
85.00 to Niagara Falls anil Kettirn via the
. Lehigh Valley llallroail.
On September Oth tho Lehigh Valley Rail
road will sell tickets to Niagara Falls and
roturn at tho special low fare of $5 00 for the
round trip from Shenandoah, limited for re
turn passago to September 11th, inclusive.
Tickets will bo honored on any train except
tho Black Diamond Express. Consult Le
high Valley ticket agent for further par
' This remedy requires
no change of diet.
Cure guaranteed In
1 to 3 days. Small
TT plain package, by
CURE mall $1.00. Sold by
Klrlln's drug store.
I Keystone
Tho fall term of this famous
training echool for teachers
V win open August hu-
peri or advantages are offered
to younff men and womnn
& preparing for teaching, col-
g lege, or business. The build-
Ingsare all new, containing
vi spacious and comfortable
g rooms for students, roomy re
citation halls, steam heated
throughout,and supplied with
the latest and best lighting
g Before chooslnsr a school g
vl secure a catalogue of the
ja Keystone Normal School, g
I Rev. H. G. Schaeffcr, Ph. D D. D
S For full Information, catalogue, etc, if
address g
4 . .
Agent for tli Famous
Phila. Stock Ale, Sparkling Still
Amber Ale, Bottled Pale Ale,
Blown Stout, Half and Half, Beer
ud Porter.
Mt. Carbon Beer
At all its customers to-day.
Solomon Haak's,
116 South Main Street,
Will receive prompt attention.
lit It, Centre fit, FottaTllU, Pa.
Fine old Whlikeyt. (lln nod Wine-, at lbs l a
A choice line of Clears and Temper
ance Drinks.
Aerammodatlon for trTelri.
- ileal Mai. oor
CnpxI.tMl In Mnnlln ContninB
tinltitd fttnto Sotillorn.
Ithaca, N. Y., Aug. 22j-Commls-
eloncr Jacob O. Schurman roaenco.
Ithaca yoatorilay. Slnco loavlng Man
ila ho hrta, ho flhys, Btcidlly refused to
discuss 1'hlllpplno affairs, although ho
has been besieged by reporters every
where, Chicago reporters having gone
ns far west as tho Hocky mountains to
lntervlow him. However, ho now
makes tho following statement;
I-'lrst, tho United States having as
sumed sovereignty ovor tho Phlllpplno
Islands by vlrtuo of a treaty of poaco
with Spain, tho chlof oxecutlvo of tho
republic Is ongaged In establishing that
sovereignty. Tho Issuo today Is not a
commercial ono, although tho natural
resources of tho Phlllpplno Islands aro
of great value, and wait only American
capital for tho dovelopnietrt. Nor Is
tho question of political oxpcdlency or
party politics, nlthough In lta collateral
branch thoro may be aspects on which
political parties may properly dlvldo,
but tho question today Is neither one of
commercial advnntago nor of partisan
politics. It la a puroly moral question.
Tho vital Issue Is tho honor of tho na
tion, tho protection of loyal Filipinos,
and tho fulfillment of our obligations
to tho nations of tho world Involved In
our acceptance of sovereignty.
Second, tho means nnd agencies for
tho accomplishment of this end must
bo determined by tho president, and It
Is well to bear In mind that tho presi
dent understands tho situation better
than any ono olse can possibly do, In
asmuch as ho Is In receipt of Informa
tion from a vnrlcty of sources, civil
nnd military, and has tho Judgment of
experts upon tho facta reported. I havo
no doubt the president wl soon ef
fect a solution of tho Phlllpplno prob
lem which will bo ontlrely satisfactory
to tho Ara'orlcan people. To his states
manship and tried ability wo may en
trust tho lssuo with perfect confidence."
18 months in a chair.
A Specialist also fails to even relieve
a bad case ol Asthma.
The BRAZILIAN BALM instantly re
lieves and etfects a Radical Cure.
Shaker Station, Ct., Feb. 3, 1899.
Brazilian Balrr
has done won
ders for me, after
suffering 2 yean
with Asthma. )
received no hel;
from four of ou
local physicians
and a snecialic
in Hartford, wlic
is nt the head o
the hospital nur
receives nil tb
critical cases i:
the adjoin! nf
counties. For 1
months I neve-.
laid down set in a chair dav nnd niehl
nnd had to 13 drawn from one room t(
mother. My my doctor's orders I went
1011th and ."-aid several mouths but re
cived no beuefit. At last BrazlIIat
Jalrn was rcor.aimended to incsohijjhl;
t decided fo try it. Inside of a week "
.;ould sleep iu my bed. Nov I am ou
.loors every day, tending to everything,
lo not have any A3ti2in:i and will soor
lesumemy old occupation, foreman ol
the Eddy Electric Micr. Co., of Windsor
Ct. Most Gratefully yours.
Wm. H . Wood.
Thousands of doctor nrpsrrlht flrrtvltlnn
oaim in taiarrn, Asinma, iieuny and urippe
Only thing known that removes all the after
effects Of GrlODe In Limes. Liver. Kldnnra. Kir.
60 cts. and Jl.uOa bottle at drtiTEisl3. With the
f 1.00 bottle vou irtt a month's treatment nnww
of Toxicol Tablets, the best Tonic. Ktrpucrih
builder In the world. B. I'. Jackson & Co.,
idanuiactuung cncmists, Indianapolis, Ind.
Wholesale Agents
The Herald is progressive, en
terprising, wide-awake and always
Its daily visits will keep your
family better informed than any
other paper on the news of this
locality, the state, the country and
the world. It will be delivered at
your door each day for 23 cents a
month. We are desirous of secur
ing your subscription.
As an Inducement for you to
become a subscriber we make
you the following unparal
leled offer 1
Our representatives, Messrs.
Hooks & Brown, will call upon you
with the publication for your in
spection. We feel sure you will be
interested in examining it. Upon
signing the agreement to take the
Herai,d for six months, the book
will be delivered upon payment of
75 cents. This i9 in addition to
the regular subscription of 25 cents
a month.
The only pleasure resort and
picnic grounds in this region.
Splendid lake of fresh water. Ice
and wood, free, to all picnic parties
to prepare and preserve meals. An
orchestra'd established here for the
entire season. Fotr particulars
B. J. YOST, Prop.,
Barncsvllle, Pa.
Acts gently on the
Kidneys, Liver
and Bowels
roa sau er 411 onuawii emx tot nt kjtul
Piwtgcngcr trntns lenro Shcnrtndonli for Pcnn
Unveil Junction, Mnucb Chunk, Lplilshton,
Ulntlngton, Wliito Hull, Catasnuitua, Allcuitown,
Uethlchcm, Knston New York nnd rhllmlclplilft
St n 28, 7 50 n. Ill . 12 32 nlul 5 17 l. 111.
For wllkeslmrre, Whlto llnvcn nnd Pitt toil,
J 28, 10 12 n. in., 12 52 nnd S 17 p. m.
For Lnccyvlllo, Townnda, Snyro, Wnvcrly,
Elmlrn, Koclieeter; lludnlo, Niagara Foils,
Auburn, Syracuse, Ithacn, Geneva and tho
West, 10 12 a. in., 12 52 and 8 17 p. in.
For Belvlderc, Delawaro Watei Gap aid
StroudsburR, 5 28 a. iu.,5 17 p. in.
For Lambertvlllo nnd Trenton, 7 SO n. m.
For Jcaticavllle, Lcviston and Heaver Meadow,
5 23 a. in., 12 52 p. m.
For McAdoo, Audenrled, Hnzlcton, Stockton
and Lumber Yard, S 23, 7 60, 10 12 a. m., 12 52 and
S 17 p. m.
ForJeddo, Drlfto.i and Frccland, 5 23. 1012
a, m.t 5 17 p. m. -
For Scran ton, S 23. 10 12 a. m., 5 17 p. m.
For Lost Crock, Qlranlvlllo, and Ashland, 4 00 ,
and 7 28 p. in.
For Haven Itun, Centrnlln, Mount Cnnnel and
Sliamokln, 10 49 a. in., 1 42, G 07, 9 23 p. m.
For Mnhnnoy City, Park Placu and Delano,
1 28, 7 50, 10 12 a. tn.. and 12 52, 8 17 p. m.
For Yatcsvlllc, 5 23, 10 12 a in.
Trains will lenvo Sliamokln at 7 00, 9 20 a. m.,
11 60 and 4 20 p. in., and nrrlvo at Shenandoah
at 7 50, 10 12 a. in., 12 52, 5 17 p. m.
Leave Shenandoah for Pottsvlllo, St. Clatr.
New Castle, Morca and New Boston, 7 50 anil
10 12 n. m , 12 52 and 5 17 p. in.
Leave Pottsvlllo for Slicnandoah, 9 45 ft. m.,
12 85, 505, 8 15 p. ni.
Leave llazletou for Shenandoah, 9 50 a. m.,
1245,8 09,6 2(1,831 p. m.
Trains leave for Raven Run, Ccntrnlta, Mt.
Cnrmcl nnd Slmmoklii, 9 4S n. in., 7 21 p. in ,
Trains leave Shnmokiii for Shenandoah at
8 50 a. ni., and 5 85 p. in.
. Leave Shenandoah for Yatesvllle, Mahanoy
City, Park Place, Delano, McAdoo, Audenrled,
Hazleton, Stockton, Lumber Ynrtl, Weatherly
and Mauch Chunk, 9 47 a in., and 6 32 p. in.
For Lchlghton, Slntington, Catasuuqun. Whlto
Hall, Coplay, Allentown, Enston ana Phillips
burg, 9 47 a. m nnd 6 32 p. in.
For New York nnd Philadelphia, 9 47 a. m.
Leave Hazleton for Bhenandoah, 8 80, a. m.,
and 6 27 p. m.
M. B. CUTTER, Snpt. Transportation,
South liethlehem. Pa.
nOLLIN IL WILBUR, Qenl. Supt.,
South Bethlehem, Pa.
CHARLES S. LEE, Ucnl. Pass. Agt.,
New York, N. Y.
A. W. NONNEMACIIER, Dlv. 1'. A.,
South liethlehem. Pa.
wm. S. LEIB,
yoTE ron
yoTE ron
A box of our
srEcmL rnniLT drew
is an exhilarating
stimulant during
the hot summer
Dollvorod ot your homo.
Columbia Brewing Company.
News and Opinions
National Importance
Daily, by mall, - $6 a year
Daily and Sunday,by inall,g3 a year
The Sunday Sun
is the greatest Sunday newspape
in the world.
Pried 5c t copf. 6 mail, $2 a W
Addroa THE BOH, New York;.